Positive story parables. Wise and short parables

“They say that all people are born talented. Yes it is. The Lord does not release anyone into the world without the gift of talent. Including those about whom they say - a person with disabilities. It's just that talents are very different, not only intellectual or artistic, but also emotional, mental, bodily ... and all sorts. But most talents remain undiscovered through no fault of man. Sonya

Sonya Shatalova lives in Moscow. She is sick with autism, cannot speak, can only make monotonous and monotonous movements, does not react in any way during communication with her, is completely detached and non-contact. Doctors made a diagnosis: "Profound mental retardation." So it was until the seven-year-old Sonya had a pen, and her mother touched Sonya's hand at that moment. And Sonya began to write. Yes, it turned out that Sonya can read and write, she has absolute literacy, photographic memory and incomprehensible knowledge about our world.

Some doctors could not believe it for a very long time. It is difficult to see in a child who can only make indistinct sounds, screams for hours and cannot even bring something reasonable to his mouth with a spoon. However, after reading what Sonya writes in her childish handwriting, you will understand that we hardly know anything about the mind at all.
Sonya wrote a lot of things: poems, fairy tales, diaries, aphorisms. There you can think and reflect on every line.

Here is Sonya's entry after the lesson at the dolphinarium: “...Today I swam with Vakh without my dad. Vahusha reassured me and said that I was like a dolphin girl, and I had a tail and fins and I was in harmony with the water. It was such an image. And also about the free flow of will, that you don’t need to strain it, but just let it go in the right direction. And the direction - well, listen to the Creator, there is always a sense of harmony. These are no longer mental images, I somehow understood this while swimming. Vahusya took a fish from me three times.
…I need to think a lot, and above all about the free flow of will. Dolphins are so harmonious because their will is always directed towards the Creator.” Such is the discrepancy between the external and internal ...

Sony's aphorisms:

Excitement is such a hobby when it is impossible to do anything else while you have the strength. 8 years
AFRICAN is the best scout for night reconnaissance. 10 years
BUTTERFLY is the main sign of summer happiness. 8 years
WIND - air that does not like rest. 8 years
VERLIBR - a verse that may not obey the laws of versification and will not get worse from this. 8 years
SIN is a scab on the soul that separates a person from God. 9 years
- a thought or action against the image of God in oneself. 9 years
CHILDHOOD is the dawn of fate in human life. 10 years
SOUL is a void in a person, which he fills with God or Satan. 8 years
LIFE is a breath of God's generosity on the nature He created. 8 years
ACQUAINTANCE - a meeting of different understandings of the world, or even different worlds. 8 years
The GAME is a real sham. 8 years
IMPROVISATION - a game of imagination with words, sounds, colors to quickly get something new. 8 years
A BOOK is a thing in which you can save the knowledge and feelings of people in time. 8 years
- a way of talking with many people through time. 8 years
The CAT is a symbol of cozy independence.
HORSE - a big warm four-hoofed happiness.
MASK is the face of one expression. 10 years
WISDOM is the measure between "little" and "many". 10 years
MUSEUM - canned time. 8 years
MUSIC - the song of God in the perception of man
– a harmonious combination of sounds and emotions
THOUGHT is the most powerful force in the world after love. 8 years
- the courage of the mind to form images with words. 8 years
- what distinguishes the world from chaos. 8 years
SCIENCE is knowledge based on doubt. 10 years
- a system of knowledge in which there is no place for faith. 10 years
NOVELTY is such a phenomenon that from meeting with it your world becomes richer. 8 years
NIGHT - a black umbrella with stars. 10 years
REST - work with pleasure. 8 years
OVERCOMING - an effort of the soul, as a result of which the mind and body cope with all sorts of obstacles. 9 years
ADVENTURE is such an unusual event that changes your world and you in some way. 8 years
BIRD - the embodied thought of God about song and flight. 8 years
ROLE is the life that is lived in the game. 8 years
ROMANCE - the mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary. 8 years
A FAIRY TALE is a life invented by the soul when its real life does not suit it. 8 years
BRACKETS are walls for words in written language. 8 years
LAUGHTER is a doctor for a sad soul. 8 years
The DOG is the barking embodiment of loyalty and obedience. 10 years
COMPETITION is doing something together to see who can do it better. 8 years
SPIRAL - a straight line frozen in a dance. 10 years
THE TABLE is the area where the life of the plates and everything else that appears on it is played out. 8 years
SHAME is a fire that burns sin out of a person's soul. 9 years
FATE is the rigid event boundaries of the life of an individual. 8 years
FEAR - the causative agent of cowardice
- brake on the way to action
ANXIETY - an itchy tickling in the heart in anticipation of something unpleasant or incomprehensible
PLEASURE is when many guests work wonders with a bad mood. 8 years
HURRICANE - crazy wind. 8 years
EAR - a trap for sounds in living beings. 8 years
FANTASY - fabric to decorate the existence of the soul. 10 years
PHOTOGRAPHY is a canned image. 10 years
A HUMAN is such a living creature that has a mind, speech, skillful hands and the ability to decide how to use it all. 8 years
HUMANITY is all people together, if they are considered as one big person.
SKULL - a small bone box in which the Universe is enclosed for 8 years
BALL - a cube without corners and edges. 10 years
ESSAY is an emotion expressed as a thought. 8 years

And a little movie...

This is an excerpt from the film Brand (dir. Olga Arlauskas, 2011)
Full movie about such people: http://youtu.be/qlY4wVjxins

There was a dead tree by the side of the road. One night, a thief walked past this tree and got scared, thinking that it was a policeman, waiting for him. Then a young man in love passed by, and his heart beat with joy: he mistook the tree for his beloved and quickened his pace towards her. And the child, frightened by fairy tales, saw the tree and burst into tears: it seemed to him that it was a ghost.

And to anyone who passed by, the tree seemed to be something else. But in all cases the tree was only a tree. We see the world as we are.

Be happy!

A beggar stood by the road begging for alms. A rider passing by hit the beggar in the face with a whip. He, looking after the departing rider, said:
- Be happy.
The peasant, who saw what happened, heard these words and asked:
Are you really that humble?
“No,” replied the beggar, “it’s just that if the rider was happy, he wouldn’t hit me in the face.”

Disgruntled people

The man went to heaven. He looks, and there all the people go happy, joyful, open, friendly. And everything around is like in ordinary life. He walked, walked, liked it. And he says to the archangel:
- Can you see what hell is? At least one eye!
- Okay, let's go, I'll show you.

They come to hell. A person looks, and at first glance everything seems to be the same as in paradise: the same ordinary life, only people are all angry, offended, it is clear that it is bad for them here. He asks the archangel:
- Here everything seems to be the same as in paradise! Why are they all so unhappy?
- But because they think that it is better in paradise.

An African medicine man leads a student through the jungle. Although he is very old, he walks quickly, while his young student falls many times. The novice rises, curses, spits on the treacherous earth and continues to follow his teacher. After a long journey, they reach a sacred place. Without stopping, the healer turns and walks back to the start of the journey.
“You didn’t teach me anything today,” the newcomer says after another fall.
“I taught you something, but you did not learn it,” says the medicine man. “I'm trying to teach you how to deal with life's mistakes.
And how should I deal with them?
“Just as you should have dealt with these falls,” the medicine man replied. “Instead of cursing where you fell, you should try to find out what made you fall in the first place.

05.07.2019 . PritchiAdmin

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One student asked his Sufi teacher:
Teacher, what would you say if you knew about my fall?
- Get up!
— And next time?
- Get up again!
- And how long can this go on - everything falls and rises?
"Fall and rise while you're alive!" After all, he who fell and did not rise is dead.

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23.06.2019 . PritchiAdmin

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