How to water the anthurium so that it begins to grow. Anthurium - home care. Leaves to be large

Anthurium was brought to Europe from South America. After the discovery by the English colonists, an indoor variety of the plant was bred. It is distinguished by the bright colors of leaves resembling plastic, and a small height: from 40 to 90 cm.

With proper care, anthurium can bloom all year round. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a high level of humidity and lighting, as well as periodically fertilize the soil.

Types of fertilizers

Most universal mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for anthurium. With mineral additives, you need to be careful: the plant is sensitive to chemicals. You can add the necessary nutrients to the soil by preparing fertilizer from available materials at home. Experienced florists recommend using as a top dressing:

Mineral fertilizers

Suitable for tropical plants Uniflor Buton. Strengthening flowering, it is recommended for summer varieties and short-term bait year-round. Accelerates the appearance of buds, but is dangerous with prolonged use.

Azalea- the classical nitrogen fertilizer recommended at the initial stage of development. If the plant has withered after planting, the azalea will help the anthurium adapt to the new conditions.

Kemira Lux. General mineral complex. It is added all year round, but in small quantities.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

For frequent bait with mineral compounds, florists spray fertilizer on the leaves of the flower, without introducing excess into the soil. This method allows you to safely test the new composition on the plant.



An inexpensive but effective fertilizer for anthurium is a mixture of soil substrate with organic matter. Suitable humus and top dressing from animal droppings. Such a composition is unsuitable for field fertilization, but allows you to make a large concentration of nutrients in a short time.


The supply of minerals needed by anthurium is found in culinary yeast, onion peel, and the peel of citrus plants. To prepare the fertilizer, you need to insist any of the ingredients in warm water for a day, add sugar, dilute the thick mixture with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 and pour under the root.

Wood ash contains large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. One teaspoon is dissolved in a liter of water and watered every two weeks under the root.

The frequency of top dressing

For regular flowering, anthurium must be fertilized every 2-3 weeks. Among domestic varieties, summer and year-round varieties are distinguished: the first bloom from May to September, the second - all year round. Summer anthurium begin to fertilize 2 months before flowering and maintain the required concentration of nutrients until the end of summer. Year-round varieties fertilize every 3 weeks in the autumn-winter period and increase the frequency of top dressing in the spring.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

Graduated from KubGAU specialty: agronomy

If in doubt, it is better to reduce the concentration and look at the condition of the flower after a couple of weeks. During the period of wilting or illness, fertilizer should be discontinued.

If you need to feed a weak plant, you need to prepare it: remove all dry inflorescences, loosen the soil and water it abundantly, then leave it in a warm, brightly lit room for a couple of days.


To care for a flower, it is not necessary to buy expensive fertilizers. It is important to understand what nutrients anthurium lacks and how to properly introduce them into the soil. The increased sensitivity of the flower to chemicals does not exclude synthetic fertilizers. In this case, half of the recommended dose of the composition or less is added.

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For many years I have not been threatened with autumn depression!
Indeed, with wonderful indoor flowers, there is always a spring mood in the house - regardless of the season and weather.

Two years ago my family improved living conditions. Therefore, our ability to breed domestic plants has increased.

I have a tradition: before the onset of autumn, I buy some new houseplant. So last year, before leaving my summer vacation, I purchased my first anthurium.
This specimen had bright bracts of the most common color, red. But for me, the anthurium was so unusual!

Anthurium bloom

The name "anthurium" in translation into Russian means "flower tail". It is given to the plant for the original structure of the flower cob and bracts. Therefore, anthurium is often called "flower and tail."

Dreaming of prolonging the beautiful flowering of my novice "Tropican", I stocked up on patience and began to collect information about the types of anthurium and how to keep them.
Thanks to the knowledge gained and the caring care of the anthurium, I succeeded.
I managed not only to painlessly introduce the purchased anthurium into the circle of my old-timers, but also to ensure its continuous flowering, which has been going on for more than a year!

Inspired by my successes with the first anthurium, this summer (2011) I acquired a second anthurium - a wonderful "flamingo flower" with pale pink bracts.
This pink newcomer also pleases me with continuous flowering 🙂

Interestingly, when the flowers of my anthuriums fade, the color of their bedspread changes. In a red specimen, the veil turns green, and in a pink anthurium, it becomes almost white.

Anthuriums in natural conditions develop under the shade of tropical thickets. Therefore, many flower growers rightly classify anthurium as shade-tolerant plants, placing it in the back of the room.
However, for good growth and continuous flowering, it is important to give your pet the opportunity to receive adequate lighting.

I settled my blooming new settlers on the southeast window. Thanks to this location, anthuriums can bask in the gentle rays of the morning sun. And during the day, the plants also have enough light.

Anthurium planting

After adapting the new plant to apartment conditions, care must be taken to plant the anthurium in a new substrate and a suitable pot.

The grower's choice is the method of planting the purchased anthurium: transshipment or transplantation.
If the store land does not cause concern in terms of composition and nutritional value, and all the roots of the plant are healthy (which, unfortunately, is not always the case), then you can simply transfer the anthurium into a new pot, adding fresh earth to it.
It is still more prudent to conduct a thorough examination of the roots of a beginner. At the same time, remove damaged and diseased roots, lubricate the cuts with brilliant green or sprinkle with crushed charcoal. Processing by "Kornevin" will not be superfluous.

Successful Anthurium cultivation requires a light fertile substrate that will provide not only nutrition, but also oxygen access to its sensitive roots.
Ready-made universal soil for anthurium can be purchased at the store.
Or make a substrate suitable for anthurium yourself (from leafy or soddy soil, moss or peat, charcoal and coconut fiber).
In order to increase the permeability and friability of the soil, which is very desirable for the roots of anthurium, I add a special substrate for growing orchids or bromeliads.

When choosing a new pot, it is worth considering whether you want to keep the anthurium flowering or achieve an increase in children. In the first case, a new pot is taken equal to the previous one or slightly larger than it. For the growth of children, you can take a larger container. However, do not forget that too much "empty" land can lead to its sourness.
I chose a shallow, but wide landing capacity for my anthuriums - after all, these plants, under favorable conditions, quickly grow young shoots. But the width of the new pot should not be much larger than the previous one, otherwise the anthurium will stop blooming.

Drainage holes in the pot and the arrangement of good drainage in it (by a third of the volume), ensuring the drainage of excess water, are essential for the good growth of a healthy anthurium.

Watering and spraying anthurium

Anthurium does not like waterlogging of the soil - then its roots easily rot. Therefore, too diligent watering of anthurium should be abandoned, adhering to the rule: "it is better to underfill than overfill."
I water my anthuriums when the soil in the pots is completely dry.

As a true tropical inhabitant, anthurium needs high humidity. Anthurium roots are located superficially, so it is much more useful to give preference to daily spraying and a warm shower. Carry out these procedures to the best of your ability and time, but at least once a week.
It is especially important to maintain high humidity when young leaves appear in anthuriums.

In addition, native tropical conditions for a pet can be recreated by placing a pot of anthurium on wet expanded clay. Anthurium stem can be wrapped in wet moss.

I do not cover the aerial roots of my anthuriums with moss, as flower growers often do. But I regularly take the time to spray them. Sometimes my son will also work for me with a spray gun for the benefit of indoor plants, when he is in the mood to tinker with flowers.

Anthurium fertilizer

Many amateur flower growers do not use fertilizers when growing anthuriums. This is acceptable if the Tropican grows in a nutrient substrate and receives enough light and moisture.

The choice is yours, but the golden rule with watering also applies here: “It is better not to fertilize than to feed.”
When using purchased fertilizer, it should be remembered that half the dose indicated on the package is enough for feeding anthurium.

I feed the developing anthuriums in the warm period of the year twice a month. I use fertilizer for flowering plants.
In the cold period, I feed my anthuriums once a month, using humate (in half the dose of the concentration indicated in the instructions).

Anthurium pests

Anthurium is susceptible to attack by scale insects, aphids and spider mites.
At the first detection of insect pests and before buying special preparations, you can use garlic and laundry soap.
Cut slices of peeled garlic should be put on the ground, and anthurium leaves should be treated with a concentrated soap solution.

Professionally, Aktara (1 g per 10 liters of water) will help anthurium from scale insects, and Spark from ticks (1 tablet per 10 liters of water).

In case of anthurium disease with gray rot and anthracnose (leaf spot), it is recommended to treat the plant with Hom (40 g per 10 l of water).

This is how my handsome anthuriums grow in care and attention, delighting me with long continuous flowering!

How to propagate anthurium seeds?

I read that anthuriums can reproduce by seeds.
However, no matter how I waited, I did not see the seeds of the faded flowers of my anthuriums. The flowers simply dry out over time, but they did not have seeds.

Maybe one of the flower growers will tell you: how to get seeds from plants and grow anthurium seedlings?

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fertilizer for anthurium

Under natural conditions, each plant participates in the cycle of substances in nature. Earthworms, fungi, bacteria and insects living in the soil decompose dead organisms into their constituent elements. Houseplants are excluded from this cycle of substances, so they have to be content with only the amount of minerals that we provide them. Already 2-3 months after transplantation, the earth mixture becomes poorer, therefore absolutely all plants need top dressing.

Granular top dressing is designed for almost the entire season. In the spring they are mixed with a spoon with the top layer of the earth. Or they are scattered on the surface of the earth and shallowly covered with a fork. Long-lasting fertilizers are produced in granules and powders, which can provide the plant with food for several months. But they do not immediately get to the roots, and they cannot be removed from the ground before the dormant period.

Thanks to the streamlined shape, this fertilizer is easy to dig into the substrate. Its action lasts for about 2 weeks.

Fertilizers of fast and very short action. Therefore, starting from April-May, they are added to the water for irrigation every week. Pay attention to the dosage indicated on the package.

The validity of these fertilizers is several months. When the nutrients contained in them are used up, empty shell-balls will remain in the substrate, which can not be removed.

Fine, long-acting fertilizer pressed into long narrow cylinders. So that the cylinders do not break and, if possible, reach deep layers of soil in the container, holes are made with a stick before they are buried in the ground.



organic fertilizers improve the physical properties of the soil, increase its ability to absorb moisture, reduce the acidity of the soil, improve its aeration.

Humus (rotted manure) - valuable nitrogen fertilizer . Mullein infusion is used as a fertilizer watering (1 part of manure to 10 parts of water). Manure top dressing does not contain enough phosphorus, so superphosphate can be added to it at the rate of 12-15 g per top dressing bucket.

Feeding with bird droppings is even more effective than feeding with mullein. In terms of nutritional value, bird droppings are superior to mullein and, moreover, do not have such a strong smell. Before use, bird droppings are diluted with water to a slightly cloudy greenish hue. However, a solution of high concentration can destroy the plant, so only an experienced grower can use bird droppings.


holes in the leaves of anthurium andre

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convenience for anthurium.

is it possible to use palm fertilizer (fertilizing palm trees, yucca, ficuses, dracaena) to fertilize anthurium, they said it is possible in the store, but I am overcome by doubts.

I'm lazy Sage (16435) 4 years ago

It depends on what kind of fertilizer, if it is “Ideal” or “Garden of Miracles”, “Rainbow” - then it seems to me: what for flowers, what for deciduous - one hell, like they poured from one barrel ((
I use cheap fertilizer for unpretentious plants, but sometimes I water anthuriums, but I make the concentration for them 2 times less than for other deciduous plants, you can also use palm fertilizer. I also have a diluted fertilizer for orchids (for example, Bona Forte) that's how I water them too, they seem to feel good and bloom. I feed all year round: in summer 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter 1 time per month, provided that there are signs of plant growth

Yulka Genius (62960) 4 years ago

Something better for bloomers.
Fertilizer for non-flowering plants stimulates the development of leaves and stems, while fertilizer for flowering plants helps the complex flowering process.

Grand Biovisor Enlightened (46585) 4 years ago

Palm trees do NOT need what Bulbous. and vice versa.
The onion is more like a stem-leaf succulent, in theory.

There are special fertilizers for tulips - well, it is probably standard for bulbs.
In addition, they are all very sensitive to an excess of mineral salts - it is dangerous to fertilize with the wrong thing.
I would fertilize with standard Kemira at half concentration.

From March to September, top dressing once every two weeks. Fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants (Kemira-lux, Uniflor-buton, Rainbow). the dose of fertilizers should be taken two times less than the recommended one. You can also use an orchid fertilizer (for example, Bona forte, at the recommended dose).

Anthuriums are fed in the spring-summer period 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Since anthuriums are sensitive to an excess of mineral salts and lime, fertilizers are applied in a dilute concentration.

Natasha Arkhipova Master (2244) 4 years ago


Aroid family. The homeland of Anthurium is the tropics of the American continent. In nature, these are about 800 species of semi-epiphytic or epiphytic plants.

Anthurium Andre Anthurium Andreanum is a large plant up to 70-90 cm high, the stem is slightly shortened, the petioles of the leaves are long, located close to each other. Leaves are heart-shaped, green, about 35-40 cm long and 20 cm wide.

Anthurium flower stalks long, rise above the bush at the leaves. The inflorescence of this plant has a dense leathery coverlet, wide heart-shaped, with a slightly bumpy surface, it is almost round in outline, about 2 cm long and 15-20 wide.

The color of the anthurium bedspread is from white, pink to dark red, often mixed colors. The ear of the flower is 10-15 cm long, slightly bent, yellow or white.

Anthurium - has a shortened ground or underground stem. The leaves of the plant are green, on long, oblong petioles, pointed at the end, about 15-20 cm long and 5-7 cm wide.

The peduncle of the plant is twice as long as the petioles of the leaves. The veil of the anthurium inflorescence is ovoid, about 10-15 cm long and 5-7 cm wide.

Their colors are varied, from white, orange and red, to variations with a variety of color splashes. The ear of the flower is up to 10 cm long, yellow, reddish or orange, slightly twisted into a spiral shape.

Species and varieties

Only one species - Anthurium is grown as decorative leafy houseplants (inflorescences are less decorative than other types of anthuriums). It has a short underground stem.

The leaves are located on long petioles, heart-shaped, about 30-40 cm long and 20-30 cm wide. The surface of the leaf is velvety, from dark green to almost purple, with light veins that have a silvery or crystal sheen. The peduncle anthurium is not much longer than the length of the petioles of the leaves of the plant.

The spathe of the inflorescence is about 8-10 cm long, the cob is long, about 2 cm, purple.

How to feed anthurium at home?

Anthurium is one of the most beautiful indoor flowering plants native to Central and South America. In the people it is called "flamingo flower" or "male happiness".

Anthurium (Anthurium)

Anthurium has very beautiful plastic flowers of various shades, inside of which there is an inflorescence-cob of yellowish, reddish or greenish color. Leaves are heart-shaped, spatulate or rounded. In some species they are dissected. The surface of the leaves is matte or glossy. Depending on the species, the height of the plant ranges from 40 to 90 cm.

With proper care, anthurium blooms all year round. To do this, he needs to create conditions that are as close as possible to the natural habitat. Anthurium should receive a sufficient amount of light, so in the warm season, in the morning, it is recommended to put it out of the window. In addition, the flower needs regular watering and fertilizer. The last event is especially important for year-round flowering.

Signs of malnutrition

The lack of one or another trace element can be determined by the appearance of the plant. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become small and acquire a yellowish color. Some of them shrink and fall off. The buds develop poorly, and the roots and shoots stop growing. Anthurium begins to bloom periodically, and the flowers become small and dull in appearance. The structure of the stems also changes. They harden and thin out.

With a lack of phosphorus, growth and development slows down. The leaves are curled, reddish-purple or brownish-purple spots appear on their surface. With an acute deficiency of phosphorus, the anthurium may stop blooming.

Potassium deficiency is manifested by the formation of brown spots on the leaves. At the same time, their central part and the area on the sides of the veins remain green. A sharp deficiency of potassium is manifested by the death of some leaves, followed by their fall. Anthurium immunity also suffers. The plant does not resist fungal diseases well and is often affected by pests.

Calcium is needed for root growth. Its insufficient intake leads to a slowdown in plant growth. In addition, parts of the leaves near the base are discolored. Over time, they curl up. Brown spots may appear on young leaves.

Magnesium deficiency is manifested by blanching of the leaves and twisting of their edges. The roots do not develop well and the plant looks weak and emaciated.

With a lack of iron and copper, the leaves turn pale, become almost white. Young leaves are the first to suffer.

Zinc deficiency leads to a decrease in leaf size and the appearance of light spots between the veins. The root system of anthurium also suffers. Roots develop poorly, and new roots do not form at all.

With a lack of manganese, photosynthesis is disturbed, as a result of which yellowish and whitish spots appear on the leaves. The plant stops growing and flowering.

Timing and frequency of application

Anthurium needs to be fed throughout the year. In the spring-summer period, as well as at the beginning of autumn, fertilizers must be applied every 2 weeks.

In winter, the anthurium is at rest, but it needs to be fertilized at this time as well. In the second half of autumn and winter, the plant should be fed no more than once a month.

Attention! It is especially important to observe the timing of fertilization for young plants. In the first six months, the anthurium should be fertilized every 2 weeks, regardless of the season.

Fertilizers should only be applied when the plant is completely healthy. If there are pests, you must first get rid of them and only then carry out top dressing.

Fertilizers and top dressings

Mineral and organic fertilizers are used for top dressing. Also for these purposes, you can use universal formulations containing both types of fertilizers. Their disadvantage is the high price. Therefore, each owner must independently determine which fertilizer is best for his plant.

Organic fertilizers used for top dressing include:

  • Mullein. It contains a complex of minerals, so it is suitable for top dressing at any time of the year. Anthurium should be fed with a solution of mullein. To prepare it, you need 1 tablespoon of fertilizer and 0.5-1 liter of water.
  • Bird droppings. Fertilizer must be applied in dissolved form. For one top dressing, you need 1 teaspoon of bird droppings, diluted in 1 liter of water.
  • Humus. It is used only during transplantation, which is carried out every 2 years. To do this, humus should be mixed with soil in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • Of the mineral fertilizers for feeding anthurium, the following are most often used:

  • "Uniflor Buton". The composition is dominated by potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizer stimulates the process of bud formation and flowering.
  • "Azalea". It contains a lot of nitrogen, therefore it is especially useful during the period of active growth of anthurium.
  • Kemira Lux. Mineral complex for year-round use.
  • All mineral fertilizers must be applied in the quantities specified in the instructions for use. For feeding young plants, half the dose should be used.

    Fertilizer at home

    The "home" fertilizers used to feed anthurium include:

    • Dry yeast solution. Contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Does the preparation of the solution involve dissolution? a teaspoon of dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar in 5 liters of warm water. The mixture should be left for 1 day, then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and water the anthurium under the root.
    • Drinking coffee and brewing tea. It is applied under the root no more than 2 times a month.
    • Infusion of citrus fruits. The peel of the fruit should be crushed, poured with water and left for several days, after which it should be used to water the plants.
    • Solution of natural ash. To prepare it, you need 1 tablespoon of ash and 1 liter of water. Plants should be watered twice a month.
    • Decoction of onion peel. The recipe involves pouring 50 g of husks with 2 cups of hot water. Then the mixture should be boiled for 10-15 minutes, then let it brew for 3-4 hours. The resulting broth should be filtered and used to water the anthurium.
    • Conclusion

      Anthurium feeding is an important care measure that ensures its proper growth and development. Compliance with the elementary rules of fertilization will help to achieve continuous flowering of the plant throughout the year.

      Anthurium - growing features

      Anthurium cannot be called a very capricious plant, but just like Tradescantia grass, it will not grow and bloom. It needs a special approach - special soil, moderate watering, good lighting.

      What to plant anthurium

      One of the most important conditions for the successful cultivation of anthuriums is the correct choice of substrate. It should hold the plant well, retain moisture and nutrients, dry easily and allow air to pass through. At the same time, it should not quickly decompose, cake and compact.

      Soil for anthurium:

      1. Mix acidic soil like Azalea with peat, expanded clay, sphagnum, pine bark. The finished substrate must be loose, breathable, airy, and at the same time moisture-intensive. In such a substrate, anthurium feels great.
      If there is none, then the substrate is "begonia" + sphagnum + perlite. You can also add charcoal to this.

      2. Most guidelines recommend growing anthuriums in a substrate composed of 1 part coarse soddy soil, 1 part coarse sand and 2-3 parts leaf humus with the addition of pieces of charcoal. However, such a substrate is far from optimal and requires annual replacement.

      A good substrate is pine bark with a piece size of 2 to 5 cm, but it is applicable mainly in greenhouse culture, subject to regular top dressing. The best results are obtained by a substrate composed of 2 parts pumice (pieces 1 to 3 cm in size), 2 parts pine bark (pieces 2 to 5 cm in size), 1 part coarse fibrous peat and 1 part rotted horse manure. Such a substrate is well aerated, sufficiently moisture-absorbing and retains nutrients well. For young plants, smaller fractions of its components are used. Good results can also be obtained when using a substrate composed of equal parts of large expanded clay (2-3 cm in diameter), coarse peat and pine bark (fraction 2-3 cm). Some growers use glass wool or slag wool, crushed coconut shells, charcoal, and even broken bricks to grow anthuriums.

      3) Landing in clean moss

      4) Transplanted into a substrate for bromeliads and orchids (or 1 part leaf, 1 part coniferous, 1 part peat land and 0.5 parts sand

      For Anthurium, I make up the earth myself.
      I take soil for violets or other soil for indoor flowers or aroids, add a little perlite + vermiculite + pine bark + moss + sunflower seed husks.
      I change as needed. I take the pot not quite wide, but not deep, 2-3 cm more than the previous one.

      Anthurium lighting

      Anthurium quickly adapts to room conditions, does not like direct sunlight at noon, but requires a lot of light, and morning or evening sun is welcome.
      I also met such information in the literature: Anthuriums are shade-tolerant and can be content with rather meager light conditions.

      Growing Anthuriums for more than one year, I can say that they can be content with meager light conditions, but then you will get an unattractive appearance and will not see flowers. The cuttings become very long, stick out in all directions like sticks, the leaves are small, and the flowers are even smaller, if at all.
      For Anthurium, any direction of windows is suitable except for the south, of course, you need to take into account the height of the floor, but if you really want to grow Anthurium on the south window, then you need to put it next to the window about 30-50 cm or on the windowsill, but then the window needs to be darkened.

      If you have, on the contrary, northern windows, or there is shading from the street, then in winter the anthurium will be dark, and at high temperatures, this leads to the degeneration of the plant, the loss of a decorative appearance. Therefore, with such windows, from September to March, you need to turn on fluorescent lighting.

      Watering during the period of active growth is moderate, but regular, with soft water, that is, as the top layer dries. I water and spray with boiled water, sometimes I take a shower.
      There is an opinion - the soil should be constantly wet.
      The most common mistake is overmoistening the substrate; in the damp substrate, the roots of Anthurium quickly rot, which can lead to the death of plants. Stagnation of water in the pan is unacceptable, it must be drained immediately after watering. Golden rule: it's better to overfill rather than overfill. Worst of all, mushroom mosquitoes start up in pots from constant dampness (whose larvae gnaw at the roots), pathogenic fungi and bacteria develop, and various spots bloom on the plant.

      Air humidity

      Anthurium grows well and blooms at high humidity.
      It is recommended to spray regularly (morning and evening) with water, because. Anthuriums need very humid air. You can increase the humidity of the air by spreading a layer of sphagnum moss around the leaves, but make sure that it does not create increased dampness of the earth and does not accumulate moisture on the stems. When spraying, use only soft boiled water, otherwise white stains remain on the leaves.

      From March to August, feed the plant with fertilizer once every two weeks. At the beginning of the growing season, the anthurium is fertilized with a weak solution for decorative leafy plants, after 2-3 top dressings, fertilizers can be applied for decorative flowering plants (fertik-lux, agricola, uniflor-buton, pocon for flowering, etc.). Calculate the dose of fertilizer 2 times less than the recommended one.

      Reproduction of anthurium

      By dividing adult specimens or separating rooted side shoots. To do this, the bush taken out of the pot must be carefully cut with a knife, cut off the necessary part with a piece of rhizome. Try not to disturb the bulk of the roots. Sprinkle all large sections with crushed coal or sulfur (sold in pet supplies) to close the gate for infection. Planted parts in the first week to water carefully. Try not to divide the bushes and transplant on the hottest summer days.

      Seed propagation is also possible. After cross-pollination (for this you must have two simultaneously flowering plants), the seeds ripen within 8 weeks, after which they must be planted immediately, as they quickly lose their viability. The soil is light from a mixture of vermiculite and peat in equal parts. Vermiculite can be replaced with coarse sand. The soil can be covered with a thin layer of sphagnum moss, and seeds can be sown in it. From above, evenly moisten from a spray bottle, cover with a film. Ventilate regularly to prevent mold build-up on the ground.

      Pests and diseases of anthurium

      Usually, anthuriums get sick a little and are little susceptible to pest damage. Most often these are scale insects and mealybugs. Sometimes - ticks. Scale insects are especially dangerous, which multiply very quickly and require serious efforts to destroy them. Ticks are fought with means called acaricides (Apollo, Vermitek, Nissoran, etc.). With scale insects, mealybugs and other pests, including soil, the easiest way to deal with systemic insecticides is actara or confidor. Visible pests should be removed with a cotton swab or cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

      Also, plants suffer greatly from excessive watering and poor drainage, leading to rotting of the root system. Root and stem rot caused by waterlogging of the substrate and low temperatures, as well as anthracnose. With anthracnose, the leaf blades begin to dry out from the edges, and with a strong lesion, the plants become exhausted and die. The fight against this disease requires perseverance, and it must be started at the first signs. In large collections, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with fungicides, preferably systemic (foundazol).

      Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium

      1. What should I pay attention to when growing Anthurium?

      Answer: Anthuriums are kept at a temperature of at least 18 degrees in conditions of high humidity (daily spraying is necessary). Photophilous. The temperature of the soil cannot be lower than the ambient temperature, so it is better to use not ceramic, but plastic pots. Anthurium consumes a lot of water, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Anthurium Andre tolerates the sun better than Scherzer's anthurium, but it is better to darken it, it feels fine in bright light, but without the sun too, and it is better in a humid atmosphere. When spraying, try not to get large drops of water on the flowers - ugly spots will remain.

      2. How to divide anthurium?

      Answer: Be very careful! When dividing, the roots must be carefully untangled or cut with a knife. You can shed a little epin or root.

      3. The plant requires repotting, but it is recommended to repot only in spring, what should I do?

      Answer: The best thing to do now is transfer to a slightly larger pot than before, and carefully change the topsoil without exposing the roots, if possible. Good drainage and very loose soil is required. If there are aerial roots, lightly sprinkle them with the same soil or cover them with damp moss.

      4. Yellow spots appeared on the leaves on Anthurium. Why does this happen, from hard water or from overfeeding with fertilizers?

      Answer: If the spots are large - evenly over the entire surface of the leaf, and the leaves themselves are either smaller than the previous ones, or larger - then these are clear signs of an unbalanced fertilizer. If the spots are small and visible through the light, then it may be a spider mite.

      5. Is it possible to transplant flowering anthurium?

      Answer: Blooming flowers can not be transplanted, but only transshipped, i.e. without damaging the earthy coma, especially if the pot is small. And put the flower in a bright place.

      6. How roots can be deepened during transplantation

      Answer: They can and should be buried during transplantation, well, of course, you should not be zealous. Roots should definitely be covered. If you can’t deepen it, cover them with at least sphagnum. In anthuriums, even aerial roots are recommended to be wrapped in wet sphagnum.

      7. Anthurium does not bloom!

      Answer: The path to success for anthuriums is this: in order for it to bloom, it must be at a temperature of at least 18 degrees around the clock, does not like direct sunlight, diffused light is needed. Watering is moderate, he really does not like drafts. Its pot must be slightly larger than its root system, otherwise it will not bloom! And, of course, a light fertilizer once a week.

      How to feed anthurium at home: what fertilizers to use, plant care

      Deservedly popular among lovers of floriculture enjoys a tropical plant - anthurium. It is also called a flower - flamingo, fiery tongue, male happiness. Its homeland is the distant American tropics. To maintain a beautiful exotic appearance and make it bloom for as long as possible, you need to know how to feed the anthurium at home.

      Creating a favorable microclimate

      Anthurium flower is often referred to as capricious crops that require a special soil composition, a lot of light and heat. But in fact, having provided him with the proper conditions and regular feeding, he can bloom continuously and delight the eye for many years.

      Optimal temperature

      For tropical anthurium in the room, it is enough to maintain temperature within 20-28 degrees - in summer, and 15-20 degrees of heat - in winter. If you want to see its luxurious flowers ahead of schedule, then you need to raise the temperature in the room to summer levels. But at the same time, you should give the plant time to lay the buds, the process occurs when temperature 16-18 degrees. Only then can the air temperature be raised.

      Humidity in the room

      Anthurium grows and develops best at a level air humidity at 80%. An excess of moisture adversely affects an exotic plant, its roots suffer from rot. An effective way to maintain the right humidity for the crop is to place a tray filled with wet pebbles under the pot.

      It is good to spray the leaves of "male happiness" from a spray bottle or simply wipe it with a damp sponge or napkin. This must be done carefully so that water does not get on the inflorescences. Alternatively, by placing a humidifier next to the flower, you can normalize the humidity in the room, or use a container of water instead.

      Lighting Requirements

      In order for the anthurium to bloom, you need to provide it with soft and diffused light. In a dark room, it loses all its beauty, fades and does not form inflorescences. You should also protect a tropical plant from direct sunlight, otherwise there is a high probability of burns on delicate leaves that can destroy it.

      Video: Helpful Anthurium Care Tips

      The flower pot is recommended to be placed either on the east side of the room or on the northwest side. It happens that this cannot be done, then you can put it a meter from the window, in partial shade. In winter, "male happiness" really needs lighting, it is advisable to place it on the lightest window sill, by the window facing south.

      Location selection

      The best option for placing a flower would be the eastern part of the room near the window. The main thing is to avoid places where electrical appliances are nearby, the radiation from which can absorb the positive energy of the plant. It is also forbidden to place it near sources of artificial heat, radiators.

      In winter, it is good to clean the anthurium in the bathroom, which has a window. In such a place, he will be able to receive sufficient humidity for growth and natural heat emanating from the evaporation of water. For the summer, a pot with an exotic culture is transferred to the living room, bedroom, where it decorates the space and receives suitable conditions for its existence. At the same time, it is important to know how to fertilize anthurium in order to bloom.

      When and how often to apply nutrients

      Anthurium is a flower that requires regular replenishment of micronutrients. Fertilizers need to be applied in spring - summer, and in autumn. The frequency of procedures is every two weeks.

      But not everyone knows how to fertilize anthurium at home to make it bloom as long as possible. In winter, the plant is fed no more than 1 time per month because it is at rest.

      Anthurium fertilizer should contain a whole range of useful trace elements, given its luxurious large leaves and incredibly beautiful inflorescences. Bring it only when the flower is completely healthy. If pests, signs of specific diseases were found, then first of all, you need to get rid of them, and then apply fertilizers.

      Types of dressings

      Novice flower growers often do not know how to feed anthurium at home, so they cannot achieve continuous flowering from this exotic crop. Mineral, organic, and universal compounds are used as fertilizers. But unlike the previous two, universal fertilizer has a high cost.

      Of the effective organic dressings can be identified:

    • Mullein, containing a complex of useful trace elements, which will be relevant for use at any time of the year. You can feed the flower with a working solution prepared from 1 st. l. products and 1 liter of water.
    • bird droppings, positioned as a valuable potent fertilizer, is used in the form of a solution (1 tsp of raw materials per 1 liter of water).
    • Humus, which is more suitable for supporting the plant after transplanting to another pot. It is applied every two years. You can mix with soil substrate in proportions 1:3 .
    • Given the huge range of mineral compositions, floriculture lovers are lost in choice and do not know how to fertilize anthurium and in what quantities. For a tropical picky, the most optimal are:

    • Uniflor Buton, which is dominated by phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizer promotes faster bud formation and prolongs the flowering phase.

    • Fertilizer can safely deposit twice a month. Such top dressing allows you to form strong roots and nourish the aerial part.

    • Infusion of citrus.
    • For these purposes, you will need to chop the peel from the fruit and give the fill with water. stand for two days .

    • wood ash.
    • Solution prepared from 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and 1 liter of water. Watering is done twice a month under the roots.

    • Onion peel.
    • For decoction you will need 50 g of husk and 2 tbsp. l. hot water. After boiling the mixture for 10-15 minutes, it is allowed to infuse for 3-4 hours. Before use, the decoction must be passed through strainers, gauze.

      How to make anthurium bloom continuously

      This beautiful tropical plant instantly attracts attention with its unusual inflorescences of bright colors.

      It is important here to have an idea of ​​​​how to feed the anthurium in order to bloom and how to extend this period. Experienced flower growers are advised to constantly maintain the temperature not less than 18 degrees in the room, provide diffused lighting and watering in moderation.

      In addition, the pot must be free so that the roots can grow freely. The right soil substrate, timely application of nutrients and maintaining optimal indoor humidity will also contribute to the continuous flowering of an exotic crop.

      Anthurium is a real decoration of any room. Due to its attractiveness, the room creates a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. In the process of growing, it is enough to create favorable conditions and know how to feed the anthurium during flowering in order to enjoy its beautiful inflorescences for as long as possible.

      Hello, dear readers! I am the creator of the "Fertilizers.NET" project. Glad to see each of you on its pages. I hope the information in the article was helpful. Always open for communication - comments, suggestions, what else you want to see on the site, and even criticism, you can write to me on VKontakte, Instagram or Facebook (round icons below). All peace and happiness! ??

      What fertilizer can be used for anthurium at home growing

      Anthurium is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful indoor plants. Magnificent flowers, unusual appearance and unpretentiousness in cultivation allow flower growers to enjoy the fruits of their labors all year round in the form of continuous flowering. How to ensure that your favorite plant blooms all year round? How to care for anthurium and how it can be fertilized.

      In its natural environment, anthurium grows in the shade of tropical trees. Many novice growers are sure that this plant does not need sunlight, and it grows well in the shade. Yes, anthurium can exist in the shade, but in this case you can not count on flowering at home. He also does not like direct sunlight.

      It is ideal to place the anthurium on the east and west windows, where it will receive a lot of evening and morning light. If your apartment has windows only on the north side, you should consider options for artificial lighting.

      Correct soil

      Despite the fact that anthurium is considered an unpretentious plant, when breeding it at home, it is very important to choose the right soil. Anthurium grows well in a substrate mixed with acidic soil, peat, tree bark and expanded clay. Such a base absorbs moisture well, breathes and holds the plant perfectly.

      There are also several more substrate options for anthurium. However, it should be remembered that the flower needs regular feeding and transplanting as needed.

      Some flower growers do not use fertilizers at all when growing anthurium. This is in principle acceptable if your pet lives in fertile soil and receives enough light and moisture. However, the soil depletes over time and the flower may lack nutrients.

      The feeding regimen should not be more than twice a month in warm weather and once a month in winter.

      It is very important to choose the right fertilizer for this flower. Most often, this plant is used fertilizer for flowering plants in the warm months and fertilizing with humate in the winter months. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to overfeed the sprouts, which means that when feeding the flower, it is enough to use half the recommended dose of fertilizer.

      Proper watering

      Many people, having acquired anthurium for the first time, make the same mistake. They simply flood the soil, which causes rotting of the roots and death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, it should be watered only when the soil in the pot is completely dry.

      Also, do not forget that anthurium is a tropical plant, which means that for good growth and flowering, it needs high humidity.

      To ensure the necessary moisture, the sprouts should be regularly sprayed and at least once a month give him a warm shower.

      Also, to ensure the necessary humidity, you can put a flower pot on a saucer with wet expanded clay or wrap the flower stem with moistened moss.

      Pest protection

      However, these measures are only the first aid and to completely get rid of pests, you need to purchase professional tools.

      How to breed

      Due to the beauty of anthurium, many flower growers want to have several individuals of the plant at home. There are two ways to breed a flower: seed and division. Adults need to be separated. Having taken out the sprout and the pot, you need to cut off part of the plant with the root system and transplant it into another pot. At the same time, sections on both parts must be treated with crushed charcoal to block infection.

      Seed breeding is suitable for flower growers who already have several flower specimens. After pollination, the seeds must mature. This takes approximately 2 months. After ripening, the seeds should be planted immediately.

      At first glance, the reproduction of flowers may seem like a troublesome and thankless task. However, if everything is done correctly, and even more so with love, new flowers will take root perfectly and will delight you with their beauty.

      The secret to continuous flowering

      Of course, having such a beautiful specimen as anthurium at home, I want to admire its beauty every day. Beautiful flowers are able to give a good mood and bring an atmosphere of celebration and happiness into the house. In order for your flower to bloom, to please with its color all year round, experienced flower growers have a few secrets:

    • Constant temperature not lower than 18 degrees.
    • Sufficient, but diffused lighting.
    • Free pot.
    • Moderate watering.
    • Compliance with humidity in the room.
    • No drafts.
    • Timely and regular top dressing.
    • Correct soil.
    • If you follow these simple rules, your house will be filled with the beauty and sophistication of anthurium flowers and will delight you and your loved ones with year-round flowering. Remember that every flower in the house, like a person, needs care and attention. Experienced flower growers say that if you talk to flowers, they begin to respond. Do not skimp on affection and love, in this case, your plants will definitely reciprocate.

    Anthurium is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants. It can compete even with the orchid itself, therefore, in order to diversify the interior and decorate your home, many flower growers would like to have this flower. But this is far from the whole area where anthuriums are used: they are presented for holidays to both women and men. But, having received a pot with an amazingly beautiful plant as a gift, many are convinced that it has a capricious disposition and it is not so easy to take care of it. To avoid various problems, it is best to find out in advance what the flowers of this species need and what they cannot tolerate. Thanks to this knowledge, it will be possible to admire the original flowers of anthuriums for a long time, and plant as many pots with this plant in the house as you would like to have. In this article, we will consider issues such as growing anthurium and the requirements for its care.

    Anthurium is a beautiful flowering plant that has its own characteristics in the care and cultivation

    Types of anthuriums and their features

    Over 800 species of representatives of this plant are known, but only some of them are adapted for growing in room conditions:

    species name Peculiarity Description of flowers Description of leaves
    Anthurium Scherzer It is the most non-capricious plant. Grows up to 35 cm. The flowers are reddish or light orange cobs. Their shape is not even, but twisted in a spiral. On matte leathery leaf plates, a central vein stands out. The leaves are covered with black spots on both sides.
    Anthurium Andre Grows up to 85-90 cm. Blooms profusely for 2-3 months. During this time, new flowers constantly appear on it. Luxurious inflorescences can have an orange, red, pink or white coverlet. The spadix is ​​usually yellow. The leaves are emerald, quite large, shiny. Can change color to other shades.
    Majestic. Unlike other species, the decorative part of plants of this species is leaves. They are velvety and luxurious. Inflorescences are inconspicuous. In appearance, they resemble plantain. The leaves are heart-shaped, large. They have a unique texture and dark green color.
    Rothschild It is a hybrid of Andre and Majestic species. The color of flowers is limited and represents only white and red tones. The spathes of the inflorescences are larger than those of the named species. The leaves are oval, dark green.
    climbing Belongs to epiphytic vines. It can produce shoots over one meter long. Inflorescences are yellow-green with light green cob. The leaves are beautiful, carved, medium-sized, on the underside are decorated with black dots.

    The easiest way to propagate anthurium is cuttings, but anthuriums are also planted with seeds and grown using leaves.

    How to care for anthuriums?

    For representatives of this species, constant care and stable conditions in the apartment are extremely important. If the environment is not comfortable, the plant will immediately respond to them, but it is enough to eliminate the influences that are not suitable for the flower, it will begin to throw out buds in the spring, and will delight with delightful flowers until the end of summer. Once a week, plants should be inspected in order to detect disease or pests in time.

    What other conditions are important for anthuriums?

    1. The most important of these is lighting. Although it is believed that plants of this species can adapt and adapt to lighting of any intensity, this opinion is deceptive - under the direct rays of the sun, anthuriums quickly die.
    2. The most suitable placement option is a location with diffused light. But this does not mean that you need to move the flower into the shade - he does not like this either. Therefore, it is best to place flowers on the windowsills of windows on the east and west sides.
    3. In winter, the placement of flowers will need to be adjusted to move them to the south windows. This is necessary so that during dormancy the plant receives as much light as possible: this is the only way to ensure the subsequent long-term flowering of anthuriums.

    Growing Anthurium: Temperature Conditions

    Anthuriums are very thermophilic and do not like if there are temperature changes in the room. Therefore, it is desirable to ensure a constant temperature in the room where the plants are located during the entire period of their active development, from the flowering period to the dormant period.

    Anthurium has a very beautiful bloom, which is different from many flowers, the flowers have different colors, which adds originality

    The most comfortable temperature for flowers of this species is considered to be above 18-20 degrees. In winter, you can lower the temperature to 15 degrees, but this is not advisable. It is best if the temperature does not go beyond 18-20 degrees in winter, and 20-25 degrees in the warm season. At the same time, the main thing is not to ensure the listed indicators, but the absence of their fluctuations and drafts. If a cold wind, draft or temperature difference is allowed to enter the room, it is unlikely that the anthurium will survive. Therefore, even a one-time opening of a window or door should not be allowed if the temperature in the street and in the house is very different.

    Humidity and watering

    Anthuriums should be watered regularly and abundantly, as they do not tolerate dryness, especially during flowering. But do not be too zealous: the soil should remain moist, but not very waterlogged. You need to water the flowers when the top layer of the soil is dry, and the rest of it will still remain moist. In winter, watering should be regular, but not too plentiful.

    What do small processes of anthurium look like, which are just starting to grow, after planting with seeds

    Moreover, anthuriums love not only a moist substrate, but also moist air. They feel comfortable when the air humidity is about 60%. If there is dry air in the room, the flower will lose its decorative effect: its leaves will curl up into tubules. To avoid this problem, you can:

    1. Set the pots on a tray with moss or pebbles, which are moistened periodically.
    2. Use double pots. Fill the free space between the walls with moistened materials.
    3. Install industrial humidifiers in the room.
    4. Periodically spray the area around the flower with a spray bottle. Moreover, even if a humidifier is installed in the room, spraying must be carried out.

    Tip: Anthuriums will benefit from regular wiping of the leaves with a damp cloth.

    With any water procedure, you need to make sure that moisture (even splashes) does not get on the buds or flowers. From this, spots will appear on them, and they will quickly fall off. Water for any procedure should be soft, settled and at room temperature.

    Anthurium flower close-up, flowers come in different sizes and colors

    Top dressing: what do anthuriums like?

    Fertilize flowers only in the warm season. In this case, it is best to alternate the application of mineral and organic preparations, but if possible, any complex remedy can be used. Anthuriums are fed according to the standard scheme: once every 14 days. These flowers respond well not only to root, but also to foliar feeding.

    They do not stop fertilizing immediately after the end of flowering, since at this time young leaves are actively developing and flower buds are laid for the next season. Because of this, the soil loses nutrients, so their loss must be replenished. As soon as signs of growth stop appear, top dressing can be gradually stopped.

    The choice of preparations for fertilizer

    For anthuriums, you can purchase fertilizers intended for orchids or aroids. The table below provides information on several popular drugs, but if there are others on sale, you can buy them. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the composition: it is best if it is a complex remedy, then the flowers will not suffer from a lack of certain elements or substances.

    Name Release form Benefits of using Application feature
    Compo Liquid capsules Stimulates the duration of flowering, ensures the brightness of the whole plant. Strengthens the roots Cut off the top of the capsule and place it cut side down on the soil so that the substance slowly enters the substrate.
    "Bio Master" Component set Differs in existence of bactericidal properties, does not allow rotting of roots. To fertilize the root system
    "Crystal" Liquid Promotes full growth and abundant flowering. For root feeding
    BONA FORTE Liquid Provides complete and balanced nutrition, thereby strengthening the immunity of plants and stimulating their growth. For root and foliar dressings.
    REASIL Liquid with a multicomponent composition Promotes growth and active flowering. For root treatments

    What a unique and rather original anthurium flower looks like in blue color, close-up

    Reproduction of anthuriums using seeds

    Flowers are propagated in several ways, and among them the most time-consuming is by seeds. But this process is so interesting that many flower growers, including beginners, are happy to get down to business, because this way you can get new hybrids with a completely new color.

    Seeds are sown at any time of the year. It happens like this:

    1. A flat container is filled with peat.
    2. Seeds are scattered over the surface.
    3. From above, soil is scattered with a thickness of about 3 mm.
    4. Sprayed from a spray bottle (you can’t water it, otherwise the seeds will float).
    5. Put on a plastic or glass cap on top.
    6. Before germination (1-2 weeks), conditions cannot be changed.
    7. When the first true leaf appears on the seedlings, you can remove the shelter.
    8. After the appearance of the third leaf, it is necessary to dive the seedlings into separate cups. To do this, prepare the soil from the same amount of leafy soil and peat. Chopped charcoal must be added to it in the same amount as the rest of the components.
    9. After the plants become crowded in cups, they are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 10 cm. The drainage layer in them should occupy a third of the height.

    Tip: every day, young plants need to be watered and sprayed. For feeding, the same preparations are used as for adult specimens, but they are only bred twice as much.

    Blossom, obtained in this way, new flowers in the fourth year.

    Use of propagation sheets

    Although, anthuriums are usually propagated by vegetative methods, since it is much faster, but this option is not always acceptable, since it does not make it possible to get completely new plants in color. Therefore, very often representatives of the Aroid family are propagated by a leaf. This is done according to the following scheme:

    1. Carefully separate the leaf from the bush.
    2. Place it in a glass of wet perlite so that the sheet is slightly immersed in the material. You can not use water for germination - they will certainly begin to rot. Moreover, the leaves never give roots in water, but rot.
    3. Cover the container with a transparent material (jar, lid, polyethylene) to keep the high humidity of the microclimate.
    4. Keep the room constantly warm air.
    5. The whole germination process can take from 3 weeks to a month. If during this time no roots have formed on the sheets, the sheets and the soil for them must be replaced and the procedure repeated.

    Anthurium is a great home decor tool, looks great with a variety of styles and always blends seamlessly into the interior.

    Like seeds, leaves germinate poorly, so you have to be patient and not give up: the result is worth it.

    Mistakes and problems when growing anthuriums

    The most common mistakes and problems are:


    Cause elimination
    The leaves turned yellow and began to disappear Plant exposed to direct sunlight Move the pot to another window or shade it with a thin cloth or plastic
    Leaves turn yellow in winter Lack of lighting Put the flower on a more lit window sill or provide additional artificial lighting
    Black dots or spots appeared on the leaves It's too cold in the room Move the flower to a warmer room or install a heating device.
    New leaves are smaller (larger) than the rest. Lack (overabundance) of fertilizer Make up for the lack of nutrients using any complex fertilizer. If there is an excess of substances, you need to replace part of the soil in the pot with a new substrate.
    Large yellow spots appeared on the leaves Violation of feeding rules. It is possible that the fertilizer was diluted incorrectly, and the plant received a lot or little of the right substances.

    Proceed as in the previous case.

    Popular questions

    Question number 1. Is it possible to keep anthurium on the window?

    Answer: Anthuriums, although not the most fastidious plants, but, nevertheless, a window is not always the best choice for growing anthuriums. Firstly, direct sunlight can fall on the leaves, which leads to yellowing of the leaves, especially in the summer. And secondly, in winter, when the heating is on, the air can be too dry, which anthuriums do not like at all, besides, too high a temperature is clearly not for them.

    Question number 2. When, after planting, will anthurium bloom?

    Answer: After the first planting, the anthurium needs a size period of 4 years to grow. Only after that, under the conditions of proper and suitable care for this plant, can the anthurium begin to bloom.

    Question number 3. Do I need to spray anthurium with water and top dressing?

    Answer: Anthurium loves moist air, so periodic spraying with water from a spray bottle will obviously not be superfluous for this plant. Sometimes you can even just wipe the leaves of a flower with a damp cloth or towel. As for dressings, they are very necessary for beautiful flowering and obviously will not be superfluous, however, there are cases when the anthurium was not fed and fertilized, but the flower pleased more and more with its growth and flowering.

    Plants, like humans, cannot live without food. For them, this food is fertilizer. The reserves of useful and nutrient substances in the earth are gradually depleted, and the plant begins to get sick and develop worse.

    The lack of any micro or macro element affects the appearance of the plant and its development.

    What time to fertilize a flower for male happiness?

    You can feed anthurium throughout the year. In the spring-summer period, top dressing is usually done every 2-3 weeks with phosphate fertilizers. In the autumn-winter period, the anthurium is at rest, but nevertheless it is necessary to feed it during this period, every one and a half months.

    Unlike mature plants, exact timing of fertilization is very important for young plants, regardless of the time of year.

    Types of dressings

    For feeding anthurium, mineral, organic and universal fertilizers are used.

    • Mineral fertilizers.

      The most famous:

      1. Azalea is high in nitrogen.
      2. Kemira Lux is a complex of mineral substances that can be used all year round.
      3. Uniflor Buton has a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

      The amount of fertilizer plays a big role in feeding anthuriums. Adult plants can be fed with the full dosage prescribed on the fertilizer package, but young plants need to be given only half this dosage.

    • organic fertilizers.

      The best:

      1. Humus - very useful during the plant. Must be applied every 2 years.
      2. Mullein - contains a complex of all useful macronutrients and will be useful at any time of the year.
      3. Bird droppings are also rich in a complex of useful substances.
    • Universal fertilizers.

      They include gold. As a fertilizer, very few growers use it, but meanwhile the ash contains many nutritional components, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. You can also purchase a complex universal fertilizer in the store.

    Folk fertilizers

    If it is not possible to use the above top dressings, at home, at hand, there will always be a large number of others. So, for example, for fertilizing indoor plants it is well used:

    1. onion peel: boil 50g of husk and 2 tbsp. water, let it brew for 4-5 hours. You can safely water 1-2 times a month.
    2. Infusion from the zest: grate the peel on a fine grater and pour hot water over it, let it brew for several days. Watering with such a solution should be no more than once a month.
    3. aquarium water, contains a high level of acidity required by plants. She can feed home flowers only from March to June, and no more than once a month.

    For flowering

    Anthurium is whimsical for feeding with nutrients, therefore, from their excess or lack of flowering may be absent. The lack of nitrogen fertilizer leads to a decrease in the flowering of the plant.

    In order for the anthurium to bloom, you must follow the following step-by-step fertilizer instructions:

    1. Before fertilizing, the flower should be plentiful in order to avoid burning the roots.
    2. For top dressing, it is best to use a liquid fertilizer, for example, "Agricola".
    3. Fertilizer should be applied during the active growth phase no more than 1-2 times a week.
    4. The recommended one-time fertilizer dosage should be divided by two to three times.

    For fast growth

    For the rapid growth of anthurium, like a person, sufficient calcium intake is necessary. It contributes to the normal development of the roots and shoots of the plant. Calcium is contained in a simple egg shell, so 1-2 times a week you can fertilize the anthurium with just that.

    Leaves to be large

    If the leaves of an anthurium noticeably decrease, begin to dry and fall off, then the plant lacks nutrients such as nitrogen, magnesium and potassium.

    • When it lacks nitrogen, the leaves become much smaller, turning yellow, new shoots stop appearing.
    • With a lack of potassium, the leaves also become smaller, brown spots form on them.
    • When a plant lacks magnesium, the leaves turn pale and their edges curl. Anthurium looks very weak.

    What to look for when buying, price in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    There are quite a lot of ready-made dressings for plants, but the most famous of them, as already mentioned earlier, are Azalea, Kemira Lux and Uniflor Buton.

    When buying fertilizer, you should pay attention to ease of use, intended purpose, pricing. There are many forms of fertilizer designed for different parts of the plant., so when purchasing it is worth considering why exactly you choose it.

    In Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices for good fertilizers range from 150 rubles to 700 rubles.

    Is it possible not to use?

    Some growers do not use anthurium fertilizer at all. And this is acceptable if the plant receives enough light, moisture and nutrients. Here we must not forget that it is better not to fertilize the anthurium than to overfeed it. Therefore, half the dose indicated on the package is sufficient for top dressing.

    Top dressing for anthuriums is a very important and necessary event for carrying out which you will enjoy the luxurious look of your houseplant. Compliance with the elementary rules of fertilizer will help ensure its continuous growth and proper development. and bloom throughout the year.

    Useful video

    We suggest watching a video on how and how to properly fertilize anthurium:

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    In a lush hat of dark green leaves during the flowering period, many beautiful inflorescences of various colors appear. Due to the fact that its flowering is quite long, anthurium fell in love with flower growers and can often be seen on window sills in apartments or offices.

    The plant has a slightly capricious character, mainly with regard to the moisture regime. After all, the general condition of the flower and the quality of the flowering itself depend on the level of humidity.

    • watering time;
    • quantity and frequency of watering;
    • irrigation method and water quality;
    • maintaining the humidity level in the room.

    Anthurium watering time

    The best time to water the plant is in the morning. When watering in the evening, there is a risk that the water will not have time to absorb and evaporate, thus contributing to the stagnation of moisture in the bowl.

    Excessive watering of the flower is evidenced by the appearance of mold on the leaves and the decay of the roots, as well as growth retardation.

    To exclude the possibility of moisture stagnation, you should choose a pot with large drain holes, and be sure to lay a drainage layer on the bottom.

    Quantity and frequency of watering

    The amount of water needed to moisten the soil, as well as the frequency of irrigation, directly depend on such factors:

    1. pot material. It has been noticed that anthuriums growing in earthenware require more water. This is due to the fact that the clay itself absorbs moisture well, which then evaporates through the porous surface. When growing plants in plastic pots, they should be watered with less water.
    2. Anthurium age. In young plants, it is necessary to maintain a constant moisture in the upper layer of the soil, and adults should be watered only after it dries.
    3. Development period. The plant requires more moisture during flowering and active growth, but with the onset of a dormant period, the number of waterings must be halved and only keep the soil moist.

    Irrigation method and water quality

    For watering anthurium, it is better to use settled water at room temperature. The plant is mainly watered from above into the pot, but it can also be done through the pan. When top watering, water should be poured until it appears in the pan. Then let the flower stand for 30 minutes and drain all the liquid that is glass.

    With constant watering of the anthurium through the pan, it is necessary to use the surface method from time to time so that the earth is completely saturated with moisture.

    If the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, brown spots appear on them, and the flowers fade quickly, it means that the anthurium lacks moisture.

    Indoor humidity level

    Anthuriums are moisture-loving plants, and especially some varieties in which the roots protrude outwards. Such species need constant high humidity. They should be sprayed not only on the leaves, but also on the roots themselves. In other varieties, it is also necessary to periodically moisten the leaves.

    Proper watering of anthurium - video

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