Sheep of the North Caucasian breed. The best meat breeds of sheep. Review, reviews, photos and videos. Characteristics of meat breed Texel

Nasal congestion affects not only people, but also beloved cats. Runny nose in cats is quite common. This is due to the fact that the nasal passages of pets are very small, and the slightest inflammation or irritation causes severe congestion. What to do if your animal has a stuffy nose? How to help a cat with a runny nose, you will learn from this article.

Causes of stuffy nose in cats

The most common cause of a runny nose in cats is an allergic reaction to chemicals.

Some of the most common causes of a runny nose in cats include:

  • allergic reactions . Often occurs on detergents, perfume, pollen, and other mucosal irritating substances.
  • Viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Hypothermia or eating too cold food.
  • Inhalation of hot air.
  • Inhalation of toxic fumes.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage.
  • Tumors in the nasopharynx.

Common cold symptoms in cats

The most common runny nose is:

  • Heavy breathing, the cat often breathes through the mouth.
  • Itching and redness of the skin on the nose.
  • Frequent snorting, .
  • Enlarged lymph nodes under the lower jaw.
  • Discharge from the nose.

If the cat has green, brown or yellow discharge from the nose, then the pet has purulent rhinitis.

If you notice green, brown, or yellow discharge from your cat's nose, it means that your pet has purulent rhinitis. In this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Treatment of nasal congestion in a cat at home

Any owner at the sight of a tormented pet will break his heart. Therefore, you need to know that a person can help his pet at home. To , you need:

If a cat's runny nose is caused by hypothermia, she needs to provide warmth and rest.

If you don't know the exact cause of your pet's rhinitis, then the best option is to see a specialist. The veterinarian will determine the cause of the common cold in the animal and draw up a comprehensive treatment plan using various drugs.

What happens if a pet's nasal congestion is not treated?

Runny nose can develop into purulent rhinitis

With inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nasal passage, the cat does not receive the proper amount of oxygen.

Because of this, the work of all organs of the animal may deteriorate. After that, the pet will become passive, appetite will worsen and the whole organism will be depleted. If acute rhinitis in a pet is not treated, then it can develop into a chronic one, which requires long-term treatment and increased care.

Prevention of the common cold in cats

To prevent the common cold, you need to get vaccinated.

It is better to prevent a runny nose in cats than to puzzle over how to cure it later. In order to avoid nasal congestion in a pet, you must follow a few rules:

  • Vaccination. It helps prevent many and fungal diseases. Therefore, there is a high chance of avoiding future problems with the nose of the animal.
  • Avoid hypothermia cats . In the room where the pet is constantly located, there should be no drafts. The place where it is located should not be cold
  • Monitor your pet's immune system . Feed your animal properly. Your cat's diet should contain the vitamins and minerals needed to keep your pet healthy.
  • All possible allergens in the house, should keep away from the cat . If an allergy is suspected, it is necessary to switch to hypoallergenic food, do not use chemical products for pet care, and remove all house plants away from the animal.


If you notice the first symptoms of a runny nose in a pet, immediately begin to act.

Timely treatment and proper care will help to quickly bring your pet's nose back to normal. And adhering to all the rules for the prevention of a runny nose in a cat, you will provide the animal with a long and healthy life next to you.

Video about rhinotracheitis in cats

What's in the article:

In this article, will tell you everything about your pet's stuffy nose. Cats have a keen sense of smell (fifteen times better than humans) and a sensitive nose. Any, even the most insignificant external factors can lead to severe nasal congestion.

Cats are uncomfortable breathing through their mouths, so a runny nose brings them great discomfort. You will definitely notice if the cat has a stuffy nose.


This list will help you recognize the first signs of the onset of the disease.

  1. It is difficult for the cat to breathe, wheezing may appear during inhalation and exhalation.
  2. The nose and nasal mucosa were reddened.
  3. Snot comes out of the nose. They can be different: transparent liquid, thick purulent, green, yellow, and even with traces of blood.
  4. The cat's eyes are inflamed and watery.
  5. The cat may rub and scratch the nose and eyes.
  6. Various sounds can be made: snorting, wheezing, sniffling.
  7. The cat began to sneeze or cough.
  8. High body temperature.
  9. Weakness and refusal to eat.
  10. Lymph nodes under the chin may become inflamed.

A runny nose may accompany all or several of these symptoms. It depends on the characteristics of your cat's body and on the specific disease.


It is very important to find out why your cat got sick, because the way of treatment and care depends on it.

If the cat's condition is normal, she does not lie all the time, eats well, is cheerful and playful, then you can try to help her yourself. If the animal is very difficult, then it is better not to risk it and show it to a specialist.

Take care of the sick

What to do if the cat has a stuffy nose? First of all, you must improve the living conditions of your pet. To drink in large quantities only with warm water, to feed for the period of illness is also better with warm food. Watch carefully for drafts. If the cat has a cold, you can put a heating pad in her house.

Discharge from the nose and crust clean with a damp cotton swab or disc. If the cat does not have a temperature, warm her nose with a bag of hot sand or coarse salt. Brew chamomile and wipe watery eyes with this infusion. Chamomile will relieve inflammation.

If your cat is sneezing and has a stuffy nose, try rinsing her nasal passages. Add two teaspoons of sea salt to a glass of boiled water. If possible, beetroot juice can be diluted with water in a ratio of one to three. You can instill into the nose with a pipette or syringe without a needle. Before the procedure, try the prepared solution on yourself, because in cats the mucous membrane is more delicate than in humans.

Buy food with a stronger smell. If a cat has a stuffy nose, it doesn't smell well. Having smelled such food, she will happily eat.

In winter, when the heating is on, it is better to close the batteries with wet towels: it is more difficult to breathe in dry air.


If the disease is serious

If your pet is lethargic, lies a lot and does not eat anything, you should take him to the veterinarian. If possible, call a doctor at home so as not to torment the cat once again, it is already hard for her.

In this case, a runny nose is just a symptom of a dangerous disease. Self-treatment can result in the death of the animal.

When a cat refuses water, they put him on a drip so that there is no dehydration. Also, animals can be injected with vitamins when they refuse food. This way they will have the energy for a successful recovery.

The veterinarian prescribes various drugs, depending on the identified infection or virus. It is important to strictly follow the doctor's instructions, even if there are a lot of them and you don't want to torture the fluffy with medicines and needles. It's all for his good!

Help the cat not get sick

For the prevention of a runny nose and other diseases, hypothermia of the cat should not be allowed!

  1. Do not give food directly from the refrigerator, you need to wait until it warms up to room temperature. When you ventilate the room, take the animal to another room.
  2. If you take your pet for a walk, make sure that he does not come into contact with other animals. Not only cats and dogs, but also birds! Don't give him anything to eat, not even grass.
  3. Ask your veterinarian which vitamins your cat needs to boost her immune system.
  4. Don't forget about vaccinations.
  5. If the cat is allergic, get rid of the source. Even if it's your favorite flower given to you by your grandmother. Your pet's health is more important!
  6. Keep the house clean. Regular wet cleaning will help prevent the spread of infection.

Whatever it is - a cold or an infection, if possible, show your pet to the doctor, this can save his life. Good luck to you and your cat!

Oddly enough, but a runny nose in cats is not a rare condition that occurs due to the appearance of infection and other diseases. Accompanied by purulent or watery mucous secretions. In our article, we will talk about how to identify this disease, the causes of its occurrence and consider the most common methods of treatment.

Cats are more prone to diseases such as rhinitis than other animals. This is due to the fact that they have narrow nasal passages. The slightest swelling, which can cause any irritant, leads to congestion of the nasal passages.

The main causes of a runny nose

There are many reasons that cause a runny nose in a kitten, among them:


To understand that a cat has some problems, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Symptoms of viruses: runny nose, snot, suppuration of the eyes, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, while the general condition of the animal, as a rule, suffers. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Sometimes the presence of a virus in a pet can be fatal, and time goes on for days.
  • With an allergy, a pet has symptoms such as: nasal congestion, snot flowing, swollen and festering eyes, impaired respiratory function, itching.
  • Symptoms of polyps and tumors: the animal rubs its nose with its paws, as if something is bothering it. On the muzzle, as a result of the occurrence of a tumor, asymmetry and curvature may appear.
  • Signs of the presence of a foreign body: the cat shakes its muzzle, sneezes, snot is released from it.

Runny nose treatment

In order to cure rhinitis in a cat, you need to consult a veterinarian, because it will help not only to calm the snot as a result of the disease, but also help fight the cause that caused them. Treatment depends on what the pet is sick with. A diagnosis can only be made if the necessary tests are obtained and then the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate treatment, for example:

  • If the animal cannot breathe at all, then it is necessary to provide urgent assistance: to free and clear the nasal passages with the help of washings.
  • Sometimes, if the kitten is dehydrated, you have to do a drip.
  • In order to avoid the attachment of a secondary infection, it is necessary to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Treatment of the common cold is carried out with the help of the drug Dioxycycline in the appropriate dosage.
  • Fosprenil in the appropriate dosage.
  • If the cat has a stuffy nose, then you can wash with children's Naphthyzinum in the appropriate dosage according to the instructions of the veterinarian.
  • For the purpose of treatment, such a technique as quarantine and constant change of bedding, as well as avoidance of drafts, is needed.

Treatment at home

If it is not possible to visit a veterinary clinic, then you can treat at home in the following ways:

  • Treatment with warming up has proven itself well. To do this, you can use warm salt or sand, poured into a bag.
  • You can do washing with Boric acid and Zinc sulfate.
  • It is good to treat rhinitis with saline injections.
  • Treatment with beetroot juice dropped into each nostril will help with a runny nose.
  • If the animal cannot breathe due to nasal congestion, then it can be treated with saline and Ecmonovocillin.
  • Streptocide, previously ground into powder and blown into each nostril of a cat, helps to relieve the inflammatory process.
  • If the pet has a serious condition due to the impossibility of breathing, then you can instill it with children's Galazalin.

If the cat has problems with the nose, she cannot breathe calmly, then you need to visit the veterinary clinic, only there they will help you decide on the right treatment.

This problem is very often faced by owners of pets from the feline family, but not in all cases we can talk about the presence of a serious illness.

As practice shows, only an examination by a veterinarian can give an accurate answer and make a diagnosis, but it will not be superfluous to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat can be the cause of a runny nose and how you can help your wards cope with this problem at home. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation.

How to identify a runny nose in a cat, cat, kitten symptoms, causes

To determine the runny nose in your cat, you need to carefully monitor it. If she has:

- Difficulty breathing - breathing heavily, it can even be easily noticed with the mouth;
- She may look sickly;
- If the inflammation is strong enough, then the cat can even scratch its nose;
- Mucus (snot, everything is like in humans) can be released from transparent to greenish liquid, and sometimes with pus;

- If the cause is an infection, then the temperature may rise, and the kitten's nose will be hot;
- Often rhinitis accompanies lacrimation (conjunctivitis), while swelling.
The cause of rhinitis (runny nose in cats) can be:
- Allergy. Pedigree cats are very prone to this;

— Viral, bacterial, fungal diseases;
- Get cold outside or by eating very cold food;
- If you inadvertently inhaled washing powder, detergent or cleaning agent;
- From inhalation of ammonia or acid;
- Presence of a foreign body in the nose;
Or from a tumor in the nasal cavity.

How to cure a runny nose in a cat at home, what antibiotics and drops to give

Treatment is carried out after examination and prescription of drugs by a veterinarian and only under his supervision.

If it is a bacterial infection, then "Amoxiclav", "Baytril" is prescribed. If a viral infection, then an antiviral drug is prescribed, such as: Neoferon, Vitafel, Giskan, etc. Well, if a fungal infection, then Bioparox.

You can drip saline solution 1 drop into each nostril 4-5 times a day.

How to treat a runny nose in a cat folk remedies

Folk remedies include warming up: boil water in a saucepan, put a piece of Asterisk balm in it and breathe with your cat. Repeat the procedure several times. You can drip aloe juice with a pipette into each nostril for 3 days.

What to do if the cat has a runny nose and sneezes

It is necessary to regularly clean the nose from crusts, which should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide. If he is breathing heavily, his nose is stuffy, then you need to use vasoconstrictor drugs. And since they weren’t specially invented for cats, you need to drip drops of Nazivin only for children or Derinat. There is one condition they should not be dripped often in order to avoid drying out of the mucosa.

If there is a mucous discharge, then it is necessary to rinse the cat's nose. For this you need to use 2% boric acid, 1% soda solution, saline solution, Aquamaris. Washing should be done with a syringe without a needle, gently inject 0.5-1 mg into each nostril, with a gentle stream. Wrap the cat in a sheet or blanket first. If the veterinarian advises, then warm up the nose with a bag of sand that is preheated. Only if the cat has no temperature.

Cat runny nose from worms

If the cat's runny nose does not go away, he does not eat anything

It is necessary to show the cat to the veterinarian for examination, prescribing treatment, possibly prescribing tests.

Runny nose in a cat with blood

If conventional remedies do not help, try Fosprinil - you can drink it, instill it and inject it, just before the procedures, dilute it in half with water.
If there is blood, then apply cold to the nose, or drip a 0.5-2% solution of Tannin drop by drop two to three times a day.

And of course, take tests from a doctor to determine the causes of such a runny nose.

Runny nose in a cat drugs gramicidin, dioxidin

A weak solution of furacilin or dioxidine can wash the cat's nose. For irrigation, a 2% solution of gramicidin 1 ml is taken and dissolved in 100 ml of water, then washed.

Meat production is a successful industry, and animals such as sheep make up a large part of it. How they differ from each other and what meat breeds of sheep exist, we will describe in this review.


French breed of sheep, which appeared as a result of crossing leisters and rambouillet rams. After breeding in France, prekos were brought to Germany, where meat-type merinos were obtained through additional selection. Thus, in our time, there are several varieties of prekos, similar in wool and appearance to merino. Prekos are loved by livestock breeders for good weight gain and a strong meat-type body.

Both rams and sheep are polled, however, sometimes there are prekos with horns, which is not a defect of these sheep. The mass of sheep reaches up to 130 kg, occasionally there are record individuals weighing more. The yield of meat from one sheep with high-quality care and maintenance is approximately 55 kg. Vitality is good, disease resistant.

romney march

An excellent breed, beloved by Western breeders. The Romney March is a strong-bodied sheep, polled, with a uniform beautiful coat and a well-defined meat constitution. The body is powerful, the legs are strong, the rams have a wool length of 12 cm by the age of one year. A distinctive feature of the breed is the shine of the wool and a clear curl of the fiber. The Romney March is very similar to the Kuibyshev breed. However, their performance is almost the same.


Semi-fine-fleece, meat sheep and rams, large, with well-developed meat indicators. The appearance is impressive, the coat is thick, prone to the formation of tangles. They are the result of crossing the queens of the Romney March and Cherkasy sheep. Polled, with a hairless head, with strong hooves and a short tail.

Perfectly adapt to cold or heat. Sometimes they can inherit a uniform type of wool, without crimp. The ram weighs on average 102-105 kg, the uterus - about 70 kg. They have high fertility and precocity.

North Caucasian

The breed was formed as a result of crossing Stavropol sheep, Romney March and Lincoln sheep. North Caucasian sheep have a strong body, a broad back and rump, excellent wool of medium density with a noticeable crimp. The length of the wool fiber is 11 cm on average. Both meat and wool yields are quite high.

A ram of the North Caucasian breed weighs about 120 kg, a sheep is noticeably smaller and weighs about 65 kg. From one ram you can get about 45-50 kg of meat. The North Caucasian sheep is similar in characteristics to the Tien Shan breed.

Latvian dark-headed

The breed is almost 200 years old, it appeared as a result of crossing Oxfordshire sheep and Shropshire sheep. Like other meat breeds, the Latvian dark-headed breed is distinguished by a strong body, by which you can immediately understand that it is the Latvian meat breed in front of you. This animal has a medium length coat of gray and yellowish-gray color, and the head and legs are black, hence the name of the breed. Sheep can gain weight up to 100 kg, and ewes up to 55. A distinctive characteristic of the Latvian sheep is precocity. Baby lambs weigh 3-4 kg and grow rapidly, weighing more than 45 kg by the year.


Saraja rams and sheep belong to fat-tailed ones. The backbone is strong, the muscle mass is average, but the meat is of excellent quality. The Saraja breed is not only a source of meat, but also an excellent supplier of coarse wool and down. The color is white, and the wool fiber is shiny, the head and legs are darker than the body. The weight of an adult ram is about 90 kg, and the weight of the uterus is almost 60 kg, sometimes more. Shearing is carried out twice a year, as the animals grow quickly.


It was bred in Tajikistan. Like the Saraja, it belongs to the meat-fat breeds with high productive qualities. Tajik thoroughbred sheep have a weight of about 130 kg, and sometimes 160 kg, which already speaks of their size. Yarochki weigh less - from about 80 to 100 kg. Lambs of this breed are valued for meat and rapid weight gain, however, like other meat breeds. In appearance, Tajik ones are similar to Lincolns (wool breed).


The most famous Russian breed, one might say, is a record holder in terms of its qualities regarding precocity and productivity. Basically, such indicators are achieved due to the large number of lambs in the uterus. One individual leads up to 5 cubs. For this, Romanov rams and sheep are kept and bred in many Russian private farms. Sheep weigh about 90-100 kg, ewes - 50-60 kg. The live weight of one offspring 7 months after lambing can reach up to 200 kg, therefore Romanov sheep are more often bred "for meat".

Another feature of the Romanovskaya is that the uterus can bring lambs 2-3 times a year, since they have sexual hunting several times. Not only meat, but also milk is given by animals of this breed. On average, for three months of lactation, it is possible to get about 110 kg of fat milk (fat content 8%).


The largest rams in the world are about the Hissar breed. The average weight category of such a ram is 140 kg, but this figure can be significantly increased through nutrition. Weight record holders are individuals of 190-200 kg. Yarka weighs less, standard 80 kg, but can recover up to 120 kg. The weight of baby lambs immediately after birth reaches 7 kg. The Hissar is a fat-tailed breed, and the size of the fat-tailed tail directly depends on the direction within the breed. In meat fat tails, it is almost invisible.


Hardy fat-tailed animals with a characteristic meat warehouse of the body. Sheep weight - from 110 to 150 kg, sheep - from 65 to 100 kg. Depending on the nutrition and quality of walking, they can gain weight perfectly. Lambs after birth have a weight of 6 kg, and by the time of weaning from the uterus and all 45-50 kg. Fertility is rather low, but the meat of these sheep is good in taste, so they are bred willingly. The most popular color is red and brown. Also available in black and brown.

Video "Russian breeds of sheep"

Video footage from a livestock show, which can give you an idea of ​​the productivity of many breeds and understand how they look.

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