What to do after permanent lip makeup. Lip care after permanent makeup procedure. What to smear lips. Top list of things not to do after micropigmentation

Every girl wants to have beautiful and seductive lips. To solve this problem, you can make a tattoo. Thanks to this simple procedure, you will be able to forget about using lipstick for a long time and save time on makeup, because your image will look perfect anyway. To speed up the healing process after the procedure, it is very important to provide the lips with proper care. After how long do crusts appear on the treated skin and how should these areas be smeared?

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To make permanent makeup perfect, it is very important to properly care for your lips after the procedure:

  1. For 8-10 days after applying the pigment, it is necessary to treat the skin several times a day with special disinfectants. These include drugs such as miramistin and chlorhexidine.
  2. An obligatory component of proper care is the treatment of the skin with a moisturizer, which has a soothing effect. With the help of this tool, it is possible to eliminate puffiness, accelerate the healing of crusts, and protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  3. wash with tap water. It should certainly be boiled to get rid of foreign microelements and microbes. It is also not recommended to use soap. To cleanse the skin, you should choose an antibacterial gel or a special foam.

What not to do during the recovery period

The skin of the lips is highly sensitive, so it can be easily damaged. Within a month after the tattoo procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not visit the bath, swimming pool or sauna;
  • it is not recommended to sunbathe;
  • from the diet it is worth removing foods that can irritate the mucous membranes;
  • it is advisable to drink water and other drinks through a straw;
  • teeth should be brushed as carefully as possible so as not to damage the delicate skin;
  • dry crusts should not be removed on their own, as there is a risk of pigment removal;
  • it is important to avoid kissing and give up sports activities;
  • it is forbidden to steam the skin, therefore heat and physical exertion should be avoided.

A week after the tattoo procedure, you need to contact the master again, who will examine the lips, evaluate the recovery process and, if necessary, make a correction. If you violate these rules of care, there is a risk of damaging the lips and slowing down the recovery process, which will negatively affect the result.

Effective drugs for recovery

To prevent a viral infection from leading to negative consequences, an antiviral drug, acyclovir, must be used before applying makeup. The same tool is recommended to be used for a week after the procedure.

Of no small importance is the application to the skin of antiseptic formulations that do not contain alcohol. Then it must be treated with panthenol or bepanthen. The crusts that form as a result of permanent makeup are not recommended to be cut off.

To soften their surface, you can use Vaseline for skin care.

Many girls are interested in how much it takes to restore the skin. This usually happens after 10-15 days. As a result of proper care, all defects will disappear, and the lips will remain attractive for a long time.

How to remove puffiness

Quite often, permanent makeup leads to puffiness. Many girls are interested in how long this symptom persists. The swelling usually subsides in 1-2 days and is considered normal.

If after the specified time the problem does not disappear, but rather increases, you need to take action. Most often, antihistamines are used to combat this phenomenon.

Thanks to their use, it is possible to cope with excess fluid.

The most effective drugs include suprastin, tavegil. For skin treatment, you can choose hydrocortisone eye ointment. A compress based on dexamethasone eye drops is also highly effective.

To speed up the process of getting rid of puffiness, you can apply dry cold to the treated area. For this purpose, ice wrapped in a towel is suitable. If these measures do not help, it is worth using drugs to remove excess fluid from the body - for example, furosemide.

Healing ointments

To speed up the recovery process, it is worth treating the skin with antiseptic agents. Carrying out the tattoo procedure requires the use of such means as lifeguard, d-panthenol, boron plus.

Make-up areas are recommended to be smeared with preparations that have an antiviral effect.. These include herpevir, acyclovir. How much use such tools for care behind the skin, the beautician will say.

What to do with the appearance of herpes

If the tattoo has led to an exacerbation of a herpes infection, you need to take antiviral drugs in the form of tablets, gels and creams. The most commonly prescribed drugs that contain acyclovir. For skin treatment, an ointment with the same name is usually used.

Lip tattoo is a great opportunity to save time on makeup and always look 100% at the same time. Despite its popularity, tattooing is not such a harmless procedure, which, if unsuccessfully performed, can unpleasantly surprise its owner. Today the article is devoted to lip tattooing, contraindications to the procedure and its results.

Lip tattoo - before and after photos

Before talking about the procedure itself, you should first familiarize yourself with the results that can be obtained after lip tattooing.

Most of the photos, with the captions "before" and "after", were taken immediately after the procedure, when the swelling has not yet subsided, but is in full swing. Therefore, it is not possible to fully evaluate the obtained result. In order to understand what really happened, it will take at least a month. And at the end of this period, there will be a need to make a correction. Therefore, do not rush to get upset immediately after the tattoo procedure.

Lip tattoo procedure

Before the procedure, a few days before the procedure, it is recommended to take a course of taking antiherpes drugs. This will significantly reduce the risk of complications that may occur after tattooing.

At the first, the master, together with you, selects the pigment with which the lips will be “painted”. On the same day, the contour is usually applied. On the second, the entire lip is filled and the tone is shaded. The third session is scheduled for a month later. When the puffiness and crust come down. Then the specialist carefully reviews the fruits of his work and, if necessary, makes corrections.

Contouring is done with the thinnest needle, but shading is made thicker. The procedure, of course, is not pleasant and someone will call it very painful, but it's worth it. Yes, you should prepare for the fact that even despite anesthesia, tattooing is an extremely uncomfortable cosmetic operation. But it is strictly forbidden to twitch or make any sounds during the procedure, otherwise the master will make an irreparable mistake. Therefore, prepare mentally in advance.

Lips after tattoo with shading

Lip tattoo with shading effect is the best option for permanent makeup. It is with his help that the master manages to achieve the most natural effect. This happens due to the fact that there are no clear contours and borders of the lips. A visual swelling appears, which was not there before.

The shading method is also called the effect of permanent lipstick. And there really is truth in this. Lips constantly look like they have applied expensive lipstick. At the same time, while eating, it does not disappear anywhere and there is no need to constantly correct it. Beautiful lips will stay with you for at least a few years. Although, in many respects, the timing is determined by how deeply the pigment will be introduced.

It is precisely because of the durability that you should think carefully before the tattoo procedure, but do you really need it? After all, then it can no longer be washed off with plain water. When only heavy artillery will come to the rescue, for example.

Lip tattoo: colors

This is probably the most difficult thing in the process of tattooing - to decide on the color of the pigment. Indeed, the result will not leave your lips for several years. A good master, who has more than one year of practice behind him, will be happy to tell you which lips suit your face type and skin color. In some way, each of the tattoo makeup specialists has the skills of a stylist who knows how to harmoniously combine tonality.

As for color, everything is limited by your imagination. Since, if desired, absolutely any lips can be made to you, even blue ones, if you ask for it. But still, it is better to abandon such radical changes and stick to the shade given to you by nature.

Alternatively, you can harmoniously combine colors that match the hair. For example, light girls will go with pink and flesh shades, and dark ones, on the contrary, what is darker - brown and reddish. In principle, the procedure for selecting a pigment is practically no different from the process of buying lipstick. The master will even apply each of the pigments to your lips so that you can see everything with your own eyes and “try on” the shade live.

Lip tattoo consequences

The consequences of lip tattooing can be very different. In the best case, if the master is a professional in his field and the material for the procedure was chosen correctly, you will enjoy the beauty of your “new” lips. True, not immediately, but a month later, when the swelling and crust subside.

Seriously speaking, tattooing, despite its cosmetic side, is an operation, so the consequences can be negative. And this applies not only to appearance, but also to health. Since a pigment (foreign substance) is injected under the skin, although not deep, this has a direct effect on the immune system and cellular structure.

The main side effect after lip tattooing is herpes. Next come infections and infections that occur due to the ingress of dirt and dust on the affected areas of the skin. This leads to the appearance of wounds, pustules.

With an unprofessional approach, wounds and scars may remain on the lips after tattooing, which will be quite problematic to remove.

The least problems are paternity and allergies. All this can occur as a reaction to the administered drug. However, swelling, if they appear immediately after the procedure and disappear within 1-2 days, is considered normal. Otherwise, when they do not go away for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, with the wrong tattoo, there may be an uneven contour of the lips and their color. Gaps and uneven distribution of the pigment are not excluded. But all this can be corrected, for example, by contacting another master for correction.

Lip tattoo: healing by day

Lip tattoo heals pretty quickly. Approximately for 4-5 days, the sponges will shine with new colors. The whole picture, if you paint it by day, may look like this:

  • Day 1: The color on the lips is very intense. There is swelling and redness. This reaction is normal and everything goes away in the near future.
  • 2-3 day: puffiness begins to subside little by little. The color of the lips is still vibrant. A crust may appear.
  • Day 4-5: A crust appears on the lips. The lips begin to itch, but one should not succumb to the temptation. Also, you should not try to tear off the formations on the lips in order to speed up the process. You run the risk of disrupting the adaptation of the pigment on the skin, leading to gaps in color.
  • 6-7 day: the crust completely disappears. The shade on the lips is no longer so bright and takes on a more natural color. No longer ashamed to go out. On the contrary, I want to appear to the whole world in all its new beauty.

Swelling after lip tattoo

Sometimes, puffiness is so strong that clients panic. However, you should not do this. This is a completely normal and natural reaction of the body to the procedure. After all, even if you didn’t feel much pain, your body was still exposed to the aggressive effects of the needle, even if it was thin.

If after 1-2 days the swelling does not subside, contact your doctor immediately! Of course, you can try taking antihistamines, lubricate your lips with Hydrocortisone ointment and apply dry ice to them. But, as a rule, in most cases this does not help. You need to contact both the specialist who performed the tattoo and the general practitioner.

How long does a lip tattoo last?

The question of the durability of permanent tattooing is purely individual and depends on many factors. This is influenced by both the age category of the patient and the quality of the dye. For example, the younger the client, the more often she will have to go for corrections, since the metabolism is accelerated and the skin regenerates faster, and vice versa. In the case of the dye, things are also predictable. If the pigment is of high quality, then it can last up to 3 years on the lips, but low-quality paints will disappear within a year after the procedure.

Moreover, a low-quality coloring preparation can not only disappear or fade in a short time, but also leave behind a blue or green color. The worst thing is that it will be very problematic to remove it even with a laser, to say nothing of home attempts. This is another reason not to save on yourself and the master. After all, the latter will not be able to use high-quality preparations, doing a tattoo for a penny - it is simply not profitable for him.

And, of course, care. It also affects the duration of the effect. Regular peeling, tanning, saunas and baths will significantly reduce the stay of the tattoo on your lips. Therefore, if you want to keep the resulting beauty for as long as possible, donate the listed enemies of permanent makeup.

Lip tattoo care

First of all, as already mentioned a little higher, exclude prolonged exposure to the sun, so the paint will burn out very quickly, and an aggressive effect, in the form of peelings. But that's about long-term care.

Immediately after the procedure, you should treat your lips with special trepidation. They had just undergone a rather brutal procedure that traumatized them. To help them get back to normal as soon as possible - regularly and as often as possible lubricate with wound healing and disinfecting ointment. There are a lot of the latter in the pharmacy, so it will be much better if you check with the tattoo artist for the specific brand and manufacturer of the product. Don't let the delicate skin of your lips dry out.

In the early days, forget about decorative cosmetics, otherwise you can bring an infection. It is better to stay at home during the regeneration period in order to minimize the possibility of infection. Eliminate mechanical impact on the lips - do not rub them with a towel or hands. In a word, leave the injured part of yourself alone, apply dry ice to it so that the swelling comes down sooner and lubricate it regularly with cream. And if you have any questions, contact the experts, not the Internet.

When not to get a lip tattoo

Like any other cosmetic procedure, tattooing has its contraindications. Such intervention is strictly prohibited for diseases that affect blood clotting. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • cancerous and malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • weakened immunity;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication.

During menstruation, it is also better to postpone the beauty procedure. During this period, the body becomes most sensitive to pain, which will cause a lot of discomfort.

Eliminate alcohol, coffee and strong tea from your diet for a few days.

Lip tattoo and herpes

As mentioned earlier, a few days before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a course with anti-herpes drugs. This will help reduce the risk of herpes, but does not completely eliminate it. To be completely safe from problems, you should contact a clinic or beauty salon with a good long-term reputation, where professionals work. Yes, you will have to pay well for such a visit, but health is much more important.

Herpes appears only if the room in which the procedure was performed, or the instruments were dirty. Remember, such tools are disposable, and the master must open the needles in front of you. If non-sterile instruments are used in the salon, the master works without gloves - run from there as much as you can.

Before you go under the needle - read the reviews about the specialist. See examples and results of his work. Evaluate and weigh all the pros and cons, then make a decision. And in no case should the price be a decisive factor!

Lip tattoo: video

Undoubtedly, lip tattooing has its benefits, ranging from saving time on makeup to correcting their asymmetry. The tattoo procedure must be approached responsibly.

First of all, find a good master, professional in his own business, because it is almost impossible to correct errors. It is imperative to make sure that the paint used for this is of proper quality and meets the relevant standards. However, more than 50% of the successful result depends on the subsequent actions of the owner of the tattoo.

The procedure for permanent makeup itself does not last long, but the subsequent care of the skin subject to tattooing will take much longer. It will be possible to evaluate the final result only after a month. after the procedure, the first two weeks of which are the most responsible. Indeed, at first, the damaged skin of the lips will dry out and tighten with a crust. Therefore, before you decide on permanent makeup, you should learn how to care for your lips after lip tattooing and do it correctly. This will allow you to enjoy the result much longer.

Features of lip care after lip tattoo

First you need to carefully listen to all the recommendations of the master, remember them well, and unquestioningly follow them. Most often, he will prescribe special antibacterial ointments , which will need to be applied to the affected skin at least three to four times a day. This will help soften the lips and speed up the process of their recovery. The main point in care is to keep the lips clean, dirt should not get on them in any case.

At the same time, at first it is necessary try to wet the places with a tattoo as little as possible , and you should wash your face during this period only with warm boiled water, since unboiled water can bring bacteria into microcracks, and cold or hot water will irritate the inflamed skin. Before brushing your teeth, you should generously lubricate the lips with cream. In order for the crust to be thinner, on the first day after the procedure, you can soak the healing skin with chamomile infusion.

After the formation of crusts, the lips will itch. It is absolutely impossible to scratch and peel off the crust. Firstly, it is fraught with wounds, and secondly, the color will not be uniform. The crusts should come off naturally. To soften them and speed up healing, in addition to the ointment prescribed by the master, you can lubricate the lips with antiseptic ointments.

The main thing, that they do not contain hormones and antibiotics, as they affect the pigment of the paint. Another point that should not be ignored is antiviral prophylaxis. The fact is that tattooing can provoke a herpes rash on the lips, which, in turn, will adversely affect healing and a uniform result. Therefore, it is recommended to take anti-herpes drugs before the procedure and for some time after. lubricate lips with ointment against herpes .

After a week, you should go to the salon to check or adjust, if necessary, the master of the result. You should also contact earlier if there is a suspicion of a bad reaction or any other questions.

In addition to knowing about how to care for lips after lip tattoo, you need to know what you can not do at this time. Namely:

- you can not peel off the crust;

- at least a week after the procedure, do not kiss;

- until complete healing, exclude the pool and all natural reservoirs;

– you can’t expose your lips to ultraviolet radiation, that is, you can’t go to the sauna and stay in the sun;

- you can not visit places where there is a temperature difference, such as a sauna, bath, etc.;

- physical activity, gyms, etc. should be excluded;

- you can not rub the inflamed and healing skin with a napkin, towel or anything else;

- until complete healing, you need to give up alcohol and smoking;

- hot, sour, salty, bitter and sour foods should be excluded from the diet;

- do not use any cosmetics in the places of tattooing.

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Lip tattoo is a popular procedure that allows you to align the contour of the lips, give them an attractive shade and reduce the time needed for daily makeup.

Although the procedure itself is quite simple, and takes only a couple of hours, you need to know how to care for your lips after it, what you can do, and what is better to refrain from.

Is it possible to do eyebrow biotattoo with henna at home? find out right now.

How to care for lips during healing? Be sure to listen to all the advice of the tattoo specialist and stick to them. How to smear lips after tattooing? Almost always the master appoints special cream, helping to speed up the healing process.

It should be used less three times a day.

Also follow these tips:

  1. Watch the temperature of the liquid you use for washing. Need warm and boiled water- this will help prevent microbes from entering microcracks on the lips. Make sure that dirt and foreign objects do not get on the surface of the lips. For three days, it is better not to wet your lips at all.
  2. While lips heal do not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and solarium, do not resort to other cosmetic procedures and try not to sunbathe.
  3. Forbidden swimming in open water, also in the first 14 days, try not to resort to active physical activity.
  4. During the first five days, you need to monitor your diet.
  5. Try not to consume hot, salty, sour and spicy foods, hot and alcoholic drinks.

  6. If your lips itch, be patient. Cream can be used it is forbidden to peel off the crusts that appear on the lips, because otherwise their color may become uneven. After a few days, these defects will heal on their own.
  7. Don't wipe your lips with a tissue. It is also recommended to be careful with kissing in the first three days.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to remove swelling?

There may be swelling after the procedure, which will keep 1-2 days, this is normal.

However, if over time it does not subside, but only increases, it is necessary to use means to get rid of it.

Basically, antihistamines and drugs are used for this. removing excess fluid from the body.

All antihistamines may be helpful: "Suprastin", "Tavegil" other. Can be used to treat lips hydrocortisone eye ointment or make a compress based on eye drops "Dexamethasone".

Dry-cold application of towel-wrapped ice may be helpful. If after all these measures the swelling does not go away, use means to remove excess fluid from the body, such as Furosemide.

It is important that you have no contraindications in relation to the drugs you are taking.

Ointments for healing

What ointment to smear lips after tattooing? To speed up the healing process, you can use all kinds of antiseptic ointments to lubricate your lips. Good tools work like "Bora plus", "D-patnetol" and "Rescuer".

It is also better to lubricate tattoo sites with antiviral ointments, such as "Gerpevir", "Zavirax", "Acyclovir".

What to do if herpes appears?

After lip tattooing - the phenomenon is not so rare.

It needs to be treated with antiviral funds in tablets, gels or creams.

Basically, preparations are shown, which include acyclovir, in particular, the ointment of the same name.

The dose and course of treatment should be prescribed by a specialist when it comes to tablets. You can immediately start using ointments - the effect of them is much faster. Helpful tools such as Valtrex or Valaciclovir.

You can take care in advance to prevent herpes. If you know that your immune system is not the best, use antivirals as a preventive measure. Experts advise using them two days before the tattoo - so you reduce the risk of this problem.

After what time can you use cosmetics?

It is possible to use any cosmetics after the tattoo procedure, even a regular balm or a transparent gloss, only after the area has completely healed. Usually it is 10-15 days.

Do not risk using cosmetics earlier, because it is possible a number of unpleasant consequences. However, after tattooing, there is no need to paint the lips every day, because their color and contours will delight you even without that.

7 days after the tattoo, it is better to go to the salon so that the specialist can examine the lips and, if necessary, carry them out small correction.

You can completely change the result only after a month.

If everything is fine with the uniformity of the contour and color, then the master worked well. You can not use lipsticks, glosses and pencils after the procedure.

For daily care, a simple application is enough firming cream- it will help to keep the tattoo for the longest possible period. In summer, to protect your lips, use nutritious creams that also provide reliable sun protection.

Such a procedure as permanent lip makeup gives many advantages. The main thing is to know the basic rules of care after it, and then what you see in the mirror will be able to pleasantly surprise you for a long time.

We have homemade lip scrubs with natural ingredients.

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