Paveletskaya-garbage: residents sounded the alarm because of the construction of a "transshipment" for waste. Notifications We will close the landfill in Poletaevo

For half a year, persistent rumors have been circulating that the city of Chelyabinsk will eventually stop the operation of its landfill and take hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of garbage out of the city. The points where MSW will be stored are named. And these points are located in the suburban Sosnovsky district. The solid waste landfill in Poletaevo is one of them.

As always, the object has supporters, there are opponents. Opponents are united, and for them there are no arguments of a socio-economic nature. They are just against it!

The director of the landfill, Valery Tkachuk, led the delegation to all points of the facility. He explains that from the project to the present day, the landfill has gone through several stages, all the necessary documents have been received from state control, inspection, and sanctioning structures. Entrepreneurs, in particular businessman Alexei Kozhevnikov, who is developing an industrial site near Poletaevo, say that the landfill was built with prospects for the future. This is not just a waste disposal site. This is an industrial complex where household waste will be sorted. Such requirements were put before the regional authorities by the president of the country, demanding that from January 1, 2017, household waste should cease to be an environmental disaster.

Vladimir Tkachuk, director of the enterprise, and businessman Alexei Kozhevnikov show the hangar, which has a special unit for sorting waste, for briquetting plastic waste, bins for paper, glass, metal. According to the entrepreneurs, organic residues will be removed to a special storage facility, arranged a kilometer from the industrial site.

It seemed to me that the public had nothing to say against the sorting complex. It exists, it has been tested, there are several briquetted packs with PET bottles, there are cardboard, glass containers, beer and tin cans shipped to bunkers. The garbage will be brought here, the conveyor will work.

The quarry-type storage facility was built according to the project. The sides and bottom are lined with a special film, drainage outlets, overflow wells are made, a special settling pond is dug. Industrial slabs were laid around the storage facility, and clay sides were poured to facilitate natural drainage. From the slopes facing the waste pit, the water rolls into the pit, through the drains goes into the overflow wells and enters the settling pond. There it can be together with sludge drains or used in circulation to irrigate the place of burial of organic waste.

Alexey Kozhevnikov believes that today the Poletaevo Solid Waste Landfill is one of the few facilities with a cycle of modern technologies that are safe for humans and the environment.

We have not yet begun to work, - the entrepreneur says, - We do not know how organic residues will behave when they are pressed in the pit with special equipment to deprive them of air gaps and prevent rapid decomposition. We assume that there will be no smell. There will be no danger to water bodies. We will not pollute groundwater sources, as the coating manufacturer guarantees a very long life of this coating and sufficient resistance to mechanical damage. And each meter layer of organic matter is planned to be covered with a half-meter layer of soil in order to avoid spontaneous combustion. But in order to start working effectively, it is necessary to ensure the volume of processing. For enterprises processing secondary raw materials, our partners, this is very important. For example, PET waste will go to the meal, from which plastic pipes, canisters are made, added to asphalt mixtures. Glass may be used to make tiles.

Next, we talk about the industrial area. How and why were the lands taken out of agricultural use? This question from the leaders of the social movement is not clear to me. The entrepreneur is developing industrial production, he plans to have investors on his site. Yes, and the landfill itself is considered an industrial facility, and without the transfer of land from one category to another, it is simply impossible to carry out activities. The question would be relevant and understandable if farmers in Poletaevo fought for every piece of sown area. But here, according to the agricultural administration, with grief in half they occupy 66 hectares for vegetables and potatoes.

The director continues to show objects. Leads visitors to the side of the pond, then introduces in detail the premises for employees. By the way, the premises for workers has a locker room, a dryer for outerwear, a toilet, showers, a room for office work, and a rest room.

It seems to be all right. The road has been laid. The map where the work is planned has a lighting line. When importing garbage, there is a weighing and inspection platform.

Dissenters have only one argument: “It stinks, and there is no escape from flies in the summer!” There was no other answer why people are so diligently struggling with a very promising project that can improve the ecological situation in our region. How an empty waste bin can “stink” and breed insects remains unanswered. People know better because they live here.

But what about the experts? Here is the opinion of some of them, who have already expressed themselves a dozen times on the topic of the work of the Poletaevsky solid waste landfill. In November, Anna Ustimenko, Director of Ecosolution LLC, and Andrey Smagin, Doctor of Biological Sciences (Ecology), Professor of the Department of Life Safety at SUSU, walked around the test site with a group of journalists. They did not find any flaws in the project and technology. The public council of the Ministry of Ecology scheduled a second trip in the spring to monitor the disposal of solid waste in the course of the landfill.

Activists of the headquarters of public support of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region took part in the environmental control of a new solid waste landfill in the Sosnovsky district.

As social activists note, the location for the landfill, the village of Poletaevo, was chosen well. The facility is located on industrial land five kilometers from populated areas and four kilometers from the Miass and Birgilda rivers. The distance to the border of the sanitary zone of settlements and technical water bodies is two kilometers.

Public activist Vitaly Bezrukov, who takes part in the environmental control of the headquarters, says that this enterprise should solve the problem for many villages in the Sosnovsky district. It is necessary to get rid of unauthorized and unequipped landfills, place waste centrally at special facilities, and introduce deep processing.

And I agree with that. At all new, planned for construction, and old landfills that exist on the territory of our region, there should be deep sorting, and, if possible, recycling of household waste. The solid waste landfill in Poletaevo can become not only the first industrial site with a new attitude to waste, but also an experimental site for turning waste into income.

The desire of the regional authorities to fulfill the order of Governor Dubrovsky at any cost - to close the Chelyabinsk city dump without fail by July 1, 2018, transferring a huge stream of garbage to the landfill in Poletaevo, creates no less problems and threats for the city, surrounding villages and the population than it solves. These problems will “emerge” in all their glory by the beginning of the SCO summit in the summer of 2020, if you do not change your attitude to the situation right now.

Yesterday, these topics were very emotionally discussed at a round table in the regional ONF with the participation of a large number of regional and city officials (including the acting Minister of Ecology of the region Ya. Kuprikova), activists and experts. I think that a detailed release from the executive committee of the ONF will soon follow, but here I will give a few considerations based both on the content of the discussion and on personal communication with experts and public figures.

The closure of the Chelyabinsk landfill has been discussed for many years, it was supposed to be “finally closed” on January 1, 2018, but the local authorities were not ready for this. Most likely, this situation would have continued for a long time if not for the presidential decree on holding the SCO summit in Chelyabinsk. After that, Governor Dubrovsky categorically demanded that the landfill be closed no later than July 1. However, it turns out that there is no real readiness for this, and the desire to report to the authorities can lead to serious consequences and provoke a long-term social and environmental crisis.

What is the essence of the problem?

The main landfill for Chelyabinsk waste is supposed to be created in the Chishma region, but not only have they not started engineering surveys and construction there (the time frame is 2-3 years at best), but a tender has not yet been held to select a concessionaire, the case is constantly being postponed due to constant proceedings in the OFAS, lawsuits are also likely. Therefore, in fact, the only landfill that the regional authorities are counting on after July 1 is near the village of Poletaevo, in the suburban Sosnovsky district.

However, this was seriously opposed by local residents, their claim is now being considered in court. The fact is that the Poletaevo landfill was previously created for the volume of 22 thousand tons of garbage per year, and now it will have to receive 500 thousand tons Chelyabinsk waste annually. Residents perceive this as an ecological catastrophe threatening them, worse than the one near Moscow.

Some data from the EIA (environmental impact assessment) of the Poletaevskaya landfill that is currently operating were given: for example, with garbage volumes of 22 thousand tons per year, the content of hydrogen sulfide there may exceed 0.5 MPC (exceeding the concentration of this substance in the air led to that in Volokolamsk residents were given protective masks). But this level of maximum permissible concentration increase at least 20 times if the expected volume of waste from Chelyabinsk arrives there. How can such a project successfully pass an environmental impact assessment?

A deputy from Poletaevo, Yulia Kudashova, also cited other threatening data (including the risks of pollution of the Miass River and drinking water bodies of Chelyabinsk, because the landfill is located a couple of kilometers from the river), all of which are contained in the lawsuit. In this case, it is important that there is still no conclusion of the State Expertise on increasing the capacity of the Poletaevsky test site (expected by the end of April) and it is by no means a fact that it will turn out to be positive. Plus, the lawsuit has just begun. And the Chelyabinsk landfill, we recall, should be closed on July 1. Where will thousands of tons of Chelyabinsk garbage be taken?
As it turns out, the authorities do not have any realistic "plan B" in case Poletaevo cannot accept them.

The possibility of short-term storage of Chelyabinsk garbage (for up to 11 months) at some “preliminary” site in Chishma, voiced by Deputy Minister of Ecology Irina Kharina, timidly pretends to be such a plan, but this is only a hypothetical possibility: it is not clear who and when will build it, if the concessionaire still no (according to expert estimates, the entire process, including approvals, will take at least a year) and where can you urgently get funds for this?

The absolute unavailability of the "Poletaevsky" version was demonstrated by carriers and transport specialists. The head of the Clean Environment Association, Konstantin Smolin, said that from 600 to 1,000 garbage trucks are taken to the Chelyabinsk landfill every day. Are the existing roads ready to accept such a traffic flow in this direction? Experts are sure not.

Jacob Gurevich says thatWhen transporting Chelyabinsk waste to Poletaevo, the “shoulder” of delivery will more than double, and the cycle of the garbage truck will increase by 60%.Accordingly, 60% more transport will be required for garbage disposal. Its purchase will require more than a billion rubles and at least six months of time. An increase in mileage will correspondingly more than double the emissions of trucks.
In addition, the capacity of the roads (Blucher St., M5 and the bypass road) is clearly not enough. This will increase traffic jams, further reduce the speed of garbage trucks and require a proportional increase in their number.It will be necessary to build an access road to the landfill in Poletaevo, as the existing primer will not be able to withstand a 25-fold increase in load.
And all this is for the sake of increasing the number of landfills poisoning Chelyabinsk from one to two, the expert says.

Finally, there is one more important consideration. The emergency closure of the Chelyabinsk landfill, which the authorities of the region and the city have not really dealt with all the past years, is being pedaled now because it is necessary to somehow clean up the territory and air of Chelyabinsk before the SCO summit, which will be held in the summer of 2020. However, it may turn out that just this will not happen.

It is in two years (the declared period for the removal and storage of millions of tons of Chelyabinsk waste in Poletaevo) - that is, exactly by the summer of 2020, the Poletaevo landfill will be overcrowded and will begin to actively “smell” (we are not talking about the protest moods of residents). We must be aware that this landfill is located quite close to Chelyabinsk ( see map - diagram). The distance from the Poletaevskaya landfill to the new residential development on the western shore of the Shershnevsky reservoir is 12 kilometers. At the same time, the wind rose here is such that Chelyabinsk residents and guests of the city will be able to feel all the “flavors” of this landfill (especially in summer) quickly and clearly.

Because of the wind rose, emissions of the relatively volatile biogas from the Poletaevsky landfill (with hydrogen sulfide and many other pollutants) will be able to reach new densely populated areas of Chelyabinsk, previously considered environmentally friendly. These include the extreme micro-districts of the north-west - from the Rifey complex to the Poplar Alley (these areas are approximately equally distant from the new and old landfills).

Such threats are also real for the zones of the urban forest and the regional hospital, which are now considered the cleanest in the city. Even the city center, which is two and a half times farther from the new landfill than from the old one (up to 20 kilometers compared to 8 kilometers), is also not immune from such risks. The volume of emissions from the flight test site when it is loaded by 2020, will be many times exceed the current volume of emissions from the Korkinsky mine(It is known that Korkinsky emissions repeatedly covered such a distance, actively participating in the formation of the famous Chelyabinsk smog).

These directions of environmental threats and the main distances from landfills to the mentioned places of Chelyabinsk can be seen on the presented scheme. However, the matter is not limited to threats of air pollution: the blue arrows on the map mark the risks for the Miass River (the distance from the Poletaevsky test site is less than 3 kilometers), then the dotted line marks the path to the city water intake, which water overcomes in just 6.5 hours.
Also on the map you can see the villages on the western coast of the Shershnei, in the previously promising development zone of the Chelyabinsk agglomeration. They are located only 3 kilometers from the Poletaev dump and can easily end up in an ecological disaster zone.

So why is this whole garden so hastily fenced? To report to Moscow that the order has been completed? Maybe it's better to properly prepare the remote solid waste landfill in Chishma - and only then completely close the Chelyabinsk landfill, leaving Poletaev and many Chelyabinsk residents in peace, without worsening their quality of life?

In fact, what is happening now in Chelyabinsk is exactly what President Vladimir Putin categorically warned against: one nightmarish landfill is demonstratively closing, but another, no less harmful, is quietly opening nearby. We note in brackets that the Poletaevo landfill is private and there are simply no plans for its reclamation after overflow (when, how, at whose expense).

I believe that the public discussion of all this at the site of the ONF performs an important function: the problems are “highlighted”, it will not be possible to silence them . The general conclusion is that it is necessary to close and reclaim the Chelyabinsk landfill, but it is impossible to close it hastily, "at any cost" by a specific date, thus creating serious threats to the population in the near future. All risks must be named, assessed and weighed, and control over the situation must be public; ONF will deal with this and return to the topic in about a month.

No one here needs a second Volokolamsk, and moreover, it is directly connected with the SCO summit project: people's health and the reputation of the presidential event are not things that local officials are allowed to juggle.

The landfill for the disposal of municipal solid waste, to which garbage from Chelyabinsk will be temporarily removed, is ready to increase its capacity in the future. This was stated today, June 28, at a round table in the Public Chamber by the director of LLC "Polygon" Zahid Kamilov.

To date, the capacity of the landfill is estimated at 22 tons per year, which is clearly not enough to receive all the waste streams from the regional center. Experts' data differ, but the volume of Chelyabinsk garbage is estimated at 400 to 650 thousand tons.

The landfill is prepared to accept waste in the amount provided for by the territorial waste management scheme. We are constantly working, modernizing production, purchasing modern equipment. An increase in the landfill is envisaged in the design capacity, - said Zahid Kamilov.

At the landfill, work is underway to restore the waste sorting complex, which will allow processing waste. These works will be completed by July 1. At the moment, the complex is being commissioned. Technically, the landfill is completely ready for waste acceptance. According to the original project, the landfill was designed for the Sosnovsky district and was ready to receive 22,000 tons of garbage per year. To date, it is filled with 6.5 thousand tons. The representative of the company assured that the volume is difficult to compare with a serious load, and today it does not cause any problems.

The enterprise has implemented all actions to increase the capacity of the landfill and is awaiting a positive conclusion from the state environmental review. In the future, it is planned to build four waste sorting complexes in Poletaevo, equipment for the processing of construction waste has been purchased, and the problem of waste disposal after subbotniks is being addressed.

Zahid Kamilov assured that the landfill is ready to be rebuilt to meet the requirements put forward by the city. In addition, the director of the enterprise is sure that the facility does not have a harmful impact on the environment. He considers the indignation of local residents to be the result of insufficient explanatory work with the population.

Photo by Oleg Kargapolov

In the suburbs of Chelyabinsk, near the village of Poletaevo, the landfill for the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) received the first trucks with garbage from the neighboring municipalities of the Sosnovsky district. The launch of the landfill came as a surprise to municipal deputies and residents of nearby settlements, a REGNUM correspondent reports.

The site for the reception of solid waste on the territory of the Poletaevsky settlement was developed by Alexey Kozhevnikov's company OOO Polygon MSW, which received a license from Rosprirodnadzor for waste disposal. It should be noted that the problem of disposal of municipal solid waste is one of the most acute in Chelyabinsk. “The authorities will have to decide sooner or later. And the longer the decision is delayed, the more radical and painful the measures are likely to be later. But it is necessary to decide,” one of the local public figures told a REGNUM correspondent.

The issue of launching the test site in Poletaevo was raised in the spring of 2014. Residents learned about the plans of the regional authorities to place a landfill and organized a meeting at which they expressed their negative attitude towards the possible disposal of garbage from Chelyabinsk. At the same time, they treated the initial plans for waste disposal from the territory of the Sosnovsky district with understanding. They oppose the dumping of garbage from Chelyabinsk because they believe that this threatens environmental problems for the village and Chelyabinsk itself due to its proximity to the Miass River, which is the drinking source of the city.

At the meeting, the management of the administration of Poletaevo and LLC "Polygon MSW" explained to the residents that the enterprise was safe. They proposed to ensure control over the work of the facility with the help of a commission from among the villagers. Waste was supposed to come from nearby municipalities.

According to local residents, in order to get a territory for organizing a landfill for the disposal of solid waste, Aleksey Kozhevnikov allegedly began buying up private land shares in 2010 and later started site preparation work. At first, citizens believed that a quarry was being developed to extract rock for the production of crushed stone. But later cars with garbage began to arrive.

They would have continued to act, but according to publications in the media, it became clear that the solid waste landfill started working. Local deputies and representatives of environmental public organizations are going to raise the problem of waste disposal and find out all the issues related to the start of its work.

The deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Poletaevsky settlement, Irina Kudasheva, told a REGNUM correspondent that the local "people's deputies" intend to look into this issue.

“We are categorically against the storage of solid waste in the territory of our settlement. It (warehousing) is already taking place, while not having a full package of permits. No one informed us, this news fell from the media like snow on our heads. A letter will be sent to Mr. Kozhevnikov with a request to provide documents on the project,” Irina Kudasheva said.

The deputy said that a commission had been initiated, which would begin to clarify all aspects of the operation of the facility.

“Tomorrow, on October 27, a commission is scheduled to be convened, which will consist of deputies of the Poletaevsky settlement, specialists in the field of hydroengineering and lawyers with knowledge of the environmental regulatory framework, representatives of the public group of the Poletaevsky settlement and media representatives. The commission will go to inspect this landfill in the coming days,” the deputy said.

One of the claims of the opponents of the project is that the authorities allegedly kept silent about the launch of the landfill and are acting "over the head" of the municipalities.

“The main trouble is that once land shares were distributed to private hands. These shares were resold and now, stepping through the municipality, some people appear who are building some kind of construction along the Miass River. Everyone bypasses the municipality and decides through the Sosnovsky district. That is, we now have all issues resolved through the district,” said Irina Kudasheva.

“About four years ago we had pickets against the construction of the landfill. Mr. Kozhevnikov showed up and said that "I will build a landfill." We were then supported in the protest by some political parties, social activists, and citizens. We held a round table at which everyone spoke out against the landfill. Construction stopped for three years. We calmed down, we thought that everything was in order. And when a decision appeared on the government website that a waste management scheme was approved, questions arose,” says Irina Kudasheva.

Citizens are worried that the wind rose will "cover" the entire village. In their opinion, Chelyabinsk will also “get it”, since supposedly it is still far from the promised use of the latest technologies. There are also environmental issues.

“Here you need to understand that we are talking about the second belt of the nature protection zone, where construction is now strictly prohibited in our country. Some owners even seize land plots located in this zone, and for some reason we have a landfill. There used to be a huge nursery there. Therefore, are there hydroengineering surveys? We have not seen these documents. And the landfill is located two kilometers from the drinking source of Chelyabinsk. Plus, this is a reserve of the forest fund, there are signs that hunting is prohibited,” Irina Kudasheva is perplexed.

At the moment, it is obvious that discontent is brewing, which may be raised to the shield by the environmental organizations of Chelyabinsk for broadcast, including to the residents of the metropolis.

“We will involve all forces so that we do not have this. I intend to contact the Green Patrol and all environmental organizations that will help us and support us,” said Irina Kudasheva.

The Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk region explained to a REGNUM correspondent that Rosprirodnadzor issued a license to the company for the Poletaevsky test site. “Based on this license, they have the right and opportunity to place waste at their landfill,” said Marina Alexandrova, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Ecology.

At the same time, the Ministry of Ecology noted that the territorial waste management scheme “is not a waste disposal scheme in any way.” “It is absolutely wrong to interpret it that way. Here we are talking about the transition to a new system, a civilized one, in which waste disposal is already the final and not the most important stage. The main principle of this scheme is 100 percent sorting. The scheme itself is not yet available. There is only a text abstract, it is huge, it consists of several volumes, there is a huge descriptive work. The graphical electronic model will appear in the next two weeks,” the press service of the Ministry of Ecology reported.

The next stage of work on organizing the circulation of solid waste is to determine the regional operators responsible for working with municipal solid waste. This is required by law.

“Another important point of this scheme that should be kept in mind is the cluster approach. That is, the entire territory of the region is divided into six clusters. A regional operator will be determined for each cluster. It will not be uniform, but for each cluster its own. And this regional operator is obliged to organize on its territory just such a system in accordance with the waste management scheme, in which all existing players must be taken into account. And the Poletaevsky test site will certainly also be included in the system of work of the regional operator,” said Marina Aleksandrova.

It was not possible to get comments from the representatives of Polygon MSW LLC, the company's phones indicated in open sources did not answer. Meanwhile, according to the Ural-press-inform agency, it was reported that Alexei Kozhevnikov believes that over time, the Chelyabinsk region will be proud of the best waste processing in the country. The businessman wonders how it is possible to prevent the construction of the landfill at a time when Chelyabinsk is suffocating from the city dump. The problem, which has not been solved for decades, could already be started to unwind, it is only necessary to redirect the flow of garbage trucks to a civilized, prepared site. At the same time, as Kozhevnikov emphasized, an alternative to the solid waste landfill is unauthorized landfills, which will only exacerbate the environmental problem.

It should be noted that geographically the solid waste landfill is located near the settlements: the village of Poletaevo-2, the village of Poletaevo-2. Also nearby is the village of Trubny, Alishevo, Tuktubaevo, nearby are gardens and a large settlement - Poletaevo itself.

Poletaevo is a settlement (urban-type settlement) with a population of 12 thousand people. With gardeners who have plots on the territory - about 16 thousand.

Also read: In the Chelyabinsk region, the introduction of a single tariff for garbage collection is delayed

Let's add that in the Chelyabinsk region more than 550 garbage dumps officially operate. Of these, no more than a dozen are considered polygons. In Chelyabinsk, there are about 80 waste processing enterprises and over 250 points for the reception of various secondary raw materials. One of the most acute environmental problems in Chelyabinsk is the city dump located within the city. Started in 1949 on the outskirts, today it is located near the center. Formally, it was closed in 1992, but in fact it continues to work. The total landfill area is 80 hectares. The main outwardly obvious environmental impact on the city and citizens, the landfill has when the burning of garbage occurs, the products of which are carried throughout the city. It should be noted that in recent years the volume of garbage removed to the city dump has reached almost one million tons per year. In 2016, the Chelyabinsk authorities again announced the closure of the placement of solid waste within the city. This is expected to be done by 2018. Solid household waste is planned to be removed to suburban landfills near Chelyabinsk. Thus, the possibility of placing a solid waste landfill in the Krasnoarmeisky, Sosnovsky or Argayashsky districts was considered. The capacity of one landfill was supposed to be over 400 thousand tons per year. It will be located on the territory of about 100 hectares. The authorities plan to time the new solid waste landfill to coincide with a possible SCO summit in Chelyabinsk, which is scheduled for 2020.

From July 1, Chelyabinsk will gradually close the city dump, garbage will be taken to a temporary site - a solid waste landfill in Poletaevo, which is designed for only 22 thousand tons of waste per year. The owners of the landfill assure that the facility is already ready to accept the waste of a million-plus city, public figures doubt this and say that the landfill is not ready. An end to this issue will be put by the state environmental expertise, which is currently considering a project to increase the capacity of the landfill, the correspondent reports.

The temporary site should receive the city's garbage for about 10 months, while the construction of a new landfill in Chishma is underway.

At the round table of the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region, General Director of LLC "Polygon MSW" Zahid Kamilov stated that currently the solid waste landfill in Poletaevo is technically prepared for waste acceptance to the extent provided by the territorial scheme.

"We have recently completed work on the full automation of the complex, modern waste compactors were purchased. These are the key points that we had in our design decisions to increase the capacity of the landfill. We were upset that the waste sorting complex was destroyed due to a fire. At the moment, we this complex is being restored, it is completely replaced, and we have practically completed this work. We believe that it will work without interruption. We are at the stage of readiness for the construction of the second map for waste disposal, we have all the documents," he said.

Head of the Chelyabinsk Department of Rosprirodnadzor Vitaly Kuryatnikov abstained from the characteristics of the landfill at the time of the examination. But he stressed that in order to improve air quality in the city, it is necessary to address the issue of vehicles and landfills, which "really affect the situation."

"On June 25-26, excesses of formaldehyde were recorded throughout the city. The landfill itself emits 109 tons of this substance, the largest plant 2 tons. This decision is strategically important for Chelyabinsk to breathe calmly, to be confident in air quality. And alternatives that are on today can be discussed, in fact, no," he said.

At present, the landfill in Poletaevo is designed for 22,000 tons of waste per year. During the period of its operation, about 6.5 thousand wastes were buried.

"We are not gaining the capacity for which the landfill is intended. Without the results of the examination, it is premature to draw conclusions, but if we talk about technical capabilities, we have practically implemented all the necessary actions to increase the capacity. Regarding waste sorting complexes, four are planned at the landfill to cover the entire volume of waste ", says Kamilov.

The volume of Chelyabinsk waste per year is, according to various sources, 480-650 thousand tons. Members expressed concern Will the landfill be able to handle this volume and operate safely?

Kamilov notes that we are talking not only about municipal solid waste, but also about construction and industrial waste, which are subject to disposal. "And this has nothing to do with the capacity of the landfill. If the project receives a positive opinion, we will begin to apply the new technologies that are incorporated in the project. And, of course, the card that we have is more than capable of accepting this amount of waste, up to the moment of the construction of the second map, and this is only less than six months," he assured.

Recall that in May the regional court sided with the residents of Poletaevo, federal legislation and the territorial waste management scheme, which is inactive from the date the court decision entered into force, in terms of sending waste from Chelyabinsk to the landfill in Poletaevo and waste accumulation standards in Chelyabinsk and Sosnovsky district. The Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region is a decision to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

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