Residential complex esthete. Residential complex "Estet" from the developer Premier Development. What's next

Opinion Restate

April 2018 At one time, we gave a restrained positive assessment of the residential complex "Estet" in Klimovsk. As of early 2018, it might be worth revisiting. First of all, the forecasts regarding the development of local infrastructure did not come true: although Klimovsk is a small town (the former, now it is part of Podolsk), the residential complex itself is located on the territory of a new, developing residential area, and development is proceeding at a leisurely pace. So there are still not enough social facilities nearby. The developer himself is in no hurry with construction - most of the buildings are at a high stage of readiness, but have not yet been put into operation. It would seem that there are no obvious problems, but the delay in the commissioning of the object seriously worries the equity holders. These are disadvantages, and as for the advantages, they have not changed over the past two years: everything is still in the “asset” of the residential complex, the proximity to the railway station and the relative accessibility of the urban infrastructure of Klimovsk. Also recently - apparently, this is due to the problems of the developer - another advantage has appeared: an attractive price.

January 2016 The residential complex with the imposing name "Estet" is being built in Klimovsk, at a fairly large distance from the Moscow Ring Road. The developer says about 20 km, local residents say that it is rather 30 - you need to go to a specific interchange. So the project will attract residents of the Moscow region to a greater extent. Or those Muscovites who do not need to travel to the capital every day. Klimovsk is a comfortable city for permanent residence, has its own production base, good infrastructure by Moscow standards, so there are those who want to move to new housing in the city itself. By the way, there is also competition in the housing market - there are several new buildings of varying degrees of prescription.

A dangerous thing - these long-term construction, sometimes disguised as ordinary residential complexes, sales managers politely smile and hand you a contract for signing, but completely forget to mention that the house should have been handed over almost 10 years ago.

I am no longer accustomed to delving into the dirty linen of problematic objects, getting their entire history from the bottom and telling you the truth about how another long-term construction can hide under the guise of an ordinary residential complex. No one is immune from falling into an unsuccessful project, and then instead of settling into your own apartment, you will have to stand idle for hours at rallies of deceived equity holders and hope that someday the law will be on your side. I met with equity holders of the residential complex "Estet" in Podolsk so that as many people as possible could learn the history of long-term construction with ten years of experience.

About the Complex

Let me bring to your attention the Estet residential complex in Podolsk near Moscow, more precisely in that part of it that until recently was an independent city of Klimovsk, and since 2015 it has been a microdistrict of Podolsk. The history of the complex began in 2005 with the signing of an investment contract between the developer LLC PKP Leader and the administration of the Moscow Region. The developer undertook to build one building with a height of 14 floors, a length of 8 sections, and a content of 700 apartments. Now there is not a single site of that project left, so you won’t be able to plunge into the past with the help of pictures, you will have to turn on your imagination and present a ten-year-old presentation. Surely the site had iridescent letters, pop-up flash inscriptions and gouge-out colors.

Sales of apartments began in 2006, the object was wildly popular, because at that time it was the only construction site in Klimovsk, which was carried out according to 214 Federal Laws, so equity holders were confident in the success of the project and the security of their deposits. True, for the first year, buyers signed a promissory note instead of DDU, but soon the developer was slapped with a fine and full-fledged equity participation agreements immediately appeared. The main flow of those wishing to purchase an apartment in the Klimovskaya new building was represented by local residents who wanted to increase their living space or acquire separate housing for their parents, children or grandchildren. They knew this area like the back of their hand, they monitored all the construction sites in real time, so with a clear conscience they gave their savings to the project that at that time seemed the most promising. They liked the fact that this is a point building and a part of untouched nature will remain around their house, all the buildings in the area are low-rise, so life in the stone jungle does not threaten them. True, I did not understand what they promised from the infrastructure, because at that time there was no widespread fashion for commercial space on the first floors, and there was no load in the form of building social facilities on the developer.

Externally, the house looks unattractive, at least by today's standards. This is a monolithic building, the facade of which is lined with orange and brown finishing bricks. No panoramic loggias, design solutions or attractive architecture. This is just a concrete box, in which there are several hundred apartments, and then no one cared about the appearance. Now such houses make me sad, because it would be extremely annoying to live in a boring box, when there is a riot of architectural delights and bright colors around. Many developers are now trying to make even economy and comfort class objects, which is today's hero of the Estet residential complex, attractive, and this trend cannot but rejoice.

Who started building

The first developer and creator of the residential complex "Estet" was the company "PKP Leader", in the portfolio of which there are only two objects and both long-term construction. In addition to Estet, it also has the LCD Prospect Red Army 251a in Sergiev Posad, which is now being completed by another company.

Potential buyers of apartments in the Estet residential complex trusted the developer for several reasons - construction was carried out according to 214 Federal Law, which should protect equity holders, the pace of construction pleased: dozens of workers quickly erected a monolith of the house. True, it quickly became clear that the developer was not doing very well, at least in relation to building a house. In May 2009, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region considered the application of the general contractor ISU-3 on the bankruptcy of the developer PKP Lider LLC and introduced a monitoring procedure. Then the procedure of external management and bankruptcy proceedings. Shareholders applied to the police with a request to open a criminal case against the developer under the article “fraud”, as a result of the audit it was found that the company’s budget did not converge by 120,000,000 rubles. However, the case was never brought up.

What happened next?

In mid-2013, the bankruptcy proceedings were terminated and a tripartite Settlement Agreement was approved between the old developer PKP Leader LLC, the new developer Premier Invest LLC and creditors, including equity holders. Under the terms of this Settlement, all property and all obligations of the old developer were transferred to the new developer, to whom local officials allocated additional land as compensation for the construction of new apartment buildings. Also, under the terms of this Settlement Agreement, the new developer, Premier Invest LLC, undertook to complete the construction of the first building inherited from PKP Leader in two years and provide apartments to equity holders by December 31, 2015.

The new developer extends the building permit issued to his predecessor, looking ahead, I will say that he extended it 4 times, and the last one ended on November 1, 2017, the houses have not yet been handed over, so we are waiting for a new extension. Immediately after entering the site, the developer began the construction of new houses, now the residential complex "Estet" is three multi-storey buildings numbered 7 (the one that started "PKP Leader"), 5 and 5.1. Outwardly, they all look the same, the difference is only in the number of apartments and sections. It is also interesting that the new developer changed the design of building 7, he added an additional floor and reduced the area of ​​​​apartments, and the equity holders were not notified about this, they found out after the fact when they saw the erected house.

What now?

Building 7 was supposed to be commissioned in 2015, buildings 5 ​​and 5.1 a little later, but if it was a story with a happy ending, it would not have got into our long-term construction section, but the question is “why so?” still remains open. When December 2015 came, and the house was not commissioned, equity holders began to actively press on the developer demanding to explain what was the matter and when the house would be completed. Representatives of the developer calmly replied that everything was in order, small delays in construction were the norm, there was nothing to fear, the house would be handed over soon. At the beginning of 2017, Sergey Matuzov, General Director of Premier Invest LLC, gave an interview in which he confidently announced the deadlines for commissioning the buildings. He said that the 7th corps will be handed over by May 2017, 5 and 5.1 on September 26, 2017. The percentage of completion of the corps in March is 97% for 7 and 76% for 5 and 5.1, now the site shows the same numbers. He explains the delays in the deadlines simply - at first the stage of signing all the documents took a very long time, then there were difficulties in obtaining a loan from the bank, then the consumer crisis came, sales of apartments decreased, and hence the cash flow. Now all these difficulties are behind us, Sberbank personally oversees the construction, so the developer cannot help handing over the house. And I believe him, the question is different - when will this happy day come? Now the dates are announced - December 2017 for buildings 7 and spring 2018 for buildings 5 ​​and 5.1. When I was at the site, I saw several trucks entering the territory, a bunch of workers marching for lunch, but you couldn’t see the violent activity from behind the fence - building 7 is completely ready from the outside, if work is underway, then inside.

In fact, it only seems to those who are watching from the side that everyone is calmly waiting for the house to be handed over. But after all, equity holders have not been able to move into their apartments for 10 years already! I met a woman who told me that their family had bought an apartment for their granddaughter who was going to college. They decided not to huddle four of them in a two-room apartment and give the younger generation a separate living space. As a result, the granddaughter graduated from the university, got married and moved in with her husband, but there is still no apartment in the Estet residential complex. Maybe at least her children will be completed by the time they enter the university. Many equity holders do not sit still and try to get their apartments as soon as possible. In August 2016, the first equity holders received in the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region Writs of execution for the enforcement of the Settlement Agreement, which the new developer Premier Invest LLC did not fulfill on time. They presented these sheets to the Podolsky district department of the bailiff service. Many were glad that things would get off the ground, but that was not the case. The bailiffs returned the writ of execution without execution, the case arose again. No complaints to the higher management of the FSSP helped. Shareholders had to appeal the actions of bailiffs in the Arbitration Court. But it doesn't bring any result.

New developer

Surely you want to know what kind of Premier Development company it is, which nobly undertook the completion of the problematic residential complex, and at the same time decided to make a profit.

Premier Development is part of the Premier Group of Companies, which has been engaged in design and construction since 2006. The company's website says that its main principle is the reliability and transparency of relations with customers. Well, why write this if you demonstrate the complete opposite with your actions? Empty words are now the norm, right? the main thing is to write something that sounds pathetic and that potential buyers will like.

The company's portfolio of projects includes over 500 thousand square meters, and construction is carried out not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but also in the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Siberia, the Chernozem region and St. Petersburg.
In the Moscow region, I found only a few objects of the company:

  • Moscow region, Korolev, st. Tarasovskaya, house 14;
  • Moscow region, Korolev, st. Gorky, house 47 (house handed over);
  • Residential microdistrict, Odintsovo, Moscow Region;
  • LCD Estet.

Where is it?

The complex is located in the distant Moscow region, on the territory of the former city of Klimovsk, which is 28 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the South direction.

By car: exit to Simferopol highway, after 20 km turn right to Bypass road, from it to Simferopolskaya street, and then right to Serpukhovskaya, the complex will be on your left.

By public transport: on the square of three stations at the station "Moscow-Kalanchevskaya" we take the train and drive 1 hour 12 minutes to the stop "Grivino", from there another 1.5 km on foot. It seems to me that this is why the apartments in this complex were chosen mainly by locals, since it is unlikely that anyone will climb so far from Moscow of their own free will.

You can also get from the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" (gray line) by bus 868K to the stop "Magazin Chameleon", there transfer to bus 71 or 49 and get off at the stop "Administrative building".

What and how to buy

It is interesting that sales of apartments did not stop for a day, because the new developer says that there are no problems and there weren’t, there were only minor difficulties that were left behind, so managers will be happy to find you an apartment in one of the buildings.

So that you have less doubts, you will definitely be offered a discount, for example, in October, the discounted price per square meter started at 45,000 rubles. There was also a 50% discount on pre-finishing when buying a three-room apartment. There is a 0% installment plan for pantries with an initial payment of only 20% of the cost.

What's next?

I didn’t like the area where the Estet residential complex is being built, it is located along the road, on the other side of which there is a large-scale private sector, on the other side of the complex is the territory of the sanatorium, the neighbor from the West is the Klimovsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled , from the East - industrial premises. Well-maintained area. Within walking distance from the complex there is a kindergarten "Cinderella", but to the school on foot for 15-20 minutes. Several supermarkets at a distance of a kilometer, there is also the nearest pharmacy. When you arrive at the construction site, it does not seem at all that you have arrived home, it seems that this piece of land was chosen for construction quite by accident.


Often, long-term construction projects are located in ecologically favorable areas, because they are built where the land is cheaper, which means they are far away from civilization. But the residential complex "Estet" is an unpleasant exception, in a radius of 1.5 km, in addition to the harmless boiler house, there is an industrial enterprise "People's plastic" and "Pelikan" and very harmful treatment facilities in the village of Lvov.

Summing up

And again, disappointing results in the review of long-term construction, the more I meet equity holders from different objects, the more I am convinced that in front of the powerful of the world, an ordinary person is not a competitor. It is possible to achieve the justice that equity holders deserve by law, but it is very difficult and very long. The main thing is to be patient and wait, the only pity is that many do not wait.


  • new builder;
  • promise delivery this year.


  • it's dangerous to believe promises
  • not a very pleasant area

Information about the LCD "Estet" provided by the portal ""

LCD "Estet" - these are three monolithic houses, which are located in the city of Klimovsk, 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The sale of apartments in the first 14-storey 8-section building began in December 2013. The developer is Premier-Invest LLC, which is part of the Premier group of companies.

Building 1

A monolithic house is being built according to an individual project with external cladding of facades with facing bricks. It offers 712 apartments from one to three rooms with an area of ​​36.17-106.88 sq.m. Most of them are one- and two-room, and only 30 are three-room.

Pavilion 2

This is a 16-storey two-section house with living area from 28.56 to 78.92 sq.m. 221 apartments are designed in the building - 4 on the ground floor and 7 each on standard levels, which are located above. Most of the apartments are one-room.

Building 3

House of variable number of floors, 16-17 levels, designed for 426 apartments ranging from 28.56 to 78.92 sq.m.

All housing in the complex is offered without finishing, its implementation is carried out under a share agreement. In each section, 2 elevators with a carrying capacity of 400 and 630 kg will be installed, technical rooms are provided. Commercial and storage areas are designed only in the 3rd building: on the first floor of the building there are 14 retail and office premises, on the basement - 91 storage rooms for the personal use of the residents of the new building.


On the territory of the residential complex "Estet" a children's playground will be equipped and landscaping will be carried out. Near the house there is a child development center (430 m) and a supermarket "Pyaterochka" (600 m). The nearest schools and kindergartens are relatively far away - within 1 km. At the entrance to Klimovsk, 3.5 km from the new building, there are large hypermarkets Globus and Leroy Marlene, a new sports center with a swimming pool Yunost.

The site for the complex was chosen in a place with a good transport interchange. At 720 m passes Varshavskoye highway, along which you can reach Podolsk in 8 km or go to the Moscow Ring Road in 25 km. 3.5 km along the highway, there is a fork, turning right you can go to Simferopol highway. At 650 m there is a bus stop and taxis. In 15 minutes on foot (1 km) you can reach the railway station "Grivno", from where electric trains depart regularly to the Kursk railway station (1 hour on the way).

Apartments are waiting for their tenants in the Estet residential complex under construction, which is located in the Podolsky district of the Moscow region. Object address: Klimovsk, Serpukhovskaya street, 1.


  • Good transport accessibility of the residential complex: Serpukhovskoye highway passes four hundred meters, and the Small Ring (“Betonka”) is two and a half kilometers away.
  • An attractive area from the point of view of ecology: two rivers flow nearby, there is a forest park zone one and a half kilometers from the residential complex.
  • There are several large enterprises in Klimovsk that provide jobs.


  • Despite the distance of the city of Klimovsk from Moscow, apartment prices are not low.
  • Lack of Moscow registration.
  • The developer often violates the time of delivery of objects for up to six months.

More about the object

The developer is Premier Development, the deadline for the complete completion of the facility is the third quarter of 2016.

For buyers, the possibility of mortgages from several banks is provided, including Sberbank of Russia, VTB24, Bank of Moscow and others.

"Estet" is a comfort-class housing, which is a 14-storey monolith-brick house with engineering communications. Apartments in them - from 36.17 to 106.88 square meters. All apartments have balconies or loggias, there is no finishing.

At the moment, there are 10 apartments for sale from 35.51 to 78.92 square meters.

Infrastructure and transport accessibility

By private car to the residential complex you need to go along the Old Simferopol highway. The distance from the city of Klimovsk to the Moscow Ring Road is about 20 kilometers.

The nearest metro stations are Buninskaya Alley (it will take about 40 minutes to get there by transport), as well as other stations of the Butovskaya metro line and Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard. In addition, from the residential complex you can take a taxi to the Yuzhnaya, Annino stations or by train from the Hryvno platform (at a distance of 1.1 kilometers from the new building) to the Tsaritsyno metro station or to the Kursky railway station.

Residents of "Estet" will be able to use the social and business infrastructure facilities of Klimovsk. The city has everything you need: children's educational institutions (kindergartens, schools), sports facilities, clinics and hospitals, pharmacies, art houses and various sections, shops, shopping centers, social institutions, banks, and so on, as well as a branch of one of the higher educational establishments.

The residential complex is not officially recognized as problematic, but equity holders have been waiting for their apartments since 2015-2016. For them, the residential complex "Estet" has long been such, and repeated appeals to the authorities are confirmation of this. The administration of the Podolsky urban district and the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region are involved in the process of supervision over this long-term construction. That is, on the one hand, everything seems to be under control, and on the other hand, everything still rests on the lack of funds from the developer. The Premier Development company has been on the market for a long time, and it is known that it has difficulties not only with the Estet residential complex. For example, from the current projects of the developer, the deadlines were violated during the construction of the residential complex "Korolev". Both of these residential complexes are included by experts in the black list of new buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region.

What is the current situation? It is not easy to evaluate it. The second half of 2019 is in the yard, and the latest photo reports on the state of affairs at the construction site on the official website of the developer are dated March 2018. According to them, facade work continues at 5 Serpukhovskaya Street, roofing is being completed, the installation of internal walls and partitions, as well as engineering equipment, is nearing completion, and interior decoration has begun. The same can be said about house 5, building 1, only the facade work here is at an early stage, and the work on the roof is still far from complete. Similarly (at the initial stage) installation of engineering equipment and interior decoration of the building. The delivery of both houses is scheduled for the III quarter of 2019, but the plausibility of this period is, to put it mildly, in doubt. We won't be surprised if the deadline is pushed back again.

The situation with the house 7 on Serpukhovskaya street. pleases more. It's sold, but at what cost! At the cost of waiting, nerves, tears and endless work to draw attention to the problem. In total, the delay for this corpus was three years and one quarter.

In general, there is a feeling that the project is slowly but surely moving towards completion. Those who are going to buy an apartment here now (from the developer or by assignment) should, of course, keep in mind that the wait for their living space may still be delayed. But in comparison with the first equity holders of the residential complex, such a buyer will be in an immeasurably more advantageous position, because his expectation will be 2-3 years less.

Update date March 22, 2017

As of March 2017, there are two pieces of news for the residential complex "Estet": good and bad. Good - the complex is at a high stage of readiness. The bad news is that it has been at this stage for a long time. The deadlines for the delivery of all three houses under construction have been repeatedly postponed and there is no exact understanding of when these facilities will be put into operation.

The leadership of the city district (since 2015 it became part of Podolsk, becoming its new microdistrict) reported in February of this year that 180 million rubles had been attracted for the construction of buildings, and it would be completed in the spring and summer of this year. But already in March, the forecasts sounded not so optimistic. Today, both the city government and the developer company announce that the entire project will be commissioned in late 2017 - early 2018, and building 7, the readiness of which is on the official website "Premier Development" estimated at 97%, will be put into operation this summer.

But there is no evil without good. To raise funds for the completion of facilities as soon as possible "Premier Development" put up interesting prices for some apartments of all types. At what housing can be bought with a pre-finishing finish, as well as order a finish from the developer.

The complex is being built in a new microdistrict, the social infrastructure is poorly developed here. The main advantages of the location are the Hryvnia railway station within walking distance and the nearby forest.

A couple of other residential complexes are being implemented nearby: and. Also, the project can compete with, the construction of which is underway in the village, north of Klimovsk.

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