White pomegranate fruit. Garnet. Beneficial features. Photo pomegranate garden, how pomegranate blooms, what royal fruit looks like

Pomegranate inherently has the definition of an exotic fruit. All over the world there is a very large group of various varieties of this "overseas" fruit. Pomegranate varieties can be divided into 2 groups, the first has hard seeds in very juicy grains, this is considered a defect or flaw in the pomegranate. the second group includes "soft-seed" varieties. These varieties require very great and careful care. Also for the pomegranate of this group, it is necessary to select climatic conditions, soil composition and much more. Also, a pomegranate with soft seeds is strictly prohibited under adverse conditions. The plant will simply refuse to grow, that is, it will die. Because of this, it is not recommended to grow pomegranate on the territory of Krasnodar and near it, because this zone is considered the most unfavorable for growing a plant. The pomegranate has early ripe varieties that are perfect for digging crops in places near the Kuban fruit zone. Here are some examples of pomegranate combs.


Akdona is a variety bred in Central Asia and Uzbekistan. A coarse-grained form of pomegranate called Tyuyatish (camel's tooth) is popular. Similar varieties are Shirin-nor, Lo-juar, Ak-anor. The size is quite high, but at the same time a compact bush. The fruits are flattened-rounded in shape or you can also call them spherical, the mass of this pomegranate is about 250 grams, but this is not the final weight, it happens that the fruits reach a mass of up to 600 grams and even more. The peel is smooth, shiny, light in color, with a slight raspberry blush. Small calyx, cone-shaped, with curved teeth. The granules are pink and the seeds are elongated.

The juice is pale pink, very sweet, this juice contains about 15% sugars and about 0.6% acids. The fruits ripen in early October, stored for about two months. The yield is 20-25 kilograms per bush and more.


Kizil-bunch, Kzyl-anor, Surkh-bunch, Surkh-anor. Variety "Kizil-anor" refers to the type of early ripening. The fruits ripen around the beginning of October. It is considered one of the best varieties grown on the territory of Uzbekistan, with rounded-flat fruits of small size, but sometimes the fruits are large and reach 600 - 800 grams. The skin is thin or medium thickness.

The grains are medium in size, dark red in color. The color of the juice is from red to dark cherry, sweet and sour in taste, the sugar content is up to 15.5%, the acid content is up to 1.9%, the keeping quality of these pomegranates is approximately 3-4 months.


Gulyusha Azerbaijani, Gulosha Azerbaijani, Gulosha pink. It is considered one of the best varieties grown in Azerbaijan. The bush reaches a height of up to 3 meters, with straight branches and thorns. Pomegranate fruits of this variety have round or round-elongated shapes weighing from 240 grams, there are even fruits of 600 grams, with an average narrow cup and a cylindrical neck. The crust of this variety is quite thin, light in color, or rather creamy white, with a delicate raspberry-pink or just pink, and sometimes even striped color.

The grains of "Gyuleisha pink" are dark cherry, small in size. The juice tastes sweet and sour, it contains up to 15.5% sugars and about 1.3% acids. It is best to harvest in October, the yield is 25 kilograms or more from one bush. The shelf life of these grenades is short-lived, on average up to 3-4 months.


This variety is foreign in origin. What does the word "wanderful" say for itself? - "wonderful"! So this pomegranate is amazingly wonderful! The seeds of these pomegranates are very soft, and the fruits are small, but very tasty and sweet. The ripening of these pomegranates comes at the time of early October. The color of the pomegranate fruits of the Wonderful variety is light tones, that is, white-yellow with a delicate raspberry blush. The seeds are very small, the juice is light raspberry in color. Mature fruits contain up to 13% sugars and about 0.4% acids. The yield of Wonderful pomegranate is about 15 kilograms per bush, the keeping quality is only 2 months.

Bala mursal

"Bala - Mursal" is considered one of the best varieties grown on the territory of sunny Azerbaijan. The fruits are flattened-rounded in shape, small in size, medium, weight about 250 grams, with a slight raspberry-red blush. The grains and juice of this pomegranate range from deep red to crimson. The taste of this variety is sweet and sour, contains up to 16% sugars and 1.3% acids. It is best to harvest in October, it gives from 20 kilograms from one bush or more.

Ak Dona Crimean

These trees are considered strong enough. The fruits are large in size, rounded in shape. Ripe fruits have a creamy peel and, surprisingly, with a one-sided blush and a large number of red spots located over the entire surface of the fruit. The calyx is quite large, and the neck is thick compared to other varieties, while it is short, light pink in color, the teeth are relatively large and narrow, erect. The neck of the pomegranate at its very base has a beautiful light pink ring. The peel of this variety is very thin, its inner side is pinkish-cream in color, and the grains are red-pink. The size of a mature pomegranate of this variety is small. The taste of "Ak Don Krymskaya" is very sweet with a pleasant sourness. Unforgettable variety!


The pomegranate variety "Achik-Anor" is a small tree with large or medium fruits. The fruits are round, slightly narrowed towards the base. The peel of an unusual color for the human eye, or rather for the human representation of the word "pomegranate", like a fruit, is dark green with a carmine or dark carmine cover, the top of a ripe fruit is almost completely dark carmine in color. The calyx of a ripe pomegranate is medium in size, despite the fact that the neck is high and pink-red, the teeth are also green, long and erect. The peel is quite thick and carmine on the inside of the pomegranate. The grains are very large, dark cherry in color, very juicy and sweet and sour.


The tree grows large in size, has well-defined spines. Fruits when ripe reach large or medium sizes, rounded in shape. The peel is carmine-red in color with pronounced stripes at the very top of the fruit. The neck is very high, while not very thick, the teeth are large and long, narrow, bent inward or bent outward. The grains are large, dark cherry in color, with sweet and sour juice.

Cossack Superior

An adult tree reaches medium size. The fruits of a mature pomegranate are quite large and rounded in shape. The color of the pomegranate of this variety, just like that of the Achik-Anor variety, is greenish-cream, but with a red-carmine cover, there are also peculiar strokes, stripes, spots and specks over the entire surface of the fruit. The calyx is small, of standard medium size, with a small and inexpressive neck, pink teeth, the peel is not thick in thickness, creamy yellow inside, large pink-red grains. Pomegranate of this variety has a very pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Nikitsky Early

An adult tree reaches medium size as it matures. But mature fruits are very large, and their color is bright carmine-red, the calyx is quite large, the neck, unlike other varieties, is high and very thick. The peel is of medium thickness, the grains are small in size, dark cherry in color, the juice is tasty, sweet and sour.

Juicy 110

An adult pomegranate tree of the "Juicy 110" variety is very vigorous, the ripened fruits, like the tree, are large and standardly rounded, but slightly tapering towards the base. The skin is very thin, dark carmine in color. The grains, like the tree itself, are large, oblong in shape, dark cherry in color, the juice is sweet and sour, very pleasant and tasty.

Pomegranate is a product not too popular, but very useful for the body. It should definitely be included in your diet for vegetarians, raw foodists, and those who still eat “traditionally”, but already want to improve their health.

I can’t say that I am a big fan of these fruits. Mother laziness, alas, was born before mankind appeared. And, I confess, most often it is the unwillingness to mess with it, to get my hands (and the kitchen!) With juice that dissuades me from buying pomegranates.

And the eldest son, who loves to gnaw on small pomegranate seeds, basically asks me to purchase this product. Naturally, he does not mess with them! 🙂

Of course, I understand that grenades are very useful. I remember when I was still far from motherhood and even from thinking about it, I heard from a friend that her neighbor bought her daughter-in-law whole packages of these fruits, since her pregnancy was complicated. For some reason, this fact stuck in my head, and I was expecting my children, periodically including them in my diet.

In addition, I really fell in love with pomegranate juice. For the first time I came to the Crimea when the eldest child was 2 years old. We lived not far from the abundant Yalta market. Who knows what it is, he will understand my delight. At every step there are sellers of pomegranate juice, which, with the great desire of the buyer, is squeezed out right before his eyes. Needless to say, that the child and I "got hooked" on this fragrant sweet liquid? 😉

This is how I live - love for pomegranate and unwillingness to spend my time (which, by the way, I always miss!) For its processing are constantly fighting in me. I hope my own article will remind me of how useful it is after all, and the desire to be healthy will defeat the sloth inside of me.

Pomegranate alkalizes your body well as it has an acidic pH.

Once this plant was on a special account among botanists, and it was isolated in a separate Pomegranate family. But then the scientists decided that it was much more logical to include the pomegranate in the Derbennikov family. So these fruits of the Pomegranate genus changed their “surname” and began to become related to mainly tropical plants that have original names - Lagerstremia, Rogulnik, Kufeya, Pemphis and others.

The pomegranate is a small tree or shrub that usually does not exceed 6 meters in height. On thin, prickly branches are smooth, as if glossy, oval leaves with slightly pointed tips.

Blooming pomegranate is very beautiful. At this time, small fragrant flowers appear on the bush tree - such elongated cups, with stamens and pistil peeking out of them. These bright red-orange flowers average 2.5 centimeters in diameter, although they can be larger. Interestingly, some of the pomegranate flowers are pitcher-shaped, while others look like bells. So, the former eventually turn into fruits, while the latter do not. There are also flowers that are a cross between these two types.

The fruits of the plant are neither a berry nor a fruit, as we used to think. To define them in botany, there is even a special term "pomegranate".

These are such large berries that have a leather shell that retains the seeds (pericarp) and has a calyx. I suggest, if you don't mind, calling pomegranates fruit, as most do. Agree, it’s rather strange to say or write “pomegranate pomegranate”. 😆

Incredible beauty is hidden inside these fruits - slender rows of white seeds, the number of which can reach up to 1200. Each of them is covered with a bright red or pink juicy shell, for which we eat them. Seeds are grouped into bunk nests (usually 6 to 12) separated by white membranes. Yes, this pomegranate has a complex structure!

The peel of pomegranates comes in different colors: yellow, orange, red, burgundy. These amazing fruits weigh differently: you can find a small “bomb” weighing 250 grams in the store, or you can run into a weighty “shell” that will delight you with almost a kilogram weight. The diameter of the grenades usually varies from 15 to 18 centimeters.

This plant is very old. Scientists believe that it appeared at the end of the Cretaceous period, which ended about 66 million years ago.

Can you imagine that the fruits that are on our shelves grew back in the days of pterodactyls, ichthyosaurs and tarbosaurus?

The Russian term "pomegranate" comes from the Latin phrase "pomum granatum", which literally translates as "corn apple". The ancient Romans believed that the most delicious fruits of this plant were cultivated in Carthage, and therefore they called them "Punic apples", since it was the Punians (Phoenicians) who founded this state.

Today, the pomegranate has chosen the tropics and subtropics of many countries: France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, the Middle East, as well as Dagestan and the Black Sea zones of Russia.

In nature, both wild representatives of this plant and its cultivated counterparts are found, the production of which is carried out by the states listed above.

Children eat pomegranates well, and it does not matter that you then have to wash everything around!

The taste of these fruits is unique, as it is difficult to confuse it with the taste of other fruits and berries. It is predominantly sweet, with a hint of sourness, with a slight woody undertone that makes it slightly tart.

In addition, when you chew the hard, slightly astringent seeds covered in firm, juicy sweet and sour pulp, you get a whole range of sensory sensations.

A few pomegranate seeds will decorate the salad and add spice to it.

Naturally, this fruit is best in its original form. This is how you retain all the beneficial properties of the pomegranate and saturate your body with the nutrients that it contains.

It can be added to smoothies and fruit cocktails, as well as decorate raw food cakes and cakes with bright red translucent grains (and not only raw food, but also ordinary pastries!).

I strongly advise you to try at least once freshly squeezed pomegranate juice. It is very tasty and rich.

Pomegranate is often put in salads, as with its taste it sets off the taste of Chinese cabbage, cheese, garlic, nuts, sour cream, vegetable oils, herbs, pickled mushrooms. But whether your stomach can digest such sometimes wild combinations is another question. 😉 If you are a gourmet, then try, experiment.

You can try to cook the famous Pomegranate Bracelet salad in a vegetarian way, replacing chicken eggs in it with, and smoked chicken with smoked cheese or tofu.

Yes, and instead of mayonnaise, you can put simple sour cream or soy cream, lightly seasoned with dry mustard powder, and.

In addition, ruthless chefs use this miracle of nature to prepare syrups, compotes, jelly, punches, marinades, jams, marmalade, marshmallows, jelly, jams, marmalade. It is stewed, fried and baked. Of course, such an attitude towards fragile grains completely changes their composition, properties and even taste.

If you're curious about how a fresh pomegranate you're used to might change, try adding it to a vegetable stew, a veggie pilaf, or a bean dish. You can also prepare an original hot sauce from tomatoes, hot peppers and pomegranate seeds.

Have you already experienced the miraculous properties of pomegranate oil?

Solid, durable, but at the same time flexible wood of this plant is suitable for the manufacture of various tools - handles for a hammer or ax. There is also evidence that the ancient eastern peoples made staffs from it - reliable and durable.

From pomegranate fruits can be obtained. This substance was known in antiquity, and then the raw material for its manufacture was the juice of the fruit of interest to us. The leathery pericarp of the pomegranate is also used. A tanning agent is obtained from it, which is used in the dressing of saffiano leather and a dye for various fabrics.

Often pomegranates are grown at home - low pretty trees and bushes grow from the grains, which, if desired, can be shaped into a bonsai (small ornamental tree). The main thing is to take care of a lot of light for this plant and provide it with a spacious pot.

And in Turkey, China, India, Iran, Egypt and some European countries, valuable oil is squeezed out of pomegranate seeds.

The highest quality product is the one that is produced using the cold pressing method. However, often carbon dioxide and other not too sparing extraction methods are connected to the process of its manufacture. This is due to the fact that only 1 kilogram of oil comes out of 500 kilograms of pomegranate seeds.

Real oil is distinguished by density, ductility, viscosity - in consistency it is approximately the same as castor oil. The color of pomegranate seed oil is yellow or even reddish, but not transparent.

If you become the proud owner of such a useful product, then know that up to 85% of its volume is unique punicic acid (remember my story about "punic apples"?), It is also Omega-5, it is also punicic acid, which in such a tangible amount found only in these fruits and is the strongest antioxidant.

In addition, it is supplemented with other important acids for our body - oleic, palmetic, linoleic, stearic. There are few of them in oil, but they are there. Also, this product has a large amount of vitamin E.

Thus, this valuable product slows down the aging process, fights free radicals that attack our body every day, and even, according to researchers, is the prevention of cancer. The phytosterols contained in pomegranate oil are effective in the treatment of autoimmune disorders, allergic reactions of the body, and chronic viral infections. This is evidenced by studies organized by the American scientist of the Texas Cancer Center Robert Newman.

These "bombs" look beautiful both on a tree and on a table.

These heat-loving fruits ripen throughout the year, depending on their variety and habitat. For example, in the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, pomegranates become ripe in September; Turkish - mainly in September-October. Georgia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Abkhazia become suppliers of these delicious fruits throughout October, and Spanish pomegranate "bombs" may appear on our shelves in November and December.

An interesting fact is that the color of the leathery skin of the pomegranate remains unchanged almost throughout the entire ripening process, so it is quite difficult to determine whether you have met a ripe fruit by this parameter.

I suggest paying attention to the degree of moisture content of the peel. In a mature fruit, it is slightly dried, hardened, thin, tight-fitting seeds, but not withered, not yellowed and not hard. Inside such a fruit, most likely, there will be a sweet and juicy pulp.

A moist, flexible and elastic skin indicates that the pomegranate was plucked from the branch too early.

Sweet ripe pomegranates can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about +1 ° C for up to 5 months, and sour ones for up to 9 months. Although why do you need to make pomegranate stocks for such a long time, if they are available all year round on the shelves? Moreover, such a “long-liver” will lose most of its nutrients during this time.

If the temperature conditions vary from +1°C to +10°C, then the pomegranates can lie in the refrigerator, on the balcony or cellar for about 2 months. At the same time, it is important to take care of each fruit by first putting it in a thick paper bag or wrapping it in paper. Such packaging will absorb excess moisture and prevent rot on the fruits.

Freezing, alas, is not an option for those who want to "squeeze all the juice out of the pomegranate", that is, to get the maximum of vitamins and minerals. This method of storing the product is more suitable for those who are far from.

And now let me move on to my most disliked activity associated with these delicious fruits - the description of their cleaning. There are several sure-fire ways to clean a pomegranate without splattering yourself, children, and the environment around with pomegranate juice.

1 way

I almost always peel pomegranates this way, but I don’t always do it with mathematical precision (humanities, whatever you want!), And therefore sometimes I still stain myself and the kitchen with juice.

  • find the top of the fruit, that is, the place where its inflorescence used to be;
  • cut it with a knife about 1 centimeter deep so that the grains and white streaks that divide the fruit into sections appear outward;
  • and now boldly “saw” the fruit right along these lines outlined by nature - that is, divide it into natural sections;
  • as a result, you will get slices - from 6 to 12 pieces with intact seeds, which means that you will not be, like a horror movie character, splashed with blood-red liquid.

2 way

I did this only a couple of times, but for some reason I didn’t like this method - it was painfully painstaking.

  • the top of the pomegranate is also cut off 1 centimeter deep;
  • the fruit itself is turned over with the cut part down over a deep bowl;
  • you pick up a spoon or knife handle and start tapping the peel with the selected tool;
  • you need to do this quite strongly, but without fanaticism (this is not an attraction for measuring strength), otherwise you are guaranteed bloody stains in the kitchen;
  • if you hit the grenade correctly, then you will not have to hit the same place twice, and the grains themselves will not fall at your feet, but into your prepared container;
  • professionals who have become proficient in pomegranate cleaning claim that it takes literally five minutes to extract all the sweet grains out.

3 way

Craftsmen offer to clean pomegranates under water. No, this is not a way for ichthyanders. Rather, it is suitable for cleaners.

  • the fruit cut in the first way can be dipped in water for a while;
  • when he lies there, the white husk separating the sections from each other will swell, and you can easily get rid of it;
  • do it right under water - well, don't dive, of course, but just lower your hands and a grenade, then your fingers will remain clean, and you won't have to clean the kitchen.

4 way

This is also for water lovers and those people who always do not have enough time for anything or, as in this particular case, do not have it for a long pomegranate cleaning.

  • place the fruit for about half an hour in clean water at room temperature;
  • after the specified time, cut off its top so that the grains become visible;
  • slightly expand the incised sections of the fruit;
  • prepare a large bowl - preferably occupying the entire volume of the sink;
  • Submerge your pomegranate under a powerful jet of running water and get ready to watch it wash the beans right into your previously substituted container.

Here are some simple ways to clean a pomegranate. Although, as far as I know, these fruits are usually cut into four slices and the grains are scooped out of them, the juice of the damaged pulp squirts in all directions - that's another thriller, and even time-consuming. 😆

The above methods will also take you a few minutes, but at least they will ensure that you do not have to wash the kitchen and your clothes from concentrated pomegranate juice.

There are two types of this plant:

common pomegranate- it is he who stays on our shelves, in our refrigerators and on our tables. Representatives of this species are numerous varieties that differ from each other in color, taste, size, but are united by one important quality - edibility for humans.

pomegranate socotransky- the owner of small sour fruits, which for this reason has not received such mass distribution and is quite rare. It grows only on the island of Socotra (located in the Republic of Yemen) and the flowers of this small tree are not red, like those of an ordinary pomegranate, but pink.

There are several hundred varieties of this amazing fruit in the world, and they are all divided into hard and soft seeds. Naturally, the second is much tastier. I present to your attention the most impressive varieties of pomegranate:

Variety "Vanderful" ("Wonderful")

The skin of these rather small fruits is light - yellowish with a red blush. Inside them are small raspberry-colored grains, the juice from Wonderful pomegranates also looks like raspberry in appearance. Representatives of this variety ripen in early October and are stored for a very short time - a maximum of a couple of months.

Variety "Ak Dona Crimean"

The thin and delicate peel of pomegranates of this variety has a creamy color with numerous red spots and a bright blush on one side. Small red-pink seeds are hidden inside the fruit. They taste sweet with a slight sourness.

Variety "Achik-Anor"

Round fruits of this variety are usually large or medium, it is difficult to call them small. Their skin is distinguished by an interesting deep color, which is called carmine, and the seeds inside the fruit are very large, bright, rich cherry color with a lot of juice and a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Variety "Crimean striped"

The botanists of the famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden once created this miracle. The peel of such pomegranates is quite dense, thick and really striped - red with yellowish stains. On average, they weigh 250-300 grams, but can reach up to 450. Inside the Crimean striped fruits, grains of deep cherry color are clustered, their taste is pleasant - sweet with sourness.

Sort "Ak Dona"

Cultivated mainly in Central Asia. Representatives of this pomegranate variety are round and slightly flattened, their weight varies from 250 to 600 grams. The skin is not bright, rather light with a crimson blush. The grains of the "Akdonians" are elongated, pink, sweet. Such grenades can be found on the shelves in early October and stored in optimal conditions for about two months.

Names of some other varieties of pomegranates:

show all

This delicious blood-colored juice has a beneficial effect on its composition.

The benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a unique product, as it improves our health on several fronts at once. In this article, I already wrote about how the oil obtained by cold pressing from pomegranate seeds has a beneficial effect on our body.

Regular consumption of these fruits in their original form:

  • Strengthens the immune system, as it is a natural immunostimulating agent.
  • Increases hemoglobin, participates in the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes, normalizes the process of hematopoiesis, so pomegranates are indicated for anemia.
  • It is very effective in losing weight, as these fruits have a low calorie content.
  • It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, including radionuclides.
  • It has an antioxidant effect due to the presence of vitamins C, A and E in the fruits.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system - in folk medicine there is a well-known recipe when dried white pomegranate membranes are brewed with boiling water and taken as a mild sedative.
  • It normalizes the digestion process and helps to cope with constipation, however, the peel of these fruits has the opposite effect and is a folk remedy for diarrhea, as it contains tannins.
  • It is useful to include pomegranate in your diet during beriberi, colds and infectious diseases, as well as for people who suffer from exhaustion or are recovering from severe injuries and surgical operations.
  • Pomegranate juice perfectly disinfects the throat and mouth, stops inflammation and saturates the body with nutrients.
  • It also increases the tone of the body and improves appetite, which is especially important for schoolchildren and students.
  • Pomegranate masks refresh the skin, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, slow down the aging process, as they have antioxidant properties.
  • It is known that pomegranate copes well with Escherichia and tubercle bacillus thanks to the same tannins.
  • It helps to strengthen the vascular walls, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and thyroid gland.

Yes, all these praises are dedicated to the pomegranate. Agree, the list of its useful properties is quite impressive! But, like any other product, this fruit has its contraindications.

Pomegranate harm

Pomegranate and its juice should be used with caution, since the fruit acids that make up their composition adversely affect the condition of the tooth enamel and, in the end, can make it thin, which will increase the sensitivity of the teeth. In addition, they color it very strongly.

Do not forget that it is better to drink pomegranate juice diluted with clean water in a 1: 1 ratio.

In addition, a large amount of these fruits should not be consumed by people suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids, as they have an "antidiarrheal" effect, that is, they "strengthen". If you have an acid stomach, try to avoid excessive consumption of these sour fruits. You can not eat them with a stomach ulcer.

Children under one year old should also not eat pomegranate seeds, because, you know, you can easily choke on these small grains.

  1. It is no coincidence that the name of this fruit is synonymous with the word for fragmentation ammunition. The grenade was named just in honor of the fruit for their similarity in shape and size, and also for the fact that the fragments of the projectile scatter in much the same way as pomegranate seeds in the kitchen with its inept cleaning.
  2. The hero of my today's article gave the name to the whole city. Have you heard of the city of Granada? Initially, this territory belonged to the Moors, and now to the Spaniards. Yes, he is in Spain. The pomegranate was also immortalized on the coat of arms of this city in the form of a golden fruit with bright red grains on a green background.
  3. There is an assumption that the crowns of rulers owe their shape to this "royal" fruit. Take a closer look: it is also decorated with a pointed corolla.
  4. The largest fruit of this plant was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The champion was grown by the industrious Chinese and had a diameter of 48.7 cm.
  5. By the way, a picture of this fruit is an honored guest of Chinese weddings, as such a gift symbolizes abundance.
  6. Azerbaijan celebrates the pomegranate holiday, which occurs on October 26. Around this time, the harvest time for these fruits ends and people celebrate this event. By the way, it is in this country that all known varieties of pomegranate grow.
  7. Armenian girls use this fruit for divination before the wedding. It is mercilessly smashed against the wall to find out how many future spouses will have children. The more pieces, the more offspring.
  8. Passionate Turks know about the amazing properties of pomegranate juice, and therefore in the coffee houses of this country it is positioned as a powerful aphrodisiac.
  9. In Greece, the juice obtained from pomegranate seeds is also considered a natural love potion, since, according to legend, it was grown in Cyprus by the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

I hope that from my article today you have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the grenade. Yes? 😉 And, if you haven't gone to the store or the market for it yet, please tell us how you clean this unusual fruit and how you use it?

In the East, pomegranate has long been called the king of fruits. Indeed, no other fruit can be compared with this handsome man in taste and valuable qualities. A variety of pomegranate varieties gives us fruits with tart, sweet or sweet and sour pulp, and each taste has its own connoisseurs.

Pomegranate - a brief description of the plant

Pomegranate is a fruiting deciduous shrub or tree reaching a height of 5 m or more. The thin spiny branches of the plant are abundantly covered with small, glossy bright green leaves. From funnel-shaped, orange-scarlet flowers, large fruits develop - spherical berries, called "pomegranates" in botany. The diameter of the fruit often reaches 17–18 cm. Numerous seeds are hidden under the leathery skin, which can be of any shade from yellow to dark red. Pomegranate seeds are in peculiar chambers - inedible partitions of white-yellow color. Each seed is surrounded by juicy, sweet and sour pulp, and their number in one fruit is more than a thousand.

Pomegranate fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, organic acids and beneficial trace elements

For a long time, among many peoples, pomegranate has been a symbol of wealth and fertility. The Holy Quran states that the Garden of Eden is a pomegranate thicket. According to one of the biblical versions, it is the pomegranate that is the very “apple of paradise” that the serpent-tempter treated Eve to. The ancient Egyptians considered the pomegranate to be the "tree of life", and images of these fruits are often found on the Egyptian pyramids, ancient Byzantine canvases, in the floral ornaments of the Arabs and Greeks.

The main types and popular varieties of pomegranate

Wild pomegranate is found only in two types. Ordinary, he is the founder of all cultivated varieties, settled in southern Europe and in the western part of Asia. On the island of Socotra in the Arabian Sea and only there, Socotra pomegranate grows, which is not cultivated due to the bitter taste of the fruit.

Common pomegranate is widely distributed in warm regions of the tropics and subtropics. It is loved and willingly grown in the countries of the Middle East and the Caucasus, in Central Asia and Southern Europe. In Russia, this sun-loving fruit tree feels good along the entire Black Sea coast and in the south of Dagestan. From one adult plant, 50–60 kg of excellent fruits are harvested there.

Pomegranate fruiting is a magical sight

Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are more than 500 varieties of pomegranate. They differ from each other in the size and taste of fruits, juiciness and color of the pulp, resistance to diseases and damage by pests. Sweet and sour pomegranates are valued no less than sweet pomegranates, as they are used to make all kinds of sauces and are added to ready-made dishes to add brightness to the taste. Sweet ones are good for juicing and eating fresh.

Video: Crimean pomegranate

The richest collection of representatives of these fruits is located on the territory of the Turkmen reserve Kara-Kala. About 350 different varieties and forms of pomegranate are grown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden of Crimea.

Harvesting in the Kara-Kala reserve is impressive, because about 800 different varieties and forms of pomegranate are grown here.

One of the most popular varieties of Transcaucasia is Gulyusha. Two varieties of this variety are grown - pink and red. The fruits of Gyulushi pink often reach a weight of 250 g, the juicy pulp of the grains has a pleasant sweet taste. Gulyusha red grows in the form of a shrub with very large fruits, weighing up to 350 g or more. The flesh is bright red with an excellent sour-sweet taste.

The fruits of Gulyushi red are quite large in size, covered with thin bright scarlet skin.

Ak Dona Krymskaya is an unpretentious variety, grown by gardeners even in the conditions of the steppe Crimea, unusual for a pomegranate. The oblong fruits are covered with a thin creamy peel with a red blush. The grains are dark pink in color with a bright sweet taste.

Ak dona Krymskaya easily gets along in the country, next to figs

Achik-Anor is a small tree with a compact crown. The fruits are round, slightly tapering towards the base, covered with a dense skin of bright carmine color. Cherry juicy grains are large, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Ripe pomegranate varieties Achik-Anor has a very attractive presentation

Varieties of pomegranate with light grains

Fruits with light grains are often called white pomegranates. In fact, the flesh is never pure white - there is always a light pink tint.

Popular light varieties:

  1. The sweetest pomegranate is Dholka, grown in India. A low shrub with medium-sized fruits, rarely exceeding 200 g in weight. The grains are large, light pink or almost white with an excellent sweet taste.
  2. One of the best varieties of pomegranate grown in Iran is Ahmar. A tree up to four meters high from June to the end of summer is covered with bright orange-scarlet flowers. Fruits of medium size are covered with a thick light skin. The grains are pale pink, sometimes almost white, and have a very good sweet taste. This is one of the sweetest varieties of pomegranate.
  3. Akdona is a popular Central Asian variety. Pomegranate is grown as a large shrub. The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened, weighing about 250 g, although individual fruits are very large, up to 600 g or more. The peel is light, glossy with a slight blush. Elongated grains are pale pink with a very good sweet taste.
  4. Pomegranate with white grains Tuya Tish, which translates into Russian as a camel's tooth, is a variety of the Akdona variety. Looking at the light yellow peel, it seems that the pomegranate is still green, but it is not. The flesh of these fruits is almost white with soft small seeds. The taste is very sweet, the content of vitamins and microelements is the same as in red-colored varieties.

White pomegranate seeds almost always have a slightly pink tint.

Frost-resistant varieties of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a very heat-loving plant, therefore it is grown in open ground only in the most southern regions of our country. In addition, this plant also makes great demands on the sun - there should be a lot of it. Even with partial shading, the pomegranate ceases to bloom, and therefore bear fruit. Thanks to the work of breeders, more and more new varieties of this fruit are appearing that can withstand slight drops in air temperature. But no matter how frost-resistant the variety is, if there is a possibility of winter negative temperatures, the pomegranate must be covered for the winter.

The most famous frost-resistant varieties:

  1. The pomegranate variety Nikitsky early was included in the state register of breeding achievements in 2014. Fast growing low tree. Fruits of universal use with an average term of maturing. The weight of the fruit is about 280 g, the peel is glossy, greenish-yellow in color with red stripes and spots. Sweet and sour cherry-colored grains have no aroma. The variety is resistant to heat and drought, withstands temperatures down to -12 o C.
  2. Variety Nyutinsky early ripening, included in the state register of breeding achievements in 2014. The tree is low-growing, slow-growing with a compact crown. Fruits weighing about 220 g are covered with a smooth skin of dark red color. The grains are red, sweet and sour, without aroma. Drought-resistant variety, tolerates frosts down to -12 ° C without loss.
  3. Variety Chernomorsky in 2015 was included in the state register of breeding achievements. Tree of medium height, fast growing with a rounded neat crown. Fruiting is annual. The fruits are large, up to 280 g, with sweet and sour cherry grains and a thick peel. It is characterized by high drought resistance and the ability to withstand temperatures down to -12 o C.
  4. Asian pomegranate is grown mainly in Ukraine. Shrub of early maturity. Fruits weighing up to 150 g are covered with a thin peel of light cream or pink tones. Large, sweet and sour grains of juicy purple color. The seeds are small. The shrub withstands short-term temperature drops to -20 ° C, but shelter is required for the winter.

Pomegranate Asian - one of the most frost-resistant varieties

Seedless pomegranate varieties

Seedless pomegranate varieties are quite rare and are classified as seedless rather conditionally. All varieties have seeds, but here they are very small and soft. The fruits of these varieties give 20% more juice than pomegranates with stones and are excellent for fresh consumption and for processing.

One of the most famous stoneless garnets is the Vandeful garnet. This is not the most productive variety, it gives no more than 15 kg of fruit from one tree. Fruits weighing 250–300 g are covered with a creamy peel with a blush. Valued for its high quality grains with juicy, pink and very sweet flesh. Vandeful is grown in Peru, Israel and some Asian countries.

Seedless Vandeful pomegranate seeds have a pleasant sweet taste.

In Spain, seedless pomegranates of the Mollar de Elche variety are grown on plantations. The fruits are quite large, often reaching a mass of 600–800 g. The peel is thin, but strong, of pink color. Grains are large, pleasant sweet taste.

Mollar de Elche pomegranate fruits look like apples

indoor pomegranate

Pomegranate is a rather unpretentious, but very thermophilic plant, and few gardeners can afford to grow it on their own plots. However, the dwarf forms of this plant grow well at home, as a pot culture. Of course, the baby will not surprise its owners with the harvest, but it will delight with the decorativeness of a flowering tree. Potted pomegranate is a godsend for bonsai lovers and many gardeners are happy to experiment with this patient plant.

Indoor pomegranate is great for creating a bonsai tree

Special varieties have been created for indoor cultivation, but amateur flower growers successfully grow a tree in a pot from the seeds of a purchased pomegranate. And although the varietal qualities of the source will not be preserved during the growing process, the resulting plant will bear fruit with completely edible fruits.

Video: dwarf pomegranate

Growing indoor pomegranate from seeds

For reproduction, ripe pomegranate seeds are sown in a container with loose, nutritious soil. When the hatched seedlings grow up a little (usually it takes about two months), they are transplanted into separate pots and placed on the south window. In order for the indoor pomegranate to bloom and set fruits, it must be in the sun for most of the day. Young plants prefer moderate watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers, carried out twice a month. In winter, indoor pomegranates shed their foliage and do not need frequent watering and top dressing. All they need for this period is a bright location and an air temperature of + 5 + 7 ° C. With the end of the dormant period, that is, after 2–3 months, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot, if necessary, formative pruning is carried out and watering is resumed. With the onset of heat, indoor pomegranate can be taken out into the garden.

Grown up pomegranate seedlings are transplanted into pots and placed on a bright window

One of the most popular miniature pomegranates is the Carthage variety. When potted, the shrub grows no more than one meter. Numerous branches with small bright leaves in May are covered with purple flowers 3–4 cm in diameter. Flowering continues until August and ends with fruit set. The crust of Carthage pomegranates is thin, bright red. Numerous grains are small, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The fruits are small, no more than 7 cm in diameter.

Dwarf pomegranate Carthage is magnificent both during flowering and when fruiting

The eighth ball is a room pomegranate bred in America. It got its name for its resemblance to the 8 ball in billiards. The large fruits of this tree attract attention not only with a purple, almost black color of the skin, but also with a great taste.

The fruits of the indoor pomegranate Eighth ball are distinguished by a peculiar coloring of the fruit

Often at flower growers you can find Baby indoor pomegranate. A small shrub about 50 cm tall, rarely leafy - the leaves are collected in bunches and are at some distance from each other. It blooms with beautiful orange-red flowers. Fruits of medium size with a thin red-brown skin. Grains are small, sweet and sour.

A miniature baby tree in summer is covered with flowers, ovaries and pomegranate fruits at the same time

I grew my indoor pomegranate from seeds - a friend brought a small pomegranate from her dwarf of an unknown breed. Of the 10 seeds planted, 8 sprouted. The seedlings grew up quite quickly, and were planted by me in separate pots. She left one for herself, and the rest went to friends. Now my grenade is already 7 years old. Bloomed for the first time in the third year from planting. It blooms every spring, and at the same time you can see flowers, ovaries, and fruits on it. My pomegranate is especially beautiful in summer - fireworks of green, red and orange, but in winter it looks more like a withered tree. He loves to cut his hair - I shape it every spring, as soon as new leaves begin to appear. Without a haircut, it instantly turns into a shapeless bush. And yet - in the summer I try to spray it with settled water at least once a day. By itself, indoor pomegranate calmly endures the dryness of the air, but during such a period it is attacked by a spider mite, which loves the lack of humidity very much. In late autumn, small pomegranates ripen, the size of a plum, with a bright purple skin and sour, juicy cherry-colored grains. Surprisingly, the grains in these small fruits are of a regular size, not small, just much smaller than in traditional fruits. For the winter, the tree almost completely sheds its leaves and I put the pot on a cold window, away from the battery. I water very rarely, slightly moistening the soil.

A big role in my life is played by hobbies - floriculture, gardening, traditional medicine, pets. I love nature and all living things very much, so I read a lot of articles on various phenomena and patterns of life, everything that brings harmony.

Pomegranate is a fruit tree about 6 meters high, but you can find pomegranate in the form of a shrub. It has thin thorny branches covered with grayish-brown bark. Its light green, glossy leaves form clusters. It can bloom from May to August with large, bell-like, red-orange, yellow or white flowers. There are a lot of such flowers on the tree.

Pomegranate fruits have rounded outlines with a diameter of up to 12 cm and a weight of up to 500 g. Fruit color may be yellow-red or red-brown. Inside it, in 9-12 cells in a juicy shell, there are many seeds of sweet and sour taste. This pulp contains monosaccharides, various acids, polyphenols, vitamins and tannins. From one tree you can collect up to 60 kg of fruit.

The pomegranate is distributed in the Middle East, Greece, Italy, the Caucasus, the Crimea, etc. It is rare in the wild, mainly cultivated in the countries of the tropical and subtropical zone.

Growing a pomegranate fruit tree

This tree can give a good harvest if properly grown. The main condition is heat and a sufficient amount of light. Pomegranate propagates by seeds, cuttings and layering. For planting, seeds that are inside the fruit are used, but they must be prepared before planting. To do this, the seeds are dried for 24 hours, and then placed in the refrigerator for 5-6 days.

For planting, you can use small pots with ready-made soil, which is used for growing flowers in room conditions. The pot must have a drainage system. The earth is poured into the pot and watered abundantly. In this soil, at a depth of 1 cm, a seed is placed ready for planting. To speed up the growth process, the pot is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place in the sun. After the sprout appears, the plastic film can be removed. A small but well-established seedling can be planted in the ground.

Planted in the ground in spring or autumn on a site well lit by the sun. By adhering to these recommendations, the pomegranate will develop normally and begin to bloom and bear fruit.

For propagation by cuttings, annual shoots of a healthy tree are used. Before planting, they prepare a place for this: they fertilize the earth and make sure that it warms up well enough. For the reliability of the engraftment of the cuttings, they are covered with plastic wrap and slightly shaded so that the cuttings do not overheat and die.

In the first years after planting, the young tree needs watering as the soil dries. In this case, you do not need to overdo it, since the presence of excess moisture can lead to decay of the root system. In addition, in the trunk circle, it is necessary to loosen the soil and do not forget about feeding the plant, if you want to get a good end result. In June, organic fertilizers should be applied, and potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied closer to autumn. To obtain a good harvest and proper crown formation, it is necessary to constantly trim the pomegranate.

Before the onset of cold weather, the pomegranate produces the formation of buds for the future crop. So that labor is not wasted, the tree is protected from cold and frost, covering it with any suitable material. The surviving buds will bloom in the spring along with the leaves. Pomegranate begins to bloom in the 2nd-3rd year of life, and bear fruit - in the 4th year.

Useful properties of pomegranate

The pomegranate fruit has excellent taste characteristics, in addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, P, E, C, it contains organic acids and organic (tannins) substances. Due to the large amount of vitamins and trace elements, this fruit is widely exploited in folk medicine. It tends to have many different characteristics that can streamline the work of the internal organs of a person, the digestive system, the cardiovascular system and the nervous system, restores the blood formula.

With low hemoglobin, it is recommended to drink pomegranate juice, which has a positive effect on the blood. To prevent atherosclerosis, you need to eat this fruit regularly. It should be used for high blood pressure. For people with diabetes, this fruit is almost indispensable, as it can replace insulin. People with problems can add dried partitions to tea to relax and relieve increased excitability.

The peel and fruits can be used for diarrhea, to normalize the digestive system and digestive tract.

Modern medicine uses pomegranate peel to make drugs that inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and tubercle bacillus, cholera vibrios and other viruses and bacteria.

This fruit is contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers. You should carefully use concentrated pomegranate juice, which can destroy tooth enamel.

Pomegranate varieties

This fruit has many varieties that can be distinguished by size, color, ripening time, taste characteristics, cold resistance. We offer the following varieties of pomegranate:

  • Crimean striped. The result of the selection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It is a low growing tree with a round crown. The average weight of fruits is somewhere around 250-300g, but there are specimens weighing up to 450g. The fruits have dark cherry grains, sweet-sour taste, covered with a thick peel. Average term of maturing.
  • Gulyasha pink. Semi-shrub with large oval-shaped fruits. The juice is sour in taste, but has a pleasant aroma.
  • Gulyasha is red. A prickly tree with greenish fruits, round in shape, inside of which there are very large grains. Juice is very tasty with sourness.
  • Nikitsky early. Shrub not tall, with very large pomegranates. It has a sweet, very tasty juice with sourness.
  • Achik-don. It grows in regions of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The pulp of these fruits is immensely tasty and sweet. A fairly productive variety with fruit ripening around mid-October.
  • Bala-mursal. It grows in regions of Azerbaijan. The height of the tree of this variety is about 3 meters, on which grow large (400-500g) fruits of dark crimson color, sweet and sour in taste. Under favorable conditions, 30-50 kg of fruit can be harvested from a bush.

Naturally, not all varieties are on this list, and it is especially worth highlighting the dwarf pomegranate.

Despite its small growth (about one meter) and small fruits (within 70 grams), it does not differ in taste from large-fruited varieties. Growing a dwarf is a real pleasure. This tree can bloom already in the first year of life, barely reaching a height of 20-25 cm. Its flowering continues for six months with beautiful orange or bright red flowers. It has a number of useful properties, for example, anthelmintic. If you brew a few sprigs in half a liter of water, evaporate to half, strain and take in small sips for an hour, then you can forget about worms. This is just one small example of the miraculous properties of pomegranate.

Pomegranate yellow (lat. Punica)- a fruit plant belonging to the Derbennikov family.


Yellow pomegranate is a relatively small shrub or tree, the height of which rarely exceeds five meters. The uneven trunks of the plant are covered with miniature thorns, and the smooth and thin branches attached to them are painted in pleasant yellowish-brown tones.

The oblong and at the same time slightly rounded wide pomegranate leaves are always glossy and are arranged oppositely. In width, they grow from two to three centimeters, and in length - from two to eight centimeters. The leaves sit on short petioles and gather in colorful bunches.

The bright red flowers of the plant are collected in inflorescences, each of which has from two to five pieces. And the diameter of large rounded fruits is in the range from nine to seventeen centimeters, while all the fruits are covered with a rather attractive and very thin yellowish or yellow-olive hard skin. Each fruit contains a huge number of seeds, surrounded by a sweet and very juicy pulp, in which there is practically no sourness. All grains are painted in pleasant pale pink tones. By the way, outwardly, the fruits of yellow pomegranate are very reminiscent of unripe fruits.

Where does it grow

The homeland of the yellow pomegranate is considered to be North Africa. It is quite widespread in the Himalayas, as well as Dagestan, in the territory of Transcaucasia, in Asia Minor and in distant Iran.


The seeds of the yellow pomegranate fruit are most often eaten fresh. Quite often they are used as a seasoning for a wide variety of dishes. And from the juice of these unusual fruits, wonderful sweet drinks with syrups are made, as well as quite thick and rich sauces. In addition, excellent marinades are obtained from it - the enzymes contained in the juice make the meat much more tender, and its taste becomes more pleasant. And it is quite possible to freeze yellow pomegranate for quite a long time - frozen grains are placed in tight bags and placed in the freezer.

Yellow pomegranate roots are used to make granadine, a special type of sugar that boasts a surprisingly pleasant aroma. Especially often granadin is used to obtain halva and all kinds of confectionery delights.

When purchasing a yellow pomegranate, you should carefully look at its skin - it should not have any brownish spots or any other damage.

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