Alignment for the definition of magical abilities with decoding. What will the cards mean? Spreads for determining magical abilities

Divination by Tarot cards

The date of birth of a person can show the presence of magical abilities in a person and tell about the character and fate of a person and which Arcana has an influence on this person.

For example: 02.01.1975

1 - The first Arcana, this is the number of birth - 2 - The High Priestess

2 - The second Arcana, this is 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 \u003d 25 - 7 - Chariot

3 - Third Arcana, 2+7=9 - Hermit

You can use the divination method. Only the Major Arcana are taken, we specifically formulate the question, for example, "What esoteric abilities do I have." We take out three cards and interpret. We look at which element prevails in the cards. And then we analyze in detail for each card separately. But do not forget to include intuition.

The relationship of the Major Arcana Tarot to the elements

Each tarot card is associated with a specific element. There are four main elements: Fire Release, Water Release, Earth Release and Air Release.

The element of Fire, this is the magic of Fire, these are all types of magic that, one way or another, are associated with Fire. This also includes any energy practices (this includes reiki, qigong). Bioenergetics. Cosmoenergetics. This is pure energy work. Also here is Candle Magic, Color Magic, Magic Lamps. Combat Magic.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Fire:

Emperor, Wheel of Fortune, Power, Tower, Sun, Doomsday

The element of Water, this is the magic of Water, these are all types of magic that, one way or another, are connected with Water. This includes Love Magic, and everything related to relationships, friendship, love, etc. Clairvoyance and Telepathy also apply.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Water:

High Priestess, Lovers, Sacrifice, Death, Moon

The element of the Earth, this is the magic of the Earth, these are all types of magic that, one way or another, are connected with the Earth. This includes Nature Magic, which includes Herb Magic, Tree Magic, Stone Magic. This is the creation of talismans, amulets, various ritual objects. Also applies Money Magic, Sign Magic. Feng Shui.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Earth Element:

Empress, High Priest, Justice, Hermit, Temperance, Devil, Peace

The element of Air, this is the magic of Air, these are all types of magic that, one way or another, are connected with Air. This is, first of all, Verbal Magic, Mental Magic, Magic of the Word (Power of Word, Power of Thought), Magic of Music. This also includes various types of work with incense and aromatic oils.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Air:

Jester, Mage, Chariot, Star

Jester - You do not have enough knowledge. Seek knowledge. It is worth while to refrain from divination and magic.

Various Oracles. Mixing different directions with magic. Doll Magic (this is not Voodoo Magic).

Magician - Any form of divination and magic. Extrasensory perception. Astrology, numerology, palmistry, etc. Shows that a person has powerful and rather unusual abilities. Mental Magic. Cabalistic Magic. Verbal Magic.

Priestess - Magic of the Moon. Any kind of divination. Very strong magical abilities. Natural Magic, Herb Magic, Flower Magic, Incense Magic and Aroma Magic. Clairvoyance. Strong intuition. Worship of Goddesses.

Empress - Wicca. Household magic (household items are used), Magic of knots, knots, ropes, threads. Culinary Magic. Working with beeswax, making dolls, mascots from beeswax. Protection.

The Emperor is a Defense Magic that is often used offensively. This is Metal Magic (knives, needles, scissors, all piercing and cutting objects). Combat Magic.

Priest - Ritual, ceremonial Magic. Work effectively with Egregor. Prayer work.

Lovers - Any kind of Love Magic. Also suitable for Reiki.

Chariot - Gypsy Magic. Verbal Magic. Magic of Conspiracies, Magic of Mantras. Magical practices that use roads and rapids. The Magic of Footprints.

Justice - Do not practice Magic, it is not your destiny.

Hermit - Strong psychic abilities. Stone Magic. Meditation. Yoga, any Eastern practices, Buddhism.

Wheel of Fortune - Money Magic. Conspiracies. Magic rituals with the help of tarot cards. Talismans. Amulets. Working with Karma

Power - Shamanism. Animal Magic. Totems. Voodoo magic. Santeria.

The victim is Northern Magic. Runes. Celtic Magic. tree energy. Hypnosis, trance technique. Astral travel.

Death - Very powerful magical abilities. Healing. Working with spirits, entities. Working with the energy of the dead. Spiritualism.

Temperance - More of a psychologist than a magician or fortune teller.

Devil - Strong natural abilities for the occult, magic, divination. Black magic. Work with Spirits, Demons, with entities from the lower Astral. Sexual Magic. Also, a person can use the Dark Forces without harm to health.

Tower - Ways to influence reality. The Magic of the Four Elements. Feng Shui.

The star is cosmic energy. planetary talismans. Everything related to cosmic energies. Working with Angels. Color Magic. Mandalas, Yantras.

Moon - Very strong magical abilities. Natural magic. Wicca. Witchcraft. Village Magic. Lunar Magic. Water Magic.

Sun - Fire Magic, Candle Magic. Sun magic. Pagan Magic. Powerful energy, which is based on personal strength.

Last Judgment - Ancestral Magic. Spiritualism. Shamanism.

World - Any Magic. Exotic Magic.

Spreads for determining magical abilities

1 - What do you imagine at the moment of your development

2 - What are your innate abilities, or those abilities that were passed on to you by your family

3 - What do you do to develop your abilities

4 – Probable development of your abilities

5 - Something that will help develop your abilities

6 - What hinders the development of your abilities

7 - What you still have not revealed in yourself as abilities

1 - What does tarot cards mean to you

2 - What prompted you to study Tarot cards

3 – What is the current knowledge

4 - What you don't know

5 - Satisfying internal needs

6 - How cards will help you in life

7 - What to look out for

8 - What Tarot Card Achievements Can You Achieve

If you are doing a layout, for example, a Celtic Cross or any other, the question is: “Does a person have magical abilities or does he use magic?”, Then the ones that fell out:

Magician, High Priestess, Hermit, Death, Devil, Moon or Fool, show that the person has abilities, or is engaged in magical work. If you get: Emperor, Justice, Temperance, Sun or Peace, then the person either has minimal abilities, or simply does not know about them at all, or does not use them. The rest of the Major Arcana Tarot does not indicate the possession of abilities or the use of magic against you.

You can also use it to view your abilities.

Within each of us, from birth to death, incredible forces are hidden that may never wake up. Intuition, the gift of foresight and a subtle worldview are often written off as something simple and unremarkable. For a person with talents and abilities that he does not understand and is unable to realize, the advice of a fortune-telling Tarot deck is the last resort.

Tarot cards can help determine magical abilities

The layouts that help to determine the forces that are inside will help to identify them, understand and accept them. How to make layouts correctly and what results will be the most accurate?

Date of birth - assistant number one

Astrologers say that the date of birth is a unique numerical code that is assigned to a child at birth. The position of the planets at the moment when a new soul is born is never repeated. It is extremely difficult for a person who is not savvy in this science to understand all the intricacies of astrology.

Magic is continuously connected with the position of the heavenly bodies. The effectiveness of most rituals and rituals depends on the position of the Moon, and fortune-telling on the Tarot is completely tied to the young Month. How to calculate magical abilities by date of birth?

Ability is defined as follows:

  1. The date of birth is written on a piece of paper (in order: date, month, year of birth). This is a unique numerical code that helps you find your own life path.
  2. Each number corresponds to the Major Arcana - the strongest symbol of the entire Tarot deck. It is enough to determine which cards patronize a person, based on the date of birth.
  3. To begin with, a specific birthday lends itself to analysis. Its number corresponds to the card number in the deck. The second card must be selected after summing up all the digits of the date of birth. And the third character is obtained by simplifying a complex two-digit number (the second card) to a simple one-digit number (two digits are added).

In order to determine the exact cards that relate to the questioner, it is enough to repeat the procedure twice, and if the values ​​\u200b\u200bare the same, there were no errors in the calculations.

You can determine magical abilities using the date of your birthday

A simplified version of determining the patronage of the major arcana takes much less time. To do this, it is enough to ask the deck the question: “what abilities do I have?” and, using only the major arcana, get the desired answer.

Spreads for determining magical abilities

Hidden talents are revealed thanks to layouts in which only the major arcana of the Tarot deck participate. Ready-made fortune-telling schemes allow you to get a general picture of what is happening inside the questioner. To do this, you need to lay out the cards - the arcana of the highest suit in a certain order.

Each of the available layouts consists of eight different cards that answer related questions regarding a particular ability. A person who understands the nature of his own essence and needs cannot be confused by worldly difficulties. In order to find out the magical inclinations of the questioner, they most often use the ready-made Celtic Cross scheme.

In such cases, the symbols of the Magician, the Hermit, the Devil or the Jester will serve as a positive answer, while the rest of the older arcana will cast doubt on the existence of such forces within a person. Despite the categorical alignment, the lack of magical inclinations does not make a person mediocre at all. There are many ways to showcase your inner talents.

magical questions

Questions that will help identify the ability that everyone is endowed with from birth:

The current level of development of the questioner

A very important nuance is the place internal searches occupy in a person's life. If self-knowledge is in the first place, then soon insight will illuminate the one who is looking for the path destined by fate.

Ancestral abilities

It is not for nothing that people talk about the importance of respect and respect for one's own family, because the family in which a person was born partly determines his future path. A similar question comes second, because the gift of kinship is no less important than the forces donated to the universe.

Ability Development

It is not enough to reveal this or that gift, it still needs to be used correctly.

Possible events

Further development of inclinations and inclinations will help a person determine his own destiny.


People, events - predicting good chances will help in making important decisions.


A warning about possible difficulties.

Hidden makings

End result of internal searches.

A simple alignment allows you to reveal the inner potential of the asker. For a more detailed analysis, it is necessary to determine the dominant element of a person.

Elements in the Tarot deck that patronize a person with abilities

In nature, only four equal, but radically different elements rule. For convenience, the cards are also divided into four equal parts, each of which fulfills its own purpose and allows you to see what is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person.

The definition of abilities is no exception. For a person who has managed to find his own card, it is especially important to realize the power of the Element, which protects him from all kinds of failures.

Nature is represented by four elements (fire, water, air, earth)

Nature is represented by the elements:

  • fire;
  • water;
  • air;
  • earth.

For any alignment designed to reveal the inner potential of a person, an analysis of one or another Element is necessary. It is the forces of nature that predetermine the path of a person, his addictions, aspirations and hidden desires.

If you understand the Elements, you can find the source of your own inspiration. No alignment will give an accurate result if you do not determine the force that affects all human actions.

The element of Water and human abilities in special layouts

Types of magic based on the unbridled power of water precede human abilities, which, like the water element, are as smooth as a river surface and dangerous as a wonderful waterfall.

Energy practices, to which the questioner is drawn, always attract representatives of this element. Love energy lies precisely in the element of Water. So, for a person looking for the right answers, a recalcitrant natural force predicts the gift of telepathy or foresight.

Prophetic dreams often visit a person who resists the gift. Do not be afraid of the future that comes in a dream. Such abilities can serve as a weapon against future problems, as well as a warning against dangers. The definition for the Element of Water is calmness, which gives a deep knowledge of the universe.

The alignment of the tarot for magical abilities involves the help of the following higher arcana - the High Priestess, the Lovers and the Moon. If the following symbols fall out in a special layout, then a person has the ability to see events that have yet to happen. Great mages and sorcerers have great respect for the energy of the Element of Water, because it favors the entire magical community.

The element of the Earth and the hidden abilities of man

The identification of abilities generously sent by the elements of the Earth occurs only in those cases when a person who has turned to the Tarot deck for help experiences the order of things around him. Such people are easily given Feng Shui teachings or traditional medicine recipes. From the outside, it may seem that a suspicious person perceives the world in a distorted way. But in reality, it is such a person who sees the true order of everything that happens around. Such abilities should not be feared or ashamed.

Being the patron saint of creative personalities, the Element of Earth, displayed in a deck of Tarot divination cards, allows a person to use words. They can heal wounded souls, help desperate people and inspire unshakable hope. For a person with the patronage of the earth element, professions and occupations are suitable:

  • healer;
  • writer;
  • creator of protective amulets;
  • musician;
  • florist;
  • chiropractor.

Florist is an ideal activity for a person with the patronage of the earth element

To predict the future fate for people of similar professions, the major arcana are used - Justice, Hermit, Peace. Thanks to the strong cards of the Tarot deck, the questioner will find all the answers, questions for which have long been ripening in his confused soul.

Spreads on abilities and patron Air Element

The magical powers of a mental nature that are present in every person manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Abilities associated with the air element suggest a person's craving for contemplation, worship of nature. Like the wind itself, such people change, captured by a fleeting idea. Music, writing, acting in front of an audience are abilities that are reflected in the elements of Air.

People who have drawn the major arcana of the Magician or the Chariot are sensitive to aromas, especially those that are similar to natural smells. That is why there are so many representatives of the Air element among perfumers. The lightest, but he is also a force of nature that destroys barriers, allows a person to find real freedom in everything that he takes a liking to with his soul.

The element of Fire in determining the highest destiny of man

The layout, in which the symbol of the element of Fire appears, certainly indicates the flow of energy flows. Determining the bioenergetic background of a living being, manipulating life energy - all this is subject to a person whose patron is the Element of Fire. Spreads for determining abilities do not perform miracles, they only indicate the potential of a person.

The energy that "dozed" in him for a long time is ready to break out, it is for this reason that the questioner is looking for answers in a deck of Tarot cards.

Recognizing talents and abilities is not so difficult, the task is more difficult - to accept them and start using them. Forces that a person did not know about can frighten him with power and strength. There is no need to be afraid of one's own nature, because awareness of the destination leads to a happy future. It remains only to take the last step.


The alignment will help you reveal the hidden abilities of a person. Study this spread to find out what your gift is and how to develop it.

First map

Position value:

Second map

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Third card

Position value:

Fourth card

Position value:

Fifth card

Position value:

Sixth card

Position value:

A young and pretty lady is interested in her abilities

First card - King of Cups

Position value:
What are my abilities? My gift.

Interpretation of the King of Cups card

The King of Cups has two interpretations. Firstly, it is work with people, and not just with people, but with their emotions. Secondly, it is the creation of beauty, whatever that word means. It is quite possible that at the current time the abilities of a lady can be realized through the work of changing the emotional state of other people, associated with the creation of joy, harmony and beauty.

Second card - 4 of cups

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Interpretation of the 4 of Cups card

Interpretation of the 4 of Cups card

4 of Cups does not give a direct answer to how exactly you should develop your abilities. But she says that, firstly, there is a chance to develop them. And knowing this in itself is very important. At the same time, she warns against wrong actions. Incorrect actions in this case are taking a passive position, waiting. You should not sit like a lying stone, but get up, move and stir.

Third card - Star

Position value:
Why is it given to me? How can I use it?

Interpretation of the Star card

Interpretation of the Star card

It is very likely that the search, restoration of harmony and beauty is an old, deep dream of a lady. That she would really like to do it. It should also be noted that the Star is consonant with the King of Cups in terms of communication and communication.

Fourth card - Knight of Swords

Position value:
What challenge will I have to face if I develop/use my gift?

Interpretation of the Knight of Swords card

The Knight of Swords confirms the guess about taking an active position, which was made in the analysis of 4 of cups.
The Knight of Swords is in opposition to the Star. Star is a passive card, Knight of Swords is an active one. It can be assumed that the lady is rather dreamy and melancholic than prone to action. But she needs to learn how to act.

Fifth card - 2 of Pentacles

Position value:
What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card.

Interpretation for the card 2 of Pentacles

Interpretation for the card 2 of Pentacles

The 2 of Pentacles card tells you how best to do this. It doesn't have to be something heavy and serious. No, it must be done through the game. Approximately as in qigong: "It seems there is - it seems not."
The Knight of Swords, like the 2 of Pentacles, is not focused on a specific date or specific result. And by the way, the King of Cups is also not a very good fan of rigid plans, regulations and a formal approach.

Sixth card - 9 of cups

Position value:
What in the long run will bring me the use of my gift.

Interpretation of the card 9 of cups

Interpretation of the card 9 of cups

9 of Cups is one of the harmonious cards. The 9 of Cups is synonymous with the King of Cups. Make harmony in the outer world and you will find harmony within yourself.

The man is a noble esotericist, a question from his student. Does he really have the abilities he is rumored to have?

First card - Queen of Cups

Position value:
What are my abilities? My gift.

Interpretation of the Queen of Cups card

Waite also wrote about the special abilities pointed out by the Queen of Cups. The client does not specify how the abilities of the person she asks about are manifested. The Lady of Cups is associated with visions, harmony. Its main goal is to make the world more comfortable, less stressful.

Second card - (5 of Pentacles, Tower,)

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Interpretation for the map of 3 swords

Interpretation for the map of 3 swords

This position, in theory, should represent how the gift of the Master developed. This cannot be verified, but it can be assumed that the need to overcome some kind of personal crisis prompted him to develop his abilities. Something happened that destroyed his idea of ​​the correct order of things, of the world in which he lived. He had to look for new ways of interacting with the world, new levels of working with energies.

Third card - Chariot

Position value:
Why is it given to me? How can I use it?

Interpretation of the Chariot card

Interpretation of the Chariot card

And apparently, the crisis was overcome. The chariot indicates victory. Although in this case the meaning of the card can be interpreted quite literally and talk about trips, profits from the seminars that the Master leads.

Fourth card - Page of staves

Position value:
What challenge will I have to face if I develop/use my gift?

Interpretation of the Page of Staves card

Interpretation of the Page of Staves card

The Lady of Cups lives, for the most part, after all, for herself. The Page of Staves is for others. Someone else's happiness is more important to him than his own. It is possible that the challenge is to change priorities, to ensure not so much one's own, as someone else's happiness.

Fifth card - 5 staves

Position value:
What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card.

Interpretation of the card 5 staves

Interpretation of the card 5 staves

To overcome this challenge will help as many social contacts as possible, interaction with as many people as possible. And by the way, neither the Queen of Cups nor the Page of Staves are excited about interacting with crowds.

Sixth card - 8 swords

Position value:
What in the long run will bring me the use of my gift.

Interpretation of the map of 8 swords

Interpretation of the map of 8 swords

8 of Swords is considered not a very pleasant card. But it has to do with duty. It is quite possible that the Master considers his activity as a service. A debt that he has assumed and which he agrees to pay.

The lady has her own business. Considered a very smart manager. The new employee wants to know if this is true.

First card - 10 cups

Position value:
What are my abilities? My gift.

Interpretation of the 10 of Cups card

Interpretation of the 10 of Cups card

On the one hand, 10 of Cups regarding management methods can be confusing. On the other hand, it can be assumed that the lady really cares about her employees, is interested in creating comfortable working conditions for them. It is unlikely that an atmosphere of intrigue, slander, and falseness reigns in her firm. On the contrary, we can rather talk about a benevolent atmosphere.

How do I come to this conclusion? The reading of the card is determined by the sum of several vectors: the client's question, the position in the layout. And in this case - the system of relations between the querent and the subject of the request. This is not about what the personal qualities of the business owner are, but about how she seeks to manage her company. The suit of cups indicates the emotional component. 10 of Cups is a very positive card. Harmonious family relations in this case are transformed into a friendly atmosphere in the company.

Second card - 3 staves

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Interpretation for the map of 3 staves

Interpretation for the map of 3 staves

In this case, 3 staves indicates that the lady does not stop there. She sets new goals for herself and, apparently, is reaching new frontiers. 3 staffs indicates that if there is some kind of pause now, then it is rather a concentration before a new stage.

Third card - Page of Pentacles

Position value:
Why is it given to me? How can I use it?

Interpretation of the Page of Pentacles card

It is possible that this new stage is associated with training, with the fact that the lady is learning new methods of management and leadership.

Fourth card - 8 of cups

Position value:
What challenge will I have to face if I develop/use my gift?

Interpretation of the card 8 of cups

Interpretation of the card 8 of cups

In a certain sense, 8 cups is consonant with 3 staves. A halt (3 staves) and an assault on a new peak (8 cups). Naturally, a new stage will require efforts to overcome it. But they are unlikely to be outrageous.

Fifth card - 10 of Pentacles

Position value:
What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card.

Interpretation of the card 10 of Pentacles

The 10 of Pentacles suggests that the firm's financial position is fairly stable. There is a powerful, solid foundation that allows you not to be afraid to experiment, test new methods and find your own way.

Sixth card - (Ace of Swords, King of Cups, 9 staves).

Position value:
What in the long run will bring me the use of my gift.

Interpretation of the card of 3 swords (Ace of Swords, King of Cups, 9 staves)

However, it can be assumed that some systemic crises are possible in the future (the opposition is the King of Cups - 9 staves). It can be assumed that the balance between caution, detachment, non-involvement in other people's affairs (9 staves) and the desire to involve everyone in their orbit (King of Cups) will not be found as easily as we would like.

Look at the master's interpretation of the last exercise > P.S. Write your interpretation in the comments.

The layout for magical abilities is performed exclusively on the Major Arcana. It is interesting, first of all, to those who are not sure of their abilities, and who, if they want, but are pricked. When I returned to the Craft, and I did it slowly and carefully, I was curious to observe the changes in the layout. A kind of monitoring with the help of Tarot. When Temperance projects the Magician, and the Magician, having arrived, falls into the Sun, the Priestess turns into a Jester. How cards move from one position to another under the influence of initiations, or, on the contrary, hoot under the yoke of inactivity from period to period. Also, this layout will show the stops and ways out of them. In some way it can be said that pampering, however, at the beginning of the Path can be a useful companion of progress - do not doubt yourself, go forward, higher, stronger.

I repeat, we use only the Major Arcana. To do this, we separate them from the common deck, set aside the rest of the cards, they will not be useful to us here.

1. What do you imagine at the moment of your development.

Here we see the current state, the starting point of "here and now".

2. What are your innate abilities, or those that were passed on to you by your family.

Our starting capital, which is present in us from birth to death.

3. What are you doing to develop your abilities.

Or you don't.

4. Probable development of your abilities.

5. Something that will help develop your abilities.

6. What hinders the development of your abilities.

7. What you have not yet revealed in yourself as abilities.

Forecast, where you will be after a designated period, taking into account the tips and recommendations of the alignment.

Knowingly, I always give all layouts a period - the validity period of the alignment. For this analysis, I take a month, no more. This is a sufficient amount of time for everything to move from the starting point at once and change either into an asset or a liability.

Magician, Priestess, Hermit, Death, Devil, Moon, Jester - a person has abilities or is engaged in magical work.

Emperor, Justice, Temperance, Sun, Peace - either has minimal abilities, or does not know about them at all, or does not use them.

The rest of the SAs don't indicate anything.

However, if in the first, second, fourth or last position you already see one of the above Major Arcana, it is worth delving into the classical interpretation of each arcana (which you use in everyday layouts), and the visualization of the illustrations themselves (for example, in the Green Witch 15th The lasso is called Nature, which does not cancel the classical interpretation, but does not give a subtle hint of the movement of thought) in order to understand what will lead you to development, and where the blocks are. If you really need it. If not, I don’t see the point, in principle, to make a deal, in fact :-)

I also note that if you wish, you can order this layout for a fee from one of the masters of the Yggdrasil School by contacting the master directly in the PM or by commenting under the post.

Each person is endowed with certain abilities, but some of them can be clearly expressed, while others do not at all - this is when a person is unaware of their existence. There are several ways to find out the presence of abilities: by date of birth in accordance with Tarot cards and by layouts on the cards.

There are several Tarots that can determine the presence of superpowers in a person

Tarot cards

There are several Tarots that can determine the presence of superpowers in a person. The following cards most strongly signify the presence of extrasensory perception:

  • mage card;
  • priestess;
  • hermit;
  • death card;
  • devil;
  • moon map;

The listed cards indicate the presence of higher abilities or arcane inclinations in any layout. But, there are cards to which sorcery and other skills have practically nothing to do. Among them are the cards: Emperor, Justice, Temperance, Sun, Peace. The remaining cards will play a neutral role.

Elements of cards

When using cards, you should familiarize yourself with the specific elements to which they relate. There are four main elements.

  • Fire deals with magic with candles, rituals with energy from pure sources, wrestling magic and various energy actions, and color magic.
  • Water is the love magic of relationships, psychological influence, as well as telepathic and a gift for clairvoyance.
  • Air has a direct connection with witchcraft of a verbal nature, associated with the word and music. In addition, this includes deeds with various flavors and magic of a mental nature.
  • The earth is closely connected with the magic of nature. Talismans, amulets and various items used for rituals are also attributed to the earth.

If you know the full potential of the elements, then in the future it will be easier to determine which talents will manifest more, and it will also be possible to find out the kind of magic that is best for you and safe. The arcana of Tarot cards of the highest rank are compared with the elements in the prescribed order.

  • The fire elements include cards: Emperor, Fortune, Strength, Tower, Sun, Judgment.
  • Water unites: Priestesses, Lovers, Hanged Man, Death, Moon.
  • Maps were assigned to the earth: Empress, Pope, Justice, Hermit, Balance, Devil, Peace.
  • And Air is the owner of the Jester, the Mage, the Chariot, the Star.

What will the cards mean?

If you got card 1 "Mage", then it means a connection with the magical world and the highest abilities of a psychic level. If this card fell out in a layout, then this is a clear sign that the person is the owner of a special gift, especially for the male sex. However, Mage does not always mean magic of a traditional nature. This card may also indicate that the person is purposeful and able to achieve their goals, making serious efforts.

The meaning of card 2 "Priestess" is also associated with arcane abilities, but in this case it concerns more the female gender. The card refers to the magic of nature, plants. The priestess in the layout indicates that the person has a well-developed instinct or clairvoyant abilities.

If card 3 “Empress” appeared in the layout, then this is a thread of communication with the magic of the home kind. It includes communication with brownies, rituals with knots, various conspiracies on products. It happens that the Empress warns of danger and advises to warn her hearth, just with the help of magical actions.

And card 4 "Emperor" is not associated specifically with magic, but it can mean combat magic, or male magic. The card denotes work with metal objects, which are mainly intended for self-defense, or for striking first. The drop of this card warns of possible danger and advises the use of magical actions for protection.

The emperor promises a wise mentor

Meaning 5 "Papa" is the conduct of rituals associated with religion. Icons, holy water, etc. can be used as attributes, and prayers can also be used.

When card 6 “Lovers” falls out, it is associated with a wide variety of types of love magic. People whose numerological code contains this card are able to easily attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Hands with 7 "Chariot" denote strong actions associated with the magic of the gypsy peoples, it includes dances, conspiracies and magical deeds using roads and rapids. Such a practice does not always entail harm, and can also be used as a protective magic.

But card 8 “Justice” has no special connection with magic, but rather reminds of the existing law of balance and recommends excluding actions of a magical nature, since there is a possibility of great risk. The card insists that the existing trouble can be solved by earthly methods, without the use of magic. As for the question of using otherworldly forces, the card makes it clear that there are no such actions. Meaning 9 "Hermit" is very strong, and expresses the magic of the spiritual plane, beyond the ability.

When card 10 "Fortune" falls out, it is associated with the magic of money. Actions with various types of coins, rituals. The card is positioned as karmic, on the basis of which rituals with lives in the past are possible. The layouts with card 11 "Strength" usually signify magic combined with shamanic actions (the use of wool, animal teeth). When card 12 “The Hanged Man” is found, its meaning is classified as strong, the essence of which is based on interaction with the energy of nature. In addition, this includes sessions of hypnosis, NLP techniques. Traveling in astral space, changing consciousness.

But card 13 "Death" symbolizes the presence of psychic abilities. They use healing, communication with otherworldly entities. This does not always mean a negative influence, and can also be used for healing purposes. If 14 “Moderation” fell out, then this is a sign that there is probably a need to seek the help of a qualified psychologist, since an imbalance in the inner world is possible, as a result of which problems appeared. The meaning of card 15 "Devil" is one of the most magical, and portends the presence of abilities in a person endowed with the gift of great influence over other people. The direct location has no connection with the dark forces, but reports that the person is able to use the energy of the black forces without harmful influence.

If 16 "Tower" fell out, then its value is attributed to the magic of the elements, and to all four. But the layout with card 17 "Star" is associated with the energies of the cosmic species. This is one of the most modern trends. The value 18 "Moon" indicates the presence of serious abilities of a magical nature. The magic of nature, the moon and water is used.

The tower represents the Tower of Babel, which is described in the biblical parable

When card 19 "The Sun" is encountered, then this is clearly fiery magic (candles, various lamps). In addition, it includes interaction with solar energy. With card 20 "Judgment" closely connects inanimate energy. Often it means working with the other world of the deceased, deceased relatives. Musical instruments are used. Hands with 21 "World" refer to magical actions associated with a different culture, foreign origin, or with modern technology. With regards to card 22 "Jester", it is a representative of game magic. It also symbolizes situations where it is necessary to try to make an experiment, to mix several directions.

Tarot card spreads

There are several layout examples in order to find out whether a person is endowed with a psychic gift or not. The first layout should be carried out on the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Positions and their meaning must be clearly understood.

  • Who are you at the current moment of your development?
  • Do you have any callings from birth, or those passed down to you by your family? If so, what are they?
  • What methods do you use to improve your abilities?
  • There is a possibility of developing your skills.
  • Something that can help develop your talents.
  • That which is a stumbling block in the way of the development of your gift.
  • Undiscovered skills, talents, talents.
  • Conclusions and recommendations.

The second layout is called the Five Steps. This alignment can not be called complex, and it will allow you to determine the ability. For its implementation, you will need a complete deck, in which it is important to highlight the value of the Major Arcana.

Positions and their meaning - let's consider the drop-down cards in ascending order.

  • What a person is endowed with from birth (it can be abilities inherited, or simply endowed with nature).
  • What is acquired independently, through long, diligent training.
  • How do you use the gift, wisely and for the benefit of others, or vice versa with evil intentions.
  • To whom do you belong: to white or dark magicians.
  • The final card that will tell you what will be the outcome of your actions and improvements.

The next Tarot layout for magical abilities is called "Esoteric abilities". It uses exclusively cards of the Major Arcana - on the Internet you can find how to make a layout correctly. Locations and their meaning:

  • S - the so-called significator (pointer), is used to determine the essence of the question being asked, or the person who raises the question.
  • Am I the bearer of the gift, thanks to which it is possible to influence the psyche of people?
  • Do I have the ability to divination?
  • Do I have the ability to work with traditional medicine?
  • Which development path should I choose?
  • In what areas of spiritual development should I improve more?
  • Will I be able to achieve true knowledge?
  • Do I need to seek the help of a master or a teacher?
  • Do I have the gift to become a Master in the future?
  • Knowledge of my own world and knowledge in esotericism: can they become the main directions in my life?

In the "Esoteric abilities" layout, only Major Arcana cards are used.

Method for identifying abilities by date of birth

The numbers, which are the date of the birth of a person, can also tell a lot of interesting things. For example, talk about the personality traits, identify strengths and weaknesses, tell a little about the future. With the help of the date of birth, a calculation is also carried out to determine the abilities of a person. To do this, from the date of your birth, you need to determine important numbers that will correspond to the major Arcana. It is important to note that the lasso may not always indicate the presence of any gift. This method is well suited for those who are already aware of their presence and want to decide in terms of the most suitable direction.

The number of your appearance is the first lasso, the total figure of all numbers is lasso number two, and the third lasso is the total value of all three lasso in the range from 1 to 9.

Let's take a closer look at an example: there is such a date of birth 02/10/1994. 10 is the number corresponding to the first Arcana "Fortune". In the case when the number exceeds 22, then 22 must be subtracted, and the result will become a lasso. We carry out a total calculation of all numbers of the date of birth: 1+0+0+2+1+9+9+4=26. The result exceeds the allowable value, which means that 22 must be subtracted. 26-22=4. The resulting number is the Emperor's card.

We summarize the arcana of birth: 1 + 2 + 5 \u003d 8 Justice card.

In order to calculate the third Arcana, you can use the following method: the numbers of the month, date and year must be converted to the number of the arcana. 10 (date) + 2 (month) + 1 (the sum of the numbers of the year - 22) \u003d 13 is the card of Death. The resulting lasso can be used to characterize the code of fate.

In general, the definition of abilities using the date of your birth reports that the person is endowed with certain talents in the environment of dark magical phenomena associated with the energy of otherworldly forces and certain entities. It is possible to work with the attributes of witchcraft. The presence of the lasso of Death is already a sign that a person may probably have some kind of gift. To the results obtained, it is also worth emphasizing that there are also special combinations of four cards in the Tarot cards.

Having studied all the features of the layouts for determining psychic abilities in a person, you should know that you should not rely entirely on the results obtained. Since they can be correct only when a person already knows that he is endowed with some kind of gift, and the layouts on the Tarot cards can confirm this and suggest the right path. There is no need to resort to witchcraft, especially if you are a clear debutant in this matter, because Tarot cards are a rather serious thing and require certain knowledge and skills to work with them.

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