Echinoderm biology test. Test on the topic "Introduction to the basics of general biology." biology test (grade 9) on the topic. The body of insects is divided into

Control test on the topic Type Arthropods, Type Echinoderms.

Tasks A

1. The body of arthropods consists of: 1. two layers of cells;

2. torso and legs;

3. trunks and shells;

4. head chest abdomen.

2. The organ of movement of crustaceans is:

1. Leg;


3. jointed limbs;

3. pseudopods.

3. The organs of vision of crayfish are:

1. light-sensitive eyes;

2.pigment spots;

3.simple eyes;

4. compound eyes.

4. The excretory system of crayfish is represented by:

1. excretory ducts;

2. green glands;

3. integuments of the body;


5. The body of arthropods covers:;



4. skin-muscle bag.

6. Walking legs of crayfish are located on:



4. abdomen;


7. The respiratory organs of crayfish are: surface;

2. lungs;

3. gills;

4. swim bladder.

8. On the body of crustaceans there are walking animals: pair;

2.three pairs;

3.two pairs;

4. four pairs.

9. The body of spiders consists of:

1.torso and legs;

2.two layers of cells;

3. identical segments;

4. cephalothorax and abdomen.

10. The nervous system of spiders consists of:



3. individual cells;

4. spinal cord.

11. The organs of vision of spiders are represented by:

1. faceted eyes;

2. simple eyes;

3. age spots;

4. photosensitive eyes.

12. The excretory system of spiders is represented by:

1. kidneys;

2. green glands;

3. malpighian vessels;

4. excretory ducts.

13. The role of support in the body of spiders is played by:

1.bone skeleton;

2. cartilage and ligaments;

3. chitinous cover;

4. skin-muscular sac.

14. Walking legs of insects are located on:


2. chest;

3. abdomen;


15. Insect wings are modified :


2. sense organs;

3. respiratory organs;

4. folds of chitinous cover.

16. The circulatory system of insects is characterized by the fact that:

1. it is closed;

2. blood circulates through it;

3. hemolymph circulates through it;

4. It consists of two circles of blood circulation.

17. Insect excretory organs are connected with:


2. intestines;

3. tracheae;

4. heart.

18. Modified insect limbs located on the head perform the following function:

1. wings;

2. oral apparatus;

3. respiratory organs;

4. walking legs.

19. Insects breathe with:

1. lungs;

2. trachea"

3. gill;

4. skin.

20. The organ of the reproductive system of male insects is:


2. seed tube;

3. malpighian vessel,

4. excretory tubule.

21. Unlike other animals, echinoderms have an organ system:


2. digestion;

3. breeding;

4. water-vascular.

22. The respiratory organ of starfish is:

1. light;

2. trachea;

3. skin gills;

4. air bags,

23. The skeleton of a starfish is:

1.chitin shell "

2. sink;

3. lime plates;

4. bones and ligaments.

24. Unlike insects, echinoderms have gas exchange and excretion through: 1.intestine;

2. lime needles;

3. nerve ring;

4. vascular system

25. Unlike insects, echinoderms are capable of:


2. nutrition;

3. reproduction;

4. regeneration.

26. The nervous system of echinoderms has a structure:


2. tubular;

3. stem;

4 radial.

Tasks B

1. Detailed answer.

Why do crabs shed? Explain your answer, give at least three reasons.


2. Detailed answer. List the sensory organs of crustaceans.


Tasks B

1. Establish the sequence of the arrangement of the jointed limbs on the body of the crayfish, starting from the head section:


2. walking legs;


4. abdominal legs;

5. pincers.

2. Establish the sequence of stages of the grasshopper development cycle, starting with the egg. There may be extra steps in the list.

1. Egg;

2. adult;

3. chrysalis;


Task D

1. Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the type of symmetry of its body.

A. Crayfish

B. Honey bee 1. Radiation (radial)

B. Starfish

G. Polyp hydra 2. Bilateral

D. Spider - cross

G. Sea urchin


2.Set the match.

A. Gill type breathing

B. Digestion proceeds outside 1. Crayfish


B. Pulmonary type of breathing 2. Cross spider

G. The function of vision is performed

compound eyes.


Tasks D

1. The role of crustaceans in nature. Three statements.

1. Are food for fish;

2. formation of coral reefs;

3. improvement of soil composition;

5. orderlies of reservoirs;

6. water filterers.

2. Choose three correct statements. According to the way of feeding, arachnids are characterized as:


2. autotrophs;

4. predators;

5. mixotrophs;

6. symbionts.

Tasks E

19. Are the following statements true:

1. Spider hermaphrodites,;

2. Spider warts are located on the last segment of the abdomen of spiders.

34. Are the following statements true?

1. The circulatory system of echinoderms consists of three circles of blood circulation;

2. Sea stars are predators in terms of nutrition;

3. The organ of vision of echinoderms is compound eyes;

4. Sea urchins live at the bottom of water bodies and lead a sedentary lifestyle ..


Knowledge in the modern world is very important. However, unfortunately, many people cannot boast of even the most elementary knowledge from any field.

We, at the site, are sure that our readers are not the samebut we invite you to test your knowledge!

1. Scientifically, the navel is called umbilicus.

2. If a person smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, then in a year he drinks half a standard cup of tar.

3. Man is an exceptional representative of the animal world, who can draw straight lines.

4. Blondes' beards grow faster than brunettes.

5. In order to smile, a person uses 17 muscles.

6. Human DNA contains about 80,000 genes.

7. If a man is below 130 cm, he is considered a dwarf. For a woman, this figure is 120 cm.

8. Life expectancy of leukocytes - 2-3 days, erythrocytes - 3-4 months.

9. This is how the French call the fingers: pus, index, major, anulaire, oriculaire.

10. During his life, a person bends each of his fingers approximately 25 million times.

11. The size of our heart is equal to the size of our fist. The heart of an adult human weighs 220-260 grams.

human biology

12. The human body consists of only 4 minerals: calcite, aragonite, apatite and cristobalite.

13. In one day, the human brain creates a lot more electrical impulses than all the phones in the world combined.

14. When a person cannot see anything due to strong light, this is called snow blindness.

15. In total, bacteria live in our body, with a total weight of 2 kg.

16. In one second, 100,000 chemical reactions happen in the human brain.

17. A person is born without kneecaps, they appear at about 2-6 years old.

18. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.

19. When a child is born, there are already 14 billion cells in his brain, this number never increases. On the contrary, after the age of 25, the number of nerve cells decreases by 100,000 per day. For example, in the one minute it takes you to read a page of plain text, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates greatly, and after 50 years, neurons quickly dry out, and brain volume decreases.

Facts about a person

20. In psychiatry, there is a syndrome that is officially called "Alice in Wonderland." It is accompanied by a violation of the perception of space and time, the environment, one's body, depersonalization.

21. During human life, the small intestine is about 2.5 meters long. After the death of a person, the muscles relax, and the length of the small intestine can reach 6 meters.

22. An adult has approximately 2 million sweat glands. The average person with a liter of sweat lost gets rid of 540 calories. Men sweat 40 percent more than women.

23. Our right lung holds more air than our left.

24. An adult takes about 23,000 breaths every day.

25. Over the course of a woman's life, her body produces approximately 7 million eggs.

26. The human eye can distinguish 10,000,000 shades of colors.

27. Each of us has 40,000 bacteria in our mouths.

28. There is a disorder called "papaphobia", which means that a person is afraid of the Pope.

29. You can't sneeze with your eyes open.

30. The human spine consists of 33 or 34 vertebrae.

31. Men blink about half as often as women.

33. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.

34. The body of each of us contains approximately 2000 taste buds.

35. In Mesopotamia, if the patient died, then his attending physician was executed, and if the patient became blind, then the doctor was also blinded.

36. At the time of birth, there are 300 bones in the body of a child; by adulthood, only 206 remain.

37. Women are about 10 times less likely to suffer from color blindness.

38. 36,800,000 - this is how many times our heart manages to beat within one year.

39. Approximately half of all human bones are located in the feet and wrists.

40. Doctors in the Middle Ages, when they doubted the correctness of the diagnosis, told the patient that he had syphilis.

Test on the topic "type Arthropods" (Grade 7)

Option number 1.

Choose one correct answer from the four given.

    Arthropods live:

B. on land

V. in the ground

G. in all living environments of the Earth

    The arthropod body is protected:

A. mucus

B. conch shells

V. chitinous cover

G. stinging cells

    The largest specimens of arthropods weighing up to 20 kg are found in classes:

A. insects.

B. crustaceans.

V. arachnids

G. in all classes

    According to the nature of nutrition, arachnids:

A. predators.

B. omnivores

B. herbivores

G. consumers of bacteria.

5. In arachnids

A. one pair of antennae

B. two pairs of antennae

B. three pairs of antennae

G. no antennae.

6. All insects have walking legs in the amount of:

A. one pair

B. two couples

B. three pairs

G. four pairs

7. Among the orthoptera, there are species that cause serious damage to agriculture:

A. crickets

B. locust

V. filly

G. grasshoppers

8 . Beetles are the largest order of insects, numbering more than 350 thousand species, of which lives in Russia:

A. 200 kinds

B. 2 thousand species

B. 20 thousand species

D. 200 thousand species

9. In economic activity, a person uses:

A. butterflies

B. red cockroaches

B. mulberry silkworms

G. red forest ants .

Add an offer.

10. Currently, the number of species of crustaceans is known ...

11.. The body of crustaceans is covered with ...

12. Social insects belong to the order ...

13. In the biological pest control of agriculture, a person uses ...

Choose three correct judgments from the six offered.

14. The phylum Arthropoda includes the following classes:

A. Crustaceans

B. Annelids

B. Arachnids

D. Insects

D. Echinoderms

15. Insects are characterized by the presence of:

B. Helicer

V. Kryliev

D. Extracavitary digestion

E. Complex eyes.

Option number 2.

Test tasks

Choose one correct answer from the four given.

1. The known number of arthropod species is:

A. 500 thousand. types.

B. 1 million widows

V. over 1.5 million. species

G. over 5 million. types.

2. The sizes of arthropods vary within:

A. from 0.1 mm to 1 cm.

B. from 0.1 mm to 10 cm.

V. from 0.1. mm up to 80 cm

G. from 01. to 8 m.

3. Crustaceans are not able to eat:

A. algae

B. live prey

B. animal blood

G. dead animals

4. All arachnids have walking legs in the amount of:

A. one pair

B. two couples

B. three pairs

G. four pairs

5. The body of insects is divided into:

A. two departments

B. three departments

B. four departments

D. more departments

6. According to the nature of nutrition, all dragonflies and their aquatic larvae:

B. active predators

V. feed on plant foods

G. eat dead animals

7. Fleas carry pathogens of a deadly human disease:

B. flu

B. sleeping sickness

G. typhoid fever

8. As part of the most numerous class of insects, it is known:

A. about 15 thousand species

B. about 150 thousand species

V. about 1.5 million species

G. over 15 million species

9. Dangerous pests of agricultural plants:

A. ground beetles

B. swimmers

B. beetles - Kuzki

G. beetles - dung beetles

Add an offer.

10. Currently, the class of arachnids unites ... species

11. The respiratory organs of arachnids are ... and ... ..

12. Social insects belong to the order ...

Choose 3 correct judgments from the six offered.

14. Representatives of the arthropod type are characterized by:

A. muscular leg

B. chitinous cover

B. closed circulatory system

G. open circulatory system

D. jointed limbs

E. ray symmetry of the body.

15. Crustaceans include:

A. shrimp

The test is made up of two options. Each option has three parts.

Part I includes tasks with the choice of one correct answer from three proposed. For each correct answer, 1 (one) point is given. The maximum number of points is 15 (fifteen).

PartII: determines the ability to establish correspondence. For each correct answer - 1 point.

PartIII: the proposed task shows the ability of students to link together the concepts of one topic, eliminating the superfluous and explaining the choice made. The maximum number of points is 2 (two): 1 point is the correct choice of an extra word and 1 point is the rationale for the choice.

Reveal knowledge of the basic concepts of these topics;

To identify the ability of students to practically use the acquired knowledge;

Form of conduct: testing



Topic: "Introduction to the basics of general biology."

Option number 1.
Part A.

A1. What science allows you to navigate in a huge variety of organisms?

  1. ecology
  2. biology
  3. taxonomy
  4. botany
    A2. The development of the animal organism from the moment of formation of a zygote to birth is studied by science
  1. genetics
  2. physiology
  3. morphology
  4. embryology
    A3. To study the fine structure of chloroplasts, the method is used
  1. experimental
  2. light microscopy
  3. electron microscopy
  4. hybridization
    A4. The difference between living and non-living is:
  1. changing the properties of an object under the influence of the environment
  2. participation in the cycle of substances
  3. reproduction of one's own kind
  4. changing the size of an object under the influence of the environment
    A5. Living creatures that inhabit the aquatic environment are called
  1. pedobionts
  2. aerobionts
  3. hydrobionts
  4. endobionts
    A6. The prokaryotes are
  1. plants
  2. mushrooms
  3. animals
  4. bacteria
    A7. The structure and functions of protein molecules are studied at the level of organization of a living
  1. organismic
  2. tissue
  3. molecular
  4. population
    A8. A qualitative change in the structure and life of the organism and its parts is
  1. evolution
  2. development
  3. growth
  4. self-reproduction
    A9. Organisms that use solar energy
  1. heterotrophs
  2. autotrophs
  3. consumers
  4. decomposers
  5. A10. The property of a living thing that allows organisms to navigate in the environment and, therefore, survive in altered conditions
  1. irritability
  2. metabolism
  3. growth
  4. reproduction
    Part B. Choose three correct answers from the six given.IN 1. Plants, like mushrooms,
  1. grow throughout life
  2. have limited growth
  3. absorb nutrients throughout the body
  4. feed on ready-made organic matter
  5. contain chitin in cell membranes
  6. have a cellular structure

IN 2. Establish a correspondence between the representatives of the plant kingdom and their characteristics.



  1. fixed in the soil by rhizoids
  2. sporophyte predominates in the development cycle
  3. spores are produced in bolls
  4. spores are produced in sporangia on the underside of leaves
  5. outgrowth develops from a spore
  6. a green thread develops from a spore

A) mosses

B) ferns

IN 3. Determine the sequence in which the systematic taxa of plants are arranged in ascending order

A view
B- order
B- department
Mr. Rod
D- family
Part C.

C1. Name the levels of organization of living matter.

Option number 2.

Part A.

Please indicate one correct answer.

A1. What science studies the structure and functions of individual cells?

  1. biology
  2. genetics
  3. anatomy
  4. cytology
    A2. What science studies the relationship between organisms and the environment?
  1. zoology
  2. physiology
  3. botany
  4. ecology A3. Seasonal changes in wildlife are studied using the method
  1. experimental
  2. observations
  3. conducting experiments
  4. paleontological
    A4. Living organisms, in contrast to bodies of inanimate nature, are inherent
  1. growth
  2. motion
  3. irritability
  4. rhythm A5. The inhabitants of the soil environment of life are called
  1. hydrobionts
  2. pedobionts
  3. aerobionts
  4. endobionts

A6. The eukaryotes are

  1. bacteria
  2. viruses
  3. mushrooms
  4. cyanobacteria.

A7. Breeding a new plant variety occurs at the level of organization of living

  1. molecular
  2. biospheric
  3. population-species
  4. biocenotic A8. An irreversible increase in the size and weight of an organism associated with the appearance of new cells in it is called
  1. development
  2. growth
  3. evolution
  4. fitness

A9. Organisms that consume ready-made organic matter are called

  1. autotrophs
  2. chemotrophs
  3. heterotrophs
  4. phototrophs

A10. Metabolism and energy conversion is a sign

  1. characteristic of animate and inanimate nature
  2. by which the living can be distinguished from the non-living
  3. how unicellular organisms differ from multicellular organisms
  4. how animals differ from humans
    Part B.
    Choose three correct answers.IN 1. What characteristics are unique to plants?
  1. limited growth
  2. growth throughout life
  3. the presence of plastids in cells
  4. heterotrophic mode of nutrition
  5. the presence of fiber in cell membranes
  6. the presence of chitin in cell membranes

IN 3. Establish the order in which the systematic taxa of animals are in ascending order.

A) gender
B) family
B) class
D) type
D) view
E) squad

Part C.

C1. Name the general properties of living things.

Answers to test tasks.

Work No. 1. Introduction to the basics of general biology.

Part A.

Option number 1.






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