Top 10 most expensive substances. The most expensive substances in the world. Iranian beluga caviar

Gold or platinum is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the question: “The most expensive element on earth?”. Let's expand our horizons with a list of the ten most expensive elements on the planet Earth: (Prices in dollars per gram of the element)

1 Plutonium - $4,000

Most people use this radioactive metal every second, but they don't think about it. Plutonium is obtained from uranium ore and is used for such purposes as: the production of nuclear weapons, as a source of energy for spacecraft and (most importantly) a source of fuel for nuclear reactors (this makes electricity our everything!)

2. Soliris - $17,000

Soliris is a medicine, and the most expensive one ever sold. And no, unfortunately, it does not cure cancer. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (the blood cells of the human body are destroyed during sleep) is a rare immune disease from which the top 2 expensive elements - Soliris - can save.

3. Tritium - $30,000

Tritium is used more often for commercial purposes (coating watch hands, key fobs, etc.). However, this radioactive superheavy hydrogen has also found applications in medicine, chemistry, biology, geophysics and other fields. In general, expensive tritium serves well for the benefit of mankind.

4. LSD - about $30,000

A potent psychotropic drug with the scientific name of lysergic acid diethylamide. The main users of the experimental drug were the so-called "hippie" subculture, as well as (unofficially) the secret services of different countries. LSD could also be bought in Russia until it was added to the list of prohibited substances in the 90s.

5. Diamond - about $42,000

The hardest substance on the planet is, of course, expensive, but the price is always different. It all depends on the size, cut, color and type. Diamonds are mainly used in the commercial industry (jewelry), and due to their physical properties, they are also used in mechanical engineering and engineering.

6 California - $60,000

Already the third radioactive isotope of the list. Californium was produced artificially (from cheaper plutonium) at the University of California in 1950 (hence the name). It is used for human-friendly purposes - radiation therapy of tumors. And also in experimental studies on nuclear fission.

7. Americium - $140,000

Americium is also obtained from plutonium, and is also armed with human benefits. Used to remove electrostatic charges from sanitary films, papers and plastics. Included in some smoke detectors, naturally in negligible amounts. The half-life is impressive - 8,000 years.

8. Regolith (Moon Soil) - $442,500 (per 0.6g)

Regolith is the composition of the soil of all non-atmospheric planets and satellites. This Lunar soil arrives on our planet from the Moon, due to its relative proximity. The composition of Regolith includes ilmenite, anorthite, olivine and pyroxene - these elements are also found on earth. But it was for three pebbles with a total mass of 0.6 grams brought from the moon in 1993 at Sotheby’s that 442,500 dollars were given away. All the same, they dug it out of space, and not outside the garden.

9. Graphene - 100 million dollars (per sq. cm)

Graphene was invented by Konstantin Novoselov together with Andrey Geim, for which they won the Nobel Prize in 2010. No one has yet learned how to widely use Graphene (only five years have passed since its discovery), but its potential is considered truly limitless, starting with the replacement of carbon fibers in composite materials and ending with the creation of a new high-speed DNA sequencing technique. Graphene is an ultrathin substance and its weight is problematic to measure, its price is per square centimeter.

10 Antimatter - $62 trillion

Antimatter is produced by the collision of matter and antimatter, which usually results in the release of energy and the production of gamma photons (ie an explosion). Yes, antimatter has not yet been obtained, and the approximate astronomical cost figure for it is no longer hidden. But how? When (or if) scientists stabilize antimatter for humanity, the Big Bang and the mystery of the origin of everything and everything will cease to be a mystery - so isn't it worth 62 trillion dollars?

It is unlikely that anyone will guess which substance is in first place in the ranking. It has long been a stereotype that the most expensive are precious stones and metals. This is by no means the case, and not even drugs, which, by the way, are prohibited on the territory of Russia. In fact, everything depends on science. Hence, the latest innovations and discoveries are the most valuable. We propose to consider the rating, which presents the most expensive substances in the world. At the end of the list you will find an amazing price and a unique substance, if you can call it that. Do not rush to leave the page!

TOP 10 most expensive substances in the world!


$131 for 1 gram

Like it or not, there are a huge number of businessmen in the world who stop at nothing to increase their pockets. Therefore, the "black business" is flourishing, based on the perversion of other people's destinies. The cost of a gram of cocaine is estimated at $131. According to statistics, around 21 million people worldwide use this drug. Remember that business and this drug is prohibited in Russia! And purely for reasons of conscience, I would like to add that cocaine causes convulsions and even to whom!

Cocaine is one of the most expensive substances on the planet. We are talking about a kind of drug that improves mood, that is, a psychotropic substance. After receiving pleasant emotions, people are willing to pay $ 215 per gram of cocaine to experience euphoria again. As a result, after several uses, they fail to experience happiness without cocaine. Strictly prohibited in Russia! Punishable by law for distribution and use. With prolonged use of this drug, the effects are irreversible.

A very sad trend, but LSD is also on the list of expensive substances. Another type of drug, a real acid, which causes irreparable damage to the human body. For obvious reasons, this tool is prohibited in Russia. Already after a few uses of the acid is addictive. As a result, addicted people are ready to go to immoral deeds in order to get another dose. This is also quite logical, because the cost of LSD is $ 3,000 per gram.

And now let's talk about the more pleasant and most expensive substances in the world. Although no less dangerous, if not properly guided by them. We are talking about plutonium - the basic element from the periodic table, which owes its origin to the Big Bang. Plutonium is over 80 million years old. Accordingly, plutonium can be obtained in nature in a very limited amount. It is used in nuclear power and the military industry.

Painite is one of the most expensive substances on Earth. This is a rare mineral that is almost impossible to find on the planet. For many years it was believed that there are 3 crystals in total. However, in 2005, 25 units of painite were discovered. As a result of this discovery, the popularity of the material has rapidly increased. Many researchers began to offer their services to various government organizations. As part of the auction, this material can be sold at a much higher price.

Currently, the material exists in different colors. Most often, gray-violet stones are found, which are found on Earth millions of times rarer than diamonds. Actually, these are the reasons for such a price. According to experts, it is almost impossible to find such a stone. Actually, for this reason, few people know such a name as Taffeite, the cost of which is $ 20,000 per gram.

A gram of this expensive substance is bought for $30,000. Naturally for research and scientific work. We are talking about a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, which is almost impossible to find on Earth. A substance is formed by the collision of particles of cosmic radiation and nitrogen atoms. That is a rather rare occurrence. At the same time, its use has not been fully disclosed. Most often used for the manufacture of decorative lighting elements. Very expensive items. On collectible cars, etc.

What is the most precious thing in this world? It turns out that it is not gold or platinum (although they are considered troy ounces, the price per gram of precious metals is not so high, depending on fluctuations in the global exchange rate: gold, on average, will cost $ 39, and platinum - $ 53). We have compiled a list of the most expensive substances and compounds, and their price per gram.

1. Plutonium - $4,000
As you know, humanity can no longer live without this radioactive metal. It is he who heats our homes, blows up our cities and launches our rockets into space. That is, it is widely used in the production of nuclear weapons, nuclear fuel for nuclear reactors, and as an energy source for spacecraft. Obtaining plutonium from uranium ore is costly, but necessary.

2. Soliris - $17,000
The most expensive medicine on Earth, which treats those who suffer from a rare immune disease - paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (this is when red blood cells are destroyed during a night's sleep), of course, is not sold by the gram. The course for a year costs $409,500. And although there are few such people in the world - several tens of thousands, the income of the pharmaceutical company Alexion Pharmaceutical for the first year amounted to more than $300 million.

3. Tritium - $30,000
Radioactive superheavy hydrogen, extremely popular in commercial use, for example, they cover the hands of wrist (and not only watches) or put them in sealed key chains so that they glow in the dark and you can tell what time it is, or find the keys if the station is over plutonium and electricity were turned off.

4. LSD - about $30,000
Lysergic acid diethylamide is a well-known psychotropic drug that sends a person on a colorful trip. Mind-expanding experiments were extremely popular during the hippie era, and the drug was also used in clandestine CIA experiments. Since it was not included in the list of banned substances in Russia until the early 90s, it could easily be purchased.

5. Diamond - about $42,000
Every girl's best friend, a diamond is the hardest substance on earth, and comes in so many colors and colors that it's hard to decide on a price. Of course, precious stones, like metals, are not measured in grams. For them, there is a measure of weight - a carat: 0.2 grams. The average price of a clear diamond carat is $8,000, blue is more expensive - about $9,500, yellow and pink are cheaper, about $6,000.

6 California - $60,000
Another radioactive isotope was obtained artificially in 1950 at the University of California. The name seems to have been sorted out. Unlike plutonium, from which it is obtained, californium is used for quite peaceful purposes, even, we would say, humane. For radiation therapy of tumors. Well, and in scientific experiments on nuclear fission.

7. Americium - $140,000
And another transplutonium metal, with a very long half-life that can go up to 8,000 years. This metal is extremely useful - equipment with americium-241 is also used to remove electrostatic charges from plastics, synthetic films and paper. It is also found inside some smoke detectors (~0.26 micrograms per detector).

8. Regolith (Lunar Soil) - $442,500 (per 0.6 g)
Regolith is what covers the surface of not only the Moon, but also all non-atmospheric planets. Let's say the same Mars. But the Moon is the closest planet to us, which, theoretically, can be reached, and you can send lunar rovers there every week. What is regolith made of? Nothing remarkable: ilmenite, olivine, anorthite, pyroxene - all this can be found on Earth. However, in 1993, at Sotheby’s, three “moon pebbles” with a total weight of 0.6 grams, brought to our planet by a Soviet research shuttle, were sold for $442,500.

9. Graphene - $100 million (per sq. cm)
The invention, authored by Konstantin Novoselov, is difficult to measure in grams, because it weighs practically nothing. So you have to measure in centimeters. A two-dimensional allotropic modification of carbon, millions of times thinner than the thinnest human hair. Based on graphene, it is possible to assemble a ballistic transistor, use it in supercapacitors to obtain rechargeable current sources and manufacture LEDs.

10 Antimatter - $62 trillion
In ordinary matter, a small negative particle revolves around a positively charged heavy nucleus (an electron around a proton in the simplest case). And in antimatter, on the contrary, a positive particle (positron) revolves around a heavy negative particle (antiproton, for example). When antimatter collides with ordinary matter, the usual annihilation of a proton and an antiproton and an electron with a positron occurs, with the release of energy and the formation of gamma photons. Antimatter is now being studied, however, the matter does not go further than small explosions, due to the fact that it is not yet possible to create a buffer zone where antimatter and matter would coexist. But, as soon as scientists succeed, they will immediately tell us how our universe and all of us together appeared.

The most expensive substance in the world is not gold or even platinum. Here is a list of the most expensive substances in ascending order of cost per gram.

16. Saffron.
Cost: $11.13 per gram. Used as a medicinal flowering plant.

15. Gold.
Cost: $56.73 per gram. It is used in the jewelry industry, as well as an electrical conductor.

14. Rhodium.
Cost: about $58 per gram. Used to reduce car carbon emissions.

13. Platinum.
Cost: about $58 per gram. It is used to create jewelry and also as a catalyst in scientific experiments.

12. Meth.
Cost: $100 per gram. A drug that creates a euphoric effect.

11. Rhino horn.
Cost: $110 per gram. In Vietnam, rhino horn is believed to be able to treat cancer. It is also used to treat fever and other illnesses.

10. Heroin.
Cost: High-quality heroin can cost up to $131 per gram. A drug that alters the subconscious.

9. Cocaine.
Cost: $215 per gram. A highly addictive drug.

8. LSD.
Cost: LSD in crystalline form costs about $3,000 per gram. A drug that causes hallucinations.

7. Plutonium.
Cost: about $4,000 per gram. Serves to create atomic substances and objects.

6. Painite.
Cost: $9,000 per gram or $1,800 per carat. Almost the rarest gem in the world.

5. Taffeite.
Cost: Approximately $2.5 to $20,000 per gram, or $500 to $4,000 per carat. It is believed to be a million times harder to find than a diamond.

4. Tritium.
Cost: $30,000 per gram. Serves for creation of the glowing inscriptions and plates.

3. Diamonds.

Cost: $55,000 per gram. A colorless stone can cost upwards of $11,000 per carat, while colored diamonds cost even more. It is mainly used in the jewelry industry, but it can also be used to create knives, nail files.

2. California 252.
Cost: $27 million per gram. It has no particular practical application.

1. Antimatter.
Cost: $62.5 trillion per gram. In theory, it can be used as fuel for spacecraft. The creation of this substance requires very expensive equipment and technologies. The creation of one gram of such a substance is equivalent to the work of the entire population of the planet for a whole year.

62.5 trillion dollars

Antimatter can be put in first place in terms of high cost among all substances that exist on Earth. It is produced artificially and has very interesting properties. Some scientists believe that it may be used as a fuel for interplanetary spacecraft in the future. From one kilogram of antimatter, a huge amount of energy is released, which is equal to the energy released during the explosion of 42.96 megatons of TNT. NASA estimates that just one gram of antimatter costs $62.5 trillion to produce. For comparison, the global GDP for the year is $65 trillion.

$27 million

California 252 is the second most expensive substance in the world, and it is absolutely useless at the moment. It is not used anywhere at all. Californium costs $252 million per gram. It was obtained only once for research purposes.

55 thousand dollars

Diamonds are specially cut diamonds. This mineral is formed deep underground and is considered the hardest rock on Earth. Cutting is done in such a way as to maximize the beauty and brilliance of the stone. Diamonds are mined in mines in many countries of the world. Large stones are quite rare, and therefore are fabulously expensive. The cost of clean stones without defects and without color can reach $11,000 per carat. Colored crystals are even more expensive. The largest stone in the world is Cullinan-1 weighing 530 carats.

30 thousand dollars

This is superheavy hydrogen. It is produced artificially, but sometimes occurs in nature, but in very small quantities. In space, it is formed when nitrogen atoms are activated by cosmic rays. The cost of one kilogram of it can reach up to $30 million. It is used in various devices as a backlight, as well as in the process of controlled thermonuclear fusion. Tritium can glow without any changes for about 13 years, and then a slow half-life begins.

20 thousand dollars

A lilac-colored mineral that is very rare in nature. It is believed to be a million times rarer than even a diamond. Due to the high cost, it is used only as a piece of jewelry. Named after the Irishman E. Taaffe, who first discovered it. The cost can reach up to $4000 per carat.

9 thousand dollars

The rarest mineral. Once upon a time, there were only two Painite crystals in the world. Not so long ago, a whole deposit of them was discovered. Now collectors have more than a hundred of these stones. Due to the large percentage of iron contained in the mineral, it has an orange or brown-red hue. The cost reaches $1800 per carat.

4 thousand dollars.

It is a silvery white metal. One of the most dangerous radioactive substances in the world. The half-life reaches 24 thousand years. Previously used in the manufacture of nuclear bombs, including in the USSR. Now it is not used for these purposes. In small quantities, it is sometimes included in the composition of the fuel of nuclear reactors, as well as spacecraft. The cost is approximately $4000 per gram.

3 thousand dollars

A psychoactive substance classified as a drug in Russia. Does not harm health and does not cause drug addiction. However, its use sometimes leads to mental disorders and exacerbates existing ones. It is introduced into the body, both by injection, and by drops and orally. It can be stored for a long time only in the dark at a low temperature and lack of humidity. The cost of LSD in crystalline form is about $3,000 per gram.


A psychostimulant taken to improve mood and performance. An alkaloid classified as an illegal drug in most countries. Does not cause physiological dependence, but causes a strong psychological. The world consumes 750 tons of this substance per year, a third of which is in the United States. Represents a serious social problem. It costs about $215 per gram.


Heroin is an expensive drug made from the opium poppy. Causes the strongest physiological dependence. It was originally used as an anesthetic, and, oddly enough, was also used as a cough suppressant. In its pure form, it is an ordinary white crystalline powder. According to statistics, Russia consumes up to 80 tons of this substance per year. Pure heroin costs about $130 per gram.

11. Rhino Horn - $110 per gram

12. Methamphetamine - $100 per gram.

13. Platinum - about $60.

14. Rhodium - $58 per gram.

15. Gold - $56

Top 10 Most Expensive Substances Video

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