So that boiled potatoes do not darken. Why do potatoes darken after boiling? Is it possible to eat darkened potatoes

How to boil potatoes?

How to boil potatoes?

The product must be washed and cleaned before cooking. It is better to put potatoes in salty and hot water, and not in cold. So the product will save more vitamins and nutrients. The liquid in which potatoes have been boiled can be used to make vegetarian soups and concoctions. If you cook "in uniform", then the dish will be much healthier. But it should be borne in mind that the glycoside solanine is present on the surface of the tubers and in the peel - this is a poisonous and bitter substance. If the potatoes are sprouted, then they must be thoroughly cleaned. In the event that the product grows in fertilized soils, after cleaning it should be kept in cold water for about half an hour.

Why do potatoes darken?

Probably, every housewife thought about why boiled potatoes turn black. The reason for this is chemical. The tubers contain the amino acid tyrosine, which begins to oxidize and form the pigment melanin. It is he who colors the potatoes in a dark color. On an industrial scale, this problem is solved with the help of sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide), which is used to process the product. This substance has restorative properties. At home, potatoes can be dipped in boiled water and covered with a lid to prevent oxygen from entering.

How to avoid excessive softness of potatoes?

When boiled, the potatoes become soft due to the fact that the polymer molecules of protopectin are destroyed and converted into pectin molecules, which are soluble. At the same time, magnesium and calcium cations are removed from the tubers. If the water is hard, then this process is much slower. Therefore, potatoes must be put into dishes earlier than sour seasonings and foods, otherwise it will remain undercooked and tough. How to determine which potatoes will blacken? In trying to find the answer to the question of why potatoes turn black after cooking, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reason for this phenomenon. Browning after cooking is different from that which forms on the raw product. There is a method that allows you to determine which tubers will turn black. To do this, treat the potatoes with a solution of sodium nitrite, to which diluted hydrochloric acid is added, and then grease with caustic sodium. Within a few minutes, the treated area will begin to turn red.

Are browned potatoes dangerous?

Housewives are interested not only in why potatoes turn black when boiled, but also whether they are dangerous to health. Experts say that such a product can be safely eaten. Gardeners recommend observing the correct proportions of fertilizers. Synthesis can be disrupted if there is a large amount of nitrogen, but little potassium. This will lead to the accumulation of proteins and amino acids. Therefore, it is worth taking care of a sufficient amount of potassium. To avoid browning, you need to keep the potatoes until frost in a dry and cool place. Then the tubers have time to dry and cool. If you immediately place the product in the basement, then physiological changes will occur and the tubers will darken during cooking. In the event that this is not possible for some reason, it is necessary to hold the potatoes for some time in cold water before cooking.

Storage and ventilation

To understand why potatoes turn black after cooking, it will be useful to know the rules for storing them. Darkening can be caused not only by over-compacted soil, but also by insufficient ventilation during storage. This leads to the fact that the potato does not have enough air, and it begins to "suffocate". To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and carefully inspect the vegetables that are there. Do not store food that has begun to rot or is damaged. Temperature and humidity also matter. Perspiration can cause mold to grow rapidly, which absorbs oxygen. All wet tubers should be thoroughly dried. Harvesting and transportation The answer to the question of why potatoes turn black after cooking may be non-compliance with the rules for harvesting and transportation. When collecting potatoes, you can not throw it and allow it to be damaged. When storing, it is very important to ensure that the conditions are always optimal.

How to cook frozen potatoes?

If the product is frozen, it must be thawed in cold water. When an ice crust forms around the potatoes, you need to change it and add a little salt. To make it easier to peel potatoes "in uniform", after cooking, pour cold water over them. Secrets of cooking boiled potatoes Experienced chefs advise adding a little vinegar to the water while cooking potatoes. This will not only prevent browning, but will also ensure that the product does not boil soft. Potatoes "in uniform" will not be boiled if the water is salted a little more than is required for normal cooking. Those varieties of potatoes that are considered floury are often very boiled, so you should add brine from cucumbers or cabbage to the water, and then a little more vinegar. It is better to cook such a product on low heat so that the starch swells evenly. One explanation for why boiled potatoes turn black may be that they are "old". In this case, when cooking, you can add a small amount of milk. If the potatoes will not be cooked immediately after peeling, it is better to keep them in cold water, to which a drop of vinegar has been added. It should be salted at the beginning of cooking, so more vitamins and useful components will be preserved.

Where to keep peeled potatoes?

We have already figured out why potatoes turn black after peeling. This is due to the fact that the compounds contained in the product interact with air, and this, in turn, causes an oxidation process. This can be avoided by soaking the root crops in water with the addition of vinegar.

Potatoes are considered the second bread. Adults and children love her. Therefore, every housewife should know why potatoes sometimes turn black after cooking, how to store them properly so as not to lose their beneficial properties.

Why do potatoes turn black when cooked

Sometimes boiled, stewed and even fried potatoes turn black when cooked. This is usually due to the fact that the product is not fully cooked or chipped dishes made of aluminum or enamel were used in the process.

Some tubers turn dark gray almost immediately, while others stay in the air for a long time and practically do not change color. It's all about growing and storing vegetables.

Potatoes, peeled and darkened during cooking, look unappetizing and lose their taste properties. It is not dangerous to health, but it will not bring much benefit either.

Causes of browning potatoes after cooking

The darkening of the root crop is not a reason to exclude it from your diet. The reasons why peeled potatoes deteriorate are easily eliminated. The main thing is to find out why the product sometimes darkens. Factors contributing to this phenomenon include:

  1. Violation of product storage rules. Dark spots appear on potatoes that were kept in a warm room with high humidity.
  2. Changes in the composition of nutrients, namely insufficient levels of potassium. This element affects the production of citric acid, which prevents the formation of stains.
  3. Weak saturation of the soil with oxygen. This phenomenon is characteristic of clay soils in humid climates and explains why potatoes darken after being boiled. Oxygen is especially important during the period of active tuber formation.
  4. Application of fertilizers. The dependence of browning of potatoes and excess of nitrates was revealed. The introduction of manure does not affect the color of the tubers.
  5. Wrong transport. Rough handling during digging and transportation of potatoes causes damage, in place of which blackness appears.

There are certain varieties that contain a lot of starch. They are most susceptible to darkening after processing.

How to prevent browning of potatoes after cooking

There are simple rules that help prevent the vegetable from turning brown after cooking:

  1. Before boiling, peeled potatoes are placed in cold water. To reduce the level of starch in it, leave the vegetables in the liquid for an hour. The maximum shelf life of peeled raw potatoes at room temperature is 3-4 hours.
  2. Vegetables should be completely covered with water while boiling.
  3. It is important to clean the potatoes well from dirt in order to wash off all fertilizers and soil.
  4. To prevent blackening, add bay leaf, a little citric acid or a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of liquid to the water.
  5. You need to throw the root crops into the pan when the liquid boils or is already approaching it. Water must be salted in advance.

If the potato is covered with dark spots, first of all, pay attention to the composition of the soil, the rules for growing and storing vegetables. To solve the problem, the following actions are taken:

  1. For sandy soil, potassium is fertilized as the tubers grow.
  2. The storage room is well ventilated, and the vegetable is thoroughly dried before being sent to the basement.
  3. Potatoes are periodically sorted out to throw out rotten and moldy specimens.
  4. For long-term storage, choose varieties of medium and late ripening.

Thus, there will always be delicious potatoes on the table without dark spots.

Ways to store peeled potatoes

Sometimes housewives have to put aside peeled potatoes for a while until the next cooking. So that it does not darken and retains its taste, you should follow some rules:

  1. Storing peeled potatoes in the refrigerator involves using a chamber with a temperature of 0 to 6 degrees. If you know how to properly store a vegetable the next day, you can use peeled potatoes even after a day. It is completely placed in water in advance and covered with a lid, and washed well before cooking.
  2. Sulphated potatoes, packed in a container, are stored for 24 hours at a temperature of 15 degrees. It is thoroughly washed before brewing to get rid of the chemicals with which it is coated.
  3. Like other vegetables, peeled potatoes are stored in a plastic container, covered with a damp, clean cloth. In this form, leave the potatoes for a maximum of 12 hours.

If 24 hours after storing the vegetable in the refrigerator, it is not useful, it is left for another day and the water must be changed.

How to freeze raw potatoes

For freezing, peeled, even potatoes without eyes and with the least amount of starch are suitable. Pink-skinned varieties keep especially well. The temperature in the freezer should be above 18 degrees.

In the case of sulfitation of potatoes, it is stored in a freezer for 2 days at a temperature of 2-6 degrees. There are several ways to freeze raw potatoes:

  1. Whole. Small tubers are washed and blanched for 5 minutes. After that, the potatoes are cooled in cold water and placed in vacuum bags. Large potatoes are cut into medium pieces and frozen in a similar way.
  2. in pieces. Peeled tubers are cut into bars, washed and dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then they are cooled in cool water and laid out on a dry towel to dry. Pieces of potatoes are laid out in bags and tied so that there is no air left in them.

To avoid sticking potatoes together, the product is frozen in several stages. It is laid out in one layer on a tray and kept in a chamber until frozen, and then packaged in bags.

Before cooking, potatoes are not thawed, but immediately used for cooking. The result largely depends on the power of the freezer, the variety of tubers and the literacy of the actions of the hostess. If you do everything according to the instructions, then the vegetable will hardly change the taste, structure and color. It is advised to freeze a small batch of potatoes to see how they behave after such storage.

General rules for peeled potatoes

  1. Do not cut the potatoes too small, as it will lose its beneficial properties.
  2. After cleaning, each of the tubers is washed and placed in water so that dark spots do not appear on them.
  3. If gas bubbles appear in the water, the potatoes have gone bad.
  4. Before freezing, the potatoes are blanched so that they do not darken after peeling.
  5. When laying a vegetable for storage, the neighborhood with other products is taken into account. Close proximity to smoked fish causes a spoiled dish, because the potatoes are saturated with smell. It is also not recommended to store meat next to the vegetable.

Thus, root crops are stored until morning in the refrigerator, filling with water. They are frozen for several days. Potatoes are left whole or cut, depending on which dish they will use. The procurement procedure, although it takes some time, but it allows you to save it in the future.

Potatoes have long occupied a leading position on the everyday and festive table. It is served as an independent dish and used as an ingredient. In order for the side dish to look appetizing, you need to know why the potatoes turn black after cooking and what needs to be done to avoid this.

How to boil potatoes?

The product must be washed and cleaned before cooking. It is better to put potatoes in salty and hot water, and not in cold. So the product will save more vitamins and nutrients. The liquid in which potatoes have been boiled can be used to make vegetarian soups and concoctions.

If you cook "in uniform", then the dish will be much healthier. But it should be borne in mind that the glycoside solanine is present on the surface of the tubers and in the peel - this is a poisonous and bitter substance. If the potatoes are sprouted, then they must be thoroughly cleaned. In the event that the product grows in fertilized soils, after cleaning it should be kept in cold water for about half an hour.

Why do potatoes darken?

Probably, every housewife thought about why it turns black. The reason for this is chemical. The tubers contain the amino acid tyrosine, which begins to oxidize and form the pigment melanin. It is he who colors the potatoes in a dark color.

On an industrial scale, this problem is solved with the help of sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide), which is used to process the product. This substance has restorative properties. At home, potatoes can be dipped in boiled water and covered with a lid to prevent oxygen from entering.

How to avoid excessive softness of potatoes?

When boiled, the potatoes become soft due to the fact that the polymer molecules of protopectin are destroyed and converted into pectin molecules, which are soluble. At the same time, magnesium and calcium cations are removed from the tubers. If so, the process is much slower. Therefore, potatoes must be put into dishes earlier than sour seasonings and foods, otherwise it will remain undercooked and tough.

How to determine which potatoes will blacken?

In trying to find the answer to the question of why potatoes turn black after cooking, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reason for this phenomenon. Browning after cooking is different from that which forms on the raw product. There is a method that allows you to determine which tubers will turn black. To do this, treat the potatoes with a solution of sodium nitrite, to which diluted hydrochloric acid is added, and then grease with caustic sodium. Within a few minutes, the treated area will begin to turn red.

Are browned potatoes dangerous?

Housewives are interested not only in why potatoes turn black when boiled, but also whether they are dangerous to health. Experts say that such a product can be safely eaten.

Gardeners recommend observing the correct proportions of fertilizers. Synthesis can be disrupted if there is a large amount of nitrogen, but little potassium. This will lead to the accumulation of proteins and amino acids. Therefore, it is worth taking care of a sufficient amount of potassium.

To avoid browning, you need to keep the potatoes until frost in a dry and cool place. Then the tubers have time to dry and cool. If you immediately place the product in the basement, then physiological changes will occur and the tubers will darken during cooking. In the event that this is not possible for some reason, it is necessary to hold the potatoes for some time in cold water before cooking.

Storage and ventilation

To understand why potatoes turn black after cooking, it will be useful to know the rules for storing them. Darkening can be caused not only by over-compacted soil, but also by insufficient ventilation during storage. This leads to the fact that the potato does not have enough air, and it begins to "suffocate". To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and carefully inspect the vegetables that are there. Do not store food that has begun to rot or is damaged.

Temperature and humidity also matter. Perspiration can cause mold to grow rapidly, which absorbs oxygen. All wet tubers should be thoroughly dried.

Harvesting and transportation

The answer to the question of why potatoes turn black after cooking may be non-compliance with the rules for harvesting and transportation. When collecting potatoes, you can not throw it and allow it to be damaged. When storing, it is very important to ensure that the conditions are always optimal.

How to cook frozen potatoes?

If the product is frozen, it must be thawed in cold water. When an ice crust forms around the potatoes, you need to change it and add a little salt.

To make it easier to peel potatoes "in uniform", after cooking, pour cold water over them.

The secrets of cooking boiled potatoes

Experienced chefs advise adding a little vinegar to the water while cooking potatoes. This will not only prevent browning, but will also ensure that the product does not boil soft.

Potatoes "in uniform" will not be boiled if the water is salted a little more than is required for normal cooking.

Those that are considered floury are often very boiled, so you should add brine from cucumbers or cabbage to the water, and then a little more vinegar. It is better to cook such a product on low heat so that the starch swells evenly.

One explanation for why boiled potatoes turn black may be that they are "old". In this case, when cooking, you can add a small amount of milk.

If the potatoes will not be cooked immediately after peeling, it is better to keep them in cold water, to which a drop of vinegar has been added. It should be salted at the beginning of cooking, so more vitamins and useful components will be preserved.

Where to keep peeled potatoes?

We have already figured out why potatoes turn black after peeling. This is due to the fact that the compounds contained in the product interact with air, and this, in turn, causes an oxidation process. This can be avoided by soaking the root crops in water with the addition of vinegar.

Potatoes are one of the most important agricultural crops, for the cultivation of which gardeners spend a lot of time and effort. What a disappointment the summer resident experiences when he finds dark spots inside.

There are many reasons for the appearance of blackened pulp inside the potato, and all of them can have a different nature of origin. These include:

  • the presence of polyphenols and polysaccharides in the vegetable;
  • lack of potassium;
  • an excess of phosphorus;
  • viral, bacterial and fungal diseases;
  • non-compliance with storage conditions.

All these factors can influence the appearance of dark flesh. But in order to understand in detail the reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to consider the type of darkening and at what point it was noticed.

After cooking

If, before heat treatment, potato tubers had a normal appearance, and after cooking, the vegetable acquires a uniform bluish or dark tint, there may be several reasons:

  • potato variety contains a large amount of dry matter, in particular starch. They are actively used for making chips: "Red Scarlett", "Rozara", "Lady Claire", "Hope", etc.;
  • when growing potatoes, the soil was poor in potassium or, conversely, there was an excess of phosphate fertilizers.

In addition to starch, which is a polysaccharide, potatoes contain polyphenols. When interacting with oxygen or under the influence of high temperatures, these substances react, which is also an answer to why boiled potatoes turn black.

The same reaction is observed if the potato was grown on soil with a lack of potassium or the manufacturer overdoes it with the addition of phosphorus fertilizers.

With an overabundance or lack of trace elements, the amino acid balance of the plant changes, which as a result leads to the fact that, due to the ongoing chemical reactions, the potatoes turn black when cooked.


There are also many reasons for the appearance of dark spots during storage of the crop, but all of them can be divided into 3 main groups. The main reasons why potatoes turn black inside during storage include:

  • violation of harvesting technology;
  • non-compliance with storage conditions;
  • the presence of diseases.

To violations of harvesting technology can be attributed as too early collection, and too late. With early harvesting, young tubers do not have time to form a thick peel, which protects potatoes from bacteria and pests. Moreover, substances responsible for protective functions do not have time to accumulate in the tubers. All this leads to infection of tubers with various diseases and their blackening.

Harvesting late after a frost results in "frostbite" on vegetables. As a protective reaction, polysaccharides begin to decompose in the tubers, which softens the pulp and leads to blackening - oxidation. The same effect is observed when violation of storage conditions. Potatoes become soft and blacken in case of:

  • if the temperature was below +2 and above +5°C;
  • air humidity in the vegetable store over 80%;
  • There was no ventilation in the cellar.

Another reason why tubers turn black is bookmark in the storage of damaged vegetables. At first glance, potatoes may be intact, but in the process of laying or transporting, tubers often hit each other hard. As a result, potatoes get microtrauma, polysaccharides react and the tubers darken.

Another common reason potatoes turn black inside is the presence of diseases. The spots inside can have a different look, by which you can determine it:

  • black leg - a hollow, black-brown notch is visible on the cut of the tuber. Sometimes you might think that this is the activity of some kind of pest, but in fact it is a bacterial disease that is difficult to treat;
  • late blight is a fungal disease. The tubers have a black uneven color.

Many signs of the presence of a disease in a culture can be seen even at the vegetation stage: weak tops, brown spots on the leaves, black rot near the roots. Such products will not last until spring, so it makes no sense to lay them in the cellar.

After cleaning

Color change after cleaning it's a natural phenomenon. It's all about the same polyphenols contained in potatoes. Under normal conditions, substances practically do not interact with each other and oxygen, but everything changes with mechanical damage.

During the cleansing process, intercellular membranes that separate substances are destroyed and, as a result, a chemical reaction begins. The same processes occur during heat treatment. It is for this reason that it is recommended to immerse the potatoes after cleaning in cold water - this allows you to stop the oxidation reaction.

What to do so that the potatoes do not turn black

To avoid blackening of tubers, you can use various folk and agrotechnical methods.

When cooking

So that boiled potatoes do not acquire a dark color, you can turn to folk tricks. During cooking, add to the water:

  • a small pinch of citric acid;
  • a couple of drops of vinegar;
  • Bay leaf.

These components will help stop the oxidation reaction of polysaccharides. Soaking the cleaned product in cold water for an hour before boiling or frying also helps.

If the product is used to prepare potato salads, then after boiling and cooling, it is also recommended to place the tubers in water with the addition of citric acid for several minutes. So boiled potatoes will retain an appetizing appearance.


So that the tubers do not begin to darken in the cellar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • store only whole, healthy, well-dried material;
  • observe the temperature regime - the optimum temperature for the preservation of the vegetable is from +2 to +5 ° C;
  • regularly ventilate the storage;
  • prevent damage to the crop by pests: mice, slugs, etc.

You can store the product already cleaned. There are several recommendations here. The most common option is in a pot of water in the refrigerator. So potatoes can be safely stored for no more than a day and cook different dishes from it.

The tubers can also be chopped, bagged and stored in the freezer for several weeks or until first thawed.

After cutting, the product should be placed in the freezer immediately so that it does not have time to turn black in the air.

Can it be eaten

If the potato has turned black, this does not mean that it has become less useful and cannot be boiled. Often this is a natural process or minor disturbances during transportation or storage. These reasons do not carry any harm to the human body.

However, if the potato has darkened as a result of the development of a bacterial or fungal disease, it is better to refuse the product. In the course of their vital activity, microorganisms emit toxins that are not destroyed even after heat treatment.

For some reason, many are sure that potatoes darken during cooking due to the use of a large amount of chemical fertilizers during cultivation. But it can also happen under the influence of other factors:

  1. When growing potatoes, there was not enough potassium.
  2. During feeding, chlorine-containing substances were used.
  3. The tubers are not frozen, but have been stored below freezing.
  4. The crop was not thoroughly dried.
  5. Storage was carried out in a musty room with insufficient oxygen.
  6. The variety used has a high starch content.
  7. Sprouted potatoes were cooked directly with "eyes".

On a note!

Potatoes that have darkened during cooking can be eaten. They are not dangerous, they just look unsightly.

How to prevent

Let, potatoes with black spots are not dangerous to health, but somehow they don’t really cause appetite. And she doesn't have much taste either. It is not always possible to avoid an unpleasant situation, but some measures will not hurt to take.

Owners of private houses always try to buy potatoes in reserve. But the residents of the apartment, at least for the coldest months, will not be out of place to take care of this. Yes, buying good tubers in winter is not a problem, but by the time you bring them home, they can freeze, which means there is a chance that they will turn black during cooking or frying.

Be sure to wash potatoes before peeling. Even if the root vegetables are visually clean, there is a risk that the sellers have treated them with chemicals for longer storage. After removing the skin, you need to not just rinse the potatoes under the tap, but soak them for 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, upon contact with air, a chemical reaction will occur and the potatoes will darken.

If the variety has a high starch content, it should be soaked after cleaning not just in water, but in water with the addition of a couple of pinches of citric acid or a few tablets of ascorbic acid (the first option is still better).

It is necessary to put root crops in water only if it already boils well. It is recommended to pre-salt it.

Add a couple of leaves of parsley to the water when boiling potatoes. This will help avoid darkening. If you decide to fry the vegetable, then the seasoning must be put in the water in which it is soaked after cleaning.

A blackened potato is a chagrin for any housewife. But, now you know how to avoid this unpleasant situation. Use our tips and enjoy cooking!

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