What does dd mean in wow. General overview of RDD fighters in the Legion! See what "RDD" is in other dictionaries


long range missile

Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. - 318 p., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - S.-Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. - 527 p.

Russian Children's Fund

Vocabulary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - S.-Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. - 527 p.


bilateral contract market


regulated bilateral agreement

Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations. Academician. 2015 .

See what "RDD" is in other dictionaries:

    RDD- long-range missile Russian Children's Fund ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

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Rdd - comes from the English phrase ranged damage dealer and translates as dealing damage at a distance. What is rdd in online games? These are character classes that attack from a distance - archers, hunters, rangers and all types of magicians.

Rdd in the game is a weakly protected character with a small amount of health. As a rule, he wears light armor made of leather or fabric, armed with a bow or staff. His ranged attacks deal high , but he becomes almost defenseless in melee. To remove this imbalance a bit, rdd has several controls - slow, stun, and others.

Basic stats

For rangers, archers, the main stat is dexterity. They must shoot quickly, penetrate armor, deal critical hits and dodge enemy attacks. In most games, all these parameters are somehow related to dexterity, so heroes with bows and crossbows pump it first of all. Secondary stats should help with survival - first of all, it's evasion, then armor, and various types of resistance to magic.

For mages and other casters, the main stat is intelligence. They should deal high damage with spells and put up magic shields if they take damage. Secondary parameters should increase the amount of mana and hp, raise the casting speed and critical damage from spells.

Role in the group

It is easy to guess that the main role of rdd in a group or raid comes down to throwing arrows and spells at the enemy from behind the backs of melee fighters standing in front. In most cases, they are required to damage monsters and , but without overaggroing them on themselves, since an archer or mage will die very quickly from blows.

Network variants of the Russian language is a large and separate topic, deserving at least a couple of dissertations. Take at least “Albatian”, which any self-respecting blogger must own.

Warcraft slang- a phenomenon not so well known to the rest of the masses, but no less interesting. According to rumors, the foundations of slang were laid by the Russian-speaking pioneers of WoW, who started playing on American and European servers in the furry 2004-2005. I don’t know how this slang can be defined in linguistic and philological terms, but the essence is that English words are pronounced in Russian (and conjugated and declined according to the rules of the Russian language). This language is oversaturated with abbreviations and words related to game mechanics, names of locations, monsters, bosses, characters. In short, the mixture is terrible. Moreover, English slang has already been rewritten. It's hard for a newbie to figure this out.

Slang at the beginning of RuWoW was quite an interesting topic. The problem of (not) understanding took place. Beginners who started playing with the release of localization had a hard time getting into the gaming slang used by veterans. Then another process began - the "newcomers" began to distort Russian words, creating already derivatives of them. Now the problem of "fathers and children" has already been sort of resolved.

There will be no detailed research here. The purpose of this post is to give a basic understanding and translation into common Russian of words and abbreviations that are in circulation in in-game chats and forums. One way or another, you still have to master it. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to communicate with your neighbors on Azeroth.

A few notes before you move on to finding the right words. In this part of the dictionary there are no jargon names of locations, bosses of instances. Further, since slang is in a certain sense in a state of mutation - the transition from purely English derivatives to Russian ones - then, perhaps, not all terms are already relevant. Lastly, if you have something to add or correct, feel free to write, the list of terms is, of course, not complete. I will only be happy to help. Yes, and no longer me, but those newcomers who cannot understand what we are talking about.

Abilka(from English ability) - ability.

log out(from English to avoid) - to avoid

Agro(from English agro, synonym: hatred) - a characteristic of a mob that determines its level of aggression in relation to the character. Agro is greater, the stronger the character deals damage to the enemy or heals his allies.

Agro-radius- the radius around the enemy, when crossing which the character attacks the enemy.

Aguila(from English agility) - dexterity

Aymed- hunter skill Aimed Shot

Akk- account, account

Alto- alternate character; each player has one character who is the main, i.e. main; Maine is usually one of the first characters to level up, dress up, and participate in the end game; alts are alternate characters that the player creates after main, either to try out a different class or raise a fighter for the guild (there can be many other “eithers”).

Alik- a character belonging to the Alliance faction

Auk, AH- auction

AT- Arena team (from the English. Arena Team)

AFC- from English. AFK (Away From Keyboard),”get away from the keyboard”, in the case of MMORPG — move away from the keyboard during the game session; afkat - to be absent during a raid or instance for five people, being included in a group.

Budge(from English badge) - a variant of the DCT system introduced by Blizzard in the first expansion of The Burning Crusade and continued in Wrath of The Lich King; in order to avoid a situation where, during the distribution of loot, most of the raid is left with nothing, now from each defeated boss in the “heroics” and raids of Outland and Northrend (levels 70 and 80), each member of the raid gets badges (most often one, but sometimes more). For badges, you can buy items of epic quality from merchants in Shatratt, Dalaran and in the location of the Lake of Frostgrass for a character who has passed the instance and alts (in the case of BoA items, account-bound).

Bajran- a group trip to an instance for five people, the purpose of which is to receive badges. Variant - fastbajran (fast run for badges).

Ban- a spell of temporary or permanent action, which is cast by Blizzard in case of violation of the EULA (user agreement) by the owner. Violations are considered - the purchase and sale of in-game currency, the use of bots, the sale and purchase of an account, etc. In other words, you are deprived of the opportunity to play. Synonyms: “banana”, “send to the bath”.

BG- battlefield (from the English. Battleground)

beach- applied by "advanced" in the game (but boors by nature) players, to those who are worse equipped or play weaker.

BL(from English Bloodlust) — “bloodlust”, a Horde shaman skill that gives an increase in casting and attack speed to all raid members by 30% for 40 seconds. An analogue of the skill of the shamans of the Alliance “Heroism” (aka “gerych”)

BR, battleres(from English Battle Ressurection) - the ability to resurrect in battle with druids

Buff, buff(from English to buff) - In a general sense - strengthening the properties of something; in a particular case, a useful spell that temporarily increases the characteristics of the character.

buff- Please use a spell that enhances your abilities.

Bug- the use of incorrectly working things, talents, skills

BVH- cheat

BRB(from English BRB, Be Right Back) - I'll be right back

Side- paladin buff "Blessing of Kings" also called "helmet"

Boss- a special monster in the dungeons with a large supply of health, unique abilities and from which you can get good quality items ("blue", "epic").

Bot- a program that controls the character at a time when you are not in the game (do not control the character); From Blizzard's point of view, the use of bots is a violation for which you can get a banana.

Railway carriage- a player who does not carry the main load (damaging, healing) in a group game, i.e. when completing raids and instances for five people, also applies to players who play poorly.

Vanilla WoW— The Matrix…, the first period (or version of the game) of Warcraft of Warcraft before The Burning Crusade, timeframe from November 2004 to January 2007. So-called. "original WoW" or "pre-TBC WoW".

Warlock- (from English warlock) - warlock, synonym - lok. Abbreviation of the English pronunciation of the class. The second syllable is taken, because Vars are called warriors (Warrior).

wipe(from English wipe) - the result curvature and ignorance of the class unintentional actions of a member or members of the group, leading to the death of all members of the group passing the instance.

Vaiper- the person who wipes the group.

Vendor(from English vendor) - seller, merchant.

Viklik— a weekly task that is performed in a raid instance.

Visp- from English. to wisper, means to apply personally, a synonym - PM, pm

VTB(from English WTB, Want to Buy) - buy.

PTS(from English WTS, Want to Sell) - sell

WPE- cheat

endure- an expression meaning killing a mob, a group of mobs, a boss

Gunking(from English ganking) - usually dishonest behavior in PvP (see below), an attack at an inconvenient moment for you (for example, after you barely survived after a battle with a mob), from an ambush, etc.

game master, GM (from the English gamemaster) - a Blizzard employee who monitors the game. Can answer questions, resolve disputes, help players and punish them for breaking the rules.

heroic— instance in the “heroic” version. “Heroics” appeared with the release of the first add-on to WoW: The Burning Crusade and referred only to instances for five people. In fact, it all boiled down to the fact that the monsters were thicker and hit harder, respectively, items with higher characteristics and badges fell from them. In the second add-on, raid instances also got “heroic” versions.

Ger- synonymous with "heroic"

Guild Master, GM- the head of the guild, its creator and leader.

guild, guild- a group of players united in the game by common goals on a long-term basis

gir(from the English gear) - the equipment of the character, a synonym - gear.

GKD(from English GСD, Global Cooldown) - general cooldown (recovery) of abilities, starts when using most of them.

Graz, Hz- Congratulations. Derived from a whole series of abbreviations of the English Congratulations.

Grid(from English to greed) - an option when sharing loot, meaning that you would like this thing, but you don’t really need it, most often this option is used when sharing “green” and things falling in instances from “regular” mobs

Grinding(from English grinding) - repetitive actions of a monotonous nature, the purpose of which is to level up a character, acquire a certain amount of resources, gold, reputation, etc. By and large, grinding is considered a brainless activity, akin to Tetris, but an inevitable part of any MMORPG.

Griefing(from English griefing) - behavior in the game that interferes with other players (mainly their allies), annoying and upsetting them.

Coffin- Warlock stone to summon a party member.

Go- (from English to go) ran, “follow me”.

Gold- (from English gold) gold, in-game currency.

HS- an index showing the level of the player's equipment, from English. GS (GearScore is a special add-on, an addition to the standard game interface that this indicator counts), after patch 3.2 gained wide popularity and is now the standard for determining the level of gear

"Give a party"- join the group!

"Give me a leader"- give the authority of the leader of the group

Darn— Darnassus, capital of the Night Elves

Damage, damage(from English damage) - damage, damage.

Dungeon, dungeon, donjon(from English dungeon) - dungeon; the term “dungeon” is usually associated with instances (for five people and raids);

Debuff, debuff- the opposite of a buff, i.e. weakening characteristics.

DEF- indicator of protection

Daylik- a daily quest that can be repeated every day, unlike quests that are done once (from the English daily quest)

Wood- a druid in a certain specialization (healing)

blimp- Horde airship

DC- Death Knight

PrEP(from English DKP, Dragon Kill Points) - a system for scoring points for participating in raids, which is then used when distributing loot between raid participants

DMG- damage

DoT(from the English DoT, Damage Over Time) - damage that is applied gradually over a fixed period of time.

DPS(from English DPS, damage per second) - damage per second.

Drop(from English to drop) - items dropped from a killed mob.

Damage dealer, DD, DPS(from English damage dealer) - the function (role) of the character in the group. This function is reduced to dealing damage from a long distance or in close combat. Moreover, DPS is an incorrect use of the term in this case, but it occurs.

Dru- druid, synonym - drul.

nerd- a person who spends a lot of time playing World of Warcraft

Zelenka- "green" thing, the official name is "unusual"

Zerg- quick killing of the boss without following any tactics

Imba(from English imbalance) - a certain element of game mechanics that introduces an imbalance into the game. This term refers to a character who is incredibly powerful in relation to other characters of his level. Most often characterizes the high level of the game of the person who controls the character. In more rare cases, it is used to refer to some strong elements of the game, such as especially cool abilities of a character of a certain class.

IMHO- “in my humble opinion” (from English IMHO, In My Humble Opinion)

invite(from English to invite) - invite (to a group, raid, guild)

Inzha– engineering

Instance(from English instance) - instantiated zone - a separate copy of a specific location in the game, created for a group of characters; instances are for 5 people (5ppl), for 10 and 25 (the last two are raid)

Inta- intelligence

Casual- a person who plays World of Warcraft not very often and not very long. In a general sense, an ordinary person who relates to something without an increased passion.

Kiting, kite(from English to kite) - a combat technique of "long-range" classes, which allows you to keep the mob at a distance and at the same time inflict constant damage on it; most often used by hunters and magicians.

Custer(from English caster) - caster. A character who can use spells (mage, warlock, priest, etc.).

cast(from English to cast) - to cast a spell.

CD, cooldown1. (from English cooldown), the mechanics that works for raid instances is such that when you kill a boss, a copy of this instance is “saved” for you, i.e. you can come here the next day and you won't need to kill him again, but resetting, i.e. the restoration of a full copy of the instance with all the bosses occurs after the maintenance of the servers on Wednesday, in the English-speaking environment of the players the term save was fixed, in ours, for some reason - cooldown or cd. 2. the delay before the next use of an ability, spell, or item.

Kill(from English to kill) - kill a mob.

QC(from English CC, Crowd Control) - Crowd control. The ability to control the target in battle, for example, to immobilize, thereby temporarily removing the mob from the battle, making it easier for the others to fight.

Craft(from English to craft) - to make items.

Craft, crafting(from English crafting) - production of things

Crete(from English crit) - a critical hit.

Ku- Hey

Cooldown(from English cooldown) - a delay before the next use of an ability, spell or item.

Level, lvl(from English level) - level.

lowlevel(from English low level, synonym: lowbie) - low level, low level character.

LOL, lol(from English Laugh Out Loud) - “I laugh” in the sense of “I laugh very loudly (at something)”

Lok- Warlock

LoS(from the English Line of Sight) - visibility zone

lolodin- derisive name of the paladin class

Loot(from English loot) - items falling from the mob

Loot- search the killed mob

LFG(from English LFG, Looking For Group) - a group search system built into the game interface for passing an instance, if you see such abbreviations in the chat, this also means “looking for a group”, also the name of the group search channel. Can be used in the following variations:

LF 1M- "Looking for the last member of the group"

LF tank / healer / DPS- "looking for a tank / healer / DPS"

mount(from English mount) - a mount.

Miles, miles(from English melee) - classes that specialize in close combat

MD(from English misdirection) - hunter skill Redirection

Mob(from English mob, mobile object, synonyms: monster) - NPC hostile to the character.

Monster- see "mob"

Underground- an ingenious invention of the dwarves - an underground funicular between Ironforge and Stormwind

MP- mana

Maine- the main character of the player, the main one in the sense that he plays the most often, which is best dressed, etc.

Hatred- see agro.

nerf(from English nerf) - deterioration, weakening, usually done to balance characters and simplify instances and mobs.

NZ, nz - nothing

Need(from English to need) - an option when sharing loot, meaning that you need this item

Nick- (from English nickname) character name

NP, np - (from English no problem) no problem

Newb, noob(from English newbie, noob, n00b) - a beginner or a low-level character. Sometimes used with a derogatory connotation.

nuker- mage with mass spells

Overgear - equipment that significantly exceeds the requirements of the content (for example, a 5-person instance) to complete it

OLO- Icegrass Lake

OLOLO- Lake of Ice Chains in the evening, when the whole server starts to lag during the battle.

OP or OP(from English OP, Over Powered) - a class or any item that has been overly strengthened after a buff

Pal - paladin

Dad- a person who plays very well, synonyms - folder, hellish folder, father

Locomotive- most often a high-level player who bears the main burden in a group game, most often used when a high-level player leads most often low-level players, who are called wagons, through an instance.

Pass- password

party(from English party) - a temporary group of comrades, numbering from 2 to 5, assembled with the aim of going through an instance or just questing together.

pvp(from English PvP) - the game mode "player versus player" (Player versus Player), or the type of WoW server, is also used to indicate the type of equipment.

PvE(from English PvE) - the game mode “player versus environment” (Player versus Environment), or the type of WoW server.

Persian- short for "character".

pet(from English pet) - a tamed or summoned creature that obeys the owner. Usually a hunter's beast or a warlock's summoned creature. Or a non-combat pet.

plz- please (from English please)

Pnkh- go to …

hang up- usually combined with a pillbox - hang a pillbox - cast a pillbox on a player

Port- a portal between cities, or a portal leading to a stone at the entrance to the instance

ppc- extreme degree of indignation

ppl(from English ppl = people) - people

Preved- Hey

Profa- profession

Priest(from English priest) - a priest.

pug(from the English Pick Up Group) - a random group; in the general case, a pug is a group assembled through a search system, in which people play who have not played with each other before in the same team; the attitude to scares is different due to the fact that an unplayed team is a high probability of frequent wipes; on the other hand, instances for 5 people (including "heroics") are quite successfully passed by scares on old servers, where there are a lot of veterans of the game.

Pulling, pulling(from English pulling) - a combat tactic in which a single mob or group is “pulled out” into a zone where a group of players can deal with them without any problems

Ran - campaign of a group of comrades in the instance (from the English run)

Rez(from English resist) - resist resistance to a negative effect

Rez(from English ressurection) - resurrection after death

Raid- a group of 10 or 25 comrades who come together in order to complete high-level complex content (raid instance)

range, range(from English range) - classes that specialize in combat from a distance

Reparan- a run into an instance, in which the main goal is to kill mobs in order to raise reputation

Resp, respawn(from English respawn) - the reappearance of something or someone in the game world (mob, mined resource, etc.).

RDD -(Ranged Damage Dealer) DDs that deal damage from a distance (hunters, warlocks, mages, etc.)

Horns(from English rogue) - a robber.

Roll(from English to roll) - the principle of loot distribution, when people claiming for some thing throw out a random number with the /roll command (random number generator). The person who rolls the highest number gets the item. Reroll - rerolling (usually when two or more members of a group or raid roll the same number). The second value is the choice of another character for the game.

RO- the end of the raid (from the English. Raid Over).

RF, radish(from English Ready Check) - checking the readiness of a group or raid for a boss fight

Ruth(from English root) - stopping the target, tying it to the point at which this effect caught it. In the root, the target can fight and make ranged attacks.

Sammon(from English summon) - summon a member of a group or raid.

Blue- “blue” thing, the official name is “rare”

Skill(from English skill) - skill, skillful - a gamer who knows how to play well

Scatter- Hunter skill Disorienting Shot

Slacker- a player who skips raids, hides behind the backs of his comrades during the fight with the boss and generally skips.

Spell(from English spell) - a spell

Alcohol- a spirit or a spirit in a cemetery that resurrects.

THX or thx - thanks

Wed, sr(from English sorry) - sorry

SS(from the English soul stone) - a warlock stone that is hung on a raid member so that he can get up immediately after death. Throw ss - hang this stone on a character, usually healers or tanks.

Page or strand (from English strength) - strength

Steady- hunter skill Steady Shot

Mill(from English stun) - a stun that turns off the target from the battle for a while. The character or mob becomes immobile and cannot do anything for the duration of the stun.

Summon- summoning a player to an instance or raid using a “summon stone” or a warlock portal

Surv- Survival Hunter

Taxi- a griffin.

time run- a trip to the instance, where you need to complete any of the tasks for a while (for example, killing the boss)

Tank(from English tank) - the role of a character in a group, usually a character with a high defense indicator, holding back aggro mobs in battle (usually a warrior, paladin, rarely a shaman, a robber).

Twink(from English twink) - a character upgraded with the help of other high-level characters, and dressed with things received from them, a synonym for viola, but more often used for alternative characters that are designed to play in PvP (player versus player).

Tray(from English try) - an attempt, usually used when an attempt is made to kill the boss, kill tray- an attempt that ended with the killing of the boss

Ladder(from English trap) - a trap

Trade skill(from English trade skill) - trading skill

Axe- a player who, after numerous explanations of raid tactics, repeatedly makes fatal mistakes for himself or the raid (group)

TT- extreme surprise

Toilet bowl- a stone of warlocks, from which "health stones" are taken by the raid.

Uber(from German uber) - a prefix or an independent word for an ability or character that is superior to others. It can be considered a stronger version of imba.

Farming(from English farming) - repeated killing of mobs in order to obtain items that fall out of them, a synonym for farming, grinding.

fail failed attempt, failure

FD(from English Feign Death) - "cheating" skill of the hunter Pretend to be Dead

Hunt(from English hunter) - hunter, hunter

highlevel(from English high level) - high level or high-level character.

Hits(from English hits, hit points, HP) - the amount of vital energy that determines the amount of damage that a character or mob can withstand.

Heal Bot- paladin

hill(from English to heal) - to heal

healer(from English healer) - the role of the character in the group, which comes down to restoring the health of group members, a synonym - frail.

Khilyai- treat

hardmode— complicated raid boss mode; after patch 3.1, difficult modes were introduced into the game mechanics for more advanced players, the abbreviation xm or xm is also used

HoT(from English HoT, Healing over Time) - healing that is done gradually over a fixed period of time

HP(from heal points) - an indicator of the level of health

Char(from English char, character) - character

Teapot(from English chain lightning or chain heal) - either chain lightning (if cast by mobs or bosses) or chain healing of shamans.

Chanter- enchanter (profession)

Chit(from English cheat) - forbidden reception, swindle

Sham - shaman

Shemot- things, items of equipment, synonym - gir

epic- “fillet” thing, the official name is “excellent”.

epicfly is a flying animal that moves at 310% of the player's normal movement speed.

Yuva- jewelry (profession)

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Hello! Today we will talk about ranged specializations. As usual, before the release of a new addition, there is no need to talk about balance, so we will not compare dps ratings and stuff like that. We're talking about spec design, which is likely to stay the same throughout Battle for Azeroth. First, I will briefly talk about each specialization, outline its advantages and disadvantages, and then draw conclusions.

Fire Mage. In Battle for Azeroth, this spec is faced with a difficult choice between the Boom! talent, which grants more Fireburst, and Phoenix Flame. Of course, everyone would like to have both, but in general, this is the only ambiguous decision that you will have to make. In the new expansion, Fire remains an interesting specialization that forces the player to quickly react to events and allows them to deal heavy damage through Combustion. "Fire" implies a dynamic style of play, and the specific mechanics invariably bring pleasure to all who have mastered it. In my opinion, this is currently one of the most effective and well-developed ranged specializations in World of Warcraft.

Mage with the Ice specialization. In Battle for Azeroth, this specialization received a significant buff by increasing the chance to trigger any effects (this was done to compensate for the loss of the artifact and even out the balance a bit). Frost is a very mobile specialization with a fun ability synergy and a lot of instants. The disadvantage is that sometimes the effects work too well, which leads to suboptimal resource consumption, which is not at all fun. In any case, compared to Legion, the set of abilities in the Frost specialization has not changed much, and the game in it is a lot of fun, especially in those moments when it turns out to use especially profitable combinations of effects (Flurry + Ice Spike, for example). In short, in my opinion, "Ice" is certainly not as good as "Fire", but still it is a very convenient specialization with a great design.

Mage with specialization "Arcane". Arcane differs from its Legion version in that Arcane Missiles no longer generate Arcane Charges and allows you to deal damage to priority targets without first building charges. This simplifies the process of the game, but in general the style remains the same - you save mana, then spend it on powerful spells and cooldowns, then save it again, and so on. Rotation in Arcane is simple but error-prone, and therefore requires careful planning. Arcane differs from other specializations by having phases in the rotation, which I personally don't really like, but at the same time I think that there are worse specializations in the game.

Hunter with a specialization "Shooting". In the Legion, “Shooting” was frankly depressing. With the release of the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch, its effectiveness is no longer dependent on random effects triggered by auto-attacks, but despite this, the specialization seems to me wildly boring. And I even know why - there are no annoying mechanics in it, but at the same time everything is predictable and somehow ... uninteresting. I would call "Shooting" the antipode of "Fire". The AoE rotation with Insidious Shot adds some fun, but in general, I repeat, everything is very slow and boring.

Hunter "Beastmaster". This spec has handled the transition from Legion to Battle for Azeroth quite well, mainly because its main talent, Dire Frenzy, has become a base ability. This and other changes have taken Beast Mastery from a rudimentary newbie option to an interesting specialization with a fast-paced playstyle. The dynamism is based primarily on the mechanics of reducing cooldowns and the need to maintain different effects. I admit that I abandoned my hunter in Legion, but the last patch pleasantly surprised me, and in Battle for Azeroth I plan to return to this specialization.

Elemental Shaman. The Elements specialization is good, although there is nothing exciting about it. The rotation of Elemental has slowed down compared to Legion, and Elemental Focus has disappeared from the game, which used to force players to plan their actions in advance. At the same time, shamans have acquired a lot of useful talents, and new principles for the interaction of their abilities have great potential. And yet, the Elemental specialization seems a little flawed to me. Those who played Elements in Legion will have no trouble getting used to the changes, as the spec is generally slower and simpler. I tell her my resolute "no".

Shadow Priest. Yes ... a real tragedy happened to "Darkness". The developers completely redid the specialization, shifting the emphasis. Previously, the main goal was to remain in the form of the Abyss for as long as possible, but now there is no point in this. The uniqueness of the specialization has disappeared, and despite the good idea, "Darkness" has the most ordinary mechanics and mediocre boring rotation. With AoE and Void Eruption, things are more fun, but this does not save the situation. The generation rate of Madness has decreased, and the rate at which Madness fades while in Void Form has increased. Void Stream, Enduring Madness, and Mindbending are all in the same tier, and now you only have to choose one of these abilities. Shadow Word: Death has become a talent... it's all sad, of course. Of the innovations, Dark Ascension is worth noting, but, of course, it cannot compensate for all losses.

Warlock with the Affliction specialization. The Affliction specialization received a new mechanic, Deadly Lightning. The ability of the same name is acquired with the help of a talent, that is, it can not always be used, but with the presence of Deadly Lightning, playing Witchcraft brings a lot of fun. Compared to Legion, the single-target rotation is largely unchanged, the AoE rotation requires skill to manage multiple damage over time effects, and the new cooldown allows you to summon a new demon. The synergy between demons and damage over time effects has increased, so overall I would say that the specialization looks much better than before.

Destruction Warlock. The changes that have taken place with the Destruction specialization can be called positive. Reverse Flow is now a base ability, and the demon summoned on cooldown now interacts with other abilities and effects. The Black Soul, which was so loved by many during the Mists of Pandaria, has returned to the game. In a word, the specialization has improved, so if you want to play a slow but reliable caster, it will definitely suit you. In Destruction, you will be able to fire one Chaos Bolt after another. Well isn't it great?

Demonology Warlock. To be honest, Demonology is the best warlock specialization. As in Legion, demonologists summon hounds and imps, but the imps now appear near the character, making them easier to spot. The Demon Empowered play style is gone, replaced by the Demon Heart, which triggers when an Imp dies. Demon's Heart allows you to instantly cast Demonic Bolt, which deals massive damage and replenishes two shards, and for these shards you can summon new imps using the Hand of Gul'dan ... and so on. Thus, "Demonology" is characterized by a very dynamic rotation, which contributes to the summoning of numerous demons. A new cooldown, Summon Demonic Tyrant, extends the life of all existing demons and also strengthens them, as a result of which a real army of creatures from the underworld appears around the warlock. Then all the demons die in sync, the warlock gets a bunch of Demon Heart charges and can scatter instant Demon charges in different directions, and then call the army again. In short, the Demonology mechanics are great. Yes, it's a little rustic, but it fully corresponds to the essence of the specialization and finally comes down to commanding a horde of demons. Again, the mechanics are simple but keep you entertained, and fun is what we play games for.

Balance Druid. In the beta test, the balance druids, like the fury warriors, changed at the very last moment, and these changes were very significant. First of all, we are talking about the Eclipse mechanic, which adds specialization to unpredictability and slightly complicates the rotation, requiring a reaction to certain events. Also, Balance Druids have received new talents for generating astral power. However, the main cooldown remains as boring as ever, and New Moon is a talent, not a base ability (if it were a base ability, it would add the required complexity and depth to the specialization). In general, in my opinion, "Balance" is boring, and it can only be diluted with Star Lord, which diversifies the resource management process. Compared to the Legion, the specialization has become more interesting, but it still falls short of the best.

So, I told you about all the ranged specializations that exist in the game. Now I propose to divide them into four categories - Excellent, good, average, bad. I unconditionally attribute "Fire" to excellent specializations. "Fire" has a perfect design and a unique dynamic style, which, on the one hand, is quite simple, and on the other hand, it brings a lot of fun. I would attribute to good specializations, first of all, "Ice". This specialization is easy to use and has a fun synergy of effects. The disadvantages include excessive randomness of effects, but in general, the specialization is very, very fun. Another good specialization is Demonology. "Demonology" is unique, because no one else can summon demons in such quantities. She also has great effects and abilities, including Demon Heart and Demonic Bolt, which instantly deals damage and generates resources. The medium specs in my classification are Affliction and Destruction. In principle, they are not bad, especially Affliction with Deadly Lightning, but if you compare them with the previous options, the shortcomings become obvious (though not critical). I also consider Beastmaster to be average - he has good basic abilities, as well as a nimble and interesting rotation in which there is no room for mistakes (in Beastmaster you absolutely cannot press the wrong buttons, otherwise the result will be deplorable). In the same category are "Arcane", "Balance" and "Elements" - simple and uncomplicated specializations in which there is nothing outstanding, despite recent changes. I admit that they can be played and enjoyed, it's just that at the moment these specializations are inferior to others. In the last category, I rank the remaining specializations - "Darkness" and "Shooting". "Darkness" with the release of the prepatch was completely destroyed, and "Shooting" is boring to the point of disgrace - functional, but ... boring. In other words, I would play in all of the listed specializations, with the exception of the last two. Yes, there is only one option that I absolutely love, but generally speaking, I am pleased with how Blizzard develops ranged specializations. If I had the opportunity to choose just one character, I would take a fire mage, but since I don’t have such restrictions, I will also play in Ice and some other warlock.

In this article, we will consider T op 5 best RDD specs (ranged fighters) in Battle for Azeroth. The main emphasis will be placed on the passage of mythic + dungeons, but the results in raids will be approximately the same.

5. Elem shaman

Has excellent AOE when choosing the right build. Instant chain lightning, totems allow you to be, although not in the first places in the list of DPS, but not far behind the leader. Unfortunately, high keys of mythic + require constant saves, and the shaman is not very strong in this. Astral shifting and reincarnation can help a little with this.

4. BM Hunt

Excellent DPS, BL from a pet, traps. Exceptionally mobile in combat, deals damage on the move. From survival - the spirit of the turtle, liveliness, in extreme cases - pretend to be dead. By turning on the Spirit of the Cheetah, you can quickly maneuver, run out of the exit zone, etc.

3. Balance Druid

Very decent AOE DPS. A lot of control, can rut, get stuck, stun, throw silence on all opponents. Depending on the choice of build, it has access to some useful abilities. Can heal the whole group once every 5 seconds, or take an additional save for himself. It can help healers, restoring health to especially sagging allies, and also remove poisons. Don't forget the Bear Skin, our best armor and stamina save

2. Afli Lok

High damage, excellent survivability and mobility. What else is needed for happiness? Deals damage due to pillboxes, and the more opponents, the more pillboxes you can hang and disperse your DPS. Can permanently regenerate his health with Soul Drain. Many abilities that deal damage also drain HP from opponents in favor of the warlock. Useful for the group, as it can place a table that creates health stones for everyone who uses it. Can throw a Soul Stone, a kind of BR, on a tank or healer.

1. Frost mage

The most popular class in Mythic+ at the moment. High DPS, the ability to constantly kite and freeze opponents. Useful for the group with its buff to intelligence, plus the creation of food. Knocks down casts, steals buffs from enemies and can remove curses from allies. Excellent survivability due to his shields and saves, as well as the Ice Block ability, which completely blocks incoming damage. High mobility due to blink, as well as abilities that allow you to cast spells on the go.

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