Vronsky classical. Sergei Vronsky, astrologer and scientist. Available for calculation


(b. 1915 - d. 1998)

Outstanding astrologer, healer, psychic. Accurately predicted the fate of the entire top of the Reich and the political elite of the Soviet Union. Working at Hitler's headquarters, he was a spy for Stalin's headquarters. The author of a unique methodology for calculating favorable and unfavorable periods for a particular person based on his biorhythms. Author of many popular books on astrology and the fundamental 12-volume work Classical Astrology.

This amazing man was both Nostradamus and Stirlitz, who never revealed the secret of his life and unusual fate. He knew when Gagarin died, what would happen to Hitler, predicted the fate of the then unknown Eva Braun. The services of this popular astrologer in narrow circles were used by Fyodor Chaliapin, Alexander Alekhin, Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe and many other celebrities. He saved the Fuhrer from bouts of severe headaches and passed secret information from the lair of fascism to Stalin's headquarters.

Perhaps the rapid development of Vronsky's unusual abilities was influenced by the shock he experienced in early childhood - at the age of five he lost his entire family. If this had not happened, who knows, maybe Sergei would have become a famous politician or diplomat. After all, there were all the prerequisites for this - he belonged to an old Polish family, noble and very rich. Sergei's father, Alexei Vronsky, was a general and headed the encryption department of the General Staff of the tsarist army. The tsarist general could afford to order from St. Petersburg to Riga, where he lived with his family, for the wife of the best midwives who received the children of the tsar himself. On March 25, 1915, they helped the birth of the tenth child in the Vronsky family, whom the parents named Sergei.

Like other children, Serezha grew up under the supervision of several foreign governesses who communicated with him in French, English, and German. His father, on duty, knew 42 languages, and by the age of five, the boy had already mastered five, and subsequently confidently mastered another family. An enviable family idyll was rudely interrupted by those who interrupted the lives of members of the royal family. One far from beautiful day in 1920, a detachment of Red Army soldiers under the command of Yakov Yavorsky broke into the house, where preparations for departure were in full swing (the Vronskys were going to leave the country). And although the head of the family presented permission to travel abroad, it did not have the proper effect. And even Lenin's signature on this document did not stop the uninvited guests. The Red Army soldiers shot the father, mother, brothers, sisters of Serezha and ... the five-year-old son of an Italian Bonn. The boy was playing in the house at that time, and he was mistaken for the younger Vronsky. The real one was playing in the garden, and bonne, struck by the tragedy that had unfolded, literally grabbed him in an armful and sheltered her neighbors from trouble. So Seryozha Vronsky miraculously escaped death. Having lost her son, the inconsolable Bonne Amelita Vasarini decided not to stay in the wild country, but to go abroad as soon as possible. She took with her her pupil, the little orphan Seryozha. Since he was the same age as her dead son, she easily managed to smuggle him through the documents of the murdered boy.

First they came to Berlin, then settled in Paris. Many Russian aristocrats lived there, who knew the elder Vronsky well. They helped Amalia and the child in every possible way. Two years later, Serezha was found by his grandfather, and soon his grandmother, who was incredibly rich, arrived from distant America. She decided to take her grandson to her, but she did not return to America, but went to Riga, where she bought several houses.

Seryozha, who again found relatives, did not know the need for anything. He was surrounded by care and affection. Grandmother paid much attention to his upbringing, personally studying with her beloved grandson. This Montenegrin princess herself was an extraordinary person. She was educated in Germany and France, knew several languages ​​and was famous for her amazing erudition. Moreover, she came from an old family, in which there were clairvoyants and healers. The princess herself owned hypnosis and understood alternative medicine. Perhaps it was she who was the first to discern outstanding abilities in Vronsky. She passed on to her grandson, still a child, everything she knew herself. And the boy surprised her with his success. Already in childhood, playfully, he made quite accurate horoscopes for relatives and friends, avoiding gross blunders.

The princess herself, having received an excellent education, sought to give a brilliant education to her grandson. Serezha studied at the prestigious Millerov private gymnasium in Riga. He studied easily, although without much "fanaticism", behaved with the playfulness inherent in children. He was a very versatile child, he wanted to try everything. Grandmother did not forbid anything and gladly accepted all his undertakings and new hobbies. And no matter what he undertook, everything turned out for him at five plus. Seryozha was very fond of sports: he was engaged in wrestling, boxing, tennis, auto racing. He was also not indifferent to music: he sang in the boys' choir in one of the cathedrals, played the piano and accordion. In addition, he was engaged in ballroom dancing, more than once winning at various competitions.

And at the age of 17, Seryozha Vronsky wanted to fly. In a few months he graduated from the aviation school in Innsbruck (Austria). Graduated with honors. As, by the way, and the gymnasium. It's time to get a higher education. They say he failed the exams at the University of Latvia and therefore went abroad. His path lay in Berlin. Since he was fluent in German, there should not have been any problems with his studies.

Grandmother's friend gave Sergei a letter of recommendation to Johann Koch, who later took care of the young man for a long time. In 1933, Vronsky became a medical student at the University of Berlin without any problems. And soon, thanks to his unusual abilities, he ended up in a unique educational institution - the Bioradiological Institute, also known in Germany as "Educational Institution No. 25". It trained psychic healers for the top of the Third Reich, and got there was provided with a dizzying career. The selection was very, very strict, the average person could not even dream of becoming a student of this institute. Sergei Vronsky was among the ten elected (and there were more than three hundred applicants). Neither connections nor money helped to pass the selection. Only the abilities of the applicants and ... their horoscopes mattered. Perhaps the latter were the most important, decisive documents. It was on them that experienced astrologers decided whether candidates had the necessary potential.

Sergei Vronsky's horoscope was the most suitable and indicated outstanding psychic abilities. Thus, thanks to the stars, Sergey became a student of this educational institution. The institute was really unusual. Psychology, philosophy and medicine were only the tip of the iceberg that students were asked to learn. In addition, they mastered hypnosis, suggestion, shamanism, the secrets of medicine, oriental healing techniques, including acupuncture. Under one roof, the most effective methods of treatment from all over the world were studied, in this institute East met West, and antiquity was intertwined with the latest achievements of psychotherapy and science in general.

Unusual lectures were read by unusual teachers - among them were Tibetan lamas, Chinese healers, and Indian yogis. So for the level of training of their healers, the top of the Third Reich could be calm. The students consolidated the acquired knowledge in practice, which took place either in Africa, or in India, or in America.

And while studying, students did not have to be bored. So, once Sergei Vronsky, as one of the most capable, was offered a strange "laboratory work." Twenty captured communists and members of their families were brought to him from the camps. All these people suffered from various oncological diseases. The condition was this: if Sergei managed to cure someone, these people would be released. With the help of a biofield, without drugs, he saved 16 people from the disease, among them there were four children. We can say that Vronsky did an excellent job with the laboratory.

During the holidays, in order to improve his financial situation, the fearless Vronsky worked part-time as a pilot ... in the war. He took part in the Bolivian-Paraguayan and Italian-Abyssinian conflicts. A beautiful story is connected with his participation in the Italo-Abyssinian war, the veracity of which, unfortunately, cannot be verified. It was said that the daughter of the Maharaja, Layla, fell in love with an attractive mercenary pilot. He really was worthy of the love of princesses - handsome, mysterious, reckless and very smart. He conquered Leila, as he conquered many of the fairer sex. He had a lot of broken hearts to his credit. But Sergei resisted the charms of the charming Leila. The young psychic pilot didn't need her love or her fabulous dowry. As a memento of herself, the girl gave the “knight of the heart” an expensive ring in the form of an eye. She claimed that this thing would predict fate for ten years, and then you need to get rid of the ring. Sergei, apparently, did just that, if, of course, this ring existed at all.

In Educational Institution No. 25, Vronsky managed to become the best of the best. He even graduated early. Sergey received the specialty of a surgeon (which he entered the medical profession), a psychotherapist, an astrologer, a psychologist, a healer, a cosmobiologist, a philosopher ... And most importantly, he got a job at Hitler's headquarters. He was offered a position as a physician and consultant astrologer. It must be said that Hitler firmly believed in astrology, which he elevated to the rank of imperial science, as well as in other predictions of the future. He kept a Tibetan monk with him at all times. In addition, Hitler had a weakness for all kinds of healers and unmistakably distinguished a professional from an impostor. Vronsky passed this exam, he completely suited the Fuhrer both as an astrologer and as a healer - he relieved the serious headaches that tormented Hitler.

The appearance of Vronsky at Hitler's headquarters was greatly facilitated by Rudolf Hess, who was the Fuhrer's right hand. Hess became very close to the young psychic, whom the same Johann Koch introduced to him.

Rudolf Hess began to fully trust Sergei as an astrologer after such an incident. He was going to marry Koch's cousin, and Vronsky drew up a horoscope and announced that there would be no wedding. Hess was indignant at the impudence of yesterday's student. A few weeks later, his fiancée died in a car accident. Vronsky looked into the water. And he completely “finished off” Hess when he uttered his prophecy to a young girl named Eva Braun. She really wanted to be told her fate. Vronsky, having learned the date of her birth, did a little magic on the horoscope and assured her that a great future awaited her thanks to a very successful marriage. Eve just smiled sheepishly. Well, what could a modest atelier worker expect? Hitler noticed her very soon, and Hess had no doubts at all about Vronsky's abilities.

Rudolf Hess himself was not averse to commanding the stars and for some time took astrology lessons from Vronsky, practiced compiling horoscopes. Subsequently, Sergei Alekseevich spoke of Hess as a rather capable student, albeit with great conceit. For the second person of the Reich, he became not only a personal astrologer, but also a close friend. Hess listened to every advice of Vronsky, heeded his every word.

The only thing the brilliant astrologer did not tell his older friend was that since 1933 he had been a member of the German Communist Party. Vronsky joined their ranks on the recommendation of Richard Sorge and Vilis Latsis. He was an excellent spy, no one at Hitler's headquarters could have even thought that he, relieving the Fuhrer's pain with a movement of his hand, just as masterfully and promptly transmitted important data to Stalin's headquarters.

So, thanks to his clear actions, an attempt on Hitler could well have taken place. Stalin, developing this option, gave the order by hook or by crook to introduce the former boxer Igor Miklashevsky into the circle of the Nazi elite. It was he who had to "remove" Hitler. Vronsky without much difficulty, very gracefully introduced the Soviet boxer to the "color" of Nazi Germany. First, he introduced Miklashevsky to a well-known German colleague who was familiar with the corridors of the Third Reich, and there it was already close to the top. The case progressed so successfully that soon Stalin was informed: there are all the prerequisites for a successful assassination attempt. But for some reason he canceled the order.

Thus, Vronsky literally worked on two fronts. But both there and there he performed his duties well. As a scout, Sergei Alekseevich was careful and clear, his information was worth its weight in gold. At the same time, he conscientiously performed the duties of a court physician and astrologer. He always told the Nazi leaders the truth about the location of the stars and always offered the best option for them, despite his membership in the Communist Party. True, his advice was not always followed. Vronsky predicted the fall of the Nazi regime when it was in its prime, but the astrologer seemed not to have been heard. He saw by the stars that World War II would bring the Germans to ruin, he accurately predicted to Hitler when and how he would die. But at the zenith of glory, the Fuhrer did not heed his warnings.

But Rudolf Hess believed all the horoscopes compiled by Vronsky, even those that he did not want to believe at all.

How else to explain that being the second face of the Third Reich, in 1941, when Nazi Germany celebrates victory after victory, he flies to England, parachutes and surrenders. Crazy act, at first glance. However, there are reasons for everything. There are different versions about this strange behavior of Hess. One of the main ones is connected precisely with the horoscope that Vronsky compiled for him. The stars clearly showed that Rudolf Hess would soon end his life on the gallows if he remained loyal to Nazi Germany. In one of his interviews, Sergei Vronsky said this about it: “By 1941, we were close and completely frank. Rudolph knew about the Barbarossa plan. We made an astrological forecast based on the exact time of the invasion. The calculations foreshadowed the complete collapse of Nazi Germany. The horoscope was rechecked more than once. Everything matched exactly. Hess turned to the Fuhrer with a request to reschedule the date, but Hitler ridiculed him. There is nothing surprising in Hess's escape. He himself was fond of astrology, passionately believed in it. I even thought of fleeing to Russia, to Molotov, but the stars predicted immediate death. The English version promised life. And so it happened. Hess outlived his party comrades by 50 years.

In 1942, Stalin recalled Vronsky to the Soviet Union on the pretext of receiving an honorary award - the Hero's Star. It is difficult to say what the "father of peoples" really wanted to do (after all, it is known that he did not like astrologers and, perhaps, suspected Vronsky of a double game). It is unlikely that he called the best spy just for a reward. Most likely, it was just a convenient occasion. Vronsky decided to go. Why he did this is an open question. Of course, a talented astrologer could not help but see in his horoscope that very difficult years, camps and wanderings await him in the Union. Perhaps the stars told him about the ridiculous bullet in the head, which was prepared for him instead of a reward. But still, Sergei Alekseevich decided to go. Who knows, maybe the stars have shown that another option promises him exposure and death. Or maybe it was his natural adventurism and tendency to go the most difficult paths.

Be that as it may, Vronsky hijacked the plane and crossed the border on it. He was met by heavy fire from his native artillery, and he showed himself to be a top-class pilot. “Somehow I planned it on the highway,” Sergei Alekseevich said many years later. - Soldiers ran up, pulled me out of the mangled plane, pulled off my white coat, saw the Soviet uniform, lieutenant's shoulder straps and were terribly happy. Then they were taken to special officers. There I told everything…” Having learned that Vronsky was a medical specialist, he was immediately “recruited” as a military field surgeon – there was no need to think about any Star. For a long time he worked almost around the clock, not knowing the rest, operated on the wounded, showing himself as a good specialist. But he was not immune from injury. When a shell hit the hospital building, the log crashed into the side of the surgeon, severely damaging the internal organs. And then they also put a bullet in Vronsky's head. The details of this ridiculous case are also not known. They say they shot it by accident. So he had to, barely moving away from the operating table, lie down on the table as a patient.

Most likely, he would not have survived, because they were not even going to operate on him. But again, as in childhood, he was helped by a happy accident - Burdenko himself saw his name on the list of the hopeless. The surgeon ordered to immediately prepare the wounded man for surgery, despite his inoperable condition. The fact is that Burdenko knew Vronsky Sr. well and had a high opinion of him. Few believed in the success of this operation. But Burdenko did the impossible, brought Vronsky back to life by inserting a platinum plate into his head (after a while he replaced it with a lighter alloy).

True, Sergei Alekseevich had to recover for a long time after being wounded, he spent a lot of time in the hospital. He learned not only to walk, but also to speak. It required hard labor, but with his willpower, it was quite surmountable. But the hands were so damaged that it was no longer necessary to think about the career of a surgeon.

Instead of the Star of the Hero, Sergei Vronsky received a second disability group. In 1945, he settled in Jurmala, an excellent education allowed him to become the director of one of the schools. True, he did not stay there for long: apparently, the stars never promised stability to Vronsky. From the class, Sergei Alekseevich went straight to the bunk. And all because he did not bring his wards to look at the public execution of German officers. A denunciation “where it should be” was immediately written on him, to which information was attached that he had collaborated with the Germans, and material evidence - photographs of him in German uniform. They did not stand on ceremony with Vronsky, he was sentenced first to capital punishment, and then to twenty-five years in prison, but spent about five years behind bars.

Vronsky managed to leave the colony thanks to the skills gained at the Bioradiological Institute. The teachers who taught him hypnosis and suggestion would be proud of him. According to one version, Sergei Alekseevich managed to escape, lulling the guards, according to another, he pretended to be dead. According to the third, he was able to convince everyone that he had a severe form of cancer, and five years later he was released to die. Now it is difficult to determine how it all really happened. One thing is clear: Vronsky did not intend to die, he was cheerful and full of strength. But what and where could a convicted certified astrologer do? For some time he hid with friends. And then he changed many professions and jobs, but never stayed anywhere for a long time, the authorities found a lot of reasons for dismissal.

In the early 1960s, Vronsky was fully rehabilitated and was able to move to Moscow. He lived first with one friend, then with another, giving lectures on astrology in the kitchens, to which many people gathered to listen. He himself recalled these years as follows: “The real scientific “underground” work began. “Underground” because it was conducted not in laboratories or institutes, but in private apartments. "Astrology? This is bourgeois pseudoscience! Bioradiological treatment? This does not happen, this is a deception and self-deception! Psychics, telepaths? They cannot be!” We were looked upon as dissenters.” Nevertheless, Vronsky said, the party elite even in those days turned to him for horoscopes. But what Sergey Alekseevich did not like to talk about at all was about cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB and the Ministry of Defense. He always avoided talking about this, as well as about his activities at Hitler's headquarters.

In the 60s of the last century, Vronsky tried to engage in teaching as well. In the laboratory of bioinformation (headed by Professor Mikhail Kogan), he began training domestic bioradiologists (healers). But soon one of the "grateful" students wrote a denunciation, and the authorities quickly banned these classes.

At the request of Khrushchev, Vronsky was hired in Star City as a consultant. By that time, he had already developed a system of favorable and unfavorable periods based on human biorhythms. He made personal horoscopes for the inhabitants of Star City. These were detailed recommendations for every day. And it would be better if they listened. So, the day of March 27 in the personal horoscope of Yuri Gagarin was marked as an unfavorable day for flights. “A thrice unfavorable day,” Vronsky emphasized. All components of biorhythms were at a critically low level. But Yuri, who loved danger, nevertheless took off into the sky. He did not return alive. The astrologer also insisted on postponing the date of the operation to Sergei Korolev. This day was extremely undesirable for surgical intervention, but he was not obeyed. Korolev did not live to see the end of the operation.

Right there, in Star City, Vronsky taught those who wished to draw up horoscopes. One of the diligent students was his future wife, Liana Zhukova. A talented engineer, she showed good abilities in interpreting horoscopes, although she did not have great healing abilities.

With the coming to power of Andropov, who gave the official "go-ahead" of astrology, Sergei Vronsky was able to teach at the Institute for the Improvement of Party Workers. In the 80s of the XX century, the popularity of mysterious science was growing rapidly, and Vronsky began to breathe easier. Now he was not considered a "pseudo-scientist" and openly went to him for authoritative advice, and he could openly carry his knowledge to people.

Since 1992, Vronsky again settled in his native Riga. He gave many lectures, which were a resounding success, wrote horoscopes for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The former spy did a lot to popularize astrology in the Soviet Union. He always emphasized that this is an exact science, like mathematics, for example, and did not understand the skeptical attitude towards it. At the dawn of the 90s, he wrote about this in his first book, which brought him wide popularity - “Astrology - science or superstition?” In the work "Horoscope for Eve" (1992), Sergei Vronsky predicted the final and irreversible collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as a protracted war in the Caucasus.

Vronsky published quite a lot of popular books on astrology, managed to finish in manuscript the main work of his life, Classical Astrology (a fundamental university course in astrology in 12 volumes). True, the astrologer did not get hold of the fees: despite the popularity of books, numerous publishing houses that grew up while mushrooms after the rain paid little, if not even stole his works.

Did not bring fabulous income and predictions to the leadership of the Soviet Union. His clients at one time were Brezhnev, Andropov, Gorbachev, Yeltsin. Vronsky did not seek to enrich himself at the expense of the powerful of the world, making horoscopes for them. He never lived richly, although, probably, outstanding abilities could provide him with a luxurious existence. But he was afraid of such money, and did not want to be bought.

In the late 80s and early 90s of the last century, crowds of journalists reached out to Vronsky, who wanted to reveal the secret of the spy-astrologer. Sergei Alekseevich remained in his right mind and clear memory until the last days, could remember many details and was an interesting conversationalist. He could talk for hours about astrology, tell some facts from life - but only what he considered necessary, leaving many white spots in his biography. He said that he would be able to tell the whole truth about his stay in Germany only after 1995, but he never did. No one has been able to dispel the halo of mystery around his personality. And in one of the interviews, he generally stated that "he is initiated into a great secret, but he must take it with him." This mystery of Vronsky gave rise to a lot of versions about what kind of secret the astrologer so carefully keeps.

Some researchers believe that it was his involvement in one of the Masonic lodges - a secret society that was looking for the mythical country of Shambhala and dreamed of establishing its own world order. Masons wanted to make the world dance to their tune, and they were not interested in the interests of individuals and states, they dreamed of world domination, that they would secretly rule the world at their discretion. Supporters of this version argue that Vronsky was infected with the idea of ​​Freemasonry by the person closest to him in Germany - Rudolf Hess, who himself was a member of this society. If you believe this version, Sergei Vronsky did not care about either the fate of Germany or the fate of Russia, which is why he worked so easily on two fronts, guided by a secret Masonic plan. The members of this secret society, feeling like the conductors of a world orchestra, performed their play according to their own laws, understandable only to them.

It is difficult to say how true these assumptions are. Only Vronsky himself could shed light on the mysterious episodes of his life. But, as promised, Sergei Alekseevich took with him a great secret - about Freemasonry or about something else ... He died on January 10, 1998, leaving to posterity a weighty manuscript of his "Classical Astrology" and many unrevealed secrets of his life.

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PREOBRAZHENSKY Evgeny Alekseevich (02/03/1886 - 07/13/1937). Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) from 04/05/1920 to 03/16/1921 Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) from 04/05/1920 to 03/16/1921 Member of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) in 1920 - 1921 Candidate member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) - RCP (b) in 1917 - 1918. Member of the Central Control Commission of the RCP (b) in 1920 - 1921. Party member since 1903 Born in

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Danilov Petr Alekseevich Born in 1915 in the village of Malaya Ogarevka in the Teplo-Ogarevsky district of the Tula region into a peasant family. He was in charge of the general department of the district executive committee. Later he was an instructor in the district committee of the Komsomol. In 1937 he graduated from the Ivankovsky Agricultural College. AT

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KOROVIN Sergey Alekseevich 7 (19) 8/1858 - 13 (26) 10/1908 Painter, teacher. Member of the Union of Russian Artists. Brother K. Korovin. The author of the paintings “On the World”, “To the Trinity”, etc. “He left an unforgettable impression on me. As a teacher he was very bad, but as an artist he was

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KRECHETOV Sergey Alekseevich fam. Sokolov; September 25 (October 7). 1878 - May 18, 1936 Poet, critic, publisher, owner of the Grif publishing house; editor of the magazines "Art" (1905), "Pass" (1906-1907). Poetry collections "The Scarlet Book" (M., 1907), "The Flying Dutchman" (M., 1910), "Iron Ring" (Berlin,



Source of information about Vronsky's predictions - ProrokOnLine.ru
Posted on February 23, 2014

Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - philosopher and psychologist, healer and clairvoyant, astrologer and medium, personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess, a man of mystery.

Vronsky's prediction: “... all my prophetic dreams that I saw during my life have come true, therefore I am sure and have no doubt that my last dreams and future ones will also come true. Late last year, I dreamed of California on fire. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood lay in ruins. And I hear a voice: "This is Sodom and Gomorrah...".

The strongest natural disasters and the Third World War with terrible consequences await our planet. Many scientists confirm that in the near future the so-called. “ring of fire” is a tectonic fault passing under the Pacific Ocean, capturing the Russian Far East, Japan, northeast Australia and the western coast of America” (May, 1997, Riga.).

In his book "Horoscope for Eve", published in 1992, he predicted the collapse of the USSR, a bloody war in the Caucasus. According to his forecasts, a third world war awaits the inhabitants of the Earth, which will overwhelm Europe and Asia, but the Russians will not participate in it.

On April 10 last year, in the "Autograph" column, our weekly magazine published an interview with the world-famous astrologer Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of newspaper space, the conversation with the leading specialist in the field of astral phenomena was printed in an abbreviated form, but we promised readers (who, by the way, showed great interest in this publication) to continue the conversation with S. Vronsky on the topic of clairvoyance and predictions future.

Due to well-known circumstances, our interlocutor turned out to be a foreigner (S. Vronsky lives in Riga), and this prevented our readers from expediting the meeting with him. And only thanks to the editor-in-chief of the publishing center "Knigolyub", the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Bereginya", writer Sergei Mikhailovich Kamenev, this meeting took place.

So, Sergei Vronsky. A former major of the German Wehrmacht, a "blackshirt", then a surgeon, psychotherapist, bioradiologist, professor, doctor of philosophy, doctor of medicine ... A certified astrologer, whose forecasts simply stunned everyone ... Professor of White Magic. The man is a legend of the 20th century... Only a year remains, and, as he admitted in an interview last year, we will find out the true face of this sorcerer. In the meantime, just another conversation with him ...

Sergey Alekseevich! This is the second year you have been living in Latvia, where your childhood flew by, where you fell in love for the first time, where you lived and started working. But, apparently, you also remember the time when you were forced to leave Latvia ...

Yes, this time is remembered. I was offered to leave Riga within 72 hours as a socially harmful element. Then I did not sign anything and left the KGB building, leaving all the documents there. It's good that then I met my friend Viktor Okunchikov. I told him about everything: "Yes, I will have to leave. There were cases when, after such visits, people simply disappeared." And I left. And where do you think? To Moscow. I was met by a whole delegation: Dr. Alexander Malinovsky, doctor Leonid Vasiliev, Professor Gellerstein. At first, I stopped at the animal graphic artist Vadim Trofimov, where I took up treatment. But the house was under surveillance, and I again had to wander. The Losev family sheltered me on the Arbat.

Professor Losev, a leading Russian philosopher, one of Solovyov's followers, at that time worked as a professor at the Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute. His wife Aza Libekovna Takho-Godi headed the Department of Ancient Literature at Moscow State University. I lived in this wonderful family for almost a year and a half. During this time, I put my lectures, manuscripts in order, and began to write a homeopathic prescription, which I had conceived back in Berlin.

Since the Arbat lay on the "government highway", I had to leave the Losev family as well. Lieutenant Colonel Naida, who worked in some secret laboratory, and pilot Batievsky found out about my situation, they introduced me to Colonel Ivanov from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They offered me to work for them. I helped find criminals with one photo. They were satisfied with me and soon they issued a passport and a residence permit. At the same time, I began to train psychics and astrologers.

I remember such a case. After meeting Yuri Gagarin, I made a horoscope for him and predicted the day he should be afraid of. I even told him not to leave the house that day. Several factors predicted his tragic death. Predicted the tragedy and the Queen. He didn't need to have surgery.

Years have passed, and I am back in Riga. I want to spend the rest of my earthly life in peace. After all, in Moscow I huddled in a one-room apartment for so many years. And now I have a beautiful three-room apartment. I work well here. You ask me how I feel when I remember Russia? Feelings are varied. Firstly, I am still a Russian, although of Polish origin. You know that my ancestors appeared in Russia since 1636, which means that Russia is my Fatherland, and I love it as much as I love Latvia. Secondly, my heart shrinks when I read in the newspapers, hear on the Russian radio, watch on TV where our Russia is heading... How ours, and not only ours, people suffer and suffer... And how difficult it is to understand such well-known commandments, as "freedom of the individual" spiritual freedom "," independence "," independence ",
"freedom of speech and press"...

For the most terrible and incorrigible mistakes of the first and last president of the Soviet Union, we all now have to suffer - Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians ... And it's too late to fix things. As people say: "the train has left." We have no choice but to resign ourselves to what we have. Or violently begin to correct their affairs.

Now, if they had listened to my forecasts, which I made in 1986-1989, and they were simple and understandable, then everything could have been different and what we are experiencing now would not have happened. And they, my predictions, were really simple: to sacrifice political ambitions for the sake of economic ties. But in those years, politicians were celebrating a "Pyrrhic victory" over reason.
And now it will take decades to restore the broken and lost ties.

Sergey Alekseevich! Over Russia, over Muscovy, too cloudy clouds. Everything is grey, everything is faded, everything is gloomy. Poverty began to appear everywhere. Why are we punished like this? Russia, with its thousand-year-old culture, wears the rags of civilization...

Whether we like it or not, we all live according to the laws of Karma. There is the Karma of an individual, which he redeems or softens in the present life. The same Karma exists in the family. Karma for the people. Karma for mankind. Karma of the entire planet Earth. So the Russian people redeem their Karma with the present torment and suffering, earned during the existence of their history. Our planet is Dante's purgatory. We cannot avoid this law, no matter how hard we try.

Many ancient peoples either died or passed the strongest test - the Lemurians and Atlanteans, the Sumerians and Babylonians, the Mayans and the Incas. Of the most ancient peoples, only Jews and Gypsies survive, and, apparently, they will continue to live. Every nation, like a person, is born, grows, culminates in culture and power, and then begins to wither, die and disappear from the face of the Earth, leaving behind some faded traces.

If we can trace human life from birth to sunset, then it is much more difficult to trace the life of a people, it can last for thousands and tens of thousands of years, and we are unable to record either the beginning of its occurrence or the end of its disappearance ...

I recently had a conversation with Father Nikolai from Volokolamsk. So he said with alarm that a schism of Orthodoxy was now taking place. This can also be seen in this way: hourly sermons on television, the same thing on the radio. Whose sermons are these?

With regard to the schism in Orthodoxy, we can say that such a schism has occurred and continues to occur in other denominations as well. History shows us that, for example, the Catholic faith broke up into Calvinism, Lutheranism, and Anglicanism.

The same thing happens in Judaism and Islam. Although Judaism is faithful to Jehovah, you will agree that there are quite a few Jewish Christians.
In Islam, most people have remained true to their prototype Allah, but there are already fundamentalists who are real fanatics who disregard all the commandments of Islam.

And how many different sects and directions have now arisen, very dissimilar to each other. All this is a sign that soon the unification of all cult confessions into one faith will begin - the faith of the Higher Reason or the First Cause.
All this will be established in the age of Aquarius, the age that seeks truth in all spheres and areas of human life. This century will be the century of Millennial Peace and Justice.

Is it not according to the laws of the Cosmos that many nations move? Now, even in Moscow and the Moscow region, you will see too few bright people. Looks like some sort of migration is going on...

Yes, it is happening... The white race is going to perish. And she will die. Entire volumes could be written about this... The next ruling race, the sixth in a row, will be yellow. She will come and seize power and might in the cosmic age of Aquarius, which is just around the corner.

But only the third world war will clear the way for him. The yellow race will rule for approximately 8-9 thousand years, until our planet from the space age of Sagittarius enters the space age of Scorpio.

Sergey Alekseevich. Somehow, in a conversation with you, you mentioned that someone's voice helps you create your books. Is it so?

Yes, you are absolutely right here, someone helps me in my work ... I am personally sure that this is Johannes Batistus Morinus, who was born on February 22, 1583. Once he was the personal astrologer of Cardinal Richelieu. This, perhaps, is my gratitude for the fact that all my conscious life, starting from my student years at the Bioradiological Institute, I have always admired his 26-volume book On Determination. I studied these books and promoted them. For 60 years I have been the most faithful and devoted admirer of Morinus. Apparently, for this I deserved his love, attention and recognition. True, there is another version.

Our "clairvoyants" - both visitors and locals - unanimously assert that in one of my former lives I was like Morinus himself. This is confirmed by the fact that I was associated with many prominent statesmen and politicians, this is what is a clear repetition of Morinus's connections with the French king, and with noble nobles, and his service with Cardinal Richelieu.

But all this is not for my mind. I need a more explicit proof, although, frankly, Morinus and I have too much in common.

There are too many "gifted people" at the present time. You just don’t have time to peer into their faces and remember their names. Do you think this is a "disease" of the 20th century or a "realized" necessity?

As for gifted people, I can say one thing: in Russia they were, are and always will be. But the fact is that in recent years, “messengers” of other worlds, “contactees” and miracle workers simply cling to this category. Why not? a bigger fish. Just to peck. These "fishermen" need a catch. And they profit from the misfortune of the people, this is a pleasure for them.

By the way, this is observed not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world. And with my students, things are like this: the very first, who studied with me in the 60-70s, went abroad, however, for various reasons. Of those who studied in the 70s and 80s, they still remain in Russia and successfully continue my work. Moreover, the school of classical astrology has become stronger in many countries. And its beginning, imagine, was laid in Nazi Germany.

I personally had to meet with Adolf Hitler. He suffered from stomach, liver and headaches. Several times, on the recommendation of Hess, he called me to relieve pain and seizures. Needless to say, I was good at this. As a patient, Hitler was calm. And if for the first time he met me warily, then he met me with a smile. I noticed one feature behind Hitler - he was an amazing organizer. He could instantly subjugate all those gathered around him, and during his speeches he immediately conquered the masses of the people. His gift as an orator, of course, was intertwined with the gift of a hypnologist. I noticed how Mussolini, who arrived in Berlin, after one meeting with him, immediately found himself under the influence of the Fuhrer.

I made horoscopes for almost the entire top of the Reich, including Hitler, Goering, Himmler. I predicted the dates of death for them, but none of them believed in it.

The only one who took my warnings seriously and thus saved his life was Hess.

EDITORIAL: As you know, Rudolf Hess was a Deputy Führer, a member of the Ministerial Council for the Defense of the German Empire, a member of the Secret German Cabinet Council and a leader of the Nazi Party. What prompted him in May 1941 to jump out with a parachute in his plane in the form of a Wehrmacht captain in Great Britain, near the estate of the Duke of Hamilton? Why did he call himself Horn? Why did Joseph Stalin, when Winston Churchill arrived in Moscow, ask the British representative at dinner about Hess's unplanned mission?

Many secrets, but they will be revealed. It is known for certain that the materials of the English archives concerning Rudolf Hess will be revealed and declassified ... in 2002.
- Recently, information of one professor flashed in the press that you were among those persons who made an attempt on Hitler.

Yes, many are haunted by my biography. But I have a taboo, as you know, until midnight on May 8, 1995.

The time will come, it will be seen, but for now I personally still want to live, work ...
And in general, little is known about what happened in October 1935 in Germany, because it was strictly forbidden to write about it.
And those who tried to find out ended up in a concentration camp. And, as far as I know, none of them survived to the end of the war.

Sergey Alekseevich, but could you tell us about your attitude to dreams. About their interpretation...

You probably know that a dream book is a book in which symbols are translated into a language we understand. The art of interpreting dreams is called oneiromancy. This science is as old as humanity itself, because as long as a person exists on earth, dreams accompany him from the cradle until the end of his life. And, of course, a person tried to interpret dreams.

I have always marveled and admired my grandmother's correct interpretation of dreams. She mastered this art to perfection, as well as astrology, healing, divination and other types of occult sciences. And what kind of books did she not have in her home library! But most of all, leather-bound books caught my eye: with amazing pictures, an ancient Chinese dream book, in bright colors - an ancient Egyptian and a large Assyrian-Babylonian dream book.

During my years I had to visit many countries of the world. And what surprised me the most was that dream books were desktop books in almost all houses, in every family.

Personally, I have always believed in dreams, because for me they were prophetic.

The second dream on the night of December 29-30, 1978. The Virgin Mary comes to me in a dream, all dressed in white, and holds out her hands. I am delighted, but I can not understand how it can be? I hold out my hands, and they are in the blood. She wipes them on her robes. To my question why she does this, she replies: "Now we are becoming family ...". The next morning in the Kolomna Church in Moscow, I accept Orthodoxy ... I believe in dreams and attach great importance to them.

What about human happiness? After all, it exists together with the hope for the best, but now everything turns out the other way around: there is no hope, and the people do not believe in anything ...

The question of human happiness is too conditional, because for each individual the concept of happiness is different. For one, happiness is the results of his scientific work, for another - money and wealth, for the third - love and family life. It depends on the spiritual level of the person.

And yet, faith, hope and love are the foundation of any happiness for a scientist, and for a person from the world of art, and for a simple person.

If you lose faith, you can become a spiritual beggar. If you lose love, you become morally and ethically impoverished, and if you lose hope, you can lose interest in life.

Well, now a question about your books. How did the fate of "Vronsky's Homeopathic Recipe", which we talked about in the last interview?

So far, three of my books have been published, not counting the small-format book of our conversations with you. "Astrologers superstition or science", "Astrology in the choice of marriage", "Astrology in the choice of profession". All these books are already being prepared for the second edition. Three new manuscripts are being reviewed by different publishers. The prescription that you are asking me about is currently being reviewed by a new generation homeopath, research scientist Igor Dmitrievich Trubachev. He is one of the best diagnosticians.

The manuscript of the multi-volume "Classical Astrology" is being prepared, which will include lectures I gave in Berlin in the 1930s. True, there are some incidents: publishers earn millions on the release of my books, forgetting about their author. But this is by the way. I can only say that retribution for unseemly, to put it mildly, actions is inevitable. This is not said by me, but by life itself ...

The interview was conducted by Sergei Kamenev.


Would you like to meet a man who seems to me to be a very original schizophrenic? He says that in the mid-1930s, he, a Russian resident of Riga, graduated from some kind of occult medical institution in Berlin ...
- Can I take a comrade, a major of the criminal investigation department, with me? - I ask.
... We were introduced to a middle-aged man of pleasant appearance and quite correct manners, but with a sharp German accent.
- I was told, - N-sky nodded in the direction of the owner of the apartment, - that there would be a conversation with representatives of the press and science. I would like to interest Soviet medicine in new methods of treatment.
- Why don't you offer your services to the Ministry of Health directly? I asked.
The interlocutor smiled wearily.
- He was, he said, but they take me there for ... - he twisted his finger at his temple.
I began to ask him about the past. Yes, from Russian residents of Riga, his parents died when he was five years old. In the early thirties he moved to Germany, entered the medical faculty of the University of Berlin, but soon a secret state commission selected him for a special group where they studied astrology and methods of bioradiation treatment. He served in the African Corps of Colonel General Rommel as a physician and bioradiologist.
In 1942, he ended up in the area of ​​Staraya Russa as a doctor in a German evacuation hospital. Among his patients was a wounded pilot captured by the Germans. He wrote a letter to his relatives about his fate, and to the authorities about Hauptmann N-sky's intention to return to his homeland.
Then everything happened, as in adventure films - under a camouflage robe, N-sky puts on the uniform of a Soviet lieutenant, goes to the front-line airfield where our U-2 is stationed, gets on the plane and lands in the area where the Soviet troops are located. There he explains who he is and how he is being sent to our front-line hospital as a doctor. After a German air bomb hit there, he was treated for a long time. Returned to Riga. Now he lives in Moscow, a disabled veteran of the Patriotic War ...
- Is it possible to use your knowledge on Petrovka, 38? I turned to my friend.
“We need to think about it,” N-sky replied. - I can make horoscopes, finding out the most prosperous days for their dangerous work. But you don't believe in astrology...
- And to look for hiding criminals and their victims?
- Photos required.
- And what will you do with them? the major asked.
- Like what? Ask where the criminal is hiding.
- Whom to ask?
- At the dead man, he will say.
It already smelled of spiritualism, and we did not go deeper ...
Much later, N-sky showed me his planchette and a beech triangle, with the help of which he communicated with the other world.
My interest in N-sky was twofold: I wanted to know about his life in the Reich and, of course, about the practical application of the methods of treatment, which were then contemptuously called "Mesmerian charlatanism."
The consent of the leadership of the House of Medical Workers for N-sky's lecture was obtained, but I thought: what if he starts talking about the influence of planets on the fate of people, about the reality of the other world, which was unacceptable at that time? Therefore, in a friendly way, he asked me to give me a text for viewing in advance. The report was interesting, but the author was still constructing phrases in German. I almost rewrote it. Alas, the meeting with the doctors did not take place either then or later ... But I, previously convinced that animal magnetism is an ordinary suggestion, suddenly saw the light ...
After listening, N-sky nodded:
- So after all, I have long suggested that you feel for yourself what you don’t believe in even now.
He was right: the insight had not yet convinced my skeptical mind that SOMETHING existed...
From the book of a psychic
IN AND. Safonov "Incredible"

Personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess

In 1933, the 18-year-old son of Count Alexei Vronsky came to Berlin from then independent Latvia to study. Already in his youth, Sergei knew 13 languages, and his grandmother, from a family of hereditary healers and clairvoyants, taught him astrology, palmistry, magic ... He also went in for wrestling, boxing, swimming, participated in auto racing, graduated from aviation school at the age of 17.
For exceptional abilities in non-traditional methods of healing, Vronsky was transferred to the closed Bioradiological Institute, where specialists were trained for the Nazi elite. In addition to traditional medical disciplines, students studied astrology, extrasensory perception, hypnosis, shamanism, yoga, acupuncture…
Soon, the Russian count became quite famous as a psychic physician and astrologer, he treated top Nazi officials and even Hitler himself with the biofield. He also met his deputy for the National Socialist Party, Rudolf Hess, who was fond of mysticism. Once at a party, Sergei promised an “extraordinary future” to Eva Braun, and soon Hitler fell in love with her ... Hess immediately called: “Your words came true!”
After this and many other prophecies that came true, he unconditionally believed the young astrologer.
The horoscope compiled by Vronsky foreshadowed Germany's complete collapse. That is why on May 10, 1941, Hess fled from Germany to England in a light plane. And he was not mistaken: he outlived his comrades by 40 years.
By the way, Walter Schellenberg, head of military intelligence of the Third Reich, in his memoirs confirms the involvement of astrologers in the escape of the second person in Germany ...
No one, of course, could have imagined that Sergei Vronsky was at the same time a Soviet intelligence officer, whose information was of particular value.
He also carried out specific assignments. For example, to eliminate the Fuhrer, he introduced the Russian boxer Igor Miklashevsky into his entourage. Later, however, Stalin abandoned such a plan.
After the escape of Hess, hard times came for fascist astrologers, and the stars predicted that Vronsky would soon be exposed. The order came to urgently arrive in the USSR. Having completed the documents, Sergey went to his native Baltic. There, with the help of hypnosis, he penetrated the German airfield and flew over the front line in an airplane ...
For days the surgeon Vronsky did not leave the operating table. During another bombardment with a log, his shoulder was injured and his insides were bruised. The famous surgeon Burdenko, seeing a familiar name in the lists of the hopeless (Nikolai Nilovich knew Father Sergei closely), demanded to immediately prepare a colleague for surgery.
In 1943, he was demobilized with a disability of the first group and sent to the rear.
In 1945, Vronsky was the director of a secondary school in Jurmala. And in 1946 he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years for refusing to lead schoolchildren to the execution of captured German officers.
To the chiefs in the camp, he seemed like a demigod - he treated them with hypnosis and psychotherapy.
Feigned the last stage of cancer - and the prisoner was released to die in freedom.
In 1963 he moved to Moscow, where he gave lectures to the metropolitan bohemia on astrology, on the influence of cosmic factors on the human body and psyche ....
One of the listeners “tipped off” about the propaganda of “pseudo-science” ...
Then, by personal order of N.S. Khrushchev, he was sent to Star City ...
Despite all the misfortunes, Brezhnev, Andropov, Yeltsin turned to the semi-underground astrologer for recommendations ...
Sergey Alekseevich died on January 10, 1998.
From the book of Nikolai Nepomniachtchi "100 Great Phenomena"

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky (March 25, 1915-January 10, 1998) is the only certified astrologer in Russia. Descendant of an ancient Polish family. His parents were shot in 1920. He was the personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess, worked in the disinformation department of Hitler's headquarters. Secretly collaborated with Soviet intelligence.
Returning to the Soviet Union, he endured camps and persecution. He taught the first classes in extrasensory perception and astrology. He took part in the work of the Society for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, studied ways to prevent air accidents. Developed a unique system for calculating favorable and unfavorable periods for various types of activities.
Author of the books "Astrology - superstition or science?", "On marriage and compatibility", "Astrology in the choice of professions", "Classical astrology" (12 volumes).

"You will be the director"

From the preface to the edition
"Classical Astrology"
The Higher School of Classical Astrology begins publishing the multi-volume work of Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky "Classical Astrology". Finally, the reader has found a fundamental edition in his native language, which has no analogue in the world.
... The widow of Sergei Alekseevich Liana Zhukova-Vronskaya agreed to give us the manuscript, and the Riga astrologer Svetlana Semyonova took on the enormous work of editing the text.
Nikolay Strachuk,
director of the publishing house

It seems incredible that a person lived and worked next to us, whose life, full of trials and adventures, is more interesting than any adventure novel.
I want to talk about Sergei Vronsky as a person. His house was always open, literally and figuratively. From the threshold we were met by the owner, who did not lose his status and greatness, and we fell into his arms. We repent, we often abused hospitality ...
Sergei Alekseevich dreamed of the time when astrology would be recognized as a science, and did a lot to bring this time closer.
He considered the result of his life a multi-volume book, which was almost ready in manuscript. His dream came true: the Russian reader finally received this fundamental publication.
Svetlana Semyonova

I met S.A. Vronsky in 1979. At the first meeting, looking at my horoscope, he struck me with a prediction: "You will be the director of the astrological institute." At the time, it seemed absolutely incredible! Sergei Alekseevich accepted me as one of his students, from him I received reliable and accurate methods for predicting events. And the horoscope he compiled is still kept in my archive as a relic.
With the services of S.A. Vronsky was used by the authorities of the USSR, and appeals from abroad are also known. In October 1990, I witnessed him working on the order of the US government - to calculate a favorable time for the launch of Operation Desert Storm ...
S.V. Shestopalov,
Rector of St. Petersburg Astrological Academy

In the mantle of a scientist
When Leonid Brezhnev asked me to calculate the time of death of his worst enemy Mao Zedong, my answer was: between 6 and 12 September. Mao died on September 9, 1976.
* * *
Scientists have come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the movement of celestial bodies and the behavior of all life on Earth, including humans.
The main phenomenon of cosmic forces are the vibrations of the radiations of the Sun, planets and other celestial bodies. It is no secret that our Universe is not a void, it is filled not only with cosmic dust, but also with electric, magnetic and other fields created by the radiation of planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, nebulae and comets. Especially dangerous is the radiation of the Sun, which creates electrical and magnetic storms and other cosmic disturbances in the atmosphere, ionosphere and biosphere of the Earth.
Solar activity exacerbates chronic diseases, disorders of the neuropsychic and cardiovascular systems, increases the number of heart attacks and strokes.
* * *
Everything around us boils because of the interaction of cosmic forces. Stars emit radio waves, ultraviolet rays, high-frequency radiation, which we call light, change DNA and RNA cells. Solar flares, magnetic storms affect the weather, climate, human well-being, positive and negative ions of the Earth's atmosphere - our behavior, emotions and feelings. The planets, forming angles between themselves, the Sun and the Earth, are the cause of flares and spots on the Sun ...
* * *
The totality of all cosmic influences at the time of a person's birth creates the prerequisites for the formation of temperament, character, abilities and other qualities that determine his fate.
There are other interesting facts as well. For example, when water is drained into a bath, electric fields are formed. In this case, the positive charge goes through the pipes into the sewer, and the negative one remains in the atmosphere of the bathroom, creating a feeling of freshness and cheerfulness.
* * *
Ancient astrology, having put on the mantle of a scientist of the 20th century, came to life and grew stronger. I would like this science to be used in our country not for self-enrichment, as happened with many of my psychic students, but for the good.
* * *
Our science is discredited most of all not by opponents, but by "fair prophets" - amateurs, businessmen from astrology, deprived of the slightest moral responsibility, which is so necessary in any prophecy. They profit from frivolous and irresponsible forecasts-stamps. The public is familiar, as a rule, with the crafts of charlatans, with which the whole world is teeming.
* * *
A person receives his individual potential of life force, or astral energy, even in the womb, but mainly at the moment of birth. The life force is located in outer space freely and unlimitedly, it does not have a specific place of origin and stay, being everywhere and everywhere. Everyone owns it during earthly life, and after death it returns to the Universe to appear again together with other animated organisms...
S. Vronsky,
"Classical Astrology"
Volume 1, "Introduction to Astrology"

Prepared Leonid Terentiev
e-mail: [email protected]

Vronsky, Sergei Alekseevich

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky(March 25, Riga - January 10, ibid), Soviet and Latvian astrologer, healer, parapsychologist, psychic, popularizer of occult knowledge.

Official biography

Descended from an ancient Polish family.

Sergei's parents were shot in 1920. He himself miraculously survived, and a little later his grandfather, who also lived in Riga, found him.

He graduated from the Miller private gymnasium in Riga, then studied at the Medical Institute in Berlin. In 1934, in Riga, Sergei Vronsky met his distant relative Ernst Kraft, who suggested that Vronsky enter the Berlin Bioradiological Institute, and Vronsky agreed. At the institute created within the framework of the Ahnenerbe organization, Vronsky began to study the so-called "secret" sciences: bioradiology (now - extrasensory perception), parapsychology, cosmobiology (astrology) and others.

After graduating from the institute in 1938, he became a practicing astrologer, and, according to his own statements, worked at Hitler's headquarters in the disinformation department.

At the end of 1942, Vronsky fled to the territory of the USSR: he hijacked a military fighter and crossed the border of the Soviet Union in the region of the Valdai Upland.

It is alleged that Vronsky practiced as a surgeon for some time, and after the war he returned to Riga, where he was convicted of espionage. Only later, thanks to the support of Yuri Andropov, in February he settled in Moscow, where he led the first groups on extrasensory perception and astrology.

On December 11, 1983, Vronsky began teaching the official five-year astrology course in Moscow.

In January he left Moscow and again settled in Riga. He taught a course in astrology at the Latvian State University. He died in his apartment in the Zolitude district in January 1998 at the age of 83.

Suspicions of hoax

In the documentary "Sergey Vronsky. The Great Impostor”, released in September 2009, there is a version that for many years a Latvian recruited by Soviet intelligence Jan Muizhemnieks pretended to be Sergei Vronsky (by the name of his wife - Bruzhevits). Some episodes of the biography of "Sergei Vronsky" and Jan Muizhemnieks coincide almost to the details. At the beginning, Muizhemnieks received a serious head wound and concussion (the same episode is also in the biography of “Vronsky”). According to the memoirs of the intelligence officer's wife, "when he came to his senses after a shell shock, he called himself Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich." The newly-minted Vronsky told the police that he decided to take such a surname, because he liked it. He was issued a passport in a new name.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt about the existence of a person - an astrologer and healer, who calls himself Sergei Vronsky. He was personally known by the First Deputy Head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Rogozin, a veteran of foreign counterintelligence and intelligence historian Stanislav Lekarev, and many others. etc., and on his grave is engraved: "Count Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich."





  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Astrologers of the 20th century
  • healers
  • March 25
  • Born in 1915
  • Born in Riga
  • Deceased January 10
  • Deceased in 1998
  • Deceased in Riga

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    Contents 1 Famous carriers 1.1 B 1.2 C 1.3 ... Wikipedia

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Date of birth: 25-03-1915

Place of birth: Riga

Time of birth: 6:17 (GMT+2) (Rybakov's rectification).


The official biography of S.A. Vronsky is confusing and contains a lot of gaps. Nevertheless: "Astrologer and healer, surgeon and psychotherapist, popularizer of occult knowledge."

Sergei's father Count Alexei Vronsky continued the old Polish noble family. His ancestors moved to Russia in the 17th century. Before the October Revolution of 1917, being in the rank of general, the count held the responsible position of head of the encryption department of the Russian General Staff. He knew 42 languages. He received permission from Lenin to travel abroad with his family.

On May 19, 1920, the Vronsky family was preparing to leave for Paris. Suddenly, armed Red Army soldiers burst into their house. The general, his wife and children, two brothers and two sisters of Sergei, were mercilessly shot on the spot. Sergey himself miraculously survived - he was playing on the street at that time - instead of him, the five-year-old son of a French governess, his age, was killed. The governess hid the boy with neighbors, and then took him to Paris, where his grandfather and grandmother, who then lived in Riga, found him through the Red Cross.

Sergei's grandmother was from an old Montenegrin princely family of hereditary healers and clairvoyants Nenadic-Negosh. This predetermined the fate of her beloved grandson: Princess Negosh not only received an excellent education in Germany and France, she was also seriously engaged in the occult sciences - astrology, palmistry, magic. And everything that she could herself, she passed on to Serezha, who already at the age of seven was addicted to compiling horoscopes for school friends and teachers. He showed early abilities for hypnosis, psychotherapy, he was fascinated by spiritualism and magic. Sergey studied in Riga at the Millerovsky Russian private gymnasium. Already in his youth he knew 13 languages. He played tennis with the sons of the owner of porcelain factories Kuznetsov. He sang in the boys' choir in the Dome Cathedral. He took accordion and piano lessons. Seven times he received the main prizes at ballroom dance competitions. He mastered the auto business - he even participated in races. At the age of 17 he graduated with honors from the aviation school in Innsbruck, Austria. In 1933, Vronsky moved to Germany and entered the medical faculty of the University of Berlin. A student from Latvia very soon discovers exceptional abilities for non-traditional methods of healing: he makes diagnoses blindfolded, predicts the course of the disease, heals by the laying on of hands. Soon the young man is transferred to the closed Bioradiological Institute created by the Nazis. Of the 300 applicants, only ten were selected for study. A detailed horoscope was drawn up for each. In the most privileged, most secret scientific and educational institution of the Reich, it was supposed to train specialists with supernatural abilities to serve the Nazi elite.

Vronsky joined the Communist Party of Germany back in September 1933 and, perhaps even then, began working for Soviet intelligence.

01/29/1938 - received a diploma from the Bioradiological Institute.

Vronsky was well acquainted with the leaders of the Nazi Party, and Rudolf Hess was his first student in astrology. It is very likely that Hess's flight to England was a consequence of Vronsky's influence. After the escape of Hess, hard times began for German astrologers. Many ended up in prisons. In 1942, Vronsky was invited to urgently arrive in the USSR - allegedly in connection with the presentation of the award. Later, Vronsky said that, after consulting the horoscope, he saw extremely unfavorable prospects for himself. But it was also impossible to stay in Germany - the same stars predicted imminent exposure and inevitable death.

Having issued a German diplomatic passport, Vronsky goes to his native Baltic. There, in order to take possession of the aircraft he needs, he hypnotizes the attendants of the German front-line airfield, forces him to refuel a light aircraft, on which he crosses the front line. The plane was shot down ... From the burning cabin of the downed plane they pulled him out, took him to the front-line special officers. They were already going to send him to Rokossovsky's headquarters, but, having learned that he was a surgeon, they sent him to a nearby dugout that served as a field hospital. Sergey Alekseevich did not leave the operating table for days, until the infirmary was turned over by a shell. A log dented his shoulder, bruised his insides. The Specialists finally had to send him to Rokossovsky. But on the way to the headquarters of the front, an officer from the escort group fired at Vronsky from behind, as if by accident. With a severe head wound, he was taken to a military hospital to die. But the surgeon Burdenko performed a successful operation and saved Vronsky.

1943 - Vronsky was demobilized with a disability of the first group and sent to the deep rear.

1944 - was sent to Latvia liberated from the Germans as a civil aviation inspector.

1945 - was appointed director of a secondary school in Jurmala.

1946 - Vronsky did not last long as a teacher. From the class, Sergei Alekseevich went straight to the bunk. And all because he did not bring his wards to look at the public execution of German officers. Someone immediately wrote a denunciation of him “where it should be”, attaching to it somewhere a photograph of Vronsky in German uniform, obtained somewhere. They did not stand on ceremony with him, he was first sentenced to capital punishment, which was then replaced with 25 years of labor camps and sent to Mordovia, to the Potminsk camps. There, Vronsky successfully simulated the last stage of an incurable oncological disease - and the prison doctor contributed to the fact that the prisoner, who had served only a fifth of the term, was "released to die in freedom."

February 4, 1963 - moved to Moscow.

1968 - Vronsky was invited to the laboratory of bioinformation, where he lectured to future bioradiologists on the influence of cosmic factors on the human body and psyche.

05/11/1978 - Vronsky was discharged after completing hospital treatment. He lived alone, but his condition did not allow him to independently rehabilitate himself after his illness. For a sustainable recovery, constant care was needed. Avgustina Semenko agreed with one of her acquaintances that she would put him up for nursing in her two-room apartment. But the day before, she suddenly refused. Semenko called Liana Zhukova and described the situation. Liana agreed to host him. So Vronsky ended up with her, in a one-room apartment. There was a child at home, and her husband was on a business trip in Kazan.

You should have known Vronsky! He couldn't even come from the hospital just like that! Together with him, Semenko's husband brought his papers, typewriter, books and everything else necessary for his life.

The very next day, Semenko found options for its placement, remembering the promise given to Liana. But Sergei Alekseevich said that he would not move anywhere from here and that everything here suits him.

Augustina and Liana were ready for his nursing, as by this time they had studied herbal medicine, and fasting according to Nikolaev, and colic, and hydrotherapy according to Kneipp, and wrapping, and many other folk healing methods, including yoga. So they took him out.

In the autumn of the same year, Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky, having finally recovered thanks to the efforts of Augustina Filippovna, her husband Alexei Eliseevich and Liana Mikhailovna Zhukova, returned home. Consultations have already continued in his Moscow apartment.

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