Feldman David Markovich. Soviet ideology in the context of the political history of Russia in the XX century. Feldman David Markovich Literature and history david feldman



Editor-in-chief of the journal

"Literary review"

L.I. Lavlinsky

From S.Yu.Mazur, editor

Dep. history and theory lit.


I bring to your attention that on March 5 of this year, between 13 and 14 hours, David Markovich Feldman, a researcher at IMLI, a member of the editorial board of the journal "Strannik" and, as far as I know, a publisher and businessman, beat me in my office.<...>

Before moving on to the main purpose of his visit - beating, D.M. Feldman outlined his claims to me:

1) he is dissatisfied with the fact that M.I. Shapir and I informed M.A. Tarkovskaya that D.M. Feldman was going to publish a collection of poems by Ars. Tarkovsky;

2) he is also dissatisfied with the fact that M.I. Shapir called S.A. Yakovlev, editor-in-chief of the Stranger magazine, and G.A. Belaya, professor, dean of the philological faculty of the Russian State University, asking them to try to influence D.M. Feldman in order to prevent the publication of Ars. Tarkovsky;

3) he "didn't like" how I talked to his wife, whom I informed that "famous cultural figures" were going to call D.M. Feldman, outraged by the forthcoming publication;

4) he "doesn't like" that I write "denunciations";

5) he is outraged that I "slandered" him in front of a well-known writer, informing the latter that D.M. Feldman, during our student days, "drove me into the construction team."

In conclusion, DM Feldman told me that I was a "dishonest person", which, however, I had already been "told". To my question: "Who exactly?" - he answered: "Katsis". He then added that I probably thought I was dealing with intelligent people, but he was Feldman, "not an intellectual." At these words, he stood up (he was sitting in an armchair opposite me), tore off my glasses (one glass fell out, but did not break) and began to beat me in the face with his fists. He beat for a long time (inflicted at least 6-7 blows), with visible pleasure and "carefully" (that is, as far as I understand, with knowledge of the matter, since bruises and swelling arose above and below the eyes, on the neck; I was conscious did not lose it, the blood did not flow). All this time, D.M. Feldman was saying that he could “strangle” me, but for now he won’t do it, and if I don’t draw the appropriate conclusions from the lesson he taught, he will find a way to “destroy” me - if not himself then through "other people".

M.I. Shapir and I really called M.A. Tarkovskaya to find out if the heirs of Ars.A. Tarkovsky and personally to her, as the secretary of the commission on the literary heritage of her father, knew about the publication "prepared" by Yu.A. Arpishkin by order D.M. Feldman. The fact is that Yu.A. Arpishkin, without the permission of M.I. Shapira, was going to publish his article about Tarkovsky as a preface to the collection. But M.I. Shapir, having found out that he was dealing with an ignoramus and a swindler, and not wanting to cover up the tricks of a swindler with his name and work, forbade Yu.A. Arpishkin to publish his article. He swore, but after some time M.I. Shapir learned from D.M. Feldman that the collection compiled by Yu.A. author. In response to M.I. Shapir's demand to remove his article, D.M. Feldman replied that most likely he would not be able to do this; then M.I. Shapir turned to S.Ya. that this particular publishing house intends to publish Tarkovsky), but S.A. Yakovlev said that he had nothing to do with the publishing affairs of D.M. Feldman and could not help in any way. As for G. A. Belaya, she promised M. I. Shapir to shame her graduate student D. M. Feldman, which she did.

Of course, M.A. Tarkovskaya did not know about the upcoming publication and was categorically against it, which she informed D.M. Feldman, demanding that he stop the publication, regardless of the stage of production of the book. According to M.A. Tarkovskaya, D.M. Feldman spoke to her in the highest degree impudently, did not promise to stop printing the book, but said that he would try to find out if it was possible to do this. He allegedly is not afraid of the court, in the worst case, the court will decide to pay a fine, but for him, Feldman, this is nothing.

Not satisfied with the result of negotiations with D.M. Feldman, M.A. Tarkovskaya and M.I. Shapir decided to publish a letter of protest in the newspaper. In addition to the press, M.A. Tarkovskaya intended to seek help from the members of the commission on the literary heritage of A.A. Tarkovsky, including its chairman, D.S. Likhachev. Negotiations were already underway with newspaper correspondents, and there was no doubt that the members of the commission on the literary heritage of A.A. Tarkovsky would respond to the request of the poet’s daughter. However, all this could take time, during which the infamous pirated publication would have had time to be published. And since M.A. Tarkovskaya and M.I. Shapir had exhausted their entire supply of arguments and received no guarantees from D.M. Feldman, I undertook to help them.

I called D.M. Feldman, he was not at home, and then I asked his wife to tell D.M. Feldman that “if he does not inform M.A. Tarkovskaya and M.I. their demands", she will have to "take telephone messages from famous figures of science and culture who dream of wishing her husband a Happy New Year and telling him something very important." My call apparently "worked". D.M. Feldman turned out to be prudent enough and almost immediately called M.A. Tarkovskaya, assuring her with an oath that the publication would be stopped and she would receive official confirmation of this (which she has not received to this day - Feldman limited himself to what he read to her phone letter).

<...>By the way, by my "denunciations" D.M. Feldman probably meant a statement to the police regarding Yu.A. Arpishkin, which had nothing to do with Feldman. It is strange that D.M. Feldman has something against exposing a swindler who not only pretends to be a scientist and writer without any reason, but does not disdain even the most common thefts of money and books. In my opinion, any honest editor and publisher should only be interested in exposing a rogue who is trying to get into the pages of the press (at the suggestion of D.M. Feldman, by the way, an opus by Y.A. Arpishkin was published in the journal "Strannik").

L.F. Katsis really called me a "dishonest person" - both to my face and behind my back. As I was able to understand from his incoherent speeches, he formed such an opinion of me on the basis of the following:

1) I "slandered" Arpishkin, arguing that he was not a member of the Writers' Union, not a researcher at the Institute of Art History, not a candidate of art history, etc. etc., and even his age is not 35 years old (as he reports about himself, but according to L.F. Katsis, he also has an appropriate passport), but 22 years old (as in reality). Moreover, L.F. Katsis repeatedly accused me (to my face and behind my back) that I "forged" a certificate from the police, which indicated the true year of Arpishkin's birth;

2) I did not hide from anyone, including L.F. Katsis himself, my negative assessment of his professional and human qualities.<...>But what is "dishonest" in this, especially since I have repeatedly expressed my opinion to him personally?

It remains for me to comment on two more provisions from M.D. Feldman's accusatory speech. I sadly have to state that D.M. Feldman will have to kill or "destroy" a good third of the young generation of Moscow philologists, who, probably, have not forgotten one of the most active Komsomol "leaders" of the philological faculty of Moscow State University. I well remember how, driving me into the "construction team", he effortlessly used well-known threats: expulsion from the Komsomol, expulsion from the university. I was rescued by a faculty teacher I knew, a member of the party committee. He took care of it, and D.M. Feldman had mercy - he excluded me from the lists. I also remember the comic detail of this conversation. I saw D.M. Feldman for the first time, and we argued for a long time over how we should talk: on "you" or on "you". He explained to me that they (i.e., in the Komsomol) decided to communicate with each other on "you". Then it surprised me. However, even later I was jarred by his amikoshonstvo. Naturally, if only for this reason, I never had any illusions about the "intelligence" of D.M. Feldman. But the fact that D.M. Feldman - a man with the manners of not only a sergeant major, but also a gangster - came as a surprise to me.

In my opinion, the evil and slander associated with the adventures of Yu.A. Arpishkin and L.F. Katsis acquire such a scale and character that it becomes simply necessary to give wide publicity to both the very case of D.M. Feldman’s hooliganism, and all of it. background. I look forward to your help and support.

David Feldman
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
The country:
Scientific area:

Russian history
literary history

Place of work:

Russian State University for the Humanities

Academic degree:

Doctor of Historical Sciences

Academic title:


Alma mater:

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov


E.B. Skorospelova

David Markovich Feldman(b. May 3, 1954, Moscow) - Russian historian and literary critic, deals with issues of Russian history, literature and journalism of the 20th century, the history of political terminology.

Biography. Scientific and pedagogical activity

In 1985 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. He worked at the Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the USSR, at the Institute of World Literature. M. Gorky of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the editorial office of the journal Literary Review. Since 1996 - at the Russian State University for the Humanities, at the Department of Russian Literature of the Faculty of History and Philology. In 2000, together with M. P. Odessky and O. I. Kiyanskaya, he moved to the newly organized Faculty of Journalism, to the Department of Literary Criticism. Reads courses of lectures "History of Russian literature of the 20th century", "History of Russian journalism of the 20th century", "Media rhetoric", "Theory of journalism". Head of the master's program "Media rhetoric".

Published since 1985.

Scientific interests

Scientific interests - political history of the USSR, history of political terminology, textual criticism, journalism of the 19th - 20th centuries, literary associations and groupings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, history of the USSR, history of Russian literature and journalism of the Soviet period (N. S. Gumilyov, V. S. Grossman, I. G. Erenburg, A. A. Bogdanov, I. A. Ilf and E. P. Petrov, V. I. Narbut, B. A. Pilnyak, I. E. Babel, M. E. Koltsov , Ya. M. Belsky and others).



  • The Poetics of Terror and the New Administrative Mentality: Essays on the History of Formation. - M.: RGGU, 1997. (Co-authored with M. P. Odessky) - ISBN 5-7281-0174-7
  • Salon-enterprise: writers' association and cooperative publishing house "Nikitinsky subbotniki" in the context of the literary process of the 1920-1930s. - M., RGGU, 1998. - ISBN 5-7281-0003-1
  • terminology of power. Soviet political terms in the historical and cultural context. - M., RGGU, 2006. - ISBN 5-7281-0823-7
  • Poetics of power. Tyranny. The revolution. Terror. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2012. (Co-authored with M. P. Odessky) - ISBN 978-5-8243-1702-2
  • Essays on the history of Russian Soviet literature and journalism in the 1920s-1930s: Portraits and scandals. - M.: Forum, 2015. (Co-authored with O. I. Kiyanskaya) - ISBN 978-5-00091-011-5

Edition of works by I. A. Ilf and E. P. Petrov

  • Ilf I., Petrov E. Twelve chairs: a novel / prepared. text, intro. Art., commentary by M. P. Odessa and D. M. Feldman. - M.: Vagrius, 1997.
  • I. Ilf and E. Petrov. The Golden Calf": a novel / preparation of the text, introductory articles by M. P. Odessky and D. M. Feldman. - M .: Vagrius, 2000.
  • Ilf I., Petrov E. 12 chairs. Golden calf / prep. text, foreword and after. M. P. Odessa and D. M. Feldman. - M.: Slovo / Slovo, 2001.
  • Ilf I., Petrov E. Twelve chairs: the full version of the novel / prepared. text, intro. Art., comment. M. P. Odessa and D. M. Feldman. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2014.
  • Ilf I., Petrov E. Twelve chairs: the full version of the novel / prepared. text, intro. Art. M. P. Odessa and D. M. Feldman. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2014.

Some articles

  • Gumilyov case // Novy Mir. - M., 1989. - No. 4.
  • Get out alive. Russian Literature: Poetics of Disease, Health and Labor // Friendship of Peoples. - M., 1994. - No. 3 (jointly with M.P. Odessa).
  • Babel and Hasidism // Literary Review. - M., 1995. - No. 1 (with M. P. Odessa).
  • Evno Azef - Jew, author, terrorist // Parallels. Russian-Jewish historical-literary and bibliographic almanac. - M., 2002. - No. 1 (Jointly with M.P. Odessa).
  • Red Whites: Soviet Political Terms in the Historical and Cultural Context // Questions of Literature. - M., 2006. - No. 4. - S. 5-25.
  • The Edge of Scandal: A. I. Tarasov-Rodionov's story "Chocolate" in the political context of the 1920s // Questions of Literature. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 171-208 (Jointly with A. V. Shcherbina).
  • Decembrist studies today: terminology, ideology, methodology // Decembrists. Actual problems and new approaches. - M.: RGGU, 2008. - S. 663-713.
  • Intrigue and fate of Vasily Grossman // Questions of Literature. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 153-182 (Jointly with Yu. G. Bit-Yunan).
  • The history of the “balanka”: poets, functionaries and the Soviet criminal code // New Literary Review. - 2011. - No. 108. - S. 116-133.
  • The Edge of Scandal: I. Babel's cycle of short stories "Konarmiya" in the literary and political context of the 1920s // Questions of Literature. - 2011 - No. 6. - P. 23-38 (Jointly with Yu. V. Parsamov).
  • Myth-building technology: on the history of the publication of the novel by V. S. Grossman "Life and Fate" // Russia XXI. - 2013. - No. 4. - P. 26-53 (Jointly with Yu. G. Bit-Yunan).
  • Stalin Prizes of Vasily Grossman: history with bibliography // Questions of Literature. - 2013. - No. 4. - S. 186-223 (Jointly with Yu. G. Bit-Yunan).
  • On the history of the publication of the novel by V. Grossman "Life and Fate", or "as it was" by B. Sarnov // Toronto Slavic Quarterly. - 2013. - No. 45. - P. 175-203 (Jointly with Yu. G. Bit-Yunan).
  • Experience in the analysis of journalistic discourse: “partisans” in “domestic” and other wars // Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University - 2013 - No. 12 (93). - Ser: “Philological Sciences. Journalism. Literary Criticism". - S. 126-141.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2. Ideologeme rehabilitation in 103-171 Soviet law and Soviet ideology

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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List of references for dissertation research Doctor of Historical Sciences Feldman, David Markovich, 2007

1. IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants', Red Army and Cossack Deputies. Verbatim report. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1922. -103 p.

2. XIV Conference of the Russian Communist Party. Verbatim report. M.; L.: Gospolitizdat, 1925. - 75 p.

3. XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. February 14-25. 1956 Verbatim record. -M.: Gospolitizdat, 1956. T. 1 -2.

4. Abramov M. On the issue of revolutionary legality (on the article by Yu. Steklov in No. 105 “Izv.<естий>”) // Izvestia. 1921. - May 19. - S. 1.

5. Alekseev I. P. A spacious field, cultivated and fruitful, or the General Historical Original Dictionary. M .: University Printing House, 1793-1794.-T. 1-2.

6. Alliluyeva S. I. Twenty letters to a friend. M.: All Moscow, 1989.-216s.

7. Badaev A.E. Bolsheviks in the State Duma. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1930. - 432 p.

8. Bazhanov B. Memoirs of the former secretary of Stalin. M.: World Word, 1992.-310 p.

9. Barbusse A. Stalin: A man through whom a new world is revealed. M.: State Publishing House, 1936. - 56 p.

10. Barsukov N. A. Historical milestone // XX Congress and its historical realities. M.: ACT, 1991. S. 45-98.

11. Barthelemy J.-J. Journey of the young Anacharsis in Greece in the middle of the fourth century BC. M .: University Printing House, 1803 - 1819. - T. 1 - 9.

12. Bezlepkin B. T. Issues of rehabilitation during the preliminary investigation. Gorky: Gorky Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1975. - 36 p.

13. Bely A. Symbolism as a worldview. M.: Respublika, 1994.-525 p.

14. Berdyaev N. A. Subjectivism and individualism in social philosophy: A critical study of N.K. Mikhailovsky. M.: Canon +, Rehabilitation, 1999. - 478 p.

15. Beria S. L. My father Lavrenty Beria. - M.: Sovremennik, 1994.-429 p.

16. Blok A. A. The last days of imperial power. Pg.: Alkonost, 1921. - 168 p.

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19. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1st ed. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1925 - 1947. - Vol. 1 - 66.

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22. Bolshevik, magazine. 1931 1932.

23. Bolsheviks: Documents on the history of Bolshevism from 1903 to 1916 of the former Moscow security department / Ed. M.A. Tsyavlovsky. M.: Zadruga, 1918. - 246 p.

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25. Bonch-Bruevich VD At the combat posts of the February and October revolutions. M.: Federation, 1930. - 412 p.

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29. Bulletin of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, magazine. -1918-1820.

31. Military Encyclopedia / Ed. K. I. Velichko, V. F. Novitsky, A. V. Fon-Schwartz and others. St. Petersburg: Tov-vo Sytin, 1911-1915. T. 1-23.

32. Military encyclopedic lexicon published by the society of military men and writers. SPb., 1837-1852. - T. 1 - 14.

33. Voloshin M. A. Ways of Russia. M.: Nauka, 1992. - 634 p.

34. Revolt of the Decembrists. Documents and materials. M.; JI.: Nauka, Rosspen, 1925 2005. - Vol. 1 - 20.

35. All-scientific (encyclopedic) dictionary / Ed. V. Klyushnikova. St. Petersburg: Nebe, 1878 - 1882. - Vol. 1 - 3.

36. All-Russian "dictionary-interpreter" / Ed. V.V. Zhukov. - St. Petersburg: Kaspari, 1893. - Issue. 1-35.

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38. Vyshinsky A. Ya. Revolutionary legality at the present stage (1917-1932). -M.: Soviet legislation, 1932. 104 p.

39. Vyshinsky A.Ya. Judiciary in the USSR. M.: Yurizdat, 1940.-344 p.

40. Vyshinsky A.Ya. The theory of judicial evidence in Soviet law. M.: Yurizdat, 1950. - 358 p.

41. Hegel G. Lectures on the philosophy of history. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2005.477 p.

42. Gililov S. S. V. I. Lenin is the organizer of the Soviet multinational state. -M.: Gospolitizdat, 1960.-238 p.

43. Goreglyad O. Experience of drawing the Russian criminal law. - St. Petersburg: In the printing house of Joseph Ioannesov, 1826. Part I: About crimes and punishments in general. - 130 s.

44. Gorky M. Sobr. op. M .: State publishing house of fiction, 1949 - 1955. - T. 1 - 30.

45. Gulag: Main Directorate of Camps: 1918-1960. M.: Rosspen, 2000.-673 p.

46. ​​Huseynov G. Ch. D.S.P.: Materials for the Russian Dictionary of the Socio-Political Language. M.: Three squares, 2003. - 269 p.

47. Dal V. I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. Ed. 2nd. St. Petersburg: Comrade M.O. Wolf, 1880-1882.-T. fourteen.

48. Danishevsky K. X. Revolutionary military tribunals. M.: Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the Republic, 1920. - 61 p.

49. Case of Beria. Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, July 1953 Verbatim report // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. -1991. No. 1 - 2. - S. 3 - 67.

50. Demyan Poor. Seriously. and not for long, or Soviet marriage // Pravda. -1925. December 3rd. - S. 2.

51. Report by N. S. Khrushchev on the personality cult of I.V. Stalin at the XX Congress of the CPSU: Documents / Ed. V.Yu. Afiani, Z.K. Vodopyanova. M.: Izd-voRGGU, 2003.-148 p.

52. Documents of the history of the Great French Revolution. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1990 - 1992. - T. 1-2.

53. Durmanov N. D. The concept of crime. M.; JI: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1948.-311 p.

54. Weekly Extraordinary Commissions to Combat Counterrevolution and Speculation (VChK Weekly), zhurn. 1918. - No. 16.

55. Efimov B. My XX century. M.: Vagrius, 2000. - 367 p.

56. Efimov E. Legal issues of restoring seniority to rehabilitated citizens // Socialist legality. 1964. - No. 9.-S. 24-37.

58. Zavalishin D. I. Notes of the Decembrist. Munchen: Dr. J. Marchlowsky and C°, 1904. -T. 1-2.

59. Legislation on criminal proceedings of the USSR and the Union republics. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1963. - Vol. 1 - 2.

60. Zalessky K. A. Stalin's Empire. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: ACT, 2000. - 548 p.

62. Ivanov-Razumnik (Ivanov R.V.). Writers' Destinies. Prisons and exile. -M.: New Literary Review, 2000. 543 p.

63. From the history of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission: 1917 -1921: Sat. documents / Ed. G. A. Belova and others. M .: Gospolitizdat, 1958. -548 p.

64. Izvestia, newspaper. 1918 -1991.

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70. History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Short course / Under the general. ed. I.V. Stalin. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1938. - 352 p.

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72. History of the USSR. The era of socialism. Moscow: Education, 1973.479 p.

73. History of Stalin's Gulag. M.: Rosspen, 2004. - T. 1-7.

74. Kaganovich L. M. Aide-memoires of a worker, Bolshevik communist, trade union, party and Soviet state worker. -M.: Vagrius, 1996. 570 p.

75. Kazmirchuk G. D. Decembrist movement: Anniversary literature. 1975-1977 Kyiv: Publishing House of Kyiv State University, 1982. - 56 p.

77. Carlyle T. Heroes, the veneration of heroes and the heroic in history / transl. from English. V. I. Yakovenko. St. Petersburg: V. I. Yakovenko Publishing House, 1908. - 263 p.

78. Kayurov V. Six days of revolution // Proletarian revolution. -1923.-No. 1.-S. 28-36.

79. Kistyakovsky AF Elementary textbook of general criminal law. Kyiv: University printing house, 1891. - T. 1. General part. - 413 p.

80. Kogan PS Essays on the history of Western European literature. M.; Pg.: Gosizdat, 1903 -1923. T. 1 - 3.

81. Kozlovsky M. Proletarian revolution and criminal law // Proletarian revolution and law. 1918. - No. 1. - S. 25 - 38.

82. Korolenko V.G. Temptation // Korolenko V.G. Sobr. op. in 10 vols. / Preparation of text and notes. S. V. Koroleva and N. V. Korolenko-Lyakhovich. M .: Goslitizdat, 1930. - T. 7. - S. 126-162.

83. CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. M .: Gospolitizdat, 1954. - T. 1-3.

84. Red Book of the Cheka / Ed. P. Makintsiana. M.: Gosizdat, 1920.-T. 1-2.8 5. Red terror, magazine. -1918.

85. Brief literary encyclopedia / Ed. A.A. Surkov. -M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1962 1978. - T. 1-9.

86. Brief Dictionary of Foreign Words / Ed. I.V. Mukhin and F.N. Petrov. M.: State. Publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries, 1952.-488 p.

87. Krylenko I V. Lenin and Stalin on revolutionary legality. M.: Soviet legislation, 1934. 46 p.

89. Krylenko NV Revolutionary legality and our tasks. M.: Soviet legislation, 1932. - 31 p.

90. Krylenko NV What is revolutionary legality. M.; L.: Moskovsky Rabochiy, 1927. - 46 p.

91. Krylenko N. V., Yakhontov V. I. Articles on revolutionary legality. M.: NKJ RSFSR, 1926. - 60 p.

92. Kuhn T. The structure of scientific revolutions. M.: Progress, 1975.288 p.

93. The course of Soviet criminal law. / Ed. A. A. Piontkovsky. M.: Nauka, 1970 - 1971. - Vol. 1 - 5.

94. The course of Soviet criminal law. / Ed. N. A. Belyaev, M. D. Shargorodsky L.: Publishing House of the Leningrad University, 1968. - T. 1-2.

95. Kursky D. I. Selected articles and speeches. M.: Soviet legislation, 1948.-236 p.

96. Kursky D. I. Report of the Judiciary Department of the People's Commissariat of Justice. April May - June 1918 // Proletarian Revolution and Law. - 1918. - No. 1. - S. 3 - 24.

97. Kursk. D. I. Immediate tasks of the NKJ // Weekly Soviet Justice. 1922. - No. 1. - S. 3 - 12.

98. Lavrenty Beria: 1953: Transcript of the July Plenum of the CPSU and other documents. M.: ACT, 1999. - 156 p.

99. Lavrov P. L. Historical letters. M.: Russian wealth, 1905.-368 p.

100. Levitin M.F. From revolutionary legality to revolutionary law // Izvestia. -1921.-May 25. C. 1.

101. Lenin V. I. Full. coll. op. Ed. 5th. M.: Politizdat, 1971 -1975.-T. 1-55.

102. Literary newspaper, newspaper. 1953 - 1954.

103. Lunin A. V. Regular organizational issues of justice // Weekly Soviet justice. 1922. - No. 2. - S. 3 - 24.

104. Lunin M. S. Works and letters / Ed., pred. and note. S. Ya. Shtreikh. Pg.: Printing House of the Comintern, 1923. - 152 p.

105. Malashkin S.I. Moon on the right side, or extraordinary love. M .: Young Guard, 1927. - 235 p.

106. Small Soviet encyclopedia. Ed. 1st / Ed. N. L. Meshcheryakova. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1928 - 1931. - T. 1-10.

107. Small Soviet encyclopedia. Ed. 2nd / Ed. N. L. Meshcheryakova. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1933 - 1947. - T. 1-11.

108. Small Soviet encyclopedia. Ed. 3rd / Ed. B. A. Vvedensky.-M., 1958-1960.-T. 1-10.

109. Malenkov A.G. Memories of my father. M.: Vagrius, 1994.-237 p.

110. Malkov P. D. Notes of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin. M .: Young Guard, 1962. - 287 p.

111. Marx K., Engels F. Sobr. op. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1954 -1984.-T. 1-50.

112. Martynov A. S. Two dictatorships. Geneva: Publishing House of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, 1905. - 68 p.

113. Melgunov SL. Red terror in Russia. Berlin: Vataga, 1923.-312 p.

114. Mikoyan A.I. So it was. M.: Vagrius, 1999. - 636 p.

115. Mikoyan N.A. With my own eyes. M.: Vagrius, 2003. - 469 p.

116. Mikhailovsky NK Heroes and the crowd: Selected works on sociology. St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 1998. - Vol. 1 - 2.

117. Desktop dictionary for references in all branches of knowledge (reference encyclopedic lexicon), published by F. Toll. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of F. Toll, 1863 1866.-T. 1-3.119. Desktop encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: M. A. Garnet iK0, 1891-1895.-T. 1-8.

118. Desktop encyclopedic dictionary. In one volume. Ed. 3rd / Ed. P. Weinberg. SPb., 1900. - 944 p.

119. Desktop encyclopedic reference dictionary / Comp.: P. I. Stuchka, I. M. Borozdin and others. M .: Prometheus, 1926. - 480 p.

120. Nevsky V. I. History of the RCP. L.: Surf, 1926. - 462 p.

121. Nikitenko A. V. Notes and diary (1826 1877). St. Petersburg: Publishing House of A. V. Suvorin, 1893. - T. 1-3.

122. Nietzsche F. Beyond Good and Evil. Case Wagner. Antichrist. Human, too human. M.: ACT, 2005. 879 p.

123. Public encyclopedic dictionary. Table book for everyone. SPb., 1912. - 464 p.

124. General Church Slavonic-Russian Dictionary. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of A. F. Smirdin, 1834. 532 p.

125. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1987.-795 p.

127. Pashukanis E. B. General theory of law and Marxism. Experience of criticism of basic legal concepts. M.: Communist Academy, 1926. -128 p.

129. Piontkovsky A. A. Hegel's doctrine of law and state and its criminal law theory. -M.: Gosjurizdat, 1963.-468 p.

130. Piontkovsky A. A. The doctrine of crime in Soviet criminal law. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1961. - 666 p.

131. Pirozhkova A. N. The years that have passed by (1932 1939). - M.: Vagrius, 1997.-246 p.

132. Plekhanov GV To the question of the role of personality in history. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1938. - 39 p.

133. Pokrovsky MN Russian history in the most concise essay. M.: Gosizdat, 1920-1923.-T. 1-3.

134. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Sobr. I. SPb., 1830.-V.6. Dep. 1. (1720-1722).

135. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Sobr. II. SPb., 1834.-V.8. Dep. 1 (1833).

136. A complete explanatory dictionary of all commonly used foreign words included in the Russian language, indicating their roots. Desktop reference book / Comp. N.Dubrovsky. Ed. 18th. M., 1905. -1124 p.

137. Complete philological dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. A.I. Orlova.-M., 1885.-T. 1-2.

138. Polyakova M. F. Property problems of rehabilitation under Soviet law. Diss. on the. cand. legal Sciences. M., 1977. 138 p.

139. Pospelov PN Fifty years of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union // Questions of history. 1953. - No. 11. - S. 3 - 24.

140. Posse V. A. My life path. M.; JI.: Land and factory, 1929.-548 p.

141. Postyshev P. P. Memoirs, speeches, letters. M.: ACT, 1987.-246 p.

142. Postyshev P. P. The main tasks of the Soviet justice at the present stage. Corrected and supplemented transcript of the speech at the VI meeting of senior officials of the justice authorities on February 13, 1932. Moscow: Soviet legislation, 1932.-31 p.

143. True, newspaper. 1918 - 1956.

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Mikhail Pavlovich Odessa(March 18, 1961, Moscow) - Russian philologist, deals with the history of Russian literature and culture of the XV-XX centuries.

In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. He worked at the State Literary Museum (Museum-apartment of F.M. Dostoevsky), the magazines "Children's Literature", "Literary Review". Since 1998 - at the Russian State University for the Humanities, at the Department of Russian Literature of the Faculty of History and Philology. In 2000, together with D.M. Feldman and O.I. Kiyanskaya - moved to the newly created faculty of journalism, headed the department of literary criticism. Reads courses of lectures "History of Old Russian Literature", "Fundamentals of the Theory of Literature", "Fundamentals of the Theory of Drama", "History of Old Russian Journalism", "Fundamentals of Textual Studies".

David Markovich Feldman(May 3, 1954, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian historian and literary critic, deals with issues of Russian history, literature and journalism of the 20th century, the history of political terminology.

In 1985 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

He worked at the Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the USSR, at the Institute of World Literature. M. Gorky of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the editorial office of the journal Literary Review.

Since 1996 - at the Russian State University for the Humanities, at the Department of Russian Literature of the Faculty of History and Philology. In 2000, together with M.P. Odessa and O.I. Kiyanskaya - moved to the newly organized faculty of journalism, to the department of literary criticism.

Reads courses of lectures "History of Russian literature of the 20th century", "History of Russian journalism of the 20th century", "Media rhetoric", "Theory of journalism". Head of the master's program "Media rhetoric".

Published since 1985. In 2016 - member of the jury of the Russian Booker literary award

Books (3)

Mira I.A. Ilfa and E.P. Petrova: Essays on Verbalized Everyday Life

The book of teachers of the RSUH M.P. Odessa and D.M. Feldman - about the novels of I.A. Ilfa and E.P. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf", which make up a dilogy about the adventures of the modern rogue Ostap Bender. By "worlds" the book refers to different levels of text that require different approaches and can be studied as relatively independent.

The first world is the everyday life of that time, turning the novels of Ilf and Petrov into an "encyclopedia of Soviet life." The second world is quotations: parodies, polemics, jokes for “their own”, responses to Soviet newspapers. The third world - biographies of co-authors. The Fourth World - Textual Criticism: An analysis of the creative history of the novels, revealing Ilf and Petrov's gripping struggle with censorship and auto-censorship. Finally, the fifth world is a myth, because even A.V. Lunacharsky saw in Bender not just a rogue, but a modern version of a mythological hero.

Poetics of power. Tyranny. The revolution. Terror

The philosophical-historical approach, which takes into account the achievements of philology, sociology, cultural studies, also determined a specific methodology. The revolutionary tradition is analyzed from the perspective of the "poetics of power". By the concept of “poetics of power”, the authors of the book designate a system of means of expression traditionally used to control public consciousness.

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