How much the camouflage net reduces visibility. How does disguise work? What is "disguise"

Yes, it depends. The larger the caliber of the gun, the higher the chance of detection (the distance from which the tank will be guaranteed to be unmasked) at the time of the shot. In addition, the muzzle brake plays an important role, in the presence of which, at the time of the shot, the equipment is unmasked more strongly than with a similar shot from a gun without a muzzle brake.

Does the detection of a tank when firing depend on the type of projectile?

No, all types of shells, when fired from one gun, unmask vehicles in the same way.

What is visibility? Is there a difference in visibility between tanks of the same class?

Visibility of 100% means that the tank will be visible at the maximum viewing range. Visibility of 0% means that the tank will only be visible from a distance of 50 meters. The dimensions of the tank affect the overall visibility. Each tank has its own stealth coefficients, and it is they that are changed by the Stealth skill and the Camouflage Net module.

Camouflage net and camouflage bonus to camouflage level

The camouflage level bonus from Camouflage Net and camouflage is added to the stealth coefficient of the tank itself. This bonus is fixed and depends only on the vehicle class.

Self-propelled guns and heavy tanks get a small bonus, light and medium tanks - medium, tank destroyers - large. At the same time, the bonus from Camouflage Net is greater than the bonus from camouflage in any case. So, for example, the Camouflage Net bonus for SPGs and heavy tanks is greater than the camouflage bonus for tank destroyers.

Maximum bonus from bushes

Bushes in the game are conditionally divided into two types: dense and sparse. And these types differ slightly in the stealth bonus they give. The maximum bonus can be obtained from four thick bushes.

The ability to properly tank on your tank is certainly very important and useful. But in order not to receive damage on the battlefield, it is much more profitable to simply not get into the light and into the sight of enemy tanks. To do this, you need to know and understand how disguise works. The topic is very big.

Consider the basic principles of camouflage in the field

The first thing that every player in the world of tanks should know is that the tank sees the same way in all directions. It doesn't matter which way the tower is facing, which way you look. Lighting occurs in a circle with the radius of your view.

Secondly, in order for you to light up, the dimensional points that are located on the hull of your tank and its turret must fall into the light. This explains the fact that sometimes enemy tracks stick out from behind a bush or you look at the enemy from under the car and see only his tracks, and suddenly he disappears from the light. Why is this? Yes, because at this moment you cannot light up its overall points.

Third, regarding disguise. In World of Tanks, there are only 2 states of a tank: either it is moving or standing still. Rotation of the turret or barrel for tank destroyers is not considered a move. But turning the body even by a centimeter, or moving in first gear - the server considers this to be movement, the masking coefficient decreases. The only exception to this rule is all light tanks. There is no such penalty for them. Both in motion and standing, they have the same detection coefficient (light).

Fourth. The stealth of a tank directly depends on its height. This is considered from the ground to the extreme point of the tower. The higher your tank, the less camouflage it has, the more distance it will be detected by the enemy. Tall tanks don't make much of a difference whether they're moving or standing still. Studies were carried out with different tanks of the German branch, they all glowed from approximately the same distance equal to 430-440 m. But for tanks with a low profile (T-54, T-62A, leopard prototype), things are a little different. They were illuminated in an open field much later - at a distance of 220-230 meters. And in motion, the light occurred 20-25 meters earlier. From this we can conclude that on tanks with a low profile it is much more profitable to stand in your position to the last.

The work of the camouflage network. On average, the distance of light when it is activated is reduced by 40 meters. Very useful and not a small bonus.

Bushes are the best place to hide World of Tanks

The best way to not take damage if you are a firefly and not only is not to get into the light. Now we will talk in more detail about the most interesting and most accessible masking element on any map - bushes.

Bushes are not completely opaque to light rays, but simply weaken their effect, reduce the distance of light. Moreover, the lower the profile of the tank, the better the bushes hide it.

There is a difference between whether you are standing behind a bush or moving, and a very interesting pattern. The test was carried out on the T-54. When moving behind the bushes, the tank was detected from 150 meters, and in a static position from 120 m. While standing just in a field without bushes, moving back and forth, the tank was detected from 350 meters, and in a static position from 320 m. It turns out that and there and there the difference was 30 meters.

It doesn't make much of a difference to the game whether you're speeding behind a bush, just spinning, or turning just a little bit - in that case, you're moving and lowering your disguise.

How does a camouflage net affect a tank standing in the bushes. With a camouflage net, the T-54 standing in the bushes was illuminated from a distance of 80 meters. And without network masks, the distance was 120m. That is, the gain is approximately equal to 40 meters. Standing in an open field with a net, the light was at 280 m, without a net 320 m. High tanks of the E-100 type from the bushes shone at a distance of about 210-220 meters, that is, 2 times more than low-profile ones. What does it matter what class of equipment it is - tt, st, art or tank destroyer, if you have a high tank, then it will be difficult for you to hide it even behind the bushes. Also, for tall cars there is no significant difference, whether they stand quietly behind a bush or move, the spread in the distance of light will be only 10-20 m.

Shooting through the bushes. What we found out after the tests.

1. The level of illumination from shooting does not depend at all on what type of shells you use: armor-piercing, cumulative, high explosives. Lighting will occur in the same way.

2. There is a rule of 15 meters - when you move away from the bush at a distance of about 15 meters, it becomes opaque again, and you disappear from the light. You need to move a couple of meters away from the bush, because the visibility in your scope comes from the turret, and on the hull there are marker points on the hull that are located much further than the turret and stick out. This rule only works for long distances. On the example of the T-54 and E-50, the distance at which this rule applies was 220 meters. What does this knowledge give us? Firstly, there is no need to move more than 15 meters from the bush, most importantly, you must monitor the distance between you and the enemy. At the same time, take into account the level of visibility of your equipment and the level of visibility of the enemy. By applying this rule wisely, you will be able to get into less light and correctly assess the situation.

If you like to play fireflies, in order to light up the enemy, it’s enough just to bring the distance closer and try to spread him for a shot.

3. It doesn't matter how far the tanks are from the bushes, in case of light, only the distance between the opponents matters. This is very useful knowledge. Even if you are standing in the bushes, surrounded by trees, and the enemy drives past you, the distance becomes critical - the bushes will not save you.

4. The masking effect of two bushes on the same line adds up.

5. One bush and one fallen tree - the disguise effect does not stack.

6. Two fallen trees count as one masking object. The last three points are with info from WoT developers.

7. To enhance your camouflage, use camouflage from the developers.

Coniferous and deciduous trees. What is better for disguise

Previously, once upon a time, trees in World of Tanks had a masking property only while they were intact. As soon as the tree was knocked down, it ceased to mask. You can pretend that it didn't exist. But recently, the server began to define fallen trees as masking ones. However, it should be noted that only one fallen tree is taken into account when calculating visibility. So creating a very strong masking obstacle from a bunch of trees will not work.

But even with one tree, the players had a lot of controversial situations. Many simply did not understand why they were illuminated, it seemed that the tree fell down and hid well, nothing stuck out, but you still glow on the floor of the map. How can this be, what happened - the developers were simply inundated with questions on this topic.

On the official forum, they were asked if there is a difference between coniferous and deciduous trees, do they mask the same? The developers said that there is no difference. The only thing to consider is the size of the crown so that the tank does not stick out due to the foliage. If the crown is small, the tank at certain angles can get into the light and be detected by the enemy.

Comparison of properties of coniferous and deciduous trees.

When testing a coniferous tree, it turned out that the tank was detected from the same distance as the tank was located behind the bushes. That is, we can say that there is no difference between coniferous trees and bushes. Then deciduous trees were tested, and here a little surprise awaited us. Several deciduous trees were tested at different angles, and it turned out that deciduous trees hide worse than bushes and conifers. Standing on a T-54 with an activated camouflage net behind a bush or coniferous tree, the detection distance was 80 meters. Moving, and here and there the detection distance was 150 meters. To be sure of the results, the test was carried out on the second tank. For the E-50, the same data were obtained. Behind a deciduous tree for a stationary T-54, the detection range was 130 meters. This is 50 meters more than behind a bush or a coniferous tree. While moving behind a deciduous tree, the detection distance was 200-210 meters, that is, again, 50-60 meters worse.

From this we can conclude that bushes and conifers camouflage the same way, but deciduous trees have a much worse camouflage effect. Therefore, if you have a choice of which tree to hide behind, behind coniferous or deciduous - without hesitation, choose coniferous!

Detection and masking- the most important elements of game mechanics. The knowledge gained from this article will help you understand how to act correctly in order to be the first to detect the enemy and hide from him more effectively. Both are extremely important in order to seize the initiative in battle and have the right of the first shot.

Overview and discovery

Review of each combat vehicle is calculated in meters and indicated in the performance characteristics of each vehicle. The review value is for a crew with 100% major specialty.

Visibility range in game

It is important to understand that on the battlefield the player sees not only those opponents who were discovered by his tank, but also those who were discovered by the allies. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: the detection range and the visibility range.

Detection range- this is the maximum distance at which the tank can detect the enemy. It is determined by the mechanics of the game that it cannot exceed 445 meters. If, taking into account the equipment, equipment and skills of the crew, the viewing range of the tank exceeds 445 meters, then the extra meters are counted as a bonus that makes it easier to detect camouflaged opponents. Visibility range- this is the maximum distance at which tanks, both allies and enemies, detected by them can be seen. The mechanics of the game, the visibility range is limited by the radius 565 meters around the tank.

The main ways to increase the detection range of opponents

Visibility increase


Disguise- this is the property of technology to be invisible to the enemy. If there were no disguise in the game, then the opponents would always notice each other at their viewing distance (but no further than 445 meters), subject to line of sight. However, there are many nuances in the game that affect the detection of vehicles, in addition to the view itself.

Aspects affecting camouflage

Equipment dimensions

Each combat vehicle has a stealth coefficient, the value of which depends on its sizes. For large tanks such as Maus or Jagdpanzer E 100 , the coefficient will be minimal, and for compact vehicles with a low silhouette like AMX ELC bis , Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger - maximum.

class bonus

  • Light tanks from level 4 (except AMX 40 and Valentine) are equally stealthy, both while moving and when they are stationary, that is, movement does not affect their stealth. Some low-level tanks also have this bonus.
Actions Vegetation
  • Forest, bushes, trees, tall grass give a bonus to camouflage.
  • The machine must be completely hidden from the enemy, namely, its overall points. If at least one is not hidden, the tank will be unmasked. Therefore, caterpillars sticking out of a bush (building), the muzzle of a gun will not affect your visibility in any way - there are no overall points on them.
  • At a distance of up to 15 meters, a bush (or other vegetation) becomes "transparent" for those who are hiding behind it. That is, the tank itself sees through the bush, but its opponents do not.
    • If the base (nearest point) of a fallen tree is less than 15 meters, then the tree in the sniper scope will be transparent, while if the distance to the center of the tree is more than 15 meters, the tree will still be transparent in the sniper scope, however, this tree is opaque
  • At the time of the shot, all vegetation within a radius of up to 15 meters loses most of its camouflage properties, that is, the shot unmasks the tank.
  • At a distance of 50 meters, opponents see each other in any case. Even if there is a building between them.

How to improve the camouflage of a combat vehicle

And besides, when pumped disguise:

  • Upgrade a skill to all crew members The Brotherhood of War.
  • Install hardware Improved ventilation.
  • Use equipment that gives +10% to all crew parameters for one battle Doppayek, Chocolate, Cola box, Strong coffee, Improved Diet, tea pudding, Onigiri, bays.

Disguise is one of the most important elements of game mechanics in World of Tanks. It is desirable for each player to understand this topic for two reasons:

  • you need to understand how to act correctly in order to be able to detect the enemy before he you;
  • know how to competently hide avoiding backlight.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main nuances associated with disguise in order to have the initiative in battle and get the right to fire the first shot.

Overview is an integral part of the disguise theme. It is he who affects the distance from which the car will be detected.

The overview of each vehicle is displayed in meters and is indicated in the performance characteristics of the tank.

In battle, the player sees not only those enemies that he personally discovered, but also those discovered by the allies. Therefore, two concepts must be distinguished:

The self-propelled gun in the artillery sight sees the detected enemies at any distance.

You can increase your review score in the following ways:

  1. Equipment installation: coated optics+10%, stereo tube +25%, improved ventilation +2,15%.
  2. Learning skills. Commander - Eagle Eye +2%. Radio operator - radio interception + 3%. All crew - combat fraternity + 2.15%.
  3. Equipment. A national dish by +10% to crew skills will add +4.3% to vision.

In the event that the view of the tank, taking into account the effects of the skills of the crew, equipment and equipment, exceeds 445 meters, then all subsequent meters will be used to unmask the enemy, that is, it will facilitate the detection of camouflaged enemies.

How does discovery work?

In battle, each tank sends beams invisible to our eyes in the direction of the rest of the equipment that is within the radius of view of the performance characteristics of your vehicle.

In the event that the beam of your tank reaches the overall (blue) point of the enemy, then it is detected. Using the IS tank as an example, consider the position of these points:

Each tank has two vantage points, which can be used to detect enemy vehicles. That is, there is no need to leave the shelter with the whole body, it is enough to show only the following points shown in the figure:

These viewpoints work in turn, after a certain time interval - a tick. The time between ticks depends on the distance between vehicles and ranges from 0.1 to 2 seconds. The view from these points is taken as a ball with a fixed radius, so the machine sees the same in all directions from each viewpoint.

Marking points on vehicles are designed to provide other players with the opportunity to illuminate your vehicle (these points project visibility beams), and at the same time, observation points are designed to detect enemy tanks (they emit vision beams that are equal to the maximum viewing radius according to the specified performance characteristics of your vehicle).

How long can the detected equipment be visible

After the point of intersection of the viewpoints of one tank and the lines of sight of the other, the second tank will be in the light for up to 10 seconds, even if visual contact between the lines of sight with the viewpoints is interrupted. Therefore, if the illuminated car drove into the shelter, then all the same, it will not immediately disappear from sight. Also, tanks will remain in the light in the event that the tank transmitting intelligence received a commander's shell shock or was destroyed.


Camouflage is the property of each vehicle to go unnoticed by the enemy. The lack of disguise would lead to the fact that the players constantly saw each other at the distance of the tank’s view and the battle could become a kind of shooting range. However, in WoT there are many nuances, in addition to the overview, that affect the likelihood of detecting vehicles.

Aspects affecting camouflage. When is a tank considered invisible?

The size. Each machine has its own stealth coefficient, which primarily depends on the dimensions.
Heavy tanks like , or heavily armored have the minimum values, and small vehicles with a low silhouette, like , have the maximum.

The caliber of the gun and dimensions affect the fall of the camouflage after a shot:

Vegetation. Elements of the natural environment around us: bushes, tall grass, forest and trees give an excellent bonus to the invisibility of the car. It is important to hide the hull from the enemy, as there are dimensional points along which detection takes place.

Caterpillars or gun barrels peeking out from behind a building/bush will not affect your visibility in any way, because there are no marker points.

At a distance of up to 15 meters, the vegetation becomes transparent to the hiding player. Thus he sees through the bush, but his enemies do not.

For example, if the distance to the nearest point of a tree you have littered does not exceed 15 meters, then this tree will become transparent in the sniper scope. If the distance to the center of the tree exceeds 15 meters, then the tree itself will still remain transparent in the sight, but it will be opaque for the viewing rays.

How to hide in the bushes

The bush in the game is a translucent object that increases the camouflage of vehicles hidden behind it. When an enemy tank drives up to the base of the bush at a distance not exceeding 15 meters, the bush will become transparent for him too, and he will also be able to aim through it without obstacles.

The size of the bush is important: large tanks standing in low bushes will be visible from the turret. Visibility will not be affected by the depth of entry into the bush, it is enough to even stand behind it. The only thing to remember is the distance of 15 meters. To make sure that the tank is safely hidden behind a bush, it is enough to turn the camera towards the alleged enemy in order to see yourself from the side through his eyes.

To achieve maximum efficiency from disguise with the help of a bush, you can position yourself at a short distance behind it, but so that the bush does not become transparent for you in a sniper scope and shoot at the enemy only by his silhouette. In this scenario, the probability of detection is minimized.

Does the effect of invisibility increase if you hide behind several bushes standing one behind the other?

After the shot is fired, all bushes located in the area of ​​15 meters cease to affect the invisibility of the vehicle, with the exception of one that gives the largest bonus to the invisibility of the vehicle. This mechanic applies to each line of sight from the observation point of the detected tank to the marker point of the firing one.

Consider an example for a tank located among a large number of bushes. Some of them are within 15 meters of your tank, while others are further away. One enemy tank is coming at you from each side. After your first shot, the situation is as follows:

  1. There are only 6 visibility beams for each marker point, so for each beam that comes from the first enemy vehicle, the densest bush is determined (the visibility will be calculated from it).
  2. The same situation is repeated with the second enemy.

In this case, both points are performed simultaneously. When one of the enemies detects you, the second will immediately become aware of this (if the communication range allows you to report the discovery). All bushes located outside 15 meters will increase the effect of the bush chosen for the stealth calculation at the time of the shot.

Bushes in the game distinguish between dense and sparse, the bonus to stealth directly depends on this. The maximum effect can be obtained from 4 thick bushes.

Actions. While stationary and not firing at an enemy, the vehicle suffers no penalty to camouflage. While in motion, the stealth coefficient of equipment decreases:

  • by 75% for medium tanks;
  • by 60% for anti-tank self-propelled guns;
  • by 50% for heavy tanks and artillery.

The values ​​are approximate, in some cases there may be exceptions.

The shot significantly reduces the stealth level of the tank.
This parameter depends on the caliber of the gun and the presence of a muzzle brake - it further reduces the stealth coefficient when firing.
Before shot:

After the shot:

Firing unmasks the car and the vegetation around you also partially loses its camouflage effect.

Fire. The burning car will glow all over the map like a Christmas tree.

Stealth before arson:

After arson:

It also depends on the class of technology.

X-ray. Regardless of your actions, at a distance of 50 meters, players can see each other in any case.

How to increase vehicle disguise

There are several possibilities for increasing camouflage directly out of combat.

Crew skills

Learn the Stealth skill for all tankers. This perk will increase the stealth of the vehicle by about 1.8 times (depending on the number of crew members). The skill works all the time: when moving, standing still and while shooting, which significantly reduces the visibility radius of the tank. With advanced disguise, the enemy will need to get much closer to detect your tank.

The effect of the skill does not decrease when the crew is stunned.

Also a small bonus will give the study of " Fighting Brotherhood».

How is the camouflage of a stationary machine activated?

On all vehicles, with the exception of light tanks (from tier 4 and above), the visibility in motion is twice as high as the visibility in a stationary state.

How the invisibility of vehicles in motion is reduced:

After stopping, the level of the Stealth perk is doubled.


Applying camouflage will give a permanent bonus to the overall stealth coefficient depending on the vehicle class:

  • +2% for TTs and SPGs;
  • +3% for ST and LT;
  • +4% for tank destroyers.


Improved ventilation, a national dish, and pre-battle instructions can also slightly increase camouflage.

All of the masking effects listed above stack with each other.

As a result, the maximum pumping of disguise is as follows:


Using the SU-152 as an example, let's see the difference between tank destroyers with absolutely no bonuses and with improved invisibility after firing:

The distance required by the enemy to detect a kicked car is 23 meters higher. Boom equipment and pre-battle instructions will add a couple of meters.

Comparison of the distance for illumination in a stationary state without firing:

The difference is 123 meters on a perfectly translucent straight line. This will at least give the right to the first shot, the ability to deal more damage in battle and increase survivability, and, accordingly, the chance of winning. Therefore, stealth is a must.

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