How to get media attention? How to involve the media in the problem? What to do if there is no information

PR can rarely be effective without working with media. Publications in the media are a good way to tell about the activities of your company, form opinions about products, influence recognition and convey the key messages of the organization. If you build the right line of interaction with the media, you can easily solve these problems.

Formulation of the problem

Re-evaluate the importance of publicizing your company's activities in media complicated. Journalists always have the opportunity to participate in forming an opinion about your business by publishing in their media, and your success and reputation often depend on this opinion. So what is the right way to work with journalists and make sure that what you need is written about you?

The key to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with the media will be your authority and speed of reaction. Your task is to be for the media an authoritative speaker (company or person) in some area, someone to whom you can turn for professional comments. You create the image of an expert, broadcast it to your audience, and, speaking in the media with your opinion, support this image. Of course, starting with media, you must already have some proven experience, you can’t be an expert from scratch.

The speed of the reaction is also important. You must respond very quickly to journalists' requests, the bill goes either for days or for hours, depending on how long the publication is being prepared. If we consider monthly publications, when there are no obvious jobs, then you may have from 24 hours to two weeks to prepare a comment. The deadline implies that the journalist submits the finished material either to the editor or is already in print, and if you do not submit your part on time, the journalist will have a hole - part of the page will not be closed. As soon as you realize that you do not have time to turn in the material, warn the journalist, the sooner the better. Sometimes you will need, as they say, "right off the bat" to answer the phone under a voice recorder. At some point, you will have to work at this pace, regardless of the fact that you have your own business, you have already left work - right now you will have to give an answer if you want to appear on the pages of this media. Refusal to comment, to refuse to provide information for any reason, may cause a situation in which this particular journalist will no longer contact you, simply because he will find another person.

Before choosing media for cooperation, determine your target audience and the messages that suit them. Then create a table (media map, media map) that will list all the media that are most interesting to your target audience. There should be the following characteristics: title, circulation, for sites - traffic, characteristics and coverage of the audience, exit schedules, citation indices (if you know how to measure reposts). The media map should have a decent supply of publications that you can start working with if you have a bright newsbreak, but who is not interested in your daily activities. After compiling the main map of the media, select no more than 25% of publications in the "red list" - these are the main publications that you need to get into.

Your main task at this stage is to establish contacts with the "red list". Build relationships with journalists and editors of these publications. Gradually move on to work with media from your card, but not from the red list. All mentions in the media can be copied and put into your folder (if you don’t have a press clipping or reporting system), this is convenient for both analysis and understanding which media wrote about you and what. Later these documents will be useful for PR-audit.

If you do not yet have some kind of established image and professional weight in the right circles, then it will be quite difficult for you to get into media. In this case, you can use the "steam locomotive" technique. The best way to do this is to write your own material that is interesting for your field and insert comments from two experts who are not your direct competitors. For example, such experts may be well-known heads of companies involved in analytics in your market. After inserting two of their comments into the material, put yours as the third comment. This material may be published because of the first two comments due to the sonority of the names of experts, and your mention is unlikely to be cut, especially if your comment is interesting and non-standard. No water, only about efficiency and expertise - an assessment of events, a forecast, a reasoned opinion. Thus, firstly, you will find yourself in an interesting company, secondly, you will establish contact with a journalist, and thirdly, you will get a mention of yourself.

Before contacting journalists, decide on the purpose and objectives of publications. There is no point in writing about your organization just like that, you need to understand what effect the company should get from the material published in the media. Tell the target audience about the problems you solve and your activities. As the number of communication channels used increases, your awareness increases.

Making contacts

To increase your awareness, you need to either increase the number of media, which will cover events related to you, or increase the intensity of the release of materials. Become the initiator of acquaintances with journalists. If you manage to establish a constant flow of materials about your activities, you can become a source of information for the media, which journalists will turn to for comments and opinions on the relevant profile.

Don't pester journalists with the same newspaper, TV or radio station. You must be helpful. There are examples of large companies on the Russian market, press releases from which are poured out four times a day. And okay, important topics, but no - most of the news is suitable, at best, for the company's website. But the PR man does not give up, and clearly reports on the number of press releases sent, including. This is the wrong way. The basis of long-term cooperation with a journalist is mutually beneficial work. You need media coverage of events and activities, and a journalist needs interesting stories and news stories for his readers.

Connect with journalists in specialized social networking communities, at events attended by the journalists you need, or in the journalism department. Ask your friends for contacts. You can also invite journalists to events with your participation by sending them Press release a few days before the event.

How to create an information occasion

Information occasion(hereinafter referred to as “newsbreak”) is an event that may be of interest to journalists and editors. An informational occasion is the essence of a press release, the distribution of which is done to achieve several goals: getting free mentions in the media, increasing the citation index on the Internet and getting free publications on thematic sites.

Newsletter from the power tool store

Example: A couple of years ago, the 220 Volt chain of stores offered everyone who would get a branded tattoo to pay 10,000 rubles. A wave of applications was recorded, which is why the organizers had to come up with restrictions for those who wanted to go: age, a certificate from a dermatologist, photographing the process. Anyone newsbreak there is a cycle of life, and for a long time on one idea without additional “infusions” it will not work. Therefore, the news feed was constantly revived. A black guy got a white tattoo and was told about it. An action was announced, in which the organizers were ready to pay 30 thousand rubles. a girl who gets a tattoo on her right breast, provided that the breast is at least the third size (a photo album was created on the social network).

This is an example of acting out a very good bright newsbreak, when you, as a brand company, can promote any idea and give your own interpretation. There are examples of people-brands. The most frequently mentioned "personal brands" from the business sector are, of course, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson. They can sway the newsbreak simply by the very fact of participating in the event. For example, remember how Branson lost a bet and spent one day as a flight attendant, shaved his legs, put on stockings and painted his lips. A lot of media wrote about it. Russian examples of people-brands that can rock any occasion - Pavel Durov, Ksenia Sobchak, Oleg Tinkov, Nikita Dzhigurda and many others. Often PR people only promote the company, but personal branding tools open up new opportunities for communication with the media and a field for generating newsworthy events.

A good information occasion is news that will interest the editors from the first paragraph. It should be formulated concisely and competently, and the facts underlying it should be stated briefly and clearly. A good newsbreak answers the question: “Why should this be interesting?”. Its structure always contains a question, the answer to which the reader must find after reading the press release or attending the announced event. The most difficult thing in the work of a PR specialist is the generation of high-quality informational occasions. An event that will become a newsworthy event should attract a wide target audience, influence the industry you work with, and be relevant.

Events, for example, an event specially made for media. After all, the easiest way is to hold special events for the press, then you will quickly solve the problem aimed at disseminating information about you. The list of media event formats is quite large. For example: press conference, briefing, press tour (and blog tour), presentation, press breakfast, action, show, sports competition, etc.

A bad information occasion is news about which it is written vaguely and superficially. The first paragraph and headline in press releases is full of superfluous words and devoid of facts. An informational occasion is unlikely to interest a journalist if the topic is stated in a generalized, biased and veiled manner.

Never use anniversaries, small partnerships, your new services if they are typical for the market, minor events, comments on minor topics or seriously late to the event as a news item. The average lifetime of a newsbreak is from one to seven days. For daily news media and news agencies, an event that took place a week ago is, in most cases, irrelevant.

What to do if there is no newsbreak?

When there is no suitable newsbreak on the horizon, change the angle of view - look for a new idea. To draw attention to you, show your uniqueness and expertise. If you don't have an informational occasion, the cycle of working with the media will begin again with establishing contacts with journalists. Always keep track of changes in your field of activity and promptly write comments in the “topic of the day” section. Participation in other people's informational occasions, for example, events, will help increase your fame.

Tell me media interesting stories through interviews and advice on how to achieve great things starting from scratch in your industry. A feature of the interview may be your age, interests or gender, which is atypical for the industry, or management methods.

Example: A few years ago, freshman philologist Lisa Oleskina created the “Old Age for Joy” movement. In 2011, the volunteer movement "Old Age to Joy" turned into a charitable foundation of the same name. And already in April 2011, the volunteer group was named by the magazine Forbes one of eight "charitable foundations you can trust". In December 2010, the group was awarded a diploma of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. Imagine, all this was started by a simple freshman who had to go through a sea of ​​obstacles and difficulties in working with gerontological centers.

You can also become a "news pirate". Today, PR professionals around the world use breaking news to increase their brand awareness and increase sales. This technology is called "newsjacking" (translated from English. "Stolen news"). Using other people's news and news trends can be an inexhaustible source of ideas for your comments on this topic.

Example: In 2013, one of the clients of a PR agency Zebra Company was a little-known network of hostels. Newspaper "Kommersant" said that a law is being prepared that will simplify the work of hostels. Homeowners will be allowed to convert it into hotels with up to 50 rooms without real estate registration as non-residential. Just an hour after the news was published, a press release was sent out on how exactly this law will help hostels, with a comment from the head of the hostel network. Material mentioning the customer was published by three major media outlets, and more than 30 press releases were posted on Internet portals.

In Russia, this tool is usually used only by large companies or famous people, however, even if you are just entering the market, but you understand what's what, nothing prevents you from trying it. Due to newsjacking, you can quickly increase the popularity of the site, get the first positions of search engines. However, taking news from the ceiling or inventing fables is not newsjacking at all. To get the result, you must always keep your finger on the pulse and know some of the features of this direction.

  • Keep up to date with the latest industry news and topics that are of interest to your target audience. Read websites, subscribe to industry news aggregators. Follow thematic and industry hashtags on social networks. Follow messages in thematic communities and on brand pages. Newsjacker can't miss a news story.
  • As soon as you find a suitable newsbreak, immediately prepare a material based on it. Remember: news quickly loses relevance. If you publish an article on your site in a timely manner, the material will get to the top of search engine results simply because you mentioned the right newsbreak in time and used keywords.
  • News items should be thematically related to your activities. Include your brand organically in the news background.


Summarize. High-quality publications help to increase the recognition of the company and its products, get loyal customers, gain the status of an expert not only in narrow circles, but also gain wide popularity. Building good relationships with the media can bring great benefits. Work on your expertise and follow important and interesting news. We recommend using different ways of presenting information: for each media we need our own approach, somewhere it will not be a sin to draw infographics instead of the next press release.

Finally, pay attention to your relationship with journalists. It is not enough to give your coordinates, any business connection must be maintained. If you establish yourself as a useful and reliable source of information, take the initiative and meet deadlines, you will open your way to the pages of any media. Such relationships give a lot: figuratively speaking, sometimes they turn out to be the foundation of media relations, sometimes - a "parachute" in crisis situations.


The article discusses the importance of involving students in practical activities designed to draw attention to environmental issues. For, the mastery of theoretical knowledge, not supported by practical activities, is not enough to develop the skills of the correct environmental behavior of schoolchildren. The author presents an analysis of the ways of involving modern youth in events and actions, taking into account their age characteristics, enthusiasm for the Internet. Direct participation in practical activities aimed at drawing attention to environmental problems and finding possible solutions to these problems helps to form a person with an active civic position, armed with knowledge about the state of affairs in this area, practical skills and environmental protection skills. The relevance of the article is related to the aggravation of the unfavorable environmental situation on Earth, which is a generally accepted fact, and without taking measures to improve the state of the environment, humanity is threatened with an ecological catastrophe.

ecological crisis



1. Minnebaeva Z.E. Principles of development of ecological culture of schoolchildren in the educational process // Modern problems of globalization of the world economy and socio-cultural development of man: materials of reports. result. scientific arr. conf. - Kazan: Fatherland, 2015. - S. 421-424.

2. Schoolchildren's attitude to nature / ed. I.D. Zvereva, I.T. Suravegina. - M .: Pedagogy, 1988. - 128 p.

3. Khusainov Z.A. Ecological culture of schoolchildren: teaching aid. – l 28 000418.pdf.

4. Kazan. July 28, 2012. The first step to ennoble the Newlyweds Park [Electronic resource]. ? Access mode:

5. Earth Hour. Official site of the World Wildlife Fund in Russia. – URL:

6. About Greenpeace. Greenpeace official website. – URL:

The growth of the level of development of human society is due to scientific and technological progress, which is designed to create favorable conditions for the life of mankind. However, in the pursuit of high achievements, a person often forgets about his environment, treats natural resources as an inexhaustible source that allows humanity to enrich itself without thinking about the possible consequences. The emerging contradictions between society and the environment cause a severe ecological crisis. The result of the negative impact of man on nature is an increase in the level of environmental pollution, a decrease in biological diversity, the disappearance of animal and plant species, and an increase in the number of genetically determined diseases.

The causes of the ecological crisis, along with socio-economic factors, are the worldview and philosophical views of a person, because they primarily determine the attitude of a person to his environment and the degree of responsibility for the possible negative consequences of unreasonable nature management.

It is possible to prevent and prevent an ecological catastrophe by changing the value system of modern society, by using the knowledge accumulated by mankind, which could contribute to the formation of an ecological culture of the younger generation. The ecological culture of a person is manifested in his environmentally conditioned activity. The development of ecological culture implies a complex impact on the cognitive, affective and active sphere of the individual's consciousness. The formation of an ecological culture of students, coordinating and correcting the attitude of schoolchildren to nature, is the goal of environmental education.

However, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, not supported by practical activities, is not enough to develop the skills of correct environmental behavior of schoolchildren. Direct participation in practical activities aimed at drawing attention to environmental problems and finding possible solutions to these problems helps to form a person with an active civic position, armed with knowledge about the state of affairs in this area, practical skills and environmental protection skills. Therefore, the involvement of students in activities devoted to environmental problems is the most important stage in the formation of the ecological culture of schoolchildren.

The dissemination of information is of paramount importance. It is important that students know about the organizations that carry out environmental activities in the region, the country where they live, as well as existing international movements. This information can be obtained through radio and television, Internet resources, newspapers and magazines. Knowledge of a foreign language enables students to find like-minded people from other countries, discuss environmental issues, share their thoughts and ideas, exchange work experience, thus a foreign language serves not only as a means to solve global environmental problems, but also serves to strengthen world peace.

The example of the successful work of the Greenpeace organization has contributed to drawing attention to existing environmental problems around the world and the creation of environmental organizations and movements in many countries.

The goals of Greenpeace are environmental protection, education and promotion of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Such global environmental problems as global climate change, deforestation, overfishing, development of genetic engineering, radiation hazard, conservation of the Arctic are in the organization's field of vision.

The international non-governmental environmental organization Greenpeace has more than 26 regional branches in 55 countries, including Russia. Regional offices are engaged in national environmental projects, following the international strategy. More than 2.8 million people around the world support Greenpeace.

The Earth is our common home, which means that environmental problems cannot concern only individual countries or people, these problems concern the world society as a whole, and they can be solved only by rallying together, together. It is difficult to overestimate the role of a foreign language, through which one can learn firsthand about environmental problems and activities aimed at solving these problems in different countries of the world. Knowledge of the language allows you to become part of the world movement, making your own contribution to the common cause.

The global, large-scale is made up of the private, which means that the solution of global problems must begin small, with the improvement of the native yard, district, city. In particular, work on the school site is of great practical importance, since all students can take part in it. This contributes to the development of schoolchildren's skills of correct ecological behavior in the natural and social environment, respect for nature, and develops their ecological culture. The perception of natural beauty by children forms the correct ecological thinking and behavior in relation to nature in schoolchildren. Working under the guidance of a teacher, they acquire practical skills, receive aesthetic pleasure from the results of their work, and develop a respect for the environment. They will hardly want to litter the garden they have been ennobling or pick a flower from the flower bed that they have grown for so long.

Within the district and the city, schoolchildren can participate in various activities, such as environmental subbotniks to clean up parks and squares from accumulated garbage; tree planting, which is especially important in connection with the Green Record campaign in the city of Kazan, in which thousands of trees were planted to make our city cleaner and more beautiful; cleaning the coastal zone of rivers and lakes located within the city.

The Green Record campaign began in Kazan in 2012. As a result of this action, dozens of streets, courtyards and squares of our city have been transformed. Anyone could participate in the action and make a contribution by coming to one of the green subbotniks, which took place in different parts of the city. Seedlings and equipment were issued on the spot.

The slogan of the action was: “Do you want to live in a green city? Come and plant a tree!" Schoolchildren, teachers, students took an active part in planting trees together with officials, deputies and famous people of our city. The action gained great popularity among young people, thanks to the local press, television and social networks on the Internet, which widely covered its progress. The action was of great educational importance for the younger generation, because it clearly demonstrated that in order to improve the environment, direct participation in its protection and ennoblement is necessary.

In 2015, the "Green Record" action smoothly flowed into the year of public gardens and parks in the Republic of Tatarstan. During this year, existing squares and parks were restored and new ones were built, making our city even more beautiful and more convenient for citizens to relax.

Motivation and taking into account the interests of students is of great importance for the success of a project. The Internet and, in particular, social networks, the active users of which are schoolchildren, where they spend most of their free time looking for friends and communication, have a huge potential for attracting schoolchildren to environmental actions. Information posted on social networks quickly spreads among young people, causing discussions and comments. So why not use this resource to draw the attention of young people to the environmental problems of their native city, village?

Using the activity of young people in social networks, there is an opportunity to successfully attract the attention of young people to existing problems and involve them in interesting projects. Unfortunately, this potential is not used enough and it is necessary to work in this promising direction.

It should be noted the positive experience of the all-Russian action "Blogger against garbage", which is widely covered in various social networks and is popular with young people. The organizers of the action open groups where everyone can join, determine the place and time of the event, provide the necessary equipment for cleaning. Each participant receives a commemorative T-shirt with the action logo. The media are involved in the coverage of the event: local newspapers and television channels. A report on the event is also posted on social networks, accompanied by photos and comments of its participants. With each action held, the number of its participants increases.

As part of this action, an event was organized in Kazan to clean up the Newlyweds Park (opposite the building of the Central Bus Station and next to the city's River Port). The park was in a terrible state, despite the fact that it is located almost in the center of the city. The organizers and active participants of this event were students of Kazan universities, and what is important, they were joined by caring residents of this microdistrict. The group of activists was supported by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, having allocated equipment and workers from the city's production trust for water and green economy. The DJ entertained the participants of the subbotnik with music and attracted people from the surrounding area to the park. As a result of the action, several garbage trucks were removed and new benches and bins were installed. The park has been transformed and has become a more attractive place for walks and recreation for citizens.

As you can see from this example, young people are ready to participate in activities aimed at solving environmental problems, you just need to find the right motivation. Instead of long educational conversations and forced participation in subbotniks, it is much more effective to find such forms of events that would meet the interests of today's young people.

Another popular activity is Earth Hour, which was founded by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in 2007 as a symbol of human concern for the environment. The slogan of the action - "All the world for one planet" - reflects its main essence. People around the world turn off the lights for one hour as a sign of concern for the future of the planet. This action has grown into an international campaign to save the resources of our planet, in which anyone can take part. Residents of Kazan, and above all students and schoolchildren, take an active part in this annual action. To join Earth Hour, turn off room lights, building lights, computers, holiday lights, neon signs, TVs and table lamps, and you can also turn off unnecessary electrical appliances.

Each country in the framework of the Earth Hour draws attention to what is most important to it at the moment. So in Russia, in 2012, during the Earth Hour campaign, more than 120 thousand signatures were collected for the law on protecting the seas from oil pollution. At the end of 2012, the law was signed by the President and entered into force on July 1, 2013. In 2015, as part of the Earth Hour event, WWF Russia conducted the Time to Think Different campaign, calling for a freeze on environmentally hazardous and expensive projects in the Arctic. The Fund has collected signatures under an appeal to the President of Russia with a request to introduce a ten-year moratorium on the development of new oil fields on the Arctic shelf.

This action is accompanied by charity concerts with the participation of stars and the collection of donations in support of a specific environmental project in Russia. Anyone can become a part of this event, which can not only draw the attention of a large number of people to environmental issues that are relevant for Russia today, but also solve these problems, preserving the unique nature of our country for themselves and future generations.

Involving schoolchildren in activities to protect the environment gives them the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge gained in the classroom, allows them to realize their involvement in nature, forms the skills of proper environmental behavior and allows us to hope that our future generation will grow up not indifferent to environmental problems and will be able to take the necessary measures to address these problems. And knowledge of a foreign language allows you to integrate into international organizations and engage in environmental activities on a global scale.

Bibliographic link

Minnebaeva Z.E. INVOLVING STUDENTS IN EVENTS DESIGNED TO DRAW ATTENTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 86-89;
URL: (date of access: 02/26/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The following are ways to get the attention of the media (media). The order in which they are listed does not correlate with their degree of importance or effectiveness.

Speech presentation: One way to get into the local media with your appeal is to prepare an oral presentation to the residents of the area and invite representatives of the local media to a meeting. If you choose to speak about the lack of jobs, your assistant can speak with representatives of the local plant. If you're raising the need for affordable health care, your assistant could give a speech to retirees. Try to meet with the school teachers' council and discuss the need to improve the public education system. Plenty of possibilities. It is very important to consider the timing of such events so that media representatives can certainly come and talk about your communication with the residents of the area.

Short radio interviews: During any meeting, the speaker's assistants can record the entire text of the speech on audio tape, then select the most interesting places and provide the material to the radio station. Or the speaker may arrange an interview with a local radio station for an on-air interview. If the representatives of the local radio did not come to your performance, call them yourself. As a rule, they will be happy to interview you by phone.

Newspaper strips: Many newspapers, especially weeklies, have several columns for information about the activities of elected officials. If you don't put your name in the papers, then maybe you should think about it. Do not be surprised that in an election year, many newspapers will want to increase the number of such columns. If you can afford to pay for the publication of your information, consider using newspaper columns.

Meetings with editors/reporters: It is very important to know the editors and reporters you will be working with. One of the ways to get to know newspapermen better is to visit the editorial office of a local newspaper during your next trip to the region. Such visits by your team members should be planned in advance. Relationship building can also be facilitated by occasional calls to the newsroom, short lunch breaks together, or arranging meetings with newspaper reporters in their newsroom where the candidate or elected official talks to the reporters about various issues. It may be flattering for a newspaper editor to have an elected official call him and ask for his opinion on a subject. The purpose of such contacts is to establish a good working relationship, and not to contact the media only when you need something from them.

Meetings with citizens: Consider holding a meeting with the residents of the city on a burning issue. For example, if you want to "earn a few points" on an issue raised, announce the meeting, give a strong, well-crafted speech to the city's residents, take the right stance on the issue raised, and then give those present an opportunity to express their opinions. During these meetings, you can distribute a questionnaire in which the citizens present would write down their name and address. Thus, you will replenish the lists of voters that will be useful in the future. Of course, such events take a lot of time to organize, but meetings with voters can be very effective and generate positive media coverage. However, if you are meeting with the citizens in an election year, be aware of the possible presence of members of your opponent's team, who will not fail to interfere with the normal flow of the meeting.

Press conferences: Press conferences are not only inviting media representatives, speaking from the rostrum and distributing press releases. It's something more. If the location of the press conference is not of visual interest, then the TV people may not come. Why would they film a politician when they could film a woman who grew a squash shaped like the outline of Ohio. To make sure that your press conference material gets into the TV news coverage, you need to think about the visual aspect of the press conference venue and its content. The location of the press conference should be relevant to the topic of your speech. For example, if you are talking about the need to improve the education system, hold a press conference in the classroom; if you want to draw attention to the problem of solid waste disposal - the city dump will be the right place for a press conference; the need for affordable health care can be discussed in the hospital. It is very important to consider the timing of the press conference. If there are three major events in the city at the same time, you shouldn't hold your press conference at the same time. If you are hosting an offsite press conference, it is very important that someone you trust prepares and checks every last detail (acoustics, lighting, invitations to participants, assistants during the press conference, etc.) in advance in order to Everything went like clockwork and there were no unpleasant surprises. Nothing could be worse if it rained at a press conference scheduled outside and you don't have a fallback option. After the conference, contact reporters who didn't show up, give them press releases, and give them the opportunity to ask questions.

Opening ceremonies: Opening ceremonies are always covered by the local media. For you, they may be of particular interest if we are talking about the opening of a new workshop of the plant or this event has something to do with the creation of new jobs. If the next grand opening matters to the people of the area, ask permission to attend, don't wait to be invited.

Charity events: You can take part in charitable events that are held all the time by various organizations. You could donate blood, spend the day serving in the canteen for the poor, and so on. Do not wait for an invitation, just arrange your participation with the organization responsible for the charity event.

Thematic events: If you're interested in one issue and would like to establish a reputation for trying to solve the issue, schedule a series of events from today through Election Day. For example, if an elected official wants to create an image of a supporter of the improvement of the education system, he can be scheduled to visit schools, speak to teachers' councils, teach a lesson, etc. Each of these events must be announced. When holding thematic events, you will constantly be in sight, you will have to travel around the region, maintain relationships with representatives of local media. The key to the success of such events is to make them interesting for reporters.

Sports activities: One of the entertainments in life is sports. Everyone is following with interest the performances of local sports teams, including media representatives. Don't miss this opportunity. You can speak at the banquet dedicated to the opening of the new sports season, with the resolution of the local sports committee, etc.

Press releases: Use press releases to keep the media informed about your position on an issue. Newspapers and even TV and radio stations may quote portions of your press releases, although they generally prefer to deal with the elected official himself. Send out press releases on time and often, but don't use them as a substitute for holding events or interviews over the phone or in person.

Press package: You should prepare a press package that should include the following information: a photo of the candidate holding an elected office, biography, major accomplishments, recent press releases, documents supporting the candidate's or elected official's key positions.

And also about how to attract the attention of the media.

Once you've decided that media coverage of your activities is important, there are many ways to establish an ongoing working relationship with the media. Some of them are simple, others require creativity and certain costs. If you come up with something new that has not been tested by anyone before you, don't be afraid - try it.

    Send out a weekly schedule of candidate events.

    Send the media a copy of the newsletter you publish for your volunteers.

    Your candidate can comment on current events, even those not specifically related to the life of the region. However, think about how to address the region's issues in your speech.

    Try to arrange for the candidate to speak at an event that will likely be covered by the media.

    Invite members of the media to the candidate's speeches to specific groups of voters.

    Offer a list of all members of the election campaign organizing committee, as well as campaign coordinators in the region.

    Announce a fundraising event the day before and the day after the successful completion of the event.

    Report all those who support your candidate.

    Do not hide the funds allocated and used for the election campaign.

    Create a team dedicated to solving any issue. Tell us about its creation and tasks.

    Announce all visits of dignitaries. Organize trips for them around the region, acquaint them with local problems. Tell about each of these visits before, during and after.

    Organize a non-traditional candidate support group (for example, some of the opponent's supporters in the past have changed their orientation and decided to continue supporting your candidate), come up with an interesting name for this group, tell reporters about it.

    Tell us about the main projects your volunteers are involved in.

    It is desirable that paid information placed in the media arouse reporters' interest and desire to take an additional interview with the candidate for free.

    Leverage your contacts with the media. Ask them to write about your candidate's campaign work: working with the mentally ill, actively including the candidate's family in the campaign.

    Write a note on any topic, using the opportunity to place this article in the column reserved for the opinion of the guests of the newspaper.

    Try to get the support of the editors.

    Watch the mood of the voters. Voter grievances can be used as issues your candidate is addressing.

    Encourage volunteers, helpers, etc. Invite members of the media to such events.

    You learned that citizens are collecting signatures on some issue. Express your concern about the issue raised. Invite the media.

    Follow the activities of the legislature, express your opinion on the bills under consideration, including in the form of written statements. Organize a public discussion of these issues.

    Organize a "Write a letter to the editor" campaign. The meaning of this campaign is that citizens who support your candidate write letters to the editor with positive reviews about him or answers and rebuttals to letters from the opponent's support team.

    Carry a camera with a loaded black and white film. Take pictures of your candidate while accompanying him on trips. Use these photos for press releases and more. Come up with captions for them.

June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1987. Even then, the problem of combating this disease was particularly acute on the planet. Therefore, almost immediately, the General Assembly held a session on drug problems, decided to drastically reduce drug addiction over a decade.

Risk group - youth

Alas, the issue is not only not resolved, but worsened. The number of people who use drugs has increased - and now exceeds 3% of the total population of the planet. The consequences of drug addiction have become threatening, the number of underage drug addicts and women is growing. The average age of young drug addicts has already reached 13-14 years.

The fight against drug addiction has occupied a special place in the activities of the health authorities and the internal affairs of our country. Trouble is brought by the fall in the morality of Russians, the pursuit of many "dealers" for the easy profit that the drug business brings. They do not care about the health of the nation, the measure of success is the money earned on someone else's grief. That is why they seek to strengthen contacts with the countries of the Near and Middle East and Asia. A "significant" contribution to the development of the drug business in Russia is made by Afghanistan close to us, which is the main world supplier of heroin.

After the collapse of the USSR, the problem worsened. The number of drug addicts has increased several times, every fourth crime is committed with the participation of drug addicts. It's not just a problem. This is the pain of the entire world and Russian public. Despite numerous campaigns for the prevention of drug addiction, exhibitions, talks about the dangers of narcotic and psychotropic substances, increased administrative and criminal liability for their possession, sale and use, the situation hardly changes.

According to the results of a sociological study conducted as part of monitoring the drug situation in the Stavropol Territory in 2017, 10.6% believe that it is very easy to get drugs today. 29.8% are convinced that it is relatively easy. Almost one in four is convinced that drugs can be purchased via the Internet. 13% of the respondents noted that there are people who use drugs in their circle of acquaintances.

About a third of respondents (27.5%) admitted that they first tried drugs at the age of 16-17. Almost the same number of respondents (25.2%) indicated that they had their first experience of drug use before the age of 12.

It is significant that only 3.1% of the respondent from the number of those who have ever used drugs first tried them at the age of over 40 years. This confirms the earlier conclusion that adolescents and young people are the most vulnerable group exposed to the threat of drug addiction.

According to 67% of the surveyed residents of the Stavropol Territory, the main reason that deters drug use is a conscious negative attitude towards drug use. A third of the responses boil down to the fact that the fear of early death is holding back drug use, and 20.5% is the fear of contracting HIV infection and viral hepatitis B and C.

Finding yourself is the first fear of an addict

The main reasons for the spread of drug addiction, according to respondents, are the moral degradation of society, permissiveness (50.8%), dissatisfaction with life and social ill-being (44.3%), the influence of the drug business (35.3%), excessive freedom (34.4% ). The disorganization of the leisure time of the population, especially adolescents and young people, is also an important reason. Only 17.2% of the study participants unequivocally answered in the affirmative to the question about the availability of opportunities for spending leisure time in their locality.

According to the respondents, the most common motives for drug use are interest and curiosity. Unfortunately, parents often find out too late that their child has started using drugs. For example, if a child perceives the idea of ​​undergoing voluntary testing for non-medical drug use with hostility, this is already an alarming signal for parents. Finding yourself is the first fear of an addict, even a beginner.

Most parents consider drugs to be one of the biggest threats to their children. But few parents understand how to protect their child from this danger. Many simply do not know how to conduct a conversation correctly so as not to run into a wall of misunderstanding or rejection.

Today's teenagers are often more knowledgeable about drugs than their parents. Therefore, before starting a conversation, it is necessary to learn more not only about how to properly conduct a conversation, but also about the drugs themselves, how they are used and the consequences. Often the child himself can tell about this if he starts the conversation correctly and conducts it correctly. In addition, it is necessary to know that children and adolescents begin to try and then use drugs under the influence of certain motives. Most often, a child tries a drug to satisfy their curiosity and experience the effects of a drug.

Despite the propaganda of the harm from drug use, the irreversible consequences of drug addiction, adolescents believe that the drug will bring them pleasure, new sensations. And the danger associated with their use will not affect adolescents, because they will only try. Another common motive is a sense of belonging to youth subcultures where drug use is common. Sometimes the use of drugs is an expression of independence, a protest against the society in which the teenager lives.

The most important thing in the fight against drug addiction is its prevention.

What everyone needs to know about the legal responsibility for the use of possession and distribution of drugs

Is drug use against the law? The answer to this question is contained in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 20.20 of which states: for the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products in prohibited places, the consumption of drugs or other intoxicating substances on the streets, stadiums, squares, parks, in a public vehicle, in other public places, an administrative fine in the amount of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles is imposed, or an administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Recall that a person who has reached the age of 16 by the time the offense was committed is subject to administrative responsibility. And since his parents are responsible for the minor, the appearance of teenagers under the age of 16 in a state of intoxication, or their consumption (drinking) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances or intoxicants substances shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on parents or other legal representatives of minors in the amount of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

At the same time, if a citizen who uses a narcotic drug - for example, marijuana, voluntarily applied to a medical institution in an effort to get rid of addiction, he can be exempted from administrative responsibility for this offense.

Administrative liability for drug users occurs if they acquire, store, transport, manufacture, process drugs that do not belong to the category of new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances:

a) without the purpose of sale;

b) small.

Actions with drugs on a large or especially large scale, as well as all actions related to the sale of drugs, regardless of their size, fall within the scope of the Criminal Code. And these are completely different consequences ...

For example, if a citizen plucked, dried and stored the drug "marijuana", he can receive up to five years in prison with a fine of 300 thousand rubles.

An even sadder picture emerges in the case of illegal production, sale or shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues. For these acts, you can be deprived of liberty for a term of four to eight years.

Please note that the sale of narcotic drugs is considered to be any means of their paid or gratuitous transfer to other persons (sale, gift, exchange, payment of a debt, lending, etc.), as well as other methods of distribution, for example, by injecting drugs.

At the same time, responsibility for the sale of synthetic drugs - which include "spice", "salt" - comes, regardless of their size. That is, even if we are talking about a small bag with a "mix", this is already a criminal, and not an administrative responsibility.

Perhaps someone will be surprised by the fact that even if a person has a cigarette with "weed" in his pocket, which he offers to his friend or girlfriend, he also commits a crime under article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - drug trafficking. Meanwhile, these actions do qualify as selling, even if the friend did not take the money for the drug he smoked.

The same is the case with the so-called "bookmarks", when you can be asked with a simple request - to put a small bag in a specified place or take a small bag from a cache, and in return they promise a certain amount of money ... It would seem like a trifle, nothing needs to be done, and money is almost already in your pocket, "easy money" - even too easy not to pay attention to it and not to be alert .... Of course, you may not even know what is in this bag, however, as you know, ignorance is no excuse, and free cheese is only in a mousetrap. After all, you took the bag or put it in the indicated place. So, it's you - the distributor, the criminal. And it is you who “shine” imprisonment - at least for a period of four years. And if this bag was also handed over to minors, then this threatens with imprisonment for up to 20 years with a fine of one million rubles.

What to do if you find a cache of drugs?

It is quite understandable that drug dealers try to eliminate direct contact with the buyer by inventing various ways to deliver the "goods" to the buyer. Most often, dealers hide drug bundles (“bookmarks”) in public places: under benches, in fences, in house entrances (glued to railings, put in electrical panels, between window frames), in flower beds, children's sandboxes, just lying on the street a pack of cigarettes, for various items. Then, through correspondence in ICQ, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, the location of the drugs is reported to the buyers.

To an uninitiated person, this whole process may seem like an adventure game, some kind of quest, according to the terms of which one person hides, gives hints in instant messengers, while others pay money and search. Thus, everyone in this situation plays his own role assigned to him by the drug dealer, not thinking that this game is not for life, but for death.

Therefore, once again, when performing this or that act, making a choice or the next step in life, remember: you cannot return to the past, there is no time machine ...

If you accidentally discovered such a hiding place or witnessed its laying, be sure to report it via communication channels 102 or 112. Before the arrival of the police squad, try to remember the signs of all suspicious persons who are “spinning” in your yard, so that later they describe in detail to law enforcement officers. In no case do not take the "bookmark" in your hands, because you do not know what lies there. The substance may be poisonous! In addition, by examining an untouched "bookmark", the police can take fingerprints of intruders.

On the game

Police officers pay considerable attention to conducting awareness-raising activities among adolescents and young people, parents and teachers about the dangers of drug use and about the responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for participating in their illegal trafficking.

In the Stavropol Territory, operational and preventive measures and actions have become traditional, such as “Children of Russia”, “Conscript”, “Tell me where they sell death”, “Poppy”, Internet lesson “I have the right to know!”.

Among the youth, the operational-sports game “On Guard for Life”, organized for the third year in a row by the drug control department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory, has gained popularity on the eve of the International Day against Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

Plunging into the adventure game, participants try on the role of employees of operational departments, perform intellectual, strength, sports individual and team exercises, demonstrate knowledge of anti-drug legislation, rights and legitimate interests of a person, practical skills necessary for law enforcement officers (operational, investigative and expert -criminalistic services, special purpose services, etc.), identify alleged drug dealers, thus collecting clues-evidence for the discovery of a cache with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the final.

At the same time, the preventive campaign “Tell me where they sell death” is gaining popularity, which encourages citizens to report information about known facts of possession or sale of drugs. You can provide this information by calling 8-800-100-26-26, "02" or "102" (from a mobile phone) around the clock.

Within the framework of the International Day against Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking in all municipalities of the Stavropol Territory, many interesting thematic talks, concerts, flash mobs, sports competitions, and contests were organized.

“The fate of all is the same - either the dock, or death from an overdose ...”

Interview with a former drug addict.

- Sergey, how old are you and when did you start using drugs?

- I'm nineteen years old. I have been using drugs since the ninth grade. It all started with weed - with hashish, in the basement of the house, where we, teenagers, gathered and talked. I was offered to try, I did not refuse out of curiosity. Very quickly - it happened when I left school, having managed to complete only the ninth grade - I switched to hard drugs, to opium, and so on. The first time you try them again out of curiosity. And then you already understand that you, your body feel bad without it, you cannot live without them, and you need to use them as often as possible - every day. I have been using them for about four years.

– Do traffickers sell drugs to all interested schoolchildren, or only to a limited circle of people?

- Of course, they try to sell to trusted people or those who will not rattle left and right about it. Now distributors have become more cautious. It used to be, for example, there were points in the yards - they sold everything to everyone. But not now. Now times have changed a bit. There was a danger from law enforcement agencies.

- In general, by appearance and condition, you can understand that a person uses drugs?

- Can. The eyes change a lot. When you get stoned, they sort of go down a bit. Blue circles. The face is a little pale. You can see a person when he is stoned.

At what age do students start using drugs?

- I know those who started using them from the age of 12-13.

- Sergey, where did you get money for drugs? Where did your drug addict friends get them?

- Everyone as he can. Buys something, resells something. Begging, borrowing, stealing. We'll see how it goes. This is a certain kind of activity. If only there was money.

– In your opinion, what should society and the authorities do to prevent people from falling into this environment?

“We just need to keep them busy with other things so that they don’t poke their nose into it. Well, to protect from communicating with bad people. On the other hand, a person should have some goals, probably from childhood. Everything depends on the person, on him alone the responsibility lies for his actions, for the choice he has made.

“You haven’t used drugs for six months now. Some may think that this can be easily done ...

- It is difficult to get over it, to overcome it. I just couldn't walk for three weeks.

– You used hard drugs for about four years. Is this considered a long time or not?

- Among drug addicts, no one is even curious about who uses how much. When you get hooked on the “system”, it doesn’t matter how much time you use. You are on the system.

How many of your drug addict friends have died?

- The fate of all drug addicts is the same - ends either in the dock, or death from an overdose. If you give up all this, maybe other options will appear. And so - no.

Have you had problems with law enforcement?

- Yes. Detained during raids. Often just to clarify the circumstances, because the police know that you use drugs - and you can steal something. Pick up and check. When you start going there, they already know you there, and over time, more and more often you get there.

- Sergey, are you not afraid that after this interview you may have problems with the environment in which you were recently? Suddenly, someone from this environment, according to their concepts, considers that you need to be “punished”?

- There can be no worse punishment than being a drug addict. With this interview, I am trying to draw attention to the problem of drug addiction and warn teenagers, young people, to warn them about the trouble that awaits them if they take the first step towards drugs out of curiosity.

The media sets the public agenda: the more and deeper an issue is covered in the news, the more people become concerned about the issue.

We must learn to think like journalists, look for good stories and be able to present them to journalists. Of course, our materials are important, otherwise we wouldn't be working with them. But remember that journalists can't detail every important story every day. They have a few minutes of air or a couple of newspaper pages for all the news of the day. To get the attention of journalists, we must emphasize what is interesting in our material.

Present stories, not problems. A reporter is more likely to talk about the 10 people who died today in our city from tobacco-related diseases than about the topic of death from tobacco in general.

Remember that at least two people must want to do the story: the reporter and the editor. Even if a journalist is very eager to work with you, he will have to convince the editor why your story should be done instead of what a colleague submits. We give arguments to the journalist.

What is NEWS?

To capture the attention of journalists and convince them to write about our stories, activists must structure stories to fit traditional patterns of "what is news." This means that you are covering aspects of your story that contain some of the following typical news items. The more media-worthy elements your material contains, the wider audience it will receive, the more likely it will be of interest to a journalist.


Conflicts are common news topics. The conflict could be between politicians, or political parties, or members of parliament. The defender of public interests in any topic has opponents (otherwise why and from whom to protect them). There is a policy that you are fighting against; there are opponents of what your group is doing. Who are they? What is the conflict here? How would you describe it to a journalist? Think about the plot and characters, are there any additional opponents and tensions in your material?

Broad Interest

Ultimately, news production is a business. This means that the material should not just be presented, the main thing is to attract the largest possible audience. A larger audience for the media means higher revenues, because it promises more advertising.

Those who make the news ask themselves:

The public interest activist should articulate those aspects of the problem that concern or interest the majority of the audience. Does your material reach many people or a group that is of particular concern, such as children?

For example, according to the research department of one news program, babysitting moms watch the five o'clock newscast. So stories about young children are likely to be aired on this 5:00 pm episode.

Tobacco-related news has the potential to reach a fairly wide audience. Every family is involved in tobacco use in one way or another: quitting parents; experimental teenagers; a relative dying of a tobacco-related disease. That is why materials about tobacco attract the interest of the public.


Demonstrating the consequences of a person's or organization's actions is a favorite news topic. What is the injustice or inequality of the circumstances that your material illustrates? What causes injustice? Who is responsible for this?


Stories like "the man bit the dog" that contain dramatic contradiction often grab the reader's attention. What is ironic or unusual about your story? Is there an unexpected aspect that distinguishes your material from all the others?

local accent

Local news is the most read. Even the national media needs a "local" example to illustrate the problem. Turning general content into something interesting for local viewers is one of the big challenges. What is important in your story for a local resident who buys a newspaper or watches the news? If something happens at the national level, how will it affect your city?

Personal aspect

Most journalists strive to report news through a personal story. They are looking for that typical case, someone who can serve as an "example" of the problem, so that the audience can empathize with the person and feel uneasy about the common problem. Do you have people in mind with direct experience of the problem who can give your material a sense of ownership? Will they agree to speak to a reporter, and are they prepared accordingly?


A breakthrough is a scientific achievement, a sign that from now on everything will not be the same as before. Especially in the realm of scientific and medical news, if reporters can say that this is the first time this has happened, or that information has been received that helps answer questions that have previously gone unanswered, this is material. (A negative consequence of this desire among journalists is that the usual process of accumulating knowledge in scientific or medical research is distorted: a "breakthrough" is reported when nothing like it happened.) Does your story talk about something new, unusual? Have you told the journalist why this is important? Is there any evidence that the changes actually happened?

annual aspect

The annual milestones show that some time has passed since the remarkable event. News organizations like to use such timestamps as an excuse to retell a story or reexamine an issue after some time has passed. Anniversaries remind of disasters, milestones are useful for examining the results of a policy or decision. What news or other events can you relate to your problem? How can your story be related to a local, national, or current historical event?

seasonal accent

Since the news services want to reach the largest possible audience, they try to find stories on topics that everyone is interested in. The change of seasons affects everyone: everyone feels the change or knows that the New Year is coming soon. At the same time, journalists got tired of reporting the same thing over and over again. Every year, in all newspapers and radio news, reporters and editors make stories related to the winter cold or the summer heat. The beginning of the school year on September 1, New Year's stories and the film "Enjoy Your Bath" for every New Year. Every season can transform the problem. How can your problem be retold in view of the approaching holiday, season?


A celebrity might bring news attention to your issue because celebrities speak to a large audience. The death of a famous person who suffered from the problems that you are solving strongly emphasizes that these problems remain unresolved and can affect everyone.

visual images

Images, especially moving ones, are of great importance for television news. Without a visual image, the material is not transmitted. “In television,” said one editor, “video dominates. Words define, form, refer to the image. But only video footage can tell a story.” Even if viewers have read about it in the newspaper or heard it on the radio, it is on TV news that they will first see it. For TV news, to a large extent, the choice of material is determined by whether there is video material or how it can be obtained. What creative and interesting visuals can you provide with your material?

Mystery and drama

The harsher and more dramatic your material, the more likely it is to get into the media. For example, when healthy people took a drug and died two days later, it was shown on all TV channels, although only a few people were affected. Are there mysterious or dramatic moments in your story that you can highlight for reporters? For example, the story of the “Marlboro cowboy” who died of lung cancer and devoted the last years of his life to promoting smoking cessation is dramatic.

human interest

Human interest arises when reading materials that evoke tenderness, compassion, and other positive human feelings. The stories of the victims of the problem you are solving are of great human interest. We care about them because we are humane.


This term journalists call topics that can be used on any day, they are not tied to the occasion and have a common interest. Such stories are useful for newsrooms because they can be kept indefinitely and will be placed on paper or on air to fill the space if need be. "Headache Remedies" is an example of a medical material that is important to many people, but is not associated with a specific time period - headaches always happen.

How the material is chosen

The journalist and editor, when deciding what to cover, are guided by the availability of space (time) and various criteria for what should be covered in the news. These criteria become more or less important depending on what happened and how the competition for journalists' attention is going. These criteria include the following:

I care

The activist is not indifferent to this topic and history. The journalist and editor must also be moved by this story, or they must trust that many of their audiences will be moved by it. A simple rule applies here: “I think that what is interesting to me is likely to be interesting to everyone.”


Simple everyday trifles, for example, convenient parking near the event site, the availability of conditions for connecting and operating cameras in the room where the press conference takes place - all this affects the desire to show your story.


News is fleeting. The best stories are the ones that are still happening. Rush is a characteristic of newsrooms because everyone is eager to get the latest information on any story. Yesterday's history no longer interests anyone today.

Variety of sources of information

Stories come to the editors from a mass of the most unpredictable sources. It is worth connecting personal contacts and calling back by phone, sending a fax - use any means to deliver the material to the reporter's hands. The hierarchy among Novosteeviks is small, where information (if it is worth it) is passed from hand to hand.

It is worth making as many contacts as possible. It seems to you that your story was not shown again (suddenly this morning there was an earthquake, or all your acquaintances journalists were transferred to other topics). However, as a result of the fact that you have worked with people, they now look at the problem in a new way, and this will definitely affect the coverage of the topic in the future.

Create news

Making news means doing something worth reporting. It could be something as simple as issuing a report, submitting a request, or sending out an open letter. Press releases, press conferences or meetings are the most typical means of creating news.

When creating news, it can be helpful to make sure you are using your resources wisely. You will spend a lot of money and effort to organize a press conference, and for the appearance of your material in the media, it would be enough to send a fax message or phone call to one TV reporter with an offer of "exclusive" material.
When deciding which news-creating activities are most appropriate for your story to appear, it is helpful to consider the following strategic questions:

Why do you want to highlight this particular case?

You must have a specific goal in mind every time you seek to pitch a story to the media. The goals might be to draw attention to an issue, demand action by an official or other addressee, prepare the public for the next event, or establish your organization as the leading source of information on the issue.

Is hosting a media event the best way to achieve these goals?

Sometimes you can not drag reporters to the shooting, but simply call back or send them information on paper.

What is the purpose of this particular activity?

What message should be left in the minds of your viewers? You should have two or three clear and focused statements that should be included in all of your submissions.

Expanding reach

Your material should not be one-day news. You can draw the editor's attention to the fact that the case told in the news is related to a topic that concerns you. An obituary for a prominent, well-known smoker can be the basis for reports and articles. So the topic expands from one fate to a significant problem for all of smoking cessation.


Despite all the difficulties that public health activists have to overcome in working with journalists, one should not stop trying to attract the attention of the media. After all, it is our materials that touch upon the problems from which thousands and millions of people suffer. But while planning how to get the attention of journalists is important, what you say or do when you get that attention is even more important.

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