How many shells are in the ammunition load of the e25. What equipment to put on e25 in WOT. Machine vulnerabilities

In World of Tanks, the E-25 combat vehicle is one of the most inconspicuous armored vehicles. According to the technical characteristics, the E-25 can be attributed more to the class of light armored tanks, which, coupled with its significantly superior dynamics and controllability, gives it an advantage in long-range and close combat.

A combat vehicle of this class has a number of shortcomings that can be easily corrected by installing equipment in the process of upgrading the vehicle. For example, the disadvantages include the head gun with a low coefficient of destruction of enemy armor and frequent fires of E25 even with minor hits.

What equipment to put on the e25 to improve performance?

Players with extensive experience in upgrading tanks of this class in WOT recommend starting to improve performance with:

first aid kit installations,
- repair kit,
- automatic fire extinguisher,
- ventilation,
- pickup drives.

This is what belongs to the category of mandatory equipment that must be purchased first. When buying modules of equipment that will be installed additionally, opinions differ. Some experts recommend installing camouflage, a tube, and coated optics ("illumination"), paying attention to camouflage as well. Others say that until the moment the player gets used to the dynamics of the E25, its sensitive handling and other "chips" inherent in this model, it is better not to upgrade the rate of fire (in particular, there is no point in downloading the rammer, since it gives a very small advantage ). At the same time, both camps recommend pumping camouflage first of all. This is recommended in order to not be noticed after firing from the E-25 and to quickly change the location.

What not to put

It is not recommended to get involved in the pumping of the PSU. Ideally, BP should be around 30%, or even more - 40, 50% of AM, since the 150mm of penetration that comes with standard ammo will not be effective against level 8 vehicles. Against them, it is not recommended to save and hold gold shells.

There is also no point in pumping armor, since tanking on the E-25 in WOT will not work very well. 50 millimeters of frontal protection hint that in direct combat this vehicle has little chance against tanks of level 8 and above. The question is what equipment to put on the e25 should be decided only after you study this car in battle with the initial characteristics.

The cost of E-25 is 6700 gold coins. The durability of our tank is only 830 durability points.
The lack of armor in this tank is leveled by a small silhouette, a frantic stealth coefficient, great speed and excellent dynamics. E-25 is capable of spinning around its axis at a speed of 44 degrees per second. Engine power of 700 horsepower allows us to accelerate to 65 kilometers per hour in 3-4 seconds. Due to the low weight, we feel comfortable on any soil, whether it is urban asphalt or a swamp, we will drive crazy briskly.
The review is 360 meters, which is very good, if we take into account the 7th level. Due to the aforementioned stealth and stealth, we turn into an excellent bush sniper with the ability to transfer across the entire map in a matter of seconds.
The tank destroyer gun is, at the same time, a huge plus, and, at the same time, a hefty minus. Our 75 mm cannon fires 20 rounds per minute, and with the rammer all 22. Penetration with conventional armor-piercing shells is only 150 mm. This value is optimal for the sixth-seventh levels. But in battles with eights we will suffer. Therefore, we load an ammunition load of 60 shells like this - 25 armor-piercing shells and 35 sub-caliber shells, which have a penetration of 194 mm, which will allow us to play more comfortably, but farm less. The accuracy at the barrel is excellent - a spread of 0.3 and 1.5 seconds of information allows you to hold down the LMB and be sure that after the shot our gun will be brought down and ready for the next volley.
Slightly saddens one-time damage of 135 units. We famously compensate for this with tactics of use, and, with continuous fire, we can deal 2900 damage per minute. Shooting, despite the insane rate of fire and accuracy, should be as accurate and verified as possible, since 60 shells with active shooting are pumped in exactly three minutes.

What perks to download for the crew.
The crew first download the disguise. It is many times more necessary for the E25 than repairs. We open the light bulb to the commander. We take a sniper as the second perk for the driver, a smooth ride for the driver, a non-contact ammo rack for the loader. The third skill for the entire crew is to download the combat brotherhood.

What equipment and modules to install.
From consumables we take a repair kit, an automatic fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
When choosing a set of modules, there are two options.
The first is an ambush mode for beginners. We put a stereo tube, a camouflage net and a rammer. With this arrangement, we process opponents from the third row and can give passive light from the bushes.
The second option is dynamic, for those who have studied the E25 well and are ready to use its strengths in the form of speed, mobility and DPM. We install the rammer, pickup drives and ventilation. With this layout, you will have to make much more movements, but the fun, with a successful bypass from the flank, you get many times more. Most importantly, don't forget to paint the E-25. Camouflage will slightly increase our chances of remaining unnoticed.

Penetration zones and weak points.
Frontal armor is only 50 millimeters of armor at an angle of 57 degrees, which clearly hints at the impossibility of tanking at all. There is a gun mask that has only 50 millimeters of armor. In the sides, the E-25 has 30 millimeters of armor at an angle of 60 degrees. The stern has 30 millimeters at an angle of 50 degrees. The roof of the PT breaks through with a fist - 20 mm will not save us from a falling icicle, and it is better to keep silent about the hit of an artillery mine.

How to play correctly.
With an ambush set of modules, everything is simple, choose the direction where the allies need help, and where there are a lot of bushes. Hide, and then systematically deal damage to enemies. In case another direction needs help, move there and do the same. And if you need to highlight the capture of the base for allied tanks, you can also calmly stand in the bushes and passively shine.
With dynamic equipment, everything is a little different. Here we are more aggressive. From the beginning of the battle, we also work from afar, but as soon as we see that there is a gap in the enemy’s defense, we use a detour maneuver and go to the flank, or, if possible, then immediately to the rear. That's where the expanse of damage, credits and experience will be.

Hello, hello dear friends. With you Amway921 and today's World of Tanks video guide about the German premium tier 7 tank destroyer E-25. This is a German premium tank, it is sold in the store only for gold, it costs 6700 gold. And somehow it turned out that I didn’t taste it at all, I didn’t understand this tank on the test server, where there were all the possibilities for this. And only thanks to the gift of a channel subscriber, I finally caught up with the fact that this is a magnificent tank. I used to think that his problem was with a gun that didn't pierce anyone and wouldn't hit anyone too hard. Well, maybe that's the way it is, but the level of battles, that is, the balancer, loves this PT very much and throws it only at the seventh or eighth levels. Since this is a premium tank, we will be in Tier 7 battles more often. And there it’s quite enough for itself, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to me, armor penetration of 150 mm and damage of 135, too, in principle. The tower at 29, of course, cannot be penetrated. But for this, there are sub-caliber shells or some other possibilities - a maneuver, for example (we'll talk about it a little later).

In short, these combat parameters, although not the most fun, can be overcome by pouring sub-caliber shells into our ammunition load. By the way, it is not very large (only 60 shells) and it often happens that they end during protracted battles. I want to draw your attention not to this, but to what accuracy this PT has - 0.3. Why I didn't notice this before, I don't know. This is the highest accuracy, which is characteristic only of some German medium tanks of the tenth level. 0.3 is just amazing. You can hit the commander's turrets at a distance of three hundred meters. Here is a gift! At this moment, you understand that, in principle, armor penetration is not needed when you can target the enemy at a distance, I don’t know what kind of shot. Rate of fire - 20 rounds per minute. It's a 3 second cooldown. If you install a fan, a rammer, then you can reduce it a little more. Just an auto-shooter. One has only to put someone on the harp - trouble is for him. He will not have time to either repair or crawl away. You can take someone apart just for once. In battles, we will be convinced of this. And, of course, mobility. What to say? This is a real light tank in terms of mobility. We have a maximum speed of 65 kilometers forward, 20 back. Dynamics - 26.6 per ton. Just awesome. According to the game, this tank reminds me of something chaffee, but the chaffee should shine, but here no one will force the PT-shku to shine in a random house, no one will look askance. That's why I enjoy the game so much. And I understand that the fights that we are going to watch now are an epic achievement for me. Well, how epic? Such, more or less. But within the framework of the server, I understand that this PT is so bent, it's just awesome. And therefore, the more difficult it is to get high achievements for the battle, the cooler, therefore, the tank. Well, let's not forget that the tank is premium.

Crew, selection of modules and equipment for the E-25

I kept the crew on another tank until the last. That is, you can transfer the crew to the tank from any other German anti-tank gun. True, we have only four places here, and when I pass four, then, in my opinion, a radio operator appears at the panther, that is, there will be no place for him here. Therefore, you will need to download the crew from the radio operator separately. Well, in a sense, the radio operator separately, but all of them are in place. In short, such things. The modules that need to be put here, there is not even a choice here. We don't need a summary. It's just great. Therefore, optics, rammer and ventilation. Our small review, 360 meters, is compensated by the valve, berks for the review, which I uploaded here. Moreover, it is interesting that the duties of a radio operator are performed by the commander, and it is he who has both radio interception and an eagle eye in his berks. But, as we remember, radio interception has a 3% bonus, eagle eye - 2, so it's better to put it in front. And, of course, without a light bulb there is no life at all. This must be understood. Well, let's go to battles, we'll see how this tank behaves.

Tank destroyer in action

Watching this PT in action is worth a lot. After all, it immediately becomes clear what's what. I mean, when you think that “well, what kind of damage, Lord, is there - 135 kopecks, it’s not significant at all”, but when you hit, pierce and inflict every 2.5 seconds at a distance of 400 meters that seemingly small damage (135), in total it turns out to be very, very significant. Here comes the tank (500 meters before it). Hit every jester? No problem. As long as it glows, it's very easy to do so. And you see it every time. The main task is to move away from the enemies at a distance of fictitious fire, so that they do not see you and do not shoot at you. That's the whole task.

Well, when the battle enters the phase when it is necessary to do something actively, then the E-25 behaves simply surprisingly, because the maximum speed of its mobility and small size, which give a very big plus to camouflage, are simply priceless. Now is the end of the battle from which we started (we watch it in excerpts), but at the end of the battle I have the opportunity to carefully go around the edge and take some good place using disguises. True, it’s surprising: when you sometimes notice that you seem to have illuminated the enemy, you seem to be standing in an open more or less place (well, maybe behind some bush, for example), you start firing at this enemy, and he doesn’t sees. This is amazing. I have never seen such tanks before. And every time you shoot at some other tank, as soon as you see the enemy, especially with these new camouflage cases, which are completely incomprehensible how they work now, that is, you can’t shoot behind double bushes. In short, when you play this tank, you get an incomprehensible feeling that this is simply one of the best tanks of the seventh level. It seems to be: a small one-time damage and this is not the best armor penetration. But everything else about it is just great. In general, this fight, by and large, is, if my memory serves me, the second, or even the third since the moment I began to experience this PT-shka, and already from these fights I had a very great love for her. And despite the fact that it seems to be a tank, it seems that it’s my direct task (some people think so) that it is with a tank that I should describe exclusively positive emotions. But here it's worth it.

How Amway921 got the E-25

This is really one of the very, very good tanks (especially premium ones) in this game. But this should not be forgotten and should not be given credit either. In general, I would not want to betray the person who gave me this tank, because, as a rule, they immediately begin to get such people, ask, beg, beg, but amazing is nearby. This man and I met in battle. And, on different sides. He also plays at E-25 and, as he says, this is his first fight at E-25. And so I couldn’t get past this fight, although it doesn’t really represent anything in itself. Although, it would seem, in general, the score in this fight was rather deplorable. And, thanks to my efforts, the account somehow leveled off and became in some more or less positive phase. And so we met him. I have a full tank hp bar, he has one shot. For some reason, I realized that I need to somehow thank a person, but how can you thank him when he is on the enemy’s team. Substitute? Also somehow, you know, not the case. All that came to my mind is to show it all very beautifully and effectively. Well, this fight, of course, is already winning. There were no problems here. Thank you very much to the person who gave me this tank. Well, we are now moving on to the next battle, which we will watch from beginning to end. It will be much more interesting.

The sixth sense lamp is the first thing the crew should study

And now the Sacred Valley map. Pretty new card, and I still can't say that I like it. In my opinion, the card is very mediocre. And this is due mainly to the fact that there are so many bushes and trees here that you can’t even see anything in them, it’s also not clear whether you were lit up or not. All this is complicated by the fact that the fight we are watching was not exactly one of the first, well, something like that, and I did not have any crew at that moment. For German PTs, I had no motivation before, no desire to pump out a single German PT, when there are so many other tanks in the game. That's why there are no light bulbs. In short, the sixth sense is not pumped into the commander. And at the time of this fight, at the time of recording this video (this action has already ended), but at the time of the fight it was, this action is for the 15th anniversary of wargaming. At that moment, tripled experience was given after each battle to all crew members, to all tankers. And just that was the best time when you could swing the crew into a light bulb. And that's why in this fight I don't have it yet (98% pumped in) and this is the biggest difficulty. Because with all these new disguises, now it doesn’t really work as much as before, shooting through double bushes at fifteen meters and so on and so forth. All this complicates the game, because now I cannot be one hundred percent sure that I am shooting and not glowing. They happen for reasons I don't understand. How it even works, I have no idea. And therefore, it is very, very difficult to play this tank without a light bulb. The fact is that (I think you understand what the problem is) when there is absolutely no armor, then any projectile flying into our silhouette is a big disaster. It will most likely harm us. And this tank destroyer still has a small problem. It is as follows: it seems that small size is a virtue. Well, of course, yes, on the one hand, it's true. But on the other hand, all its components were mixed up in such a dense lump in the E-25 (four tankers were located somewhere and the engine, and tanks, and 16 shells were stuffed somewhere, and the radio sticks out, and everything. In short ", all these internal modules are very, very assembled in this tank, like in a watch. You know, there is no extra space. And the same thing here. Therefore, every projectile flying at us is quite capable of spinning something. And therefore, it is necessary to think very seriously about how to avoid some kind of damage, which means getting into the light.Moreover, in every battle you need to do this, in every battle you need to think about it.

It is this simple reason, it seems to me, that tells us that driving this tank will probably be a nightmare and a real punishment for those players who are still inexperienced in this game, who are just starting to play. And, probably, thanks to such players, the statistics for the north of the victories of this PT-shki are not the greatest.

At the time of this video I've played something like 20 fights on this PT (maybe 15, not much in general), and the win rate (I played exclusively solo) is about 88 or something like that. I don’t remember exactly, but it’s really much more than on any other tank, say, a premium tier seven. That is, if this PT really falls into capable hands, well, for example, I see the IS-2. Well, why should I shoot him somewhere, except at the skating rink? He's not going anywhere. 2.5 second cooldown. He has no chance. And so I shoot (the light is gone, but it is there), and now he will leave this mortal world. And all thanks to the fact that I caught him here on the so-called constriction.

Correct assessment of the situation in combat

If you are a skilled player, then you are well aware of all these wisdoms. I mean, you're not looking at the mini-map, you're estimating the distance to the enemy, you're estimating the possibility of being exposed or not, whether you'll be illuminated after the shot. Even despite, let's say, the iconic disguise and the invisibility of this PT-shki, you still need to think about it. Personally, I've been taught this style of play well by tanks like the leopard Prototype A. It seems to be an incredibly complex tank. Maybe Lorraine should also be attributed here, who is French of the ninth level.

All these tanks seem to dictate to us a style of play such that we should never be allowed to be seen or shot at. Everything must be done in order to ensure that the distance between us, between the enemies and us, is very large, just within the range of a shot. And this tank, like the leopard prototype A, allows you to shoot fairly accurately at a distance. Well, we have already seen a little of this. In general, it is already clear here - the accuracy is 0.3. Here is 460 meters to the tank, and it is very easy to break through it with bb-shki into the side. In the forehead, probably, there will be no options for bb-shkami, but in this case there are sub-calibers. By the way, let's digress a little from the topic, say, the skills of playing on this tank, and move on to the ammunition load, because it seemed to me initially that armor penetration would be very, very lacking. 150 points is not 200, and there will probably be serious problems with these. And it seems to be logical to think so, but practice shows that, for example, I decided for myself because I don’t have any problems with silver, thanks to Bagration’s silver (great promotion) and loaded half of the sub-caliber ammunition here (30 pieces), but it shows practice what it is, in general a lot. In principle, that’s enough if you don’t have a problem with silver at all and you don’t aim for some kind of farm - just fun rides. But if this is your earner, then ten shells will probably be enough. You need to use them only in some emergency cases, when you are one or two and you definitely didn’t break through someone, or you are sure that you won’t break through the enemy in any way. Why waste time? It is better to immediately start shooting sub-caliber. Maybe 20 would be the sweet spot, but 30 is definitely overkill. Very often there were such situations when enemies and loose ones remained, and I had gold with me, a whole pocket. And therefore it is necessary to spend it unjustifiably, inefficiently, that is, to overpay after the results of the battle. In short, you understand. And therefore, you also need to devote special attention to this and, according to your skill and style of play, choose whether you need 10 sub-caliber shells or 20.

Well, now the situation is such that I accidentally discover on the mini-map that a panther was shining at our base. It's completely unclear what she's doing there. Well, in principle, she is probably looking for our artillery, our Bishop, but he is even more original than this panther. He generally pressed close to our group of tanks. I know that we destroy every house in our base, and all I need is for someone (our IS or SU100M1) to simply illuminate our base, because the capture has begun. If I go to shine, they will merge me there (don’t go to a fortuneteller here). And since I was not lucky with the team in this battle as I would like, I understand that in no case should I lose hp. And I see that they are going to shine, so I feel more or less calm, although there are 20 seconds left until the end of the capture, and this time is melting with every second, expiring. The IC glows, and I start about where it should be, breaking through the walls. Somehow it happened that I just got into the tower there. I try, and on board the IS. This is not the best option, especially when it is at a distance. Better hit him in the tower. There is less armor, and there are not many harp and inclined elements that are on board. Therefore, the efficiency is much greater. And this is how we drive away the first batch of invaders. They all leave in fear and, in general, they do the right thing. But now there will be a second wave, because the French PT-shka is passing, and now everything will not be easy here either. Here the panther, as it turns out, lit up (it kills artillery). So I ran out of bb-shki and sub-calibers went into action. In principle, I probably wouldn’t have pierced the panther in the forehead with bb-shki, but it would have been absolutely no problem on the side. I see that our VK highlighted the ARL44, and there is a possibility that he will now die here from this French long barrel with an excellent armor-piercing gun. And I'm going to meet him, while he's coming aboard to me, something must be done with him. Since it is clear that our ally died somewhere, it is not clear from the silhouette where the ARL is. He maneuvers a little, substitutes his turret, and I can hit it twice without any problems.

E-25 Inference

What else do I want to say about this PT in total? That's how nice it is to hit in most shots at a distance of 400 or even 500 meters, on enemies, on commander's turrets or on other very vulnerable places, which is simply amazing. Moreover, this PT has an aiming speed of 1.7 seconds, and a reload speed of 2.5. That is, you just have time even with a margin to reduce after each shot. Each subsequent shot after 2.5 seconds is advancing, with full accuracy, and this is very comfortable for the game. Here comes the second wave of invaders. I immediately catch IS-a on the harp. He is hiding, apparently, behind the house. There are already a few shells left. I understand that destroying all these houses with shells is not an option, because there are still 4 enemies, and I already have 10 shells. Well, now there are 3. And the E-25 leaves for me. This is the one at the top, remember, the enemy climbed up to me somehow. And fortunately, I have full HP, and he has incomplete, so we, as in the best traditions of Jean-Claude Van Damme, start kicking each other in the ribs: who will survive. Obviously HP is on my side. Although he pierced me with every shot, at the same time only the gun was ruined by everyone, which is surprising, that is, not a single crew member (let's not forget that he shot brilliantly - into the mask). On auto-aim, apparently, comrade. Apparently, this is also the case when the player got caught by an inexperienced E-25 driver. Although he has, in principle, 3 frags. Maybe I'm wrong. In short, now 5 projectiles and 2 enemies. One of them is downstairs, now if I fall on him, he will take me with two slaps, and I probably won’t have time to gouge him, because he has 276 hellspots. Or maybe I will. Well, in short, it's because it's not over yet. There is also a grill. Now I am carefully trying to highlight it through these crowns, of course, I don’t see it. But there is no hurry either. There are still 3.5 minutes until the end of the fight, almost 4. And, in general, there is time, there is nowhere to rush. I'm waiting for our IS (it will have more HP) to take advantage of the situation and highlight KV1. Well, now, I think, now my way out. Well, even my output was not even required. And now in pursuit of the sixth. While I'm driving, I want to say one thing: I really, really liked this tank (I will repeat, probably more than once). In any case, I will leave it in the hangar, in any case, I will often ride it and maybe not so much in terms of farming, but to play a good fight. Something tells me that this tank will have an interesting story, just like prototype A leopard. Here, the maximum damage on prototype A leopard is a miserable 1200 units, and I managed to keep 2600. And the efficiency rating on the leopard was just over the top - about 6000, you can see in the statistics. Amazing numbers. I think it will be the same here. That is, this tank is quite suitable for raising statistics. These are my opinions.

Well, the last thing left for the game - since you have arrived, you must take the phagena. I shoot the last golds at the wall. That is, the E-25 tank destroyer definitely counts. I think it will appeal to everyone who understands this game and understands all its wisdom. This is where the fairy tale ends. Thank you for watching the World of Tanks video guide. Hope it was informative. In the future, more than one thing awaits us, probably, it can be seen from this tank. Let's see what kind of fights there are, let's see the masters. In the meantime, of course, not a master. It seems that he did a lot of things, but only the first degree. In short, the results of the battle are in front of you. Good luck to all! Bye Bye.

Hi all! Sorry for the delay, on Sunday it was not possible to write a guide. But now there were an extra couple of hours.

Attempt No. 2. Guide to the German premium tank destroyer E-25 (Entwicklung series):

I. Chapter. The history of the E-25 or how the burghers shod a flea!

So, in May 1942, a certain Mr. E. Knipkamp, ​​who is also the chief designer of the department for testing tank weapons of Nazi Germany, headed a special research group, with the task of embodying all the experience of building and designing in a new series of armored vehicles with high maneuverability, maneuverability, ammunition and the ability to hit enemy technique. By 1943, having collected everything necessary, under the leadership of this scientist, the Entwicklung project (with German - development) was created, which, in addition to the rest of the new type of machines (e100, e75, e50), included the well-known E-25 .

Why 25, because this number was assigned to a combat vehicle based on its mass.

According to the modernization project, old anti-tank self-propelled guns

In fact, the E-25 is a tank weighing about 25-30 tons, which was supposed to replace obsolete class vehicles - Hetzer, PzKpfw III, PzKpfw IV, as well as vehicles based on them. It was originally planned to equip the E-25 with a 75 mm cannon with a barrel length of 70 calibers, but later the option of arming with an 88 mm cannon with a barrel length of 71 calibers was considered. In the future, it was planned to upgrade the E-25 with the installation of a 105-mm cannon with semi-automatic reloading.

The E-series equipment was to be put into serial production and supplied to the army in 1945.

II. Chapter. E-25 in the game World of Tanks

General characteristics of technology

E-25 due to its capabilities and combat merit received a number of nicknames in the game. Some players call it a flea, others a bug, others just a yashka, a fourth a “crazy frying pan”.


Eshka is sold in the game store on the site at a price of 6700 gold (gold), also, it can be purchased in the in-game store, if there is gold on the account account.

The performance characteristics of the E-25

Durability - 830 HP, Mass / prev. weight - 26.3 / 29 tons, overview 360 m, communication range 710 m

The crew of the E-25 is 4 German soldiers, namely: the commander (he is also a radio operator), the gunner, the pest mechanic (he is also the driver), and also the loader.

Mobility - 700 hp engine power, 26.62 hp/t specific power, 65/20 km/h max forward/reverse speed, 44°/s chassis steering

Booking - 50/30/30 mm (forehead / side / stern)

Armament - 7.5 cm Pak 42 L/70 gun, 60 pieces of ammunition, 135/135/175 HP damage, 150/194/38 mm armor penetration, 20 shots/min - rate of fire, 2700 HP/min - damage per minute, 44°/s traverse speed, 35.0°/s elevation speed, -12/+12° HH angles, -8/+15° HV angles


So, from the pros we have:

1. Excellent dynamics and speed;

2. Stealth (increased camouflage properties Fri, low silhouette of the tank);

3. High dpm (rate of fire);

4. Excellent accuracy - 0.3 and convergence - 1.5;

5. Good understeer, yg and uvn (as for German Fri, please note);

6. Low price in the premium shop for lvl 7 prem, low price of shells, including gold ones, low price of repairs and maintenance, good farming, especially on pre-accountJ

7. Preferential level of fights, max. 8 lvl.

Of the minuses there are:

1. Lack of armor;

2. Insufficient ammunition for full-fledged combat;

3. Very frequent module criticality and crew shell shock;

4. Insufficient armor penetration on armor-piercing shells (against lvl 7.8);

5. Disabling the radio operator, disables the commander with a machine gun.

IV. Chapter. What to pump into the crew, what equipment and modules to install.

Crew skills and perks:

All first perk disguise.

The second perk - Commander - a lamp, the rest of the repair

The third perk - all military brotherhood

The fourth perk is the commander - an eagle eye, the gunner - a smooth turn of the tower, the mechanic - a smooth move, the loader - desperate.

For active play: ramming, fan, optics

For passive play: ramming, fan, horns


For an active game: repair, gold repair, first aid kit

For passive play: first aid kit, repair, gold fire extinguisher

V. Section. Tactics and strategy of playing e-25

When playing both of the options below, you should remember that you have no armor, you cannot push and tank with impunity, you cannot take damage, you have very little HP.

Option 1 You are at the top of the list:

If you are in the top, you are on a horse! You can safely take a comfortable position for passive illumination and shooting through the enemy. And punish, punish, punish! It is especially convenient to do this against lvl 5.6, to which you are thrown to love, and they are blind like kittens. To do this, you can put horns, and then many of your opponents cannot even go 100 m. Naturally, if you manage to do everything right from a long distance, in the second half of the battle you can already become impudent, driving into the sides, stern and even breaking through to the rear, cutting out artillery and throwing everything that moves with impunity. Also, in special cases, the horse allows you to quickly arrive in time and bring down the capture, or also quickly rush and break through one of the flanks to become a capture. By finding the weak point of the enemy in the form of tanks, a high rate of fire (for example, with 5 perks and everything else it is 2.49 seconds), allows you to set fire to the enemy like a Christmas tree. There is enough power, armor and speed to calmly intercept fireflies (you should be careful only with chaffee), ram tanks like Christmas tree, amx12t, m5stuart.

Option 2 You are in Opa list:

Yes, everything is not so good here, especially if it is a city map. At the bottom of the list, remember that with most lvl 8 you will need gold (I drive 10). For the first 5 minutes, it’s better not to go anywhere at all (the exception is open maps with the ability to snack and disguise yourself). Don't forget that for tanks like t34, is3 you are two-shot, and for drummers it doesn't matter at all - 830 hp is so - 2 shells. You need to save hp and combat set. Very frequent ricochets, non-penetration, as well as the fact that at this level the tanks are very big-eyed make you endure in an ambush, or with superior allied forces, break into the flank, go to the base, artillery. Also, you can very well meet the fireflies of the enemy, try to sing more, if possible, bypass and go into the sides and stern of the enemy. It is practically impossible to drag the fight being on e25 against lvl 8. As a rule, there are not enough corny shells at the end of the battle, there are up to 15 of them, and this is less than a minute of combat. It should be noted that3 crazy frying pans in a platoon, this is a panic at the beginning of the battle in the ranks of the enemy, even if he is lvl 8. Therefore, take your friends on the same bedbugs - you are guaranteed fun, farm and ololo)).

Link to replay (Warrior, master) -

Thank you for your attention, I hope I helped with the choice and posted at least something interesting.

Unded_Fenix ​​was with you

Hello dear tankers! We continue to consider the technique and today a very interesting and mind-blowing machine is next in line. This is a machine that appeared in 0.8.7. A machine that can bend. A machine that simply tears the enemy to shreds and gnaws with a rain of shells. A machine that, in its original version, caught up with the T-50-2 and killed on the go. Meet the overgrown Stug or E-25:

This is a premium tank destroyer at the German level. Since the car is premium, it has some features, here they are:

The price of this miracle is 6,700 gold. Yes, you can’t buy this car in any other way, except to win in a promotion. However, we do not need to level up to level 7, accumulate experience and upgrade modules in order to raise the car to the top. This is the advantage of premium technology. However, if in money our expenses may have ended, then in loans they are not. You need to install additional equipment on the car, put the crew on board and apply camouflage. If we touch on additional equipment a little later, then we will consider everything related to the crew now. Since the crew significantly affects the characteristics of the car, it is stupid and not far-sighted to land and drive with 50% of the crew. Personally, I advise landing a crew with a 90 - 100% level of proficiency in the main specialty. You can do this in several ways:

  • Just buy a new crew for gold. This method is quite simple and effective - we get 100% crew. It will cost 200 * 4 = 800 gold.
  • Train the crew for silver. If you don't have other German anti-tank guns and you feel sorry for the money for the crew, then perhaps this will be the only suitable option for you. It will cost 20,000 * 4 = 80,000 credits. However, we will get 75% of the crew, which is sad, but in principle not critical.
  • Well, and a way for those who have a fairly good crew trained on other German Fri. Here we can simply transfer this crew to this PT and ride with it, there is no penalty for premium vehicles for the crew. This is absolutely free and will give us the opportunity to land 3-4 perk crews without any losses on the E-25 for those who have top ATs.

Well, another equally important point - camouflage. Since we are a tank destroyer, a fairly small tank destroyer, our visibility is quite low, and camouflage will increase our stealth even more. Therefore, we apply camouflage to the car and do not hesitate. It will cost 3 * 70,000 = 210,000 credits.


Since premium vehicles do not have upgradeable modules, it makes no sense to consider the research branch. Just be glad you're already at the top. However, we will still consider each of the modules in more detail:

The gun of this tank is very accurate and has a very high rate of fire. However, for the latter we pay with one-time damage. On the one hand it is good, on the other hand it is bad. Also, this weapon has poor penetration rates with basic shells. This is partly compensated by armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, which can be purchased at a higher price or for gold. I also note that the aiming speed of the gun is also excellent.

The engine on this PT is also quite powerful, which allows us to develop high speed. Eh, I remember how on test 0.8.6 I drove the T-50-2, which had already been removed, and the PT was cut a little ... I also note the standard chance of an engine fire - 20%, which means that it’s better to carry a fire extinguisher with you, not gasoline. By the way, with such excellent dynamics, we don’t need it.

The radio station is quite powerful, so we will hardly feel the lack of communication range. There is nothing more to say about her.

Chassis has good patency on various soils and turning speed. There is enough load capacity for the eyes, so you should not worry about this.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine


  • Very small and low body
  • Precision gun
  • Excellent dynamics


  • Weak burst damage
  • Weak penetration by basic AP shells
  • No normal armor

Balance weight

The car gets to 7 - 8 levels of battles, which means that you should not worry about the comfort of the game.


There is no need to worry about this, because premium vehicles have a good rate of return. In a normal game, we will farm a little even without PA. However, if you use gold shells and consumables, it will not help.


Well, the car does not have good armor, but we have excellent speed, maneuverability and stealth. Based on all this, you can act in different ways. In any case, this is either a support tank from a long distance, or a tank that will circle, break through to the rear, and even actively shine. This PT allows you to straighten your arms and not be a hostage to low speed. We can do anything, stand and shine in the bushes, neutralize fireflies, quickly take key positions on the map and hold them until the arrival of the main forces. However, one cannot be self-confident. Yes, we can do all this, but we need to do it 3 times after thinking, having calculated all the options for the development of events and the way out if something goes wrong as we planned. You can play it both as a PT and as a ST, the main thing is to think. This PT will never bring a lot of experience and credits if played mediocrely. It is on the Su 122-44 that damage can be realized simply because of a good weapon, here we will have to try hard to shoot the same damage. The machine is complex, the machine is demanding on hands and thoughtful actions, but it is better and the same su 122-44 can bend with the right game. You don't know what kind of fights we dragged with a platoon of 3 such PTs, how much fun, money and pleasure we got. Yes, the car is not for everyone, so I recommend that you go to the test server and try it there before buying.

Optional equipment

  • Rammer
  • Actuators/Valve
  • Optics / vane / drawer

It depends on the style of the game and what is more important for you, reduce 1.5 s. or 1.35 s.


  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

I don’t advise you to carry gasoline, because there will be no special increase, and we don’t need it, but we can burn out because we have a standard fire chance and is 20%

Crew perks


  1. Sixth Sense
  2. BB (combat brotherhood)
  3. Disguise


  1. Disguise
  2. Optional (I would upgrade the sniper)

Fur. driver

  1. Disguise
  2. Optional


  1. Disguise
  2. Desperate

Machine Vulnerabilities:

Orange - commander, gunner, loader
Red - engine, tanks, transmission
Green - easily penetrated zones
White - ammo rack
Blue is a driver.

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