How to bake in a ceramic dish. How to cook vegetables? Cooking in ceramic dishes. Using ceramic ovenware

Tips for choosing, manufacturing, application and storage features

Clay products, made in antiquity, are the progenitors of all modern dishes. For centuries, people have used ceramics as a material for making kitchen utensils. And since recent times, ceramic dishes for the oven have also been in use. Why did humanity like this material so much? Consider the features of cooking in ceramic dishes for the oven.

Features of the manufacture of ceramic dishes for the oven

Clay acquires strength and thermal stability in the process of prolonged firing at high temperatures. And ceramics acquire additional protection against moisture, thermal drops, fats, dust and dirt in the process of glaze coating. This applies to ordinary clay kitchen utensils.

Pottery for the oven is made a little differently. For first-class cooking, it must remain sufficiently porous. This is achieved by firing products at lower temperatures. Thanks to this technology, ceramics are given various shapes, and it becomes possible to use bright colors.

A layer of glaze is necessarily applied to the inside of clay products intended for cooking in the oven. This not only protects pots and baking trays from grease, moisture and dirt, but also gives the product non-stick properties.

Using ceramic ovenware

Ceramic can be used in both gas and electric ovens, and it can also be used in the microwave, but beware of sudden changes in temperature. For safety reasons, it is recommended to place clay utensils in a slightly heated oven, and only after 10 minutes gradually add heat. If ceramics are placed in a preheated oven, they will probably burst.

Food cooked in a ceramic dish will retain its aroma for a long time and will not cool down. The key to success in the use of ceramics: immediately before use, the baking container is placed in a vessel with cold water and aged for 10-15 minutes.

The fact is that ceramic utensils have a rather porous structure. This property helps to prepare a juicy and fragrant dish. This is achieved by turning the steam that appears inside the dish into condensate, which then flows back into the dish. To maintain this property of clay, the tray is placed in water, where the pores absorb moisture, which is useful for preparing a delicious dinner.

But the high porosity of the material has an additional and negative effect. Pores, in addition to water, are able to absorb food itself and its aromas. This point should be taken into account when caring for ceramic bowls and pots. To avoid excessive odors and prolong the life of ceramics, it is recommended to carefully remove all food residues immediately after its use, do not leave the dishes dirty.

How to choose and store ceramic ovenware

It is necessary to store clay products subject to certain rules. After cleaning of food residues and washing, ceramic trays and oven pots should dry naturally. To do this, they are wiped dry and left for some time in the open air.

Clay products during storage are never covered with lids. If you restrict air circulation, then an unpleasant smell may appear in the pots, which is very difficult to get rid of. Also remember that clay is a brittle material. Do not drop ceramic products or knock on them.

The right choice of products will help to minimize the risks of absorbing odors. When buying, give preference to those that are covered with glaze both on the outside and on the inside and do not have visible defects: chips, cracks, cobwebs and other things. In the store, inspect the product visually and tactilely. Feel mainly the inside. If there are no defects, then ceramics will last a long time.

Ceramic utensils - the best dishes for the oven

The owners of such utensils talk about the unique taste and aroma of dishes cooked in clay pots. According to experts, clay was and remains environmentally friendly (even with the modern production process) and the best material for making dishes.

Both of them are absolutely right. Clay is not able to enter into chemical reactions with food and does not emit volatile compounds and various impurities during the cooking process. But at the same time, due to its special properties, the material is able to emphasize the taste of the dish prepared in the ceramic product.

There is a misconception that ceramic and clay utensils are different things. In fact, clay is one that has gone through the firing process in a special oven. And ceramic - the same, but additionally decorated with patterns and covered with glaze.

Terracotta ceramic ovenware

If the hostess likes to surprise her household and guests with delicious varied dishes without spending a lot of time cooking, she should have terracotta ceramics in her arsenal. The dishes prepared in it are endowed with a special taste and aroma, and are beneficial for the body. After all, red clay, from which utensils are made, is able to remove toxins from the body and treat many diseases.

In a terracotta ceramic dish or oven pot, you can bake vegetables, meat and fish, cook confectionery without adding fat. The technology of preparation is quite simple. Place the dishes together with the lid before laying the products in cold water. Then put the products in a dish, tightly cover with a lid and place in a slightly warm oven. Gradually add the heat to the desired recipe indicator of 200-250 degrees. We take out the finished dish from the oven and serve it to the table without transferring it to another bowl.

Care for terracotta dishes in the same way as for the rest of the ceramics for the oven. Immediately after use, it is washed well in warm water using a mild detergent and left to air dry. Lids are stored separately. In order for the products to serve for a long time, you should not place them on an open fire and subject them to sudden temperature changes.

In pots, even the simplest dish seems tastier. It is no coincidence that they are becoming more and more popular. more popular. Even the ancient Romans used special clay pots for baking meat and crispy loaves of bread. Pots help save time, while allowing you to get a fragrant and juicy dish as a result. For those on a low-fat diet, they are especially great, as foods can be cooked without fat at all, and this will only affect their taste for the better. In addition, they save energy, since the pot needs to be put in a cold oven and everything is usually cooked in one pot. So the benefits are endless.

There is no need to explain what clay pots are. But in no case should they be confused with terracotta pots that are glazed on the inside. It is important to use an unglazed pot to avoid possible problems with tin in the pot, which can lead to serious health problems. Usually such a problem does not exist with unglazed pots, that is, with earthenware.

15 minutes before use, completely submerge the pot in water (this applies to all recipes in this collection). This can be done, for example, in the sink. Then, as the pot heats up in the oven, the water evaporates and the steaming effect is obtained. So it's easy to cut calories since you don't have to add fat to a pot-cooked dish. But since an unglazed pot absorbs flavors easily, it is recommended to use different pots for chicken, fish, and other foods with very different flavors.

After soaking in water, you can lay food and put the pot in the middle of a cold oven. It is important that the oven gradually reaches the required temperature. If you put the pot in a hot oven, it may crack due to the rapid change in temperature.

After use, it is not recommended to use soap or detergents to wash the pot. Again, they can soak into the clay and then exude right into your dish the next time in the oven. Therefore, to wash the pot, use boiling water and a stiff brush. If this does not help, leave the pot overnight, filling it with water and diluted soda (1-4 tablespoons). Baking soda helps to get rid of odors and refresh the pot after cooking very fragrant foods.

Store the pot with the lid upside down and lined with paper towels to allow the clay to breathe. Make sure it is completely dry before cleaning. During long storage, mold can form, and to remove it, apply a paste of equal amounts of baking soda and water to the surface. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse, rinse and let dry completely, preferably in the sun.

Remove the pot 5-10 minutes before reaching the optimum result, as even out of the oven it will continue to cook. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes just before serving.
For a leaner result, trim the fat off the meat so the sauce isn't greasy.
If you need to add liquids, add broth or wine (alcohol will evaporate, but will give the sauce a pleasant taste)
If adding liquid, add it sparingly. Remember that food also releases juice, and we don't want the pot to "run away".
Instead of clay lids, when preparing any dishes in pots, you can use dough lids, from which you will then make delicious bread.
It is not necessary to use oil, but if you do, do not get carried away.
Sometimes when preparing very fragrant food, it is suggested to line the pot with parchment. The parchment will keep the smell from soaking into the clay.
To thicken sauces and gravies, it is suggested to use arrowroot.
Never place a hot pot on a cold or damp surface or it will crack. Use a wooden board for this.
Do not place the pot too high in the oven; it must not touch the heating contacts.
Never put the pot in the dishwasher.

Delicious pottery recipes.

1. Roast chicken in Russian

Chicken weighing about 1 kg, 400g onions, 50g raisins, 50g walnut kernels, 50g fresh mushrooms, 15g butter, fresh herbs, salt, ground black pepper.
For sauce: 25g premium flour, 400g sour cream, 25g butter.
Rinse the carcass, dry it, cut into 8 pieces, salt, pepper, fry until half cooked. Chop the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown. Mushrooms cut into strips and fry. Roast the nuts, remove the skin from them and chop them. Wash and dry the raisins.
Prepare sour cream sauce: melt and heat the butter in a saucepan, add the sifted flour and sauté, stirring, until the smell of "roasted nuts". Sautéed flour gradually, stirring constantly, dilute with hot sour cream.

Put chicken in pots (2 pieces per serving), raisins, mushrooms, onions and nuts there. Pour everything with sour cream sauce. Put in the oven and simmer for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.

2. Tomato soup baked in the oven

Ingredients for 6 people:
1 kg of tomatoes, 800 g of broth, 3 medium onions, grated parmesan - 150 g, white bread (not a long loaf, but a rough one, round), garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Finely chop the onion with 3 cloves of garlic, fry in olive oil, add the chopped tomatoes, fry with the onion and add the broth and three pieces of bread (big pieces!), diced without crust, a little salt and ground pepper. Cover and leave on low heat for about 40 minutes.
Take refractory saucepans (or pots), pour the soup into pots, put a slice of bread grated with garlic in each pot, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.

3. Chickens in a pot

1 chicken (200 g), 140 g potatoes, 50 g onions, 25 g carrots, 10 g cooking oil, 5 g dried porcini mushrooms, salt, 10 g cheese, parsley. For the sauce: 75 g sour cream, 10 g flour, 75 g mushroom broth, salt.
Cut the processed chicken into pieces weighing 40-50 g. Raw potatoes, carrots, onions cut into cubes. Saute onions and carrots separately from each other. Boil prepared mushrooms, cut into strips.

Place chicken pieces in a pot, add raw potatoes, browned onions and carrots, mushrooms, pour sour cream sauce and simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese 10-15 minutes before the end of the stew.

For the sauce, spasser the flour without fat, cool slightly, pour in the hot mushroom broth, stir until smooth, cook for 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add boiled sour cream, salt, cook for another 5 minutes, strain. Serve sprinkled with parsley.

4. Buckwheat with meat in a pot

Ingredients for 3 pots:
500 gr pork
9 tbsp buckwheat
2 bouillon cubes
2 onions
1 bay leaf
Meat (preferably pork) cut into pieces, finely chop the onion, arrange in pots. Pour 3 tablespoons of washed cereal (buckwheat or millet or both) into each pot, add crushed bay leaf. Pour the contents of the pots with cubed broth (preferably chicken or mushroom). Put in the oven for an hour at medium temperature.

5. Roast with meat

Ingredients for 4 servings:
650 gr beef,

1 1/2 kg potatoes,
4 tbsp butter,
2 heads of onions,
3/4 cup meat broth
1 tbsp sour cream
bay leaf, salt, pepper, parsley and dill to taste,
100 ml dry wine
This is a great holiday dish, a little labor intensive for every day.
Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and lightly fry in oil. Chop the onion into rings and fry in oil until golden brown. Lightly fry the beef, cut into small pieces, in boiling oil on all sides.
Put the meat in a clay pot, cast iron or saucepan, then a layer of potatoes, onion on top and sprinkle everything with salt and pepper. Put the bay leaf and pour in the broth.
Put the roast in the oven and simmer for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour into hot dry wine.
Before serving, pour the finished dish with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

6. Potatoes with sausages in pots

Ingredients for one pot:
potatoes 2-3 pcs. sausages 1-2 pcs.
onion 1/2 pc.
sour cream (mayonnaise) 2 tbsp. l.
mushrooms 2 tbsp. l., salt.
We cut the potatoes into strips, fry them a little in vegetable oil so that they brown. Pour a little water into the bottom of the ceramic pots, then lay out the potatoes, salt it, sausages fried with onions, then mushrooms, also fried with onions. Put a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise on top and put in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees C.

7. Veal with prunes stewed in a pot

Veal - 1 kg
Potato - 10 pcs
Onion - 3 pcs
Prunes - 100 gr
Parsley, dill to taste
Fat for frying
Cut the meat into pieces, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry in a pan. Arrange the fried meat in pots, add the fried onions, sliced ​​potatoes, prunes, chopped greens, cover with lids and simmer until tender.

8. Orchid-style fish in a pot

500 g of sea fish, 1 onion, butter or margarine, 2-3 potatoes, 1-2 tbsp. tomato puree, 2 small pickles, 2-3 tbsp cream, red pepper on the tip of a knife, 2 tbsp. finely chopped green onion, 1 cup water.
Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Transfer to a pot, add red pepper, water and raw potatoes cooked in the form of schnitzels. When the potatoes are soft, add the tomato paste, sliced ​​cucumbers and diced fish. Salt, pour in the cream and, closing the lid, put the stew. Sprinkle with green onions before serving.

9. Eggplant baked with mushrooms in a pot

Ingredients for 4 serving bowls:
4 medium eggplants
2-3 medium onions (to taste, as much as you like)
4 hard-boiled eggs
4 large mushrooms (or about the size of mushrooms)
4 dess.l. butter and vegetable oil
1 tbsp topped with flour
about 1 cup sour cream sauce
dill and parsley to taste
salt and ground black pepper to taste
Peel the eggplant, cut into cubes (medium), lightly salt and leave for an hour. Boil fresh mushrooms, chop finely and fry in butter with finely chopped onions.
Squeeze eggplant from juice and fry in vegetable oil.
Put eggplant, mushrooms with onions and sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs in layers in pots. Pepper, salt to taste, lay another layer of eggplant on top.
Pour sour cream sauce (or sour cream) and bake in the oven.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

10. Liver stewed with mushrooms

veal liver (beef) 800 g,
sour cream 1 cup
bulbs 2,
dried mushrooms 5-6,
sugar 2 teaspoons,
tomato puree 1-2 tablespoons,
butter 50 g,
flour 1/2 cup
salt, ground pepper to taste.
Cut the liver into small slices (finger-thick), sprinkle with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter. In this case, after piercing with a fork, red juice should stand out from a piece of fried liver. Soak mushrooms, boil, finely chop and fry together with chopped onion.
Put the liver together with mushrooms and onions in clay pots, pour 1/2 cup of mushroom broth, 1/2 cup of sour cream, a spoonful of tomato puree into each pot and simmer until the liver is ready for 15-20 minutes in the oven.
Serve sauerkraut, pickles, fresh salad to the liver. You can also put fried potato slices in the pot.

11. American meat loaf in a pot

Mix in a bowl 500 g minced beef, 500 g minced pork, 2 eggs, a handful of bread crumbs. 1 onion, finely chopped, 2 garlic cloves, chopped, and 1/2 cup ice water season with salt and pepper. Tamp into a pot. Separately, mix together 1/2 cup ketchup, 2 tbsp brown sugar, and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. pour over and bake 1 - 1 1/2 hours at 200 degrees C.

12. Chicken with oranges

Rub the whole chicken with salt, pepper and crushed garlic in a garlic press. Inside put slices of orange, peeled. Put the chicken in the pot. Grate the orange zest and sprinkle the chicken on top. Add 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger, 1/2 teaspoon ground Jamaican pepper, and 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Put the pot in a cold oven and bake for 90 minutes at 230 degrees C. Remove the lid 10 minutes before it is ready to get a crust.

13.Halibut in a pot

Brush the bottom of the pot with oil and add 4 pieces of halibut. Mix together 1/2 cup bread crumbs, 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 4 tbsp grated Parmesan and season with salt and pepper. Put the mixture in a pot, fill the fish with water and bake at 230 ° C for 20-30 minutes. Serve with lemon slices.
Corn in a pot
Place 4 ears of corn in a pot, add 1/4 cup water and 2 tbsp butter. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp sugar and sprinkle with salt to taste. Cover and bake for 30 minutes at 220°C.

14. Chicken with rice in a pot

Boil 2 cups of chicken broth, add 1 cup of rice and immediately lower the heat. Cook for 20 minutes until the rice is done. Melt 1 tbsp plums. oil in a frying pan, fry 1 chopped celery stick, 100 g chopped mushrooms and chopped green bell pepper for 5 minutes. Mix rice, fried vegetables, 400 g chopped chicken fillet, 50 g chopped pimiento pepper in a pot. Add 1 can of canned mushroom cream soup, 1 can of canned chicken rice soup. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees C. Then sprinkle with cashew nuts and bake for another 15 minutes, uncovered.

15. Beef with onions

Cut 500 g of beef into pieces, sprinkle with salt and fry until golden brown. Put a layer of chopped browned onions in a pot, pieces of fried meat on it, and another layer of onions on top. Thus lay 2-3 rows. Then pour in the meat broth. Add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and simmer in a closed pot until fully cooked.

16. Meat in an omelette

700 g of veal cut into cubes, salt, fry with onions until tender. Beat 8 eggs with 1/2 cup milk, salt. Arrange the fried meat in pots, pour over the omelette mixture and bake in the oven. You can use beef instead of veal.

17. Pumpkin Noodle Casserole
Boil 200 g of noodles, drain the water. Finely chop 1 kg pumpkin, salt and fry in vegetable oil without covering with a lid. Then mix with noodles. Beat 4 eggs with 50 g of sugar, mix with pumpkin and noodles, add cinnamon to taste, mix again, put in a greased clay pot and bake in the oven.

› Recipe №3

How to cook vegetables? Cooking in ceramic dishes.

Ceramic-coated cookware is a true heroine of the modern kitchen. The natural properties of clay (environmental friendliness, porous structure, the ability to maintain temperature for a long time) are successfully complemented by a metal base and processing technologies that make the surface invulnerable to various damages. One of the best examples is the pans of the Danish firm Scanpan.

Composite coating (a unique "alloy" of ceramic and titanium) does not wear out and, unlike ordinary clay, does not absorb fat and other ingredients from cooking dishes. It is easy to clean, does not break, does not fade - surpasses any analogues in its performance. And most importantly, it provides an optimal cooking mode with a small amount of water at low temperatures. In such conditions, the products do not boil, but languish in their own juice, the dishes are fragrant and very healthy.

What and how can be cooked in a ceramic-coated cookware?
Yes, anything, but vegetable dishes are especially good in it.

How to cook vegetable stew?

Here are some tips on how to make the best vegetable stew in modern layered cookware. In a heat-resistant ceramic pan, all components will retain a set of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. The dish will not burn and will turn out very juicy, although you will need quite a bit of water.

A distinctive feature of the stew is the variability of the ingredients. Vegetarians can use potatoes, onions, carrots, regular or cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, beans, corn, green peas, pumpkin - that is, everything that belongs to the category of vegetables. But it is easy to add chopped meat or minced meat, chopped and fried sausages, mushrooms to this set. If you exclude potatoes from the composition, replacing it with rice, the dish will become similar to paella. By experimenting, you will achieve the taste that your family loves.

The only difficulty is to guess so that all the ingredients are well stewed and soft. To do this, you need to follow a few basic rules.

    Lay the products not all at once, but in turn, taking into account the cooking time. For example, if your recipe contains beans (or meat), start with them. Add diced potatoes, pumpkin, onions and carrots when about half an hour is left before the end of cooking. After another 10 minutes, you can put cabbage, zucchini, eggplant (if young cabbage is used, then 2-3 minutes will be enough for it to be ready).

    Tomatoes or tomato juice are added only when the other ingredients have been stewed to an edible state. The acid contained in the tomato prevents the potatoes from softening.

    If the recipe contains vegetables that retain their hardness for a long time and require a long heat treatment, cook them in advance (you may not be fully cooked).

Properly cooked stew is especially tasty a few hours after cooking. Thick multi-layered walls do not allow vegetables to cool down quickly, they remain warm, exchange juice and aroma, infuse. That is why it is better to cook them in ceramic dishes, based on the usual, time-tested recipes. Of these, each hostess can create her own version of the stew with a unique taste.


This is the basic version - a recipe for lean vegetable stew. It must contain potatoes, cabbage and tomato (juice, tomato paste or fresh tomatoes). Optional - onions, carrots, sweet peppers, zucchini or eggplant. Bean lovers can add peas, boiled beans, or green lentils. All vegetables are fried separately, stacked in a large heat-resistant pan and stewed until tender.

Unusual "Autumn stew"

This dish with an original taste is considered autumn because it is based on a combination of pumpkin and mushrooms. You can buy the necessary ingredients in the spring, so we advise you to prepare it in the post.

For 4 servings, you will need a pumpkin, fresh mushrooms (about 200 grams each), three non-small potatoes, one apple, celery root, onion, two small tomatoes, and seasonings: salt and ground pepper.

    Cut the onion and celery into cubes, mushrooms, depending on the size - in half or quarters. Place them in a high-sided Scanpan pan and fry them in a little vegetable oil.

    Cut the potatoes and pumpkin into cubes of the same size, boil in salted water until almost cooked. Drain the water.

    Transfer the potatoes with pumpkin to the pan with the mushrooms, cut the apple there, salt and pepper to taste. Extinguish over low heat.

    When all the ingredients are soft, add thinly sliced ​​tomatoes or a few tablespoons of thick homemade juice with pulp.

    The fresh vegetable taste of this dish is perfectly emphasized by sour cream. It must be served separately in a gravy boat, without mixing with the stew in advance.

Experimenting with this recipe is not worth it if you are not a very experienced cook. The ingredients in "Autumn Stew" are carefully selected, the taste is balanced, and pumpkin is not combined with every product. The only thing you can indulge in is to replace the apple with a fresh cucumber (or even a zucchini). This is best done at the very end of cooking.

However, it is difficult to spoil the taste of vegetables, especially in oven-proof dishes with a ceramic coating. Cook in Scanpan pans, cook with our recipes and make your own.

Bon appetit!

Recently, glassware with increased heat resistance has become very popular. In stores, you can easily find baking sheets, pots, various forms for cooking dishes in glass. With the help of such dishes, modern housewives create dishes not only in the oven or microwave, but also on gas and electric stoves.

Photo Shutterstock

Glassware in the kitchen and its benefits

One of the main advantages of glassware is its environmental friendliness. Unlike metal utensils, it does not rust, there are no fat deposits on it, moreover, it does not absorb various unpleasant odors. In addition, thanks to its transparency, you can keep the cooking process under control and prevent it from burning.

For cooking you will need: - glassware; - flame divider; - detergent; - sunflower oil.

Glassware is fragile and requires special handling. In no case should it be dropped on the floor, beaten or placed on it with any heavy objects, as it may not withstand and break. In the event that chips and cracks appear on the dishes, it is recommended to stop its further operation.

Due to their chemical properties, glassware is a poor conductor of heat, which is why cooking on a gas or electric burner requires the use of round pans. In addition, when using a gas burner, you will need an additional flame spreader that will protect the dishes.

It is not recommended to use round and rectangular glassware for cooking on gas or electric burners, as they will heat up rather unevenly. As a result, the material may become cracked and become unsuitable for cooking. It is best to use such dishes for cooking in the oven or microwave, according to special recipes.

Before placing glassware in the oven, microwave, or on a gas burner, make sure that the surface is dry

Glassware can be washed in a dishwasher or by hand. In no case should you remove burnt pieces of food with knives or scrapers, it is best to soak the dishes in water with a mild detergent, and then rinse them thoroughly.

Secrets of cooking in glassware

It is forbidden to put cold water or frozen foods into heated glassware, otherwise it may burst due to temperature changes. If you need to add a little liquid to the dish, it is recommended to do this in several stages, while pouring it is recommended in the center of the dish. After cooking is completed, it is recommended to place glassware on a pre-prepared stand.

To prevent the dish from burning while cooking on a gas or electric stove, pour a little sunflower oil on the bottom of the dish. The dish should be cooked on low heat, and if an electric stove is used, low power will suffice. In this case, the food must be stirred, especially if it is thick.

In bookstores and the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes for cooking in glassware. Most often, meat and potato dishes are prepared with the help of such dishes, and the housewives prefer to use the oven more often.

Cookware for baking in the modern market is presented in a rich assortment. A variety of shapes, designs, materials - the choice is sometimes difficult. Each variety has its own characteristics, which you need to know about before purchasing dishes for a catering company.

Increasingly in demand are ceramic containers, which allow you to cook with minimal use of fat. Fish or meat cooked in ceramics acquires a unique taste and aroma. In the form of this material, delicate dishes are successfully obtained, requiring slow stewing to obtain a special consistency of the products. For example, lasagna.

Ceramic molds are in demand in establishments specializing in healthy eating. A cleaner material in terms of environmental parameters than ceramics cannot be found. Under the influence of high temperatures, the dishes do not emit harmful substances, and also do not oxidize when in contact with acidic or alkaline media.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ceramics is valued for many qualities that are comfortable for the cook and useful for the visitors of the establishment.

The coating of pottery (it is clay that is hidden from our eyes under several layers of ceramics) is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical stress. It cannot be scratched while cooking or washing dishes.

Ceramics has anti-allergic properties. The ecological purity of ready-made dishes is beyond doubt - they will not contain toxic substances absorbed from the walls of the baking dish.

Such dishes warm up slowly and evenly, accumulating heat. Ready meals, covered with a lid, remain warm for a long time.

Slow languishing without the addition of fats (or with their minimum amount) allows you to save all the vitamins and minerals required by the human body.

Another remarkable property is the ability to accumulate moisture and give it to food during cooking.

Experienced cooks dip ceramic trays and baking dishes for 10 minutes in cold water. Ceramics absorb moisture and during cooking, the dishes are especially juicy - there is a delicate languishing for a couple.

Dishes cooked in a ceramic dish do not burn. And the dishes themselves look quite aesthetically pleasing - they can be put on the table.

Ceramics allows you to cook both in the oven and in the microwave.

The disadvantages of ceramics relate to its fragility - the dishes are afraid of falls and sharp blows. Also, it should not be placed in an already preheated oven. A large temperature difference for a ceramic coating is fatal!

Form types

For the manufacture of heat-resistant ceramics, special grades of clay are used, covered with a glass fusible alloy - a glaze that penetrates the natural pores of the clay and seals it. The dishes get a characteristic smoothness and shine.

The weight of thick-walled ceramics is large. This is considered by some cooks as a disadvantage - a form filled with food can accidentally slip out of their hands.

According to the shape and scope, several types of ceramic molds are distinguished:

  1. The pots have two standard sizes: with a capacity of 100-150 ml (used for stewing and baking hot snacks) and with a capacity of 0.5 liters - for cooking in the oven with subsequent serving of first courses (such pots come with lids).
  2. Casserole - dishes for baking a wide variety of shapes. For example, in the form of a fish or a pig. They can come with or without a lid.
  3. Kokotnitsa - relatively small pots with elongated handles, used by chefs for cooking and serving crabs, poultry, vegetables, mushrooms and other hot dishes.
  4. Fondue is used to make a dessert with fruits and chocolate. The set includes saucers and special forks.

Trays can be of different shapes and capacities. Used for baking cookies, pies, cooking vegetable and meat dishes. Models with handles and lids are produced, which, in their characteristics, approach the traditional one.

How to choose a quality form

The choice of baking sheet or baking dish largely depends on the shape and size. And the popularity of the brand is a guarantee of a long service life of dishes.

For baking, molds with low sides and handles are used. And for making cupcakes, a model with corrugated sides is suitable, this will give the delicacy an appetizing look.

To stew meat, fish and vegetables, you will need a deep dish with a lid. It can be round, rectangular or square.

Before buying, you should check the quality of the coating on the product - inspect the dishes in bright light for bumps, chips and any other defects. You can't cook in this dish! She loses strength.

To prolong the life of ceramic cookware, you must follow a few care rules:

  1. Do not pour cold water into heated dishes and do not place food from the refrigerator on it. Do not subject ceramics to temperature shocks! The same rule applies to heating ceramic molds - it is forbidden to place cold dishes in a hot oven.
  2. Washing dishes in a dishwasher is undesirable - the likelihood of accidental chipping of ceramics increases. The mold is cleaned with a soft sponge and liquid detergent.

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Popular manufacturers

Emile Henry

Emile Henry is a well-known French brand for the production of ceramic tableware. deserved popularity in the world. The ware differs in elegance of forms and special durability of ceramics. The company's specialists have developed a special type of glaze that can withstand open fire.

A ceramic pot or pan can be safely placed on a brazier or charcoal grill. The brand's ceramic cookware is suitable for use in the microwave, oven and on the stovetop. It can be served on the table.

The company supplies molds and trays in a variety of colors: white, red, blue, olive, blue-gray, nutmeg, green and others. Capacity - from 0.4 to 5 liters. Length - from 19 to 43 centimeters, width 12-28.5 centimeters. The standard diameter of round molds is 21.5 centimeters.

The price range is from 2,000 to 7,000 rubles.

  • The brand is top notch as always! The range is wide and the quality of the dishes is excellent. Freely withstands temperatures up to +250 degrees. Nice to have a spatula included with the lasagna. And, as always, a recipe book.


The German company Thomas (Thomac), well known as a manufacturer of household appliances, is also engaged in the production of ceramic dishes and kitchen appliances. From this manufacturer you can buy high-quality knives, cutting sets, roasters with a grill and other products. Ceramic is ideal for preparing lasagna and gratins.

Price - from 2,000 rubles.

It is available to purchase dishes with a discount of up to 70% (the brand holds seasonal promotions).

    For several years now, we have been using mainly ceramic baking dishes and pots in a family restaurant of Russian cuisine. If you choose a trusted manufacturer and high-quality expensive dishes, they will serve for a very long time without changes. Dipping dishes in cold water is actually a very good method for meat casseroles and roulades. The main thing is to dry it after the procedure and let it stand for 5 minutes so that it reaches room temperature, otherwise a temperature jump will occur in the furnace and the ceramics will be damaged.

    Excellent article - everything is clear, clear, to the point and on the shelves is told. I still can't find suitable baking dishes in online stores. I can't choose between aluminum and ceramic. But still, according to the article, I have a few questions: can a ceramic baking dish, in principle, be put in the oven? Won't she crack? Looking forward to an answer!

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