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White blood cells are called leukocytes. They are are the main protectors of the human body. Can fight infections and foreign particles. They can move independently. Able to digest pathogenic microorganisms, dead blood cells, foreign proteins. Easily produce antibodies.

WBC analysis

The traditional and most common blood sampling procedure is the general analysis (WBC). Experienced specialists call this procedure clinical detection of diseases. He helps to determine the correct number of leukocytes in human blood. Also, using a clinical procedure, leukemia can be detected at an early stage. Biochemical analysis is prescribed only if there is a suspicion of cancer. This examination helps to determine the severity of the disease, as well as how long it will take to treat it.


The values ​​of the norms of leukocytes in the blood may vary. Allowed slight increase and decrease level. The level directly depends on the health and condition of the body itself. The level of blood elements can be influenced by the psychological state, stress. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the number of leukocytes in human blood can vary from various factors:

  • Strong sports loads;
  • Stress
  • Recently taken food;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • hypothermia;
  • Water procedures;
  • Taking antibiotics and other medicines;
  • colds, flu, or sore throats;

Therefore, in order for the decryption of the data to be correct, before wbc analysis some preparation is required:

  • Blood sampling is performed early in the morning. Between the procedure and the meal should take at least 8-9 hours. Therefore, experienced experts advise to have a hearty dinner, go to bed. And in the morning - take a general blood test on an empty stomach. Some institutions allow blood collection at intervals of 6-7 hours. But in this case, the decryption of the data may have some errors.
  • For 2-3 days before the analysis, it is forbidden to consume fatty, spicy foods, as well as fast food.

Before wbc analysis, drinking water is allowed. But it is not recommended to take mineral water with a lot of magnesium and salt. The use of chlorinated water is not allowed.

  • It is forbidden to take any medicines. The break between wbc analysis and taking drugs should be 13-16 days. If it is impossible to exclude medicines from a person’s lifestyle, a special act of agreement with the doctor is drawn up. The specialist must make a special calculation based on the composition of a particular drug. It is necessary to determine the exact effect of the drug on the number of leukocytes.
  • No other examinations or instrumental checks are permitted. In the case of other methods, it is necessary to take a short 2-3-day break.
  • 30-40 minutes before the analysis should be carried out in a calm, balanced state. Stress negatively affects the emotional state of a person, which can lead to deviation from the norm.
  • People who abuse smoking should refrain from smoking for 60-80 minutes before the start of the wbc analysis.

Required rate

Normal value of leukocytes measured in the number of cells per liter of blood. In general analysis, the number of cells is called units. In adolescents and adults, the level of leukocytes should be equal to 4-910 9 units per liter of blood. If we consider how much blood is in the body of an adult, then we can say with confidence that there is a circulation of 20-45 billion snow-white blood particles.


It has highest values.

In males, the number of leukocytes is subject to less fluctuations, compared with other patients. Therefore, the content of blood particles in the amount of 4.4-10 units is considered the norm. Particularly high values ​​are observed in people with an active lifestyle, athletes, stuntmen and the military. Also, the rate of leukocytes must be monitored by people serving in the army.


In individuals, the content of leukocytes very changeable.

The indicator can be strongly influenced by the psychological state, changeable mood, stress. Also, fluctuations in the norm can vary from the hormonal background of a woman. Another important criterion affecting the content of leukocytes in the blood is the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is possible to determine exactly how many leukocytes are in the body only with the help of clinical analysis. The norm is 3.3-1010 9 units per liter of blood.

Pregnant women

The content of leukocytes in pregnant women greatly overestimated.

The values ​​in this category of people differ from other patients. The norm is the indicator 12-1510 9 units per liter of blood. Therefore, such data should not cause unnecessary concern. An overestimated rate is considered physiological for such a condition. And at a rate less than the specified indicator, certain procedures should be prescribed. In this case, you need to consult a specialist. A thorough diagnosis is necessary. Immediately before the birth itself, it is recommended to take a general blood test. The clinical sheet should provide a detailed transcript of all indicators. But it is worth noting that in each of the laboratories, the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay fluctuate.

Detailed breakdown and necessary indicators:


directly related to their age.

It was found that the older the child, the lower the rate blood particles. In newborns, the highest rates of the norm are observed, equal to 10-3010 9 units per liter of blood. They decrease with age. For example, in adolescents aged 11-16 years, the rate of leukocytes is 4.5-1310 9 units per liter of blood. Below is a table of the norm of leukocytes in children:

Deciphering the leukocyte formula

The correct decoding includes the percentage of various subspecies of blood particles.

The absolute values ​​of cells are abbreviated "abs". Leukocytes are classified into certain groups.

In an adult, the decoding of the leukocyte formula is as follows:

In children and adolescents, the formula "crosses" and has two directions:

  • The first stage is observed at five days of age. In newborns, lymphocytes and neutrophils are equal to the ratio of 20% / 60%. After five days of age, the ratio is 60%/20%.
  • The second stage is observed at 4-5 years of age. The reverse "crossover" occurs. The 60%/20% ratio changes back to 20%/60%.

Increased values

Wbc analysis is able to recognize norms. This disease is called leukocytosis. An increased rate indicates a strong inflammatory process occurring in the body. The disease has two varieties - pathological and physiological. In the first case, a specialist should immediately appoint an examination. An elevated level of a pathological nature may indicate:

  • About infectious processes;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • heart attack;
  • burns;
  • Great loss of blood;
  • Proliferative diseases of hematopoiesis;
  • Uremia, diabetic coma;
  • splenectomy;

The physiological nature of the elevated level indicates:

  • The period after taking antibiotics;
  • Severe fatigue from heavy sports loads;
  • At a meal before analysis;
  • Wrong diet;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Frequent hardening with cold and hot water;
  • Menstrual cycle;

A large number of blood particles is observed at the initial stage of radiation sickness.

Reduced values

Wbc analysis is able to recognize norms. A low level is considered an indicator of the number of blood particles below 4 thousand in 1 mm 3.

This disease is called leukopenia.

A low level may indicate the presence of:

  • myelofibrosis;
  • Acute leukemia;
  • myelodysplastic syndrome;
  • Tifa;
  • plasmacytoma;
  • hypersplenism;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • collagenoses;

This disease can last for 14-16 days.

After treatment, leukocytes return to normal. With a pronounced prolonged illness for more than 6 weeks, a severe infection may develop. The task of the specialist should be to determine the cause. The doctor must immediately prescribe treatment. The list of measures should be selected in accordance with the diagnosis.


In order to identify diseases at the initial stage, it is necessary to conduct a general analysis at least once a year. At the first symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist. People who have concerns about the manifestation of leukemia should be tested at least 2-3 times a year. Pay special attention to your health:

The data of the general blood test is the first "flashlight" that illuminates the general condition of the man's body and helps the doctor ...

The rate of leukocytes in the blood depends on the gender of the person and on his age. For a child and for an adult, it will be different. Also, this figure may differ in men and women, especially during pregnancy. In case of deviations, infectious and other diseases can be suspected, because it is white cells that are responsible for immunity.

Norms and analyzes

In order to determine the level of white blood cells in the blood, you need to pass. For adult women and men, the level of leukocytes is considered normal, ranging from 4 to 9 thousand per μl of blood.

In a child aged 6–10 years, this figure can vary between 6 × 10 9 and 11 × 10 9 cells / l, in a child under 3 years old, they should be from 6 × 10 9 to 17 × 10 9 cells / l. For a child aged 1 month, the level of white blood cells equal to 9.2–13.8 × 10 9 cells / l is considered normal, and for a child aged 10–15 years, the figure is 5.5–10.0 × 10 9 cells / l. Cord blood contains from 9.9×10 9 to 27×10 9 cells/l.

It is worth taking into account the fact that in some laboratories the norm of leukocytes in the blood is 3.2–10.6 × 10 9 cells / l.

If the level of these cells is reduced, leukopenia is diagnosed, with an increased level (more than 9 × 10 9 cells / l) - leukocytosis.

When conducting an extended blood test, the leukocyte formula is also determined, that is, the percentage of different types of these cells. So, the number of eosinophils should be 0.5-5%. The normal number of basophils does not exceed 1%, and the number of monocytes normally ranges from 3 to 11%, and the number of lymphocytes - from 19 to 13%. Also, with an extended analysis, the number of cells such as neutrophils is determined (stab should be 1-6%, segmented - from 47 to 72 percent). The percentage of different leukocytes in women and men can change with cancer, infections and blood diseases.

In addition, the number of leukocytes in men and women can increase during physical exertion, after stress and after eating. Also, the numbers can fluctuate with fungal and bacterial diseases, pneumonia, skin damage.

If the leukocytes are low, a diagnosis such as SARS is possible, as well as diseases of the bone marrow.

With bacterial infections, neutrophils increase, with serious and prolonged - the number of monocytes. Also, their number increases with mononucleosis in a child.

Eosinophils increase with helminthic invasions. The number of basophils increases with allergies and nephrosis.

Leukocytes in women

The number of white blood cells in women and men can vary significantly. So, the norm for women is considered to be a figure from 3.2 * 10 9 / l to 10.2 * 10 9 / l. During pregnancy, it can change slightly, as this is still stress for the female body.

In general, all changes can be divided into primary (with diseases of the hematopoietic tissue and damage to blood cells), as well as secondary (appear against the background of diseases of the internal organs and with their damage).

The number of leukocytes increases not only during pregnancy, but also during menstruation and during inflammatory processes that do not occur in men. Also, their number increases during the process following pregnancy, that is, during childbirth. Also, a slight increase in leukocytes during pregnancy in the urine is considered normal.

Leukocytes can decrease with weak immunity and with the threat of miscarriage, as well as with purulent diseases and diseases of the bone marrow.

A significant excess of white blood cells during pregnancy can hint to doctors about a serious infection that threatens the health of the child and mother. For any violations and changes in the leukocyte count and leukocyte counts, additional examinations should be performed.

Today, a blood test is a mandatory and fairly accurate diagnostic method. With the help of a laboratory study, based on information about the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets and data on the level of hemoglobin, the general condition of the body is determined. The presence of significant deviations from the norm serves as a signal of possible pathologies and diseases.

Leukocytes are called white blood cells. These are the constituent elements of blood with an irregular round shape and a size of 6 to 20 microns. They play a leading role in protecting the body from intoxication.

The volume of leukocytes is the most significant indicator of how normally the human body functions. According to their content, the doctor can make a preliminary assessment of the patient's health status, taking into account age and gender.

The role and functions of leukocytes

For leukocytes, it is characteristic that they can move freely and penetrate through the walls of blood vessels. They perform the most important functions:

  • Absorb pathogenic microorganisms of a foreign nature.
  • Eliminate antigens and dead cells, removing them from the body.
  • Break down and bind harmful substances.
  • They produce antibodies.

These functions are performed thanks to the enzymes contained in leukocytes.

White blood cells create protective barriers against the development of various ailments. When they cleanse the body of infection, a large number of them die.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood in men and women

In people who have reached the age of sixteen, age ceases to affect the content of leukocytes in the blood. This indicator is measured per liter.

The norm for men its value is considered: from 4 to 9?10 9 .

Most laboratories use this range regardless of gender. Although it also occurs more specified norm for men: (4,22–9,05)?10 9 .

During the day, the actual figure may vary, rising in the late afternoon. However, if a person is healthy, then he does not go beyond the norm.

The body of a woman is naturally focused on bearing and giving birth to children. Therefore, his defense mechanisms and ability to adapt are somewhat better developed than in men.

normal for women is the content of leukocytes ranging from four to 9?10 9 . It can increase due to normal physiological processes:

  • premenstrual period.
  • Being in an interesting position.
  • postpartum consequences.

Pregnancy is a considerable burden on the body and requires the use of its significant reserves and capabilities. The immune system begins to work in a more intense mode. And as a result, the bone marrow and lymph nodes additionally produce a certain amount of white blood cells. The leukocyte formula does not change.

During pregnancy, and especially in the third trimester, the leukocyte count may approach 15–10 9 . Their maximum number is concentrated in the uterus in order to protect the fetus.

Contribute to the fact that the number of leukocytes is below normal, taking painkillers can. A woman takes such medicines during menstruation or with a headache.

Antibiotics, pills that help lower blood sugar, also cause a drop in white blood cells. The use of contraceptive hormonal drugs can cause changes in the composition of the blood. Therefore, they should be taken with caution. And if the drug constantly has a negative effect on the level of leukocytes, then it should be abandoned, replacing it with a safer one.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood in children

A newly born baby has a significantly higher level of leukocytes than adults. It should be not less than 10 and not more than 30?10 9 per liter.

Already in the first week of life, the norm drops to (9.0–15.0)?10 9 .

In babies from six months to two years old, the lower limit of the norm decreases to 6.6, and the upper one rises to 17.2.

Both boundaries gradually decrease with age:

  • Under 3: (5.50–16.50)?10 9
  • 3 to 6: (5.0-14.50)?10 9
  • Ages 6 to 10: (4.50–14.0)?10 9
  • 10 to 16: (4.5–12.5)?10 9

Closer to fifteen years, the normal number of leukocytes is in the range from 4.2 to 10.5, that is, it approaches the figure for adults.

A slight excess in the number of leukocytes may reflect a mild or moderate disease. If the child has a cold, then the content of white blood cells is (7.5–9)?10 9 . When an infectious disease lasts for a long time, they work hard to absorb and digest harmful particles. Cleansing the body of infection, leukocytes die, and their number in the body is reduced.

Preparation for blood sampling for analysis

  • Time of day: morning, afternoon, evening.
  • Fullness of the stomach with food: the time of the last meal.
  • The state of the body in relation to the load: a person is overworked or has just woken up after a good night's rest.
  • Emotional state: the presence of stress, psychological overload, or, conversely, a calm and even state.
  • Staying in the sun for a long time.
  • A visit to the bathhouse, sauna.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Taking certain medications.

Before the analysis, you should not overheat or supercool the body, do sports or exercise intensively. At least eight hours before it, you need to give up spicy and fatty foods, do not overeat. In addition, you should talk to your doctor about taking certain medications. Some of them can distort the results of the analysis.

Blood should be taken early in the morning on an empty stomach. It is under such conditions that the most correct data can be obtained.

Leukocytes: decoding analysis

The results of the analysis can fix:

  • an increased number of white blood cells (leukocytosis);
  • the level of leukocytes is below normal (leukopenia);
  • violation of the structure of the leukocyte formula.

Causes of leukocytosis can be:

  • bacterial and viral infection;
  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the presence of severe injuries with tissue rupture;
  • heart attack.

When leukocytosis it is necessary to further investigate which group of leukocytes led to their excess growth. Depending on this, there may be leukocytosis:

  • Neutrophilic - its presence most often indicates a bacterial infection and an inflammatory process that has been going on for quite a long time. In rare cases, neutrophilic leukocytosis accompanies malignant processes in the bone marrow.
  • Eosinophilic - it appears along with an allergy, can act as a reaction to some type of medication. It also indicates ongoing inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Basophilic - just like eosinophilic leukocytosis, it accompanies individual intolerance, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, and thyroid gland.
  • Lymphocytic - the number of leukocytes of the corresponding group increases when diseases such as measles, chickenpox, rubella enter the body. Severe viral infections (hepatitis) and tuberculosis are also accompanied by a significant increase in the level of lymphocytes.
  • Monocytic is observed in those who recover from infectious diseases, as well as in patients who have long suffered from tuberculosis. Sometimes it appears in oncological diseases.

A low white blood cell count is most often symptomatic. Leukopenia acts as a temporary hematological sign of multiple pathologies. Less often, it can be a manifestation of certain ailments, which are accompanied by a periodic or constant decrease in the number of leukocytes.

Leukopenia is caused by causes:

  • Lack of substances that are necessary to create new white blood cells:
    • folic acid;
    • gland;
    • copper;
    • vitamins B1 and B12.

    This is the most common reason that causes a slight drop in the level of white blood cells. If the situation does not return to normal, then in order to correct their content, it is first necessary to form a complete diet. When this is not enough, medication is prescribed.

  • The disappearance of leukocytes in the blood. There are several reasons.

    First, there was a redistribution of leukocytes. They rushed to the tissues that were damaged by the infection, and partially left the blood vessels. That is, leukocytes are produced and present in the body, but their number in the blood decreases.

    Secondly, the destruction of white blood cells occurs when the body is affected by severe forms of influenza, hepatitis, or has undergone intoxication. Leukocytes die in the fight against toxins, and their number in the blood is rapidly decreasing.
    Disruptions in the functioning of the bone marrow. It is in it that the creation and maturation of all groups of leukocytes takes place.

  • Therefore, any pathology of the bone marrow leads to a decrease in their number. Failures can cause:
    • Heavy metal poisoning, arsenic, benzene, toluene.
    • Chemotherapy is necessary in the treatment of malignant diseases.
    • Irradiation and radiation therapy.
    • Autoimmune damage - they lead to the destruction of their own cells, including in the bone marrow, matured white blood cells that are in the bloodstream.
    • Displacement of leukopoietic tissue responsible for the production of new leukocytes by tumor metastases.

A decrease in white blood cells leads to a decrease in the body's resistance. And this means that even a mild cold can turn into huge problems. Therefore, it is constantly necessary to keep the level of leukocytes in the blood under control and not be lazy to undergo preventive examinations, take all tests and, first of all, a general blood test.

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