Children about the Oriole bird. Oriole: description with photo, breeding and feeding of birds. African black-headed oriole

Barguzin is a representative of the sable family. Like other subspecies of the sable family, this animal has valuable fur and is an object of prey for fur hunters. On the market, its skins are valued more than other sables, because they are distinguished by their special quality - strength, softness, lightness, density and silkiness. More details about the lifestyle of the Barguzin are described in the article and the photo below.

Description of the animal

Barguzin is a species of sable that lives in forests in the region of the Barguzinsky ridge and on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. The animal is a cross between the Altai sable acclimatized in the area. Barguzin has an elongated body, short strong paws, an elongated muzzle with wide ears. Barguzin differs from other types of sables in its smaller size:

  • male body length - 39-42 cm, tail -12-15 cm;
  • female body length - 36-42 cm, 12-14.5 cm;
  • weight - 900-1200 g.

The sable family is represented by different species, but the barguzin is the most valuable among them. Its fur is colored in brown tones of varying degrees of saturation, there is a light spot on the throat, and the head is lighter than the body.

Attention! At fur auctions, almost black Barguzin skins are valued the most.

Due to active hunting in the past, in wildlife today the Barguzin sable is found mainly only on the territory of the Barguzin Reserve. It is practically non-existent in other areas. For industrial use, barguzins are artificially bred on fur farms. Their skins are used for sewing fur coats, coats, hats and collars.

How does the animal live

In nature, the Barguzin sable lives in a humid taiga thicket, consisting of thickets of fir, cedar and spruce, and shrubs. He settles in hollows and under the roots of trees, burrows formed naturally, gorges. One animal, as a rule, has several houses at the same time - permanent and temporary. They line their nest with moss or hay. The animal is distinguished by great cleanliness, arranging a separate toilet. The animal lives in one place for about 2-3 years, then replaces it.

Barguzin serves as food for kharza, large owls, hawks, wolves and bears. Its competitors in the food chain are the weasel and stoat, which also feed on small rodents.

Barguzin is very mobile and agile, hunting at night. It easily runs on the snow cover, escaping from predators, chooses difficult paths, and is able to cover 3-20 km in search of food. In winter, the animal is able to create tunnels under the snow, without leaving the surface for up to 7 days in a row.
The animal climbs a tree clumsily, but deftly jumps from one to another, overcoming distances of 3-4 m. It swims poorly, so it does not like water, but it can hunt fish during the spawning period. The average lifespan of a barguzin in nature is 8 years.

The barguzin mates in June and July, the females carry the cubs for about 300 days. Babies are born blind and deaf in the spring, only a month later they begin to see, hear even later. In 1 litter, a female Barguzin brings 1-4 puppies. From the second month of life, she begins to feed them with meat, the young become completely independent by the middle of summer. During this period, the females are again ready for a new rut, while the young become sexually mature in the second year.

What does the Barguzin sable eat?

Barguzin is a predatory animal distinguished by its omnivorous nature, good sense of smell and hearing, and ingenuity. He smells his prey even under a thick layer of snow. In the wild, the basis of its diet is hares and moles, as well as small rodents - mice, chipmunks, pikas, shrews, squirrels. The predator also hunts for capercaillie and black grouse, sparrows that sleep under the snow. During hungry periods, the barguzin feeds on fish and carrion thrown ashore, as well as taiga honey and plant foods:

  • cranberries;
  • blueberries

  • mountain ash;
  • cloudberries.

Attention! Barguzin does not collect nuts on his own, but steals from stocks made by squirrels, chipmunks and other animals.

Growing the Barguzin sable in captivity, he is provided with a varied and balanced diet, including meat, vegetable and dairy products, vitamin supplements. In captivity, the animal lives 18-20 years.

To preserve this species of sable, they are bred in captivity, and then settled in the reserve and in other territories. The process of artificial breeding of barguzin is complicated, since being locked in cells, it loses its ability to reproduce.

Barguzin: video

The Barguzin sable is a mammalian animal. It is a relative of the marten. Adult animals have an average body length of 50 cm and a tail of about 20 cm.

Appearance of the beast

What does the Barguzin sable look like? The color of the animal is uneven and depends on the part of the body. For example, the darkest shade, almost black, is observed on the head, the body is light, from sandy yellow to calm fawn, or brown with a darkening along the back and a rich spot on the throat. The first option is called fur and is used as the main raw material for all kinds of products. The second - collar is used for making shawls, hats and other items of clothing. Collars are often sewn from it to the main product.


This fluffy animal is actually a very dexterous and merciless predator that loves to settle in cedars, thickets, stone placers, upper rivers and rocky areas. Sometimes he climbs the crowns of trees. The Barguzin sable moves with the help of jumps, which are from 30 to 70 cm long. Due to the structure of its paws, it does not fall into the snow and deftly climbs the branches of trees. The animal has an excellently developed sense of smell and hearing, but its eyesight is weaker. The sound that this fluffy predator makes can be called a purr, vaguely reminiscent of a cat's purr.


The Barguzin sable, whose photo can be seen in our article, feeds mainly on various rodents. Among them are red-backed voles, pikas, as well as squirrels and hares. In addition, the animal loves to eat birds, such as hazel grouse or capercaillie. The sable hunting regime directly depends on the feeling of hunger. Despite the fact that the main activity occurs at night and at dusk, the predator also often goes out to fish in broad daylight. In addition to food of animal origin, sable likes to eat nuts and berries, such as lingonberries, blueberries, mountain ash, currants, blueberries, wild roses and bird cherry. Thanks to a varied diet, the Barguzin sable, whose photo shows the animal in all its splendor, boasts a silky and shiny coat.

Puberty and pregnancy

In the wild, the predator equips nests in tree hollows, in a placer of stones, as well as in minks among rhizomes. Reaching puberty in two or three years, these representatives of mustelids breed for 10-11 years. The cycle of reproductive activity ends at a maximum of the 15th year of life. Predators mate in summer, the main months are June and July. Pregnancy lasts approximately 8 months, more precisely 250-290 days, as a result of which from one to seven cubs are born. On average, this number is 3-4 puppies. The female produces offspring in the northern latitudes, starting from May, in the southern regions - one month earlier (from April).

Where are they found in nature?

The Barguzin sable lives on the territory of the Siberian taiga, in the Urals, in the northern limits of the forest vegetation of the Pacific coast, on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. Every year the number of this predator decreases due to the great value of its fur. A high population density was recorded in the mountainous regions of the Sayan taiga and Kuznetsk Alatau. Sable is often found in the central part of the region, for example, in the highway and forest-steppe belts, also in Chulym.

The number of these animals in these territories is scattered unevenly. Southern latitudes, including the Angara region and most of the Yenisei region, can also be called densely populated areas. Indeed, many sables are observed in dark coniferous lands. For example, in Baykitsky and Turukhansky districts, as well as in the Yenisei taiga. In lighter coniferous thickets, the number is considered average. In the northern part of the taiga expanses, the Barguzin sable is a rare "guest". In the forest-tundra zone up to Nikolsky and Potapov, as well as in the eastern region up to the Kotui and Fomich rivers, settlements of mustelid representatives are observed singly.

The smallest number, if not the complete absence of these predators, was recorded in the southern strip. The reason for this, of course, is thriving poaching. Depending on the region of habitat, Tobolsk, Kuznetsk, Altai, Yenisei, Sayan, Angara, Tunguska, Ilimpiysky, Vitimsky, Chikoysky, Yakutsky, Far Eastern, as well as Kamchatka sable are distinguished.


Sable hunting brings great benefits to the region. When fishing is carried out legally, and the number of animals is carefully monitored by the commission, no problems arise. But there is such an activity as smuggling. Expensive fur is exported in the form of raw materials abroad, after which it enters the foreign market as finished products. The cost of fur coats, coats and hats made of sable is very high compared to the price of skins.


The record holder for the value of fur is, of course, the Barguzin sable. Interesting facts indicate that in the history of Russia there were times when an amount equal to the cost of an entire estate was given for a product made from a given animal. When the demand for sable fur reached its peak, it began to be counterfeited by martens and other representatives of this family. Indeed, with high-quality processing of raw materials, an unenlightened buyer will not notice the difference.

The value of fur is still high today. Russia is the only supplier of sable skins on the world market. The number of animals on the territory of other states is disproportionately small, which makes it impossible to produce raw materials on an industrial scale. However, this does not rule out poaching.


The market value of the finished product directly depends on the color of the Barguzin sable. Rich, dark fur has the highest price. Most often it is obtained from the regions of the Baikal forests. The sable that lives in this area has the darkest fur.

In the world of fashion, products made from this raw material are valued primarily for their beauty and durability. A good fur coat will last for many years, warming its mistress during frosts. However, global fashion houses do not focus on practicality. Today, black Barguzin sable is a sign of status and wealth. He makes a couple of dresses and outfits from famous couturiers.

For the first time, world-class designer Marc Jacobs presented an innovation to the public. His products were made of sheared sable fur, which further increased its cost and reduced its service life. After all, fur coats made from undercoat are quite susceptible to wiping. However, ladies from high society were not particularly worried about this. After all, chic coats and capes were worn exclusively at expensive receptions, where it was impossible to freeze. Products performed a more decorative function.

Barguzin sable: animal breeding

The quality of the skin directly depends on the conditions in which the animal lived. The highest rates are, of course, sables grown in the wild. Their fur is the most expensive. Therefore, many have become interested in breeding the Barguzin sable in captivity. There are many nuances here. For example, if all the requirements and recommendations for keeping these animals are observed, only a quarter of the total number of females is capable of conception. In nature, sables adapt more easily to temperature changes, they have no concept of stress. According to statistics, keeping in captivity contributes to later puberty. As a result, not all biological processes in sable proceed as nature intended. In many females, due to the low temperature in the enclosures, the follicles do not have time to mature, which leads to problems with fertilization.

Also, the peculiarities of the content include the fact that individuals, depending on gender, are in cells separately. This is what affects the low threshold of fertilization in captivity. The reason for this is an interesting fact in the life of sables. The fact is that at the beginning of spring, females, as a rule, are in an interesting position. After mating, the male in natural conditions is not far from her. During this period, called hungry, he brings prey to the pregnant "girlfriend" so that she can eat and gain strength for future offspring. In captivity, due to a separate stay, such a courtship process is impossible, which radically changes the entire cycle of birth and the appearance of new offspring, along with its timing.

The temperature regime also makes breeding difficult. In the wild, temperature fluctuations depending on the season occur more smoothly. Animals quickly adapt even to sudden cold weather. In enclosures, nests are arranged in wooden boxes, where the temperature regime directly depends on weather conditions. Therefore, the breeding process requires many years of skills, knowledge and painstaking work.

The cost of the Barguzin sable differs depending on gender. For example, males have large body sizes and long hair. This makes it necessary to focus on the breeding of males. However, without maintaining the number of females, this is impossible, given that sable breeds in captivity are much more difficult.

The quality of skins is also highly dependent on lighting conditions. It is impossible to keep sables in conditions of deficiency of ultraviolet radiation. Although this unwittingly happens when the animals are in cages. In the wild, these predators spend most of their life cycle outdoors. In all weather conditions, this provides the maximum dose of ultraviolet, which gives the fur a velvety and luster. In captivity, it is necessary to provide animals with natural sunlight.


Sable nutrition should be balanced. The diet of animals for two-thirds consists of meat, the rest should be taken from milk, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits. It is mandatory to take vitamin preparations.

A small conclusion

In general, breeding and keeping sables is not an easy task. It can also be classified as difficult to pay off. Feed costs can exceed 70% of the cost of skins. But you should also take into account the arrangement of cells, possible diseases, hygiene and other aspects of the breeding process.

Sable is an amazing animal! Movable, agile, graceful predator with a long, like all mustelids, body and short legs. A triangular head with wide ears, a fluffy fluffy tail and curious eyes make this miracle of nature simply irresistible. In summer, the sable seems lean and slender - who dresses in furs when it's warm? But in winter it is the real king of the taiga. Luxurious thick soft fur coat of dark, almost black color with a slightly bluish tint, is valued in the fur market for its weight in gold.

Zoologists distinguish up to 17 subspecies of these predators, which differ in size, quality and color of wool. The fur of the Barguzin sable, inhabiting the taiga from the eastern coast of Lake Baikal to the upper Angara, is the most valuable and beautiful. Firstly, it is the darkest, and secondly, it is very soft and silky. Other subspecies: Sayan, Sakhalin, Yenisei - have a coarser, lighter and shorter coat. Of course, all these features depend primarily on the living conditions of animals, because a fur coat for a sable is not at all the same as for our fashionistas.


Unfortunately, the amazing beauty and quality of sable fur did its owner a disservice. The skins of animals obtained by Siberian hunters were brought to Europe in tens of thousands. Their price was so high that the proceeds formed the basis of the budget of the Russian state in the 17th century. Everyone who could and wanted to get sable, everywhere and everywhere. As a result, by the beginning of the 1930s, this taiga miracle was almost gone in many places. Sable survived only where he was specially guarded.

Now the situation has changed. Protection, a temporary ban on hunting, the fight against poachers have led to the fact that the disappearance of the sable is no longer threatened. In addition, it is now mined much less frequently in nature, since they have learned to breed it on fur farms.

Experts believe that today "Barguzin sable" is more of a commodity term than a biological one. The reason is that by the end of the 20th century, the animal inhabited almost all taiga places suitable for it, from Western Siberia to the Far East. Both conservation measures and regular releases of sables into nature, in the territory where they were exterminated earlier, led to this. The range of the species has become almost continuous, and it is no longer possible to single out the area where the Barguzin sable lives as a separate subspecies.


Sable is a taiga animal. He feels good in dark coniferous forests, where cedars, firs, and spruces grow. He lives both in light larch forests and in pine forests, everywhere preferring cluttered areas with a large number of fallen trees, scatterings of stones, dense shrubs. A climber made of sable is bad, although in case of danger, of course, he will climb a tree. The animal prefers to run along the ground, deftly darting among the trunks. There, under twisted roots or in the hollows of fallen trees, he arranges his shelters. He uses a cozy warm nest lined with dry grass very carefully: the toilet is located in a different place, in a special hole nearby.

According to its habits, this small predator is also unusual. He chooses a certain area of ​​the taiga and lives on it for 2-3 years, equips permanent holes and temporary shelters. And it equips, and does not do it himself: sable skillfully uses voids under the roots, old hollows or caves in stones.

On its site, the animal paves paths, marks the boundaries. Alien males, as well as ermines and especially columns, immediately expels. This is understandable, because these predators feed on almost the same thing - why endure a competitor at hand? Where special observations were made of sable (for example, in the Baikal taiga), scientists found that before the restoration of the sable population, the Siberian weasel was an ordinary animal in these places, and now you cannot find it in the daytime with fire. But with its closest relative, the marten, the animal coexists perfectly. The nimble predator mainly uses the upper tier of the forest, and the sable uses the ground, so they have nothing to share. In places where both species live, you can even meet their hybrid, kidas.

After a few years, the sable may suddenly change its habitat. He sometimes goes quite far, for 150-200 km, even overcoming mountain ranges, And again mastering a new place - a real fidget!


According to the type of nutrition, sable can be called omnivorous. Of course, the basis of his diet is live prey: voles, shrews, pikas, less often squirrels and chipmunks. Large males can catch a hare, and especially successful hunters sometimes even attack the taiga fanged deer - musk deer. Some animals successfully catch capercaillie and black grouse, which are huge compared to their own dimensions, and spend the night in snowy burrows. Predators do not disdain carrion, they are happy to eat dead fish thrown ashore.

At the time of maturation of pine nuts, this vegetable, but very nutritious and satisfying food occupies a large part of the sable diet. Wild berries are also used: blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries - and bee honey, often together with bees.

Sable hunts most often in the dark. If there is little food, then during the night the animal can run up to 20 km in search of food.


Special mention should be made of sable breeding. Previously, it was believed that pregnancy in females lasts 2 months. Scientists made such a conclusion because at the end of winter the animals have a rut, and at the end of April - May, sables are born. Upon closer examination, zoologists found out that the winter rut is false, and fertilization does not occur at this time. The real "weddings" at the sable are in the summer. A fertilized egg remains in the female genital tract for a long time and only by spring begins to divide. This phenomenon is called the latent phase of pregnancy, and some other animals also have it.

The female sable touchingly takes care of the blind, naked and completely helpless babies. At this time, you should not come close to her home - she will attack, without hesitation, even a dog! On average, there are few cubs in a litter, 3-4, and they live in a shelter, under their mother's supervision, for about 1.5 months. Later, funny clumsy little animals gradually begin to go out and get acquainted with the outside world. By July, the time of the next real rut, they leave the family and begin an independent life.


It is quite easy to tame this mobile, nimble animal, but only if it gets to a person at an early age. That's just sable habits for a city apartment are very uncomfortable. For example, the animal loves to hide "yummy" in the most unexpected places: under the owner's pillow, in his clothes or on shelves with food. And yummy, according to sable, is, for example, a piece of not quite fresh fish or meat. Can you imagine the reaction of the owner, who found a well-rotten “gift” in his dress trousers? Flower pots also rarely survive sable games, as do other things lying or standing on shelves. So, perhaps, you should not start this animal at home, its place is in the taiga.


Sable has relatively few enemies. They can be bitten by feathered predators (for example, different types of owls, especially the largest of them - an eagle owl), a bear (having accidentally dug up a nest with cubs), a large marten - a marten. The predator itself eats both mouse-like rodents and other small mammals, and plant foods (berries, nuts).



Forest shrub. The berries and leaves of lingonberries have medicinal properties. They are used both in medicine and in cooking. Many forest birds and animals eat tart berries with pleasure in autumn. Cultivation of lingonberries began in the middle of the 18th century, and in the 20th its plantations appeared in many countries of the world, including in Rosshi.


An erroneous name for cedar pine seeds. They have nothing to do with real nuts - the fruits of flowering plants, but are outwardly similar. A large amount of fats, amino acids, vitamins make them extremely valuable products for taiga animals and humans. Everything is used: the seeds themselves, cedar oil, cake, crushed shells. Interestingly, nut oil has the same refractive index as glass, so it has long been used in microscopy.

red vole

One of the rodent species of the forest voles genus. Her coat is really reddish, with a noticeable red honey agaric. Inhabits northern forests with dense grassy cover, arranges dwellings in cavities between roots, in low hollows, sometimes in human buildings. Even in the north it gives two offspring per year, and in the more southern parts of the range - all four. On average, each of them has 6-7 cubs. The main food is the seeds of coniferous trees.


Common name for several species of small mammals in the shrew family. This animal is the size of a small mouse, but it does not resemble it in biological features. It eats everything it can handle: beetles, grasshoppers, even lizards and mice. Interestingly, the shrew has no day and night: during the day it has up to 200 or more periods of activity, interspersed with a short sleep.


Mammal of the hare order. A small animal, no more than 20 cm long, with small round ears. It lives on stone placers, screes, near rock outcrops. At the same time, she is very demanding on the size of the blocks: too large or too small do not suit her. For the winter, it makes stocks of hay and other fodder, which are often eaten by other inhabitants of the taiga: deer, musk deer, hares and even bears.


The only representative of the chipmunks genus living in Eurasia. Sometimes his lady is singled out in a separate genus. The Chipmunk is easily recognizable by the black stripes on its back that run along its entire body. Like many other rodents, it stores food for the winter: nuts, dried mushrooms and berries, acorns and other grains, carrying them in cheek pouches. Sable not only eats the chipmunks themselves, but also robs their pantries.

The common oriole is a shy bird that lives hiding in the canopy of trees. The song of the male oriole resembles the sounds of a flute. A frightened bird makes a sharp unpleasant sound. Video and photo

Detachment - passeriformes

Family - Orioles

Genus/Species - Oriolus oriolus. Oriole

Basic data:


Length: 24 cm


Nesting period: May-July.

Number of eggs: 2-5.

Incubation: 14-15 days.

Feeding chicks: 14-15 days.


Habits: oriole (see photo) - a solitary bird that lives on trees with a dense crown.

Food: insects, larvae, caterpillars, fruits, berries.

Lifespan: there is no data.


The oriole family consists of 30 species and, in addition to the common oriole, it includes the African black-headed, striped, Chinese black-headed orioles.

The common oriole is one of the representatives of the oriole family, which flies to the south for the winter. In spring, the oriole returns to nesting sites located in Europe and Asia. The birds are solitary, but they migrate in small flocks. Males and females travel separately, birds rest in deciduous forests.


The male oriole, who arrived at the nesting site, announces himself with loud singing, reminiscent of the sound of a flute. The function of spring singing is the designation of the occupied territory. The male defends his possessions from competitors. Females arrive at nesting sites 2-3 days later than males. At this time, the birds break into pairs - the old "marriage unions" are restored and new ones are formed. The pairs then look for places to build their nests. Orioles build hammock nests at the ends of the upper branches of trees, with females doing most of the work. The base of the nest is woven in a fork of bast branches and grass stalks, after which it is fastened with saliva. A hanging nest-basket or, as it is often called, a "hammock" is attached to the base. The tray is lined with grass, wool and feathers. The female lays 2-5 eggs. After 14-15 days, chicks hatch from the eggs. Parents tirelessly carry their babies food rich in protein, mainly insects.

WHERE Dwells

The life of the oriole passes high in the trees, the bird descends to the ground only to collect food. In summer, the oriole settles in European forests, parks and orchards located near water bodies. Despite the fact that orioles prefer birch and oak forests, where the sun's rays warm the ground well, they are sometimes found in sparse pine or mixed forests. These birds rarely settle above 600 meters above sea level. Some species in the Oriole family are sedentary. The oriole is one of the few species that spend the winter away from their homeland. At the end of September, European populations set off towards Africa. Oriole wintering grounds are African forests south of the equator, covering spaces from the Congo and Kenya in the east to South Africa. European and North African Orioles usually winter on the east coast of Africa. Scientists distinguish two subspecies of the oriole - the first winters in Africa, and the second flies to India and Sri Lanka for the winter.


The food for the Oriole is both insects and fruits. At the beginning of summer, when chicks are born, orioles mainly hunt insects and their larvae. Birds also feed on spiders and slugs. Orioles enjoy eating caterpillars (especially hairy caterpillars, which other species do not eat because of the poisonous hairs that cover the body of the caterpillar).

In the second half of summer, forest fruits ripen, and orioles feast on wild cherries and mulberry seedlings. These timid birds sometimes search for food on the ground. With its long sharp beak, the oriole catches insects and pecks out the pulp of fruits and berries. On wintering grounds, fruits, seeds of plants and insects become food for birds.

  • Trupial, who live in North America, are often also called Orioles, although they have nothing in common with real representatives and from the Oriole family.
  • The common oriole is the only species in the genus that does not nest in the tropics.
  • The nest of the common oriole is located at a height of 5-25 m from the ground.
  • Orioles are among the last to arrive at nesting sites, when the trees already have fairly dense foliage. The males arrive first, the females appear later.
  • The scientific name of the species comes from the Latin word meaning "made of gold". Such a name is very suitable for the beautiful golden-yellow bird Oriole.


Female: its plumage is not as bright as that of the male. The abdomen of the female is grayish-white or pale green, the back is yellowish-green.

Beak: a long, strong and sharp beak is perfect for preying on fruits and insects hiding under the bark of trees.

Carrying: in laying from 2 to 5 white eggs with dark speckles. Parents incubate them for two weeks.

Male: golden-yellow color prevails; a black stripe runs from the beak to the eye. The wing is black with a yellow spot.

- Nesting sites
- wintering

WHERE Dwells

The common oriole breeds in northeast Africa, almost throughout Europe and western Asia. The bird winters south of the Sahara: in Western, Central and South Africa.


The common oriole is very common in the forests of Central Europe, but during seasonal migrations, tens of thousands of birds die in hunters' nets.

Oriole. Brateevograd. Video (00:01:10)

The common oriole is constantly seen in small numbers in Tsaritsynsky Park, on the territory of the Brateevsky Cascade Park, in the Maryinsky Park, in the promenade area of ​​the Brateevsky Embankment, in the Brateevsky floodplain, in the parks of Maryino. They nest there, they wander there.
In spring and autumn, the oriole is seen in the area of ​​​​the famous bird ravine, along the bottom of which the Plintovka River once flowed.

Oriole.AVI. Video (00:00:53)

Common Oriole / Oriolus oriolus / Golden Oriole / Oriole. Video (00:01:24)

Oriole on Serpent's Island. Spring 2013
Golden oriole at Zmiiniy Island. Spring 2013

Few people manage to see the oriole in its natural environment, because it lives high in the crowns of trees. Even the male, despite his bright plumage, is almost invisible in the thick of green foliage.
Habitat. Breeds in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Winters in Central Africa.

The European range of the oriole extends to the southern fringes of Scandinavia and the southeastern regions of England. This beautiful bird is also found in North Africa and the Middle East. In Asia, its possessions cover a vast territory from the forest zone of Siberia to some regions of India. Orioles nesting in Europe fly to Equatorial Africa for the winter. Most willingly, these birds settle in light birch and oak forests, but often appear in parks where groups of tall trees grow, and sometimes nest in thickets along river banks and large gardens. These birds resolutely avoid forest areas with a dense forest stand and very rarely build nests on pine trees.

Species: Common oriole - Oriolus oriolus.
Family: Orioles.
Order: Sparrows.
Class: Birds.
Subtype: Vertebrates.

It often happens that, while learning to fly, a young oriole falls to the ground. Picking up a chick and taking it home or to the zoo, people unknowingly do an evil deed, because they deprive the bird of the opportunity to develop in natural conditions. The best thing you can do is pick up the chick from the ground and place it on the lower branch of the tree you found it under. Jumping from branch to branch, the fledgling will reach its own nest and will again be under the wing of its parents.

Did you know?

  • A pair of orioles can occupy a fairly vast territory. The area of ​​some home plots reaches 25 hectares.
  • The sonorous melodic singing of the male oriole resembles the gentle voice of a flute. Females do not know how to sing and make sounds similar to the dry chirping of a jay.
  • Orioles in abundance eat hairy caterpillars that are harmful to the forest, which other birds do not touch because of the poisonous hairs that cover their body.
  • Ornithologists distinguish between two subspecies of the oriole. The first lives in Europe, North Africa, Iran and Asia to the Altai Mountains. The second subspecies is distributed in Central Asia from Afghanistan to India.
  • Outside of the breeding season, the male oriole sings only when the air humidity rises, foreshadowing imminent rain.

Oriole males captivate the hearts of future partners with melodic serenading songs. As soon as the females arrive from the warm regions, it is time for courtship. For 4-7 days, each bird finds a mate, after which the female chooses a convenient place for the nest and starts building. The oriole's nest is always located high above the ground in a horizontal fork of a branch away from the trunk and is a skillfully woven basket. The bird diligently glues the bearing elements of the structure with saliva to the fork. The mount must be very strong, because the entire frame of the future nest rests on it. Then the female weaves the outer walls of the basket, using vegetable fibers, scraps of twine, scraps of sheep's wool, straws and grass stalks. Insect cocoons, dry leaves, moss and birch bark are also used in the color of the tree on which the nest is located. From the inside, the tray is lined with feathers, shreds of wool and moss. Having spent 7-10 days building a nest, the female lays 3-4 white, grayish-cream or pinkish eggs at the end of May with a sparse scattering of brown or black spots. The clutch is incubated exclusively by the female. After 14-16 days, approximately in the middle of June, the chicks hatch, and for the first five days the mother stays with them in the nest, sheltering them from rain, cold or heat. The male conscientiously brings food to the female, and she feeds it to the chicks, having previously crushed it with her beak. Later, both parents begin to feed the babies. At 14-17 days old, young orioles leave the nest, but, not being able to fly, they sit on neighboring branches and wait for gifts from their parents. At this stage of development, the chicks are called fledglings. This is perhaps the most dangerous period in their life, when they become easy prey for predators and often fall to the ground from their native tree. In itself, a fall is not dangerous for a chick, but it still cannot take off from the ground. Parents feed the juveniles even after they fledge.

Orioles nesting in Europe arrive at their native places in early May. The males that appeared first occupy the home areas, and after 3-4 days the females arrive. Outside of the nesting season, secretive orioles prefer to live in complete solitude - only rare pairs remain inseparable all year round. Orioles do not like open spaces and are limited to short flights from tree to tree. Their presence is betrayed only by gentle songs, similar to the sad voice of a flute. Orioles also feed on trees, jumping on branches and collecting all kinds of insects, their pupae and caterpillars. In summer, their menu is complemented by ripe fruits - primarily cherries, sweet cherries and various berries. In August-September, birds fly away to winter in warmer climes.

Oriole ordinary - Oriolus oriolus.
Length: 24 cm.
Wingspan: 44-47 cm.
Weight: 75 g.
Number of eggs in clutch: 3-4.
Incubation period: 14-16 days.
Food: fruits, berries, small invertebrates, insects.

Beak. The strong beak is painted in dark red color.
Mask. From the base of the beak to the eyes stretches a dark, mask-like stripe.
Eyes. The iris of the eyes is carmine red.
Plumage. The whole body is covered with bright yellow feathers.
Wings. The flight feathers of the wings are black with yellow borders along the edges.
Tail. Wide yellow spots are visible at the ends of the outer tail feathers of the black tail.
Fingers. Three fingers point forward, one back. All of them are armed with sharp claws.
Legs. Thin paws are painted in dark color.

Related species of orioles.
The oriole family unites 26 species of birds belonging to two genera: orioles proper and fig orioles. Representatives of the family are widespread in warm regions of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Some species live sedentary, while others make seasonal migrations. All orioles lead a secretive life, betraying their presence only with a gentle melodic song. Males of some species flaunt in bright outfits, females are painted more modestly. Orioles feed on insects and fruits. The fig oriole is a rather noisy and sociable bird feeding on juicy fruits, primarily figs.

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