Nikolay is going. For those who are in the share. Ex-deputy head of the Leningrad region Nikolai Pasyada will start a new life abroad? The former vice-governor of the Leningrad region Pasyada will build apartments in Montenegro

The former official made good money on equity holders Photo: The CrimeRussia

The leading developer of the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region, Glavstroykompleks, is approaching bankruptcy. The company left about 1,800 people homeless. Its head and former vice-governor of the Leningrad region, Nikolai Pasyada, who has the money of equity holders at his disposal, can leave the country at any moment.

Gloomy prospects

In response to the joking question “What does it cost us to build a house?” Nikolai Pasyada could give the exact figure, but he won't. Money loves silence. Especially those that he has, and especially now, when the holding headed by Pasyada (Nikolay Pasyada owns 75% of the capital) Glavstroykompleks has been hit by creditors. FTS
"House-building plant No. 5". Uralsib Bank is doing the same with Glavstroykompleks in the Leningrad Region, demanding more than 1 billion rubles. Proceedings on the bankruptcy case of Glavstroykompleks LO were initiated, and on October 17 the company
arbitration manager.

On behalf of GSK LO, Pasyada borrowed land for construction and even laid land in Uralsib in the Yuzhny Vsevolozhsk microdistrict, where he promised to build two LCDs - Raduzhny and Olimp. Many believed in the rosy picture of the future described by the former vice-governor of the region. In "Olympus" GSK managed to sell 375 apartments, and in "Rainbow" the number of apartments sold reached 1335. The residential complex "Raduzhny" alone brought Nikolai Pasyada 3.1 billion rubles.

LCD "Rainbow"

LCD "Olimp"

Most of the sales came in 2014. The first line of equity holders expected to celebrate housewarming as early as 2015. But, of course, the economic crisis intervened with its fluctuations in currencies. Rather, he intervened in the lives of the still unsuspecting equity holders, and to violate
in the large family of Nikolai Pasyada could not.

The four children of the former deputy governor continued to travel the world, study abroad and declare their love for a family nest that was by no means an economy class.

Liza Pasyada

Ekaterina Pasyada

It is difficult to say what it cost Pasyada to protect the family from the fall of the ruble, but, definitely, he put all his efforts and means into this task. The life of the Raduzhny buyers was painted in dull colors. First they were warned that they would not move anywhere in 2016, then they were advised not to fuss in 2017 either. Pasyada asked not to wait for a quick housewarming party, he promised to sell off excess assets. To connect with the public,
and power in the person of the vice-governor for construction, Mikhail Moskvin, shouting at him. People left without a roof over their heads turned out to be extremely callous.

How I Became a Billionaire

Meanwhile, Pasyada, who once occupied Moskvin's office himself, was not accustomed to rough treatment. All his life he builds something and someone. Being in the government of the region, Pasyada "built" the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district, and the Glavstroykompleks company he created became really the main one in the entire region. It is noteworthy that the administration of Vsevolozhsk was then headed by Stanislav Krinitsyn, who can be easily found among the founders of Glavstroykompleks.

Stanislav Krinitsyn

The vice-governor also had law enforcement agencies "built". The authorities obviously did not like this, and on the eve of Pasyada's resignation, the Investigative Department of the TFR for the North-Western Federal District recalled a five-year-old story that was unpleasant for the vice-governor. In 2007, the contract for the construction of the Zelenogorsk - Primorsk - Vyborg highway worth over 1 billion rubles was won by the Road Construction Complex company. Its director was Pavel Shabliy,
Pasyada's nephew.
in the office and the country house, the result was not given. Probably, Nikolai Pasyada hid the family tree somewhere else. The case of embezzlement of "some" 11 million rubles had to be quietly closed, and the vice-governor quietly resigned.

In 2015, Pasyada could again be searched. Anyway,
for this purpose Grigory Brodsky. Brodsky turned out to be not only the son of the representative of the governor of St. Petersburg in Zaks, but also a companion of Pasyada. It turned out that GSK had been building for a long time on lands owned by Brodsky's companies. So
the project of the residential complex "Vsevolozhsky cascade" and the construction of "Rainbow" began. Brodsky bought the land for next to nothing in the form of farmland. Once in the right hands, the land instantly changed the category of use, and with it the price. 67 hectares in the Yuzhny microdistrict cost Grigory Brodsky 67 million rubles. With the receipt of a building permit, this site has already cost 1.7 billion rubles.

Eduard Hakobyan

The transformation of ordinary land into gold could not have happened without the signature of the chief architect of Vsevolozhsk, Eduard Hakobyan, who was shot dead in 2013. It was the execution of Hakobyan that became the reason for a visit to the son of a high-ranking official and partners of the former deputy governor. The next visit could well have been paid to Pasyada himself - but the retired vice-governor was lucky again.

You are evil, I will leave you

However, he still cannot come to terms with the resignation, and even in
to the head of the Leningrad region, Alexander Drozdenko, retains an authoritative tone. For example, in December 2017, Pasyada warns the governor that a new portion of deceived equity holders is waiting for him. We are talking about the residential complex "Galaktika". The Galaktika apartments were sold in 2015, when the Pasiad family budget still required compensation for currency fluctuations. There was no time to delve into the details of the project.

Alexander Drozdenko

Two years later, the developer discovered a shortage of treatment facilities and concluded that further construction was impossible. The fault was the inaction of some officials, which the developer could not even imagine. In conclusion, Pasyada suggests that the governor himself take care of the equity holders by entrusting the municipality with the construction of a local sewerage system.

In a similar way, the "honorary builder" interprets problems at other sites. “The authorities hung up the construction of a kindergarten and a sports and recreation complex,” Pasyada complained, forgetting how he “pushed through”
complex. Which means there won't be enough room for everyone. The head of the GSK called the current vice-governor for construction, Mikhail Moskvin, the culprit of all the troubles.

Mikhail Moskvin

Jealousy for the position of Moskvin ate Pasyada all last winter. At the end of February, Nikolai Pasyada
do not encourage him to take action. All those who interfere with his hibernation, the former vice-governor called puppets, warning that the initiative is punishable - there is a chance "not to get either apartments or money." And at the end of the letter he assured that he was slowly moving forward. The intelligent Leningrad public instantly guessed the genre of the message. It was a farewell note.

Possible escape routes are read between the lines. Firstly, according to the personal confession of the author of the letter, he has already sold off the "extra" assets. Secondly, there were genuine altruists among Pasyada's creditors. In our hands were the documents, according to which
literally took the ex-official on bail. The main activity of BFA Management Company is the trust management of assets, that is, other people's money and property. In the case of Pasyada, everything was exactly the opposite: it was not he who trusted the money, but him.

Nikolai Pasyada

The issuance of GSK loans, based on the dates of the agreements, was put on stream. The degree of BFA's confidence in the former vice-governor turned out to be so high that structures affiliated with GSK acted as guarantors for loans. To be honest, we are even embarrassed to call it lending. Multi-million dollar loans at 2% per annum are more like charity. However, Pasyada did not pay even this - all loans were provided for a period of 1-2 months. During the summer months, the term of loans was sometimes extended. Apparently, the family love for travel affected. It is difficult to say whether these loans were returned at all. With that level of trust, anything is possible. However, the money itself was not wasted.

Loan agreement between BFA Management Company and Glavstroykompleks JSC dated March 17, 2014

Loan agreement between BFA Management Company and Glavstroykompleks OJSC dated May 16, 2014

Guarantee agreement between BFA Management Company and Stroykompleks Firm CJSC

Leaving about two thousand families homeless in Vsevolozhsk, Pasyada decides to invest abroad. In the Montenegrin resort of Herceg Novi
apartment complex for 5 million euros (390 million rubles at the current exchange rate). Construction was announced in 2016. We failed to find the deceived equity holders in Montenegro, although the Pasiads are unlikely to stay in this coastal country. In the same 2016, the daughters of the former vice-governor acquired a company
. This summer, Nikolai Pasyada was urgently initiated
on the fact of malicious evasion from payment of accounts payable. It remains to traditionally sit down on the track.

Nikolay Ivanovich Pasyada- graduate of LISI (now SPbGASU) in 1988

Doctor of Economic Sciences (dissertation: "Logistic mechanism for managing housing construction projects", 2000), professor at the Department of Commerce and Logistics.

General Director of OAO GlavStroyComplex since 2012

Professor of the Department of Logistics and Trade Policy, St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).

Honorary Builder of Russia.

Born February 1, 1963 in the village. Udovichenki, Zenkovsky district, Poltava region Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Civil Engineering (LISI) with a degree in construction and road machinery and equipment with a qualification of a mechanical engineer in 1988 and the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions with a degree in jurisprudence with a qualification of a lawyer in 1998

The main stages of professional activity

  • Mechanic - chief mechanic of the UNR No. 92 of the trust "Leningstroy" (1988-1990);
  • director of AOZT "Arnat" (1990-1994);
  • General Director of Stinvi LLC (1995-1997);
  • General Director of ZAO Stroykompleks (1997-1999);
  • General Director of ZAO Stroykompleks Firm (1999-2003);
  • General Director of OAO GlavStroyComplex (2003-2005);
  • Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region for Construction, Road Management, Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services (2005-2012);
  • General Director of OJSC GlavStroyComplex (2012 - present).

Main activities

and professional achievements in various positions

General Director of JSC "GlavStroyComplex" (2003-2005)

Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region for Construction, Road Facilities, Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services (2005-2012)

  • Solving the issues of formation and implementation on the territory of the Leningrad Region of state policy in the construction industry, the industry of building materials, products and structures, road facilities, transport, road safety, state policy in the field of housing and communal services and energy, issues of attracting financial resources to supervised industries;
  • coordination of the implementation of the Priority National Project “Affordable and Comfortable Housing for the Citizens of Russia” in the Leningrad Region.

The largest investment projects in this period

  • Construction of a multifunctional port in Ust-Luga;
  • formation of a port complex in the area of ​​Primorsk;
  • modernization of existing port complexes in Vyborg and Vysotsk;
  • construction of the second stage of the Baltic Pipeline System (BPS-2);
  • construction of replacement capacities with LNPP-2 power reactors;
  • construction of the North European gas pipeline.

General Director of JSC "GlavStroyComplex"

(2012 - present)

Implementation of integrated development and implementation of investment projects, including integrated development of territories, construction of residential buildings, multifunctional complexes, industrial facilities, as well as engineering preparation of territories.

Social and political activity

  • In December 1997, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region of the second convocation;
  • in December 2001 - deputy of the third convocation;
  • headed the permanent commission of the regional Legislative Assembly on housing and communal services, fuel and energy complex and construction.


  • Title and badge of distinction "Honorary Builder of Russia" (1998);
  • Gratitude of the Governor of the Leningrad Region (2006);
  • medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree (2012);
  • insignia of the Leningrad region "For services to the Leningrad region" (2012);
  • Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation "For merits in the development of the fuel and energy complex" (2013).

Personal qualities

Purposefulness, energy, initiative, decency.

The LenSpetsStroy construction site is stuck against the backdrop of black caviar, the crunch of French bread and luxury housing in the Front Quarter.

Families of developers who deceived equity holders to obtain apartments lead a defiantly luxurious lifestyle. Their spouses and children go to boutiques, drive expensive cars and live in luxury complexes. This exuberance is in stark contrast to the builders' own accounts of their financial troubles.

Last Friday, February 2, shareholders of GlavStroyComplex were waiting for the co-owner and director Nikolai Pasyada for a meeting, but he did not come. Judging by the video on social networks, the event looked more like a spontaneous riot. Women screamed, children screamed. 1,348 citizens want to know when the apartments in the Raduzhny residential complex in Vsevolozhsk will be completed, for which they paid 3.1 billion rubles. Despair is understandable, because many of those who believed in the former vice-governor for construction took out a mortgage, and are still paying for rented housing. From a good share in economy-class housing, they do not fit at all, but here, judging by the cries, some are literally forced to live in the basement.

The next time when equity holders scream that because of Pasyada they have no apartments, they should understand that he himself does not have one either. Moreover, he knows what constraint is. According to the passport office, when the youngest of his four children was just born, the family lived on 368 square meters in a building on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, better known in St. Petersburg as the Benois House. Even the flights of stairs here are reminiscent of the imperial style, and inside the apartments the ceilings are under four meters.

They did not have to live there for long, but by the time Pasyada ceased to be a simple deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, and became the vice-governor for construction, they moved to a more modest apartment - a 215-meter apartment in the Zimmerman apartment building. I'm ashamed to say, but there were times when there were only 35 squares for each family member.

All this is already in the past, because ten years ago the official's family moved to the Melnichny Ruchey microdistrict in Vsevolozhsk. We just recently described how brilliance there coexists with poverty. The family nest can now be called the estate on Griboedov Street, the boundaries of which for some reason are not put on the cadastral map, but have an address. So, for two with his wife, they own two plots with a total area of ​​​​32 acres, and two houses on them. One is four-story (if you count the cellar) with an area of ​​​​577.7 squares, the second is two-story with an attic of 96.7 squares.

At the moments when equity holders insist that Pasyada must sell his property in order to complete the construction of their property, it will be easier for them from the knowledge that the businessman has so much trouble that they cannot even imagine.

There are no intelligent cars on it, except that my wife has a yellow-green Land Rover three-year-old. We are at a loss as to why a woman who has nothing to do with the civil service needs the number "OOO", but this is not entirely our business. Moreover, she needs something to go to meetings of the board of directors of the GSK, of which she is a member. You can't take anything away from your eldest son either. Not the white Lexus RX-200 of 2016, because otherwise what will he drive to manage companies affiliated with dad. The young man already had to sell a golden Lexus LX-570 a year ago. This is in addition to the fact that he has to live in a pre-revolutionary 53-meter apartment on Petrogradka. The windows of the house overlook the beautiful building of the CDS company, so there is something to think about.

And here's the hassle. When equity holders are indignant that their children have nowhere to live, they should be softer, because Pasyada's children have also suffered everything in this life. They may not even imagine what the warmth of a hearth is, because they have been studying abroad since childhood. So, his youngest son learns the basics of Perkiomen School, in Florida, USA, and before that, he lived and studied at Clifton College, in the British city of Bristol, for five years. the eldest of the daughters lives in the same Bristol, studied at the SAE Institute UK. The youngest daughter also entered Clifton College, then continued her studies at The London School of Economics and Political Science, she graduated from Duke University in North Carolina, USA.

Pasyada-juniors are generally not too pretentious in this life. At least, photos from the ski resorts of Switzerland, the beaches of the Maldives, the squares of Paris, the famous hippodrome in Ascot are not accompanied by the comments "Life is good." Apparently, vacation trips are generally a frequent occurrence for them. But what really pleases them is the opportunity to stay at home and see loved ones.

Thanks to this sincerity in various social networks, you can see the life of a big businessman from the inside. Here it is against the backdrop of a chic staircase, doors with candelabra and painted shop windows. Here, against the background of a general portrait, a well-groomed garden looks out. Here is a view from the window, and there are beautifully trimmed trees, a cortege of two elite cars. From another angle - a snow-covered Christmas tree and a cozy gazebo, and after - a small playground.

Why don't you sleep at nine in the morning? - Carefully asks the brother of the sister.
“Yes, I generally get up at eight now,” she replies.

A similar story is with the residential complex "Leningradskaya Perspective", which is being built by "LenSpetsStroy" (LSS), where 779 people who donated 2.4 billion rubles are waiting for apartments. Recently, they were indignant at the fact that the company, constantly postponing the commissioning of objects, was inscribed as a patron of the Mikhailovsky Theater. At least, this is what is indicated in the announcement for the gala concert, which will be held on February 10th. "D.O. Astafyev, having made thousands of people homeless, ended the year by sponsoring cultural events," they wrote.

Probably, equity holders will be ashamed when they find out what joy the cooperation of the general director and owner of half of the LSS, Dmitry Astafyev, actually turns into. For example, Astafiev's eldest daughter got married five years ago and, judging by the report on social networks, the photo shoot was at the Mikhailovsky Theater. "Dad has acquaintances at the Mikhailovsky Theater, so they allowed us," she explained shamelessly. Moreover, today the girl is a co-owner of her father's construction enterprises.

The family, by the way, is not that rich in real estate. Mom-dad and two daughters have only three apartments in St. Petersburg, with a total area of ​​201.4 square meters. The wife of Dmitry Astafiev has only three cars - a white Land Rover 2011, a black and red Mercedes Benz S-400 2016, a black Mercedes Benz GL-500 2012. The eldest daughter has a black three-year-old Land Rover sport and a fresh BMW 530. The youngest has a 2014 Land Rover sport.

The second owner of LSS, Yuri Pechenyuk, in terms of footage, in general, practically did not go far from the buyers of apartments in his company. For a daughter from his first marriage, a second wife and a schoolboy son - only 131 square meters. True, the apartment is located in the residential complex "Paradny Kvartal", and the cost of such an object varies about 50 million rubles. That is, their four meters of a bathroom cost the same as a "odnushka" in Murino. According to the Ruspres agency, Pechenyuk's neighbors in the Front Quarter (for the construction of the complex they demolished an architectural monument - the building of the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Regiment) are the president's confidant, chairman of the Leningrad Federation of Trade Unions Vladimir Derbin, heads of special services, top managers of state monopolies and members families of billionaires.

It is unlikely that they are cramped there, because the daughter is listed here only on papers. Judging by her social networks, she graduated from King's College London, then moved to the USA. She knows English very well, at least she writes big sentimental posts in it.

Many words are dedicated to their father. "Being incredibly ambitious, he became an entrepreneur and built his own construction company, which provides a good and comfortable life for our entire family," these words can be perceived by equity holders as a sincere confession. She also wrote a lot about the fact that already in her childhood she had everything one could dream of, and even a luxurious apartment in Berlin.

However, father and daughter are still very unhappy with each other. It was Yuri Pechenyuk who forced her to go to England, insisted that she get a good education. Probably, the equity holders will be very surprised, but the girl never liked living in luxury, in adulthood she suddenly realized that an opinion was being imposed on her. "Somehow, as is usually the case, I took a break and went to Paris," she adds in the post.

The girl accompanies one of her verbal outpourings with a photograph of sandwiches with black caviar. It does not say that it was taken from the Internet.

You can understand how bitter the fate of the children of developers is, if only by a disappointed sob: "Father gave me a month to find a job, or he will stop supporting me." The recording was made in the summer of 2017, but it is not clear whether it refers to the present.

Pechenyuk's current wife, Tatyana, owns and runs the South Korean Medical Complex. It is located on Chernyshevskaya. By pure coincidence, a person with a full name similar to her husband owned this company ten years ago.

In an interview with a 47news journalist, Tatyana Alekseevna kindly said that she and her husband had a prenuptial agreement, so each other's problems do not concern them. “I created the salon, I have been working since the nineties,” she added. When asked if her husband was talking about problems with equity holders, she explained that, in her opinion, they themselves create difficulties for themselves. “Without understanding, they file lawsuits, which stop the process,” she showed awareness.

Many people are now scolding the government, Putin. And I can say that every family now has a car and an apartment,” she said confidently.
- Don't you think that people can perceive this position, and even the fact that you have an apartment in the Parade Quarter and this salon as a mockery?
- Not.

Yuri Pechenyuk himself said that he was very worried about the buyers, and was doing everything to ensure that the houses were completed this summer. “You’d better raise the topic of communications, we’ll build buildings, but they won’t connect them to heat. They demand money from us, but they don’t build infrastructure. Nobody has ever been dissatisfied with us, we only receive gratitude,” he insisted.

As for the Mikhailovsky Theatre, Pechenyuk believes that the LSS became a philanthropist five years ago "and since then they have been putting it on the poster."

The apartment was bought by my daughter, a long time ago, so she has nothing to do with equity holders.

She has been living her life for a long time, I have not looked at her pages. I'll see what he writes.

Don't you think that her demonstration, for example, black caviar, at a time when people call themselves homeless, to put it mildly, can cause irritation? Is it ethical at all, what do you think?

I'll talk to her. In general, it is you, journalists, who interfere more. First you write that we have problems, then people go to rallies.

In exactly that order? Not vice versa?

You better help calm people down with your actions. He said we'll fix everything.

During the conversation, a man was constantly yelling in the background. "She's not a prosecutor, ask us", "What does she allow herself?", "But what's her business?" It looked like Dmitry Astafiev was worried. But Yuri Pechenyuk convinced that he was not.

Shareholders of Normann bought 1,629 apartments in the Desyatkino 2.0 residential complex in Murino, paying 3.3 billion rubles for it. Judging by the data of equity holders, the construction is worth it.

Viktor Seppenen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Normann Group of Companies, his wife and son were not particularly impressed by 47news with prestigious real estate or premium cars. But his daughter worked hard for the whole family, from June 2013 to February 2014 she worked as the general director of Norman-Holding LLC.

Judging by her Instagram, driving around the city in a 400-horsepower Porsche Macan Turbo, the cost of which in the cabin starts from 5.8 million rubles, she tries to lead the life of a socialite.

The girl regularly visits the trendy Hard Candy Fitness gym, the global network of which belongs to the singer Madonna. And she loves to be photographed in high and expensive boots.

By the way, elite shoes are generally the strong point of Viktor Seppenen's daughter. Here she is wearing shoes from the 2017 Saint Laurent collection. Now in the DLT department store these can be purchased for 62 thousand and another 850 rubles.

But she tries on boots from Louis Vuitton worth under 100 thousand rubles. “The dress is from Chanel,” one of the subscribers on Instagram correctly guesses.

The girl loves oysters and periodically uploads photos with this sea delicacy to the network.

And she loves to relax by the sea. Of course, not on the Black Sea, but on the coast of the Persian Gulf, in Dubai.

But let the reader not think that there are no sorrows in her life - this is not so. Here she is looking at bags from the new Louis Vuitton collection, made for this brand by artist Jeff Koontz. The cost of the one in her hand is 243 thousand rubles. But, judging by the caption to the photo, it’s not the price that upsets her, which is four times the monthly budget of an average family buying apartments from the Normann group, but the fact that “you can’t buy anything right away, only on order.”

Viktor Seppenen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Normann, said with a sigh that there were indeed very active equity holders at the facility of Desyatkino 2.0.

“Yes, they not only complain to you and the government, but also write to Moscow. And as for your daughter, you are right, it’s probably not very good to post such photos. But the thing is that her material well-being is not at all connected with work in Normann, but about her personal life. Although I will tell her, thank you for warning, "he thanked the journalist.

In general, you see, there is nothing special in their life. Except for the fact that the citizens, due to which young people are so well settled, will never even approximately live like this. And once again reminding them of this is at least not ethical. Especially while their fathers deprive citizens of thoughts about confidence in the future.

According to the archives of the Ruspres agency, in the 1990s Nikolai Pasyada was the director of two joint-stock companies. But some publications claim that Nikolai Ivanovich also headed a third organization - AOZT "Liniks". In 2002, the newspaper "Version" wrote about the circumstances associated with the overhaul of house 17 on the 2nd line of Vasilyevsky Island. The apartments in it were supposed to receive the waiting list. But then the company "Linix" allegedly intervened, which concluded a special agreement with the then head of the Vasileostrovsky district. As a result, those on the waiting list went to live in Vsevolozhsk, and high-ranking officials, their relatives and acquaintances acquired living space in a house in the center of St. Petersburg. Including one of the apartments went to the current Prime Minister, and then the head of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, Vladimir Putin.

The wife of the owner of "LenSpetsStroy" demands an apology for the disclosure of information about her beautiful life

The wife of a businessman whose company made 779 people consider themselves homeless is offended by interference in her personal life and financial activities. According to Tatyana Pechenyuk, journalists "illegally got into her personal life and financial activities." She also expressed a number of insults to the authors of the publication, calling one of them a "vile person" and a "fool", noting that these thoughts are expressed in a "mild form". She also insists that an apology should be made to her.

Recall that we wrote earlier that 779 people bought apartments in the Leningradskaya Perspective residential complex, which is being built by the LenSpetsStroy company, paying 2 billion 370 million rubles for it. The deadline for the completion of a residential facility was postponed from the end of 2017 for another six months. In official mailing lists, equity holders refer to themselves as nothing more than homeless. Yuri Pechenyuk and his family live in an apartment of 131 square meters. Judging by the data of advertisements, a square meter there costs about 400 thousand rubles.

It is not known to the editors of 47news whether the LSS company is going to apologize to citizens for a serious failure to commission the facility.

Pasyada Nikolai Ivanovich was born on February 1, 1963 in the village of Udovichenki, Poltava region. Graduated from the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

He began his career in 1980 as an electric welder at the Baltic Shipyard in Leningrad. After graduating from the institute, he worked as the chief mechanic of the Leninzhstroy trust.

From 1991 to 1994, Nikolai Pasyada served as director of Arnat CJSC, and from 1994 to 1996, director of Steenvi CJSC. Since 1996, he founded and headed ZAO Stroykompleks.

In December 1997, Nikolai Pasyada began his political career after being elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region of the second convocation. He headed the permanent commission of the regional Legislative Assembly on housing and communal services, fuel and energy complex and construction.

On July 5, 2005, he was appointed Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region for construction, road facilities, the energy complex, and housing and communal services.

Wife - Pasyada Alla Anatolyevna. She is raising two sons and two daughters. Their hobbies are sports and hunting.

Graduated from the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. Doctor of Economic Sciences.


Left the government - lost 8 billion

Ex-vice-governor for construction Nikolai Pasyada will lose about 8 billion rubles. All because of the courage of his successor Mikhail Moskvin. He is ready to stand in the way of someone else's business, even at the cost of his own life.

For the first time in the history of the Leningrad region, and, perhaps, in Russia, a representative of the authorities will become a victim of the execution of his own legislation. The former vice-governor for construction, Nikolay Pasyada, will soon begin to calculate the amount of billions in losses from the actions of the current vice-governor for construction, Mikhail Moskvin.

Nikolai Pasyada will build 156 thousand m2 of housing in Romanovka

The construction companies of the former vice-governor of the Leningrad region approved the planning project in the village. Romanovka for 156 thousand m2 of housing.

The town planning council under the government of the Leningrad region approved the project for planning the territory in the village. Romanovka of the company "Glavstroykompleks" of the former vice-governor of the Leningrad region for the construction of Nikolai Pasyada. It is planned to build 156 thousand m2 of housing for 5.7 thousand people on 50 hectares. The planning project provides for two quarters of 13 houses of five to nine floors each, two kindergartens for 350 children, a school for 525 children, two sports complexes, a shopping center, and a cultural center. It was not possible to get through to Nikolai Pasyada.

The former vice-governor of the Leningrad region Pasyada will build apartments in Montenegro

Investments in the complex will amount to 5 million euros. As Nikolai Pasyada told the publication, the Boka Bay Resort residential complex is being implemented in the resort town of Herceg Novi. The area of ​​the complex will be more than 3.8 thousand "squares", it consists of three villas and is designed for 100 apartments ranging from 22 to 170 square meters.

Today, the main projects of Glavstroykompleks are concentrated in the Leningrad region. There the company sells LCD "Raduzhny", LCD "Olimp", LCD "Galaktika". The total area of ​​projects that are being implemented today is almost 500 thousand m2.

Ex-vice-governor of the Leningrad region searched in the case of fraud

Investigators conducted searches at the place of residence and in the office of the former vice-governor of the Leningrad region Nikolai Pasyada as part of the investigation of a criminal case of fraud, in which the official is a witness, the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) reports on Thursday.

Investigators searched the house of acting. Vice Governor Nikolay Pasyada

To date, Nikolai Pasyada is the acting vice-governor of the Leningrad region for construction, road infrastructure, energy complex and housing and communal services. He will not enter the new government of Alexander Drozdenko, and the block that he supervised will be divided into two and two separate vice-governors will oversee them.

The vice-governor of the Leningrad region was fired and searched in his office

The life of the vice-governor of the Leningrad region Nikolai Pasyada has changed dramatically. His position was liquidated, and investigators came to his office.

How the governor did not miss the ambulance

So the day before, searches were carried out in the country house and office of acting. Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region Nikolai Pasyada, who is leaving the regional government.

Lieutenant Governor turned out to be a fraud?

Today, searches were carried out in the country house and the office of acting. Deputy Governor of the Leningrad Region Nikolai Pasyada, who is leaving the regional government, told The Moscow Post correspondent in the TFR. Perhaps the official is involved in fraud.

In the case of stolen millions, Nikolai Pasyada turned out to be a witness

Employees of the Investigative Committee for the Northwestern Federal District searched the office of Nikolai Pasyada, former vice-governor of the Leningrad Region, and his house in Vsevolozhsk. This information was confirmed to Izvestia by the head of the investigative department, Alexei Maikov.

The searches really took place, a criminal case was opened on the fact of embezzlement of state funds during road works in the Leningrad Region. However, Nikolai Pasyada is a witness in this case, at the moment we have no accused or suspects, - the representative of the law enforcement agency emphasized, adding that the nature of the seized documents has not yet been disclosed - in the interests of the investigation.

While the new vice-governors of the Leningrad Region were taking office, the office of one of the former leaders was being searched.

On the day the key vice-governors of the Leningrad region were approved, Nikolai Pasyada, an official who did not join the new government, was searched in his country house and office. According to the UPC, Mr. Pasyada is a witness in the case of embezzlement of funds from the regional road fund. Yesterday it became known what the former regional governor Valery Serdyukov will do in the near future. His successor, Alexander Drozdenko, said he would nominate Mr. Serdyukov for the senator's post.

Nikolai Pasyada is on trial for embezzlement of 155 million rubles

“As part of the investigation of the criminal case, searches were carried out at the place of residence and in the office of the vice-governor of the Leningrad Region Nikolai Pasyada,” the RF Investigative Committee noted. As part of this criminal case, Pasyada has the status of a witness.”
link: 46051-nikolaj

OAO Gazprom will build a new sports complex in the Leningrad Region

The event was also attended by Anatoly Marinichev, Deputy General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz for Capital Construction and Investments, Valentin Kazachenkov, General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz St. Petersburg, Nikolay Pasyada, Vice Governor of the Leningrad Region, champion-native of Boksitogorsk Lyubov Mukhacheva.
link: http://www.peterburgregiongaz. en/779

Official Nikolai Pasyada, who gave Vladimir Putin an apartment, is robbing the pockets of Russians

The ex-head of the Municipality "City of Vsevolozhsk" Stanislav Krinitsyn created extremely favorable conditions on the territory entrusted to him for the company of his former boss, Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region Nikolai Pasyada (now Pasyada's shares are controlled by his wife). Moreover, the "privileged" company owed the administration of the municipality more than 200 million rubles. But with this money in Vsevolozhsk they could build, for example, a kindergarten, a polyclinic or a hospital, which are not enough there.
link: http://crimerussia.

Deceived equity holders will be rescued by the end of the year

In turn, the vice-governor of the Leningrad region for construction, road infrastructure, energy complex and housing and communal services, Nikolay Pasyada, complained that not so much housing construction is “lame” in the region, but the corresponding infrastructure - engineering and social.

Infrastructure development lags behind in mass construction areas of the Leningrad Region

In the districts of the Leningrad Region, where housing is actively being built, the creation of social and engineering infrastructure is proceeding slowly. Nikolai Pasyada, vice-governor of the Leningrad region for construction, road infrastructure, energy complex and housing and communal services, informed a BaltInfo correspondent about this.
“In those areas where mass housing construction was carried out, social and engineering infrastructure lags behind,” Pasyada said.

The first dry port in Russia was opened in the Leningrad Region

The first dry port in Russia was opened in the village of Yanino in the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region. In essence, this is a multifunctional logistics park that combines container and railway terminals, storage and customs facilities at its base. In total, the Yanino logistics park covers an area of ​​50 hectares. The Minister of Transport of Russia Igor Levitin and Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region Nikolay Pasyada arrived at the opening ceremony of the complex.

The deputies of the Leningrad region will consider 5 options for accommodating the government and the legislature

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region will consider five options for the location of the regional government and parliament. Nikolai Pasyada, vice-governor of the Leningrad region for construction, road infrastructure, energy complex and housing and communal services, informed a BaltInfo correspondent about this.

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