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Prince Bus Beloyar - Grand Duke of Vedic Russia, heir to the throne of Ruskolani - Antia. Born April 20, 295 AD Killed by the Goths on the night of March 20-21, 368.
In the Gothic and Yaartian epic, he is mentioned under the name of Baksak (Bus-Busan-Baksan), in the Byzantine chronicles - God.
Oh, Bus Beloyar! How many "spears are broken" in verbal duels between skeptics and supporters of the version of your existence! This question really disturbs the inquisitive minds of many people. After all, we are talking about the ancient history of the Slavs. Modern history categorically insists on the Norman version of the emergence of statehood in Russia, the author of which was the German scientist Miller. Like, in 862, the wild and incompetent Russians, out of their helplessness, invited the foreign manager Rurik, so that He would put things in order. And before that, uneducated Slavs lived in dugouts, were engaged in gathering and ate roots and millet. At the same time, statesmen, enlightened pundits, both in the past and now, as well as religious figures from the Russian Orthodox Church, enthusiastically support this idea. It is known that the active opponent of Miller's theory was the Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. About his confrontation with the German scientist, I, after all, this article is devoted to Bus.
An indisputable fact confirming the real existence of Prince Bus was reflected in the "Word of Igor's Campaign". There are these words: "Gothic maidens live at the edge of the Blue Sea. Playing with Russian gold, they sing Time of Busovo."
The Gothic historian of the 6th century, Jordan, in his work “History of the Goths”, narrated about the campaign of the Goths led by Germanarekh to the east, where he mentioned the Rossomon clan (Ruskolan) and the name of Bus and his brother Zlatogor: "The unfaithful family of Rosomones (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity ... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family to be torn apart for insidious leaving her husband, tied to ferocious horses and prompting the horses to run in different directions, her brothers Sar (King Bus) and Ammii (Gold), avenging the death of their sister, struck Germanarekh in the side with a sword. Of course, this is a controversial version of the existence of Bus Beloyar, but at the same time, the mention of Roksolani or Ruskolani in another way is still indisputable.
However, in another controversial historical document, the Book of Veles, there is confirmation of the story told by Jordanes: "And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our family and killed her. And then our leaders flowed against him and Germanarekh was defeated."
This is also confirmed by M.V. Lomonosov: "Sonilda, a noble Roxolan woman, Yermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for her husband's escape. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, Ermanarik was pierced in the side; he died of a wound for a hundred and ten years."

The story didn't end there. A few years passed and the descendant of Germanarekh - Amal Vinitary invaded the country of Ruskolan. In the first battle he was defeated, but then he began to act more decisively. As a result, the Goths defeated the Ruskolan.
Prince Bus Beloyar and 70 other princes were crucified. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total lunar eclipse. Also, the earth was shaken by a monstrous earthquake (the entire coast of the Black Sea was shaking, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea (ancient historians testify to this). Later, the Slavs gathered their strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.
Jordan. "History ready": Amal Vinitary ... moved the army within the borders of the Antes. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king, named Boz, with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.
The same, not indisputable “Book of Veles” speaks of this: "And then Russia was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was a great turmoil in Russia from Amal Vend. And then Sloven gathered Russia and led her. "It's a pity to go anywhere. And everything got better. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced, and welcomed the soldiers - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and worries for many, and so the Gothic land became ours. And so it will be until the end."
And here is a more reliable source - the Bulgar Chronicle "Baradj Tarihy": "Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidjians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes."
As the hero of Yevgeny Leonov said in the film "Striped Flight": "Believe it or not." Everyone sees what they want. But you must admit, it is much better to believe in the great past of your ancestors than to study someone else's history.
What we know about the Grand Duke is covered in a haze of legends and myths. After so many years, it is impossible to make out what is fiction and what is true. But after all, myths and legends are passed down from generation to generation so that children with mother's milk absorb the great history of their people.
Let us also remember this legend or the truth.

According to various signs that were at the birth of Bus, the Magi predicted that he would complete the Svarog Circle.
Bus was born, just like Kolyada and Kryshen. At his birth, a new star also appeared - a comet. This is mentioned in the ancient Slavic manuscript of the 4th century "Boyanov Hymn", which tells about the star Chigir - eel (Halley's comet), according to which, at the birth of the prince, astrologers predicted his great future:

About Bus, the father of the young sorcerer,
about how he fought, hitting enemies,
sang the sorcerer Zlatogor.
Golden hymns -
you are really good!
He sang like Chegir-star
flew in the fire like a dragon,
shining with green light.
And forty magicians-sorcerers,
looking into stozhary, they saw the light,
that the sword of Yar Bus is glorious to Kyiv!

The Beloyar family originated from the combination of the Beloyar family, who lived near the White Mountain since ancient times, and the Aria Osednya family (Yar family) at the very beginning of the Beloyar era.
The power of the ancestors of Bus Beloyar spread from Altai, Zagros, to the Caucasus. Bus was the throne name of the Saka and Slavic princes.
Bus was born, his brothers and sister in the sacred city of Kiyar - Kyiv Antsky (Sar - city) near Elbrus, founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani. Busa and the brothers were taught the wisdom of the Antes by the sacred books that were kept in ancient temples. According to legend, these temples were built many thousands of years ago by the wizard Kitovras (he was also known to the Celts under the name Merlin) and Gamayun at the behest of the Sun God. Bus and the brothers were initiated. Initially, they walked the path of Knowledge, were novices-disciples. Having passed this path, they became veduns - that is, knowing, those who perfectly know the Vedas. Bus and Zlatogor, named after the Golden Mountain of Alatyr, rose to the highest degree, to the degree of Pobud (Buday), that is, the awakened and awakening, spiritual teacher and herald of the will of the Gods.
The great cultural act of the prince - sorcerer was the reform and ordering of the calendar. Bus improved the already existing calendar, based on the "Star Book of Kolyada" (Kolyada is a gift, a calendar). According to the Busa calendar, we still live today, because. many Christian holidays (to put it mildly) are borrowed from the past and used to have a Vedic meaning. Having given a new meaning to the ancient holidays, Christians did not change the original dates. And these initial dates had astrological content. They were tied to the dates of passage of the brightest stars through the initial star meridian (the direction to the north). From the time of Bus and to this day, the dates of the festivities in the folk calendar coincide with the star dates of 368 AD. Bus's calendar merged with the Christian folk calendar, which for centuries determined the way of life of a Russian person.
Prince Bus not only defended Ruskolan, he also continued the ancient tradition of peaceful trade relations with neighboring peoples and great civilizations of that time.
Bus left a great legacy to the Russian people. These are the Russian lands that they managed to defend then, this is the calendar of Bus, these are the songs of Bus's son - Boyan and his brother - Zlatogor, which have come down to us with folk songs, epics. Out of this tradition, the Tale of Igor's Campaign grew.
Bus laid the foundation for the Russian national spirit. He left us a legacy of Russia - earthly and heavenly.

Death of Beloyar

368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. This is a frontier. The end of the Beloyar (Aries) era and the beginning of the Genus (Pisces) era. The Great Day of Svarog, which is also called the Year of Svarog, has ended.
And now, wave after wave, foreigners are coming to Russia - Goths, Huns, Heruli, Iazyges, Hellenes, Romans. The old one stopped and the New Kolo Svarog began to rotate.
The Night of Svarog (Winter of Svarog) has come. The incarnation of Vyshnya - Roof, or Dazhbog, must be crucified. And power at the beginning of the era passes to the Black God (Chernobog).
In the era of Pisces or in the era of the Sort (according to the songs - turning into a Fish), the collapse of the old world and the birth of a new one take place. In the Age of Aquarius, which is waiting for us ahead, the Roof pours Vedic Knowledge onto the Earth from a bowl filled with honey Surya. People are returning to their roots, to the Faith of the Ancestors.
According to the Caucasian legend, the Antes were defeated because Bus Beloyar did not take part in the common prayer. But he did not do this, because he understood the inevitability of defeat, the night of Svarog had come.
On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total eclipse. The Earth was also shaken by the monstrous earthquake mentioned above.
The Slavs, who remained faithful to the ancient Tradition of the Ancestors, saw in Bus the third descent of the Almighty to Earth:

Ovsen-Tausen paved the bridge,
not a simple bridge with a railing -
star bridge between Yavu and Navu.
Three towers will ride
among the stars on the bridge.
The first is the roof-god,
and the second - Kolyada,
The third will be - Bus Beloyar.

"The Book of Kolyada", X d.

Apparently, the symbol of the cross itself entered the Christian tradition after the crucifixion of Bus. The canon of the Gospels was established after the 4th century and was based incl. and on oral traditions that then went around Christian communities, incl. and Scythian. In those traditions, the images of Christ and Bus Beloyar were already mixed.
Many years later Bus appeared again in Ruskolani. He flew on a beautiful bird, on which Bus's wife, Eulysia, also ascended. And after that, Bus and Evlisia flew away together to the Alatyr mountain. And now they are in Iria, in the heavenly kingdom at the throne of the Most High.
On the ground, the monument erected by Eulysia remained a monument to Bus. And it stood on an ancient mound on the Etoko River for many years, and passers-by could read the ancient inscription on it, until the ancient language and ancient script were forgotten:

Oh oh hi! Wake up! Sar!
Believe! Sar Yar Bus - Gods Bus!
Bus - Wake God's Russia! —
God Bus! Yar Bus!
5875, 31 lutes.

This monument is now in the storerooms of the Historical Museum in Moscow, and now no one says that it belongs to Bus (although many famous scientists spoke about this in the last century). No one dares to translate the runic inscription, although it is not too complicated.

And now only those who have carefully read the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" can remember that it mentions the bygone Time of Busovo...

Ruskolan is one of the largest state formations of the Slavs in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, which existed 16 centuries ago, whose history is completely forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history for Peter I.

The Ruskolan state was located beyond the ridges of Ciscaucasia, on the territory that later became part of the Great Budgaria of Kurbat: from the Kuban and the Terek, a pasture plain, indented by wide river valleys and ravines, gradually rises to the Peredovoi ridge. The forest rises along them almost to the foot of Elbrus. In the valleys there are dozens of ancient settlements where the archaeologist's shovel did not ring. On the banks of the Etoko River, the grave of the legendary prince Ruskolani Bus Beloyar has been preserved.

This land is the source of the Slavic people who called themselves Cherkasy, known for Cherkassky lanes in Moscow, the cities of Cherkassk and Novocherkassk. According to Vatican sources, Cherkasy inhabited Pyatigorye and the Principality of Tmutarakan, and now they are known under the name "Cossacks".

The word "Ruskolan" contains the syllable "lan", present in the words "hand", "valley" and meaning: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into land. Sergei Lesnoy in his book "Where are you from, Rus?" says the following: "With regard to the word" Ruskolun ", it should be noted that there is also a variant" Ruskolan ". If the latter option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently:" Russian (th) fallow deer. Lan - field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes an assumption that there was a word "cleaver", which probably meant some kind of space. It also occurs in a different verbal environment.

The ruler of Ruskolani was Bus from the Beloyar family. In the Gothic and Yaartian epic, he is mentioned under the name of Baksak (Bus-Busan-Baksan), in the Byzantine chronicles - God.

Ruskolan fought with the Goths of Germanarich. In this war, Germanaric was killed, and his son took his place. As a result of many years of war, Ruskolan was defeated, and the ruler of Ruskolan, Bus Beloyar, the last elected prince of the Rus, was crucified by the Goths, as evidenced in the Gothic, Nart and Russian epic .... According to some sources, Bus, like Prometheus, was nailed to rocks on the banks of the Terek, and his close associates were buried alive, immured in a rocky crypt. According to other sources, Bus and his closest assistants were crucified on crosses.

He crucified Bus Beloyar, according to the tablets of the "Book of Veles", Amal Vend. It was Wend from the Amal clan, in whose veins Venedian and Germanic blood merged.

This happened on the vernal equinox in 368. The surviving princes tore Russia into many small principalities, and against the decisions of the veche, they established the transfer of power by inheritance. Avars and Khazars passed through the lands of Ruskolani. But the territory of Ruskolani, Tamatarkha, Tmutarakan, Taman were still considered Slavic principalities.

In the fight against the Khazar yoke (V-VIII century), Russia, which almost never had a permanent army, had only one way to win: to unite, but each of the crown princes sought to do this under his command. Until there was one prince elected from the Veneds (Vends, Vends, Vins, Veins), who himself proclaimed himself as Arius and Troyan, for which he received the name from the people: Prince Samo (The modern word samurai is a relic of the common noun from Samo Arius. Just like Ossetian means: warrior Aria Osednya). He not only united the Slavs, but under his skillful leadership (which lasted 30 years), Russia defeated almost all of its enemies and regained the lands lost due to civil strife. However, after his death, Ruskolan fell apart again.

The next attempt to unite the Slavs and restore the veche rule and the selectivity of the princes was made by the Novgorod elects: the princes Bravlins I and II ( Bravlin “is not a name given from birth, but a title that has become a name: bravlin means the chosen one, put forward by the people in the process of a stormy, abusive, noisy as a pine forest discussion. The words bravo, brave “come from here. But it is wrong to assume that the veche was always noisy due to the unbridledness of the participants: the debates were really not conducted in a whisper “there were also fights, however, they are still not uncommon for meetings of parliaments around the world). However, the people united and talentedly ruled by them, after their departure, again divided into clans, and again fell into a state of tug-of-war of power.

"Forbidden" monument to Bus Beloyar

This monument has been known for a long time. It was first described by the German traveler and naturalist Joachim Guldenstedt. He traveled around the Caucasus in the summer of 1771 and sketched a statue he saw on the banks of the Etoko River, a tributary of the Podkumka. Then he published the book "Reisen burch Rusland und im Caucasischen Geburg", St. Petersburg, 1791. In this book, he published a drawing of the Etok statue, reproduced the runic inscription in full, and gave a detailed description of the monument. This drawing was later repeated by Y. Klaproth in a book describing Jan Potocki's travels in Russia - "Voyage de Jean Potocki dans les steps d" Astrakhan et du Caucase ", v.1, Paris, 1829. Chancellor Nikolai also drew attention to this statue Petrovich Rumyantsev, a famous ancient carpenter, founder of the Rumyantsev Library (modern Lenin Library, or RSL).

In a letter dated June 23, 1823 to Metropolitan Evgeny Bolkhovitinov from Healing Waters, N.P. Rumyantsev told how he made a trip accompanied by 50 Cossacks to this statue. He also gave a detailed description of the monument.

"The monument consists of a single granite stone 8 feet and 8 inches high. Very crudely depicts a human figure with arms to the very waist, and below the waist an inscription is visible. It is all the more interesting because it is inscribed in an unknown language with letters composed partly of Greek, and part of Slavic. After signing<...>carved various rough figures. One depicts two knights<...>. The face of the statue does not look like a Mongolian, because the nose is long, and not like a Circassian, being too round<...>. But what is most curious of all and what can lead to different conclusions is the image of a small cross located on the back of the collar ... The monument itself is called (by the Kabardians) Duka Beh.

Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev also made a drawing from this statue, which was then "very accurately taken" on the spot. But what happened to that drawing is unknown.

The great educator of the Adyghe people Sh.B. Nogmov in his book "History of the Adykhean people" (published in Nalchik in 1847), also gave a detailed description of the monument to Prince Bus. He retold the Adyghe legends about Bus, whom he identified with the Nart Baksan, and also pointed out that at the end of the inscription carved on the pedestal, there is a date - the 4th century AD.

This legend became known to many in those years, because the fate of the monument changed dramatically. In 1849, through the efforts of a member of the Odessa Society of Lovers of Antiquities, Abraham Firkovich (a Jew and a Freemason who was looking for traces of Khazar antiquities in the Caucasus), a monument from an ancient mound near the Etoko River was transferred to Pyatigorsk and placed near the boulevard leading to Elizavetinskaya (now Academic) alley.

Here he was photographed by one of the first Russian photographers Raev. And that was in the middle of the 19th century. This unique photograph is generally one of the first made in Russia.

I note that this photograph is still the only one, since then (a hundred and fifty years!) No one has photographed this monument. The photograph was exhibited at one time in the Pyatigorsk Museum of Local Lore. During a trip to the Caucasus in April 1995, I turned to this museum, but I could no longer find traces of the photograph taken by Raev. But then, in 1997, Kislovodsk archaeologists sent me a copy of this photograph.

In the 1850s, the monument to Prince Bus was transferred to the Historical Museum in Moscow. In Moscow, it was studied by many historians and archaeologists. So, the famous archaeologist of the XIX century A.S. Uvarov recognized him as a "stone woman" of the 4th century and made a report about this, published in the Proceedings of the 1st Archaeological Congress.

In the future, the fate of the monument became mysterious. So, in 1876, scientists G.D. Filimonov and I. Pomyalovsky declared the complete loss of the runic inscription and the impossibility of saying anything about its content. However, ten years later the inscription was again discovered and published by Academician V.V. Latyshev. However, judging by this publication by V. V. Latyshev, the inscription was really badly damaged.

V.V. Latyshev tried to read it in Greek, for which he introduced many new letters, and interpreted the runic letters as distorted Greek ones. He got "God's servant George the Greek rested in peace ...". He attributed the monument to the 12th century. If you believe this interpretation, then in the 12th century, a certain Greek Georgy, a Christian, lived near Pyatigorsk, to whom a mound was poured after his death, a pagan feast was celebrated, and then a 3-meter monument was erected on the mound. Moreover, the rock for the monument was brought from the upper reaches of the Baksan River from the slopes of Elbrus (150 miles along the steep mountains), that is, from the place where, according to the Book of Kolyada, the god Kryshny-Kolyada turned into stone Alatyr and the Alatyrka River (now Baksan).

Therefore, I believe that the interpretation of the inscription proposed by V.V. Latyshev is incorrect. The correctness of the Latyshevsky reading of this inscription was then challenged by a certain historian Tegurkazov. And now a new attempt at reading has been made by G.F. Turchaninov. He read part of the text in Greek, and part in Kabardian, and he was based precisely on the Latyshev publication, but he did not study the statue itself, because the statue is in the Historical Museum and therefore has not been accessible for the last hundred years even to historians who deal specifically with this statue and write about her articles in scientific monographs.

I do not exclude the possibility that in the future attempts will be made to read this inscription in other languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus. As you know, short runic inscriptions, if you break them into words in an arbitrary way, sound the runes as you like, and add the missing sounds, you can read in a variety of ways. Therefore, I consider all these attempts to read unsuccessful.

What was the reason for these failures? Yes, precisely in the fact that no one tried to read this inscription in Slavonic. Despite the fact that the first researchers considered the inscription to be Slavic, the locals also considered it Slavic. But which of the self-respecting scientists will read the Slavic runes, it is known that Cyril and Methodius gave writing to the Slavs, etc. etc. And that is why no one paid attention to the Adyghe legend that attributed this monument to Prince Ruskolani Bus (Baksan).

In addition, according to the false tradition established in the scientific world, the Slavs could not live in the North Caucasus in the 4th century. Our ancients recognize only the Dnieper region and the Carpathians as the ancestral home of the Slavs. They do not take into account the evidence that contradicts this theory. And the point is not only in the data of the still unrecognized "Book of Veles", not only in the legends of the Don Cossacks, who never left these lands. In the 19th century, the historians Illovaisky and Gedeonov wrote about the ancestral home of the Slavs, located in the Black Sea region, in the lower reaches of the Don. They gave a lot of convincing arguments in favor of the theory of "Black Sea Russia", based on the richest toponymic material, on the evidence of ancient geographers and travelers. Now this theory was supported and developed by Academician O.N. Trubachev. One more convincing example can be given. In 1580, the Polish historian Matthew Stryikovsky published the book "Chronicle of the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian, Prussian, Zhmudskoro and the State of Moscow." He also called the ancestral home of the Slavs not only the Dnieper region, but also the lands near the Don, the North Caucasus. But the established tradition of denying the existence of Black Sea Russia, which is anti-scientific in its essence, still prevents many scientists from recognizing the existence of both the Book of Veles and the Boyanov Hymn, as well as the inscription on the monument to Prince Bus. Of course, if one adheres to such outdated views, there was no way to recognize a monument brought from the Caucasus as a monument to a Slavic prince of the 4th century. And they didn't recognize him.

And that may have saved it from destruction. That is why it still stands in the 12th hall of the Historical Museum (Inv. No. 3017), wrapped in film and stuffed with collections.

In 1995, I spent almost a month to find out the current location of the monument. I had serious fears that it was lost, since V. V. Latyshev was the last to see and describe it, and this was more than 100 years ago. I applied to the Historical Museum from the editors of the Science and Religion magazine, and they explained to me for a long time that it was impossible to find this statue (and this despite the fact that the statue is noted in the "Index to the first 10 halls of the Historical Museum", released in 1881). As if in order to find this monument among the collections of the museum, you need to dig through the card file, and this will take several years, etc. Finally, one compassionate museum employee discovered this statue (presumably, he saw it, because the three-meter monument is hard to miss).

Now it became known where she stands, but it was impossible to approach the statue and photograph it. Then the museum has been closed for repairs for ten years. Nothing has changed in 1998, when it was finally opened. For this statue, probably the most interesting due to inscriptions and reliefs, was never exhibited. The exposition included only ordinary Polovtsian stone women, without inscriptions.

In a word, the Historical Museum, the national treasury of Russia, does not so much keep as hides its treasures. And this applies not only to this monument (which at least managed to be found due to its size), but also to other collections.

Perhaps it contains the lost runic manuscripts and much more. But only shouts and obscure near-scientific criticism come from this museum. For example, a book was recently published by a young employee of this museum, and it was precisely the department of ancient manuscripts, E.V. Ukhanova entitled "At the origins of Slavic writing". She once again attacked the Book of Veles, repeating the pseudo-scientific (and in fact anti-scientific) attacks of her predecessors. And such people become the keepers of ancient Slavic manuscripts! Is it any wonder after this that we know so little about our ancient history and culture.

Of course, not everything is so sad in the scientific world. And I worked a lot with museum and archival workers, archaeologists, ethnographers, historians, philologists from different cities of Russia. And everywhere I met an interested understanding of the problem, a desire to help. So it was everywhere and always. But, unfortunately, not in the Historical Museum.

Therefore, to this day we do not have a modern photograph of the monument to Prince Bus. At our disposal there is only a photograph of Raev, in which the runic is almost invisible, as well as a drawing taken from the statue by the German Guldenstedt at the end of the 18th century. This figure and photograph should be discussed separately.

Judging by the drawing by Guldenshtedt, as well as the photograph, the statue of Prince Bus depicts a man in clothes traditional for a Berendey, or a Cossack wanderer.

Leather armor, sewn with stripes in a similar way, they wore at least from the 13th century, and now we can say that even earlier - from the 4th. The head is shaved in the way that was always customary among the Cossacks.

This is due to the ancient Vedic rite of hair sacrifices - according to legend, a bridge is built from this hair, along which people after death will pass to the afterlife. Following the same custom, the Cossacks left a forelock on their heads, for which God takes out the soul after death.

On the statue of Bus, the traditional forelock is not visible under the round helmet. Helmets of this kind, as on the statue, were in service with wanderers, Polovtsy and warriors from the Chernigov principality.

Bus holds in his right hand a horn with honey surya. On the right side he has a quiver with arrows, on the left - a bow and a saber.

The following figures and symbols are depicted on the right side of the pedestal. Above - a circle (according to Guldenshtedt, "solar disk"). Two cows are also depicted (Guldenshtedt called them “female deer”), I think they are the daughters of the heavenly cow Zemun, who are harnessed to a chegir wheel - a rotating starry sky. Between the cows is a circle (according to Guldenshtedt, the “world circle”), and below is a warrior with a spear.

I believe that this image should be interpreted as a story about the introduction of the calendar by Bus Beloyar. For the "world circle" is, obviously, the circle of Svarogy, that is, the Sky, symbolically represented by the circle of the zodiac, otherwise - "world".

A warrior with a spear is Bus himself, holding a spear-stozhar, which should be directed to the North Star. (We can find similar images on other ancient tombstones, for example, on the Elhot Cross, see photo.)

On the "left side of the monument, you can see a relief on the plot from the" Book of Kolyada ". This is the last act of Kolyada. According to the text of the song, after the release of his father, Dazhbog, Kolyada sailed on a ship across the Black Sea (this is symbolically depicted on the statue by Kolyada with an oar). On Kolyada's ship was attacked by the Black God, who turned into the Five-Headed Dragon. Kolyada entangled him with a ship's chain, saddled him and flew away on it to the throne of the Almighty. This story tells about the Transfiguration of Kolyada, about his departure from the earthly world (a similar snake is depicted on the Elkhot cross).

On the back of the pedestal there is also a plot from the Book of Kolyada. It tells about the Transfiguration of Kryshnya from the Veda Kryshnya. In the lower part there are two warriors - this is the Roof and the Black God. They shoot arrows at each other, after which Roof leaves along the Star Bridge to the throne of the Almighty. The Heavenly Deer escorts the gates of Iriy Kryshnya - he opens the gates of Heaven before the Son of the Most High.

I think that at the feast for Prince Bus, his son Boyan sang these songs from the Book of Kolyada, meaning not only Kolyada and Kryshnya, but also Bus Beloyar himself, the Vyshnya incarnate.

On the front of the monument is a feast for Prince Bus. Vessel with surya, from which trizniks draw surya. One of them must be the son of Busa Boyan. Below, two equestrian warriors compete, as is customary at a feast. Above the figures, Güldenshtedt depicted a runic inscription.

The inscription was made in the same Pellasgo-Thracian runes as the Boyanov Hymn. Some difference in the inscription of the runes is explained by the fact that they were applied to different materials. There are actually Greek letters in the inscription (in the "Boyan Hymn" Greek letters are also used for beauty - several times in the title and first lines).

We see a rune similar to the Greek letter "omega" placed on its side. In the Greek alphabet and in the Cyrillic alphabet (as well as in the alphabet of the Boyanov Hymn), it means a long sound "o". She is also a Christian symbol of the Almighty. Recall that Christ said: “I am Alpha and Omega” (Rev. 22:13).

According to the Vedic tradition, presented in the Upanishads, the Shastras of India, "Oom" is the name of God, indistinguishable from himself. In Sanskrit, the name "Oom" is depicted with a special sign similar to that depicted on this monument. The name of Allah is depicted closely in Arabic writing as well.

"Oom-Khaie", repeated several times at the beginning of the inscription, is the main Vedic mantra, the glorification of the Almighty. Means "Oom - my God!" There is a similar exclamation in the "Book of Veles", "Veda of the Slavs", in the shastras of India. “Haye” - among the Slavs (compare with modern “praise”), “hi-re” - among the Greeks, “heil” - among the Germans, “hi” - among the British, etc. are an exclamation meaning a greeting, a wish health and well-being. In general, I translate the inscription as follows:

Boyan calls Busa - Let's stay God's Russia. Let us recall that in Boyan's Hymn Boyan calls himself a novice, that is, a novice, a student, one who listens.

Pobud is a word formed according to the same law. It means the one who awakens, awakens, namely, the spiritual teacher, the awakened one. The word "Buddha" has the same meaning and the same origin. I note that in the "Book of Veles" Bus is called: "Budoyu", as well as "Buday".

In modern language, "wake-up" is the blessing, the morning bell ringing. Therefore, Pobud is also an evangelist, a prophet is the one who carries the word of God.

Consonant names have been preserved on the site of the ancient sanctuaries of Bus Beloyar and revered places. For example, in Moscow there is the Budaika River, which flows into the Yauza (literally a stone's throw from my house).

The date given at the end is written according to the Greek-Slavic, early Christian tradition. A very characteristic number is 800.

Such a spelling of this figure was noted only by A. I. Sulakadzev in his manuscript “Bukvozor”, in which, in the section “Cyrillic alphabets”, he also described the alphabets of early Christian Slavic manuscripts that were part of his collection.

This date, as well as the cross worn, as was customary among early Christians - on the collar, indicates that Bus accepted not only the Vedic, but also the Christian teaching, which comes from the Apostle Andrew. That teaching, which has not yet been distorted by later layers, does not deny the Vedic faith.

I note that in the Black Sea region by the 4th century, Christianity already had strong and long-standing roots. Apostle Andrew in the 1st century AD brought the teachings of Christ to Sourozh and Chersonese (Khorsun).

Russian legends about the Apostle Andrew tell that he erected a cross on the Kiev hill, and then preached in Novgorod. Obviously, they mean Kyiv Antsky near Mount Elbrus (Kyiv was founded on the Dnieper four centuries later), as well as Scythian Naples in the Crimea (Novgorod was founded on Ilmen only in the 6th-7th centuries).

In the 4th century, the Bosporus already had its own bishopric. So the Bishop of Bosporus Cadmus took part in the Council of Nicaea in 325 and signed the Nicene Creed. Known in the Bosporus (in Ilurat) and several Greek and Scythian Christian tombstones of that time, located in pagan necropolises.

Not so long ago, early Christian manuscripts made at that time were known (they were kept together with the Slavic Vedic books).

Perhaps these are the same Gospels (I believe from the Apostle Andrew), which, according to the Life of Cyril and Methodius, were written in Russian writing, that is, in runic.

Cyril studied similar manuscripts in Khorsun before starting his preaching work. But now it is not easy to find these books given the current negative attitude towards such finds in Russia.

Let's return to the date standing on the pedestal of the statue of Prince Bus. The year 5875 from the Creation of the World is the year 367 from R. X. 31 lute is the last day of the year 367 (equivalent to March 21, 368 according to the modern calendar). This is a special date.

It is known that the lute corresponds to February. February now has 28 days, and the 29th only occurs in leap years. There used to be one more day in February, but the Roman emperor Augustus took it away, and added it to the month named August in his honor - so that there would not be fewer days in August than in July, named after another emperor - Julius Caesar.

Of course, these Roman innovations did not affect the Slavic calendar, because the last month of the year - the lute had 29 days in an ordinary year, and 30 days in a leap year. 368 is a leap year, in that time there should have been 30 days in the lute. The 31st day could only be if the Slavs had a calendar other than the Julian one.

As you know, the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian, so that the day of the vernal equinox did not depart from March 21, appointed by the Council of Nicaea. Perhaps, in the Slavic calendar, the number 31 lute was introduced for the same purposes. At least then it was known that the true year was different from the Julian one. Already the Greek scientist Giparchus in the II century BC. calculated the longitude of the year 365 1/4 - 1/300 days, and this calculation could be known in Russia.

Could have been preserved in Russia and another calendar tradition, which we can only guess about.

In any case, lute 31 could not have been an ordinary day. It is even possible that it was added not only once every four years, but also in certain cases again, for example, in 300-500 years (if every hundred years, as is done in the Gregorian calendar, the Slavs also canceled the leap year).

The last day of the era of Beloyar 31 lute is the day of the Transfiguration of Prince Bus. The day that completes the Svarog circle. This is the day that the Black God then took away from spring. The forces of the Black God gained the greatest strength in the entire era of Beloyar, because Bus was crucified, because on that day he went to the Almighty and left the Earth.

But to us, the Russian people, he left a great legacy. These are the Russian lands that were then defended. This is the Busa calendar, which merged with the Orthodox folk calendar, which for centuries determined the way of life of a Russian person. These are the songs of Bus's son - Boyan and his brother - Zlatogor, which have come down to us in folk songs, epics. Out of this tradition, the Tale of Igor's Campaign grew.

Bus laid the foundation for the Russian national spirit. He left us a legacy of Russia - earthly and heavenly.

Prince Bus Beloyar- Grand Duke of Vedic Russia, heir to the throne of Ruskolani - Antia. Born April 20, 295 AD Killed by the Goths on the night of March 20-21, 368.
In the Gothic and Yaartian epic, he is mentioned under the name of Baksak (Bus-Busan-Baksan), in the Byzantine chronicles - God.

Oh, Bus Beloyar! How many "spears are broken" in verbal duels between skeptics and supporters of the version of your existence! This question really disturbs the inquisitive minds of many people. After all, we are talking about the ancient history of the Slavs. Modern history categorically insists on the Norman version of the emergence of statehood in Russia, the author of which was the German scientist Miller. Like, in 862, the wild and incompetent Russians, out of their helplessness, invited the foreign manager Rurik, so that He would put things in order. And before that, uneducated Slavs lived in dugouts, were engaged in gathering and ate roots and millet. At the same time, statesmen, enlightened pundits, both in the past and now, as well as religious figures from the Russian Orthodox Church, enthusiastically support this idea. It is known that the active opponent of Miller's theory was the Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. I will talk about his confrontation with the German scientist a little later in another section of the site, after all, this article is dedicated to Bus.
An indisputable fact confirming the real existence of Prince Bus was reflected in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". There are these words: "Gothic maidens live at the edge of the Blue Sea. Playing with Russian gold, they sing the Time of Busovo".

The Gothic historian of the 6th century, Jordan, in his work “History of the Goths”, narrated about the campaign of the Goths led by Germanarekh to the east, where he mentioned the Rossomon clan (Ruskolan) and the name of Bus and his brother Zlatogor: "The unfaithful family of Rosomones (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity ... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family to be torn apart for insidious leaving her husband, tied to ferocious horses and prompting the horses to run in different directions, her brothers Sar (King Bus) and Ammii (Gold), avenging the death of their sister, struck Germanarekh in the side with a sword. Of course, this is a controversial version of the existence of Bus Beloyar, but at the same time, the mention of Roksolani or Ruskolani in another way is still indisputable.

However, in another controversial historical document, the Book of Veles, there is confirmation of the story told by Jordanes: "And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our family and killed her. And then our leaders flowed against him and Germanarekh was defeated."

This is also confirmed by M.V. Lomonosov: "Sonilda, a noble Roxolan woman, Yermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for her husband's escape. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, Ermanarik was pierced in the side; he died of a wound for a hundred and ten years."

The story didn't end there. A few years passed and the descendant of Germanarekh - Amal Vinitary invaded the country of Ruskolan. In the first battle he was defeated, but then he began to act more decisively. As a result, the Goths defeated the Ruskolan.
Prince Bus Beloyar and 70 other princes were crucified. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total lunar eclipse. Also, the earth was shaken by a monstrous earthquake (the entire coast of the Black Sea was shaking, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea (ancient historians testify to this). Later, the Slavs gathered their strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.

Jordan. "History ready": Amal Vinitary ... moved the army within the borders of the Antes. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and their king by name Boz with his sons and 70 noble people crucified, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.

The same, not indisputable “Book of Veles” speaks of this: "And then Russia was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was a great turmoil in Russia from Amal Vend. And then Sloven gathered Russia and led her. "It's a pity to go anywhere. And everything got better. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced, and welcomed the soldiers - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and worries for many, and so the Gothic land became ours. And so it will be until the end."

And here is a more reliable source - the Bulgarian chronicle "Baradj Tarihy": "Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidjians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes."

As the hero of Yevgeny Leonov said in the film "Striped Flight": "Believe it or not." Everyone sees what they want. But you must admit, it is much better to believe in the great past of your ancestors than to study someone else's history.

What we know about the Grand Duke is covered in a haze of legends and myths. After so many years, it is impossible to make out what is fiction and what is true. But after all, myths and legends are passed down from generation to generation so that children with mother's milk absorb the great history of their people.
Let us also remember this legend or the truth.

According to various signs that were at the birth of Bus, the Magi predicted that he would complete the Svarog Circle.

Bus was born, just like Kolyada and Kryshen. At his birth, a new star also appeared - a comet. This is mentioned in the ancient Slavic manuscript of the 4th century "Boyanov Hymn", which tells about the star Chigir - eel (Halley's comet), according to which, at the birth of the prince, astrologers predicted his great future:

About Busa - the father of the young sorcerer,
about how he fought, hitting enemies,
sang the sorcerer Zlatogor.
Zlatogorov hymns -
you are really good!
He sang like Chegir-star
flew in the fire like a dragon,
shining with green light.
And forty magicians-sorcerers,
looking into stozhary, they saw the light,
that the sword of Yar Bus is glorious to Kyiv!

The Beloyar family originated from the combination of the Beloyar family, who lived near the White Mountain since ancient times, and the Aria Osednya family (Yar family) at the very beginning of the Beloyar era.

The power of the ancestors of Bus Beloyar spread from Altai, Zagros, to the Caucasus. Bus was the throne name of the Saka and Slavic princes.

Bus was born, his brothers and sister in the sacred city of Kiyar - Kyiv Antsky (Sar - city) near Elbrus, founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani. Busa and the brothers were taught the wisdom of the Antes by the sacred books that were kept in ancient temples. According to legend, these temples were built many thousands of years ago by the wizard Kitovras (he was also known to the Celts under the name Merlin) and Gamayun at the behest of the Sun God. Bus and the brothers were initiated. Initially, they walked the path of Knowledge, were novices-disciples. Having passed this path, they became veduns - that is, knowing, those who perfectly know the Vedas. Bus and Zlatogor, named after the Golden Mountain of Alatyr, rose to the highest degree, to the degree of Pobud (Buday), that is, the awakened and awakening, spiritual teacher and herald of the will of the Gods.

The great cultural act of the prince-sorcerer was the reform and ordering of the calendar. Bus improved the already existing calendar, based on the "Star Book of Kolyada" (Kolyada is a gift, a calendar). According to the Busa calendar, we still live today, because. many Christian holidays (to put it mildly) are borrowed from the past and used to have a Vedic meaning. Having given a new meaning to the ancient holidays, Christians did not change the original dates. And these initial dates had astrological content. They were tied to the dates of passage of the brightest stars through the initial star meridian (the direction to the north). From the time of Bus and to this day, the dates of the festivities in the folk calendar coincide with the star dates of 368 AD. Bus's calendar merged with the Christian folk calendar, which for centuries determined the way of life of a Russian person.

Prince Bus not only defended Ruskolan, he also continued the ancient tradition of peaceful trade relations with neighboring peoples and great civilizations of that time.
Bus left a great legacy to the Russian people. These are the Russian lands that they managed to defend then, this is Bus's calendar, these are the songs of Bus's son - Boyan and his brother - Zlatogor, which have come down to us with folk songs, epics. Out of this tradition, the Tale of Igor's Campaign grew.

Bus laid the foundation for the Russian national spirit. He left us a legacy of Russia - earthly and heavenly.

Death of Beloyar

368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. This is a frontier. The end of the Beloyar (Aries) era and the beginning of the Genus (Pisces) era. The Great Day of Svarog, which is also called the Year of Svarog, has ended.

And now, wave after wave of foreigners are coming to Russia - Goths, Huns, Heruli, Iazyges, Hellenes, Romans. The old one stopped and the New Kolo Svarog began to rotate.

The Night of Svarog (Winter of Svarog) has come. The incarnation of Vyshnya - Roof, or Dazhbog, must be crucified. And power at the beginning of the era passes to the Black God (Chernobog).

In the era of Pisces or in the era of the Sort (according to the songs - turning into a Fish), the collapse of the old world and the birth of a new one take place. In the Age of Aquarius, which is waiting for us ahead, the Roof pours Vedic Knowledge onto the Earth from a bowl filled with honey Surya. People are returning to their roots, to the Faith of the Ancestors.

According to the Caucasian legend, the Antes were defeated because Bus Beloyar did not take part in the common prayer. But he did not do this, because he understood the inevitability of defeat, the night of Svarog had come.

On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total eclipse. The Earth was also shaken by the monstrous earthquake mentioned above.

The Slavs, who remained faithful to the ancient Tradition of the Ancestors, saw in Bus the third descent of the Almighty to Earth:

Ovsen-Tausen paved the bridge,
not a simple bridge with a railing -
star bridge between Yavu and Navu.
Three towers will ride
among the stars on the bridge.
The first is the roof-god,
and the second - Kolyada,
The third will be - Bus Beloyar.
"The Book of Kolyada", X d.

Apparently, the symbol of the cross itself entered the Christian tradition after the crucifixion of Bus. The canon of the Gospels was established after the 4th century and was based incl. and on oral traditions that then went around Christian communities, incl. and Scythian. In those traditions, the images of Christ and Bus Beloyar were already mixed.

Many years later Bus appeared again in Ruskolani. He flew on a beautiful bird, on which Bus's wife, Eulysia, also ascended. And after that, Bus and Evlisia flew away together to the Alatyr mountain. And now they are in Iria, in the heavenly kingdom at the throne of the Most High.

On the ground, the monument erected by Eulysia remained a monument to Bus. And it stood on an ancient mound on the Etoko River for many years, and passers-by could read the ancient inscription on it, until the ancient language and ancient script were forgotten:

Oh oh hi! Wake up! Sar!
Believe! Sar Yar Bus - Gods Bus!
Bus - Wake up God's Russia! -
God Bus! Yar Bus!
5875, 31 lutes.

This monument is now in the storerooms of the Historical Museum in Moscow, and now no one says that it belongs to Bus (although many famous scientists spoke about this in the last century). No one dares to translate the runic inscription, although it is not too complicated.

And now only those who have carefully read the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" can remember that it mentions the bygone Time of Busovo...

Monument to Prince Bus.

This monument has been known for a long time. It was first described by the German traveler and naturalist Joachim Guldenstedt. He traveled around the Caucasus in the summer of 1771 and sketched a statue he saw on the banks of the Etoko River, a tributary of the Podkumka. Then he published the book "Reisen burch Rusland und im Caucasischen Geburg", St. Petersburg, 1791. In this book, he published a drawing of the Etok statue, reproduced the runic inscription in full, and gave a detailed description of the monument. This drawing was later repeated by Y. Klaproth in a book describing Jan Potocki's travels in Russia - "Voyage de Jean Potocki dans les steps d" Astrakhan et du Caucase ", v.1, Paris, 1829. Chancellor Nikolai also drew attention to this statue Petrovich Rumyantsev, a famous ancient carpenter, founder of the Rumyantsev Library (modern Lenin Library, or RSL).

In a letter dated June 23, 1823 to Metropolitan Evgeny Bolkhovitinov from Healing Waters, N.P. Rumyantsev told how he made a trip accompanied by 50 Cossacks to this statue. He also gave a detailed description of the monument.

"The monument consists of a single granite stone 8 feet and 8 inches high. Very crudely depicts a human figure with arms to the very waist, and below the waist an inscription is visible. It is all the more interesting because it is inscribed in an unknown language with letters composed partly of Greek, and part of Slavic. After signing<...>carved various rough figures. One depicts two knights<...>. The face of the statue does not look like a Mongolian, because the nose is long, and not like a Circassian, being too round<...>. But what is most curious of all and what can lead to different conclusions is the image of a small cross located on the back of the collar ... The monument itself is called (by the Kabardians) Duka Beh.

Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev also made a drawing from this statue, which was then "very accurately taken" on the spot. But what happened to that drawing is unknown.

The great educator of the Adyghe people Sh.B. Nogmov in his book "History of the Adykhean people" (published in Nalchik in 1847), also gave a detailed description of the monument to Prince Bus. He retold the Adyghe legends about Bus, whom he identified with the Nart Baksan, and also pointed out that at the end of the inscription carved on the pedestal, there is a date - the 4th century AD.

This legend became known to many in those years, because the fate of the monument changed dramatically. In 1849, through the efforts of a member of the Odessa Society of Lovers of Antiquities, Abraham Firkovich (a Jew and a Freemason who was looking for traces of Khazar antiquities in the Caucasus), a monument from an ancient mound near the Etoko River was transferred to Pyatigorsk and placed near the boulevard leading to Elizavetinskaya (now Academic) alley.

Here he was photographed by one of the first Russian photographers Raev. And that was in the middle of the 19th century. This unique photograph is generally one of the first made in Russia.

I note that this photograph is still the only one, since then (a hundred and fifty years!) No one has photographed this monument. The photograph was exhibited at one time in the Pyatigorsk Museum of Local Lore. During a trip to the Caucasus in April 1995, I turned to this museum, but I could no longer find traces of the photograph taken by Raev. But then, in 1997, Kislovodsk archaeologists sent me a copy of this photograph.

In the 1850s, the monument to Prince Bus was transferred to the Historical Museum in Moscow. In Moscow, it was studied by many historians and archaeologists. So, the famous archaeologist of the XIX century A.S. Uvarov recognized him as a "stone woman" of the 4th century and made a report about this, published in the Proceedings of the 1st Archaeological Congress.

In the future, the fate of the monument became mysterious. So, in 1876, scientists G.D. Filimonov and I. Pomyalovsky declared the complete loss of the runic inscription and the impossibility of saying anything about its content. However, ten years later the inscription was again discovered and published by Academician V.V. Latyshev. However, judging by this publication by V. V. Latyshev, the inscription was really badly damaged.

V.V. Latyshev tried to read it in Greek, for which he introduced many new letters, and interpreted the runic letters as distorted Greek ones. He got "God's servant George the Greek rested in peace ...". He attributed the monument to the 12th century. If you believe this interpretation, then in the 12th century, a certain Greek Georgy, a Christian, lived near Pyatigorsk, to whom a mound was poured after his death, a pagan feast was celebrated, and then a 3-meter monument was erected on the mound. Moreover, the rock for the monument was brought from the upper reaches of the Baksan River from the slopes of Elbrus (150 miles along the steep mountains), that is, from the place where, according to the Book of Kolyada, the god Kryshny-Kolyada turned into stone Alatyr and the Alatyrka River (now Baksan).

Therefore, I believe that the interpretation of the inscription proposed by V.V. Latyshev is incorrect. The correctness of the Latyshevsky reading of this inscription was then challenged by a certain historian Tegurkazov. And now a new attempt at reading has been made by G.F. Turchaninov. He read part of the text in Greek, and part in Kabardian, and he was based precisely on the Latyshev publication, but he did not study the statue itself, because the statue is in the Historical Museum and therefore has not been accessible for the last hundred years even to historians who deal specifically with this statue and write about her articles in scientific monographs.

I do not exclude the possibility that in the future attempts will be made to read this inscription in other languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus. As you know, short runic inscriptions, if you break them into words in an arbitrary way, sound the runes as you like, and add the missing sounds, you can read in a variety of ways. Therefore, I consider all these attempts to read unsuccessful.

What was the reason for these failures? Yes, precisely in the fact that no one tried to read this inscription in Slavonic. Despite the fact that the first researchers considered the inscription to be Slavic, the locals also considered it Slavic. But which of the self-respecting scientists will read the Slavic runes, it is known that Cyril and Methodius gave writing to the Slavs, etc. etc. And that is why no one paid attention to the Adyghe legend that attributed this monument to Prince Ruskolani Bus (Baksan).

In addition, according to the false tradition established in the scientific world, the Slavs could not live in the North Caucasus in the 4th century. Our ancients recognize only the Dnieper region and the Carpathians as the ancestral home of the Slavs. They do not take into account the evidence that contradicts this theory. And the point is not only in the data of the still unrecognized "Book of Veles", not only in the legends of the Don Cossacks, who never left these lands. In the 19th century, the historians Illovaisky and Gedeonov wrote about the ancestral home of the Slavs, located in the Black Sea region, in the lower reaches of the Don. They gave a lot of convincing arguments in favor of the theory of "Black Sea Russia", based on the richest toponymic material, on the evidence of ancient geographers and travelers. Now this theory was supported and developed by Academician O.N. Trubachev. One more convincing example can be given. In 1580, the Polish historian Matthew Stryikovsky published the book "Chronicle of the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian, Prussian, Zhmudskoro and the State of Moscow." He also called the ancestral home of the Slavs not only the Dnieper region, but also the lands near the Don, the North Caucasus. But the established tradition of denying the existence of Black Sea Russia, which is anti-scientific in its essence, still prevents many scientists from recognizing the existence of both the Book of Veles and the Boyanov Hymn, as well as the inscription on the monument to Prince Bus. Of course, if one adheres to such outdated views, there was no way to recognize a monument brought from the Caucasus as a monument to a Slavic prince of the 4th century. And they didn't recognize him.

And that may have saved it from destruction. That is why it still stands in the 12th hall of the Historical Museum (Inv. No. 3017), wrapped in film and stuffed with collections.

In 1995, I spent almost a month to find out the current location of the monument. I had serious fears that it was lost, since V. V. Latyshev was the last to see and describe it, and this was more than 100 years ago. I applied to the Historical Museum from the editors of the Science and Religion magazine, and they explained to me for a long time that it was impossible to find this statue (and this despite the fact that the statue is noted in the "Index to the first 10 halls of the Historical Museum", released in 1881). As if in order to find this monument among the collections of the museum, you need to dig through the card file, and this will take several years, etc. Finally, one compassionate museum employee discovered this statue (presumably, he saw it, because the three-meter monument is hard to miss).

Now it became known where she stands, but it was impossible to approach the statue and photograph it. Then the museum has been closed for repairs for ten years. Nothing has changed in 1998, when it was finally opened. For this statue, probably the most interesting due to inscriptions and reliefs, was never exhibited. The exposition included only ordinary Polovtsian stone women, without inscriptions.

In a word, the Historical Museum, the national treasury of Russia, does not so much keep as hides its treasures. And this applies not only to this monument (which at least managed to be found due to its size), but also to other collections.

Perhaps it contains the lost runic manuscripts and much more. But only shouts and obscure near-scientific criticism come from this museum. For example, a book was recently published by a young employee of this museum, and it was precisely the department of ancient manuscripts, E.V. Ukhanova entitled "At the origins of Slavic writing". She once again attacked the Book of Veles, repeating the pseudo-scientific (and in fact anti-scientific) attacks of her predecessors. And such people become the keepers of ancient Slavic manuscripts! Is it any wonder after this that we know so little about our ancient history and culture.

Of course, not everything is so sad in the scientific world. And I worked a lot with museum and archival workers, archaeologists, ethnographers, historians, philologists from different cities of Russia. And everywhere I met an interested understanding of the problem, a desire to help. So it was everywhere and always. But, unfortunately, not in the Historical Museum.

Therefore, to this day we do not have a modern photograph of the monument to Prince Bus. At our disposal there is only a photograph of Raev, in which the runic is almost invisible, as well as a drawing taken from the statue by the German Guldenstedt at the end of the 18th century. This figure and photograph should be discussed separately.

Judging by the drawing by Guldenshtedt, as well as the photograph, the statue of Prince Bus depicts a man in clothes traditional for a Berendey, or a Cossack wanderer.

Leather armor, sewn with stripes in a similar way, they wore at least from the 13th century, and now we can say that even earlier - from the 4th. The head is shaved in the way that was always customary among the Cossacks.

This is due to the ancient Vedic rite of hair sacrifices - according to legend, a bridge is built from this hair, along which people after death will pass to the afterlife. Following the same custom, the Cossacks left a forelock on their heads, for which God takes out the soul after death.

On the statue of Bus, the traditional forelock is not visible under the round helmet. Helmets of this kind, as on the statue, were in service with wanderers, Polovtsy and warriors from the Chernigov principality.

Bus holds in his right hand a horn with honey surya. On the right side he has a quiver with arrows, on the left - a bow and a saber.

The following figures and symbols are depicted on the right side of the pedestal. Above - a circle (according to Guldenshtedt, "solar disk"). Two cows are also depicted (Guldenshtedt called them “female deer”), I think they are the daughters of the heavenly cow Zemun, who are harnessed to a chegir wheel - a rotating starry sky. Between the cows is a circle (according to Guldenshtedt, the “world circle”), and below is a warrior with a spear.

I believe that this image should be interpreted as a story about the introduction of the calendar by Bus Beloyar. For the "world circle" is, obviously, the circle of Svarogy, that is, the Sky, symbolically represented by the circle of the zodiac, otherwise - "world".

A warrior with a spear is Bus himself, holding a spear-stozhar, which should be directed to the North Star. (We can find similar images on other ancient tombstones, for example, on the Elhot Cross, see photo.)

On the "left side of the monument, you can see a relief on the plot from the" Book of Kolyada ". This is the last act of Kolyada. According to the text of the song, after the release of his father, Dazhbog, Kolyada sailed on a ship across the Black Sea (this is symbolically depicted on the statue by Kolyada with an oar). On Kolyada's ship was attacked by the Black God, who turned into the Five-Headed Dragon. Kolyada entangled him with a ship's chain, saddled him and flew away on it to the throne of the Almighty. This story tells about the Transfiguration of Kolyada, about his departure from the earthly world (a similar snake is depicted on the Elkhot cross).

On the back of the pedestal there is also a plot from the Book of Kolyada. It tells about the Transfiguration of Kryshnya from the Veda Kryshnya. In the lower part there are two warriors - this is the Roof and the Black God. They shoot arrows at each other, after which Roof leaves along the Star Bridge to the throne of the Almighty. The Heavenly Deer escorts the gates of Iriy Kryshnya - he opens the gates of Heaven before the Son of the Most High.

I think that at the feast for Prince Bus, his son Boyan sang these songs from the Book of Kolyada, meaning not only Kolyada and Kryshnya, but also Bus Beloyar himself, the Vyshnya incarnate.

On the front of the monument is a feast for Prince Bus. Vessel with surya, from which trizniks draw surya. One of them must be the son of Busa Boyan. Below, two equestrian warriors compete, as is customary at a feast. Above the figures, Güldenshtedt depicted a runic inscription.

The inscription was made in the same Pellasgo-Thracian runes as the Boyanov Hymn. Some difference in the inscription of the runes is explained by the fact that they were applied to different materials. There are actually Greek letters in the inscription (in the "Boyan Hymn" Greek letters are also used for beauty - several times in the title and first lines).

We see a rune similar to the Greek letter "omega" placed on its side. In the Greek alphabet and in the Cyrillic alphabet (as well as in the alphabet of the Boyanov Hymn), it means a long sound "o". She is also a Christian symbol of the Almighty. Recall that Christ said: “I am Alpha and Omega” (Rev. 22:13).

According to the Vedic tradition, presented in the Upanishads, the Shastras of India, "Oom" is the name of God, indistinguishable from himself. In Sanskrit, the name "Oom" is depicted with a special sign similar to that depicted on this monument. The name of Allah is depicted closely in Arabic writing as well.

"Oom-Khaie", repeated several times at the beginning of the inscription, is the main Vedic mantra, the glorification of the Almighty. Means "Oom - my God!" There is a similar exclamation in the "Book of Veles", "Veda of the Slavs", in the shastras of India. “Haye” - among the Slavs (compare with modern “praise”), “hi-re” - among the Greeks, “heil” - among the Germans, “hi” - among the British, etc. are an exclamation meaning a greeting, a wish health and well-being. In general, I translate the inscription as follows:

Boyan calls Busa - Let's stay God's Russia. Let us recall that in Boyan's Hymn Boyan calls himself a novice, that is, a novice, a student, one who listens.

Pobud is a word formed according to the same law. It means the one who awakens, awakens, namely, the spiritual teacher, the awakened one. The word "Buddha" has the same meaning and the same origin. I note that in the "Book of Veles" Bus is called: "Budoyu", as well as "Buday".

In modern language, "wake-up" is the blessing, the morning bell ringing. Therefore, Pobud is also an evangelist, a prophet is the one who carries the word of God.

Consonant names have been preserved on the site of the ancient sanctuaries of Bus Beloyar and revered places. For example, in Moscow there is the Budaika River, which flows into the Yauza (literally a stone's throw from my house).

The date given at the end is written according to the Greek-Slavic, early Christian tradition. A very characteristic number is 800.

Such a spelling of this figure was noted only by A. I. Sulakadzev in his manuscript “Bukvozor”, in which, in the section “Cyrillic alphabets”, he also described the alphabets of early Christian Slavic manuscripts that were part of his collection.

This date, as well as the cross worn, as was customary among early Christians - on the collar, indicates that Bus accepted not only the Vedic, but also the Christian teaching, which comes from the Apostle Andrew. That teaching, which has not yet been distorted by later layers, does not deny the Vedic faith.

I note that in the Black Sea region by the 4th century, Christianity already had strong and long-standing roots. Apostle Andrew in the 1st century AD brought the teachings of Christ to Sourozh and Chersonese (Khorsun).

Russian legends about the Apostle Andrew tell that he erected a cross on the Kiev hill, and then preached in Novgorod. Obviously, they mean Kyiv Antsky near Mount Elbrus (Kyiv was founded on the Dnieper four centuries later), as well as Scythian Naples in the Crimea (Novgorod was founded on Ilmen only in the 6th-7th centuries).

In the 4th century, the Bosporus already had its own bishopric. So the Bishop of Bosporus Cadmus took part in the Council of Nicaea in 325 and signed the Nicene Creed. Known in the Bosporus (in Ilurat) and several Greek and Scythian Christian tombstones of that time, located in pagan necropolises.

Not so long ago, early Christian manuscripts made at that time were known (they were kept together with the Slavic Vedic books).

Perhaps these are the same Gospels (I believe from the Apostle Andrew), which, according to the Life of Cyril and Methodius, were written in Russian writing, that is, in runic.

Cyril studied similar manuscripts in Khorsun before starting his preaching work. But now it is not easy to find these books given the current negative attitude towards such finds in Russia.

Let's return to the date standing on the pedestal of the statue of Prince Bus. The year 5875 from the Creation of the World is the year 367 from R. X. 31 lute is the last day of the year 367 (equivalent to March 21, 368 according to the modern calendar). This is a special date.

It is known that the lute corresponds to February. February now has 28 days, and the 29th only occurs in leap years. There used to be one more day in February, but the Roman emperor Augustus took it away, and added it to the month named August in his honor - so that there would not be fewer days in August than in July, named after another emperor - Julius Caesar.

Of course, these Roman innovations did not affect the Slavic calendar, because the last month of the year - the lute had 29 days in an ordinary year, and 30 days in a leap year. 368 is a leap year, in that time there should have been 30 days in the lute. The 31st day could only be if the Slavs had a calendar other than the Julian one.

As you know, the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian, so that the day of the vernal equinox did not depart from March 21, appointed by the Council of Nicaea. Perhaps, in the Slavic calendar, the number 31 lute was introduced for the same purposes. At least then it was known that the true year was different from the Julian one. Already the Greek scientist Giparchus in the II century BC. calculated the longitude of the year 365 1/4 - 1/300 days, and this calculation could be known in Russia.

In any case, lute 31 could not have been an ordinary day. It is even possible that it was added not only once every four years, but also in certain cases again, for example, in 300-500 years (if every hundred years, as is done in the Gregorian calendar, the Slavs also canceled the leap year).

The last day of the era of Beloyar 31 lute is the day of the Transfiguration of Prince Bus. The day that completes the Svarog circle. This is the day that the Black God then took away from spring. The forces of the Black God gained the greatest strength in the entire era of Beloyar, because Bus was crucified, because on that day he went to the Almighty and left the Earth.

But to us, the Russian people, he left a great legacy. These are the Russian lands that were then defended. This is the Busa calendar, which merged with the Orthodox folk calendar, which for centuries determined the way of life of a Russian person. These are the songs of Bus's son - Boyan and his brother - Zlatogor, which have come down to us in folk songs, epics. Out of this tradition, the Tale of Igor's Campaign grew.

Bus laid the foundation for the Russian national spirit. He left us a legacy of Russia - earthly and heavenly.

1. See book. "Correspondence of Metropolitan Eugene of Kyiv with the State Chancellor, Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev". Issue. 2. Voronezh, 1885. S. 76.
2. Bulletin of the Society of Old Russian Art at the Moscow Public Museum, ed. G. Filimonova. M., 1876, no. 11-12.
3. V. V. Latyshev. Caucasian monuments in Moscow. Zap. RAO (NS), vol. II, no. 1. St. Petersburg, 1886.
4. Zap. RAO, 1851, List of RAO meetings for 1850.
5. G.F. Turchaninov. Monuments of writing and language of the peoples of the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. L., 1971.
6. "Bookvozor" was published by V. V. Gritskov in the brochure "Tales of the Rus", M., 1994 (it is also published here).


Ruskolan is one of the largest state formations of the Slavs in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, which existed 16 centuries ago, whose history is completely forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history for Peter I.

The Ruskolan state was located beyond the ridges of Ciscaucasia, on the territory that later became part of the Great Budgaria of Kurbat: from the Kuban and the Terek, a pasture plain, indented by wide river valleys and ravines, gradually rises to the Peredovoi ridge. The forest rises along them almost to the foot of Elbrus. In the valleys there are dozens of ancient settlements where the archaeologist's shovel did not ring. On the banks of the Etoko River, the grave of the legendary prince Ruskolani Bus Beloyar has been preserved.

This land is the source of the Slavic people who called themselves Cherkasy, known for Cherkassky lanes in Moscow, the cities of Cherkassk and Novocherkassk. According to Vatican sources, Cherkasy inhabited Pyatigorye and the Principality of Tmutarakan, and now they are known under the name "Cossacks".

The word "Ruskolan" contains the syllable "lan", present in the words "hand", "valley" and meaning: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into land. Sergei Lesnoy in his book "Where are you from, Rus?" says the following: "With regard to the word" Ruskolun ", it should be noted that there is also a variant" Ruskolan ". If the latter option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently:" Russian (th) fallow deer. Lan - field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes an assumption that there was a word "cleaver", which probably meant some kind of space. It also occurs in a different verbal environment.

The ruler of Ruskolani was Bus from the Beloyar family. In the Gothic and Yaartian epic, he is mentioned under the name of Baksak (Bus-Busan-Baksan), in the Byzantine chronicles - God.

Ruskolan fought with the Goths of Germanarich. In this war, Germanaric was killed, and his son took his place. As a result of many years of war, Ruskolan was defeated, and the ruler of Ruskolan, Bus Beloyar, the last elected prince of the Rus, was crucified by the Goths, as evidenced in the Gothic, Nart and Russian epic .... According to some sources, Bus, like Prometheus, was nailed to rocks on the banks of the Terek, and his close associates were buried alive, immured in a rocky crypt. According to other sources, Bus and his closest assistants were crucified on crosses.

He crucified Bus Beloyar, according to the tablets of the "Book of Veles", Amal Vend. It was Wend from the Amal clan, in whose veins Venedian and Germanic blood merged.

This happened on the vernal equinox in 368. The surviving princes tore Russia into many small principalities, and against the decisions of the veche, they established the transfer of power by inheritance. Avars and Khazars passed through the lands of Ruskolani. But the territory of Ruskolani, Tamatarkha, Tmutarakan, Taman were still considered Slavic principalities.

In the fight against the Khazar yoke (V-VIII century), Russia, which almost never had a permanent army, had only one way to win: to unite, but each of the crown princes sought to do this under his command. Until there was one, elected from the Venid * (Vendi, Vendi, Vinov, Venov) prince, who himself proclaimed himself to be Arius and Troyan, for which he received the name from the people: Prince Samo **. He not only united the Slavs, but under his skillful leadership (which lasted 30 years), Russia defeated almost all of its enemies and regained the lands lost due to civil strife. However, after his death, Ruskolan fell apart again. The next attempt to unite the Slavs and restore the veche rule and the selectivity of the princes was made by the Novgorod elects: the princes Bravlins I and II ***. However, the people united and talentedly ruled by them, after their departure, again divided into clans, and again fell into a state of tug-of-war of power.

Ruler Ruskolani Bus Beloyar

Bus Beloyar - Grand Duke of Vedic Russia, heir to the throne of Ruskolani - Antia. Born April 20, 295 AD According to the Vedic calculus of time - 21 Beloyars 2084 of the Trojan Ages.

Caucasian legends say that Bus was the eldest son. In addition, his father had seven sons and one daughter.

According to various signs that were at the birth of Bus, the Magi predicted that he would complete the Svarog Circle.

Bus was born, just like Kolyada and Kryshen. At his birth, a new star also appeared - a comet. This is mentioned in the ancient Slavic manuscript of the 4th century "Boyanov Hymn", which tells about the star Chigir - eel (Halley's comet), according to which, at the birth of the prince, astrologers predicted his great future:

About Busa - the father of the young sorcerer,
about how he fought, hitting enemies,
sang the sorcerer Zlatogor.
Zlatogorov hymns -
you are really good!
He sang like Chegir-star
flew in the fire like a dragon,
shining with green light.
And forty magicians-sorcerers,
looking into stozhary, they saw the light,
that the sword of Yar Bus is glorious to Kyiv!

The Beloyar family originated from the combination of the Beloyar family, who lived near the White Mountain since ancient times, and the Aria Osednya family (Yar family) at the very beginning of the Beloyar era.

The power of the ancestors of Bus Beloyar spread from Altai, Zagros, to the Caucasus. Bus was the throne name of the Saka and Slavic princes.

Bus was born, his brothers and sister in the sacred city of Kiyar - Kyiv Antsky (Sar - city) near Elbrus, founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani. Busa and the brothers were taught the wisdom of the Antes by the sacred books that were kept in ancient temples. According to legend, these temples were built many thousands of years ago by the wizard Kitovras (he was also known to the Celts under the name Merlin) and Gamayun at the behest of the Sun God. Bus and the brothers were initiated. Initially, they walked the path of Knowledge, were novices-disciples. Having passed this path, they became veduns - that is, knowing, those who perfectly know the Vedas. Bus and Zlatogor, named after the Golden Mountain of Alatyr, rose to the highest degree, to the degree of Pobud (Buday), that is, the awakened and awakening, spiritual teacher and herald of the will of the Gods.

The great cultural act of the prince - sorcerer was the reform and ordering of the calendar. Bus improved the already existing calendar, based on the "Star Book of Kolyada" (Kolyada is a gift, a calendar). According to the Busa calendar, we still live today, because. many Christian holidays (to put it mildly) are borrowed from the past and used to have a Vedic meaning. Having given a new meaning to the ancient holiday, Christians did not change the original dates. And these initial dates had astrological content. They were tied to the dates of passage of the brightest stars through the initial star meridian (the direction to the north). From the time of Bus and to this day, the dates of the festivities in the folk calendar coincide with the star dates of 368 AD. Bus's calendar merged with the Orthodox folk calendar, which for centuries determined the way of life of a Russian person.

Prince Bus not only defended Ruskolan, he also continued the ancient tradition of peaceful trade relations with neighboring peoples and great civilizations of that time.

Bus left a great legacy to the Russian people. These are the Russian lands that they managed to defend then, this is Bus's calendar, these are the songs of Bus's son - Boyan and his brother - Zlatogor, which have come down to us with folk songs, epics. Out of this tradition, the Tale of Igor's Campaign grew.

Bus laid the foundation for the Russian national spirit. He left us a legacy of Russia - earthly and heavenly.

The death of Bus Beloyar

The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. This is a frontier. The end of the Beloyar (Aries) era and the beginning of the Genus (Pisces) era. The Great Day of Svarog, which is also called the Year of Svarog, has ended.

And now, wave after wave, foreigners are coming to Russia - Goths, Huns, Heruli, Iazyges, Hellenes, Romans. The old one stopped and the New Kolo Svarog began to rotate.

The Night of Svarog (Winter of Svarog) has come. Invocation Vyshnya - Roof, or Dazhbog, must be crucified. And power at the beginning of the era passes to the Black God (Chernobog).

In the era of Pisces or in the era of the Sort (according to the songs - turning into a Fish), the collapse of the old world and the birth of a new one take place. In the Age of Aquarius, which is waiting for us ahead, the Roof pours Vedic Knowledge onto the Earth from a bowl filled with honey Surya. People are returning to their roots, to the Faith of the Ancestors.

According to the Caucasian legend, the Antes were defeated because Bus Beloyar did not take part in the common prayer. But he did not do this, because he understood the inevitability of defeat, the night of Svarog had come.

On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total eclipse. The Earth was also shaken by a monstrous earthquake (the entire coast of the Black Sea was shaking, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea).

In the same year, the court poet and educator of the emperor's son Decylus Magnus Ausonius wrote the following verses:

Between the Scythian rocks
There was a dry cross for the birds,
From which from the body of Prometheus
Bloody dew oozed.

This is a trace of the fact that in those years the crucifixion of Bus was also spoken in Rome.

In the minds of the people of that time, the images of Prometheus, Bus and Christ merged into one.

The pagans in Rome saw the crucified Prometheus in Buses, the early Christians saw in him a new incarnation of Christ the Savior, who, like Jesus, resurrected on Sunday. The date of Bus's resurrection is March 23, 368.

The Slavs, who remained faithful to the ancient Tradition of the Ancestors, saw in Bus the third descent of the Almighty to Earth:

Ovsen-Tausen paved the bridge,
not a simple bridge with a railing -
star bridge between Yavu and Navu.
Three towers will ride
among the stars on the bridge.
The first is the roof-god,
and the second - Kolyada,
The third will be - Bus Beloyar.

"The Book of Kolyada", X d

Apparently, the symbol of the cross itself entered the Christian tradition after the crucifixion of Bus. The canon of the Gospels was established after the 4th century and was based incl. and on oral traditions that then went around Christian communities, incl. and Scythian. In those traditions, the images of Christ and Bus Beloyar were already mixed.

So, nowhere in the canonical Gospels is it said that Christ was crucified on the cross. Instead of the word "cross" (kryst), the word "stavros" (stavros) is used there, which means a pillar, and it speaks not of crucifixion, but of pillaring (besides, in the "Acts of the Apostles" 10:39 it is said that Christ was "hanged on the tree"). The words "cross" and "crucifixion" appear only in translations from Greek. Apparently, there was a distortion of the original texts during translation, and then the iconography (for there are no early Christian crucifixes) was influenced precisely by the Slavic-Scythian tradition. The meaning of the original Greek text was well known in Greece itself (Byzantium), but after the corresponding reforms in the modern Greek language, in contrast to the former custom, the word "stavros" took on the meaning of "pillar" as well as the meaning of "cross".

They removed the bodies of Bus and other princes from the crosses on Friday. Then they were taken to their homeland. According to the Caucasian legend, eight pairs of oxen brought the body of Bus and other princes to their homeland. Bus's wife ordered a mound to be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River, a tributary of the Podkumka (30 kilometers from Pyatigorsk) and erected a monument made by Greek craftsmen on the mound. The fact that there was once a large city in the Pyatigorsk region is evidenced by two thousand mounds and the remains of temples at the foot of Mount Beshtau. The monument was discovered in the 18th century and in the 19th century on the barrow one could see a statue of Bus with ancient words written on it:

Oh oh hi! Wake up! Sar!
Believe! Sar Yar Bus - Gods Bus!
Bus - Wake up God's Russia! -
God Bus! Yar Bus!

5875, 31 lutes.

Now the statue is in the storerooms of the Historical Museum in Moscow (see article), and now no one says that it belongs to Bus (although many scientists spoke about this in the last century). No one dares to translate the runic inscription...

The wife of Bus, in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, ordered to rename the Altud River to Baksan (Bus River).

The transfiguration of Bus was forty days later on Faf-mountain, or the White Mountain of Alatyr. And so Bus Beloyar, like Kryshen and Kolyada, ascended on the fortieth day to the White Mountain (Elbrus) and became the Pobud of God's Russia, sat down at the throne of the Most High.

Gothic maidens at the edge
The blue seas live.
Playing with Russian gold
Time Busovo sing.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Scientific research. Fairy tale.

In addition to the mention of Kiyar the Ancient, the capital of the Ruskolan state, the studies of historians speak of the Temple of the Treasury of the Sun, located in the Elbrus region, on top of Mount Tuzuluk, on the territory of the state. The foundation of an ancient structure was discovered on the mountain. Its height is about 40 m, and the diameter of the base is 150 m: the ratio is the same as that of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. In general, the observatory-temple was created according to a "typical" project and, like other cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended to determine the most important dates in world history. In such observatories, the Magi determined the end and the beginning of the zodiac epochs. In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred mountain Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of him in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. For example, according to Zoroastrian and Old Russian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in the second millennium BC. e. Mentions the temple of the Sun and the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the golden fleece and the oracle of Eeta. There were detailed descriptions of this temple and confirmation that astronomical observations were carried out there. The Temple of the Sun was a true paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. Priests who possessed Vedic knowledge created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There, not only dates for agriculture were calculated, but, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined.

This information interested modern researchers, who in the summer of 2002 organized a scientific expedition "Caucasian Arkaim-2002". The expedition members decided to expand the data on the Temple of the Sun obtained by the 2001 scientific expedition. Based on the data obtained as a result of topographic, geodetic studies of the area, fixing astronomical events, the participants of the expedition made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the expedition of 2001, following the results of which in March 2002. a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Historical Museum, and a positive conclusion was received.

But the most amazing discoveries lurked on the ancient mountain roads along which heroes, bogatyrs and sledges (a fearless people of mighty warriors called to cleanse this world of everything that hinders people) went to the sacred country of Iriy - the Slavic paradise. According to ancient legends, in order to get to Iriy, it was necessary to cross the Valley of Death, go along the Kalinov Bridge and defeat the "dragons of Navi", guarding the path from the kingdom of the dead to fertile lands. The legendary valley of death lurks behind the Chatkara pass, whose name translates as black. Even the sand is black here! And the plateau itself resembles a gloomy refuge of trolls: a lifeless desert is crossed by a frozen stream of lava, in which the Kyzylsu River, Red, or Fiery, has broken its channel. But she has another name, derived from the word "smaga" (fire): Currant is the river of death that separates Yav and Nav, the world of the living - and the world of the dead. Fairy tales say that you can cross the Smorodina only along the Kalinov Bridge, on which the battles of the heroes with the fire-breathing guardians of the kingdom of the dead took place. Imagine - such a passage really exists! Where Kyzylsu breaks through the frozen lava flow and plunges into the gloomy gorge with the Sultan waterfall, a water-washed lava plug has formed, hanging like a narrow ribbon over the very abyss! And next to the Kalinov Bridge stands a giant stone head. This is the son of the god of the underworld and the guardian of the Kalinov Bridge. Behind the ominous rocks and dead lands, surrounded on all sides by impregnable mountains and bottomless cliffs, lies the vast tract of Irahityuz, sparkling with greenery, strewn with flowers, and the Irahitsyrt plateau, which means "The Highest Pasture", or "Field of the Most High". Or heavenly lands. The chain of amazing coincidences does not end there! Because walking along the path of fairy-tale heroes can drink water from the Adyrsu and Adylsu rivers, which means living and dead water in translation.

The expedition "Caucasian Arkaim - 2002" was organized by the ATO club, whose website is located at: http://www.clubato.ru

Centuries later, the beautiful country of Ruskolan once again revealed itself to the world.

In memory of those distant and glorious times, in memory of the great Pobud of the Rus of God, Busa Beloyar, this Russian information and educational resource is named.


Larisa Frolova "My Russia, Ancient Motherland..."
A.I. Aesov "Starry Sky of Vedic Russia"
Veles book. Translation and explanations by A.I. Asova.
Hymn of the follower Boyan (Boyanov hymn). Translation by A.I. Asova.
Gazizov D.G. "History of the Bulgars"
Alexey Alekseev "Prielbrusye"
Svetlana Turishcheva "On the threshold of discovery"
ATO club "Information package of the expedition "Caucasian Arkaim - 2002"
Russian way to paradise. Oracle No. 5 / 2003.

Compilation and presentation based on the indicated sources -
owner of the Ruskolan resource. December 09, 2001


* - I.e. people who know or have crowned themselves with knowledge; in principle, this is, for the followers of Arian Vedicism, the same as Christians or Buddhists for the followers of these religions; and therefore the Vendians (however, like the Vandals) “are not some kind of separate clan, but those Slavic clans that by that time still remained faithful to Vedicism.

** - The modern word samurai is a relic of a common noun from Samo Arius. Just like Ossetian means: warrior Aria Osednya.

*** - Bravlin “is not a name given from birth, but a title that has become a name: bravlin means the chosen one, put forward by the people in the process of a stormy, abusive, noisy as a boron evening discussion. The words bravo, brave “come from here. But it is wrong to assume that the veche was always noisy due to the unrestrainedness of the participants: the debates were really not conducted in a whisper “there were fights, however, they are still not uncommon for meetings of parliaments around the world. Only now, the elected no longer take the names Chosen 1 or Chosen 2 instead, preferring to glorify their own.

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