How to balance a throwing knife. Knife weight and balance. Stances and methods of throwing

and perfectly fulfills the role of a mini-course for a beginner fighter-thrower of sharpened metal.
Well, drawings with the dimensions of the necessary applied projectile make this post just a godsend for those who want to join this exciting and developing activity.

Shape, sharpening, dimensions, steel, balance, weight

Having dug up and studied a lot of literature on melee weapons, I did not find any material in any source, correctly or competently, or rather, professionally, covering the “knife throwing” section. A few amateurish authors tried to reveal this topic. In the books of Viktor Popenko and Anatoly Taras, a lot of knives were shown, the forms of which came to us from ancient times and, of course, from different peoples. Whether all these knives are suitable for throwing, I doubt very much, but I am far from thinking of offending the authors mentioned, obviously, this happened due to some objective reasons. The above authors hardly saw how it was done, and I think that they did not try to do it themselves, although with a certain desire and skill, as I myself was convinced in the past, any object in the hand of a professional can become a formidable weapon (knives, plates, needles , axes, ordinary plates and even hats).
But still, I have a desire to move on to what I saw, experienced myself, what I can and what I can teach.

Knife shape

Over the long 30 years, standing at the head of the SEN’E School of Martial Arts (the path of life, the road of life, the work of a lifetime), I had to try and get acquainted with many types of weapons, including throwing ones. somehow it happened by itself, but rather under the influence of A.A. Kharlampiev, that over the years I developed my own technique for owning a knife, its canons. The form should be extremely utilitarian and functional. That is, only this way and nothing else. Based on the experience of the Teacher, and further on my own, I came to the conclusion that a throwing object, namely a knife, should resemble the silhouette of a swimming shark (Fig. 1). Such a knife is not only convenient to throw, but it is also convenient for them to work in close combat and fencing at a distance.

The only thing in which the “swimming shark” knife differed from knives of subsequent forms was that the lower cutting edge was more hollowly sharpened relative to the upper one, resembling in profile the transition from the upper jaw of a shark to the lower one.

With the correct position of the brush, it seems to strike, and the knife diagonally, somewhere at an angle of 45 ″, looks up, with the wrong position, the brush is littered down, and usually the knife starts to tumble and hits the ground. When throwing a knife, the hand must be completely relaxed. And only at the end, when the knife is released, she, as if stopping, imitates a blow. The student's eyes look at the point where he wants to go, watching his hand with lower or lateral peripheral vision, directing and stopping his hand where his eyes are looking.
A classic example of all these actions is a distance of 3 m, when a student, holding a knife by the blade, slightly touching the handle with his thumb and not crawling out with his thumb beyond the zone of the bent index finger, sends the knife to the target (Fig. 11).

This manner of throwing is suitable for a distance of 2.5 to 4 m. At a distance of 1.75 to 2.5 m, the palm is placed on the knife to the middle of the blade.
Now, when a lot has already been explained, I would like to say about the need for sharpening knives on the blades. Of course, the master - he is always a master, throws a knife without sharpening, i.e. smooth. But if we talk about the high art of throwing, then the masters use the form of a knife, close to the heart and feeling. For a student, when he is required to learn this or that exercise, it is important to have some necessary detail that will increase his understanding of what is happening and his qualifications. So, when it comes to the arrival of the knife at the target horizontally or vertically, this is where it must be said how sharpening interferes or helps the result.
As already mentioned or shown above, sharpenings are different. I once again returned to this topic to show how the thumb rests on the knife before throwing (Fig. 12).

Much of what is shown above cannot even be explained, it is on the verge of intuition. But, while practicing, the student comes to the point that he begins to feel the distance, sharpening the knife and the hollow with his finger, i.e., a feeling of understanding and feeling of the knife is born: when you need to lightly press, when to release, so that the knife hits the target horizontally or vertically. I repeat once again, saying that the sharpening plays a very important role in bringing the knife to the target, and the thumb, when releasing the knife from the hand, performs just this role.

* Sharpen - a system for sharpening knives and other edged weapons.

After the publication of this post, I became aware of the real author of this material. This is Tadeush Kasyanov, athlete, actor. He is the author of the manual Knife Throwing Manual, from which the above text is taken.
Special thanks to the commentator for information about the real author.

Tadeusz Kasyanov.

Instructions for throwing knives.


Shape, sharpening*, dimensions, steel, balance, weight.

Having dug up and studied a lot of literature on melee weapons, I did not find any material in any source, correctly or competently, or rather, professionally, covering the "knife throwing" section. A few amateurish authors tried to reveal this topic. In the books of Viktor Popenko and Anatoly Taras, a lot of knives were shown, the forms of which came to us from ancient times and, of course, from different peoples. Whether all these knives are suitable for throwing, I doubt very much, but I am far from thinking of offending the authors mentioned, obviously, this happened due to some objective reasons. The above authors hardly saw how it was done, and I think that they did not try to do it themselves, although with a certain desire and skill, as I myself was convinced in the past, any object in the hand of a professional can become a formidable weapon (knives, plates, needles , axes, ordinary plates and even hats).
But still, I have a desire to move on to what I saw, experienced myself, what I can and what I can teach.
* sharpen - a system for sharpening knives and other edged weapons.

Knife shape.

For a long 30 years, standing at the head of the School of Martial Arts SEN "E (the path of life, the road of life, the work of a lifetime), I had to try and get acquainted with many types of weapons, including throwing ones. Somehow it happened by itself, but rather under the influence of A.A. Kharlampiev, that over the years I have developed my own method of owning a knife, its canons. Personally, I came to the conclusion that a throwing object, namely a knife, should resemble the silhouette of a swimming shark (Fig. 1).Such a knife is not only convenient to throw, but it is also convenient for them to work in close combat and fencing at a distance.


The only thing in which the "swimming shark" knife differed from knives of subsequent forms was that the lower cutting edge was more hollowly sharpened relative to the upper one, resembling in profile the transition from the upper jaw of a shark to the lower one.

(Fig. 2) Oddly enough, it turned out to be difficult to order knives of this shape even in the defense industry, since turners and millers, having lost their qualifications during the years of perestroika in the manufacture of edged weapons, could not understand what I wanted from them. Then I simplified the shape of the knife even more, and the working part itself, the one that enters the target, and in battle into the body of the enemy, began to resemble a bullet. In general, the knife in profile resembled a large bullet, as it was streamlined, comfortable and had nothing superfluous.
Two sizes of the knife were also developed, so to speak, two of its lengths: one - 25 cm = 250 mm, the other - 30 cm = 300 mm (Fig. 2). But at our School, we are somehow more accustomed to the first size. So, since we have already decided what shape the throwing knife should be, let's name the rest of its parameters.
Length = 250mm, handle = 100mm, blade = 150mm, i.e. blade one and a half handle length, width = 25-28 mm. In manufacturing, the thickness of the workpiece should be from 2.2 mm to 2.5 mm. Thickness of overlays of the handle on 2 mm. Rivets holding the handle on each side can be made 3, but usually 2 rivets are made. Rivet width - 5 mm.


Steel 4 * 13 55 units is used for the workpiece. hardness on the Rockwell scale. If you take 60 units. rigidity, then during training, the knife, falling into the stand flat, will break, because. steel will practically be surgical, and at 50 units. rigidity, the knife, falling into the walls, will bend strongly. The middle of the scale is taken. If the above steel is not available, you can take spring hoist from a GAZ-21 car and valve steel from an automobile engine.


The knife blank itself must be milled or sharpened in such a way that the cutting part of the knife is on one side only. The sharpening of the cutting edge itself can be of 4 types, as shown in Fig. 3.
The sharpening of the workpiece is carried out in the middle of the length of the knife and runs from the sting to the beginning of the handle (Fig. 3c). You need to sharpen, of course, 150 mm in length, without affecting that

Rice. 3

the part that will be the handle. Otherwise, it will show up strongly on the blade balance.
So, sharpening can be bilateral, with a bevel in one direction and a hemisphere.
What is better? Experience shows that if you need a high-precision hit on the target, then a knife with a 2-sided sharpening is used. After making the workpiece, we move on to the handle.
The handle should consist of 2 separate pads of duralumin. Other materials - vinyl plastic, wood, rubber quickly become unusable from accidental hits with a knife in a knife and from blows to the stand and the floor. The part of the knife intended for the handle is not milled. It drills 2 holes of 5 mm for two rivets made of high-speed steel, which is well processed and holds perfectly. Both holes for riveting are drilled 20 mm from the end of the handle from the knife blade. Moreover, both handle linings near the near rivet are ground obliquely (Fig. 4)

to the blade so that the thrower's hand does not meet any angles and plane differences when the knife is released in the throw.

Knife weight and balance.

The weight of the knife should be 200 g. Its balance is checked in this way: in the place where the handle starts from the blade, put the index finger, say, of the right hand, and the index finger of the left hand slightly holds the knife in a horizontal position at the sting. When the finger of the left hand is released, the knife handle, as if lingering, should evenly and unconditionally pull the knife to the floor (Fig. 5). If the knife handle is much heavier than the blade, then the knife will immediately fall to the floor towards the handle. Therefore, such a handle simply needs to be lightened.


A few words about army knives.

A straight dagger bayonet from an AKM assault rifle with a bloodstream for throwing would be convenient if it did not have a ring for a nozzle on the barrel and an excessively curved and weighted end of the handle. When I was filming all these personal belongings, I used this bayonet perfectly, as it was, for example, on the set of the film "In the zone of special attention." A bayonet resembling a Finn from an AK rifle is even more difficult to use, because. the tip is offset to the side, and the handle is very heavy, with many curves and angles. It also interferes with a one-sided saw, which can injure your hand. You have to be a well-trained fighter in order to have a certain result when throwing such a bayonet. But in general it can be used for the army. The distance should be 4.5-5.5 m, depending on the height of the fighter and the length of his arm. There is also an army dagger bayonet with a diamond-shaped sharpening on both sides of the blade, but with the same drawback - it also has an uncomfortable handle. In a word, you can't throw our domestic bayonets by the hand. Obviously, Department of Defense scientists were experimenting with these knives in their offices. The color of the throwing knife should be black so that it is practically invisible in the hand, and even more so in flight.

Platforms and stands for throwing knives
(special devices)

Knife throwing is taught both outdoors and indoors. To do this, you need to clear a small area in a forest or garden of various debris, equal, for example, 10X4 m, tamp the site, lightly sprinkle with sand and place stands so that people are excluded near or behind them. The site must be marked out at special distances (I will talk about them in the next chapter). At one end of the site there will be a stand, at the other - a table or bench for throwing knives. During the training process, there is a danger of knives flying and scattering around the site, so the stand just needs to be fenced with a fine mesh or wooden shields. On the ground near the stand, you need to pour more sand or put rubber tracks. This will save the knives from possible breakage when hitting the ground, and the student will not have to run behind the stand to look for the knives that have flown there. In the room for the same exercises, the platform should be exactly the same, but more attention should be paid to sound insulation, for which the stand should be surrounded by felt sheets or rubber tracks. If there are windows in the room where the throwing is carried out, then they should be blocked with a fine mesh. The stands should be well lit: above them or on the side there should be light bulbs covered with covers, since during the preparation of the thrower there will be exercises in the twilight and in complete darkness for a flash of light. All the talk about the fact that the platform for throwing knives should be larger does not make sense, because it is simply impossible to effectively throw knives further than 12 m, and the stories that someone saw or threw knives from a distance of 15, 20 and 30 m - a pure lie. If you are in a region where it is difficult to find a tree, then an earthen rampart is poured on one side of the site in the open air, compacted with shovels, various figures are marked, after which the stand is ready for training (this was done, for example, by the Turkish Janissaries (guards) for fast training of a large number of warriors).

If it is possible to pick up a tree for the exercise, then it is better if it is a poplar, because. its wood is softer, well absorbs the sound from a knife strike and absorbs the knife well when stuck. The poplar is sawn into 30 cm rounds, the bark is removed, after which the sides are chipped with an ax so that a square is obtained, then any serial number is indicated, and the finished poplar squares are placed in the frame of the stand (Fig. 8).

The frame lid or top bar is lowered so that the poplar squares do not move, and fastened or tied at the side so that everything is held firmly (Fig. 9). The squares can have different numbers on the front, and different figures are drawn on the back. When the front surface is destroyed as a result of exercise, the side of the square changes or the square is completely thrown away. It is desirable that poplar wood is constantly damp. To do this, leaving the training session, you need to sprinkle water on the stand and, if possible, block the stand with a damp cloth. Wet wood better perceives the "sticking" of the knife. When teaching throwing, an important circumstance is the fact that the knives are thrown at the end of the block of wood, and not at all from the side into the wood. It is possible later, when experience comes, it will be possible to throw at a standing tree, but, of course, into a dry one, and not into a flowering one, into a chipboard. plywood. True, such exercises greatly spoil the knives.

Rice. 9
Experienced throwers make targets swinging on chains, although, I repeat, it is possible to hit them only with very long and constant practice.

Knife throwing distance.

Speaking of distance, I would immediately like to focus on a very close distance to the target, and in a combat situation - to the enemy. In the process of training, four such distances were revealed. These are 1.25m, 1.50m, 1.75m, and 2m. I am not talking about throwing methods yet and the very important section of how to hold the knife (this will be done in the next chapter). When learning, the student must build up skills at these distances, and only after that quietly move away, moving away from the target. These are real distances for training, as well as in a combat situation, making it possible to quickly deal with the enemy. Then comes a very real distance of 2.5 and 3 m. Then 4-4.5 m. The most productive for me. Accordingly, 5 m, 6 m, 7 and 8 m. When the thrower retreats to such a distance, he feels that idle talk even about 12 m, and even more so 15, 20, 30 m, is pure fiction and a bluff. In the sense of the technique, having mastered several of the listed distances, at the end of the training one should try to approach and move away from the target. This practice gives positive results in combat, when the distance will be difficult to determine by eye due to various weather or other circumstances. In general, in order to get closer to the enemy and realize your actions, a distance of 6-8 m is very good. In addition, you must be a very good thrower, otherwise you will lose.

How to hold a knife in your hand

Bearing in mind that in the previous chapter we identified four close distances, I immediately want to say that it is necessary to hit the target and the enemy from these distances while holding the knife by the handle. Knife
is held in the hand in this way: the blade is directed towards the stand or the opponent, the handle is in the palm of your hand, four fingers hold the handle from below, being, as it were, a guide path for the knife to fly out of the hand. The thumb, with the phalanx necessarily bent at an angle of 45 ", lying on the knife, should never go beyond the line of the bent index finger and lie flat on the knife (Fig. 10).
None of the authors of works on knife throwing said a word about it. What gives this way of holding a knife? Correctly placed on the handle, and on the blade (we will analyze this a little later),

Rice. ten

the thumb makes it possible to correctly aim the knife. It depends on the position of the finger on the knife whether the knife will tumble in the throw or not. Similarly, the thumb plays an important role in whether the knife hits the target horizontally or vertically. I have not seen anywhere that this moment would be touched and illuminated by anyone. The thumb, as it were, twists the knife when released from the hand, directing it to a point, horizontally or vertically. But, really, maybe these are the secrets of the masters. The knife is held by the blade in exactly the same way, taking into account the fact that one side of it is sharp and should look out from the palm of your hand for several mm. throwing a knife by the handle from a distance of up to 2 m, this is done with one wave of the hand. The knife, nowhere and not turning over, enters the target. But starting from 2 m, it is more convenient to throw the knife by the blade, and here, when you release the knife from your hand, you should, as it were, slightly cut the blade from the bottom up with a bent index finger. Then the knife, having made only half a turn, will stick into the target with a sting.

Rice. eleven

Rice. 12

We must remember the rule that when throwing a knife by the blade from 2 m or 12 m, the knife should make only half a turn (Fig. 11). Throwing a knife by the handle from 5 m and further, the knife must make a full turn (Fig. 12). When the student, holding the blade, begins to try a distance of 5.5-6 m, then the knife should literally go into the palm of a few mm, but in these cases, no more than half of the handle should still be captured by the palm.
The knife should not be held strongly or firmly, but tightly clamped with the fingers of the indicated grip. A very important circumstance is the position of the hand when throwing a knife, in its very final phase of releasing (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13

On fig. 14 shows a variant of the correct and incorrect position of the brush.

Rice. fourteen

With the correct position of the hand, it seems to strike, and the knife diagonally, somewhere at an angle of 45 "looks up, with the wrong position, the hand is littered down, and usually the knife begins to tumble and hits the ground. When throwing a knife, the hand should be absolutely relaxed And only at the end, when the knife is released, it imitates a blow, as if stopping. his eyes.
The classic example of all these actions is distance 3 m, when the student, holding the knife by the blade, slightly touching the handle with his thumb and not crawling out with his thumb beyond the area of ​​the bent index finger, sends the knife to the target (Fig. 15).

Rice. fifteen

This manner of throwing is suitable for a distance of 2.5 to 4 m. At a distance of 1.75 to 2.5 m, the palm is placed on the knife to the middle of the blade.
Now, when a lot has already been explained, I would like to say about the need for sharpening knives on the blades. Of course, the master - he is always a master, throws a knife without sharpening, i.e. smooth. But if we talk about the high art of throwing, then the masters use the form of a knife, close to the heart and feeling. For a student, when he is required to learn this or that exercise, it is important to have some necessary detail that will increase his understanding of what is happening and his qualifications. So, when it comes to the arrival of the knife at the target horizontally or vertically, this is where it must be said how sharpening interferes or helps the result.
As already mentioned or shown above, sharpenings are different. I returned to this topic once again to show how the thumb rests on the knife before throwing (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16

Much of what is shown above cannot even be explained, it is on the verge of intuition. But, while practicing, the student comes to the point that he begins to feel the distance, sharpening the knife and the forehead with his finger, i.e., a feeling of understanding and feeling of the knife is born: when you need to lightly press, when to release, so that the knife hits the target horizontally or vertically. I repeat once again, saying that the sharpening plays a very important role in bringing the knife to the target, and the thumb plays exactly this role when the knife is released from the hand.

Knife weight and balance.

The weight of the knife should be 200 g. Its balance is checked in this way: in the place where the handle starts from the blade, put the index finger, say, of the right hand, and the index finger of the left hand slightly holds the knife in a horizontal position at the sting. When the finger of the left hand is released, the knife handle, as if lingering, should evenly and unconditionally pull the knife to the floor (Fig. 5). If the knife handle is much heavier than the blade, then the knife will immediately fall to the floor towards the handle. Therefore, such a handle simply needs to be lightened.

Rice. 5

From the book Knife Throwing Instructions author Kasyanov Tadeush Rafailovich

From the book Knife Throwing Instructions. author Kasyanov Tadeush Rafailovich

Knife weight and balance. The weight of the knife should be 200 g. Its balance is checked in this way: in the place where the handle starts from the blade, put the index finger, say, of the right hand, and the index finger of the left hand slightly holds the knife in a horizontal position

From the book The Art of Hand-to-Hand Combat. author Oznobishin Neil N.

From the book Chinese art of swordsmanship. A guide to tai chi jian by Yun Zhang

From the book Fencing Technique with a Knife, Sword and Dagger author Ivanov-Katansky Sergey Anatolievich

Ways to hold a knife in your hand Bearing in mind that in the previous chapter we identified four close distances, I want to say right away that it is necessary to hit the target and the enemy from these distances while holding the knife by the handle. The knife is held in the hand in this way: the blade is directed towards the stand

From the book Hard book of tricks author Shlakhter Vadim Vadimovich

SECTION VI METHODS AGAINST THE KNIFE AND OTHER UNINTENDED WEAPONS 1. Techniques for fighting against an opponent armed with a knife and methods for disarming him An opponent armed with a knife should not embarrass you more than if he were empty-handed. Look at things as if

From the book Hand-to-Hand Combat Special Techniques [Practical Guide] author Petrov Maxim Nikolaevich

From the book School of Knife Fighting [Grips, fighting stances, movements, strikes, defense techniques and throwing a combat knife. According to the KGB special forces system] author Travnikov Alexander Igorevich

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Performing a Power Action with a Knife I am not teaching the following (like everything else) so that you immediately begin to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Such an action is the last chance when you have an enemy and there is no way to deal with him otherwise. Then and

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Chapter 6 USING THE KNIFE 28 How to Use the KnifeIn close combat, there is no more deadly weapon than the knife. An unarmed man has no defense against him. Moreover, often the sheen of a knife alone terrifies the enemy, deprives him of confidence and makes him

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Part 5. KNIFE THROWING Every scout must be able to throw a knife. Throwing a knife, as a way to defeat the enemy, has the following advantages: - the enemy is struck from a distance that excludes hand-to-hand combat, namely at a distance of three to ten steps (2.5–6

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Components and device of a combat knife Let's consider the device of a combat knife using the example of a modern combat knife "Swipe-1", which is in service with the special forces of the Russian Federation (Scheme 1). Scheme 1. Combat knife “Swipe-11. Blade2. Handle3. Blade tip 4. Blade5. Smooth

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Grip of a combat knife As a rule, training in knife fighting begins with learning the correct grip of a knife. It is important to remember that each grip is suitable for a narrow range of tasks - in combat it is unwise to hold a knife in the same way as in the kitchen. And vice versa. No less than the scope, on

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Knife handle strikes In hand-to-hand combat, the knife handle can be used as a striking weapon for deafening and crushing blows. Knife handle strikes can be applied to the joints, arm muscles, fingers, wrist, collarbone, spine, head. Most

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Throwing a Combat Knife A combat knife is excellently suited for throwing in an extreme situation, but, as practice shows, it is not very suitable for training. It should be borne in mind that the combat throwing of a knife, although theoretically intended to defeat the enemy, in

From the author's book

Carrying a combat knife There are two ways to carry a combat knife: open and hidden. Open carrying a knife is carried out in a sheath that can be attached to a belt, belt, elements of combat and marching ammunition and clothing, as well as on an arm or leg. Ordinary army combat

The muddy wave of perestroika, and even the post-perestroika period, had a negative impact on the political and social life of Russia, especially this hit the state and position of the army. The ruling elite has always been afraid of a trained army, and this continues even now. Since the mid-forties, the army has been taught practically nothing except for three exercises: “shagistika, broom and shovel”. Like a bad owner - “how to go hunting, so feed the dogs” - our army was trained, as a rule, only in extreme conditions, which led to colossal losses that might not have happened. I, as a specialist and, first of all, as a citizen of my country, am extremely concerned about the state of the Armed Forces as a whole, the growing pacifist mood among young people, which results in the almost complete collapse of the army, an extremely low level of personnel training, morale and discipline. Everything indicates that in the absence of purposeful work among young people, the preparation of the reserve for service in the Armed Forces is not carried out properly, but there are organizations that are not indifferent to the fate of their country, nation, army. Since 1975, the Russian school of hand-to-hand combat and traditional karate of the Russian Federation has been carrying out practical activities in the targeted training of instructors for the army and special forces, popularization of the national sport (hand-to-hand combat) by holding national and international competitions, demonstration performances, by publishing and distributing methodological literature. This work is dedicated to the Ratobortsy - ordinary soldiers of the Russian army and navy, as well as to the memory of my Great Teacher, who taught me this unique art, Anatoly Arkadyevich Kharlampiev. I remember the post-war childhood years when, as a ten-year-old boy, in my Zamoskvorechye, at the intersection of Dubininskaya and Shchipka streets, in the club of railway workers, which we still stand there, back in 1948, I watched the film Alamaza Gorge. In the film, the Japanese occupied the Chinese province of Manchuria, and the local population resisted them in every possible way. A small Chinese girl, in a furious gallop, knocked off several Japanese soldiers chasing her with accurate knife throws. As I later learned, she was the daughter of the Grand Master knife thrower, who demonstrated his art in the circus. He put his daughter to the stand and from eleven and a half meters outlined her silhouette with knives, then she came out of this palisade. The master threw the last knife into the middle of the silhouette, and the plywood fell out. Either in Samarkand, or in Bukhara in the early 30s, A. A. Kharlampiev met this Master, a participant in the film, in a small circus big top and asked the old Chinese (he was 84 years old) to teach him, a Russian man, the art of throwing knives . The master silently took a thirty-centimeter knife from the bag he brought with him and drew a cross with it on the stand. “If you put 4 knives vertically and 4 horizontally in this cross, I will teach you for free for a month,” the Master said quietly, “any distance!” Anatoly Arkadyevich placed two knives vertically. horizontally - not a single one ... “You are a talented young man. 15 years for 4 hours”, - such was the verdict of the Master. I could not even imagine that someday I would not only get to know Anatoly Arkadyevich, but also learn from the father of the Russian SAMBO the incredibly difficult art of throwing knives. It remains only to regret that I spent so few years near the Master (only 8 years from acquaintance in 1969 to 1977 - the year of his death). How much more I could learn! His not the best result in throwing with me, when he cut a small apple with two knives from 8 meters into four parts. Any of his words or remarks was perceived by me as a deeply considered decision, it didn’t even occur to me that it could be somehow different, so the training went very quickly and productively. All this was helped by the fact that, having married, I moved to a private house with a garden, which is on Preobrazhenskaya Zastava, where I could calmly train for hours. This greatly contributed to the improvement of the skill of the thrower. Remembering the Master's advice, I threw knives at a sound, at a flash of light, blindfolded from different racks and falling to the ground, but still my personal result over the years spent with the Master was insignificant. 4 knives in a lilac leaf horizontal 4.5 meters and on the set of the film "In the Zone of Special Attention" 3 bayonets from an AKM assault rifle from 6 meters into the lid of a can of condensed milk. I taught this to a few of those in whom I was sure that they would carry this art further, life set new tasks, and now I present this work for soldiers and special forces of the Russian army.


Shape, sharpening, dimensions, steel, balancing, weight.

Having dug and studied a lot of literature on melee weapons, I did not find any material in any source, correctly or competently, or rather, professionally, covering the “knife throwing” section. A few amateurish authors tried to reveal this topic. In the books of Viktor Popenko and Anatoly Taras, a lot of knives were shown, the forms of which came to us from ancient times and, of course, from different peoples. Whether all these knives are suitable for throwing, I doubt very much, but I am far from thinking of offending the authors mentioned, obviously, this happened due to some objective reasons. The above authors hardly saw how it was done, and I think that they did not try to do it themselves, although with a certain desire and skill, as I myself was convinced in the past, any object in the hand of a professional can become a formidable weapon (knives, plates, needles , axes, ordinary plates and even hats).

But still, I have a desire to move on to what I saw, experienced myself, what I can and what I can teach.

Knife shape.

For a long 30 years, standing at the head of the School of Martial Arts SEN "E (the path of life, the road of life, the work of a lifetime), I had to try and get acquainted with many types of weapons, including throwing ones. Somehow it happened by itself, but rather under the influence of A.A. Kharlampiev, that over the years I have developed my own method of owning a knife, its canons. Personally, I came to the conclusion that a throwing object, namely a knife, should resemble the silhouette of a swimming shark (Fig. 1).Such a knife is not only convenient to throw, but it is also convenient for them to work in close combat and fencing at a distance.

Rice. one

The only thing in which the “swimming shark” knife differed from knives of subsequent forms was that the lower cutting edge was more hollowly sharpened relative to the upper one, resembling in profile the transition from the upper jaw of a shark to the lower one.

Rice. 2 Knife Sizes

Oddly enough, it turned out to be difficult to order knives of this shape even in the defense industry, since turners and millers, having lost their qualifications during the years of perestroika in the manufacture of edged weapons, could not understand what I wanted from them. Then I simplified the shape of the knife even more, and the working part itself, the one that enters the target, and in battle into the body of the enemy, began to resemble a bullet. In general, the knife in profile resembled a large bullet, as it was streamlined, comfortable and had nothing superfluous.

Two sizes of the knife were also developed, so to speak, two of its lengths: one - 25 cm = 250 mm, the other - 30 cm = 300 mm (Fig. 2). But at our School, we are somehow more accustomed to the first size. So, since we have already decided what shape the throwing knife should be, let's name the rest of its parameters.

Length = 250 mm, handle = 100 mm, blade = 150 mm, i.e. blade one and a half length of the handle, width = 25-28 mm. In manufacturing, the thickness of the workpiece should be from 2.2 mm to 2.5 mm. Thickness of overlays of the handle on 2 mm. Rivets holding the handle on each side can be made 3, but usually 2 rivets are made. Rivet width - 5 mm.


Steel 4 * 13 55 units is used for the workpiece. hardness on the Rockwell scale. If you take 60 units. rigidity, then during training, the knife, falling into the stand flat, will break, because the steel will practically be surgical, and at 50 units. rigidity, the knife, falling into the walls, will bend strongly. The middle of the scale is taken. If the above steel is not available, you can take spring hoist from a GAZ-21 car and valve steel from an automobile engine.


The knife blank itself must be milled or sharpened in such a way that the cutting part of the knife is on one side only. The sharpening of the cutting edge itself can be of 4 types, as shown in Fig. 3.

The sharpening of the workpiece is carried out in the middle of the length of the knife and runs from the sting to the beginning of the handle (Fig. 3c). You need to sharpen, of course, 150 mm in length, without affecting the part that will be the handle at all. Otherwise, it will show up strongly on the blade balance.

Rice. 3 Knife in the cut

So, sharpening can be bilateral, with a bevel in one direction and a hemisphere.

What is better? Experience shows that if you need a high-precision hit on the target, then a knife with a 2-sided sharpening is used. After making the workpiece, we move on to the handle.

The handle should consist of 2 separate pads of duralumin. Other materials - vinyl plastic, wood, rubber quickly become unusable from accidental hits with a knife in a knife and from blows to the stand and the floor. The part of the knife intended for the handle is not milled. It drills 2 holes of 5 mm for two rivets made of high-speed steel, which is well processed and holds perfectly. Both holes for riveting are drilled 20 mm from the end of the handle from the knife blade. Moreover, both handle linings near the near rivet are ground obliquely (Fig. 4) to the blade so that the thrower's hand does not meet any angles and plane differences when the knife is released in the throw.

Rice. four

Knife weight and balance.

The weight of the knife should be 200 g. Its balance is checked in this way: in the place where the handle starts from the blade, put the index finger, say, of the right hand, and the index finger of the left hand slightly holds the knife in a horizontal position at the sting. When the finger of the left hand is released, the knife handle, as if lingering, should evenly and unconditionally pull the knife to the floor (Fig. 5). If the knife handle is much heavier than the blade, then the knife will immediately fall to the floor towards the handle. Therefore, such a handle simply needs to be lightened.

Rice. 5

A few words about army knives.

A dagger straight bayonet from an AKM assault rifle with a hollow for throwing a bloodstream would be convenient if it did not have a ring for a nozzle on the barrel and an excessively curved and weighted end of the handle. When I was filming all these personal belongings, I used this bayonet perfectly, as it was, for example, on the set of the film “In the Zone of Special Attention”. The bayonet, reminiscent of a Finn from an AK rifle, is even more difficult to use, because the sting is shifted to the side, and the handle is very heavy, with many bends and angles. It also interferes with a one-sided saw, which can injure your hand. You have to be a well-trained fighter in order to have a certain result when throwing such a bayonet. But in general it can be used for the army. The distance should be 4.5-5.5 m, depending on the height of the fighter and the length of his arm. There is also an army dagger bayonet with a diamond-shaped sharpening on both sides of the blade, but with the same drawback - it also has an uncomfortable handle. In a word, you can't throw our domestic bayonets by the hand. Obviously, Department of Defense scientists were experimenting with these knives in their offices. The color of the throwing knife should be black so that it is practically invisible in the hand, and even more so in flight.

Platforms and stands for throwing knives (special devices)

Knife throwing is taught both outdoors and indoors. To do this, you need to clear a small area in a forest or garden of various debris, equal, for example, 10 * 4 m, tamp the site, lightly sprinkle with sand and place stands so that people are excluded near or behind them. The site must be marked out at special distances (I will talk about them in the next chapter). At one end of the site there will be a stand, at the other - a table or bench for throwing knives. During the training process, there is a danger of knives flying and scattering around the site, so the stand just needs to be fenced with a fine mesh or wooden shields. On the ground near the stand, you need to pour more sand or put rubber tracks. This will save the knives from possible breakage when hitting the ground, and the student will not have to run behind the stand to look for the knives that have flown there. In the room for the same exercises, the platform should be exactly the same, but more attention should be paid to sound insulation, for which the stand should be surrounded by felt sheets or rubber tracks. If there are windows in the room where the throwing is carried out, then they should be blocked with a fine mesh. The stands should be well lit: above them or on the side there should be light bulbs covered with covers, since during the preparation of the thrower there will be exercises in the twilight and in complete darkness for a flash of light. All the talk about the fact that the platform for throwing knives should be larger does not make sense, because it is simply impossible to effectively throw knives further than 12 m, and the stories that someone saw or threw knives from a distance of 15, 20 and 30 m - a pure lie. If you are in a region where it is difficult to find a tree, then an earthen rampart is poured on one side of the site in the open air, compacted with shovels, various figures are marked, after which the stand is ready for training (this was done, for example, by the Turkish Janissaries (guards) for fast training of a large number of warriors).

Rice. 6 Open area

Rice. 7 Room (top view)

If it is possible to pick up a tree for the exercise, then it is better if it is poplar, because its wood is softer, absorbs sound from a knife strike well and absorbs a knife well when stuck. The poplar is sawn into 30 cm rounds, the bark is removed, after which the sides are chipped with an ax so that a square is obtained, then any serial number is indicated, and the finished poplar squares are placed in the frame of the stand (Fig. 8).

Rice. eight

The frame lid or top bar is lowered so that the poplar squares do not move, and fastened or tied at the side so that everything is held firmly (Fig. 9). The squares can have different numbers on the front, and different figures are drawn on the back. When the front surface is destroyed as a result of exercise, the side of the square changes or the square is completely thrown away. It is desirable that poplar wood is constantly damp. To do this, leaving the training session, you need to sprinkle water on the stand and, if possible, block the stand with a damp cloth. Wet wood better perceives the "sticking" of the knife. When teaching throwing, an important circumstance is the fact that the knives are thrown at the end of the block of wood, and not at all from the side into the wood. Much later, when experience comes, it will be possible to throw at a standing tree, but, of course, into a dry one, and not into flowering, into chipboard, plywood. True, such exercises greatly spoil the knives.

Rice. 9

Experienced throwers make targets swinging on chains, although, I repeat, it is possible to hit them only with very long and constant practice.

Knife throwing distance.

Speaking about the distance, I would immediately like to focus on a very close distance to the target, and in a combat situation - to the enemy. In the process of training, four such distances were revealed. These are 1.25m, 1.50m, 1.75m, and 2m. I am not talking about throwing methods yet and the very important section of how to hold the knife (this will be done in the next chapter). When learning, the student must build up skills at these distances, and only after that quietly move away, moving away from the target. These are real distances for training, as well as in a combat situation, making it possible to quickly deal with the enemy. Then comes a very real distance of 2.5 and 3 m. Then 4-4.5 m. The most productive for me. Accordingly, 5 m, 6 m, 7 and 8 m. When the thrower retreats to such a distance, he feels that idle talk even about 12 m, and even more so 15, 20, 30 m, is pure fiction and a bluff. In the sense of the technique, having mastered several of the listed distances, at the end of the training one should try to approach and move away from the target. This practice gives positive results in combat, when the distance will be difficult to determine by eye due to various weather or other circumstances. In general, in order to get closer to the enemy and realize your actions, a distance of 6-8 m is very good. In addition, you must be a very good thrower, otherwise you will lose.

How to hold a knife in your hand

Bearing in mind that in the previous chapter we identified four close distances, I immediately want to say that it is necessary to hit the target and the enemy from these distances while holding the knife by the handle. The knife is held in the hand in this way: the blade is directed towards the stand or the opponent, the handle is in the palm of your hand, four fingers hold the handle from below, being, as it were, a guide path for the knife to fly out of the hand. The thumb, with the phalanx necessarily bent at an angle of 45 °, lying on the knife, should never go beyond the line of the bent index finger and lie flat on the knife (Fig. 10).

Rice. ten

the thumb makes it possible to correctly aim the knife. It depends on the position of the finger on the knife whether the knife begins to tumble in the throw or not. Similarly, the thumb plays an important role in whether the knife hits the target horizontally or vertically. I have not seen anywhere that this moment would be touched and illuminated by anyone. The thumb, as it were, twists the knife when released from the hand, directing it to a point, horizontally or vertically. But, really, maybe these are the secrets of the masters. The knife is held by the blade in exactly the same way, taking into account the fact that one side of it is sharp and should look out from the palm of your hand for several millimeters. Throwing a knife by the handle from a distance of up to 2 m, this is done with one wave of the hand. The knife, without turning anywhere and in any way, enters the target. But, starting from 2 m, it is more convenient to throw the knife by the blade, and here, when you release the knife from your hand, you should, as it were, slightly cut the blade from the bottom up with a bent index finger. Then the knife, having made only half a turn, will stick into the target with a sting.

Rice. eleven

Rice. 12

We must remember the rule that when throwing a knife by the blade from 2 m or 12 m, the knife should make only half a turn (Fig. 11). Throwing a knife by the handle from 5 m and further, the knife must make a full turn (Fig. 12). When a student, holding the blade, begins to try a distance of 5.5-6 m, then the knife should literally go into the palm of a few millimeters, but in these cases, no more than half of the handle should still be captured by the palm.

The knife should not be held strongly or firmly, but tightly clamped with the fingers of the indicated grip. A very important circumstance is the position of the hand when throwing a knife, in its very final phase of releasing (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13

On fig. 14 shows a variant of the correct and incorrect position of the brush.

Rice. fourteen

With the correct position of the brush, it strikes, as it were, and the knife looks up diagonally, somewhere at an angle of 45o, with the wrong position, the brush is littered down, and usually the knife begins to tumble and hits the ground. When throwing a knife, the hand must be completely relaxed. And only at the end, when the knife is released, she, as if stopping, imitates a blow. The student's eyes look at the point where he wants to go, watching his hand with lower or lateral peripheral vision, directing and stopping his hand where his eyes are looking.

A classic example of all these actions is a distance of 3 m, when a student, holding a knife by the blade, slightly touching the handle with his thumb and without getting his thumb out of the bent index finger zone, sends the knife to the target (Fig. 15).

Rice. fifteen

This manner of throwing is suitable for a distance of 2.5 to 4 m. At a distance of 1.75 to 2.5 m, the palm is placed on the knife to the middle of the blade.

Now, when a lot has already been explained, I would like to say about the need for sharpening knives on the blades. Of course, the master - he is always a master, throws a knife without sharpening, that is, smooth. But if we talk about the high art of throwing, then the masters use the form of a knife, close to the heart and feeling. For a student, when he is required to learn this or that exercise, it is important to have some necessary detail that will increase his understanding of what is happening and his qualifications. So, when it comes to the arrival of the knife at the target horizontally or vertically, this is where it must be said how sharpening interferes or helps the result.

As already mentioned or shown above, sharpenings are different. I returned to this topic once again to show how the thumb rests on the knife before throwing (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16 (sectional)

Much of what is shown above cannot even be explained, it is on the verge of intuition. But, while practicing, the student comes to the point that he begins to feel the distance, sharpening the knife and the hollow with his finger, i.e., a feeling of understanding and feeling of the knife is born: when you need to lightly press, when to release, so that the knife hits the target horizontally or vertically. I repeat once again, saying that the sharpening plays a very important role in bringing the knife to the target, and the thumb plays exactly this role when the knife is released from the hand.

Stances and methods of throwing

These two concepts are closely related, because there can be no ways of throwing without racks. I will also have to refer to certain stances and throwing methods that resemble strikes in terms of karate and hand-to-hand combat.

Speaking of throwing methods, we will again have to return to the two previous chapters on distances and the manner of holding a knife in the hand, since all these concepts will be linked together in this chapter. Let's remember those first four distances close to the target. So, throwing knives at them is done from high racks, when the student stands on his feet, spaced shoulder-width apart. And only at the moment the knife is sent to the target, it comes out either with the left or with the right foot forward. Here again, it is necessary to mention the height and length of the student's arms.

So, let's consider one of the methods of throwing at close range (Fig. 17): the student stands, slightly turned to the target with his left side or even frontally. Staying in place, he holds the knife in his right hand. Raising at the level of the head the right hand with a knife, bent at the elbow so that

Rice. 17

it turned out an angle of 90o, with a quick and sharp movement of the hand, he sends the knife to the target.

The student can make the same movement by stepping the specified distance into the hida-ri-zenkutsu-dachi stance (front left-hand stance), while throwing a knife with his right hand. You can also step with your right foot into the migi-zenkutsu-dachi stance (front right-hand stance) and also throw the knife with your right hand (fig. 15).

Rice. eighteen

You can attack the target from the kiba-dachi stance (horseman position), immediately taking a fixed position or stepping to an already known distance at the same time as throwing a knife (Fig. 19),

Rice. 19

This movement will resemble a tetsui-uchi (hammer hand) strike from outside to inside. It is possible to swing the right hand horizontally from the kiba-dachi stance, being left side to the target, to send the knife to the target and from the high stance from the spot. As for the combat situation, when the enemy is in front of you and does not know who you are, thinking that you will at least fence or do some tricks, then if you have learned how to throw a knife, this should simplify your situation.

Distances of 3-4 m are, as it were, classic. From these distances, training goes well and maximum performance is achieved (personal experience of the author). You can already take a position in hidari or migi-zenkutsu-dachi, or you can step to the throwing line from the neko-ashi-dachi stance, (i.e., from the cat stance), as shown in fig. twenty.

Rice. twenty

You can throw a knife at this distance from a kiba-dachi stance (rider position), as if imitating a tetsui-uchi strike, throwing with your right hand, and swinging at a throw from your left ear or shoulder.

I want to remind students again: whether you are throwing a knife frontally from a standing position or in the transition from non-kodachi to any of the zenkutsu-dachi stances, your thumb resting on the blade of the knife should lightly touch the handle if you are throwing by the blade, and neither in no case should it go beyond the line of the bent index finger supporting the knife handle from below. Moreover, as already mentioned, the phalanx of the thumb, resting against the knife, should be bent at an angle of 45 °.

Rice. 21 Front and back view

And it is also necessary to point out that when throwing a knife sideways from a kiba-dachi stand (rider’s position) from medium and long distances, the knife will necessarily spread (scatter) horizontally, since the movement of the hand will be strongly swing and the hand will be difficult at first hold at one point (Fig. 21). Therefore, approximately a meter-long slit 30-40 cm wide is drawn on the stand with black paint, and a bold black vertical strip is applied in the middle of this slit, which will be clearly visible to the student even with peripheral (lateral) vision, and he will have to try to stop his hand first when throwing a knife to this band (Fig. 22). And then, when the skill comes, throw it all over this gap and further.

Rice. 22

In an extreme situation with 3 and 4m, it is possible to throw a knife from behind your head when the opponent demands that you raise your hands. The knife is vertically hidden behind the collar in a secret pocket, if the clothes resemble a ninja suit and the thrower is standing frontally, but with his legs wide apart or in the position of a rider - kiba-dachi (Fig. 23).

Figure 23 Rear view

From the same racks, you can throw knives with two hands, but still hits with your left hand will be worse (there will be a greater spread on the target). Already from 5 m, the knife can be thrown, holding both the blade and the handle. The student must remember that when throwing the knife by the blade, he makes only half a turn when entering the target. Throwing the knife by the handle, the knife makes a full turn. From here, the thrower has a special feeling of throwing. Just throwing a knife forward will not work. When throwing a knife by the handle, you need to make the knife fly a distance of 4/5 of the way with the tip forward. And only on this very 1/5 of the way to make a full turn and enter the target with the tip. It's hard to explain in words, it just needs a show and - practice, practice, practice.

From a distance of 6, 7, 8 m, you can throw a knife both from a high stance (feet shoulder-width apart) with a transition to the front left or right-hand stance (hidari or migi-zenkutsu-dachi), and from a cat stance (some ashi-dachi) with a sharp transition to one of the above stances, almost simultaneously with a powerful movement of the hand that sends the knife to the target. But still, any foot that steps into position should freeze a little before the hand releases the knife into flight. Throwing knives from longer distances seems inappropriate to me. For many years I have not met such practitioners.

To conclude this chapter, some practical advice should be given to students. If you are really captivated by this art (knife throwing), if you want to always be in shape and so that your hand does not lose the feeling of throwing, carry a bag or a bag with small stones in your pocket. From time to time throw these pebbles in different directions with a throwing movement (this is what the Chinese masters did). In extreme situations, where you are convicted of an important task, where the stake is life. You must remember that the knife flies differently in different weather, so practice outdoors in any weather, especially in cold and rainy weather. A wet knife flies out of your hand in completely different ways. If it is possible to wipe it before throwing, then do it by all means. Try to train with thin leather gloves (black, like all your clothes). The knife is a silent weapon, but remains in the body of the enemy, try not to leave evidence. Three of your fingers from the silhouette of the enemy inward is a very serious injury when a knife hits, or a fatal outcome.

For a beginner student, it is enough to have no more than 5-10 knives for practice. As qualifications increase, gradually increase their number. But we were talking about study and training knives, an advanced master should have a belt with a set of knives located on it, as shown in figure 24.

Rice. 24

The knives on the belt should be located so that it is convenient not only to grab them, but so that they do not hinder movement when walking and falling. After all, the most important purpose of this belt is to create convenience for work and training. The belt is made only for an individual owner. Knives should be small, no more than 15 cm in length. All other parameters - weight, width, thickness, ratio of the blade to the handle - are also selected individually by the master. The belt should be covered with a jacket or cape. Even a master has to spend a lot of time instantly drawing a knife and quickly putting it away in a cell, as samurai do with a katana (medium sword). Training for drawing and putting away weapons is constantly accompanied by the master throughout his life. You need to train almost every day - from 30 minutes to 4 hours. But, of course, you need to clearly know the task that you or yourself have set. You must follow the principle: "better a little, but every day than 4 hours, but once a week."

If for some reason it is impossible to make a belt and wear it all the time, then the master thrower must fit at least a knife on each arm, on each leg and, as mentioned above, behind the collar on the back. By the way, for this it is desirable to have knives that are very bendable, even clasping the hand and protecting it in hand-to-hand combat, with a rubber handle, well balanced.

And the last. In the process of training, the knives will definitely become dull. Burrs and nicks will appear on the blades and handles, which must be removed. For these purposes, you can use a file, grinding stone, etc.

So, how many times you run the indicated tools along the knife blade, bringing it to its original condition, the same number of times you have to walk along the knife handle with the same tools so that the ratio of weight and balance (blade to handle) remains the same.


What it is? Plate sizes and shapes Grips (how to hold) and methods of throwing Distances

What it is.

I first got acquainted with the prototype of this throwing projectile in 1972, when one of the leaders of karate of that time, Vadim Vyazmin (Indian School "Tharma-Marga" - "The Way of Virtue"), in his hall on Metrostroevskaya Street, threw a square piece of iron across the entire hall into a wooden wall. I did not immediately betray the significance of this, but even then A.A. Kharlampiev showed me the throwing of knives and, slowly analyzing the accuracy of the hit, the distance, I came to the conclusion that the plate is an exceptional throwing projectile that can fly much further than the knife and hit more accurately. A little later, when it appeared, of course, from abroad, literature about martial arts, we, the students of that time, learned that there are many different types of throwing weapons, saw the first films about karate and ninjutsu, in which fighters from different schools destroyed each other with some stars of different configurations and shapes called shurikens. I ordered several plates from my acquaintances locksmiths, they were “raw”, not hardened, quickly deteriorated, injuring our hands with notches and burrs. But, despite these little troubles, the first experience was gained. After consulting with experienced metalworkers, I ordered them the next batch. My friends tempered this batch in muffle furnaces, anodized or blued them so that the plates were black (we already knew then that the weapon should be black).

Shape, thickness, dimensions, weight of the plate

In the process of training, such qualities of this projectile as aerodynamics, the length of the sides, sharpening, in a word, the dimensions of the plates were developed. And that's what happened.

Rice. 25

One side of the plate is 120 mm, the other is 100 mm, the sharpening is double-sided from the edge of the blade up 5 mm. All four sides are sharpened like a razor. In one of the corners of the plate there is a window 1.5 X 2.5 mm, which makes one of the corners lighter and thus creates some kind of unpleasant whistle, intimidating the enemy. The thickness of the plate can be different, as well as the weight - 150 - 200 g. If the fighter works in a room where there is no side wind, the plate can be from 0.8 mm to 2 mm thick. These two concepts are combined.

Throwing methods, grips (how to hold the plate)

Thin plates can be thrown in cassettes of 2 or 3 pieces. They lay down one centimeter apart, giving an amazing result. Throwing one thin plate indoors, you can injure the enemy, but not kill him (what is the task). A two-millimeter thick plate can already be seriously injured, and even fatal. The plate can be thrown perpendicular to the ground and held at one corner, as shown in fig. 26.

Rice. 26

The plate can be thrown horizontally, as shown in fig. 27.

Rice. 27

The plate can be thrown at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in fig. 28, grip as in the first two cases.

Rice. 28

The plate can be thrown away from oneself when the hand is turned with the back side towards the opponent (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29

And, finally, the plate can be thrown from around the corner of the building and held in such a way that the thumb of the palm is facing the ground (Fig. 30).

Rice. thirty

Distances and other information about throwing plates

In the above chapter, I described the parameters of the plates, the shape, weight, and, as it were, approached the final chapter on this projectile, i.e., the distances from which this projectile is sent to the target. I didn't do it for nothing. Speaking about the thickness and weight of the plate, I, of course, touched on the concept of distance. As it turned out, the plate should not be very light and very heavy. A light plate, even indoors with a very sharp throw, can be taken to the side, which is why they are thrown 2-3 pieces together. The plates are located on the target like a machine gun, i.e. very close to each other. If the thrower is an experienced master, then if necessary, his plate can, say, cut his throat and go to the side (in a combat situation, the plate can be replaced with a piece of glass of any thickness, tile, a piece of slate), a two-millimeter plate when thrown indoors will not deviate anywhere , this will not happen on the street. But for greater fidelity, if you have to remove sentries, the middle of the plate is drilled, and cones are put on it (Fig. 31).

Rice. 31

One half of the cone is screwed into the other, at the end of the cone there is a slot for a screwdriver. The weight of the plate increases by another 50 g. If we combine everything that we already know about the plate, the weight is 200 - 250 g, the edges are razor-sharp, the flight speed is very high, the black color makes it invisible, the suddenness of the throw and its accuracy , is a terrible weapon, much more effective than a shuriken. This is a flying lightning ax in terms of impact strength. The plate flies from 5. 10, 15 m. With the appropriate qualification, the plate can kill the enemy even at a distance of 25 m. Throwing is easy to learn, and therefore this projectile can be taken into service in the army. On top of that, the plate of the indicated dimensions fits well into the breast pocket of a tunic or overalls. You can easily put 3 pieces in your breast pocket, which means that the heart area will be quite well protected from bullets. Three plates can lie on each side in the pockets at the belt on the belt. They are snatched out from behind the belt and launched into action very quickly. Plates are very easy to throw with two hands, especially against a dense crowd of attackers. The term of training - from two weeks to a month of practice will be enough to achieve good results. Stands and targets for training are the same as for throwing knives. But the plates go so deep into the wood that they have to be slowly knocked out of the target with a stick, being on the side, so as not to dull them too much. In a word, this invention and bringing to the standard, this unique projectile took place at the School of SERʻE many years ago, approved by the teacher A.A. Kharlampiev and patented against encroachments by law enforcement agencies.

Throwing needles, nails

Throwing needles (I mean both the shoemaker's saddlery needles and needles made like chopsticks), the well-known Bruce Lee demonstrated in the movie "The Way of the Dragon". Our needles are made of steel, the brand of which I indicated in the "Knives" section. What is this projectile? The length is 22-23 cm or 220-230 mm, the thickness in its widest part is 7-8 mm, and all this converges to the point (sting).


Throwing needles can be either round or square in their thick part, of course, like all weapons of the person who owns them, they must be dark or black. The projectile weighs only 30-50 and has a very high flight speed. It is difficult to kill them, if only with high qualification the thrower hits the opponent's eye, throat or carotid artery, then it can be lethal. Otherwise, needles are used as a shocking projectile. Usually the thrower tries to hit the opponent's hand, elbow, shoulder, as if de-energizing him.

The same stands are suitable for training, you just need to make sure that there are practically no gaps between the marked wooden squares. The same distances are used, but throwing needles further than 5 m is impractical due to the lightness of the projectile. If you are standing no further than 2 m from the stand or the enemy, then the needle must be held by its thick part, i.e. the needle must be directed towards the enemy with the tip (Fig. 33).

Rice. 33

From 3-4 meters, you can throw a needle, holding it by the thinner part, that is, with a blunt, wide end towards the stand or opponent (Fig. 34).

The racks from which needles are thrown can be used the same as those described in the sections on knives and plates.

It is very effective to throw two or three needles at once, tightly folded together. They fly better and hit the target with needles with a square thickening at the end.

Rice. 34

Such a throw of needles resembles an automatic burst. The needles pass almost in a bundle to the target.

Rice. 35

On fig. 35 circles show the arrival of needles at the target. From 5 meters, you can again try to throw the needle with the tip forward, holding it by the thicker part. Often in the East, needles were hardened in poison, making notches on their bodies.

Nails are thrown according to the same principle: weaving 100 mm and two weaving 200 mm. The head of the nail serves as a stabilizer and, obviously, this exercise will be performed by a person who is already familiar with the lessons of throwing other objects.

Figure 36

A saddlery needle (in the literal sense) can be thrown both for the “body” itself and for a thick saddlery thread.


A needle without a thread is taken by the body and thrown like “darts” (darts). Used to shock the enemy.

Rice. 38

The distance is 1.5-2 m. Throwing a needle with a thread is done when the thrower holds the needle on the thread between the thumb and forefinger, whichever is more convenient for anyone, as a person is used to using this projectile in training.

Rice. 39

Due to the fact that the thread is a lever and a stabilizer in flight to the target, the striking effect is more significant, but, however, during training, the spread of needles along the stand is also significant. In the future, thanks to hard training, this gap almost completely disappears.

Ax throwing.

There are two sources in the history of this exercise. Axes, or tomahawks, were thrown by the American and Canadian Indians very accurately and far, learning this from childhood. This exercise was successfully adopted from them by white Canadian lumberjacks. In Russia, axes were mainly thrown by prisoners who worked at the logging site, and also quite accurately and far, up to 40 m. Eyewitnesses said so.

I myself also started throwing axes and tourist hatchets at the suggestion of my teacher A.A. Kharlampiev, but quickly realized that something was wrong in the design of the ax. It turned out that in order for a tourist hatchet to be comfortable in work and fly, showing the desired results, it is necessary that the handle of this hatchet be absolutely straight and smooth, without any squiggles and frills.

On fig. 40 you see an ordinary tourist hatchet and one that is necessary and convenient to throw.

The ax handle is usually made from a butt (base) of birch and polished smoothly with glass or sandpaper. Naturally, the handle of a throwing ax is elliptical, 50-60 cm long, 500-600 mm long.

I propose to take only three distances from which the ax throwing turned out well for me personally. These are 2 m, 5 m and 7 m.

Rice. 40

From 2 m, the ax is thrown with the blade towards you, then when stuck into the stand or the enemy, the ax turns out to be with the handle up. It's kind of unusual, but very effective.

Rice. 41

When throwing with the right hand, you can go forward with both the left foot and the right. This is a very powerful movement, the ax moves only in half a turn.

When throwing an ax from 5 m, the blade must be kept away from you. The ax, flying, will turn several times, sticking the blade into the stand or the enemy, while the handle will be down (Fig. 42).

When throwing an ax in the interval from 5 to 7 m, the ax must again be held with the blade towards you, and again when the ax hits the target, the handle will be at the top.

Rice. 42

All results are achieved only by persistent daily training (Fig. 43).

Rice. 43

In conclusion, I would like to wish students more patience and efficiency.



sharpen - a system for sharpening knives and other edged weapons.

These questions are asked by everyone who enters the world of knife throwing, but professionals are also in constant search.

Of course, you can throw nails, scissors, screwdrivers, even ordinary ones. work knives, but is it necessary? knife throw- this is a noble art, recreation, sport, and in order to get maximum pleasure, and even more so to achieve results, the choice of a throwing knife must be taken seriously.

Let's start with a few myths that have developed in society about throwing knives.

Myth 1. A throwing knife is a terrible military weapon that hits everything and everyone at a distance of 20 m inclusive. Just lay down and hide

The myth is clearly generated by cinema and various "frontline" stories. In fact, if a person has a knife, he will be the last fool if he throws this knife away. The working distance for the thrower is 3-9 meters. It is possible to move further away from the target, but it is no longer easy.

Myth 2. It doesn’t matter what and from what distance to throw

It's very important. Knife, which weighs less than 100-150 grams, is difficult to throw even for trained people, and starting training with this is generally the last thing.

Any plastic handles or the lining will inevitably break and fall off the knife - it's only a matter of time. Any winding is cut in the same way. All kinds of balancers. They quickly go astray and change the balance, and the knife does not need balancers, frankly. But more on balance. Any throwing technique, even non-reversible, is somehow tied to the distance, and if we make two absolutely identical throws from 3 and 3.5 meters, knives will reach the target in very different ways.

Myth 3. My favorite myth is mercury knives that stick in no matter how you throw them.

They pop up in every second conversation about throwing anything. And almost every self-respecting person has a friend / matchmaker / brother / former commander ( Underline whatever applicable), who personally held them in his hands and even threw them. For especially respected people, the mercury knife literally lies in the garage. But after a request to show the connection with a friend is mysteriously interrupted, and the knife is lost. I have no doubt that the mercury knife exists, but how elusive it is, you bastard. For 10 years of searching, I have not met a single working mercury knife =)

Myth 4. Only balanced knives or knives with some special balance fly well.

Huge misconception.

Exist knives balanced, in which the geometric center coincides with the center of gravity and does not balanced- the center of gravity is shifted towards the handle or blade. Knife with balance in the handle (center of gravity shifted to the handle) will hit the target with more force when thrown with a grip on the blade, blade balance knife- when throwing by the handle, and balanced knife equally enters the target with the same force in any way of throwing. That's the difference.

How to choose a throwing knife

Unfortunately, today the market is flooded with a lot of knives, which are called " throwing ”, but these are a stretch. I want to talk about the basic principles of choosing a throwing knife. They will help you choose a quality thing, and not fall for stupid crafts.

The most important characteristic throwing knife- its size and weight.

From the starting distance to 3 meters comfortable knives will fly no easier 150 g, while already on 5 meters the knife must weigh at least 180-200 g, With 7-9 meters it is better to throw knives weighing in 200-350g. Optimal length throwing knife starts from 200 mm. It is better to start training with heavy knives, they " forgive» to the thrower errors in technique. If the knife is comfortable and heavy enough, learning is easy and enjoyable.

I remember myself as a teenager when I miraculously found some nameless " throwing » knives in a stall, tried to throw - and was upset, knives flew poorly and unstable. And how then by the ears it was not to pull away from the throwing stand in the forge, when I forged my first throwing knives(then there were no good serial ones).

The second most important parameter I would call the convenience of a knife.

It is very important that the surface is rough, well felt by the hand. All corners must be rounded, cutting edge without sharpening. It is important to knife comfortably lay in the hand with the grip that you are going to this throw knife.

Important strength and durability knife.

From a distance of 3 meters knife hits the target with twice the force of a punch. That's why Throwing Knife should be especially strong. Monolithic design, without all kinds of windings and overlays. The thickness of the butt is not less than 5-6 mm.

It is important to pay special attention to steel and its heat treatment. The best steels are: stainless 420, 40X13, 65X13 as well as carbon 30HGSA and 65G. Hardness throwing knife recommended in the area 40-45 Rockwell units. With less hardness, the knife will bend, with more it may break.

Now about throwing technique

It is not difficult to master it even on your own.

For this we need:

  • set of 3-6 identical throwing knives(length not less than 200 mm weight from 150 g),
  • target- a simple dry tree will do, but it is better to make full stand. It is much easier to learn with it (see the video about the booth below)
  • distance measuring tape
  • fundamentals of technique and training.

There are three main techniques:

  1. Sports(axe technique) - grip on the tip of the handle
  2. free(reverse) - grip for blade or handle
  3. Non-recourse- a grip on the blade, in which the knife comes to the target without making a turn.

All techniques are tied to a distance, so we start our training with marking distances. We retreat 3 meters from the target ( this is where the tape measure comes in handy). This is the base distance we'll start with. I will make a reservation that over time we will learn to determine our distance of 3, 4, 5 meters per eye, but for starters it is better to count and mark exactly according to the tape measure.

sports equipment the simplest

We stand up. For right-handers - left foot in front, toe at a three-meter mark, right behind. We take knife by the handle to a depth of about 4 cm. We swing from the shoulder so that the arm runs parallel to the body, and we release the knife just above the aiming point. We release easily, without squeezing the handle too much. And, if everything is done correctly, the knife sticks out in the target.

If the knife came to the target not parallel to the ground, and the handle is tilted up, then it twisted, it is worth taking the next knife a little deeper. If the knife came with the handle down - this is underrotation, then we take the next one a little less deep. Exactly the same at torsion you can get a little closer to the target, without changing grip, and when undercooked- move away.

Having determined the desired distance and grip, remember them and then work on the uniformity of movement.

Principle free technique same, different distance and grip

We take the knife by the blade from the side of the butt so that the fingers do not fall on the conditional cutting edge. The tip of the blade sticks out slightly from the clenched palm. The swing is also from the shoulder, while the brush does not turn. The knife should fly out of the hand at an angle of 45 degrees upwards. We also take the handle to the full length of the palm.

When throwing by the blade, the initial distance is 3-3.5 m, when throwing by the handle - 4.5-5 m

Non-recourse technique a little harder

It is easier to start with short distances of 1.5-2 m.

The basics are shown in the video

quality throwing knives serve for a very long time - tens of years. However, they also require care.

An indispensable consequence of throwing is the appearance of burrs when hit knife-to-knife . As soon as a burr appears, it must be immediately filed down with a file, otherwise, at the next throw, a cut and a splinter are guaranteed.

If a knife made of carbon steel, after each workout it is important to wipe it dry, and for long-term storage - lubricate with oil. In this sense knives stainless steel have the advantage.

  • When throwing outdoors, it is better to mark knife handle bright electrical tape to make it easier to find.
  • Even if you are great throwing, start training with smooth throws and minimum distances - let the muscles and ligaments warm up.
  • Focus not on strength but on throw accuracy.
  • Keep in mind that with unheated ligaments throw shortens, which means that if at the beginning of the workout you hit a target from 3.5 m, then at the end you can move away by 4 m.
  • Let your mind and body agree. If it doesn't work, take a break. Learning doesn't happen at the same time throwing, and after it.
  • Don't save on targets, learn and subsequently throw easier and more enjoyable when the target is large.
  • Looking for like-minded people!
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