What happened to the Khabarovsk knackers. Khabarovsk knackers were sentenced to real prison terms. Court and business

Alena and Alina received real terms for robbery, and only corrective labor for animal abuse

The court in Khabarovsk put an end to what is probably the most high-profile case of animal cruelty. Two friends, Alena and Alina, who were nicknamed "Khabarovsk flayers", were sentenced for two to seven years in prison. Girls took puppies and cats from shelters, and then they gouged out their eyes, crucified them, and shot them with a traumatic pistol. But for all this - 150 hours of corrective labor! Yes, as it turned out, Alina and Alena received real terms not at all for animal abuse, but for other episodes, including robbery. And for the killed animals, girlfriends will simply wave brooms!

"Do you feel guilty? Why did you do it? - after the announcement of the verdict, the journalists ask the girls a standard question. They are silent - also by tradition. During the trial, the defendants did not answer any of the reporters' questions.

Now girlfriends do not know. Alina, who posed for a photo shoot in a bloody apron and with a hammer in her hands, sobs all the time and hides her face from journalists. Even Alena, whom everyone remembers for her gothic make-up and who smiled frankly at the first meetings, tries to lower her eyes.

But during interrogations, the girls were more talkative. As it turned out, girlfriends tortured animals not only for fun. Recently, my friends have been making money on this.

Judging by the materials of the case, they committed the last murders to sell the video. They offered videos in groups that distribute bloody content. Alena found out somewhere that such videos are in demand on specific resources, that they can be sold. She told a friend about this. She supported her idea, - Natalya Kovalenko, a Khabarovsk animal rights activist, who has been following the process from the very beginning, tells MK.

Out of curiosity, the friends started bullying animals. Allegedly, they wanted to see "what is inside them."

Birds were caught first.

They found somewhere a piece of glass and cut off the wings of pigeons and sparrows with this “sharp object,” says Natalya. - Then we switched to cats and dogs. At first, abandoned animals were caught on the street, which went into their hands. And then they decided to look for victims already in shelters and through advertisements. They fooled the animal rights activists, telling how the adopted puppy is gaining weight, growing ...

For one Khabarovsk family, such a deception ended in tragedy. From this house, a month-old puppy was given into the hands of Alena and Alina, which the owners had difficulty getting out of.

When these terrible footage appeared on the Web, among the many tortured animals, this woman also recognized her puppy - he was drowned. The girl was pregnant and because of the experiences she lost the child. Now the court ordered Alena and Alina to pay her 10 thousand rubles each as compensation.

And now about the verdict, which everyone was waiting for and called "significant". As it turns out, directly under Article 245 (“cruel treatment of animals”), the girls were sentenced to 150 hours of corrective labor.

Under this article, if a person committed a crime for the first time, the real term is not provided. And Alena and Alina at the time of the commission of criminal acts were also minors, Natalya explains. - It turns out that if there were no other episodes, the girls would just sweep the streets for a couple of weeks - and then they would go to have fun! We will try to appeal the verdict.

In addition to cruelty to animals, both friends were convicted of robbery. Actually, this episode led the defendants to real punishment. Under the pretext of "getting to know each other better," they lured the 20-year-old into an abandoned building, threatened him with a baseball bat, and robbed him.

Alena was also found guilty under the article “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity.” According to this episode, she goes along with another defendant Viktor Smyshlyaev - the young man, along with his girlfriends, were sitting in the dock, although he has nothing to do with episodes of animal abuse. Victor and Alyona forced a resident of Khabarovsk to confess to his unconventional orientation on camera, and then drink urine.

By the way, it may seem that Alena is the most cruel of the two friends - a gothic image, a very aggressive page on social networks. But from the materials of the case, it can be concluded that most often torture for animals was invented by the “modest” Alina. She was the ringleader in this couple, - says Kovalenko.

As a result, Alena will spend four years and three months behind bars, Alina - three years and ten days. Both will serve their sentences in a penal colony.

The verdict in the sensational case of the brutal killing of animals was passed today in Khabarovsk. The main figurants - two girls, as well as their accomplice received real terms. They filmed their sadistic crimes and posted them on the social network. During the investigation, it turned out that these episodes were not the only ones.

The accused, handcuffed and under escort, were led into the courtroom. There are three defendants on the bench - young girls and a guy. The case goes under several articles at once: “cruel treatment of animals”, “insulting the feelings of believers”, “incitement of enmity or hatred” and the main one is “robbery”.

At the announcement of the verdict, Alina Orlova and Viktor Smyshlyaev hide their faces. Alena Savchenko tries to turn away from the cameras when journalists start asking questions.

A few days ago, they spoke in court with the last word, asked not to deprive them of their freedom, they say, they admit their guilt, they corrected themselves. But serious punishment could not be avoided. Savchenko was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison, freedom. Orlova and Smyshlyaev received three years each.

Only after the verdict was announced, the convicts began to answer questions from journalists. In the media, Orlova and Savchenko were dubbed Khabarovsk flayers. About the sadistic entertainment of female students became known last fall. They took animals from private shelters or from those who tried to place kittens and puppies in good hands. Then they took their victims to the building of an abandoned hospital. They shot at them with a traumatic pistol, gouged out their eyes, trampled on them, then killed them. Everything was recorded on a mobile camera, after which they posted it on social networks.

Those who gave the four-legged flayers say that they did not notice anything suspicious in the shy-looking girls. As the investigation established, at some point it was not enough for them to abuse animals - they switched to people. Then the girls had an accomplice. It is known that in the same abandoned building they beat a peer, and in the gateway they attacked a young man with a knife, demanding money. And this is already a robbery.

“From March to October 2016, together with a friend, she made and posted on the Internet a video recording containing scenes of humiliation of human dignity, the victim on the basis of belonging to a social group, and on July 28 of the same year, the girls committed a robbery attack on a resident of Khabarovsk,” the official said. representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko.

By the way, today, immediately after the announcement of the verdict, when the press began to leave the meeting room, Viktor Smyshlyaev told the film crew of Channel One that he remembered us and began to threaten us.

As the judge noted, the terms of detention will be set off in the term of serving the sentence. At the same time, the sentence turned out to be much more lenient than the prosecution had requested. The prosecutor demanded up to seven years in prison. Animal rights activists also consider the sentence lenient and intend to appeal the court's decision.

The Court of the Industrial District of Khabarovsk issued a verdict in the resonant "case of flayers". Two young defendants in the case were found guilty of cruelty to animals, robbery and insulting the feelings of believers and received real prison terms.

According to the Investigative Committee, one of the accused, a 17-year-old girl, was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison. The court also ordered her to compensate the non-pecuniary damage to one of the victims in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Another defendant, an 18-year-old city dweller, received 3 years and 10 days in prison. She will also pay compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Earlier, the girls admitted their guilt and repented. In their last statement in court, they asked for a non-custodial sentence.

An accomplice of the convicts, an 18-year-old guy who has nothing to do with animal cruelty, received 3 years in prison under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (inciting hatred or enmity).

Last fall, it became known about two 17-year-old residents of Khabarovsk who posted photos of bullying cats and dogs on social networks. At first, one criminal case was opened against them under the article “cruel treatment of animals”. Investigators found that at least 15 cats, dogs and birds became victims of flayers. During the investigation, other crimes were uncovered. As a result, young flayers became defendants in several more criminal cases on the facts of robbery, inciting hatred and enmity, and insulting the feelings of believers. Both girls were taken into custody.

An 18-year-old young man was later arrested in connection with the case. The detainee, together with the girls, filmed, edited and published on the Web a video with scenes of humiliation of the dignity of a young man on the basis of belonging to a social group.

The case of the Khabarovsk knackers caused a public outcry throughout Russia. Rallies of animal rights activists and animal lovers were held in several cities under the slogan "No to the knackers!". The protesters demanded tougher penalties for animal abuse and the creation of a position of an animal rights ombudsman in the country.

In December, the parents and guardian of the defendants in the case were fined 500 rubles for improper upbringing of teenagers.

According to animal rights activists, the sentence passed in the case of cruelty to animals is too lenient, RIA Novosti reports. The activists noted that the girls received 150 hours of corrective labor for bullying and killing animals, and the rest of the terms are related to other articles. They believe that all defendants should receive at least 5 years in prison. Animal rights activists are going to appeal the verdict.

Khabarovsk, information service of RIA "New Day"

Khabarovsk. Other news 25.08.17

© 2017, RIA "New Day"

In Khabarovsk, two girls and a young man were sentenced in the case of the cruel killings of animals. Alena Savchenko was found guilty of cruelty to animals, insulting the feelings of believers and inciting hatred and enmity. The investigation established that in 2015 and 2016 she repeatedly posted relevant images and texts on her page on the VKontakte social network. She was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison. Alina Orlova was sentenced to 3 years and 10 days in prison. The term for both girls was also extended due to charges under the article “Robbery”: on July 28, 2016, Savchenko and attacked a resident of Khabarovsk. A friend of the “flayers” was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

During the investigation, they fully admitted their guilt and stated that they repented of their deeds. A psychological and psychiatric examination showed that the girls do not suffer and have not previously suffered from any mental disorder, dementia or other morbid state of mind.

The defendants were held in custody until sentencing. In their last word, they asked not to assign them a punishment related to deprivation of liberty, reports. In its turn,

animal rights activists called the sentence too lenient, since Orlova and Savchenko received 150 hours of compulsory work directly under the article “cruelty to animals”. And the main terms are connected with other articles.

Earlier, the prosecutor of the department of management in the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) said that the defendants in the animal cruelty case from Khabarovsk face “definitely long imprisonment.”

Parents and grandmother of Khabarovsk schoolgirls were fined 500 rubles for improper upbringing of children. This is the maximum fine under article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Failure by parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill their obligations to support and educate minors.”

What the “Khabarovsk flayers” were doing became known in October 2016. They systematically tortured and killed animals and birds, filming it all on video. The recordings got into the network and attracted the attention of first Internet users, and then law enforcement agencies.

For all the time, 15 animals and birds became victims of the girls.

Two students from Khabarovsk found their new victims via the Internet - in the public pages of various shelters and nurseries that give dogs and cats "in good hands."

Then the girls killed the animal, often tearing off parts of the body from it, and hung it on the wall. Torture and killings took place on the territory of an abandoned EW fleet hospital. There were found traces of blood, the remains of animals and improvised means, with the help of which they mocked the unfortunate animals.

As Gazeta.Ru already has, there are no statistics on the number of children who kill animals. Often such incidents do not go beyond the boundaries of the court, and only rare stories are in the news. Moreover, in Khabarovsk, such stories happen quite often: in the summer of 2016, a video began to circulate in local publics, in which a teenager in a mask mocked a kitten and demanded to put “likes” on him, threatening that otherwise he would kill him. The kitten was dipped into milk with force, hung up by its hind legs, tied with tape. The tormentor demanded to collect 100,000 “likes” for him in nine weeks.

The video showed the teenager being helped by his friend. On July 7, local animal rights activists could not stand it and took the statement to the police. quickly found out the address of the juvenile flayer. Already on July 8, he apologized on his VKontakte page and said that everything was fine with the kitten: “We shot all the takes in five to seven minutes, after which we pigeoned the kitten so as not to injure the psyche. Also appeased him with goodies. We understand that this does not justify us, but we are not flayers, as the news dubbed us ”(original spelling).

A little earlier, in May of the same year, the terrible murder of a dog forced the residents of Khabarovsk to picket.

About 50 citizens, using posters, tried to draw the attention of the police to the problem of impunity for animal abuse. The reason for this performance was the monstrous murder of a dog in the Red River area: three schoolchildren brought an animal to a wasteland, brutally mocked him and filmed it all on camera. According to the conclusion of the veterinarian, the dog was beaten, strangled, its skull was broken, and a lot of blood was found in its abdominal cavity.

The case of the sadistic killing of an animal caused a great public outcry. This case was widely covered in the media, and online petitions were created in social networks addressed to the President of Russia, which collected several thousand signatures.

“And at this chess tournament Alinochka took second place,” Svetlana proudly introduces her daughter's biography. Another diploma slips out of the album and joins in a pile of diplomas on the table. - “So, they looked at everything for the third grade, in the fourth at the Russian Olympiad.”

During the second hour of the interview, children's drawings, clippings from newspaper articles about the victories of the future grandmaster, and photographs of Alina in the forefront at the school clean-up day were used. A cute girl with bows appears either in medals or in outfits on stage, but each touching picture only scares her more and more. And how did this exemplary student suddenly grow up to be a sadist?

“She brought so many animals home as a child,” the woman flips through the album. - “We treated them, fed them, and here she does this ...”

Svetlana Orlova, the mother of one of the "Khabarovsk flayers", agreed to meet with journalists for the first time after a wave of curses hit her family. A thick album is an attempt not so much to justify, but to explain to herself - at what point her daughter's life turned upside down.

In the same entrance, only one floor below, another angelic-looking girl is smiling at us from the picture, hugging multi-colored plush animals. The grandmother of the second flayer, Alyona Savchenko, nervously hides this photo when the neighbors exit the elevator.

“I still can’t believe it,” the pensioner turns to a whisper. “She has become rougher lately. I was constantly on the Internet. She said: “Grandma, you are in the fifth century, you don’t understand anything.” Well, I guess that's normal at her age. We also had "secrets".

The teenage "secrets" of Alena and Alina turned out to be torture and execution of animals, which is what they so enthusiastically discussed in a group on the social network. The choice of the victim according to the announcement “I will give it to good hands”, anticipation, and then - a selfie against the background of torn bodies. Correspondence with photos of sentenced animals chills the blood in the veins. For example, one of the girls complains that she cannot wait for the next massacre:

“We haven’t killed in such a long time. It already takes me out! Someone needs to get their guts out!"

Another picks up manic fantasies:

“Are we taking a beat? Or will we kill? Or suffocate? Or stone?

As a result, sadists will capture themselves against the background of a crucified puppy with an open stomach.

The torture room for the flayer was organized on the second floor of a long-term construction project, on the outskirts of Khabarovsk. In the basement of a dilapidated building, forensics will then find the remains of fifteen dogs, cats and birds tortured to death. Childhood friends are now in the same dock, with which they can be sent to prison for ten years. They are now in the same pre-trial detention center, and it is safer for them, of course. There are enough threats on the Internet from the avengers, promising the girls the fate of their own victims. But, despite this, someone continued executions in Khabarovsk.

Followers of the "Khabarovsk knackers"

Trying to keep up with Daria, we fall into the snow. A determined girl, making her way through the branches of trees, makes her way deeper into the taiga forest.

“That's when I saw some footprints and followed them,” Daria Stepanova, director of a private animal shelter, turns to us. - “I thought that there was a downed dog. She crawled away, maybe from the road.

It is difficult to imagine how the savior made her way. At night. One. Passers-by told her about the death squeal of the dog. She is the "Khabarovsk anti-zhivoder"! She rescues homeless animals and takes them to her shelter. Miraculously, that night. White ropes flashed in pitch darkness, on which six puppies were hung upside down by their hind legs.

Now, when these amusing creatures run around the shelter, you look and are amazed - what should be in a person’s head to inflict such a massacre on them? The next day, Daria received a call again, but it was too late. Unknown bad people dismembered a pregnant dog right near the entrance of a high-rise building. The favorite of the yard was discovered by the children ...

The only followers of the flayers who managed to be detained in Khabarovsk were two twelve-year-old girls who posted photos online, in which they allegedly stepped on a kitten with their feet. The same stupid facial expression on the selfie and vile comments of the authors. Then the noise was raised by the animal rights activist Natalya Kovalenko, the head of the Khabarovsk regional public movement "Zoozaschita DV". Her organization, by the way, hired lawyers for the victims in the case of Alina Orlova and Alena Savchenko. True, the new flayers were released, because the kitten was not injured. He was washed off the red paint and given to a shelter.

“It turned out that the girls were taking staged photographs. They wanted to become famous, collect likes, ”explains Natalia. - “After all, even Savchenko and Orlova then on the Internet some wrote “what a fool you are”, and someone wrote “well done - do this further!” Then they even got groups of fans. They wrote: "We want to be like you!"

And here, in pursuit of likes, it seems that any certificates and medals begin to depreciate. Now every child with a phone can become famous on the entire Internet, and death and blood always arouse keen interest. Yes that there - guarantee popularity! Even at such a price ... To pass for a sectarian, even a maniac - anyone, but pass for one! But after the story of Alina and Alena, those who were so chasing fame seemed to wake up when they found out that they were threatened with ten years in prison for cruelty.

"Killing crabs - $20, killing a puppy - $100"

There was another motive for the girls. As a source close to the investigation told us, Alina allegedly had to constantly pay for a friend in a cafe. So I decided to earn money, agreed to make their first sadistic video with a puppy for money, which they were ready to buy on one of the sites. The helpless mongrel was beaten with a bat, trampled, and his heart was torn out.

This is a whole business on the Internet for seriously ill perverts. It's called "crash fetish". An absolutely monstrous sight. Slender models in front of the cameras crush animals with their hairpins, smile and pose against the backdrop of a terrifying death screech. Videos of executions for sado-masochists pop up one after another on the monitor of the animal rights activist Anastasia Fedyunina, and each time she manages to pause a moment before the tragedy. The girl has long declared war on lovers and suppliers of "crash fetish", found dozens of videos and sites where they are posted, but like any normal person, she cannot stand these scenes. I figured out several similar studios in Moscow and St. Petersburg - and these are by no means underground apartments. It can be seen - shooting and editing professional.

“Today commercials are traded at about 50 pieces a day,” says Anastasia Fedyunina, a representative of the Zoopravo association. - “The price of one video is from 20 dollars if they kill, for example, a crab or a fish. If the murder of a kitten, a bird, a puppy, then they can pay $100 for the video.”

Orders are willingly taken either by juvenile flayers or prostitutes with sadistic inclinations. Under the guise of a client, we contacted one of these "stars" who playfully and cynically offers services.

“I will put pressure on the street. If there is no script, then I’ll just crush them all with my boots, and that’s all. If in closed shoes, then I will press hard and jump on them, if in open shoes, then carefully so as not to get my feet dirty in them.

screenshot: vk.com

To begin with, she suggested that we watch how the fish die, hinting that we can continue. The circle of perverts has its own rules of conspiracy, its own slang. After the arrest of the Khabarovsk flayers, law enforcement officers close such Internet resources in batches. Most went into the shadows, afraid of prison.

“A person who orders a murder and enjoys it - I don’t consider them people at all,” Fedyunina loses her nerves. “These are criminals who should be punished, who should be in prison. If a person is mentally ill, he should be treated.”

Live-bearers "banned" parents

Even before their first blood, Alena and Alina watched the horrors from the sidelines. They opened their own group on the social network with the so-called shock content - photos and videos of torn human flesh. The comments are wickedness. Bullying of suicides and victims of terrible road accidents. About this we are calmly told by none other than the mother of the “Khabarovsk flayer”, who, all showing awards, has already reached gratitude for exemplary education. Moreover: the woman herself was in the group of her daughter. But she assures that she did not see any materials there, how Alina personally stabs and cuts someone.

“Alina said that she was laying out these corpses so that people would know what careless driving at high speed could lead to,” the mother recounts one of her conversations with her daughter. “I told her to delete this group. But after that, she just blocked me and that’s it.”

Blocked - oh well. And then her stepfather gave Alina a pneumatic pistol. Then millions of people will be horrified by this spectacle: from it they shoot a white puppy hanging in a noose. With gouged out eyes.

Emma the dog was the darling of the entrance. Affectionate and funny mongrel. Inna Mikhailova then, finally, found the one to whom she would become a true friend from the advertisement. He remembers how a modest girl came to look, well, what doubts could there be?

photo and video: vk.com

“She said that she took the dog for her grandmother. She told how she was raising her, how she was feeding her. How does a dog grow? How her teeth change, they remain in soft toys, ”the woman rereads the dialogue from the phone with horror. “My daughter held Emma in her arms, she nursed her. And these shots are horrendous. The child screams, you close both her eyes and ears so that she does not see it. Then it turned out that they lied to everyone about their grandmother.

Of course, dozens of animals never got to the grandmother of the second girl, Alena, only an old cat lived in the apartment. It all started with him. A helpless animal was thrown out of a ninth floor window! Now the grandmother blames herself for not believing her neighbor's story then. Maybe the series of murders would not have happened then?

“He saw that the girls threw the cat from the balcony. But they were so sobbing that I didn’t believe it, ”Alyona’s grandmother says almost inaudibly. - “Before that, the cat started to shit everywhere. I scolded Alena. She never cleaned up after him."

Maybe at that moment on the balcony in the heads of the girls, all the brakes and fuses burned out, and with them - certificates of commendation, medals and certificates? Alena's mother has long been deprived of parental rights due to problems with alcohol, but she has nowhere to go from the apartment. If not for the high-profile case, probably, the family would never have known who the father is. The local Cossack ataman was called to testify, but he did not want to crucify for a long time. Not at the investigators, not with us on the phone.

“I don’t really follow such things,” the voice in the telephone receiver wheezes. - “What feelings can I have for a child that I have never seen in my life. How do you imagine that?"

So one unfortunate pensioner answers the people's anger. Alena's best friend, a short girl with green hair, strokes her shoulder. Out on the street, she will try to explain to us what happened.

“Alena experienced either loneliness, or longing - I don’t know ... Maybe they somehow influenced. But they haven’t told me anything lately, although I, of course, felt that something was wrong.

Trained on cats - "grown up" to people

Once again, we look at the pages of girls on the social network. And here bullying is not only over animals, but also over people. At first glance, evil teenage fun. At first, put the neighbor's boys, sort of as a joke, like animals in a circus in front of a treat. Then shoot a video and demand that the girls on the playground take off their panties. Or post a video to the delight of subscribers, as a little sister flies screaming to the floor at the hands of a girl.

So with small steps, apparently, they got to the person. Alina and Alena have already confessed to the investigation about the attack.

“I wrote, it will be necessary to go somewhere, and then to me, I live not far there,” Daniil scrolls through the correspondence on the phone screen.

A virtual conversation with Alena Savchenko ends with the address of the very long-term construction, where, according to Daniil, the interlocutor asked to drop by during the first date, allegedly to help look for a lost earring. On the dating site, she seemed kind and gentle, and having driven the victim into a trap, she suddenly changed, as if she had lost her human appearance.

“The second one came with a bat and a pistol, an air pistol. She immediately handed the bat to Savchenko, they began to shout - give me money! - recalls the young man. - “I only had 600 rubles. I gave everything."

This is the first time Daniel tells reporters about this. He was embarrassed that he was a victim of teenage girls. Shows bumpy scar under lip. He was shot in the face with a pneumatic gun as he was being taken to the same torture chamber. But suddenly, on the threshold, one of the tormentors hesitates, as if gathering her strength before the last step. The guy took advantage of the hitch and ran away.

“One said, “Go.” Another: “Why go there? No need!" - the young man recalls and again points to the scar. - “Elementary because they could kill. They already shot at me, it's just that the weapon is not combat. What else is there to say about this?"

Unpunished violence breeds it again and again, and now in teenage Internet groups, new types of bullying - an imitation of the murder of a baby.

“At first, crushed worms were enough for them, then this was not enough for them. They wanted crushed crabs,” the animal rights activist boils. - “Then they need more - they got birds! Mice, kittens, dogs! And then what step?

It turns out that from a pile of certificates and a bunch of medals to a crime - just one step. The pursuit of likes, the inattention of adults and the unbridled teenage desire to take revenge on the whole world for something! Khabarovsk knackers now say that they have repented, in tears they ask for forgiveness.

This psychosis, Alina's nervous breakdown could have other reasons, according to a source close to the investigation, her mother insisted on such a version in her testimony. Allegedly, the daughter regularly endured sexual harassment, which, of course, we asked the woman when we met, but this topic seems to be banned.

- Did you tell the investigators that your stepfather molested Alina? It's true?

- Not. There was no such thing ... - the interlocutor lowers her heavy gaze, and stops it somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture with another chessboard. After a couple of seconds, he gathers his strength and continues in a sonorous voice: - And this folder with diplomas in high school ...

However, the girls were recognized as sane, and what kind of personal insult the flayers tried to take out was not so important. In the Khabarovsk animal shelter - through one victim of human violence. The Lexus dog got its nickname because an unknown person in a car deliberately ran into him in front of the animal rights activist, and the newcomer Ryzhik is still pressed against the walls of the cage with fear. They shot at him with a gun.

“A very complex fracture due to a gunshot wound. They did the operation for a long time, collecting the paw piece by piece. But, it seems, the stitches are already being tightened,” says Karina Dombrovskaya, the head of the animal shelter, at the cage.

Is that what they were so guilty of in front of those who have problems with work, with a car or a wife? Sometimes just victims of "white tremens". In a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Khabarovsk, no one opens up to us, and even a dog now does not meet guests. Before leaving, says a neighbor, the residents noted something, in the midst of a booze they killed and ... ate an animal. There was a child in the house. He shouted all over the street, protecting his old four-legged friend. The neighbor broke into the house, but it was too late...

The problem of animal abuse is much worse and older than the Internet. The flayer feels strength - he beats the one who is weaker, because he can. Cat, dog, woman, old man or child. But it is animals that can sometimes restore faith in a person with their selfless love.

“It is such a spiritual joy when you take something like this, save it, and then it is in the family,” smiles Karina Dombrovskaya, hugging the puppy to her. - “Kissed, with a cool bowl! With a cool collar! This is heartfelt joy! We have forgotten what the joy of the soul is! People! We forgot about it!”

In Khabarovsk, for one tormentor of puppies in the forest, there were dozens of those who wanted to take the rescued ones to their home. Daria carries the imperturbable little dog across the threshold of the apartment and gives it to a strong man with a stern face. The gloomy owner suddenly breaks into a smile and begins to lisp with the puppy.

For kindness, you do not need to give letters. For kindness, goodness must be given.


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