Reading grade 3 efrosinin workbook. What will gdz teach in literary reading

The course forms in children the need for systematic reading, analysis of what they have read and application of acquired knowledge in practice. In the classroom, students perform tasks for search, viewing, selective reading, learn to present information in a concise form or in the form of a table. Textbooks for grades 1 and 2 are built according to the thematic principle, and for grades 3 and 4 - according to the genre-author's principle, which allows students to get acquainted with the diversity of literature and learn how to compare texts according to various criteria. Each section contains tasks for the development of communication skills and special reminders to help you complete learning tasks.

The program “Literary reading. Grades 1–4” by Efrosinina L.A., reflects the content of teaching literary reading in a modern elementary school, contains the planned learning outcomes at the primary level of education.

Textbooks for grades 1-4 are designed to master the course of literary reading at the level of primary general education and belong to the completed subject line of textbooks, developed in accordance with the requirements regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO.

The textbooks present tasks that develop the motivation for reading and learning, the creative abilities of students, as well as tasks that form the need for systematic reading in younger students and the application of the knowledge gained in practical activities. Throughout the course of literary reading, students perform tasks for selective, search, viewing, studying reading, presenting information of the read and listened text in a concise form, in the form of a plan, a simple table, which is necessary at this stage of the formation of semantic reading skills.

The material of textbooks for grades 1 and 2 is organized according to the thematic principle, since during this period the main task is to create motivation for reading fiction and the accumulation of reading experience. This is reflected in the structure of the sections of the textbook, the methods of selecting the material and the sequence of its presentation.

Textbooks for students in grades 3 and 4 are built according to the genre-author principle. In genre blocks, students have the opportunity to compare works of the same genre (folk and author's), generalize genre features, in author's blocks - to get an idea of ​​the diversity of creativity of one author, reinforcing ideas about genres and forms of fiction, as well as some features of the author's style. Such a transition from one principle of material organization to another is traditional for textbooks on literary reading in elementary school, corresponds to the psychophysiological capabilities of students and makes it possible to ensure continuity between the primary and main levels of general education, in which the monographic principle becomes the leading one.

A system of tasks has been developed for each work, which organizes the work of students. The clarity of selection and repeatability of the components of the structure of the textbook is supported by a system of conventional notation, the same for the entire line of textbooks. This allows students to easily navigate the textbook when working with texts independently, to exercise self-control.

The textbooks of the line implement a system-activity approach: each section of the textbook includes tasks that allow the comprehensive development of students' communication skills. Tasks that contribute to the personalization of the learning process, the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, and the enrichment of the vocabulary are also aimed at this. The textbooks provide algorithms (reminders) that serve to form regulative learning activities. Memos help students to master and consciously apply ways to solve certain (typical) educational tasks (independent work with a work, preparation of expressive reading, reading by heart and by roles, detailed and brief retelling, story about the hero of the work, writing a review about the book).

Workbooks on literary reading contain a system of exercises for independent work of students with the text of works included in the textbook and educational reader. Notebooks contain a variety of tasks of a developing and creative nature, forming a sense of the word, enriching speech, allowing for differentiated learning in literary reading lessons.

TMC lines include teaching aids, the structure and content of which correspond to the structure and content of textbooks in grades 1–4. Methodological aids include the course program (in accordance with the class), approximate lesson planning, necessary methodological comments on the lessons, recommendations for monitoring the level of achievement of the planned results and for organizing training.

Notebooks for testing and examinations in literary reading include current and final comprehensive examinations, as well as test tasks for the studied works and material for self-testing reading skills, allowing you to evaluate learning outcomes.

Dictionary-reference book "Bookman" includes an explanatory dictionary of concepts and reference material for the course "Literary reading. Grades 1-4”, which will help improve the learning and reading activities of students, deepen and generalize the knowledge gained in the classroom. Issued in the form of a printed publication and on CD (electronic educational resource), for classroom work using an interactive or projection board or at home on a personal computer.

Choose the right edition

  1. Workbook on Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 1
  2. Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 1, 2
  3. Workbook on Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 1, 2
  4. Workbook on Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 2

Ready tasks

Literature is a humanitarian, developing subject. The younger generation has a broad outlook and more imaginative thinking. From the very beginning, discipline involves spending a lot of time from schoolchildren, as well as painstaking work. Only thanks to this, the material will be learned and understood in time, and the highest points will be earned in the lesson. With the help of a solution book for a workbook on literary reading for third-graders, authored by L. A. Efrosinina, a student will be able to do homework much faster and better.

Reshebnik for third-graders in the literature of Efrosinina

A ready-made collection for a textbook on literature will help the child to check his own knowledge himself, to carry out comprehensive preparation for the upcoming independent and control work, and to get acquainted with a particular topic on an individual basis. Gdz Efrosinina will also become an indispensable assistant for the parents of a third grader. They can easily control the homework of given literature lessons, help in difficult situations, even online.

The author of the textbook, L. A. Efrosinina, is the compiler of many similar books for elementary grades on this subject. Popularity and demand are the quality of each publication. The author knows how best to convey information to the third grader so that efforts are minimal. The solution contains the correct solutions to control tasks and answers to other questions in the workbook. With ready-made answers, you do not need to fully familiarize yourself with the work, a brief description, which is necessary for the excellent solution of all tasks after each work, is present here.

What will gdz teach in literature

The Literary Reading Resource contains detailed answers on the following topics:

  1. the student will learn Russian folk art, works of other nationalities, creativity in poetry and prose by Russian and foreign authors, get acquainted with fiction and popular science literature;
  2. among the main topics in grade 3, topics about the Motherland and its heroes, the relationship of people to each other, their views on nature, life in general, etc. will be touched upon;
  3. fairy tales, short stories, epics, etc. in this class become structurally more complex;
  4. children can explain such basic concepts as folklore, a work of literature, a genre;
  5. comparison of the heroes of one work and several;
  6. involvement in one's own writing;
  7. ability to work with text;
  8. good reading aloud.

What is gdz for?

According to many parents, the use of ready-made answers when teaching at school is impossible. This can develop laziness and irresponsibility in the student. Of course, there is some truth in this. But to whom, if not senior mentors, to show the right way to use the solution book for a reading textbook? Only a competent approach to its application can give a positive result. This requires:

  • explain to the child that it is necessary to use the gdz only for self-examination or in the most confusing situations;
  • understand for yourself that ready-made answers are just another opportunity to understand and consolidate the material covered with the teacher;
  • to clarify the fact that in the future your student will have to take the exam, and he just needs to always have access to the correct answer, which will be deposited in his memory;
  • eliminate the possibility of thoughtlessly writing off ready-made lines or memorizing well-known phrases, including the teacher;
  • understand that in grade 3 it is difficult to deal with some complex topics, and Efrosinina's solution book contains detailed answers to each question, whether it is complex or not;
  • to comprehend that the student will be able to confidently go to the next lesson and answer every question of the teacher, having such a convenient assistant;
  • help your student in the development of literature, control his activities and home exercises.

In difficult situations, you can use the electronic version of the solution online.

Choose the right edition

  1. Workbook on Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 1
  2. Workbook on Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 1, 2
  3. Workbook on Literature Grade 3 Efrosinina Part 2

Ready tasks

Literature is a humanitarian subject, developing a broad outlook and more imaginative thinking in the younger generation. From the very beginning, discipline involves spending a lot of time from schoolchildren, as well as hard work. Only thanks to this, the material will be learned and understood in time, the highest points are earned in the lesson. With the help of a solution book for a workbook on literature for third-graders under the authorship of Efrosinina L.A. the student will be able to do homework much faster and better.

A ready-made collection of literature will help the child to check his own knowledge himself, to carry out comprehensive preparation for the upcoming independent and control work, to individually familiarize himself with a particular topic. Gdz will also become an indispensable assistant to the parents of a third grader. They can easily control the homework of the given lessons in literature, help in difficult situations.

The author of the textbook Efrosinina L.A. is the compiler of many similar books and textbooks for elementary grades on this subject. Popularity and demand are the qualities of each publication. The author knows how best to convey information to the third grader so that efforts are minimal. The Reshebrnik contains the correct solutions to control tasks and answers to other questions. With ready-made answers, you do not need to fully familiarize yourself with the whole work, a brief description, which is necessary for the excellent solution of all tasks after each work, is present here.

What will the gdz teach in literary reading?

The literature guide contains detailed answers on the following topics:

All the working material in the notebook under consideration is based on the textbook on literature of the same name, it meets all the existing requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is gdz for?

According to many parents, the use of ready-made answers when teaching at school is impossible. This can develop laziness and irresponsibility in the student. Of course, there is some truth in this. But to whom, if not senior mentors, to show the right way to use the solution book for a reading workbook? Only a competent approach to its application can give a positive result. This requires:

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