ICD code for varicocele on the left. Varicose veins on the left testicle: symptoms, treatment methods. Treatment and prevention of varicocele

Varicocele ICD-10 is classified as varicose diseases: this disease manifests itself in the fact that the veins of the spermatic cord dilate, which can result in pain in the scrotum during physical activity, as well as during sexual intercourse.

At certain stages of varicocele, a man develops infertility because insufficient oxygen enters the testicle for the normal development of sperm.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, varicocele belongs to code I86.1 - varicose veins in the lower extremities.

Most often, varicocele ICD-10 appears on the left testicle in men aged 15 to 25 years, and this disease can be diagnosed during a routine examination by a doctor.

There are several reasons why varicocele ICD-10 develops. Experts include such causes as pathologies in the anatomical development of a young man, features of professional activity (carrying heavy loads), problems with excess weight, irregular and rare sex, as well as inflammatory processes in the body.

Treatment of varicocele ICD-10 is carried out only surgically. There are several methods for performing varicocele surgery, but the most popular is the Ivanissevich method of surgery.

Varicocele according to ICD-10 code: statistics on the incidence of varicocele according to ICD 10

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the incidence of varicocele according to ICD-10 is diagnosed in approximately 15% of the male population, and among infertile men this disease occurs in 40% of cases.

Among a group of men with secondary infertility, the percentage of varicoceles according to ICD-10 code increases to 80%.

The name “varicocele” itself comes from the Latin language; in fact, the word means “tumor in the venous node.” Just as in cases of dilated veins in the legs, the development of varicocele ICD-10 is facilitated by insufficient performance of the venous valves, as a result of which the increased pressure in the vessels causes a reverse flow of blood. Thus, varicocele is a symptom of insufficiency of the internal testicular vein.

Is it necessary to treat varicocele according to the ICD code?

As a rule, varicocele begins to develop during puberty, when the final formation of the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems occurs.

Varicocele manifests itself as dilated veins that form a special pampiniform plexus on the testicle.

This plexus is also called pampiniform.

A medical diagnosis of the presence of ICD-10 varicocele can be made as a result of a routine examination by a specialist or by a vascular surgeon at a special appointment if this disease is suspected.

Varicocele according to ICD-10 code can have different origins:

  • Congenital varicocele: associated with genetic and anatomical features in the development of men. Congenital varicocele causes increased pressure in the lumen of the left renal vein.
  • Acquired varicocele: this form of the disease develops at the time of puberty and intensive development of the young man’s body. The male body undergoes many changes during maturation, which can lead to ICD-10 varicocele. Acquired varicocele can also develop in an adult man as a result of constant weight lifting, chronic constipation and diarrhea, as well as other factors that can provoke a sharp increase in pressure in the pelvic organs.

Diagnosis of varicocele

Even in cases where varicocele is asymptomatic, the disease is easy to detect.

There are two main diagnostic methods:

  • Diagnostics using special medical methods and equipment, which includes examination using ultrasound and Dopplerography of the scrotum.
  • Diagnosis by palpation and examination: as a result of altered blood circulation in the veins on the testicle, formations and tumors can be noticed, the testicle descends, the symmetry of the scrotum is disturbed, the dilated vein itself is somewhat similar to a bunch of grapes.

The disorders that arise as a result of the development of varicocele directly affect the characteristics of sperm, so a spermogram can be considered another diagnostic method. If the spermogram is below normal, then the man needs to undergo additional tests for the possible presence of varicocele.

Varicocele may not be the only disease associated with disruption of the vascular walls: in addition to this ailment, a man may have dilated veins in the legs, as well as hemorrhoids.

What are the degrees of varicocele ICD?

Varicocele according to the ICD-10 code may have different symptoms or not have them at all, depending on what stage of development this disease is at.

There are four main degrees: in the first degree, dilation of blood vessels on the testicle can only be detected through a special medical examination; in the second degree, the urologist can palpate the dilated veins in the patient in a standing position; in the third degree, you can palpate the varicocele with the man in a standing or lying position; in the fourth degree, dilated veins can be seen without palpation.

As a rule, varicocele does not progress from one degree to another, but this is still possible as a result of the influence of many factors. Typically, varicocele ICD-10 develops on the left side; much less often, the disease manifests itself on the right; cases of the disease developing on both sides at once are especially rare.

Is surgery necessary?

Varicocele is a fairly common disease associated with impaired pressure in the veins of the testicle and in the spermatic cord. With varicocele according to ICD-10, the only way to solve the problem is surgery. However, the need for surgery is determined by the answer to the question: does the man intend to conceive a child in the future? If a man is already old, has enough children and does not experience discomfort with varicocele according to ICD-10, then surgery is not necessary.

Indications for varicocele surgery ICD-10 can serve as a list of the following points:

  • Underdevelopment of the testicle as a result of impaired blood flow.
  • The appearance of cosmetic defects due to the drooping left testicle.
  • Disturbance in sperm development.
  • Pain in the testicle with varicocele.

Degrees of varicocele that do not have painful effects do not affect a man’s health in any way and do not bring any problems or consequences, except for the main and only thing - infertility. In approximately 50% of cases, ICD-10 varicocele does not manifest itself in any way.

According to the international classification, varicocele ICD 10 is one of the forms of manifestation of varicose veins. This is a common disease of the body, largely due to heredity.

Its essence lies in the weakness of the walls of blood vessels, their reduced elasticity, and the permeability of the wall to the liquid part of the blood.

Classification, symptoms and signs

Pathological dilation of the vessels of the spermatic cord, caused by external and internal causes, does not cause any pain at the initial stage of the disease and is detected during preventive examinations. Predisposition to disease is aggravated by “wrong” behavior, bad habits, and chronic inflammatory diseases.

In the Russian Federation, ICD-10 is a normative document that records morbidity, the reasons why people seek medical help, and the causes of mortality from diseases. The number 10 in international qualifications means the number of document revisions. Varicose veins according to ICD-10 means code 183.

The classification codes or disease codes are as follows:

  • ICD-183.1 code, means dilation of the veins in the legs with symptoms of blood stagnation, manifestations of stagnant dermatitis;
  • code 183.2, as a manifestation of varicose veins of the legs, with inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • ICD-183.3 code, varicose veins on the legs, with the appearance of trophic ulcers;
  • code 183.9, means varicose veins, not complicated by thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers;

ICD 10 code, code 186.1, is a varicocele, which develops gradually and if therapeutic measures are not taken, its symptoms increase:

  1. 1 tbsp. – invisible enlargement of blood vessels, detected only during diagnosis using instrumental methods.
  2. 2 tbsp. varicocele according to the ICD - in the lying position the disease is still invisible, but stands out during strain.
  3. 3 tbsp. in accordance with the ICD-10 code - a clearly visible stage of the disease, regardless of body position; upon palpation, swelling of the scrotum is recorded. Venous nodes are identified.
  4. 4 tbsp. according to the ICD-10 code, it is observed in pronounced nodular swellings of blood vessels on the scrotum. The scrotum becomes like a bunch of grapes, the testicle decreases in size or dropsy is observed.

Varicocele means chronic varicocele of the spermatic cord. These veins form the pampiniform plexus in the scrotum. The disease occurs in a quarter of adolescents and men, mainly in the age period from 12 to 25 years. The pathology also occurs in children over 10 years of age.

The danger of the disease is that it can lead to infertility for half of men. This phenomenon occurs from congestion in the testicles, which disrupts spermatogenesis.

According to the international classification of pathologies, the ICD-10 code is included in code 186.1 - varicose veins of the lower extremities. Varicose veins of the venous system are caused by a combination of factors and manifest as painful phenomena in the vessels of the legs and pelvis, including the testicles.

Risk factors for the development of pathology of the testicular venous system are:

  • high blood pressure caused by kidney failure;
  • pathology of valves in the testicular vein;
  • venous insufficiency in the testicles.

The main reasons for the development of pathology:

  • internal disorders of immune processes;
  • pathological structure of venous vessels under the influence of heredity;
  • violations of the structure of valves in the spermatic vein;
  • physical fatigue and excessive stress;
  • general disturbances of blood supply in the pelvic organs and scrotum;
  • genetic conditioning;
  • looseness of the vascular wall in the scrotum area;
  • nephroptosis;
  • extreme cold exposure;
  • high blood pressure due to kidney failure;
  • formation of scar tissue in the tissues surrounding the kidneys;
  • consequences of injuries.

Varicocele in the early stages of development does not cause any trouble, men do not feel the disease. Pathology is often discovered by chance, during, for example, medical examinations at a military registration and enlistment office.

The patient notices the first symptoms when stage 3 or even stage 4 of varicocele has occurred, according to the ICD-10 code:

  • nagging pain in the scrotum;
  • pain from the scrotum spreads to the lower back, radiating to the legs;
  • swollen vessels on the testicle become noticeable;
  • sexual function becomes painful.

In accordance with the international classification according to the ICD-10 code, varicocele is expressed in degrees of development:

  1. First degree. At this stage, the disease occurs without symptoms and does not manifest itself externally or in sensations. First degree varicocele cannot be determined by palpation. To establish a diagnosis, ultrasound, Doppler sonography is used, and the Valsalva maneuver is performed.
  2. Second degree. An experienced doctor will determine VRV during examination of the patient, which is carried out in a standing position. When palpating the scrotum, thickening of the venous plexuses on one or both testicles is observed. In a supine position, veins do not dilate. Symptoms in the second degree are manifested by pain and disturbances during sexual intercourse.
  3. Third degree. In this case, enlarged scrotal vessels are visible in any position of the body. One of the testicles is noticeably enlarged and noticeably lower. The patient feels constant pain, discomfort during sexual intercourse, tests show a violation of spermatogenesis.
  4. Fourth degree. Varicocele ICD-10 has all the characteristic features. The symptoms of pain are accompanied by changes in the veins of the scrotum, and the asymmetry of the position of the testicles in the scrotum becomes noticeable. On palpation, venous swellings are detected. Sexual function is impaired, semen tests show disturbances in spermatogenesis. The ICD varicocele code on the left refers to the fourth degree.

ICD-10 code statistics provided by the World Health Organization show that about 15% of men suffer from this disease, which is the leading cause of male infertility.

The overlap of hereditary and environmental factors contributes to the fact that varicocele remains a common disease. Early detection of pathology is one of the main tasks of phlebologists.

Conservative treatment

The first and second stages of varicocele according to ICD-10 code are treated conservatively. This treatment is carried out in order to prevent further development of the disease and ensure stable blood supply to the genital organs located in the scrotum.

Treatment involves taking medications, each of which has corresponding instructions, that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, they help:

  • eliminating venous congestion, improving the supply of testicular tissue with oxygen, enhancing capillary blood circulation (venotonics);
  • antioxidant drugs that simultaneously stimulate spermatogenesis;
  • beneficially affecting the viability and motility of sperm.

A large class of venotonic drugs that strengthen the venous walls are divided according to their mechanisms of action.

Table. Drugs that stimulate venous circulation in the testicles:

Name Mechanism of action Active substance
DetralexAngioprotector that helps increase venous tone, improves microcirculationDiosmin and Hesperidin
AescinActivates the production of hormones in the adrenal glands. Increases the tone of the veins of the testicles, reduces the permeability of the capillary wallsHorse chestnut extract, which contains the active ingredient Aescin
VenarusStrengthens the vascular wall, helps saturate testicular tissue with nutrients and oxygen. Refers to angioprotectorsPlant flavonoids Hesperidin and Diosmin, an analogue of Detralex
VenenVein-strengthening agent, helps eliminate edema, has a venotonic effect, has a thrombolytic effectActive ingredient isolated from horse chestnut extract, Aescin
VenitanIt is an angioprotector, that is, it normalizes metabolism in the wall of blood vessels, reduces its permeability, improves capillary circulationBeta-escin and heparin
VenoplantReduces swelling, tones venous walls, relieves pain, improves microcirculationEscin from horse chestnut extract
VenorutonHas angioprotective and tonic effects, is an antioxidantRutoside
Ginkor FortAngioprotector. Improves venous circulation and microcirculation, has an analgesic effectActive ingredient: Heptaminol hydrochloride
GlivenolPrevents the development of inflammation, has an analgesic and relaxing effect, while toning. Eliminates edema and hemodynamic blood parametersTribenoside
Doppelhertz Active RevmagutRestores and tones venous vessels. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectActive substance isolated from Harpagophytum root extract, contains essential oils, flavonoids
ConcentrineVenotonic, anti-inflammatory and angioprotective effects. Improves microcirculation, promotes vascular regenerationActive ingredient Escin
RutinDesigned to reduce vascular permeability, improve microcirculation and normalize metabolic processes in the vascular wallActive ingredient: Rutozid
TribenosideShows venodynamic effect. Improves blood circulation in capillaries and reduces vascular permeability. Anesthetizes, reduces swelling, promotes the resorption of blood clotsActive substance Tribenoside
TroxevasinPronounced venotonic effect, refers to bioflavonoids, angioprotectorsActive substance Troxerutin
Phlebodia 600By increasing the strength of the walls of veins and capillaries, it reduces their permeability, therefore reducing tissue swelling. Shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectPlant flavonoid Diosmin

With the disease, the oxygen supply to the gonads deteriorates, and the formation of full-fledged sperm suffers. To restore normal spermatogenesis, drugs are prescribed that stimulate biochemical processes.

Table. Drugs that promote spermatogenesis:

Name Active substance Mechanism of action
Cyclo-3-forteThe drug strengthens and tones the walls of venous vessels, strengthens intercellular interaction, and exhibits an angioprotective effectRuscus glycoside extract, Hesperidin, Ascorbic acid
EndothelonescinProven venotonic and angioprotective effectActive ingredient: purified grape seed extract
OrbiflexStrengthens and tones the walls of venous vessels, helps restore adequate blood supplyPentaxifylline, Cimetidine
TriovitIs a strong antioxidant, increases sperm activityVitamins C, E, selenium
SpermactinHow an antioxidant activates spermatogenesis processesL-carnitine fumarate and acetyl-L-carnitine, Fructose
SpermActiveHelps improve the supply of oxygen to the cells of the gonadsBioflavonoids, Peruvian ginseng, ginseng root, zinc, vitamin E, selenium, folic acid, B vitamins

The most important indicator of the circulatory system is hemodynamics. It characterizes the intensity of removal of decay products from tissues and the degree of oxygen supply to cells.

The more intense the hemodynamic processes occur, the better the body tissues are provided with the necessary substances. For initial grade varicocele, medications are prescribed that “thin” the blood and accelerate metabolic processes.

Table. Drugs to improve hemodynamics in varicose veins:

Drugs How it works Active substance
AgapurinAn effective remedy for improving microcirculation, improves blood hemodynamics, reduces its viscosity, does not allow platelets to aggregate, which prevents the formation of blood clotsPentoxifylline, magnesium stearate, povidone, hypromellose, talc
ArbiflexImproves the hemodynamic properties of blood, thins the blood, improves microcirculation in the veins of the extremities and pelvisPentoxifylline, as the instructions say, is a vasodilator
VazoniteImproves microcirculation and hemodynamics of blood, thins it, prevents the blood clotting mechanism from triggeringPentoxifylline, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, hydroxypropyl methyl, talc, anhydrous colloidal silica, polyethylene glycol, microcrystalline cellulose
Ginkgo bilobaIncreases the tone of blood vessels, activates spermatogenesisGinkgo Biloba leaf extract, Glycine, B vitamins
MellinormPromotes free flow of blood through vessels, reduces its viscosity, prevents blood from clottingPentoxifylline, starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate
PentilinIncreases blood circulation in capillaries, promotes blood saturation with oxygenPentoxifylline, titanium dioxide, talc
PentohexalImproves the outflow of venous blood from organsPentoxifylline, starch, titanium dioxide
RalofectDilates blood vessels, improves microcirculation, has a positive effect on the rheological properties of bloodPentoxifylline, silicon dioxide, talc, starch
TrenpentalImproves the rheological properties of blood, prevents clotting, accelerates the resorption of blood clotsDimethylxanthine derivative, Pentoxifylline
TrentalImproves peripheral blood circulationPentoxifylline, lactose, magnesium stearate, starch, talc, colloidal silicon dioxide
FlexitalPrevents blood clotting. Improves blood circulation in peripheral vesselsPentoxifylline, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone K-30, purified talc, magnesium stearate, acrylic acid copolymer type B, titanium dioxide
HinotalStimulates peripheral blood circulation in capillariesPentoxifylline, gelatin shell

Drug treatment is intended to restore the functions of the gonads in case of circulatory disorders. It is preferable in the first and second stages of varicocele, when the pathological process has not yet become irreversible.

If a patient is diagnosed with varicocele of the third or fourth degree, then conservative treatment will not help; surgery must be performed.

Methods of surgical treatment

Surgeries to remove varicocele involve removing pathologically altered vessels in order to restore normal blood supply.

Methods are constantly being improved; in addition to the basic ones, there are many modifications:

  1. Ivanissevich's operation. Nowadays it is not so common, although it is classic. With this method, the left testicular vein is removed after ligating it. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, cutting through the abdominal wall. The advantage of the operation is its simplicity, which does not require highly qualified surgeons. The disadvantage is the long postoperative period and frequent relapses of the disease. The video in this article shows the progress of the Ivanissevich operation.
  2. Varicocele operation according to Marmar or endoscopy, this is a more advanced method, as it relates to microsurgery. Requires a highly qualified surgeon, the damaging effects are minimal. Short rehabilitation period, rare relapses and complications. The operation is performed without opening the abdominal cavity.
  3. Laser coagulation. The modern method is endoscopic, without incisions; the problematic vein is simply coagulated with a laser beam through an endoscope. The patient recovers quickly after the operation.
  4. Microsurgical revascularization. The essence of the operation is to replace the testicular vein with the epigastric vein using microsurgical instruments and fiber optics. This is done in a specially equipped operating room. The cost of the operation is high, but it can radically cure the disease.
  5. Laparoscopy The best method for eliminating varicocele is to insert an endoscope with a video camera and microsurgical instruments through 3 punctures in the abdomen. The advantage of the operation is minimal damaging effects, rapid restoration of the functions of the sex glands and their blood supply after surgery.

Surgical methods for treating varicocele today are the only ones that make it possible to get rid of this dangerous disease, since it leads to male infertility and makes a man’s full life impossible.

Varicocele is a disease that occurs only in men and is characterized by dilation of the veins of the testicle and spermatic cord. Most often, varicocele occurs on the left. Why on the left? Because in 90% of cases, the pathology affects the left half of the scrotum, because there is a peculiarity of blood circulation - the efferent vessel on the left is much smaller in diameter than on the right. Varicocele code according to ICD 10 is I 86.1.


Main reasons on the left side:

  • anatomical defects of the vascular walls of veins, as well as their valves;
  • disruption of the flow of efferent vessels (for the left testicular vein - the renal vein, and for the right - the inferior vena cava), which is manifested by the backflow of blood into the testicular vein and subsequent stagnation of blood in the venous plexus of the testicle. The course of the efferent vessels may be disrupted due to a tumor of the kidney;
  • compression of the testicular vein by a tumor of the pelvic organs.

There are also contributing factors to the disease:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity;
  • lifting weights;
  • increased abdominal pressure due to constipation, urination problems (with prostate adenoma);
  • prolonged increased physical activity;

Symptoms of varicocele in men may not bother you for a long time. As a rule, pathology is detected during preventive medical examinations or during an examination for infertility. Half of men suffering from infertility have varicocele.

There are three degrees of varicocele, depending on the clinical manifestations:

  • With grade 1 varicocele, the man is not bothered by complaints, the scrotum is externally unchanged. Signs of changes in the veins can only be identified by the results of an ultrasound scan of the scrotum (the veins of the testicular plexus will be dilated). The Valsalva maneuver is also used - the patient is asked to strain the abdominal muscles, this will enhance the venous pattern on the scrotum on the left, due to the swelling of the veins. The test is carried out in a lying and standing position.
  • In grade 2, altered veins are palpated (palpated) and the patient feels pain and discomfort in the scrotum area, which increases with physical activity, sexual arousal, during sex and decreases in the lying position.
  • At grade 3, changes in the veins of the scrotum are visually determined. There is an increase in the scrotum on the left, but the testicle decreases due to atrophy. The patient complains of discomfort, a burning sensation and heaviness on the left. With such a degree of varicocele, persons of military age are exempt from military service.

How can varicocele be diagnosed?

Diagnosis of left-sided varicocele consists of:

  • collecting complaints;
  • history of the disease;
  • palpation of the scrotum;
  • Ultrasound () of the scrotum;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum with injection of contrast agent
  • MRI and CT

Additional research methods:

  • general urine test, which can also detect protein;
  • spermogram, which can reveal reduced activity of spermatocytes.

Why is varicocele dangerous?

Many people know that the process of sperm formation occurs in the testicles of men. It is not in vain that nature intended for the testicles to be located outside, because the optimal temperature for sperm production is 34-36 degrees.

With testicular varicocele, there is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the scrotum and its contents. When the blood stagnates, a compensatory expansion of the veins of the scrotum occurs.

Prolonged disruption of blood flow to the testicle leads to an immune reaction. This manifests itself in the form of inflammation, increased blood flow with the attraction of macrophages (cells that eat dead tissue). And signs of testicular inflammation are swelling, redness, increased local temperature, pain and dysfunction of the affected area. In this case, it is these complaints that lead men to see a urologist. Thus, the temperature in the scrotum increases and this is detrimental to spermatogenesis, that is, the risk of male infertility is very high.

  • Conservative. Used for grade 1.2 varicocele, and also as preoperative preparation.

In other words, it temporarily relieves the symptoms of testicular disease, but it does not solve the problem at the root. First, you need to eliminate the factors that provoke the development of the disease - limiting physical and emotional stress, avoiding overheating of the scrotum and groin area.

This type of treatment includes drug therapy:

  • – help strengthen the vascular wall and improve blood flow, eliminate venous stagnation of blood. Used locally in the form of ointments (Venoton, Troxevasin) and tablets orally (Detralex). The course of treatment averages 1.5 months.
  • antioxidants – improve the enrichment of tissues with oxygen, which is necessary to maintain the general condition of venous vessels. (Triovit, Antiox, vitamins A, E, C).
  • drugs for - help increase vascular tone, enhance microcirculation, reduce blood viscosity (Trental, Pentoxifylline). Treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.

It is recommended to wear a special bandage - a suspensor, which allows you to keep the scrotum elevated, reducing pain and improving blood flow from the testicle.

  • Surgical. They resort to grades 3 and 4.

Types of surgical treatment for varicocele:

  • The classic method according to Ivanissevich involves ligating the altered vessels of the testicle.
  • The Marmara microsurgical method involves viewing vessels under a microscope through a small incision, increasing the accuracy of the operation and reducing the level of injury and re-development of the disease.
  • Endoscopic method (laparoscopic) - 3 small incisions are made on the anterior abdominal wall. One is for the optical instrument, and the remaining two are for instruments. Vein ligation is performed under the control of a six-fold magnification of the image.
  • Endovascular treatment - the testicular vein is found and a special conductor-catheter is inserted into it, through which a special spiral or sclerosant is passed, which blocks blood flow in the vein.

Preventive actions

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: proper work and rest schedule, good nutrition, giving up bad habits.
  • Wearing the right underwear to avoid compression of the genitals.
  • Moderate physical activity and the fight against excess weight. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is very important to warm up, practice walking, and cycling.
  • Regular sex life to avoid stagnation of ejaculate (sperm).
  • Avoiding increased temperature in the scrotal area.

Varicocele- varicose veins of the spermatic cord, occurs in 15% of men. It is usually detected in adolescents during a medical examination. It is less commonly diagnosed in adult men during examination for infertility (detected in 30% of cases). In 90-95% of cases, varicocele develops on the left.

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10:

  • I86.1


Etiology and pathogenesis. The main causes of left-sided varicocele are considered to be anatomical features: the left testicular vein flows into the left renal vein, and the right one connects with the inferior vena cava immediately below the right renal vein. As a result, several factors can act: the absence of valves in the vein leads to the formation of pathological retrograde blood flow with increased pressure in the left renal vein; the length of the left vein is greater, and therefore greater hydrostatic pressure is created on the left, even with normal pressure in the renal vein. Impaired blood flow and hypoxia lead to degenerative changes in Sertoli cells (sperm formation) and Leidig cells (testosterone production). A simultaneous increase in temperature also disrupts spermatogenesis. An isolated varicocele on the right develops, as a rule, due to compression of the right kidney by the tumor (right-sided varicocele is considered a pathognomonic symptom of the tumor).

Classification. I degree - varicose veins of the spermatic cord are located above the lower pole of the testicle. II degree - varicose veins of the spermatic cord descend below the lower pole of the testicle, there is no testicular atrophy. III degree - varicose veins of the spermatic cord descend below the lower pole of the testicle, there is testicular atrophy.

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture. In the initial stages, the disease is asymptomatic; varicoceles are detected by chance during examination. With pronounced dilatation of the veins, a feeling of heaviness and pain appears. Varicocele can cause testicular dysfunction, which can also lead to infertility.


Diagnostics based on clinical examination. Venography is considered optimal. In the case of bilateral varicocele, a thorough examination is necessary to identify vascular abnormalities (ultrasound, CT, venography, angiography).


Treatment surgical. The most common Ivanissevich operation is ligation of the left testicular vein in the retroperitoneal space. Key points of the operation: isolation of both veins (2 trunks go to the level of the sacroiliac joint), emptying of blood from varicose veins in the scrotum after crossing the testicular vein. Physiologically justified, especially in the presence of vascular anomalies that cause increased pressure in the renal vein, is the imposition of a vascular anastomosis between the proximal segment of the testicular vein and the inferior vena cava system (microsurgical technique is required). Complications of surgical treatment arise when the surgical technique is violated: orchitis, funiculitis, hydrocele (when excision of veins at the level of the spermatic cord), relapse of the disease (the communicating vein is not crossed).

Forecast favorable. Even with pronounced varicose veins and testicular atrophy, infertility does not necessarily develop.

ICD-10. I86.1 Varicose veins of the scrotum

Approximately 18% of puberty-age men suffer from varicocele. Most often, the patient learns about the disease by chance while undergoing other examinations, which indicates mild symptoms. In 90% of cases, the disease is found in the left testicle, only 3% occur in the right testicle and 7% occur in both.

Left-sided varicocele is a varicose dilation of the vessels of the left testicle with the spermatic cord, as a result of which local blood circulation is disrupted.

On the left, varicocele occurs more often, because on this side the spermatic vein connects with the renal vein.

ICD code and disease stage

For international varicocele on the left, the ICD-10 code is 186.1. According to the medical classification, varicocele of the left testicle has 3 stages of development:

  • Stage 1. There is a slight expansion of the veins, which become visible if the skin on the scrotum is stretched. Even at the first stage, there may be a threat of infertility.
  • Stage 2. Pain and a feeling of heaviness appear in the left side of the scrotum. The pain becomes stronger during physical activity - sports or sexual intercourse.
  • Stage 3. Here the veins of the scrotum are already visible under the skin. The size of the testicle decreases and its consistency becomes soft. Swelling of the left side of the scrotum is also observed.

Causes of left-sided testicular varicose veins

The most popular cause of varicocele in the vessels of the left testicle is pathology of the venous valves. As a result of improper functioning of the valves, blood accumulates and intravenous pressure increases. This leads to expansion of the spermatic cord.

The structural features of the vessels in the scrotum also play a role. The testicular vessel is connected to the renal vessel, which, in turn, is often compressed by the mesenteric artery. As a result, the outflow of blood in the vessels of the testicle becomes difficult.

However, pathology cannot develop without a reason. It is worth paying attention to some factors that can provoke this disease in men:

  • Frequent constipation, causing excessive pressure in the abdominal cavity.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the kidney.
  • Weak vessel walls.
  • Thrombosis of renal vessels.

Excessive loads on the abdominal muscles can also provoke obstructed blood movement through the venous bed. Therefore, a large percentage of people who engage in weightlifting or lift heavy loads exhibit dilation of the internal testicular vein.


Varicocele of the left testicle is characterized from the absence of symptoms to the manifestation of constant pain. The signs of varicocele at the first stage are almost impossible to determine on your own. To determine an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a hardware examination using ultrasound and Doppler sonography, as well as pass all the necessary tests, including a spermogram.

How to treat varicocele on the left testicle

With this diagnosis, doctors most often offer treatment with surgery, even at the initial stage of the disease.

This disease is not life-threatening, so surgery can be avoided. However, the risk of infertility with varicocele in men in this case increases significantly. Sometimes varicocele occurs in boys who have not yet reached puberty, in which case surgical intervention is not advisable and is postponed for some time. Gentle medical therapy is prescribed here:

  • Vasoconstrictors and tonics are prescribed.
  • It is recommended to wear a special bandage on the testicle.
  • Taking baths with chestnut and oak bark extract.
  • Special physical therapy is prescribed.

These methods are not used as a full-fledged treatment; they can only slow down the development of complications.

Operation Ivanissevich

The oldest method of operation, which is the most affordable and proven. However, this method does not exclude relapse. The operation is performed by ligating and removing the affected veins. It is most often performed under local anesthesia.


Surgical treatment using microaccess is called the Marmara method. At the moment, this is the most popular operation. Most often because there is no penetration into the abdominal cavity. Another plus is that there are no scars left, and there is also no risk of relapse.

Laparoscopic varicocelectomy

This method is more often used for bilateral varicose veins. The operation goes very quickly, as does the rehabilitation process. Just a day after the operation, the patient is discharged, there are no restrictions on his actions.

The surgical intervention is performed using the abdominal cavity, then the doctor performs the operation, monitoring his actions through a monitor. The risk of relapses and complications is minimized. This method of operation is used for severe pain in the scrotum, relapse, and infertility.

Alternative Methods

In cases where you want to avoid surgical intervention, but you also need to take care of men’s health, you can think about alternative treatment methods. However, it is not possible to completely avoid surgical intervention in the body, but you can choose more gentle methods. Such simple operations as sclerotherapy, embolization, coagulation of varicocele eliminate incisions, sutures and general anesthesia. A few hours after the procedure, the patient goes home. But it is worth considering the fact that the cost and quality of such a procedure depends on the level of the clinic and the skill of the doctor.

Why is left-sided varicocele dangerous?

Like any other disease, varicocele can have some complications:

  • Hydrocele or hydrocele of the testicle. Fluid accumulates in the scrotum due to impaired lymphatic drainage.
  • Atrophy. It's rare, but it's a serious consequence worth knowing about. As a result of the development of this pathology, the testicle becomes smaller, which leads to infertility.
  • Consequences after surgery - overflow of the appendages with blood. Often these are consequences of the laparoscopic method.

To summarize, it is necessary to take into account that the Marmara operation is more effective and safe, especially since it can be performed under local anesthesia.

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