In which church does Father Elijah serve? Reviews about the "Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Peredelkino"

We used to go to the famous elder Father Elijah in Optina Pustyn. But since 2009, when the Local Council elected him as the confessor of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', you can get to him in, which includes several churches and the summer residence of His Holiness the Patriarchs.

There is no schedule for Father Elijah's stay. You can find out whether he is in Peredelkino by calling the church phone number +7 495 435-53-67 or priest’s assistant Georgy Bogomolov +7 920 871-71-62.

See the site pages about what it is. Scheme of the Peredelkino reserve.


Elder Elijah about ISIS, the simplicity of the Russian people and the correct understanding of life

Nikita Filatov

How two journalists - a Russian and an American - went to Peredelkino to visit Elder Elijah to ask him questions that concern many people today.

The entire editorial team was preparing for this interview. The day before, in the manager’s office, we discussed for a long time what we would ask the elder. Father Elijah (Nozdrin) is 83 years old - a respectable age, and it is wrong to disturb the priest just like that. But the elder still receives people who come to him from all over our country, and from all over the world.

My colleague, a journalist for the English version of our portal, Jesse Dominic, went with me. He is American, Orthodox, and graduated from seminary.

If you are going to interview an elder, be prepared for difficulties or temptations. They started at the Kievsky railway station. The train to Peredelkino was supposed to leave at 12:22. We arrived seven minutes before the train left. And so it began!.. Running around the platforms, searching for the right train... There were so many passengers that we only got into the carriage at 12:30. We were lucky: the train was delayed.

And here we are in Peredelkino. We were met at the temple by Georgy Bogomolov, Father Elijah’s assistant. He is both strict and kind. He is always friendly, but I don’t advise anyone to abuse his kindness. He gave us a book and invited us to warm up and drink tea. Father Eli had not yet received anyone - he was performing the Sacrament of Baptism.

We waited for Father in the church in the name of the holy noble Grand Duke Igor of Chernigov and Kyiv. It’s a weekday, there aren’t very many people in the temple. The liturgy is over. Just watching the priest pray is a joy.

The elder reads a prayer. Behind Father Elijah's back, a man holds a child in his arms. While the elder is praying, the baby tries to touch his back with his small hand.

But now the Sacrament is completed. From the pulpit, the elder addresses the people with parting words. He is surrounded by people again. Father Eli, it seems, is ready to listen to requests and delve into the problems of absolutely every person. He talks to one woman for about 20 minutes. Georgy Bogomolov asks the people to take care of the priest: he has been on his feet since early morning. People are silent in understanding, but no one is going to leave. In less than three hours the festive evening service will begin. Father Elijah has practically no time left for rest. And the people are still arriving... Jesse and I are somehow not very sure whether the conversation with the elder will take place.

We leave the temple and head to the house where Father Eli usually receives the people. Along the way we manage to receive a blessing.

Father's house is cozy and warm. Everyone is offered tea and food.

Usually, Father Elijah has spiritual literature read aloud. At this time he accepts another person. I am sure that you can get many answers to your questions before talking with the elder. More than once I noticed that a phrase, for example, accidentally dropped by Georgy, turned out to be appropriate.

I gave the priest the prepared and printed questions. Father Eli looked at them carefully. And here are his answers.

– Russia declared war on ISIS. Father, what could you say to those who are hysterical and say that terrorists will begin to take revenge on our country on its territory?

“ISIS doesn’t listen to anyone. They do what they want. It's okay, we have the power. We have protection, we can defend ourselves.

And let those who raise hysterics themselves subdue ISIS. They are equal in social category to ISIS.

– More and more countries, including Orthodox countries, where state power is involved in the de-Christianization of the people: “anti-discrimination laws” are adopted that protect sodomy; Gay pride parades are held under police protection, for example in Serbia. What do you think is happening?

- This is a provocation. This is provoked on purpose. This was not the case in Serbia. Everything was done, supposedly the Serbs were like that. Everything is turned upside down.

– Father, the Pope speaks everywhere today: at the UN, at international meetings... But the voice of the Orthodox Church does not sound so loud.

– It will be, maybe over time. Because we had state atheism. He did not allow Russia to freely express its opinion. The Church could not defend itself. She was limited in her actions. And even now, in fact, we have a lot of communist stuff. Therefore, the Church has not yet truly emerged from the trenches, since we still have many communists who hold this damned Lenin.

– And young people today don’t even know about Orthodoxy...

- Yes, they know! They know! They just don't want to. So they were made atheistic. We had state atheism. The Church has been defamed. They poured dirt on the Church for 80 years. That's why young people believe all this. The worst thing is that the teaching staff, professors - they were all brought up in atheism. They fool the youth in the same way. It's the same in families. Families are growing up where there is no Church. Families do not raise their children in a normal way. No understanding of life.

– What, in your opinion, is the role of Russia in the modern world?

– As always, as at all times. God gave every person a place to live. Everything you need, opportunities to live life in the country. Russia wants to live as an Orthodox country, in a legal way. She doesn't go beyond her limits. Like any civilized state. To fulfill moral norms and norms of political life.

– Saints Nicholas of Japan and John of Shanghai were able to change the worldview of hundreds of thousands of people in Japan, China, European countries and the USA. Just two people were able to reach many, many. What can ordinary parishioners do to improve the spiritual and moral climate around them?

- Like all. Well, what is possible? Do as Saint Seraphim of Sarov says: create peace in your soul! Sow peace in your soul and many hundreds around you will be saved. The main thing is to live like a Christian. In the West there is a Catholic apostolate to the laity. There is a sermon. If you know good people. We know that there is God, that there is Truth. Live correctly. So that a person can create standards for a correct life. So that he does not suffer and is not tormented by his soul from his internal sins. It is absolutely obvious: there is God, there is the devil. And it is said in the Holy Scripture: many are going into eternal torment! If a person is tortured for, say, ten minutes, or tortured for an hour, that’s scary, right? What if a person falls into eternal torment? This cannot be denied. How can a righteous man who understands be turned away? Don't let this happen. The Gospel teaches us that a person should live correctly. The Church has always said that a person should live a normal, spiritual life. He fought with the devil, who “roars like a lion and wants to devour.”

– What, in your opinion, is the beauty, depth and mystery of the Russian soul, which foreigners love to talk about?

– The simplicity of the Russian person. Gullibility. Why did the revolution win? They said, “Put down your weapons,” and they did. Everything is a lie, a lie. A revolution based on lies, money and the simplicity of the Russian people.

– Father, what could you say to the youth audience of our portal?

– Youth must follow conscience and the law of God. Like this!

After the interview, Jesse and I talked with the priest and asked personal questions. Father Eli paid special attention to the passion for football, the nature of this game, the reasons for the passion for it.

Ten minutes later we returned to the editorial office. We walked to the train satisfied and happy. The street was crowded with people. And the most popular question in Peredelkino was heard: “Does Elder Eli receive?”

Talked with Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin) Nikita Filatov

Video. Elder monk Iliy Nozdrin

about the future of Russia



Mikhail Bondarenko :
About football...It's simple...Being interested and practicing for health is one thing, being a fan when passion controls a person is another...Then think and analyze for yourself!


What about football? Watch or study?




Thanks for the article. Thanks to Father Elijah.


Why are you obsessed with football?! It's like the whole interview is about him? Each person is given individual advice. And the author is also good - said “a”, say “b” too....


Please, dear Nikita Filatov, since we have touched on the topic of football, write what the elder said. This is important for many people; I have two sons who play football.




Anyone who needs to get to the priest will get there. I got there very easily. I didn’t even think about it. My friend simply confronted me with a fact. We're going to see Father. One day we got ready and went. We prayed at the liturgy, then, when the priest was resting, akathists were read. When the priest began to receive me, I was almost one of the first to be called by the cell attendant to the priest. And in the priest’s house, both the tea and the pies are incredibly tasty. Although I am not the chosen one. The Lord arranged it this way. While we were waiting, the cell attendant told us that someone came several times and could not get to the priest. That's how it happens too. I didn’t plan anything in advance. I imagined how difficult it was to get to the priest. I just prayed and believed that God’s will would be done, I would talk to the priest. And when God’s will is there, everything works out easily. Thank God for everything!


Svyatoslav Ryazantsev :
Normal people who love football, and do not perceive the game as an excuse to get drunk and fight, and go to the stadium to enjoy the games of the teams and throw out their emotions. And then they go to the playgrounds and play, leading a healthy lifestyle. I think that if any parent had a choice - where his son would go - in the yard to play football or in the hut to shoot up or drink beer, everyone would choose the first.
Further. Only people who don’t understand it and don’t want to understand football have such a one-sided and negative perception of football. Such people should be banned from everything in the world. And grace will come. Meanwhile, a person who has been interested in and involved in football since childhood broadens his horizons and deepens his knowledge in many areas - geography, languages, medicine, history, finance, tactics, strategy and much more. From personal experience I can note that people who actively those who show interest in football are much smarter, more competent and more reasonable than those who say that football is just 22 idiots running around after one ball and fanatics on the subway in the evening.


Vlad Kuzmenkov:
Every sport that makes money is a passion


"Father's house is cozy and warm. Everyone is offered tea and treats." Probably offered to a select few. But certainly not ordinary people...
My daughter (9 years old) and I were in Peredelkino on Sunday, we were a little late for the early service because we came from Nizhny Novgorod, and decided to stand and pray also at the late Liturgy.
Then they left the temple and walked along the path to the priest’s house. A nun abruptly came out onto the porch and sternly asked how we got here and were walking around without asking.
We apologized and said that we had come to ask for Father Elijah’s prayers. We were told to leave the territory, allegedly because the priest had moved away. (although we first learned in the church that the priest was there, he just didn’t receive him the day before).
We left unsatisfied and upset. No one offered us any tea or treats :))
We went to the local pie shop and drank there, and then went home.... It's sad... This is the second time we've come and it's all in vain. And we take communion the day before in our city and take a blessing for the trip and pray intensely ourselves, but...


Maria F:
The Venerable Elder Barsanuphius of Optina said this about football: “Do not play this game and do not go to watch it, because this game was also introduced by the devil, and its consequences will be very bad.”

Look at the ultra guys who throw slop at each other and start massive fights!
Living in Moscow, I am sometimes afraid to ride the subway in the evening, and when I see a lot of police at certain stations, I understand that today is a match...


Really interesting about football!



“It’s not like that” with sports in general, because “higher, faster, stronger.”
Long live physical education!


Galina Ganicheva:
Thank God for everything!


Dear father!


Thank you for your work (article), many thanks to Elder Elijah.
If you have the opportunity, write (maybe here in the comments) what Elder Eli said about football?
I think many will be interested, many have children studying in sections.


What's "wrong" with football?..

Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin)

“We have the power. We have protection. We can defend ourselves"

“Russia wants to live as an Orthodox country, in a legal way. She doesn’t go beyond her limits.”

“Youth must follow conscience and the law of God. Like this!"

With Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin)


More detailed information about Peredelkino and its attractions is in our book.

Frankly, Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdryov) always aroused in me a latent feeling of hostility and rejection. Unlike such truly spiritual elders as Fr. Kirill (Pavlov), Fr. Nikolai Guryanov (Schibishop Nektary), Fr. Paisiy Svyatogorets, Fr. Hieronymus of Sanaxar, Fr. Gury (Chezlov), Fr. Tavrion (Batozsky) and many others.

On the Internet you can find an audio recording of a certain monk Alexander, in which he talks about the visions that happened to him during clinical death. You can treat them differently - believe it or not believe it! But there is an interesting fragment in which the monk talks about how the devil considered Schema-Archimandrite Elijah to be HIS immediately after he “blessed” (this was, according to the vision, not in Optina, but in some official, pompous residence) acceptance for the people of an electronic document in the form of a plastic card (he supposedly, in thought, added a phrase with such semantic content: well, since it’s so convenient...)

Let us recall that almost all the elders (with the exception of Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) CATEGORICALLY FORBIDDEN taking plastic documents as a passport - speaking of this as a kind of “point of no return": anyone who accepted them, according to the elders, would certainly subsequently accept the mark of the Antichrist!

In addition, the “elder” Eli looks very ugly in the story with Fr. Simeon (Larin). This is one of the oldest inhabitants of Optina, a front-line soldier! So, it was precisely because of the oppression of the “elder” that this man was forced to leave the monastery. As Fr. himself testifies. Simeon, in the Optina Desert, many with irony in their voices refer to Schema-Archimandrite Elias as “schemnik” - putting a very significant meaning into it!

Alexey Anatolyevich Cheverda

Fortunately, Father Eli does not consider himself such. In this he is honest before God.

In fact, at the moment, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church MP are the “spiritual children” of the odious Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov).

Those who lived in Optina for a long time, after the appearance of Abbot Elijah in Optina, should remember the scandal with the photograph of Pope John Paul II in the cell of this “elder”.

And only when many of the brethren grumbled and refused to go to confession to Elijah, the portrait hanging not far from the icons was removed.

I heard this from my confessor, Abbot Nikon, one of the restorers of Optina, prayer book and true warrior of Christ.

Was familiar with Fr. Nikon, if we are talking about the Abbot of Optina Nikon, who recently labored at the Optina metochion in Moscow and has already died.

He was in disgrace - that's for sure. I also know about. Elijah and I know some details from his life from Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Tomin), who was the dean of the monastery on Holy Mount Athos when Fr. Eli (then still hieromonk Ilian) labored there as a librarian. There, too, he had a portrait of the Pope in his cell, which embarrassed the brethren.

And one day a cardinal arrived on Athos. The brethren ignored his arrival, and Father Ilian came out to meet the cardinal with a cross, as if he were a bishop. After this, the brethren stopped communicating with him and after some time Fr. Ilian returned to Russia.

He said that it was hard for him there. Because on Athos only abbots are in free mode, and hieromonks must bear obedience like ordinary monks. And he returned to Russia to receive the abbess here. He took monastic vows, received the abbess and wanted to return to Athos, but Father Eulogius invited him to Optina not as an elder, but as the confessor of the brethren. From Optina, Iliy wrote a letter to Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov), but never received an answer.

I think that Father Elijah is not a bad person. It's just that his faith is distorted. He believes that Catholics are not heretics, but our brothers in Christ. He spoke about this in front of me to a monk from Optina Hermitage and spoke with fanaticism.

He showed Father Elijah a letter from Elder Ambrose, where the Elder condemned the heresy of the Latins, and Father Elijah sneezed at him for what it was worth, calling him “Satan” and “schismatic.”

Father Elijah is a simpleton. He can’t put two words together, watch his video conversations - they are all contradictory and paradoxical.

Simplicity is good, but the main gift of a true elder is prudence. The elder will never praise someone who harms the Fatherland, but Fr. Iliy reveres Gorbachev, who destroyed our state. Father Iliy even blessed his children to print portraits of Gorbachev and distributed them in the church.

I do not condemn the Church, and certainly not speak out against the Church, talking here about Fr. Ilie. Don't bother blaming me for this.

I just want to warn people about the danger that awaits them when turning to Father Elijah. I think that the article published here has the same goal.

Schema-Archimandrite Eli attracts with his “humble” appearance. But try to start a conversation in front of him about Catholics, call them heretics and you will see how his “humility” disappears like steam. For some reason, the communists will immediately become to blame for everything. This is how Father Iliy reacts to any political issue.

An even greater problem with his religion is the Origenian heresy. He believes that everyone will be saved - regardless of faith. And he thinks that this is his manifestation of love. ""God is love". He cannot make anyone suffer,” says Fr. Eli.

I don’t know what this is: a charming delusion or a heretical belief?

Time will tell, and the Lord will judge. Sorry if I confused anyone. Be carefull. And I advise the enemies of the Church who blaspheme the Patriarch and the priesthood to pay attention to their sins, and if you don’t see them, then go to the temple of God. There are plenty of good shepherds out there who are sincerely seeking salvation.

“Elder” Iliy (Nozdrin) as a weapon of information warfare

How is Orthodox anti-Sovietism propagated?

  1. A person is taken who has the image of “deserved authority” (in some cases this image is artificially promoted).
  2. He is encouraged to speak out on camera on issues in which he is a priori incompetent.
  3. After obtaining the required result, the information field is pumped with ready-made material.
  4. Orthodox Christians reverently absorb the offered ear noodles, because... “this is old man And confessor of the Patriarch».
  5. PROFIT!

For example, about the “gravedigger” of the great power (or “evil empire”) of the USSR B.N. To Yeltsin, “elder” Iliy spoke like this: “If I had power, I would make a monument to him. He, like St. George the Victorious, with all this synclite - the Central Committee - threw out the party ticket... He went to be torn to pieces... His merit is that millions, billions of people turned to God, and the Church became normal.”

In the life of every person there are periods of black hopelessness, when the world shrinks into a narrow sphere of despondency and mental pain. And it seems that there is no way out... At this moment, it is important to simply understand that breaking the vicious circle is quite possible, and then the joy of life will return again, the heart will be filled with warmth and hope, and the path will be illuminated with light. A conversation with a man who has long been and quite deservedly called the “messenger of God” on Earth can help with this - this father Iliy Nozdrin serves Church of the Transfiguration in Peredelkino.

A little about people, Father Elijah and spirituality

Born in 1932, today he fully justifies his status as a spiritual elder due to his age, life experience, intelligence and spirituality acquired over many years of serving God. The main thing is that a meeting with this person and a frank conversation with him allows you to break through the wall of despair and hopelessness, and for some even completely get rid of the prisons erected by circumstances!

When we are overcome by illness, we go to the doctor, wanting to cure the body, but we do not think at all about the health of the soul. But it requires even more care and various preventive measures in the form of prayer, confession, and unction. Being bogged down in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, work and family troubles, we usually don’t find time for this. But in vain... Accumulating irritation, envy, resentment, the soul becomes covered with a fetid scab, gradually poisoning the entire body. One thing is good - even if you are completely broken, it will help you to find a miraculous source of healing Iliy Nozdrin. To do this, you just have to go to him for a visit for a spiritual conversation at the Peredelkino temple.

Reception Father Eli (church in Peredelkino)

Many go to the reception and turn to Father Eli, who is located in the church in Peredelkino. Many people say that they feel and note the amazing goodness emanating from Father Elijah. His meekness and humility have a calming effect even on the most temperamental and violent. A person is charged with this tranquility for a long time, enjoying it for a very long time after meeting the elder Elijah Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Peredelkino. Almost everyone talks about his insight, thanks to which it doesn’t take many words to tell him about your trouble. Once you get to see Father Elijah for an appointment, you want to come back again and again, telling him not only about sorrows and problems, but also sharing your joy and spiritual achievements with this bright man.

We organize trips to places of spiritual power and to elders for those who want to find their path to God or those who have been walking along it for a long time. The company takes care of all the hassles and organizational issues, and all you have to do is choose a direction and carefully prepare for the meeting.

Go to a meeting with Father Elijah Church of the Transfiguration in Peredelkino

You can use a charity trip, which will allow you to meet the elder in his home and visit the praying places of Peredelkino. More about this.

Long life

Attention! Money cannot buy the turn or reception of any of the Elders!

On one of the January days after the Nativity of Christ 2014, I decided to go for the whole day to Peredelkino, where the residence of Patriarch Kirill is located. I already knew that Elder Elijah lived there, who had previously received parishioners in Optina Hermitage. But the patriarch eventually moved his spiritual father to him. I really wanted to talk to the elder and ask him questions that interested me. They say that it is very difficult to get an appointment with Father Elijah; people even come several times. But for some reason I had confidence that I would get to him the first time. Arriving in Peredelkino at about 8 am, I began to look at the temples on the territory of the residence. It was still dark outside, but thanks to the lighting, everything was clearly visible. I really liked the multi-colored domes of the Transfiguration Church, into the depths of which I went. There was just a morning service going on there, which began at 7 o'clock. Usually it lasts about 2 hours, and the elder begins to receive parishioners after the service. There were a lot of people in the hall, will they all then go to Elijah, I thought, then there is little chance. Among all the priests who read prayers in a deep voice near the iconostasis, there was an elder whose voice was barely audible. But I couldn’t see him himself, since I was standing at the end of the hall. By 9 o'clock the service ended, many began to disperse. There were about 20 people left in the hall, I asked the young couple: “Are you probably going to see Father Elijah?” “Yes,” they answered.” “And where will he come out from, interestingly, from another exit, and we’re standing here waiting?” - I asked again." Don’t we know ourselves?” Another ten minutes passed, someone went outside, then came in again and happily told everyone: “There they come!” “Who are they?” I asked. Father Eli with the guard." And the whole crowd ran out into the street. Indeed, the elder and the guard walked leisurely towards the refectory. And being at a distance of three meters, one might say, from the holy man, I already felt some kind of heavenly joy, my soul was glowing from happiness. Warmth and grace emanated from an ordinary, at first glance, old man with a long white beard, hunchbacked and shuffling his feet. Meanwhile, the guard kept driving away, like flies, two persistent women who were trying to ask something from Father Eli, throwing put their heads on his shoulder and took him by the arm. And then the guard gave the command for everyone to go to the refectory and wait there. The whole crowd went into the corridor, where they stood for another half hour. Then the mother-hostess came out and invited everyone to the table. Everyone took off their top clothes, sat down and began drinking tea. There were cookies, gingerbreads, candies and other sweets on the long table. The refectory, although not large, had enough room for everyone. Another hour of waiting passed, everyone had already eaten and drunk, but the old man was still not there. And then mother said that Father Eli was delayed, Kirill took him away on his business. But everyone sat and waited patiently. About another hour passed. And then the heavenly Angel, as they call him here, comes in. Everyone stood up, the elder congratulated everyone gathered on New Year and Christmas and went straight to the kitchen to have a meal, and then, returning 20 minutes later to us, sat down in the far corner of the table under a large icon. People began to approach him one by one with their problems and questions. Many young women, communicating with him, cried, as if even confessing for their lives, and then left with a slight smile on their faces. Father Eli spoke very quietly, but I sat not far away and heard that he often repeated the same words: believe, pray, love, forgive and always trust in the Lord. He practically said the same thing to me. But these are such simple and strong values ​​that many do not think about, and relying only on themselves and chasing material things, they kill their soul. I often remember that short conversation with the elder, his warm hands, when he blessed me, and somehow my heart becomes light and joyful.

We must remember: first of all, there is God, man has a soul. There is eternity. And in order for this truth to be recognized, we have so many arguments that one person will never count them.

Before we begin to acquaint readers with the answers of Schema-Archimandrite Elijah (Nozdrin) to our questions - questions that concern many Orthodox Christians - I would like to talk about one episode that we witnessed.

Among those who came to Elder Elijah that day was a woman with a sick son - the boy has cerebral palsy and cannot walk. They are from Central Russia. Georgy Bogomolov, as soon as he found out about them, told them to let them through without a queue. They talked with the priest for about seven minutes, no more. A woman raising her son alone (her husband left) decided not to take up too much of the elder’s time. And she probably had something to talk to him about... But there were those in the queue who talked for 20 minutes, and maybe more. And they asked whether it was worth selling the cow. No one eavesdropped - we ourselves accidentally witnessed such a conversation.

Many years ago I heard Georgy Bogomolov once throw into the crowd: “They come and start talking about cats...” At that time I completely did not understand the meaning of these words. What kind of cats? What cats should you talk about with the old man? Now I am personally convinced that they are talking not only about cats...

And then we met the mother of this sick boy and, while we were waiting for a taxi, we started talking. An amazing woman: calm, persistent. Her son Victor suffered serious complications after being vaccinated. But I didn’t see any melancholy in the eyes. She came to the Church three years ago. Now she feels much better. And a few minutes of communication with Father Eli was enough for her to understand something important.

But let’s continue the story about our conversation with the elder.

– Father, now there are many broken up young families. And not only young spouses, but also those who have lived together for 20–25 years, get divorced. Why is this happening? What needs to be done to save the family?

– It’s all about our morals, of course. We must remember: first of all, there is God, man has a soul. There is eternity. And in order for this truth to be recognized, we have so many arguments that one person will never count them. For this, one might say, a million is not enough. Everything says so. Look at yourself, man! Look around you! Look at life, at history. We have Holy Scripture, which from Adam to this time bears witness to God. And how many examples, phenomena of the other world. We also have thousands of these examples! All this speaks of Divine Truth! There is nothing against it! We will not be mistaken if we say that it is zero. Only the charm of the devil. And those people are unhappy in the full sense of the word who do not want to recognize the Truth. Recognize it as Divine Truth. Like a real story.

And it would seem that we have achieved so much thanks to Christianity, thanks to a morally stable life! A lot of things: both in technology and in culture - a lot of things! In development... For example, rockets, and now wireless phones... Thanks to the New Testament, thanks to Christianity.

But man does not want to admit that he is eternal. That he has a soul. Of course, this is from the devil. And if a person lived according to the Law, he would see how poor he is if he is without God! How unhappy he is - both in this world and in the future, which will inevitably be. Ask any grandmother, ask a scientist. After all, we have so many great scientists. The first university was founded by Lomonosov - he was a deeply religious man. How he talks about the sun! Behold, this terrible mass is like a spark before You - before You, before God! Look at his poems. There have been some of the greatest scientists in the past and this century.

When we live a godless life, the life in us becomes impoverished and falls. Man without God is diminished

What you asked about is not from the teaching, no. This is only from the corruption of the soul. These are young people who do not want good things for themselves, who do not want to penetrate history. They don't know anything! They refuse God. They are absolute laymen. Look, they don’t understand life, they don’t know life! And when we live a godless life, of course, the life in us becomes impoverished and falls. Man without God is diminished. He does not truly live: neither internally nor externally. However, he does not want to recognize what is truly positive in life: recognize God, recognize eternity, recognize the immortality of his soul. He doesn't want to. Not because he doesn’t have proof, evidence, but the devil, of course, is just playing around. And just say to them: Lord, let me understand Your Truth! Or the first words of the Savior: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” This is eternity, this is life right. And if in life there is such a consistent - like now - departure from God, then that’s it! This threatens with dire consequences.

Now we have a brochure “The Last Call”. It is unknown, maybe it was an adult, but they say it was written by a child. Many have read it. Of course, it’s scary to even think, I don’t even want to talk about what this atheism, this retreat, threatens.

So you asked about family. A family is a unit, it is a small part of our society. The state of the family, the strength of the family, determines the state of society. The weakening of the family threatens with dire consequences. All this is a loss of morality, a loss of conscience. Loss of consciousness. Loss of direction, of what is most important in life.

– Father, what does Orthodoxy mean for Russia?

– Thank God that now it is at least called Russia. At least the word in the name of the country is Russia. An ancient word. How many centuries has it already existed? The communists wanted to completely obscure the entire past. How can a plant develop if its roots are cut off? This is how it was with us under the Soviet of Deputies, under the Soviet regime. They didn't want anything old, only new. But this is demonic - it was the devil who set people up to throw away our history, Russia, our roots. Thousands of the greatest heroes and commanders! How many of our inventors are in the past, no matter what! They didn't mention it. Only: revolution! revolution! - as this one shouted, burry. He only needs a revolution. That's all. Of course, Russia is a great country. Holy Rus'! It was called Holy Russia. Indeed, she was great. What great, healthy, strong people they were! What are we all now? Small fry turns out. Even if you look at the appearance.

No, it cannot be denied: thank God, now many people are coming to faith. They come deliberately. This makes me happy. It's nice, of course. People fill churches and realize why a person lives, what life is and the meaning of human life. Not just in wasting your life. It is in our high morality that Christianity gave birth to. Such is the achievement here of correct life and the realization of our eternal life.

– Why do the holy fathers encourage abstinence so much? What does it give us?

- Well, of course! This goes without saying, abstinence. (Laughs.) Of course, asceticism is built on abstinence. Our morality, our strength, our consciousness are built on abstinence. If you don’t abstain, how can you? The church established its own charter. To our deep regret, people discredit the Church, priests, and bishops. They do not know the essence of our spiritual life at all. Church life, you understand? After all, how did they fight before? For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!

Our morality, our strength, our consciousness are built on abstinence

If there is no abstinence, it will lead to bad consequences. In the family, for example. Take children: their parents allow them a lot. There are many examples of children killing their parents. From what? Because they were allowed too much! Do you understand? This is a matter of education. And the Church is the first to educate a person. For example, in Lent. Not every family will allow you to buy everything they can: for food, for clothing - this is a luxury.

So the son asks: father, buy me a car. Wait, earn money yourself, then buy: a car or something else, an apartment, for example. Then it will be valuable to you. And when all this is handed to you on a silver platter... You have to work hard, then you will value your car, take care of it, even drive more carefully.

– Father, you mentioned bishops. Who is a bishop in the Church? What should be the attitude of the flock towards him?

– If we talk in a secular way, then the bishop is the boss. Christianity must be understood. People attack faith, but they do not have any precise concepts about the Christian faith, about what faith is. Where does the history of Christianity begin? We have the holiday of Trinity. What is the Trinity? This is the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, and therefore on the world. The Lord promised that after His Ascension He would send the Holy Spirit. But we don’t understand... Without knowing faith, we don’t understand the essence of life. After all, everything - from a bug to a huge animal: an elephant, a camel; from a small petal to huge trees - everything lives only thanks to the action of God’s grace. The action of the power of God, the Wisdom of God. Even if the grace-filled power is taken away from a repeat offender, who is scary to even talk about, he will not be able to live even a day. Everything lives only by grace. Youth, godless people, different denominations, confessions - God preserves everything only by His grace. And into the world after suffering and the Resurrection, after His Ascension, the Lord promised to send the Holy Spirit. First to the apostles, and through them to the whole world. The first successors of the Holy Spirit are the apostles. They initiated the leaders of the first followers of the Savior. You should read about it. Unfortunately, we do not know the New Testament, the history of Christianity.

By the way, theological science is the most extensive of all branches of knowledge. After all, it originates in the Old Testament. But, unfortunately, people don't want to know this. The devil, of course, holds everyone back. Some people believe that a believer is a narrow-minded person. Like Khrushchev, who said that fools cross themselves. Of course, he himself was confused. How many people died through him - thousands of people! Without thinking, he gave up Crimea. And Crimea has always been Russian. A sea of ​​Russian blood was spilled there. He turned out to be a traitor. And he believed that believers could be sent to a madhouse. Yes, that’s how it was done, that’s how it was. How many people were sent! And I almost got there myself.

– Father, I would like to receive your comment on Ukraine. Now schismatics want to take away the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and are collecting signatures on the Internet. How should Ukrainians, how should Russian people react to this?

– This Ukrainian unrest began with the Maidan. The revelry of these presumptuous friends. How many thousands of people died. And how much has been destroyed? And to this day the consequences. Impudence. It's easy for bandits to seize power. Conscience does not exist for them. Law too. As they say: no law is written for fools.

– Over the last 20 years, psychics, fortune tellers, and all kinds of healers have become extremely popular. People are ready to pay them a lot of money for their “help,” often even the last. What is the danger of such hobbies?

The worst thing for us is school, where children do not receive the correct understanding of the essence of life

- This is all a retreat. Loss of real faith. Consequences of godlessness. In the old pre-revolutionary times, we had missionary seminaries and theological schools. Then they gave the correct concepts about faith. And when sects and abnormal teachings arise, these are all, of course, products of demonic power. A person strives to know something true, but there is no right direction, no right teaching. The worst thing for us is school, where children do not receive the correct understanding of the essence of life. And, of course, when a person wants to know something beyond the ordinary, he rushes to all sorts of bait. It's like a bird. Take a chicken: there is no good food for it, and if you give it some sand, it will peck at it too. So are people. They become infected with all sorts of sects.

– Father Eli, how to deal with pride? So you go to church and pray, but you just can’t overcome it in yourself. There are also worries, doubts, and despondency. How to resist them?

– Remember that our entire earthly life is short. It is not guaranteed even for a single day in this world. But the Lord pointed us to eternity. The Lord could create everything for this life. He could deliver from the devil and from everything abnormal and turn a person to Himself. But since man is the crown of creation, he is endowed with will. Here is an example of the 12 apostles, and among them is Judas. The God-Man Savior knows that Judas will betray Him. He could have preserved him, like the other apostles. The Lord gave him everything so that he would believe, but... So the Lord leads every person to good, but retains his will. We are temporary. Our whole life is too short, too limited. And the Lord points to eternity. How many empires, how many states there were... The Lord shows us our future endless eternity. published

Nikita Filatov spoke with Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin)

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