All representatives of the animal kingdom are composed. Wildlife kingdoms and their representatives: rich diversity and interconnectedness

Features of representatives of the kingdom Animals - a heterotrophic mode of nutrition; - mobility, - activity in search of food; - changeable shape of the body and cells (no cell wall); - growth is limited; - cells lack a cell wall, plastids, vacuoles with cell sap; - storage substance - glycogen

Taxonomic categories of animals What unites Kingdom 2 subkingdoms - unicellular (protozoa) and multicellular Type classes close in origin Class related orders Order related families Family close genera Genus species close in origin Species a group of individuals similar in external and internal structure, occupying a certain area and giving a fertile offspring by crossing

Structural features: The cell contains components and organelles of eukaryotes; which provide all functions (digestive vacuoles, contractile vacuoles) There are specific structures: a light-sensitive spot - an eye, a cellular mouth, a cellular pharynx, powder, etc.) The cytoplasm is divided into two layers - the outer (ectoplasm) and the inner - endoplasm (it contains organelles and core). Many have a compacted layer of cytoplasm on the outside - the pellicle (provides protection). Some form a protective capsule of organic (in testate amoebae - from pseudochitin) or inorganic (in ray and sunfish - from calcium, silicon, strontium, etc.) substances. They have one haploid or diploid (ciliates macronucleus) nucleus; there are multinucleated (some types of plasmodia and ciliates).

Diversity 1. Type of sarcomastigophora - sarcodal - flagellate 2. Type of sporozoan 3. Type of ciliate - ciliary - sucking

Protozoan phylum Class Examples Sarcode mastigophores Proteus amoeba (common), dysenteric amoeba, radiolaria Flagellates Euglena green, African trypanosoma, Trichomonas, Giardia Sporovites Coccidieoobraza Malarial plasmodium ciliates Ciliary ciliates-balantidia, ciliates slipper, ciliates-trumpeter Sucking Trichofriosis

Type Intestinal - multicellular animals with radial (radial) symmetry of the body, development - at the gastrula stage. 10 thousand species Habitat - marine and fresh water bodies Radial symmetry Body - a two-layer bag of two cell layers - outer (ectoderm) and inner (endoderm). Between the layers - mesoglea They do not have clearly defined tissues and organs. Have no blood Morphological types - polyps and jellyfish.

The main aromorphoses in coelenterates: the emergence of multicellularity as a result of specialization and association of interacting cells the occurrence of a two-layer structure the occurrence of cavitary digestion the appearance of body parts differentiated by function the appearance of radial (radial) symmetry

Process Characteristic Digestion Intracellular and abdominal (digestion of food occurs in the intestinal cavity - this is where the name of the type comes from). Circulation Absent Respiration Absorption of oxygen by the entire surface of the body Excretion No specialized excretory organs. Isolation through the outer layer of cells into water, through the outer layer into the intestinal cavity, then into water. Reproduction Two ways - asexual and sexual. Asexual (budding) is characteristic only of polyps. Sexual - with the help of the genital organs - the gonads. Fertilization is external. Formation of planktonic or crawling larvae. Nervous Reticulated type. There are reflexes Sense organs Everyone has tactile sensitivity, jellyfish have light-perceiving "eyes" and organs of balance. Life cycle Metagenesis is a regular alternation of asexual and sexual generations. Regeneration by intermediate cells

Class Examples Hydroid Freshwater hydras Scyphoid Cornerota, Aurelia, Cyanei, etc. Coral anemones, gorgonians, black corals,

Class Tape Class Ciliary Class Examples Ciliary Planaria (white, black…) etc. Flukes Liver fluke, liver fluke, cat fluke

Class Organs of attachment Integuments Digestive system Sensory organs Type of development Ciliated None None Developed cuticles Have eyes and balance organs No change of hosts, direct Flukes Have suckers Have cuticles Weakly developed None With change of hosts, indirect Tape Have suckers and hooks Have cuticles Absent No Co change of owners, indirect

plants.G. Animals.A.2 Autotrophic organisms are: A. Viruses.B. Pisces.V. Animals.G. Plants containing chlorophyll.A.3 Bacterial cell: A. Neuron.B. Axon.V. Dendrite.G. Vibrio cholerae.A.4 A distinctive feature of plant cells is the presence of: A. Nuclei.B. Cytoplasms.B. Membrane.G. A cell wall made of cellulose. A.5 Mitosis results in: A. Isolation. B. Regeneration of tissues and organs of the body..V. Digestion.G. Breathing. A.6 Indicate one of the provisions of the cellular theory: A. One drop of pure nicotine (0.05 g) is enough to kill a person. B. All new cells are formed during the division of the original cells.B. Viruses and bacteriophages are representatives of the animal kingdom.G. Viruses and bacteriophages are representatives of the Multicellular Subkingdom. A.7 Reproduction is: A. Obtaining nutrients from the environment. B. Isolation of unnecessary substances.B. Reproduction of their own kind.G. Entry of oxygen into the body. A.8 The process of formation of female gametes is called: A. Ovogenesis B. Spermatogenesis CrushingG. DivisionA.9 Internal fertilization occurs in: A. Akul.B. Pike.V.Monkey.G. Frogs. A.10 For a developing human embryo, the following are detrimental: Compliance with the future mother's diet. Drug addiction of a woman.G. Observance by the expectant mother of the regime of work and rest. A.11 Indirect type of development - in: A. Homo sapiens. B. Great apes.V. Narrow-nosed monkeys.G. Cabbage butterflies. A.12 Genopyt is the totality of all: Genes of organisms.B. Bad habits.G. Useful habits. A.13 In dihybrid crossing, inheritance is studied: A. Many traits. B. Three signs.B. Two signs.G. One sign. TASK B. Tasks with a short answer B.1 Find a match .. 1. Dominant trait in humans. A. Gray eyes.2. recessive trait in humans. B. Brown eyes. Blond hair.G. Black hair.1 2B. 2 Compare the characteristics of asexual and sexual reproduction. Write the answer number in the appropriate column. Sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction 1. One individual participates in the process of reproduction.2. Two individuals of different sex participate in the process of reproduction.3. The beginning of a new organism is given by a zygote, resulting from the fusion of male and female germ cells.4. The beginning of a new organism (organisms) is given by a somatic cell.5. Dysentery bacillus.6. Male and female pond frog. B.3 Choose the correct answer. Write down the numbers of the correct statements. No. ___________1. Spermatozoon - female sex gamete.2. The spermatozoon is the male sex gamete. The ovum is the male reproductive gamete. Ovum - female sex gamete5. Ovogenesis - the process of development of eggs.6. Ovogenesis is the process of development of spermatozoa.7. Spermatogenesis is the process of development of eggs.8. Spermatogenesis is the process of development of spermatozoa9. Fertilization is the process of fusion of sex gametes: two spermatozoa.10. Fertilization is the process of fusion of sex gametes: two eggs.11. Fertilization is the process of fusion of the sex gametes: sperm and egg. B.4 Set the correct sequence of the complication of organisms according to the plan: non-cellular life forms-prokaryotes-eukaryotes. 1. Influenza virus H7N92. Amoeba freshwater.3. Vibrio cholerae. B.5 A heterozygous (Aa) black rabbit is crossed with a heterozygous (Aa) black rabbit. 1. What kind of phenotypic splitting should be expected in such a crossing? A. 3:1; B. 1:1; V. 1:2:12. What percentage is the probability of the birth of white rabbits - (homozygous for two recessive genes - aa)? Answer:_________________В.6 Carefully read the text, think and answer the question: "Recall the possible evolutionary role of symbiosis, scientists were forced to study the internal structure of the cell - in the middle of the last century, after the advent of the electron microscope, discoveries in this area fell one after another. It turned out, in particular that not only plant chloroplasts, but also mitochondria - the "energy plants" of any real cells - really look like bacteria, and not only externally: they have their own DNA and they reproduce independently of the host cell. "(According to the journal " Around the world"). Which organelles have their own DNA?

Animals are eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms. More than 2.0 million species have been described. Animals inhabited all habitats: water (fish, whales, crayfish, jellyfish), ground-air (beetles, butterflies, birds, animals), soil (earthworms, moles). For many of them, other animals, plants and humans serve as a place of life.

Modern zoology- whole animal science system . Some sciences study the structure, development of animals, their way of life, distribution on Earth, others - separate groups of animals.

Animals are diverse in size, body shape, integument, organs of locomotion, internal structure, behavior and other features. The Animal Kingdom is inherent a number of distinguishing features:

  1. Heterotrophic type of nutrition. Most have holozoic, some have osmotrophic, phago- and pinocytosis. Some mixotrophs (euglena green).
  2. Specific features in the organization of an animal cell: it does not have a cell wall (therefore, it can take on a different shape), the vacuole system is not developed, there are centrioles, many cells are equipped with cilia or flagella, the main reserve substance is glycogen.
  3. Four types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.
  4. They lead mainly a mobile lifestyle, which is associated with the development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  5. There are excretory organs and nitrogen-containing waste products (ammonia, urea, uric acid, etc.) are excreted.
  6. The higher ones are characterized by complex behavioral reactions. Highly organized forms are capable of carrying out the processes of higher nervous activity.
  7. Most have nervous and humoral systems of regulation (in plants, only humoral).
  8. There is a protective (immune) system.
  9. Growth is diffuse (that is, the growth of the entire surface, and not due to certain growth points) and limited.
  10. Life cycles are simpler than those of plants. The haploid stage is represented only by gametes (with the exception of sporozoans and foraminifera). Reduction division is carried out directly in the process of gametogenesis.

Systematics of animals

Animal taxonomy is a science that deals with the distribution of animals into groups: type, class, order, family, genus, species. The animal kingdom is divided into two sub-kingdoms: Unicellular (protozoa) and Multicellular.

Animal classification

Representatives of the kingdom Animals are very diverse. They differ from each other in features of ecology, individual development, morphology and physiology. Depending on this or that sign, animals are divided into different groups.

Habitat. Aquatic- live on the surface, in the water column or at the bottom of fresh and marine water bodies (unicellular, intestinal, crustaceans, fish, cetaceans). Land- live on the surface of the land, on trees, in grass, under stones, etc. (arachnids, insects, some molluscs, reptiles, birds, mammals). Soil- live in the thickness of the soil, in the forest floor, in burrows, etc. (single-celled, ticks, insects, worms, moles, rodents). flying- adapted for flight, have wings (insects, birds, bats).

Power type. Heterotrophic- use ready-made organic substances obtained from food (most animals). mixotrophic- depending on environmental conditions, they synthesize organic substances from inorganic substances in the light or feed on ready-made organic substances (green euglena, dewdrop).

The ability to move in space. Attached- attached to the substrate (coral and hydroid irrigation). Free-moving- move independently: actively or passively, thanks to the flow of water, wind.

Organization level. Unicellular- the body consists of one cell, functionally corresponding to the whole organism (sarcode, flagella, ciliates, sporozoa). Multicellular- the body is formed by many cells, which in most cases are specialized in the function performed and form tissues (coelenterates, worms, mollusks, arthropods, chordates).

The number of germ layers. Double layer develop from two layers of cells: the outer - ectoderm, and the inner - endoderm (intestinal). Three-layer- develop from three germ layers: outer - ectoderm, middle - mesoderm, and inner - endoderm (most multicellular).

body symmetry. Radially symmetrical(radiant) - several planes of symmetry can be drawn through the body (coelenterates, echinoderms). Bilaterally symmetrical(bilaterally symmetrical) only one plane of symmetry can be drawn through the body, which divides the body into right and left halves (most animals). asymmetrical- it is impossible to draw a single plane of symmetry through the body (gastropods).

body cavity type. Cavity- there is no body cavity, the spaces between the organs are filled with parenchyma (flatworms). Primary cavity- the body cavity (pseudocoel) does not have its own epithelial lining, it is limited by the skin-muscular sac and the walls of internal organs (roundworms). Secondary cavity- the body cavity (as a whole) is limited by a single-layer epithelium, lining the integument of the body from the inside and covering the hollow internal organs from the outside (annelids, molluscs and chordates). Having mixed cavity- the body cavity (myxocoel) is formed as a result of the merger of sections of the primary and secondary cavity (arthropods).

The presence of a spine. Invertebrates- there is no internal axial skeleton (coelenterates, worms, mollusks, arthropods). Vertebrates- the internal axial skeleton is represented by the spine (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals).

Development of the mouth opening. protostomes- the mouth is formed at the site of the blastopore (annelids, mollusks and arthropods). Deuterostomes- the blastopore is transformed into the anus, the mouth is formed at the opposite end of the embryo (echinoderms, chordates).

The intensity of metabolic processes. cold-blooded- body temperature is unstable and depends on the ambient temperature, the intensity of metabolic processes is low (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles). warm-blooded- the internal temperature of the body is constant and relatively independent of the ambient temperature, the intensity of metabolic processes is high (birds, mammals).

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Among animals of any kind, truly small representatives are often found. Meet the most amazing mini animals that are much smaller than their counterparts.

"Thumbelina", as our beauty was called, is officially recognized as the smallest. This fact is also confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records, having recorded the growth of the baby - about 45 centimeters, and weight - 26 kg. Thumbelina appeared in 2001 in Missouri, and five years later she became a record holder. The horse travels across the United States, delighting children in kindergartens, hospitals and schools.

The tiny Chihuahua dog breed is known all over the world as Millie's Miracle. The Guinness Book of Records named her the smallest dog for her height, which does not even reach 10 centimeters. The weight of the crumbs does not exceed four hundred grams. The owners complain that such dimensions do not make life easier with a pet, because Millie can easily be lost on the street or stepped on at home.

Cow Manikyam in 2014 was recognized as the smallest, her height is just over 60 centimeters! The previous record for short stature belonged to a cow that was 8 centimeters taller than Manikyam. The smallest cow lives in India, in the small town of Atoli in Kerala. She appeared at the farmer, who from birth looked after Manikyam in the same way as her taller sisters, but despite proper care, the cow remained tiny. As the farmer says, the mini-cow is quick-witted and has a good disposition. In his homeland, Manikyam is a real celebrity, everyone wants to feed her and photograph her.

There are only eight species of bears in the world, the smallest of them is the Malayan bear (Biruanga). Representatives of this species are found over a large area - from the People's Republic of China to Indonesia. Biruang males are slightly larger than females, but they still do not exceed one and a half meters. Their average weight is 70 kilograms. Compactness, light weight, inverted paws and long claws allow Malay bears to freely climb trees and even rest while lying on branches. By the way, rocks are also available to them, which they easily conquer. Biruangs have a very long tongue, with which they extract honey from hives and get food from the most secluded places.

Pygmy monkeys, otherwise marmosets, are considered the smallest humanoids. The size of the little ones is really surprising, their height rarely reaches 15 centimeters, for which the people call monkeys “finger”. Even their tail far exceeds the body length!

The cat, which the owners gave the appropriate nickname "Lilliput", lives in America, in the town of Napa, in California. Her height reaches a little over 13 centimeters!

A species of reptile that can only grow up to 12 centimeters is called the Pennsylvania tortoise. They live in the eastern part of the United States and like to settle in shallow bays of lakes and streams. The Pennsylvania turtle differs from its counterparts not only in its miniature size, it also has a surprisingly mobile shell.

Sharks are tiny too. The most modest in size representative of these dangerous creatures is found in the waters of South Africa. It is called the Pygmy Spiny Shark for its size, which reaches 25 centimeters. This is not the only difference from its counterparts - the pygmy shark boasts a spike only in front of the first dorsal fin. Despite the seeming defenselessness, this predator is quite dangerous and preys on marine life much larger than itself. A person can rarely see a mini shark, as it is found only at a depth of two hundred meters.

Pudu, as these little deer are called, reaches only 80-85 centimeters in length and 35 centimeters in height. Pudu's weight is also small - only 10 kilograms. This species of deer is extremely rare, therefore it is listed in the Red Book. Now they can only be found in southern Chile.

The pygmy hippopotamus can only be seen in Liberia, the Republic of Sierra Leone or Ivory Coast, as representatives of this species are under the threat of extinction. Now there are only a thousand individuals left in their natural habitat, in zoos - a little more. A mini-hippo can reach a height of only 85 centimeters, and a length of about 170 centimeters, however, the weight is still impressive - an average of about 200 kilograms (although when compared with a hippopotamus, whose weight reaches four tons, it becomes clear why these hippos are called pygmy).

The main features of the subkingdoms of unicellular and multicellular animals. Unicellular and invertebrate animals, their classification, features of structure and life, role in nature and human life. Characteristics of the main types of invertebrates, classes of arthropods

4.6.1. General characteristics of the kingdom Animals

4.6.2. Subkingdom Unicellular or Protozoa. general characteristics

Basic categories and terminology tested in the examination process (USE): amoeba, balantidia, flagellates, ciliates, coccidia, malarial plasmodium, digestive vacuole, sexual progress, powder, sarcodes, contractile vacuole, sporozoans, green euglena.

USE Part C

USE Part B

IN 1. Choose protozoa leading a free lifestyle
1) infusoria stentor 4) lamblia
2) amoeba proteus 5) stylonichia
3) trypanosoma 6) balantidia
IN 2. Match the representative of the protozoa with the trait that he has

C1. Why do aquarists grow ciliates in milk?
C2. Find the errors in the given text, correct them, indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they were made. 1. The simplest (single-celled) organisms live only in fresh waters. 2. The cell of the simplest is an independent organism, with all the functions of a living system. 3. Unlike the cells of multicellular organisms, the cells of all protozoa have the same shape. 4. The simplest feed on particles of solid food, bacteria. 5. Undigested food residues are removed through contractile vacuoles. 6. Some protozoa have chlorophyll-containing chromatophores and are capable of photosynthesis.

4.6.3. Type Intestinal. General characteristics. Variety of coelenterates

Basic categories and terminology tested in the examination process (USE): bilayer animals, hydroid, glandular cells, ectoderm cells, endoderm cells, coral polyps, jellyfish, nerve cells, stinging cells, scyphoid, coelenterates development cycle.

Intestinal - one of the oldest groups of multicellular animals, numbering 9000 thousand species. These animals lead an aquatic lifestyle and are common in all seas and freshwater reservoirs. Descended from colonial protozoa - flagellates. Coelenterates lead a free or sedentary lifestyle. Type Coelenterates is divided into three classes: Hydroid, Scyphoid and Coral polyps.
The most important common feature of the coelenterates is the two-layer structure of the body. It consists of ectoderm and endoderm, between which there is a non-cellular structure - mesoglea. These animals got their name because they have an intestinal cavity in which food is digested.
The main aromorphoses that contributed to the appearance of coelenterates are as follows:
- the emergence of multicellularity as a result of specialization and association;
- cells interacting with each other;
- the emergence of a two-layer structure;
- the occurrence of abdominal digestion;
- the appearance of body parts differentiated by function, the appearance of radial or radial symmetry.
Class Hydroids. Representative - freshwater hydra.
Hydra is a polyp, about 1 cm in size. It lives in freshwater reservoirs. The sole is attached to the substrate. The front end of the body forms a mouth surrounded by tentacles. The outer layer of the body - the ectoderm consists of several types of cells differentiated according to their functions:
- epithelial-muscular, providing the movement of the animal;
- intermediate, giving rise to all cells;
- stinging, performing a protective function;
- sexual, providing the process of reproduction;
- nervous, united in a single network and forming the first nervous system in the organic world.
The endoderm consists of: epithelial-muscular, digestive cells and glandular cells that secrete digestive juice.
In hydra, as in other intestinal animals, digestion is both cavitary and intracellular. Hydras are predators that feed on small crustaceans and fish fry. Respiration and excretion in hydras is carried out by the entire surface of the body.
Irritability is manifested in the form of motor reflexes. The tentacles most clearly react to irritation, because they are most densely concentrated nerve and epithelial-muscular cells.
Reproduction occurs by budding and sexually. The sexual process takes place in autumn. Some intermediate cells of the ectoderm turn into germ cells. Fertilization takes place in water. New hydras appear in the spring. Among the coelenterates there are hermaphrodites and dioecious animals.
For many coelenterates, alternation of generations is characteristic. For example, jellyfish are formed from polyps. From the fertilized eggs of jellyfish, larvae - planulae - develop. Polyps develop again from the larvae.
Hydras are able to restore lost parts of the body, thanks to the reproduction and differentiation of non-specific cells. This phenomenon is called regeneration.
Class Scyphoid. Combines large jellyfish. Representatives - Cornerot, Aurelia, Cyanea.
Jellyfish live in the seas. The body resembles an umbrella in shape and consists mainly of gelatinous mesoglea, covered on the outside with a layer of ectoderm, and on the inside with a layer of endoderm. Along the edges of the umbrella are tentacles surrounding the mouth, located on the underside. The mouth leads to the gastric cavity, from which radial canals depart. The channels are interconnected by an annular channel. Ultimately, the gastric system is formed.
The nervous system of jellyfish is more complex than that of hydras. In addition to the common network of nerve cells, clusters of nerve ganglia are located along the edge of the umbrella, forming a continuous nerve ring and special organs of balance - statocysts. Some jellyfish have light-sensitive eyes, sensitive and pigment cells appear, corresponding to the retina of the eye of higher animals.
In the life cycle of jellyfish, sexual and asexual generations naturally alternate. They are separate. The sex glands are located in the endoderm under the radial canals or on the oral stalk. Sexual products exit through the mouth into the sea. A free-living larva, a planula, develops from the zygote. Planula turns into a small polyp in spring. Polyps form groups similar to colonies. Gradually, they disperse and turn into adult jellyfish.
Class Coral polyps. They include solitary (anemones, brain sea anemones) or colonial forms (red coral). They have a calcareous or silicon skeleton formed by needle-shaped crystals. They live in tropical seas. Accumulations of coral polyps form coral reefs. They reproduce asexually and sexually. There is no medusa stage of development in coral polyps.

Examples of practical tasks for the exam on the topic: ""
USE Part A

A1. One of the major aromorphoses in coelenterates was the occurrence
1) stinging cells
2) multicellularity
3) intracellular digestion
4) ability to bud
A2. Polyp is the name
1) type of animal
2) class of animals
3) sub-kingdoms of animals
4) stages of animal development
A3. The cells from which all other hydra cells are formed are called
1) glandular 3) stinging
2) intermediate 4) epithelial-muscular
A4. Hydra endoderm contains cells
1) intermediate 3) glandular
2) genital 4) nervous
A5. From the zygote in jellyfish, it first develops
1) planula 3) adult form
2) polyp 4) colony of polyps
A6. The nervous system is the most complex
1) hydra 3) cornerota
2) cerebellum 4) sea anemones
A7. The sex glands of jellyfish develop into
1) ectoderm 3) mesoglea
2) stomach pockets 4) pharynx
A8. The internal skeleton is
1) aurelia 3) sea anemones
2) hydra 4) cornerota
A9. The nervous system of the coelenterates consists of
1) single cells
2) individual nerve nodes
3) one nerve
4) interconnected nerve cells

USE Part B

IN 1. Select the cells that are in the ectoderm of the hydra
1) glandular 4) digestive
2) intermediate 5) stinging
3) nervous 6) sexual

USE Part C

C1. Why do reef-building corals live at depths not exceeding 50 m?

4.6.4. Comparative characteristics of representatives of the type Flatworms

Part A

A1. Among the listed animals, select the animal that develops from three germ layers
1) jellyfish-cornerot 3) infusoria-stentor
2) sea anemone 4) many-eyed
A2. The sense organs are
1) white planaria 3) wide ribbon
2) liver fluke 4) bovine tapeworm
A3. The larva with cilia in the liver fluke develops in the body
1) cows 3) snails
2) human 4) mosquito
A4. The tailed larva of the liver fluke leaves the body
1) adult worm 3) sheep
2) a person 4) a small pond snail
A5. Pork tapeworm multiplies in the body
1) cows 4) human
3) sheep 5) pigs
A6. The main host of tapeworms is
1 person
2) cattle
3) sheep and pigs
4) poultry
A7. Anaerobic respiration in
1) white planaria 3) liver fluke
2) multi-creeper 4) black planaria
A8. You can get infected with fluke cysts
1) through a handshake
2) by airborne droplets
3) drinking water from the pond
4) through injection
A9. The most likely source of human infection with bovine or pork tapeworm is
1) worm eggs 3) pond water
2) Finns 4) mature joints
A10. How many larval stages does a liver fluke go through in its life cycle?
1) one 2) two 3) three 4) four

USE Part B

C1. How is the metabolism of planarians different from that of tapeworms?
C2. List measures to prevent infection with flatworms.

4.6.5. Type Primary cavity, or Roundworms

The main terms and concepts tested in the examination paper: a scarid, helminthiases, nematodes, nerve trunks, peripharyngeal nerve ring, pinworm.

Examples of practical tasks for the exam

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