Spider - description, characteristics and photos. Famous and interesting types of spiders Find a spider by description

Spiders are a rare exception in nature, when a whole detachment of animals is obligate predators. All species of spiders, except for one, feed only on living organisms, which they themselves catch. Dead insects and small animals are not of interest to arthropods.

On a note!

Scientists believe that there are 42,000 species of spiders living on the planet today. But how many spiders are in the world, in fact, no one can say with certainty. Even today, small species of animals are discovered almost every year, and there are still enough forests and jungles that have not been fully explored on the planet. Spiders are masters of disguise.

Varieties of spiders differ from each other in size, length of legs, shape and size of chelicerae, and toxicity. The spider may be covered with bristles or be smooth. Can weave a trapping web or dig minks. But all types of spiders have common features that allow them to be classified as arachnids.

General morphology


Real spiders are always equipped with spinning glands.

At the head office are:

  • the first pair of limbs, transformed into chelicerae;
  • the second pair of limbs are pedipalps, which perform the functions of touch and help the spider catch and hold prey;
  • eyes;
  • mouth opening.
  • black widows, including karakurt;
  • Brazilian running spiders;
  • brown recluse spider.

Black widows are so named because the female eats the male after mating. Spiders of this genus are distributed on all continents. Prey is caught using the web as a lasso. Not all species of this genus are dangerous to humans. The American black widow received the greatest celebrity.

There are 5 species of black widows on the northern continent. The main color of these spiders is black with red spots on the abdomen.

This genus of spiders can be distinguished by a characteristic feature: long legs, which are clearly visible in the photograph.

The name of the spider is of Turkic origin and in Russian means "black worm". The "classic" black karakurt Latrodectus tredecimguttatus lives in the southern regions of the continent, including the Mediterranean and Crimea. In connection with global warming, it began to come across in Azerbaijan, in Altai and in the Novosibirsk region. The ideal habitat for this karakurt spider is warm autumn and hot summer.

The name and photo of the spiders are somewhat inconsistent: this type of karakurt has large red spots on the dorsal side of the abdomen. Coloration can vary greatly: Eurasian species interbreed and the spider can be pure black.

On a note!

There is a white karakurt (Latrodectus pallidus). Since white karakurts look uncharacteristic for these types of arthropods, you can ignore them. White karakurts are less venomous than black karakurt, but their bite can cause trouble for children or people suffering from allergies. The habitat is combined with the territory on which the black karakurt lives.

Oceania and Australia

Three species, one of which is introduced to Southeast Asia. The Australian black widow is also considered one of the most dangerous species.

Latrodectus geometricus

A species of black widow, common on all continents. The color on the dorsal side is brown. There is a red spot on the underside of the abdomen. Paws are yellow-brown with black stripes on the folds. Of all the black widows, the least poisonous and dangerous only for children and the elderly.

Until 2010, the black widow was considered the most poisonous spider, but took away the prize cup from her. The genus of Brazilian wandering spiders has 8 species. The distribution area is very limited: the tropics of South and Central America. The hunting method is active. The web is not weaved.


The last species was discovered only in 2001.

The venom of soldier spiders in the final stage causes muscle paralysis and suffocation. When poison enters the bloodstream, in 85% of cases, after a bite, cardiac arrest occurs.

Lives on the North American continent. Leg span can be 6-20 mm. Color brown, dark yellow, gray. One of the species in which the eye is less than 8. Only 3 pairs, which can be seen in the close-up photo of the cephalothorax.

It is nocturnal, hiding under roots and stones during the day. The hunting method is active, but weaves nets that it uses as shelter. Likes to settle in human housing. May accidentally crawl into bed at night. If you crush it, it will bite.

The consequence of bites is the development of a necrotic ulcer. The affected area heals for 3 years. A bite can be fatal if the victim is a child or a person with a weakened immune system.

Medium venom spiders

The bite of such arthropods is not fatal, but can bring trouble in the form of swelling of the limbs and a painful bite site. These types include:

  • banana;
  • tarantulas;
  • spider sak;
  • wasp spider.

The bites of these animals cause local irritation. With a very large dose of poison, swelling of the limb is possible.


Large woody, spinning the largest cobwebs. They have several names:

  • giant tree spider;
  • gold spinner.

Body length 1-4 cm. Paw span 12 cm. Poison is not fatal for humans. A spider bite causes a local allergic reaction: burning, blistering, redness of the bite site. Symptoms go away within a day.

They belong to the family. The most famous are two species: South Russian and Apulian tarantula. The common name of the South Russian tarantula is. Large arthropods that do not weave trapping nets. They are nocturnal, attacking small invertebrates and other spiders. During the day they hide in vertical burrows with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm and a depth of up to 0.6 m. Animals have a gray protective color. The abdomen is covered with bristles. Paws of medium length.

Distributed in the southern dry steppes of the Eurasian continent. Tarantulas are especially poisonous in the spring after hibernation, until they have had time to waste the poison. But you have to try hard to get a bite from this arthropod: first remove it from the hole, and then grab it with your bare hand. Defensively, it is capable of a vertical jump, but at the first opportunity it will try to hide.


In English-speaking countries, tarantulas are called large tarantula spiders.

The second name is . Originally inhabitant of the southern regions. But the abnormal heat led to the fact that the arthropod began to be found in Central Russia. The spread is facilitated by the unhealthy predilection of saka for the smell of oil. It often climbs between the tubes of the car's propulsion system. Air vents are clogged with cobwebs.

The animal is not large: 0.7-1.5 cm. The span of the paws reaches 2.5 cm. The color is yellow-brown. It has impressive chelicerae with very long needles. This is a device for active night hunting. What a sack looks like can be seen in the photo of the spider below.

Saka venom causes soft tissue necrosis. Other signs of poisoning may include nausea, headache, and fever. The bite site becomes inflamed.

She is a wasp spider. Belongs to the family of orb-weaver spiders. The "wasp" got its name for the characteristic color of the abdomen. In terms of the number of species, it is second only to jumping spiders and linifiids. The range of the argiope is limited to 52°N.

On a note!

- one of the species that have mastered the flight on the cobweb.

Hunting is passive. At dusk weaves round trapping nets. Feeds on flying insects. The bite is painful. May cause local irritation.

Safe spiders

Representatives of this group either cannot bite through human skin, or their venom is too weak to cause harm. These spiders include:

  • crosses;
  • haymaker;
  • brownie;
  • horses.

Most spiders are not interested in humans. They live in nature and want only one thing: that no one touches them.


The largest spiders. The champion is the goliath spider: a tarantula whose body length reaches 10 cm. The paw span is 28 cm. The body is covered with red-brown thick bristles. The tarantula is not dangerous to humans, but falling bristles can cause an allergic reaction.


- large spiders with a very large triangular abdomen. On the back there is a characteristic pattern in the form of a cross, which gave the name to the whole genus of cross-spiders. An inhabitant of gardens, forests, parks and other green spaces. Conducts passive hunting for insects, weaving circular nets. The cross itself makes itself a shelter from rolled leaves.

Bites are harmless. Even a child feels like a slight pinch. But the cross is able to discourage the baby from grabbing the spider with his hands.


Haymakers have already become not, but "domesticated" and do not want to leave a person's housing in any way. For humans, they are completely safe and cannot even pinch. Externally, haymakers look like a kosinozhka bug, but have an elongated body, divided into two parts. The bug has a round body.

On a note!

Weaves a chaotic web in all corners with deadly diligence and annoys people not with bites, but with the need to constantly remove the fruits of his labors.


Belongs to the family. Distributed everywhere. Often settles in a human dwelling. The female is 7-12 mm in size, the male is 6-9 mm. Color brown. Weaves funnel webs. It is not aggressive towards people, but if you put your finger in its shelter, it can bite. There will be no consequences from the bite.


one of the largest families. Distributed everywhere except Greenland. Spiders of this family are capable of jumping and actively hunt during the daytime. Horses have a well-developed hydraulic system that allows them to change blood pressure and extend their limbs. Thanks to this adaptation, they can make jumps many times greater than their own size.


The family of horses is notable for the fact that it has the only species of spider - a vegetarian. Bagheera Kipling lives in Central America and feeds on acacias of the genus Vachellia. But this spider is not a pure vegetarian either. During the drought period, they can switch to feeding on individuals of their own species.

Peacock spider

The original endemic of Australia from the family of horses. A small spider of very bright coloring. The name was given for the complete copying of this bird: a bright male and a modest female. When caring for a female, the spider spreads its tail. It spreads the lateral shields of the abdomen and raises the hind legs with the abdomen up. In the absence of a female, the spiders wrap their scutes around the abdomen.


They got their name because they do not weave nets and hunt, attacking prey from an ambush. The structure of the eyes and the methods of hunting are similar to wolf spiders. The female uses the web to weave a cocoon into which she seals her eggs. The female carries the cocoon with her on her back.


Belongs to the sparassid family - hunting spiders. The body can reach a length of 2 cm. Variations in color from yellow-brown to dark brown. There is a white stripe on the sides of the body. Distributed in temperate climates in Eurasia. Lives on the banks of water bodies. A distinctive feature is the ability to move through the water and even dive if necessary. The second name of the hunter is the fisherman, since the spider can catch and kill small fish. He has nothing to do with the person.

green spider

It is impossible to determine the toxicity of this arthropod, since the “green spider” species does not exist in nature. Different animals from different genera have this color:

  • jumping spiders;
  • hunter spiders;
  • lynx spiders.

All of these are in Russia. To decide how dangerous the bite of a green spider is, you will first have to find out which family it belongs to.

crab spider

It is also difficult to determine what exactly we are talking about. The ability to move sideways is possessed by arthropods from three families at once:

  • neocribellatae;
  • Thomisidae ();
  • Philodromidae (isopod sidewalkers).

On a note!

A separate species of "crab spider" does not exist, but all spiders from these three families do not pose a danger to humans.


In the arid regions of Central Asia and Africa, large arthropods live, which are often mistaken for spiders. These are salpugs. According to tracing paper from English, they are also called. But unlike spiders, salpugs have teeth, they do not have spider glands and are not poisonous.

Salpuga is a large animal that can catch up and kill not only invertebrates, but also small lizards. The chelicerae of large salpugs are so powerful that they can bite through a human nail. No real spider can do that. Although salpugs do not have poison, their bite can be very dangerous. On the chelicerae of these arthropods, particles of decaying flesh remain. After a bite, you can get blood poisoning.

Spiders cause many, although they are one of the most harmless and useful inhabitants of the planet. Spider lovers consider them "kittens".

Only a few people like spiders. These little creatures are often referred to as "disgusting", "nasty" or "creepy", but in fact they absolutely do not deserve such a bad reputation. Most spiders are completely harmless to humans. Moreover, many of them are beneficial to humans, because they destroy pests in our homes and gardens. If we still haven't managed to convince you to stop hating these tiny creatures, then the twenty-five adorable spiders that we will tell you about below will convince you that even spiders can be cute, or at least entertaining.

25. Elegant golden jumping spider (Golden jumping spider)

This species of jumping spider, found in Southeast Asia, is known for its long abdomen, long first pair of legs, and unique coloration. Males usually only reach about 0.76 centimeters in length, females are slightly larger.

24. Spider-walker, masquerading as bird droppings (Bird dung crab spider)

This spider is notable for its unique camouflage method. Its body is covered with growths and warts, which make it look like a piece of fresh bird droppings. The spider enhances the imitation of bird droppings by pulling its legs closer to the body and lying motionless on the leaf for many hours.

23. Spiny orb weaver

This spider gets its name from the prominent spikes on its abdomen. These spiders, reaching over 2.5 centimeters in diameter (as measured from spine to spine), are generally harmless to humans.

22. "Smiling" spider (Smiling spider)

The body length of this spider is only 0.5 cm. It is notable for the fact that a pattern resembling a smiling emoticon is clearly visible on its yellow body. The "smiling" spider is endemic to Oahu (Oahu), Molokai (Molokai), Maui (Maui) and the island of Hawaii, where it lives in tropical forests at an altitude of 304 - 1981 meters.

21. Water spider, or silver spider (Diving bell spider)

This species of spider, best known as the water spider, is the only spider currently known to spend its entire life underwater. Like other spiders, it breathes air, which it draws into a bladder held by hairs on its abdomen and legs. Males of this species are approximately 30 percent larger than females, which is quite unusual for spiders.

20. Himalayan jumping spider

The Himalayan jumping spider is a tiny spider that lives high in the Himalayas. These spiders have been found at altitudes exceeding 6,705 meters above sea level. Its only source of food at such extreme heights are random insects blown by the wind onto the slopes of the mountains.

19. Arrowhead spider

This spider is a brightly colored arachnid with a leg span of only 2.5 centimeters. These tiny creatures, completely harmless to humans, can be found in spring, summer and autumn. They hide in low shrubs about 60 to 90 centimeters above the ground in thickets, wetlands, gardens, and grass swamps.

18. Argiope Brünnich or wasp spider (Wasp spider)

Like all orb weaving spiders, this spider is not venomous. Wasp spiders weave their web between the grass at a height of up to 30 centimeters. Adult females are much larger than males.

17. Theraphosa Blond or goliath tarantula (Goliath bird eating spider)

The Goliath tarantula is the second largest spider in size (after the giant huntsman spider) in terms of its leg span, however, in terms of body weight, it is the largest in the world. Despite its name, the spider does not usually eat birds, it feeds on insects. It is poisonous, but its venom is relatively harmless and its effect is comparable to that of a wasp sting.

16. Green jumping spider

Found in Queensland, New Guinea, New South Wales, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, this species is one of the largest jumping spiders. The males are strikingly brightly colored and adorned with long white "whiskers".

15. Golden orb-web spider (Writing spider)

This species, which is commonly found in most countries of Central America and regions of the Antilles (from Mexico to Panama), is distinguished by bright, saturated colors of the abdomen. Females are three to four times larger than males. Their leg span can reach more than 12 centimeters.

14. Ladybug mimic spider

These spiders are thought to mimic ladybugs because ladybugs are not palatable to birds and other predators, and they are usually avoided by predators. Despite its adorable appearance, this little creature actually belongs to a group that includes tarantulas and black widows.

13. Red-backed jumping spider

Found in relatively dry environments such as the coastal dunes or oak woodlands of western North America, the redback jumping spider is one of the largest and most commonly found jumping spiders. This species builds conspicuous tubular silk nests on the ground under rocks and pieces of wood and sometimes on vines.

12. Spider-mason or spider-digger (Trapdoor spider)

Stonemason spiders are notable for their unique hunting technique. These medium-sized spiders build burrows with a hatch-like door, which they usually make of earth, vegetation, and silk, and then lean halfway out of the burrow to wait for their prey.

11. Hyllus Diardi (Heavy jumping spider)

Like other jumping spiders, this species does not build webs. Instead, it hunts on the move, attaching a silk thread to some kind of support before "bungee jumping" onto suitable prey. The body length of this spider reaches 1.27 centimeters.

10. Peacock spider

This species of spider, whose habitat is limited to certain areas of Australia, is one of the most colorful and vibrant. Colored in bright shades of red, blue and black, the males have a trapdoor with white hairs on their abdomen that they can pull down. They use it to attract females during the mating season.

9. Spider-Ogre (Ogre-faced spider)

These spiders, which live almost all over the world in the tropics, got their name from the supposed resemblance of their appearance to that of the mythological creature, the ogre. Spiders make a web that they hang between their front legs and when prey approaches, they stretch the web, which becomes two or three times its original size, and throw it over the prey.

8. Hersiliid spider (Tree stump spider)

This species of spider, native to South America, is known for its unusually shaped belly that looks like a growing branch. This feature is likely used either as a hunting method or as a hiding place from predators.

7. Spider-horse, imitating an ant (Ant - mimic jumping spider)

Ant-mimicking spiders are mostly found in the tropics from Africa to Australia, with some species also found in the New World. Their color varies from black to yellow, depending on what kind of ants they imitate. One African spider species mimics one species of ant when immature and a very different species as an adult.

6. Horned orb-weaver (Long-horned orb-weaver)

Orbweb spiders are three-clawed flat web builders with a sticky coil of silk to catch prey. As a rule, in the evening, the spider eats the old web, rests for about an hour, and then spins a new web in the same place.

5. Australian garden orb weaver

Found throughout the coastal regions of Australia's eastern states, these spiders are notable for their ability to change their color with each molt to better match the background they rest against during the day.

4. Viciria with a wide jaw (Wide - jawed viciria)

This spider lives in garden foliage and in the wastelands of Singapore and Indonesia. Both sexes reach approximately 0.76 - 1.27 centimeters in length. Viciria is a colorful member of the jumping spider family.

3. Mirror spider (Sequined spider)

This spider, also known as the Australian stained glass spider, is found throughout the Australian states. These spiders are one of the smallest species. The body length of males is approximately 0.3 centimeters, and females - 0.4 centimeters.

2. Eight-spotted crab spider

This species of spider, discovered in Singapore in 1924, is one of the most colorful. Its body length is approximately 2.5 centimeters, and it is also one of the largest species of sidewalk spiders.

1. Regal jumping spider

The royal jumping spider is the largest jumping spider in North America. The body length of the male is 1.27 centimeters, and the female is 1.52 centimeters. Males and females are easy to distinguish. Males are always black with a pattern of white spots and stripes. Females often have a similar pattern. However, they differ in color, and their color varies from shades of gray to bright orange.

Our world around us is inhabited by many different creatures, which, although they look strange, play their important role in the natural balance. So, nature created, according to scientists, about three hundred million years ago spiders, which at the moment there are more than forty thousand species. The first arthropods evolved from a crab-like ancestor.

It is widely believed that spiders belong to the insect family, although in fact this is not at all the case. Spiders are allocated in a separate class Arachnids, subspecies Cheliceraceae, type Arthropods. Studied by the science of arachnology.

How are spiders different from insects

  • Insects have six legs and spiders have eight.
  • Spiders have forelimbs with poisonous claws.
  • Spiders do not have antennae like insects.

Web - habitat

Over the millennia of evolution, the spiders themselves have undergone little change. But the weaving of the web has been improved all the time. The web itself is produced from special glands located on the spider's abdomen. Since the types of glands are different, the quality of the web will also differ. And throughout the life of this species, the web may need different quality. To protect the cocoon, the spider uses a soft web. And here for constructing a trap for insects, he needs a strong thread that will not break during the death convulsions of the victim. In some species, there are up to six threads of different quality, which are used for their intended purpose.

Almost all spiders are skilled weavers of their webs. But there is one species that does it so beautifully that it drew the attention of specialists to this quality. These are spinners, which belong to the family of crosses, weave their wheel-shaped nets according to clearly established rules. There are craftsmen who weave something resembling a cup and saucer. These are individuals belonging to the genus Frontinell. Funnel weave their nets in the form of a sap or funnel, which is why they got such a name.

Found in nature and species that unusually use their webs are individuals from the family Gnaphosidae. They do not catch their victims in the net, but build a shelter from cobwebs for themselves between stones and vegetation.

Particularly dangerous individuals

Almost all spiders that are known at the moment have poison in their arsenal. But not all spiders can harm a person with their poison. As a rule, the poison of these predators is designed for a small insect that spiders eat.

But there are also individuals who cannot be ignored, because they the bite is deadly to humans. Such dangerous arthropods must be remembered and be careful when meeting with them.


The poison of this predator is deadly to humans, so everyone should know what it looks like. Moreover, it is difficult to confuse it with other representatives of arachnids. Females and males on a black abdomen have bright scarlet spots, sometimes bordered with white halos. But unfortunately, there are also completely black individuals from crossings within the genus, which are difficult to identify. It is necessary to recognize Karakurt in order to be able to apply the antidote anti-karakurt serum in time to block the consequences.

According to experts, this spider does not attack a person without special reasons. But if the attack still happened, then you need to urgently seek medical help. In the first two minutes after the bite, you can localize the effect of the poison by cauterizing the bite with a lit match. Karakurt bites through the skin by only half a millimeter, therefore, with such a treatment of the wound, the poison should collapse. In any case, the bite should not be ignored. The effect of this type of poison begins to act within ten minutes and is characterized by burning pain that spreads throughout the body.

recluse spider

Meeting a person with this spider is not always fatal, but there have been such cases, so you should pay attention to it. The most dangerous of all hermit spiders, experts call the Chilean hermit. But deaths have also been reported from the bite of the Brown Recluse. Both of these species prefer to settle in abandoned buildings. Therefore, the name of the spiders hints at their way of life in secluded places.

This deadly species lives in South and Central America. Its bite causes paralysis and suffocation. Moreover, this creature attacks everyone who approaches in its field of vision. He rears up and goes on the attack, preferring to die rather than retreat. The span of his paws reaches fifteen centimeters, so it is easy to notice him and rush to retreat from his territory.

sydney funnel

This poisonous predator lives in Australia, so it should not be feared on other continents. It does not grow even up to five centimeters, but is extremely dangerous. This species is not warlike and will not attack for no reason, only when it feels threatened. But if he starts to attack, he will cling and bite many times, injecting poison, until he is thrown off. Since the respiratory system can fail with his poison, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

Six-eyed sandy

This spider lives in the sands of Africa and is very dangerous with its poison, which leads to rupture of blood vessels due to the powerful toxin contained in it. So far, no antidote has been found. This species is unusually tenacious and can do without water and food for a very long time. He burrows into the sand and waits for a passing victim, so be vigilant.

What to do if a spider bites

Dealing with the entire genus of arachnids, of course, is difficult. And only specialists can understand how severe the consequences of the bite of one or another of its representatives will be. Therefore, doctors recommend that you immediately consult a doctor. If it is possible to catch and place a bitten individual in a sealed vessel, then this must be done. Determining the name of the spiders greatly increases the chances of a 100% determination of the antidote.

The most unusual types

Nature sometimes puts spiders in such bizarre forms that one has only to wonder where so much imagination comes from. Here are just a few such examples.

  • Spider-Peacock. It differs primarily in its bright color, reminiscent of a peacock feather. The size of an individual is limited to five millimeters, so it is not easy to see it. Only males have this coloration.
  • Crab spider. It looks like a crab. In addition, this unique creature can move, just like a crab from side to side and back and forth. And the ability to change color makes it invisible against the background of the habitat.
  • Dolomedes. Another name for this spider is "fish", as it lives near water bodies and feeds on small fish that do not exceed its size.
  • Spider is a whip. This creature rather resembles a thin twig and is completely unlike its fellows. The species was named Сolubrinus, which means serpentine in translation. This is how nature created it for camouflage. Such a predator sits in a web, and the victim thinks that these are branches stuck to the cobweb and is not at all afraid of him.

A unique plant-eating species

All spiders are predators except for one. Therefore, I want to write about it in more detail. This species has been found on the branches of Acacias in Central America. It's called Bagheera Kipling.. They belong to the species of horses. They are very small in size, no larger than the nail of the little finger on the human hand.

These creatures live in perfect harmony on the Acacia along with the ants and eat the same food with them. They eat green shoots, which are formed at the ends of the leaves of exclusively tropical Acacias. These appendages are called Belt bodies, after the name of the person who discovered them. But even this unique variety does not always adhere to a plant-based diet. If there are interruptions in food, the spider can become a predator.

The smallest and largest species

  • The smallest spider grows to only thirty-seven millimeters and is called Patu digua.
  • Individual individuals of the largest spider grow up to nine centimeters. This is a tarantula called Theraphosa Blonda. The span of the paws can reach twenty-eight centimeters.

Thus, it can be concluded that not all spiders need to be afraid. Not all types of spiders, these original creatures of nature, are dangerous to humans. And the incomprehensible disgust and fear of these creatures has no real threat, but haunts many. Therefore, it is worth considering how possible it is to meet poisonous and deadly individuals in your place of residence and stop being afraid of everyone.

- these are animals that since ancient times have caused both interest and fear in people. Each spider is interesting for its unique features of living, obtaining food, and reproduction.

In this article, we will cover these topics, consider the reasons for the appearance of cobwebs in our homes and study effective ways to remove spiders.

Today on our planet there is about 40 thousand species of spiders. Only a few of them live in Russia. For the most part, they live in open nature, but quite often they appear in people's homes.

In fact, only a few species can live indoors. Spiders and cobwebs in the house often scare people, and you should understand that these arthropods are not interested in people, they are afraid of them and will never attack first.

Black and white house spiders

The most common domestic spider species are:

  • haymaker, which has a small body and very long legs, reaching a length of 5 cm.
  • Gray house spider.
  • Tramp.
  • Black house spider. They live in the house and weave a tubular web in the corners, which is a serious trap for its victims. They are quite large in size, their length is about 13 mm. They bite a person extremely rarely, but if this happens, it is very unpleasant and painful, since it can cause such consequences as allergies, swelling, vomiting, dizziness and general malaise of the bitten.
  • white spiders There are different types and live in different countries. So, for example, in the southern part of Russia, as well as in the countries of the Middle East, you can meet Karakut. Africa is home to the White Lady. In North America, southern Europe, Japan and Russia, a white flower spider is found. White spiders are rarely found in the house, they usually live in nature, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, and their bite is the most dangerous for humans, and can even be fatal.

Many spider lovers keep them on purpose to add an exotic touch to their home, and they can also be classified as domestic. The most famous white spider among such pets is white-haired tarantula.

What do spiders look like?

Each type of spider looks unique. Exotic spiders that live in terrariums tend to catch the eye with their impressive size, fleecy surface and bright colors.

Domestic spiders look more modest:

  • So, for example, a haymaker spider has a small body and very long legs, reaching a length of 5 cm.
  • Black spiders - black or dark gray, about 13 mm in size.
  • Gray spiders are very similar to black ones, having the same dimensions.
  • The tramp spider is brown and light brown in color, having an elongated abdomen and long legs.

Many types of spiders differ in their speed of movement, web, search for food, appearance, but the number of legs is the same for all - there are 8 of them.

The limbs of spiders differ in size and cover, but their main functions are inherent in all types of arthropods:

  1. Legs are the means of transportation for spiders. Someone has the ability to move by jumping, someone uses lateral walking, someone runs on water, and some change locations by stomping loudly.
  2. The limbs are carriers of many receptors: smell, touch, balance. They help spiders recognize danger, find food.
  3. The function of the paws is to weave a web. Thanks to this ability, spiders have the opportunity to get food.
  4. Spider parents use their tentacles to hold and move their cocoon to another place. It is for these purposes that spiders have such a large number of limbs that simultaneously serve them as hands, nose, vision, and even the so-called "sixth sense".

Types of spiders in Russia

There are quite a few varieties of spiders in Russia, the most common among them are:

  1. Serebryanka- this is the only species that lives on the water and under it. The habitat is swampy water bodies of Russia. Refers to poisonous spiders.
  2. Spider-cross living in temperate climates, on the grass and branches of bushes and trees. It has a cross-shaped pattern at the top of the abdomen. Not dangerous to humans.
  3. South Russian tarantula- lives in the semi-desert and steppe regions of Russia, lives in burrows. It is a poisonous and dangerous species of spiders for humans.
  4. house spiders living closely with a person and safe for him. Weave a web in the most inconspicuous corners of the room.
  5. Spider knitter, which has the ability to disguise itself and become invisible. Refers to non-poisonous representatives of arachnids.
  6. jumping spider- jumping small spider. It has the ability to climb glass and capture its prey without the help of a web.
  7. H black widow (karakut)- the most dangerous type of spider for humans. Lives in the Astrakhan and Orenburg regions, as well as in the North Caucasus.

Are spiders insects or animals?

Many people are interested in this question, some people believe that spiders are insects, however, this is not so.

Spiders belong to the class Arachnida and belong to a species of animal, not insects, despite the incredible resemblance to the latter. Arachnids were born 300 million years before insects.

Both of these species formed separate classes that have clear differences:

  • Insects: have 6 legs, belong to the class of insects such as arthropods, for the most part they are omnivorous creatures. The main divisions of the structure of insects: head, chest, abdomen, wings.
  • Spiders have 8 legs, belong to the class of arachnids, the type of arthropods, are very selective in food, born hunters. It consists of only two sections - the abdomen, from which the paws grow, and the cephalothorax, on which the spider's oral apparatus is located. Has the ability to weave a web.

What do spiders eat?

Spiders, despite their small size, consume a large amount of food, however, they may not eat for a long time - from a month to a year. An interesting fact is that in a year the mass of food eaten by spiders exceeds the amount of food consumed by all people in the world.

Each species of spider has its own ways of obtaining food:

  1. Creating traps using web weaving. Caught prey is processed by digestive juice, corroding it from the inside, after which the spider swallows it.
  2. Search for food by spitting out sticky saliva, which allows you to attract food to yourself.

What do spiders eat:

  1. The main diet of both street and domestic spiders are insects. Spiders in a private house feed on flies, mosquitoes, crickets, butterflies, mealworms, cockroaches, grasshoppers, woodlice larvae. Read the answer to the question for more details.
  2. Spiders living in burrows or on the surface of the soil love to feast on beetles, orthopterans, and even snails and earthworms.
  3. Some species hunt at night. So, for example, the queen spider creates a trap for moths at night.
  4. Exotic spiders, due to their impressive size, choose larger prey for themselves. So, tarantulas prefer to hunt frogs, lizards, other spiders, mice, and even small birds. And the Brazilian tarantula is able to catch and eat medium-sized snakes and snakes.
  5. Spiders living on the water catch tadpoles, small fish or midges floating on the surface of the water with the help of a web.
  6. Some spiders use the plant world as a source of food: pollen, plant leaves, cereal grains.

How do spiders give birth?

By nature, sexually mature males differ significantly from females in their small size, bright colors, and short life span. They are found in nature, as a rule, they are much rarer.

In some species of spiders, males are not found at all. It is believed that the female spider has the ability to develop eggs virgin, therefore, can breed offspring without even being fertilized.

The male independently fills the genitals with sperm and goes in search of the female. Some species of spiders bring a gift to the "lady of the heart" - an insect, as attention and approval by her. Males try their best to care so as not to be eaten by the female. They perform a wedding dance - the rhythmic movement of their paws along their own web.

Some types of spiders fight on the female's web, while others mate with males. Many males, in order to avoid the threat from the female, mate at the moment she has experienced a molt, while she is still helpless. Indeed, often a fertilized spider strives to eat its partner. Sometimes the male manages to escape.

Some types of spiders create families: they live in the same nest, raise offspring, share prey. There are cuckoo spiders that toss their cocoons into the nests of other relatives.

The female spider can breed at a time up to 200,000 children. Such incredibly large offspring can bring both large and very tiny species of spiders. Spider eggs go through two molts before reaching the adult stage.

An interesting fact is that spiders have the ability to independently cause their birth in the case of sick or weak offspring.

How long do spiders live?

The life expectancy of spiders depends primarily on their species. Most spiders have many enemies and rarely live to a natural death.

Spider lifespan:

  • So, some live only a couple of months, while others can live for several years. Moreover, about six months is spent on the egg stage.
  • The life cycle of males ends much faster than the cycle of spiders. Subject to comfortable living, males live only two years, but females can live up to ten years.

There are also such records:

  • Some female tarantulas can live for over twenty years.
  • Spiders of the genus Sicarius living in South America and Africa can live up to 15 years.
  • Some tarantulas can live twenty years.
  • It is clear that spider species that are pets of humans and live in captivity have a longer life. History knows cases when such spiders lived up to thirty years.

Are house spiders dangerous to humans?

All spiders are naturally venomous, but the dose of venom from domestic spiders is not significant for humans. Therefore, in case of a bite, which is extremely rare, you just need to treat this place with an antiseptic. They can be dangerous only for people suffering from arachnophobia (fear of arachnids).

There are benefits from several individuals living in an apartment, because they destroy insects, which, as a rule, cause discomfort and pose a danger to people. Of course, if spiders are found on every corner, this creates a feeling of aesthetic rejection and unsanitary conditions in the house, so they should be removed.

How to get rid of spiders in the house?

In order to completely forget about the spiders in your apartment, you must use the following measures to combat spiders:

  1. Create a clean living environment. Spiders are very afraid of cleanliness, so regular and thorough cleaning of the premises can bring out such tenants. Particular attention should be paid to the most secluded corners: the back walls of furniture, the bottom of the beds, the ceiling and walls.
  2. Use special preparations from spiders: aerosols, crayons, gels, as well as ultrasonic. Such chemicals as Butox-50, Tarax, Neoron have proven themselves well.
  3. Make repairs in the house. Spiders cannot stand the smell of wallpaper paste, paint and whitewash.
  4. Use folk remedies, they are safer and proven over the years. The best-known remedy for spiders is crushed hazelnuts, chestnut and orange, which must be spread in all corners of the house. The smell of these fruits is unbearable for spiders.
  5. Limit the access of spiders to your apartment: cover all cracks and cracks around windows and doors, check the window mesh, walls, sewers for holes, and eliminate them.
  6. It is necessary to call the appropriate specialists, if they are unable to cope with the invasion of spiders.

It must be remembered that the most effective method of destruction is complex.

Causes of spiders in the house

Spiders are very voracious animals. None of them will choose their place of residence where there is no food for them.

Therefore, before taking out such tenants, it is necessary to figure out where the spiders come from:

  1. There are a lot of insects in your apartment: midges, cockroaches, ants, flies, mosquitoes.
  2. Accessibility to the entrance. Through open windows, small cracks, flowers brought from the street, not only spiders themselves, but also insects, which these eight-legged people love so much, can get into your house.
  3. Warm temperature in the house. In autumn, spiders from the street look for a warmer place to live.
  4. Favorable humidity level.

Spider signs

Since ancient times, it has been believed that spiders have the ability to bring good or bad news. Almost every action performed by a spider, or the events in which a person met with him, have their own explanations in folk signs.

Spider notes:

  • Spider on the street. If you meet a spider in the morning, failure awaits you, in the evening - good news. Caught in a web - expect trouble.
  • Spider in the house. We saw a spider in your house - a good omen, it will help you get rid of bad thoughts and avoid quarrels. If the spider runs on the table or floor, this is a move.
  • Where does it move. Creeps towards you - to profit, creeps away from you - to loss.
  • How it moves. If the spider descended on the web from the ceiling - expect an unexpected guest. A spider crawling up notifies you of good news. If a spider has landed on a person’s head, a gift should be expected, on the hand - for money.
  • Spiders and weather. If the spider folds its cobweb - to rain, hook the web with its face - to clear weather. If you see a spider weaving a web, then the weather will change.

Bad omens about spiders:

  • Crushing a spider is a deprivation of luck and health, which is why you can’t kill spiders.
  • If the spider descends the wall - to an imminent loss.
  • If the newlyweds met a spider - unfortunately in marriage.
  • If a girl saw a web above the door - to the betrayal of her partner.
  • The web near the icons - to the bad news.

If the meeting with the spider still upsets you, you should not be offended by it, since it is just a messenger of upcoming events.


There is a variety of types of spiders, but we can only meet a few of them in everyday life.

Spiders feed on insects, so if they are wound up in your home or garden, do not despair, as they can save you from annoying ants, bugs, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches. In addition, these arthropods may bring you some news.

It is proved that the first spiders appeared on the planet close to 400 million years ago (order Araneae), descended from a crab-like ancestor. According to recent estimates, science now knows about 42 000 types of spiders.

Today we will talk about some famous and interesting types of spiders.

Particularly dangerous types of spiders

Karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus)

Known as the European or Mediterranean black widow. This species is commonly found throughout the Mediterranean region, from Spain to Southwest and Central Asia. The name L. lugubris is considered obsolete, although it is still frequently found in the literature. Even in ancient Greece, the karakurt was well known for its dangerous bite. This spider species is black in color, similar to most other species in this genus (Latrodectus) and is identified by thirteen red spots that are found on its dorsal belly. The male karakurt has a relatively small size of 4-7 mm, but the female is much larger, her body length is 7-15 mm.

The karakurt mostly lives in the steppes and other grasslands and can be a serious problem in areas where grain is harvested by hand. Like all species of Latrodectus, the karakurt has a bite that is venomous and can be fatal to humans, causing death within minutes. After a bite of a karakurt, a person may feel severe pain in the limbs and abdomen. Typical symptoms include excessive sweating, vomiting, fever, and hypertension. Pain after a bite usually lasts 1-2 days, and other symptoms from 1 to 4 days. In Europe, bites have become very rare.

Brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa)

There is a brown recluse spider in eastern Texas, in the western part of Georgia. Often this dangerous spider settles near human habitation, in the open air under rocks and bark, as well as in homes, schools, barns and barns. The brown recluse is about 12mm. He is brown and has a violin-shaped cephalothorax on his head. During the day, the recluse spider stays in some quiet place, such as in a closet, under furniture, or in some kind of outlet, coming out at night in search of food.

It feeds mainly on insects, injecting a venom into its prey that is hemolytic rather than neurotoxic. Its bite is classified from minor to serious and sometimes fatal. As of 1984, there were at least 5 reported deaths from recluse spider mowing in the United States. After a bite, the toxins kill the cells surrounding the puncture, creating a black gangrenous spot. Often, the skin begins to peel away from the area around the wound, exposing the underlying tissues. Since such wounds heal slowly, they leave a very unpleasant scar.

Brazilian wandering spider (genus Phoneutria)

photo Leonel H. Baldoni

The Brazilian wandering spider also has a reputation as a dangerous spider. In many articles and even in some non-fiction books, these spiders are described as "extremely dangerous", "extremely aggressive" and "most toxic", "very poisonous" or simply "deadly". There are also dozens of "true" field reports giving the impression that these spiders must be pure evil. But in fact, this is only half the truth.

Most Phoneutria species are quite large, and in fact the genus includes the largest known spiders in the world. With a total body length of about 5 cm and a leg length of about 18 cm, some species have record sizes. Speaking of these spiders, we should know that there are eight (valid) species with different genetics, geographical distribution, habitat preferences, biology, and the generalized information we find about wandering spiders may not be correct for some species in the genus.

There is no doubt that the venom of some species is highly effective on mammals, including humans. This species includes the Brazilian wandering spider. It is important to know that this spider, like many others, does not try to bite a person on purpose, but quite the opposite. For example, a spider that, seconds before it was disturbed, sat in a banana stalk, hiding from daylight, now accidentally ended up in the hands of a person. The natural reaction of a spider to such a situation is to bite. The Brazilian wandering spider lives in South and Central America. The bite of this particular wandering spider entails paralysis and suffocation.

Sydney funnel spider (Atrax robustus)

photo David Nixon

Found exclusively in Australia within a radius of 160 kilometers from Sydney, the especially dangerous Sydney funnel-web spider, as a rule, lives in lush ravines under rocks and fallen wood. It also inhabits damp soil under houses, crevices in garden rocks, and compost bushes. Their white silk web is 20 to 60 cm long.

Males grow up to 25 mm in length, and females up to 35 mm. The Sydney funnel web spider is a solitary animal, except during the mating season. The diet of this venomous spider consists of beetles, cockroaches, insect larvae, snails from local lands, centipedes, and occasionally frogs and other small vertebrates. In many ratings, the Sydney funnel-web spider is considered one of the deadliest in the world. He will attack without the slightest hesitation as soon as he suspects a threat. The spider has fangs that can easily pierce a human fingernail. Since the respiratory system can refuse from its poison, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

Six-eyed sand spider (Sicarius hahni)

The six-eyed sand spider is a medium size found in deserts and other sandy places in southern Africa. It is believed that there are about 200,000 species of sand spiders. Fortunately, this spider, like the recluse spider, is very shy. However, toxicology studies have shown that its venom is the most poisonous of all spiders. The question arises as to the danger posed by the six-eyed sand spider. Although it rarely bites humans, its bite can cause severe bleeding, vascular and tissue destruction. But the biggest problem is that there is currently no antidote for the venom of the six-eyed sand spider and its bite is likely to be fatal. Luckily, this sand spider rarely comes into contact with humans, and even when it does, it usually doesn't bite.

Some famous and interesting types of spiders

Peacock Spider (Maratus volans)

The largest species of peacock spider can be up to 76mm, the size of an eraser on a simple pencil. Like many spiders, this species is venomous. But this does not mean that the peacock spider is dangerous to humans: its small jaws are so small that it is not even able to pierce our skin. The peacock spider stalks its prey like a lion. It lunges and destroys prey three or four times its own size.

Side walker spiders, or crab spiders (Thomisidae)

photo Allan Lance

The family of these interesting spiders includes 175 genera with 2103 species. Crab spiders got their name because of the ability to move sideways, like crabs, as well as forward and backward. Species from this family range in size from small to large - from 2 to 23 mm. There is a huge variety of colors and shapes. During the day, crab spiders are active, occupying flowers or other vegetation where they lure prey. Some species of crab spiders are even capable of changing color for several hours or even days to match the color of the petals of the flower in which they reside. Other species of the family seem to be covered with mud, which makes it difficult to detect them on the ground.

hunter kamchataya ( Dolomedes fimbriatus)

photo John Balcombe

A notable ability of a hunter of a limbed or dolomedes is its habitat and, accordingly, its diet. This spider lives near a reservoir and feeds on small fish, which is why it is often called a fish spider. Dolomedes is a large brown and white spider that has long, strong legs and an oval-shaped belly. The banded hunter is able to crawl down aquatic plants, and if he is in danger, he can remain under water for about an hour.

whip spider (Argyrodes colubrinus)

The whip spider rather resembles a thin twig and does not at all resemble its relatives. The species was named Сolubrinus, which means serpentine in translation. This is how nature created it for camouflage. Such a predator sits in a web, and the victim thinks that these are branches stuck to the cobweb and is not at all afraid of him.

Unique species among all spiders

Bagheera Kipling (Bagheera kiplingi)

Such a unique spider is a species called Kipling's Bagheera , that feeds exclusively on plant foods, when all the other spiders in the world are predators. This tropical species feeds on buds that grow on acacias. Bagheera Kipling is found in Mexico and Central America, has a length of 5-6 mm. This unique spider lives where it feeds, on acacia. It builds its nest on old leaves and other parts of the tree, where ant populations, which are also inhabitants of these trees, are relatively rare.

The smallest and largest spider

Patu digua - the smallest spider

The smallest spider that is known to science today is − Patu digua. It is almost impossible to see this spider with the naked eye, because its average size is 0.37 mm. It lives in West Africa on the Ivory Coast.

The world's largest spider Theraphosa blondi

The world's largest spider Theraphosa blondi- its leg span reaches 28 cm. There are some spiders that sometimes have a larger leg span, but they are noticeably inferior to him in size. Theraphosa blondi female reaches 100.4 mm and male 85 mm. The body of this spider is painted dark brown, and the legs are covered with a mass of reddish-brown hairs.

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