Steam omelette for a child (children's steamed) and an adult. Classic recipes, in a double boiler, on water and from proteins. How to cook an omelette for a child: a step-by-step recipe Delicious omelet for a child of 2 years

Eggs are a necessary food item in the children's menu. They contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, a set of essential amino acids and substances required for the normal functioning of the body: phosphorus, calcium and iron.

From about 10 months of age, and in some cases from a year old, you can fearlessly give children a well-cooked omelet. But do not forget that any new dish should be introduced into the diet gradually. Eggs don't have to be on your fidget's menu every day.

To prepare an omelette, you must use only fresh chicken or quail eggs and special baby milk. Raw eggs must first be washed to prevent microbes that have settled on the shell from entering the food. If you are using rustic cowhide, boil it first.

Chicken eggs are a strong allergen that can cause a rash in a child. In this case, the dish is prepared from quail eggs, which rarely cause an allergic reaction, while containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Difficult question of choice

Based on the whole family, you will need 7 eggs, 250 ml of milk and a pinch of salt. But if your baby is less than a year old, it is better to prepare a separate portion for him without salt.

The multicooker bowl is lubricated with a small amount of butter. The egg-milk mixture is mixed with a whisk or mixer at low speed, poured into the bowl and cooked in the “Baking” mode for 15 minutes.

Nothing but yolk!

Many parents suffer from the fact that their child is sensitive to various foods (for example, to egg white), so it is necessary to draw up an extremely strict children's menu.

Some babies are allergic to semolina. It is recommended to introduce it into the baby's diet no earlier than six months, but in a year this product is already well absorbed. The body of other children does not absorb egg white well.

The way out is to prepare an omelet without proteins. It is no coincidence that pediatricians recommend preparing this dish exclusively from yolks for children under one year old (at 10-). The protein component of a chicken egg is considered more difficult to digest.

You will need 1 yolk, about a quarter cup of milk and 1 tbsp. l. decoys. To prepare this dish, you must first beat the yolk, then add milk and add semolina, then beat with a whisk and send to the oven. Another option is to cook over high heat in a skillet with high sides.

Cooking Tricks

  1. If you are planning to make an omelet with a filling (minced meat, vegetables, etc.), then it is better to fry the ingredients separately and then add them to the main dish.
  2. Do you use frozen vegetables to make an omelette? They should be stewed separately over low heat, covering the pan with a lid, or in a slow cooker using the “Pilaf” mode. This approach will help make the filling softer.
  3. As soon as the omelette is ready, it needs to be darkened for a few more minutes with the multicooker turned off or the stove under the lid. So delicious!
  4. An especially magnificent omelet is obtained in the oven, which is not recommended to be opened for the first 20 minutes so that the dish does not settle. At the same time, the baking dish is filled about halfway, because during the cooking process the initial volume will increase by 2 times.
  5. If you add sour cream, then the omelet will not be as lush as when using milk, but it will acquire a delicate creamy taste.
  6. The child should serve the most airy part, taken from the middle, to the table. From several eggs, the omelette will turn out more tender and lush.
  7. It is recommended to beat half the proteins separately, and only after that mix them with the rest of the egg mixture, and then add a piece of softened butter. This will give the omelette the perfect fluffy texture that your child is sure to love.

Lucky Recipes

with apples

  1. For 1 serving: 1 egg, 50 g milk, 1 tsp. butter, 100 g apples.
  2. Peel and cut apples into thin slices, stew in a pan with butter.
  3. Beat raw eggs with milk, pour the mixture over stewed apples and bring to readiness.
  4. Serve the dish, sprinkled with a little fructose.


  1. Beat a glass of milk and three eggs.
  2. Peel 2 raw potatoes, grate them on a coarse grater and add to the mixture.
  3. If desired, you can supplement the dish with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bham.
  4. Mix everything well, salt.
  5. Grease the form with oil, put the egg-potato mixture and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

With zucchini

  1. Take 2 eggs, half a glass of milk, 60 g of zucchini and 2 tsp. butter.
  2. Finely chop young zucchini, transfer to a small saucepan, add half the oil, cover and simmer a little over low heat.
  3. Lubricate the pan with oil, put the stewed zucchini, top with a mixture of eggs and milk.
  4. Cook covered until fully cooked.

with chicken

  1. You will need: 2 eggs, milk, a few pieces of chicken breast (already boiled), salt and butter.
  2. Lightly mix the eggs with a fork, salt, pour in the milk and beat well.
  3. Lubricate a suitable size form with oil, put the chopped chicken breast on the bottom, pour a mixture of eggs and milk on top.
  4. Put the omelet form in a container with water so that it reaches about the middle, bring the water to a boil over high heat.
  5. Then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer the omelette until fully cooked.

As you can see, it is not difficult to please your child with a delicious omelet, although giving it for breakfast every day is highly discouraged. So you risk causing the baby to have a persistent aversion to egg dishes or even.

In the article: recipes for simple omelettes for the children's menu.

Unfortunately, any eggs, incl. and quail, are food products with a high degree of allergic activity.

You will familiarize yourself with the rules for introducing egg products into the child's diet by reading the article.

Important: an egg, in the usual form for us “yolk + protein”, can be introduced into the child’s menu when he reaches the age of 1 year (in the absence of individual intolerance to egg white or yolk, natural milk).

Daily intake of scrambled eggs

  • for a child aged "1+" - 50 g,
  • for a child aged "2+" - 75 g,
  • for a child aged 3-7 years -100 g.

Eggs should be included in the baby's menu 3-4 times a week.

Is it possible to make an omelet during pregnancy?

It is possible, provided there are no medical contraindications.

Important: egg dishes must undergo thorough heat treatment. A woman in position cannot eat fried eggs or eggs boiled "in a bag" if she is not sure of their quality.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to make an omelette?

It is possible, provided there is no individual intolerance to the product (both in mother and baby).

Eggs should be included in the menu of a nursing mother 3-4 times a week.

At a time, you can eat 1 chicken egg or 4-5 quail eggs, i.e. the total amount of the product is 3-4 chicken or 12-20 quail eggs per week.

Omelet in the oven for a child. Children's omelette from 1 year old: ingredients and recipe (from chicken eggs)

  • chicken egg - 45 g (or 1 pc.)
  • salt - to taste

How to cook:

2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add salt.

Important: the height of the omelet depends solely on the size of the form and on the amount of omelette mixture. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelet.

Quail egg omelette for a child: recipe, ingredients, photo

Ingredients needed to make a 100 g omelette:

  • quail egg - 45 g (or 4-5 pcs.)
  • milk of any fat content - 60 ml. Milk can be replaced with formula that your baby is used to.
  • hard cheese (Russian, Poshekhonsky, Dutch) - 16-20 g
  • butter for greasing the mold.

How to cook:

1. Thoroughly grease a heat-resistant form with a thick bottom with butter. Preheat the oven to 180⁰-200⁰C.
2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add finely grated cheese.
3. Thoroughly mix the milk-egg mixture.

Important: the mixture must be stirred, not whipped! Omelette mixture, supersaturated with air, will swell during cooking, and then fall off. The finished dish will have the wrong consistency.

4. Pour the omelette mixture into the prepared dish. Layer height 2.5-3 cm.

Important: the height of the omelet depends solely on the size of the form. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelet.

5. Bake the omelet in the oven. Roasting time: 8-10 minutes. The finished dish has a light yellow crust. The consistency of the finished dish is elastic, homogeneous, soft. Before serving, let the omelette rest in the oven for a bit (about 10-15 minutes).
6. Ready omelette can be additionally poured with melted butter.

Important: the dish is not suitable for diet 5!

Tip: If you won't be using hard cheese, be sure to season the omelet mixture with salt before baking.

Steamed omelette for a child in a double boiler: recipe

The ratio of ingredients for the "correct" omelette is presented above. If you want to diversify the taste of your dish, add greens, cottage cheese / cheese, vegetables, meat, etc. to the omelet mixture before heat treatment. All additional components, except greens and cottage cheese / cheese, should be ready to eat. This means that vegetables and meat should be boiled or stewed.

If the prospect of baking does not please you at all, cook a steam omelette. This is easy enough to do, and the result will please both you and the baby. In addition, this dish is suitable for diet tables.
1. Prepare baking molds: they need to be greased with butter.
2. Pour the omelet mixture into the molds. See the basic omelet recipe at the beginning of the article.
3. Place the molds on the steamer grid. Place the mesh in a steamer with boiling water. Cover the steamer with a lid.

4. Cooking time - 10 minutes (from the moment the water boils).

Another great option for making a children's omelette is in a mug or jar.

1. In a clean, dry jar, for example, from baby puree, pour milk and egg, salt. See the basic omelet recipe at the beginning of the article.

2. Close the contents of the jar with a lid and shake thoroughly.
3. Place a suitable size silicone mat or cloth on the bottom of the pot. Set a jar of omelet mixture, fill with water (up to the shoulders of the jar). Cooking time - 10 minutes from the moment of boiling water.

With the help of a slow cooker, you can either bake the omelette mass or steam it.

Option 1. baking

2. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil.
3. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl.
4. Set the "Baking" mode. Cooking time depends on the volume of the mixture. For an omelet from 1 egg, 10 minutes is enough.

Important. The height of the omelette in this case depends on the volume of the omelet mixture: the more eggs and milk, the higher the omelette.

5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the beep. Let the dish rest a bit (5-10 minutes). But it is better to turn off automatic heating.

Option #2. Steam cooking

1. Prepare the omelet mixture.
2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl (up to the minimum level marked on the inside of the bowl).
3. Pour the mixture into refractory molds, pre-lubricated with oil. Place the molds on the steaming grid. Set the grid in the multicooker bowl.
4. Set the "Steaming" mode. Cooking time - 10 minutes.
5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the beep. Let the dish rest a bit (5-10 minutes). But it is better to turn off automatic heating.

1. Prepare the omelet mixture (see recipe above).
2. Grease a handy container suitable for microwave use with butter. These can be baking molds (ceramic or silicone), cups or glasses of a suitable volume.
3. Pour the mixture into a previously prepared form, place it on the oven stand, cover with a dome lid (used for heating dishes).
4. Cooking time from 3 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven and the amount of omelet mixture.

1. Prepare the omelet mixture (see recipe above).
2. Pour the omelet mixture into a food-grade plastic bag or into a baking sleeve. If you choose to use a sleeve, carefully tie off one end before pouring the omelet mixture into it. Tie the bag/sleeve with the mixture carefully.
3. Place the omelette bag in the extra bag. The additional package should also be well tied.
4. Put the bag into boiling water. Cooking time: from 10 to 30 minutes (it all depends on the amount of omelette mixture).

5. Put the cooked omelet on a plate.

Video: How to cook an air omelette in a bag - the easiest omelet recipe

Omelet is a word familiar to us since childhood. Many children love to eat this wonderful dish, reminiscent of the sun in its shape. This article describes an omelette recipe for a 1 year old child for cooking in a double boiler, slow cooker and even a microwave.

Baking an omelette is a simple task, it does not take much time. Chicken eggs contain substances that are beneficial to health:

  • vitamins D, E, A, B;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • essential amino acids.

Food cooked in a double boiler is the healthiest. It is not as heavy as fried, it retains more nutrients. Moms often ask how many months it is possible to feed children with such an omelette. It can be given to children as young as one year old.

Protein is a component that can cause allergies in a baby. Cow's milk is also not shown to crumbs. Therefore, offering children food containing protein and milk is acceptable after 12 months.

A steam omelette for a one-year-old child is a dietary dish. Its taste is very delicate and not at all greasy.

  1. Beat with a mixer or blender 2 chicken eggs and a quarter cup of milk.
  2. Lubricate the dish for cooking with butter.
  3. Pour in the egg mixture. Steam for 7 minutes.

Feed your little gourmet a new dish. For the first time, let him try a small piece. And you find out the presence or absence of allergies in crumbs.

Here is the prescription.

  1. Wash 6 quail eggs and crack them into a bowl. By the way, there are special scissors for quail eggs, which greatly simplify the life of the hostess.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer or a simple whisk.
  3. Add 50 ml. milk and stir again.
  4. Grease a steamer mold with butter.
  5. Then steam for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe for multicooker

At what age can an omelette cooked in a slow cooker be given to little ones? It is recommended to give such a dish when the child is 18-20 months old. How to cook this omelet for children? Here is the prescription.

  1. Beat 5 chicken eggs and one glass of milk. You should get a magnificent mass.
  2. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl.
  3. In the "Baking" mode, you need to cook for 20 minutes.
  4. When cooking is completed, leave the finished dish in the slow cooker for five minutes, closed with a lid. During this time, the omelet will reach, rise a little and thicken.

You can cook a similar dish in a slow cooker using quail eggs. Calculate based on the proportion: 4 quail eggs are taken for one chicken.

Microwave cooking

Modern mothers often complain about the lack of time, especially when it is not enough for cooking. If necessary, you can cook food in the microwave. It requires significantly less time than other methods.

However you should not often turn to the microwave for help, especially when it comes to food for small children. The effect of the waves of this miracle device on the body has not been studied.

At what age can children safely cook in the microwave? It is permissible to give such food when the baby is 2 years old. The minimum age is 12 months.

And now the recipe for a quick and tasty omelette for children.

  1. Take the dishes that you put in the microwave.
  2. Break one chicken egg or 4 quail eggs into it. Whisk. You can add some chopped greens.
  3. Add 50 ml. milk and beat again until fluffy.
  4. Put the dishes in the microwave, do not close the lid. Set the power to 800W. Cooking takes 5 minutes. If the specified power is not provided in your microwave, then select a lower power and increase the cooking time.

How to diversify a dish familiar from childhood

Let's try to cook a magnificent omelette for children with tomato and chicken meat in a slow cooker. From how many months can you please a baby with this dish?

Since the recipe is quite complicated, it is better not to give it to the baby until two years old.

  1. Mix with a whisk or other kitchen tool one cup of milk and 3 tbsp. flour spoons. Lumps should not remain.
  2. Pour in the same 5 chicken eggs and mix thoroughly.
  3. Dice 1 tomato and 1/4 pound chicken breast. Pour this into the milk-egg mixture.
  4. Add a pinch of salt and soda. Stir again.
  5. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter. Pour the previously obtained mixture of all ingredients into it.
  6. We will cook for half an hour in the “Baking” mode.

Another original recipe for children is an omelet with cheese and sausage. It is quite easy to prepare it. The minimum age for a baby to eat this dish is 2 years. But more competently - to postpone up to six years.

  1. Place a small piece of butter in the multicooker bowl. Put on "Warming up", do not close the lid.
  2. Cut 150 grams of boiled sausage and fry in hot oil.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat 3 chicken or 10 quail eggs. If desired, add a quarter cup of milk and whisk again.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the multicooker bowl, mix with the sausage.
  5. Cooking lasts 15 minutes, "Baking" mode.
  6. After baking, sprinkle the omelet with cheese right in the saucepan, close the lid and let it stand for a few minutes.

Thus, there are many recipes for making omelet for children. This dish can be cooked in a double boiler, slow cooker and even a microwave. The minimum age at which you can give your baby a steam omelet is 12 months.

At the same time, it is better to introduce fried foods into the diet as late as possible.

Both infant formula and breast milk contain almost all the nutrients that are so necessary for a small child. However, when milk becomes scarce, every parent wants, in addition to artificial mixtures, to introduce more natural products into their baby's diet. An omelet is no exception, because it contains eggs, which contain natural proteins.

At what age is it allowed to add an omelet to the diet of babies?

Such a simple and tasty dish like an omelet is liked by almost all small children. It is quite bright and therefore attracts attention. It is easy to swallow even for babies. However, parents should not be too hasty to give such a product to their baby. First you need to make sure that the crumbs are not allergic to protein and yolk. Therefore, pediatricians recommend starting to give an omelette to children only after a year.

When it turns out that there is no allergy, you can add vegetables to the omelette, as well as cottage cheese and meat. If you still have an allergy, then do not despair, you can simply use quail eggs - they are hypoallergenic.

How to cook a healthy omelette for young children?

In addition, we must remember that you can make such a dish for your baby both in a conventional oven and in a slow cooker, as well as steamed. But frying in a pan should be abandoned. An omelet for a child consists of almost the same components as for an adult. This is a common mixture made from milk and eggs. If we talk about proportions, then for 1 egg it will be enough to add 50 milliliters of low-fat fresh milk. For a baby, it will be better to cook a dish without salt. In addition to these components, you can also add eye-friendly carrots or broccoli, sweet peppers or tender cottage cheese.

To make the omelet more magnificent during cooking, it is necessary to beat the protein separately, and separately the yolk. If you cook such a dish in the oven, then you need to do this on a minimum fire so that it does not burn.

Recipes for the little ones

Ways to prepare a dietary omelet for kids are very simple and do not require special skills.

Steamed omelette for a one year old

When preparing a dish for very young children, it is necessary to approach the choice of products and the cooking process with extreme caution.

Required components:

  • 1 egg;
  • 3 art. l. low-fat milk;
  • salt - as needed;
  • a small piece of butter - for greasing the pan.

step by step recipe

  • First you need to beat the egg very well. You can do this in any way: whisk, fork or even a spoon.
  • Then you can add low-fat milk, as well as a little salt.
  • Next, you can pour the prepared mixture into a greased form.
  • After that, you need to boil water in a container. From above it is necessary to put a colander in which it is necessary to establish the form.
  • It takes 18-24 minutes to steam the egg mixture.

The result is a rather useful and tender omelet, which should be cooled a little and given to the child.

Omelette for a 1-year-old child who is intolerant to protein

If the baby is allergic to protein, then you can cook an omelette using only the yolk.

Required components:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 art. l. skimmed milk;
  • a little butter - for lubrication;
  • 10 gr. decoys.

step by step recipe

  • The first thing to do is to thoroughly beat the yolk. You can use both a mixer and a whisk.
  • After that, you can add milk, mix a little and immediately add semolina. Then everything must be thoroughly mixed and left for a few minutes so that the semolina swells a little.
  • The finished mixture must be poured into a greased form, and then cooked in the oven for 10-14 minutes.

You need to cook so that it does not become covered with a crust.

Omelet for a child in a slow cooker

This cooking method is suitable for babies and for children who are more than 1.5 years old. In addition, adults will also like this dish.

Required components:

  • 6-7 eggs;
  • 1.5 st. low-fat milk;
  • salt - as needed;
  • a little butter - for greasing the bowl.

First you need to beat the eggs into a thick foam, after which you need to add fresh milk and a small pinch of salt to them. In the meantime, it is necessary to grease the form in the slow cooker and pour the finished mixture into it. Next, you need to press the "Baking" button, and set the timer for 18 minutes. Do not open the lid immediately after cooking. It is necessary to let him stand for another 10-15 minutes so that he remains as magnificent.

Omelet for children over 1 year old

Such a dish is often prepared in kindergarten, where it is eaten with great pleasure. However, you can try to give such an omelette to a baby.

Required components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 90 ml fresh skimmed milk;
  • cauliflower inflorescences;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • salt - as needed;
  • butter.

step by step recipe

  • Broccoli and carrots should be boiled, and then cut into small pieces. In the meantime, you need to beat the eggs with milk, and also salt.
  • Next, the form must be smeared with oil, after that put the chopped vegetables into it and pour the prepared mixture.
  • Before that, you need to boil water in a large container and put a grate on it, on which you put the form with the omelette blank. It will be ready in 14-18 minutes.

The result is a very healthy dish that will appeal to all family members.

Children's carrot omelet

If the baby is tired of the usual omelet, you can surprise him by putting carrots in it. It will be both useful and tasty.

Required components:

  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 90 ml skim milk;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

First you need to peel and grate the carrots. Meanwhile, beat eggs with milk and salt. After that, in a greased form, you must first put the carrots, and then pour the prepared mixture. Then you need to put the form in the oven and bake the omelette for 16-19 minutes. The resulting omelet will acquire a very bright color and, of course, the baby will like it.

Dietary children's omelet with low-fat cheese

For older children, you can use hard cheese when cooking.

Required components:

  • 1 bell pepper;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • 50 ml skim milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 20 gr. hard cheese.

step by step recipe

  • Peppers must be peeled, cut into thin strips, and then stewed for a couple of minutes. Then hard cheese must be grated.
  • Eggs should be mixed with milk in a very thick foam, after which grated cheese should be added and beat again. In the meantime, it is necessary to grease the form with oil, put the stewed pepper in it, and then pour everything with the prepared mixture.
  • The form must be put in the oven and cooked for 18-21 minutes.

After that, you must not open the oven for several minutes so that the omelette is just as magnificent.

Egg treat with apple for kids

If such an unusual component is added to the whipped egg mixture, then the dish will not only taste better, but also healthier - the apple contains a large number of different vitamins.

Required components:

  • ½ apple;
  • 40 ml fresh low-fat milk;
  • a few fresh eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • some oil.

The apple should be washed well and cut into thin slices. They must be laid out in a greased form. In the meantime, you need to mix the eggs with milk and salt. Pour apples with this mixture, after which the form must be put in the oven. It takes about 18 minutes to bake an omelet, after which it needs to cool a little and serve to the kids.

Omelet for babies from fresh quail eggs

This dish will not cause allergies, moreover, it will turn out very tender and tasty. In addition, this omelette will be very useful for the human body, and especially for babies.

Required components:

  • 6 quail eggs;
  • 50 ml skim milk;
  • salt - as needed;
  • piece of fresh butter.

step by step recipe

  • Eggs must first be washed, and then broken into a deep container. Then you need to add fresh milk to them, add a little salt and beat into a thick foam.
  • Next, grease the mold with butter and pour the egg mixture into it. Cook 4-4.5 minutes.

The delicate taste of an omelet will surely appeal to a small child.

To give the dish an unusual taste, you can add the vegetable or fruit that your child likes. In addition, you need to decorate this dish beautifully. To do this, you can lay out dill greens in the form of a Christmas tree or make from those vegetables that can already be included in the diet, a smile or any figure. So the baby with great interest and joy will be able to eat the whole omelette.

You can even come up with recipes for your baby. To do this, you can use those components that the child needs, and also likes him. Such a simple omelet will be very useful.

For information on how to cook a steamed omelet for a child from 1 year old, see the following video.

And they must appear several times a week not only on our dinner table, but also on the child's menu.

From a very young age, from the age of 7, children are introduced to complementary foods with egg yolk, which has a favorable effect on the development of the child's body. Protein is poorly absorbed by a fragile body and adversely affects the kidneys, and allergic reactions may occur when it is consumed.

Eggs are rich in many amino acids, vitamins and fats, minerals and essential trace elements. For example, the fat contained in the yolk (and there it is up to 5 grams) creates a favorable environment for the normal functioning of the brain and kidneys. And the present polyunsaturated amino acids provide a well-coordinated metabolism. Iodine, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, vitamins D and E are especially useful for the baby.

For a growing body, all these important substances are required several times more than an adult body, which is why it is so important to provide a complete and balanced diet for a child.

If your child, for one reason or another, does not favor boiled eggs, then you can replace them, for example, with an omelette. However, for the reason that fried foods are not recommended for children, we will cook a wonderful and children's omelette in the oven, like in kindergarten. In this performance, it turns out more tender and tastier.

Products for the omelet:

  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • milk 1 tbsp. (we assume that 1 egg needs 50 ml of milk)
  • butter (for greasing the mold)

Children's omelette in the oven, as in kindergarten - recipe with photo:

Crack four eggs into a bowl.

Pour a glass of milk over them.

Mix all the ingredients well, do not beat in any case. Only in this way will we get a magnificent omelet when baking, as in kindergarten.

Lubricate the prepared form well with butter.

Pour the contents of the bowl into it.

We send the omelette to the oven, which we previously heated to 180 degrees. Bake approx. 30 minutes.
We take out an omelet from the oven, which is similar to the one that is prepared in kindergarten and school.

We divide the children's omelet into beautiful portioned pieces, decorating with fresh herbs.

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