The biggest fish in the world. The largest freshwater fish or river monsters The largest river fish

Surprisingly, the ocean is not the only place where giant monsters are found. Who knows what the hell is waiting for you in the nearest body of water? I wanted to swim - I went into the water along the swimming trunks, stood for 20 seconds, got used to some water and boule ... in someone's mouth.

Siberian taimen

Siberian taimen or Siberian salmon, as it is also called. It occurs in a variety of colors, but in most cases the head has a greenish tint, closer to the tail, turning into red.

Taimen is considered the largest salmon in the world and usually weighs between 15-30 kg. That's just the largest specimen, which was caught from the Kotui River (Russia), weighed 104 kg.

Indian carp

Carp are found in water bodies all over the world. And sometimes even experienced fishermen do not know that carp has every opportunity to grow to gigantic sizes. But no one gives them to him. That is why we believe that carp is a small fish that Murzik likes so much.

But among carps there is a carp-like patch. This type of fish is also called Indian carp. Patlya is the largest representative of the entire carp family, as it reaches about 182 cm in length. The closest relative of the Indian carp is the "white Amur" carp - about 150 cm.

Nile perch

The honorary 8th place among the river giants is occupied by the Nile perch. Among all the perches, you guessed it, the Nile is the largest.

It is found mainly in the rivers: Nile, Congo, Senegal, and also Niger. It has a silver color, black eyes with yellow "rings" on the rim, and a length of 1.8 meters. We have not yet deliberately mentioned the weight of the largest representative of perches from the Nile - 182 kg.


Among all fish, catfish is the only specimen that prefers to conduct its business at the bottom. The largest such instance was the lucky one with a weight of 227 kg.


It used to be believed that paddlefish uproot vegetation from the bottom of rivers and lakes. But that was when they were widespread in the rivers of the United States.

Due to the construction of dams and dams, paddlefish could not migrate and therefore part of the fish population was significantly reduced.

However, of those "lucky ones" who managed to be caught, the maximum length was recorded - 230 cm with a weight of 89 kg.

bull shark

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

You can start panicking right now. As you know, there is no shark in the river. But that's not true. The fact is that usually sharks are found in warm seas or coastal areas of the oceans. But if she swims into a rather deep stream, then she can swim along it into a freshwater reservoir. Female bull sharks are larger than males. In length, the average shark girl reaches 3 meters, with a weight of 312 kg.

The bull shark is considered the largest freshwater fish in the world and can prey on the victim, hiding in the shallow waters of the beaches.

So feel free to put in your beach bag not only sunscreen with a towel, but also a long-range automatic rifle.

white sturgeon

The family is not without mutants. The white sturgeon is one of the largest fish among the sturgeon family. This fish is the pride and the largest social heritage of British Columbia, and now you will understand why.

In the early 2000s, a white sturgeon 4 meters long and weighing 485 kg was caught. By the way, this fish has a long life span of 100 years (if you're lucky). And because of the long life expectancy, males are able to breed only from the age of 14, and females reaching "adulthood" - 18.

Alligator Gar

Alligator Sargan is like an alligator fish, only so far without a single case of an attack on people. Maybe she just doesn't leave witnesses.

Garfish can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh from 140 kg.

Giant freshwater stingray

The only fish among the entire list of the largest fish that inhabit fresh water bodies and which is not even afraid of sharks is the freshwater stingray.

Freshwater stingrays come in a variety of sizes. The largest individuals that were caught weighed from 500-600 kg.

Today, the giant freshwater stingray is on the brink of extinction due to overfishing. There were times when, in a rage, with a bunch of obscenities in the fish language, a stingray drowned a fishing boat.


In addition, the beluga is considered not just the largest freshwater fish on the planet. The largest beluga that was lucky enough to be caught (probably by a tanker) weighed 1580 kg with a length of 7.5 meters. Life expectancy up to 120 years.

The saddest thing about this story is that fish of this size are becoming rarer and rarer due to the “black product” that they lay.

On our planet, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world's oceans occupies 70.8% of the entire surface. In fact, on Earth there is a real kingdom of marine fish and animals that have come a long evolutionary path. They have achieved significant success in improving the methods of hunting and obtaining food, actively use disguise, produce poisonous substances for their defense and attack. The size of creatures in the underwater world gives an additional chance to their survival, giants dominate both the river basins and the oceans. To better navigate this topic, see below Top 10 the biggest fish in the world.

Currently, the common moonfish is the largest of all bony fish. This huge creature, whose body averages up to 3 m, and weighs one and a half tons, lives in tropical waters, the North Atlantic, is found in the Sea of ​​Japan and near the Great Kuril Ridge.

The disk-shaped moon fish cannot fight the fast current and swims very slowly, as it lacks a tail section. Very thick and rough skin is not able to bite through the majority of marine predators, so it has practically no enemies. But sometimes it still becomes a victim of sharks, which off the coast of California attack a slow swimmer and bite off their fins, because of which the giant sinks to the bottom and dies.

Moon-fish is very prolific. Females can throw up to 300 million eggs at a time. But only a small part of the offspring survive to adulthood. The basis of nutrition is plankton and all kinds of larvae, fry, jellyfish.

9. Beluga

Beluga is the largest representative of the sturgeon family. Lives in the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. The weight of modern specimens of this species of large fish can reach one and a half tons, and the length is often over four meters. Beluga is called anadromous fish, because it spawns only in fast-flowing rivers. Females spawn once every four years, which is the most valuable among all sturgeons. The life expectancy of a beluga reaches 100 years, but due to ongoing poaching, only rare individuals can live to such a venerable age.

Beluga is a predator and feeds on herring, gobies, and mollusks in the sea. Belongs to endangered species, but can hybridize with sturgeon, spike, sterlet and stellate sturgeon. Russian scientists have bred a hybrid of beluga and sterlet, the so-called bester, which is grown in fish farms and populated in the Sea of ​​Azov.

The list of the largest fish in the world includes the common catfish. This freshwater giant is characterized by inactivity. His favorite habitats are deep pools in which these predators can live their entire long life, approximately about 100 years. But at a certain stage of their existence, catfish can enter the Caspian Sea, where they catch quite large individuals. They do not have scales, their body length reaches 5 m, and their weight is 400 kg. Color can vary from dark brown to light yellow. There are albino catfish. It feeds on live fish, frogs and other aquatic animals, and can prey on waterfowl and small animals. All winter does not eat, lies in wintering pits. Especially large catfish are able to attack a person.

The Atlantic blue marlin is a striking representative of the fauna of warm waters and one of the largest fish in the world's oceans. Sometimes they undertake long seasonal migrations from the Caribbean to Venezuela or from the Virgin Islands to the coast of West Africa. Female blue marlin are four times larger than males. The officially registered maximum weight of one individual is 636 kg, and the body length reaches 5 m (with a spear). A very strong spear is used for hunting, with its help they injure or kill a large number of schooling fish in a short time, and then eat them calmly.

Blue marlin meat is very tasty and fatty. Therefore, the species is considered commercial. And because of their size and beauty, marlin have become one of the most unique objects for sport fishing.

The Tiger Shark continues the list of the largest fish on the planet. Among all marine predators, it stands out for its particular cruelty and is very dangerous for people swimming in the sea and surfers. Her attacks usually end in death for the victim, in this she surpasses even the white shark known from bloody horror films. Tiger sharks can be found in all oceans except for the Arctic Ocean. But the warm waters of tropical and subtropical seas are considered more comfortable for them. They live in shallow water, almost never occur at a depth of more than 300 m. They have a streamlined body shape, and their huge mouth is literally stuffed with scraper-like teeth, up to 300 pieces.

Tiger sharks are omnivores so much so that they even acquired the title of ocean cleaners. They feed on marine mammals, turtles, waterfowl. They may attack the young of their own kind. A flock attack young or sick whales, tearing pieces of flesh out of the animal's body.

The length of males is no more than 5 m, while females are much larger. Caught in 1957, the female had a length of 7.4 m, her weight was about 900 kg. The life expectancy of these predators is no more than 25 years.

5 Great White Shark

The white shark deserves to be in the middle of the ranking of the largest fish species in the world. It is found everywhere in the expanses of the World Ocean, with the exception of only the cold waters of the northern seas. But only males of this species overcome great distances, and females do not swim far from the main habitats.

The heroine of horror films, as well as rare documentaries, she gained fame as a terrible predator and cannibal. Indeed, this is a real death machine. Extremely voracious, with a body length reaching up to 7 m, and weighing up to 3000 kg, she will not miss the opportunity and attack all objects of at least some interest. Can attack small boats. The high speed of the marine predator, maneuverability, a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, will not leave even the slightest hope of salvation to all who have been subjected to a swift attack. Adult white sharks feed on seals, marine animals, dolphins and small whales. They need food with a high fat content, the energy received from which goes to warm up the muscles.

The Greenland shark spends its entire life in the northern part of the oceans. In winter they swim up to the coast, and in summer they go to the depths. This fish is one of the largest in the world. The average size of representatives of the species is up to 5 m, and weight is up to 400 kg. But there are also real giants. The length of the largest is more than 7 m. They are considered top predators. They feed on seals, stingrays, and fish. They are cannibals, do not disdain carrion.

Scientists studying Greenland sharks say they have the longest lifespan of any vertebrate. They live for about 500 years. In some countries, it is still considered a commercial species. Only their liver is of value, the meat is considered poisonous due to the high content of urea and trimethylamine oxide, which allow sharks to dive to a depth of 2 km.

Manta is the largest of all species of stingrays that exist today. The body width of individual representatives reaches 9.1 m, and the weight of some of them reaches 3 tons. They are not as common, but can still be found in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters.

Manta rays have three pairs of limbs and no tail spike. With a huge mouth, the sea devil (this is another name for mantas) absorbs water with zooplankton. Then the water is released through the gill slits, and the food enters the stomach.

Manti are not dangerous to humans and are not objects of fisheries. They have no enemies, except for large sharks, but their numbers are declining from year to year. In the Maldives, Hawaii and Ecuador, any kind of fishing and sale of stingrays is prohibited.

2 Giant Shark

These incredibly large fish swim both singly and in small groups. The maximum officially confirmed body length of a giant shark is 9.8 m, and its weight is 4 tons. But there are references to the larger size of their bodies, up to about 15 m. Sharks simply swim with a huge open mouth, into which water with zooplankton enters. Up to 2,000 tons of water is filtered through the gills in this way within an hour. They prefer water, the temperature of which is in the range from 8 to 14.5 ° C.

They can travel long distances by swimming near the surface of the water in search of food. In the Bay of Fundy, off the coast of Canada, in 1851 they caught a giant shark 12.7 m long, weighing over 9 tons. A quarter of a shark's weight is its liver. Shark teeth are small, no larger than 6 mm, although there are more than 200 dentitions. Up to 500 kg of food can be in the stomach. The number of giant sharks is gradually decreasing, and measures are being taken by the international community to preserve the species.

The whale shark is the largest fish on our planet. It lives in the warm waters of the tropics. Her behavioral features and lifestyle are little studied. The shark is considered unique in many respects, therefore, it is distinguished by scientists in a monotypic family, which includes one genus and species.

Based on various data, the length of adult specimens is about 15-20 meters. The maximum weight of one individual is 13-18 tons, sometimes over 20 tons are indicated. A large amount of time can be spent at a depth of 200 m to 1 km.

Oddly enough, this giant behaves quite peacefully towards a person. He absolutely does not react to swimmers and divers who willingly take pictures next to him, and, if possible, try to ride on his back, well, at least purely symbolically. The whale shark has a very beautiful coloration of bright spots with an individual arrangement. Because of this, it is also called stellate. It feeds on plankton, small fish, crustaceans, fish caviar.


The ocean isn't the only place to find giant fish that might make you want to take your rod on vacation for the long haul. Hippo fish can be found hiding in the murky waters of our freshwater rivers and lakes. While the typical freshwater fish are smaller than their counterparts in the salty waters of the oceans, some of them can grow to enormous sizes. Getting to know these freshwater giants can make you look at freshwater a little differently. This is the top 10 The largest freshwater fish.

No. 10. Siberian taimen

Also known as chum salmon, the Siberian taimen is a species of large fish that belongs to the salmon family. This fish is found in various colors depending on the geographical location, but, as a rule, it has an olive-green head, gradually turning into a reddish-brown hue on the tail. Some of their fins are dark red, and their belly is usually white, but can sometimes appear dark grey. Taimen is the largest salmon in the world. The weight of the fish caught varies between 15 and 30 kg depending on their age. The largest Siberian salmon that has been reliably reported reached 104 kg. It was caught on the Kotui River in Russia.

No. 9. Carp

Carp are found throughout the world in many freshwater bodies of water. Carp can grow to gigantic sizes. It is one of the various freshwater fish species that belong to the cyprinid family, the largest group that originated in Europe and Asia. The carp-shaped katlya (also known as the Indian carp) is the largest and reaches a length of 182 centimeters. It is followed by the White Amur carp, which has a maximum length of 150 centimeters.

No. 8. Nile Perch

Nile perch - on the eighth line in the top 10 largest freshwater fish in the world, this is a type of freshwater fish that belongs to the perch family. Its homeland is the Nile, Congo, Senegal and Niger rivers (also other river basins that I have not mentioned). This perch is silver in color, but it has a unique blue hue. You will notice its distinct black eyes with bright yellow rings on the outer rim. The Nile perch is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, reaching in some cases over 1.8 meters in length. The largest of these fish weigh over 182 kg.

No. 7. Catfish

Catfish feed on the bottom. They are the best as far as the bottom of the lake is concerned. Some of the largest catfish reached the mass over 227 kg. You may encounter catfish in freshwater environments, usually with running water and colorful rocky bottoms.

No. 6. Paddlefish

It was once believed that paddlefish with their muzzles pull out vegetation at the bottom of rivers and lakes. There was a time when paddlefish were widespread in the river systems of the United States. But due to increased exploitation of water resources, their population has declined significantly. One of the main reasons for the decline is the large number of dams we are building on our rivers. These dams block their migratory routes, which are very important for paddlefish during spawning and healthy growth.

No. 5. Bull shark

You can encounter bull sharks in warm oceans and coastal areas. They can also be found in freshwater streams if they are deep enough. Female bull sharks are larger than males. At birth, they can reach 3 meters in length. Adults average about 2.5 meters in length. largest recorded the weight of the bull shark was 312 kg . It is one of the largest freshwater fish species. The bull shark is said to be considered a super-aggressive species. They often hide in the shallow waters of beaches and exhibit aggressive behavior.

No. 4. White sturgeon

The White Sturgeon is a freshwater fish species that plays an important role in the social heritage and culture of British Columbia. It is the largest of the sturgeons in North America, and in addition, the largest of the freshwater fish species in North America. A recently caught white sturgeon in British Columbia was almost 4 meters long and weighed almost half a ton . The white sturgeon has an extremely long lifespan. Some of them live over 100 years. This means that they were alive even when British Columbia was not yet part of Canada. The white sturgeon is able to spawn many times throughout its life. Due to their long lifespan, white sturgeons grow slowly and are not able to breed until males are 14 years old and females 18.

No. 3. Alligator garfish

Alligator Sargan is a streamlined fish with a head that at first glance resembles an alligator. The alligator garfish is the largest fish of its kind. It can grow to over 3 meters in length and weigh more than 136 kg . Despite the aggressive appearance, there are no reports of attacks on humans yet.

No. 2. Giant freshwater stingray

This is one of the fish species that can scare you just at the mere mention of it. The giant freshwater stingray is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. weighing from 495 to 590 kg . Unfortunately, the number of these fish is rapidly declining due to overfishing and rapid habitat loss. They are in danger of extinction. In Thailand, the giant freshwater stingray is an endangered species. If you try to catch a giant freshwater stingray, it can sink the boat. They are known for burrowing into mud when caught in a net.

No. 1. Beluga

The largest freshwater fish in the world , beluga- this representative of the sturgeon family is the first number in the list of the largest freshwater fish. Despite the same names, freshwater beluga whales have nothing in common with beluga whales. Belugas can grow to monstrous sizes, in part because they can be up to 118 years old, during which time they never stop growing. The largest beluga reached 7.4 meters in length and weighed 1570 kg . The sad fact is that these large individuals are becoming rarer and rarer. This is due to the increase in the intensity of fishing. Beluga is a type of fish that produces black caviar, considered a delicacy throughout the world. Beluga caviar is scarce and expensive. Due to the fact that the existence of this fish is now in a critical state, beluga caviar is even more expensive than before.

I also suggest you watch an interesting and informative video about huge carps:

Some people will answer the question: “What is the largest fish?”, They will answer: “Whale”. But this is a misconception, because the whale is a mammal, not a fish. Of all living creatures on the planet, the whale is undoubtedly the largest.

But still, what is the biggest fish in the world? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Some data are highly variable and reported figures differ from unofficial ones. But if we focus on general statistics, then there is some consistency. Let's see which species of fish are the largest by tracing the chain of 10 representatives in reverse order.

10. Catfish

This fish can reach 5 meters in length and 400 kg of weight. But due to poaching, it has become rare to meet a catfish of such dimensions. Their weight and size are completely dependent on age. So, for example, a four-year-old individual weighs 8 kg, a fish whose age has reached 8 years old - 16 kg, at 15 years old the weight of a catfish is from 40 to 60 kg, at 20 - up to 120 kg. Catfish live up to 30 years.

05/11/2015 at 16:22 · Johnny · 33 350

Top 10 largest freshwater fish in the world

As soon as large fish were discovered in the oceans and seas, people began to fear them. Everyone was afraid of how the big freshwater inhabitants satisfy their hunger. After all, the larger a fish, the more food it needs to feed. Therefore, in order to satisfy the needs of their growing body for food, freshwater giants begin to eat their smaller relatives of different species. Typically, fish are classified according to features such as genus, species, and the like. We tried to do it based on their size. Here is the list of top 10 largest freshwater fish in the world.


Taimen is a large fish from the salmon family, so it is often called nothing more than “Russian salmon”. Its habitat is the large rivers and lakes of Siberia, the Far East and Altai. The predator is able to reach 1 m or more in length and up to 55-60 kg in weight. This species is famous for its aggressive and merciless character. It is believed that the taimen is able to feed on its own cubs. There are no food restrictions for this freshwater species. Russian salmon eats literally everything that comes in its way.

9. Catfish

Catfish is a large freshwater scaleless fish. It lives in lakes, rivers of the European part of Russia, as well as in Europe and the Aral Sea basin. In good conditions, this species grows up to 5 m in length and at the same time gains weight up to 300-400 kg. Despite their large size, the body of catfish is extremely flexible. This allows an active nocturnal predator to quickly get their own food. There is a misconception that this species feeds only on carrion or spoiled food. But it's not. In fact, the main food for catfish are fry, small crustaceans and aquatic insects. And then, such a diet in freshwater fish is only at an early stage of development. Later, it is replenished with live fish, various shellfish and other freshwater animals. There are even cases when the largest catfish attacked small domestic animals and waterfowl.


You can meet the Nile perch in the rivers, lakes and ponds of tropical Africa. It is especially common in the Ethiopian region. The body of a restive predator reaches a length of 1-2 meters and a weight of 200 or more kg. The Nile perch eats crustaceans and various types of fish.


Beluga belongs to the sturgeon family. This large fish lives in the depths of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. Beluga can reach a whole ton in weight. At the same time, its body length will be more than 4 meters. Real long-livers belong to this species. The predator can live up to 100 years. In food, the beluga prefers such types of fish as herring, gobies, sprat, etc. Also, the fish likes to eat shellfish, and sometimes it hunts seal cubs - pups.


The white sturgeon is the largest fish found in North America and is ranked sixth in our ranking. biggest fish in the world. It is distributed in fresh waters from the Aleutian Islands to central California. The predator grows up to 6 m in length and can gain weight of 800 kg. This species of large fish is extremely aggressive. Mostly white sturgeon lives at the bottom. The predator feeds on mollusks, worms, and fish.


The paddlefish is a huge freshwater fish that lives primarily in the Mississippi River. It is also possible to meet representatives of this species in a number of large rivers that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. The predatory paddlefish does not pose a threat to humans. However, he likes to feed on individuals of his own species or other fish. And yet most of those who belong to this species are herbivores. They prefer to eat only herbs and plants that usually grow in the depths of fresh water. The maximum recorded body length of the paddlefish is 221 cm. The largest fish can gain weight up to 90 kg. The average life expectancy of a paddlefish is 55 years.


Carp is a very large omnivorous fish. This species lives in almost all freshwater rates, reservoirs, rivers and lakes. At the same time, carp prefers to populate quiet, stagnant waters with a hard clay and slightly silted bottom. It is believed that the largest individuals live in Thailand. Carp can reach a weight of more than one hundred kilograms. Typically, fish of this species live for about 15-20 years. The diet of carp includes small fish. Also, predators like to feast on caviar of other fish, crustaceans, worms, insect larvae. During the hunt, it is typical for this species to kill a large number of small fish, because the carp needs food all the time, since it belongs to such fish as stomachless.

3. Skat

Third place on our list of ten most largest freshwater fish in the world occupies a ramp. The stingray is a beautiful predatory fish that can be found both in tropical seas, in the waters of the Arctic and Antarctica, as well as in fresh water. Most of all fish of this species are common in Asia. Inhabit slopes and shallow water, and depth. The most gigantic individuals reach up to 7-8 m in length. In this case, the slope can gain weight up to 600 kg. Large fish feed mainly on echinoderms, crayfish, mollusks and small fish.

2. Giant Mekong catfish

The giant Mekong catfish lives in the fresh waters of Thailand. It is considered the largest member of its species and therefore is often considered and studied separately from its congeners. The body width of the giant Mekong catfish sometimes reaches more than 2.5 m. The maximum weight of this fish species is 600 kg. Giant Mekong catfish feed on live fish and small freshwater animals.

1. Alligator Gar

Alligator Gar (armored pike) is considered a real monster. This exotic looking giant fish has been living in the freshwater rivers of the southeastern United States of America for over 100 million years. This species is named for its elongated snout and double row of fangs. Alligator Gar has the ability to spend time on land, but not more than 2 hours. The weight of the fish can reach 166 kg. Three meters is the usual length for individuals of this species. Alligator Gar is known for his ferocious and bloodthirsty nature. It feeds on smaller fish, but repeated cases of predator attacks on people have been recorded.

Catching the largest freshwater fish in the world: video

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