How do you know if your husband is hiding something?  How to find out if your husband is cheating - Signs that help identify infidelity. Check his social media page and email

Dreaming of an ideal relationship, we first of all imagine mutual love, loyalty and honesty to each other. But in reality, it does not always happen the way we would like it to. Unfortunately, quarrels, scandals and even betrayals are by no means a rarity, and sometimes even an unpleasant trend. If a girl knows how to understand that a man is cheating, she will be able to stop an unhealthy relationship in time. After all, getting rid of the wrong partner as quickly as possible is the main way to avoid depression and painful experiences.

The first alarm bells. How to recognize treason?

Any "investigation" begins with suspicion. Sometimes they are false and groundless, but often they have a real basis. So, the typical signs of male infidelity include:

There are also some very obvious signs of male infidelity that you don’t even have to comprehend:

  • condoms in your pocket (especially if you do not protect yourself with it);
  • strange contacts on the phone (roughly speaking, long conversations with the imaginary Petrovich);
  • frequent delays at work;
  • scratches on the back (smells like Russian melodrama, but it happens in real life too).

Attention! You should not draw premature conclusions based on the first bells. All of them can be easily explained. Instead of winding yourself up and making a scandal, you should follow the guy's behavior and try to find irrefutable evidence of infidelity.

How does a man who cheats behave?

To divert suspicion from themselves, one partner often accuses the other of cheating!

It is worth remembering that different people behave differently. The same applies to guilty men. There are two different behavior patterns for a guy after he has slept with another girl:

  1. He hides the fact that he is cheating, spends more time at home, pays more attention to his girlfriend or wife. A man tries to be nice and caring, but that's what gives him away. And also - guilty eyes, which are surprisingly easy to recognize. He hides his eyes, as if he is afraid that something is written in his eyes.
  2. He begins to groundlessly accuse the woman of treason. Thus, the man shifts responsibility, tries to divert suspicion from himself. This behavior pattern is quite typical, although it is less common than the first.

Attention! A man can behave in a completely different way, outside of any categories. To understand whether he is cheating or not, you should first rely on your own observation and intuition, and only then - on someone else's experience.

Features of different zodiac signs

Astrology is not a science in the full sense of the word, but it can still tell something. So, some zodiac signs behave differently during and after cheating:

How to understand that a guy is sleeping with someone?

Let's be honest: it's very difficult to be 100% sure that a man is cheating. Follow him or hire a private detective - to put it mildly, not an option. Even if the guy is “clean”, after such a blatant display of distrust on the part of the girl, he will simply leave. It is unlikely that someone will want to connect his life with someone who does not trust him. What are the real options to verify the alleged infidelity of men?

First, it's a heart-to-heart talk. Without scandals and tantrums, no matter how difficult it may be. Even a traitor has a conscience, and it is likely that he will "split" if asked calmly about it. You can also make it clear that it is very difficult to live in ignorance, and it is better to immediately find out the whole truth than to torment yourself with doubts - it changes or not.

Sometimes cheating men specifically try to revive romance in a relationship.

Secondly, it is mindfulness. If you quietly observe the behavior of a man, analyze his actions and changes in character, you can suddenly find an accurate confirmation of the betrayal. The same condoms in a jeans pocket, a woman's hair on a shirt, kiss marks or, just like in the movies, scratches on the back ... There are many little things that can indicate treason with almost 100% accuracy.

Other possible options to test your guesses are:

  • conversation with relatives and friends of a man;
  • wiretapping (not good, but a mere trifle compared to treason);
  • waiting (sooner or later the truth will come out!).

Why do men cheat? Psychological subtleties

It is believed that the causes of male and female infidelity are completely different. Some even argue that men cheat to leave, and women cheat to save relationships. So, this is complete nonsense. And the hackneyed phrases that all men are hunters by nature and are looking for prey are also no excuse. Yes, some do indeed. But not all, and not even the majority. Stereotypical thinking is generally capable of destroying relationships worse than any betrayal. After all, who will like it that he is ranked among "all men - goats"?

The reasons for cheating can be very diverse - from a lack of diversity to self-affirmation in a male company.

In fact, the reasons for female and male infidelity are always quite similar:

  1. Bad sex or lack of it. Alas, the reality of married life is that sex is more often bad than good. It brings less and less pleasure, it serves only for emotional discharge. Few men (and people in general) are smart and considerate enough to think: maybe the problem is in me? Maybe I just stopped satisfying my woman? The partner is immediately labeled frigid (and if she is also pregnant, then write is gone), and the search for sexual pleasure leads the man to the left.
  2. Lack of variety. This is stupid and cruel, but sometimes men begin to cheat simply because they are bored with sex with their wife. In this case, in no case should you forgive, because this is not an unfortunate mistake, but a deliberate act.
  3. Desire to show off in front of friends. Men's companies often gather somewhere in nature to relax. Well, if it's just hunting or fishing. If this is a trip to barbecue or a sauna, then single friends will definitely “invite girls”. The teasing will begin right there, the man will be “taken lightly” ... In a sense, rest with men is even more dangerous than a corporate party with female colleagues.
  4. "Superiority" of a mistress over his wife. Most often it is mythical. If a mistress accepts a man for who he is and does not demand anything, this is simply because they have recently met and are still studying each other. To justify this betrayal is humiliating for a man.
  5. The appearance of a child. Sadly, this is a common practice. The woman begins to devote almost all her time to the baby, and there is almost no strength left for her husband. A man does not understand that a child requires attention all the time, and as a result, a young mother can go to bed with an unwashed head, completely tired and exhausted. Such a wife does not excite a husband, and he begins to look around. This is perhaps the only "purely masculine" reason for adultery, for obvious reasons, uncharacteristic for women.
  6. Too lazy to "repair" the relationship. Yes, it's easier to go and sleep with someone else than to try to understand your mistakes, restore balance in a relationship. Such an approach is characteristic of weak personalities.

Attention! There is another reason for male infidelity, and it is the most disgusting. It's called "It Happened". If a man "it happened", then nothing good should be expected from him in further relations. There is no need to waste the best years of life on a weak-willed and unscrupulous person.

Cheating is a terrible act that cannot be justified. People often try to somehow motivate their infidelity to a partner, justifying it with fatigue, boring monotony, “life with the unloved” ... But neither a man nor a woman has the moral right to cheat on a person who loves them. No excuses are worth to forgive betrayal and continue to be dependent on a person who felt the weakness of a partner and is ready to repeat his adultery at any opportunity. However, in the end, everyone is free to do as they see fit.

Many men who decide to have an extramarital affair know how to carefully hide deceit and relationships with a new lover, but there are ways to expose a spouse's secret romance.

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A woman determined to convict her husband of betrayal must decide what she will do if the deception is revealed. If a lady wants to determine her husband's infidelity in order to start working on a relationship or file for divorce, then the efforts in this case will be justified. When a woman wants to expose her husband for the sake of curiosity, for the purpose of blackmail, or in order to “refresh” the relationship with a scandal with a stormy reconciliation, then this is unlikely to bring results.

Prerequisites for treason

To understand if a spouse has another woman, you must first think about whether he had a reason for cheating.

Men who decide to have an affair with a new passion betray their wives for various reasons:

  • middle age crisis;
  • a marriage not made out of love;
  • interference by relatives (mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, distant relatives) in the relationship of spouses;
  • long life at a distance (shift work, guest marriage);
  • lack of common interests, significant differences in outlook on life;
  • sexual incompatibility;
  • revenge for .

How to understand that the husband is cheating

Obvious signs of infidelity

A woman, in order to find out that her husband is cheating on her, needs to take a closer look at his behavior and lifestyle. If he has another, then this will provoke some changes in habits, appearance, manner of communicating with his wife.

There are 15 signs of an infidelity spouse that you should take note of:

  1. 1. Mobile phone. The cheating husband begins to behave strangely at home - he sits in the bathroom or toilet for a long time with a cell phone, receives calls at night, does not talk with his spouse. A man often receives calls from numbers signed by other names (“Taxi”, “Manager”, etc.). An unfaithful husband often has a second phone and a SIM card that no one knows about.
  2. 2. Scrupulous attitude to appearance. A woman should pay attention to how her husband treats his image. If earlier a man didn’t care much about appearance, then a sudden attention to his own clothes, a change in hairstyle, an entry into the gym will indicate that he wants to please another woman. A person who pays a lot of attention to appearance may not have cheated on his wife yet, but is already experiencing passionate feelings for another lady.
  3. 3. Computer, social networks. If a man spends time at home, then it is worth checking his behavior at the computer. If a spouse in front of his wife immediately begins to minimize open tabs, slam the laptop, delete the browser history, then there is a possibility that he has something to hide. The appearance of several active pages on social networks indicates that the partner leads a double life.
  4. 4. Frequent cleaning in the car: if a woman notices that her husband begins to thoroughly vacuum the interior, then he probably wants to clean up the traces of infidelity.
  5. 5. Behavior at a distance. If he is far away, for example, is on a business trip, but does not call or write to his wife for a long time, and business trips themselves have become much more frequent, this can also be attributed to signs of treason.
  6. 6. Plans for the future. The termination of any conversations related to building a joint future is a suspicious change in the partner's behavior.
  7. 7. Financial expenses. A cheating man may, with a stable level of income, have material problems associated with excessive spending. The latter often happen in the presence of an affair with another woman. To reveal the fact of a relationship on the side, you need to carefully consider where the husband began to spend money. To do this, you can study the found receipts, checks.
  8. 8. Behavior at work. If a person suddenly began to linger at work, suddenly go on business trips or go to the office on weekends, then in such cases it is worth considering. Cheating is confirmed by the presence of the smell of women's perfume and alcohol from a man who returned too late from work. If the spouse is on watch, then he often ignores calls and messages from his wife, or gets in touch only at a certain time.
  9. 9. Intimate relationships. The partner abruptly grows cold towards his wife. If sex is present in the life of spouses, then it becomes rare. An unfaithful man may suddenly have strange preferences, and in such a situation one should think about who could teach him this.
  10. 10. Sudden gifts. If a spouse is not used to pleasing his wife with romantic surprises or expensive gifts, but has recently begun to do this often, you should think about the reasons for such actions. According to the psychology of men, in a similar way, an unfaithful spouse wants to make amends with his wife and show that he still loves her.
  11. 11. Wedding ring. A difficult decoration allows a man to demonstrate his marital status to others. If suddenly the spouse stopped wearing it, this strange trait of behavior cannot be ignored. When asked why a man took off his wedding ring, he can answer that the jewelry suddenly became large (cramped), got lost, interfered with work. If you give an unfaithful husband a replacement, then she will quickly stop showing off on his ring finger.
  12. 12. Blatant lies and contradictions in conversations. Cheating spouses, in order to hide the affair outside the family, begin to invent strange stories. If a man is confused in his own testimony, and always reacts with irritation to detailed questions, then he has something to hide.
  13. 13. Sudden jealousy. A man, seeking to hide the affair on the side, suddenly begins to arrange scenes of jealousy for his legal wife. This may seem strange, especially if he has not previously behaved in this way.
  14. 14. Frequent conflicts with his wife. A man in love with another lady is burdened by communication with his wife, and this is manifested in excessive irritability, ignoring her feelings, incorrect remarks regarding appearance, behavior, interests.
  15. 15. Other evidence. Folk methods to recognize the betrayal of a spouse are based on various findings associated with a new passion. These are traces of lipstick on a shirt, the smell of ladies' perfume or hair in a car (on clothes) of a spouse. If a man has never used condoms, and the wife found a pack of them in her husband's pocket, bag or car, then there is no doubt about treason.

You can find more than one test of how to determine a betrayal or potential opportunity on the part of a husband, including during pregnancy, because all women are well aware that men are extremely ambiguous in expressing their feelings and they may not always be completely faithful to their spouses or girls. In another article, read about what it leads to.

It will not be superfluous to know how to properly check guys and a man for love and treason. Not only tests are recommended, but also practical magic, as well as fortune-telling, but conspiracies that are considered effective and prevent treason can also be used.

How to determine if a guy is cheating on you or not

It is possible to reliably determine whether “your” boyfriend or husband is cheating on you except on a lie detector. And even then not always, because purely hypothetically, every real man dreams of committing the fall. If this question begins to bother you too often, it means that you have lost trust in each other or you yourself have ceased to love with the reckless love that you loved before.

How to find out if my husband is cheating on me on a business trip, flight, on watch or not

If a man is away from his "second half" for some time, and upon returning home he does not show great joy from the long-awaited meeting (okay, he may be very tired from the road) - do not rush to immediately accuse him of treason. Suspicions will not be unfounded when a loved one starts deleting the list of incoming and outgoing messages on his mobile phone every day or password-protects the entrance to it. Then this ... radish, oh, a bad person (further continue the list yourself), probably liked someone other than you.

How to find out if your husband is cheating on you or not

To find out if your husband is cheating on you or not, fortune-telling on a wedding ring will help. Tie it to a thread, take a photo of you together and hold the ring over the photo. If the engagement ring starts to move in a circle, then your fears are in vain. The confirmation of suspicions of treason will be the movement of the ring from side to side, like a pendulum.

Conspiracy how to know for sure if your husband is cheating on you or not

Light two identical candles and stick them into a glass of salt at some distance from each other. Close your eyes and say three times:

“Let the truth, like salty salt,
but i want to know
are the servants of God still (give their names)

Open your eyes and look at the candles = if their wicks have turned away from each other, then your love has cracked.

How to find out if my husband is cheating on me folk ways

In the harsh 90s, it was possible to find out with a 100% guarantee (in the popular way) about her husband's infidelity with the help of an iron. The iron was plugged into a socket and ironed on her husband's shirt (right on his stomach). If at the same time the man continued to swear in his love, then this ..., in general, is cheating. Nowadays, the iron can be replaced by a mobile phone. Record your husband's voice on a voice recorder at the time when he swears his devotion, and scroll through this message for all subscribers recorded on his phone, including his immediate boss.

How to find out if a girl is cheating

If a girl puts the "handbrake" on the brake and at the same time "gives gas" - it means that she is cheating on you and will soon give a "turn from the gate."

How to find out that a husband is cheating on a pregnant wife in bed with a different psychology, signs

The sure signs of cheating on a pregnant wife in bed with another are:
- frequent delays of a loved one at work or in the service;
- changed password for access to his mobile phone;
- various reasons to stay at home less often on weekends (fishing, gatherings with friends and other no less "good" reasons).

Taxi driver husband how to find out if he is cheating if he is far away or a sailor

You need to be prepared for the fact that everyone, even the most faithful and ideal man, “mentally” cheats on his wife. Is this the case in reality, a woman is usually prompted by her developed intuition and imagination. In a normal family, relationships are built on trust.

Magic how you can find out if a husband is cheating at work at a distance, with a girlfriend

Magic is powerless before the possibilities of modern technology. To find out if the husband is cheating on the other, you need to get not to the magicians, but to the website of the communication provider and simply analyze the printout of calls from your beloved made by him from his mobile phone. P.S. For MTS subscribers, the “Call Details” service is available by e-mail, you just need to indicate the passport data of the subscriber - the owner of the phone, the phone number itself and the email address where the bill should be sent.


    if the husband is cheating, it is best to forget about him, otherwise it will only get worse

Loving people, entering into marriage, hope: their relationship will forever remain honest, clean, and there will be no third superfluous in them. Men, but often, tormented by doubts and suspicions, they do not know how to reliably find out, and at the same time not destroy a love union. In this article, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • how to find out with an accuracy of up to 100% whether the wife is cheating?
  • What are the main signs of infidelity?
  • What if the betrayal has already happened?

First of all, it is necessary to understand: why doubts about the fidelity of the wife crept in right now. What was the impetus for suspicion? There are rare cases when a woman looks to the side if everything is in order in the family. And therefore, in order to understand whether there could be a betrayal, it is necessary to look at the relationship from a distance and objectively.

Possible reasons

There may be a mass

Indirect signs of treason

Men are inattentive to the external change of their halves, and in fact, by modifications, one can calculate the betrayal of his wife. There are about 15 items.

  • The first sign: the wife is in the clouds. Thoughtful, dreamy look, wandering smile, moist eyes. He laughs, then cries, not explaining the reasons for the surging emotions.
  • The woman began to carefully monitor the appearance. New hairstyle, always wearing makeup, signed up for a fitness center, nice underwear.
  • Previously, the wife threw the phone, without hesitation, in a conspicuous place, but now she does not let go, passwords of social networks have been changed, secrets have appeared - a serious reason to think. Now he doesn’t chat with a girlfriend on the phone in front of you, but retires to the bathroom and answers phone conversations in monosyllables. Even worse, the wife decided sometimes to stay overnight with a friend or sister. At the right moment, neither a friend nor a wife can be reached by phone, and only after some time the wife calls back from her mobile phone.
  • Darling began to stay late at work more often, meet friends outside the home, social hobbies appeared, although earlier the wife loved to spend time with her family. On the proposal to meet with work reacts negatively.
  • Changed sexual behavior. Having fallen in love with another man, a woman often tries to distance herself from marital obligations. There are a lot of reasons why sex will definitely be tomorrow, but not now: the woman is tired, her head hurts, she is upset about something, and so on. Sex itself changes, the woman leads in bed not like before.
  • Appeared criticality, irritability. The wife “nags” her husband because of trifles, makes a lot of claims, does not thank for the good, but notices the bad.
  • Indifference. A woman does not care when a man returns home, his well-being, how things are progressing at work, she no longer cares if a man pays attention to other women.
  • Admiration for others. A mysterious colleague, friend, husband of a friend appears in the conversation, who turns out to be smart, olfactory, and hardworking. At the same time, the wife each time clarifies that she has only friendly, friendly relations with this man, and as a man he does not attract her. This does not mean that the wife is already cheating, but still you should be wary.


There are few indirect signs to accuse a wife of treason. Therefore, you need to pay attention to physiological signs. So, how to find out if there was a betrayal by the body?

  • The girl was once again late at work. When the wife comes home, look at her appearance: disheveled hairstyle, tights with arrows, rumpled clothes, swollen lips - signs of treason.
  • Worth a look on the face. In women, after touching the male stubble, there is irritation. If there were kisses with another man, then it will be noticeable.
  • In close contact with a lover a woman absorbs his scents. Men's toilet water, body odor, if they are strangers, are noticeable. If there was sex, then the woman smells specifically: this is the smell of lubricant and sperm. But even if the wife does not smell of anything, as if she had recently left the shower, it is strange. How to check without giving unusual interest? Meet your wife at the door, hug, kiss, inhale the scent of skin, hair, body.
  • If the wife went home and took a shower, offer your help: rub your back. After sex, there will be redness, bites on the body, especially in the chest, thighs, arms.

Evidence of treason

But there are ways that allow you to be 100% sure that a girl is unfaithful. How can you be sure your wife is cheating?

  • Can you tell cheating by your underpants? Yes. There is a special set of infidelities: within 72 hours after a possible betrayal, you need to take your wife's underwear and take it to the laboratory.

Fact: after sex, fluid with sperm elements is released from the woman's genitals for another three days.

Cheating Proven

Before convicting your wife of cheating, you should talk frankly with yourself: are you ready to leave, are you ready for,. Is it not your fault that your spouse has cooled off towards you and began to look to the side? Do you love her even after the betrayal, or now you can’t live with her under the same roof? How serious was her affair? How to understand the act of his wife? What to do now?

First, sit down and talk. Find out how important these relationships outside the family are to her. Then it all depends on how you feel: if pain and resentment overpower past feelings for your beloved, then you need to disperse. Because constant reproaches still will not allow you to return a sincere love relationship.

It may turn out that the wife herself wants to go to her lover. And you also need to be prepared for this. For some, this blow may be harder than betrayal. But if the decision is made to stay together and continue to build family relationships, then serious efforts will have to be made to restore trust and understanding. You may need the help of a psychologist. But in any case, marriage will have to change a lot. This is a difficult traumatic situation for everyone. The choice is yours.

video consultation

Ten signs from Alexander Samsonov.

It is impossible for any woman to learn about her husband's infidelity. But if, nevertheless, there are prerequisites for this, it is time to find out whether this is true or not. The longer you delay the moment of establishing the truth, the worse it will be for you when you find out that your spouse has been dishonest with you.

In search of the truth, you must behave like a real spy, noticing every little thing and finding changes in the habits of a loved one.

Now that the time has come, here are the steps you need to take to reach your goal.

1. Pay attention to your man's sex drive. Perhaps he has become distant from you in bed lately? Of course, this is typical of every couple when passion subsides, but a sharp change and detached sex should alert you.

A second option is also possible, when the husband, on the contrary, becomes too active in bed. This is due to new sexual hobbies and increased libido.

Look at how he has become in bed. Did he start looking for new adventures with you? Is it really earlier that a calm missionary sex husband is trying to spice up your sex life, or did he learn all this from another woman.

It has been noticed that many men who cheat on their wives become embarrassed about their body: he does not want you to see him without a shirt, and begins to have sex in pitch darkness. Sometimes this behavior can be explained by his fidelity to another.

2. Previously, your husband was uncommunicative and distant, but now he began to call you darling and kisses your legs? Such drastic changes in a man's behavior may indicate his infidelity, which he is trying to compensate for by kindness to you.

Started bringing flowers, candy and gifts? Think about it. The main thing is not to make hasty conclusions. Perhaps your husband decided to return the former feeling of love or decided to support you in some difficult situation for you.

3. Often after infidelity, you can notice a change in the mood of the husband. Previously, he was capricious, but now he has become the most good-natured? Was he stable in mood, and now he is characterized by an unstable emotional state? Or maybe he is constantly looking so thoughtfully somewhere into the distance ...

4. The phone is an ideal modern spy device that will help you find out in a timely manner that your husband is cheating. And now it is important that it is not in your hands, but in his. It all starts with changing habits. If earlier your husband constantly left the phone in plain sight and forgot it after leaving for work, now he does not let go of it, starts to panic if he cannot find it quickly.

Suspicions of treason can also confirm:

  • Suddenly a password on the phone from somewhere;
  • Sudden disappearance of the husband along with the phone when receiving incoming calls and a sharp break in the conversation when you approach;
  • Frequent disconnection of the phone, so that you can not get through to him for several hours

5. Watch your husband in front of the computer. Signs of cheating can be:

  • Frequent forays into the Internet, if earlier it was not typical for him;
  • Night planting in front of the monitor;
  • Sudden shrinking of the monitor screen when you enter a room.

6. Men are just as good as women at finding excuses for everything. For no reason, he began to stay up late with friends, go to the gym, or disappear at work. Not always, of course, this can speak of betrayal. Evaluate the degree of reliability of his new hobbies yourself.

Pay attention to the appearance of the spouse

Remember that men in front of a new woman turn into a peacock.

1. Suddenly you begin to notice that previously always casually dressed and with a two-day stubble, the husband began to carefully monitor himself: he dresses only in clean and ironed clothes, shaves every day (or even twice a day), looks in the mirror in front of exit. There is something to think about here...

It often happens that men begin to differ sharply in cleanliness: every day to go to the shower immediately after coming home. Perhaps he is trying to wash away someone else's scent?

2. Sudden changes in hobbies, such as going to the gym, may indicate his desire to please someone else. Because he didn't do it for you. However, sometimes abruptly emerging new hobbies can speak of a midlife crisis that forces a man to strive for youth and health.

3. Sometimes you need to be a bloodhound with your husband. Smell him when you arrive. A sharp train of unfamiliar smells, especially women's ones, will definitely tell you that for some time he was in close contact with the opposite sex.

4. Pay attention to body language. Even if he behaves correctly, he says, so you won’t find fault, his own body can give him away:

  • Is there any eye contact between you? Perhaps you used to always look straight into your eyes when talking, but now he averts them. This may indicate his guilt.
  • Maybe the husband began to hug you less, kiss you (even on the cheek). Touch is intimacy, their absence is a gap between people.
  • Some men still show affection to their wives at home, but things are changing in public places. Perhaps he is afraid that his mistress will notice you.

Looking for evidence

Feel like Sherlock Holmes!

What woman doesn't love detective stories. And what a complicated story to do without a detective. You can find out if your husband is cheating or not. The main thing to remember is that the threat of betrayal must be real, otherwise, if your loved one finds out about your tricks, this can seriously undermine his confidence in you.

1. Inspection of things

If your significant other is a sane person, then you are unlikely to find evidence in his phone. And if not, check his phone book for contacts with unknown names. No names, maybe unknown abbreviations or just signs? Names can be encrypted in any way.

On the computer, first of all, you need to look at email and accounts on social networks. An unexpectedly empty mail can also arouse suspicion. Sometimes it is useful to look at the browsing history in the browser to identify the pages that he visited.

In his bag, table, wallet, and even in his trouser pockets, pay attention to unknown keys.

If you have access to his bank account (plastic card), check the transaction history. Suspicions can be caused by single large expenses, and of course payments in public catering establishments.

2. We work in the field

If you doubt or are afraid to talk to him about your guesses, you need surveillance. Here are some tips:

  • Don't follow him in your car. Borrow a car from a friend or call a taxi.
  • Keep a safe distance. Men are often cautious, so whether you're on foot or in a car, stay behind him through a few people or cars.
  • Pick the right moment. If he called you and says that he is working overtime, or is at a friend's house, this is the time for you. The main thing is to pick up a strong argument for your visit when it is found there.

If you suspect that your husband is cheating and even made sure of this, do not delay the conversation. Holding the pain in yourself, you suffer only yourself. But you are not to blame for this! Show him that he really hurt you. Let him feel guilty, not you, for not trusting him.

Signs that your husband is cheating

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