Service life in the DPRK. Army of South Korea. South Korea and Iraq

DPRK Air Force North Korea photo , the People's Democratic Republic is one of the most secret states in the world. Even in the era of the dominance of satellite reconnaissance means, their composition and organization are far from being fully known.

The flag of the DPRK Air Force (left) and the emblem of the Air Force of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (right)

The date of creation of the DPRK Air Force is August 20, 1947. By the middle of 1950, they included one mixed air division (57th assault air regiment - 93 Il-10, 56th fighter - 79 Yak-9, 58th training - 67 training and communications aircraft) and two airfield technical battalions .
In the early days of the war on the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK Air Force acted quite actively, but very soon suffered heavy losses. By August 21, 1950, only 20 serviceable fighters and one attack aircraft remained in service. In the winter of 1950-1951, only light night bombers Po-2, Yak-11 and Yak-18 operated at the front from the air force. At the same time, within the framework of the Joint (Chinese-Korean) Air Army (JVA) on the territory of the PRC, North Korean aviation was being recreated.
By mid-1951, it included 156 aircraft and 60 trained pilots. The arrival of MiG-15 jet fighters began, gradually becoming the main type of combat aircraft of the North Korean Air Force. On the account of North Korean pilots during the Korean War, 164 official air victories.

The leader of North Korea, has the military rank of marshal, Kim Jong-un photo with employees of the 1st Guards Division of the Air Force and Air Defense

Despite the presence of a fairly developed military industry (including missiles), the Democratic People's Republic of Korea does not produce its own aircraft.
In subsequent decades, the DPRK Air Force developed on the basis of the supply of Soviet aircraft. There were also planes from China. To date, the North Korean Air Force has (according to various sources) from 1,100 to 1,500 and even (according to various sources) 1,700 aircraft and helicopters. The number of personnel reaches 110 thousand people. The structure and locations of air units are far from completely known.

Air force bases of the DPRK (North Korea), far from complete data

The most numerous type of combat aviation of the DPRK Air Force is fighter. The most modern aircraft in its composition are the MiG-29, delivered from the USSR at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the last century. Machines of this type are in service with the 57th Fighter Aviation Regiment, stationed in Onchon and included in the air defense system of the capital of the DPRK, Pyongyang.

The MiG-29 fighter is in service with North Korea, judging by the photo, the state of the air fleet is deplorable, the plane is painted with paint resembling oil, and this is one of the government’s propaganda, after all, the leader is present in the photo

MiG-23ML fighters serve in the 60th Air Regiment (Pukchang). The most widespread type of fighter is the MiG-21 - the DPRK Air Force has about 200 such aircraft of several modifications, including Chinese copies of the "twenty-first" (J-7). They are armed with the 56th IAP in Hwangju, the regiment in Toksan and a number of other units. Finally, there are about a hundred extremely outdated J-6 and J-5 aircraft (Chinese "clones" of the Soviet MiG-19 and MiG-17F, respectively) in service, which are completely unsuitable for air combat in modern conditions.

MiG-19 of the DPRK Air Force at the air base of South Korea (relations between the two neighboring states are very tense), in fact, a Chinese-made aircraft that makes exact copies of our MIGs

In the photo - J-6, hijacked on May 23, 1996 by Captain Lee Chol-soo to South Korea, see photo above, this is the same aircraft. There are about a hundred extremely outdated J-6s and J-5s in service.

Aircraft and helicopter fleet of the DPRK Air Force (approximate data)

Fighters DPRK Air Force North Korea photo

  • MiG-29/29UB - quantity 35/5
  • MiG-23ML - 56 units
  • MiG-21 PFM/bis/UM - 150
  • J-7-40
  • J-6-98
  • J-5-ok. 100

MiG-21 is the most massive DPRK Air Force fighter, about 200 pieces are in service

Bombers North Korean Air Force

  • H-5-80

Fighter-bombers, attack aircraft North Korea photo

  • Su-7BMK -18 Su-25K/UBK - 32/4

Transport aircraft, Il-76-3 pieces, Il-62 - 2, An-24 - 6, An-2 - about 300

  • CJ-6-180
  • JJ-5-135
  • L-39C-12

Korean Air Force helicopters

  • Mi-26-4
  • Mi-8-15
  • Mi-2-ok. 140
  • Z-5 - approx. 40
  • MD 500 - approx. 90

Also obsolete is bomber aviation, numbering about 80 H-5 aircraft - Chinese copies of Soviet Il-28 front-line bombers, related to the level of technology of the middle of the 20th century. They are equipped with regiments in Orang and Uizhu. According to Western sources, no more than half of all H-5s are in flight condition. Probably about the same percentage of combat readiness in other branches of aviation. Fighter-bomber and attack aircraft are concentrated in the 55th air regiment stationed in Sunchon. It includes about two dozen obsolete Su-7BMKs and about twice as many as modern Su-25s.
Auxiliary aviation
The basis of military transport aviation is a large number (about 300) of light single-engine An-2s. Performing ordinary transportation in peacetime, in the military they are supposed to be used for landing reconnaissance and sabotage groups behind enemy lines. Heavier aircraft (for example, An-24 or Il-7b) in the Air Force - a few units. The situation is somewhat corrected by the use of Air Core for military transportation - formally civilian, but actually part of the Air Force. 1996 Training aviation is represented by about three hundred Chinese-made G-6 (copy of the Yak-18) and JJ-5 (two-seat version of the J-5), as well as a dozen Czechoslovak L-39Cs. The training of flight personnel is carried out at several air bases concentrated in the north-eastern part of the country. The North Korean helicopter fleet is dominated by light vehicles.
Among them, American-made MD 500 helicopters, acquired in Germany as civilians, and already armed in North Korea, stand out.

MD 500 Helicopters Inc purchased in Germany, later the Malyutka ATGM was installed as a weapon on them

Air defense systems of North Korea

S-200 on a launcher in the museum Hungary

North Korea has a very powerful and deeply echeloned (albeit obsolete) air defense system. In particular, there is:

  • 24 launchers for long-range S-200 air defense systems,
  • 240 medium-range complexes S-75 and 128 - S-125.
  • Military air defense is represented by the Krug, Kub, Strela and Igla MANPADS. And the anti-aircraft artillery park is measured by an astronomical figure - 11 thousand anti-aircraft guns!

Each state has only two allies - this is its army and navy. A phrase uttered by one of the Russian tsars in the 19th century is still relevant today. It's just that with the development of technology, aviation and missile forces have been added to the usual branches of the military.

The DPRK army is the 4th largest in the world.

North Korea is no worse than other sovereign states in this regard. Moreover, according to the estimates of the relevant departments, the armed forces of the DPRK are the Army, the 4th largest in the world. Which forces not only neighbors, but also distant states to reckon with the DPRK.

However, the size of the DPRK army is easily leveled by its technical equipment and training. And if the KPA is all right with the latter, then the equipment that the Armed Forces of North Korea have, to put it mildly, does not shine. For example, tank brigades consist of T-55s and T-62s. Cars from the early 1960s. Needless to say, these machines were already obsolete in the 1970s.

The DPRK army does not shine with military equipment.

True, this state of affairs does not prevent the KPA from conducting regular exercises near the borders of its neighbor, South Korea.

The DPRK army received a particularly strong impetus after the end of the civil war on the Korean Peninsula (1950-1953). This conflict is considered the most destructive in the second half of the 20th century.

As a result of 3 years of fierce battles, losses on both sides reached several million people. Received critical damage to 80% of the entire infrastructure of the peninsula, transport and industrial.

The political outcome of the war was the final division of the Korean people and the peninsula into two equal countries - the DPRK and the ROK. The border between states is a demilitarized zone.

When was the armed forces of the DPRK formed?

The official date of the formation of the DPRK Armed Forces is July 27, 1953. Serious military groups, cannon and rocket artillery are deployed on both sides, provocations are constantly taking place and propaganda activities are being carried out.

1953 is the official date of the formation of the DPRK Armed Forces

Officially, the war between North Korea and the Kyrgyz Republic ended in 1991. However, in fact, nothing has changed. We can say that the situation has worsened. The Soviet Union collapsed. The Warsaw Pact countries passed under the banner of NATO or were destroyed.

Seeing the example of Yugoslavia, the leader of the North Korean people, Kim Jong-un, authorized the development of the nuclear program of the DPRK, whose armed forces needed to be strengthened against a possible attack from the capitalist countries. This led to tougher sanctions against them.

Permanent sanctions have led to the bleeding of the economy of one of the last communist countries in the world. Only 5 billion dollars are allocated for military needs. Which is too little. Especially glancing at the ASP budget (Almost 1 trillion dollars). It is on this note that it is worth moving on to the history of the formation of the KPA.

History of the Korean People's Army

Despite the long time of existence, the history of the KPA is poorly eventful. The figures below are rejected by a number of historians, but they are considered official in North Korea itself.

April 25, 1932 Creation of the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army. It was this date that became the starting point for the existence of the DPRK army.
1932 – 1941 Active opposition to AUVs against the Japanese occupiers
1946 Formation of the first regular units of the army of the DPRK. Replenishment was due to volunteers
Mid 1946 Formation of an additional infantry brigade and the creation of a school for officers
1947 – 1949 The final formation of the North Korean army. At the same time, the Navy and Air Force appeared
1948 February 8 Official date of establishment of the Korean People's Army
1950 June 25 North Korea invades South Korea
1953 July 27 The formal end of the Korean War and the creation of a demilitarized zone at the 38th parallel
1991 Official end to the Korean War

North Korea - armed forces formed from guerrilla units

The very beginning

Korea was one of the first countries invaded by Imperial Japan. Most of the country was occupied. The Japanese killed the entire political and military elite.

The policy pursued by the IA on the peninsula most of all resembled assimilation. The cultural layer was gradually destroyed. Instead of Korean, Japanese was taught in schools. Subsequently, this greatly influenced the self-consciousness of the Korean people and led to a split into two countries. But not all people accepted such currents.

Part of the population was active in partisan activities.

In 1932, several detachments united under a single command. One of the young commanders was Kim Il Sung. The group acted with varying success. Operations were carried out on the territory of North Korea, Manchuria and China. The Japanese severely punished the captured partisans, and closer to the middle of the Second World War, the ANPA members had to retreat beyond the Soviet border.

After the end of WWII, Korea was divided into two equal parts, North and South. Each zone was under the control of external forces. Above - the USSR, below - the USA. Even then, an invisible confrontation between the two powers began, subsequently dividing the world into 2 camps.

North Korea, whose army was under the patronage of the Soviet Union, turned into a powerful communist state. Kii Il Sung, who was personally acquainted with Stalin and Comrade Mao, was appointed head of the Korean People's Democratic Republic.

Comrade Kim Il Sung, head of the DPRK 1948-1994

The state needed its own armed forces. The North Korean army (weapons and personnel) initially began to be formed from volunteer detachments. Weapons and equipment were supplied from the USSR and China.

By the time the Korean War began, the total strength of the KPA troops was 185,000. In addition to the ground units, the naval and air forces of the DPRK appeared. In addition to the regular army, there were squads capable of standing under the bayonet at any time.

The command was carried out by the Headquarters. In order to improve military training, officer schools were organized.

Korean People's Army in the 1950 War

June 25, 1950 began one of the bloodiest conflicts of the second half of the last century. The KPA invaded the territory of the Republic of Korea and occupied Seoul without much resistance. Within a few weeks, most of the southern neighbor was under the control of North Korean troops. The remnants of South Korean troops retreated to the Pusan ​​Perimeter. It seemed that this was the last line in the history of the Kyrgyz Republic.

However, South Korea had a powerful ally - the United States. In a short time, the American fleet approached the peninsula, located near occupied Japan. The KPA attack choked. The vector of hostilities has changed. The army of the DPRK, whose armament consisted of small arms and light artillery, retreated, suffering losses in manpower and equipment. The advantage of the USA in the air affected.

The combined troops of Americans and Republicans soon began to approach Pyongyang. The situation with the Busan perimeter was repeated. But China and the USSR came to the aid of Kim Il Sung. Chinese infantry corps were able to delay the advancing capitalists. This made it possible to draw up reserves and reorganize the KPA.

The presence of the USSR was unofficial. Assistance was provided in the bulk of the supply of weapons and equipment. In addition, aircraft piloted by Soviet pilots actively participated in air battles. This fact gave rise to jokes about Korean pilots Lee Si Tsynov.

In 1952 the front stabilized. No one could break through the enemy defenses. A positional confrontation began. Moreover, oddly enough, the front line passed along the old border at the 38th parallel.

On July 27, the “hot” stage of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula ended. An agreement was signed on the creation of a demilitarized zone. The reason for the end of the war, in addition to the depletion of human resources and the complete destruction of infrastructure, is the death of Joseph Stalin. After the death of the leader of the USSR, the command decided to withdraw from the conflict. Seeing this, China did not stand alone against the Americans and provoked the signing of a peace treaty.

And although the fighting stopped, clashes broke out more than once on the new border. The Cold War with South Korea continues. True, there were moments of building relationships.

For example, after the official end of the Korean War in 1991, economic and political ties began to improve. There was a limited ability to cross the demilitarized zone.

The idyll did not last long. The Soviet Union collapsed. The Americans felt impunity. Pro-communist regimes began to fall in Eastern Europe and South America. The United States has not forgotten about the DPRK either.

The country was subject to sanctions. The main reason is the development of nuclear weapons by the DPRK. Moreover, Kim Jong Yr tried to establish a dialogue with the "carriers" of democracy, but stumbled upon a blank wall.

Weapons of the DPRK and the development of a nuclear shield

Seeing that the American side was unwilling to engage in dialogue and resolve all issues through diplomacy, Kim Jong Yr accelerated the development of the DPRK's nuclear program.

The process of building their own nuclear bomb continued despite increasingly severe economic restrictions and trade bans.

Even in such a situation, the DPRK government tried to negotiate with opponents. At the beginning of the 2000s, they even managed to conclude a pact on the denuclearization of the peninsula. The Korean side stops the development of nuclear weapons. The answer is to lift the sanctions. For a while everything went well. Restrictions have been lifted.

This year, North Korea withdrew from the international treaty on nuclear disarmament and deterrence.

The economy began to grow, and with it the Korean People's Army. However, in less than a few years, the US again imposed a ban. This was the reason for the withdrawal of the DPRK in 2013 from the international treaty on nuclear disarmament and deterrence. Work on weapons continued.

Since 1990 Pyongyang has repeatedly tested its nuclear device. Of course, the nuclear weapons of the DPRK are not perfect and are inferior in power to those of the United States or Russia. But an atom remains an atom. Tension in the region is constantly growing. In addition to warheads, launch vehicles are being tested. The latter are capable of carrying a warhead at a distance of up to 3,500 km.

2016 was marked by elections in the United States, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were rushing to power. The last one won. One of the campaign promises was to resolve the Korean crisis.

In 2017 once aircraft carrier fleets began to conduct exercises near North Korean territory. However, things did not go further than maneuvers. Despite increased missile testing and Trump-Kim squabbles on Twitter.

In 2017 The winter sports team was invited to participate in the 2018 Olympics. Winter sports in the NC are not well developed, so there was a temporary unification of the Korean people under a single flag. Possession of a nuclear arsenal gives its "gesheft".

Organizational structure of the North Korean Armed Forces

The main governing body of the KPA is the GKO (Civil Defense Committee). All other units rise into its composition: the Navy, the Armed Forces, the Navy, the missile forces, the people's militias, etc. Marshal Kim Jong-un presides over the GKO. He is also the Supreme Commander of the North Korean Armed Forces, capable of declaring mobilization and martial law.

Structurally, the waxes of North Korea consist of:

Symbolism Type of army North Korea, Army, weapons, purpose Army of the DPRK, strength, thousand

The main combat unit of the KPA. Designed for land operations. 70% of the composition is located along the border with the Kyrgyz Republic 1 020

Navy Designed to protect the sea borders of the DPRK and support ground units. Also responsible for coastal defense and amphibious operations. 48

Air Force The structure includes fighter, attack, bomber and transport aircraft. The KPA Air Force is equipped with Soviet and Chinese aircraft of the 70s - 80s 110
Images are not publicly available Special Operations Forces Designed for reconnaissance and sabotage operations 10

Other armed formations:

  • connections of the Ministry of Public Security;
  • law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of State Security;
  • militia Workers 'and Peasants' Red Guard;
  • youth Red Guard;
  • other squads.

The total number of regular waxers is approaching 1.2 million. Moreover, most of the armed forces are concentrated near the southern border. If necessary, another 4 million people can be mobilized. However, in the extreme case, the entire combat-ready contingent is drafted into the army. According to rough estimates - 10 million. The figure is impressive, given that 24 million people live in the DPRK in total.

Armament of the DPRK

North Korea has an excellent military-industrial complex. The lion's share of the country's budget is invested in this industry. The industry is capable of producing any kind of necessary equipment and equipment, except for military aircraft. The cycle of production processes is completely closed and does not depend on external supplies.

The problem with the North Korean economy is a total embargo.

The DPRK does not have its own sources of gas and oil.

So you have to buy from neighbors. Mainly in China.

Contrary to public opinion, the DPRK is not a country closed to the public. Tourists often come there, and residents of the state periodically work in Chinese factories and just travel.

Ground Forces of North Korea

The total strength of the ground forces is 1.02 million people. For the most part, soldiers are conscripts, drafted into the army at the age of 17. The duration of service varies - 5-12 years. The group consists of 20 corps: 12 infantry, 2 artillery, capital defense corps, 4 armored and motorized.

The KPA ground forces have a large number of cannon and rocket artillery. For the most part, all troops are stationed along the border with the Kyrgyz Republic. Moreover, part can fire at Seoul and its suburbs.

The weapons used by the ground forces of the DPRK:

M1978 "Koksan" 170-mm self-propelled artillery mount, developed on the chassis of the Soviet T-62 or T-55 tank
BM-14 MLRS 100 mm mount
BM-21 Grad MLRS 120 mm mount

BM-11 Independent Korean development based on Grad
M-1992 Further development of the BM-11
VTT-323 MLRS mounted on tracked chassis
M-1985 Multiple launch rocket system, caliber 240 mm
M-240 240 mm rocket launcher
“Competition”, “Baby”, “Bassoon” Anti-tank guided missiles

T-54/55 and Type 59 Soviet medium tanks, with a 100 mm gun. (The last one is Chinese license)
T-62 Almost OBT. Equipped with a 115 mm smoothbore gun
PT-76 Soviet light amphibious tank

Type 62/63 Lightweight version of the Type 59
"Cheongmaho" Korean modernization of the T-62

“Pokphunho” T-72, produced in the DPRK. Obtained as a result of reverse engineering. In terms of its parameters, it approaches the early T-90s.
BTR-60, BTR-70, BTR-80, etc. Armored personnel carriers

OTR “Moon” Soviet-made operational-tactical missile system
TR R-17 OTRK equipped with R-17 missile

Despite the hype fanned around the DPRK, the ground units of the KPA are intended to defend the country's borders. Most of the ground forces are deployed near the 38th parallel and are artillery. In general, long-term firing positions, bunkers, trenches and other fortifications have been built along the entire demilitarized zone, from the side of the UK.


The KPA fleet is divided into Eastern and Western. Each includes warships of different classes, submarines, cargo and landing craft. The main task of the Navy is the protection of state borders and assistance to ground forces conducting ground operations. At the same time, the transfer of the fleet from the western sea to the eastern one and vice versa is impossible due to geographical features.

The fleet is equipped with the following vessels:

"Nagin", "Soho" Corvettes

Project 613 Submarine, Soviet-made

Project 633 Soviet and Chinese submarines

sang-oh Small submarines

Project 205 “Wasp” missile boat

"Hante" Small landing craft capable of carrying tanks

One of the main doctrines of the DPRK fleet is missile strikes from small ships. This "mosquito" fleet tactic is used by many budget-constrained countries. Unlike land units, service lasts 5-10 years.

Air Force

The military aviation of the DPRK is deployed at 70 airfields . The main part of the sites is built around the capital. This provides cover for the city from enemy aircraft raids. In service there are helicopters, Soviet-Chinese production and captured ones captured during the Korean War.

Equipment used by the KPA Air Force:

Photo Name Type Quantity
MiG-29 Interceptors 35
MiG-23 56
MiG-21 / Chengdu J-7 Fighters 150
MiG-19 / Shenyang F-6 100
MiG-17 Combat training 242
MiG-15 Training 35
CJ-6 180
Su-7 Stormtroopers-bombers. Often used as training. 16
Su-25 36
Q-5 190
IL-28 frontline bomber 80
An-2, An-24, An-148, Tu-204, Il-62 Transport aircraft of different tonnage Up to 20 (An-2 - 200 units)
MD-500 Multipurpose helicopter 84
Mi-2 139
Mi-24D attack helicopter 20
Mi-4, Mi-8 Transport helicopters 48, 15
Tu-143 UAV 1
Pchela-1T 10

Air defense forces of the DPRK

Photo Name Quantity Production
Anti-aircraft missile systems
S-75 SAM the USSR
A circle
KN-06/S-300 North Korea
Beech USSR, Russia
Portable anti-aircraft missile system

Strategic and tactical missile forces

North Korea has successfully mastered the production of missiles of various classes. The production cycle is completely carried out by the military-industrial complex of North Korea. The first variants of missiles were developed with an eye on Soviet projects.

In the future, part of the developments was bought from Ukraine (according to rumors). Currently, ballistic intercontinental missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge are being actively tested.

Missile types:

A photo Name Range, km Classification Year of adoption
Hwaseong-5 320 TBRMD 1985
Hwaseong-6 700 TRKMD 1990
Hwaseong-7 1000 – 1300 IRBM 1997

No-Dong-2 2000 IRBM 2004
Hwaseong-10 4000 IRBM 2009
Hwaseong-13 7500 ICBM 2017
Hwaseong-11 120 TBRMD 2007
  • TBRMD - Tactical short-range ballistic missile.
  • IRBM is a medium-range ballistic missile.
  • ICBM - intercontinental ballistic missile.

Nuclear forces of the DPRK

The development of nuclear weapons started in 1990. This is evidenced by the memorandum of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Vladimir Kryuchkov. The paper talked about the successful development of the atomic bomb and plans to test the device.

The nuclear program was developed at a research institute near the city of Yongbyon. Presumably, analogues of Pakistani P-2 centrifuges were used for uranium enrichment. This made it possible to increase the production of weapons-grade uranium up to 60 kg per year.

  • In 2013 passed the third test of a nuclear bomb with a capacity of up to 10 kilotons. According to experts at that time, the DPRK already had up to 15 combat devices and carriers for them.
  • January 6, 2016 the 4th trial took place. According to official sources, the power of the detonated charge was equivalent to a hydrogen bomb. Another wave of panic swept through the world. Especially among the population of nearby countries.
  • September 9, 2016 carried out the 5th test. The main goal is an attempt to stop the US and ROK military exercises. As well as the elimination of the American military base in South Korea.

Ranks of the KPA


  • Generalissimo;
  • Marshal of the DPRK;
  • Marshal of the KPA;
  • Vice Marshal.


Senior officers

junior officers

Military uniform of the DPRK



Ideological work

Due to the numerous sanctions imposed, North Korea is in a constant economic crisis. The economy is developing poorly. Most of the funds go to the army. Since 1990, the DPRK has adhered to a policy of priority for the military industry and the armed forces.

This made it possible to concentrate on the development of a nuclear program and secure sovereignty. What this policy will lead to in the future is unknown.

Advantages and disadvantages of KPA


  • high fighting spirit. Ideological indoctrination of the population is on a grand scale. Parades are held, children imbibe the ideal of Juche from an early age. All this led to the unity of the people and the readiness to stand to the end;
  • number. Regular army - 1.2 million, reserve - 4 million, mobilization potential - 10 ml;
  • strong cannon and rocket artillery.
  • the presence of a submarine fleet;
  • a strong military-industrial complex;
  • the presence of nuclear weapons;
  • global fortification of the country.


  • poor equipment of the army with modern technical means (thermal imagers, fire control systems, noctovisors, etc.);
  • not the most modern aircraft.

After the Iraqi Navy and the Bulgarian Air Force, I decided to devote the next block of articles to a no less unstudied topic - the Korean People's Army (KPA). The DPRK itself is a mystery country, and what the KPA is armed with is even less known. so I'll start with small arms.

The armed formations of the Korean anti-Japanese resistance were armed primarily with captured Japanese: 9-mm revolvers "Hino" "type 26" arr. 1893, 8mm pistols "Nambu" mod. 1925 and 1934; 7, 7-mm rifles "Arisaka" "type 99" arr. 1939, 6.5 mm type 96 light machine guns mod. 1936 and "type 97" arr. 1937, 7, 7-mm machine guns "type 92" mod 1932

Japanese revolver "Hino" "type 26" arr. 1893

Japanese pistol "Nambu" type 14 arr. 1925

Japanese 7.7mm rifle "Arisaka" "type 99" arr. 1939

Japanese 6.5 mm light machine gun "Nambu" (Type 96) mod. 1936

japanese 7, 7 mm heavy machine guns "type 92" mod 1932

Partisan detachments operating on the border with China and in Manchuria were armed with Chinese weapons: 7.63 mm Mauser K-96 pistols (for example, the Mauser K-96 was Kim Il Sung's personal weapon), 7.92 mm rifles Mauser arr. 1898 and its Chinese copy "Mauser Chiang Kai-shek", 7.92-mm machine guns ZB vz.26, purchased in large quantities by China in Czechoslovakia in the pre-war period.

North Korean painting depicting Kim Il Sung and his wife Kim Jong Suk firing their Mausers at the advancing Japanese

Chinese copy of the 7.92-mm German rifle "Mauser 98" - "Mauser" Chiang Kai-shek "

Machine gun Zbrojovka Brno ZB vz.26

After the defeat of the Japanese by the Soviet troops, people's militia units were created, which later became the backbone of the Korean People's Army, the creation of which was officially announced on February 8, 1948, that is, seven months before the proclamation of the DPRK itself (September 9, 1948).

The armament of both the people's militia and the created KPA began to receive Soviet small arms: 7, 62-mm TT pistols arr. 1933 and 7, 62-mm revolvers "Nagant" arr. 1895, 7, 62 mm PPSh-41 and PPS-43 submachine guns; 7.62 mm magazine carbines arr. 1938 and arr. 1944; 7.62 mm Mosin repeating rifle mod. 1891 - 1930; 7.62 mm self-loading rifle SVT-40 mod. 1940; 7.62 mm light machine guns DP (DP-27) arr. 1927 and DPM arr. 1944; 7.62-mm company (manual) machine gun RP-46 arr. 1946; 7.62 mm machine gun SG-43 mod. 1943; 7.62 mm machine gun "Maxim" mod. 1910 and 12.7 mm heavy machine gun DShK mod. 1938

So, in March 1950, the USSR decided to supply the following small arms to the DPRK:
7.62 mm rifle mod. 1891/30 years - 22,000 pieces;
7.62 mm carbines mod. 1938 and arr. 1944 - 19,638 units;
7.62 mm sniper rifles - 3000 pcs.
7.62-mm light machine guns "DP" - 2325 pieces;
7.62-mm machine guns "Maxim" - 793 pieces;
14.5 mm anti-tank guns PTRS - 381 pcs.

And in total, before the start of the Korean War, more than 300 thousand rifles, more than 100 thousand carbines, more than 110 thousand submachine guns, and more than 36 thousand machine guns (light, heavy and anti-aircraft) were delivered.

Fighters of the Korean People's Army during the Korean War 1950-1953:

1. Sergeant in summer field uniform, 1950.

2. Private in winter field uniform, 1950 (The figure is controversial, the use of SCS in Korea is unlikely).

3. Colonel in service uniform, 1952.

During the Korean War, China received Chinese copies of Soviet weapons from China: Type 51 and Type 54 (TT) pistols, Type 50 (PPSh) and Type 54 (PPS) submachine guns, and light machine guns. type 53 "(DPM), as well as a copy of the American submachine gun M-3A1 -" type 36 "

student members of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Guards (RKKG) with Chinese submachine guns "type 36" at the parade in honor of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, July 28, 2013

In the DPRK itself, the production of PPSh-41 under the designation "Type 49" and PPS-43 was launched.

After the end of the Korean War, the KPA continued to receive both Soviet and Chinese weapons, as well as weapons of its own production. In North Korea itself, the production of pistols, self-loading carbines, machine guns, light machine guns, and anti-tank grenade launchers was launched. Thus, at present, the North Korean military-industrial complex independently produces 11 types of small arms and its annual production capacity is estimated at 200 thousand units.

Let's take a look at their products:

The main personal self-defense weapon of KPA officers is the Type 68 pistol, created on the basis of the Soviet TT. Its production was organized in 1968. It is shorter and more bulky than the TT or the Chinese counterparts of the Type 51 and Type 54 TTs. They are easily distinguished by the presence of notches in the rear of the Type 68 pistol bolt. Serious changes have been made to the internal mechanisms. The oscillating earring under the breech has been replaced by a cam embedded in a lug under the chamber, similar to the one used in the Browning High Power pistol. The magazine latch has been moved to the outer lower end of the handle. The TT magazine fits this pistol, except for the latch cutout mismatch. The striker is held in the bolt by a plate, and not by a transverse pin, as in the TT. Significantly increased shutter lag. The disadvantage of the pistol is the too large radius of the arc in the back of the frame at the junction of the bolt and the handle, which strongly presses the shooter's hand between the thumb and forefinger. This cannot be corrected without a major change in the design of the trigger mechanism. The locking method is according to the Browning High Power scheme. Currently, the production of the Type 68 pistol has been discontinued,

Caliber - 7, 62 mm
Used cartridge - 7.62x25 TT
The initial speed of the bullet is 395 m / s
Weapon length - 182 mm
Barrel length - 100 mm
Height - 132 mm
Weight - 0.79 / 0.85 kg
Magazine capacity - 8 rounds

On the basis of the Browning pistol of the 1900 model, the Type-64 pistol is produced, using the Browning cartridge 7.65 × 17 HR. With the exception of the name, the Korean pistol is fully consistent with its prototype.

The action of automatic pistol "Type 64" is based on the use of recoil energy. It has a fixed barrel and a massive bolt. The return spring is located above the barrel. The store is designed for 7 rounds. The sighting device is stationary, the lethal range is 30 m. The fuse is located on the left side of the handle and is actuated by the thumb of the right hand. In addition to the standard model, there is a version with a silencer that is screwed onto the barrel thread. This weapon has a shortened bolt body.

Caliber - 7.65 mm
Used cartridge - 7.65x17HR
Muzzle velocity - 290 m/s
Weapon length - 171 mm
Barrel length - 102 mm
Weapon height - 122 mm
Curb weight - 0.624 kg
Magazine capacity - 7 rounds

Pistol Baekdusan ("Pektusan") - North Korean copy of the Czechoslovak pistol CZ-75

Caliber - 9 mm
Used cartridge - 9 × 19 mm Parabellum
Muzzle velocity - 315 m/s
Weapon length - 206 mm
Barrel length - 120 mm
Weapon height - 138 mm
Curb weight - 1, 12 kg
Magazine capacity - 15 rounds

gun Baekdusan

"premium version" of the Baekdusan pistol

In addition to pistols of our own production, Soviet PMs and their Chinese copy, Type 59, are in service.

Chinese PM clone - "Type 59"

The DPRK special forces units are armed with the Czechoslovak submachine gun Vz. 61 "Scorpion" and its modification with a silencer.

a mannequin in the Seoul Military Museum depicting a North Korean submarine saboteur with a Vz. 61 "Scorpion"

PPSh-41 and PPS-43 submachine guns, as well as their Chinese and North Korean copies, as well as Chinese copies of the American M-3A1-"Type 36" are currently decommissioned and transferred to units of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Guard (RKKG), which is the North Korean analogue of the people's militia.

North Korean female members of the RKKG with PPS-43 submachine guns at the parade in honor of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, July 28, 2013

In the DPRK, under the designation "type-63", the Soviet self-loading carbine SKS-45 was also produced. The carbine was produced in three versions: with a needle bayonet, similar to the Chinese Type 56, with a bladed bayonet, with an elongated barrel equipped with a barreled grenade launcher, similar to the Yugoslav Zastava M59 / 66 carbine. Moreover, unlike the Yugoslav version, the North Korean version of the barrel attachment for firing rifle grenades could be removed. Currently, Type 63 carbines are being removed from service with the KPA and transferred to the RKKG, and are also used as ceremonial and ceremonial weapons.

North Korean self-loading carbine "Type 63"

guard of honor of the KPA with carbines "Type 63" in the "ceremonial" performance

Of course, the main small arms of the KPA is the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The first Chinese copies of the AK-47 appeared under the designation "Type 56".

Chinese copy of AK-47-"Type 56"

The North Korean comrades were satisfied with the received machine guns and already in 1958, at the state plant No. 22, the production of copies of the Soviet AK-47 called "Type-58" and its landing version "Type 58B", made of stamped steel with a folding butt, was launched.

North Korean copy of the AK-47 - automatic "Type 58"

KPA fighters with machine guns "Type 58"

North Korean-made assault rifles were rather rough in terms of finish quality, however, like their Soviet counterparts, they were quite reliable and fired in any conditions.
In 1968, the production of a modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle called "Type 68" and its variant with a folding butt "Type 68B" was launched at the weapons enterprises of the DPRK. The North Korean AKM differed from the prototype in that its trigger was more curved. The folding metal shoulder rest had a different shape, while the "Type 68V" was lighter than any modification of the Soviet AKMS assault rifle.

KPA fighters with machine guns "Type 68"

North Korean fighter at the post with the "ceremonial" version of the "Type 68B" assault rifle

On some "type 68" assault rifles, a barrel attachment was put on, allowing you to shoot rifle grenades, similar to the Yugoslav version of the AKM - "Zastava M70".

According to rough estimates, at least 50 million Type 58, Type 68 assault rifles and their modifications were produced in the DPRK, and this is about 25 million people in the country. Currently, these samples are being actively removed from service with the KPA and transferred to the RKKG, being replaced by a copy of the AK-74, chambered for 5.45x39 mm, which has become the main small arms of the KPA soldiers, the production of which was launched in 1988 under the designation "Type 88".

For a long time, due to the fact that the leaders of the WPK (Workers' Party of Korea) were stubborn people and did not differ in the spirit of trade inherent in the Romanian or Chinese leadership, North Korean weapons were very rare in the world. However, recently, due to a catastrophic shortage of freely convertible currency, the DPRK began to quite actively sell stocks of 7.62x39 mm machine guns.
"Type 88" (in other sources there is the designation "Type 98") is a copy of the AK-74, but there are minor changes in the design: a different form of the stock is the Type 88A variant (similar to the AKS-74), similar to the GDR MPi-74., metal stores identical in design to the stamped stores of the AK assault rifle.

Some of the assault rifles have a wooden body kit, and some of the weapons have plastic fittings, like the AK-74M. That is most likely imported from Russia. In the early version, the handguard is wooden, the stock is plastic. On modern versions, both the fore-end and buttstock are plastic.

It is possible to mount an underbarrel grenade launcher "Type 88" (a copy of the GP-25 "Bonfire").

Once again, I draw your attention to an interesting phenomenon - in the DPRK army, parade units, as well as distinguished soldiers, have polished chrome weapons.

Distinguished soldier of the KPA army with a chrome Type 88 submachine gun handed to him by Kim Jong-un, when visiting a military unit

Various types of sights have been created for Type 88 assault rifles in the DPRK.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with a Type 88 assault rifle with a telescopic sight

However, recently the North Koreans again managed to surprise the whole world. A photo appeared in which Kim Jong-un, the leader of the DPRK, communicates with the people, and the military escorts him, armed with unusual machine guns with auger magazines made in the form of a long cylinder.

Experts believe that this weapon is nothing more than a North Korean variation on the AK theme. According to the gun blog TFB, the capacity of the new auger magazine is 75-100 rounds. There are no details regarding this North Korean modification of the Kalashnikov-type assault rifle yet. In particular, it is not known whether the security guards of the North Korean leader are equipped with auger magazines or if this is a common combined-arms modification.

In the auger magazine, the cartridges are arranged parallel to its axis in a spiral. In such a store, cartridges are fed forward by bullets along a special spiral guide (auger) with an additionally cocked spring. Screw stores are characterized by the highest relative capacity.

Soldiers of special forces units of the DPRK, when penetrating the territory of South Korea, use unlicensed Chinese copies of American automatic rifles M-16-CQ 5.56 and Colt M4-CQ-M4 carbines (5.56)

So, among the weapons of the dead North Korean special forces from a submarine carrying out a reconnaissance mission in the territorial waters of South Korea, and inadvertently stranded near the coast near the city of Gangneung on the night of September 18, 1996, a North Korean submarine, in addition to Kalashnikov assault rifles, were found Chinese assault rifles CQ 5.56.

North Korean sailors and commandos decided to break through to their homeland, but were spotted by a local taxi driver. For several weeks, tens of thousands of South Korean soldiers combed the surrounding mountains in search of them. 12 North Korean special forces and 5 crew members of the submarine were killed, and the encircled North Koreans committed suicide. By the way, none of the special forces themselves gave up. With incredible difficulty, the armada of the pursuers managed to capture only one of the northerners' team - Li Kwang-su. The South Koreans suffered incomparably heavy losses - the total number of victims came close to 140, and in a ratio of almost 1: 1 in terms of the number of killed and wounded, in addition, 4 American soldiers died. A few years later, according to information leaked to the South Korean press from local intelligence, it became known that the only North Korean special forces soldier who survived from that ill-fated boat, even being wounded in the stomach, managed to pass the heavily fortified demilitarized zone and return to his homeland, where he was received as hero. Moreover, the submarine crew itself, as they are now sure, was shot immediately after landing on the shore by their own special forces. The commandos probably thought that the sailors, due to their poor physical fitness, would not be able to go back and could surrender. The government of the Republic of Korea paid a reward of several hundred thousand dollars to the taxi driver who discovered the North Koreans.

Ending to be...

According to the websites:

Organization of the armed forces of the DPRK

A distinctive feature of the Korean People's Army is its high degree of centralization. The leadership of the Armed Forces and military construction is carried out by the State Defense Committee of the DPRK, headed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the DPRK Kim Jong Il. The Ministry of People's Armed Forces (NAF), the Ministry of People's Security, the Ministry of State Security and the reserve components of the armed forces are subordinate to the committee. The tasks of operational control and combat readiness are decided by the General Staff. With a population of 22.5 million people (2004 data), the country's army has 847 thousand people. There are about 4 million people in the reserve.

Ground troops

The number of NEs is 718 thousand people. The service life of conscripts in this type of aircraft is 5-8 years.

The main formations and formations of the SV are the army, corps, division and brigade. The army does not have a permanent staff, but is deployed on the basis of army corps. An army may include 4-5 divisions, a tank or mechanized division, a separate tank regiment, a rocket artillery brigade, and an army set of units. There are 15 corps in the SV: 8 infantry, 1 tank, 4 mechanized, 1 special-purpose corps, 1 artillery and 4 Commands (artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, for the defense of the capital and armored forces).

The army corps has 43 divisions, 23 brigades, 8 separate regiments. The ground forces are armed with: 31 tactical missile launchers, 21 operational-tactical missile launchers, 2,770 medium tanks (T-54/-55/-62, Ture-59), about 730 T-34 tanks, 560 light tanks PT- 76 and M-1985, 2440 armored combat vehicles, 12.7 thousand field artillery pieces and mortars, almost 1.1 thousand multiple launch rocket systems, about 2 thousand launchers

Air Force and Air Defense

Their number is 82 thousand people. The service life of a conscript is 3-4 years.

The Air Force and Air Defense is subdivided into 3 combat aviation commands (12 fighter aviation regiments), an air defense command (3 anti-aircraft missile brigades and 3 separate anti-aircraft missile regiments), an air defense command of the capital (5 anti-aircraft missile regiments), a general directorate of civil aviation ( transport air regiment and three training air regiments). The Air Force has: one separate fighter aviation division, three bomber regiments, seven transport aviation regiments, seven helicopter regiments, three separate anti-aircraft missile regiments, and a separate radio engineering battalion.

In total, the Air Force has 38 aviation regiments, 16 anti-aircraft missile regiments.

The aircraft fleet of the Air Force includes: in total - 1158 aircraft, including 646 combat aircraft. It consists of 80 H-5 (Il-28) bombers, 50 Su-7, Su-25 fighter-bombers, 421 J-5 (Mig-17), J-6 (Mig-21) fighters and others. The auxiliary aviation includes more than 340 An-2, An-24, Il-18, Il-62M, Tu-134 and Tu-154 transport aircraft. Most of the aircraft fleet, as we see, are outdated brands. For example, the MiG-17 has been in service since 1952, and the MiG-21 since 1955.

Naval Forces

47 thousand people serve here. The service life of a conscript is from 5 to 10 years.

The DPRK Navy includes two fleets: the Eastern (the main naval base of Yohori) and the Western (Nampho), as well as coastal missile and artillery troops. Other fleet bases: Wonsan, Najin, Hyeju, Chaha.

The fleets include brigades for the protection of the water area, brigades of landing boats, divisions of submarines, a separate division of midget submarines (sabotage and reconnaissance forces), a division of URO frigates (with guided missile weapons), divisions of missile and torpedo boats.

The Navy has missile ships (URO frigates), destroyers, small anti-submarine ships, diesel-powered torpedo submarines, small and midget submarines, tank landing ships, missile and torpedo boats, and other ships and vessels. The Navy is armed with anti-ship missiles of the "ship-to-ship" class of the "Stix" type, coastal artillery guns of 122, 130, 152-mm caliber.

In general, weapons and military equipment are 30 and 40 years old, with the exception of a small amount of weapons that have arrived in the last decade.

Nuclear missile potential

Accurate data on the actual situation with the nuclear missile potential of the DPRK is not available to the expert community either in the West or in Russia.

Since 1988, having copied three sets of Soviet single-stage ballistic missiles "Scud" received in Egypt, North Korea has put the Hwaseong-6 missiles into service with its army. Their further modernization, the mechanical increase of the rocket twice served as the basis for the production of "Nodon-1" with a firing range of 1500 km and a warhead of 1200 kg. Since the mid-1990s, Pyongyang has been developing the Tephodong-1 intercontinental missiles with an estimated firing range of 2,000-2,500 km and the Tephodong-2, with a theoretical flight range of up to 7,000 km.

Indicative estimates by many experts indicate that the DPRK is armed with Luna tactical missiles with a range of 55 km and Luna-M - 70 km, as well as Scud-V / S tactical missiles - 300 km, " Nodon-1" - 550-600 km, "Tephodon" - 1500 km and "Tephodon-2" - up to 7000 km. The DPRK allegedly possesses 50-200 Nodon-class missiles1 and 500-600 Scud-class missiles2.

Approximately the same ambiguity with the state of the North Korean nuclear program. Presumably from the beginning of the 90s, Kim Jong Il began to develop nuclear weapons. Back in February 1990, the chairman of the KGB of the USSR reported to the government of the USSR about the presence of nuclear weapons in the North Koreans. It is possible that 8,000 rods received from Pakistan in exchange for sold missiles were recycled. From the plutonium obtained as a result of processing, 5 - 10 nuclear charges can be produced.

In the field of nuclear energy, by the mid-1990s, a 5 MW graphite reactor was built in the Yongbyon region to enrich nuclear fuel, where about 6 kg of weapons-grade plutonium was produced annually. Presumably, according to expert estimates, two more reactors with a capacity of 50 and 200 MW have been built.

In 2007, the DPRK had a total plutonium stockpile of 46-64 kg, of which about 28-50 kg was separated, and they are suitable for the production of a nuclear explosive device. To date, after testing a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 5-10 kilotons, the country presumably has at least 6 nuclear warheads3.

military doctrine

The basis of military doctrine is active defense. More than 60% of the total number of formations and units of the Ground Forces, more than 40% of the units and formations of the Air Force and Air Defense are deployed south of the Pyongyang-Wonsan line. Air Force aircraft are based mainly on 30 of the 70 airfields around Pyongyang. About 60% of the ship's composition is located at forward bases on the east and west coasts. In the southern provinces, along the military demarcation line along the 38th parallel, 250 km long, separating the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, four army corps have been equipped with defenses. In the strip of each corps, 5-6 tunnels were dug several kilometers long to connect the rear areas of the corps with the zone of the demarcation line.

When fulfilling the task of turning the country's territory into an "impregnable fortress", the southern regions of the country should practically form a continuous zone of barriers. It is based on numerous underground shelters, fortified areas, defense areas for tank towers, and engineering barriers.

The antiamphibious defense of the east coast of the DPRK is carried out by three army corps in cooperation with the coastal missile and artillery units of the Eastern Fleet and the combat aviation command of the Air Force and Air Defense, part of the forces of the border troops corps; in the operational depth there are two mechanized corps.

The western coast in antiamphibious defense is covered by four army corps in cooperation with the coastal missile and artillery units of the Western Fleet and two combat aviation commands, as well as part of the forces of the border troops corps; in the operational depth there is a tank corps. The Pyongyang zone is defended by the capital defense command. Despite the fact that the Chinese leadership deployed five divisions with a total strength of about 150,000 people along the border with North Korea in 2003 in order to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the neighbor’s position on the nuclear issue,4 the DPRK keeps only parts of the corps of border troops numbering up to 30,000 people in the north .

Provision of weapons and military equipment

Since the mid-1990s, Pyongyang has almost completely satisfied the needs of its army in artillery and small arms, individual types of weapons and military equipment. Korean enterprises produce self-propelled artillery mounts of the M-1975/-1977/-1978/-1981/-1985/-1989/-1991 type. On the basis of Soviet models, the production of the Chonmakho tank and the M-1973 armored personnel carrier was launched. MiG-29 fighters, spare parts for MiG-21/-23/-29, Su-25 aircraft are produced under the Soviet license. According to expert data, during the year, rocket manufacturing enterprises can produce up to 100 Scud V / S missiles, which allows them to be exported to other countries. Most of the ship composition of the Navy are built in North Korean shipyards.

At the same time, the DPRK needs to import complex modern weapons systems, missile and aviation equipment. Most of the conventional weapons are supplied from the CIS countries. According to SIPRI estimates, the DPRK is able to produce most conventional weapons, despite the difficult economic situation.

The military-political analysis of the state of the combat power of North Korea is significantly hampered by the fact that this country is one of the most closed in the world. Therefore, some of the data is of an expert nature, but according to the available information, it can be confidently judged that in a practically impoverished country a powerful army equipped with nuclear weapons has been created, which no one can underestimate.

1 SIPRI Yearbook 2007. Armaments, disarmament and international security. IMEMO RAN. P.594

2 Panin A., Altov V. North Korea. The era of Kim Jong Il is coming to an end. M., Olma-Press, 2004. S. 195.

3 SIPRI Yearbook 2007. P.593

In Russia, October 1 is the day when the autumn draft for military service officially begins. On the same day, October 1, South Korea celebrates Armed Forces Day. People are drafted into the army from the age of 18, but the majority enter it at the age of 19-20, i.e. after graduating from high school. First of all, the armed forces are called upon to protect the country from its main enemies, that is, North Korea.

The armed forces in Korea are divided into army, navy and aviation. They serve in the army and marines for 1 year and 9 months, in the navy - 1 year and 11 months, in the air force - 2 years.

Almost all men go to serve in South Korea, since the Korean War, in which North and South Korea (as well as their allies: China and the USSR - on the side of North Korea and the United States and Great Britain - on the side of South Korea) participated, in 1953 did not at all ended - the peace treaty, which was supposed to formally end the war, has not yet been signed.

A Korean who has not served in the army can cause great suspicion among the parents of the girl he is about to marry. Also, perhaps, this will be a serious reason for reflection for those who will have to hire him.

Once it even caused a serious scandal in the presidential race. In 1997, presidential candidate Lee Hwe Chan was expected to win. However, his election campaign collapsed when it became known that two of his sons had avoided compulsory military service by deliberately losing weight before passing the medical examination.

The army does not take:

1. With an education limited to elementary school only.
2. Orphans and mixed races.
3. After imprisonment for more than 1 year and 6 months.
4. With serious illnesses, incl. myopia (above 10 diopters), short stature (below 140 cm), low weight (less than 45 kg), diabetes, etc.
5. Over the age of 45 years.
6. Disabled.
7. Olympic champions.
8. Monks.
9. Sole breadwinners who care for dependents.
10. People with mental illness.

If everything is clear with growth, lack of education and other obvious reasons for refusal, then the reluctance to take mestizos into the army looks a little strange to us. Meanwhile, descent discrimination has been in effect in Korea since 1972. Initially, such children were born to Korean women by American soldiers, and in the army they could be harassed by other military personnel. However, time passes, everything changes and the ban on military service is recognized as racist. Some people of mixed races are so eager to serve in the Korean army that they consider the refusal a hard deprivation and complain to the Commission on Human Rights. On January 25, 2010, the National Assembly repealed this provision of the law. From 2012, the first representatives of mixed races who were born after January 1, 1992 will go into the army.

Imprisonment for a term of less than one and a half years implies a frivolous offense: a scuffle or a small theft. The doors to the ranks of the Korean army are open to such people)) Those who still try to avoid military service face up to a year and a half in prison. That is, logically, it turns out that after you have served time, you can wait with peace of mind again that you will be called into the army)) not happy.

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