Who has an incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart. What animals have a three-chambered heart? Physical data: external examination, palpation and listening

1. The complication of the circulatory system compared to reptiles is evidenced by

1. The presence of two atria in the heart

2. Formation of an incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart

3. The appearance of a three-chambered heart

4. Complete separation of venous and arterial blood

Explanation: reptiles have a three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle, because of which the blood mixes, two circles of blood circulation. Mammals have two ventricles (respectively, there is a complete septum between them), two circles of blood circulation and blood does not mix. The correct answer is 4.

2. Complex forms of behavior due to the presence of the cerebral cortex are manifested in

1. Reptiles

2. Pisces

3. Amphibians

4. Mammals

Explanation: complex forms of behavior associated with a developed cerebral cortex, characteristic of mammals. The correct answer is 4.

3. What part of the hearing organ of vertebrates develops only in mammals?

1. Middle ear cavity

2. Inner ear

3. Eustachian tube

4. Ear

Explanation: no class of animals, except mammals, has an auricle, but all other parts of the auditory analyzer do. The correct answer is 4.

4. An ordinary dolphin, plunging into the depths of the sea, consumes oxygen, which is contained in

1. Light

2. Body cavities

3. Air bags

4. Gill

Explanation: the dolphin is a secondary aquatic mammal, that is, the ancestors of the dolphin lived on land. And, like any other mammal, it has lungs in its respiratory system, which it breathes with. It has neither air sacs (like birds) nor gills (like fish) and air does not accumulate in body cavities either. The correct answer is 1.

5. Which vertebrates in the process of evolution first developed a three-chambered heart and lungs?

1. Reptiles

2. Birds

3. Amphibians

4. Pisces

Explanation: a three-chambered heart and lungs appeared in animals whose development is not associated with water, these are reptiles. The correct answer is 1.

6. In mammals, gas exchange occurs in

1. Tracheae

2. Bronchus

3. Larynx

4. Pulmonary vesicles

Explanation: mammals are the most highly organized animals and their gas exchange takes place in the pulmonary vesicles (alveoli). The correct answer is 4.

7. The heart of birds -

1. Four-chamber

2. Two-chamber

3. Three-chamber, with a septum in the stomach

4. Three-chamber, without a septum in the stomach

Explanation: birds are rather highly organized animals with intensive metabolism and warm-bloodedness, therefore their heart consists of four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The correct answer is 1.

8. Internal fertilization is typical for

1. Bony fish

2. Tailless amphibians

3. Tailed amphibians

4. Reptiles

Explanation: Internal fertilization is characteristic of organisms that do not require water to develop. Among these organisms are reptiles. The correct answer is 4.

9. An incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart appeared in the process of evolution in

1. Birds

2. Amphibians

3. Mammals

4. Reptiles

Explanation: birds have a four-chambered heart, that is, the septum between the ventricles is complete (as in mammals), in amphibians there is no septum at all, therefore the heart is three-chambered, and in reptiles an incomplete septum appears, but already in crocodiles it becomes full and their heart is four-chambered. The correct answer is 4.

10. Air sacs as part of the respiratory system are found in

1. Birds

2. Amphibians

3. Mammals

4. Reptiles

Explanation: air sacs are adaptations for flight, so they are part of the bird's respiratory system. The correct answer is 1.

11. The features that distinguish amphibians from other vertebrates include

1. Dissected limbs and differentiated spine

2. Heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle

3. Naked mucous skin and external fertilization

4. Closed circulatory system and two-chambered heart

Explanation: all vertebrates have dissected limbs and a differentiated spine, reptiles have a heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle, fish have a closed circulatory system and a two-chambered heart, and amphibians have bare skin and external fertilization. The correct answer is 3.

12. A high metabolic rate allows birds to

1. Take care of offspring

2. Lay eggs in nests

3. Eat plant foods

4. Expend a lot of energy during the flight

Explanation: a high metabolic rate is one of the adaptations for flying, so we choose to expend a lot of energy during the flight. The correct answer is 4.

13. One of the signs of the complication of birds and mammals compared to reptiles is

1. Division of the body into sections

2. Constant body temperature

3. Internal skeleton

4. Presence of organ systems

Explanation: birds and mammals, unlike all other animals, have a three-chambered heart and a constant body temperature. The correct answer is 2.

14. The highest level of metabolism is typical for

1. Bony fish

2. Arthropods

3. Amphibians

4. Mammals

Explanation: the highest level of metabolism is characteristic of the most highly organized group of animals. Among the presented answer options, the most progressive group are mammals. The correct answer is 4.

15. The mammary glands of mammals are modified glands.

1. Sweat

2. Sebaceous

3. Salivary

4. Endocrine

Explanation: mammary glands are glands of external secretion, originated from sweat glands (that is, they are modified sweat glands). The correct answer is 1.

16. Which of the following features first appeared in chordates?

1. Intestine

2. Nervous system

3. Circulatory system

4. Internal skeleton

Explanation: the vast majority of chordates have an internal bone skeleton (or cartilage), this is a progressive feature. The correct answer is 4.

Tasks for independent solution

1. In which of the following animals did the spine first appear in the process of evolution?

1. Lancelets

2. Arthropods

3. Amphibians

4. Pisces

The correct answer is 4.

2. Lancelet belongs to the group of animals

1. Invertebrates

2. Vertebrates

3. Skullless

4. Soft-bodied

The correct answer is 3.

3. Vertebrate animals with a three-chambered heart, closely related to the aquatic environment, are combined into a class

1. Reptiles

2. Lancetnikov

3. Amphibians

4. Cartilaginous fish

The correct answer is 3.

4. What kind of blood is supplied to the cells of the body of vertebrates?

1. Mixed

2. Venous

3. Arterial

4. Rich in carbon dioxide

The correct answer is 3.

5. Arterial blood in the heart does not mix with venous blood in

1. Most reptiles

2. Birds and mammals

3. Tailed amphibians

4. Tailless amphibians

The correct answer is 2.

6. What animals have an external skeleton made of chitin?

1. Bivalves

2. Turtles

3. Arthropods

4. Gastropods

The correct answer is 3.

7. What part of the brain is most developed in mammals?

1. Forebrain

2. Cerebellum

3. Midbrain

4. Diencephalon

The correct answer is 1.

8. In which of the listed groups of animals in the process of evolution did two atria first appear in the heart?

1. Reptiles

2. Pisces

3. Amphibians

4. Skullless

The correct answer is 3.

9. Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart, pulmonary and skin respiration, -

1. Amphibians

2. Cartilaginous fish

3. Mammals

4. Reptiles

The correct answer is 1.

10. Large and small circles of blood circulation have

1. Amphibians

2. Lancelets

3. Bony fish

4. Cartilaginous fish

The correct answer is 1.

11. Snakes are different from lizards

1. The presence of a horny cover

2. Feeding on live prey

3. Merged transparent eyelids

4. The ability to hide in holes

The correct answer is 3.

12. Dry skin with horny scales or scutes covering the body

1. Amphibians

2. Reptiles

3. Cartilaginous fish

4. Bony fish

The correct answer is 2.

13. Among vertebrates, the most complex structure of the circulatory and nervous systems are

1. Cartilaginous and bony fish

2. Tailed and tailless amphibians

3. Aquatic reptiles

4. Birds and mammals

The correct answer is 4.

14. What is the difference between higher mammals and marsupials?

1. The development of the coat

2. The duration of intrauterine development

3. Feeding offspring with milk

4. Internal fertilization

The correct answer is 2.

15. Bats navigate in flight using

1. Ultrasonics

2. Organs of vision

3. Organs of taste

4.UV rays

The correct answer is 1.

16. Snakes can swallow prey many times their body diameter thanks to

1. Flattened head and wide mouth

2. A small number of teeth and a voluminous stomach

3. High mobility of the jaw bones

4. Large head and body sizes

The correct answer is 3.

17. Birds differ from reptiles in terms of

1. The presence of yolk in the egg

2. Reproduction by eggs

3. Feeding offspring

4. Breeding on land

The correct answer is 3.

18. Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart and bare skin are classified as

1. Pisces

2. Mammals

3. Reptiles

4. Amphibians

The correct answer is 4.

19. Mammals can be distinguished from other vertebrates by the presence of

1. Hairline and auricles

2. Dry skin with horny scales

3. Claws and tail

4. Four limbs running type

The correct answer is 1.

20. The heart of a tadpole resembles a heart in structure

1. Pisces

2. Clam

3. Reptile

4. Adult amphibian

The correct answer is 1.

21. In non-cranial animals, the skeleton

1. Bone

2. Cartilaginous

3. Consists of chitin

4. Represented by a chord

The correct answer is 4.

22. Body cavity, mantle and shell have

1. Coelenterates

2. Shellfish

3. Clams

4. Arthropods

The correct answer is 3.

23. In the distribution of mammals by orders, the most important feature is

1. The nature of the cover of the body

2. The structure of the teeth

3. Habitat

4. Body shape

The correct answer is 2.

24. Bony fish, unlike cartilaginous,

1. Have paired fins

2. Covered in scales

3. Have swim bladders

4. They live in the depths of the ocean

The correct answer is 3.

25. The cells of the body are supplied with a large amount of oxygen in animals with

1. Gill breathing

2. Open circulatory system

3. Indirect development

4. Constant body temperature

The correct answer is 4.

26. Fish determine the direction and speed of water movement, the distance to underwater objects, the depth of immersion with the help of an organ

1. Vision

2. Touch

3. Hearing

4. Sideline

The correct answer is 4.

27. The shape of the body of tadpoles, the presence of a lateral line, gills, a two-chambered heart, one circle of blood circulation indicate the relationship of amphibians with

1. Reptiles

2. Shellfish

3. Lancelets

4. Pisces

The correct answer is 4.

28. Mammals differ from other vertebrates in having

1. Nervous system

2. Five parts of the brain

3. Hairline

4. Sexual reproduction

The correct answer is 3.

1. Type

2. Family

3. Genus

4th grade

The correct answer is 4.

30. You can recognize amphibians among vertebrates of other classes by

1. The presence of two pairs of limbs

2. Skin with bony scales covered with mucus

3. Dry skin with horny scales or scutes

4. Naked moist skin with a lot of glands

The correct answer is 4.

31. Complex forms of behavior due to the presence of the cerebral cortex are manifested in

1. Reptiles

2. Pisces

3. Amphibians

4. Mammals

The correct answer is 4.

32. An ordinary dolphin, plunging into the depths of the sea, consumes oxygen, which is contained in

1. Light

2. Body cavities

3. Air bags

4. Gill

The correct answer is 1.

33. In which vertebrates did a three-chambered heart and lungs first appear in the process of evolution?

1. Reptiles

2. Birds

3. Amphibians

4. Pisces

The correct answer is 3.

34. In mammals, gas exchange occurs in

1. Tracheae

2. Bronchus

3. Larynx

4. Pulmonary vesicles

The correct answer is 4.

In the course of evolution there was a process of complication of the blood system. From the moment the heart appeared, the number of its chambers increases, and the vessels departing from it differentiate. A three-chambered heart gives organisms a number of advantages over a simpler organ. Animals have higher vitality.

Complication of the structure of the heart

In the lancelet, the anterior part of the abdominal vessel pulsates.

In fish, the heart already consists of one atrium and one ventricle.

Who has a three chambered heart? In amphibians, the atrium has two parts, which open into the ventricle with a common opening.

It is also characteristic of reptiles. Already in lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles, each atrium has an independent opening that opens into the ventricle. The holes have valves. Reptiles, like amphibians, have a single ventricle, but it is separated by an incomplete septum that grows from bottom to top.

Birds and animals that feed their young with milk have two atria and the same number of ventricles. Both the atria and ventricles are completely separated from each other.

From the list above, it can be seen that a three-chambered heart is characteristic of amphibians and reptiles. However, the device still differs not only among the classes of these animals, but also between genera. So, in crocodiles, the septum between the back parts of the heart is almost complete. Despite this fact, crocodiles remain cold-blooded animals, because blood containing a large percentage of carbon dioxide enters the main arterial trunk. Mixed blood flows through the vessels leading to the body.

Outgrowths in the ventricle of the heart as the beginning of the formation of a septum

Those who have a three-chambered heart have small and large circles of blood circulation. This improves the overall standard of living. Moreover, who has a three-chambered heart, there is a tendency to form outgrowths in the ventricle. The frog already has numerous protrusions, which significantly separates the arterial blood and that in which there is a high content of carbon dioxide. However, tadpoles have only one circle of blood circulation.

The structure of the three-chambered frog heart

Amphibians have a three-chambered heart.

The ventricle has thick walls. The atria communicate with the ventricle through a common opening. The right atrium is larger in volume. It receives blood from the whole body, which has given away the element of oxidation. Blood flows from the lungs to the left side of the heart. The sinus venosus is connected to the right atrium. It pumps blood to the heart. On the right side is the arterial cone. It is also present in lower fish. Includes a number of valves. Serves to pump blood into the vessels. In amphibians, the cone is divided by a septum into two sections.

Scheme of the movement of blood in the heart of a frog

Blood with a high content of carbon dioxide, mixed with saturated oxygen, enters the right atrium, and only enriched with an element for oxidation enters the left atrium. The atria contract simultaneously. The blood passes into the single ventricle. Here, outgrowths prevent strong mixing of blood. The arterial cone departs to the right of the ventricle, so blood containing a larger amount of carbon dioxide flows here first. It fills the pulmonary arteries. The cone has a spiral valve. With increased blood pressure, it shifts, opening the opening of the aortic arches. Mixed blood rushes here from the middle part of the ventricle. Further, blood pressure increases even more, and the spiral valve opens the mouths of the carotid arteries that go to the head. Blood flows into the carotid arteries, as the rest of the vessels are already filled.

The circulatory system of lizards and other reptiles

In lizards and snakes, the two circulations are not completely separated. But the degree of their separation is higher than that of amphibians. Two aortic arches are preserved. There is a wall in the ventricle, but it does not completely divide into two halves. It is believed that the heart of crocodiles has four chambers. Although the hole between the ventricles is still preserved.

Thus, with a three-chambered heart, they have greater mobility compared to fish. They can go to land, where they feel great. Evolutionarily increased vital activity.

Individuals with a three- and four-chambered heart always have two circles of blood circulation, which also greatly increases the mobility of organisms. And for land vertebrates, this is necessary in conditions when it is much harder to keep the body than in the aquatic environment. In the presence of two circles of blood circulation, the blood carrying oxygen goes under sufficient pressure, as it passes through the heart again. And it does not mix with venous.

Some frogs emerge from their hiding places in early spring, when the snow has not yet melted. Common frogs are among the first to appear in the middle lane.

Those with a three-chambered heart have greater mobility in cold conditions than other cold-blooded representatives.

The first description of vice belongs to Farre (1814). The frequency of this heart disease according to clinical data is 1-3%, according to pathoanatomical data - about 1.5% of all CHD.

With this anomaly, both atria communicate through a common valve or two separate atrioventricular valves with a common ventricle, from which the aorta and pulmonary artery depart.

There is diversity anatomical variants of the defect. The most common 4 variants of a three-chambered heart:
in variant I, the only ventricle is represented by the myocardium of the left ventricle;
with type II defect, the entire myocardium has the structure of the right ventricle;
the third type implies the structure of the myocardium of both the right and left ventricles, but the interventricular septum is absent or its rudiment is present;
the fourth type does not have a clear differentiation of the myocardium.

Feature of hemodynamics with a three-chambered heart, there is a mixture of arterial and venous blood flows in a single ventricular chamber. The aorta and the pulmonary artery, which originate directly from the ventricular cavity, have the same systemic pressure, and from birth such a child has hypertension of the pulmonary circulation. Low pulmonary vascular resistance in newborns leads to significant pulmonary vascular hypervolemia. In the single ventricle, a larger volume of oxygenated blood mixes with a smaller volume of venous blood. Initially, arterial hypoxemia in such children is absent or minimal.

Clinical picture variable and depends on concomitant developmental defects and volume of pulmonary blood flow. A three-chambered heart is more often diagnosed shortly after the birth of a child. In a typical case, shortness of breath, congestive rales in the lungs, tachycardia, liver enlargement, repeated pneumonia, and a delay in weight gain appear after birth. Approximately 2/3 of infants immediately after birth develop cyanosis, which is not pronounced, has a bluish tint, localized on the lips, fingertips, increases with screaming and physical exertion. The systolic murmur is not loud or not audible, the second heart sound is amplified and split.

With a combination of the common ventricle with pulmonary stenosis, cyanosis appears early. The newborn suffers from shortness of breath and quickly gets tired. Cardiomegaly varies from mild to moderate. A loud systolic ejection murmur is heard.

Diagnosis of a three-chambered heart.

On the ECG, it is often difficult to differentiate complexes, however, among them, unchanged, pointed or double-humped P waves can be noted. In some cases, there are signs of an increase in the right or both ventricles.

Polymorphism electrocardiographic changes associated with a large number of anatomical and hemodynamic features of this defect. Common to most variants of the defect is a high voltage of QRS complexes in standard and chest leads, a discrepancy between the degree of ventricular hypertrophy and deviation of the electrical axis of the heart. Type I defect is characterized by hypertrophy of both ventricles. At the III type of defect hypertrophy of a right ventricle prevails. Various types of rhythm disturbances, atrioventricular blockades are also characteristic.

On the radiograph determined cardiomegaly. In all newborns, against the background of increased pulmonary blood flow, there is an increase in the shadow of the heart due to the right ventricle and atrium.

If the defect is not accompanied by stenosis of the pulmonary artery, then the pulmonary pattern is enhanced, the main branches of the pulmonary artery swell.
With pulmonary artery stenosis, the pulmonary pattern is depleted, the shadow of the heart is small, there is a bulging of the ascending aorta along the upper left edge of the cardiac shadow.

2D echocardiography in the projection from the apex, it makes it possible to identify the common chamber with one or two atrioventricular valves, the outlet cavity, and the transposition of the great vessels. The main echocardiographic sign of defect is the absence of an echo signal from the interventricular septum. With both atrioventricular valves present, the mitral valve is located behind, and the tricuspid valve is to the right. If there is only one valve, then it occupies the entire cavity of a single ventricle.

Forecast. The defect quickly ends with the death of the child from progressive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, secondary bronchopulmonary infections and progressive hypoxemia. About 75% of babies with this defect die in the first year of life.
Correction. Operative correction of defect is possible.

bony fish Amphibians (frogs and newts) Reptiles (lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles) Birds Mammals (animals)
covered with scales Naked, covered in mucus (mucus moisturizes the skin so the skin can breathe) Dry, without glands, Has glands, covered with hair (hairline)
covered with horny scales covered with feathers
breathe gills Saccular (primitive) lungs and skin cellular spongy Alveolar
A heart two-chamber Three-chamber Three-chamber with incomplete septum Four-chamber (complete separation of arterial and venous blood)
cold-blooded ( Body temperature depends on ambient temperature) Warm-blooded (body temperature is constant, remain active regardless of ambient temperature)
Fertilization external (occurs in water) Internal (occurs inside the mother's body)
Development takes place in the aquatic environment. Occurs inside the egg Occurs inside the body of the mother in a special organ of the uterus, inside which there is a placenta.
A larva with gills and a lateral line (tadpole) emerges from the egg. covered with a leathery (parchment) shell. The first fully terrestrial animals, as development is not related to water. shell-covered



  • there is no chest, there is one cervical vertebra.
  • the tadpole looks like a fish (no legs, breathes with gills, two-chambered heart, lateral line). The tadpole can only develop in water, so amphibians cannot be considered completely land animals.

reptiles- the first completely land animals.


  • have a keel for attaching flight muscles.
  • lightness: hollow bones, no bladder, one ovary.
  • double breathing doubles the oxygen supply.


  • they feed the young with milk (there are mammary glands).
  • there is a diaphragm (muscle, the border between the chest and abdominal cavity).
  • differentiated (different) teeth - incisors, canines, molars.
  • good brain development, complex behavior.

1. Establish a correspondence between the sign of animals and the class for which this sign is characteristic: 1) Fish, 2) Amphibians. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) the presence of a cervical vertebra
B) lack of ribs
B) indirect development
D) the presence of lever limbs
D) two-chambered heart
E) lack of lungs


2. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the circulatory system and the class of vertebrates for which it is characteristic: 1) bony fish, 2) amphibians
A) the heart is filled with venous blood
B) the presence of a three-chambered heart
C) in the ventricle of the heart, the blood mixes
D) one circle of blood circulation
D) the presence of one atrium


3. Establish a correspondence between the structural features and the classes of animals for which they are characteristic: 1) Bony fish, 2) Amphibians. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) three-chambered heart
B) division of the spine into tail and trunk sections
B) one circle of blood circulation
D) paired lungs
D) the presence of a cervical vertebra
E) bare skin covered with mucus


Amphibians - reptiles
1. Correlate the signs of animals with the classes for which this sign is characteristic: 1) amphibians, 2) reptiles

A) internal fertilization
B) fertilization in most species is external
B) indirect development
D) reproduction and development takes place on land
D) thin skin covered with mucus
E) eggs with a large supply of nutrients


2. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the animal and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) amphibians, 2) reptiles
A) pulmonary and cutaneous respiration
B) external fertilization
C) dry skin without glands
D) postembryonic development with transformation
D) reproduction and development takes place on land
E) fertilized eggs with a high yolk content


3. Establish a correspondence between the trait and the class for which this trait is characteristic: 1) Amphibians, 2) Reptiles. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) a small supply of nutrients in the caviar
B) skin and pulmonary respiration
C) reproduction and development in water
D) direct postembryonic development
D) the skin is dry, without glands
E) internal fertilization


4. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the animal and the class to which it belongs: 1) Amphibians 2) Reptiles. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) thin skin
B) breathes with the help of lungs and moist skin
C) the skin is dry, the respiratory organs are lungs
D) three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle
D) three-chambered heart without a septum in the ventricle
E) breeds in water


5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and classes of animals to which they belong: 1) Reptiles, 2) Amphibians. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the skin contains many glands
B) the body is covered with horny scales
C) there is a trachea and bronchial system
D) the cervical region is represented by one vertebra
D) there is no chest
E) there is an incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart


6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and classes of animals to which they belong: 1) Reptiles, 2) Amphibians. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) skin without glands with horny shields
B) costal type of breathing
B) direct development

D) shell, leathery shells of the egg

E) saccular lungs



C) an abundance of skin glands
K) chest

K) spawning of eggs

Amphibians - Birds
Establish a correspondence between the features of the respiratory system and the classes for which these features are characteristic: 1) Amphibians, 2) Birds. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) have air sacs
B) the lungs are spongy
C) the ratio of the surface of the skin to the surface of the lungs is 2: 3
D) the lungs are represented by hollow sacs
D) double breathing
E) partially skin respiration


Amphibians - Mammals
Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of reproduction and the classes of animals for which they are characteristic: 1) Amphibians, 2) Mammals. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.

A) an egg with a large supply of nutrients
B) the development of the embryo in the uterus
B) the presence of a placenta
D) development with metamorphosis
D) the presence of a larval stage in development
E) fertilization in the oviducts


1. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the animal and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) Birds, 2) Reptiles

A) warmth
B) body temperature depends on the ambient temperature
C) three-chambered heart, two circles of blood circulation
D) the body when moving usually comes into contact with the ground
D) double breathing is characteristic
E) arterial and venous blood in the heart do not mix


2. Establish a correspondence between the trait and the class of vertebrates for which it is characteristic: 1) Reptiles, 2) Birds. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) fluctuating body temperature
B) intensive metabolism in cells
B) no bladder
D) four-chambered heart
D) incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart
E) the presence of a keel


3. Establish a correspondence between the sign of a vertebrate animal and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) Reptiles, 2) Birds. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct sequence.
A) a three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle
B) in the heart, arterial and venous blood do not mix
C) have a constant body temperature
D) the presence of hollow bones filled with air
D) the presence of a tarsus
E) the presence of horny scales on the body


4. Establish a correspondence between the features and classes of animals for which they are characteristic: 1) Birds, 2) Reptiles. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the presence of a tarsus on the hind limb
B) lack of care for offspring in most species
B) no bladder
D) the presence of teeth
D) the presence of the coccygeal gland
E) warm-bloodedness



Establish a correspondence between the signs and classes of animals for which these signs are characteristic: 1) Reptiles, 2) Mammals. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) complete separation of arterial and venous blood
B) embryonic development in the egg in all species
B) the presence of sweat glands
D) differentiated alveolar teeth
D) three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle
E) the presence of furrows and convolutions in the cerebral cortex


1. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and classes of chordates: 1) Birds, 2) Mammals. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.

A) have a buckle and a bobbin in the skeleton
B) have large eggs with a large supply of nutrients
C) the thoracic and abdominal cavities are separated by a diaphragm
D) in many representatives of the cerebral cortex has convolutions and furrows
D) double breathing is characteristic
E) the cervical spine has seven vertebrae in all representatives


2. Establish a correspondence between the signs and classes of animals: 1) Birds, 2) Mammals. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) intrauterine development
B) alveolar lungs
B) tooth reduction
D) the presence of many sebaceous glands
D) the presence of air sacs


3. Establish a correspondence between the trait of the animal and the class for which this trait is characteristic: 1) Birds, 2) Mammals. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the presence of sweat and sebaceous glands in the skin
B) the presence of a placenta
B) the formation of a keel on the sternum
D) the presence of two sections in the stomach
D) lungs of the alveolar structure
E) double breathing


Choose one, the most correct option. Aromorphosis, thanks to which the ancient reptiles mastered the terrestrial habitat,
1) internal fertilization
2) protective coloration
3) five-fingered limb
4) three-chambered heart


Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the structural features of its heart: 1) three-chamber without a septum in the ventricle, 2) three-chamber with an incomplete septum in the ventricle, 3) four-chamber
A) a lizard
B) common newt
B) lake frog
D) blue whale
D) gray rat
E) peregrine falcon


Choose three options. Mammals differ from reptiles in the following ways:
1) hairline
2) three-chambered heart
3) sweat glands
4) development of the placenta
5) dry skin
6) unstable body temperature


Choose one, the most correct option. Reptiles are called true land animals because they
1) breathe atmospheric oxygen
2) breed on land
3) lay eggs
4) have lungs


Choose one, the most correct option. A three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle was formed in the process of evolution in
1) amphibians
2) bony fish
3) reptiles
4) cartilaginous fish


Choose one, the most correct option. In the process of evolution, two atria in the heart first appeared in
1) reptiles
2) fish
3) amphibians
4) non-cranial


Choose one, the most correct option. Mammals are different from other vertebrates
1) constant body temperature
2) sexual reproduction
3) the presence of hairline
4) the presence of five parts of the brain


Choose three options. Birds, like reptiles
1) dry skin, devoid of glands
2) missing teeth
3) integuments consist of horny substance
4) four-chambered heart
5) arterial blood does not mix with venous
6) intestines, ureters, reproductive organs open into the cloaca


It is known that the class Mammals has characteristic features. Choose from the text below three statements related to the characteristics of this class. (1) The internal organs of mammals are located in body cavities, which are separated from each other by the diaphragm into two: chest and abdominal. (2) The thoracic cavity contains the lungs, heart, and the abdominal cavity contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs. (3) The lungs of mammals are called spongy bodies. (4) In the oral cavity, differentiated teeth mechanically crush food, and then it is subjected to chemical processing by the enzymes of the digestive juices. (5) The process of filtering the blood from the end products of metabolism is carried out by the trunk kidneys. (6) The skin of mammals is dry without glands.


1. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the brain shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by
1) four-chambered heart
2) external fertilization

5) cellular lungs
6) development of the embryo in the uterus


2. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the brain shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by
1) three-chambered heart
2) internal fertilization
3) the skin is thin, dry, practically devoid of glands
4) constant body temperature
5) cellular lungs
6) diaphragm


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What features are common to humans and mammals?
1) warm-bloodedness
2) indirect development
3) open circulatory system
4) three-chambered heart
5) the presence of a diaphragm
6) the presence of skin derivatives - sebaceous glands


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the skin of an animal and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) Reptiles, 2) Amphibians. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) forms bony plates
B) contains an abundance of glands
B) forms horny outgrowths
D) absorbs water
D) abundantly supplied with capillaries, thin
E) provides gas exchange


Establish a correspondence between the feature of the structure and function of the skin and the class of vertebrates for which this feature is characteristic: 1) Amphibians, 2) Reptiles. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) participates in gas exchange
B) has horny scales
B) secretes copious mucus
D) protect against drying out
D) provides water to the body
E) does not have glands


1. Establish a correspondence between vertebrates with a feature of its body temperature: 1) constant, 2) unstable. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) house sparrow
B) quick lizard
B) common dolphin
D) Nile crocodile
D) common newt
E) common mole


2. Establish a correspondence between animals and a feature of their body temperature: 1) constant, 2) unstable. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) waterfowl
B) lobe-finned fish
B) cetaceans
D) tailless amphibians
D) scaly reptiles
E) great apes


3. Establish a correspondence between animals and physiological characteristics: 1) warm-blooded, 2) cold-blooded. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in sequence corresponding to the letters.
A) a crocodile
B) frog
B) triton
D) penguin
D) coelacanth
E) whale


Establish a correspondence between organisms and the levels of their metabolism: 1) does not depend on environmental conditions, 2) depends on environmental conditions. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) grass frog
B) field mouse
B) barn swallow
D) common fox
D) quick lizard
E) common pike


Establish a correspondence between the signs of the skeleton and the animals for which they are characteristic: 1) a dove, 2) a frog. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the presence of a keel
B) toothless jaws with horny covers
B) the presence of a tarsus
D) one cervical vertebra
D) no chest


Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the structure of its heart: 1) three-chambered, 2) two-chambered. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) river perch
B) blue shark
B) pond frog
D) common newt
D) common pike
E) gray toad


Analyze the text "Characteristics of the class Amphibians." For each cell marked with a letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided. Amphibians in their development go through the stage _______ (A). This brings them closer to fish. Breathing in amphibians _______ (B). Their heart is _______ (B), and in connection with the landfall, _______ (D) and lungs appeared.
1) Tadpole
2) Lung breathing
3) Skin-pulmonary respiration
4) Two-chambered heart
5) Three-chambered heart
6) Swim bladder
7) The second circle of blood circulation


Analyze the text. For each cell marked with a letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided. Reptiles are _____(A) vertebrates. The level of their organization is _____ (B) than that of amphibians. In the process of evolution, reptiles developed adaptations for life on land: _____ (C) the cover protects the body from drying out, the respiratory organ ______ (D), the heart has a _____ (D) septum in the ventricle.
1) warm-blooded
2) cold-blooded
3) higher
4) below
5) incomplete
6) horny
7) lungs
8) chitinous
9) complete


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal formed the lungs shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by
1) four-chambered heart
2) external fertilization
3) skin with scales or scutes
4) constant body temperature
5) laying eggs with a dense shell
6) development of the embryo in the uterus


Choose one, the most correct option. Which of the following signs indicates the complexity of the organization of mammals compared to reptiles?
1) increase in the surface of gas exchange in the lungs
2) the appearance of the internal skeleton
3) increase in the number of body parts
4) change in the structure of the limbs


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. For animals that have the lungs shown in the figure, the following features are characteristic:

1) feather cover of the body
2) high metabolic rate
3) a three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle
4) the skin contains many glands
5) the presence of a diaphragm
6) reproduce sexually, lay eggs covered with shells


Establish a correspondence between the animal and the number of chambers of its heart: 1) two, 2) three. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) viper
B) shark
B) a lizard
D) salmon
D) triton
E) coelacanth


Arrange the animals according to the complexity of the structure of their heart in the process of evolution. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) toad
2) salmon
3) horse
4) turtle


From the text below, select three signs related to the adaptation of birds for flight. Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers. (1) The compact body of birds has an ovoid, streamlined shape. (2) Just like mammals, birds are warm-blooded animals. (3) The avian cloaca is a cavity into which the digestive tract, ureters, and excretory ducts of the reproductive system open. (4) Some bones have air-filled cavities. (5) The coccygeal gland, located above the root of the tail, secretes an oily secret that serves to lubricate. (6) Birds have air sacs for double respiration.


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the brain shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by
1) double breathing
2) the presence of mammary glands
3) numerous skin glands
4) four-chambered heart
5) compound eyes
6) warm-bloodedness


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the brain shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by
1) incomplete septum in the heart
2) warm-bloodedness
3) incubation of masonry and care for offspring
4) numerous non-united bones of the caudal spine
5) well developed lungs with air sacs
6) the presence of a variety of skin glands


1) lever type limbs
2) skin covered with scales or bony plates
3) the presence of a cervical vertebra
4) development with metamorphosis
5) one circle of blood circulation
6) the presence of a swim bladder


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution in animals the heart shown in the figure was formed, then these animals are inherent
1) skin respiration
2) air bags
3) one cervical vertebra
4) swim bladder
5) horny scales on the surface of the body
6) two circles of blood circulation


Choose three correct options out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal first formed the limbs shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by:
1) two-chambered heart
2) chest with ribs
3) two circles of blood circulation
4) abundance of skin glands
5) direct development without metamorphosis in most representatives
6) eyelids and lacrimal glands


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the skin shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by:
1) three-chambered heart
2) alveolar lungs
3) seven cervical vertebrae
4) lack of chest
5) cerebellar cortex and cerebral hemispheres with convolutions and furrows
6) development with metamorphosis


Choose three correct answers from six. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the respiratory system shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by:
1) dry skin without glands
2) the presence of wool
3) the presence of a buckle and a bobbin in the skeleton of the limbs
4) high metabolism and warm-bloodedness
5) embryonic development in the uterus
6) the absence of the cerebral cortex in most representatives


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What animals are classified as reptiles?
1) common viper
2) pond frog
3) common newt
4) Nile crocodile
5) common toad
6) viviparous lizard


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. Reptiles are characterized
1) breeding on land
2) constant body temperature
3) direct development
4) jointed body
5) internal fertilization
6) supplying the cells of the internal organs of the body with arterial blood


Choose one, the most correct option. The complication of the structure of the respiratory system of mammals, compared with reptiles, is
1) the appearance of the right and left lungs
2) the presence of the trachea and bronchi
3) an increase in the respiratory surface of the lungs
4) the presence of nostrils and nasal cavity


Find three errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made.(1) Amphibians are vertebrate animals that live in water and on land. (2) They swim well; swimming membranes are developed between the toes of the hind legs of anurans. (3) On land, amphibians move with the help of two pairs of five-fingered limbs. (4) Amphibians breathe with the help of lungs and skin. (5) Adult amphibians have a two-chambered heart. (6) Fertilization in tailless amphibians is internal; tadpoles develop from fertilized eggs. (7) Amphibians include lake frog, gray toad, water snake, crested newt.


1. Establish a correspondence between animals and the habitats in which they breed: 1) water, 2) land-air. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) white-backed dolphin
B) common toad
B) crested newt
D) common frog
D) emperor penguin
E) Nile crocodile


2. Establish a correspondence between animals and their breeding environments: 1) water, 2) ground-air. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) katran shark
B) gray toad
B) sea turtle
D) common viper
D) common frog


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What signs make it possible to classify crocodiles as reptiles?
1) dry skin with horny shields on the body
2) elevation of the nostrils and eyes above the surface of the head
3) swimming membranes on the hind legs
4) reproduction on land and internal fertilization
5) cellular lungs
6) four-chambered heart


Establish a correspondence between the systematic features of a person and the systematic groups to which he is attributed according to these features: 1) class Mammals, 2) order Primates. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the presence of nail plates
B) laying of sweat and sebaceous glands in embryogenesis
C) two mammary glands located on the chest
D) differentiation of teeth
D) developed facial muscles
E) long childhood


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and representatives of the classes of organisms shown in the figure. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) no chest
B) skin respiration
B) breeding on land
D) the presence of an incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart
D) one cervical vertebra


Establish a correspondence between characteristics and representatives of classes. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) differentiated teeth
B) double breathing
B) the presence of vibrissae
D) the presence of a keel on the sternum
D) air cavities in tubular bones


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What are the characteristics of this organism?
1) the body is covered with horny shields
2) breeds in water
3) external fertilization
4) there is no chest
5) four-chambered heart
6) respiratory organs - lungs


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. If in the process of evolution an animal has formed the heart shown in the figure, then this animal is characterized by
1) thin skin with an abundance of glands
2) pulmonary circulation
3) five-fingered limb of the lever type
4) the presence of the cervical spine
5) bone or cartilage skeleton
6) gill breathing


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What features in the structure of amphibians were formed in connection with living in the ground-air environment?
1) three-chambered heart
2) brain and spinal cord
3) pulmonary circulation
4) paired organs of smell
5) dissected (lever) limbs
6) horny cover of the body


It is known that the vole is a placental, herbivorous mammal. Choose from the text below three statements related to the description of the above features of the vole. (1) The vole is widely distributed in terrestrial ecosystems. (2) It is characterized by the presence of a diaphragm, an alveolar lung, and well-developed incisors. (3) The babies develop in the uterus, where the baby's place develops. (4) The vole is classified as a consumer of the first order. (5) Voles serve as food for many animals in various ecosystems. (6) Voles are very prolific animals.


Establish the sequence of complication of the circulatory system in chordates. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) three-chambered heart without a septum in the ventricle
2) two-chambered heart with venous blood
3) the heart is missing
4) heart with incomplete muscular septum
5) separation of venous and arterial blood flow in the heart


Establish a correspondence between animals and respiratory organs: 1) lungs, 2) gills. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) sea snake
B) slope
B) salmon
D) lizard
D) anaconda
E) triton


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. In placental mammals
1) there are differentiated teeth
2) development proceeds with complete transformation
3) there is a cloaca
4) the fetus develops in the uterus
5) there is no care for offspring
6) sebaceous glands are developed


Establish a correspondence between aromorphoses and classes of animals in which they first appeared: 1) Amphibians, 2) Reptiles, 3) Mammals. Write down the numbers 1-3 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) aperture
B) two circles of blood circulation
B) alveolar lungs
D) dense egg shells
D) placenta
E) costal type of breathing


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

congenital heart defects may be related to:

1. atrial rupture septa in the region of the oval fossa, which in the embryo is a hole.

In the process of formation, the heart goes through the stages of a two-chamber, three-chamber, three-chamber with an incomplete interventricular septum and a four-chamber heart.

A person has a pathology - two-chambered heart. It is associated with cardiac arrest at the stage of two chambers (heterochrony). Only one vessel leaves the heart - the arterial trunk.

2. Stage of the three-chambered heart:

The atrium is divided by a septum. Between the atria remains an oval hole, which closes after birth. In humans, a developmental pathology (1:1000) associated with an atrial septal defect (heterochrony) is often found.

Sometimes there is a complete absence of the interatrial septum with one common atrium. In violation of the development of the interventricular septum (non-closure), a three-chambered heart occurs.

Stage of a three-chambered heart with an incomplete interventricular septum. The ventricular bud is divided by the interventricular septum.

The interventricular septum is incomplete and there is a hole in it during embryogenesis, which closes on the 6-7th week. A person has a developmental anomaly associated with a ventricular septal defect (heterochrony). A rare defect is its complete absence.

3. In humans, there are anomalies in the development of the heart associated with its incorrect location. For example, ectopia of the heart (heterotopia) - the location of the heart outside the chest cavity, dextrocardia (heterotopia) - the location of the heart on the right, cervical ectopia hearts are incompatible with life.

4. Heart valve defects (mitral, tricuspid)

Malformations associated with impaired development of arterial arches and the vascular system

1. The right aortic arch is the most common anomaly of the arches. During development, the left arc of the fourth pair is reduced.

2. Aortic ring - both the right and left arches of the fourth pair are preserved (persistence). They compress the esophagus and trachea, which are located between them (heterochrony).

3. Vascular transposition (impaired differentiation primary embryonic stem). Pathology is associated with a violation of the location of the vessels: the aortic arch departs from the right ventricle, the pulmonary arteries - from the left (heterotopia).

4. Open arterial, or botallian duct (persistence). The commissure is preserved, connecting the fourth and sixth pairs of arterial arches (left arch and pulmonary artery). As a result, blood flow in the lungs increases, pulmonary congestion and heart failure (heterochrony) develop.

5. Open sleep duct. The commissure remains between the third and fourth pairs of arterial arches (carotid artery and aortic arch). As a result, blood flow to the brain increases (heterochrony).

6. At a certain stage of development, the embryo has one common arterial trunk, which is then divided by a spiral septum into the aorta and pulmonary trunk. If the septum does not develop, then this common trunk is preserved, which leads to a mixture of arterial and venous blood. Such deformities lead to death.

7. Stenosis of the aorta or pulmonary trunk (Tetralogy of Fallot)

Venous system. In the development of large human veins, recapitulation is observed

1. In most mammals, only the right vena cava is preserved. In humans, a developmental anomaly is the presence of accessory left superior vena cava .

In this case, the formation of atavistic malformations is possible. Among the malformations of the venous bed persistence of the two superior vena cava. If both of them flow into the right atrium, the anomaly is not clinically manifested. When the left vena cava flows into the left atrium, venous blood is discharged into the systemic circulation. Sometimes both vena cava flow into the left atrium. Such a vice is incompatible with life. These anomalies occur with a frequency of 1 % from all congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system.

2. From the back of the body, venous blood is collected along the inferior vena cava, into which unpaired veins (rudiments of the posterior cardinal veins) flow. These veins are unique to mammals. A rare defect is atresia (absence) of the inferior vena cava (blood flow is through unpaired or unpaired superior vena cava).

3. Lack of hepatic portal system

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