Domestic weapons and military equipment. Domestic weapons and military equipment Power plant and transmission

In recent years, there have been many rumors regarding new modifications of the T-72 MBT, some of which are frankly enthusiastic, and in another case it comes to almost outright abuse. And when, at the end of 2013, a decision was made to refuse to purchase the T-72B3 for the needs of the army, this message had the effect of an exploding grenade.

It should be mentioned here that this decision was made on the basis of real experience in operating prototypes in units where T-80 tanks were previously used. The real work of the equipment is more important for tankers, and they frankly do not care about the opinion of the "experts". So, why is the T-72B3 good or not too good? Differences from previous modifications - in our material.

The works of Serdyukov will not be forgotten...

Ordering weapons for the army at the present time is a huge undertaking in which each of the parties strives to snatch a bigger piece of profit. Here are the main interests:

  • Design bureaus are trying to sell their developments and get grants for further research.
  • In general, industry does not care what is to be produced, as long as there is a long-term state order and there are funds to pay the workers.
  • Army. Previously, she simply wanted to get reliable equipment in large quantities, but in the time of Serdyukov, everything changed somewhat, and not for the better.

However, enough lyrics. We need a T-72B3. What kind of beast will still begin to enter our troops (this year's decision)?

Main changed nodes

Let's focus on those nodes that have really been upgraded:

  • SLA, changed observation devices and aiming aids for the crew.
  • New radio communication system.
  • Updated weapons.
  • Improvements in fire extinguishing mechanisms.
  • The T-72B3 tank received tracks with a new RMSH.

What's new for the gunner?

The Sosna-U device acts as a sight for the gunner. It was originally developed by the Belarusian Peleng. Today it is produced by Vologda enterprises. The main characteristics are as follows:

  • Standard optical channel for daytime conditions.
  • Thermal imager for night sighting.
  • Standard rangefinder with laser channel.
  • Laser rangefinder for aiming when firing missiles.
  • Detection of enemy tanks in the daytime - up to 5 kilometers, at night - up to 3.5 km.
  • Image stabilization in two planes.
  • The ability to use the KUV (this is a complex of guided weapons) on the move, without the need to stop the vehicle in combat conditions.
  • There is automatic target tracking.
  • Display of the operating mode and the type of ammunition used.
  • There is equipment that allows you to make adjustments during combat shooting.

Negative points

This sight itself has been known in our troops for a long time, and it has earned a lot of positive feedback. But the thermal imager is made on the basis of the French camera Catherine-FC, which is produced by Tomcon-CSF. How can the T-72B3 Burevestnik MBT be equipped with components from a country whose political will is like a weather vane in a strong wind? There is no exact information about the current situation, but in 2014, French components continued to arrive ... The very modernization of the instruments for the gunner was carried out quite ... let's just say, the designers tried to save as much as possible:

  • They pulled out the well-proven sight PPN 1K-13-49 (which was previously a component of the KUV 9K120 "Svir").
  • They put "Pine" in the vacant place.

There are many disadvantages to such a strange approach, and all of them are serious:

  • The aiming line and the line of the barrel bore are strongly displaced in relation to the sight itself, which in the field conditions makes it extremely difficult for the gun to aim normally at the target.
  • Obviously, no one thought about the work of the gunner, who became even more uncomfortable using the sight. Tankers say that for the normal use of the "Pine" you have to strongly "mow" on the left side, arching your back along the way.
  • The gunner's video viewing device was placed "at random", which is why the troops constantly need new ones: the tanker simply breaks it with his left boot when getting into the car.
  • Finally - the most "delicious". The external optical unit is closed with a… solid metal cover, which is screwed (!) with four bolts at once.

The last circumstance for the main combat vehicle, which is the T-72B3 tank, is complete surrealism. Yes, optics should not be protected, but at what cost? Of course, hypothetically, the lid can be removed before the start of the battle ... But when will this very battle begin? Or should tankers turn the bolts with a wrench until the enemy politely agrees to wait for them!? Indeed, on all MBTs of the world, the opening of the armored shutter occurs remotely, from the gunner's workplace. Yes, and in domestic tanks, this solution was used repeatedly! What prevented such a mechanism from being installed here?

Positive Decisions

Fortunately, there are also positives. In the MSA they left (in a complete set) the sight of the TPD-K1 type, which is part of the 1A40, and even equipped it with protection against laser radiation. Simply put, the T-72B3 is equipped with two main sights at once. Even if one is damaged in battle, the tanker will always be able to use the second.

Behind the gunner's hatch, they finally installed what should have been there for a long time: sensors for ambient air temperature and wind characteristics (speed and direction). From now on, the gunner no longer needs to risk his life by leaning out of the hatch and doing the work of the Hydrometeorological Center. By the way, many experts express a well-founded opinion that the “awful” shooting at the tank biathlon in 2013 was due precisely to the absence of these devices. So the T-72B3, whose characteristics we are considering in the framework of this article, has so far demonstrated far from all of its abilities that it can show in biathlons.

On the difficulties of the commander's work

Alas, the designers, for some reason known only to them, left a real antique in the tank - TKN-3 (combined periscopic binocular sight). Recall that when it was already installed in 1991 on the newest BMP-3 at that time, it looked like a real anachronism! Yes, a second-generation image intensifier tube (EOC) was inserted into the "old man", but it got a little better from this. Why was it necessary to install this miracle on the T-72B3?

And further. Already during the first field tests, eye injuries were recorded in gaping tankers. When fired, the "slingshot" hits with such force that a couple of minutes of dizziness is guaranteed (if you do not remove your head in time). It also has a positive feature. If you press on the butt, the tank turret will automatically turn in the direction where the TKN-3 “looks”. At the same time, the “commander” indicator will light up at the gunner’s workplace. In general, this same T-72B3 commander will not be able to do anything else in battle.

Absurdity when aiming at a target

A very interesting fact is that when working at night, the tank gunner will see at 3.5 km, but the commander will have to be content either with the same duplicated picture, or try to “pierce” the night with his TKN-3MK, which allows you to see as much as 500 meters . What valuable commands will he give to the crew, if his working conditions are so inferior? After all, there are options for a modernized TKN from domestic companies in which the commander can at least measure the range to the target! In any case, our main battle tank continues to sparkle like a Christmas tree in IR surveillance devices, which, no doubt, pleases potential opponents.

Modernization of the communication system

Here everything is more fun. The VHF radio station R-168-25U-2 "Aqueduct" was put on the tank. The military has been asking for it for a long time. It has independent channels for sending and transmitting data. Can conduct open, hidden and secret communication sessions. In the latter case, the use of external AAS is required. The factory delivery set includes two independent transceivers.

I am glad that the tankers have finally received a coded communication. The release of this model was launched by the Ryazan Radio Engineering Plant back in 2005. It is worth noting that the developers of the station have provided an excellent groundwork for upgrading this equipment: it is already possible to connect a remote control for data collection, which can also be used as the main control tool if the main control devices are damaged. Alas, but here it was not without "tar" - tankers say that in military conditions this station often junk. Apparently, it has not yet been brought to an absolutely reliable state.

PTTs with individual volume control didn't do too well either. They themselves are not very reliable, but they are also distinguished by increased fragility. But this is the main battle tank. From iron. Solid. The tankers say that with the old tangents it was even possible to prop up the hatch, but it is undesirable to even drop the new one ... What else does the modernization of the T-72B3 imply?

Main caliber

Until now, official sources write that the 2A46M or 2A46M-5 gun is being installed on the upgraded version. It remains to be hoped that the last option will be put in the database. This gun is nothing more than a deep modernization of the well-proven D-81TM (2A46M) model. At the same time, the rigidity of the structure itself was significantly increased, which ensures better accuracy. In addition, during its manufacture it is much more rigid than the OTK, which ensures the supply of only those guns whose wall thickness difference does not exceed 0.4 mm.

The trunnion clips are now secured with a reverse wedge. The support of the sliding parts is located in the rear of the cradle, the neck of which was increased by 160 mm. At the same time, she also became much tougher. Guides for a cradle have the form of a prism. All this made it possible to reduce dispersion during firing by 15% at once. When firing immediately, the dispersion of shells decreased by almost half. Based on this, we can conclude that the T-72B3, the performance characteristics of which we are considering, can hit all available targets much more accurately and faster.

A reflector mount is provided to take into account the degree of barrel bending. The received data is transmitted to the gunner's place in an initially digital form, which again provides better shooting accuracy, levels out the consequences of various interferences that inevitably arise during the combat operation of the vehicle. It should be noted that all this information goes directly to the ballistic computer. This device greatly facilitates the work of the gunner and allows him to quickly aim the gun at the selected target.

Strengthening the standard ammunition

Several types of "long" shells were introduced at once. ZVBM22 with BPS ZBM59 "Lead-1" and "Lead-2" were developed. With a simultaneous increase in the maximum firing distance, the degree of armor penetration at all distances increases. To ensure the normal loading of new shells, the automatic loader has been slightly modified. However, a similar mechanism has already been installed on our tanks, starting with the T-72BA, so there is nothing new here.

Coaxial machine gun and ZPU

There are no changes in this respect - PKT/PKTm. There was information about tank "Pechenegs", but there is no confirmation yet. But there is still no data on the normal mechanism for collecting spent cartridges. The fact is that tearing a standard canvas bag with subsequent spilling of red-hot shells onto an AZ container (automatic loader) can lead to extremely sad results. Apparently, the energy of the designers (and money) completely ended on this, because it’s difficult to come up with something more unsuitable for a battle tank than a ZPU open to all winds ...

Apparently, the crew needs a full-time suicide bomber who will cover the T-72B3. Reviews of the tankers themselves are generally better not to give due to their complete obscenity.

Main conclusions on the weapons system

  • This time, the upgrade really improves the performance of the vehicle: a new cannon and improved ammunition. All these components give a chance for a quick and guaranteed suppression of the enemy.
  • PKT - no comment, a hit for all times.
  • ZPU without remote control is an undisguised disregard for the lives of crew members. Since the weight of the T-72B3 tank still increased to 46 tons (a simple T-72 weighs 42 tons), it would be possible to allocate a couple of hundred more kilograms for a normal remote-controlled installation.

Automatic fire extinguishing systems

NPO Elektromashina developed the Hoarfrost system especially for this modernization. This is an automatic installation for detecting and extinguishing fires that may occur in the combat and engine compartments. Main characteristics:

  • Double action.
  • The kit comes with four cylinders with Freon.
  • Optical and thermal sensors are used to detect a fire source.

Power plant and transmission

B-84-1 was left in place. Of course, all diesels kill tankers accustomed to the T-80, but this engine is really good. The B-84 is very reliable and has been field tested. The operating parts are full of specialists who know this motor very well. The B-92, which was originally supposed to be installed, still needs versatile tests. Since the power plant has remained the same, the transmission has not undergone any changes. The BKP was not subjected to strengthening, the number of friction pairs in the clutch elements was not increased. So the engine and transmission remained virtually the same.


A caterpillar with a sequential arrangement of RMS was used. This option has been used on both the T-72BA and T-90 since 1996. The undercarriage, which is equipped with the Russian T-72B3, is also subject to corresponding changes. No other innovations in this area are reported.

Main conclusions

  • The gunner's capabilities are really impressive: he has two sights, a new gun with improved barrel bend control systems, and other “highlights” at his service.
  • Alas, due to frankly archaic means of observation, the commander of the new tank is simply not able to fight normally at night.
  • Communication systems are good, but they need to be improved.
  • "Hoarfrost" is good, only double operation is not enough, and it is desirable to have more cylinders with a mixture.
  • Tower and hull defense is a complete failure.
  • Engine, chassis and transmission - no changes.

There remains a strong impression that modernization was simply abandoned halfway. Many unfinished elements can be improved without spending phenomenal money on it. Here, in general, and all. In principle, the modernization of the tank turned out to be quite good, but some moments frankly hurt the eyes.

During the recent competitions in tank biathlon at the training ground in Alabino, the focus was on the original sport. However, there were other events in the program of the event. So, at one of the sites of the training ground, a demonstration of Russian armored vehicles, which are currently in service with the troops, took place. Among other exhibits at this small exhibition was a new modification of the T-72 tank, called the T-72B3. It should be noted that the combat vehicle of this model was first presented to the general public. Prior to this, people interested in armored vehicles, but not directly related to the armed forces or industry, had to be content with only general information and a set of photographs.

According to eyewitnesses, the new T-72B3 tank did not cause much excitement among the guests of the event. Much more attention was attracted by the T-90A, which stood nearby. In addition, probably not all the technicians present at the show were able to determine the model of the tank by its appearance. Since the T-72B3 is a relatively simple upgrade of the T-72B tank, created in the late eighties, the appearance of these armored vehicles differs only in a few small details. Nevertheless, even such “little things” can have a noticeable impact on the characteristics and capabilities of a combat vehicle.

The T-72B3 project was created as a way of budgetary modernization of the existing fleet of T-72B tanks and therefore has a number of characteristic features. The cost of upgrading one old tank to the state of T-72B3, according to available data, does not exceed 52 million rubles. At the same time, most of the finances (about 30 million) are spent on the overhaul of the combat vehicle, and the remaining funds are used to purchase and install new equipment.

In the course of overhaul and modernization, the serial tank of the T-72B model, when re-equipped into the T-72B3, receives a number of new devices. First of all, it is necessary to note the new multi-channel gunner's sight "Sosna-U". This device allows the gunner to find targets using optical and thermal imaging channels. In addition, Sosna-U is equipped with a laser rangefinder and an anti-tank missile control system. Thus, with the help of only one device, the gunner can perform several functions necessary in combat. Unfortunately, when creating the T-72B3 project, tank builders used an ambiguous or even controversial technical solution. The external units of the Sosna-U sight are placed inside a lightly armored casing that protects them from bullets and shrapnel. In the stowed position, the front window of the casing is closed with a lid. The latter is attached to the casing with bolts. Because of this, before firing, the crew must leave the car and manually remove the sight cover. The covers of the sight casing on domestic tanks are usually equipped with devices that allow them to be opened from the crew workplaces. For what reason such an original, but strange solution was used in the T-72B3 project is unknown.

As for the gunner's sight 1A40-1, which was used on the base model T-72B, it remained in its place on the new armored vehicle, but now it functions as an additional means of aiming the gun. The workplace of the tank commander is equipped with a TKN-3MK device with the "Double" system. Thanks to the use of these means, the commander also gets the opportunity to direct the gun and fire.

The driving performance of the T-72B3 tank remained at the same level as that of the T-72B. The fact is that in order to reduce the cost of modernization, it was decided to leave the power plant without any changes. During the repair and re-equipment, the T-72B3 retains the V-84-1 diesel engine with a capacity of 840 horsepower. At the same time, the undercarriage and caterpillars underwent some changes. The latter now have a parallel hinge, which is expected to improve performance and increase resource.

The specific nature of the modernization of the T-72B tanks to the level of "B3", which implies large expenditures for the overhaul of equipment, affected the level of protection. So, on the hull of the updated tanks, there is still a built-in dynamic protection of the Contact-5 type. According to some reports, the T-72B3 could receive a new Relic protection, but in the future it was decided to leave the system that was previously used.

However, the overall level of protection of the T-72B3 tank has slightly increased compared to the same parameters of the base vehicle. Previously, the T-72B tanks used an active-passive night sight, in some operating modes using the L-4A Luna infrared searchlight. There is no searchlight on the T-72B3 due to the use of a new sight with a night channel. The space to the right of the gun mantlet, which was previously occupied by the searchlight, is closed by the dynamic protection module on the new tank. This made it possible to solve the long overdue problem of full protection of the frontal projection of the tank turret. However, the use of the old Kontakt-5 dynamic protection raises relevant questions about the overall level of protection.

The armament complex of the T-72B3 tank has undergone minimal changes. The 2A46-5 gun-launcher received an updated automatic loader, modified to use new ammunition. The gun itself, as far as is known, remained the same. Also, the anti-aircraft machine gun installation was not finalized. The updated tank, like previous models, is equipped with an open turret with an NSV machine gun. According to some reports, a remote-controlled machine gun installation, with which the crew could fire without leaving the fighting compartment, has become a "victim" of reducing the cost of modernization.

As a result of the conversion of the T-72B tanks into the T-72B3, their combat potential is increasing, but the difference in the capabilities of the base and modified vehicles can be a reason for serious disputes. Overhaul and installation of new equipment can have an impact on the state of equipment and tank forces as a whole. On the other hand, the use of not the newest and most advanced devices in combination with a number of ambiguous solutions (a sight window cover or an open machine-gun turret) in some situations can completely neutralize all the available advantages. Nevertheless, the selected devices and ideas fit into the estimate determined by the customer. Thus, the T-72B3 is actually a compromise between price and capabilities, adjusted for the state of tank forces and the upcoming emergence of new equipment.

According to the websites:

T-72B "object 184" is an improved modification of the T-72A tank, mass production began in 1984.

The vehicle was equipped with hinged dynamic protection, a V-84-1 (V-84M) diesel engine with a power of 840 hp, and a 9K120 Svir guided weapon system with laser-guided missiles at the target.

Already at the time of its creation, the T-72B turned out to be outdated in terms of the fire control complex (1A40-1).

There was no automated control system on it at all. The T-72B lagged behind both the foreign Leopard-2 and Abrams tanks and the domestic T-80BV, T-64BV, T-80U and T-80UD.

The tank protection was developed taking into account the tests in the USSR of the Israeli BPS M111, which pierced the upper frontal part of the T-72A tank. The design abandoned fiberglass, replacing it with a design from a set of steel plates. Later, the so-called. "semi-active" armor with "reflective" sheets.

The mobility of the tank also increased very slightly (from 760 hp on the T-72A to 840 hp)

In general, the growth of the tank's performance in terms of protection against BPS was 20% compared to the T-72AV, engine power - 10%. Due to restrictions on the growth of the mass of the tank and the lack of a modern engine, the weak potential of the design bureau itself, the improvement of the T-72A tank was very slow. As a result, in the mid-80s, an obsolete tank entered service. The main achievement of the new modification of the T-72 was a guided weapon system.

The complex was an effective and simple tank missile armament, which was comparable in characteristics to the Cobra, but was much simpler in design and operation.


The tank has a classic overall layout with a crew of three and a transverse engine. The layout completely repeats the one adopted on the T-72, T-72A tanks, which was borrowed from the T-64.

Frame. Front right view: 1 - upper nasal leaf; 2 - booms for the installation of DZ containers; 3 - headlight guard bracket; 4 - front towing hook; 5 - lower nasal leaf; 6 - balancer bracket.

Frame. Rear view on the left: 1 - protective turret bar; 2 - caterpillar strip chipper; 3 - outlet pipe; 4 - brackets and stops for laying cables; 5 - beam with exit blinds; 6 - barrel mounting bracket; 7 - bracket for fastening the spare parts box to trawls and PSK cassettes; 8 - log mounting bracket; 9- mounts for spare tracks; 10 - fan hatch cover; 11 - fodder sheet; 12 - towing hook; 13 - case of emergency socket and marker lamp; 14 - chipper of the caterpillar fingers; 15 - gearbox housing; 16 - emphasis of the balancer; 17 - support roller bracket; 18 - hydraulic shock absorber bracket; 19 - guide wheel crank bracket.

Tower: 1 - commander's cupola; 2 - overhead; 3 - roof; 4 - housing for installing a gunner's observation device; 5 - flange for mounting the sight 1K13-49; 6 - tubes for electrical wires;

7, 25 - headlight mounting brackets; 8 - protective head of the rangefinder sight; 9, 15, 18, 27 - mounting hooks; 10 - strap; 11 - arc cheeks; 12, 13 - groove for attaching the outer protective cover of the gun; 14 - bracket searchlight L-4A; 16-clamp for fastening the box with ammunition for the NSV machine gun; 17, 19, 22, 24 - brackets for fastening OPVT boxes; 20 - antenna mounting flange; 21,

26 - copiers; 23 — hatch ejection and removal of the pallet; 28 - bracket for installing smoke grenade launchers; 29 - gunner's hatch; a - a hole for the rear suspension of the sight-rangefinder; b - boring under the trunnion; in - the embrasure of the PKT machine gun; g - a hole for installing a landing socket.


The main armament is a 125 mm 2A46M smoothbore gun-launcher. The design of the gun makes it possible to replace the barrel in the field without dismantling it from the turret. To improve the accuracy of shooting, the cylinders of the two recoil brakes are fixed symmetrically with respect to the bore in the upper right and lower left corners of the breech.

Tank gun 2A46M: 1 - thermal protective cover; 2 - trunk; 3 - cradle; 4 - shutter; 5 - fence; 6 - lifting mechanism; 7 - brake of sliding parts; 8 - knurler; 9 - bar; 10 - screw; 11 - wire; 12 - compensating weight; B - gap 8-13 mm; B - gap 8-12 mm.

Firing is carried out with separate-sleeve loading shots with armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation shells and shots with a guided missile that has a cumulative warhead.

The automatic loader is similar to that used on the T-72, the mechanized ammunition load is 22 shots.

This is less than

and is located in a very vulnerable place for mines, which, when detonated, will disable the tank without the possibility of recovery

Location of nodes A3: 1 - rammer; 2 - cassette lifting mechanism; 3 - ejection hatch; 4 - trap; 5 - ejection hatch drive; 6 - drive to the catcher; 7 - hand drive handle to the stopper VT; 8 - electromagnetic stopper VT; 9 - flooring BT; 10 - roller; 11 - frame; 12 - support roller; 13 - top shoulder strap; 14 - lower shoulder strap; 15 - glass; 16-cassette; 17-capture; 18 - pallet stop; 19 - frame; 20 - electromagnetic catcher stopper; 21 - cable.

The cyclogram characterizes the process of a full cycle of automatic loading of a tank gun.

It can be seen from the cyclogram that in order to reduce the duration of the cycle, and, consequently, to increase the technical rate of fire, the action of some mechanisms is partially or completely combined in time. For example, bringing the gun to the loading angle, its locking and rotation of the BT.

The cyclogram shows that the full cycle of loading and firing when turning the VT into two cassettes lasts< 8 с.

If the next shots are on the loading line, then the technical rate of fire will be higher, since in this case the full cycle of loading and firing without turning the BT will be > 7 s.

Ammunition for the gun is 45 rounds and is stacked as follows: 22 rounds in the rotating conveyor of the automatic loader, 23 - in non-mechanized stacking.

In VT, shots by type can be stacked in any ratio. In non-mechanized stacking, shots are stacked regardless of their type, with the exception of places specifically specified. As the ammunition from the BT is used, the crew replenishes the BT with shots from the ammunition racks, if the situation allows, or manually loads the gun directly from the ammunition racks.

Shots posted:

5 shells in the turret, of which: 2 - on the rotating floor behind the commander's seat, 1 - armor-piercing sub-caliber on the rotating floor behind the cannon and 2 - armor-piercing sub-caliber in the niche of the tower behind the gunner's seat;

18 shells in the hull, of which: 3 - high-explosive fragmentation or cumulative - in the front tank-rack, 4 - in laying on the MTO partition on the starboard side, 4 - in laying on the MTO partition on the port side, 3 - on the left side behind the gunner's seat , 1 - armor-piercing sub-caliber behind the AB rack, 3 - on the left side behind the AB rack;

4 charges in the tower, of which: 1 - in front of the commander's seat, 2 - behind the commander's seat, 1 - in front of the gunner's seat;

19 charges in the case, of which: 1 - at the front tank rack on the starboard side, 3 - in the front tank rack, 12 - in the middle tank rack near the MTO partition and 3 - behind the AB rack.

Ammunition for the PKT machine gun is 2000 rounds (8 belts of 250 rounds each).

The ammunition load for the AKMS-74 assault rifle is 300 rounds, 120 of which are loaded into four magazines of 30 rounds each and placed in a regular bag. 180 rounds are in a box on the starboard side of the turret outside. F-1 hand grenades (10 pcs.) Are stacked in five bags. The ammunition load of the NSV-12.7 anti-aircraft machine gun is 300 rounds.

Ammunition layout: 1- charge; 2 - projectile; 3 - box with cartridges for the PKT machine gun; 4 - cartridges for the AKMS-74 assault rifle; 5 - a bag with F-1 hand grenades; 6 - boxes for 120 cartridges for the NSV-12.7 machine gun; 7 - placement of cartridges in a box for cartridges and clothing - 180 pieces; 8 - bandolier with cartridges for a signal pistol

A 7.62 mm PKT coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun (with manual control from the tank commander) are used as auxiliary weapons. The anti-aircraft machine gun does not have a remote control, the tank commander is forced to get out of the tank to the waist in order to use it, putting himself in danger.

Anti-aircraft machine gun installation: 1 - NSV-12.7 machine gun; 2 - balancing mechanism; 3 - cradle; 4 - tape collector; 5 - sight box; 6 - handlemachine gun platoon; 7 - pins; 8 - fork; 9 - machine gun fastening pin; 10 - recoil damping spring; 11 - toothed sector of the cradle; 12 - clamping screw of the hatch socket; 13 - fixing boltplugs in the socket; 14 magazine for cartridges; 15 - vertical guidance handle; 16 - machine gun release lever; 17 - handle stopper; 18 - cable; 19 - machine gun release key; 20 - horizontal guidance handle; 21 - cradle stopper; 22 - stopper of the middle shoulder strap; 23 - flywheel brake key.

Sighting system 1А40-1

On the T-72B tank, the 1A40-1 sighting system is installed, the basis of which is the TPD-K1 laser rangefinder sight used on the T-72A tanks, with a field of view stabilized in a vertical plane.

1 - sight-rangefinder (control device); 2 - blockindications; 3 - range input block; 4 - electric block; 5 -power unit; 6 - protective glass; 7 - plate (nomograms); 8 - a single set of spare parts and accessories; nine -desiccant; 10 - correction potentiometer; eleven -parallelogram mechanism.

The sighting system includes a ballistic corrector, which automatically introduces corrections for the temperature of the charge and air, atmospheric pressure, the angular velocity of the target and the tank, the speed of the tank and other firing conditions, which increases the probability of hitting the first shot. However, the ballistic corrector does not take into account all the changing firing conditions, as happens when there is an automated control system with a ballistic computer in the tank, because takes into account only the total correction, which is entered into it manually before the start of firing, calculated from the nomograms fixed on the breech of the gun by the tank commander.

Shooting at night is carried out using the 1K13-49 combined sight, which can operate in active or passive mode.

Target detection at night in passive mode (with ENO 0.005 LK) is provided at a distance of at least 500 m, in active mode when the target is illuminated by an infrared searchlight - up to 1200 m.

Searchlight L-4A: 1 - base; 2 - bracket; 3 - landing nest; 4 - trunnion; 5 - adjustable traction; 6 - traction unregulated; 7 - bonk; 8 - axis; 9 - slip clutch; 10, 12 - lock nuts; 11 - adjusting bolt; 13 - set screw; 14 - bolt; 15 - back cover; 16 - front frame; 17 - screw; 18 - protective cover; 19, 21 - screws; 20 - jumper; 22 - DK lamp with L-250; 23 - cartridge; 24 - IR filter; 25 - pressure ring; 26 - captive bolt; 27 - mirror parabolic reflector.

Sight-guidance device 1K13-49

Hull armor

The upper part of the T-72B hull of the first modifications consisted of spaced obstacles made of steel of increased hardness. Later, a more complex booking option was used using "reflective sheets" on the principle of functioning similar to the package used in the tank turret. The equivalent resistance of passive armor has increased compared to the T-72A from 360 to 490 mm.

Photo of assembly of T-72S hulls in Iran. The VLD filler package is visible.

Starting in 1988, the VLD and the tower were reinforced with the Kontakt-V DZ complex, which provides protection not only from cumulative PTS, but also from BPS.

On board the T-72, the DZ containers were installed directly on rubber-fabric screens. This negatively affected its operation, the DZ containers on the side screens fell off during operation, the screens deformed.

Vulnerable areas

The dimensions of the turret armor of the T-72B tank have increased compared to the T-72A due to the installation of a massive filler. This led to an increase in the weakened zones of the tower roof.

Schemes of weakened zones of the main armor of the frontal projection of the T-72B: 1 - weakened zone during the shelling of 100-mm BPS BM-8; 2 - weakened zone during the shelling of 125-mm BPS BM-26

The resistance of weakened zones is much lower than the resistance of the main armor parts, so they are penetrated from long distances and with a large margin of armor penetration, which leads to severe, often irreversible damage to the combat vehicle. As shown by shelling tests on the hull and turret of the T-72B tank, carried out with BM-26 shells with armor penetration of 200 mm of steel armor of medium hardness at an angle of 60 ° from a distance of 2 km and BM-22 with armor penetration of 170 mm / 60 ° from 2 km, weakened zones made their way from a distance:
Driver zone (along the middle line of the weakened zone) - 1,700 m.
Tower roof - 3,700 m.
Commander's hatch - 3,900 m.
The zone weakened by the trunnions of the gun is 1,650 m.

The gun embrasure is protected only from the B-32 armor-piercing bullet of 12.7 mm caliber from a distance of 100 m.

Dynamic protection

The increase in resistance to cumulative ammunition was achieved by installing a hinged dynamic protection complex. The tank has 227 containers, of which 61 are on the hull, 70 on the turret and 96 on the side screens.

Moreover, the containers are installed directly on the tower without giving them an angle that ensures the most efficient operation of the remote sensing.

It is known that the effectiveness of the impact on the cumulative jet of the dynamic protection device depends significantly on the angle of impact of the cumulative jet with the container. At meeting angles (the angle is measured from the normal to the surface of the container) 60 ... 70 degrees, the greatest efficiency of the movement of the metal plates of the container on the cumulative jet is achieved.

At meeting angles close to the normal to the surface of the container, the device loses most of its effectiveness and, as a rule, cannot protect the main armor barrier from a cumulative jet. As a result of this, the effectiveness of the remote sensing system installed on the tower was significantly reduced.

Built-in universal remote control "Contact-5"

Since 1988, built-in dynamic protection has been used on serial T-72B tanks.Tanks equipped with the built-in dynamic protection "Contact-5" according to the Research Institute of Steel provide protection against the M829 armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile.

Installation of dynamic protection on the tower: 1, 2 - blocks; 3, 4, 12, 16 - covers; 5 - bolt M8; 6 - bolt M16; 7 - bonk; 8 - M12 bolt; 9 - gasket; 10 - element of dynamic protection; 11 - body; 13 - bulletproof bar; 14 - axis; 15 - cotter pin.

Installation of dynamic protection on the bow sheet of the tank: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - sections of dynamic protection; 9, 10 - covers; 11 - element;

12 - pallet; 13 - nut, 14 - screw; 15 - rubber stop; 16, 20 - cork; 17 - spring washer; 18 - bolt; 19 - laying

Installation of dynamic protection on board: 1 - screens; 2 - side shields; 3 - loop; 4 - pallet; 5 - armor cover; 5th element; 7 - cork;

8 - bolt; 9 - torsion bar; 10 - stopper axis; 11 - bracket; 12 - spring cotter pin; 13 - bar; 14 - axis.


The tank is equipped with the V-84-1 engine, which is a modernization of the previously used V-46-6 engine. Both motors are interchangeable in installation.

The V-84-1 engine is distinguished by increased power, additional inertial boost due to the division of each intake manifold into two sections and a piston configuration.

The V-84-1 engine is multi-fuel, the main fuel is diesel. The engine also runs on T-1, T-2 and TS-1 fuels, low-octane gasoline.

The engine is installed in the power compartment of the tank perpendicular to its longitudinal axis on a foundation welded to the bottom. The engine legs are attached to the foundation with eight bolts and nuts. The first left bolt and nut are extended. Gaskets of various thicknesses can be installed under the paws, with the help of which the toe of the engine crankshaft is centered with the guitar's drive gear.

The launch is carried out using an electric starter, an air start system, as well as from an external current source or from a tug. For an emergency start of a cold engine in winter, there is an intake air heating system.

The mechanical planetary transmission consists of an input gearbox, two final gearboxes and two final gearboxes.

The suspension system uses an individual torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers of lever-blade type on 1, 2 and 6 suspension units of each side. The track roller discs are made of aluminum alloy. The track rollers have external rubber coating, and the supporting rollers have internal shock absorption. To protect the caterpillar from dropping when the tank turns, restrictive disks are welded on the drive wheels.

The total capacity of the fuel system with two and two barrels with a capacity of 275 liters. is 1750 liters. The capacity of the internal fuel tanks is 705 liters.

Fuel supply system: 1 -right bow tank; 2,4 - filling necks; 3, 6, 7, 11, 14 - external tanks; 5 - front tank rack; eight -heater fuel pump; 9 - fuel filterheater; 10 - valve for shutting off external tanks; 12 -expansion tank; 13 - float valve; 15 - adapter for connecting barrels; 16 - equipment for connecting barrels; 17 - barrels; 18 - nozzle; 19 - high pressure pipeline; 20 - pipeline of the combined drain of fuel from the injectors; 21 - fuel pump NK-12M; 22 - fine fuel filter; 23 - fuel priming pump NTP-46; 24 - medium tank rack; 25 - coarse fuel filter; 26 - left bow tank; 27 - manual fuel priming pump; 28-fuel priming pump BCN-1; 29 - fuel distribution valve; 30 - drain fitting; 31 - air release valve; 32, 36 - hoses; 33 - fitting; 34 - sludge drain hose; 35 - tee; 37 - fuel meter

Means of communication

The tank is equipped with underwater driving equipment, which allows it to overcome water obstacles up to five meters deep and about 1000 meters wide. The tank uses the Paragraph communications complex, which includes the R-173 VHF radio station, the R-173P radio receiver, the antenna filter unit and the throat amplifier. The radio station operates in the frequency range of 30-76 MHz and has a memory device that allows you to prepare ten communication frequencies in advance. It provides a communication range of at least 20 km both on the spot and on the move over medium rough terrain.

The performance characteristics of the T-72B

Tactical and technical characteristics T-72B


Unit of measurement

Full mass

4 4,5+2%



Specific power



V-84MS engine


Ground pressure

kgf / cm 2

0,8 98

Temperature mode of operation


40…+ 4 0

Tank length

with gun forward






Tank width

along the caterpillar


removable protective screens


tower roof height


bearing surface length



ground clearance



track gauge



Travel speed

Average on a dry dirt road


Maximum on paved road


In reverse gear, maximum


4, 18

Fuel consumption per 100 km

On a dry dirt road

l, up to


On paved road

l, up to


on the main fuel tanks (on a paved road)


225…360 (500…600)

with additional barrels (on paved road)


310…450 (700)

Tank capacity

1270 + 370


Shots to the cannon


(of which in the conveyor of the loading mechanism)



to machine gun (7.62 mm)


to machine gun (12.7 mm)


Aerosol grenades Modernization

The T-72B tank, created more than three decades ago, still remains the basis of the Russian tank fleet, where modernization programs for this tank have been developed that can compensate for its lagging behind the tanks of NATO countries (M1A1, Leopard-2, etc.).

It is proposed to use a modernized 2A46M5 gun, an automatic loader with the possibility of using a BPS with increased elongation, a motor-transmission unit with a V-92S2 engine (1000hp), a running gear used on the T-90A, as well as Relikt dynamic protection.

It is proposed to install an SLA on the tank with the Sosna-U sight developed by the Belarusian OJSC Peleng, the 1A40-1 sighting system is retained as a backup sight

T-72 "Ural" - the most massive Soviet main battle tank of the second generation. Adopted by the Soviet Army on August 7, 1973.
Below is a brief overview of the features of the Russian modifications of the T-72 tank, produced by UralVagonZavod, prepared on the forum by blogger zhuravkofff, for which many thanks to him.
Abbreviations used: NKDZ (Mounted Set of Dynamic Protection), VDZ (Built-in Dynamic Protection), VLD (Upper Frontal Part), NLD (Lower Frontal Part), TPN (Night Tank Sight), OPTV (Double Tank Driving Equipment).


T-72B (sample 1984), T-72B
adopted in 1984

(T-72B mod. 1989)

T-72BM (photo by V. Kuzmin,)

serial rms()

In addition to the above:

T-72B3 is a major overhaul with a budget upgrade of previously produced vehicles.
In Alabino, at the training ground of the training complex of the Tamanskaya division, the latest modification of the "seventy-two" was demonstrated - the T-72B3 tank, outwardly distinguished by the latest multi-channel gunner's sight "Sosna-U" and the absence of the L-4A "Luna" IR searchlight next to the gun mask. Compared to the T-72B3 of the first series, the tower in place of the L-4A "Luna" IR searchlight is covered with VDZ "Contact-5" units.
The tank received a new 125-mm gun 2A46M-5, a new VHF radio station R-168-25U-2 "Akveduk", new fire-fighting equipment (PPO) and a new multi-channel gunner's sight (PNM) "Sosna-U". The sight has 4 channels: optical, thermal imaging, laser rangefinder channel and anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) control channel. PNM "Sosna-U" is installed instead of the standard sight-guidance device 1K-13-49. The old gunner's sight 1A40-1 was left in its original place as a spare.

Place of installation of PNM "Sosna-U" in the T-72B3 tank

The commander received the TKN-3MK device with the Double system, which provides the commander with the ability to fire. The T-72B3 tank has built-in dynamic protection (VDZ) "Kontakt-5", and not the new DZ "Relikt", which protects the tank from modern tandem ammunition; the tank did not receive a closed anti-aircraft machine gun installation (ZPU) - an open, manually operated ZPU remained. Instead of the 1000-horsepower V-92S2 engine, which is installed on the T-90A (Object 188A) and on the modernized T-72BA (Object 184A), the overhauled V-84-1 with 840 hp remained on the T-72B3. Therefore, the mobility characteristics did not increase. The tank is not equipped with GLONASS/GPS receivers.

T-72B3 at the Alabino training ground, August 2013 (

EQUIPMENT AND WEAPONS No. 10/2009, pp. 17-31


Alexey Khlopotov

The history of the appearance in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the modernized T-72BA tank dates back to the beginning of the 1990s. In 1991, the production of the T-72B tank ("object 184") and its export modification T-72S continued at the Nizhny Tagil Uralvagonzavod (UVZ); together with UKBTM, work was underway to modernize and improve the T-72B, and mass production of the T-90 (“object 188”) was being prepared. In parallel, work was underway on more promising machines. At the same time, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (ChTZ) was also engaged in the manufacture of "Bash-ki".

However, the collapse of the Soviet Union crossed out these plans. The abrupt cessation of funding for defense programs has put enterprises on the brink of survival. Serial production of the T-72B was curtailed at both plants. Moreover, the production of tanks at ChTZ ended forever. For some time, UVZ continued to assemble export products, engineering vehicles and cherished hopes for the deployment of a large series of T-90s. But the landslide conversion in 1992 forced Uralvagonzavod to take up a new business for itself - to master the repair of T-72B tanks, as well as T-72A (with modernization to the level of T-72B).

This seemingly simple task required considerable study. It was necessary, first of all, to determine the workshop where the machines were to be dismantled. To work out the defect detection technology, develop measures for organizing and sending units and assemblies to workshops and third-party repair plants, organize the draining of fuel, oils, and much more. After all, UVZ is, first of all, a manufacturing plant. In the USSR, special tank repair plants (TRZ) of the Ministry of Defense were engaged in tank repair, for which technologies, equipment, equipment, tools were created and mastered for a long time, there were specially trained personnel.

In 1992 UVZ repaired 10 vehicles in the T-72B and B11 versions for the purpose of the experiment. At the same time, the cost of repairing the T-72A with refinement to the level of T-72B or B1, according to various estimates, was 44-58% of the cost of a new tank.

The quality of repair directly at the manufacturing plant was recognized as higher than the repair carried out by the TRZ MO, however, its high cost compared to the same TRZ was frightening. This was explained simply: UVZ is a gigantic enterprise, with a huge level of overhead costs and all kinds of costs. With the mass production of tanks, these costs were proportionally “smeared” over the entire series, but in this case, with a sharp reduction in the serial production of tanks, all costs had to be written off for the meager number of vehicles that went through repairs. In addition, the so-called "purchased" products contributed to the growth in cost. Uralvagonzavod had to fight with component suppliers for every penny. And this despite the fact that in the conditions of the collapsed public procurement system, many counterparties simply began to curtail production. Nevertheless, the management of Uralvagonzavod represented by General Director B.C. Seryakova was in good hopes, planning to repair up to 40 cars per month in 1993. Together with UKBTM, three options for deep modernization were developed:

Option "B" - with the installation of built-in dynamic protection (VDZ) and KOEP "Shtora";

Option "B1" - with the installation of VDZ, KOEP "Shtora" and KUV "Svir";

The so-called "ideal" option - with the installation of the SUO 1A45, a closed storage device, VDZ, KOEP "Shtora" and KUV "Reflex"2.

Only these good intentions were not destined to come true, since the program of deep modernization was not continued due to the complete lack of funds from the customer. Instead, in 1993, simple repairs were carried out in small batches with minimal modifications to the products. From 1994 to 1997 inclusive, the modernization and repair of the T-72 was not carried out. It must be emphasized that the actions of B.C. Seryakova during this period brought the association to the brink of existence. With the change of the General Director (in July 1997, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Malykh took this position), work in the field of repair and modernization of the T-72 resumed.

In 1998, in order to practice modernization skills, it was decided to take 20-30 tanks for overhaul. In March 1998, the ideology of improvements was determined. For the "172M object", it consisted mainly in replacing the V-46 engine with the V-84, installing an automated control system, a thermal imager and the Kontakt-V VDZ3. By the end of the year, the first machine, upgraded according to this scheme, went on the run, and the second was completed by mounting the turret on the hull. Both cars were supposed to be shown at an exhibition in Abu Dhabi4. However, this option was again recognized as too expensive. In addition to this machine, which became a prototype for further development of export options for modernization, 15 “objects 184” and “172M” were overhauled. The volume of improvements on them, as well as 5 years ago, was small.

A machine that underwent a major overhaul with modifications at UVZ in 1998. It is equipped with a V-84MS engine and an “old” caterpillar with sequential RMSh. Attention is drawn to the dismantled weather sensor DVE, although its mount is

in its proper place.

The vehicles that underwent a major overhaul with modifications at UVZ in 1998 are easily confused in appearance with the T-72S tanks that entered our army in 1993 after a number of export deliveries were disrupted. The only external difference between the "eSka" and the repair T-72B of 1998 is the absence of an anti-neutron knockout on the tower. The second distinguishing feature - a smaller number of NDZ containers on the side screens - is not indicative: the troops may well hang regular screens from the T-72B, or even do without them. The “head” of the DVE sensor on these machines in the troops was most often dismantled (probably the crews had no idea how to work with it, and they removed it out of harm’s way, preferring to act in the old fashioned way).

In 1999, 30 T-72B and T-72B1 tanks were already repaired at Uralvagonzavod, which had a number of differences from the repair vehicles of 1998. These tanks received an updated undercarriage with a track with a parallel RMSh, and some vehicles were equipped with the Kontakt-V VDZ complex . As part of the development work carried out by UKBTM, the tasks of strengthening firepower, improving the security and mobility of serial vehicles were solved. Given the wide range of tasks set, the large number of co-executors involved and the difficulties with financing, the topic dragged on for many years, representing, in the end, an endless series of separate stages.

The line under this work was summed up by state tests carried out in order to verify measures for modernization and, above all, for the modernization of the SLA. The tests were carried out in three stages, from October 15 to November 26, 2000.5 The head enterprise for organizing work and conducting state tests was OAO VNIITM. At the first stage, stationary and firing tests took place. The second stage included climatic tests, and the third - running. All tests passed on time with positive results, confirming the characteristics laid down in the tactical and technical specifications. The main goal of the modernization of the OMS was to increase the accuracy of its operation with minimal modifications to the objects that should be carried out in the field of operation. And this task was completed. After the successful completion of the tests, the upgraded T-72B tank was adopted by the Russian Army under the designation "T-72BA" ("object 184A" according to in-plant documentation).

The specification for the T-72BA provided for the installation of the 1A40-1M SLA on vehicles, modernized by the Krasnogorsk Zenit. Distinctive features of the modernized complex are:

The presence of a tank ballistic computer (TBV) on a microprocessor;

Accounting for crosswind, roll, angular velocity of the target, individual departure angles and deviation of the initial velocity of projectiles;

Automatic input of aiming angles and lateral lead when firing from a cannon and a machine gun coaxial with it;

Semi-automatic tracking of a moving target;

Calculation of aiming angles and lateral lead for the commander's sight6.

Externally, the machine with a modified SLA is distinguished by the presence of a DVE-BS atmospheric conditions sensor in the aft part of the turret. Transcription "DVE-BS" stands for "capacitive wind sensor with interface unit". It is the interface unit that is responsible for integrating this sensor into the 1A40-1 control system. The SLA provides fully automatic operation, the input of the total correction is carried out using the 1V217 device.

The installation of this complex increases the efficiency of firing due to corrections for the following parameters:

Lateral wind component;

air temperature;

Atmosphere pressure;

bore wear;

Relative target movement speed;

Accounting for individual departure angles and ballistics of all types and indices of projectiles.

The 1A40-1M includes the Svir KUV with 1M119, 1M119M and 1M119M-1 missiles. The guided projectile guidance device is built into the 1K13-49 periscopic passive-active night sight.

The commander's obsolete TKN-3 surveillance device was replaced with a modernized TKN-ZMK7 device using EOP II +, which can significantly increase the combat capabilities of the T-72B tanks at low target illumination. Target identification through the night branch is provided over the entire field of view, while in the devices of the previous generation TKN-3 and TKN-ZM reliable identification is possible only in the central zone, not exceeding 20% ​​of the visible field. To improve the comfort of work and ensure the safety of personnel, the device provides for various replaceable filters, eyepiece heaters and a special aperture of the night channel. The night device TKN-ZMK is structurally interchangeable with its predecessors TKN-3 and TKN-ZM and is installed in a standard seat on armored vehicles.

The turret of the T-72BA tank demonstrated at the URAL EXPO ARMS-2000 arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. The DZ complex has not yet been installed on the machine.

Reservation sight 1K13-49.

The TKN-ZMK device is a periscopic combined electro-optical passive-active device, which is installed in a standard seat in the commander's cupola of T-72B tanks.

To improve the working conditions of the driver, a TVN-58 mechanic's device is mounted on the machine at night. It is a monocular electro-optical passive-active surveillance device with a range of vision in passive / active modes of operation - 80/180 m, both in natural night light conditions (in passive mode) and when illuminated by a headlight covered with an infrared filter (in active mode). Headlight illumination is also used under unfavorable conditions for observing the road (low transparency of the atmosphere, low-contrast relief).

To illuminate targets during the operation of night sights and surveillance devices, instead of outdated IR illuminators of the OU-3 and L-4 types, it is planned to use an infrared laser searchlight PL-1, which will not only increase the visibility range in the active mode of operation, but also increase noise immunity and efficiency operation of the complex as a whole under operating conditions9.

Top: upgraded 125 mm 2A46M5 gun and its distinctive features.

Left: 125 mm 2A46M gun mounted on modernized T-72BA tanks,

with an experimental variant of fastening the device for accounting for the bending of the trunk.

The PL-1 searchlight is characterized by lower power consumption and increased service life compared to existing analogues, has a smaller weight and dimensions. This excludes such defects of lamp spotlights as lamp explosion, failure to ignite, brightness instability, destruction of the reflector and light filter during lamp explosion, etc.

The regular armament stabilizer 2E42-2 "Jasmine", two-plane with an electric machine drive in the horizontal and electro-hydraulic in the vertical planes, provides a median value of stabilization accuracy in the main mode vertically 0.4 td, horizontally 0.6 td.

As part of measures to increase the accuracy of shooting, it is planned to install a 2A46M-510 gun. This gun is an upgraded version of the well-known D-81TM (2A46M) gun. During its modernization, the outer profile of the pipe was optimized, the difference in wall thickness of the muzzle of the pipe was reduced over a length of 1 moth of the muzzle from 0.8 to 0.4 mm. Mounting of trunnion clips in the turret with a reverse wedge has been introduced. The rear support of the retractable parts is located in the cage part of the cradle. The mouth of a cradle is extended by 160 mm. In the neck of the cradle, the rigidity of which is increased, there are two additional backlash-selecting devices. Both guide cradles are made as a prism.

Installation of a laser searchlight PL-1 on a prototype T-72BA.

The PL-1 searchlight forms a rectangular-shaped radiation spot convenient for the operator with a uniform distribution of the radiation energy brightness, while lamp searchlights form a bell-shaped distribution.

These measures made it possible to reduce the average technical dispersion for all types of projectiles by 15% against the table values.

Strengthening firepower is provided for by introducing new ammunition into the ammunition load, the so-called "long" (L = 740 mm) BPS. Instead of the ZVBM17 shot from the BPS ZBM42 "Mango", shots of increased power ZVBM22 from the BPS ZBM59 "Lead-1" and ZVBM23 from the BPS ZBM60 "Lead-2" are introduced. The use of these ammunition gives an increase in armor penetration while increasing the actual firing distance. To ensure the use of new BPS, the automatic loader has undergone some refinement. Changes were made to the cassette lifting mechanism, the rotating conveyor, the conveyor drive and its crankcase, the receiving tray of the automatic loader were improved.

View of the T-72BA turret equipped with the Kontakt-V KDZ.

Based on the results of the analysis of hostilities during the counter-terrorist operation in the Chechen Republic, measures were developed to increase security and survivability. First of all, this concerned the use of the Kontakt-V dynamic protection complex on all machines coming out of repair. It was planned to introduce local protection for the crew and ammunition, for which, instead of a fire-dangerous anti-neutron liner and dent (and at low temperatures, in addition, giving secondary fragments), it was planned to introduce anti-fragmentation screens on the inner surfaces of the hull and turret from ballistic material of the Kevlar type developed by the Research Institute of Steel, as well as installation of protective guards for the guard of the rotating conveyor A3. A mechanism for emergency opening of the driver's hatch was developed for its speedy evacuation in the event of serious combat damage to the vehicle. In the area where the driver's seat was located, the PMZ of the bottom was reinforced according to the type used on the T-72B tanks of the late production series and the T-90. The bottom of the hull, the edges of the emergency hatch opening outward, and the turret sheet have been reinforced. Next to the driver's seat, two removable spacer posts are installed to reduce the deflection of the bottom, and the seat itself is suspended from the roof of the hull12.

The installation of thermal protection elements on the tank, similar to those used on the T-90S and T-90A tanks, especially in combination with the Cape camouflage kit, reduces the visibility of the vehicle in the IR range by 1.5 times, and also significantly reduces the likelihood of detection and capturing a tank with infrared seekers.

To combat fires, an automatic fire extinguishing system ZETs13 was used. The fire extinguishing system of 2-fold action includes four cylinders with a fire extinguishing mixture of freon 114V2 and 13V1, 10 optical sensors OD1-1C in the habitable compartment and 15 temperature sensors TD1 in the MTO. It provides automatic and manual way of turning on. In addition, there are two hand-held fire extinguishers. The time from the discovery of a fire in the fighting compartment to the release of 90% of the composition is no more than 150 milliseconds. The basic principle of operation is based on the fire-extinguishing effect of halocarbons, i.e. on the inhibitory (braking) effect, which consists in introducing a negative catalyst for the oxidation of hydrocarbons into the flame zone13. In addition, the Doping-2BT fire-extinguishing aerosol generator in the power department was introduced into the system, which ensures guaranteed fire extinguishing.

The picture of measures to improve protection is completed by proposals for the use of additional rubber-fabric and lattice screens on the turret and hull of the tank, a new deforming coating, personal protective equipment for tankers 6B15 "Cowboy" with a headset TTTT-.S "Lunokhod".

In order to unify with the new T-90A tanks and improve mobility, the T-72BA used MTO with a four-stroke V-92S2 turbodiesel with a capacity of 1000 hp. (735 kW). Compared to the previously used V-84-1 and V-84MS engines, this engine provides an increase in the specific power of the tank (up to 22.5 hp / t) and the average speed on dry dirt roads (from 35 to 40 km / h ), as well as an improvement in acceleration characteristics up to 12% (at a distance of 400 m). The V-92S2 has better characteristics in terms of torque (4150 Nm vs. 3400 Nm) and adaptability factor (1.25 vs. 1.13) compared to the V-84MS engine, and at the same time it has a lower specific fuel consumption (156 g / hp hours vs. 182 g/hp hours)14.

Exhaust device T-72BA with V-92S2 engine. The car was overhauled in 2005.

Exhaust device T-72BA with V-84MS engine.

It should be noted that the MTO with the B-92S2 is not a monoblock, as required by the modern armored fashion. This is a serious drawback of the machine, but rather in marketing terms than in combat and technical. A direct comparison of the speed of replacing the engine in the MTO V-92S2 with monoblock units, it would seem, is clearly not in favor of the Ural design. However, one should not forget that the MTO V-92S2 has many times greater reliability, maintainability and, which is important in the current situation, a significantly lower cost. The high speed performance of replacing a monoblock MTO in a difficult field situation, on marches, in the absence of mechanized technical support cannot serve as a serious argument. At the same time, the crew of a Russian tank can always fix a malfunction or perform simple repairs on their own, without waiting for the technical support vehicles to arrive, and continue the combat mission.

Given the importance of reducing the time for installation (dismantling) of the power plant, the designers of UKBTM developed organizational and technical measures that made it possible to shorten this cycle for the V-92S2. Thus, the engine dismantling time was reduced to 3.5 hours, which was clearly demonstrated on the territory of a foreign customer15. As an example, the introduction of quick-disconnect pipeline connections can be noted. Along with the new engine, the unified MTO included an upgraded input gearbox (guitar), a reinforced onboard gearbox (BKP) and an improved cooling system.

Strengthening the BKP consists in increasing the number of friction pairs in the friction control elements, the linear dimensions of the rollers on the axes of the satellites and the number of satellites in the planetary gear set of the onboard gearbox, replacing the bearing of the sun gear support with a bearing with a large dynamic load capacity. The sealing of the clutch pins has been strengthened, the cuffs and balls of the friction clutch unloaders have been unified.

The cooling system uses new aluminum water and oil radiators with increased heat transfer. Compared to copper-brass radiators with a tubular-band type core, which are used on T-72B tanks in cooling and lubrication systems, plate-and-band type radiators provide greater heat removal in the dimensions of standard radiators. In addition, the cooling fan clutch has been upgraded.

The design features of the V-92S2 engine made it possible to reconfigure the exhaust gas exhaust system, which led to a significant reduction in exhaust resistance (from 0.22 kg/cm2 to 0.15 kg/cm2), as well as to achieve better aerodynamic conditions for the passage of air in the area between the air cleaner and turbocharger.

The upgraded undercarriage T-72BA, unified with the undercarriage T-90S/A, includes the following elements:

Hydraulic shock absorber increased by 30-40% energy intensity, filled with a special shock absorber fluid 132-316;

High-strength torsion shaft with increased tolerance levels due to the use of DSM (martensite strain aging) treatment to provide increased total travel of the track rollers;

- widened track roller 750x190U with an increased level of mechanical properties, with a reduced level of thermal stresses, with an outer lowered massif of rubber 4E-1386, with fastening of the rubber array with Chemosil adhesives;

Driving wheel with a special retaining surface, which acts as ice axes for the cleanability of the caterpillar tracks from the formation of ice during periods with negative temperatures;

Guide wheel with reinforced discs with modified ice axes, with horseshoe-shaped collars around the windows and stiffening ribs of variable height located under the ice axes, with the greatest height at the hub;

A caterpillar with an increased resource, parallel rubber-metal hinges (RMH), with stamped tracks that make it possible to install asphalt shoes, with steel needles on the caterpillar pins that provide electrical conductivity and remove static electricity from the RMC when the tank is moving;

Chipper to prevent the caterpillar from coming off the drive wheel towards the final drive (board); an arcuate stop is welded on the body in the area of ​​​​the undercarriage, located opposite the entrance of the caterpillar to the drive wheel16.

During repairs, the fenders are modified to the version adopted on the T-72B since 1989, while the front metal mudguards are replaced with “soft” rubber-metal ones17.

To ensure command controllability, the tank is equipped with the Paragraph communications complex, which includes the R-173 VHF radio station, the R-173P radio receiver, the antenna filter unit and the R-174 AVSK. The radio station provides a communication range of at least 20 km both on the spot and on the move over medium rough terrain.

The above measures are undoubtedly progressive in nature and significantly increase the capabilities of the modernized T-72B tank, but do not forget that most of them are just the embodiment of developments and backlogs of ten, or even 20-25 years ago! Moreover, the realities of life in modern Russia have made significant adjustments to this specification. Thus, the first series of tanks that underwent repairs in 1998-2000 were mostly equipped with the Kontakt mounted dynamic protection system, and only a part of them had the Kontakt-V built-in remote sensing system. All vehicles that underwent repairs from 1998 to 2002 were equipped with MTOs with a V-84MS engine with a power of 840 hp, and not a V-92S2. Such engines were first installed on the export version of the T-72B - the T-72S "Shilden" tank in 1991. The undercarriage unified with the T-90S with a track with a parallel RMSh and the possibility of installing asphalt shoes on the T-72BA was introduced during repairs only with 1999 (the most interesting thing is that the troops have at least one vehicle that was overhauled in the mid-2000s, which has a MTO with a B-92S2, but with an old chassis!). A unified MTO with a 1000-horsepower V-92S2 diesel engine, worked out on the T-90S of the Indian order, appeared on the T-72BA only in 2003 (this is due to the actual absence of these engines in stock - 100% of their production then went to secure an export contract) . In 2005, after the next modifications, it was put into service and the 1A40-M218 sighting system began to be installed.

Unfortunately, in the course of modernization repairs in full on the T-72BA, it was possible to introduce only unified MTO with the B-92S2 and the chassis, as well as the modernized FCS, which, however, by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, is already obsolete. Measures related to strengthening firepower and increasing the level of security and survivability remained unrealized.

All tanks leaving the factory after modernization are painted with standard protective paint. Camouflage, if necessary, is applied in combat units. At the same time, the schemes of deforming coloring are variations of the schemes prescribed by the instructions back in 1978. Modern schemes of deforming coloring, developed by the Research Institute of Steel together with UKBTM, are not used for unknown reasons (exceptions are events associated with large ceremonial events - only in these cases camouflage).

The demonstration of the T-72BA under the covers on the KZKT "Rusich" tractor, provided with the appropriate commentary, gave rise to the myth of the demonstration of the "promising T-95 tank" (video capture of the ORT channel transmission).

The first public demonstration of the early version of the T-72BA at the URAL EXPO ARMS-2000 arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. A distinctive feature is the presence of a modernized chassis. The DZ complex and side screens have not yet been installed on the machine.

The best developments in the direction of improving the T-72B tanks were subsequently implemented during the creation of the modernized T-72B tank (ROGATKA-1) under the designation "Object 184M"19. This unique machine during the state tests, which ended in 2006, clearly demonstrated the highest level and compliance with the best world standards in the field of tank building20. However, there are still no orders for this modern and fully-fledged modernization option from the Ministry of Defense.

Tanks T-72BA, repaired in 2000, at the parade in Yekaterinburg. May 9, 2008

The tankers met the next anniversary of the Victory in a new uniform from Valentin Yudashkin and helmets of a new model TSh-4 (colloquially "Cheburashka"). Despite the very aesthetic appearance, such equipment still does not protect the crews.

The customer's trimming of the initial design specification predetermined the appearance in the production documentation of the designation of these submodifications as "Object 184A1" (military name "T-72BA1").

It should be noted that the T-72B tanks of various production series and submodifications are being received for overhaul and modernization. At the same time, in the process of repair, they are “depersonalized” and brought to a single standard. So, for example, in 2006, two tanks, produced in the spring of 1991 according to the specification "Object 184 with TSHU", were received for repairs. During the inspection of the machines, it was decided not to restore the TSHU complex, but to carry out repairs according to standard repair documentation.

The only differences that remain with machines that have undergone repair and modernization work relate to the level of protection. So, during the serial production of the T-72B from 1985 to 1991, the design of the combined barrier of the VLD of the hull and turret was repeatedly changed. Repair documentation for "Object 184A" and "Object 184A1" does not provide for interference with the existing design of the reservation. In the presence of combat damage to the hull and turret, they are repaired; in extreme cases, the turret can be replaced with a similar one taken from a previously disposed tank.

Not so rare cases of repairing machines with combat damage. As a clear illustration, we can recall the work on the repair of five vehicles with “holes” in the hull and turrets that came to Uralvagonzavod in 2005. Among them was the “seventy-two”, which took part in the battles of 1996 for the city of Grozny. During the battle, at the moment when the gun was already loaded, the tank "caught" an RPG grenade in the side projection of the tower. The crew in the tower died. The car was sent first to the collection and evacuation point, and then to storage. There, at one of the repair plants, the car stood for almost 9 years with the OFS in the barrel. In the spring of 2005, she, as part of a batch of approximately 30 vehicles, entered Uralvagonzavod for repairs. Immediately, a kind of "gift" was found in the chamber of the gun. The car was evacuated to the artillery and ammunition range of the FKP "Institute for Testing Metals", where the projectile was defused in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Unfortunately, the modernization and repair scheme that exists today leads to higher costs in relation to the production of a new car. Technologically, modernization, in fact, turns out to be identical to the creation of a new machine. The difference in costs lies only in the fact that in the case of modernization, there are costs for disassembling the machine and preparing the hull with the turret for subsequent installation work, and in the case of new production, for the procurement of materials and the manufacture of the hull and turret. It may seem that manufacturing from scratch is a more time-consuming and costly process. However, it is not. The design of Soviet generation machines provides for conveyor mass production with a high level of automation and mechanization of work. This leads to a significant reduction in the cost of hull work and, as a result, the entire machine. In addition, the state, through the institute of military acceptance, very tightly controls the cost of the work performed and the level of their profitability, even in our modern completely market conditions. The dismantling and dismantling of the machine that came in for overhaul is mostly manual and labor-intensive. Very labor costs and manual hull work during the ongoing modernization - cutting and welding. All this makes a simple overhaul completely unprofitable for the manufacturer, and repair with modernization unprofitable for the customer. It is no coincidence that for the purposes of overhaul in the USSR, a whole network of tank repair plants of central subordination was created in the structure of the Ministry of Defense. The lower cost of repairs on them was due to the absence of commercial costs of the enterprise and the minimum level of planned profitability. Spare parts and equipment needed for repairs were supplied either from storage and the State Reserve, or through mass serial orders. In addition, these TRZ, as a rule, did not perform complex hull work.

Approximately similar scheme for major overhauls and upgrades exists abroad, in particular, in the United States. There, in addition to the fact that all work related to the repair and modernization of armored vehicles is carried out at state arsenals, their profitability is also determined by the higher commercial value of the new machine. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that in the USSR and Russia, while saving on the purchase of new equipment, strictly controlling its cost, we make further improvement of machines and their modernization during overhauls economically inexpedient with our own hands. Although the modernization of the same “seventy-two”, but exported (say, to India or Algeria), is quite a profitable event for both the contractor and the customer. But only because the cars were originally sold at a higher, “commercial” price.

Another very paradoxical and alarming situation is the withdrawal of existing tank repair plants from the system of the Ministry of Defense, their corporatization and transfer to a commercial basis, which is being carried out this year. The consequences of this step are obvious: the repair of armored vehicles at these enterprises in the very near future will rise in price significantly, the amount of work in the face of an ever-shrinking fleet of combat vehicles at these plants will drop to a critical point. The Russian Army is simply losing its tank repair base!

However, back to the upgraded T-72BA. His first public appearance took place in July 2000 during the exhibition of weapons "Ural Expo Arms-2000" at the Nizhny Tagil artillery range "Staratel". To demonstrate the capabilities of the Rusich Kurgan tractors, Uralvagonzavod, as a hospitable host, provided a car for the "load" of the conveyor. This machine turned out to be the T-72BA, which was preparing to be handed over to the troops. By that time, the NDZ complex had not yet been mounted on it, there were no side screens. So that the "seventy-two" with its somewhat "unfinished" appearance would not embarrass the public and distinguished guests, the car was carefully wrapped in a tarpaulin, so much so that only part of the trunk could be distinguished. Therefore, it was not without a curiosity: the video from this demonstration, shown in one of the TV programs of the Shock Force cycle on Channel 1, accompanied by comments about the imminent appearance of a new promising tank in Russia, gave rise to a wave of rumors that a fundamentally new fighting machine. The reality was much simpler and more banal...

From 2000 to 2009, more than a hundred tanks were modernized in Nizhny Tagil according to the T-72BAiT-72BA1 variants21. At present, most of the upgraded T-72BAs are located in PUrVO22 units. At the moment, the T-72BA tanks "lit up" in the 276th MRR, 239th TP of the 34th MSD, as well as in the 81st MRR and 152nd TP of the 27th MSD. Almost every year they can be seen at military equipment demonstrations dedicated to the Victory Day holiday in Yekaterinburg and Samara. T-72BAs regularly take part in PUrVO exercises, including such large-scale exercises as the Southern Shield 2006", summer 2008 exercises in Ashuluk, autumn maneuvers "Center-2008". Moreover, the following fact was noticed during the exercises: T-72BA, as a rule, are the vehicles of platoon commanders. In accordance with the new structure and staffing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, T-72BA tanks are equipped with the PURVO23 Omsbr. Further deliveries of the T-72BA, judging by some reports, are planned in part of the North Caucasus Military District (Vladikavkaz, Buynaksk and Maikop24).

To train the crews of the T-72BA tanks, a computerized training complex in a container version was developed, which received the designation "MKT-184A"25. At the time of publication, it is known about the supply of at least two sets of this complex to military units stationed, respectively, in Yekaterinburg and Vladikavkaz. TTV-172K training complexes for driving the T-72BA tank in 2008 were to be delivered to Vladikavkaz (1 unit), Buynaksk (1 unit), Maikop (1 unit), Totskoye village (3 units) - total 6 units26.

It is quite difficult to assess the T-72BA modernization option. According to its ideology, it is outdated by 15 years, but it is fully consistent with the modern technical level, adjusted for operating conditions in the modern Russian Army. Particularly strong criticism, apparently, needs to be subjected to the SLA for the lack of a thermal imager in its composition. However, this version of the SLA was implemented by UKBTM in several more advanced versions of the T-72 modernization. But UVZ and UKBTM should not be blamed for conservative approaches and technical backwardness. At the moment, they only fulfill the requirements of the customer with very scarce funding.


1Shpak M. T. Fifty years of work at the Ural Carriage Building 1950-2000- UVZ.FPI Museum. Eg.xp.34.

2 Shpak M. T. Decree Op.

3 Shpak M. T. Decree Op.

4 In fact, only one machine was completed with modernization, shown in August 2000 under the name "T-72M1" to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation SV. Stepashin.

5 Kolmakov D.G. The legendary thirty-four.- N. Tagil, 2006.

6 Weapons and technologies of Russia. Encyclopedia XXI century. Optoelectronic systems and laser technology. T.P.-M., 2005.

7 http://otvaga2004.narod.m/otvaga2004/caleidoscope/report_2005_04.htm.

8 Weapons and technologies of Russia. Encyclopedia XXI century. Optoelectronic systems and laser technology. T.P.- M., 2005.

9 http://st."publications/"2_2005/volkov/"volkov.htm.

10 RF patent RU 2218536 C2.

Magazine "Technique and weapons" No. 8/2007. "RF Patent RU 2204776C2.

12 Protection of tanks. Ed. Grigoryan V.A.- M., 2007.

13 Armored vehicles. 4.1. T-90 / Ed. Yamova V.A. (advertising edition).

14 Designer of tank diesel engines I.Ya.Trashutin. Ural school of engine building. Putin V.A. and etc.- Chelyabinsk, 2006.

15 Russian main battle tank. A frank conversation about the problems of tank building. Vavilonsky E.B., Kuraksa O.A. Nevolin V.M.- N. Tagil., 2008.

16 RF patent RU2177421C1.

17 Catalog of components and spare parts for the T-72S tank.- UVZ, 2002.

18Patriot newspaper, 20.07.2006.

19 Magazine "Technique and weapons" No. 8/2007.

20 Nevolin V.M. Armored vehicles in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in 2008 // Equipment and weapons.- 2009, №8.

21 Ibid.

22 The military power of Russia at the exercises "Center-2008" Zheltonozhko O., Belogrud V.- M., 2009.


The 24131st Motorized Rifle Brigade is currently re-equipped with the latest T-90A1 tanks and relocated to Gudauta and Ochamchir- Republic of Abkhazia.

25 l.xml.


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