Stomach pain during pregnancy. Alarming symptoms during pregnancy. Where the danger lurks

It is known that with the help of pain, our body notifies us that not everything is in order inside. It is quite natural that in this situation a person seeks to find out what causes such sensations. But pain in the early stages of pregnancy is of particular concern, because in the 1st trimester a pregnant woman and her baby are more at risk of developing complications than ever before. If pain is felt in the abdominal area, this can completely cause panic in the expectant mother. But there is absolutely no need for excessive anxiety in such a delicate position, so the first priority in this case is to determine why the stomach hurts in the early stages of pregnancy.

Normal or pathological?

During the period from 1 to 12 weeks of bearing a child, a huge number of serious changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman.

Often, pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy appears precisely due to physiological reasons that do not pose a danger to either the pregnant woman or her baby.

But it should be borne in mind that only a certain nature of pain can indicate that the course of pregnancy is not in danger. They should not be sharp or harsh, but an aching stomach may well be one of the signs of a successful conception, since such pain sometimes occurs when the embryo implants into the wall of the uterus. This is called fertilized egg implantation. Sometimes the pain may be accompanied by a faint pinkish discharge – implantation bleeding.

If the expectant mother has pain in her lower abdomen, this may be due to:

  • unstable functioning of the stomach and intestines. In this situation, during early pregnancy, pain spreading to the abdominal area is accompanied by specific symptoms of digestive dysfunction - difficulty or absence of bowel movements, bloating and flatulence.
  • hormones produced during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the amount of progesterone increases. This substance softens ligaments and joints, promoting the gradual formation of the birth canal and preparing the woman’s body for the birth of a child. The effect of progesterone does not bypass the uterine ligaments. They become more elastic and begin to stretch, which causes characteristic pain during early pregnancy.
  • growth and elevation of the uterus in the abdominal cavity. Towards the end of the 1st trimester - at 10-12 weeks - the uterus is already changing its size and begins to rise from the small pelvis into the abdominal cavity, so during this period, pain in the abdomen may be associated with stretching of the muscle tissue of the organ and its enlargement.

As already mentioned, all these manifestations of pregnancy are not considered dangerous, and their duration is usually short, but experts still recommend reporting them at your next appointment with a gynecologist. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will send the expectant mother for additional examination, but, as a rule, this is not required if no other symptoms are observed.

Pathological pain in the abdominal region in pregnant women

When a expectant mother has a stomach ache during early pregnancy, this is not always associated with physiological changes in her body. Sometimes pain during pregnancy can become a manifestation of serious gynecological pathologies that threaten the life and health of the baby and his mother. Therefore, when such sensations appear, you should always pay attention to how and where the pain syndrome manifests itself.

The most common pathological source of abdominal pain in expectant mothers is uterine hypertonicity, which in the early stages threatens miscarriage. With increased uterine tone, the lower abdomen becomes “stony” and severely hurts, and often the back in the lumbar region also ache. Sometimes the sensations are sharply intense. A common symptom of an incipient miscarriage is bleeding from the vagina.

Sometimes the source of pain is a frozen pregnancy - a serious pathology that is accompanied by signs of intoxication of the body. When a pregnancy does not develop, the temperature often rises, the body aches, nausea and vomiting appear. In addition, shortly before the pathology is detected, the woman ceases to notice the characteristic signs of a successful conception: for example, toxicosis abruptly stops and breast sensitivity disappears.

Another cause of pain is ectopic pregnancy. In women with this pathology, the fetus is in the fallopian tube. When the embryo begins to enlarge, the pregnant woman feels aching pain at the site of its attachment. Inattention to this symptom can lead to complications: the fallopian tube ruptures, and then the pain becomes sharply expressed. Pain in the early stages of pregnancy developing outside the uterine space can be closely related to spotting.

If a woman has a stomach ache during early pregnancy, the cause may be an exacerbation of some chronic diseases of the female genital organs, but this is not as dangerous as the phenomena listed above.

However, if you experience intense pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility to find out whether the pain syndrome may be associated with obstetric pathologies.

It is worth paying attention to vaginal discharge and be sure to inform the gynecologist about a change in its consistency, color or smell, since such symptoms always signal the presence of certain problems in women’s health.

Are the internal organs okay?

A woman should be able to recognize abdominal pain during pregnancy; it is not always associated with pregnancy and gynecological problems. The stomach may ache due to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and acute surgical pathologies. The most common among them are:

  1. Gastritis. The stomach in pregnant women can hurt very often, especially if the inflammation of the mucous membrane has already become chronic. With exacerbation of gastritis, pain is localized mainly in the upper abdominal cavity, but can also radiate to the lower part.
  2. Cholecystitis. This is an acute disease of the gallbladder, accompanied by attacks of severe pain in the right abdominal region, vomiting, and high fever.
  3. Pyelonephritis, better known as inflammation of the kidneys, usually occurs less frequently in the early stages than in the later stages, but the possibility of developing this pathology cannot be ruled out, because the immunity of a pregnant woman is greatly reduced in the 1st trimester. This disease is characterized by dull aching pain in the abdomen, spreading to one or both sides and aching in the lumbar region. Blood and urine tests easily detect the inflammatory process, and swelling appears on the face and limbs of the expectant mother.
  4. Cystitis is a disease that affects the mucous membrane of the bladder. Painful sensations affect the area above the pubis and are accompanied by frequent and difficult urination.
  5. Appendicitis. With this pathology, a long-term attack of abdominal pain is noted. The intensity of the sensations increases gradually, the pain can radiate to the stomach, lower back, or lower abdominal cavity. Body temperature may rise and repeated vomiting may occur.

It is impossible to independently identify the true cause of intense abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy, since most of the pathologies described above are diagnosed only after a series of urgent studies.

What to do?

The first thing a woman should do if she is bothered by pain in the abdomen in the early stages is to go to the doctor. First, you need to visit a gynecologist to make sure that nothing threatens the course of your pregnancy.

Many pregnant women are embarrassed to once again bother their doctor “over trifles” and do not always seek help on time.

But experts strongly advise telling the gynecologist managing the pregnancy about all your sensations, especially the unpleasant ones.

  1. Firstly, this will help to timely identify pathology, if any.
  2. Secondly, it will allow the expectant mother to calm down and feel safe if the doctor does not find any abnormalities in the development of the child and the process of bearing him.

In addition, a woman who notices bloody vaginal discharge should urgently call an ambulance, as in this situation she is in serious danger.

If examination and examinations do not reveal pathological changes during pregnancy, then most likely the cause of abdominal pain lies in the physiological restructuring of the female body, but only on the condition that the unpleasant sensations do not intensify and appear only from time to time. There is no need to treat such pain: it will go away on its own in a few weeks. To avoid abdominal pain caused by constipation and gas, the expectant mother should take care of her diet.

If an examination by a gynecologist reveals no problems, but abdominal pain continues and begins to be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you should see a therapist as soon as possible to determine the true cause of such sensations. If there are any diseases of the internal organs of a pregnant woman, proper care and safe, effective treatment are required.

If abdominal pain is severe, this may be a sign of dangerous surgical pathologies, for example, appendicitis, so you should not hesitate in such a situation. Appendicitis in pregnant women can be successfully treated surgically if detected in a timely manner.

Any unpleasant sensations during pregnancy should be strictly controlled by the doctor monitoring the pregnancy, so the expectant mother should definitely inform her gynecologist about painful sensations in the abdomen, especially if they bother her in the early stages.

If it happens that your stomach hurts during pregnancy, the reasons for this can be very different. They are usually divided into obstetric and non-obstetric.

  • Obstetrics. They occur in a woman’s body due to pregnancy
  • Not obstetric. Such diseases can affect all people, regardless of age and gender.

Therefore, if a woman begins to have stomach pain during pregnancy, she should consult a doctor. There are situations when you cannot do without medical help, and in a short time.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy without abnormalities.

IN first trimester, pain in the very lower abdomen is possible, arising due to physiological processes taking place against the background of changes in the hormonal status of a pregnant woman. The tissues supporting the uterus begin to soften, shift and stretch. It is for this reason that nagging pain occurs.

During second trimester, nagging pain is associated with stretching muscles of the abdominal wall, displacement and compression of internal organs by an enlarged uterus. During this period, intestinal peristalsis becomes slower, so it is very important: 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Overeating leads to prolonged presence of food in the intestines, which increases fermentation, flatulence, and unpleasant sensations appear.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy due to pathologies

There are situations when abdominal pain is a sign of dangerous conditions that require immediate medical attention.

These include:

  1. Threat of abortion. The contractility of the uterus increases, but the fetus is still attached to the wall. In the area of ​​the sacrum and lower abdomen there is a feeling of heaviness and nagging pain. There is no bloody discharge.
  2. The beginning of the abortion. Contractions of the uterus become more frequent, and the fertilized egg begins to detach from the wall. The pain increases and can become cramping in nature. They appear from the vagina.
  3. Abortion. The fertilized egg is completely separated from the uterine wall and falls down. Cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen and severe bleeding occurs.
  4. The fertilized egg leaves the uterine cavity.

During pregnancy, stomach pain may also occur due to other diseases.

During pregnancy, women's blood circulation changes, which facilitates the occurrence of various diseases. Let's look at some of them.

  • Appendicitis during pregnancy. This disease is quite rare and makes itself felt by severe pain in the navel area, right hypochondrium and side. , nausea and vomiting appear.
  • Chronic gastritis during pregnancy. If this disease was previously diagnosed, there is a possibility of its exacerbation. At the same time, the upper abdomen begins to hurt, and the woman is required to give up spicy and salty foods and avoid overeating.
  • Pancreatitis during pregnancy. The sign is acute pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, bowel dysfunction, and low blood pressure.
  • Cystitis during pregnancy. Cystitis is called inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by nagging pain and a feeling of heaviness over the womb. When the bladder is full, the pain becomes stronger, becomes cutting in nature, and becomes most intense after urination is completed. With this disease, a woman constantly wants to go to the toilet, but urine is released in small portions.
  • Cholecystitis during pregnancy. This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, in which a feeling of heaviness and pain occurs in the right hypochondrium. As a rule, an attack begins as a result of a diet violation.
    • Painful sensations may be:
      • Aching
      • Dumb
      • Cramping
      • Spicy
    • May feel:
      • Bitterness in the mouth
      • Vomit
      • Nausea
      • Belching
      • Heartburn
      • Bloating


As we can see, if the stomach hurts during pregnancy, the causes can be a variety of pathologies, both related to the appearance of the fetus in the body of the expectant mother, and not dependent on this. Some ailments can be dealt with on your own, but to treat others it is better to go to a medical institution to undergo various tests. And if pain arises that has not been encountered before, calling an ambulance would be a reasonable step.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Abdominal pain during pregnancy is not such a rare occurrence. Every pregnant woman has noticed at least once that her lower abdomen aches a little, or tingles somewhere, pulls, etc. There is no need to immediately start panicking, just try to understand the reason for the appearance of such uncomfortable sensations. And we will help you with this.

Features of abdominal pain during pregnancy

Abdominal pain during pregnancy does not always indicate any pathology . Such sensations may be associated with normal restructuring of the body due to changed circumstances. If the abdominal pain is not severe, short-term, not periodic, it is not very scary, but you should still inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about them . In any case, it's better to be safe! Conventionally, abdominal pain is divided into obstetric and non-obstetric.

  • TO obstetric pain include pain that may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, placental abortion or abruption, training contractions (precursors).
  • Non-obstetric pain associated with improper functioning of the digestive system, sprained abdominal muscles and ligaments, surgical pathology and displacement of internal organs.

For whatever reason your stomach starts to hurt during pregnancy, such sensations are a powerful argument to visit the gynecologist's office . Your fears may turn out to be unfounded, but only a doctor can determine whether or not there is cause for concern.

The main causes of abdominal pain in expectant mothers

What to do if your stomach hurts?

As can be seen from all of the above, there are quite a few reasons for abdominal pain in a pregnant woman. Some of them can threaten the health of the mother and the life of the child .

Therefore, if you experience any pain in the abdominal area, be sure to seek medical help. Obstetrician-gynecologist only can accurately determine the cause of the pain, determine how dangerous it is, and prescribe treatment.

If necessary, the doctor will refer you to another specialist for a more accurate diagnosis.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, because this can harm not only you, but also your unborn child!

Maria Sokolova

Colady magazine pregnancy expert. Mother of three children, obstetrician by training, writer by vocation.

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While waiting for the birth of a future baby, most women become especially suspicious. And it’s not just about hormonal changes; concerns about the baby’s health make us more sensitive to any changes.

They listen to their feelings, catch any signs of new life in their stomach, and any manifestations of ailments become a reason for unnecessary worries. If your stomach aches during pregnancy, anxious thoughts and panicky moods arise. Are they always justified?

Causes of aching abdominal pain during pregnancy

Unnecessary worries and stress are no less dangerous for pregnant women than any pathologies. Therefore, if your stomach aches during pregnancy, it is better to immediately seek advice from your gynecologist and rule out the possibility of pathological factors. In most cases, aching pain accompanies natural changes in the body of the expectant mother and is not a reason for concern.

Physiological causes of aching pain during normal pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural physiological state. It is accompanied by a whole range of changes in the body, which can provoke aching pain in the abdomen.

During implantation of fertilized egg Aching pain may appear in the wall of the uterus at 2–3 weeks of pregnancy. This process usually coincides with the period of expected menstruation and may be accompanied by spotting.

Under the influence of hormones, changes occur in muscles, ligaments, and joints. Relaxin, produced by the placenta, impregnates and loosens them, gradually preparing them for the stress of gestation and childbirth. Thanks to divergence of the pubic bones, the capacity of the pelvis increases, and the process itself can provoke aching pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Stomach aches during pregnancy too due to enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the connecting ligaments and stretches them. Pain increases during severe coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects and sharp turns. As soon as the growing uterus can rest on the iliac bones, the tension in the ligaments will ease and the pain will go away.

A growing belly puts pressure on the bladder. Frequent urination and mild aching abdominal pain during pregnancy are common.

If you have had abdominal surgery or a previous delivery by caesarean section, postoperative adhesions and scars can give painful sensations, stretching as the abdomen grows.

In later stages, the stomach aches during pregnancy due to the pressure of a significantly enlarged uterus on the abdominal press and ligaments.

During the prenatal period, minor aching pains caused by divergence of the pelvic bones.

Don't be afraid of the pain caused "training contractions". They may be of a sharp, cramping nature or accompanied by aching, pulling sensations.

Pathologies of pregnancy in which the stomach aches

Aching abdominal pain during pregnancy can signal the onset of pathologies that threaten the life of the fetus or mother.

Risk of miscarriage

The appearance of aching pain in the abdomen can be an alarming signal of spontaneous abortion. Pregnant women face this threat more often in the early stages. In this case, hypertonicity of the uterus may be observed, when it becomes as if made of stone. Subsequently, bloody or brown discharge appears. The pain caused by contraction of the uterus can develop into sharp and cramping pain.

You can stop the pathological process and prevent fetal loss by contacting doctors in time.

The appearance of profuse, continuous bleeding confirms the irreversibility of the process.

Premature birth

After 22 weeks, the stomach aches during pregnancy if there is a threat of premature labor. In this case, the pain spreads to the lumbar region, bloody discharge may appear, blood pressure may rise, late toxicosis and swelling may be present. Until cramping pains begin, confirming labor, the opportunity to slow down the process is very high.

If premature labor cannot be avoided, do not hesitate to call an ambulance. With the help of experienced doctors, there is a high probability of giving birth to a healthy, albeit premature baby.

Ectopic pregnancy

With a pathological location of the embryo, when the fertilized egg has settled in the fallopian tube without reaching the uterus, the stomach begins to ache at 7–8 weeks. Grow the embryo stretches the walls of the tube and provokes aching pain that occurs when moving, changing position and radiates to the leg, to the anus, under the rib. This pathology requires urgent surgical removal, since without intervention it ends in spontaneous abortion or rupture of the tube.

Cervical pregnancy makes itself felt at 5–6 weeks with pain localized in the middle of the abdomen.

Frozen pregnancy

Fetal death, especially in the first trimester, may not have pronounced symptoms at all, except for the disappearance of signs of pregnancy. Only after a couple of weeks do aching pain appear, accompanied by bleeding.

Partial placental abruption

The stomach aches during pregnancy if the placenta begins to exfoliate. At the same time, the uterus is toned and painful. The development of pathology is fraught with vascular ruptures and heavy bleeding.

In the early stages, partial placental abruption is eliminated with medication. Late pathologies most often result in premature birth.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

Cervical pathologies disrupt the obturator ability of the uterus. There is a threat of infection, premature birth or miscarriage. The manifestations of the pathology are quite insignificant: the stomach aches during pregnancy, discomfort is felt.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

Tension of the uterus, when the lower abdomen hardens, is accompanied by slight aching pain, reminiscent of menstrual pain. Pain may also be present in the lower back. It occurs quite often throughout pregnancy. In most cases, it is not dangerous, but if present for a long time, and when combined with other factors, it can cause a miscarriage.

Causes of aching abdominal pain not associated with pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immune defense temporarily weakens, so chronic diseases can worsen. In addition, in the abdomen, under the influence of an enlarged uterus, there is compression and a change in the location of organs, which affects their functions.

Stomach aches during pregnancy due to the following pathologies:

Intestinal problems in the form of constipation, diarrhea, gas accumulations;

Gynecological inflammation in the form of adnexitis, salpingitis;

Urological pathologies in the form of pyelonephritis, cystitis.

Diagnostic methods for stomach aches during pregnancy

If your stomach aches during pregnancy, you should not hesitate. In case of serious pathologies, the future of the fetus and the health of the mother depend on the speed of assistance.

When determining the cause of abdominal pain, the doctor relies on the woman’s sensations, visual signs, as well as additional examinations and studies in the form of:

Examination of the vagina to determine the condition of the cervix;

Palpation of the uterus through the abdominal wall to determine the tone of the uterus;

Listening to the fetal heartbeat;

Urine examination, which can confirm inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;

Tapping in the lumbar region to identify kidney pathologies;

Ultrasound examinations to determine pathologies of the structure of the uterus, ectopic pregnancies, and the condition of the fetus;

Computed tomography, which can more accurately determine the clinical picture.

In emergency situations, when bleeding increases, aching pain develops into very strong and sharp pain, and if the patient’s condition worsens, emergency surgery is performed without resorting to additional examinations.

What treatment is needed if the stomach hurts during pregnancy?

Aching pain is not a disease, but a confirmation of changes in the body or a symptom of a possible pathology. Treatment is required if real threats to pregnancy are detected during the examination.

1. If there is a threat of miscarriage drugs are prescribed in the form of sedatives, antispasmodics, which relieve uterine tone, and vitamin therapy is carried out. If the reason lies behind hormonal abnormalities, it is advisable to take synthetic analogues of progesterone. In severe cases, a special ring is installed on the neck to block premature dilatation.

2. Ectopic pregnancy definitely requires surgical removal of the fertilized egg. With the help of laparoscopy, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the fallopian tube and preserve fertility.

3. At the initial stage of placental abruption Rest and bed rest are required. Among the drugs used are antispasmodics and hemostatic agents, iron supplements and medications that relax the tone of the uterus.

4. To solve intestinal problems a special diet is prescribed that excludes foods that cause constipation and bloating.

5. Inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys and bladder treated with antibiotics that are not contraindicated during pregnancy, antispasmodics and uroantiseptics of plant origin.

If surgical interventions are required to treat pathologies not related to pregnancy, if possible, it is postponed until the postpartum period and attempts are made to relieve symptoms. In emergency situations, pregnant women are recommended to undergo laparoscopy rather than strip surgery.

What are the ways to prevent aching abdominal pain during pregnancy?

To reduce aching pain caused by physiological changes, pregnant women are recommended to:

Wear a support bandage;

Don't overwork yourself;

Do therapeutic exercises;

Don't forget about walks in the fresh air;

Take care of comfort during a night's rest;

Take warm, relaxing baths.

Timely consultations and examinations with a gynecologist and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations will help you avoid pregnancy pathologies. Stressful situations, sudden movements, injuries, infectious diseases increase the risk of pathologies. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid them during pregnancy.

Eating small meals on a schedule, rich in fiber and drinking enough water will help restore intestinal function and prevent possible constipation and bloating.

A timely consultation with a gynecologist will dispel fears associated with aching abdominal pain during pregnancy. And such discomfort will only remind you that the baby is growing and the process is developing according to the schedule provided by nature.

After all, pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life, accompanied by unforgettable sensations.

Such pain during pregnancy is not uncommon. However, she does not always talk about pathology. More often, pain indicates that a woman’s body is restructuring and responding to changing circumstances:
egg implantation;
child's height;
child activity.

However, there are urgent cases when you cannot hesitate.

Signals for urgent medical attention:
severe, increasing, cramping pain (any period);

These are symptoms of impending miscarriage or premature placental abruption.
Abdominal pain after the 38th week, together with other precursors of labor, indicate that labor pains are already beginning.

Let's consider what are the main reasons and at what stages of pregnancy that cause pain inside the abdomen.

First trimester of pregnancy

At this stage, the stomach hurts most often due to physiological characteristics and changes. Hormones influence. The tissues supporting the uterus become softer. And the ligaments that attach the uterus inside the pelvis are stretched. The uterus itself also grows and shifts.

Nature of pain:
sometimes tingling;
there is no frequency.
If menstruation was painful before pregnancy, then the likelihood of the described concerns in the first trimester is higher. The main thing during this period is to monitor the intensity and frequency of pain. If they become more acute, similar to contractions, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester is usually the calmest of all periods of pregnancy. The stomach is also calm. At this stage, the baby does not bother the mother with its size. The uterus grows, the abdominal muscles stretch, but the woman’s internal organs are not compressed. Sometimes she may feel a slight nagging pain. And they are usually associated with the fact that the size of the uterus increases.

Third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, internal organs (especially the intestines) shift and muscles stretch as the baby grows and takes up more and more space inside the mother. Food moves through the intestines more slowly, and it is harder to cope with its work.

Nature of pain:
nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
tingling (usually on the left).
Nutrition should be structured so as not to burden the intestines. It is advisable to take food more often, but in smaller portions.

Symptoms that indicate complications:
severe pain, bleeding - signs of detachment of the embryo or placenta (incipient miscarriage);
bloody discharge after intimate contact in women with cervicitis or cervical erosion;
constant tone of the uterus. Threat of abortion;
pain and bleeding at 6-12 weeks and later can occur with an ectopic pregnancy.

Training contractions

Some pregnant women may find training contractions painful. Then the doctor will recommend a mild sedative (valerian).

Signs of Braxton Hicks contractions:
short-term nature;
pass when standing at rest or in a more comfortable position;
do not disturb sleep.

Hypertonicity of the uterus (pathological preliminary period)

Nature of pain:
does not last long (can last from 6 hours to 2 days);
localization – lower abdomen, lower back;
does not lead to labor.
Pain appears closer to childbirth and more often in excitable and emotionally unstable women. Such pain tires women.

Danger of uterine hypertonicity:
early rupture of water;
weakness of labor;
fetal hypoxia.
Mandatory medical attention is required.

Pain after ultrasound or examination

Due to a rough medical examination, pain may occur. But usually the obstetrician-gynecologist tries to carefully examine the pregnant woman. Pain is a sign of excitability of the uterus, its being in good shape.
The obstetrician can determine the tone of the uterus by palpation during the examination: even with a slight impact from the ultrasound machine sensor, the uterus will begin to contract. Vaginal examination while the uterus is in good shape can lead to pain.
If the tone of the uterus is normal and the examination is carried out carefully, there will be no unpleasant sensations, and an ultrasound examination will not cause them.

Let's consider some characteristics of pain that occurs during pregnancy (normal and pathological).

Normal pregnancy

Ligament or muscle sprain:
at any time;
short-term pain in the lower abdomen;
they intensify when lifting a load, with sudden movement, straining or coughing;
after some time the pain subsides.
The diagnosis is carried out by a doctor at the antenatal clinic.
The degree of danger is low, but you should consult a doctor for peace of mind.

Physiological changes:
at any time (but more often – the first and third trimester);
aching pain in the abdomen (not severe);
the pain subsides after a while;
there is no growth dynamics.
Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor in a antenatal clinic.
The danger level is low, but consultation with a doctor is required.

Pathological course of pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy:
period – 5-7 weeks;
sometimes pain appears from the very first days of pregnancy;
the stomach is sensitive to touch;
the nature of the pain is a sudden sharp intense pain in the lower abdomen, in the appendages;
sometimes – aching pain;
accompanying symptoms are bleeding, dizziness.
Using ultrasound, an ectopic pregnancy is clearly diagnosed.
The danger is high, emergency medical care is required!

Threat of miscarriage (termination of pregnancy)

There are several stages of spontaneous abortion:
abortion is in progress;
complete abortion.

The nature of pain during spontaneous abortion:
at any time;
nagging, cramping pain (as during menstruation) - in the first stage of abortion;
constant aching, unrelenting pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
feeling of a “shrinking lump” in the lower abdomen;
pain occurs at rest or in the evening;
pain after slight physical activity;

When an abortion begins, bloody discharge appears.

The danger level is high, immediate medical attention is needed!

Placental abruption (premature):
at any time;
sharp severe pain in the lower abdomen;
uterine bleeding;
symptoms characteristic of significant blood loss.
Diagnosis is carried out by an emergency doctor or a hospital doctor.
The danger level is high, emergency medical attention is needed!

Other causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy

Constipation or other disorders of the digestive system:
intestinal spasm;
intestinal obstruction.
Localization of pain is in the intestinal area.
The nature of the pain is not cramping, constant.

Chronic or acute diseases

Acute appendicitis
This is the most common pathology that requires emergency surgery during pregnancy. Happens more often in the second trimester.

Nature of pain:
sudden sharp;
becomes a constant aching sensation;
moves to the location of the appendix (vermiform appendix). Without pregnancy, the appendage is located in the lower right third of the abdomen, but as the period increases, it moves higher;
the pain intensifies when lying on the right side (the uterus presses on the inflamed area);
sometimes - nausea and vomiting;
sometimes – an increase in temperature.
If the condition worsens, peritonitis may develop:
increased heart rate;
temperature increase;


This surgical pathology is in second place in frequency in pregnant women.
Nature of pain:
dull, aching (chronic cholecystitis);
acute, cramping (acute cholecystitis).
Associated symptoms:
feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
belching air;
bitterness in the mouth;
sometimes - nausea and vomiting;
The attack is provoked by fried, fatty foods or shaking while driving (if there are stones). The pain sometimes intensifies when the fetus moves.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and bile ducts

Heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the right hypochondrium increase with increasing gestational age.
dystonia of the autonomic nervous system (causes a delay in bile secretion);
psychogenic factors (general neurosis).
weakness of the muscles of the bile ducts (associated with the peculiarities of the constitution of the body);
unbalanced diet;
hormonal imbalance (production of a large amount of progesterone, which relaxes the uterus, but at the same time relaxes other organs);
mechanical reasons (the uterus is growing, putting pressure on the gallbladder and liver).

Nature of pain:
dull aching;
localization - in the right hypochondrium (may extend to the area of ​​the floor with a spoon);
the pain sometimes intensifies when the fetus moves.

Associated symptoms:
feeling of heaviness and pressure;
often - lack of appetite;
bitterness in the mouth;
belching air;

Sometimes a picture of a vegetative crisis is added:
pain in the heart area;
sleep disorders;
numbness of the limbs;


Inflammation of the pancreas is facilitated by impaired outflow of bile, poor diet (rich fatty and meat foods), alcohol consumption, stress, and heredity.
Nature of pain:
sharp, acute pain in the upper abdomen (in the right, left hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach);

Associated symptoms:
stool disorders;
often – vomiting;
blood pressure is reduced.
Diagnostics – examination by a doctor, ultrasound, laboratory diagnostics.
In acute appendicitis and cholecystitis, surgical intervention is most often performed. The operation can be performed at any time, especially since the use of laparoscopic techniques (instruments are inserted through punctures and manipulations are carried out) makes the operation gentle.
For stones and inflammation in the gallbladder, therapy is aimed at preventing exacerbations, and surgery is performed after childbirth. It is important to follow a diet.

Foodborne illnesses

People call them “poisoning”. Cause– pathogenic microorganisms entering the body with water, food, or through dirty hands.

Nature of pain:
pulling or cramping;
localization is mainly in the navel area.

Associated symptoms:
often - loose stools;
sometimes vomiting;
sometimes – an increase in temperature;
sometimes – signs of dehydration (pallor, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, cold sweat).

Diagnostics - examination by a doctor, ultrasound, sometimes examination of feces and vomit.

Basic treatment:
replenishment of water volume;
at home - drink plenty of water: plain water, still mineral water, tea, medicinal astringent teas;
removal of toxins (including the use of activated carbon - 5-6 tablets 2-3 times a day, smecta, enterosgel, etc. - as prescribed by a doctor).
In the acute period of poisoning, with severe pain, a gentle diet is recommended:
boiled, pureed food that would not irritate the stomach and intestines;
fried, fatty, salty, smoked, vegetables and fruits are excluded (they contain a lot of fiber);
after symptoms go away, boiled and baked vegetables and fruits, black bread, bran are allowed;
boiled porridge;
slimy soups (rice, oatmeal, millet);
pasta (well boiled);
white bread (dried);
fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir);
meat (boiled lean minced) and fish.


Inflammation of the bladder is characterized by abdominal pain.
a feeling of heaviness over the womb, it intensifies when the bladder is full. The heaviness is felt most intensely at the end of urination;
sharp cutting pain when urinating.
Associated symptoms:
frequent urination;
urine is excreted in small portions;
sometimes – at the end of urination, the presence of blood.
Diagnostics – analysis of complaints, examination by a doctor, laboratory tests.

What can you do if you experience severe abdominal pain in pregnant women?

Before a medical consultation, it is sometimes possible to use antispasmodics that relax the smooth muscles of organs (no-shpa tablets, suppositories with papaverine);
rest and relax;
After an hour, you can repeat taking the antispasmodic.
But if the pain intensifies or other symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What not to do when your stomach hurts during pregnancy

take painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs (they can mask the pain, change the clinical picture of the disease, mask the symptoms).
take antibacterial drugs (they can harm the unborn child and distort the results of laboratory tests);
use a heating pad.

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