Chelyabinsk meteorite when the year fell. Where did the Chelyabinsk meteorite come from and why it was impossible to detect it. A shard that broke off from the asteroid belt

Exactly five years ago, on February 15, 2013, residents of the Chelyabinsk region saw a bright flash in the sky. Many mistook it for a fallen plane or satellite and did not immediately know that a meteorite had exploded over the region. It broke into dozens of fragments, the search for which continues to this day. Vladimir Busarev, Leading Researcher at the Department of Moon and Planetary Research at the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, told MIR 24 why the Chelyabinsk meteorite miraculously survived and how to behave if you suddenly find a fragment of a cosmic body.

- Thousands of meteorites fall to Earth every year. Why Chelyabinsk turned out to be so popular?

We first observed the case when an ordinary chondrite fell to the Earth, and even in such a large volume. The weight of the fragments that reached the Earth exceeded 650 kilograms. This is a rather rare type of meteorites, which is why it is considered a find. It is also important that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was found relatively quickly - six months after the fall, and they immediately began to study it. Stones that have lain for some time on the surface of the Earth are of lesser value. Changes have definitely already taken place with them, which are characteristic only for terrestrial conditions, but not for cosmic matter. So, on the largest fragment of a meteorite that fell into Lake Chebarkul, living microorganisms of terrestrial origin were found. But it cannot be said that this interfered with the research.

How did these bacteria get there?

The largest fragment of the meteorite lay at the bottom of the lake for half a year. It turned out that he had pores through which he was soaked with earthly water, and with it bacteria penetrated the surface of the fragment. However, we cannot say that the origin of microorganisms is extraterrestrial, because we are dealing with a substance that has become contaminated under terrestrial conditions. The Chelyabinsk meteorite has no signs of extraterrestrial life. This can be said for sure, even though not all the fragments have yet been recovered from the bottom of the lake.

- Colleagues from the Ural University presented you with a sample of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Tell about it.

It is small, weighing several tens of grams. We have studied it in the laboratory. We looked at its reflective characteristics, the composition of the substance. We made sure that this is a stone meteorite, it consists of the so-called ordinary chondrite. The iron content in it is small, not more than 20 percent. These types of stony meteorites are quite rare. They have poor "survivability" because they are less able to tolerate passage through the Earth's atmosphere. That is, they are very fragile. In general, all known meteorites have been studied by us only by a quarter. Therefore, space projects for the delivery of samples from the Moon or Mars are of great interest. Only the original cosmic matter can give complete information about the origin of a particular planet in the solar system or an asteroid.

- Because of this fragility and there was an explosion?

Yes, fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite show that its body is not monolithic, it cracked while flying towards the Earth. If the body were monolithic, perhaps the explosion would not have occurred, and a fragment of a larger mass would have fallen to the earth's surface. Eyewitnesses said they heard a series of explosions, but in fact there was only one explosion. It's just that the sound had a whole spectrum of waves. The acoustic effect was like thunder: at first the sound is weak, then it intensifies. It seemed to people that there were several explosions. The fact is that fragments of the meteorite entered the atmosphere at supersonic speed, and there were many of these fragments. This explains the unusual sound effects.

- Why was the meteorite called Chelyabinsk and not Chebarkul?

Initially, they wanted to call it Chebarkulsky. But the fact is that only the largest fragment of the meteorite fell in Chebarkul. The substance, a fragment of which is the Chelyabinsk meteorite, dispersed beyond the boundaries of this settlement over a rather large area. Therefore, the scientific community decided to emphasize in the title that the fall of the cosmic body occurred in the Chelyabinsk region and does not concern only Chebarkul.

- And what is known about the cosmic body from which the Chelyabinsk meteorite broke off?

It is approximately 4.5 billion years old. About 300 million years ago, it collided with other cosmic bodies. A strong collision led to fragmentation and the formation of a secondary body, which, in turn, was also fragmented. The fact of the collision is confirmed by jadeite - a greenish mineral, which is part of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. It is formed only at high temperatures and pressure, a bit like jade, a mineral used to make jewelry.

Particularly enterprising residents of Chelyabinsk have repeatedly tried to sell fragments of the famous meteorite. How do you feel about this behavior?

Scientists, in principle, have a negative attitude towards this type of fraud and urge all people who find meteorites to submit them for research. So, fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite must first be given to the Chelyabinsk State University. Also in Moscow, at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, there is a committee on meteorites. It must be understood that scientists always have the opportunity to obtain some valuable information about meteorites. Any such finds are of scientific interest to us, and the state is ready to pay for them.

- Which of the meteorites that fell in Russia is considered the most mysterious?

Perhaps Tunguska. There was no debris left of it, so no one knows for sure what this meteorite was. I can assume that it was a meteorite of primitive ice composition. A sharp heating in the Earth's atmosphere led to a thermal explosion. If you remember, this explosion was accompanied by a powerful glow. It was as strong as in a nuclear explosion. Until now, there is an assumption that it was not a meteorite, but a nuclear explosion. But this is not the case, because no products of thermonuclear reactions were found in situ. You can learn more about the Tunguska meteorite, but for this you need to study a large area in the permafrost of the impenetrable taiga using highly sensitive equipment. It's pretty hard to organize. In addition, if any isotopes are found there, they must be studied immediately on the spot. It is very difficult to transport them. If it were possible to conduct a long-term expedition, we would learn something new about the Tunguska meteorite.

At the time of entry into the Earth's atmosphere, the Chelyabinsk meteorite weighed 13,000 tons and was the size of a seven-story building. Among the meteorites that fell in Russia, it became the largest after Tunguska. Scientists have found that the meteorite entered the atmosphere at a speed of 19 kilometers per second. Part of the fragments, approaching the Earth, collapsed and burned in the atmosphere. The shock wave was knocked out in many glass buildings and destroyed the cladding. About a thousand people received injuries of varying severity. The material damage to the region from the fall of the meteorite exceeded one billion rubles. The largest fragment of the meteorite became an exhibit of the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals. Anyone who wants to can touch it.

Most often, meteorites fall in Antarctica. According to experts, about 700 thousand of them are scattered on the mainland. The largest meteorite is called Goba, it was discovered in Namibia in 1920. Its weight exceeds 60 tons.

On the morning of February 15, at 9:30 local time, an explosion sounded in the sky over Chelyabinsk, which at first was mistaken for an aircraft explosion. A powerful flash was visible for many kilometers around. Great damage from the shock wave occurred at the Chelyabinsk zinc plant, where the wall of the warehouse collapsed and part of the glass was broken.

(19 photos of the meteorite fall in Chelyabinsk + 6 videos)

From the blast wave, 3,000 buildings were damaged on a vast territory: windows were broken, some structures and balconies collapsed. There are no dead. One way or another, about 1,000 people were injured in the explosion in six cities near Chelyabinsk.

People were left in residential buildings without windows, and on the street it was 15 degrees below zero, many received small cuts from fragments of the exploded object. Very soon it became known that the object was a meteorite that fell near the city of Satka, between Chelyabinsk and Ufa.

Scientists have expressed their opinion. Declaring that a meteor shower passed over Chelyabinsk. Immediately before the explosion, space observation instruments recorded activity in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

A source in the Ministry of Emergency Situations told Interfax about the recorded fall of an object, presumably a meteorite, which, when passing through the upper atmosphere, most likely broke into several pieces.

A flash in the sky over Chelyabinsk was observed by eyewitnesses in Yekaterinburg, which is located at a distance of two hundred kilometers from Chelyabinsk, in the Kurgan and Tyumen regions, as well as in neighboring Kazakhstan. Most likely, the meteorite fell into a reservoir near the city of Chebarkul. On the shore of the lake, located at a distance of a kilometer from the city, the place of the alleged fall was found: a funnel with a diameter of about 6 meters.

According to the latest data, the meteorite was small in size - only about 1 meter in diameter, and weighing several tons. Most likely, it consisted of iron. As a result of destruction in the atmosphere, a shock wave and radiation were formed, the fragments scattered over a long distance. The flash of the explosion was captured on video and shown to the media. There are air routes in the sky over Chelyabinsk, the planes in the air were not injured.

The official statement was made by the head of the Chelyabinsk administration in connection with an emergency - the fall of a meteorite and its fragments in the South Urals. He stated that, despite the serious damage at the zinc plant, there were no human casualties, and there was no threat of environmental danger. In the city's schools, the second shift was canceled by the decision of the administration, and employees of city enterprises were advised not to come to their workplaces until the afternoon of Friday, February 15.

In the city after the explosion of a meteorite, cellular communication does not work. NASA specialists estimated the impact power of the meteorite at three hundred kilotons of TNT, which exceeds the power of the bomb exploded over Hiroshima by twenty times. Such an incident happened for the first time in Russia.

On February 15, 2013, a meteor shower hit the Chelyabinsk region. At 9:20 local time, a meteorite exploded in the sky, 30-50 km from Earth. The shock wave knocked out windows in houses, hospitals, kindergartens, schools. Shop windows burst. Fragments of the meteorite damaged buildings.

More than 1,000 people turned to hospitals with cuts and bruises, some of them were hospitalized in serious condition. According to the stories of the inhabitants, at first a trace appeared in the sky, as if from a jet plane, and then “the sun shone”.

“I taught a physical education lesson in a kindergarten and saw a white streak in the sky in the window, and then there was a bright flash,” Lyudmila Belkova, a resident of Chelyabinsk, told Gazeta.Ru. —

I shouted to the children: lie down on the floor! Close your eyes! And then another five or six explosions. One of the kids looked up, but I yelled for them to close their eyes.”

The shock wave was very hot, residents said. And in the mouth, even a few hours after the explosion, there was a metallic taste. Although the explosion occurred over the Chelyabinsk region, it was so bright that it was visible from the Sverdlovsk region and even from the Tyumen region. Part of the fragments of the meteorite fell on Chelyabinsk. The zinc plant was damaged - a fragment fell on its roof, broke it. Pieces of bricks littered the roadway.

In total, almost 7 thousand apartment buildings, 740 schools, 290 hospitals and clinics, 69 cultural and sports buildings were damaged in the Chelyabinsk region. The head estimated the damage from the fall of the meteorite at almost half a billion rubles.

To search for fragments of the meteorite, there were about 20 thousand rescuers. Soon, fragments of a meteorite were found, two in the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, and one more in Zlatoustovsky. At the site of the alleged fall of a meteorite fragment near Lake Chebarkul, in the vicinity of the city of the same name, about 80 km from Chelyabinsk, the military discovered a funnel with a diameter of about six meters. The radiation background at the funnel was normal.

When it became known that the funnel was not dangerous, local residents moved towards it en masse.

Many of them went for fragments as a keepsake, fragments of a meteorite were put up for sale at online auctions at a price of up to 100 thousand rubles per fragment. To avoid the export of fragments from the country, I even had to connect.

Even the Chelyabinsk CJSC Patent Group tried to make money on meterite by filing applications for registration of trademarks Mysterious meteorite, Ural meteorite and Chebarkul meteorite.

An online survey of the population was conducted for this purpose. Thousands of people have described what they saw and heard when the meteorite appeared.

“Already intermediate processing gave new facts that eluded numerous photo and video cameras: several dozen independent witnesses indicated that during the flight of the car they heard a hiss, often comparing it with sparklers, and more than fifty people simply reported sounds without a detailed description . It was a few minutes before the arrival of the shock wave,” one of the organizers of the survey, astronomer Stanislav Korotkiy, told Gazeta.Ru. “Since sound waves cannot travel distances of tens of kilometers in fractions of a second, this phenomenon must have a different nature.”

A little more than a week later, 2/3 of the damaged buildings were restored - glass was inserted, the walls were restored. And new fragments of the meteorite continued to be found. There were also large pieces, the size of a fist, but mostly small ones. During the first month, we managed to collect about 3.5 kg of fragments. But the biggest find was yet to come.

In the autumn of 2013, it was lifted from Lake Chebarkul with a mass of 654 kg.

When lifting from the lake and weighing, it split into several parts, as a result, it was decided to consider the largest surviving fragment weighing 540 kg as the main fragment. Subsequently, scientists clarified that it actually is 473 kg.

Analysis of the fragments showed that the meteorite belongs to the class of ordinary chondrites LL5 (the least common group of ordinary chondrites, with a total iron content of 19-22% and only 0.3-3% of metallic iron), is characterized by the shock fraction S4 (traces of moderate impact of shock waves) and degree of weathering W0 (no visible traces of oxidation). With the help of isotopic analysis, it was possible to find out that it is almost the same age as the Universe, its age was 4.56 billion years.

Czech scientists calculated that it was 500 kilotons of TNT, which is 12 times more powerful than the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima. They also believe that it was once one with the 2.2-kilometer near-Earth asteroid 999NC43, and then broke away from it.

British researchers determined that at the time of the flyby, the meteorite reached its peak brightness, 30 times the brightness of the Sun. Moreover, in their opinion, the number of meteorites potentially dangerous for the Earth, like Chelyabinsk, is actually 10 times higher than previously thought.

A, a senior researcher at the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, and colleagues found that the speed of the meteorite was 19 kilometers per second, its size was 18-20 meters, and its mass was 1.3 * 10 7 kilograms.

In the scientific community, interest in the event was enormous: the conference hall of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, where the first scientific reports on the meteorite were listened to, experienced such a stir in recent years, except perhaps only in the summer of 2012 at a report on the discovery of the Higgs boson.

In Russia, the Chelyabinsk meteorite has become a household name - many celestial bodies approaching the Earth are compared with it. In 2014, he was dedicated to "The Universe with a light touch ...", released by the Chelyabinsk Museum of Local Lore, and a triptych by the Ural painter. Numerous recordings of the meteorite fall, made by video recorders, spread over the Internet and gave rise to many jokes and questions abroad about why so many Russians have cameras in their cars.

Fragments of the meteorite are stored in the Chelyabinsk Museum of Local Lore. According to the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Chelyabinsk State University (ChelSU) Alexander Dudorov, today it is known that up to 95% of the meteorite fragments found on earth, "went around," including foreigners, which complicates their study.

14.02.2014, 13:48 (24.07.2016 17:06)

"A maser (quantum generator) is a device that uses artificially held atoms in an excited energy state, thereby achieving amplification of radio signals."
This little thing on a white pillow is not at all like Tesla transformers, and its principle of operation is completely different, but it is it that allows you to transfer the energy of electromagnetic radiation in a concentrated form.

We will not bore you with the technical details of the processes taking place in these devices, we only note that the military used this invention first of all, and combat lasers were created already in the 80s of the 20th century. They work in the infrared range, the combat laser beam is invisible.

Type in the search engine "combat lasers" and you will learn a lot about this topic. For example: " MIRACL (Mid Infra-Red Advanced Chemical Laser) - laser: gas dynamic, based on DF (deuterium fluoride). power: 2.2 MW. in December 1997, it was tested as a weapon against satellites. used in the civil project HELLO - High-Energy Laser Light Opportunity.
LATEX (Laser Associe a une Tourelle Experimentale) - 1986, an attempt to create a 10 MW laser. France.
MAD (Mobile Army Demonstrator) - 1981. laser: gas dynamic, based on DF (deuterium fluoride). power: 100 kW. the army stopped funding before receiving the promised capacity of 1.4 MW.
UNFT (Unified Navy Field Test Program, San Juan Capistrano, California) - 1978. laser: gas dynamic, based on DF (deuterium fluoride). power: 400 kW. during the tests, the BGM-71 Tow ATGM was shot down. was shot down in flight by a UH-1 Cobra in 1980.

This is not a searchlight, this is a combat laser, which army, guess for yourself.

However, let's return once again to the film shown on RTR, it was also said there about the earthly energy unknown to anyone, which is subject to either local shamans or Tesla's genius, it is difficult to understand, in short, this energy splashed out of the earth and stopped the heavenly invasion. And the shamans, according to the authors and participants of the film, foresaw the future and, according to eyewitness accounts, a month before the disaster they said that there would be a big fire. You do not need to be a seer and a predictor to guess this. Any taiga hunter knows what swamp gas is and that it burns and sometimes explodes. And even more so, it was known to shamans, the keepers of local customs, knowledge and traditions. If methane, which is odorless and colorless, could go unnoticed, then sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, satellites of natural gas deposits, have a distinct smell and accumulate in lowlands, since they are heavier than air. And this must have been noticed by the locals, since, as we already wrote about it, the gas eruption continued for a whole year.

Fast forward from Podkamennaya Tunguska to Chelyabinsk. Here, too, another miracle happened. "Meteorite" appeared and disappeared, there are only some small pebbles. We immediately did not like the version of the "meteorite", and we began our investigation. After reviewing many videos posted by eyewitnesses on the Internet, we determined the exact location and height of the explosion, and most importantly, the direction of the "sky wanderer" flight and its trajectory.

The bolide exploded before flying 5-7 kilometers to the village of Pervomaisky, 35 km from the center of Chelyabinsk. Here is a video taken by the brave Chelyabinsk guys, who were almost at the epicenter of the explosion and, not at a loss, turned on the video camera immediately after the flash, as evidenced by the still luminous plume. Freeze frame of the first second of the video. Please note that the plume is located vertically, which means that the observer was under a flying fireball.

The desperate guys Sanya, Vitya, Seryoga and Yurka, not afraid of a blinding flash, continued to shoot without dropping the camera from their hands, and at the moment when the shock wave came, though they did it more chaotically.

At 25 seconds, the shockwave came, just as the author of the video pointed the lens at himself to introduce himself. Then you can see how the operator loses full control over what is happening and the camera itself shoots whatever is horrible.

Despite the hard impact of the blast wave, Yurka did not drop the camera from his hands and continued to shoot. 27 second recording.

Remember this frame, the loop on the train, it will come in handy in our investigation. It is located directly above the observers.

Thanks to this video recording, we were able to determine the distance from the operator to the epicenter of the explosion, and then the height of the explosion.

We also found another video shot by employees of the Pervomaiskaya CHPP, it clearly shows that the car flew right over the CHPP building (vertical pipes and a vertical plume), destroying the wall while grinding coal, one of the CHPP workers who ran out into the street shouts about it.

The beginning of the plume, the explosion occurred behind the thermal power plant, in the place where the trail breaks off.

The end of the train, the unburned remains of the car flew towards Chebarkul. The photograph shows that it was one large fragment.

Where did the "Chelyabinsk meteorite" fly?

Well, the "scientists" were wrong again! In fact, the map shows the flight path of the largest fragment of a celestial body from the explosion site to the impact site. Using two cameras, they determined the place of the explosion and drew a line from it to an ice hole in Lake Chebarkul, where, presumably, something had fallen. But this is not true, since the explosion could change the trajectory of the fall of debris, scattering them over a large area and the real trajectory of the flight of the fireball must be sought differently (author's note).

Only great scientists can accurately calculate the trajectory from two surveillance cameras that are close to each other. We, based on our school knowledge in mathematics and physics, will use three points. We have already found one of them, located near the village of Pervomaisky (see above).

In order to most accurately determine the flight path of the fireball, it was necessary to find two more cameras located at a great distance from the explosion site. We were lucky, and we found videos made in Kustanai (Kazakhstan) 240 km and Kurgan 270 km from the explosion site.

In the picture from Kustanai, the car flies from right to left. And in the picture from Kurgan from left to right. Therefore, the flight path passed between these cities.

The closer the observer is to the inclined line, the greater the angle of its inclination to the horizon seems to be. Being directly under the inclined line, it will appear vertical to him.

Using the Google Earth program, we drew the exact flight path of the meteorite. You can check yourself.

We determine the angles of inclination of the plume to the horizon line, given that in Kurgan the surveillance camera is tilted, so we draw the horizon line along the roof ridge. And in Kustanai we will take into account the slope of the video recorder, drawing a vertical axis parallel to the poles. It turned out in Kurgan 38.3 °, and in Kustanai 31.6 °. Consequently, the trajectory passed closer to Kurgan. Let's move on to construction. From the point marked by us, near the village of Pervomaisky, we draw two lines, one to Kurgan (blue), the other to Kustanai (green) and measure the distances. Then, on the line Kurgan - Pervomaisky, we set aside a distance equal to the distance from Pervomaisky to Kustanai. From this point we will draw an auxiliary line to Kustanay and measure it. Next, we divide this line in the proportion 38.3° / 31.6° = 1.21 and set aside the resulting segments (green and orange) on this line in order to determine the point over which the bolide's flight path passed between Kustanai and Kurgan. Now we draw a straight line through the village of Pervomaisky and the point we found, this is the real flight path of the celestial body, in the picture it is yellow. We hope you get the same picture:

Let's take a closer look at the place of the explosion and the fall of the fireball.

The flight path of the fireball over the villages of Pervomaisky and Timiryazevsky.

Place of fall, Timiryazevsky, Chebarkul and Miass ..

We found another video taken by the DVR of a car moving perpendicular to the trajectory of the car (see freeze-frames below). According to it, we determined the angle at which the celestial body fell to the earth. Let us remind once again that the true angle of inclination of the plume to the horizon will be the minimum observable, located perpendicular to the trajectory, in all other angles the angle will be greater than the true one. It is 13.3° (see image below). Sin 13.3° = 0.23. From here the path that the body must fly after the explosion, is equal to 8.58: 0.23 = 37,3 km. The distance from the place of impact to the epicenter of the explosion will be 8.58: Tg 13.3° = 8.58: 0.236 = 36.4 km. The calculated drop point is located between the village of Timiryazevsky and Chebarkul, along the trajectory. Without a doubt, fragments of the body scattered by the explosion over a large area.

The same camera shows the moment when the glow of the fireball starts (24 seconds of recording), and the time of the climax of the explosion (30 seconds of recording).

23 seconds, clear skies.

24 seconds, a luminous dot appeared.

30 seconds, the beginning of the explosion.

34 seconds, climax.

35 seconds, the end of the explosion.

38 seconds, everything burned down.

Based on this video recording, we calculate the height at which the glow began (24 seconds) and the average speed of the body in the period from the beginning of the glow to the culmination of the explosion (34 seconds). 10 seconds have passed. We already know the height of the explosion. Having made the necessary constructions, based on the similarity of the obtained right-angled triangles, we find: glow start height H=19.5 km,path, traversed from the beginning of the glow to the climax S= 47.5 km, time t=10 sec, respectively average body flight speed, υ=4.75 km/s = 4750 m/s. As you can see, this speed is less than the first cosmic speed (7900 m/s) required to put the body into the earth's orbit. This is another fact against the meteorite version.

And according to the following video recording (see below), you can determine the start time, the end of the glow of the body and the moment of the explosion with an accuracy of hundredths of a second. The camera of this video recorder is located almost opposite the previous one, to the left of the flight path of the fireball. Total glow time 15 seconds, time from the beginning of the glow to the explosion 10 seconds the values ​​are exactly the same as those of the previous DVR. As you can see, the flight speed can be calculated with great accuracy.

Of course, we doubted the declared power of the explosion, as well as the likelihood of a meteorite explosion in general. Can a stone meteorite explode, forming such a bright and powerful flash, and burn out, disappearing without a trace? Let's try to answer this question. Moreover, it is quite simple, you still remember the school physics course. Who does not remember, can look into the reference book from which we extracted the following formula:

F = c A ρ/2 υ²

Where F- aerodynamic drag force, it will impede the movement of the body, and put pressure on its surface, warming it up.

For simplicity, we will make the calculation with certain assumptions that do not significantly affect the result, experts will forgive us.

Let's take the diameter of a stone meteorite equal to D = 3 meters, you will understand later why.

A- body cross-sectional area, A=π D²/4= 7 m²; c is a coefficient depending on the shape of the body, for simplicity we will consider it spherical, the value from the table, c = 0.1; ρ - air density, at a height of 11 km it is four times less, and at a height of 20 km it is 14 times less than normal, for calculations we will reduce it by 7 times, ρ = 1.29/7 = 0.18; and υ is the speed of the body, υ=4750 m/sec.

F = 0.1 7 0.18: 2 4750² = 1421438 N

When entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, the surface of the body will be pressure air is less than:

R= F/A = 1421438: 7 = 203063 N/m = 0.203 MPa, (since the cross-sectional area, 7 m², is significantly less than the area of ​​half the surface of the ball, 14.1 m²). Any builder will tell you that even the worst brick or concrete block will not collapse from such pressure, you can see for yourself by looking at the building guide, the compressive strength of clay bricks is 3-30 MPa, depending on the quality. When a brick falls from space, only its surface will be destroyed, heated by the resisting air and cooled by it. The heating energy can approximately be calculated by the formula: W = F · S, where S is the distance traveled. And the heat that flies away with the air flowing onto the brick is calculated by the formula: Q=α · A · t · ∆T; where α=5.6+4υ; А= 14.1 m² - surface area, in our case half of the ball surface, t=10sec - flight time, ∆T=2000° - temperature difference between the body surface and the incoming air. We suggest you do these calculations yourself, and we will calculate power required to move in the stream according to the formula:

P\u003d c A ρ / 2 υ³ \u003d 0.1 7 0.18: 2 4750³ \u003d 6.75 10 9 W
Energy is released in ten seconds of flight equal to:

W\u003d P t \u003d 6.75 10 9 10 \u003d 67.5 10 9 J
And dissipate in space in the form of heat :

Q=α A t ∆T = (5.6 +4 4750) 14.1 10 2000 = 5.36 10 9 J
Remaining energy: 67.5 10 9 – 3.5 10 9 = 62.14 10 9 J, will go to heat the car.

She might be enough to blow him up, but completely not enough, for this stone to burn, evaporating in the air. In TNT equivalent, this energy is equal to 14.85 tons of TNT. 1 ton of TNT \u003d 4.184 10 9 J. The energy of the explosion of the nuclear bomb "Kid" over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, according to various estimates, is from 13 to 18 kilotons of TNT, that is, a thousand times more.
"We literally just finished the study, we confirm that the particles of matter found by our expedition (Ural Federal University) in the area of ​​Lake Chebarkul really have a meteorite nature. This meteorite belongs to the class of ordinary meteorite, it is a stone meteorite with an iron content of about 10%. Most likely, it will be given the name "Chebarkul meteorite," Viktor Grokhovsky, a member of the RAS Committee on Meteorites, quotes RIA Novosti.
Calculate the energy released if chondrite with a diameter of 3 meters hit about the earth.

W\u003d m υ² / 2 \u003d 31.6 10³ 4750²: 2 \u003d 356.5 10 9 J, this is equivalent to 85.2 tons of TNT.

m \u003d V ρ \u003d 14.14 2.2 \u003d 31.6 tons, the mass of the ball. ρ=2.2 tons/m³ - chondrite density.

V \u003d 4 π r³ / 3 \u003d 4 3.14 1.5³: 3 \u003d 14.13 m³, the volume of the ball.

As you can see, this power clearly does not reach the kilotons announced in the media.
"The total amount of released energy according to NASA amounted to about 500 kilotons in TNT equivalent, according to RAS estimates - 100-200 kilotons».
← “They went completely crazy, 15 kilotons exploded over Hiroshima, and there was no wet place left from it, and what would happen to Chelyabinsk with such an explosion power” (author's note).

We decided to calculate the explosion power of 30 tons of high-energy hydrocarbon fuel, for example, gasoline, although, of course, gasoline is not carried in rockets.
An explosion of 30 tons of gasoline will release energy equal to:
Q\u003d m H \u003d 30 10³ 42 10 6 \u003d 1.26 10 12 J, which is equivalent to 300 tons of TNT, and this is more like the power of the explosion in Chelyabinsk.

Why did we think about the rocket? Yes, because everything that was reported in the media and what we actually saw on the screens did not coincide at all. The plume was similar in color and shape to a jet engine contrail rather than a meteor.


trace of the "Chelyabinsk meteorite"

meteorite fall in Peru

Real meteorites do not have heat-resistant fairings and hot particles torn from their surface by an oncoming air flow should leave a fiery trail behind the falling body.

The inclination of the trajectory was not as advertised, 20°, but actually 13°, and is more suitable for a body falling from near-Earth orbit, rather than bursting from the depths of space. Explosion height, judging by the shape of the loop, clearly did not correspond to the declared one. And in fact, as the calculations showed, it turned out to be equal to 8.58 km and not 30-50 km. In addition, they spoke somehow vaguely about the flight path of the "meteorite", it flew in Tyumen and in Kazakhstan and in Bashkiria, in short flew around half the country, and fell in Chelyabinsk. And most importantly, having not yet found the fragments of the “celestial body”, they declared it a meteorite, and it was absolute stupidity - they called it a symbol of the Krasnoyarsk forum. A good symbol, the millionth city and the surrounding villages ended up with broken windows in the cold, thousands of people suffered.

That is why we undertook an independent investigation of the incident. Of course, our calculations are very approximate, and the arguments we give may seem dubious and controversial to you, it is difficult for us to resist the informational pressure of the media ourselves, but we did not find mathematics and physics exact sciences and errors in our calculations. And to convince you of the plausibility, we present our assumptions and calculations Ultima ratio(the last argument), which shocked us too. After we discovered THIS IS, we have no doubt that "Chelyabinsk Meteorite" was sent towards Russia by someone's evil will.

After plotting the flight path of the fireball (yellow line), we, out of curiosity, extended it beyond the place where the body fell ( Red line). We were amazed, she walked right through Moscow, having enlarged the image, we were even more amazed, the red line rested directly on Kremlin center, and it's already can't be a coincidence. You can see for yourself.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite flew there.

And here o should have fallen.

You may have an objection: the round hole found on Lake Chebarkul (the place where a large fragment fell) does not coincide with the trajectory laid by us. The answer is simple.

The only whole fragment of an exploded and burned-out rocket could only be the fairing - the most durable and heat-resistant part of the rocket. " The fairings are so strong that they can only be cut with diamond blades. The head part heats up to 2200 degrees.
After the explosion, he somersaulted in the air, forming a loop on the plume (there was another small flash in this place), and flew on. Due to its aerodynamic shape (hemisphere), having lost speed, it glided vertically onto the lake, as children's flying saucers do, and, having melted the ice, went under water, crumbling into small pieces from impact and a large temperature difference.
"On the one hand, ceramics are fragile. If you hit it with a hammer, it will shatter. On the other hand, it can be affected simultaneously when heated to one and a half thousand degrees," said Vladimir Vikulin, director general of NPP Tekhnologiya. Therefore, a round hole was left in the ice. A stone flying at an angle of 13° would form an oval hole in the ice, elongated along the trajectory.

The video, filmed from the roof of one of the houses from Chelyabinsk, clearly shows that there was more than one explosion. You can also see fragments of the fireball flying out during the explosions.

It may seem to someone that they flew forward and upward, but this is not so. Imagine: the observer looks from below, and the car flies on an inclined path, moving away from the observer. This is easy to understand by taking two pencils in your hand, perpendicular to each other, looking at them slightly from below. All fragments flew to the right of the fireball's trajectory, therefore, the remaining part received an impulse to the left. Therefore, the rest of the rocket (fairing), deviating to the left of the original trajectory, fell directly into the lake.

Another argument confirming our version of the stones in the rocket is the fact that the stones that the searchers find lie in the snow, almost on the surface, which indicates that they had a low temperature when they fell. That is, they were not heated by friction against the air and the explosion, as would happen with a real meteorite, but were slightly heated at the time of the explosion, since the container with the stones was in the bow, which was least exposed to the thermal effects of the explosion. The pictures clearly show how the fireball was torn apart by the blast wave into two parts and the front one, by inertia, flew forward and went out faster than the fuel that burned out and was thrown off by the blast wave. That is why a gap 3-5 kilometers long appeared on the plume.

And look again at the train.

It is clearly seen that a volumetric body was flying, carrying with it the remnants of burning fuel and combustion products.

And in this place the fuel burned out, and the luminous hot body (rocket fairing) continued to fly, this is clearly seen in the video:

You can find many more details confirming our version, but it is already clear that the official statements about the meteorite do not hold water.

This case is not similar to the invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization, their shot would definitely hit the target, besides, the Kremlin was not seen in connection with aliens. But the Americans are hiding something about little green men.

We have many versions explaining this fact, for example: Islamic terrorists loaded a rocket with stones and sent it to Moscow to simulate a meteorite falling on the Kremlin, as a symbol of heavenly punishment (it is difficult to find terrorists). Option number two: high-ranking Russian officials and oligarchs are taking revenge for being deprived of the opportunity to have real estate and bank accounts abroad (those who were not in Moscow that day are under suspicion). The third option: international currency speculators and financiers decided to make money again, big, once again, bringing down the market, destabilizing the situation in the world (they can be calculated if you find the place where the rocket was fired from). US business activity indices are at the maximum of the third wave, which will overwhelm and turn the entire world economy. So friends, merge shares and go to cash and do not forget to thank us for the information, put some money in the wallet, how much is not a pity. And subscribe to our magazine, as we have not told you the main thing yet.

We can only guess who threw a stone at Russia, we have no means to find out, the maps show that the trace of the trajectory leads to the Pacific Ocean.

All our assumptions seem fantastic and we are ready to sell them as an idea for a script for another cool action movie.

By the way, the version of the rocket with stones is very plausible. The error in pitch (height) was due to the fact that during the transition to horizontal flight, the stones, which were not covered tightly, poured into the container in bulk, and, having shifted the center of gravity, changed the rocket's flight path. And this was not taken into account by ballistics. We noticed the deviation late, turned on the main engines (the luminous dot on the video appeared suddenly), when the rocket had already begun to descend.

Other scenarios for the development of events in the Chelyabinsk region are also possible, and it was not in vain that we mentioned lasers at the beginning of the article. We invite you to imagine the further course of our thoughts.

Frankly, we were hesitant to post this information online, it seems unbelievably cruel. But there is a lot of evil in the world, and the governments of most countries are not able to cope with it, but rather contribute to its multiplication. Therefore, we decided that everyone should take care of their own safety and well-being.

Don't take our word for it, do your own research, maybe we were wrong after all.

If the end of the world did not happen and the Chelyabinsk meteorite did not hit you, this does not mean at all that all the dangers are behind. They are all ahead. And soon you will know about them. Happiness and prosperity to you.

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© All rights to texts and images that are not provided with links to sources belong to the author.

When quoting or otherwise using information from this site, references to the source are required.

pure chance

After that, Berezovsky, purely by chance, declares war on Kuchma.
And then, purely by chance, the poorest of the oligarchs (last on the list of Russian billionaires)

The apotheosis of this war was decisive, and after the loss remained. Everything was calculated, and only pure chance prevented the implementation of grandiose plans.

Early February; purely coincidental, the Russian and US markets are at regular highs.

At the same time, purely by chance:
BUT , accidentally ending up 4,000 kilometers from Moscow. And after the explosion over Chelyabinsk, he will accidentally report:
The consequences were not long in coming, suddenly, by chance, quite prosperous Cyprus finds itself in the very center of an economic storm that has flown from no one knows where. And by chance, the dirty money of Russian oligarchs, including Berezovsky, was kept in Cypriot banks.

At the same time, quite by accident, the Russian government and Russian banks are drawn into the crisis.

Following this, the disgraced oligarch, purely by chance, locked himself in his bathroom in an empty house in order to die of a heart attack. And after all that happened, purely by chance, next to him, the police found not a terry towel, but a long scarf, saying that there had been an accident.

After this incredible chain of accidents, a rocket filled with stones flying into the Moscow Kremlin no longer seems like an improbable option.

If by pure chance you are related to the film industry, then we are ready to sell this true story as an idea for the script of the next action movie.

Many events seem random to us only because their internal relationships are not visible. If, nevertheless, someone sees paranoia in this tangled story, then we are not to blame, such is the world in which we live.

In connection with everything that is happening, our forecast for the future is not optimistic, the US market is at the very top and will soon begin to fall. And oil is too expensive, and will become cheaper, because to hide that oil and gas, renewable resource no more will be possible. If you want to know why, subscribe to our magazine.

P. S. Purely by chance, after the fall of the "stone meteorite" (as the media say)

This magazine is not an official information resource or media outlet.

© All rights to texts and images that are not provided with links to sources belong to the author.

When quoting or otherwise using information from this site, references to the source are required.

The explosion of the "Chelyabinsk meteorite", the epicenter

We took advantage of this offer to check our calculations.

Combining the photo image taken from the American meteorological satellite belonging to the US Air Force and the projection of the fireball's flight path to the ground calculated by us (red line), using the coordinate grid, we obtained the following results. The train from the car shown in the photo and the track calculated by us matched perfectly. This is evidenced by a point located at ground level, indicated in the image as “Fragment Location”, which exactly fell on the red line of the projection of the flight path of the car on the ground. The tail shift in the image is caused by parallax. The higher the point belonging to the plume is from the ground, the farther its image will be from the projection line.

"Meteorite Chelyabinsk-Moscow", a picture from the American military satellite DMSP F-16.

"Meteorite Chelyabinsk-Moscow", a picture from the American military satellite DMSP F-16.

The swirl of the end of the plume marked with yellow arrows is not caused by a change in flight direction, but by the strongest wind that was recorded in that place by the same satellite, at an altitude of 50 km it was 100 m/s (see graph BUT below).

We agree with the direction of the projection of the track on the ground (Corrected ground track), calculated by American scientists, it completely coincides with our trajectory. It is difficult to draw otherwise:


But the angle of inclination of the trajectory to the horizon, the height of the explosion, the dimensions of the fireball and the power of the explosion given in the work raise doubts for us, besides, these parameters contradict the images published in it, we will explain why. See for yourself.

At an inclination angle of 18.5°, the height of the explosion, where the main energy release occurred, will be 31.8 km (Turret point), and the beginning of the glow - the end of the trail (Begin point) is at an altitude of 89 km. We, as usual, so as not to be unfounded, have found for you a graph of the distribution of atmospheric temperature with respect to height.
According to data from different , this is confirmed by Fig.1. and schedule AT(see above), the temperature from a height of 10 km increases from -70° to 0° at a height of 90 km reaches its minimum of -90°.

Now look at the picture a) Infrared, this is a photograph of the plume, taken in the infrared spectrum, it clearly shows the temperature distribution along the height. The dark tail corresponds to warm air; as it descends, the plume becomes lighter, which indicates a decrease in temperature. At the Turret point, the place where the explosion ejected cold air upwards, a temperature of -67.15° was recorded.

If the body were flying at an angle of 18.5 degrees, then the tail of the track located at an altitude of 89 km would be lighter than the lower part, since this altitude (see Fig. 1.) corresponds to a temperature of -70 °. As you can see, this is not the case. The gradient temperature distribution in the plume in the image, with a smooth decrease from warmer to colder air, indicates that the Begin point (end of the tail) is at the height with the highest temperature. In accordance with Fig.1. this is 50 km, and such a tail height corresponds to a trajectory inclination angle of 13°.

Now about the height at which the explosion occurred. The tower (point Turret) was formed from the cold air ejected by the reverse wave, and its temperature of -67.15 ° corresponds to an altitude of 8-15 km, and not 31.8 km. For this to happen, the body had to explode under a layer of cold air, or at least inside it, and this confirms our calculated . The video clearly shows how the plume was first torn apart by the explosion,

then the resulting vacuum bubble collapsed,

pushing the incoming cold air up, towards the lowest pressure, resulting in a loop on the plume and a tower (Turret).

Note the series of images taken by the Geostationary Multifunctional Transport Satellite (140°E).

Using them, you can accurately determine the height of the end of the train (the Begin point). This is not difficult to do if you have not forgotten the trigonometry lessons. To give you an idea of ​​how high (GSO) is, we drew a 3D picture for you using the SolidWorks program. With the help of the same program, the radius L=6283 km for the GSO was calculated.

The solid angle at which the earth is visible from the GSO is limited by the conical surface generatrix, which is a tangent drawn from the satellite to the earth's surface. The boundary of the base of the cone is the limb - the visible edge of the disk of the earth. The diameter of the limb is always less than the diameter of the planet. The height of an object that is strictly vertical above the limb (to the surface of the earth) can be easily determined from photographs, since the measured height, taking into account the scale, will be the real height.

Let's remember school lessons on trigonometry and look at the following picture:

In order to determine where the limb for the Multifunctional Transport Satellite 140°E is, we need to calculate the length of the arc (in red) from the visible edge of the earth (point D) to point N on the earth's surface, which is on the BC line vertically below the satellite (nadir). We know the average GSO height h=35 786 km, the average radius of the earth R=6371 km and the already calculated limb radius (L) Rlimb=6283 km. Triangles ABC and BCD are rectangular, BD is both height and radius, therefore, cosβ=BD/BC=6371/(6371+35786)=0.151126, respectively β=arccosβ=81.308°, hence the arc length DN=π Dз β/360=3.14 12742 81.308/360=9036.45 km.

Again, let's use the program and determine where the earth's limb visible from the Multifunctional Transport Satellite 140°E falls, for this, from the point with coordinates 0°, 140°E, we will set aside a segment with a length of 9036.45 in the direction of the alleged explosion site.

As can be seen from the figure, the blue arc reaches the end of the trail (the Begin point), therefore, this point will be located directly above the limb. Let's make a reservation that, taking into account the inaccuracy of measuring the distance of 100 km, the error in calculating the height of the object will be 800-900 meters as a result.

We also note that the direction of the arc almost coincides with the direction of the object's flight, and from the satellite it was possible to observe not only the fall trajectory, but the entire flight.

And now proceed directly to the measurement of height. To do this, take a photograph from the Multifunctional Transport Satellite 140°E b):

Let's process it in Adobe Photoshop, changing the contrast and levels so that the surface of the earth becomes clearly visible, and put three points (red) on it.

We load the resulting image into the program and build an arc using the three points already plotted. The program itself will determine the radius of this arc, and will issue subsequent dimensions on the scale of the arc.

The visually visible inaccuracy in the construction of the arc causes an error in calculating the height of 1-2 km. We cannot take into account the geometric distortions introduced by the optics; moreover, when applying the coordinate grid, we made sure that they are minimal.

MOSCOW, February 14 - RIA Novosti. A year ago, on February 15, 2013, the inhabitants of the southern Urals witnessed a cosmic catastrophe - the fall of an asteroid, which was the first such event in history that caused serious damage to people.

In the first moments, the inhabitants of the region spoke about the explosion of an "incomprehensible object" and strange flashes. Scientists have been studying this event for a whole year, what they managed to find out at this point - read in the RIA Novosti review.

What was it?

A rather ordinary space body fell in the Chelyabinsk region. Events of this magnitude occur once every 100 years, and according to some sources, even more often, up to five times a century. Scientists believe that bodies about ten meters in size (about half the size of the Chelyabinsk body) enter the Earth's atmosphere about once a year, but this happens most often over the oceans or over sparsely populated regions. Such bodies explode and burn at high altitude without causing any harm.

The size of the Chelyabinsk asteroid before the fall was about 19.8 meters, and the mass was from 7 thousand to 13 thousand tons. According to scientists, in total, from 4 to 6 tons fell to the ground, that is, about 0.05% of the original mass. Of this amount, no more than 1 ton has been collected at the moment, taking into account the largest fragment weighing 654 kilograms, lifted from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul.

Geochemical analysis showed that the Chelyabinsk space object belongs to the type of ordinary chondrites of the LL5 class. Chondrites are one of the most common types of stony meteorites, about 87% of all meteorites found are of this type. They are distinguished by the presence in the thickness of rounded millimeter-sized grains - chondrules, which consist of a partially melted substance.

Expert: the largest fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite weighs 654 kgThe exact weight of the largest fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which was taken from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul in mid-October 2013, was 654 kg, the director of the company that performed the operation to lift the meteorite told reporters.

Data from infrasound stations indicate that the power of the explosion that occurred at the moment of sharp deceleration of the Chelyabinsk asteroid at an altitude of about 90 kilometers ranged from 470 to 570 kilotons of TNT equivalent - this is 20-30 times more powerful than the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima, but more than ten times less than the explosion power at the time of the Tunguska disaster (from 10 to 50 megatons).

What made this fall unique was the place and the time. This is the first case in history of a large meteorite falling in a densely populated area, so the fall of a meteorite has never caused such serious damage - 1.6 thousand people turned to doctors, 112 were hospitalized, windows were broken in 7.3 thousand buildings.

Thanks to this, scientists have received a huge amount of data about the event - this is the best documented meteorite fall. As it turned out later, one of the video cameras even captured the moment the largest fragment fell into Lake Chebarkul.

Where did this come from?

Chelyabinsk asteroid in the past could have been very close to the SunScientists from the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy have found that some fragments of the fireball bear traces of melting and crystallization processes that took place long before this body fell to Earth.

Scientists answered this question almost immediately: from the main asteroid belt of the solar system, the region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where the trajectories of many small bodies pass. The orbits of some of them, in particular, the asteroids of the Apollo or Aten group, are elongated and can cross the earth's orbit.

Due to the fact that the flight of the Chelyabinsk fireball was recorded on a lot of videos and photographs, including satellite ones, astronomers were able to quite accurately reconstruct its trajectory, and then try to continue this line back through the atmosphere in order to plot the orbit of this body.

Attempts to restore the trajectory of the Chelyabinsk body before the collision with the Earth were made by different groups of astronomers. Their calculations showed that the semi-major axis of the orbit of the Chelyabinsk asteroid was about 1.76 astronomical units (the average radius of the Earth's orbit), the perihelion (the point of the orbit closest to the Sun) was at a distance of 0.74 units, and the aphelion (the most distant point) was 2 .6 units.

With this data in hand, scientists tried to find the Chelyabinsk asteroid in the catalogs of previously discovered small bodies. It is known that many already discovered asteroids are “lost” again after some time, and some of them are discovered twice. Scientists did not rule out that the Chelyabinsk object belonged to such "lost" bodies.

Scientists have found a new "parent" of the Chelyabinsk asteroidEarlier, Spanish astronomers selected another potential candidate for the role of the Chelyabinsk fireball among the asteroids known to scientists - in their opinion, a fragment of the asteroid 2011 EO40 could fall in the Urals.

His relatives

Although an exact match could not be found, scientists have found several possible "relatives" of the "Chelyabinsk". The group of Jiri Borovichka from the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, having calculated the trajectory of the Chelyabinsk body, found that it is very similar to the orbit of the 2.2-kilometer asteroid 86039 (1999 NC43). In particular, the semi-major axis of the orbit of both bodies is 1.72 and 1.75 astronomical units, the perihelion distance is 0.738 and 0.74.

Scientists do not know why fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite are of different colorsThe meteorite, subsequently named Chelyabinsk, fell on February 15, 2013. Scientists still cannot figure out why some meteorite fragments are completely dark, while others are light inside.

Fragments of the Chelyabinsk cosmic body that fell to the ground "told" scientists the story of his life. It turned out that the Chelyabinsk asteroid is the same age as the solar system. An analysis of the isotope ratio of lead and uranium showed that its age is about 4.45 billion years.

However, about 290 million years ago, the Chelyabinsk asteroid experienced a major catastrophe - a collision with another cosmic body. This is evidenced by dark veins in its thickness - traces of melting of the substance during a powerful blow.

At the same time, scientists believe that it was a very "fast" process. Traces of cosmic particles - tracks of iron nuclei - did not have time to melt, which means that the “accident” itself lasted no more than a few minutes, experts from the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences said.

At the same time, it is possible that traces of melting could have occurred during a too close approach of the asteroid to the Sun, scientists from the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy (IGM) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences believe.

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