Firmware for Android devices based on MTK via SP FlashTool. Flashing phones through the FlashTool program Flashing Chinese phones

The SP FlashTool firmware program is used to restore and update the operating system on devices based on MTK processors. And only for them. It's good that most manufacturers have such models in their arsenal. So, the program is relevant in any case. There is no single and universal instruction on how to flash devices through FlashTool. It all depends on the manufacturer of the smartphone. In some devices, everything is as simple as shelling pears, while other devices will have to be prepared for the procedure.

You can download this program anywhere. But better on the official website of the developer. The utility is constantly updated and supports an increasing number of devices. Now it can be quite successfully applied to smartphones and tablets. About that, through FlashTool, and will be discussed further.

A little about the program

The SP FlashTool application is well-deservedly popular among fans of experimenting with their smartphones. With it, you can replace the firmware on devices with MTK processors. However, the program can do more than just that. With its help, you can test the memory, partitions, hardware of the smartphone. In capable hands, it is indeed a powerful diagnostic tool. And in combination with a programmer, this application has no price.

Of course, the firmware process is different for different devices. There are problem-free devices. But there are also those that can "take out the brain" of the user during the procedure. If you need a 100% positive result, then it is better to familiarize yourself with the process of flashing a specific model separately. How to flash Fly using FlashTool? In general, the same as the models of other manufacturers. After all, further we will talk about the universal version, which is suitable for almost any device.

Stage 1. Installing drivers

In order for the program to detect the device, you need to install the drivers. This is the first and most important step. Without this, the firmware will fail. Usually, the standard drivers that come with the device are enough. But in some cases, you will have to rummage through specialized firmware forums.

The fact is that some smartphones require a special driver designed for firmware. Nothing will come of it without him. It's easy to find - just use a search engine. To track the driver installation process, it is better to open the device manager. If at the end of the installation there are no devices marked with a yellow question mark, then everything is fine. But this is only the first step. How to flash a phone through FlashTool next? Everything is simple. Now you need to select the correct firmware. More on this below.

Stage 2. Firmware selection

On the Internet, there is a huge variety of firmware for your device. Hence the problem of choosing the right one. It should immediately be noted that it is necessary to avoid "self-made" assemblies from unknown manufacturers. These are the so-called Perhaps they are faster than factory ones in terms of performance, but they do not differ in stability.

So, we are looking for firmware from the manufacturer. But here, too, you need to be careful. Alpha and beta versions should be strictly avoided. When using them, you can get a brick. The best solution would be the factory version labeled stable. After the firmware is selected, you need to download it and unzip the folder with it to the root of the disk. This completes the preparation process. Now let's move on to the next point. through FlashTool, we already almost know.

Stage 3. Preparation of the program

Run Flash_Tool.exe. After that, the working window of the program appears. Depending on the degree of "death" of the device, you can select different firmware modes. Let's assume that our smartphone is more alive than all living things. You just need to change the firmware. In this case, you do not need to change any program settings.

In the upper right corner, click the Scatter-Loading button and find the folder with the unpacked firmware. Here you need to find the MT65xx_Android_scatter.txt file. Where xx are the final numbers of the processor of your device model. Then the download of the files needed for the firmware will begin. If your PC is quite powerful, then it will take a little time. After a successful download, it remains to click the Download button. The program is now in standby mode. She is waiting for the connection of the smartphone. It's time to move on to the next stage. device when the program is already prepared?

Stage 4. Device firmware

A lot depends on the smartphone model. If the device is equipped with a removable battery, then you need to turn off the phone, remove and reinsert the battery, connect the device to the computer (turned off). If the battery is non-removable, then you just need to turn off the device. Then we connect it to the USB cable. In any case, you need to connect only the switched off smartphone. If your apparatus is a brick, then it is difficult to make a mistake here. It's always turned off anyway.

After connecting, the program will detect the device and the firmware process will begin. It can take a very long time. It depends on the degree of "death" of the device and the power of your computer. In any case, at the end of the firmware, you will see a green ring. This means that all operations were completed successfully. That's all. You can disconnect your smartphone from the computer and try to turn it on. Such sequence of steps visually describes something through FlashTool. The program is suitable for most phones.

Features of various devices

In some cases, the standard program settings for flashing a smartphone from a particular manufacturer are not enough. This is where you have to fiddle around with the settings. And since the program is in English, some difficulties may arise. In any case, for the correct firmware of "problem" devices, you will need to consult a specialist. Ask him how to flash a Sony Xperia using FlashTool and you will hear a description of the required process.

In the case of "purebred Chinese" is still more difficult. Most likely, you will have to solder the USB cable so that it becomes suitable for flashing. The only good thing is that there are very few such devices based on the MTK. And the risk of running into them is small. In addition, they use the Android OS very rarely. Most often they have their own system of unknown origin. This, of course, doesn't make it any easier. But the question of whether through FlashTool disappears by itself. Since the program is simply not suitable for these devices.

As for gadgets from Sony, they are generally extremely reluctant to flash. The bootloader of these devices is locked in the name of security. On the one hand, this is good, because it protects the device from the encroachments of comrades with "crooked hands." And on the other hand, this is an additional hemorrhoids when restoring the firmware. So before you start working with such smartphones, it’s better to ask professionals how to flash Sony through FlashTool.


This is just a general guide. Now you have an idea of ​​how to flash gadgets through FlashTool. For more accurate and detailed information, it is better to refer to the rich reference apparatus. But this article will also help you get acquainted with the basic methods of working with the program. In most cases this will be sufficient.

The MTK hardware platform as the basis for building modern smartphones, tablet computers and other devices has become very widespread. Along with the variety of devices, the ability to choose variations of the Android OS has come into the life of users - the number of available official and custom firmware for popular MTK devices can reach several dozen! To manipulate the memory partitions of Mediatek devices, it is most often used - a powerful and functional tool.

Despite the wide variety of MTK devices, the process of installing software through the SP FlashTool application is generally the same and is carried out in several steps. Let's consider them in detail.

All actions for flashing devices using SP FlashTool, including the implementation of the instructions below, the user performs at his own peril and risk! The site administration and the author of the article are not responsible for a possible malfunction of the device!

In order for the procedure for writing image files to the device memory sections to go smoothly, you need to prepare accordingly by carrying out certain manipulations, both with an Android device and with a PC or laptop.

Firmware installation

Using the SP FlashTool application, you can perform almost all possible operations with the device's memory sections. Installing firmware is the main function and for its implementation the program provides several modes of operation.

Method 1: Download Only

Let us consider in detail the procedure for downloading software to an Android device using one of the most common and frequently used firmware modes via SP FlashTool - "Download Only".

  1. Launch SP FlashTool. The program does not require installation, so to run it, simply double-click on the file flash_tool.exe located in the application folder.
  2. When you first start the program, an error message box appears. This point should not worry the user. After the path for the location of the necessary files is indicated to the program, the error will no longer appear. We press the button "OK".
  3. In the main window of the program after launch, the operating mode is initially selected - "Download Only". It should immediately be noted that this solution is used in most situations and is the main one for almost all flashing procedures. Differences in operation when using the other two modes will be described below. In general, we leave "Download Only" without changes.
  4. Let's move on to adding image files to the program for their further recording into the memory sections of the device. For some automation of the process, SP FlashTool uses a special file called Scatter. This file is essentially a list of all sections of the device's flash memory, as well as the addresses of the initial and final memory blocks of the Android device for recording partitions. To add a scatter file to the application, press the button "choose" located to the right of the field.
  5. After clicking on the button for selecting a scatter file, the Explorer window opens, in which you need to specify the path to the required data. The scatter file is located in the folder with the unpacked firmware and has the name MT xxxx _Android_scatter_ yyyyy.txt where xxxx– the processor model number of the device for which the data being downloaded to the machine is intended, and – yyyyy, the type of memory used in the device. Select a scatter and press the button "Open".
  6. It is important to note that the SP FlashTool application provides a hash check, designed to protect the Android device from writing incorrect or corrupted files. When adding a scatter file to the program, the image files are checked, the list of which is contained in the downloaded scatter file. This procedure can be canceled during the verification process or disabled in the settings, but it is strongly not recommended to do this!
  7. After downloading the scatter file, firmware components were added automatically. This is evidenced by the filled fields. Name, Begin Address, End Address, Location. The lines under the headings contain, respectively, the name of each section, the start and end addresses of memory blocks for writing data, as well as the path where the image files are located on the PC disk.
  8. To the left of the names of the memory sections, there are checkboxes that allow you to exclude or add certain image files that will be written to the device.

    In general, it is strongly recommended to uncheck the box next to the item with the section PRELOADER, this avoids a lot of problems, especially when using custom firmware or files obtained from dubious resources, as well as the absence of a full system backup created using .

  9. Checking the program settings. Press menu Options and in the opened window go to the section Download. Mark the checkboxes "USB Checksum" and "Storage Checksum"- this will allow you to check the checksums of files before writing to the device, which means to avoid flashing corrupted images.
  10. After completing the above steps, we proceed directly to the procedure for writing image files to the corresponding sections of the device's memory. We check that the device is disconnected from the computer, turn off the Android device completely, remove and insert the battery back if it is removable. To put SP FlashTool into standby mode for connecting the device for firmware, press the button Download, indicated by a green arrow pointing down.
  11. In the process of waiting for the connection of the device, the program does not allow you to perform any actions. Only button available stop to interrupt the procedure. We connect the switched off device to the USB port.
  12. After connecting the device to the PC and detecting it in the system, the process of flashing the device will begin, accompanied by the completion of the progress bar located at the bottom of the window.

    During the procedure, the indicator changes its color depending on the actions performed by the program. For a complete understanding of the processes occurring during the firmware, consider the decoding of the indicator colors:

  13. After the program has completed all the manipulations, a window appears "Download OK" A that confirms the successful completion of the process. Disconnect the device from the PC and start it by long pressing the key "Nutrition". Usually, the first launch of Android after the firmware lasts quite a long time, you should be patient.

Method 2: Firmware Upgrade

The procedure for working with MTK devices running Android in the mode "Firmware Upgrade" generally the same as described above. "Download Only" and requires the user to perform similar actions.

The difference between the modes is the impossibility of selecting individual images for recording in the variant "Firmware Upgrade". In other words, in this option, the device's memory will be overwritten in full accordance with the list of partitions contained in the scatter file.

In most cases, this mode is used to update the official firmware of the entire working device, if the user needs a new version of the software, and other methods of updating do not work or are not applicable. It can also be used when restoring devices after a system crash and in some other cases.

Attention! Using the mode "Firmware Upgrade" involves a complete formatting of the device's memory, therefore, all user data will be destroyed in the process!

Firmware process in mode "Firmware Upgrade" after pressing the button Download in SP FlashTool and connecting the device to a PC consists of the following steps:

  • Create a backup copy of the NVRAM partition;
  • Full formatting of the device memory;
  • Write device memory partition table (PMT);
  • Restoring an NVRAM partition from a backup;
  • Write all partitions whose image files are contained in the firmware.

User actions for flashing in the mode "Firmware Upgrade", repeat the previous method, with the exception of certain points.

Method 3: Format All + Download

Mode "Format All+Download" in SP FlashTool is intended for flashing when restoring devices, and is also used in situations where other methods described above are not applicable or do not work.

Situations in which it applies "Format All+Download", are diverse. As an example, we can consider the case when modified software was installed in the device and / or the device's memory was re-partitioned to a solution other than the factory one, and then a transition to the original software from the manufacturer was required. In this case, attempts to write original files fail and SP FlashTool will offer to use the emergency mode in the corresponding message box.

There are only three stages of firmware execution in this mode:

  • Full formatting of the device's memory;
  • PMT partition table entry;
  • Write all sections of the device's memory.

Attention! When manipulating in "Format All+Download" the NVRAM partition is erased, which leads to the deletion of network parameters, in particular, IMEI. This will make it impossible to make calls and connect to Wi-Fi networks after following the instructions below! Restoring an NVRAM partition in the absence of a backup is a rather time-consuming procedure, although it is possible in most cases!

Steps required to format and write partitions in "Format All+Download" are similar to those in the above methods for modes Download and "Firmware Upgrade".

Installing custom recovery via SP Flash Tool

To date, the so-called custom firmware has become widespread, i.e. solutions created not by the manufacturer of a particular device, but by third-party developers or ordinary users. Without delving into the advantages and disadvantages of this method to change and expand the functionality of an Android device, it is worth noting that in order to install custom, in most cases, a modified recovery environment is required in the device - either. In almost all MTK devices, this system component can be installed using SP FlashTool.

It is worth noting that the considered method of installing recovery through SP FlashTool does not claim to be an absolutely universal solution. In some cases, when loading the recovery environment image into the device, additional steps may be required, in particular, editing the scatter file and other manipulations.

As you can see, the process of flashing MTK devices on Android using the SP Flash Tool application is not a complicated procedure, but it requires proper preparation and balanced actions. We do everything calmly and think over every step - success is guaranteed!

FlashTool is a special “flash driver” for smartphones running on processors from MediaTek. Thanks to this program, you can reflash your smartphone to a newer version of the operating system or replace your firmware with an assembly of another modification, both official and custom (modified).

1 Installing drivers. Using a microUSB cable, we connect the device to the computer and install firmware drivers (for example, firmware drivers suitable for most Lenovo smartphones can be downloaded). After the driver is installed, disconnect the device from the computer.

2 Search for the required firmware. On a specialized site dedicated to your device, you need to download the firmware designed to work with the Flash Tool application. Custom or official - you decide. More details about custom and official firmware can be found in the article:

3 Installing SP FlashTool. As a rule, for firmware that is installed on devices using SP FlashTool, this program is included in the bundle, in the archive with the firmware. Unpack the archive and run the application.

4 Device firmware. Turn off the device completely. We launch the SP Flash Tool program on the computer and fill in the Download Agent and Scatter-loading File fields with the appropriate files.

Mandatory check the box next to “DA DL All With Check Sum”

Press the button “Fimware -> Upgrade”

The application will enter the device connection waiting mode. Using a USB cable, connect the device to the computer. If everything was done correctly, then multi-colored stripes will appear at the bottom of the program, displaying the status of “uploading” the firmware to the device.

As a result, a window with a green circle will appear on the computer screen, indicating the successful “upload” of the firmware to the device. After that, we reboot the flashed device and enjoy its work.

Attention! The article is written for informational purposes! Everything you do is at your own peril and risk.

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