Review of Cataclysm: Darkshore. The ancient Germans cruelly sneered at the corpses of enemies Do what you need

A group of Danish scientists conducted research and excavations in swamps of Alken Enge, where the settlements of the ancient Germans used to be, as a result of the work it was found that their tribes cruelly mocked the bodies of their enemies.

Danish archaeologists set out on an expedition to the Alken Enge swamps, the study was aimed at establishing the way of life of the ancient Germans, who lived in the swamp area several millennia ago.

During the excavation work, scientists found broken human skulls, as well as pelvic bones, put on sticks. This picture provoked the assumption that the ancient Germans could abuse the bodies of their enemies who fell in battle.

Remains in the swamps of Alken Enge

Scientists report that six months after the confrontation, the victors in the person of the German soldiers collected the bodies of the enemies, cut the meat from the bones and laid them out in a certain order, then threw them into the lake, while an animal was sacrificed.

The mystery of the massacre in the swamps of Alken Enge

The traces of the massacre that happened on the shores of Lake Mossø of Jutland about two thousand years ago have been haunting historians for a couple of years now. Who and why brought huge armies to this then still very wild and sparsely populated land? For what did thousands of people lay down their lives? Who got the victory? What people belonged to the soldiers of both armies?

In East Jutland, archaeologists continue excavations at the site where a grandiose and cruel slaughter took place about two thousand years ago. Crushed human skulls and bones, clubs, axes, spears and shields are preserved in the local swamp - about 200 skeletons of warriors with traces of blows from battle axes, pierced by spears and arrows.

In 2012, for two months, 15 archaeologists dismantled the remains of a large army that perished at the turn of our era in the marshy swamps of Alken Enge in the area of ​​​​Lake Mossø.

"Apparently, there were dramatic events with far-reaching consequences that should have had a serious impact on the society of that time," project leader Mads Kähler Holst from the Danish University of Aarhus quoted Science Daily as saying.

During the reconstruction of the terrain, geologists found that two thousand years ago, to the east of Mosse, there was a small basin, separated from the lake by a strip of land. Over time, the Alken Enge swamp formed here. Geological exploration also showed that the water level in this area has repeatedly changed. Cartography of the period of alternating high and low water will help in the study of establishing the exact time when the epic battle took place.

According to field work manager Ejvind Hertz of the Skanderborg Museum, the battlefield, which covers about 40 hectares, was so large that it is difficult to expect that it will be fully excavated anytime soon.

The works of ancient Roman historians mention Germanic tribes that lived on the territory of modern Denmark. They had animistic religious beliefs, clan organization and some laws. The Romans made contact with these tribes through the Cimbri, who formerly inhabited the northern regions of Jutland and then moved south. To protect against the raids of the warlike tribe of the Danes, the Romans had to build defensive ramparts in the south of Jutland.

Guide on how to build buildings in the Broken Shore location in WOW 7.2 - Command Headquarters, Mage Tower and Nether Breaker. We tell you which buildings are better to build on the Broken Shore and what benefits each of them provides in WOW Legion.

In the WOW Legion 7.2 patch, a new location has been added to the game - Broken Shore(Follow the link - a full guide to the location). In it, players can build 3 different buildings: Mage Tower, Command Headquarters and Void Breaker.

How to unlock building construction

  • Turn in 100 Legionfall Supplies for one of the buildings each day. You can receive Legionfall Compensation for completing such construction tasks. The delivery of resources for the construction of buildings is the same for the entire server and all factions, but the buildings themselves compete for resources with each other.
  • World Quests in the Broken Shore award 100-150 per day. In addition, these resources drop from rare elite monsters in the location.
  • Once built, buildings remain for a limited amount of time (3 days), during which players can gain special effects from them by talking to Commander Chambers.
  • The durability (health) of buildings decreases when they are attacked by the Legion. If the building is completely destroyed, 1 day (cd) must elapse before the players can rebuild it.
  • You must talk to Commander Chambers for the buff each time the building is rebuilt. Also, when a building is rebuilt, you may receive some random buff.

What are the benefits of Broken Shore Buildings?

Mage Tower

This building unlocks the Fel Treasures bonus, thanks to which:

  • Portals to all Broken Isles locations will appear in the tower: Stormheim , Azsuna , Highmountain, Suramar and Valshara.
  • Artifact Challenges are unlocked, allowing players to try solo challenges to unlock new artifact skins.
  • Special chests can be found throughout the Broken Shore that contain Void Shards and resources to build buildings.

When the Mage Tower is built, you can talk to the commander to get one of the following buffs:

  • Knowledgeable - A chance to gain additional Artifact Power in dungeons and raids.
  • Power Overwhelming - The ability to gain additional Artifact Power from World Quests.
  • Worthy of Respect - Increases reputation earned from .
  • Like a feather - you can walk on water on a mount.

Building: Mage Tower

Command rate

This building on the Broken Shore unlocks the Power of the Order bonus, which grants the following perks:

  • Additional world quests are appearing in the Cathedral of Eternal Night, which gives players more incentive to complete this dungeon.
  • When you fight monsters in the Broken Shore, friendly NPCs (such as the Guardian) help you.
  • You can send champions of your class stronghold for additional missions on the Broken Shore (they give good rewards).

Upon completion of the construction of the Command Headquarters, you can receive one of the following effects from the commander:

  • The War Campaign is a chance to get extra Legionfall Supplies.
  • Worthy Defenders – The Stronghold Challenge missions have a high chance of rewarding Legendary companion gear.
  • Powerful Buff - World Quests have a chance to drop a Corrupted Buff Rune .
  • Full readiness - gives +10% to primary stats character in the Broken Shore location.

Building: Headquarters

Void Breaker

Building this building grants the Epic Hunter bonus, which is useful in the following ways:

  • 4 new world bosses appear on the Broken Shore: Si'vash , Apocron , Malificus , Brutallus .. Items drop level 890 from them.
  • Unstable portals appear throughout the location. You can use Nether Portal Disruptor on them to summon rare elite monsters.
  • Crafters can receive the Armorer's Letter of Commendation, which is required to craft legendary items in patch 7.2.

When the Nether Breaker building is built, the following effects can be obtained from the commander:

  • Seal Your Destiny - Free Seal of Broken Fate each day the Nether Breaker is built
  • What is better to build:

    • If your goal is to strengthen artifact or explore the world, build a Mage Tower:
      • Additional Artifact Power from dungeons, raids, world quests.
      • A network of portals and the ability to walk on water in the Broken Shore.
      • Faster reputation gain with the Legion Fallen means you'll be able to fly in Legion.
      • Artifact Challenges open.
    • Whether you want to make your Broken Shore easier or buff your champions, choose Command Rate:
      • Chance to get +10% to the main characteristics in the location.
      • Additional world quests in the Cathedral of Eternal Night.
      • Friendly NPCs help you.
      • Cool missions for stronghold champions.
    • If it's important to you get dressed quickly in 7.2 into pre-raid gear - build a Nether Breaker:
      • Chance to gain Seal of Broken Fate for free or on a failed roll.
      • World bosses on the Broken Shore.
      • An additional source of farming for Void Shards.

Trolls are the oldest race available to players (with the possible exception of the Draenei). The Darkspear trolls in particular are just one tribe, a handful of representatives of a huge race. While the orcs, undead, tauren, and blood elves were busy solving some of their own issues, the Darkspear trolls quietly dealt with their internal problems without outside help.
Most of the trolls living today are the descendants of two powerful empires that once existed: the Gurubashi, located in the southeast of Kalimdor, and the Amani in the central regions of the continent. There were other tribes not related to these two empires - the Gundrak trolls in the north, but most of the tribes could be attributed to either the Gurubashi or the Amani. Before the Great Sundering, trolls were a huge part of the population of Azeroth. Even though the Gurubashi and the Amani didn't particularly like each other, there was little conflict between the two troll empires. Wise rulers preferred to fight with common external enemies than with their relatives. Such an external enemy at that time were aqirs - humanoid insects. Both empires fought them for thousands of years without ceasing, and as a result, the Aqir Empire split into two city-states - Azjol "Nerub" in the north and An "Qiraj in the south. When the aqir were finished, the trolls returned to their normal lives, greatly expanding their borders.

However, there are some ancient records that say that there was a third race of trolls. She broke away from the Amani, made her way to the heart of Kalimdor, founded her own settlement there, and discovered the Well of Eternity, which gave these trolls great power. Legends say that these trolls were the ancestors of the current night elves, but there is no confirmation of this, just as there is no unambiguous refutation of the conjecture. Using magic never seen before, the night elves began to hunt down and slaughter the trolls until they were only a pitiful shadow of what they once were.

Thus, the night elves began to rule the territory of Kalimdor. But their reign did not last long. Since the magic of the elves was truly great, it attracted the attention of the Burning Legion. He, in turn, launched the events of the War of the Ancients, which eventually led to the Great Rift, which literally split the single continent into three parts. After the Breaking, the trolls were cut off from each other. The Amani were lucky, as most of their people were nearby - in the north of the Eastern Kingdoms. But the Gurubashi Empire was less fortunate. The once powerful state broke up into separate tribes that settled in the jungles of Stranglethorn and in the deserts of Tanaris.

The misfortunes of the trolls did not end there. Desperate and still dreaming of resurrecting the great Gurubashi empire, the priests turned to the Old Gods they once worshiped. Hakkar the Soul Flayer, one of the most vicious and bloodthirsty spirits, answered the call. While Hakkar gave the Gurubashi people great power, he demanded daily sacrifices in return, intending to fully penetrate the physical world. Seeing the disastrous fruits of this bloody alliance, the Zandalar tribe managed to convince the others to abandon the dangerous undertaking before it was too late. They succeeded in destroying the avatar of Hakkar, and his Atal'ai priests were driven north to the Swamps of Sorrows.

Meanwhile, the internal conflicts of the Gurubashi people were gaining momentum. Internecine wars raged unceasingly between the tribes in the jungles of Stranglethorn. The Darkspear tribe soon found themselves outside the jungle that was their home. They had to move to the islands, where they lived quite well for several years. Like all their kind, the Darkspear trolls were cunning and cruel savages. Darkspear trolls are the smallest tropical trolls yet the most intelligent of their kind. The troll race as a whole is notable for its particular cruelty, propensity for wars and conflicts. Almost all tribes practice ritual sacrifice and cannibalism, as well as black magic and voodoo magic. At that time, the Darkspear Tribe was no exception.

Along with several other tribes, the people of Darkspear believe in spirits. Believes that spirits are present in the world in the same way as other living beings. Spirits can be greedy, hostile, and dangerous, but they can also be benevolent and merciful. Trolls believe that their ancestors, after death, linger in the world of the living under the guise of spirits and require appeasement through bloody sacrifices. Cannibalism is also a ritual directed against enemies. Devouring the flesh of their enemies, they also devour their souls. Thus, the souls of the enemies they killed will no longer be able to return to this world to take revenge. The Darkspear tribe held these beliefs throughout the time they lived on the abandoned islands.

The Darkspear tribe was ruled by the powerful healer Sen "jin, who was known for his ability to communicate closely with spirits. And although there was no urgent need to protect the settlement on the abandoned islands, this does not mean that there were no threats at all. The islands were inhabited by murlocs - small toothy creatures, usually wandering in small groups along the coast.Murlocs are cautious creatures - they prefer not to attack first and attack only if they are provoked to aggression.But, in addition to the murlocs, other troubles awaited the trolls, which completely changed the fate of the tribe.Firstly, on the islands people from the kingdom of Kul Tiras landed and founded a settlement here, pushing Darkspear even deeper into the jungle.Secondly, not aggressive by nature, the murlocs suddenly began to attack the trolls from all sides with inexplicable fury.

A terrible creature - the Sea Witch - has caused sudden attacks by murlocs. The Sea Witch was a deity worshiped by murlocs. It was a dead banshee naga who had taken control of the Forsaken Isles. Powerful and merciless, she demanded daily sacrifices from the murlocs, which led to attacks on the trolls. Sen "jin and his tribe found themselves between two fires: on the one hand, the people of Kul Tiras, and on the other, the murlocs of the Sea Witch. Both enemies posed a real threat to the existence of the tribe in the future. And then one night, Sen" jin received a vision from the spirits - the image of a young an orc who could drive the humans away, lead the people of Darkspear from the isles, and bring hope to a new destiny.

Shortly after the vision, another party visited the Forsaken Isles - Thrall traveled with his few forces to Kalimdor in search of his destiny at the behest of the Prophet Medivh. Thrall's horde stole ships from Kul Tiras to cross the sea, but underestimated the dangers of the Maelstrom and nearly lost all of their ships. Thrall was forced to temporarily land on the Forsaken Isles. Sen "jin approached him to warn about the settlement of people nearby. Thrall, who had already dealt with people in the Eastern Kingdoms, believed the healer and agreed to help. He did not have warm feelings for the human race, and Sen" jin seemed to be friendly and even offered his people to help.

All this story took place in the campaign of the original part of Warcraft III. Thrall managed to push back the human forces, but he and his people were captured by the murlocs. Thrall, Sen "jin and a group of orcs with trolls were dragged underground to be sacrificed to the great Sea Witch. While Thrall was trying to free himself and his people, Sen" jin was taken to the murloc high mage in the deepest part of the lair to be sacrificed. Thrall managed to free himself and, with a group of his people, he made his way to the place where Sen "jin was kept. Unfortunately, it was too late - the healer was dying. With his last breath, he told Thrall about his vision and asked to withdraw the Darkspear tribe from the island.

The Sea Witch was furious. Not only was her sanctuary defiled, but her servants were mercilessly killed. She summoned a mighty storm, and huge waves rolled over the Forsaken Isles. Her desire was to take revenge on the orcs and end the thorn in her side that the Darkspear trolls had been.

Sen "jin died, but his legacy will live on. The medicine man's son, Vol" jin, led the tribe. In memory of Sen'jin's prowess, Thrall offered the Darkspear tribe a place in the Horde and a refuge in the kingdom he intended to create. In gratitude for the Horde's generous offer and in memory of Sen'jin's last words, Vol'jin and his people swore loyalty to Thrall. The orcs managed to repair the ships and they sailed to Kalimdor, taking some of the population of the Darkspear with them. Vol "jin remained on the islands with the remaining trolls to gather the survivors and cope with the consequences of the wrath of the Sea Witch. A year later, they arrived in Durotar already as part of the great Horde. Note that this does not mean that the trolls did not take part in the Third War at Mount Hyjal at all - some of those whom Thrall took with him helped him faithfully gain a foothold in Durotar and during the subsequent war. However, most of the people of Darkspear remained on the sidelines.

Upon arrival in Durotar, Vol'jin and his tribe settled on the Echo Isles (possibly named for their resemblance to the Forsaken Isles, the former home of the trolls) and created a settlement that was soon attacked. The brave fleet of Kul Tiras found the Horde and by order of Grand Admiral Daelin The Proudmoore trolls were sentenced to death. And again, Vol "jin and his people managed to escape, this time thanks to three heroes - the half-orc Rexar, the hunter Rohan and Chen Stormstout (a pandaren whom the Horde picked up along the way). Forced to leave the Echo Isles, Vol "jin continued to help Rexxar and Rohan and advised to bring tauren and ogres to his side in the fight against people.

When the threat of Kul Tiras was over, Vol "Jin and his people moved back to the Echo Isles with the intention of living here peacefully and happily. Unfortunately, his dreams of peace this time were not destined to come true. Peace was absent in the ranks of the Dark Spear. Witch Doctor Zalazane, formerly one of the elders responsible for training the young priests and mages of the Darkspear, was unhappy with the alliance with the Horde and captured many of the trolls on the island. Vol "jin had no choice but to hastily retreat with the remaining forces. After reaching the coast of the mainland, Darkspear settled in a small fishing village, which became a refuge from the threat of Zalazane. The village was named in honor of the father of Vol "jin - the Village of Sen" jin. The village of Sen "jin is very small and looks more like an ordinary outpost. Master Gadrin is in charge here - one of Vol" gin's most devoted advisers. Gadrin is determined to find Zalazane and return the Echo Isles to Darkspear once and for all. All Horde players who have arrived in the village are tasked by Gadrin to find Zalazane, as well as end the threat from the nearby centaurs who are raiding the village.

As for Vol'jin, he was offered a place in the fortress of Grommash, where he could give Thrall useful advice, guided by his wisdom, intuition and cunning, which he inherited from his father. In particular, all these traits appear in the leader when speaking comes about trolls. When the opportunity arose to start hostilities in Stranglethorn, Vol'jin suggested to the Horde that they should make an effort to return Troll'kalar. Troll'kalar was the weapon of the Stormgard Trollbane family. This blade had one interesting property - when the sword struck a troll, the natural healing of wounds, characteristic of all trolls, stopped. At all times when the sword was wielded by a man, the trolls were forced to avoid meeting with him, which made this weapon especially useful in battles with other tribes in Stranglethorn.

Vol "jin and his people do not advertise their past because they are ashamed of it. They had to change their traditions when they became part of the Horde. The Darkspear Tribe understood that the terrible rituals of the trolls cast a shadow on their allies and offend them. Instead of sentient beings, for The trolls began to use witchcraft spells and... desiccated heads to fight the souls of their enemies. .

The trolls gladly greeted the noble tauren, but they only shook their heads at an alliance with the Forsaken, saying how Thrall decides it will be so. Trolls can be understood - they view the undead as evil spirits that will never find rest and therefore bring only pain and suffering to the world. They have to endure the undead, but humility is not easy for them. As for the attitude towards blood elves, there is no unambiguous definition in the game. One can only guess that since the pointy-ears were descendants of the night elves, the trolls should not have excessive sympathy for them. And if we recall the blood elves' excessive addiction to magic and demonic forces, then it is not yet known who - elves or the undead - Darkspear should dislike more.

However, the Horde united all these dissimilar races, so that despite conflicting feelings towards each other, peoples are forced to put up with an unpleasant neighborhood. Throughout the events of Burning Crusade, trolls, like the undead, have remained in the background. They established their massive settlement in the swamplands of Zangarmarsh, and not just to help the Horde gain a foothold in Outland. The Darkspear trolls wanted to connect with the spirits of the mysterious continent.

Meanwhile, Vol "jin still remained in Thrall's chambers in Orgrimmar. In the Wrath of the Lich King addition, the trolls faithfully served the interests of the Horde. Their fighters can be found everywhere in Nodskol. When Sylvanas and her subjects were smoked out of the Undercity, Vol" gin advised Warchief to keep the Forsaken in the Horde, despite his prejudice against the undead. The Darkspear trolls revere Thrall and are ready to give their lives for him without delay. However, it is not surprising. When a powerful medicine man and leader tells you that he has seen a sign, you will certainly follow him. For the Dark Spear, Thrall personifies the salvation promised and predicted by Master Sen "jin. And despite all the seemingly strange guidelines for choosing allies, Thrall is the very orc that Vol" jin will follow even to the edge of Azeroth.

The trolls Zul "Draka" appeared in WoTLK - having no direct connection with the Black Spear - they settled in the Zim "Torga camp and are neutral towards both the Horde and the Alliance. The mystics of Zim "Torg are especially interested in the sudden insanity of the Drakkari people. And even though their brethren can no longer be saved, these trolls are trying to save all the artifacts that they have time to collect. In Northrend, the Darkspear tribe does not pursue any goals of its own - the tribe's fighters can be found wherever there are Horde forces .In the Argent Tournament camp, Darkspear trains warriors to fight the Lich King, along with other nations.

But if you look at the role of the Darkspear in general, while the other races of the Horde were preoccupied with some kind of their own hardships, the trolls simply helped Thrall and followed him everywhere. Trolls can be found at Camp Grom "goal" in Stranglethorn Valley, where they continue to fight with tropical tribes and are looking for Yenniku - a troll who is called the "son of the leader." Does this mean that Yenniku is the son of Sen "gin" and the brother of Vol "gin, or Is this the son of the current chief of the tribe? Night Hunters, Fort Zoram "gar in Ashenvale and a very small, hidden from prying eyes, village of Malaka" gin in the Stonetalon Mountains.

In Stranglethorn Vale there is a tribe of trolls - the Zandalar tribe, the very one that we have already mentioned. To this day, they oppose Hakkar, who was reborn in the ruins of Zul "Gurub. The Zandalar tribe is indifferent to the Alliance, and is not at all interested in the fate of the Dark Spear as part of the Horde. It is much more important for them to contain the threat of Hakkar's return to this world. These trolls have common roots with trolls Zul "Fight in the north.

Another friendly tribe of trolls lives in the Hinterlands - the Broken Fang. The Brokenfang Tribe was part of the Amani Empire, but was threatened with total annihilation during the Troll War between humans, high elves, and trolls. And although the people of the Broken Fang refused to join the Horde, they considered it appropriate to conclude a treaty confirming friendship and mutual assistance between them and the Horde. Therefore, Horde players can freely visit their village in the Hinterlands and complete their tasks. Although many Brokenfang trolls died at the hands of the blood elves in the Troll War, the current settlers treat the elves as they treat other members of the Horde.

All this can no longer be said of the Amani Empire. Zul'Amana's trolls, led by Zul'gin, were furious when they found out who Thrall had taken as an ally. It is not surprising, if we remember that it was the blood elves who left Zul'jin without an eye and kept him prisoner during the Second War, where he fought on the side of Orgrimm and his Horde. Zul'jin swore that he would kill everyone - the Alliance, the Horde - it doesn't matter because both factions annoyed him. In the Burning Crusade expansion, players were given the opportunity to defeat Zul'gin in Zul'Aman.

It is impossible not to mention the tribe, which few people know, but even fewer have seen. They are the Piercing Spear tribe, living in northern Kalimdor and cut off from the rest of the world by mountain ranges. Piercing Spear lives in a small village (also called Dancing Troll Village) by a lake. Players can only get to them through hidden paths in the mountains from the side of Winterspring and get the opportunity to find themselves at a real voodoo party. They are hostile to the Alliance, but do not attack first. It is very likely that this tribe will play its role already in the Cataclysm. If we take into account that the Dancing Troll Village is located next to Moonglade and Mount Hyjal, then it is quite possible that this is where the druid trolls will start their journey, or they will simply study here.

Although the Brokentooth and Piercingspear tribes are friendly towards the Horde, they are not as friendly as the Darkspear tribe. Even though the trolls currently prioritize the interests of the Horde over their own, the memory of Zalazane's insidious betrayal haunts them. Master Gadrin continues to make plans for Darkspear's return to the Echo Isles. The trolls are the only Horde race that still doesn't have their own capital, and all these 5 years they have been working for the orcs, neglecting their own problems. Now that the Lich King had been dealt with, Vol'jin had apparently decided that it was time to finally take the Echo Isles from Zalazane by force.

Although Gadrin sent many players to finish off Zalazane, and many even successfully completed this task by bringing Zalazane's head, all these trophies were nothing more than fakes. Painted stones, coconuts with wooden fangs inserted into them, sometimes real troll heads that Zalazane enslaved. Vol "jin is fed up with playing with him and has been persistently looking for a way to end the traitor with the help of his new allies and powerful spirits. And even when he was absorbed in working with Thrall, he continued to carefully plan his attack. So soon he will ask the Horde to help him in return for many years of devoted service... To help find what the trolls have been deprived of since they left the Forsaken Isles - their home.

This is exactly what Vol "Jin craves with all his heart - to provide a home to his people, as his father predicted to them many years ago. Zalazane's betrayal was a spit in the face of the leader of the Dark Spear, Sen" Jin's dreams. The return of the Echo Isles will mean that the Horde will receive another major city that will strengthen its strategic position, and besides this, the testament of Father Vol "jin will finally come true and tribute will be paid to his memory. The legacy of Sen" jin is exactly what drives Vol " gin - and it will never be forgotten.

The Darkspear tribe is probably the strongest ally the orcs have ever had. Unrequitedly loyal to Thrall, the Darkspear trolls have literally transformed themselves in their desire to please the orcs. They abandoned cannibalism and voodoo - two integral components in their lives before joining the Horde. The shamanism of the orcs was close in spirit to the ideas of the trolls about the values ​​by which they lived. Add to this the vision of Sen "jin, who foretold the fate of the Dark Spear side by side with the Horde and Thrall. In addition, the trolls were imbued with deep feelings and respect for the tauren, whose shamanism was also close in spirit to the magic of the trolls. And even though Thrall's decisions were not always understandable to the Darkspear, faith in him makes the trolls unwaveringly follow the Warchief.The trolls live by their conscience, and the oath they swore to Thrall will forever remain unbreakable.


The Darkspear trolls are 100% loyal to Thrall. For these noble beings, the concepts of "honor" and "oath" are not just words. With the upcoming changes in Cataclysm, Thrall will be replaced as leader of the Horde by Garrosh. How would this affect Darkspear and his role within the Horde, since they had little in common with this orc? Will Vol "jin remain as an adviser or will he return to his Echo Isles to finally take care of the well-being of his people? How will the trolls react to the fact that the orc, who in Sen' gin's prediction was supposed to be their protector, retired ? Maybe they will leave the Horde in protest or as a sign of immense respect for Thrall? There are still many more questions than answers. The upcoming events related to the capture of the Echo Isles will surely shed light on many things.

The Old Dragonslayer is a boss in Dark Souls II.


The ancient dragon slayer is reminiscent of those knights spoken of in old legends.


The movements of the Dragonslayer are very similar to the attacks of the giant Ornstein (from the first part).

  • Lunge with a spear.
  • Long-range lunge with a spear (jerk).
  • Two-hit melee combo.
  • Jumping up, landing gives AoE.
  • Spear piercing (unblockable).
  • A melee combo of four hits.
  • Raising the spear up, launches a dark sphere at the player.
  • Shoots dark arrows from a spear at the player.


  • During the fight, it is advisable to stay behind him, spinning counterclockwise, due to the fact that he holds a weapon in his right hand, many of his attacks may not hit the player. When he attacks in a jump, when he jumps up and hits the ground (the beginning of the attack can be calculated by how he crouches, and lightning appears on his body), you need to move away from him. A good time to deal damage is after his "lunge" with the spear, the second hit from the combo. You should be careful, because. sometimes after hits that knock down all the stamina, it gives out a combo for full hp. There is also a strike that ignores the block with the shield, it can be identified by the large swing of the spear. The shield is ignored and the boss lifts the character up on the spear, removing about 500-600hp.
  • If you have enough strength, you can take up two clubs in your hands, go to the Fighting Stance and beat the boss while he is in stunlock.


  • With due desire, you can bring it to the Lost Glencourt boss, the summon sign is in front of the Dragon Rider boss.
  • After defeating the boss, you can join the Blue Guard covenant by talking to Blue Guard Targray.
  • Before the boss, you can summon the white Phantom NPC Lost Glencourt, on the same bridge, at the entrance to the arena with the Dragon Rider, regardless of whether you defeated the rider or not.
  • You can parry.
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