Natural selection in modern man. Natural selection and the struggle for existence. What is natural selection

Unfortunately, the Marxist thesis about man as a higher phase in the development of living beings is bursting at the seams. 96% of the bodies of people are similar to the bodies of animals. We are just one of the animal species. The only thing that sets us apart from other animals is our ability to think and plan. Humans are animals whose impulses have been honed by millions of years of evolution. From animals, we have inherited such mechanisms as fear, sending and receiving auditory and visual signals, memory and herd instinct.

In the prehistoric period, the population of people lived according to general laws: the strong multiplied and prospered, the weak lived in poverty and died off. However, the rate of evolution was not very high - in new generations, the weak appeared more than the strong, and the processes of degeneration of the species were balanced by its improvement. In unfavorable years, the population was cleared of the weak to a greater extent than in good years, and this gave impetus towards adaptation to new changed conditions.

Men love to "get off in flocks." Man, a predator at a high level of development, created the ancient equivalent of a football team, which made it possible to defeat a large beast. In packs, men did men's work, throwing spears at the next dinner. Women, always pregnant, did women's work, looked after children, arranged a dwelling, and gathered fruit. Modern men flock in pubs and clubs. With the emergence of ancient civilizations, society and the state arose, with them - wars and conflicts for territories, for wealth and a place under the sun. Humanity is at the stage of development, which is characterized by intraspecific competition. Ancient civilizations were not preserved - they were destroyed by the colonizers.

In order to survive, a person is forced to develop new ecological niches - the first step. The second stage is a complete exit from the old ecological niche, but not yet the full development of a new one. The adaptation process has not yet been completed, although it is successful. At the third stage - complete mastery of a new ecological niche, development in a new environment is brought to perfection. For example, dinosaurs on Earth. Sooner or later, the ecological niche overflows, it becomes crowded. An individual either changes its habitat or acquires new qualities.

According to Charles Darwin, it appeared that in the process of evolution more complex and more adapted to life forms arose.

There is a point of view that the main function of any form of life is the continuation of the life of this form. Then the most viable forms are viruses. They feel good in cold and heat, go without food for a long time and multiply at an unthinkable rate.

It's easier with bacteria. With a strong desire, they can be destroyed, security from the outside world is not so perfect.

A fish carries several million eggs in its womb, goes without food for half a year, suspended animation. In warm-blooded children, a million times less is born, the blood does not cool down along with the environment, with the onset of cold, warm-blooded children must eat more.

In the plant world, the older the genus, the more resilient it is.

Primitive man picked up a stick. This is not a giant leap forward, but the first crutch. All the benefits of civilization that have appeared are just more modern varieties of this crutch. Waving crutches, humanity is rapidly and systematically destroying all life around and, accordingly, itself, that is, the history of the development of life on Earth is nearing its natural end. Without crutches, a person is an extremely weak, thermophilic, selective in food, constantly ill and with great difficulty breeding creature.

Conclusion: if each next species in the development chain is more complex, but less resilient than the previous one, then the whole evolution is a chain programmed not for development, but for the curtailment of life on Earth.

Let's try to analyze the participation of mankind in natural selection in more detail.

Table 4. Natural selection in animals (mammals) and in humans.


Impact factor

on animals

external factors


Live in their ecological niche

Living in an artificial environment


Irregular, easily tolerate hunger. natural springs

Regular, excess, consumption of concentrated foods

Skin protection

Clothing, housing



Flight or death

Where possible, artificial protection

biotic factors

The death of the weak, the sick

Avoids exposure

Death, persistence, control

Persistence, suppression or drug control


Immune system copes, high lethality

The immune system does not work on its own

for medicines and vaccines,

mortality is limited

High lethality

Relatively low mortality due to advances in surgery

Diseases of degradation

Mostly do not survive

Living with sickness

pretty long

Critical life stages


The weak die out

Caring for weak children

children with genetic

and mental illness

Rarely live to old age

Increasing proportion of old people, especially in developed countries





Competitions, interethnic relations, wars

A kind of natural selection

sexual selection

Selective Participation

in reproduction

The possibility of artificial

fertilization, no

restrictions on reproduction

mentally ill and alcoholics

Proportional participation

among other types

(biological progress)

Population Growth

species to a certain extent, ecological balance

The human population is steadily growing despite

birth rate slowdown

in developed countries

The table shows that humanity is protected mainly artificially. Technological progress allows us to successfully cope with natural adverse factors. Advances in medicine enable people to live long, but weighed down by all sorts of diseases.

The man brought the defenses out. House, clothes, shoes - protection from temperature extremes. Created food stocks. Antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs work instead of immunity. Vaccinations, epidemiological surveillance, quarantine measures protect against diseases on the scale of large human groups.

The ancestors of modern women did not know the problem of menstrual tension. Previously, a woman was continuously in a state of pregnancy and menstrual tension arose 10-20 times in her entire life, while in a modern woman it is 12 times a year.

In the 19th century, families had about a dozen children, as more children died of disease in infancy. Today, thanks to the achievements of medicine, it is possible to save the life of one child in the family. The more civilized the way of life, the lower the birth rate.

The development of contraceptives allows birth control. This remarkable achievement also had negative consequences. The possibility of sex without pregnancy contributed to the decline in morals. Sexual freedom has led to an increase in urogenital infections, which subsequently often leads to infertility. In poor countries, where the death rate of children is high, there are still many children born. This is a natural regulation of the population. In civilized countries, a family usually has 1-2 children. Artificial birth control is added to natural regulation (low mortality with a high population density).

Viability is associated with the potential threat of death. A comparison of weeds with cultivated plants can serve as a model. Weeds are incredibly hardy. They are constantly under the threat of destruction and have developed a variety of methods of reproduction: rhizomes, high fertility. Weeds grow even in asphalt cracks. Cultivated plants are easily replaced by weeds.

Biologically, humans are like cultivated plants. Let's continue this parallel with plants. With long-term cultivation of berry crops in one place, pests overcome the plantation, then bacterial and viral diseases follow. Viruses are a witness to the old age of the plantation, its degeneration. Agronomists have long come up with crop rotation. Viral diseases, apparently, signal the degeneration of the human population. Under sparing conditions, it is difficult to form stable structures. B. Gracian pointed to a certain sixth sense: “it finds tricks, invents ways, gives advice, teaches to speak, makes you run, even fly and guess the future; his name is Need. Mind is added from the lack of earthly goods. It is interesting that among the centenarians there are many people who survived the Stalinist camps. Life force is something that is given initially at birth and that we are not allowed to change. It is necessary to organize such a strategy for the behavior of the system so that elements with the maximum possible vitality are born in it.

Mankind tried to increase resilience through selection (artificial selection). Examples of the application of such a strategy in antiquity - Sparta. Today - campuses for the training of scientists. However, attempts to apply the genetic approach, for example by Hitler, usually failed. Totalitarian regimes tried to improve the human race through the destruction of inferior, in their opinion, peoples. Geneticist N.K. Koltsov wrote that since all kinds of human qualities are inherited with a high degree of probability, then theoretically humanity is able to improve itself consciously, using knowledge of its own heredity and select producers according to the desired qualities. The further fate of the Earth is unknown to us, so the complete genetic homogeneity of people is unprofitable. It is more correct to preserve diversity, thanks to which, in the event of unforeseen changes, say, the appearance of new harmful microbes, some people could survive.

It is possible that partly due to selection, blood type B is distinguished by strong innate immunity. The ancestors of the B-people came from the inhabitants of Tibet. Lobsang Rampa, a writer who dedicated his writings to Tibetan monks, mentioned such a procedure. Each newborn was immersed in an icy stream, and those who survived continued to live.

Natural selection has its own leverage, corresponding to human psychotypes and blood types. In people with strong natural strong immunity (0 and B-blood groups), death in battle or from accidents predominates. They are characterized by leadership, aggressiveness and sexuality. These people love risk. American researchers have identified a gene that regulates adrenaline addiction in brain cells. This D4 DR gene provokes a person to take risks, seek thrills, say, in extreme sports. In such people, this gene has an oblong shape, in ordinary people it is strictly square.

For more calm and tolerant representatives of blood groups A and AB, death from senile diseases (heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes) is typical. People of blood groups A and AB initially have low (tolerant) immunity. Blood type A was isolated for human populations with a high population density, group AB, in general, the newest, also for high density, and its innate immunity is even lower than that of group A. Probably, the mechanism of natural selection works when, with overpopulation, some animals die before reaching balance in the population.

Journalist A. Nikonov believes that natural selection in our species is no longer going on. Medicine works miracles and promises to do even more. We have been living in an artificial environment for a long time. The weakest individuals are not eaten by predators and do not die a natural death, but leave offspring, passing on defective genes to children. In recent decades, this process has assumed an exponential character.

Natural selection in humans probably goes in the direction of selective participation in reproduction: the smart, by virtue of their convictions, are noticeably inferior to the rest, humanity is becoming dumber.

The progressive increase in the proportion of the population with poor immunity is associated with the flip side of humanism: nursing weak newborns, protection with antibiotics and vaccinations. During the 70 years of Soviet power, anti-selection took place. The elite of society - the nobles and the intelligentsia, entrepreneurs (merchants), economic peasants (kulaks), healthy, energetic and talented emigrated, died in concentration camps, were deported to the northern regions. Today, young and smart people emigrate abroad, and only drinking heroine mothers give birth a lot. Business women prefer late pregnancy, which increases the risk of genetic diseases. Ecology, radioactive tests and Chernobyl have significantly worsened the health of present and future generations. The unpopularity of breastfeeding strikes at the formation of the child's immune system.

At present, there are five orders of magnitude (100,000 times) more people on the planet than wild animals similar to us in size and type of food. Such a population is supported solely by technology. And the selection is not based on health. Now comes the selection of the mind.

From the point of view of A. Vorobyov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, nature itself is waging a biological war with us: viruses mutate, adapt to new conditions. Every 10 years, microbiologists discover up to 30 new infections.

The healer L. Puchko cites an interesting esoteric hypothesis about the regulatory mechanisms of a planetary scale.

The biosphere, over millions of years of existence, has developed a wise sanitation and cleansing mechanism for the destruction of all patients who have not adapted to the constantly changing and renewing conditions of life (not adapted). To do this, she stocked up in her arsenal a lot of microorganisms that destroy everything that, from the point of view of nature, has outlived its own.

Mankind is an integral part of the planetary organism. As in any living organism, in such a collective formation, to maintain its existence, there are special systems and mechanisms that carry out self-government, self-regulation, self-purification and other general body functions. If some part poses a threat to the existence of the whole organism, the corresponding mechanisms for protecting the integrity of the organism (social and natural) are activated. Destruction and deformation of thin bodies is a trigger signal. The first to fall under the pressure of this elimination mechanism are people with subtle bodies damaged to a certain extent. The threshold for triggering this mechanism is individual for each organism.

The destruction of thin bodies due to the introduction of alien vibrations is accompanied by the emission of a special signal. At this signal, energy structures from outer space are introduced into the destroyed subtle bodies, which begin to actively support all pathogenic microflora in the human body. The constant existence of hidden foci of dormant or sluggish infections, supported by the controlling energy structures, leads to the creation of an immunodeficiency in the body and the formation of persistent chronic diseases.

Infections are a universal remedy for cleaning the living space in the biological, social, computer world. Infections are independent and self-directed, universal and non-random.

Let's try to change the scale and look at the situation from above, as suggested by

S. Rastorguev.

The human body is an element of the system. If the organism, as an element of the system, interferes with the system, then the system will destroy it, eliminating the "potential difference" at the spatio-temporal point, using the entire apparatus of infections for this; whether biological (cholera, plague, etc.), social (killers, thieves, etc.), environmental (earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.). Earth's "patience" is starting to run out. Evidence of this is the increasing frequency of catastrophes and natural disasters. A number of scientists believe that mankind is by no means the first civilization on Earth, the previous three have died. We are cells of a single organism called humanity, humanity, in turn, is part of a single system - the Universe. All the commandments of world religions are an encrypted concept of the structure of the world and our relationship with it.

Previously, terrible diseases served as natural selection tools: smallpox, anthrax, plague, tularemia and hemorrhagic fevers, measles. With the help of vaccination and anti-epidemic measures, they were "put in a cage."

The flu was and remains a factor of natural selection: it mows down the old and the young. In the event of a pandemic, with the appearance of a new combination of surface proteins of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase with the inclusion of viral genes of avian or animal origin, mortality can reach 70% of the population. The insidiousness of this infection is that if it does not kill immediately, it will do so in a few weeks. Old people die from heart complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Children usually die of pneumonia.

No new pandemic influenza strains are expected to emerge in the near future. A lethal outcome can be caused by mixed infections: influenza + adenovirus infection, influenza + respiratory syncytial infection. A new variant of mixed infection was the simultaneous infection with influenza viruses of different subtypes.

Today, AIDS has become an active factor of natural selection. In my opinion, an inert, slow immune system begins to evolve when there is a real threat of extinction. So, blood group A stood out from group 0 during extinction from smallpox, cholera, plague. AIDS mows down everyone indiscriminately. There are facts that speak of the possibility of a beneficial mutation in the blood group. Kenyan prostitutes who are HIV-infected for more than 15 years do not develop AIDS (non-sterile immunity). According to the Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, there is normally a segment in the genome of each person that is responsible for the body's susceptibility to the immunodeficiency virus. There are people with a resistance mutation to this virus: there is no susceptibility segment in the DNA of these people. Most people with a beneficial mutation live in the Baltics. Russia is among the European countries that make up the area of ​​resistance to AIDS. Among Russians, 1% of the population is not susceptible to HIV infection. Much more often these people are found in the western regions, in the east and northeast there are no people protected from AIDS.

Especially discussed in the literature is the question of why death is needed at all.

Cybernetician Rastorguev believes that any self-learning information system has a chance for immortality. But nature has invested in any complex system a mechanism of self-destruction. Who turns on the mechanism of aging? When the body is forced to resort to a method of protection through self-change? But sometimes he prefers to choose a “wooden suit” as a counterbalance to new knowledge. The system exhausts its capabilities for collecting, processing, storing information and is replaced by another - that's the whole explanation for aging.

The usefulness of death led to the emergence of the sexes.

A. and B. Pisa lead the hypothesis of the emergence of sex. As soon as a new cell appeared with stronger genes, the parent cells had to die. For two reasons: first, the new cell is better than the parent cell, and the parent cell is no longer needed. The second is that the parents must be eliminated so that they do not mate with the new cell.

At the end of the 19th century, Weismann expressed his understanding of the causes of death. Death was invented by evolution so that unnecessary individuals are culled, so that generations change faster, so that the population is not clogged with monsters (the older the organism, the more likely it is to give birth to ugly offspring).

If the Weismannian point of view is correct, then the diseases of aging are specially invented by evolution. The cell has a suicide mechanism - apoptosis. Mitochondria also have their own separate suicide mechanism. Cancer is a specially programmed disease to clean up the population, acting in different ways, and as soon as we block one way, another immediately activates. This killing mechanism is ingeniously done by evolution - if the hypothesis is correct. The three main diseases of old age are cancer, heart attack and stroke. Cancer - when the "samurai law" (suicide) inside the cell is not applied, and heart attack and stroke are an absurd application of this law: the heart is bad, which means it must be stopped (massive tissue death occurs). In half of the cases of cancer, the blocking protein p53, the guardian of the genome, is broken. In heart attacks, strokes, and septic shock, suicide immediately involves a huge number of cells in a vital organ. It turns out that p53 is very good for its anti-cancer effect, on the other hand, partly because of it, we die from heart attack and stroke. Cancer, heart attack, stroke - senile diseases. Aging is an evolutionary mechanism. The rejuvenation of heart attacks and strokes is the inclusion of evolutionary mechanisms for cleaning the living space in conditions of overcrowding. Now death from old age without disease is a rarity. Atherosclerosis, cancer and osteoporosis serve as mechanisms of natural selection to eliminate old people. Ca metabolism has a complex hormonal regulation with the participation of sex hormones. After the extinction of the reproductive function, the bones rapidly lose strength. A hip fracture in the elderly has a poor prognosis.

Man in a civilized society lives more and more socially and less and less biologically. He successfully overcomes the restrictions that nature has imposed on him: he lives in any climate, develops new food resources, and has learned to fight infectious diseases. Many factors that used to kill a human being have now ceased to be fatal to him. Doctors have learned to nurse premature and weak newborns; vaccination protects against dangerous infections, and in case of infection, antibiotics fight the infection; society takes care of the sick and disabled. Even though all this does not work perfectly, civilization has radically increased the biological fitness of man - his survival in the environment. But a person cannot get away from his genetics, and we are not yet able to change the processes taking place under these conditions. We tried to understand what is happening with a person today and what awaits us in the future with the help of an evolutionary biologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexey Kondrashov, professor at the University of Michigan and the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, who gave a public lecture at the All-Russian Festival of Science - 2012.

In terms of evolutionary biology, modern man is less and less affected by natural selection, i.e., such a force that removes less adapted individuals from a population, leaving more adapted ones, since the latter leave more offspring. " There is positive and negative selection., - explains Alexey Kondrashov. - Positive selection favors some new useful trait. For example, everyone in the population was white, then a black mutant appeared, this feature turned out to be useful, and after a while the descendants of this black mutant can flood the entire population. And negative selection, on the contrary, favors old and common traits. Everyone is white, and being white is good, but a mutation occurred and black appeared, and being black is bad. Accordingly, the offspring of this mutant will not survive, and the "black" gene will fly out of the population. Darwin was mainly interested in evolution, i.e., slow change, and he mainly thought and wrote about positive selection. And Ivan Ivanovich Schmalhausen thought and reasoned a lot about negative selection". It is this selection that is weakened in modern man - unfavorable genes do not fly out of the population, but accumulate. At the level of a general concept, this has been understood for a long time, but in recent years, thanks to the development of modern research methods, data have appeared that make it possible to quantify this process.

Errors in biomolecular machinery

Mutations are constantly taking place in our DNA - changes. This does not require exposure to radiation or chemical mutagens - the process is spontaneous. " As the Buddha said, everything that is made up of parts is destroyed, - says Kondrashov . - Before leaving for nirvana, he gathered the students and said these four words. With regard to biological molecules, the Buddha was completely right, indeed, they are made up of parts and can be destroyed. And the mutation process is a manifestation of the tendency of the entire material world to chaos.". Mutations are inevitable, since DNA is a very long molecule (the total length of all genomic molecules in a human cell is about one meter) one nucleotide thick - naturally, it cannot be perfect.

There are three main sources of mutations. The first is the errors that occur during replication - the duplication of the DNA molecule. The main actor in this process is the enzyme DNA polymerase. After the DNA double helix unwinds into two separate strands, DNA polymerase goes along each strand and assembles a pair to it, using the old strand as a template. That is, if she sees the letter A (adenine) on the old thread, then she attaches the letter T (thymine) to the new thread. " But about one in 100,000 times she puts in the wrong letter, explains Alexei Kondrashov. - And the most remarkable thing is that after she attaches the letter, she immediately tries to tear it off. As a result, it turns out that the letter is attached incorrectly with a probability of approximately 10 -5, and if the letter is incorrectly attached, then it will not be torn off also with a probability of 10 -5. So the probability of mutation is about 10-10 per letter per replication. Try typing and agree that DNA polymerase works great».

However, replication errors that occur with a probability of 10 10 per letter is the main source of mutations. The second source of mutations is errors in DNA repair. Repair is the repair of damage, and damage is that which breaks the chemical structure of the molecule so that the DNA becomes corrupted. We are talking, for example, about breaking one or both threads, stitching the threads together not by weak hydrogen bonds, but by covalent bonds, so that they cannot separate, etc. " In every human cell, several hundred thousand spontaneous injuries occur every day, - says Kondrashov. - And they must be repaired, because otherwise the cell will die. And if some error occurred as a result of the repair, this will also be a mutation". The third source of mutations is errors during recombination during meiosis - a reduction cell division leading to the formation of diploid cells with a double set of chromosomes, haploid cells with a single set of chromosomes. This is a necessary stage in the maturation of germ cells, and during recombination - when chromosomes exchange pieces - errors can occur.

What and how much

99% of mutations are nucleotide substitutions, says Alexei Kondrashov, for example, when cytosine (C) changes to guanine (G). This is the source of single nucleotide polymorphism ( single-nucleotide polymorphism, SNP). In addition, there may be short drops of several letters or, conversely, short insertions of one, two, or three nucleotides. Big events happen less often - dropouts or insertions of 100 or more, sometimes up to a million nucleotides, or a turn of some piece of DNA by 180 °. It must be understood that mutations are not always bad. This is the source of genetic variability, and without mutations there would be no evolution, as a result of which all the diversity of the living world arose.

With the advent of next-generation sequencing methods, the cost of sequencing whole genomes has drastically decreased. And there are new opportunities to quantify the rate of occurrence of mutations. If earlier, as Kondrashov recalls, he had to spend several years painstakingly studying the wings of fruit flies and selecting mutants, now for $ 300 it is possible to sequence the genotypes of a mother fly, a father fly, and a daughter fly and compare them. As a result, all new mutations that occurred during the generation change will be detected, which means that they arose in the germ cells of the parents. As far as humans are concerned, the rate of mutations in the human genome, as scientists have calculated, is about 10–8 per generation per nucleotide.

Pitfalls in the genome

All people differ from each other in many external and internal signs. And genetically, two human individuals differ by one letter of the genetic code for every 1000 nucleotides. One difference in 1000 is not much, considering that, for example, Drosophila has one difference in 100, and the fungus schizophyllum has one difference in 10, and this is today an absolute record of genetic diversity. And still, this is a lot and means that between two human individuals there are 35 million short differences, one-letter substitutions. But since each amino acid is encoded by three nucleotides (a triplet, or a codon), not all nucleotide substitutions in DNA lead to a substitution of an amino acid in a protein, but only so-called non-synonymous ones. And there are about 10 thousand such non-synonymous substitutions, leading to a change in the protein molecule, in each person in protein-coding genes. Approximately 10% of them are not useless, but harmful, which reduce fitness. Some of them are deadly. Biologists have found that both Drosophila and vertebrates have, on average, one or two lethal mutations per genotype. The organism does not die because these mutations are in a heterozygous state, that is, the mutant gene is duplicated by a normal gene on a paired chromosome. In addition, the human genotype, on average, carries about 100 large DNA insertions and drops, the total length of which is about 3 million nucleotides. The genotype of the Nobel laureate, co-author of the double helix model of DNA James Watson, as it turned out during his sequencing, carries the usual number of mildly harmful mutations and 12 severely harmful mutations that hide behind normal genes in the heterozygous state. Obviously, they did not affect the fitness and success of James Watson. But if there are even more harmful mutations and they are not cleared out by selection, the balance will be disturbed, and fitness in the human population will inevitably decrease.

As Aleksei Kondrashov emphasized, this problem was understood even by Darwin, who wrote: “ Among the savages, those who are weak either in body or in mind perish quickly. And those who survive usually show strong health. And we civilized people do our best to prevent this process of elimination: we create shelters for the mentally retarded, disabled and sick, we make laws that support the poor, and our doctors try their best to save the life of every person to the last possible. There is reason to believe that vaccination has saved hundreds of lives that would otherwise have died from smallpox. Therefore, even the feeble-minded members of civilized societies continue to multiply. Anyone who has been interested in breeding domestic animals will have no doubt that it is extremely harmful to the human population.».

Fly model of humanity

Interestingly, it turned out to be possible to confirm in the experiment. Such an experiment - to exclude selection - Kondrashov and his colleagues set up 15 years ago. They modeled the living conditions of modern man on Drosophila flies. Pairs of flies - a male and a female - were settled in separate "apartments" - test tubes, where they did not compete for food with other flies, as happens with "communal" resettlement. The couples produced offspring, with biologists limiting the number of eggs laid to prevent competition between the larvae. From each “family” of flies, young male and female were taken, mixed and settled in pairs in new “separate apartments”. The exclusion of selection was expressed in the absence of competition and in the fact that each pair, regardless of its genotype, brought the same number of offspring. And so for 30 generations. Every 10 generations, scientists assessed the fitness of the larvae - their competitiveness for food in harsh conditions. As a result, during the experiment (for 30 generations), the fitness of the larvae fell by more than half. And in one generation, the researchers calculated, it fell by 2%. Aleksey Kondrashov believes that in nature it would decrease even more than in the laboratory. " I would like to repeat this experiment and stretch it for at least 100 generations, because there is a hypothesis that after 100 generations the flies will all die».

It is hoped that in the near future, scientists will be able to directly see what is happening with the human genome. When the 1000 Genomes project is completed, they will have 1000 fully sequenced individual genomes (genotypes) in their hands, which can be compared for mutations. And in ten years there will be a million of these genomes. " Negative selection is more common by several orders of magnitude than positive selection. Therefore, the reasoning that after some time due to positive selection we will have a huge head and small hands and we will all be very smart, etc., is all the subject of science fiction.”, - specifies Alexey Kondrashov. But what will happen to our health is the question. However, in ten years it will be possible to answer it more or less accurately, because we will be able to quantify the changes taking place in the human population.

About the risks of late fatherhood

To reiterate, the mutation rate in humans, as geneticists have calculated, is about 10–8 per generation per nucleotide. But it is interesting that men and women contribute differently to the mutation of their children. Namely, the child receives several times more mutations from the father than from the mother. The first to show this difference was the English geneticist John Burdon Sanderson Haldane ( John Burdon Sanderson Haldane), one of the creators of the synthetic theory of evolution. He explored the genetics of hemophilia, a hereditary disease expressed in blood incoagulability. It is known that the gene responsible for hemophilia is located on the X chromosome. Therefore, women who carry an X chromosome defective for this gene do not suffer from hemophilia, since they compensate for it with a normal gene on the paired X chromosome, but they pass on their X chromosome to their sons along with the disease. But the question is, where does this mutation occur, in female or male germ cells? Haldane considered both options and, comparing their probabilities, came to the conclusion that most hemophilia mutations occur in male germ cells. A carrier woman receives this mutation from her father and passes it on to her son, who becomes ill.

Later, researchers analyzed several more hereditary diseases associated with X-chromosome genes, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia, acrocephalosyndactyly. And it turned out that in the vast majority of cases, the mutation first occurs on the male X chromosome. As James F. Crow writes, article in PNAS, 1997), higher primates, including humans, have on average five times more male mutations than female ones.

The reasons for this inequality is that male and female germ cells are formed differently. Oocyte precursors undergo normal cell division (mitosis) only in the embryonic period. A girl is born with a ready set of immature oocytes (oocytes of the first order), which, with the onset of puberty, alternately enter into a reduction division - meiosis - and form eggs (oocytes of the second order). The precursors of spermatozoa - spermatogonia - are actively mitotically divided in the testes from puberty to old age. As a result, the egg cell passes through 25 mitoses, ending with meiosis, and the number of mitoses through which the sperm cell passes before meiosis depends on the age of the man: if he is 18 years old, this is about 100 mitoses, but if he is 50, about 800 mitoses. And the more cell divisions, the more DNA replications, the more mutations.

It follows from this that the number of mutations that a child receives from his father is largely influenced by paternal age. This conclusion is not new. As Alexey Kondrashov explains, Wilhelm Weinberg first came to him ( Wilhelm Weinberg), a German physician, one of the discoverers of the basic law of population genetics (the Hardy-Weinberg law). But now this pattern can be confirmed by direct studies, since it has become possible to sequence the genome and count the number of mutations. In August 2012 in Nature an article by Icelandic scientists was published (the first author was Augustine Kong ( Augustine Kong)), which describes the results of a genome-wide analysis of 78 families. In each family, the genomes of the father, mother and child were sequenced. And, comparing them with each other, they calculated how many new mutations the child acquired. It turned out that a child receives an average of 15 mutations from a mother, regardless of her age. And from the father - depending on age: if the father is 20 years old - 25 mutations, if 40 years old - 65, and if 50 years old - 85 mutations. That is, every year of the father's life adds two new mutations to the child. The conclusion of the authors of the work: men who postpone the birth of a child at a later age should reconsider their life plans. And just now in the world there is a trend of ever later paternity. If in 2004 the average age of fathers was 35 years, then in 2007 it has already approached 40 years. Almost every tenth newborn has a father over 50 years old.

The more mutations, the more harmful among them, associated with diseases. Several studies have found evidence that late fatherhood puts the child at risk for neurological and psychiatric illness. So, according to data obtained at the Brain Institute in Queensland, children of 50-year-old fathers are twice as likely to suffer from schizophrenia and autism than children of 20-year-old fathers. In an experiment on mice, scientists have demonstrated that the offspring of old males have mutated genes that in humans are associated with schizophrenia and autism. And according to researchers from Tel Aviv University, fathers aged 55 years and older are five times more likely to give birth to a child with Down syndrome, a 37% increase in the risk of manic-depressive psychosis in a child, and every subsequent 10 years, a 30% increase in the risk of schizophrenia in the child. In a paper published three years ago in nature, graphs of the dependence of the cognitive indicators of the child on the age of the parents are given. It turns out that a too young mother is undesirable for the intellect of a child - up to 20 years old, and in the future her age has practically no effect on this level. But with the age of the father, the cognitive performance of the child falls: if the father is 60 years old, then the expected mental development of the child is 5% lower than for a 20-year-old father. The results can be trusted, as they were obtained on a very large sample - more than 30 thousand children. An elderly father passes on 60 additional mutations to a child compared to a young one, Kondrashov specifies. And it reduces intellectual abilities by about 5%. It seems to be not much, but for the population as a whole, common small defects are much more terrible than large, but rare defects. There is practically no selection against weakly harmful mutations in humans; they certainly do not affect the number of children in any way. And as a result, they accumulate in the population.

The question arises: what about Down syndrome - a consequence of an extra chromosome - the likelihood of which, as you know, increases with the age of the mother? Apparently, this is because nondisjunction of chromosomes occurs during the last division of meiosis, Alexey Kondrashov answers. Recall that this division occurs already in the adult body of a woman. But it can also happen in the sperm, and it is a fact that a certain number of Down syndromes do not come from the mother, but from the father: “Recently, an article was published - they took 90 individual spermatozoa and sequenced them, two of them turned out to be aneuploid - they carried an extra chromosome. So all this happens all the time, only we don’t see it, because usually such spermatozoa die in the early stages. ”

Well, what to do?

How to deal with this problem is a difficult question, primarily because it involves ethical issues. “I do not want to make any recommendations as a matter of principle, because in ethical matters scientists do not have any special knowledge,” says Professor Kondrashov. - I know the facts, and what is good and what is bad, I know or do not know to the same extent as any other person. The application of artificial selection to people is fascism, and the forced sterilization of about 400 thousand people in Nazi Germany was recognized as a crime against humanity. Another thing is genetic counseling, which will make it possible to avoid the birth of a child with a hereditary disease, although today only the most severe of them can be cut off in this way. In the future, it will probably be possible to learn everything about a child, including his intelligence and life expectancy.

Perhaps, Kondrashov believes, we will someday learn how to “cleanse” the genome from harmful mutations, returning it to an “ideal state”: “It sounds like science fiction now, but 50 years ago, $2,000 sequencing was science fiction.” In his opinion, humanity will face this problem in the near future and will be forced to somehow solve it. In the meantime, you can at least spare your child the risks of late fatherhood - men can freeze their sperm at a young age, so that they can use it later when they need it. And throughout life to be "forever young" fathers.

Alexey Kondrashov, Nadezhda Markina
"Trinity option" No. 23 (117), November 20, 2012

Natural selection increases the chances of survival and continuation of the whole genus, it is on the same level as mutations, migrations and transformations in genes. The main mechanism of evolution works flawlessly, but on the condition that no one interferes with its work.

What is natural selection?

The meaning of this term was given by the English scientist Charles Darwin. He established that natural selection is a process that determines the survival and reproduction of only individuals adapted to environmental conditions. According to Darwin's theory, the most important role in evolution is played by random hereditary changes.

  • recombination of genotypes;
  • mutations and their combinations.

Natural selection in humans

In times of underdeveloped medicine and other sciences, only a person with strong immunity and a stable healthy body survived. They did not know how to care for premature newborns, they did not use antibiotics in the treatment, they did not perform operations, and they had to cope with their illnesses on their own. Natural selection in humans has selected the strongest representatives of humanity for further reproduction.

In the civilized world, it is not customary to have numerous offspring, and in most families there are no more than two children, who, thanks to modern living conditions and medicine, may well live to a ripe old age. Previously, families had 12 or more children, and no more than four survived under favorable conditions. Natural selection in man has led to the fact that for the most part hardened, exceptionally healthy and strong people survived. Thanks to their gene pool, humanity still lives on earth.

Reasons for natural selection

All life on earth developed gradually, from the simplest organisms to the most complex ones. Representatives of certain forms of life that failed to adapt to the environment did not survive and did not reproduce, their genes were not passed on to subsequent generations. The role of natural selection in evolution has led to the emergence of the ability at the cellular level to adapt to the environment and quickly respond to its changes. The causes of natural selection are influenced by a number of simple factors:

  1. Natural selection works when more offspring are produced than can survive.
  2. In the genes of the body there is hereditary variability.
  3. Genetic differences dictate the survival and ability to reproduce offspring in different conditions.

Signs of natural selection

The evolution of any living organism is the creativity of nature itself and this is not a whim, but a necessity. Acting in various environmental conditions, it is not difficult to guess what features natural selection retains, all of them are aimed at the evolution of the species, increasing its resistance to external influences:

  1. The selection factor plays an important role. If in artificial selection a person chooses which features of the species to preserve and which not (for example, when breeding a new breed of dogs), then in natural selection the strongest wins in the struggle for his existence.
  2. The material for selection is hereditary changes, the signs of which can help in adapting to new living conditions or for specific purposes.
  3. The result is another stage of natural selection, as a result of which new species were formed with traits that are beneficial in certain environmental conditions.
  4. The speed of action - mother nature is not in a hurry, she thinks over her every step, and therefore, natural selection is characterized by a low rate of change, while artificial selection is fast.

What is the result of natural selection?

All organisms have their own degree of adaptability and it is impossible to say with certainty how one or another species will behave in unfamiliar environmental conditions. The struggle for survival and hereditary variability is the essence of natural selection. There are many examples of plants and animals that have been introduced from other continents and have adapted better to new living conditions. The result of natural selection is a whole set of acquired changes.

  • adaptation - adaptation to new conditions;
  • variety of forms of organisms - arise from a common ancestor;
  • evolutionary progress - the complication of species.

How is natural selection different from artificial selection?

It can be said with certainty that almost everything that is eaten by humans sooner or later was subjected to artificial selection. The fundamental difference is that by conducting "his" selection, a person pursues his own benefit. Thanks to selection, he received selected products, brought out new breeds of animals. Natural, natural selection is not focused on the benefit for humanity, it pursues only the interests of this particular organism.

Natural and artificial selection equally affect the lives of all people. They fight for the life of a premature baby, as well as for the life of a healthy one, but at the same time, natural selection kills drunkards frozen on the streets, deadly diseases take the lives of ordinary people, the mentally unbalanced commit suicide, natural disasters fall on the earth.

Types of natural selection

Why are only certain representatives of species able to survive in different environmental conditions? The forms of natural selection are not written rules of nature:

  1. Driving selection occurs when environmental conditions change and species have to adapt, it keeps the genetic heritage in certain directions.
  2. Stabilizing selection is aimed at individuals with deviations from the average statistical norm in favor of average individuals of the same species.
  3. Disruptive selection is when individuals with extreme indicators survive, and not with average ones. As a result of such selection, two new species can be formed at once. More common in plants.
  4. Sexual selection - based on reproduction, when the key role is played not by the ability to survive, but by attractiveness. Females, without thinking about the reasons for their behavior, choose beautiful, bright males.

Why is a person able to weaken the impact of natural selection?

Medical progress has come a long way. People who were supposed to die - survive, develop, have their own children. By passing on their genetics to them, they give rise to a weak race. Natural selection and the struggle for existence clash hourly. Nature comes up with more and more sophisticated ways to control people, and man tries to keep up with her, thereby preventing natural selection. Human humanism leads to the weak appearance of people.

Many years have passed since then, and a change in the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time has already occurred, even if it is not revealed by the first impulses of “social time trends”. Nowadays, during the active life of one generation, several generations of technologies and equipment repeatedly manage to update not in one, but in many branches of the technosphere, changing both the sphere of professional activity of people and their home life. And if the vast majority of the population still lives by orienting their behavior (deliberately or thoughtlessly) towards goals centered in the "Present" band, then, since the life of the majority takes place in a technologically driven society, almost all of them face in life what was before the skills and knowledge they have mastered gradually or suddenly depreciate, as a result of which they lose their former social status, while the monopoly high price for their work allows them to charge other knowledge and skills that they do not possess. But the carriers of new knowledge and skills, having suddenly risen through their development to the previously coveted living standards (consumer and social heights), also suddenly discover that their professionalism - due to the same technical and technological progress - is losing significance.

So it turns out that in order to maintain their social status, everyone (with rare exceptions) needs to continuously reproduce their professionalism.

This was suddenly exposed in Russia as a result of the state-political events that took place in the last decade. But the situation is the same in the stable (according to Russian concepts) societies of the West, which for the last hundred or two hundred years have been living without a change in the socio-economic structure and therefore are seen from Russia by homegrown reformers as an ideal to be implemented here as well.

Because of this kind of idealization of the outwardly stable West, reformers in Russia are now trying to implement what should have been put into practice back in the time of Peter I, and at the latest in the time of Catherine II. Now it is necessary to implement something completely different, but “elitist” reformers — victims of “coding pedagogy” — cannot think of this on their own, but accept it from the outside — it is impossible because of the illegitimacy of this kind of knowledge for the dominant system of explicit and secret initiations and its inherent “coding pedagogy”, programming the psyche of people, as if people are computers.

The possibilities of the human psyche and body for processing information are determined not only genetically, but also by the upbringing of the personal culture of the worldview and thinking of everyone. And therefore, the possibilities are limited both genetically and by the achieved level of development of personal spiritual culture within the genetic potential. Due to this kind of limitation, grinding information at the rate of its receipt under the pressure of the “trends of the times” (especially if this is done on the basis of a culture of stereotyped thinking that excludes creativity, generated by “coding pedagogy”), one can only enter into “stress”, which will entail all sorts of diseases, which can be cured in only one way - to eliminate the informational cause of “stress”. But the latter is beyond the power of all branches of medicine developed in the West, as well as beyond the power of Western sociology and political order.

This means that participation in the race to maintain and increase one's social status in a technocratic society (like the West) is a direct path to painful suicide through diseases caused by the inability to process all the information necessary to maintain and increase the qualification and the resulting income that determines “life standard” of consumerism.

In addition, this kind of “stress” of the consumption race hits primarily the reproductive age population groups, which also affects their reproduction of new generations in society. Accordingly, it is statistically predetermined that those who deliberately or thoughtlessly participate in the consumption race based on the continuous reproduction of qualifications will simply have no one or no time to educate in the cultural tradition of which they themselves are the bearers. And they will have no one in the family tradition to pass on their life guidelines and skills for their implementation.

And if they even have children, then such children during their life in the family victims of a continuous “stressful” state all the problems of adults will be transferred; or the children will have to independently take up the education of a different morality, a different life orientation and a different lifestyle, taking into account the sad experience of the older generation on the basis of its rethinking. Only in this case, nevertheless, born children will be able to avoid the reproduction in new generations of the thoughtlessly inherited fate of their ancestors and the troubles that their parents encountered, but, moreover, burdened by their own mistakes.

One such massive mistake was the attempt to “relieve stress” with various kinds of hard and soft drugs, both natural and synthetic. If we leave aside the involvement in drug addiction of adolescents who seek in this way to prove themselves as a “strong personality” independent of adults, which is “knee-deep”, or seeking pleasure from the aimlessness of their existence, and consider “stress relief” in this way, then essentially the following takes place. gives (or tries to give) an individual to the level of consciousness - due to real morality - an assessment of the quality of his life. Such an assessment may be emotionally ambiguous (good or bad), or it may be accompanied by some kind of intellectual reasoning and justification. If the assessment is perceived as undesirable, then the person essentially faces a choice:

  • or comprehend your emotional assessments of the situation to the end, i.e. before realizing a definite answer to the question of how to change oneself and the surrounding circumstances so that psychological comfort is ensured;
  • or close the exit to the level of consciousness of morally unacceptable information in its emotionally generalized form or in an intellectually detailed form, without changing anything in one's morality, psyche and the way of life determined by them.

For a person striving to possess the dignity of a person and maintain it in the future, it is natural to comprehend the circumstances and himself in them to the end, i.e. before realizing a certain answer to the question of how to find psychological comfort, and then try to implement the answer he received in life or try to get a new different answer to the same questions.

For someone for whom the first turns out to be an unbearable burden, an insurmountable barrier, the narcotic method of “stress relief” can provide psychological comfort quickly and without heavy reflections on the unpleasant, and even more so without setting any obligations to oneself; of course, if narcotization does not immediately open the way to his psyche for some kind of nightmare, from which it is still preferable to hide in a less nightmarish sobriety. Drug intoxication distorts and destroys as a natural genetically predetermined process, therefore, if someone in the fight against "stress" or in search of pleasure embarks on the path of "strong" or "weak" drug addiction, then in essence, by doing so, he makes a statement that that the mind is redundant for him and interferes with life, and it would be more pleasant for him to exist as an unreasonable well-groomed decorative (and not working) cattle, living carefree on everything ready for his own pleasure. In doing so, he exposes himself as a real underdog. And this is so, no matter what heights he reaches in the social hierarchies of civilization, where the animal mentality and the mentality of a zombie, programmed by culture, dominate.

Participation in the physiology of the body of narcotic chemical compounds (or their excess of genetically predetermined levels in the body in its natural physiology) is not provided for by the normal genetics of the Homo sapiens species. This leads to the undermining of health and statistically prevails in the reproductive age (or preempting it), which causes suppression genealogical lines“strong and weak” drug addicts by the mechanism of natural selection, which manifests itself in culture with the change of generations of a thoughtless society, just like in the biosphere.

In the vast majority of cases, medical treatment of drug addiction is ineffective, since going into drug addiction out of “stress” or in search of pleasure is an expression of moral depravity or other kind of inferiority of the psyche. Therefore, if in the process of treatment both the morally conditioned structure and structure of the psyche do not become human - and this requires efforts primarily from the patient, but not from medicine - then (even if there are no recurrences of drug addiction later), the person who has undergone treatment remains traumatized and intimidated by a subhuman. . In addition, some of the causes of “stress” lie in the field of the collective psyche of society, and if medicine, addressing the problems of drug addiction, limits itself to psychoanalysis and psychosynthesis of an exclusively personal psyche, then it obviously turns out to be incapable of curing a drug addict, since it is sick itself, isolated from history and sociology.

This means that a statistically predetermined advantage in the reproduction of generations is given to representatives of those genealogical lines who see no point either in “stress relief” with drugs, or in grinding professional information on the merits in order to fall victim to “stress” and its consequences beyond the control of neither legitimate medicine (as a branch of science), nor legitimate politics. Accordingly, it will be statistically predetermined for them to whom they will pass on their life guidelines in subsequent generations and bring up the morality inherent in their families, the structure of the psyche and the culture of behavior.

Thus, the common culture of a technocratic civilization, with subjectively different attitudes of different individuals towards it, becomes a factor of natural selection in populations of a species called Homo sapiens, dividing humanity into two components with different destinies generated by each of the belonging to one or another component of humanity. Although there are currently no impenetrable boundaries between the two components of humanity in a statistical sense, nevertheless, the process of their irreversible delimitation proceeds throughout the entire era of the change of “waters”, introducing various individuals to one or another component of humanity with different destinies.

But before talking about the life of that part of humanity that is free from the oppressive influence of “stress” even in the era after the information explosion in the middle of the 20th century, it is necessary to make one extensive digression and highlight one more topic.

Repeated updating of applied knowledge and skills in professional activity and at home during the life of one generation due to a change in the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time is only one side of the matter, objectively manifested in the statistics of society. The second side of the matter is that not only the rate of renewal of socially necessary applied knowledge and skills has changed, but also the “width” of the thematic spectrum in society, which each of the many individuals who, in principle, have free will and other possibilities of a free person, encounters in everyday life. , and who, only because of the peculiarities of upbringing and culture, limits themselves to one form or another of slavery, characteristic of the current civilization.

On the other hand, and in accordance with the common attitude to life for all, the state-ruling “elite” of the West in the vast majority of cases considered itself free from the need to delve into the essence and consequences of making certain decisions based on the use of technologies that have become traditional, and even more so technical and technological innovations, considering all this “not a royal affair”, but “private affairs of their subjects”, into which it is humiliating and boring for them to delve into; or as a “private affair” of their debtors, which is typical for the INTERNATIONAL usurious Old Testament-Talmudic “aristocracy”, ruling societies and states through financial stranglehold based on the usurpation of credit and accounting, which are the essence of banking.

With the collapse of the caste system in the West, the psychology of non-interference by the state and the usurious banking mafia in private life and private entrepreneurial activity has been preserved in the same way as the psychology of non-interference in the affairs of statehood by a simple layman, who believes that all his obligations in relation to society as a whole and its statehood, in particular, he fulfilled by paying taxes and taking part in the formally democratic procedures that exist in the West, like everything else in the slave collar of loan interest, subject only to the international corporation of usurer clans.

But if before the self-intoxicating triumph of the bourgeois-democratic revolutions this kind of psychology dominated silently, then during the development of Western capitalism it found its theoretical expression: in the most general form - in the philosophy of individualism, and in a narrower pragmatic version - in various kinds economic pseudo-theories about the freedom of private enterprise, freedom of trade and the alleged ability of the “free” market to regulate everything and everyone in the life of society without any goal-setting and management by thinking people.

But all theories, without exception, are only an expression of the structure of the psyche and the corresponding morality. Depending on morality and the structure of the psyche, on the basis of the same facts, the human mind is able to develop mutually exclusive theories and doctrines.

The bourgeois-democratic revolutions and the subsequent social structure of the life of Western societies were psychologically conditioned by the mind, which was active in the bearers of the animal mentality that dominated in the West. And accordingly, the bourgeois-democratic revolutions generated by the animal psyche structure changed the social structure in such a way that, under the new system of intra-social relations, in the conditions of technical and technological progress, it gained a field of activity and activated the mind of many individuals, who had the opportunity to access information previously closed by class-clan boundaries. , which predetermined both the profession and social status, as well as the previously unchanged information flows throughout a person’s life - the “waters” in which he lived. But the new system of intrasocial relations that arose as a result of bourgeois-democratic revolutions did not at all change the inhuman psyche system that had previously prevailed in the West (animals and zombies predominate numerically).

And it is precisely its carriers after the information explosion of the twentieth century that appear in the current society, where the orientation of behavior towards consumerism now and henceforth for the sake of gratifying sensuality and conceit, as a result of which many become victims of “stress” and its consequences. But the information explosion opened up for them the possibility of getting rid of the avalanche of "stress" caused by it.

This possibility consists objectively in the fact that the life of the entire society of technically developed countries takes place both at work and at home in the streams of “royal information” that has significance:

Previously, this “royal information” passed by the overwhelming majority of the population, influencing their lives mainly indirectly (indirectly), but few people were enlightened when confronted with it directly.

The psyche of everyone who is given from Above to be a Homo sapiens is organized hierarchically at multiple levels. And the level of consciousness of the majority, at which the speed of information processing is 15 bits per second, and where a person is able to handle a maximum of 7-9 objects at the same time, is only the visible “top of the iceberg” of the individual psyche as a whole. In relation to the hidden part of the psyche - the unconscious (in other words, the subconscious) - two active approaches have developed in the culture of mankind:

  • expansion of consciousness and the inclusion in it of those levels of the psyche that were previously outside it;
  • restructuring of the structure of the conscious and unconscious levels of the psyche on the basis of a dialogue (information exchange) between the levels in order to eliminate various kinds of antagonisms between them and develop in this way a style of their coordinated work in the integral individual psyche, in the process of harmonizing the relationship of the individual with the Objective reality that encompasses and penetrates into him .

If we look for a technical analogy to the relationship of the conscious “I” with other levels in the psyche, then consciousness, together with its inherent capabilities, can be likened to a pilot, and the entire unconscious (subconscious) can be likened to an autopilot. In this analogy, the first approach is equivalent (in many ways) to the fact that the pilot, being initially incompetent, gradually takes over the execution of more and more functions inherent in the autopilot; the second approach is equivalent (in many ways) to the pilot learning the skills of autopilot tuning and taking care of the complementary distinction between what he takes on and what he puts on the autopilot.

The question may arise, in what proportion are both approaches. It can be given different answers, due to morality, worldview and personal experience of each of the respondents. In our opinion, the second approach - the restructuring of the conscious and unconscious levels of the psyche - includes the first one, since when setting up the “autopilot”, it is impossible for the “pilot” not to get an idea about its functionality and control over them. But the second approach, including the first approach (expansion of consciousness), gives it a special quality from the very beginning, while following the first approach while ignoring (or denying the second) sooner or later leads to the fact that the possibilities included in the field of consciousness must be brought into agreement with each other; and besides - and in harmony with what the individual consciousness has not yet mastered in the process of its expansion in Objective reality; if the first approach does not lead to the realization of this kind of necessity, then following through the expansion of consciousness ends with a personal catastrophe caused, if not by the internal conflict of the individual psyche, then by the conflict of the individual and collective psyche, or by the conflict of the psyche of an individual with a hierarchically higher non-human psyche, the activity of which, however, manifests itself in the Universe, if you are attentive to what is happening.

The first approach in the traditional culture of mankind is expressed by various kinds of spiritual practices of the East (yoga) and Western systems of initiation into various occultism; the possibility of implementing the second approach is directly indicated in the Koran, although it is not developed in historically real Islam, otherwise the region of Koranic culture would not be internally divided and would not experience many internal and external problems.

It was necessary to say this, since practically everyone is faced with “royal information” (if we compare it with the norms of addressing information in the caste system) in modern conditions. Opportunities in the processing of information by levels of the psyche, attributed to the unconscious for the vast majority of people, far exceed the capabilities of their individual consciousness (15 bits / sec., 7 - 9 objects at the same time). And this means that regardless of the conscious attitude to the “royal information” on the part of the individual, his unconscious levels of the individual psyche process the “royal information” as well. Accordingly, the results of this processing in some way stand before the consciousness of the individual either on vacation or in life situations.

Everything that follows is determined by how the consciousness of the individual relates to such breakthroughs of the results of processing “royal information” from the unconscious levels of the psyche to the level of consciousness. “Stresses” and their consequences, the victims of which in technically advanced societies are adamant participants in the consumer race, those who grind the information necessary to maintain professionalism and the consumer (primarily) status conditioned by it, are the result of a deliberate or thoughtless refusal of their individual consciousness to accept the results of the unconscious processing of “royal information” as a factor guiding, as well as restraining, their individual private activity.

If the results of the unconscious processing of “royal information” are accepted by consciousness, then coordination of private individual conscious and unconscious activity begins with these results that dominate the whole society, since it is precisely on this basis - pressure on everyone - that “royal information” differs from private, personal- domestic.

When the acceptance of the results of the unconscious processing of “royal information”, although it proceeds at the level of consciousness, proceeds thoughtlessly, then the coordination of the activity of the conscious and unconscious levels of the individual psyche generally occurs, but without the expansion of consciousness. When the acceptance of the results of the unconscious processing of “royal information” is accompanied by reflection on the level of consciousness of what is happening and intentions for the future, then not only the conscious and unconscious levels of the psyche are coordinated, but the possibilities of consciousness are expanded and honed. Moreover, in the latter case, the expansion of consciousness occurs in internal harmony with the timely elimination of conflict between the levels of the individual psyche and between the individual and collective psyche.

This process can be helped by a certain discipline of handling information at the level of consciousness, which does not contradict the functional capabilities of the consciousness of the vast majority of people who have not yet had time to expand their consciousness so much that they no longer know what and how to do after that.

Since the human consciousness can simultaneously operate with seven to nine objects, the discipline of conscious handling of information at the level of consciousness with its very limited (out of trance states) capabilities must first of all ensure the distribution of any information flow, an information array of no more than seven to nine delimited categories among themselves, otherwise it will not be possible to unambiguously redirect it to more productive unconscious levels of the psyche. Since any process in Objective Reality can be interpreted (represented, depicted) as a process of control or self-government, and “setting the autopilot” of unconscious levels of the psyche is also the task of control practice, we will make a brief digression into a fairly general theory of control.

When describing any of the life problems in terms of management theory, the total number of simultaneously used categories, as it turns out, really does not exceed nine: 1) , 2) , 3) ​​management, 4) , 5) a set of management concepts (objective management functions) , 6) control action vector, 7) structural method, 8) structureless method, 9) balancing mode (or maneuver).

This means that the information necessary for setting and solving any of the problems of management practice can be available to the mind of a sane person in some images. all without exception , at the same time and ordered, like a kind, and not incoherently, disjointedly, like glass in a kaleidoscope, and without mixing “flies with cutlets”. This is what opens the way to control powerful information flows from the level of consciousness through the unconscious levels of the psyche without the occurrence of “stressful” situations.

A fairly general theory of control is the basis for identifying the processes that take place in the collective conscious and unconscious, as well as controlling them or introducing them into certain modes of self-government. That is, on its basis, you can enter the process of restructuring and the collective, and not just the individual psyche. In the meantime, about the qualities that should be characteristic of a normal collective psyche, generated by a multitude of individual ones, we can briefly say this:

  • firstly, it must also be internally conflict-free, which manifests itself in real life as the elimination and compensation in collective activity by some of the mistakes made by its other participants;
  • secondly, the collective psyche should exclude the conflict of the collective as a whole and its participants in relations with the factors of Objective reality that dominate the life of mankind.

As a result of this, there can be no unforeseen troubles in life, but difficulties can occur, to overcome which everyone is ready, for there is not a god of disorder, but of peace. In order to consciously move towards this ideal (vector of goals), the main thing is to be aware of what in life specifically should be associated with each of the categories of management theory, so as not to fall into kaleidoscopic idiocy - violently or sluggishly current terry schizophrenia.

Now we will show on a concrete example how in society, on the basis of the ideology generated by the bourgeois-democratic revolutions, rejection at the level of individual consciousness of the results of the unconscious processing of “royal information” is programmed.

Everything is so, except for some details, however, determining the quality of everything:

  • firstly, THE COLLECTIVE MIND EXISTS. Every mind is a hierarchically multilevel process of information exchange and its transformations. The collective mind differs from the individual primarily in that, as a process, it proceeds not within the structures of biomass and biofields that ensure the intellectual activity of one person (individual = indivisible), but within the real and field structures that ensure the mental activity of many different people, as well as those caused by it. The process of information exchange between people, each of whom is a carrier of an individual (in Russian, this word exactly means inseparable) mind, proceeding at the level of biofields, acoustic and written speech, works of art and cultural monuments, etc. generates a collective mind; to be more precise, it generates a hierarchy of mutual nesting of minds from each individual to the collective mind of all mankind and beyond. In this hierarchy of mutual nesting, there can be collective minds, the time of existence of which is no more than the time of mutual communication of a certain group of people, and there are minds, the life time of which exceeds the life time of biblical centenarians, since a long existence of a collective mind in the continuity of information processes based on updating it is possible. elemental base - successive generations of people.
  • secondly, by virtue of the first, the possibility of “INDEPENDENT (highlighted by us) using one’s ability to think rationally” is not an objective given for each person, but a fiction, since a person, although he can think in a peculiar way and more or less apart from others, always thinks conditionally, those. depending on his condition, mood, personal development, the cultural heritage of society and the heritage of his ancestors, mastered by him personally, complicity in the collective psyche of society.

And it is largely determined by what properties the collective minds generated by individually intelligent people have - which are the constituent components of their collective conscious and unconscious as a whole; and in what capacity in relation to the collective intellects generated by them do people exist: the individual mind of a person can be a slave of the collective mind of a more or less wide multitude of people; and besides, a slave of that small group who have expanded their individual consciousness to such an extent that they have the skills they realize to control the collective conscious and unconscious, and through it, the whole multitude of people who form this or that collective psyche; but the individual mind can be one of the conscious creators of the collective mind, as part of the collective psyche, which is not the property of a narrow circle of spiritual slave owners, but the common property of all its participants.

The last possibility is a necessary component in the process of removing antagonisms between the conscious and unconscious levels in the structure of the individual's psyche. On the path of "expansion of consciousness" of individualists, carriers of views similar to those expressed by Ayn Rand, conflict between individualists is inevitable. It is impossible to win in this kind of conflict between stubborn people who know no limits to their individual egoism. And so that they do not destroy those around them, the collective mind of that part of humanity that supposedly does not exist in the opinion of individualists, which understands this, and the Almighty Almighty lock individualists into each other in scenarios in which two classes of possibilities are open in general: either to realize the fallacy of individualism and atheism (one of the varieties of individualism), or fall victim to situations of self-liquidation of some individualists by others; others who do not perish in such interpersonal conflicts are ruined by the internal conflict of their individual psyche, since the burden of internal incompatibility of the components of the psyche becomes incompatible with life as individuals persist in denying the results of processing “royal information” by the unconscious and conscious collective psyche, part of which is their individual unconscious.

But in any of the two options that are possible for a person (the collective psyche or its co-creator), the individual psyche is the elemental base of the collective mind and the collective psyche, however, it has its own individual mind, for which reason the elemental base can comprehend the fact of the generation of the collective mind by it as part of the collective psyche, after which it is able to control the process of its formation and existence according to its morally determined arbitrariness.

For understanding capabilities the existence of a collective mind is sufficient for a high school physics course and consideration of information processing processes in a computer network, for example, on the Internet, or on a multiprocessor computer complex, when different fragments of the same task are coordinated and mutually complementary to each other are solved on different machines or processors.

Nevertheless, a person may agree with the objectivity of the fact of information exchange between people (including on the basis of biofields), but will object to the possibility of the existence of a collective mind of people and their collective psyche. But in this case, the objections stem from the fact that the objectors simply do not have the skills of self-control necessary to perceive (primarily at the level of consciousness) the dialogue of their own individual mind with the collective mind generated in which they participate in one way or another; or they give rise to a collective madcap, with whom an individually intellectually normal person has nothing to talk about.

The latter has its own computer analogy: the software of a computer may be sufficient for its isolated operation, but may not be sufficient so that one can enter the network from its remote control and manage the solution of some task with the involvement of the free resources of other computers on the network; while some networks can be built in such a way that all computers that make up the network are viewed from the network, but from many computers (possibly with a few exceptions) other computers on the network are not only not viewed, but even their own resources are not controlled from their consoles involved in network maintenance. In addition, the network operation software may include errors, as a result of which the network as a whole will be more or less defective, as a result of which it may cause one or another damage to the information support of the computers included in it. Nevertheless, the inability of a specific computer with specific software to work on a network, or the defectiveness of network software as a whole, does not mean that network information systems are in principle impossible, not operable, or do not exist.

In the same way, Ayn Rand - as a spokesman for the prevailing views in the West - is mistaken in insisting that the collective mind does not exist; there are many - more or less isolated from one another - collective minds generated by individuals, with different durations of their existence, but Ayn Rand is not the only one who does not see and does not understand this.

To deny the existence of collective intellects generated by people in their mutual nesting means that all who agree with Ayn Rand's view of the non-existence of the collective mind (as a component of the collective psyche) become, without realizing it, slaves of their own creation - the collective psyche. generated by them objectively always, but in this case - unconsciously. In essence, this is the maintenance of the mediated bondage of the majority to that minority who has expanded their consciousness so much that they consciously and purposefully control the collective psyche, and through it those who, in relation to the collective psyche, are its elemental base.

Being a slave of the collective also corresponds to the animal psyche, since it is similar to what is happening in the life of herd animals, where each individual is a slave of the herd psyche. But people, unlike animals, are given opportunities free individual creativity in their self-development. Provided (in the creation of oneself) and opens up the possibility of generating sustained internal conflict individual and collective psyche, which is completely excluded in the animal world, where collective panic can arise, horror, as an episode in any circumstances, but collective schizophrenia - as the norm of life with a change of generations - is completely excluded.

People have individual and collective schizophrenia, in cases where it is not an expression of the defectiveness of the genetic apparatus, it is an expression of the incompetence of using the freedom of creativity and self-development granted from Above.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that any collective mind is only a subsystem in the collective psyche, and the collective psyche can be holistically mosaic (healthy) and split kaleidoscopic (schizoid), just like the psyche of an individual. Aware of the possibility of mosaic or kaleidoscopic model of Objective reality in his own psyche, in his right mind strives to maintain mosaic, because on the basis of a kaleidoscope of even reliable facts, but scattered flickering, it is impossible to model the flow of processes in reality, which are a sequence of interconnected facts. And, accordingly, it takes care of maintaining the mosaic integrity of the collective psyche.

The denial of the existence of collective psychic and intellectual activity is a sure path to the generation of SCHIZOPHRENIA in the collective psyche not only of schizophrenics, but even in the collective psyche of otherwise individually mentally normal people. And many intellectually developed individuals, relatively speaking mentally normal everyone on their own, having generated a schizoid collective psyche, including in it a steadily internally conflicting collective mind, they choose the path of collective suicide, regardless of whether they understand it or not, agree with the expressed view, or remain committed to opinions similar to those expressed by Ayn Rand.

“Stresses” and their consequences, as discussed earlier, are an expression at the level of personal fate of a person's complicity in collective schizophrenia. Protection and cure from this at the level of individual mental activity is only a conscious appeal to the unconscious levels of the psyche for the results of their processing of “royal information”, which determines the life of everyone, and thereby everyone, in order to restore the mosaic integrity of one’s psyche and get rid of both the internal conflict of one’s behavior, and its conflict with the life of the Universe embracing mankind.

Therefore, one of the necessary properties that individual mental culture an unconditionally mentally normal individual - not to generate collective madness those to whom it is given from Above to be people who are unconditionally normal mentally and intellectually.

Bourgeois-democratic revolutions, in the person of their theorists and subsequent ideologists of civil society, having freed the individual mental activity of the bearers of the animal mentality from the restrictions of the caste system that are quite appropriate to it, essentially transferred dominance over civil society to the schizophrenic collective conscious and unconscious. Over time, this led to the activation of the mechanism of natural selection in society, the victims of which are accomplices of collective schizophrenia who do not want to live differently, or who want, but do not attach any individual and collective expedient efforts on their part.

Most people are aware of the lamentations about Russia's experience and envious comparisons with the United States that they live on the basis of a constitution written at their founding by the "fathers of statehood", which has only a very small number of amendments made since then.

Here it is useful to return to the preface and reread it again.

In addition, this is essentially the collapse of “coding pedagogy”, which suppresses the creative self-development of the individual and programs the psyche of people with ready-made algorithms for solving various kinds of problems.

After changing the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time, in order to maintain a professional level through “coding pedagogy” and ensure the retraining of the able-bodied population, one more “parallel” teacher is needed, who would master new knowledge and skills in advance, and then bring them into the psyche of others in a ready-to-use form, as is typical of “coding pedagogy”. And this leads to the question: “Where to get another parallel society of early teachers?” There is no answer to it in the dominant culture of the current global civilization, although it was indeed given in advance through Christ. The New Testament, even after all the censorship removals, retained the essence of the answer: the Holy Spirit is the guide to all truth (Luke 11:9, 10, 13; John 16:13).

That for the majority in a society of reckless consumption, this means maintaining and increasing their consumer status above all.

Remember the movie "Kin-dza-dza". Titlans - some who imagined themselves to be a social "elite" - are unacceptable for the delivery route of patsaks ("mask": katsapov, Muscovites, if you read from right to left) to Earth through the vicinity of Vega because they "make cacti" from titlans, which, as you know, bloom beautifully: that is, they give their bodily organization a level corresponding to the structure of their psyche.

He also did not want to be a working animal, having set foot on the path of drug addiction.

That is, families in the continuity of generations in them.

The maximum that medicine can and should do in the overwhelming majority of cases of illness is to remove the influence of external factors expressed in the disease and, if possible, the oppression of the body and psyche by the disease. Within a limited time of this kind of medical care, a person must learn to lead a healthy lifestyle, and in this he, too, external help is possible. But still, a person himself must do much more than the medicine that takes care of him during the period of illness.

What has been said in these two paragraphs is manifested in life, in particular, in the fact that the United States, from a state where numerically predominantly white and the ruling “elite” was also white, is gradually becoming a state with a tendency towards a numerical predominance of the colored population, to use their terminology.

Remember Lefty from N.S. Leskovka: “Tell the sovereign! In England they don't clean their guns with bricks! It is necessary that they do not clean our place either, but when the war happens, then the guns are not fit to shoot! - The left-hander died with this “nonsense”, but no one told the sovereign about the “royal delirium” of a simple peasant. And when Russia lost the Crimean campaign, those who didn’t “told the sovereign” opened their mouths: “If you report that we didn’t tell the sovereign, then we’ll blame you for what they just reported now, but then they didn’t report to us.”

Of course, this is not actually the real reason for the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War, but N.S. Leskov indicated the socio-psychological real reason with exceptional accuracy. This is evidenced by the following sad factually reliable episode.

No less sad is the story of how a group of Russian cultural figures (Gorky, Arseniev and others), on the eve of the execution of workers in St. inevitable bloodshed, if the march of many thousands of workers with their families, psychologically tuned in to a general meeting on Palace Square when handing over the petition to the tsar, closes the path to the goal of their movement by the force of the army. But Witte refused to report this information to the tsar in advance, which could have prevented that execution and many tragedies caused by it. S.Yu. Witte himself writes about this in his memoirs, justifying his inaction with all sorts of fine excuses that are quite consistent with the Masonic tradition of the biblical project, which is engaged in the overthrow of the autocracy of each of the peoples of the Earth, in whatever form of state autocracy exists: tsarism, Soviet power , other.

The only well-known example in the world in the entire history of the current global civilization, when “royal information” was effectively implemented in the estate-caste system by a man from the common people, is Jeanne d’Arc.

A well-worn example of this kind is Napoleon's refusal to provide state support to R. Fulton, the designer of one of the first floating steamships, which could change the nature of the struggle at sea with England, which had a large sailing fleet. What is less well known is that the explosive rocket launcher system was invented around the same time and tested in exercises in Austria, where it showed its intimidating effectiveness, but nevertheless it was not used by Austria against Napoleon, nor by Napoleon after the surrender of Austria. .

And the earlier history of all peoples, almost without exception, is full of facts when the powerful of this world evaded the management of scientific and technological progress as one of the components of the life of society, i.e. politicians, considering the proceedings in such matters "not a royal affair."

There are only two examples in the history of Russia when the head of state systematically kept technical and technological progress under control and built a state policy taking it into account: Peter I and Stalin. Under the leadership of both, it was thanks to this kind of involvement in the “royal affairs” of the “non-royal” affairs, even despite the mistakes of both sovereigns, that the country acquired the status of a superpower for several decades; and lost it, also for several decades, when their successors - in the Western manner - were eliminated from the technical and technological problems of their "subjects".

The activity of international usurers in national societies was also considered by statehood as one of the types of private entrepreneurship of “subjects”. And the fact that depending on a small number of “subjects” of usurers turned out to be the whole society (including and, and its first hierarchs) fell out of the worldview of the “elitist” individualist consumers who ruled states on the basis of a tradition thoughtlessly adopted from their ancestors.

Where they found a free market, not subject to the corporation of moneylenders, remains a mystery.

In some places they have survived and are familiar with the life of the rest of mankind according to radio and television broadcasting of the technically developed world around them.

1 bit is the amount of information needed to resolve the 50% by 50% uncertainty. 15 bits per second means that within a second the human mind is able to notice 15 changes in the environment, which everyone can easily see in the cinema hall: at a projection speed of less than 16 frames per second, the film is perceived as a sequence of individual frames; at a projection speed of 16 frames per second or more, individual frames merge into a continuous moving image, although, as studies have shown, the unconscious levels of the psyche manage to build the “intermediate” frames missing in the film, which can be placed between the real frames of the film. The unconscious levels of the psyche also perceive the so-called “frame 25”, the information of which is diluted with the film every 24 frames. This is the basis for some types of advertising and other programming of the behavior of the auditorium, bypassing the control of the minds of the audience.

These include "inputs-outputs", when information passes through which people give rise to a collective psyche, which is characteristic of both small groups and humanity as a whole.

Mastering the skills of arbitrary entry into trance states is one of the options for expanding consciousness.

To date, a detailed exposition of Sufficiently General Control Theory can be found in two editions:

"Dead Water" SPb, ed. 1992 and 1997 - in the first edition of 1991; 1998 and 2000 in the second edition;

“Sufficiently General Control Theory”, Moscow, St. Petersburg, ed. "International Commercial University", 1997 - in the second more detailed edition 1994 - 1996; St. Petersburg, 2000, as amended in 1998

In the most general case, the term "vector" means - not a segment with an arrow indicating the direction, but an ordered list (that is, with numbers) of different quality information. Within the limits of each quality, a measure of quality must be defined at least in some sense. Due to this, the addition and subtraction of vectors have some meaning, which is determined when constructing the vector space of parameters. That is why the vector of goals is not a road sign “there”, although the meaning of such a road sign is close to the concept of a “vector of control goals”.

In which either favor or malevolence predominates among people, and many flicker between one and the other.

These are not beautiful words, but the name of a real feeling that people have, although for many it remains in its infancy due to their laziness and isolation in themselves.

A number from 0 to 1, which is essentially an assessment of the objectively possible, a measure of uncertainties; or who likes it more in everyday life - hopes for a "guarantee" in the range from 0% to 100%.

Cadres are everything.

It is possible that someone who encounters this terminology, which is mostly characteristic of mathematics and its technical applications, in the application to the problems of psychology, will suspect another attempt to reduce a person to the level of a programmable technical device - a robot. But before opposing her, let him answer his own questions:

“Why did the mass brainwashing of the population on the basis of the Bible and the Talmud, in which there are no such “technicalisms”, did not cause him to protest before reading this work?

“On the basis of what other terminology does he intend to describe and discipline his abstract-logical thinking, which is characterized by a step-by-step nature of processing discrete information arrays, and to coordinate the discrete logical with the process-shaped in a single process of thinking?”

“Why is he not confused by the unity of medical and biological terminology, on the basis of which the anatomy and physiology of humans and animals are described?”

Ayn Rand “The Concept of Egoism”, St. Petersburg, “Layout”, 1995, p. 19. The original title of the book by Ayn Rand “The Morality of Individualism” (Morality / morality of indie species-ism). That is, when translated into Russian, the name of the collection, on the one hand, was given a more frank and aggressive character, and on the other hand, part of the meaning turned out to be hidden, since selfishness can be not at all individual, but corporate. The collection was published in the series “Monuments of common sense” (although it is an expression of a way of thinking that gives rise to collective schizophrenia) under the motto “Sapienti sat!” (Enough for the wise!) by the Association of Businessmen of St. Petersburg. And the broadcast of his reading on the city network of St. Petersburg in 1996 led to the fact that several hundred thousand people swallowed it in passing at breakfast: i.e. directly into the deep unconscious psyche, bypassing the conscious comprehension of what was heard.

This was done in primitive times by shamans, and in times of civilization, the hierarchy of initiations into various kinds of mysticism of spiritual practices of occult-political orders.

It is the possibilities of this kind of abuse that are due to the Koranic prohibitions on magic. The biblical bans on magic were once due to the same reason, but in real biblical culture they have changed their role and serve to protect against amateur craftsmen the existing monopoly of legitimate hierarchies to control the collective psyche, which is subject to all other individuals who are not able to control the collective conscious and unconscious.

It is for this reason that all aspirations to the ideals of communism on the basis of atheistic views are futile.

This is one of the reasons why the owners of the “elite” are interested in maintaining the animal mentality as the dominant one in society, and why they are looking for means to ensure the safety of such a way of civilization existence in the conditions of the technosphere, which is not characteristic of the animal world.

For livestock, including the "elite", it is safer to be in their pens, otherwise they will gnaw each other.

Jan. 7th, 2007 | 02:34 p.m.

What is natural selection? The process by which offspring are reproduced by the most adapted individuals to the environment. Adaptation to the environment can also be understood as adaptability to intraspecific competition, including for the possession of sexual partners. That is, a strong and healthy individual is more likely to pass on its genes to future generations than a weak and sick one.

The important thing here is that these traits are uniquely determined by genes. This is the basis of the principle of natural selection external attractiveness (strength, fitness) also testifies to the quality of the genetic material. It cannot be otherwise in the animal world.

Another thing is a person. He, unlike other living beings on our planet, managed to create his own habitat, changing the existing one for himself. This, of course, does not mean that the question of the need for adaptation to this environment of each individual individual has disappeared. Simply by creating an environment, a person has created his own criteria of fitness, which are different from natural ones. More precisely, just one money.

Indeed, let us consider such concepts as "adaptation to the environment", "adaptation to intraspecific competition", "sexual attractiveness" in relation to modern man.

The impact of the environment on a person in civilized countries is minimized every year. Of course, it has not yet been possible to achieve a complete absence of influence, but this influence (natural disasters, outbreaks of epidemics of intractable diseases, etc.) is episodic in nature and cannot be considered a factor that can radically affect our species. In order to bear any fruit, the factor must act in appearance constantly, for a long period of time, which is not observed at the moment.

Now with regard to intraspecific competition. The use of physical force and aggression is maximally limited by moral and legal norms, so physical force does not at all indicate an advantage over other people. And what does it testify? The answer is not long to look for of course, money.

At first glance, it may seem that money does not guarantee sexual attractiveness. True, but sexual attractiveness in the human sense doesn't matter much to natural selection. What matters is not the desire to have sex, but the desire to have children, to pass on the genes. And in order to raise a child, no doubt, money is needed, therefore, it is their presence that increases the likelihood of passing on one's gene further.

And here the main difference between animal selection and human selection is manifested. In animals, as mentioned above, strength and attractiveness are determined by genes and only by them. This means that more “quality” genes will be passed on. In the human world, the possession of money has nothing to do with the genes of the individual. Moreover, money can be obtained in many ways: by intellectual work, by strength, by beauty, by some special talent needed by society, and so on. Thus, money does not express anything. But at the same time, they are the main criterion for the transfer of their genes further.

What kind of natural selection among people can we talk about then? Its supporters often compare modern man with the remains of ancient people or talk about acquired resistance to various diseases. But this is all the influence of the external environment, which is becoming less and less significant and can no longer influence our appearance. And intraspecific competition and sexual selection already have a certain direction, because their criteria are in no way connected with human genes. If a species more adapted to life on Earth appears, then certainly not as a result of natural selection.


Comments (14)

(no subject)

date: Jan. 14th, 2007 03:29 pm (UTC)

The main selection criterion in human society is intelligence, money can play as a factor that determines the advantage of an individual in certain conditions, but it can also play the role of an eliminating factor. In a period of stability, yes, money implies a number of advantages, for posterity, only theoretically, one cannot renounce "from prison and from the bag" ... Money is energy that can both pull up and down, and even destroy it .. .


(no subject)

date: Jan. 15th, 2007 12:35 pm (UTC)

Revolutions and upheavals sometimes happen in society, and then the richest part of the population traditionally suffers, remember after the 1917 revolution how expropriation was carried out?
This was also the case after the French Revolution. After the change of power, there is often a reason to ruin a particularly rich part of the population.
thus, the monetary part of the population runs the risk of being destroyed along with the descendants and genes (eliminated) by both the power-holding and the criminal part of the population.

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(no subject)

date: Jan. 15th, 2007 07:10 pm (UTC)

However, this does not go against what I wrote. Of course, the possession of money does not solve all problems, and cannot guarantee a cloudless life, but it is money that is now the main criterion for competitiveness. Not ideal. But the closest to this of the existing ones.

Intelligence is the main selection criterion in human society.
Intelligence by itself is as useless as (roughly speaking) a screwdriver without screws is useless. Let's say that a tiger can provide itself with everything necessary only by force, directly. And in order for a person to provide himself with intellect, he cannot do without an intermediary, and this intermediary is money. And money is obtained not only by intellectual labor.

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(no subject)

date: Jan. 15th, 2007 07:32 pm (UTC)

Yes, you are certainly right, I just wanted to add that money is an unconditional advantage in the selection process, however, not absolute when transferring this advantage to descendants. How many generations of people can enjoy the benefits of wealth - money? money can contribute to the transfer of genes, but descendants do not always have money and, accordingly, the same advantages, by the way, money without intelligence is not a big advantage either.
As for the strength of the tiger, if it is due to dominant genes, then at least 50% of the tiger’s descendants, or even all 100%, inherit it and pass it on to their descendants.
Money probably plays the role of a selection factor in society, such as the amount of game for a tiger, little game - little power ...
Of course, I simplified a lot of things :))

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(no subject)

date: Jan. 15th, 2007 09:01 pm (UTC)

And the advantage should not be absolute. Enough to be overwhelming.

Money without intelligence? Slippery concept. Do you know many people without intelligence? The intellect is so multidimensional that it is impossible to say: “Here he is with intellect, but he is not.” In any case, I have not heard clear criteria.

And the point is that there is no natural selection now. The main criterion of competitiveness money has nothing to do with genes, and therefore there will be no transfer of any specific genes. Unlike the tiger with its strength.

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(no subject)

date: Jan. 15th, 2007 09:22 pm (UTC)

natural selection in human society is a very deep and controversial topic, it seems to me that it exists, the question is in the selection criteria
artificially determined selection criterion - money, this is a natural criterion for society, society is a population of people, and money is a product of society, everything is natural ...

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(no subject)

date: Jan. 16th, 2007 11:48 am (UTC)

when we talk about conscious selection, we call it "artificial",
money is a product of society, created consciously,
they are the selection criteria
Nevertheless, this selection criterion arose within the human population, and therefore is a natural process, and therefore it does not run counter to the theory of natural selection ...

and in general, there is a lot of interesting things on this topic
I liked Maiskuryan's works in the library, inquire
in addition to unokai , there were interesting thoughts in this direction, look, if you wish, in his journal

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