Norm, results and interpretation of the glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. When should I take a glucose tolerance test? Glucose test during pregnancy: description of the procedure, explanation and reviews Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy results


A woman has to undergo many tests while carrying a child. This is necessary to make sure that everything is fine with the fetus and the expectant mother, and that the baby’s development is normal. One of these tests is the pregnancy glucose tolerance test (GTT) to determine glycemia, which must be taken after special preparation. Pregnant women definitely need to know why this test is performed and what its results mean.

What is a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

The full name of the test is oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy (OGTT). It is carried out by drawing blood from a vein. Its purpose is to determine the disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in the mother. The test shows how much a woman’s body is able to control blood sugar levels. If the indicator exceeds the norm, then the woman is given a disappointing diagnosis - gestational diabetes mellitus.

Why is it needed?

This disease can develop in pregnant women. Carrying a child provokes many changes: metabolic disorders, hormonal changes in the body. Pregnancy can cause disruption of the adrenal glands, the organ responsible for producing insulin. Since gestational diabetes occurs without symptoms, the test is necessary to identify the disease, otherwise complications may begin.

Mandatory or not

Sometimes pregnant women ask whether it is necessary to carry out this oral test, because this is unnecessary discomfort. You can avoid a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. However, the expectant mother must understand that in this way she is endangering her unborn child. Doctors strongly recommend undergoing the test to make sure there is no gestational diabetes mellitus. A woman should know that the test itself is safe for her health and the health of her child.

For what period

A blood glucose test is performed once during pregnancy. The test is taken between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. The optimal period is 24-26 weeks, but it can be done a little later. If the result is disappointing, the study is carried out again in the 3rd trimester for 32 weeks. If a woman is already at risk for gestational diabetes mellitus, she will have to take the test twice:

  • when registering at the antenatal clinic;
  • between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy.

How to donate blood for glucose during pregnancy

The test is performed once during the entire pregnancy period, with the exception of special cases. The expectant mother must follow all the rules for taking the glucose tolerance test, otherwise the result will be erroneous. If a woman was nervous the day before, then it is better for her to calm down and postpone the test for a few days if possible. The test is safe, the amount of sugar that needs to be consumed is equal to a lunch with a high carbohydrate content.


Before taking the test, a pregnant woman must follow some rules in order to get a true result. She should not go on a diet three days before the test; on the contrary, she should eat 150 g of carbohydrates per day. During these periods, she should temporarily stop taking vitamins and glucocorticoids. You cannot eat anything 8-12 hours before the test, so the test is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The amount of water is not limited.

How is it carried out?

The glucose test during pregnancy is carried out in two stages. The first time blood sampling is done on an empty stomach. If everything is in order, then the woman needs to undergo the second stage of analysis. To do this, she needs to drink a glucose solution. It is done as follows: 75 grams of glucose in powder form are diluted in 200-300 ml of pure still water. The drink turns out to be very sweet, sometimes pregnant women feel nauseous and want to vomit. You need to overcome the unpleasant sensations; to do this, it is recommended not to drink the glucose solution in one gulp.

After drinking the drink to increase the concentration of glucose in the blood, the woman should wait an hour or two. At this time, it is forbidden to walk or move actively. The expectant mother should be at rest. It is recommended to sit and read. Once the time is up, the doctor takes a second blood sample from the vein and performs a test. After this, the woman waits for the result and goes to her gynecologist.


Sometimes a woman is refused a glucose tolerance test. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • recent infectious or inflammatory disease;
  • nervousness, stress;
  • bed rest;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • non-compliance with established rules for conducting analysis.

Price for glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

A glucose tolerance test during pregnancy is done free of charge at the antenatal clinic where the pregnant woman is being observed. If the expectant mother does not have the opportunity to undergo testing there, or for some reason she does not want to do it there, then she can contact a paid medical laboratory. The cost of the test varies, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg the price ranges from 350 rubles to 14 thousand.

The doctor prescribed you to undergo a glucose tolerance test, but you are afraid or do not know how this examination is carried out? In this article you will learn everything about GTT, its contraindications, we will dispel your doubts and tell you how to prepare for it.

A glucose tolerance test is an examination that helps determine a woman’s tendency to diabetes or detect its latent form.

In other words, this examination is called a “sugar load”. Thanks to this test, you can diagnose the disease in time and take the necessary measures to avoid undesirable consequences.

Why take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

  • Statistics show that about 15% of pregnant women suffer from gestational diabetes, otherwise known as gestational diabetes.
  • This disease, like many others, occurs against a background of weakening of the female body and increased stress on it during pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, a woman's body must produce more insulin, which is responsible for normal blood sugar levels.
  • But the body does not always cope with this task, and then the amount of sugar increases and diabetes develops.

Is a glucose tolerance test required during pregnancy?

It is imperative to undergo a GTT examination if a woman falls into one of the following categories:

  • was diagnosed with this disease in previous pregnancies
  • if a pregnant woman has problems gaining weight - a body mass index above 30
  • if the weight of previous children at birth was more than 4.5 kg
  • if one of your blood relatives has this disease
  • Sugar is present in urine test

If a woman is at risk, then a GTT examination should be carried out, as a rule, at 16-18 weeks and a second time at 24-28 weeks. If necessary, the test is performed again, but no later than 32 weeks.

Is it dangerous to perform a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

  • Until 32 weeks, the glucose tolerance test is not dangerous for either the mother or the baby. Imagine eating a donut with sweet jam for breakfast
  • Could it make you feel bad or could it somehow harm your health? Of course not! And the amount of glucose a woman needs to take is approximately equal to this breakfast
  • But an unreasonable refusal of GTT can be harmful if elevated blood sugar is not detected in time and the necessary measures are not taken to normalize glucose levels

How and where to take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

10-14 hours before the test, the pregnant woman should not eat; she can drink only clean water; in the morning the examination is carried out on an empty stomach.

Do not take any medications, not even vitamins, because... this may affect the results of the examination.

This examination is carried out in antenatal clinics and various private centers.

How is a glucose tolerance test performed during pregnancy?

  • In the morning, a woman donates blood to determine her sugar level.
  • If blood sugar is elevated at this stage of the examination, then the test is not performed further and a repeat examination is scheduled on another day.
  • If the level is normal, the expectant mother is given a solution with 75-100 grams of glucose per glass of water at room temperature.
  • After 1 hour and 2 hours, blood is drawn for analysis; if necessary, blood is drawn after 3 hours
  • After 2 hours, the glucose level should normalize, but if it is elevated, then a repeat examination will be scheduled

It is important, for correct test results, to drink the glucose solution immediately, no longer than 5 minutes before. During the test, the pregnant woman should not leave the laboratory and completely avoid physical activity.

The glucose solution is sickly sweet, so a pregnant woman may feel sick. To prevent this from happening, the test is not performed if the woman is suffering from toxicosis.

When should you take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

  • The optimal time to undergo this examination is the period from 24 to 26 weeks of pregnancy
  • In general, the test is carried out from the 24th to the 28th week, but no later than 32 weeks, because this test carries a serious burden on the pregnant woman’s body and in the later stages can be dangerous to the health of the woman and the fetus
  • If a woman is at risk, the test is performed at an earlier date - at 16-18 weeks

Contraindications for glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

There are reasons why a woman should refuse to undergo a GTT examination, these include the following:

  • if a woman suffers from serious liver disease, such as pancreatitis
  • in the presence of dumping syndrome
  • if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with Crohn's disease
  • the expectant mother has peptic ulcers
  • if on the day of the test the woman has symptoms of an “acute abdomen”
  • Infectious diseases are present in the expectant mother's body
  • presence of inflammatory processes
  • The woman has been placed on strict bed rest
  • period more than 32 weeks

Norm, results and interpretation of the glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

The level of glucose in the blood of a pregnant woman is slightly higher than that of other people, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus, but there are indicators that it should not exceed.

So, the diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus in pregnancy” is made based on the following examination results:

  • during the first blood draw in the morning on an empty stomach - 5.1 mmol/l
  • when taking blood an hour after taking a glucose solution - 10 mmol/l
  • when drawing blood after 2 hours - 8.6 mmol/l
  • when drawing blood after 3 hours - 7.8 mmol/l

  • If during the first examination the blood glucose level was higher than the given values, then a repeat examination is carried out on another day.
  • If suspicions are confirmed, the pregnant woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
  • If there are suspicions, but the test is normal, then the pregnant woman is prescribed to take it again after about 2 weeks to exclude erroneous results
  • When diagnosing diabetes, the test is repeated after childbirth, or rather after 6 weeks, to identify its cause, i.e. Is it related solely to pregnancy or is it possible that the woman has developed true diabetes mellitus?
  • Treatment of gestational diabetes consists of adjusting the diet of the expectant mother; moderate physical activity will also be beneficial
  • A pregnant woman will have to visit the doctor more often and undergo additional ultrasound examinations to monitor the baby's weight gain. Childbirth with this diagnosis is usually scheduled for 37-38 weeks of pregnancy

How and why to take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Let's summarize:

  • The glucose tolerance test is a very necessary examination that reveals hidden forms of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women or a tendency to it
  • The test is usually carried out at 24-28 weeks, it can be earlier or later if there is cause for concern, but no later than 32 weeks
  • Blood sampling is carried out exclusively in the morning and on an empty stomach, the pregnant woman takes a glucose solution and then the analysis is repeated after an hour, two and three
  • If blood glucose levels are elevated, the examination is repeated, and once the results are confirmed, a diagnosis is made
  • GTT is not dangerous for a child or a pregnant woman, except in cases where the examination is contraindicated

A glucose tolerance test during pregnancy is an analysis that allows you to monitor an important indicator of the condition of a woman’s body - the level of glucose in the blood. Basically, the sugar test is carried out in relation to the detection of diabetes.

The analysis should not be confused with a hemotest, which identifies individual food intolerances.

Women who have relatives suffering from diabetes are at risk. In this case, for a pregnant woman, undergoing GTT is a mandatory precaution.

It is enough to undergo it once, when there is no obvious suspicion of diabetes and the result is negative. However, it is possible to take the test again during pregnancy if there is a suspicion of increased blood glucose.

Why do they do it?

Often, expectant mothers ask doctors why they are prescribed a glucose tolerance test if they are not at risk. If elevated blood sugar levels are detected, a number of measures are prescribed that are acceptable during pregnancy.

Prescribed to everyone as a preventive measure

Carrying a child is a time of great changes in a woman. But these changes are not always for the better. The body experiences major changes while carrying a baby.

Considering the heavy loads that the body as a whole undergoes, some pathologies appear exclusively at the moment of expecting a child. Diabetes mellitus is one of these diseases.

In these situations, pregnancy serves as a provoking factor for the latent course of the disease. Therefore, as a preventive measure, GTT analysis during pregnancy is necessary and important.

How to take it

The first logical question that women ask during pregnancy is at what period of time GTT is performed. A glucose tolerance test is done in the first trimester along with a number of other tests.

In order to properly undergo the examination, you must carefully prepare:

  • exclude nervous disorders;
  • limit physical activity;
  • do not make significant changes in the diet - eat as usual (do not follow any diets);
  • do not eat food (within 8 hours before the test).

The test is not performed if there are any diseases in the acute stage, even in the case of a common runny nose. Any changes of this kind will greatly affect the results of the study, so these options must be excluded.

GTT is done on an empty stomach (you can drink water, but not during testing). It is carried out by drawing blood from a vein 3 times, with an interval of 1 hour between the second and third sampling:

  1. First, blood is drawn.
  2. After this, a special sweet liquid (glucose syrup of a certain concentration) is drunk.
  3. For the next hour, the patient should not eat, drink, or exercise - all this can greatly distort the test results.
  4. The next blood draws are carried out an hour and two after the first analysis.
  5. After this time, after taking the cocktail, the blood sugar level in a healthy person returns to normal. This is what the test results should reflect.

Must consult a doctor

If the readings are high and not within normal limits, an immediate consultation with a doctor monitoring the pregnancy is prescribed. If the first test shows an elevated sugar level, a repeat appointment will most likely be scheduled to rule out a possible error.

There are a number of reasons why a false result is possible:

  • the eight-hour diet was not followed before donating blood;
  • significant changes in diet during the three days before the test (increased or insufficient carbohydrate intake);
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stressful state;
  • infectious diseases (including respiratory acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections);
  • taking any medications that affect carbohydrate metabolism (warn your doctor about the use of medications).

GTT norms

Numerical values ​​of 7 mmol/l and below are within normal limits. If elevated levels are observed, a diagnosis of gestational diabetes is usually made. This type of disease occurs in 14% of women.

The figure 7 mmol/l is very arbitrary. GTT norms for pregnant women are presented in the table below:

The observed dynamics are normally maintained, but the numbers may be different depending on various factors.

It is worth noting that the upper limit - the maximum permissible indicator - is also very arbitrary. And in different sources the numbers vary. Therefore, no independent interpretations; only a qualified doctor observing your pregnancy will be able to interpret the results correctly and say about the presence of a possible disease or its absence.

Glucose thresholds

Gestational pathology is called because before pregnancy the woman did not show any signs of diabetes. After childbirth, when the body is restored, the glucose level either returns to normal, or diabetes develops into another type - T1DM (type 1 diabetes), or it turns out that the pregnant woman has T2DM (type 2 diabetes).

If a woman has problems with carbohydrate metabolism earlier before pregnancy or already during pregnancy, it is better to take a glucose tolerance test at 25 weeks to identify possible deviations from the norm.

Depending on the method of introducing the glucose load into the body, two types of analysis are distinguished: oral (or oral) and intravenous. The second method is more often used if the patient for some reason cannot take the “sweet cocktail” orally.

The OGTT analysis is carried out with a load - consuming 75 g of glucose dissolved in a glass of water. To be sure, there should be no significant changes in the pregnant woman’s diet for three days before donating blood. In some cases, women donate blood from a vein without ingesting a glucose cocktail.

Repeated checks may be ordered

The study is not just for adults. This method is also used for children over 14 years of age. The difference lies in the amount of load taken and in the numerical indicators included in the normal range.

For children under 14 years of age, analysis without load is acceptable. The norms differ only up to the age of five; later they correspond to adult values ​​from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l. Up to a year, the level fluctuates around 2.8 – 4.4 mmol/l.

It is worth noting that the presence of elevated blood glucose does not necessarily indicate diabetes mellitus in the patient; it may be a sign of disorders such as:

  • overactive thyroid gland;
  • increased hormonal activity of the adrenal glands;
  • taking glucocorticoids for a long time;
  • pathology of the pancreas.

Low glucose levels - hypoglycemia - occur in a number of isolated cases. Low sugar is usually associated with an overdose of insulin medications in diabetes.

Why is it dangerous?

The analysis itself is not dangerous. This applies to the no-load test.

In relation to exercise testing, it is possible to “overdose” blood sugar levels. This happens only when the pregnant woman already has a high glucose level, but there will be symptoms that clearly indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

OGTT is not carried out just like that. During pregnancy with stress, the test is performed a maximum of 2 times and only in case of serious suspicion of diabetes. While blood is donated once a trimester without fail, so the blood sugar level can be found out without additional stress.

Eat different fruits

Like any medical procedure, GTT has a number of contraindications, including:

  • congenital or acquired glucose intolerance;
  • exacerbation of chronic stomach diseases (gastritis, disorders, etc.);
  • viral infections (or pathologies of another nature);
  • severe toxicosis.

In the absence of individual contraindications, the test is safe even during pregnancy. In addition, judging by the reviews, it does not present any particular discomfort when performed.

Women describe a glucose cocktail as “just sweet water,” which is easy to drink. Of course, if the pregnant woman does not suffer from toxicosis. The need to draw blood 3 times within two hours leaves a slight discomfort.

However, in most modern clinics (Invitro, Helix), blood is taken from a vein completely painlessly and does not leave any unpleasant impressions, unlike most municipal medical institutions. Therefore, if there are any doubts or concerns, it is better to take the test for a fee, but with the proper level of comfort.

Don't worry - everything will be fine

In addition, you can always administer glucose intravenously, but to do this you need to inject it again. But you won't have to drink anything. Glucose is introduced gradually over 4-5 minutes.

Testing is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. For them, it is carried out exclusively by drawing blood without being burdened by a glucose load.

Mirror belly
pregnant fruit analysis

The volume of the sweet cocktail taken is also different. If the child weighs less than 42 kg, the dose of glucose is reduced.

Thus, performing the test with proper preparation and following the instructions does not pose a threat. And undiagnosed diabetes poses a danger to the fetus and mother.

Proper metabolism, including carbohydrate metabolism, is important for the development of the fetus and for the mother’s body during pregnancy. The detected pathology is subject to correction, which will certainly be prescribed by the observing obstetrician-gynecologist.

The presence of gestational diabetes complicates pregnancy and future births. Therefore, it is so important to register it at the initial stage and make changes that help normalize blood sugar levels and minimize the harm from the disease.

Medical examinations and various tests accompany a person throughout his life, but this is especially true for women during pregnancy, when it is necessary to monitor not one organism, but two at once. AND one of the mandatory tests at the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester (the optimal period for this test is 16-26 weeks) is a glucose tolerance test.

The fact is that even a healthy woman who has never had diabetes mellitus may experience a special hidden type of disease during this period. This is a dangerous phenomenon that harms not only the mother, but also the fetus, since it is not insulin that enters the bloodstream, but glucose, and the pancreas of the unborn child begins to work only closer to childbirth, and his body cannot cope with such an amount of carbohydrates.

With this form of diabetes, gestosis can develop, which negatively affects the development of almost all internal organs of the baby. It can also lead to asphyxia and death of the fetus while still in the womb. This disease is uncommon, but the potential for severe complications and the huge number of risk factors make appropriate testing necessary.

A glucose tolerance test detects the disease even when there are no symptoms characteristic of diabetes, and if it says that the blood sugar level is increased, further examination is necessary. At risk Pregnant women with increased weight, over 35 years of age, women with a congenital predisposition to diabetes, impaired metabolism, heart and vascular disease, as well as those whose previous pregnancies ended in the birth of a stillchild are included.

Contraindications for the test

Despite the importance of this test, there are a number of indications in which it is not carried out at all or temporarily:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which glucose absorption does not occur;
  • allergic reaction to glucose;
  • early ;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases (until recovery).

Preparing for the test

There is nothing difficult about preparing for the test. 3 days before the test, your lifestyle should not change, but be familiar. Then comes a period of fasting, that is from 8 to 14 hours you are allowed to drink only water. Also, medications that may somehow affect the test result are canceled the day before.

The test is carried out in the first half of the day, since the woman did not take any food throughout the night. Blood is drawn, most often from a vein, but possibly from a finger. Normal indicator should not exceed 6.7 mmol/l. Then, if the reading is normal, the woman is given a glucose solution. The amount of glucose depends on whether the test needs to be performed - 1-hour or 2-hour. If the waiting time is 1 hour, then dilute 50 grams of glucose in 300 milliliters of water, 75 grams for 2 hours.

The solution is very sweet and for ease of drinking it is usually slightly diluted with citric acid. After taking water with glucose, the woman lies down without unnecessary movements so that the body does not use energy and the results are not distorted. After the required time has passed, another blood sample is taken and the indicators are compared.

Normal glucose tolerance test values ​​during pregnancy

  • The normal fasting value should not be more than 5.1 mmol/l.
  • After a 1-hour test – 10.0 mmol/l.
  • After two hours, the threshold is 8.5 mmol/l.

If the readings exceed the maximum permissible, then another test is performed a week later, and only after this can a diagnosis of diabetes be made and its treatment begin. Treating a woman with suspected diabetes endocrinologist.

Pregnancy is both a pleasant and difficult time when the body is tested for strength. According to experts, approximately 4% of women after 16 weeks face a problem such as gestational diabetes. It is noteworthy that this pathology can manifest itself in an absolutely healthy woman. To diagnose it, modern medicine suggests using the so-called glucose tolerance test during pregnancy.

What is gestational diabetes mellitus?

According to doctors, this problem can be dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for the child in the womb. In diabetes, glucose enters the fetal bloodstream directly from the mother, rather than insulin itself. As you know, a child’s pancreas begins to form only in the second trimester. She immediately has to work extra hard to be a mother. The load on the child's gland results in the development of hyperinsulinemia. As a result, the baby is born with low sugar levels, and his breathing may be impaired. As for the women themselves, who neglect timely treatment during pregnancy, they experience problems with vision and kidney function.

Who is at risk?

The likelihood of developing gestational diabetes mellitus increases several times in the presence of the following factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excess body weight;
  • disturbances at the level of carbohydrate metabolism.

When is a glucose tolerance test prescribed during pregnancy?

The difficulty of diagnosing gestational diabetes mellitus is that it practically does not manifest itself with any external signs, but at the same time, the sugar level increases, and its indicators decrease extremely slowly.

In this case, the most reliable diagnostic method is a glucose tolerance test. Depending on its length, there are one-, two- and three-hour options.

Today, in almost all antenatal clinics, a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy is prescribed without fail. Experts recommend taking this study at 28 weeks. However, if a woman is at risk, the analysis can be carried out earlier.

In addition, the test is required in the following cases:

  • all women who were diagnosed with diabetes in previous pregnancies;
  • tall ladies (over 30);
  • women who gave birth to children weighing more than 4 kg;
  • future mothers with diseases of the endocrine system.

If the glucose tolerance test is positive, the woman is monitored by doctors for the rest of her pregnancy.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, it should be noted that the result of this analysis will be as informative as possible only if the woman takes into account all the recommendations described below.

The test is done only on an empty stomach and in the morning. The night before, the expectant mother is allowed a light dinner with fermented milk dishes. In the morning you should not smoke, drink alcohol, or take any medications.

In addition, only absolutely healthy women are allowed to take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. If a woman is even slightly unwell, it is better to reschedule her visit to the doctor. Otherwise, the results may be somewhat distorted.

The cost of this study may vary slightly. Thus, in some medical institutions the final price varies from 750 to 900 rubles. The test result is usually known the next day. The cost of the analysis includes the collection of biomaterial, glucose itself and the test itself.

How is a glucose tolerance test performed?

How to submit it correctly? In fact, everything is very simple, you must strictly follow all the recommendations below.

The study itself is usually carried out in the morning and always on an empty stomach. Blood is drawn from a finger or from a vein. If on an empty stomach the sugar level does not exceed 6.7 mmol/l, the woman is given glucose diluted in ordinary water to drink. For an hour-long test, 50 g of glucose is diluted in 300 ml of liquid, for a two-hour test - 75 g, and for a three-hour test - 100 g. The result is very sweet water. To prevent vomiting, some women add a little citric acid to the solution.

This fairly simple procedure allows you to determine how the body reacts to a “sugar” load. That is why the simplest glucose tolerance test is used during pregnancy. shouldn't be much different. To be more precise, immediately after drinking sweet water, glucose levels increase, after an hour they decrease slightly, and after another 60 minutes they reach the initial parameters. If a repeat test shows that glucose levels are still high enough, you can talk about gestational diabetes.

After a few hours (the time depends on which glucose tolerance test was chosen), blood is drawn again. Until this time, the pregnant woman is advised to remain at rest. For example, you can lie down and read a book. Physical activity (even the most ordinary walk) forces the body to expend energy, which directly reduces performance. As a result, the result may be unreliable. In addition, during the analysis itself, you must stop smoking.

Interpretation of the results obtained

If you are asked to take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy, the normal results should be as follows:

  • on an empty stomach - 5.1 mmol/l;
  • 60 minutes after a glucose load - 10.0 mmol/l;
  • after 2 hours - up to 8.5 mmol/l;

If the results of testing do not correspond to standard indicators, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes a repeat test. It takes place a few days later. Only after two positive results can the doctor make a final diagnosis. Based on only the first test, it is incorrect to talk about the presence of a problem, since the expectant mother could simply violate the basic rules of preparing for the test. As a result, the examination shows a false positive result.


  • Early toxicosis.
  • Diseases of an inflammatory or infectious nature.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.
  • The need for bed rest.
  • The gestation period is more than 32 weeks.

Further tactics for pregnancy management

After final confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. During pregnancy, only insulin is allowed. Any are strictly contraindicated. Scientists have proven that these medications can negatively affect the development of the fetus inside the womb.

In addition, a woman is recommended individually to have a special diet, which implies the exclusion of all easily digestible carbohydrates (chocolate, pastries, cakes, etc.). Only healthy, and most importantly, proper nutrition. It is equally important to constantly monitor the current one. If the indicators are excessively high, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

It is important to note that gestational diabetes most often goes away without a trace immediately after childbirth. This is why doctors today prefer not to prescribe any specific treatment.


In conclusion, we note that the glucose tolerance test is a fairly informative method that allows you to confirm the presence of any disorders in carbohydrate metabolism, including in pregnant women. We hope that all the information presented in this article will be truly useful to you.

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