Who is the husband of Zakharova from the Foreign Ministry. Biography of Maria Zakharova, official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Children of Maria Zakharova

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is an influential diplomat, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She was born on December 24, 1975 in a diplomatic family.


Maria spent her childhood in Beijing, where her love for history and the East was born, which has remained to this day. A long stay in China left its indelible mark and influenced the character of the girl. She admired Chinese art, especially national double-sided embroidery.

Later, she will transfer the values ​​​​of Eastern philosophy to her style of work and in one of the interviews she will say that even if you need to sew in such a way that it is beautiful from the inside, then you need to work the same way. And all her life she made such high demands not only to the environment, but also to herself.

After graduating from school, Maria and her family return to Moscow and enter MGIMO to study international journalism with a specialization in oriental studies. Naturally, this choice was not a surprise to anyone. The girl simply continued to develop in an environment familiar to her from childhood.

Carier start

In 1998, after completing her studies, she again managed to briefly return to such a familiar Beijing. There she underwent postgraduate practice at the Russian Embassy. By the way, Maria also defended her Ph.D. thesis on Oriental studies, backing it up with studies of modern China.

Maria received her first real job in the Diplomatic Bulletin magazine at the Russian Foreign Ministry. It was there that Maria met with her first leader, Alexander Yakovenko, who later became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Yakovenko was then one of the few leaders who adhered to the principles of teamwork. He not only carefully selected his employees, but also taught them high-quality professional interaction, in which personal authority or achievements are put at the forefront, and the overall team result of work. Maria is faithful to these principles to this day.

History of success

Soon, Maria was transferred to the Department of Information and Press at the Russian Foreign Ministry, where in 2003 she already took the post of head of the department. She successfully worked there until 2005, when she was transferred to New York as the press secretary of the Russian Embassy to the UN.

In 2008, Zakharova returned to Moscow again to her position, but in 2011 she already became the deputy head of the entire Department of Press and Information at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

At this time, she is already becoming a fairly well-known and influential person, who is familiar to Russians thanks to the popular political television talk shows "Politics", "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov", and others, in which Maria regularly takes part. It is always interesting to listen to her, because she is not afraid to openly express her opinion and raise really topical issues.

In August 2015, Maria Zakharova becomes the first woman in Russian history to head the Department of Press and Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was also appointed the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Zakharova in social networks

Maria Zakharova is one of the first diplomatic figures in Russia who, in her work, actively engages in such a reality of our time as social networks. Social networks for her are not only a tool for promoting the political activities of the diplomatic mission, but also a source of feedback.

Thus, she manages to keep her finger on the pulse of public opinion, to see the very "wrong side" of her vigorous activity, which she remembers all her life. Her grandmother taught this and she instills the same quality in her daughter.

In January 2017, Maria received the first order in her life. It was presented by Vladimir Putin himself - the Order of Friendship.

For good service and work for the good of Russia, Zakharov was promoted in 2017. She is now "Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 1st Class".

Maria Zakharova constantly holds press conferences with media representatives in order to tell the latest news. In her opinion, now the world is more than ever opposed to the Russians, and this must be resisted.

Zakharova in 2018, after a scandal with the poisoning of the Skripal family, spoke quite harshly about the conduct of British policy, allegedly they are to blame for the genocide of the Tasmanians and Boers in the 19th century and the murder of Grigory Rasputin.

Maria Zakharova never stands aside from the events that take place in world politics. She always expresses her opinion about what is happening and writes it on the Internet.

She also did not stand aside when they wanted to close the Telegram social network. Maria believes that these are very strict measures and it was possible to simply introduce mandatory registration for all users, and not immediately close the network.

Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna- Diplomat. Since December 2017, he has been the head of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is also an Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the highest rank. Member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. She did not declare her income, so her salary remains a secret.

It is authentically known that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs classified the income of its employees in senior positions, this data is available only to the employer and control authorities (which caused outrage among representatives of the Yabloko party.


The biography of Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, is in the Internet encyclopedia - Wikipedia. The nationality of Maria Zakharova, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is not specified, since now such data is not indicated in the passport. In addition, there are no white spots in the biography of Maria Zakharova. Mother - Irina Vladislavovna Zakharova - was educated at Moscow State University. Lomonosova M. V. Graduated art critic. After graduation, she got a job at the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkina A.S. Currently holds a position in the Department of Aesthetic Education. She is engaged in the creation of experimental projects and non-standard musical projects, she is an honored worker of art criticism of the Russian Federation.

Father - Zakharov Vladimir Yurievich - was engaged in diplomatic activities. He received his higher education at Leningrad State University. Zhdanova A.A. During the period from 1980 to 2014 was an employee first of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, and after the Russian Federation.

From 1980 to 1993 he was secretary at the embassy of the Soviet Union, then the Russian Federation. From 1997 to 2001 he was an adviser on culture, information and education. During 2001-2003, he served as head of the SCO department at the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry. Between 2007 and 2010, he was Deputy Secretary General of the SCO. He was the chief adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 2010-2012. From 2012 to 2014, he served as an advisor to the SCO in China. Since 2014, he has been the head of the Institute for Political Studies of the Caspian-Black Sea region.

Grandfather - Zakharov Yu.I., lived in the Samara region in the Mordovian village. By nationality, he is Erzya - Mordvin. Also, her grandmother was engaged in machine education a lot, she taught accuracy and diligence.

Childhood and youth of Maria Zakharova

Maria was born in Moscow on December 24, 1975. All her childhood was spent in Beijing. There is almost no data on school time, it is known that she studied well enough, from a young age she wanted to be a diplomat. Zakharova, was very fond of the program "International Panorama", looked forward to each issue.
Since childhood, Masha wanted to engage in diplomatic activities, so she had no problems choosing a specialty.

Diplomatic career

A career as a diplomat is impossible without a good education. The biography of Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna as a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs begins with journalism. Immediately after graduating from school, Maria enters MGIMO at the journalism department. Completes studies in 1998 and becomes a certified international journalist.

Photo: Maria Zakharova, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry

After graduation, she received a position in the editorial office of the magazine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the magazine, she worked side by side with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and her leader A.V. Yakovenko. He believed that in the profession the main thing is clear cooperation between all parts of the team, the tasks set must be taken seriously. Zakharova also always tries to approach things in good faith and carry them out flawlessly, even if they don’t check the result. After she has shown herself worthy in the magazine, she is transferred to the Department of Information and Press.

Since 2003, Maria Zakharova has been the head of the Mass Media Operative Monitoring Department. And two years later, she is waiting for the next post in the United States, now she is the press secretary of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN. A few years later, he returns to work home, but already in 2011 he becomes Alexander Lukashevich's deputy. Two years later, Maria replaces her boss and heads the department.

At the time of her appointment, Maria was not only a professional in her field, but also widely known in the media space: she constantly visited various shows on TV, also had her own accounts in social networks (links to Zakharova's official pages in social networks at the end of the article) which were quite popular.

She was also responsible for the official social media account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, she is engaged in information support for S.V. Lavrov during his visits abroad.

Then Zakharova became the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Maria Zakharova often gives briefings on TV explaining the official position of the Foreign Ministry, she does it quite easily and calmly, thus causing constant criticism and discussion. At the last briefing, Maria Zakharova commented on the results of the G20 meeting in Japan (where).

Reference: A briefing is a short operational speech to the press on the fresh trail of important events.

She also received permission from the Council for Foreign Policy and Defense of the Russian Federation, and was awarded the title of First Class Diplomatic Representative. Colleagues note her stress resistance and diligence.

Personal life of Maria Zakharova

Personal data: Maria Zakharova's weight is 58 kg, height is 170 cm. How old is Zakharova? She was born on December 24, 1975 and is now 43 years old. Capricorn zodiac sign.

Children and husband

Maria Zakharova does not advertise her personal life, her marital status is married. The husband of Maria Zakharova - A.M. Makarov, a manager of a large company in the Russian Federation, has an engineering degree and owns his own business. The marriage was registered in November 2005 in the USA, when she was there on a business trip. Maria Zakharova did not hide the photos from the wedding, and they became public, they are quite frank. They have a daughter, Mariana.

Photos from the wedding of Maria Zakharova

Hobbies of the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

She is fond of poetry, she writes poetry herself. Maria Zakharova wrote her first works in her youth. He also loves sports, easily overcomes marathon distances. Due to the fact that she spent her childhood in China, she understands and speaks Chinese perfectly.

Even despite the fact that it is not customary for employees of the ministry to take children to the representation, Maria came to the office a couple of times with her daughter. As Maria Zakharova herself stated, she brought her daughter Maryana because there was no one to sit with her at home.

Photo Maria Zakharova with her daughter Maryana

How to find a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry on social networks?

Maria is registered in 2 social networks. networks Instagram and Facebook, she did not register a Twitter account (although there are many pages with that name). On her pages, Maria Zakharova uploads photos from her vacation in full growth, in unusual outfits, in a swimsuit, and also shares videos. Maria Zakharova dances well, there is a video on her account that shows how she danced Kalinka.

Instagram account has verification - a blue check mark, 155 thousand people have subscribed to its page.

Maria Zakharova is the first woman in the history of Russian diplomacy to be appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is one of the most quoted diplomats in Russia and is known for her "poignant" remarks on social media.

The new speaker of the diplomatic department is often compared with the former speaker of the US State Department, Jen Psaki, who is often ridiculed in Russia for ridiculous comments and statements. For the informality of speech and the ability to present diplomatic information in a “living” language and in an extraordinary manner, Zakharov is called “Anti-Psaki”, considering her a worthy main media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Age: 42

Place of birth: Russia

Height: 170

Occupation: Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Marital status: Married

What does it mean to be Russian?

— This is a very interesting question. I often think about it. Be emotional, sincere and generous, wide in many things, passionately love and hate strongly, be very fair, but always in your own way. Harness slowly and drive fast, that's exactly the Russian way. Do not succumb to power and melt from love.

Maria Zakharova

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova was born on December 24, 1975 in a family of Russian diplomats who worked in Beijing for a long time. In this regard, the childhood of the future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry was spent in the capital of China, thanks to which she is fluent in Chinese. There is practically no information about Zakharova's school years, it is only known that she was a diligent student who dreamed of becoming a diplomat from childhood. According to Zakharova herself, her favorite program in her youth was the International Panorama, which fascinated her.

Maria's parents

In this regard, the girl did not experience any difficulties with choosing a future profession - she did not hesitate to enter the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Journalism, which she successfully graduated in 1998 with a diploma in international journalism. Zakharova did her undergraduate practice at the Russian embassy in Beijing, and after receiving her diploma, she remained to work at the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003, Maria became a candidate of historical sciences, having defended her dissertation at the Peoples' Friendship University. He is fluent in English and Chinese.

Maria Zakharova's career from the first days has been continuously connected with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. First, the girl got a job as an editor in the departmental magazine Diplomatic Bulletin, and after that she was hired by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, where she acted as head of the operational media monitoring department.

The next step in Zakharova's career was a new senior position in the diplomatic department - she headed the press service of the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN in New York. Maria worked in this position until 2008, after which she returned to Moscow to her previous place of work.

For the next three years, the future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry actively showed her professional qualities in the central office of the department, thanks to which in 2011 she was appointed deputy head of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In her position, Zakharova became widely known in society, since her duties included frequent communication with the press. Also, the scope of her activities included organizing regular briefings by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, accompanying the head of the department, Sergei Lavrov, during foreign visits, as well as popularizing the foreign ministry in social networks.

It is Maria Zakharova who owes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation an active access to the social network in an informal form. Her professionalism and ability to work with the public made it possible to popularize the department among the society, thanks to which the population began to receive political information in a “living” language with particular sharpness and emotionality. At the same time, Maria Vladimirovna regularly takes an active part in political programs and talk shows, which allowed her to become one of the most quoted Russian diplomats.

For her 15-year work at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Zakharova was awarded the diplomatic rank of top-class adviser, and was also admitted to the Council on Foreign Policy and Defense of the Russian Federation.

On August 10, 2015, Maria Zakharova was appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In this position, they replaced Alexander Lukashevich, in connection with his appointment as Russia's Permanent Representative to the OSCE. Having become the first media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna noted that there would be no significant changes in her work. She intends to continue to cover diplomatic activities in social networks and inform the public about the work of the department in the same form.

Zakharova stressed that over the past four years of direct work under the leadership of Lukashevich, she has taken over from him all the colossal experience, therefore, after being appointed to a new position, she does not see any difficulties and obstacles for her to be active. As head of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna promised to do her job with high quality and preserve all the achievements of her predecessors without changing the genre and format of political clarifications on social networks.

In the Russian Foreign Ministry, opinion was divided on the appointment of Maria Vladimirovna to the post of official representative. Some believe that foreign policy is far from being an area where one can experiment in Zakharova's characteristic style, while others, on the contrary, call the appointment of Zakharova a profitable option for the department, since she is a professional in her field.

Personal life

The Russian diplomat spends his free time with his family. She is married to businessman Andrei Makarov and has a seven-year-old daughter, Marianna. Maria Zakharova also regularly visits the gym, writes poetry and is an active user of the social network Facebook. On her page, she shares personal photos with subscribers and covers ongoing events. In rare moments of rest, he likes to write poetry, which he sometimes shares with subscribers on social networks.

In November 2016, on her eleventh wedding anniversary, Zakharova shared photos from the ceremony. The celebration took place in New York in 2005. “I worked there. Domestic husband. He came, got married, left, ”Maria reassured her subscribers.

Wedding photo of Maria Zakharova (2005)

Thanks to the active, witty, sometimes even harsh defense of the positions of the Foreign Ministry, Maria was included in the top ten media rating of Russian women for 2015-2016 in terms of frequency of mention in the domestic media.

With daughter Mariana.

Maria invariably looks great and, despite the strict dressing necessary for a diplomat, manages to appear stylish, beautiful and feminine before the public.

“There is no stylist, I dress myself, I also buy things myself. They don’t give out money for this, unfortunately, they don’t sew anything. Except for the full dress - the same uniform that I presented to everyone on the Diplomatic Worker’s Day, here it really is, they sew it, " she says.

In everyday life, she, of course, allows liberties and experiments with the image.

- How do you get addressed more often: Maria or Maria Vladimirovna?

- In different ways, if journalists have known me for a long time - Maria, if not very much - Maria Vladimirovna. Foreign journalists most often just Maria. To be honest, in this sense, I am an unpretentious person, not capricious. I try to agree to all the conditions as much as possible, if they are unprincipled for me, but important for the interlocutor or partner.

I do not try to invent difficulties where there are none. And I myself do not like it when I meet people or authorities who come up with problems from scratch.

Tell me, how do you choose your clothes?

- Clothing should correspond to the format of the event, time of day, circumstances. Apparently, for some reason it seems to people that I am flying on a cloud harnessed by two pink ponies, and the morning swallows bring me outfits sewn from spring flowers. But it's not. I am an ordinary person, I have nothing that would distinguish me from a person on the street, in a cafe or in a store, except for the fact that I am shown on TV.

I have no atelier, no tailors, no stylists.

- Where do you do your hair?

- At the barbershop. If this is a Foreign Ministry briefing, then before the briefing, I style my hair at the hairdresser. And if a television studio, then there is everything in the dressing room.

What did you dream about as a child?

- Childhood is not homogeneous, the child goes through some stages. And at different stages I dreamed of different things. Once I dreamed of the toys I liked, then that no one in the world would get sick - it was a very specific dream. I dreamed of becoming someone: in the morning - a doctor, in the afternoon - an astronaut, in the evening - a ballerina.

Tell me, how did the idea come about to become active in social networks so that the official position of the Russian Foreign Ministry appears there?

“It was a combination of many factors. Firstly, it is a statement that a new phenomenon has appeared, which has become so large-scale and influential that it is simply impossible not to take it into account in the work. The second point: such a task was set by the leadership, you need to be closer to people, more open and sociable. Third: we ourselves understood that the new time requires a new presentation of information.

— Maria Vladimirovna, do you have a dacha?

- Yes. We go there often. When a dacha was built, a place was chosen next to a large lake. This is a very beautiful place.

- Did you celebrate Maslenitsa?

- Of course, on one of the days of Shrovetide week I baked pancakes. I have them special: thick pancakes, I don’t really like thin ones. They're not pancakes, but they're not thin pancakes either.

- Do you have any pets?

We have one dog for our entire large family. Her story is connected to me. For 15 years we have never bought dogs, but only picked them up - these were dogs brought from the street. After my grandmother's dog died of old age, I found one of the dog shelters on the Internet. There I saw a photograph of a dog, there was something so sincere in it. And when we went to the shelter, it turned out that it was three times larger than expected (laughs).

Grandmother's apartment was small, grandmother could manage with a small dog, and this one turned out to be 70-80 centimeters at the withers. We liked the dog and she liked us. Since then, she has been living with us, an amazing kind dog. At first she lived with her grandmother when her grandmother was alive, and now the dog lives with us, with my parents, we also go to the dacha together.

- Your appearance at one of the briefings in uniform caused a real sensation not only among journalists ...

- Yes, such a lively interest really surprised me, because the reaction was close to shock. Although this form has its roots in Tsarist Russia. In its modern form, this form has existed for more than a dozen years. The form relies on the extraordinary and plenipotentiary envoys of the first and second class and the ambassadors of Russia. Russian diplomats wear it on the occasion of national holidays, receptions in the host country, and audiences with the state leadership in the country where the ambassador is accredited. Moreover, there is also a light dairy-beige diplomatic uniform for countries with a hot climate.

- And from the second courses?

— I cook both fish and meat. Recently made a rabbit. I made it according to Eastern European recipes, marinated rabbit meat overnight in red wine, then stewed it. I love to cook, I love it.

- Did you ever think that you would someday become a member of the government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Russian Ambassador to the United States?

“I never thought about any of those things. And I say this with complete honesty and sincerity. Moreover, I never thought that I would become the director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. For Russia, the diplomatic service has always been a traditionally male affair. I am a very realistic person, and it is really important for me to do my job well today and now.

I have no idea how tomorrow will turn out - this is especially true for those who work in the field of information. In our profession, you can get up in the morning and realize that something has happened that makes all the work done in advance unnecessary, irrelevant and out of time, and you need to start all over again.

What was the biggest success in your life?

- The birth of a daughter - without options. The birth of a child allows you to look at this life in a completely different space. A child opens the secret doors of this universe to you with an unknown magic key - that's for sure.

In general, I think that raising a child is the most difficult thing in life. There is nothing more difficult. This is the biggest responsibility in life. It is difficult to be a doctor and perform operations, it is difficult to fly an airplane. But raising a child is a huge responsibility.

- Are you satisfied with your life?

- If a person says that he is satisfied, there are big doubts about his sincerity. Life is a story not only about pleasure, but also about overcoming. This is a process. There are moments when I am extremely dissatisfied with something, and then everything works out, and I am very satisfied. That's life.

While I'm researching it.

The most recognizable faces of Russian diplomacy: Sergey Lavrov, the late Vitaly Churkin and the head of the information and press department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova. The Western press gave her the title of Putin's propaganda arrowhead, striking with charm, thanks to her extraordinary mind and sharp remarks.

Zakharov dynasty

For the daughter of the Soviet envoy Maria Zakharova, who spent a conscious part of her childhood abroad, the ethics and rules of behavior of the face of the country are not new. She believes that PR campaigns of the diplomatic department are not able to bring success if the employees of diplomatic missions do not become propagandists of the country's policy to the same extent as TV presenters.

The head of the diplomatic dynasty, Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov, after graduating from the Faculty of Philology at the course "Chinese language and literature" of Leningrad University in 1971, was assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union. He gave 26 years of his life to the diplomatic department.

On December 24, 1975, a daughter was born in the family of sinologists Irina and Vladimir Zakharov. She went to school already in Beijing, where her father was sent to work. Parents lived in China for over 20 years. They became related to the culture of the neighboring people.

After completing work abroad, the parents settled in Moscow. Vladimir Yuryevich became a professor, teaches at economic and linguistic universities. The wife is engaged in scientific work at the Museum of Fine Arts.

Linguists, upon returning to their homeland, published a book of folk tales in Russian under the romantic title “We wish you happiness from year to year.”


For Maria Vladimirovna, the career of a diplomatic worker is the fulfillment of a childhood dream. With the help of her parents, she immersed herself in the linguistic culture of the country, with which in those days good neighborly relations were only being established again.

The most interesting TV show for family viewing was Zorin's International Panorama. At 92, she brilliantly graduated from high school and passed the exams in her homeland at MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism. Practice before the defense of the diploma fell on Beijing. There was an unexpected return to an unforgettable China.

In 1998, Maria, as a graduate, was included in the journal Diplomatic Bulletin, published by the Russian Foreign Ministry. The quality and effectiveness of the girl's work was appreciated by Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovenko, who directly supervised the work of Zakharova. Soon he moved to the rank of Deputy Minister.

After 5 years, Zakharova, having gained experience, was promoted to the same ministry. Headed the Operational Media Monitoring Section of the Information and Press Department. The sphere of responsibility included information support of the minister during business trips abroad, maintenance of the ministry's accounts in social networks.

And again she did not remain in the shadows. In 2003, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation became a candidate of science, having defended her dissertation at the Moscow State University of Friendship of Peoples. Patrice Lumumba about the peculiarities of New Year's holiday rituals in the Celestial Empire in the light of a fresh understanding of the national historical symbolism of the holiday.

After another 2 years, she was appointed to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN as a press secretary. The legendary Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin, with whom I had to work side by side, directed the work of Zakharova. Maria Vladimirovna remembers her work in New York with the ace of Russian diplomacy with warmth.

The experience of verbal battles at briefings with unexpected provocative questions from journalists from scandalous publications tempered her character. Consistency, consistency and restraint, seasoned with a bit of humor, added sympathy and openness to the foreign policy body on the world stage.

Family is a closed territory

The biography of a public person is interesting to the layman not only by the number of career steps he has overcome. I would like to know about the private life of a woman-mother, wife. And this, perhaps, is of primary interest. Nothing human is alien to Zakharova.

The column "marital status" is filled with the word "married". The marriage was concluded in 2005 at the Russian Embassy in New York. The groom flew to the wedding ceremony from Moscow. Andrei, a businessman and patriot, reasoned that his beloved did not have the right to manage time as freely as he could afford. According to Maria, “I arrived, registered the marriage, left.” The publicity of the position at the UN taught the young woman to separate the family and work in the ministry.

She put her maiden name to limit the ability of the yellow press to break into her personal life. The prudent husband agreed with the arguments.

Protection is never perfect. There are loopholes for unscrupulous fried lovers. Wedding photos with frank kisses of the bride and groom are posted on the Internet against the will of the owner. The family is out of the public eye.

The column “children” in the personal file is filled in with “daughter Maryana, born in 2010”. Sometimes, when there was no one to leave the child with, I had to go to work with the baby. This year the girl will start school. The hassle will be added.

Opinion of foreign colleagues

In the second half of 2015, when she became the director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and acquired the status of the Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, world and all-Russian fame came.

Here is what the English-language Wikipedia writes about her with links to printed sources:

  • "Smart sexy blonde ... appearance ... subtle diplomatic provocation" (Stern);
  • "Femininity and success - the continuation of the attractiveness, infused with toughness" (Sunday Times);

At one time, the Russian "sexual beast", as the Western media dubbed Zakharova, was compared with Jen Psaki. Not quite a fair comparison. Maria Zakharova keeps so much information in her head that the punctures that happened to her American colleague due to lack of awareness do not threaten her.

Fresh spirit

A high-ranking official of the new formation is not afraid to part with officialdom. She resolutely adopted the free manner of Western politicians of informal communication, which immediately affected the rating and the interest of citizens in foreign policy.

Has Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna changed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Undoubtedly, and for the better. The openness of the mouthpiece of the Foreign Ministry added credibility to the political leadership. The necessity or compulsion of political actions in the international arena has become clearer and clearer. Participation in talk shows on the central channels of domestic television, during which it is impossible to program, made Maria Vladimirovna one of the most recognizable women of the state. The ease of the sharp-tongued lady and the persuasiveness of the arguments added admirers.

Most Russians remember Zakharova for fulfilling her promise to journalists to dance "Kalinka" at the summit in Sochi. The impromptu was a success. The action came out of the category of those that are meaningless to repeat - not to outshine. Even ill-wishers on social networks were forced to note that it was a real bomb.

Video "Kalinka" at the summit in Sochi:

Maria Vladimirovna assessed the effectiveness of social networks in her previous position. She is an active Facebook user. Shares with readers, including controversial thoughts.

The reaction of socially and politically active citizens comes first hand, without the errors typical of monitoring. It can be stated that in the person of Maria Vladimirovna, for the first time, we encountered a live connection between the ministry and the population.

Creativity is not limited to demonstration dances in high heels. Maria writes poetry. Readers on Facebook are familiar with the work of the poetess. The poetic duel with the opposition journalist and poet Dmitry Bykov is indicative. She responded to irony with rhymed irony. The culture of dialogue was observed at the highest level, and the opponents deserve each other.

In 2015, Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna is appointed as the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Interest in the person of the first woman diplomat, who headed a serious post in the Ministry, is growing.

Search engines constantly request biography data, information about her origin and nationality, the presence of photos of her husband and children on social networks. Replicas from Maria's speeches are parsed into quotes, and her person is of great interest to the world press.

short biography

Maria was born in 1975, on December 24 in Moscow, but grew up in Beijing, where her father served. From early childhood, she admired the philosophy and originality of the East, and very quickly spoke in Chinese. Maria grew up as a capable girl and set herself the goal of following in the footsteps of her parent. The family supported the child's interest in knowledge.

Maria Zakharova in her youth

She was never forbidden to watch such adult programs as International Panorama, where Masha learned the intricacies of political life. From childhood, her mother taught Maria to express her thoughts correctly, describe what she saw and not be afraid to express her opinion.

The fascination with China has not faded over time. After graduating from school, the girl entered the MGIMO University, where she showed interest in oriental studies and journalism. As a student, Maria tried to visit the information center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There she gained experience and enthusiastically agreed to a trip to China for an internship at the Russian Embassy.

Maria's parents are orientalists

Diplomatic career of Maria Zakharova

The first place of work of Maria Zakharova was the magazine "Diplomatic Bulletin". Here she proved herself and soon moved to the Department of Press and Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then followed a rapid career advancement:

  1. 2003 was a landmark year for Maria: a young diplomat defends her dissertation and she is almost immediately transferred to the post of head of the operational media monitoring department.
  2. Since 2005, he has been working at the UN, holding the position of press secretary of the permanent representative of the Russian Federation.
  3. Then she goes to New York, where 3 years of work brought her invaluable experience for further development.
  4. She returned to Moscow in 2008, to her previous position. In the same period, the woman began to travel a lot with Minister Lavrov on business trips abroad, where they organized meetings with the press.
  5. In 2011, she was offered the position of Deputy Head of the Press and Information Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  6. Since August 2015, he has been director of the Press and Information Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where he still works today. In the same year, she received a high diplomatic rank, becoming an Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Envoy of the II class.

Influential politician Maria Zakharova

As an active person, Zakharova often appears on television. She acts as an expert in many programs related to politics. Her statements are always interesting and extraordinary. On the central channels, a woman is not afraid to express her opinion, winning the interest of the audience with openness and honesty.

Social activity

In 2016, Maria became the second most cited blogger in Russia. She became one of the first among the officials who began to actively explore the Internet space for their statements, comments and posts. The diplomat actively exhibits his photographs from various events, communicates with the Internet audience. Zakharova owes much of her popularity to the network, which she uses as feedback with citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries, recognizing public opinion.

M. Zakharova on vacation

Significant criticisms

The foreign press and politicians notice that Maria's arrival at the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affected the statements and comments that the institution publishes and provides. In recent years, they have become tougher and more aggressive. To this criticism, the diplomat replies that another time has come and now she is following the example of her foreign partners.

Representatives of the BBC note that with the difficult relations between Russia and America, the words of an official sound rather strange and somewhere not even diplomatic. Her remarks have been compared to newspapers from the Soviet era, where the leading pages were full of criticism of the West.

With Vladimir Putin

In our country, Zakharova is compared with Jennifer Psaki, a former official representative of the US State Department. Comparisons are in favor of Mary, since Psaki allowed herself a lot of ridiculous statements that created her image of an incompetent woman. Zakharova treats her work with great responsibility. It seems that there is no question in world politics that a smart woman does not understand.

Personal life

Maria tries to protect her personal life from public curiosity. Information about parents is open. The place of birth of parents, education and place of work are known. But to know the details of family life is almost impossible.

Maria hides her husband from everyone

Until recently, no one knew if Maria was married. The woman avoided answering questions about whether she has a husband and what nationality he is. The diplomat did not tell about how many children there are in the family. The biography of Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna, as an official of the Russian Foreign Ministry, is in the public domain, photos and videos are in demand. But being in a high leadership position, the woman at some point decided to lift the veil of secrecy.

Recently, the diplomat shared with subscribers pictures from the wedding. It turned out that the solemn event was held in America in 2005. Maria's husband is a Russian businessman Andrey Makarov.

With daughter Mariana

The happy couple has an eight-year-old daughter Maryana. In her free time, Maria Zakharova loves to write poetry. Some of them even became songs that sounded on the territory of the Russian Federation. For example, the diplomat wrote a song dedicated to the soldiers who died in Syria together with Maral Yakshiyeva. It is performed by the famous singer Nargiz.

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