How best to prepare for the exam in history. Express preparation for the exam: secrets and tricks from students and teachers. How to prepare for independent testing Online preparation of the Ukrainian language

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  • Now is the time to get down to books. But first, you should decide how to prepare for the exams: on your own, with the help of school teachers, tutors, or at specialized courses, for which both universities and independent training centers have already begun enrollment. As practice shows, each of the methods has both advantages and disadvantages.


    Those who are ready to involve teachers in the preparation for external evaluation, today can choose from several options.

    School teacher. The simplest of them is the help of school teachers. In many metropolitan schools, electives have already begun to function, in which a teacher of a specialized subject works with high school students on test assignments from previous years. The main emphasis is on "debriefing" - the student and the teacher analyze the mistakes made in the work. In addition, there is a repetition of all the previously covered material. Officially, such classes are free, but in some schools, according to the information of students and their parents, you will have to pay 70-100 UAH for additional classes. per month. In the case of individual lessons with a school teacher, the amount is negotiated privately, but, as a rule, the fee is 300-400 UAH. per month. With this scheme, the quality of training depends on the level of the teacher. If you are confident in his competence, it is definitely worth preparing "at school". But in order to look at the subject from a new angle, it is worth trying to study with another teacher, who, having his own methods of presenting the material, will surely be able to supplement the knowledge base already established by the high school student. In addition, he will be able to objectively assess your level, see some new weaknesses.

    Private tutor. For those who appreciate an individual approach, a private tutor can be recommended as a "new tutor". To date, finding one in any subject is not a problem: the media are full of announcements about tutoring services. But a wide choice is fraught with a lot of dangers: you risk getting, to put it mildly, a weak teacher, who is in many ways inferior to your school teacher, and even pay money for it. To avoid this, it is better to choose a tutor on the recommendation. If this is not possible, check his track record by finding out the main place of work of the teacher (it is better if he is a full-time employee of a university or school, and not a teacher, say, of foreign language courses, in which case he may not know the school curriculum), his experience in preparation for testing and the effectiveness of his wards. Prices for the services of private tutors start from 50 UAH. per hour, but there are those who take 150-180 UAH. (usually these are eminent university teachers). In any case, before paying the amount for several classes, conduct a trial.


    The director of the lyceum "Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium" Alexander Kovalchuk is sure that independent preparation is quite within the reach of high school students. “After all, in fact, the tests contain school material, and in order to pass them successfully, you just need to repeat what you have passed well,” he believes. “In order to qualify for high scores - 170-180 or more, it is still desirable to know more than the school curriculum provides,” advises Alexey Kolesnikov, director of the IQ Planet training center. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of tasks for each specific discipline, as well as monitor possible changes that are annually made to tests by the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment.

    Ukrainian language and literature. Teachers pay attention to the fact that tests in the Ukrainian language and literature are becoming less “theoretical” every year and require not only knowledge of grammar, but also the demonstration of creative philological abilities. “Those options for test tasks that are offered for the next year will also focus on the culture of speech,” adds Alexander Kovalchuk.

    Maths. Mathematics tests will be noticeably adjusted this year. Last season, the test task consisted of 3 parts. The first included a question with multiple answers, the second - tasks that the student had to solve on their own, the third was an analogue of the classical test. The first two parts were checked by a computer program, the third - by teachers, which caused criticism from many students who did not exclude the influence of the "human factor" on the result. To avoid accusations of examiners' bias, this year the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment plans to replace the 3rd part with classical tests that will be checked by a computer. “Such an assignment is easier than solving an analogous test, but it is expected that the test questions themselves will be more difficult than last year,” says Natalia Lysenko, mathematics teacher at the Kyiv Lyceum of Business. According to her, although the tests in mathematics are based solely on the school curriculum, the tasks in them are more difficult than in the textbook. Their goal is to check the general level of the student's mathematical culture. To prepare for this test, you should not only repeat the material covered earlier, but also train using test collections from previous years (for example, “School Collection of Test Tasks in Mathematics” by Y. Zakhariychenko, from 30 UAH). But it is worth noting that in last year's collections you will not find the last - third - task in a new interpretation.

    Story.“Most likely, there will be no changes in history tests this year,” says Elena Bogdanova, a history teacher at the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium and one of the developers of tests in this subject. “Since the tests include only the key points of certain topics, the test results largely depend on the student's ability to correctly place emphasis,” says Ms. Bogdanova. For example, on the topic of the Ukrainian Cossacks in last year's tests, there are questions on the date and place of the formation of the first Sich, but not on the other seven, you need to list the Cossack uprisings and their consequences, but it is not necessary to know the years of the life of the hetmans or all the battles without exception.

    English. According to Inna Beridze, an English teacher at the Kyiv Lyceum of Business, foreign language tests should not differ from last year's ones (there are no final versions of the 2010 tests yet). For those who plan to be tested in a foreign language, Inna Beridze advises to actively learn new vocabulary and read a lot, thus increasing their vocabulary. The fact is that certain test tasks are devoted, in particular, to the so-called search reading, when the student is asked to arrange the paragraphs in the correct order, find answers to the questions posed in the text, etc. As creative tasks for testing in a foreign language, writing an essay, letter or essay . Neither oral speech, nor listening to the exam is not yet taken out.


    You can also prepare for testing at specialized courses. They are offered by both universities and training centers.

    Preparatory courses at universities. The former adapted their traditional preparatory courses for these purposes, after this year the Ministry of Education and Science finally deprived their graduates of benefits upon admission (previously they became students by passing internal exams after the courses). Most institutes offer 5-6 month courses. Classes will last until May inclusive and will be held 3-4 times a week in the evening. For residents of other regions, many educational institutions provide distance learning. Toward the end of the year, for those who do not have time to sign up for a long training course, intensive 3-month or one-month classes are planned.

    You can take training in one or more test subjects. In addition to the course fee (see table), there may also be additional costs for the purchase of textbooks, test notebooks, which can cost 200-300 UAH. Compared to last year, preparatory courses at universities have risen in price by 9-10% (they are allowed to index prices for inflation). And this is not the limit: as the methodologist of the preparatory courses of the KPI Valentina Maksay said, starting from the new year, the courses can rise in price by another 15-20%. According to the expert, the classes are taught by university teachers, who provide more extensive material than the school curriculum provides. In addition, applicants perform tests in the form of tests, and at the end of the training they conduct trial testing, which should help them adapt to the exams.

    Oleksandr Sknar, vice-rector for scientific and educational work of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, also notes that preparatory courses at all universities are licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science, therefore they work according to a program approved by the ministry, which cannot be said, for example, about tutors. In addition, although there are no official admission benefits for course graduates, universities often give preference to them. So, this year there were examples when, from applicants with the same number of points, the selection committee chose exactly “their” applicant. Among the shortcomings of training in university courses are large groups (25 people) and a lecture system of training, where an individual approach is leveled.

    Courses in training centers. These disadvantages are promised to be eliminated in private training centers. Groups there do not exceed 7-10 people, and they work with students on an individual basis (up to the re-presentation of the material due to missing group classes). The centers also say that they are working on testing programs for 2009, taking into account the planned changes for the next introductory season.

    The average cost of education here starts from 400 UAH. per month for one subject, subject to classes for 2 hours twice a week. If you are ready to pay for classes in two subjects, there is a chance to save 100-150 UAH, in three - up to 300 UAH. As in the case of university preparatory courses, in training centers you will also be offered to buy test notebooks and textbooks, so you should add another 200-300 UAH to the costs.

    However, the question of the effectiveness of training remains open. This year, having lost their main clients, many foreign language courses, for which this activity is non-core, have taken up the preparation for testing. Moreover, they prepare not only in foreign, but also in other subjects. So, when choosing a training center, pay attention to the composition of teachers, in particular, whether they teach at school, that is, whether they can prepare a student within the framework of the program, whether they monitor possible changes in tests promptly (a school teacher is almost certainly aware of what is happening) . To understand whether you will “work well” with a teacher, as in the case of a private tutor, it is better to arrange a trial lesson.


    Yana Kovalskaya, 1st year student of the Faculty of International Business of the Institute of International Relations of the KNU. Shevchenko and the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law of the same university; in 2009, she scored 200 points each. in history, Ukrainian and English and 195.5 b. mathematics:

    A great merit in the high test results of the Kamyanets-Podilsky lyceum, where there is a very high level of training in all subjects. I started preparing directly for testing in Ukrainian language and literature, history and English in the spring - 3-4 months before the exams. Most of the time I studied using test notebooks, which helped me a lot to understand the very principle of the test system. In mathematics, I prepared longer, almost throughout the year, since this subject requires a thorough repetition of the theoretical base for almost the entire school period. Participation in the Olympiads helped to “pull up” history, because, while preparing for them, at the same time I studied all the school material. In all subjects she studied with tutors, in which she attracted teachers from her own lyceum. It is also possible to prepare for tests on your own, but with a good teacher it is much easier to do this, as he sees your gaps in knowledge and helps to eliminate them.

    Sergey Nedobor, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, scored 194 bp in 2008. in Ukrainian, 195 b. in history, 198 b. mathematics:

    I was preparing for testing on electives in my own gymnasium No. 275. We had groups of 6 people, so there was an individual approach, which is very important. After all, it is necessary not only to “go through” the school curriculum, but also to solve tests and analyze mistakes in detail, which is difficult to do without teacher attention to each student. Long-term “training” on test collections of past years helped me pass the tests well. They not only introduce this system of passing exams, but also give an idea of ​​what kind of questions to expect. To qualify for high marks, learn more in each subject than the school curriculum offers. For example, in the Ukrainian language, complex topics are offered for creative work, for the disclosure of which it is important not only to know the subject itself, but also to be a comprehensively developed personality. In history, you need to go through the material covered, paying attention to the main events and dates. In mathematics, repeat all the topics and work through those that are not learned very well, because in this subject, subsequent topics are based on those already covered.

    The 2016 admission campaign can be considered officially open: as early as December 15, university websites should have admission rules with a list of specialties and subjects for passing the ZNO for each of them. And on May 5, 2016, the first exam of external independent assessment (Ukrainian - ZNO) will be held. So there is less and less time for preparation, and you need to use it wisely.

    We have collected tips for our readers from the teachers of the EDUGET Training Center, in addition, general recommendations are in our article ZNO without problems.

    Tip #1 – Consistency

    No matter how much time is left before the exam, the possibilities of the body are not unlimited, which means that watching 5 online lectures in a row will not give anything: the first and last will be remembered, and the whole middle will mix into an illogical mess. The effectiveness of preparing for ZNO is precisely in developing your own pace and following a certain sequence in classes.

    For example, you can set aside 2 or 3 times a week for classes, watch one 20-minute video lecture at a time, then you must pass tests for it (a test task is provided for each lesson in the ProZNO course), after a short rest, repeat key points.

    Tip two - Highlight the main thing

    This advice follows logically from the previous one. While working with a video course, with a textbook, with your own notes, it is worth writing out separately (preferably immediately on cards) key points, main formulas, dates, names, important information to remember. It is then convenient to carry the cards with you, you can put them in front of the monitor, attach them to the wall - and repeat, repeat, repeat.

    Tip Three - Turn on emotions

    Emotionally charged information is best remembered, vivid images, something that is connected with personal experiences that resonated in the soul. This is especially important when studying history and literature.

    Conclusion: we turn to the classics of theater and cinema, we go to museums. Have you learned a topic about a particular historical period? Watch a play or film about this figure. In general, a visit to the historical museum should be included in the list of mandatory events, because in the tests of the ZNO on the history of Ukraine there are many questions on determining the period of this or that illustrative material. (Note that students of the Ukrainian history course from ProZNO were lucky from the very beginning: all the illustrative material has already been filmed in all museums of the country and is used in video lectures.)

    In preparation for the ZNO tests in literature, remember that the script may differ slightly from the literary source, so the sequence should be as follows: first reading the work, and only then watching its embodiment on stage or in a movie.

    Tip Four - Relaxed Environment

    One of the secrets to the success of intensive language courses lies precisely in creating a relaxing atmosphere. Once a Bulgarian teacher Georgy Lozanov discovered that in a state of rest, even in a half-sleep, information is remembered and absorbed much better. Then they started talking about a suggestive method of teaching (with the help of suggestion), about over-memory ...

    For the full use of the methodology, an experienced curator is needed, but it is quite possible to apply some elements in the process of preparing for the ZNO. What is needed for this? Practice in a comfortable chair or on the couch, not in full light, but in the twilight, to a calm, quiet melody (necessarily without words, preferably in the rhythm of the heart - with a frequency of 60 beats per minute). So you can listen to new information, for example, when watching or repeating video lectures from ProZNO. Then you need to switch to active mode - turn on more lights, sit down at the table, take a test on the topic.

    Tip Five - More Communication

    Listening to lectures is a passive activity, and it is the information that was used for active actions that is best remembered. In the first place in terms of efficiency here, of course, is the process of passing test exercises after each lesson, but in the second place is the retelling of the learned topic to an interested or just very patient interlocutor.

    What to do? You can involve those who are also preparing for the EIT - friends or classmates - and retell the topics to each other. If it is difficult to meet, then there is always a mobile connection or Skype - the very process of speaking information helps to put it in the head on the shelves, to make it "one's own".

    If everyone else asks questions on the topic they heard (which can be prepared in advance), then the effectiveness will be even higher: after all, in order to answer, you need not just remember the information as a set of sounds and symbols, but understand the essence of the subject.

    Tip #6 - Get moving

    We have already written about kinesthetics, who find it difficult to prepare for an exam that requires perseverance. However, for everyone else, it is much more useful to move more - after all, after a good walk, a boost of energy will help you cope with the most difficult tasks! And on the walk itself, you can take a voice recorder with you, on which you yourself or with friends (see the previous tip) record a topic for repetition. And listen with headphones, repeat even several times! If there is Wi-Fi in the park, then you can connect to your course on the EDUGET platform and listen to ProZNO teachers.

    Tip Seven - Treasure Map

    Feel like a pioneer! Draw a huge map with the continents on a piece of paper, instead of names, enter the subjects and topics that you are going to study, and gradually fill in the "blank spots" with formulas, quotes, dates, pictures. The map will hang in the room constantly in front of your eyes, attracting attention, visually showing how much terra incognita has not yet been mastered.

    On the same card, you can pin memory cards, and clippings from magazines on the topic - whatever your heart desires. The card should be bright, witty, made with love - and, of course, without errors, because the wrong spelling will be as firmly imprinted in the memory as the correct one.

    A variant of a memorization card for mathematicians is a large table in which memorization formulas also fit. It is also possible to depict the coordinate axis, assign different directions or subjects in preparation for the ZNO to different sectors, and then place dots across the field, calling them learned topics. At a minimum, it will be visually visible where there are more points and where there are fewer. All mathematicians will also like the idea of ​​an Excel table with a list of topics to study. Each topic can be rated on a 10-point scale depending on the complexity, then, as you study, calculate your progress by autosum. And you can not bother, but just take tests after each lesson in ProZNO courses: there the system calculates the results automatically and stores them in your personal account.

    Every year, the ZNO brings new surprises to applicants, and before planning your preparation, you should at least familiarize yourself with the features of passing the ZNO in 2016. To do this, we offer our selection of reference articles.

    Greetings, dear reader!

    Since you have landed on this page, you are probably interested in the question: how can you prepare for the UPE (ZNO - Ukr.)? I will not delay the retreat for a long time, I will only say that all the recommendations described below are my ways of preparing for the UPE, which helped me successfully pass it. I passed 3 exams: Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine and English. Therefore, I will give some tips on how to prepare specifically for these subjects.

    Let's start with the very first and main subject, which was mandatory in 2016 - Ukrainian language and literature. Without passing this subject, you will not be allowed to take the rest and, accordingly, will not be able to enter the university. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously its preparation.

    I must say right away that my level of knowledge of the Ukrainian language was quite enough to pass it, so I was not very worried about passing it. The very first thing you should do is to identify your “weak points”, that is, find those topics in which you understand the least or where you make the most mistakes. This is the first. Second - be sure to repeat even those topics that you think you know perfectly! And, please, remember, you don’t need to “cram”, it’s better to just read more, thereby repeating this or that rule, but also, of course, practice. Listen, read, write to better absorb the material.

    For those who wish to repeat the material covered or have a weak “baggage” of knowledge of the Ukrainian language, I recommend using the Mova service. Nation's DNA. With it, you can repeat stresses, phraseological units, anti-surzhik, synonyms, paronyms, as well as test your knowledge of spelling. At the Mova service. DNA of the Nation has an application for Android devices that you can download from Google Play at the link . It is very convenient if there is no printout with the rules near you or you are far from home.

    So, my scheme of training in the Ukrainian language: we find topics that we are poorly versed in - we repeat the material covered - we consolidate knowledge with practice (it is possible and even necessary to pass the UPE tests of previous years).

    For me personally, preparation for the second part of the exam - Ukrainian literature - was somewhat more difficult (I knew almost nothing in Ukrainian lit.). But even in 2 weeks I was able to learn the authors of the works, their genres, read the brief content (the main thing is to understand the logic and meaning that the author is trying to convey). Fortunately, it’s the 21st century in the yard and it’s very easy to find information, the main thing is to search. Here are some links to help you prepare for the Ukr. lit.: Real names and pseudonyms , Authors and works , Works and to whom it is dedicated , Literary genres . Oh yes, and it’s not worth learning / repeating anything, the Ministry of Education and Science annually makes changes to the list of literature that you need to know to pass the UPE. Here is last year's bibliography.

    So, the training scheme for Ukrainian literature: download the pictures, links to which I left, if possible, print them on sheets to repeat from time to time - we find a list of literature - every day we try to read at least a few essays (it can be abbreviated, the main thing is to understand) .

    A week later, on May 5, the main session of the ZNO starts in Ukraine. The first graduates will take tests in the Ukrainian language and literature. Natalia Kovtonyuk, a teacher at the ZNO.UA test preparation center, told how best to prepare for testing in the Ukrainian language.

    When repeating the Ukrainian language program, special attention should be paid to exceptions to the rules.

    To facilitate memorization, form associations, make tongue twisters, phrases. Below are examples of some of them:

    The colon rule can be remembered by the following phrase: “I see no reason! Add an explanation! Then you will remember that in a non-union sentence, it is precisely before the part containing the reason, explanation or addition that a colon is placed.

    The rule on a dash in a non-union sentence is easily remembered by the following phrase: "Time and place were compared, and the result was opposed." And then if a part of the non-union sentence contains the meaning of time, place, comparison, consequences, opposition, then a dash is put.

    • Tips How to pass the ZNO in literature as "excellent"

    "TsaP HoChe PISTASHKI" - a phrase in which all consonants are deaf.

    "RoMo, POUR!" - a phrase in which all consonants are sonorous.

    "Be nicer geDzyu IN JAZZ" - a phrase in which all consonants are voiced.

    “De Ti Z’їSi Qi LiNi?” - Only after these letters it is necessary to write a soft sign. And after "P" - only before "O" (grieving) and in the words "Bitter", "Zorkin".

    "MaVPa BuF" - after these letters we write an apostrophe in Ukrainian words before i, u, є, ї.

    “MaVPochka BuF KaZhE “Khuh” and GuKa iShaka Ґa” - after these letters we write an apostrophe in foreign words before i, u, є, ї.

    “Kіstlyavy motley lad loving sixteen times to brag about his wrist brushwood tattoo”, “Sknary became sad and began to fall, without taking away admission for admission” - in these two phrases, exceptions to the rules of simplification “st” and “sk” are collected.

    “Some of these phrases are taken from textbooks, but most were my students, colleagues, or myself. Therefore, do not waste time on useless memorization, be creative! So you can remember all the exceptions to spelling! ”- Natalia Kovtonyuk is sure.

    If it so happened that you did not prepare in advance and there are too many "white spots" in knowledge, now, when preparing for the EIT, focus on those sections of which there are most questions on testing. In particular, there is only one question from the "Phonetics" section in the VNO, and from "orthoepy" - too. Most of the tests are from the sections "Syntax", "Morphology".

    Also make sure that you can write an essay in the UPE format, because for it you can get as many as 20 test points, while for the remaining questions (there are 104 of them) they give from 1 to 4 points.

    “Be sure to go through all the tasks of previous years (they are freely available on the website,” advises the teacher. “Do not forget that the nervous system also needs rest, and you need positive emotions. After all, friends are also preparing for UPE, then why not help each other?Therefore, arrange a "battle" on the knowledge of the characters, putting short questions to each other.

    On the last evening before the EIT, the teacher advises to rest. “Eat something tasty, hug someone close. This will ensure healthy sleep, which is so important before UPE, - says Natalia. - I always joke about this when they ask me how I passed the Ukrainian language and the history of Ukraine by 200 points in the 11th grade: a week before the test, I fell in love, got distracted a little from everything and repeated the program in a calm mode. If this had not happened, then I simply would not have slept half the night before UPE. So repeat, fall in love, listen to your favorite music, chat with friends.”

    Graduate students are preparing with might and main for passing tests of external independent assessment. Those who are less responsible have started working on textbooks closer to spring, and some only now. But all applicants have one task: to properly manage the remaining time.

    MAIN SUBJECTS. We asked experienced teachers about how best to prepare for this important test (main session starts June 3rd). All teachers recommend practicing on last year's tests in order to get used to the exam format. And be sure to keep track of time: in order to have time to earn as many points as possible, you need to know how many minutes you can spend on each question. Motivation and a systematic approach are also important in preparation.

    1. Get ready - you need to. For some reason, not all graduates are aware of the need for training as such. Someone hopes for a chance, they say, he studied somehow at school all these years, which means he will pass the test. Some people rely on teachers' assurances that testing can be successfully passed without additional preparation. But teachers do not always care about the fate of their own students, and school grades do not always objectively reflect the level of knowledge. It is enough to sit down and complete the last year's assignments in the selected subjects, observing all the conditions (do not use reference books, a calculator, etc.) in order to see real prospects for passing the UPE.

    2. Don't pull the cat's tail. You need to start preparing as early as possible. If we talk about such subjects as the history of Ukraine, geography and biology, then, as a rule, the material covered in the fifth or sixth grade is completely forgotten by the eleventh. Physics, chemistry and mathematics require not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that cannot be acquired in one day. Languages, in turn, "do not tolerate" long breaks in learning. As for Ukrainian literature, it is simply impossible to re-read all the works of the school curriculum on the night before the exam.

    3.Need to set preparation mode. Why is it important? Yes, because preparation for any subject requires a systematic approach. Decide which days and how long you will prepare and try not to deviate from the planned. Sticking to a strict schedule will prevent you from being lazy and idle, all the time looking for new excuses for your own laziness, and will also give you the opportunity to control your progress and identify topics that are more difficult than others. The optimal mode of training is 2 times a week for 1-1.5 hours.

    4. Do not confuse GIA and UPE. The State Final Attestation (GIA) is carried out and checked at the school, and not a single teacher will give a student a grade for the GIA below the annual one. Thus, problems with the delivery of the GIA usually do not arise. But the successful passing of certification at school does not at all guarantee a high score in the UPE. You need to prepare separately for external testing.

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