Stars at the funeral of the verbal faith. The funeral of Vera Glagoleva: Relatives have not decided on a place in the cemetery. Voiced by Vera Glagoleva

Relatives of the late actress Vera Glagoleva refuse to believe in the official version of the causes of death, from which it follows that death was the result of a complication of cancer. It is possible that the artist's relatives are simply impressed by her death.

At the moment, there is no official information in the information space about the causes of death of the famous actress Vera Glagoleva. Sources only provide information that Glagoleva was being treated in Germany, where she died. However, this version was called into question by the native artists, who explain that Vera Glagoleva has been working hard lately and her body is very tired.

Vera Glagoleva was buried a few days ago. The farewell ceremony was held at the Cinema House, and the actress found her last refuge at the Troekurovsky cemetery of the capital.

The death of Vera Glagoleva: why she died, the cause of death

The death of the outstanding actress Vera Glagoleva is overgrown with new versions and assumptions. In particular, people close to the family of cinema stars said that it was not oncology that killed her at all, but “general exhaustion of the body and overload at work.” Why the actress has been working so hard lately and is it even possible to die from fatigue.

Almost immediately after the funeral, which took place on August 19 in Moscow, surrounded by Vera Glagoleva, they put forward a new version of her death. According to a source from people close to the family of the actress, she died not at all from stomach cancer, but from "general exhaustion of the body and overload at work." At the same time, relatives of Glagoleva doubted the terrible diagnosis made to her earlier by doctors. They say that the actress arrived at the clinic in Germany on her own. A few hours before her death, Glagoleva talked with friends, and at that moment nothing foreshadowed trouble. In July, the artist attended the wedding of her daughter Nastasya Shubskaya with the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. It is also known that the director had many creative plans. So, Glagoleva was going to visit several film festivals abroad and write a new script for the fairy tale. People who know her said that recently she worked 12 hours a day.

The doubtfulness of the version of death from cancer is also confirmed by another fact: Glagoleva's husband Kirill Shubsky previously told reporters that doctors should establish what exactly his wife died from.

The death of Vera Glagoleva: where she was buried, how did the farewell go

Glagoleva died at the age of 62 in Germany after a long illness. The farewell ceremony for her was held on Saturday at the Central House of Cinema.

Hundreds of people came to see the actress on her last journey, among whom were actors Vera Vasilyeva, Valery Garkalin, Larisa Luzhina, Tatyana Drubich, Evgeny Gerasimov, head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Iosif Kobzon, singer Alexander Buinov, director Yuli Gusman other.

Telegrams with condolences to the family and friends of the actress came from President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Special Representative of the President for International Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy, Head of the State Duma Commission on Culture Stanislav Govorukhin, Advisor to the President Vladimir Tolstoy, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

On Saturday, August 19, the funeral of Vera Glagoleva took place in Moscow. Thousands of people came to say goodbye to the wonderful actress and director, who died of a serious illness at the age of 62.

Farewell to Vera Glagoleva

In the morning, the coffin with the body of Glagoleva was installed on the stage of the Cinema House, which Vera Vitalievna climbed more than once at the most significant moments of her creative life.

The streets adjacent to the building resembled a living sea of ​​people who came to pay their last respects to the great woman, actress and mother. One of the first to say goodbye to the actress came director Alexei Uchitel. Later, Anna Melikyan, Inna Churikova, Mark Rubinstein, Yuri Gusman, Evgeny Gerasimov, Valery Garkalin, Marina Mogilevskaya, Natalya Ivanova and other famous colleagues of Glagoleva appeared. Iosif Kobzon did not hide his sadness and looked very upset.

Alexander Baluev, whom Vera Vitalievna considered her talisman and starred in almost all films, could not hold back her tears, having risen to the stage with a farewell speech.

At 12 noon, a civil memorial service was held, at which telegrams were read with condolences from Putin, Medvedev, Sobyanin, Lukashenko and other high-ranking officials who could not personally see the actress on her last journey. A farewell letter was sent by the English actor Ralph Fiennes, who played the main role in her film "Two Women".

During the entire farewell ceremony for the daughter of Vera Vitalievna, Masha, Anya and Nastya did not leave their mother's coffin. They were supported by their fathers - Kirill Shubsky and Rodion Nakhapetov, who specially flew to the funeral of his ex-wife from the United States.

He also canceled all his affairs and rushed to support his beloved hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, the husband of the youngest daughter of Vera Glagoleva.

After the end of the farewell, the coffin with the body of the actress, to the applause of those present, was taken out of the building of the House of Cinema and installed on a hearse. Accompanied by the relatives of the deceased and closest friends, the funeral procession moved towards the Troekurovsky cemetery.

The cause of the death of the Honored Artist of Russia could be stomach cancer

The exact cause of death of the public's favorite, actress and director Vera Glagoleva is unknown, only the celebrity's husband, businessman Kirill Shubsky, opened the veil of secrecy - the artist died after a long battle with cancer. On Friday, the body of the actress was supposed to be delivered to Moscow on a private plane.

Some details became known to MK: Vera Vitalievna visited one of the clinics in Baden-Baden, and a few hours later she died suddenly.

There are practically no clinics for oncology patients in the district of Baden-Baden, and the nearest centers are in Freiburg and Munich. However, in a forested area in the suburbs of Baden-Baden, the Schwarzwald-Baar Clinic is located, operating at the University of Freiburg. The institution specializes in the treatment of internal organs, cancers in the abdominal region are also their specialty. It is possible that it was in this clinic that Glagolev began treatment. Russian companies acting as intermediaries in organizing treatment told the MK correspondent that the average cost of diagnosis and primary treatment at the Schwarzwald-Baar clinic varies from 6,000 to 50,000 euros, depending on the stage of the disease.

The artist's relatives are currently in Germany and are preparing all the necessary documents for transporting the body to Russia. According to Kirill Shubsky, his wife's body will be transported on Thursday or Friday. The issue of logistics is always the most difficult and time-consuming, and especially if a person died abroad. "MK" talked with the staff of funeral agencies to find out what difficulties the relatives of the actress will have to face.

“Even to transport a body from Russia, it is necessary to have a large number of documents on hand before sending the body across the border. In such a bureaucratic country as Germany, even more so, - says an employee of one of the Moscow funeral homes. - First of all, it will be necessary to perform an autopsy so that the doctors confirm the death due to the disease. This document will have to be signed by law enforcement agencies that they have no questions about the death of a citizen, even if it is from another country.”

After this procedure, the main question is solved: how to transport? In the case of Germany, there are two options - a plane or a car. The ritual agency noted that in 90 percent of cases, relatives choose the second option. First of all, this is due to a serious difference in price. On average, in Moscow, for only one transportation from Germany, they take from 2.5 to 4 thousand euros. Transporting the body by plane is much more expensive - from 6 thousand euros. In addition, to this must be added the services of the employee, as well as his travel and flight tickets. Another difference between the two methods is time. By car, the transportation of the body will take about three days, and by air no more than three hours, but there is practically no significant difference in the transportation itself.

Several burial places have been prepared at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

“In both cases, the body of the deceased is placed in a special zinc container called a euromodule. For additional safety of the body, it is not only treated with formalin, but also covered with special formalin pads on all sides. Such security measures guarantee the safety of the body for several days, ”said the interlocutor at the funeral home.

Farewell to the actress will take place on August 19 in the Great Hall of the House of Cinema. Vera Glagoleva will be buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Yesterday we visited the alley of actors, where several places for burial have already been prepared. Many celebrities, and not only the stars of the scene, really rest here. The grave of cosmonaut Georgy Grechko is buried in flowers. But around the graves of Vyacheslav the Innocent and Vitaly Wolf, weeds break through from the ground. “In fact, we don’t have abandoned graves. Everyone goes to - and relatives, and friends, and admirers, ”explained the employee of the churchyard.

The sudden death of this amazing actress, film director shocked the whole country, there is no question of relatives. Vera Glagoleva died on August 16 in a German clinic near Baden-Baden, where, according to friends, she had just arrived for an examination. She was only 61 years old. Only those closest to her knew that the artist had been struggling with an incurable disease for many years.

Vera Vitalievna did not like to complain, few people had a complete idea of ​​how serious the illness of the actress was. It was cancer. But Glagoleva did not give up. She worked until the last day, she almost finished her film "Clay Pit", there were three days of shooting and editing left. And a month before her death, she organized a luxurious wedding for her youngest daughter Anastasia (from her second marriage to businessman Kirill Shubsky). Vera Glagoleva was very proud that the world famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin became her son-in-law. She managed everything ... But the environment did not feel that the actress was in a hurry somewhere. She tried to live life to the fullest.

On Saturday, August 19, Moscow and the country said goodbye to Vera Glagoleva in the capital's Cinema House. Words of condolences to relatives were expressed by Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. Government telegrams were also sent by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, Governor of the Oryol Region Vadim Potomsky, Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleev, and many other statesmen.

One of the first to come to see Vera Vitalievna on her last journey was Joseph Kobzon, singer, State Duma deputy.

She was an outstanding actress who tragically passed away, left her family, the country, you and me, - said Kobzon. - So recently I rejoiced at her happiness when she married Nastya. Then I asked her to dance with her son-in-law Ovechkin. It turned out to be Verochka's last dance. She did this, having endured all the pain, physically she already felt bad. No one knew, did not assume that Vera was leaving. And she did everything not to overshadow her daughter's holiday. You probably also saw her somewhere for the first time and immediately remembered. This is the secret of personality. She is not like anyone - modest, beautiful, charming. She is remembered as a brilliant actress. In addition, she was a real woman, gave birth to three wonderful girls, beauties. She was a kind, caring mother, wife, actress.

"You loved what you did"

The head of the Union of Cinematographers Yevgeny Gerasimov said that today, on August 19, all state cinemas in the capital will show the last picture of Vera Glagoleva "Two Women", which she managed to release during her lifetime in 2014. In this film, which was based on Ivan Turgenev's play A Month in the Country, the famous British actor Ralph Fiennes starred as Mikhail Rakitin. He sent a touching telegram to the relatives of Vera Vitalievna:

“Now I can’t talk to you, I can’t enjoy your cheerful conversations when you speak very quickly, and with my modest knowledge of Russian, I try to understand you. I cherish in my heart the memories of the time we worked together. I can clearly hear your voice, loud and clear and bursting with your laughter. I remember the happy time with your family after filming. With Cyril, Anya, Masha, Nastya, we laughed, ate barbecue and every evening you beat me at chess. Your brave and strong soul is still with us. She provokes us, questions. I think you would be glad to know that yesterday I started filming the film. I dreamed of sending you a photo from our first day of shooting. Thank you, my dear Vera, for the inspiration, joy and love that you gave me! I will never forget that summer spent with you and Turgenev under Russian skies. I will always remember the time of our filming and I will smile because you loved what you did. With love, your Rakitin Ralph Fiennes.

"Verka, thank you for being there!"

Also in "Two Women" starred actor Alexander Baluev. She brought a lot of joy. She called me her talisman. And I somehow even took offense. Now I am proud that it was so. I am proud that I had the good fortune to work with her, to argue. With the last picture "Two Women" we had to go to the festival in Spain, but... I will remember you all my life. Verka, thank you for being there! - Baluev said at parting.

Actor Valery Garkalin said at the funeral ceremony that the creative biography of the actress and director is an example of the most serious and deep understanding of the film profession.

The essence of acting is the uniqueness of each of us. She comprehended this essence, - considers Garkalin.

Alexei Uchitel, a colleague of Glagoleva, greatly appreciated and loved her.

I have not seen a more amazing combination of external and internal in a person for a long time, - says the Teacher - We were friends, we made a movie. Usually between colleagues there is always some kind of chill. But not with her. In communication with Vera, there was never a feeling of heaviness, it always became good. And I can't imagine that tomorrow we won't meet, that the feeling of light won't come. This is such a rare combination when loved ones, viewers and colleagues love you. Vera, I love you very much, I will miss you very much!

"All the time rushing somewhere ..."

A very close friend of Vera Vitalievna was the actress Marina Mogilevskaya, who could hardly pronounce the words, sobbing:

I lost a friend, such a friend, which is not enough. I am so grateful for our communication, for how much I learned from you, - she turns to her friend.

How I learned from you to love my family, my profession ... Vera was always rushing somewhere: to read, shoot, understand. How important it is to tell each other, while we are around, what we feel. On this day, August 19, exactly 6 years ago, I gave birth to a daughter. And I had absolutely no time to prepare anything. And when I went home, I saw a fantastic children's room, which she completely prepared for me, which I did not expect at all. And how could I think that in 6 years I would say goodbye to her?

The well-known producer Mark Rudinshtein also said wonderful words in memory of Vera:

She was the tuning fork of human relations in this complex cinematic world. She cemented this world. She helped me when I made mistakes. Thank you Vera! he thanked.

Another close friend, producer Natalya Ivanova, who has filmed her last two films with her, believes that, despite the absolute suddenness, she "staged her departure."

The director's unfinished film Clay Pit, according to Natalia Ivanova, will be completed and released in her memory. The tape is 80 percent ready, there are three days of filming and final editing. - This scene [of the House of Cinema] was her favorite, because we presented each of our films for the first time here. We were always very worried and afraid of how the audience would respond. And there was always a full hall and gratitude. I say thank you to Kirill Shubsky for doing everything possible so that Vera stays with us as long as possible! - said the producer.

"Life tested her"

A big speech in memory of Vera Glagoleva from the stage of the House of Cinema was delivered by Inna Churikova.

It's like a blow, like the departure of each person there, very close, almost close, but in a different space. But we are together, we are always close, because a person lives forever, - the actress is sure. - I first heard about her from Anatoly Efros, who said: “I am now shooting a picture, and there is such an amazing young girl that I really like, she amazes me. She is overwhelmed with joy and happiness that she works in the cinema.

Now, while filming with Anya, her daughter, I see how much she looks like her mother, how organized, responsible, understanding, what a huge creative beginning she has. Vera is a wonderful mother. She raised beautiful daughters in the deepest sense of the word. They are beautiful, expressive, talented, they are artists. And, of course, this is thanks to Vera, thanks to her clear understanding of how to educate. It seems to me that she did not indulge, she was demanding, but she loved very much. And all this was passed on to the girls. I saw how inquisitively and inquisitively she treated people, life. How she did not miss anything, how she accurately assessed. She learned from life.

It seems to me that life has tested her. Because in her existence there were such difficulties that she endured herself, without showing anyone, without demonstrating anything, overcoming. Apparently, she understood that those people for whom she felt love were innocent of this. Her departure was an explosion for me personally! That's unexpected! For me, she was a powerful person. With each picture, she grew, became more interesting, more significant. The painting "One War" - the picture is amazing! And “Two Women” according to Turgenev is unique, deeply penetrating. She was a hard-hitting director, a non-consensual one. For me, it was a revelation, just like this picture. She seemed to me so strong, so young, so strong, so loving. And when I found out [about her death], it was something unbearable.


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