Technology of organization of leisure for children and adolescents. Organization of leisure for children and adolescents in the conditions of school leisure organization Experience of work of cultural institutions


Relevance of the topic:The current stage of development of Russian society is ambiguous and contradictory. The activity of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, as an integral part of the social organism, takes place against the backdrop of fundamental changes in all spheres of society - from the economy to ideology.

There is a change in value orientations, life goals of both individuals and society as a whole. It is known that today the leisure of both young people and adults who grew up in large and small cities is different. It is so different that, when communicating with representatives of small towns, we catch their difference from representatives of large cities so clearly that it becomes clear that these are different people, and their leisure culture is different. It is free time that becomes the sphere where a person communicates with art, painting, cinema, literature; playing sports, in drama circles, visiting exhibitions, theaters, museums, meeting interesting personalities. With all the positive aspects of leisure, it can be noted that leisure is clearly subject to the state of politics, economics, ideology, education and culture.

As practice shows, the leisure of the younger generation, with a relatively low culture of its use, not only does not bring the expected restoration of lost strength, the flowering of creative abilities, and the like, but, on the contrary, turns into a criminogenic factor in society. The fragmentation of existing theoretical developments and the limited empirical material on issues related to the socializing impact of leisure on school-age children and reducing it mainly to the implementation of an educational function significantly reduces the effectiveness of practical activities in the field of leisure, which also determines the need and relevance of this study.

An objectresearches - the organization of leisure of children and teenagers.

Thingresearches - the organization of leisure of children and teenagers in the conditions of the School leisure organization.

Targetresearch - to study the features of the organization of leisure for children and adolescents in the conditions of the school leisure organization.

Tasksresearch: 1. Consider the influence of the current socio-cultural situation on the development of the personality of a teenager. 2. Analyze the main ways to optimize the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure. 3. To study the peculiarities of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents in clubs at the place of residence.

The novelty of the course work.

Since this problem is relevant for today, but little studied, therefore, I tried to theoretically generalize sociological approaches to studying the problem of spending leisure time for children and adolescents.

The practical significance of the study.

The results of the work of developing programs can be used in the practical activities of the head teacher for educational work, leaders of circles and for leaders of the cultural and mass sector.

1. Organization of free time for children and adolescents as a social problem

.1 Organization of free time as a problem

Leisure time is usually defined as a period of time when a person, not having obligatory things to do (work, household chores, study, food, sleep, etc.), is left to himself in the choice of activities. An active activity, similar to the work that a person chooses himself at such a time, is called a hobby, it is performed for the sake of the activity itself, and not for the sake of earning.

"Free time" comes from the Latin "licere" which means "to be free", the term first appeared in the early 14th century. During the industrial revolution, when workers in factories had to work 18 hours a day, with only one day off on Sunday. Although by 1870 more modern technology and the union resulted in reduced working hours and the permission for two official days off, Saturday and Sunday. Affordable and reliable transportation made it possible for workers to travel during their days off.

The capitalist society often valued free time very positively, as "free time" included costs on the part of the population, and this improved the country's economy. And at this time, rich people were also given more importance, since rich people could afford more free time and, accordingly, they spent more money. "Workaholics" are those people who sacrifice their free time for the sake of work. They prefer to work than to rest. Many expect to achieve career heights by sacrificing free time. According to the philosopher Marx Werha Eve, it was the Europeans and Americans who in the 1960s and 1970s became supporters of what in our time can be called "socialism of free time." They believed that if everyone was given a small piece of the pie, then the minimum needs of each person would be met. Then people can use their free time for the benefit and development of art, sports, and many other types of free time. Writer Belfort Bach in 1884 wrote Socialism and the Question of Sunday, he wanted everyone to have the opportunity to rest, and focused on highlighting one universal day of rest.

Leisure time is the part of non-working time (within the boundaries of a day, week, year), which remains with a person (group, society) minus various kinds of immutable, necessary costs. The boundaries of free time are determined on the basis of a distinction in the composition of the total time of people's life activity of actually working (including additional labor for the purpose of earning) and non-working time and the allocation of various elements of busy (non-free) time in the composition of the latter.

In the life of modern society, the phenomenon of free time is extremely complex, reflects the essential characteristics of a particular type of society, is filled with various, sometimes very contradictory, content. In developed capitalist countries, along with a positive trend of increasing free time, there are invariably negative trends in filling the leisure sphere with “mass culture”, anti-culture phenomena (alcoholism, crime, etc.), and other activities inherent in the ideals of a “consumer society”. With regard to the conditions of socialism, we can speak, first of all, of the two main functions of free time: the function of restoring the strength of a person absorbed by the sphere of labor and other indispensable occupations, and the function of spiritual (ideological, cultural, aesthetic, etc.) and physical development of a person, gaining more and more importance. It was her, having in mind, that K. Marx said that time “... remains free for pleasure, for leisure, as a result of which space opens up for free activity and development. Time is a space for the development of abilities ... ”As a socio-historical category of free time, it is characterized by three main parameters: volume (size), structure and content. The amount of free time depends primarily on the duration of labor time characteristic of a particular society, i.e. of the total amount of non-working time. Socialist society is consistently striving to shorten the length of the working day. At the same time, at the present stage of development, the amount of free time is largely determined by the time spent on some indispensable costs within non-working hours, primarily for household needs and transport. Therefore, the main ways to increase the amount of free time are the development and improvement of everyday services, the introduction into practice of more rational principles of urban and industrial construction, resettlement, etc.

Depending on the aspect of consideration and the tasks of analysis, an unequal (up to several tens) number of elements is usually distinguished in the structure of free time. Taking as the basis of classification the nature of the activity carried out by a person in his free time from the point of view of its influence on the development of the human personality, you can get a number of the broadest categories that form the structure of free time. This is an active creative activity; study, self-education, cultural consumption, which has an individual (reading newspapers, books, etc.) and public entertainment (visiting cinema, theaters, museums, etc.) character; physical activity (sports, etc.); amateur activities such as hobbies; activities, games with children; friendly meetings, communication with other people4 passive recreation; time expenditures coinciding with the phenomena of anticulture (for example, alcohol abuse). Thus, with the same amount of free time, its structure can be more or less progressive. The main ways to improve the structure of free time under socialism are to increase the amount of free time, create a powerful material and technical base for leisure, increase the efficiency of organizational and ideological work with workers, etc.

The specific occupations of a person and their quality within the framework of a particular activity in his spare time constitute its content. Ensuring the content of free time, corresponding to the goals of communist construction, is a long process associated with a further change in the position of the individual in the sphere of the economic, political, spiritual life of society, in particular with the wider involvement of workers in political creativity, the management of social processes, with the flourishing of the general culture of the masses. etc.

Over the past decade in Russia there has been a change in the conditions for the upbringing and recreation of children. The closure of many sports and music schools or their inaccessibility due to increased fees for classes has become an obstacle to physical development and the acquisition of important cultural and leisure skills by children. So, by 2006, only less than half of school-age children attended various paid and free circles, while the number of free circles continued to decline. Opportunities for summer recreation for children have significantly decreased. The state of the leisure sector is reflected not only in statistical data, but also in the unsatisfied assessments of the population. “In schools there is no choice for classes in circles, in sports sections, and most often there is no equipment, sports equipment, extracurricular activities are not conducted at all. Very few children go in for physical culture and sports, especially in the villages.”

In many families, too, insufficient attention is paid to the development of children. In the last decade, the functions of upbringing are increasingly assigned by parents to official educational institutions - the school, institutions of out-of-school education, and they underestimate their own role in the development of the child. Adult working people, on average, spend only 0.5 hours a week on classes with children. In the best case, a teenager is automatically included in the family's usual way of spending leisure time. However, given the statistics of recent years, such an introduction to family vacations negatively affects the personality of a teenager. In the 1990s, free time, especially in the villages, began to be used more by the family for passive recreation in combination with watching television or socializing. The frequency of reading fiction, and especially newspapers, has decreased.

The lack of organization of leisure in the family, at school, as well as the lack of opportunities for most adolescents for a full-fledged summer vacation, creative and physical development in special circles and sections, leads to the fact that adolescents find themselves on the street. An important role here belongs to the environment of a teenager - a youth company, a subculture whose values ​​he shares. A survey conducted in 2006 shows that 84% of teenagers prefer to spend their free time with their friends, 62% in the company they joined.

A teenager goes "on the street" to feel his own independence, independence, freedom. Youth companies usually meet in places where the least likely to fall under the control of adults. As a result, the most common answer to the question about the meeting place is “when, how, where you have to,” and as a result, spending time in the basement, in the attic, in the forest. Moreover, 75% of adolescents are satisfied with spending their free time in this way, they are quite satisfied with the lack of attention to them from adults, non-interference in their personal lives. At the same time, up to 90% of drug addicts start using drugs in the companies of peers who gather in such places. Being freed from the control of adults, teenagers are left to themselves and can have fun as they want. As a result, crime and theft are on the rise. The drug mafia actively attracts idle teenagers to its activities. And such an opportunity to earn money is especially attractive for children from large, single-parent families, who often live from hand to mouth and do not have pocket money.

Theoretically, free time is a resource for the development of the individual and society. However, in reality, this resource, as we see, remains only a potential opportunity for development. Free time, if we consider it from the standpoint of the real behavior of a teenager, also contains the path to the degradation of the individual.

1.2 The specifics of leisure activities with adolescents with deviant behavior

The main task of preventive work in the system of juvenile delinquency is the prevention and correction of social deviations and social maladjustment of children and adolescents, which are the result of unfavorable social development due to various unfavorable environmental factors, upbringing, and psychobiological characteristics.

As you know, deviant antisocial behavior is called behavior that is contrary to legal or moral norms accepted in society.

The main types of deviant behavior are crime and criminally punishable (not illegal) immoral behavior. In the origin of deviant behavior, a significant place is given to the study of its motives, causes and conditions that contribute to its development. In the origin of deviant behavior, defects in the legal and moral consciousness, the content of the needs of the individual, character traits, and the emotional-volitional sphere play a particularly large role.

Deviant behavior is the result of improper development of the personality and the unfavorable situation in which the person finds himself.

It is in adolescence that the first manifestations of deviant behavior are observed and are explained by the relatively low level of intellectual development, the incompleteness of the process of personality formation, the negative influence of the family, the immediate environment, the adolescent's dependence on the requirements of the group and the holistic orientations adopted in it.

Deviant behavior in adolescents often serves as a means of self-affirmation, expresses the process against reality or the seeming injustice of adults.

In turn, the deviations are divided into:

)deviations of selfish orientation;

)aggressive orientation;

)deviations of the socially passive type.

Social deviations of selfish orientation.These include the right of offense and misdemeanors associated with the desire to obtain material, monetary, property support (theft, theft, speculation).

Among minors, such deviations manifest themselves in the form of criminal criminal acts and in the form of misconduct and immoral behavior.

Social Deviations aggressive orientationmanifested in actions directed against a person (insult, hooliganism, beatings, rape and murder).

Deviations of social - passive typeexpressed in the desire for income from an active social life, in the evasion of their civic duties and duty, unwillingness to solve both personal and social problems. Such manifestations include evasion from work and study, vagrancy, the use of alcohol and drugs, toxic drugs, immersing in the world of artificial illusions and destroying the psyche. The extreme manifestation of this position is suicide, suicide. Thus, antisocial behavior, differing both in content and target orientation, and in the degree of public danger, can manifest itself in various social deviations, from violations of morality and law, minor offenses to serious crimes.

There are several forms of manifestation of deviant behavior of minors:

1. Alcoholization.This phenomenon is spreading more and more. Every year the number of teenagers drinking alcohol is increasing.

Comparative sociological studies have revealed several patterns of this problem:

)Drunkenness is more common where there are more social tensions.

)Drunkenness is associated with specific forms of social control. In some cases, it is an element of some obligatory rituals, in others it acts as anti-normative behavior, a means of liberation from external control.

)Alcoholism is often carried in inner comfort, due to the desire of the individual to overcome the gravitating feeling of dependence.

2. Addiction.Being intoxicated, a teenager can commit a different act. From here the number of crimes, thefts, murders grows.

According to A.E. Personally, there are different levels of addiction:

)single or infrequent drug use;

)repeated use, but without signs of physical and mental dependence;

)drug addiction of the 1st stage, when mental dependence has already formed, the search for a drug for the sake of obtaining pleasant sensations, but there is no physical dependence yet, and stopping drug use does not cause painful sensations;

)drug addiction of the 2nd stage, when there is a physical dependence on the drug and the search for it is already aimed not so much at causing a buzz as at avoiding torment;

)drug addiction of the 3rd stage - complete physical and mental degradation.

According to the observations of psychologists, narcologists, 2/3 first join drugs out of curiosity, the desire to find out what is beyond the forbidden.

3. Aggressive behavior.

Adolescent aggression is most often the result of anger and low self-esteem as a result of experienced life failures. Sophisticated cruelty is often shown by the victims of spoiled sissies who do not know how to be responsible for their actions.

4. Suicidal behavior.

Among adolescents examined by A.E. Lichko,

)32% of suicide attempts are 17 year olds;

)21% - 15 year olds;

)12% - 14 year olds;

)4% - 12-13 year olds.

Prevention of teenage suicides does not consist in avoiding conflict situations, but in creating such a psychological climate where a teenager would not feel lonely, unrecognized and inferior.

In 9 cases out of 10, youthful assassination attempts are not a desire to commit suicide, but a cry for help.

5. Mental disorders.

It is advisable to distinguish, on the one hand, age-specific disorders (diseases) and, on the other hand, character accentuations characteristic of this age, that is, extreme variants of the norm, in which certain character traits are excessively enhanced, resulting in selective vulnerability to certain psychogenic impacts with good and even increased resistance to others.

How are mental disorders and the regularities of the normal course of adolescence related?

.The disease begins in adolescence, the flood that its nature, the latent period extends for many years, and it simply does not have time to develop in childhood.

.Violations are caused by the fact that the environment and society begin to show unbearable demands to the individual. For example, the complication of curricula in high school, reveals in some adolescents borderline mental retardation, inability to cope with the task.

.The processes of adolescence predispose the adolescent, making him particularly susceptible to certain adverse influences.

.The period of puberty provokes the identification of a previously hidden pathology.

6. Illegal behavior.

Adolescents living in dysfunctional families are most prone to criminal behavior, which is associated with poor housing and material conditions, tense relations between family members and low concern for raising children. According to the observations of psychologists, among juvenile delinquents there are quite a few who are also sane, have certain relations from the norm. According to a sociological study that took place in the Saratov region among juvenile delinquents, 60% of them have some kind of mental disorder (psychosis, neurosis, etc.).

Among the asocial manifestations, it is advisable to single out the so-called pre-criminogenic level, when the minor has not yet become the subject of a crime, and his social deviations are manifested at the level of minor misconduct, violations of the norms and rules of behavior that evade socially useful activities, in the use of alcohol, drugs and toxic substances. means that destroy the psyche and other forms of antisocial behavior that do not pose a great public danger.

Criminogenic(criminal) level. In this case, social relations are expressed in criminal, criminally punishable actions, when a teenager becomes the subject of a crime that is considered by the judiciary and poses a more serious public danger.

In order to better understand the nature of the social relations of minors, let us consider a patent analysis of about a thousand cases discussed at commissions on minors' affairs.

The age composition of minors passing through the commission is older teenagers aged 14-16 (about 40%), followed by younger teenagers aged 11-13 (up to 26%).

Asocial manifestations also served as a reason for consideration: 48% of adolescents were discussed for avoiding study and work; 10% - for escapes and vagrancy; 3-5% - for drinking alcohol and the same amount for immoral behavior.

A more in-depth psychological and socio-psychological study of the personality of adolescents with deviant behavior showed that they are also characterized by varying degrees of deformation of the system of internal behavioral regulation - value orientations, attitudes of needs. Noticeable trouble is revealed in the system of interpersonal relations in the family, school, on the street.

All this indicates that deviant behavior is the result of an unfavorable social development of a violation of the socialization process. A special type of such disorders occurs during adolescence, the so-called hormonal transition period from childhood to adulthood.

2. Technology for organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents in the conditions of the city of Novocherkassk

.1 Ways to optimize the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure

To optimize the process of interaction between the family, schools and institutions of the socio-cultural sphere in the formation of a culture of leisure for the younger generation, it is necessary to fully include the family in the educational system. This is not an easy matter, because now the ideas of folk pedagogy, care for education, born of folk wisdom, are almost lost, and the knowledge of the basics of the theory of modern education by parents is small and unsystematic.

The active participation of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere and schools in the organization of family leisure, as practice shows, allows us to look at leisure activities as an important factor in overcoming the social passivity of some families, neutralizing intra-system conflicts, restoring the lack of mutual trust, creating favorable opportunities for the implementation of many alternative, including domestic, leisure activities.

The main tasks of the joint activities of the family, schools and cultural institutions in organizing the leisure of the younger generation have always been:

)formation of a harmoniously developed personality;

)moral, aesthetic and physical improvement of adolescents;

)satisfaction of the spiritual needs of adolescents and the development of their creative abilities.

Currently, there are a large number of out-of-school institutions (studios, clubs for young technicians, stations for young tourists, and many others) that focus only on children, while cultural and leisure centers hold events mainly for young people and adults. Theaters put on performances either for children or for adults. This is hardly socially and pedagogically justified in modern conditions. The efforts of cultural institutions and schools should be directed, first of all, to the family as a team, to the organization of joint socially oriented leisure activities of parents and children - this is one of the necessary conditions for optimizing such work.

The forms of work of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere and schools with families can be very diverse. So, for example, in teenage clubs in many cities of Russia, family holidays, family evenings have become traditional, individual forms are enriched with new content, based on the interests of the family. The organization of traditional forms of family leisure in the Russian folk style has become widespread: youthful games, fairs, Russian gatherings, circles of applied art for children and adults - “Skillful Hands”, fine arts, folklore ensembles and orchestras of folk instruments. Family communication clubs, interest clubs, puppet and actor theaters, libraries and other centers should contribute to the solution of the problem of the lack of communication between parents and children. And at the heart of the activities of the Tambov City Center for working with children and youth is the program "Adults and Children", which includes a variety of experimental programs, among which the most popular are "The world will be saved by beauty", "I am for Russia", "Mercy and care ”, “Know yourself and know the world of people.”

The main goal of the "Adults and Children" program is to focus the attention of children and parents on the expediency of spending time together. The main areas of this program are:

)moral and spiritual revival of the family;

)social - psychological rehabilitation of the family;

)personal rehabilitation of adolescents;

)updating the approach to organizing joint leisure activities for adults and children;

)formation of a healthy lifestyle.

At present, conferences of fathers, men's clubs, meetings, consultations, conversations of doctors, psychologists, teachers, joint work in workshops, trips, excursions, etc. are increasingly being created and becoming popular.

The value of cultural and leisure forms of work with the family lies in the fact that they actively include such communication mechanisms as: children and children, families - children, family - family, children - adolescents - adults. These contacts give the processes of communication a special attraction and sincerity. The opportunity to communicate with adults together with children creates a favorable psychological microclimate in the family and strengthens its foundations. The effectiveness of the use of the social potential of the family to a large extent depends on the level of pedagogical culture of the parents. The efforts of the school, social services, club institutions, libraries and other centers contribute to its increase. Today, the idea of ​​combining the efforts of all socio-cultural institutions in the pedagogical education of parents remains pedagogically justified. It is necessary to create psychological assistance services not only for adolescents, but also for families. School teachers, social educators, preschool teachers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, employees of out-of-school institutions, teachers and university students can be involved in their work.

In the organization of leisure, it is necessary to use those forms of work that are most popular with the population and in which there is a need. The challenge is to channel these forms of communication into socially valuable channels that promote culture.

2.2 Features of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents in clubs at the place of residence

Houses, Palaces of Culture and Leisure Centers are traditionally considered the main places of leisure for young people. Young people prefer to gather in yards, in apartments, on green areas, in the entrances of houses and places of residence.

The adult population, for the most part, falls out of sight of cultural and leisure institutions and spends their free family time at home.

In recent years, in many regions of Russia, the development of cultural and leisure activities has a variable character.

The ongoing reorganization in the cultural and leisure sphere, the liquidation of many club institutions and a change in their detail, opened the way for a diverse work of interest clubs in micro-societies.

With expediently formed pedagogical activity, which has a direct impact on the choice of free time for adolescents and young people, there is a development of organized and unorganized types and forms of amateur creativity. In order to satisfy the needs and interests of the modern generation, it is important and necessary to experiment, but not under duress, but under the condition of a comprehensive identification of the individual's interest.

The changes observed in all spheres of public life are reflected both in the development of amateur art activity and in the development of amateurism. It is becoming more and more difficult both to engage in artistic creativity itself and to create an environment for its habitat, which causes the emergence of new problems. There are many reasons for this:

firstly, the unformedness of the Russian market, when the ratio of supply and demand is not balanced;

secondly, the lack of support in the form of theoretical experience in the organization of leisure forms, which gives rise to uncertainty in the actions of the leaders of club associations;

thirdly, insignificant state support for cultural institutions (and sometimes even the absence of it).

Despite all the difficulties in organizing the work of leisure institutions, the process of democratization of society has increased the manifestation of initiative among workers in the socio-cultural sphere. This was facilitated by the departure from overorganized forms of work, and the modification of the value orientation of adolescents, the desire for independent and free types of leisure, which are the main ones in the work of many cultural and leisure institutions at the present stage. Many variants of the discussion about the possible relocation of club associations to the walls of school institutions, where a large number of circle groups voluntarily exist, have become the main topic of finding new ways to organize teenagers' leisure. But entrusting the school with all the work of organizing the leisure time of schoolchildren is hardly competent, since many of them, especially in cities, suffer from a lack of premises (classes in two or three shifts), and the school atmosphere does not always conducive to free communication and involvement of the greatest number of students. children and adolescents in the field of amateur creativity.

In the structure of the social needs of the modern urban population, the trend towards informal "yard communication" has increased. Informal groups exist everywhere, covering most teenagers. Often these groups function outside of pedagogical guidance and control, thus falling out of the sphere of out-of-school work.

One of the ways to solve this problem was to intensify the activities of teenage clubs in all regions of the country at the place of residence. In addition, with the development of teenage clubs, it became possible to unite the efforts of the school, family, state institutions and public organizations for a continuous educational process. The book “Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Activities” gives the following definition: “Residence is a socio-cultural space surrounding the club, in which: the life of the family is carried out; time is spent; everyday life, leisure and recreation are realized (restoration of forces of teenagers and adults); there is a socio-cultural communication of residents on the basis of the exchange of social norms and cultural patterns; traditions, values ​​and initiatives of community life are formed”

In some regions, cities of Russia, the contingent of participation of the younger generation in clubs at the place of residence is determined by small age limits - this is up to 15 years. But some youth clubs are visited by young people under 30 years old. Where the age limit is higher, sports simulators, tennis, informal communication of interests are at the service of young people. Nevertheless, there are still a number of problems everywhere in the organization of work in the place of residence. Among them are the following: an outdated regulatory framework that does not correspond to new realities; different approaches to determining the status of a youth club (a club is often viewed as an institution of additional education; a club as a cultural institution; a club as a youth leisure center in the community); the orientation of many clubs to circle-sectional work, the lack of a system for training and retraining specialists, insufficient protection of workers; poor logistical support. This position is reflected by many theorists and practitioners in the field of organizing adolescent and youth leisure.

In teenage clubs at the place of residence, a variety of effective forms of work are used that contribute to: reducing the level of deviance; activation of developing leisure of minors, youth; formation of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle among the youth.

In accordance with the existing base, the contingent of children attending the clubs, their interests and the organizing teacher, the profile of the circles working in the club, the direction of the club is also determined. However, regardless of the choice of any of the activity programs, the club should be a place for children to communicate with each other and with a teacher representing the world of adults. A direct living example and artistic training of the teacher, the head of the association, his competence in various types of art not only give rise in adolescents and young people to an internal contradiction between the existing and necessary level of their aesthetic development, but also arouse in them the need to become familiar with art.

The work of teenage clubs is built in close contact with various socio-cultural institutions. Conducted and planned studies are aimed at considering many unresolved tasks facing cultural workers:

determination of the most priority types of artistic creativity;

study of the problems of the existence of artistic creativity in the adolescent and youth environment;

revealing the role of school and out-of-school institutions in shaping the creative interests of the younger generation;

An analysis of the educational activities of amateur associations in teenage clubs in our country showed that in a short period of time the methodology for organizing and planning leisure activities has changed. The most popular are such forms of creativity that contribute to the embodiment of ideas, ideas in a specific ideological form, as well as the realization of fiction, fantasy through the individual and mass process of seeing many life phenomena. These are arts and crafts studios, sports and recreation sections, music and game programs, and much more.

The decline in interest in traditional forms of amateur circles led to the creation of conditions for the emergence of authorial types of artistic associations in order to spread the practice of craftsmen among amateur associations of children's, youth movements, the disabled and the elderly. As a result, work in many clubs has noticeably intensified and the children's leisure time has become the most interesting.

The most popular are the traditional forms of amateur associations and interest clubs, where in the process of musical and pedagogical education the individual performing abilities of the individual are formed and developed. Creative, performing abilities develop in the process of human life, so it is necessary to create such social conditions that contribute to their formation. Among the main and key problems of adolescents, one can note the organization of leisure and their support during the period of growing up. There is a need to form services of socio-psychological assistance to adolescents and youth, as well as the possibility of implementing regional programs of socio-psychological, cultural and educational rehabilitation. A.I. Luchankin and A.A. Snyatsky in the textbook “Social and Club Work with Youth” write: “We need a club of professionals, we need enthusiasts of the club business - and, above all, from among the managers of the social sphere, not to mention just smart people who are able to take responsibility. In this regard, the prospect of promoting the ideology of socio-cultural work, processing the mechanisms for its implementation and testing is not only a practical, but also a methodological task. Each club is a mini-world in which there are traditions, an individual culture of communication is created, a nutritious microclimate of knowledge and creativity. Large-scale events organized by the City Center for Children and Youth can offer a variety of content and form of games, holidays, informative and enlightening conversations, meetings with interesting people. In teenage clubs, the younger generation realizes its potential, here everyone compensates for certain problems of communication, here social and cultural patterns of behavior are most realistically assimilated.

The teacher of an amateur association, when leading a team or group, must master three aspects of activity that create favorable conditions for the development of the individual. This is artistic, pedagogical and organizational, without which it is impossible to captivate, satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, and also realize them. This action requires the intuition of the leader, the mutual inspiration of the teacher, individual or group, the presence of novelty in the existing forms of activity and the “life-giving stream” of originality of ideas that are not typical for these conditions. It is then that a creative atmosphere can be created.

Recently, in Russia, interest in national traditions and holidays has noticeably increased, in which both children and adult residents of the microdistrict take part with pleasure. Such cooperation contributes to the involvement of "unorganized" amateurs in a collective pastime and is an opportunity to transfer the skills of the older generation to the younger.

Of particular interest, both among children and the adult population, are traditional holidays - "Christmas gatherings", "Epiphany evenings", "Maslenitsa" and many others, held by clubs at the place of residence and taking over the baton for organizing local traditions from the Houses of Culture. Among the traditional mass holidays, one can name the "Forest Carnival" and the innovation - the forum "Culture of Peace through Children's Perception"

To stimulate the participation of the younger generation in joint pastime, it is necessary to provide cultural leisure skills, which is possible with:

providing favorable conditions for the daily stay of adolescents and youth in amateur art organizations;

creation and implementation of programs for the organization of informal communication in adolescent and youth groups, taking into account demographic data, inclinations and interests;

creation of conditions for an independent, individual contribution of the individual to the artistic and creative activities of the collective, group, for which use a variety of entertainment and business games in order to develop imagination and self-confidence;

implementation of the specific conditions for the development of each individual in identifying the internal state (questionnaires, individual conversations) and the overall development of the individual, not imposing, but captivating types and genres of artistic creativity in the field of free time;

varying the methods of education and hobbies in circles, studios, amateur associations for the individual to independently choose the types and genres of amateur art;

attracting the local population to interest clubs and amateur associations to the live action of harmony, beauty and antiquity;

organizations of amateur associations: "Dad, mom, I am a creative family", "Dad, mom, I am a sports family", "Hut of crafts", "Skillful hands workshop".

And for this you need to learn:

work with children at a close psychological distance;

organize workshops to improve skills in working with children and youth;

to involve in the children's and youth amateur movement older people who are engaged in some kind of artistic creativity at home for joint pastime, in order to communicate and transfer the experience of mastery;

celebrate initiative participants, as well as sponsors (television, newspaper publications, brochures from the experience of employees in the field of culture and leisure), who are actively involved in the revival of the regional culture of their region.

social leisure teenager behavior

2.3 Structure and software of the city specialized service for organizing leisure activities for schoolchildren

This course includes the following programs:

."Free time for students", the purpose of which is to create conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student in their free time from school. When compiling this program, materials from the scientific and methodological journal of the deputy director of the school for educational work were used. The program consists of 7 sections. Section 1 is aimed at creating an optimal pedagogically organized space for students to spend their free time. Within the framework of the 1st section, educational and educational activities are carried out that contribute to the activation of personal and creative potential. Such events include: Sports Day, events dedicated to Knowledge Day, Victory Day, themed Saturdays (theatrical, festival, sports, game, etc.), outdoor concert shows - programs, etc. Also within this section a number of activities are being developed:

)on the organization of leisure of students in after-school groups (involving students in a network of school circles, clubs, sections; organizing thematic walks in the SPA, etc.);

)teaching children personal safety (KVN "On the streets of the city", the game "At the city crossroads", etc.);

)to provide career guidance to students (analysis of students' professional needs, organization of preparatory courses at the school, etc.).

Section 2 is aimed at carrying out organizational and managerial measures necessary for optimizing the employment of children and young students in their free time from studies:

)determination of the requests of students and parents for the organization of students' leisure;

)determining the possibilities of the school to organize the life of children in their free time from school;

)carrying out work to establish and expand contacts with institutions of out-of-school education and training.

In the 3rd section, measures are taken to improve the content, forms and methods of organizing the employment of children and young people in their free time from school. This section presents the following events: holding days of museums, holding KTD on historical and local history topics, and others.

Section 4 is aimed at informational support for the employment of schoolchildren in their free time. Activities contained in this section:

)parent meetings

)decorating wall newspapers

)edition of the school newspaper

)work on the creation of the school website by students involved in computer science, etc.

Section 5. Scientific - methodological support and examination of the employment of children after school hours. This section includes activities such as:

)organizing the exchange of experience of teachers in developing scenarios for school and classroom affairs;

)individual consultations with teachers working in the afternoon;

)diagnostics of students' requests for the organization of free time, etc.

Section 6 aims to improve the level of staffing. Within the framework of the 6th section, the following activities are carried out:

)individual interviews with teachers - subject teachers and leaders of circles;

)seminars for class teachers with psychologists, social and medical workers;

)the work of class teachers on their own methodological topic: its selection and development, etc.

Section 7. Creation of the material and technical base for the organization of leisure for schoolchildren. This section includes the following activities:

)equipping the assembly hall with sound equipment;

)organization and equipment of the methodical office;

)equipping the gym with inventory, etc.

.The target educational program "leisure", the purpose of which is the development of a system of emotional and value ideas, the development and formation of skills and abilities, the development and formation of children's creativity. This program consists of 5 sections.

The program is aimed at artistic and aesthetic education - education through art. It is art that should act as a “protective belt” for the younger generation, protect the child from those media that spread ideas of violence, cruelty and can cause personal and psychological trauma, becoming a source of aggressive behavior in children. All types of art form a worldview in a person, a system of emotional and value ideas about interaction with nature and society, set the person up for self-improvement, self-education and harmony in relations with nature.

The main directions of the program are: artistic and aesthetic education and organization of cultural leisure.

.Target complex program "Adolescent and the law" (see Annex 3). The objectives of this program are:

)Studying the interests and needs of students;

)Carrying out activities to identify students prone to delinquency;

)Systematic work with the list and card file of "difficult" students.

Expected results: obtaining a description of the interests, needs, inclinations of students, which will facilitate the search for interaction between the child-parent-teacher; reduction and eradication of the number of offenses registered in the PDN, and on intra-school records, ensuring the employment of adolescents with interesting and meaningful leisure activities throughout the year.

.Target complex program "Family". The objectives of this program are:

)Study the lifestyle of the family;

)Find out the features of family education;

)To identify the relationship between family and school;

)To identify the position of children in the system of intra-family relations.

Expected results: obtaining a characterization of the microclimate of the family, which will facilitate the search for interaction between the school and the family, which is necessary to quickly find the means of qualifying assistance; creating a priority for parenting; building a democratic system of relations between children and adults.


Free time, the technology of its organization, plays an important role in the development of personality. Leisure activity is a sphere of self-education and self-determination. A teenager, in accordance with his own attitudes and preferences, chooses a certain type of activity.

An analysis of the statistical picture of teenagers' leisure over the past decade leads us to the following sad conclusion. Leisure activities of adolescents do not always have a developmental focus, and sometimes have a negative impact on health, limit the development of skills and knowledge, the ability to translate them into cultural and creative activities, social activity.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits. Therefore, children and adolescents should be more actively involved in clubs, circles, sections. Sometimes a teenager's leisure comes first in his life. Therefore, it is very important during this period to fill the free time of a teenager. Just do not forget that the organization of leisure activities should not take place under the compulsion of a teenager, but only with the consent and interest of a growing child.

The study of the activities of cultural and leisure centers for organizing leisure activities for children and youth confirms that they are currently going through a rather difficult period, which is characterized by the following negative processes:

insufficient funding;

falling interest among the population in the activities of leisure institutions;

their low attendance;

outdated or weak material base of the Houses of Culture and leisure centers.

Significant socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical resources in the formation of civil, personal qualities of children and youth are laid in the sphere of leisure, which is the dominant element of children's and youth culture. The socio-pedagogical value of leisure activity largely depends on the ability of the personality of a child or young person to self-regulate this activity.

When solving the research problems, special literature was studied and analyzed, which made it possible to consider the structure of leisure and reveal its main functions. Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which the individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the field of labor activity. This activity is carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself.

The assimilation of cultural values, knowledge of new things, creativity, physical education and sports, travel - this is what and many other things a person can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the level of the achieved culture of individual leisure. Thus, leisure is a part of the social time of an individual, group, or society as a whole, which is used to preserve, restore the development of a person’s physical and spiritual health, and his intellectual improvement. The culture of children's and youth leisure is characterized by such activities, which are preferred in their free time.

From the ability to direct all activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, the implementation of one's life program, the development and improvement of one's essential forces, the social well-being of a child and a young person, his satisfaction with free time largely depends.

The next problem considered was the effectiveness of organized leisure as one of the components of the socialization process.

The sphere of youth leisure has its own characteristics. The leisure of children and young people differs significantly from the leisure of other age groups due to its specific spiritual and physical needs and its inherent social and psychological characteristics. These features include increased emotional, physical mobility, dynamic mood swings, visual and intellectual susceptibility. Children and young people are attracted to everything new, unknown. The specific features of youth include the predominance of search activity in it. Thus, the task of the Houses of Culture, schools, cultural and leisure centers is the maximum implementation of developing leisure programs for children and youth, which are based on the principle of simplicity of organization, mass character, inclusion of unused groups of children and youth. Improving the organization of cultural forms of children's and youth leisure will provide it with the opportunity for informal communication, creative self-realization, spiritual development, and will contribute to the educational impact on large groups of children and youth.


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Omsk region for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency through the organization of summer leisure

1. Name of the subject of the Russian Federation: Omsk region.

The implementation of measures aimed at the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency is carried out by cultural and art institutions of the Omsk region within the framework of the long-term target program of the Omsk region "Prevention of offenses and drug addiction in the Omsk region (2010 - 2014)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Omsk region of July 8, 2009 year No. 120-p.

3. The main forms of organization of summer leisure for minors by cultural institutions at the level of the subject, municipality, settlement.

In pursuance of the Plan for the rehabilitation, recreation and employment of minors in 2011, the institutions of the Omsk region in the field of culture and the cultural authorities of the municipal districts of the Omsk region developed and approved action plans for the organization of recreation, rehabilitation and employment of minors.

According to the plans, cultural and leisure activities are organized and held in cultural institutions of the Omsk region, at summer recreation sites at the place of residence of children and adolescents.

On the eve of the summer holidays, educational and methodological seminars were held in all municipalities on organizing leisure activities for minors in the summer. The practice of organizing playgrounds, cultural and health centers, creative sessions in children's health camps continues.

For example, in the Poltava municipal district, children's day camps are operated on the basis of the children's department of municipal cultural institutions "Central Regional Library", "Poltava Regional Museum of History and Local Lore"; "Soloviev Cultural and Leisure Center", "Olginsky Cultural and Leisure Center".

In the Muromtsevsky municipal district, on the basis of the camp "Beryozka", a creative shift "Art. Creation. Traditions" for members of amateur art groups, students of the children's art school and the "School of Crafts".

State and municipal museums and libraries of the Omsk region present new museum expositions and open-air summer reading rooms to the teenage audience. The museums also provided preferential cultural and excursion services for organized groups and the holding of traveling thematic exhibitions at the place of recreation for minors.

In June-July, regional and municipal theaters, in cooperation with municipal authorities, organized visits to theater performances by participants in school health camps. The theater of puppets, actors, masks "Harlequin" also included in the plan and coordinated the showing of performances for young spectators in rural areas.

The Omsk Philharmonic in June 2011 organized more than 40 thematic programs for schoolchildren and children from orphanages, including those in municipal districts of the Omsk region.

On June 1, the Omsk Philharmonic Concert Hall hosted a charity concert of the Omsk State Children's Ensemble "This is our world", dedicated to the International Children's Day. The concert was held for children from orphanages, teenagers and children of the "risk" group from 17 municipal districts of the Omsk region and the city of Omsk (1000 people). Also, as part of the International Children's Day, the Omsk Regional Theater of Young Spectators named after the 20th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol hosted the International Festival "Childhood's Bright Palette". The festival opened with a theatrical creative game "All the colors of the rainbow" on the square in front of the Youth Theatre. The exhibitions "Children of the Irtysh Region" and "Small Corner of Siberia" were placed in the foyer of the theater. Children's fashion theaters demonstrated their collections. One of the sections of the exposition was the presentation of a stand about the activities of the interethnic health-improving profile shift “The Many Faces of the Irtysh Region”. The holiday ended with a gala concert "Friendship in all languages" with the participation of 30 creative teams of national cultural associations, cultural institutions from 9 municipal districts of the Omsk region (about 500 people in total).

More than 1,000 young performers representing all municipal districts of the Omsk region and the city of Omsk took part in the VII regional festival "Singing Field", which took place on June 12 at the Dynamo stadium.

With the involvement of minors, events were held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in the 30 Years of Victory Park.

In July, children and teenagers will be invited to the events of the International Exhibition "VTTV-Omsk-2011".

In the period from June 1 to June 30, 744 anti-drug events were held in all club-type institutions, cinema and leisure institutions, public libraries as part of the All-Russian anti-drug campaign “Tell me where they sell death!”, International Day against Drug Addiction, the number of visitors was 29 thousand people. people, of which 16,500 people are children under the age of 14.

During the summer health campaign, with the support of the Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region, children's health centers and camps "Flame" and "Birch Grove" organized profile shifts "Heirs of Traditions" and "Transformation". The profile Orthodox shift "Transfiguration" is held from June 26 to July 13, 2011 together with the Omsk-Tara diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The participants of the shift will be pupils of Sunday schools at the churches of the Omsk-Tara diocese (250 participants aged 7 to 14).

In order to improve cultural and leisure activities and promote innovative work experience, by order of the Ministry of Culture in 2011, a regional competition was announced for the best organization of work with children and youth in cultural institutions of the Omsk region.

The goals and objectives of the competition are:

Improving the efficiency of work with children and youth in cultural institutions;

Creation of conditions for interesting and useful leisure of children and youth in cultural institutions;

Formation of the need of the younger generation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

Attracting more children and young people to participate in club formations and activities;

Increasing the level of interest of enterprises, institutions and organizations on the territory of the municipal districts of the Omsk region in supporting the creative activities of children and youth;

Identification of innovations in the work of cultural institutions of the Omsk region in the organization of leisure for children and youth.

The search for new interesting forms of work, attracting more children and youth to classes in club formations, showing video presentations of the winners of the competition will become a stimulating factor in activating the creative potential of specialists in cultural and leisure institutions of the municipal districts of the Omsk region and improving the quality of cultural services provided to children.

For a number of years, the positive dynamics of leisure activities for children has been maintained in the region.

According to monitoring data, over 60% of the events held in cultural institutions of the municipal districts of the Omsk region during the year are events for minors. In summer, the percentage of events for this category of the population increases to 85%.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring the leisure of the unorganized category of minors, adolescents of the "risk group" by involving them in classes in amateur art groups, in interest clubs, providing children from low-income, large families, orphans, children with disabilities with benefits to attend paid events: cinema screenings, attractions, excursions, performances.

Cultural institutions organize events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing crime, drug addiction, and smoking among children and adolescents.

Health holidays, sports relay races, thematic events, conversations, meetings with interesting people, educational programs, competitions, reflection evenings and much more are held in all institutions.

For minors in the cultural and leisure institutions of the Omsk region, 5384 club formations of various types will continue to work: amateur and applied art; spiritual and moral, patriotic, ecological, legal education; leisure, in addition, the creation of new amateur associations and interest clubs for children, adolescents and youth is expected.

In order to improve the leisure of minors, expand the range of cultural services provided, specialists from cultural institutions conduct sociological surveys and questionnaires to study the leisure preferences of adolescents and young people, including "risk groups". Taking into account their wishes, new forms of work appeared in the cultural institutions of the region: cinema cafes, Internet campaigns “Computers against drugs”, rap parties. In the new format, the festival of youth culture "Youth without Borders" began to be held in the Kormilovsky district, at which such areas of youth subculture as rap, rock, big boxing, tik-tonic, par-kur were presented.

Libraries also play an important role in the prevention of delinquency among minors. Specialists attract children and teenagers to libraries through mass forms of work (lessons of kindness, legal knowledge, literary tournaments, ecological trips, etc.).

The issues of summer employment of minors are under the constant control of the heads of cultural management bodies, which undoubtedly contributes to the implementation of the tasks set by the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region to organize the leisure of minors and increase the efficiency of work carried out in the summer of 2011. Financing of the ongoing work is carried out within the framework of long-term target programs of the Omsk region, the budgets of municipal districts and rural settlements.

4. Forms and mechanisms of interaction of executive authorities in the field of culture with law enforcement agencies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the organization of summer teenage leisure:

Bodies and institutions of the prevention system of the Omsk region take an active part in improving preventive work with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, in ensuring interagency cooperation in addressing issues of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors, in the formation of mechanisms to positively influence children and teenagers.

The practice of visits of the interdepartmental working group of the commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights under the Government of the Omsk Region to the districts of the Omsk Region was continued in order to study the state of work on the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors and to assist local governments in organizing more effective activities on this problem. In 2011, 4 trips were made (Azov, Kormilovsky, Lyubinsky, Russko-Polyansky municipal districts).

In order to strengthen interdepartmental work with minors, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Omsk Region developed measures for the integrated interdepartmental preventive operation "Teenager", the timing of which is from June 1 to December 1, 2011. Cultural institutions of the region are directly involved in the targeted preventive measures "Leader", "Teenager-Summer", "Teenager-Street".

The Ministry and the Department of Internal Affairs for the Omsk Region have developed and are implementing a Plan of joint measures to prevent offenses and prevent the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances by minors in the Omsk Region.

In development of the Plan, the Omsk State Musical Theatre, the Omsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators, together with the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Inspectorate), developed a program for the moral, aesthetic and ethical education of adolescents registered with the Inspectorate, within which for difficult adolescents performances are shown, theater tours are conducted, seminars are organized for juvenile inspectors.

For a number of years, a certain system of joint work of the Ministry and the Office of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for drug control in the Omsk region has developed in the organization of preventive measures among minors. Work in this direction is carried out jointly with the public, parents, social partners.

5. Indicators of reducing juvenile delinquency in the Omsk region for 2008-2010.

Over the past 3 years, juvenile delinquency in the Omsk region has decreased by 28.1 percent compared to the level of 2007 (in 2008 - by 8.9 percent compared to the previous year, in 2009 - by 8.2 percent compared to the previous year, in 2010 year - by 13.9 percent compared to the previous year).

Experience of cultural institutions

Rostov region for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency through the organization of summer leisure

1. Name of the subject of the Russian Federation: Rostov region.

2. Availability of normative and legal acts, long-term programs in the field of activities of cultural and art institutions on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

The Ministry of Culture, institutions of culture and art of the Rostov region carry out activities to prevent the illegal behavior of minors, minors, the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in accordance with Art. 24 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, improving the forms of work to attract minors to classes in clubs, circles, to familiarize them with the values ​​of national and world culture, is working to revive prestige families.

In this direction, cultural institutions of the region carried out significant work, provided for in paragraph 3.1.30 of the "Regional target program for the prevention of offenses in the Rostov region for 2007-2010" ("Holding art festivals, holidays of children's art, competitions for children and adolescents, students of educational institutions of additional education for children”). Since 2011, cultural institutions of the region have begun to implement the activities of the regional long-term target program "Prevention of offenses in the Rostov region for 2011-2013", approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov region dated September 30, 2010 No. 211 (clauses 3.1.17, 3.1.18, 3.1 .19, 3.1.20).

3. The main forms of organization of summer leisure for minors by cultural institutions at the level of the subject, municipality, settlement, indicating the amount of funding.

Theatrical art for children and youth is represented by two state theaters: the Rostov State Puppet Theater and the Rostov-on-Don Regional Academic Youth Theater, which, in terms of professional theater services, fully complies with social standards and norms approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2007 No. 923 -R.

In all Don theaters and the Philharmonic, great importance is attached to working with the children's audience, and constant work is underway to expand the theater and concert offer for children. Every year the repertoire of each theater includes at least two new children's performances.
The Rostov State Puppet Theater hosts numerous charity events with children's performances and concerts for families with disabled children and large families. Since 2000, the Rostov State Musical Theater and the Philharmonic Society have been creating subscription programs for children especially for working with the children's audience.

The repertoire of theaters for children is based on the world's best classical literary works.

The Rostov-on-Don Regional Academic Youth Theater once every two years, since 1989, has been holding the international festival of performances for children and youth "Minifest". During this time, theaters from Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan, the USA, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Korea and many other countries have shown their performances on the Don stages. With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the region, work is constantly underway to prepare and release performances based on works of domestic and foreign classics in regional theaters, new concert programs in the Philharmonic.

In order to ensure equal access of citizens to cultural values, since 2001 the Ministry of Culture of the region has been providing financial support for the touring activities of state theaters that travel with performances, including for children and youth, to cities and districts of the Rostov region. This makes it possible to expand the showing of performances for the population living in rural areas and in the cities of the region where there are no theaters, including for children and youth.

Theater groups of the region closely cooperate with educational authorities and directly with children's educational institutions of the city and region.

About 2,000 students study in five educational institutions of secondary vocational education in culture and art in the Rostov region.

Pedagogical teams systematically and systematically carry out work to prevent illegal behavior on the part of students, prevent extremist manifestations, improve legal awareness and legal culture.

When planning educational work, educational institutions use various forms and methods:

Based on the survey, studying the personal files of students, the state of the student environment is monitored, which identifies students from dysfunctional families;

As part of their educational activities, students study the following subjects:

"Fundamentals of Law", "History of Religions", "Fundamentals of Life Safety";

Classroom hours, lectures and conversations are held on the topics: “We are all different”, “What is tolerance?”, “Culture, traditions and customs of world religions”, “Terrorism is a modern threat to humanity”, “Formation of skills and abilities of tolerant interpersonal interaction” etc. In 2009-2010 educational institutions of culture and art prepared and held 65 events.

In order to improve legal awareness and legal culture, educational institutions closely cooperate with youth policy committees, law enforcement agencies and other educational institutions.

Currently, 44,236 students study in 126 municipal educational institutions of additional education for children - children's art schools, music, art schools.

In municipal educational institutions of additional education for children, creative abilities are revealed, early professionalization of children takes place in most areas of training in the field of culture and art.

Over the past three years, there has been an increase in the number of children aged 6 to 18 studying in municipal children's art schools.

To date, 13.5% of children from municipal children's art schools are covered by aesthetic education out of the number of students in secondary schools of grades 1-9 (the social standard approved by the Government of the Russian Federation is 12%).

The process of increasing the contingent of municipal children's art schools is observed in 27 territories of the region (cities: Azov, Bataysk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, Taganrog, districts: Aksaysky, Bagaevsky, Belokalitvinsky, Veselovsky, Yegorlyksky, Zimovnikovsky, Kagalnitsky, Kamensky, Konstantinovsky, Myasnikovsky and etc.).

In order to identify gifted students of municipal children's art schools, regional educational institutions of secondary vocational education of culture and art in various educational areas and types of art hold creative events (competitions, festivals, exhibitions):

In 2008 - 25 creative events;

In 2009 - 28 creative events;

In 2010 - 32 creative events.

In the cultural and leisure institutions of the region, there are currently more than 7 thousand club formations of various kinds for children and adolescents (which is 13.9% more than in 2009),
including 5.7 thousand groups of amateur folk art (by 5.3% more than in 2009), uniting about 120 thousand children.

The statistics on the number of thematic events and club formations for young people remains stable.
In 2010, more than 20 thousand events were held, which were attended by more than 2.5 million people. More than 2,000 youth clubs operate in the region's municipalities, with about 40,000 members.

Practically in all methodological divisions of cultural and leisure institutions of municipalities of the Rostov region, work is carried out with the population, incl. children and youth at risk. The card file of “difficult” teenagers and dysfunctional families allows this work to be carried out targetedly, with a subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of the work being done. The greatest effect is achieved by activities where the work is coordinated with other departments involved in preventive work. Meetings organized for troubled youth with psychologists, narcologists, former drug addicts, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs give adolescents the opportunity to ask questions of interest to them and hear a qualified, friendly answer.

Club workers in their activities use forms and methods of work that form a general negative attitude towards alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, as a socio-psychological evil. These are actions, disputes, marathons of mercy, discos, theme evenings, information hours, conversations, moral lessons, evenings - meetings with juvenile inspectors, etc.

The Regional House of Folk Art and the municipal authorities of culture in the municipalities of the region are conducting multifaceted work on the training of organizers of children's leisure, the development of cultural and leisure forms of activity of mobile club-type institutions - car clubs in villages and farms that do not have stationary club institutions, especially during the summer holidays . Zonal educational and methodological events are regularly held for organizers of leisure activities for children and adolescents. Along with demonstration events, issues of interaction between cultural institutions and institutions of general and additional education, health care, internal affairs bodies in organizing summer leisure for children, coordinating the activities of social institutions to prevent asocial phenomena among young people were discussed.

In order to provide methodological assistance to departments of culture and heads of club institutions of the municipalities of the region in their work with minors in the ODNT, collections of competitive and game programs for children, methodological, bibliographic and scenario materials on the prevention of drug addiction, organization of work with the family, etc. were published. a collection of guidelines for organizing youth leisure, collections of scenarios for children and adolescents, organizers of children's leisure, etc.

Every year, work is carried out on the participation of children's, youth and youth creative teams in various regional events. On June 1, the Regional House of Folk Art hosts the final holiday of the regional festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "South Wind", in which about 300 participants of creative teams from among the winners take part. More than 1,500 children from different parts of the Don region compete in the art of singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, and drawing. As part of the festival-competition, genre competitions in instrumental, vocal and choreographic art are held in the cities and districts of the region. The ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world and love for the native land is demonstrated by young participants in the competition of arts and crafts and fine arts.

June 1, 2010 on the stages of the city of Rostov-on-Don were festive events dedicated to Children's Day.
On the site "Shell" of the park. M. Gorky held a concert of children's creative groups "Don Rainbow", on the fountain square near the Drama Theater. M. Gorky. craftsmen of the Rostov region with their students met the inhabitants of the city at the site "City of Young Masters". On the stage, professional artists of the Rostov Regional Philharmonic presented young spectators with creative programs performed by the Brass Band. Ezhdik, the song and dance ensemble "Cossack Circle" and the show of the "Amazonki" group.

Within the framework of the regional long-term target program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking for 2010 - 2013", approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated September 11, 2009 No. 448, in 2010, for the first time, a regional festival of creativity of youth and healthy generation! Approximately
50 youth and youth creative teams and 700 participants from 18 territories of the region.

This festival once again showed the presence of excellent youth groups in the region, their professional level, and the undoubted interest of young people in creativity. The cities of Volgodonsk and Taganrog distinguished themselves by the mass participation of young people in creativity. The program provided 400.0 thousand rubles for the implementation of this event.

Libraries play an important role in the prevention of negative phenomena among children and adolescents. Library services for the population of the Rostov region are provided by 3 state and 1070 municipal libraries (as of 15.06.2011). Of the total number of state and municipal libraries, 97 libraries are specialized children's libraries
(1 - state and 96 - municipal).

To ensure children's access to information, libraries are intensively stocked with new literature and equipped with computers. Number of computers in children's libraries as of 01.01.2011 is 122 units. (in 2009 -111 units).

As a regional methodological center for regional libraries on library services for the children's population, the Rostov Regional Children's Library. V.M. Velichkina developed the “Concept of Library Service for Children in Public Libraries of the Rostov Region 2003-2010. (Appendix to the decision of the board of the MC RO dated 21.08.2003 No. 18)”. The concept has become the basis for determining the main areas of activity, developing programs for the development and modernization of library services for children in the Rostov region.

In 2010-2011 Rostov Regional Children's Library.
V.M. Velichkina implemented an action plan for the prevention of child abuse. The most popular were conversations at parent-teacher meetings “Children are our little citizens”, “Education without shouting and slapping”, open viewing of literature “Communicate with a child. How?". They were visited by more than 150 parents and teachers of educational institutions of Rostov-on-Don.

During 2010, legal hours were held for adolescents and high school students, round tables with the participation of representatives of law enforcement agencies, lawyers, psychologists: “Through the pages of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, “If a person has violated the law ...”, etc.
During the first half of 2011, 7 exhibitions, talks and meetings with students and their parents were held, including “Main Laws of Childhood”, “The Right to Live and the Rights of Life”, “For Russian Citizens of School Age”, etc.

As part of the implementation of the main program activities provided for by the Regional Law of March 15, 2007 No. 652 “On the regional target program for the prevention of delinquency” (clause 3.1. “Prevention of delinquency of minors and youth”), children's libraries of the region carry out activities to promote reading, increase information culture , organization of leisure and popularization of various fields of knowledge. Over 2,000 public events are held annually by children's libraries. Creative associations are organized at the libraries on a gratuitous basis: clubs, circles, literary drawing rooms, creative workshops. For greater coverage of the child population, libraries serving children traditionally organize work both in their own premises and in school and country camps, school recreation areas, parks, orphanages, shelters, dispensaries.

Of no small importance in prevention is individual work with minors, modeling socially approved behavior. To this end, the employees of the Rostov Regional Children's Library. V.M. Velichkina, on the basis of cooperation agreements, implement the author's programs "Steps", "Lessons of Philosophy"
in 4 educational institutions of the city.

In order to protect the rights and interests of children in 2011. 8 days of the specialist "Library and leisure of the child" were organized. More than 100 additional education teachers were among those present.

In the practice of work, forms have been introduced to jointly with the education authorities, educational and leisure institutions of the city of Rostov-on-Don, to conduct preventive measures and actions, such as "Library Day at School" (in 2011 - 2 events, more than 300 students attended) , holiday "Summer with a book" (Season 6).

Every year, the Ministry of Culture, together with the Rostov Regional Children's Library. V.M. Velichkina holds regional literary competitions as part of the Children's Book Week. The name of the competition changes every year, but its vector is always aimed at attracting children to reading, books, and libraries. Latest contests:
"To the library with the whole family" -2008, "Once in the library" -2009, "Chekhov today and always" -2010, "In the word we are one hundred thousand I" -2011) attracted more than 1000 schoolchildren from more than 30 municipal formations of the region.

In regional museums, in order to ensure the access of minors to cultural values, in accordance with the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated 03.12.2004 No. 474 “On the Procedure for Granting Benefits for Visiting Cultural Organizations”, the right to monthly visits to museums is granted to persons under 18 years of age; such a day is set in every state museum. In 2010, new privileges for visiting regional museums were introduced. Additional benefits were received by members of large families, students of educational institutions of higher professional education and citizens awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory
(as amended by the resolutions of the Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 11, 2010 No. 48,
dated 07.05.2010 No. 297).

Also, according to the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated December 18, 2009 No. 674 “On the procedure for organizing and providing recreation and health improvement for children”, in the summer period, groups of children visit museums and exhibitions (except for commercial ones) once a week without charging fees upon prior requests from educational and recreational institutions .

Significant work to introduce minors in need of social rehabilitation to the values ​​of national and world culture is being carried out in the state museums of the Rostov region.

The influx of schoolchildren is ensured by the expanded themes of exhibitions, excursions and lectures, interactive classes, master classes, which are developed and conducted by employees of all state museums. In 2010, the anniversary year of the Great Victory, military-patriotic work intensified in all museums.
During the year, museum employees speak at forums and meetings of teachers with information about the use of the museum exposition by city students in educational and educational work. All state museums of the region hold events within the framework of the cultural and educational programs "Museum and Children", "Spiritual Heritage", "Museum and School", "Hello, Museum!", "Summer in the Museum", etc.

The Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore is carrying out serious research work by high school students. In 2010, the following were held: the regional competition "Fatherland", the city competition "Local History of the Don" together with the city House of Children's Creativity, the regional seminar of the Election Commission of the Rostov Region "Democratic Traditions on the Don", the city competition of creative works "Space - a view from childhood", dedicated to Year of Cosmonautics. The museum pays great attention to disadvantaged children in its work. Over the past years, every last Wednesday of the month, pupils of the Center for the temporary detention of juvenile offenders of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Rostov Region visit the expositions and exhibitions of the Rostov Regional Museum of Local History free of charge, take part in the military-patriotic events of the museum.
At the end of the academic year, information about the work of the museum with students is sent to the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region. For subject teachers, head teachers, classes are held quarterly in the halls of the museum in order to present new forms of educational work with students.

A huge role in the prevention of offenses on a national basis among schoolchildren is played by events held by the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore together with regional public organizations under the patronage of the Administration of the Rostov Region, in which the family audience takes part: the national Tatar holiday "Sabantuy", the Slavic folk holiday "Ivan Kupala ”, the German holiday “The city that the German A. Rigelman built” and many others. Taking into account the busyness of students during the daytime, the museum extended the work of exhibitions until 19:00, thanks to which more than 4,000 students were able to join the work of the classics of modernism only at the exhibition "100 Masterpieces".

For a number of years, the Azov Museum-Reserve has been actively cooperating with the Commission on Juvenile Affairs, the Women's Council and other public organizations of the city of Azov. As a result of this cooperation, several large-scale projects have been implemented. A city competition of posters, slogans, and an essay "A city that is safe for me" was held (popularization of the Law on the introduction of a curfew in the Rostov region). Interactive events held for schoolchildren at summer recreation grounds and camps, promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle, as well as meetings with a narcologist and employees of the Civil Defense of Emergency Situations, have become traditional in the museum.

The Taganrog Art Museum conducts various forms of educational process for working with children from disadvantaged families and difficult teenagers: these are thematic tours of the museum’s exposition, and thematic talks on the history and theory of art with the display of genuine works, as well as art, music and art theatrical compositions. Traditionally, the museum cooperates with the Police Department for Juvenile Affairs. Children who are registered in the children's room of the police visit the halls of the museum and are invited to charity events. For young residents of Taganrog, meetings are organized with the oldest artists of the city and with talented young artists.

For each academic year, the staff of the Gukovsky Museum of Mining Labor named after. Mikulin, they update programs for kindergartens and elementary grades "Museum to the smallest", correctional classes and boarding schools "Museum for everyone", middle school students and students, school camps. Cooperation agreements have been concluded between the Gukovo Museum, boarding school No. 12, and the Gukovo Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors.

The Volgodonsk Ecological and Historical Museum has been cooperating for many years with the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in Volgodonsk and the OGOU for orphans and children left without parental care, the Teremok orphanage in Volgodonsk. Cooperation agreements are concluded with them annually. During the year, once a month, and in the summer months, once a week, pupils of these educational institutions visit the museum free of charge. It has already become a good tradition to invite children to the grand opening of new exhibitions, including traveling exhibitions of a commercial nature.

Statistics testify to the vigorous activity of the Taganrog Museum-Reserve with minors and teenagers. In the period from January 1 to December 31, 2010, the museum was visited by 49613 children and adolescents, of which: pupils of boarding schools, orphanages, social shelters - 7285 people. (15%), children from large families - 318 people, children from the temporary detention center for juvenile offenders - 160 people, minor children from single-parent, low-income families who have been in the orbit of the court and underwent a rehabilitation and resocialization program - 252 people. etc.

The Novocherkassk Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks annually concludes cooperation agreements with all educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages in the city of Novocherkassk, and also actively cooperates with similar institutions in other cities of the Rostov region. During the calendar year, the museum hosts about 1,500 excursions for children and teenagers. For 2010-first half of 2011 513 lectures on military-patriotic topics were read in general education, secondary specialized educational institutions, orphanages, specialized boarding schools, preschool institutions in Novocherkassk. Charity performances, concerts, artistic and musical events with the participation of the best creative teams of the city are held for schoolchildren and orphans. During the reporting period, the museum organized and held 42 meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, combatants, children of the war, artists - authors of works on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. For a year and a half, the museum held 236 events for military-patriotic and spiritual and moral education, in which more than 11,000 people took part. In 2011, the activities of the museum were marked by Letters of Appreciation from the city Council of Veterans, the city branch of DOSAAF.

The main work of cultural and leisure institutions of the region during the summer period of 2010-2011. is the organization of children's leisure. At club institutions there are playgrounds where children can come not only from the health camp, but also just spectators.

On June 1, children's holidays are held in all municipalities of the region, where children sing, dance, draw, play various games. At the end of the holiday, all participants are usually awarded prizes and ice cream.

A variety of events were held on the Day of Russia. These are literary and musical compositions, game programs. Outdoor outdoor competitions are more popular with children than indoor activities. One of the goals of these programs is to improve the health of children in the fresh air. The musical arrangement of the program creates a good mood for everyone. The most mobile, dexterous and courageous receive prizes.

During the holidays, patriotic events are held: a rally for the day of memory and sorrow "Exploded Dawn of June", the thematic program "Honor and Glory of Russia", where children learned about the coat of arms, anthem, flags in a playful way. To consolidate knowledge, a quiz is held, solving puzzles.

Activities are carried out aimed at the physical development of children and the formation of a positive attitude towards sports: sports competitions: "Heroic competitions", "Monsters Corporation", the game program "Real Indians".

To expand the horizons of children and enhance cognitive activity, cognitive games are held: "Prometheus", "Literacy", cognitive and entertainment program "Journey in a balloon". In order to promote interesting and useful hobbies, photo contests “Here it is, what our summer is” are held, where children submit their photos.

The activities of cultural institutions of the region are focused on the range of possible interests of children. It is important that each group of cases ends with some important event for the participants, that interesting preparations are made for it, so that each participant receives an appropriate distinction or award.

The most demanded activities with the active participation of children. Cultural workers are making every possible effort to diversify the proposed forms of work and thereby attract children and the younger generation to cultural, healthy leisure.

The Regional House of Folk Art (ODNT) assigns one of the primary roles to raising the professional level of specialists in cultural and leisure activities involved in children's leisure, using a variety of forms and methods: business and role-playing games, trainings, seminars, meetings, individual consultations, selection of repertoire and methodological material.

According to the work plan of the Ministry of Culture of the region, the Regional House of Folk Art, together with specialists from the Ministry of Culture, annually conducts activities to improve the professional level of managers and specialists of cultural and leisure institutions of the region.

As part of the events, meetings are held at which the following issues are considered:

The role of executive authorities in coordinating the activities of social institutions for the prevention of asocial phenomena among the youth;

Organization of the work of club institutions of the region on the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children in the summer;

Features of the interaction of municipal cultural institutions with institutions of general and additional education, health care, internal affairs bodies in organizing summer leisure for children;

Ways to form a favorable socio-psychological climate in the children's team.

In order to improve the professional level of leaders and methodologists of cultural and leisure institutions, such forms as seminars, meetings, conferences, business games, and trainings are used.

In 2010, ODNT specialists prepared 30 methodological manuals, including 11 methodological manuals for leaders of amateur groups of various types and genres of folk art and 19 thematic repertoire collections and methodological recommendations on various aspects of cultural and leisure activities.

Traditionally, DLST specialists prepare methodological materials and collections on the topics of the year. In order to comprehensively cover the socially significant areas of work, the following were prepared: a repertoire collection on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle "We choose life", a methodological collection "Educate a patriot and a citizen", methodological materials for working with socially vulnerable categories of the population. The topics of the collections were determined based on the analysis of the available methodological fund, requests from the leaders of amateur groups in the region and specialists in the cultural and leisure profile.

4. Forms and mechanisms of interaction of executive authorities in the field of culture with law enforcement agencies of the subject of the Russian Federation on the organization of summer teenage leisure.

Forms of interaction of cultural institutions with other institutions, organizations, societies are based on cooperation agreements, joint work plans, programs that use various forms of work.

In their work on the prevention of asocial phenomena in society, cultural institutions cooperate with organizations that provide psychological and social support to young people, with rehabilitation centers in order to organize joint actions, activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent drug addiction, with law enforcement agencies that are actively involved not only in ensuring order during mass events, but also direct participation in the preparation and holding of certain events. Joint work is also carried out in work with the category of citizens, incl. children and adolescents who fall into the “risk group”.

Work on the prevention of asocial phenomena among the population of the region, incl. adolescents and young people, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in close contact with all departmental structures through the creation of sections, circles, various competitions, holding information lessons, competitions, promotions, mass holidays.

Experience of cultural institutions
Republic of Tatarstan on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency through the organization of summer leisure




Final qualifying work

specialty 050711 "Social Pedagogy"



1. The essence of the concepts of "leisure", "free time"

1.1 Features of adolescence

1.2 Features of leisure pastime of a modern teenager

1.3 Features of organizing teenagers' leisure in rural areas


2.1 Organization of the study

2.2 Analysis of the organization of leisure and free time of adolescents in the village of Sudroma

2.3 Analysis of results and conclusions





Modern society requires new technologies in the activities of all social institutions working with children, because at present the problem of social and individual adaptation of children is very relevant due to rapidly changing living conditions, the evolution of various forms of education, upbringing and development, the need to prepare for life and social success.

The efforts of teachers, including social ones, should be aimed at teaching children to strive for a rich, diverse and free culture that exists not only to learn it, but, above all, to educate and improve themselves in her. It is an ideal tool for personal development and self-expression.

A person becomes a person only by joining the spiritual values ​​that ensure his integrity, his harmony, his inclusion in society. The activity of teachers is especially difficult in conditions of changing value orientations, when many people are deprived of ideals and hopes to which one should strive. But the teacher is called upon to uphold the values ​​that save a person from spiritual poverty and cultural limitations, helping and teaching children to overcome difficulties, introduce them to world culture, help them master new social roles, certain legal and moral norms and values.

Leisure is a wonderful space for the development of culture. Proper organization of leisure contributes to the formation of a culture of communication among children, strengthening family ties, creates conditions for self-realization and self-education of the individual.

The occupation of the child in his free time not only develops certain qualities in him, but also organizes him, gives him confidence in his actions and in his competence.

In the new socio-economic conditions, it is necessary to most fully and effectively realize the socio-pedagogical potential of children's free time. Significantly expand the traditional directions, forms, technologies of work with children and adolescents. Remember that leisure is both a time of rest and a sphere for developing abilities, realizing interests. co c, application of knowledge in a new situation, different from the lesson and free communication with different people. It's time to revive the role of leisure and show the relevance of its meaningful conduct, as this will help to activate the development potential of children.

Thus, it can be argued that leisure is a necessary part of the life of any person, and especially a child who is in an active process of development.

The relevance of the WRC theme lies in the fact that leisure for modern adolescents is one of the paramount values, in this area many of the sociocultural needs of children are realized. For the leisure sphere of life, the freedom of the individual is most characteristic, which is manifested in the choice of forms, place, time of leisure. It is in the sphere of leisure that adolescents, more than anywhere else, emerge as free individuals. In modern Russian society, in which there is an instability of normative and value systems, the problem of youth leisure becomes especially acute.

The actualization of adolescent leisure issues is also due to the fact that the younger generation, in accordance with their sociocultural needs, devotes their leisure time mainly to communication in youth companies, peer groups, where a special youth subculture is formed that influences the formation of a young person's personality.

Object of study: leisure of teenagers in the countryside.

Subject of study: organization of teenagers' leisure in rural areas.

The purpose of the work is the study of the organization of leisure of adolescents in rural areas.

Work tasks.

1. To study the features of adolescence.

2. Analyze the content of leisure pastime of a modern teenager.

3. To characterize the main types and forms of organization of social and leisure activities.

4. Conduct an analysis of the organization of teenagers' leisure in rural areas.

Hypothesis: we assume that the specific features of the organization of leisure activities in rural areas are:

1) High expectations of others regarding his involvement in this area of ​​activity with adolescents;

2) Active participation in the organization of cultural events, both club and school;

3) Performing a coordinating role in the interaction of teachers, parents, leaders of circles and sections in the course of organizing leisure activities.

To solve problems, we use the following methods:

Theoretical (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem; systematization and generalization of information).

Empirical (document analysis, questioning)



The English word leisure (LEISURE) comes from the Latin language (LIGERE) which means "to be free". From Latin to French came (LOISIR), which means "to be allowed", and into English such a word as (LICENSE), which means "to be free" (freedom to reject a rule, practice, etc.). All of these words are cognates, implying choice and lack of coercion. In ancient Greece, the word leisure (SCHOLE) meant "serious activity without the pressure of necessity." The English word (SCOOL) comes from the Greek word SCHOLE, (leisure), which suggests the final connection between leisure and education.

Leisure is a zone of active communication that satisfies the needs of adolescents in contacts. Such forms of leisure as an amateur association of interests, mass holidays are a favorable area for realizing oneself, one's qualities, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other people.

Leisure is able to combine both rest and work. Most of the leisure in modern society is occupied by various types of recreation, although the concept of "leisure" includes such activities as continuing education, community work on a voluntary basis.

The definition of leisure falls into four main groups.

Leisure as contemplation associated with a high level of culture and intelligence; it is a state of mind and soul. In this concept, leisure is usually considered in terms of the efficiency with which a person does something.

Leisure as an activity- usually characterized as non-work related activities. This definition of leisure includes the values ​​of self-realization.

Leisure as free time, time of choice. This time can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used for work-related or non-work related activities. Leisure is considered as the time when a person is engaged in what is not his duty.

Leisure integrates the three previous concepts, blurs the line between "work" and "not work" and evaluates leisure in terms that describe human behavior. Includes the concept of time and attitude to time. Max Kaplan believes that leisure is much more than just free time or a list of recovery activities. Leisure should be understood as a central element of culture, with deep and complex connections with the general problems of work, family, politics.

Leisure is fertile ground for children, adolescents and youth to test fundamental human needs. In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself, even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activity. Leisure is largely responsible for the formation of a child's character, in terms of such qualities as initiative, self-confidence, restraint, masculinity, endurance, perseverance, sincerity, honesty, etc.

Leisure under certain circumstances can become an important factor in the physical development of children. Leisure activities that you love support emotional health. Leisure helps to get out of stress and petty anxieties, and, finally, leisure is recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children. The special value of leisure lies in the fact that it can help a child, teenager, young man to realize the best that he has.

Leisure time for children is time free from compulsory studies used for games, walks and sports, reading, art, technology and other types of useful activities at the children's own inclination.

Leisure for teenagers is an area in which, acting in new roles, different from family and school, they especially sharply and fully reveal their natural needs for freedom and independence, vigorous activity and self-expression.

Can be distinguished real leisure (socially useful) and imaginary (asocial, personally significant) leisure.

Real leisure is never in rupture both with the individual and with society. On the contrary, it is a state of activity, the creation of freedom from the necessary daily activities, time for rest, self-actualization, entertainment.

Imaginary leisure

We can derive the following main characteristics of the leisure of children, adolescents and youth.

Leisure has pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects.

Leisure is based on voluntariness in the choice of activities and the degree of activity

Leisure involves not regulated, but free creative activity.

Leisure forms and develops personality.

Leisure contributes to self-expression, self-affirmation and self-development of the individual through freely chosen actions.

Leisure creates children's need for freedom and independence.

Leisure contributes to the disclosure of natural talents and the acquisition of skills and abilities useful for life.

Leisure stimulates the creative initiative of children.

Leisure is a sphere of satisfaction of the needs of the individual.

Leisure contributes to the formation of value orientations.

Leisure is determined internally and externally.

Leisure acts as a kind of "zone of limited adult intervention."

Leisure contributes to the objective self-esteem of children.

Leisure forms a positive "I - concept".

Leisure provides satisfaction, cheerful mood and personal pleasure.

Leisure contributes to the self-education of the individual.

Leisure forms the socially significant needs of the individual and the norms of behavior in society.

Children's leisure is broad in its understanding.

Thus, it can be stated that the essence of children's and youth leisure is the creative behavior (interaction with the environment) of children, adolescents and youth in a free choice of occupation and degree of activity in the spatio-temporal environment, determined internally (needs, motives, attitudes, choice forms and ways of behavior) and externally (factors generating behavior).

Children evaluate themselves, focusing on socially accepted criteria and standards, because self-consciousness is social in its content, in its essence, and is impossible outside the process of communication. It is in the conditions of leisure that communities are formed that give children, adolescents and youth the opportunity to perform in a wide variety of social roles. Thus, one more function of children's leisure can be identified - communicative.

In the field of leisure, adolescents are more open to the influence and impact on them of a variety of social institutions, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency. positions, learning the norms of behavior in society.

A distinctive feature of children's leisure is its theatricalization. Artistic images, acting through the emotional sphere, make him experience, suffer and rejoice, their impact is often much sharper than life's collisions. In other words, children's leisure is favorable for the formation of ideals and the development of a system of value preferences.

Leisure time of the younger generation has a huge impact on the cognitive activity of children, adolescents and youth. In leisure, new things are learned in a wide variety of fields of knowledge: it expands one's horizons; the process of technical creativity is comprehended; there is an acquaintance with the history of sports and so on; finally, the armament of leisure activities is carried out. This means that children's leisure has an educational function.

One of the important tasks of children's leisure is to help in choosing a profession. From the first period of childhood to adolescence, the question of choosing a profession becomes more and more relevant. From the trivial: "Who to be?" in childhood, until the painful search for one's place in life in adolescence, the issue of choosing a profession worries all age groups of the younger generation.

Most children find the answer to this important question in the field of leisure. During their leisure time, children read books, watch movies, plays and TV shows, where they discover the world of professions. And, having outlined a professional path for themselves, mainly at their leisure, they acquire knowledge and develop abilities, skills specific to a particular type of activity. And, finally, leisure institutions purposefully carry out career guidance activities, that is, children's leisure involves the implementation of a career guidance function.

The life activity of modern adolescents is extremely saturated and relatively strictly regulated, and therefore requires large expenditures of physical, mental and intellectual forces. Against this background, children's leisure, which is carried out mainly on the basis of play activities, helps to relieve the created tension. It is within the framework of leisure time that the restoration and reproduction of lost forces takes place, that is, the recreational function is realized.

Moreover, the inherent human desire for pleasure is also mainly realized in the sphere of leisure. Children, adolescents and young men enjoy a wide variety of leisure activities: games and victory in it; learning new things and the opportunity to create an aircraft model on this basis. In other words, children's leisure has a hedonistic function.

Diverse in form, content and emotional richness, leisure activities for children, adolescents and youth evoke a wide resonance in their souls, in the circle of friends and acquaintances, in the class and family, thus giving rise to communication given by the leisure event on the subject of what is heard, seen, committed. As a result, activities are carried out that the child himself would not have performed if there were no stimulus from outside. That is, children's leisure involves a procreative function.

Leisure time is part of non-working time. In the structure of free time, active creative activity is singled out; self-education; cultural (spiritual) consumption (reading newspapers, going to the movies, etc.), sports, etc.; amateur activities; activities and games with children; communication with other people.

To determine the free time of an individual from his daily time budget (24 hours), subtract the time that he spends:

On production and labor functions, included the road to the place of work and back;

Physiological rest (night sleep);

Health and sanitary needs (including morning toilet, gymnastics, laundry, washing dishes, etc.);

Purchase of products, their preparation, eating;

Acquisition of necessary things, consumer goods and durables;

Raising young children, emergency care for loved ones (for example, caring for the sick), etc.

The proportion of the day that remains at the disposal of a person after these calculations can be defined as his leisure, or "pure" free time during daytime wakefulness. It is this part of the time that a person can dispose of at his discretion.

On a weekday, the share of free time for a working person is a relatively small amount, 1-3 hours, and in some cases - a few minutes. This time a person can increase or decrease due to certain types of individual activity. For example, the hostess often uses her leisure time for household chores; someone can take care of the problems associated with the main work, and someone will spend time doing nothing.

Thus, a person is able to vary, increase or decrease his free time, spending it on activities that are not related to leisure. However, these possibilities are not unlimited. If labor in production or numerous household chores go beyond rational limits, then a person sharply limits his free time, which can cause stress due to overwork, people who spend their free time at home in passive inactivity hinder their development, their existence becomes monotonous .

As you can see, the concepts of "leisure" and "free time" are interchangeable. However, they are not identical in meaning. When people talk about free time, the potential opportunity to use it for anything is emphasized. A person during this period can do housework, household chores. Some people spend it inefficiently (in a state of "doing nothing", or to the detriment of their own health, or violated public order and the leisure of others, etc.).

The idea that is formed in any culture about the purpose of leisure, more specifically, and most importantly, is associated with its positive assessment, with an understanding of the importance of its constructive content. Society proceeds from the fact that a person should use this time, first of all, to restore his own health and for internal development.

Thus, children who attend circles and sections are able to distribute their free time, organize their leisure time correctly, learn to contact people and gain positive social experience, which is no less important for successful study and their socialization.


Adolescence is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation. At the same time, this is the most crucial period, since the foundations of morality are formed here, social attitudes, attitudes towards oneself, towards people, towards society are formed. In addition, at this age, character traits and the main forms of interpersonal behavior are stabilized. The main motivational lines of this age period, associated with an active desire for personal self-improvement, are self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation.

In adolescence, all cognitive processes, without exception, reach a very high level of development. In the same years, the absolute majority of the vital personal and business qualities of a person are openly manifested. For example, direct, mechanical memory reaches the highest level of its development in childhood, forming, together with sufficiently developed thinking, the prerequisites for the further development and improvement of logical, semantic memory. Speech becomes highly developed, varied and rich, thinking is represented in all its main forms: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical. All these processes acquire arbitrariness and verbal mediation. In adolescents, they already function on the basis of the formed inner speech. It becomes possible for a teenager to learn various types of practical and mental (intellectual) activities, moreover, using a variety of techniques and teaching aids. General and special abilities are formed and developed, including those necessary for future professional activities

The teenage period has many contradictions and conflicts characteristic of this particular age. On the one hand, the intellectual development of adolescents, which they demonstrate when solving various problems related to school subjects and other matters, encourages adults to discuss quite serious problems with them, and adolescents themselves are actively striving for this. On the other hand, when discussing problems, especially those related to the future profession, ethics of behavior, responsible attitude to one's duties, one discovers the amazing infantilism of these people, outwardly looking almost adults. .

The features of the manifestations of adolescence are determined by specific social circumstances, and, above all, by the change in the place of the child in society, when the adolescent subjectively enters into new relationships with the world of adults, which constitutes a new content of his consciousness, forming such a psychological neoplasm of this age as self-consciousness.

According to the well-known teenage expert I.S. Kon "A characteristic feature of self-consciousness is the manifestation in a teenager of the ability and need to know himself as a person, with its specific qualities. This gives rise to a teenager's desire for self-affirmation, self-expression and self-development. This is facilitated by those new circumstances that distinguish the teenager's lifestyle from the way of life children of primary school age.First of all, these are increased requirements for a teenager from adults, comrades, whose public opinion is determined not so much by the student's success in learning, but by many other traits of his personality, views, abilities, character, ability to observe the "code of morality", accepted among adolescents, all this gives rise to motives that prompt the adolescent to turn to the analysis of himself and to compare himself with others. avleny are no longer so much in the form of the image of a particular person, but in certain requirements that adolescents make to people and to themselves.

In adolescence, there is a well-known "jump" in the psychophysiological development of the individual.

The appearance of the first signs of puberty (in boys at 12-13 years old, in girls at 10-12 years old) entails a restriction in blood supply, which affects not only the work of muscles, but also other organs, including the brain. Thus, adolescents of this age are characterized by a decrease in motor activity and general endurance, their intellectual activity is temporarily reduced.

In the future, at the third stage of pubertal development (13-15 years for boys and 12-14 years for girls), the volumetric blood flow rate increases and, accordingly, there is a slight increase in physical and intellectual capabilities.

At the same time, the skin temperature rises noticeably, especially in the extremities. At the same time, due to the expansion of skin vessels, the possibilities of physical thermoregulation are reduced, which leads to an increase in colds.

Characteristic of a teenager at this stage of adaptation, categorical judgments, the desire, by all means, to seem like an adult, while flaunting his imaginary independence, only emphasizes the marginal nature of the adolescent stage of socialization. The abrupt changes that occur during this period in the body and psyche of a teenager make him irritable and easily vulnerable. He is trying to form his own system of views on the world, but much of it has not been thought through to the end, based only on random observations, and the teenager quite easily changes his views, either under the influence of new impressions, or in the course of further deeper understanding.

Adolescents at this time are characterized by impulsiveness, emotionality, sensitivity, negativism, a critical mindset, maximalism, daydreaming.

In adolescence, the scope of the child's activity expands significantly, and its character changes qualitatively. Significant changes are taking place in the intellectual activity of children. There is a growing desire to engage in complex, creative activities, such as evaluating works of art, discounting on a book read, etc.

By adolescence, a person has a fairly mature mindset, the ability to analyze certain phenomena of reality, the ability to understand their complex inconsistency. Adolescents seek to understand the logic of phenomena, refuse to accept anything on faith, require a system of evidence. The main feature of the intellectual activity of a 10-16-year-old teenager is the ability to abstract thinking that grows every year. With the activation of abstract thinking in adolescents, the visual components of thinking do not regress, do not disappear, but remain and develop, continuing to play a significant role in the overall structure of thinking. An important feature of this age is the formation of active, independent, creative thinking of children.

The attention of a teenager is characterized not only by a large volume and stability, but also by a specific selectivity. At this time, deliberate attention develops. Perception also becomes selective, purposeful, analyzing. With a significant tendency towards the romantic, the imagination of adolescents becomes more realistic and critical. They more soberly assess their capabilities.

In connection with learning, maturation, the accumulation of life experience and, consequently, advancement in general, psychological development in children, by the beginning of adolescence, new, broader interests are formed, various hobbies arise, and there is a desire to take a different, more independent position.

"With the entry of a child into a new age phase - adolescence - his social position at school, family, on the street changes significantly. He learns new disciplines, in the family he is assigned more complex and responsible responsibilities, he no longer plays "these children's games with kids", but seeks to cling to the youthful "party". That is, he is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

At this age, a temporary psychological separation of a teenager from the family and school takes place / their importance in the development of the personality of a teenager decreases, while the influence of peers increases. Often he is faced with a choice between an official team and an informal communication group. A teenager gives preference to the environment and group in which he feels comfortable, where he is treated with respect. It can be a sports section, and a technical circle, but it can also be the basement of a house where teenagers gather, chat, smoke, drink, etc. .

As a rule, at this age, adolescents have problems with adults, in particular with their parents. Parents continue to look at their child as if they are small, and he is trying to break out of this guardianship. Therefore, relationships with adults are usually characterized by increased conflict, increased criticism of the opinions of adults, but the opinion of peers becomes more significant. The nature of relations with elders is changing: from a position of subordination, a teenager tries to move into a position of equality. At the same time, the nature of relationships with peers also changes, there is a need for communication with the aim of self-affirmation, which, under adverse conditions, can lead to various forms of deviant behavior; increased interest in the intimate life of a person, which can lead to asocial violations of the sexual life of a teenager.

At a sense of adulthood is formed in the adolescent, which manifests itself through the desire for independence and self-reliance, a protest against the desire of adults to "teach" him. A teenager at this age often chooses for himself an idol (the hero of a film, a strong adult, a hero of a program, an outstanding athlete, etc.), whom he tries to imitate: his appearance, demeanor. Appearance for a teenager is very important. An unusual hairstyle, earrings, or even two or three in the ears, torn jeans, bright cosmetics and other attributes give the teenager the opportunity to separate himself from others, to establish himself in a group of children.

The interests of a teenager change significantly compared to a younger child. Along with curiosity and the desire for creative activity, he is characterized by scattered and unstable interests.

For adolescents, the opinion and assessment of peers is of great importance, and at the same time, in the adolescent environment there is a kind of behavioral charter, in which the priority belongs to the manifestation of will. It is in this regard that adolescence is sensitive for the formation of a strong will, in particular such traits as purposefulness, independence, endurance, determination, courage, initiative, endurance, masculinity, etc.

"Adolescence is characterized as a pubertal period associated with a deep restructuring of the endocrine system, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as sexual desire caused by abundant secretion of hormones. This period, when the issue of gender should be reinforced by behavioral acts of relations between boys and girls, is the most favorable time for the formation of masculinity and femininity.

According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Adolescence differs from other age groups in that the feeling of adulthood determines its further actions and deeds, affects the development of its emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres" .

Thus, the features of adolescence are: new relationships with the adult world, an expansion of the scope of activities, a change in character, the ability to think abstractly, a change in social status, a psychological distance from one's family and school, a sense of adulthood is formed, and the interests of a teenager change, biological changes, formation of qualities: purposefulness, independence, courage, initiative, endurance and determination; ability to build logical schemes.


Leisure is the ability of a person to engage in a variety of activities of his choice in his free time. Types of leisure activities can be classified into five groups: recreation, entertainment, holidays, self-education, creativity. Rest relieves fatigue and restores physical and spiritual strength. Passive rest relieves stress by relaxation, contemplation of nature, reflection, etc. Active recreation is a physical and cultural activity (physical education, tourism, reading, listening to music, etc.). Entertainment (watching movies, visiting theaters, concerts, museums, excursions, traveling, etc.) are compensatory in nature and provide a person with a change of impressions. Holidays combine relaxation and entertainment, allow a person to feel an emotional upsurge. Self-education (reading, lectures, debates, seminars, etc.) introduces people to the values ​​of culture and combines the acquisition of knowledge with entertainment. Creativity provides the highest level of leisure activities. Children's leisure is carried out primarily in the family, as well as in special institutions (libraries, museums, clubs, art houses, sports sections, amateur associations of interest, etc.).

For a number of reasons, modern Russian teenagers are not able to organize their leisure time in an interesting, meaningful and useful way. These reasons are both subjective (for example, family relationships) and objective (socio-economic situation in the country). The younger generation, for the most part, found themselves without reliable social guidelines.

Today, the problem of teenagers' leisure is very acute. Often children simply have nothing to do with themselves. It would be naive to think that by building a sufficient number of cafes, discos, teenage problems are solved.

The factor that largely determines the image and lifestyle of young people is the criminalization and commercialization of their leisure. The problem of the personal safety of young people is becoming more and more urgent: sociological studies show that about 50% of them have ever been subjected to physical violence by peers or adults, and 40% have experienced parental assault.

The desire to get away from real problems in an illusory world contributes to the massive spread of alcoholism and drug addiction among adolescents. Drug addiction today is becoming a powerful factor in social disorganization, posing a great threat to the normal functioning of the entire social organism. According to experts, the reasons for the growth of drug addiction to a certain extent are the result of a conflict between the individual and society, which is especially clearly manifested in the crisis of socialization. Adults today cannot provide the younger generation with the necessary number of alternative ways of existence, goals and values, norms for the sake of which it would be worth studying hard, working hard, and observing certain standards of behavior.

A great influence on a teenager is exerted by television, where a charge of enormous destructive force falls on the youth from the screens. Showing scenes of cruelty and violence every day is moral chaos. Murder, violence, robbery, death - does not leave the screens. Television methodically, day by day, destroys the spiritual environment of society, planting the cult of acquisitiveness, profit, a beautiful life, rich in joys and adventures, full of sexual promiscuity and violence. This is a direct psychological attack on the younger generation, which has not yet developed immunity to such corrupting influences. That is why society is gradually beginning to get used to children's illiteracy, neglect, children delinquents and criminals. Television, on the other hand, presents it to us as something inevitable, ordinary. Television influences the formation of a system of spiritual values ​​and behavior. Today, an increasing number of adolescents are recorded who deny even the very fact of possible obedience to adults, including parents and teachers, explaining this by their greater awareness of "modern rules of life" compared to older ones.

Violent scenes constantly shown on television have a detrimental effect on children. It is necessary to pay attention to the continuous stream of rudeness and cruelty in modern cartoons for children. Demonstration of violence on TV screens leads to aggressive behavior of children watching these programs. Aggression can be instrumental and hostile. Instrumental aggression is manifested by a person in order to achieve a certain goal, it is very often manifested in younger children: (I want to take a toy, object, etc.). Older children are more likely to demonstrate hostile aggression aimed at hurting a person. Television not only encourages violence, but also causes an increased propensity to use alcohol and drugs. Uncontrolled television viewing leads to:

1. Information overload, and as a result, to overwork, causing informational stress.

2. criminal consequences(through imitating screen characters)

3. Causes a narcotic effect(takes away the energy and strength necessary for any business).

Now about the problem of the content of computer games. Many of the teenagers spend their "computer time" in the form of primitive games that do not require much mental effort and do not contribute to development at all. Hours of senseless pursuit of the "conditional enemy", "destruction of the enemy" by simple primitive methods gradually lead to the intellectual degradation of the player. Another real danger of such games is that the fragile children's psyche subconsciously perceives the game motto: "Kill everything that moves" as a kind of guide to action in real life.

According to psychologists, computer games of this category often cause children's fears and even neuroses. Children's mentality changes, they become more aggressive. It is believed that children are most exhausted by games designed for speed of reaction (the so-called "war games", "shooters"). It is quite obvious that computer games that can harm the child's psyche, provoking cruelty, violence and other base feelings, should not be used in the leisure entertainment of the younger generation.

In any region of Russia, whatever you take, you will meet a lot of young people for whom the concept of "free time" is reduced to the joint drinking of alcoholic beverages, the use of drugs. Experts say that there are 5-10 million drug addicts in Russia today, and their number is only increasing year by year. .

Based on the foregoing, it is already noticeable that the organization of a teenager's leisure time is adversely affected by television, computer games and other media. And this, in turn, leads to associations. A child who uses drugs and alcohol becomes dangerous for the society in which he is.


An extensive analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature and mass practice of content-filled leisure of adolescents allows us to identify the types of activities that ensure the effectiveness of working with children in the field of free time, since most domestic and foreign scientists directly associate free time with activities, defining it as leisure time and creative knowledge outside of production (in our case, outside of schooling), used to satisfy needs and develop human abilities on an independent basis.

Based on a wide range of views of domestic and foreign researchers on the content of leisure and the structure of activities in it, on a deep and lengthy analysis of the types of activities that exist in the structure of the content of free time, which have their own specific and specific content, it is advisable to single out the following types of activities:

- educational;

- Cultural - leisure;

- Labor;

- Sports and recreation;

- Scientific - research;

- Communicative;

- gaming

It should be noted that the majority of foreign and domestic scientists in the structure of the activities of each individual distinguish 4 main types: study, work, play, communication .

An analysis of the meaningful employment of children's free time in the mass practice of the activities of institutions of additional education for children showed that the largest share in the organization of their free time is occupied by educational activities. It is defined as a free activity, not regulated by state compulsory education, based on personal interests, voluntariness, initiative and independence of the children themselves, ensuring the satisfaction of a wide range of their various individual needs and interests, based on a rich arsenal of means, forms and methods of acquiring knowledge, skills and skills sufficient to achieve success in life, allowing you to deepen, supplement and develop the information and knowledge gained in a comprehensive school.

One of the main types of meaningful content of children's leisure is cultural and leisure activity is the sphere of self-expression and self-realization of the individual, his potential desires and opportunities, which allows you to include this type of activity in the framework of time, free from social or other coercion.

In cultural and leisure activities, adolescents get acquainted with art, nature, labor, norms and rules of interpersonal communication, moral and aesthetic values. As you know, deviant behavior of adolescents is a consequence of a violation of the process of socialization. And its correction is possible only through the involvement of adolescents in the sphere of leisure activities, since here adolescents are more open to the influence and interaction of various social institutions on them, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency.

Organizational forms of work with adolescents should be aimed at developing their cognitive processes and abilities. It is important to note that the teenage period of development is characterized by significant changes in all aspects of the personality - the psyche, physiology, relationships, when the teenager subjectively enters into a relationship with the adult world. Therefore, only a differentiated approach in the choice of certain forms can ensure the effectiveness of their impact. One of these forms - artistic the form. Includes messages about the most active events, which are grouped according to the degree of importance and are presented figuratively with the help of emotional means of influence.

This form includes mass performances, evenings of rest, show performances, spectacles, literary evenings, creative meetings with famous people.

educational forms include lectures, conversations, disputes, discussions. A teenager learns not only something new, but also learns to form his own point of view.

So, for example, in adolescence, the child is very concerned about the problems of sexual development, and therefore lectures and discussions on this topic will arouse great interest.

In the practice of leisure activities, there is such a form as educational and entertaining. It is of great importance for adolescence. It is during this period that the nature of gaming activity changes, one can say that the game loses its "fabulousness", "mystery". The cognitive significance of the game comes to the fore.

A great effect is given by forms borrowed from the television screen, for example, educational - entertaining games "Bray - ring", "What? Where? When".

Teenagers are most interested in such a form of leisure organization as a disco-club. There are two types of disco - educational(disco - club) and dance and entertainment(disco - dance floor). If in the first case a clear goal is pursued, which is accompanied by some kind of theme, then the second has no goal. So, the creation of a disco club contributes to the development of musical taste.

One of the extremely important types of free time employment for children in modern conditions is becoming sports and recreation activities due to the fact that the state of their health in Russia is of particular concern. The formation of a healthy lifestyle, including a rationally constructed mode of study, rest, physical exercises combined in an optimal mode, proper nutrition, hardening, hygienic and psychophysical measures should become an integral element of the activity of each of the social institutions.

In the structure of teenagers' free time, a rather specific type of activity is game activity, which in terms of content is considered in terms of the emotional and moral expression of the attitude of the individual to the events taking place, including to himself. The game type of activity in terms of content involves mastering the experience of the behavior of a socially active person.

That is why the role of play activity in the sphere of free time and leisure of adolescents is extremely large, since it is organically included in the general system of activity education in the field of free time. It blends well with other activities, often compensating for what they don't provide. Education, cultural leisure, sports, work, play, communication mutually penetrate each other and constitute the content side of the lifestyle of children and adolescents and their creative development in the field of free time and leisure.

Among the mass of organizations involved in the organization of youth leisure, the leading place is occupied by cultural institutions. As practice shows, the actual activities of cultural institutions for the prevention of various asocial phenomena, including crime, are much broader, more diverse and deeper. Almost all categories of the population are involved in it, although, undoubtedly, children, adolescents and youth are singled out as priorities.

Competent organization of leisure employment and education by means of culture and art is considered today as an alternative teenage neglect, which is one of the prerequisites for committing illegal acts, as one of the components of a large work on primary prevention of this asocial phenomenon.

Teenagers, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

That is why the main task of the governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the list of cultural services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

Creating a positive, attractive image of a cultural institution will attract more children and adolescents to its walls, which will create a certain alternative to idle pastime, which is one of the prerequisites for committing crimes. This is especially true for adolescents in rural areas, where the cultural level of the population is much inferior to the same level of the urban population. In rural areas and villages, adolescents sometimes have no one to follow an example from, they do not know how to spend their free time usefully.

The issues of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents are of particular relevance during the holidays, when children have more free time. Adolescents, whose rest is not organized, require closer attention.

Projects and activities carried out within the walls of cultural institutions and aimed at solving these problems should be part of the targeted programs developed and implemented on the territory of municipalities for organizing recreation and leisure activities for children and adolescents in the summer.

The main forms of organizing leisure activities for adolescents and their cultural services in the summer can be:

organization of work of children's health camps on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions

cultural services for urban and suburban children's health camps, playgrounds (concert, intellectual, educational, competitive, game, entertainment programs, theatrical performances, holidays, film screenings, etc.)

Conducting cultural and leisure activities and organizing film screenings for unorganized children and adolescents

holding Days of the Teenager (with the organization of legal and psychological consultations, meetings on career guidance, etc.)

attraction of children and adolescents to club associations and groups of amateur folk art

organization of touring activities of groups of amateur folk art

Conducting creative shifts for members of amateur folk art groups and gifted children ("theatrical shifts", "folklore holidays", etc.)

participation in the organization and conduct of events for the employment of adolescents ("Job Fairs")

organization of youth actions for the improvement of the city (village), cultural institutions.

One of the options for organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents is the organization of summer camps on the basis of a club institution. The basis of such camps can be a temporary children's association, which must be turned into a temporary children's team. It is possible to create several specialized associations that will unite teenagers who are passionate about one idea. The following areas of activity can be most effective: search, sports, labor, merciful and charitable, aesthetic, etc. The activity of such an association can be most effective if it consists of children of different ages. The advantages of such associations are the following factors:

Direct transfer of experience of seniors to juniors, where juniors borrow behavior, acquire skills and abilities in specific joint activities;

An opportunity for everyone to open up as a person around an attractive idea, an interesting business;

Satisfaction of age needs: for the younger ones - to have an "example", to be like him; for seniors - to establish themselves in the role of leader;

Cooperation between elders and younger greatly enriches the attitude of children in such associations, a respectful attitude towards both elders and younger is certainly brought up;

Wide social ties, excluding the danger of isolation, isolation from other groups.

In organizing summer recreation for children and adolescents, the experience of summer health camps and camps based on general education schools can be used.

In addition to the above general fundamental approaches to determining the strategy of activity, the role and place of government bodies and cultural institutions in the system of preventive work, there are very specific areas of activity for the prevention of offenses using the resources of cultural institutions.

First of all, it is the implementation of projects and cultural events directly aimed at educating the legal culture of the younger generation, at the formation of positive attitudes and cultural stereotypes that will help adolescents and young people to adapt more easily in the adult world. When holding events, it is very important to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents and young people, to avoid didactics and the principle of prohibition as much as possible. Instead of "you can't" (you can't commit crimes, use drugs, drink, smoke, etc.), it's better to say "you can" - you can be creative, read, sing, draw, play the guitar, dance rap, etc. And then your life will become interesting, eventful and there will be practically no time left for empty pastime.

The disco is still the most popular and demanded form of organizing youth leisure.

The disco is able to synthesize in itself the most diverse types of artistic creativity, amateur hobbies. Absorbing the spirit of the new time, it creates excellent opportunities for the manifestation of creative activity, the expansion of various knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the combination of educational and exciting in the disco is limited due to the specifics of this form of work, it still allows young people to realize the need for a full-fledged meaningful rest and entertainment. After all, the disco is based on the communication of young people through youth music, despite the fact that the musical hobbies of young people of one generation are very diverse. It is at the disco that a diverse youth audience with a wide range of orientations and requirements gathers. And it is known that visits to disco evenings exceed the number of visits to other types of club events. Therefore, the issues of organizing and improving youth musical leisure are very relevant. This primarily applies to discos in small towns and villages. The level of the material base on the periphery is not very high. This is the essential difference between a large city with a huge number of private disco clubs and small towns and villages with their discos.

The development of discos attracts the attention of a wide range of sociologists, psychologists, and musicologists. Obviously, a significant amount of musical information, the influence of television, audio, video programs, the variability of the palette of musical hobbies of young people - all this requires special study at the present stage, constant attention from the organizers of disco programs and constant reflection on their personal experience. After all, the requirements of young people to the work of discos are increasing from year to year.

In the light of the problem under consideration, libraries play an important role as institutions that carry out outreach on the formation of a legal culture among the younger generation, a negative personal attitude towards the commission of unlawful acts.

Libraries are characterized by such a form of work with teenagers as various thematic evenings (an ideologically and plot-organized chain of oral presentations, images, united by a script and a director's move). The specifics of the thematic evening: common interests of the audience, festive situation, entertainment, theatricalization, game situation, understandable and close topic, understanding the depth of the content and then active participation-creativity, use of informational-logical and emotional-figurative moments, strict compositional sequence, connection with significant a date in the life of a society, or an individual team, a person, a documentary basis, local material, the presence of a real hero.

The most common genres of themed evenings are: evening meeting, evening portrait, evening meeting, evening ritual, evening reporting, evening story, evening interview, evening dialogue, etc. .

Thus, the forms of cultural and leisure activities that have developed at the present time are aimed, first of all, at the spiritual development of the personality of a teenager, built on the relationship with the social environment and society as a whole.



Target: study of the features of the organization of free time and leisure of adolescents in the village of Sudroma.


1) Select the study sample;

2) Develop diagnostic tools;

3) Organize a survey;

4) Carry out data processing;

6) Give a description (description) of the organization of leisure activities for adolescents in the school and the House of Culture in the village of Sudroma.


1. Preparatory: selection of diagnostic tools, determination of the research base, identification of the number of adolescents in rural areas, conducting a questionnaire.

2. Main: research implementation

3. Final: processing and analysis of the results, writing conclusions and recommendations.

Base: Sudroma village, Velsky district, Arkhangelsk region, school No. 13.

Sample: 23 teenagers.

Diagnostic tools: questionnaire

The questionnaire is designed to identify the interests of a teenager, which circles he prefers to attend, what he does outside of school, how he organizes his free time. Also, in the questionnaire, a teenager can indicate which circles he would like to create, if none of them interests him from the existing circles.

Questioning allows you to determine the level of employment of a teenager.

2.2 Analysis of the organization of leisure of adolescents in P. SUDROMA

1. Secondary school No. 13, Sudroma village

The population of the village of Sudroma is 980 people, of which 159 are children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

The educational system of social orientation of school students performs the following functions:

1) developing, aimed at stimulating positive changes in the personality of the child and the teacher, supporting the development of the abilities of children, adolescents and adults.

2) integrating, contributing to unite all educational influences into one whole.

3) protective, aimed at increasing the level of social security of students and teachers, neutralizing the influence of negative environmental factors on the personality of the child and the process of his development.

4)Regulatory involving the creation of conditions at school to compensate for the insufficient participation of the family and society in ensuring the life of the child, the disclosure and development of his inclinations and abilities.

5) corrective, which consists in the implementation of a pedagogically expedient correction of the student's behavior and communication in order to reduce the force of the negative influence on the formation of his personality.

Implementation of the functions of the educational system of implementation when creating such pedagogical conditions as:

Expansion of the network of circles and electives. At the moment, circles are working at the school:

1) "Skillful hands" - artistic processing of wood.

2) Dance mugs

3) Needlework circle - for older girls.


- local history at the lessons of literature, geography, history. These electives study the history of the native land.

Sports activities are carried out in schools. Basketball, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, gymnastics, football and sports shooting sections have been organized.

The school is actively working to organize leisure and free time for teenagers. The following forms are used:

· Thematic evenings (math evening, literary evening.)

Thematic concerts (concert for Mother's Day, concert for Teacher's Day, etc.)

Ball (autumn ball, New Year's ball, graduation ball.)

Thematic discos ("Anti AIDS", "School against cigarettes", etc.)

Subject Olympiads.

· Mind games. ("What? Where? When?", "Brainring", etc.)

· Exhibitions.

· Sports holidays. ("Autumn Marathon", "Yazyl Ten")

There is an organization of the youth association "School Forestry". It was created with the support of the Sudroma forestry, Velsky forestry. This organization includes teenagers from 7th to 9th grade.

The work of this association is carried out according to the following plan:

1. Ecological talks on the topic:

"History of forest culture in Russia" - 5 hours.

"Forest education" - 5 hours.

"Environment" - 4 hours.

2. Excursions to the forestry area.

3. Issue of wall newspapers on the topics:"Once upon a time there was a river"

"Forest Treasures"

The wall newspaper "Once upon a time there was a river" took 1st place in the region at the competition of environmental newspapers.

4. Making and hanging birdhouses, feeders.

5. Improvement of the park at the school and at the obelisk.

6. Tree planting.

7. Preventive talks on the topic "Protect the forest from fire."

8. Distribution of posters on the topic:

· "Forest fires".

"Take care of the forest".

9. Participation in the work of the regional ecological association "Rostok"

During school holidays, a sports and health and labor camp is organized for students.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the organization of leisure time for adolescents at school is at a high level.

2. House of culture "Leisure"

On the territory of the village there is a recreation center "Leisure". She is visited by (43) teenagers. The staff of the recreation center "Dosug" is doing a lot of work on the aesthetic education of adolescents. Themed evenings are regularly held, to which high school students from the general education school are invited. Waltz evening, dance evening, evenings and concerts dedicated to the work of famous composers are held. The following sections are organized:

Fitness class.

Table tennis,

Section on chess and checkers


3. School Museum "Memory"

The museum "Memory" was created at the school, it is improved every year by teenagers of 8-9 grades. In 2009, schoolchildren searched for old-timers who know the history of the existing and destroyed villages of the Sudromsk rural administration. The ancient life of peasants, tools, local handicrafts and creative works of students, parents, fellow villagers testify to the close connection between generations.

A large search work was carried out in the 2009-2010 academic year. The result of it was the design of another hall "In Memory of the Dead" for the 65th anniversary of the Victory, where old newspapers of the war years, photographs, biographies of those who died at the front, their letters and funerals, stories of relatives about the Sudromites who fell on the battlefields were collected.

School Museum - it is the center of patriotic, aesthetic and moral education of youth in the countryside.

Thus, the educational system helps to streamline the work in the school in the main areas and achieve certain results:

Involvement of students in extra-curricular activities of the school, "Leisure" center.

Formation in adolescents of value orientations that correspond to the norms of our society.

Thus, we see that in this village there are only three social institutions that support the leisure function. Which, of course, does not allow organizing leisure and free time for teenagers in the village of Sudroma in a versatile way.


1. Conclusions on the questionnaire for adolescents (Appendix 1).

We conducted a survey on the theme "Leisure for teenagers".

The survey involved 23 adolescents from the Sudromskaya secondary school No. 13, of which 11 were boys (47.8%) and 12 were girls (52.2%). Adolescents aged 13 to 15 years, namely students in grades 7-9. The age composition of the sample looks like this: 13 years old - 6 people, 14 years old - 6 people, 15 years old - 11 people. We set a goal to determine the most popular types of leisure activities, to identify preferences in leisure activities.

Diagram #1. How satisfied are you with leisure activities in your countryside?

Based on the results of this diagram, we can conclude that most teenagers are satisfied, but not quite, with leisure activities in their area. This can be explained by the fact that the countryside does not have all the available means for organizing a versatile and complete organization of leisure activities for adolescents. Basically, only the House of Culture and the school work with the children. The House of Culture provides choir, dance and art circles and classes, and the school provides sports sections. Leisure activities in the village of Sudroma are carried out on an artistic level, and not on a professional one. There are many talented teenagers in the countryside, but there are not enough leisure facilities that would contribute to the realization of the abilities, hobbies and interests of teenagers.

Diagram #2. What kind of activity do you prefer to do in your free time?

The majority of adolescents aged 13-15 who participated in the survey spend their free time rather unevenly. The most preferred pastime for teenagers is watching TV (20%), playing sports and physical education (16%) and communicating with relatives, neighbors, friends (16%). Less common were the answers - (0%) needlework (knitting, embroidery, woodcarving), (1%) help to parents.

Diagram #3. Are you a member of any circle or leisure association in your village?

Most of the respondents (65%) are members of some circle or leisure association in the village of Sudroma.

Diagram #4. If so, what is the main motive for your participation in it?

The predominant motive for participation is the desire to obtain a new amount of information, knowledge, skills and abilities. This can be explained by the fact that there are practically no large families left in the village, children tend to go out somewhere, get additional communication, and prove themselves.

Diagram #5. Can you say to yourself that within the framework of your free time, in rural areas, you manage to fully realize your talents and hobbies, skills, personal skills and abilities?

From the results of the diagram, we can say that most teenagers are far from being able to realize their talents and hobbies, skills, personal skills and abilities in this rural area. It seems that the guys have realized their abilities, they were noticed at the level of the village, but when they have achieved certain results, they want to go further, consolidate and improve their abilities and skills, but they cannot get further development, so there is no opportunity, for example, to go to the city.

Diagram #6. How is your personal participation in the cultural and mass work of your area expressed?

From this diagram it follows that personal participation in cultural work is expressed by the fact that adolescents participate in concerts, events held in a club, library, museum, etc.

Diagram number 7. What circles, sections or public associations would you like to see in your village?

The respondents were asked the question, "Which circles, sections or public associations would you like to see in your village?". 16% of respondents ask to organize ice skating and football sections in the winter, 8% - to organize free clubs of interest, 4% - to learn ballroom dancing, theater, etc.

To study the distribution of free time by teenagers, we conducted the questionnaire "My Day". After processing the results, we entered all the data obtained into a summary table and calculated the average indicator for each type of activity (Table 1).

Table 1

Affairs Average cost of time
1. Sleep. 8 hours 50 minutes
2. Food (except for its preparation). 1 hour 30 minutes
3. Taking care of your appearance. 1 h 05 min.
4. Care for parents and other members of their family. 1 hour
5. Self-service (cooking, cleaning the apartment, room, etc.). 0 h 50 min
6. Household work, in home production. 1 hour 20 minutes
7.Duration of classes at school. 6h.
8. Independent preparation for schoolwork, homework. 1 hour 10 minutes
9. Classes in circles. 0 h 45 min.
10. Physical education and sports. 1 hour
11. Public work. 0 h 15 min
12.Communication with relatives and friends. 1 hour
13. Reading literature, magazines, newspapers. -
14. Watching TV. 0 h 40 min
15. Listening to music. 0 h 10 min
16. Board games. -
17. Classes with a computer. 1 hour 10 minutes
18. Outdoor games. 0 h 30 min.
19. Walks. 0 h 55 min
20. Complete rest (no activity) 0 h 15 min
21. Other things (write other things below). 0 h 15 min

As an assessment of the usefulness of leisure and free time, we used two main criteria. The first is the amount of free time (time) allocated for organizing leisure activities. And the second criterion is the content of leisure (form). According to the results presented in the table, the average leisure time for adolescents in rural areas (p. 9-21) is 4 hours 11 minutes a day. The content of leisure is determined by the interests of adolescents. Adolescents give an important place in the leisure structure to playing on the computer for 1 hour 10 minutes, physical education and sports - 1 hour, communication with relatives and friends - 1 hour, walking - about an hour. Of particular concern is the lack of interest in reading literature, board games among adolescents. We believe that this is due to the fact that teenagers prefer to spend their free time playing on the computer and the Internet.

Analyzing the results of our study, we can draw the following conclusions.

1) Students have a clearly formed opinion on the organization of leisure activities.

2) The leisure time of adolescents is not versatile, there are not enough opportunities for the realization of abilities and skills

3) The problem of the village is that people who work with children and organize leisure activities are already of pre-retirement age, who no longer have the strength to go on hikes with the children, conduct sections and classes.

4) Young specialists do not go to the village, who would actively work with children and organize versatile leisure activities.

5) There are no qualified specialists in rural areas who would organize leisure activities.

6) The average leisure time for teenagers in rural areas is 4 hours 11 minutes a day.

7) Common forms of leisure: physical education and sports, playing on the computer, communicating with relatives and friends, watching TV.

8) Adolescents are not interested in such forms of leisure as: reading literature, listening to music, outdoor games,

Thus, the adolescents living in this village do not have enough conditions to develop their abilities (skating and football sections in the winter, ballroom dancing, theater, etc.), show themselves, do what they love. According to the results that we have obtained, we believe that the hypothesis of our study was partially confirmed.

Based on the studies carried out and the results obtained, we propose recommendations for organizing leisure and free time for teenagers in the village of Sudroma

1) include parents in joint leisure activities with their children so that they are interested in the abilities of their children and help them realize them;

2) use the possibilities of the family to organize the free time of children, their comrades in the yard, class, school (home libraries, audio and video equipment, sports and tourist equipment, musical instruments).

3) open circles, clubs, creative associations for organizing leisure activities in accordance with the interests of children;

4) the initiator of the creation and organization of work with adolescents and youth associations should be the social institution of the village: a school, a village club, a museum, a village administration, a youth committee, a peasant economy, etc.;

5) the basis for the development of the youth movement in the countryside should be traditions, which are a form of transferring educational values ​​from one generation to another, they must be preserved.

6) develop modern youth associations, which should be based on the introduction of the latest information technologies, telecommunications .

7) to organize joint socially useful and cultural and leisure activities of adolescents and adults in society;


Summarizing the above, leisure and free time is the sphere of free human behavior, the possibility of choosing leisure activities and, at the same time, the purposefulness of the leisure process itself, which includes art, play, communication, entertainment, artistic creativity, etc.

The leisure sphere gives the child the opportunity to do what they love, meet interesting people, visit places that are significant to him, and be a participant in important events.

In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself, even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activities.

In the field of leisure, children, adolescents, boys and girls are more open to the influence and impact on them of a variety of social institutions, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency. In the process of active leisure pastime, a sense of camaraderie is strengthened, labor activity is stimulated, a life position is developed, and norms of behavior in society are taught.

Leisure can be a powerful stimulus for personal development. Therein lie its progressive possibilities. But leisure can turn into a force that cripples a person, deforms consciousness and behavior, leads to a restriction of the spiritual world and even to such manifestations of asociality as drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, and crime.

Thus, the issue of a holistic system of education in various fields of activity - in the family, at school, in leisure institutions, is of particular relevance.

According to the results of the study, we came to the following conclusions that: students have a clearly formed opinion on the organization of their free time and leisure; leisure and free time of adolescents is not versatile, there are not enough opportunities for the realization of abilities and skills; the problem of the village is that people who work with children and organize leisure activities are already of pre-retirement age, who no longer have the strength to go hiking with the children, conduct sections and classes; young specialists do not go to the village, who would actively work with children and organize versatile leisure activities; in rural areas there are no qualified specialists who would organize leisure and free time; the average leisure time for adolescents in rural areas is 4 hours 11 minutes a day; common forms of leisure: physical education and sports, playing on a computer, communicating with relatives and friends, watching TV; teenagers are not interested in such forms of leisure as: reading literature, listening to music, outdoor games.


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1. Leisure -

2. Free time -

3. Children's leisure- time free from compulsory studies used for games, walks and sports, reading, art, technology and other types of useful activities at the children's own request.

4. Leisure for teenagers- this is an area in which, acting in new roles, different from family and school, they especially sharply and fully reveal their natural needs for freedom and independence, vigorous activity and self-expression.

5. Real leisure - it is a state of activity, the creation of freedom from the necessary daily activities, time for rest, self-actualization, entertainment.

6. Imaginary leisure- this is, first of all, violence, either against oneself or against society, and as a result, the destruction of oneself and society. Imaginary leisure, due to the inability to spend one's time, is an aimless pastime, leading to antisocial actions.

Forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents

Among the mass of organizations involved in the organization of leisure activities for younger adolescents, cultural institutions occupy a leading place. As practice shows, the actual activities of cultural institutions for the prevention of various asocial phenomena, including crime, are much broader, more diverse and deeper. Almost all categories of the population are involved in it, although, undoubtedly, children, adolescents and youth are singled out as priorities.

The competent organization of leisure employment and education by means of culture and art is considered today as an alternative to child and adolescent neglect, which is one of the prerequisites for committing illegal acts, as one of the components of a great deal of work on the primary prevention of this asocial phenomenon.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

That is why the main task of the governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the list of cultural services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

Creating a positive, attractive image of a cultural institution will attract more children and adolescents to its walls, which will create a certain alternative to idle pastime, which is one of the prerequisites for committing crimes. This is especially true for adolescents in small towns, where the cultural level of the population is much inferior to the same level of the urban population. In small towns and villages, teenagers sometimes have no one to take an example from, they do not know how to spend their free time usefully.

The issues of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents are of particular relevance during the holidays, when children have more free time. Adolescents, whose rest is not organized, require closer attention.

Projects and activities carried out within the walls of cultural institutions and aimed at solving these problems should be part of the targeted programs developed and implemented on the territory of municipalities for organizing recreation and leisure activities for children and adolescents in the summer.

The main forms of organizing leisure activities for adolescents and their cultural services in the summer can be:

Organization of the work of children's health camps on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions;

Cultural services for urban and suburban children's health camps, playgrounds (concert, intellectual, educational, competitive, game, entertainment programs, theatrical performances, holidays, film screenings, etc.);

Carrying out cultural and leisure activities and organizing film screenings for unorganized children and adolescents;

Holding Days of the Teenager (with the organization of legal and psychological consultations, meetings on career guidance, etc.);

Attracting children and adolescents to club associations and amateur folk art groups;

Organization of touring activities of groups of amateur folk art;

Conducting creative shifts for members of amateur folk art groups and gifted children (“theater shifts”, “folklore holidays”, etc.);

Participation in the organization and conduct of activities for the employment of adolescents;

Organization of youth actions for the improvement of the city (village), cultural institutions.

One of the options for organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents is the organization of summer camps on the basis of a club institution. The basis of such camps can be a temporary children's association, which must be turned into a temporary children's team. It is possible to create several specialized associations that will unite children who are passionate about one idea. The following areas of activity can be most effective: search, sports, labor, merciful and charitable, aesthetic, etc. The activity of such an association can be most effective if it consists of children of different ages.

The advantages of such associations are the following factors:

Direct transfer of experience of seniors to juniors, where juniors borrow behavior, acquire skills and abilities in specific joint activities;

An opportunity for everyone to open up as a person around an attractive idea, an interesting business;

Satisfaction of age-related needs: for the younger ones - to have an "example", to be like him; for seniors - to establish themselves in the role of leader;

Cooperation between elders and younger greatly enriches the attitude of children in such associations, a respectful attitude towards both elders and younger is certainly brought up;

Wide social ties, excluding the danger of isolation, isolation from other groups.

In organizing summer recreation for children and adolescents, the experience of summer health camps and camps based on general education schools can be used.

In addition to the above general fundamental approaches to determining the strategy of activity, the role and place of government bodies and cultural institutions in the system of preventive work, there are very specific areas of activity for the prevention of offenses using the resources of cultural institutions.

First of all, this is the implementation of projects and the holding of cultural events directly aimed at educating the legal culture of the younger generation, at the formation of positive attitudes and cultural stereotypes that will help adolescents and young people to adapt more easily in the adult world. When holding events, it is very important to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents and young people, to avoid didactics and the principle of prohibition as much as possible. Instead of “no” (you can’t commit crimes, use drugs, drink, smoke, etc.), it’s better to say “you can” - you can be creative, read, sing, draw, play the guitar, dance, etc. And then your life will become interesting, eventful and there will be practically no time left for empty pastime.

The disco is still the most popular and demanded form of organizing youth leisure.

The disco is able to synthesize in itself the most diverse types of artistic creativity, amateur hobbies. Absorbing the spirit of the new time, it creates excellent opportunities for the manifestation of creative activity, the expansion of various knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the combination of educational and exciting in the disco is limited due to the specifics of this form of work, it still allows young people to realize the need for a full-fledged meaningful rest and entertainment. After all, the disco is based on the communication of young people through youth music, despite the fact that the musical hobbies of young people of one generation are very diverse. It is at the disco that a diverse youth audience with a wide range of orientations and requirements gathers. And it is known that visits to disco evenings exceed the number of visits to other types of club events. Therefore, the issues of organizing and improving youth musical leisure are very relevant. This primarily applies to discos in small towns and villages. The level of the material base on the periphery is not very high. This is the essential difference between a large city with a huge number of private disco - clubs and small towns and villages with their discos.

The development of discos attracts the attention of a wide range of sociologists, psychologists, and musicologists. Obviously, a significant amount of musical information, the influence of television, audio, video programs, the variability of the palette of musical hobbies of young people - all this requires special study at the present stage, constant attention from the organizers of disco programs and constant reflection on their personal experience. After all, the requirements of young people to the work of discos are increasing from year to year.

An important role in the light of the problem under consideration is played by libraries as institutions that carry out information and educational activities to form a legal culture among the younger generation, a negative personal attitude towards the commission of unlawful acts.

Libraries are characterized by such a form of work with teenagers as various thematic evenings (an ideologically and plot-organized chain of oral presentations, images, united by a script and a director's move). The specifics of the theme evening:

General interests of the audience;

Festive situation;



game situation;

Clear and close topic;

Understanding the depth of content and then active participation-creativity;

The use of information-logical and emotional-figurative moments;

Strict compositional sequence;

Connection with a significant date in the life of society, or a separate team, person;

Documentary basis;

local material;

The presence of a real hero.

The most common genres of themed evenings are: evening meeting, evening portrait, evening meeting, evening ritual, evening reporting, evening story, evening interview, evening dialogue, etc. .

Visiting discos is a kind of distinctive card for young people over the age of 15. The period of growing up is marked by a characteristic desire to communicate with peers and a desire to please the opposite sex. Being always in the center of events, having fun and having fun - this is typical for teenagers over 15 years old, especially during the student period.

Leisure time sports are one of the main ways of spending leisure time, and in most cases young men prefer sports.

Spending free time walking with friends is more like city dwellers. In most cases, teenagers prefer to spend time with friends on the street.

22.2% of adolescents devote their free time to computer games. The computer as one of the manifestations of the entertainment industry has recently entered the lives of teenagers and children. If 10 years ago it was replaced in most cases by game consoles, then over the years, more and more advanced models of computers with multimedia capabilities have become the dream of children and adolescents. Appeared computer games with excellent graphics attract children and teenagers at any age. The factor of having a computer at home is not always decisive; in most cases, teenagers visit computer salons or friends who have miracle equipment at home.

The financial situation of young people affects the attendance of leisure institutions. Financially secure young people are more likely than low-income young people to spend their free time in various activities.

With income growth, only the number of visits to various events increases. The choice of this or that leisure form is not connected with the material support of young people.

Differences in the reading of fiction and periodicals in high-income and low-income groups are practically not significant. This confirms our assumption that all groups of young people, regardless of their financial situation, have equal access to those universal values, knowledge, and experience that are transmitted through books and other printed publications.

Conclusions to Chapter 1

In the process of solving the first problem, we found out that leisure is a part of non-working time that a person has after performing immutable non-productive duties. In the modern world, human leisure means "time that is free from the necessary labor in the sphere of social production, as well as from the reproduction by a person of his vital functions within the framework of the household and social relations." We used this definition in our thesis as the main one. Leisure can become a factor in physical development for a teenager, as it helps to get out of stress and minor worries, and is also recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children, helping the child to realize the best that he has. Leisure is characterized by: pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects, voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity, free creative activity, the formation and development of a teenager's personality

In the process of solving the second problem, the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescence were considered. Among others, the following are recognized as the most important in this study: a high level of development of all cognitive processes, this age is characterized by increased inconsistency, and hence conflict, often there is a feeling of anxiety, increased excitability, and reduced self-esteem. As a result of these features, the main reactions of a teenager can be distinguished: emancipation, grouping with peers, hobbies. The main feature is a higher level of self-awareness, the need to realize oneself as a person. Acting as an important stage in the formation of a personality, early adolescence is a complex process of personal development, characterized by multi-level characteristics of social maturation. So the younger adolescence is one of the most important stages in the formation of personality, and one of the most difficult for pedagogical influence.




After listening and discussing the information of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republican Commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights notes.

Ensuring the accessibility of cultural values, organizing leisure activities, developing the abilities for creative self-expression of children and youth are the fundamental tasks of cultural institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan.

As part of the previously given instructions at the meetings of the Republican Commission for Juvenile Affairs, cultural institutions continued their activities in the following areas:

Organization of film lectures, film lessons on the prevention of asocial phenomena by film institutions of the republic. In order to morally and spiritually educate the younger generation for students, there are wide organized screenings of new Russian films of a social orientation recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, with their further discussion (497 screenings were held in 2012, attended by about 10 thousand children);

Within the framework of providing grant support to cultural institutions, along with projects for the preservation and development of folk art, amateur art, organizing cultural leisure, library and museum services for the population of the republic, special attention is paid to projects aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle and expanding the forms of organizing leisure activities for children and youth. If in 2011 12 projects were supported on this topic for a total amount of 1818 thousand rubles (17.4% of the total amount), then in 2012 - 26 projects for a total amount of 3279.5 thousand rubles (28.5% of the total amounts);

1549 libraries of the republic, together with educational institutions, carry out activities to attract children to reading, as well as aimed at strengthening interethnic relations.

Insufficiently organized cultural and leisure activities for children under 14 inclusive. Despite the fact that the number of cultural events in 2012 increased by 2% compared to the previous year, but did not reach the figures of 2008 (the indicator is lower by 17.5%).

On average in the republic, one club has 30 events for children under 14 years old (in 2011 - 29), for youth - 66 (in 2011 - 64). At the same time, in 2012, compared to 2011, the number of events for children and youth in Kaibitsky, Mamadyshsky, Aktanyshsky, Vysokogorsky, Atninsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Baltasinsky municipal districts has significantly decreased.

The organization of leisure for minors is provided by the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. However, there are objective prerequisites for the disunity of industries. Not all institutions of cultural and leisure type meet modern requirements. 34.1% of club buildings are in poor condition. Accordingly, in those localities where there is no club institution or is in poor condition, the organization of extracurricular activities falls on educational institutions.

Since 2012, in all municipalities of the republic, within the framework of the "Village Clubs" program, construction of cultural facilities has been underway (one in each municipal district). 46 multifunctional cultural centers. In total, by 2015 it is planned to commission 138 facilities equipped with modern equipment.

In the education system of the Republic of Tatarstan, there are 163 institutions of additional education for children (of which 17% are located in rural areas, 18 are autonomous educational institutions), in which 199,140 children study.

In accordance with the instruction of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, work is underway in the republic to switch the system of additional education for children to an electronic system of registration in institutions of additional education for children. In a pilot mode, the accounting system is being tested on the basis of the Zelenodolsk municipal district.

249,020 children and adolescents take part in the children's movement of the republic, which is 78% of the total number of students. Of these, 168,969 people (67.8%) are members of the most massive in the republic and the largest in the Russian Federation republican public organization "The Union of the Heirs of Tatarstan."

All children's public organizations of Tatarstan are united by the public organization "Council of Children's Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan". SDO RT represents the interests of more than 300 thousand active children of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Since 2007, the republican project "Children's Republican Duma" has been implemented, which unites more than 1,500 students from 45 municipalities of the republic. Together with the participants of the Children's Republican Duma, work has begun on the implementation of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017 in the direction "Children - participants in the implementation of the National Strategy".

Since 2009, the educational program "Fundamentals of Leadership" has been implemented in schools, the course is aimed at the personal development of high school students, at the formation of social activity, communication skills and skills of high school students. In the 2012-2013 academic year, the project is being implemented in 352 schools of the republic, covering more than 7,000 students.

In view of the foregoing, the Republican Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights DECIDES:

1. To take into account the information of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2. To the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan together with subordinate cultural institutions (to A.M. Sibagatullin):

2.2. Prepare proposals for the implementation of joint projects and programs with the public organization "Council of Children's Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan";

2.3. Continue work on organizing free time for minors from school with the participation of the public organization "Council of Children's Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan";

2.4. Work out forms of encouragement for leaders of children's organizations, including by providing for the organization of their access to cultural events;

2.5. Together with the cultural authorities of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, to summarize the experience of cultural institutions of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Tatarstan in the development and implementation of innovative projects aimed at organizing meaningful leisure for children and young people, including difficult teenagers, children from low-income families , orphanages and shelters, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation.

3. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan (E.N. Fattakhov):

3.1. Continue the introduction of an electronic system for recording visits to additional education institutions for children and adolescents;

3.2. Take measures to ensure the maximum provision of minors with leisure employment outside of school hours.

4.1. Strengthen the interdepartmental work of institutions of culture, education and commissions for minors and the protection of their rights in organizing and holding cultural and leisure activities for children and youth;

4.2. Take additional measures to attract qualified specialists in the sociocultural sphere in order to develop and implement innovative projects for working with children and youth.

4.3. When developing municipal plans (programs) of action in the interests of children in pursuance of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated February 11, 2013 N 90 "On the Republican Strategy for Action in the Interest of Children for 2013-2017", provide for a set of measures to strengthen interdepartmental cooperation on the involvement of children and teenagers in cultural and leisure activities.

4.4. Make adjustments to the plan of activities of institutions of culture and art of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2013, providing for measures to work with difficult teenagers, children from low-income families, orphanages and shelters.

On the execution of paragraphs 2, 3 of the Resolution, inform the Republican Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the Protection of their Rights before September 1, 2013.

Commission Chairman
A.A. Safarov

Executive Secretary


Document's name:
Document Number: 03-13
Document type: Decree of the Republican Commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights of the Republic of Tatarstan
Host body: Republican Commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights of the Republic of Tatarstan
Status: current
Acceptance date: March 26, 2013
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