Where does Malikov's daughter Stephania study? Where do celebrity children study: Pugacheva's grandson studies business in England, and Urgant's daughter studies painting and design. Button from "Daddy's Daughters" does not want to be an actress

July 14, 2017

Stefania Malikova announced at the beginning of the year that she plans to become a student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. However, it seems that the gold medal and father's connections will not be enough for Stesha to become a freshman at a prestigious university.

Photo: www.instagram.com/steshamalikova

This year, the daughter of singer Dmitry Malikov Stephanie became: the girl said goodbye to the elite Zhukovka school. After graduation, Stesha was waiting for the most crucial stage - the exam. For the exams, the girl intensively prepared for the entire last school year, sometimes studying for 17 hours a day. Stesha set herself a difficult goal - to enter MGIMO at the Faculty of Journalism, for which she needed to brilliantly pass the Russian language, literature and foreign.

Malikova passed the first exam in her native language more than successfully, receiving 91 points. Fans even began to blame the singer's heiress, but the graduate firmly answered: “I want to tell all the spiteful critics that I gave everything honestly. (I can send my essay and test to those especially “smart” people who say that everything is bought). I passed with such a high score only because I prepared hard and practiced every day. Nobody in my family bought anything and I have no guarantee that I will go where I want. But! I really hope that everything will work out and be good.” But the scores for the other two subjects were slightly lower - 73 points for foreign and 69 for literature. The total score of Malikova in the Unified State Examination is 233.

Stefania applied to the Faculty of Journalism (program "International Journalism") MGIMO. The competition among applicants is high - 24 people for a budget place. In total, the program involves 24 state-funded places and 20 paid places for students. So far, 189 people are applying for education on a free basis, 96 - on a contractual basis. In the first list, Stefania, according to the results of the Unified State Examination, so far occupies 174th position, in the second - 72-73rd.

The total scores according to the results of the Unified State Examination of Stephanie:

Position in the list of applicants (budget basis):

Position in the list of applicants (contractual basis):

It remains to wish Stesha success and hope that the girl will be able to enter the faculty of her dreams, for example, in the second or third wave, when some applicants take documents from MGIMO to enter another university. So far, the girl is resting on the sea, enjoying a well-deserved vacation.

Sources: number of places for undergraduate admission at MGIMO; information about applicants for admission; competitive situation in the areas of admission.

Not so long ago, the daughter of the famous composer Dmitry Malikov Stephanie shared her joy. She successfully passed the exam and entered MGIMO.

"I finally realized that I entered the university! I am incredibly happy that great psychological suffering and great mental efforts were not in vain! I am immensely grateful to all the teachers who have gone through this difficult path with me. I know that some of them read me here, and this is very touching. Thank you for the support of close people. Without them, I could not have done it. Never! I want to advise future eleventh-graders to make a choice consciously and not to choose literature for passing the exam. Difficult, very "

Stephanie wrote on her blog.

Many expressed words of support to Stesha, but there were also those who accused the girl of excessive boasting. Evil commentators are sure that Malikova entered the university through pull.

“Everyone can buy the Unified State Examination and enter MGIMO, it would be better to just keep silent”
they write.

Stefania did not remain silent and adequately answered the offenders:

"What right do you have to say that if you don't know anything. I'm amazed at people like you."

Considering that Stesha studied regularly and attended additional classes, as well as a tutor, it is quite possible that she entered herself. What do you think?

(Dmitry Malikov)

The 19-year-old daughter of Dmitry Malikov graduated from high school in 2017. Stefania entered the journalism department of MGIMO and is now in her third year. Netizens criticized Malikova for entering the paid department, stating that she did not have the knowledge for free education. Stefania answered with dignity that the budget place she had not taken would be useful to a student from a less well-to-do family.

The daughter of Dmitry Malikov inherited her father's talent. Stefania sings well, plays the piano and guitar. Stefania's Instagram reports that every Thursday she hosts the program “In the subject. Kids" on the TV channel "Yu", and once a month her column is published in the magazine "Russian Pioneer". The girl also successfully collaborates as a fashion model with various clothing brands and the Moscow Central Department Store.

Gleb Gorelik

(Olga Koposova)

Olga Koposova has been playing the main role in the detective series "Next" for 12 years. The only son of the actress was born in a marriage with Vladlen Gorelik. 20-year-old Gleb studies at the budget department of the Moscow State Technical University. The specialty chosen by the young man is related to IT-technologies. Gleb not only studies "excellently" and is fond of social activities, acting as deputy chairman of the student council. According to Olga, the experience of organizational work is in demand in various spheres of life and will serve her son in good stead.

Sonya Kiperman

(Vera Brezhneva)

The 18-year-old daughter of Vera Brezhneva, Sonya Kiperman, has been living in the United States for more than a year and a half. After studying at the British International School in Kyiv, the girl went to America. In January 2018, Sonya entered Ojai Valley School (Ojai, California).

In the summer of 2019, it became known that the eldest daughter of Vera Brezhneva entered the prestigious Whittier Humanities College in the same state. Sonya did not specify the chosen specialty, but fans suggest that her profession will be related to cinema.

Alexandra Zhulina

(Tatiana Navka)

Alexandra Zhulina is the eldest daughter of the Olympic champion and wife of the press secretary of the President of Russia Tatiana Navka. The 19-year-old girl has already tried her hand at the vocal field, performing under the pseudonym Alexia. After graduating from school, Alexandra successfully entered the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO. In January 2019, Tatyana Navka proudly posted a photo of her daughter's grade book: her eldest daughter passed the winter session with excellent marks, including a difficult calculus exam.

Artem Karmanov

(Olga Orlova)

The host of the show "Dom-2" Olga Orlova is raising her son from businessman Alexander Karmanov, whom she broke up with more than 15 years ago. Now Artem is 18 years old. Last year, the only son of the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" group graduated from school with a gold medal. Artem Karmanov studies at MGIMO, having chosen the Faculty of Management and Politics. It is known that the young man scored 274 points upon admission and was enrolled on a contractual (paid) basis.

Melania Kondrakhina

(Tina Kandelaki)

19-year-old Melania is the eldest daughter of the general producer of Match-TV, Tina Kandelaki. The girl decided to follow in the footsteps of the famous mother and chose her profession. Melania studies at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. It is known that a year of study costs the parents of students in the amount of more than 300 thousand rubles. Fans of Tina Kandelaki are sure that Melania has all the data for her chosen profession. The “home” nickname of the girl is Leo, which clearly illustrates the strength and independence of her character.

Alexandra Morozova

(singer Slava)

The eldest daughter of the singer Alexandra will turn 21 in January 2020. Alexandra Morozova after school chose the profession of a mother and entered the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin. However, later the daughter of the artist and restaurateur Konstantin Morozov changed her preferences. Now Alexandra, who is fluent in English and French, is preparing to become a linguist.

Grigory Vernik

(Igor Vernik)

The only son of Igor Vernik was born in November 1999. Gregory was nine years old when his parents separated. Igor Vernik was having a hard time breaking up with Maria Kazakova, but did not let his emotions take over and maintained a warm relationship with his son. Grigory Vernik chose a creative profession - this year the young man is in his third year at the Moscow Art Theater School. Gregory is involved in performances and has already starred in several films.

Frol and Ustinya Malinin

(Alexander Malinin)

In November 2000, Alexander Malinin and his third wife Emma had twins. The son of a musician is fond of drawing, and his daughter is seriously engaged in vocals. Already at the age of four, Ustinya Malinina composed her first song, and at the age of 16 she recorded her first solo album "Break the Pain", composing music and poetry for it.

In the summer of 2019, Ustinha successfully passed the exam in London for the school of classical vocals, performing Zerlina's aria from the opera Don Giovanni. Frol will study for two more years at the Art School at the Academy of Art and Painting in Munich, and Ustinya, in parallel with the vocal school, will finish the 12th grade of the Bavarian school.

Photo: Persona Stars; Legion-media, Instagram

0 25 January 2018, 14:10

Stefania Malikova, Georgy Kiselev, Alexandra Zhulina

On Student's Day, we talk about where the children of domestic stars and gossip heroes study. Looking ahead, let's say that about half of the children of star parents study abroad, while the rest prefer Moscow universities (of course, MGIMO and Moscow State University are in the lead). But students from famous families chose very different specialties: it is interesting that only a few of them decided to follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Dmitry Malikova last summer informed subscribers about her admission to MGIMO at the paid department of journalism. However, the 17-year-old girl was mostly criticized: many commentators said that enrolling in a paid program was "no achievement."

The middle daughter of Valery Meladze is a student at MGIMO. 18-year-old Sofiko studies at the Faculty of International Relations of the Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy.

The daughter is one of the few star children who have chosen the profession of parents. 18-year-old Melania is studying journalism at Moscow State University.

At the beginning of 2018, my daughter left to study in the USA. The media does not report which specialty 16-year-old Sonya chose, it is only known that she became a student at Ojai Valley School in Ojai, California.

Editor-in-Chief Glamor Masha Fedorova is not only an aspiring socialite, but also a hardworking student: a 20-year-old girl is studying in the specialty "World Economy" at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

The youngest daughter of the leader of the "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich, 17-year-old Anna goes to her dream of becoming a famous scientist, getting an education at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University.

The daughter of Tatyana Navka not so long ago began her pop career, under the pseudonym Alexia. But the 17-year-old girl decided to get an economic education, she is studying at MGIMO.

Mikhail Semenduev

The 20-year-old son of the singer Jasmine is also a student at MGIMO, he studies international economic relations.

19-year-old Alexandra, the daughter of the singer Slava and restaurateur Konstantin Morozov, dreamed of becoming an actress and applied to several specialized universities at once. As a result, Morozova became a student of the acting department of GITIS.

It has long been no secret that the 19-year-old heiress of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation in Paris. As far as journalists know, the daughter of Dmitry Peskov receives higher education at the Paris Business School (EDC Paris Business School).

Singers Inna Malikova and Dmitry Malikov's nephew are studying in France. 18-year-old Dmitry is mastering the culinary arts and the basics of organizing a restaurant business at the prestigious Institut Paul Bocuse university.

Valeria's son is graduating from the Central Music School at the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory in piano and at the same time studying at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov in the second year of the Faculty of Finance and Credit. At the same time, the 19-year-old young man still has time to seriously engage in the restaurant business (according to Arseny, he recently opened the second restaurant in Moscow).

18-year-old Grigory Vernik could not choose between journalism and acting. But then he still decided to follow in the footsteps of his father Igor Vernik instead of becoming a journalist, like mother Maria and uncle Vadim Vernik. Now Grigory is a student at the Moscow Art Theater School.

The 21-year-old daughter of Valery Syutkin has already graduated from the university in Paris, where she studied art history, and is now studying at the Sorbonne. In the legendary university, the girl chose the theater department (specialization - screenwriting and directing). To enter, Viola, according to the press, went through a difficult competition - more than 20 people per place.

The daughter of the founder of the Rusmoda project, Oksana Lavrentieva, Alina studied in Paris as a fashion designer, but soon realized that she was more interested in organizing a fashion business than directly creating clothes. This is what 19-year-old Lavrentyeva is studying at the ESMOD University in Paris.

The son of Alexei Kiselev, whom everyone calls George, lives in London. Kiselyov, 16, is studying media business at the University of Cambridge and is doing an internship at GQ magazine, according to his Facebook post.

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