Elements including. Including. No comma needed

In Russian, the rules are sometimes so flexible that they are difficult to remember. For example, after the phrase “including” is a comma necessary or not? In short, there are different options. Somewhere it is needed, but somewhere it is not.

What is this phrase

According to dictionaries, the phrase “including” is a compound (consisting of several words) coordinating (connects homogeneous members of a sentence and parts of a compound sentence) union. Refers to connecting. That is, he brings some additional information into the sentence, attaches it to the already existing one.

By themselves, unions are not distinguished by commas, these are not introductory words. It's all about the information they bring with them. Usually this is some additional information to tell you more about something.
This information is called the connecting turnover, a member of the proposal. As soon as it was formed, the union became dependent and is now considered together with the entire turnover. If it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence, it is separated (in the middle) or separated (at the end) by commas. Dash is used less often.

Do I need a comma after "including": rule

In the "Academic Handbook", paragraph 84, we read: "... The adjoining members of the sentence ... are separated by commas." The following mistake is often made here: understanding this phrase as an independent connecting phrase, they put two commas on both sides. Thus, "including" is distinguished by commas as an adjunctive member of the sentence, being in fact a union.

The mistake is that the second comma after this union is put too early. It should be placed after the attached information. The Union, as it were, makes an announcement: now there will be information. This information follows. And they need a comma after them.

Examples of correct and incorrect spelling

When do you need a comma after "including", and when not?
Correct spelling example:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns.
An example of incorrect spelling:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns.
Italicized is a member of the sentence, which, with the help of this union, complements what was said earlier. It must not be broken by a comma. It should only be singled out, separated from the previous text. And here a comma is needed.

When to put a comma after a turn

Sometimes a comma is also placed after the turnover. This happens when the sentence does not end with it and the thought from its first part continues. Then, in a turnover that begins with the words “including”, a comma on both sides highlights it, and the whole turnover is enclosed in commas. Example:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns, and only an academician can understand this.
Here, if you throw out the turnover, commas are not needed. The conjunction "and" excludes them. But it happens that even if you throw out the turnover, commas are needed. This is required if the idea from the first or second part is explained. Example:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns, which only an academician can understand.
The idea from the first part of the sentence is explained.
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns, which only an academician can understand.
The idea from the second part of the sentence is explained.
It is important to understand that these examples do not apply to the rule of writing only the union “including”. They are given in order to show the highlight of the turnover with this union. They will also stand out with another union. Example:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, namely about connecting turns, which only an academician can understand.
Knowing the unions, it is easy to understand where to put commas.

When a comma is not used

There are times when they write "including" without commas. Example:
    Previously, we occupied room number one hundred, and now - number one hundred and thirty-seven. It's a pity that they moved, I liked the ease of memorization, among other things.

Everything is clear here. From the context it is clear that we are talking about numerals. The meaning of the phrase is different. And the rules are different. This is no longer a union, but a noun "number" in the prepositional case. Here's a more complicated example:
    Due to the unrepaired fleet of vehicles, the processing of fields has decreased. As you can see, fluctuations in the amount of the gross product occur, among other things, due to the liquidation of the car repair enterprise.
There is no comma before or after "including". Context is also important here. If you throw out the union, the meaning of what was said changes slightly. That is, the only reason for fluctuations in the amount of gross product is indicated - the liquidation of an auto repair enterprise. Because of the standing phrase, it is clear that this reason is not the only one. You can rephrase this so that the connecting turnover becomes visible:
    Fluctuations in the amount of the gross product are influenced by certain reasons, including the liquidation of a car repair enterprise.
The word “reasons” is supplemented with a turnover (highlighted in italics).
In layman's terms it might look like this:
    This happened, among other things, through your fault. This happened through your fault as well.
Classic variant:
    Many people are to blame for what happened, including you.
Here the word "many" is complemented by a turnover. It is implied, but not in the previous version. Here is an example of the movement of the language. This is how the majority began to speak, these constructions (with the missing explained word) are pronounced on the radio, they fly from the lips of politicians. Many sentences that were previously considered invalid constructions due to the lack of a generalizing word are now the norm.

When an offer is wrong

It happens that the sentence itself, containing this union, is drawn up incorrectly. The rules stipulate that the connecting structure must refer to a specific word. If it doesn't exist, there is nothing to add.
    At the meeting of graduates, we remembered, including the Petrov twins.
Here, a completely unnecessary union “including”, the comma in front of it speaks of an attached turnover. But that's just the words that need to be supplemented, no. Sounds illiterate. You can rephrase it like this:
    At the meeting of graduates, many classmates were remembered, including the Petrov twins.

Why do you need to know

Understanding where to put a comma is not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults. Imagine this situation: a graduate wrote a resume and sent it to a company that needs a specialist of his level. He was sure that he would be taken.

While the competitors sitting in line for an interview were worried, he calmly imagined himself in a new job. What was his surprise when the representative of the employer pointed to his resume as the reason for the refusal!
It turned out that, trying to present himself from the best side, the applicant wrote the following phrase:

    I happened to develop software products for large companies, including for "A" and "B" and I have a certificate of successful implementation of one of them.
There is a comma after the union "including", but it should come after the turnover (in italics), and not break it. Apparently, the young man was afraid to put a comma before the "and". In vain.

This is how a competent specialist in his field can suddenly become a loser.

Should this phrase be replaced?

It should be noted that such revolutions can be joined without unions. For example:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting revolutions. There is a lot of boring information about connecting revolutions in this text.
In the second case, the union will be thrown out, but the meaning of this has changed a little. Now it follows from the sentence that boring information contains connecting turns. In the first sentence, this is not the only reason, some other is implied.
Some tend to replace uncomfortable words, write in simple sentences to avoid mistakes. Thus, the language is impoverished, deprived of turns of speech. Words that accurately express a thought are leaving. Ultimately, this leads to the impoverishment of the vocabulary and the inability to explain or prove anything.

Having dealt with the unions, it will be easy to pass the literacy test, and the mistakes of colleagues will only cause a smile. The best way to improve literacy is to read fiction. It is rich in expressive means, in it you can find all the techniques necessary for writing texts.
The main thing is not to give up, and everything will work out!

  1. including

    adverb, number of synonyms: 1 including 6

  2. including

    including union
    It is used when joining a sentence member that is part of the whole (which is referred to in the first part of the sentence), corresponding in meaning to the following: including someone or something, including and.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  3. including

    Among others, among others. Many guests followed him, including Korsakov (Pushkin. Arap of Peter the Great). The travelers did not lose anything, but everything decisively, including matches, got wet through (V. Arseniev. In the mountains of Sikhote-Alin).

    Phraseological Dictionary Fedorov
  4. number

    number, -a, pl. numbers, numbers

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  5. number

    a, pl. numbers, -sat, -slam, cf.
    A concept that serves as an expression of quantity, with the help of which
    an account is made.
    Simple numbers. Whole number. Positive numbers. Number theory (the science of integers) numbers
    The day of the month in an ordinal sequence of other days.
    First numbers August.

    - That was exactly six years.
    that, in the spring, the thirty-first of March, - mind you number, gentlemen, - on the eve of ... - April 1st
    ! shouted the young man in curls. Dostoevsky, Polzunkov.
    - Who knows what today number? Nikandrov, Gray

    Small Academic Dictionary

    NUMBER- one of the basic concepts of mathematics, in which natural, ordinal
    quantitative, rational, irrational, complex numbers. The tradition of philosophical reflection numbers
    ], believed numbers"cause and beginning" of things, and the relationship of numbers is the basis of all relationships in the world. Numbers
    give order to the world and make it a cosmos [COSMOS]. Appeal to number how to organizer
    principle of being, was accepted by Plato, and later by the Neoplatonists. Plato considers numbers

    New Philosophical Encyclopedia
  7. number

    I cf.
    1. The concept of quantity.
    || The amount by which the account is kept; unit of account

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  8. in list

    in including suggestion from the genus
    It is used when referring to the totality of any objects or phenomena.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  9. count

    count, number, count, count, count, counts, count, numbers, counted, counted, numbered, counted numbers, count, numbering, numbering, numbering, numbering, numbering, numbering, numbering, numbering numbering, numbering, numbered, numbered, considered, numbered, counted, considered, counted counted, numbered, considered, numbered, considered, numbered, numbered, considered, numbered counted, numbered, considered, counted, considered, considered, numbered, considered, numbered

  10. count

    NUMBER, lu, only; lazy; non-sov., someone that someone-than, like someone-something or as someone-something (official

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  11. number

    General Slav. Suf. derivative (Suf. -slo) from pure “count, read” > *čitti (tt > st), see honor, read.

    Etymological Dictionary of Shansky
  12. Numbers

    Numbers, the title of the fourth book of Moses. see Pentateuch of Moses.

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia
  13. number

    NUMBER- I lean, - you leave; nsv. someone-what, as someone-what or as someone-what. Official
    population was listed one hundred million inhabitants. Behind the collective farm was listed big debt. Book listed
    surname is not listed. Exhibit listed in museum catalogs.
    2. Be in some. position, condition
    positions according to official record, document, to be somewhere. as someone Number
    business trip. Number in state. Number consultant, adviser. great-grandfather was listed in discharge

    Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  14. "NUMBER"

    Numerals censused the population from house to house. Calculation of the population (hence the word " number

    Soviet historical encyclopedia
  15. number

    record, document, etc.
    I knew --- one landowner-neighbor, for whom was listed no more than seven
    ten souls of peasants. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Poshekhonskaya antiquity.
    On Sheehan listed six thousand inhabitants
    in the District about seven hundred. M. Gorky, Gorodok Okurov.
    The volost did not issue passports: for each were listed
    ] for rebellion. Since then his name listed blacklisted by the factory. Beck, The events of one night.
    Bones and skulls
    pygmy hippo usually were listed in museum catalogs under the heading of young common hippopotamus

    Small Academic Dictionary
  16. without number

    without numbers adv. the situation the number of expansion
    In countless numbers, in great numbers.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  17. no number

    adverb, number of synonyms: 40 without counting 53 without numbers 50 countless 60 more than enough 42 no visible corner 42 none numbers 44 no bills enough 21 full 136 full 84 plenty

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  18. number

    adverb, number of synonyms: 6 in the amount of 4 in the amount of 4 by 11 exactly by 3 by the count 4 by exactly 3

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  19. count

    Cm. number

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  20. number

    NUMBER, a, pl. numbers, sat down, slam, cf.
    1. The basic concept of mathematics is quantity, with the help of which
    positive number). Simple h. (natural number, which has no other divisors than itself and one
    First numbers May. What time is it today? Rear number mark or date (already past
    earlier number than it should). Rear number inform or find out (later than it should; colloquial).
    number twenty people (in including twenty people). A large number of people.
    4. Composition, series, totality

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  21. NUMBER

    NUMBER- a grammatical category indicating the number of objects denoted by a given word
    or a word that is in a relationship of syntactic agreement with the given. Number the only thing
    or word formation.
    "NUMBER"- the system of taxation in the 13-15 centuries. Subject to the Mongolian
    on the census (calculus, " including") of the population. Taxes were levied without exception, in proportion to property
    NUMBER- one of the basic concepts of mathematics; originated in ancient times and gradually

  22. number

    n., s., use Often
    (no) what? numbers, what? number, (see) what? number, how? number, about what
    ? about including; pl. what? numbers, (no) what? numbers for what? numbers, (see) what? numbers, how? numbers, about what
    ? about numbers
    1. number is called a unit element of mathematical data. Fractional, integer
    simple number. | positive, negative numbers. | Number is divided into two. | Sum of numbers
    | Number combination. | In decimal this is number is written as 7, in ternary it is 21, and in binary it is 111.

    Dictionary of Dmitriev
  23. Number


    Abbreviation Dictionary
  24. functioning of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs. The central category is numbers
    nouns. Number as a grammatical feature of other parts of speech only contributes to the optimal
    manifestation numbers nouns. Number nouns - morphological inflectional
    category represented by singular and plural forms numbers expressing opposition
    pluralia tantum are used only in the plural form numbers;
    a) abstract nouns. (troubles

    Glossary of linguistic terms Zherebilo
  25. Number

    The concept of natural numbers, caused by the need to count objects, arose back in prehistoric
    and designations for arbitrarily large numbers, in particular, greater than " number grains of sand in the world
    are said to be of equal power if their constituent objects can be compared one at a time. Then number
    Transfinite numbers and more generally - ordinal types (see Set Theory)] is sharply at odds with the generalized
    numbers such postponements. This is how the length is measured by setting aside a segment taken as a unit

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  26. number

    Astronomical ~
    huge ~
    maximum ~
    greatest ~
    considerable ~
    overwhelming ~

    Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  27. count

    NUMBER-lu, -only; nsv. someone-what, someone-what, as someone-what, as someone-something. Official Think
    consisting somewhere, in some position, condition. H. on vacation, on a business trip. Ch. on duty.
    Number, - pours; suffering number; number, -i; cf.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  28. Number

    concepts numbers. The need to count objects led to the emergence of the concept of natural numbers
    All peoples who had a written language owned the concept of natural numbers and use one or the other

    Mathematical Encyclopedia

    that Ch. and things are inseparable from each other and form a continuum without beginning or end (“ numbers govern
    In the tragedy of Aeschylus, Prometheus claims to have invented numbers for mortals. In Chinese tradition, regardless
    traditions are known numbers attributed to divine characters; in Shaivism, the deity is correlated
    with an abstract idea C.: Tamil poet of the 7th c. Appar says about Shiva: "He - number and number for numbers" etc
    elements. Two features follow from the doctrine of the elements. One of them is canonization numbers five

    Mythological Encyclopedia
  30. including

    therein including and union
    Used when attaching a sentence member that is part of
    the whole (which is referred to in the first part of the sentence), corresponding in meaning to the following: including someone or something, including including.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  31. in number

    in number suggestion from the genus
    It is used when referring to the totality of any objects or phenomena, which include someone or something.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  32. number

    Ukrainian number, other Russian. number, st.-glor. numberἀριθμός (Ostrom., Supr.), Serbo-Chorv. number

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer

    "NUMBERS"- Russian journal of literature, art and philosophy, 1930-34, Paris. Editor - N. A. Otsup

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  34. listed

    adj., number of synonyms...

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  35. no number

    adverb, number of synonyms: 2 without numbers 50 carry numbers 44

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  36. in list

    suggestion, number of synonyms: 2 in a row 2 out of 17

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  37. without number

    quite a few 107 unmeasured 41 no end 43 no end 42 no numbers 44 no numbers 2 no bills 43 horror how many 47 at least heaps 55 at least more than 54 at least a dime a dozen 49 a whole row 28 over the edge 55 numbers no 40 that dogs uncut 33

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  38. number

    see >> day, quantity
    see also -> small number, carry numbers, rast, number

    Abramov's synonym dictionary
  39. number

    NUMBER, I am listed, are listed, inconsistent.
    1. by whom and where. count, be in including whom
    something, in some state, position (official). Number sick. Number in the list of patients
    "Since I am listed according to the archives, received three awards. Griboyedov.
    2. suffering. to count.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  40. number

    NUMBER, numbers, pl. numbers, numbers, numbers, cf.
    1. The concept that serves as an expression of quantity
    something with which the counting of objects and phenomena is made (mat.). Whole number. Fractional number. Named
    number. Simple number. (see simple1 in 1 value). Number theory (a branch of mathematics that studies general
    row, place (with the name of the month, the word " number" is usually omitted in speech, e.g. "first of May" instead of
    "first number May"). First numbers(· ie on the first day of the month) he returns from vacation. Which

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  41. number

    I carry neperekh.
    1. To be, to be somewhere or someone in any quantity
    II Nesov. neperekh. obsolete
    Strahd. to ch. count II

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  42. number

    Number, I am listed, we are registered, are listed, be registered, listed, are listed, being listed, was listed was listed, was listed, were listed, numbered, be registered, numbering, numbering, numbering, numbering listed, listed, listed, listed, listed, listed, listed listed, listed, listed, listed, registered, listed, listed, listed listed, listed, listed, listed, listed, registered, listed

    Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  43. number

    Number, numbers, numbers, numbers, number, numbers, number, numbers, number, numbers, including, numbers

    Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  1. including

    לְרַבּוֹת, כּוֹלֵל

    Russian-Hebrew Dictionary
  2. including Complete Russian-English Dictionary
  3. including Russian-German dictionary
  4. including Russian-Czech dictionary
  5. including Russian-Portuguese Dictionary
  6. including

    Not about numbers
    about numbers

    Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  7. including

    On your number

    Russian-Bulgarian dictionary
  8. on... number

    As of March 1, 56 plants were under construction.

    Russian-English scientific and technical dictionary
  9. number

    1) mat. sayI, san
    fractional number- kesir sayI
    2) (day, date) kün, tarih
    first numbers May
    mayIsnIñ birinci künleri
    3) (quantity) miqdar, sayı
    in the Big including- çoq miqdarda
    4) (composition, row
    sıra, ara, cumle
    therein including- bu cümleden
    5) gram. sayI
    the only thing number- teklik sayI, teklik
    in the only including- teklikte

    Russian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary
  10. number Russian-Lithuanian dictionary
  11. number


    Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  12. number

    the date

    Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  13. number

    aa = عدد
    ia = عداد

    Russian-Arabic Dictionary
  14. number

    1. date w, number with
    number/about date/
    2. number s, broy m

    Bulgarian-Russian Dictionary
  15. Number Russian-Turkish Dictionary
  16. number Russian-Swedish dictionary
  17. number

    use in combinations)
    number on the list - in der Liste stehen vi

    Russian-German dictionary
  18. number

    number in the list - figurar en la lista
    number on vacation - estar de vacaciones
    number sick
    figurar en la lista de (entre los) enfermos
    this book listed behind him - este libro está inscrito a su nombre

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  19. number

    1) numero m
    whole, fractional number- numero entero, fraccionario
    Even Odd number- numero
    par, impar
    abstract, named number- numero abstracto, concreto
    simple, multiple number
    numero primo, múltiple
    in the Big including- en gran numero
    surpass number- exceder en numero
    on number
    members - según el número de miembros
    2) gram. numero m
    the only thing number-singular m
    number-plural m
    dual number-dual m
    3) (date) fecha f
    what today number? - ¿que fecha es

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  20. was listed

    was listed
    נִמנָה [לְהִימָנוֹת, נִמנֶה, יִימָנֶה] (עִם)

    Russian-Hebrew Dictionary
  21. numbers

    množství (2.p.)

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  22. number

    Byt veden
    byt zahrnut

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  23. count


    Russian-Czech dictionary
  24. number


    Russian-Czech dictionary
  25. be among

    Estar no numero, estar incluso

    Russian-Portuguese Dictionary
  26. number

    Wed lik, fractional number- shot whole number- goals face even number- tsotny lik named
    number- hired multiple number- multiples of the abstract number- Adzyagny lik unknown number
    nevyadomy lik simple number- simple face imaginary number- uyaўny lik number theory - theory of lik
    the only thing number- adzіnochny lik plural number- plural lik dual number- couples lik lichba
    number, day, date, last numbers September - at the aposhnih lіchbakh (hours) verasnya, aposhnіmi days

    Russian-Belarusian dictionary

In Russian, the rules are sometimes so flexible that they are difficult to remember. For example, after the phrase “including” is a comma necessary or not? In short, there are different options. Somewhere it is needed, but somewhere it is not.

What is this phrase

According to dictionaries, the phrase “including” is a compound (consisting of several words) coordinating (connects homogeneous members of a sentence and parts of a compound sentence) union. Refers to connecting. That is, he brings some additional information into the sentence, attaches it to the already existing one.

By themselves, unions are not distinguished by commas, these are not introductory words. It's all about the information they bring with them. Usually this is some additional information to tell you more about something.

This information is called connecting turn, member of the proposal. As soon as it was formed, the union became dependent and is now considered together with the entire turnover. If it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence, it is separated (in the middle) or separated (at the end) by commas. Dash is used less often.

Do I need a comma after "including": rule

In the "Academic Handbook", paragraph 84, we read: "... The adjoining members of the sentence ... are separated by commas." The following mistake is often made here: understanding this phrase as an independent connecting phrase, they put two commas on both sides. Thus, "including" is distinguished by commas as an adjunctive member of the sentence, being in fact a union.

The mistake is that the second comma after this union is put too early. It should be placed after the attached information. The Union, as it were, makes an announcement: now there will be information. This information follows. And they need a comma after them.

Examples of correct and incorrect spelling

When do you need a comma after "including", and when not?

Correct spelling example:

  • , including.

An example of incorrect spelling:

  • including, about connecting revolutions.

Italicized is a member of the sentence, which, with the help of this union, complements what was said earlier. It must not be broken by a comma. It should only be singled out, separated from the previous text. And here a comma is needed.

When to put a comma after a turn

Sometimes a comma is also placed after the turnover. This happens when the sentence does not end with it and the thought from its first part continues. Then, in a turnover that begins with the words “including”, a comma on both sides highlights it, and the whole turnover is enclosed in commas. Example:

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text, includingabout connecting turns, and only an academician can understand this.

Here, if you throw out the turnover, commas are not needed. The conjunction "and" excludes them. But it happens that even if you throw out the turnover, commas are needed. This is required if the idea from the first or second part is explained. Example:

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text, includingabout connecting turns, which only an academician can understand.

The idea from the first part of the sentence is explained.

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text, includingabout connecting turns

The idea from the second part of the sentence is explained.

It is important to understand that these examples do not apply to the rule of writing only the union “including”. They are given in order to show the highlight of the turnover with this union. They will also stand out with another union. Example:

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text , namely about connecting revolutions which only an academician can understand.

Knowing the unions, it is easy to understand where to put commas.

When a comma is not used

There are times when they write "including" without commas. Example:

  • Previously, we occupied room number one hundred, and now - number one hundred and thirty-seven. It's a pity that they moved, I liked it including ease of remembering.

Everything is clear here. From the context it is clear that we are talking about numerals. The meaning of the phrase is different. And the rules are different. This is no longer a union, but a noun "number" in the prepositional case. Here's a more complicated example:

  • Due to the unrepaired fleet of vehicles, the processing of fields has decreased. As you can see, fluctuations in the amount of gross product occur including and due to the liquidation of the auto repair enterprise.

Neither before nor after including» The comma is not used. Context is also important here. If you throw out the union, the meaning of what was said changes slightly. That is, the only reason for fluctuations in the amount of gross product is indicated - the liquidation of an auto repair enterprise. Because of the standing phrase, it is clear that this reason is not the only one. You can rephrase this so that the connecting turnover becomes visible:

  • Fluctuations in the amount of the gross product are influenced by certain reasons, including liquidation of a car repair shop.

The word “reasons” is supplemented with a turnover (highlighted in italics).

In layman's terms it might look like this:

  • It is happened including and your fault.
  • It is happened and through your fault as well.

Classic variant:

  • Many people are to blame for what happened. including and you.

Here the word "many" is complemented by a turnover. It is implied, but not in the previous version. Here is an example of the movement of the language. This is how the majority began to speak, these constructions (with the missing explained word) are pronounced on the radio, they fly from the lips of politicians. Many sentences that were previously considered invalid constructions due to the lack of a generalizing word are now the norm.

When an offer is wrong

It happens that the sentence itself, containing this union, is drawn up incorrectly. The rules stipulate that the connecting structure must refer to a specific word. If it doesn't exist, there is nothing to add.

  • At the alumni reunion, we recalled including and the Petrov twins.

Here, a completely unnecessary union “including”, the comma in front of it speaks of an attached turnover. But that's just the words that need to be supplemented, no. Sounds illiterate. You can rephrase it like this:

  • At the meeting of graduates, they recalled many classmates, including and the Petrov twins.

Why do you need to know

Understanding where to put a comma is not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults. Imagine this situation: a graduate wrote a resume and sent it to a company that needs a specialist of his level. He was sure that he would be taken.

While the competitors sitting in line for an interview were worried, he calmly imagined himself in a new job. What was his surprise when the representative of the employer pointed to his resume as the reason for the refusal!

It turned out that, trying to present himself from the best side, the applicant wrote the following phrase:

  • I happened to develop software products for large companies, thereinincluding, for "A" and "B" and I have a certificate of successful implementation of one of them.

There is a comma after the union "including", but it should come after the turnover (in italics), and not break it. Apparently, the young man was afraid to put a comma before the "and". In vain.

This is how a competent specialist in his field can suddenly become a loser.

Should this phrase be replaced?

It should be noted that such revolutions can be joined without unions. For example:

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text .
  • There is a lot of boring information in this text about connecting turns.

In the second case, the union will be thrown out, but the meaning of this has changed a little. Now it follows from the sentence that boring information contains connecting turns. In the first sentence, this is not the only reason, some other is implied.

Some tend to replace uncomfortable words, write in simple sentences to avoid mistakes. Thus, the language is impoverished, deprived of turns of speech. Words that accurately express a thought are leaving. Ultimately, this leads to the impoverishment of the vocabulary and the inability to explain or prove anything.

Having dealt with the unions, it will be easy to pass the literacy test, and the mistakes of colleagues will only cause a smile. The best way to increase literacy is to read fiction. It is rich in expressive means, in it you can find all the techniques necessary for writing texts.

The main thing is not to give up, and everything will work out!

    International students (also foreign students) - persons traveling abroad to receive education at various levels and specializations. The number of students who annually travel abroad for education in the world reaches 5 million people and tends to grow steadily. Since the very fact of entry and exit often affects certain migration provisions of the legislation of the country of origin and the country of reception, the stay of international students in the territory of a particular ...

    The Global Corruption Barometer is an annual sociological study by Transparency International, conducted in order to find out the level of perception of corruption, citizens' opinions about which state and public institutions are most susceptible to corruption, and take into account the practical experience of dealing with corruption. The study also involves the respondents' assessment of the effectiveness of the authorities' activities in combating corruption. The study has been conducted annually since 2003 in more than 60 countries around the world...

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a large US public organization founded to protect the rights of the black population. It is currently one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the world.

    International students (also foreign students) - persons traveling abroad to receive education at various levels and specializations. The number of students who annually travel abroad for education in the world reaches 5 million people and tends to grow steadily. Since the very fact of entry and exit often affects certain migration provisions of the legislation of the country of origin and the country of reception, the stay of international students in the territory of a particular ...

    The Global Corruption Barometer is an annual sociological study by Transparency International, conducted in order to find out the level of perception of corruption, citizens' opinions about which state and public institutions are most susceptible to corruption, and take into account the practical experience of dealing with corruption. The study also involves the respondents' assessment of the effectiveness of the authorities' activities in combating corruption. The study has been conducted annually since 2003 in more than 60 countries around the world...

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a large US public organization founded to protect the rights of the black population. It is currently one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the world.

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