What does a piercing look mean. How to develop the power of sight. What is the look of a man in love

Have you ever wondered why some people find it difficult to look into each other's eyes even for a short time? And you yourself can easily withstand the gaze of another person?

For representatives of the animal world, staring into the eyes is a sign of aggression and challenge.

It is also unacceptable for a person to look away for a number of reasons. This indicates either uncertainty or a desire to hide something.

You need to be able to look the interlocutor in the eye. Today you will acquire another good habit - do not look away. In addition, you will learn to look in such a way that your opponent will feel insecure in your presence and will not withstand the game of "staring".

For starters, come up with an "anchor". This is an item or activity that keeps you constantly reminded of what you should be doing during the day. It can be a coin in your pocket or a rosary. Every time you feel for a coin or touch the bones of the rosary, mentally say the installation: “I always look into my eyes!”, “I have a piercing, hypnotic look,” etc.

How to look into the eyes

1. There is a little secret to make your gaze seem hypnotic and piercing. Look at the bridge of the interlocutor's nose.

2. Another important thing. When communicating, focus on your tanden (a point two fingers below the navel and two fingers deep). This is the energy center of a person, and concentration on it will allow you to feel calm, confident, and your eyes will begin to radiate energy and strength.

3. When communicating, always control your breathing. In ancient times, before the fight, the swordsman began to count his breaths and exhalations in order to tune in.

4. It is useful to do eye exercises such as clockwise and counterclockwise rotations, up-down, left-right movements. This will give the eyes shine, strengthen the muscles, and will serve as a prevention of visual impairment, which in itself is not a bad bonus.

5. Draw a circle with a diameter of 1 cm on a piece of paper and hang this piece of paper at a distance. Look at this point for some time without blinking. Increase the amount of exercise every day. Then look at the point in the same way, but already placing it on the side. This exercise trains the tenacity and "hypnotic" look.

6. When walking down the street, do not take your eyes off the oncoming passers-by. Let them feel your power. One of the commandos recommended looking at people as if you were hitting them on pain points and simply destroying them physically.

7. Don't forget about the peripheral view. Notice everything that is happening away from you, but do not look directly in that direction. Let people think that you are not watching them.

8. Think about your gaze, prepare for meetings, train your gaze and see how the interlocutors recognize your superiority.

Do not forget about the "anchor", be calm and confident.

Don't overdo it, but don't let others confuse you either.

Remember, keeping your eyes peeled is a good habit!


piercing, piercing; piercing, piercing piercingly (bookish).

    Cutting ear, sounding harsh. Suffering verse, piercingly dull. Pushkin. A hungry wolf in the wilderness pierced (adv.) moaned. Nekrasov.

    Staring, sharp (of a look). Her piercing eyes, smile, voice, conversations - everything was poisoned in her! Pushkin. A man in his forties... with pitch-black, piercing eyes. Turgenev. A deep look burned with fire, piercing and clear. Nekrasov.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Aya, oh; - flax, - flax.

    Sharp to the ear. P. whistle. Shrill (adv.) shout.

    About the look: steadfast and sharp.

    About wind, cold: penetrating through. Intense dampness.

    noun shrillness, and

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    obsolete Able to pierce, pierce, cut through; spicy.

    trans. Penetrating inside, through smth.; sharp, piercing (about wind, cold, etc.).

    1. trans. Strongly, sharply acting on the senses.

      Very strong and sudden (about physical or mental sensations, feelings).

      unfold Strong, deeply acting on the senses; exciting.

  1. trans. Staring, penetrating, as if penetrating inside (about a look, a look).


Piercing (destroyer, 1914)

"Piercing"- destroyer type "Daring", built according to the "Program for the hasty strengthening of the Black Sea Fleet" and belonged to the number of destroyers of the type "Novik".

Piercing (destroyer)

"Piercing"- Sokol-class destroyer.

Examples of the use of the word shrill in the literature.

The howl lasted about a minute and was like this piercing that Abraham plugged his ears.

Dancing, the old Australians published piercing screams on a single note: - A-a-a-a.

Called to God, called to Adonai Elohim, called piercing, filled with despair in voices reminiscent of the piercing, ear-piercing sounds of a ram's horn, which they blow on the New Year's holiday.

Suddenly, from the highest terrace in the middle of the village, piercing, heart-rending, heartbreaking cry: - God of Israel, God of Israel, Adonai, how long?

Frederick kissed Margaret again, this time on the neck, but before she could decide how to feel about it, the accordionist began to play some primitive, piercing melody, and it was immediately taken up by hoarse, triumphant voices.

Kamagin fixed his attention on Aldebaran, and suddenly Aldebaran became confused and danced, and jumped out into the field of view. piercingly radiating greenish ball.

Suddenly fat man Eot, apparently deciding that he could not resist in an open argument, dived under the table, and a second later the room was announced piercing with a squeal of an angel - Eot grabbed his opponent's thigh with his teeth.

Lily had one piercing a look that at first Andreichenko could not understand what color the girl's eyes were and why he liked her, although he was more than twice her age.

When comparing Nux Moskhata, Antimonium Tart, Opium and Apis, which has the same stuporous state, but it is interrupted piercing screaming, in brain troubles, where such drowsiness is usually found.

Suddenly, a red light flashed on Arly's control panel, and piercing the screech drowned out all conversation.

Amidst the unimaginable roar of gunshots and explosions, Ahri - at least so it seemed to him - managed to catch a few piercing cries of sectoids - thin, incredibly high voices.

When dealing with a swaggering and arrogant person, it is assumed that she is inflated by her own arrogance, like a balloon, and that all this conceit and arrogance keep her body inflated thanks to a plug inserted into the sphincter, which provides all this aerostatic grandeur, and it means that by inviting the interlocutor to pull it out, you want him to let the air out of himself, which often accompanies piercing whistling and shrinking of the outer shell to a pitiful state of emaciated, bloodless ghost of former greatness.

At the same second, the phone on the baev's table, with a short tinkle, held a short pause and then broke out piercing continuous trill.

Candida, who poured her entire snuff bottle onto the fainted lady, quietly remarked to Balthazar: piercing meow!

Ecology of life: The human gaze has great power. A lot can be said about a person and his character by his gestures, gait, facial features, but I think it is unlikely that anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his look. A look can tell a lot about the inner world of a person.

Eyes are clearer than words
Words sometimes only cloud the meaning ...
And the look ... Well, does he deceive
The one who can read it.

The human eye has great power. A lot can be said about a person and his character by his gestures, gait, facial features, but I think it is unlikely that anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his look. A look can tell a lot about the inner world of a person.

It has long been noticed that with a glance a person can influence others. A glance can convey the whole gamut of feelings - love, hatred, contempt, regret, gratitude ..... It is no coincidence that there are such expressions as “glance at”, “from the look of goosebumps”, “admiring look”, “haughty look”.

From all this, the conclusion involuntarily suggests itself: the gaze is energized.

The gaze is a powerful force with which you can blind, enchant, control and manipulate people. With a look you can subjugate yourself, with a look you can neutralize the hostile intentions of a person or beast.

If you look closely at a person for a while, he will definitely feel it. Scientists decided to test this ability to feel someone else's gaze experimentally.

The experiment, in which 100 people took part, was carried out as follows. A person was seated in the center of the room, and a second person was seated behind him so that the subject could not see him. And this second one had to periodically look intently at the person sitting in front of him. If the subject felt the gaze, he spoke about it. The results were stunning. In 95 cases, people felt the gaze of another person directed at them.

History brought to us the names of famous personalities who had a special, magical look, which people could not withstand and looked away. Caligula, Ivan the Terrible, Paul I, Hitler, Stalin had a heavy, bewitching look, from which many felt uneasy.

In history, there are cases when people killed by the power of their gaze. In this way, members of the hired killer caste, which existed in Alexandria in the pre-Christian period, dealt with the objectionable. The look of a man who lived in Sicily in the middle of the 19th century had a similar feature.

The look of a person who is in a state of the strongest emotional excitement, in a state of passion is extremely dangerous. This was known in antiquity. That is why people were blindfolded before execution. By the way, the executioners who carried out the death sentence died very early, as a rule, before they reached the age of 40.

How do representatives of modern science relate to all this?

The Soviet scientist Kazhinsky (1890-1962) was engaged in research in the field of telepathy and biological radio communication. He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics.

Ronald Ross (1857-1932), a Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine, was of the same opinion. The scientist conducted a series of experiments during which the subjects were asked to use their gaze to act on a tiny magnetic needle suspended on a silk thread. And many managed to turn the arrow with a glance.

In 1989, Soviet scientists conducted an experiment somewhat unusual for those years, the purpose of which was to test the paranormal abilities of Anna Lokhatkina, a well-known healer of those years. She was asked to use her gaze to influence a laser beam passing through a hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, a gray haze appeared in the cylinder, and a few minutes later the laser beam simply disappeared. It was at this moment that the device, with the help of which the healer's eyes were constantly monitored, recorded a short-term sharp expansion of the woman's pupils.

Based on a number of experiments and studies, a version was put forward that the pupil is the main channel for transmitting energy to the eyes.

Even in the old days, it was believed that the size of the pupils is associated with vitality: a full life person has larger pupils than an old or seriously ill person. Pupils dilate when a person has a need for information, which is why they are dilated in children.

Pupils dilate at the moment of danger or stress, when a person needs as much information as possible to make a decision. The pupils constrict in a tired person who has lost interest in life, which also indirectly confirms the version that energy is transmitted through the pupil - the constriction of the pupil prevents the outflow of energy from the body.

This will be of interest to you:

To date, there are more assumptions and hypotheses in this area than proven facts. One we can say with confidence - the look of a person, which is one of the main means of communication between people, can have both a beneficial effect and cause enormous, and sometimes irreparable harm. published

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Let's talk about such, no doubt, an important topic for anyone, like piercing gaze. Partially, the issues of the piercing gaze and the transmission of the state through the gaze to men, women and four-legged friends of a person are practiced at our training on psycho-suppression. There are a few things I would like to expand on. This will allow you to better understand what state passing is, how influence other people without words, as convey a sense of power, confidence, tranquility.

To begin with, I want to tell you about a curious incident that happened to one of my coaching participants. Once he was very late for the train, and he urgently needed to buy tickets. There was a crowd of people at the box office, the queue was agitated, because the cashier processed everything very slowly. And he realized that if he acted like everyone else now and took his place, he would stand for four hours, do nothing at all, and the whole day would go down the drain. What did he do? Entering the ticket sales hall, he remembered that I told him about the detuning of gait, body geometry, about the internal state, the principles of voice construction. He created the right mood and went through the crowd like a knife through butter. “Surprisingly, despite the fact that people did not see me, they sought to part,” he said later. They had their backs to me. And when some aunt tried to blurt out, they say, why am I climbing out of line, I just turned around, looked at her, and the crowd fell silent. It was like rabbits turning their ears up when threatened.” Then he went straight to the ticket office, smiled at the cashier and asked for the right tickets. She quickly filled them in, he went back, and the crowd parted again.

Another example: I made adjustments to one friend with the launch of the corresponding channel, with the activation of sensitivity, and he turned on what is called "combat power". He says: “Usually, when I come to the European shopping center on Kievskaya, there are boys of a famous nationality standing there and staring at everyone. I stare back at them too. They look aggressively - and so do I. And then I felt like power went. I'm walking, the boys are standing. I start looking at them and they seem to feel guilty! They lowered their eyes and fell silent. So I passed them. Then the guards somehow stepped aside.”

These are situations where a person skillfully uses a special look.

how get that kind of power impact - a separate conversation. Now we will discuss more simple tricks that can be apply right now without reaching any additional settings.

The art of a correct, piercing look to the depths of the soul is based on several elements, each of which contributes even 15%, but a significant increase in power. And together they are summed up and allow "shoot" in full.

Paradoxically, the most important component is not the eyes and not even the internal state, as one might think. This is the correct one in the first place. customizing your body. It should be exactly oriented between earth and sky and have a strong posture.

The second point is how you breathe. Must include lower abdominal breathing. This type of breathing was practiced by Japanese samurai and ninja before a death match or when they wanted to calm down. It is believed that in the stomach there is, as it were, a “cauldron”. Below, in the groin area, sexual energy is concentrated. It is a kind of fire that rises and heats the “cauldron”. In the latter is substance of life, which can be lifted up. Or, on the contrary, emotions can descend into the “cauldron”:

  • fear,
  • hatred,
  • envy,
  • malice,
  • aggression,
  • anxiety,
  • panic,
  • rage,
  • astonishment,
  • thoughtfulness,
  • sadness,
  • joy,
  • grief,
  • depression,
  • crazy joy,
  • unreasonable laughter and so on.

These emotions cloud the mirror of our awareness. Our mind is the mind of a warrior, that is, a person who adequately evaluates all the opportunities that the universe provides him at the moment. Our consciousness should be like the surface of a calm lake, which adequately reflects the sky, beautiful mountains around, trees. But as soon as the slightest breeze blows, ripples run across the lake, and the image becomes cloudy, doubles, triples and becomes inadequate. Likewise, any emotions that appear on the surface of our mind, interfere with the picture of pure consciousness. You must always remember this if you want to take adequate solutions, communicate with your intuition, influence other people listen to your own body and achieve great results in sports, in business, in personal life.

So here it is emotions of a trained warrior fall into the "cauldron" and digested in him. This is one of the meanings of posture adjustment.

The next important point is holding a certain impulse from the ground through the feet, then through the spine into the skull and then into the eyes, as into a radiator.

A separate component of the piercing gaze state is skill with a knife. Because if you have this skill, you know how with the help of a blade you can not only cut and stab, but also psychologically influence other people. You have developed knife image and you put it in each eye.

To make it clearer what is at stake, remember the movie "Star Wars". Remember Jedi laser swords? Power impulses from your eyes similar to such swords, but, in addition, they must converge at a certain point at some distance from the body.

So, you create images of two blades that come out of each eye. These blades join at one point and together spawn quadruple energy. I emphasize that this stream does not come from you, but from the earth. This is also important. Then you aim it at an object in front of you.

Influence on one opponent

Suppose you have a man in front of you and you perceive him as a potentially dangerous creature or want to use psycho-suppression skills on him. With the burning gaze described above, look into one of his eyes, and not at the surface of the cornea, but focusing behind his pupil, in depth. Then imagine that the beam of energy passes on into the human brain, penetrates it and rests against the skull cap. Then he pushes it through and, as it were, drills a point already half a meter behind the head of the object. It is with this look with two eyes that you look into one eye of a person. It is important to remember that your two beams merge into one even before contact with the opponent's eye.

Looking at a person in this way, you will feel like it was rocked. And if before that he was quite strong and stood firmly on the ground, now he seems to have gone limp. And you can move on. If you did everything right, in 96% of cases the object will give way.

Impact on the group

If there is a group of people in front of you, then for each, depending on how many people, you spend some time. For example, if the group consists of three people and the distance to them is about five meters, you can afford, moving slowly, to look into each person's eyes for about 2-3 seconds. If this is a large group, then you need to quickly "jump" from the brain of one to the brain of another, and so with each, spending half a second-second on it. Then you should choose two or three people at the point where you are going to pass through the group and give them additional aim pressure, looking no longer for two seconds, but for four. People will part.

Highly helps a lot in such situations trained knife fighting skills against the group, because it serves as an amplifier of influence.

How to influence animals?

The psyche of an animal is, of course, wilder than that of a human, and you can feel it when looking through its eye into the brain. Feel how psychopathic or aggressive or hysterical the dog is.

The algorithm here is almost the same:

  • You look into the round eye of a dog,
  • further into her brain,
  • "pierce" her skull,
  • BUT, when you look at a dog, it is very desirable to direct your gaze at an angle not to the surface of the earth, but to the joint of the hind leg - the so-called hock joint.

So you as if cutting down an animal. And the dog, if the technique is well worked out, can not only turn its tail and crawl away, but sit on its hind legs and whine or bark plaintively.

With a group of dogs, do the same: depending on how large the pack is, shift your gaze, fixing it on each dog.

With animals even more important than people keep your eyes focused. Because if you weaken it, they feel weak and immediately begin to surround, try to attack, especially when it comes to an aggressive group of stray dogs - hungry or during the mating period, when there are several males and a bitch in heat in the pack. Such animals are already “wound up”, they want to show off in front of the bitch, to show which of them is a real male. By the way, gopniks behave in the same way if an active girl appears in their company. They are looking for a victim. The psychology of a group of gopniks is the same as that of dogs. And them you too with a glance you make it clear who is the boss here.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to influence a creature of the opposite sex (whether it be a girl or a bitch), otherwise the males will perceive this as a reason to start active aggressive actions. Just glide over the female with your eyes, showing indifference to her - well, girl, well, there are boobs, there is an ass, nothing outstanding.

Impact on girls

What to do and how to watch if on the way in front of you there are no gopniks, no dogs, but just a pretty girl or woman?

You can, of course, look at her with an indifferent look. But I advise you to do otherwise: spread your two "Jedi swords", which were previously connected at a certain point in space into an enhanced beam, to the sides. Return them to a parallel position, like everyone else, and turn them into a sort of diffuse spotlight. Gently slide over the girl with this soft warming spotlight, starting from the eyes (moreover, behind the eyes, it is allowed to penetrate no more than 5-7 centimeters into the brain, because if you go further, she will feel discomfort). Start smiling. Here it is important to know how to transmit the state from the chest, from the throat, from the sexual centers, from the palms. However, now is not about that. Either way, look into her eyes unconcentrated soft gaze, then transfer it to the lips, to the neck, to the chest. You can also gently transfer to the hips, or you can immediately look at the chest, as if embarrassed, smile a little and slowly return to the eyes. Any a woman would be flattered and let her know that you appreciated her, you liked her. If you see that her pupils dilated and she smiled back, you can take further action.


Simulate for now only in your mind the situation: You are walking down the street and look into the eyes of a group of unfamiliar men with the look described above. And they look back at you. Try to feel what reaction arises inside you. What is born inside your chest? What do you feel in your head? Does it give you excitement, strength, vivacity? Or do you feel some shadow of uncertainty? Or maybe aggression, desire to hit? You must clearly understand this point.

Write about the results of the task in the comments.

The look of a person is a powerful tool that can impress any interlocutor. It can charm, it can attract or reject, it enhances the possibility of manipulative influence. Negativity directed at a person can be neutralized by him. Magnetic, odic, central - these are all characteristics of that very strong gaze that only a few have.

Everyone met people who, with their resolute, concentrated, almost unbearable look, "drew into a corner" because it seemed that a person sees through us. Such people can subjugate anyone, they are familiar with the power that an ordinary eye can have.

Psychology may not understand the mechanisms of influence of a look on a person, but numerous studies show that there is such an impact. For example, an experiment was conducted in which participants with their eyes closed were asked to feel someone else's gaze from the back. And in most cases, this was determined accurately.

It is believed that a look can send a thought wave to the interlocutor directly to the brain. In this case, you should look at the bridge of your nose, where the eyebrows converge. This is where the nerve center is located. In Eastern philosophy, there is a "third eye". Desires, feelings or commands sent to this center will be surely perceived if the gaze has that very power. To give the eye special properties, you need to develop certain skills.

Development of the power of the gaze

Training is required to develop the required skills. They will develop their skills, and after a while the result will be noticed: the interlocutors will begin to behave a little differently during the conversation, requests of any plan will increasingly be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Afghan girl Sharbat Gula

Exercise with a sheet of paper

Take a sheet of white paper, preferably thick. Draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm in its center with a black felt-tip pen and fix it on the wall so that it is at eye level. Next, you should sit opposite this circle at a distance of 1 meter and peer into the center, focusing your eyes. Do not blink or look away for one minute. Concentration is required: it is very important to imagine that energy or a beam is coming from the eyes. After a short rest, you can do a few more of these approaches.

Then you need to move the sheet a meter to the left and look at it without turning your head (with peripheral vision) for 1 minute. Hang the paper a meter to the right, look with peripheral vision in that direction. The exercise is repeated several times.

It is desirable to perform these exercises every day, and when they become easy (usually after 4-5 days), you should increase the exercise time to 2 minutes per approach. Then reduce the approaches to one, prolonging the execution. Ultimately, you need to ensure that the concentration of vision is not lost for 15 minutes at a time. Exercise will help develop a strong look.

Blue-eyed African boy

Using a mirror

Set up a mirror in front of you and peer into the reflection of your own eyes. Then you need to draw on the mirror, between the eyebrows, a small dot and look at it. You should act according to the principle of the first exercise, increasing the peering time to 15 minutes per approach. This exercise will help you withstand the strong gaze of others and sharpen your own gaze.

More advanced eye exercises

There are more complex exercises that can be performed only after completing one of the previous ones:

  1. A sheet of paper, the same as in the first exercise, is attached to the wall. You need to stand near the wall at a distance of 1 meter so that the circle is at eye level. The gaze is fixed on a point, and the head is made in circular movements clockwise, and then, after 1 minute, counterclockwise. You can't get out of the circle. This is how the optic nerves develop and the muscles of the eyes are strengthened.
  2. You should stand with your back to the wall, look at the other wall, which is in front. The gaze is translated left-right, up-down, zigzag, in circles. Each option is one minute long. This exercise will strengthen your eye muscles.
  3. The exercise requires a candle. It is necessary to light it, sit opposite so that it stands between straightened arms. You need to look at the flame without taking your eyes off for 1 minute with 3 repetitions. Energy waves from the flame will convey strength, severity, fill the look with warmth. In this exercise, energy is not given, but received.

Each of the exercises will strengthen the look, ultimately give confidence, rigidity, steadfastness. It is important not to squint, look straight, eyelids do not expand very much. If the eyes get tired while performing, they can be washed with cold water for a quick rest.

This look lasts depending on the situation. Most often, you should not look extremely closely and for a long time at the interlocutor. You need a calm and confident look that will make you obey.

You should not use the acquired skills for evil purposes, because evil returns like a boomerang.

The magic of the look

A magical look is considered a gift that appears from birth. Most likely, it cannot be learned, it can only be possessed. Some people do not realize how powerful a tool they have under their control. The magical look is fully used by clairvoyants, healers, sorcerers.

It is lucky if the magical look is directed at a person with good positive energy, a desire to help. But it negatively affects the state of a person if they begin to scan him, pump out energy, want to harm, jinx or spoil. But you can protect yourself from it if you learn to resist the flow of negative energy.

Exercises for the development of protective properties:

  1. A black dot is drawn on a sheet of paper. The sheet is hung at eye height. You need to step back 2 meters and look at the point without blinking for as long as possible until your eyes get tired. Then you should stop the exercise, rest for a couple of minutes. When performing, it is important to imagine an evil look, other people's eyes that can do harm. The main thing is to inspire yourself when doing the exercise that no one can harm with a glance, that is, damage. It is important to see the thin threads that connect the gaze with this point on the wall and understand that these threads do not harm, but only protect against adverse influences.
  1. The exercise will allow you to quickly take away the energy that someone has taken. A white candle is placed on the table and lit. It is required to sit in front of her and with an instant glance try to take the energy of fire, and then give it back. The exercise is repeated several times and ends at the stage of taking energy.

Some facts

  • A lingering gaze between men can be interpreted as aggression, so be careful.
  • If a man and a woman look intently at each other and the woman is the first to look away, then the position of subordination to this man is fixed in her.
  • If a woman is not indifferent to a man, this can be determined by her dilated pupils. However, do not confuse this with a reaction to the lack of lighting.

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