H valley love is a difficult mental work. Preparation for writing an essay in the USE format in the Russian language. Text from the exam

The problem of love ... Composition of the Unified State Examination according to the text of N.G. Dolinina

This text was written by the famous writer and teacher Natalya Grigoryevna Dolina. The author draws readers' attention to the problem of love. Natalya Dolina in the above fragment reflects on such questions: when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives?

In order to answer the questions put forward, the writer cites the fairy tale "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery as an example. In the work, the king allowed the prince to do what he really wanted and what was needed for him. The wise ruler said that everyone should be asked according to their abilities and needs, he explained: "Power must be reasonable." With this example, the author opened the veil of the secrets of love: you should not demand from a person what he is unable to give. After all, a person cannot get a star from the sky, no matter how close it may seem from our point of view.

In addition, talking about this problem, Natalya Grigoryevna Dolina draws our attention to the fact that winning love is only half the battle, because it is very difficult to keep it. The author cites as an example unlucky wives who, having decided that they now own their husband, demand from him "no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish." Natalya Dolina emphasizes that it is really important in a relationship to remember that no one owes anything to anyone, after all, the union should be based on mutual consent. The text explains: a man will not stand under a woman's windows if she orders him to, but will do this only because of a strong sincere love for her. From the above, we can conclude that coercion does not lead to anything good, and the bonds of marriage absolutely do not guarantee that a person will not run away with such an attitude.

In the course of his reflections, the author finds the answer to the questions posed: love begins when you know that you will endure everything and endure for the sake of the one you love; to save relationships, you can’t rule over a person, and you shouldn’t demand from him what he can’t do. Natalya Dolina also comes to the conclusion that a strong union is the hard work of two partners.

The position of the author in relation to love is close to me. After all, any person wants to feel independent and independent, wants to do what he really likes. And certainly no one wants to live under someone else's power. So, after reading this article, I seriously thought about the fact that love is a difficult job for two partners, and it is very important not to cross the line of personal space.

Text by N. G. Dolinina: incomplete

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

Option 14

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

(1) The desire of a person to rise into the airspace and move around in it as an idea has existed for a very long time. (2) The main role in the emergence of such a desire and in the first attempts to fulfill it was played by the existence of birds and flying insects on earth. seemed feasible to man only on the condition that he master the same devices for flight that a bird has.

1.Specify two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Birds and flying insects played the main role in the emergence of man's desire to fly.

2) The dream of flying seemed feasible to a person only if he mastered those devices for flying that the bird has.

3) The dream of a person to move through the air has existed for a very long time, and people did everything possible to fulfill it.

4) A person has long dreamed of moving in the air without a fulcrum.

2 . Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in third offer? Write out this word.

Generally not at all

Not even at all natural

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word POINTS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 3. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

Dot, -i, w.

1 .Trace from a touch, an injection of something. sharp (with the tip of a pencil, pen, needle), generally a small round speck. Chintz in red dots.

2 . A punctuation mark (.), which separates a complete sentence, and is also used in abbreviated spelling of words. T. with a comma (;). Put an end to something.

3 . The basic concept of geometry is the intersection of two straight lines, which has no dimension. T. intersection of lines. T. counting.

4. A certain place in space, on some. area, surface. The highest point of the mountain.

5. Place, point in which it is located, something is placed. Radio broadcasting point. Outlet.

6 . The limit at which a substance changes from one state to another. (specialist). T. melting.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the percussive sound was incorrectly highlighted. Write out this word.



5. One of the suggestions below WRONG highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

He had so much land that it was impossible to cover it with the eye.

In December, severe frosts hit, and in one night dense ice CLOSED all the rivers in strong winter armor.

The coach REPLENISHED the team with new players, which to a large extent contributed to the success in the qualifying games of the new season.

Reading this letter, it was impossible not to note that the ADDRESSER is distinguished by outstanding eloquence.

The nurse SHAKE the mercury thermometer vigorously several times and hand it to the patient with a reassuring smile.

6 . In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly

over ABOVE FIVE students

with FIFTY rubles of ripe APRICOTS


7. Match between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammatical errors


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with

inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms


1) The formation of a number of financial systems was possible due to the growth of labor migration of the population.

2) Those who have been to St. Petersburg could not but admire the beauty of the embankment.

3) Our journey through the cities and villages that lay along the Moscow parallel has come to an end.
4) Studying a foreign language, at first I didn’t succeed.
5) I first read the novel "The Captain's Daughter" when I was in the third grade.

6) Before discussing the project, everyone looks and looks for future supporters and opponents.

7) The notary said that I need the originals.

8) Suddenly, the screams stopped, a group of people hummed excitedly and, calling to each other, awkwardly hurries to the exit.

9) As soon as the rain stopped and we hit the road.

8 . Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter

location of el..ment


9. Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

under..play, post..industrial

pr .. form, pr .. close

pre..storyteller, o..trade

ra .. crawl, ra .. rave

on .. sawn, predecessor ..

10 AND.

obur.. vate cherry.. out

overcome .. shirt .. chic area ..

11 . Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gap AND.

dance .. you are pursued .. my

pull out .. you are invisible .. my hesitation .. my

12 . Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word

(Not) remembering evil, we will reward for the good.

The snowstorm (which did not) stop for three days covered the gatehouse with snow.

After the renovation, the room has not yet been put in order.

The (un)usual environment made it difficult to concentrate.

(Not) everyone is able to behave naturally in a conversation with unfamiliar people.

13 . Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) DURING the whole of June strawberries are harvested, and (ON) LATER, in July, raspberries.

(IN) CIRCLE there were placers of white, (IN) THAT young mushrooms, just making their way out of the ground.

Every day, WHAT (WHAT) happens, the composer leaves the house: to feel the space, to see the sky, he is SO (SAME) as necessary as sitting at the piano.

I love THAT (HOUR), when, scooping up lake water, transparent as the first ice floes, you sail on a boat (TO) MEETING the barely born day.

The next morning I woke up (FROM) THAT incomprehensible sound that I heard yesterday, and

(TO) IT quickly jumped out of bed.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which it is written NN.

Opera S.S. Prokofiev "War and Peace", written (1) based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy, reshe (2) but in the spirit of traditional (3) Russian opera music of the XIX century.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Choose two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Mashenka decided to tidy up in the hut and cook dinner.

2) Our company not only produces locks and steel doors, but also provides various services in the construction industry.

3) The southern August evening was calm, quiet and clear.

4) By the end of his trip to Germany, Sergey had learned quite a lot of words and expressions in German and already knew how to communicate independently with waiters and porters.

5) In the last years of his life, Rubens achieved amazing perfection both in the art of portraiture and in landscape.

16. Place punctuation marks:

The portrait of V. Lopukhina (1) combining (2) a beautiful appearance and at the same time spiritual emptiness (3) becomes a mystery (4) hiding (5) the true intention of the artist.

17 . Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

For the writers of the 18th century (1) of course (2) the essential difference between the then colloquial "living use" and the old literary language was obvious. This literary language correlated with the Russian spoken language (3) according to linguists (4) in the same way as the language of the past with the modern language.

18 . Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

I returned to a cozy clearing (1) near (2) which (3) recently picked mushrooms.

19. Place punctuation marks: Enter all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Snow covered the tanks (1) and (2) when the tankers got out of the tower to breathe (3) it instantly covered their flushed faces (4) as if trying to cool them down.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". (13) After all, I read Pushkin: “Who is able to keep love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact there are, there are secrets and laws of love,

and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn.

“(17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person, and very often we violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise.

(23) And from a different position: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world.

(According to N. Dolinina *)

* Natalia Grigorievna Dolinina (1928-1979) - philologist, teacher, writer.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify answer numbers.

1) Not everyone needs the love of another person.

2) Love is not for everyone.

3) Power over a loving person has its limits.

4) Antoine de Saint-Exupery was a professional pilot.

5) A loving person is able to fulfill any order of a loved one.

21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-4 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 9–10 provide a description.

3) Sentence 13 clarifies the content of sentence 12.

4) Sentences 17–18 explain the content of sentence 16.

5) Sentences 21-23 contain reasoning.

22. Write out synonyms (synonymous pair) from sentences 11–12.

23. Among sentences 14–20, find one that is related to the previous one.

using a possessive pronoun and contextual synonyms. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number. Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “In the course of her reflections on the problem that concerns her, N. Dolinina seeks not only to rely on the statements of literary characters, using the technique - (A) __________ (sentences 13, 17–18), but also to make her readers think using for this purpose, the syntactic means is (B) __________ (sentences 9, 10). Another syntactic means is (C) __________ (in sentences 4, 5, 6, 8), as well as tropes - (D) __________ (“like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses” in sentence 10) help to create an idea of ​​what people expect from love.

List of terms:

1) parceling

3) exclamatory sentences

4) phraseological unit

5) interrogative sentences

6) quoting

7) comparison

8) synonyms

9) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

Part 2

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to the option

14 option











(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". (13) After all, I read Pushkin: “Who is able to keep love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “(17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person, and very often we violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. (23) And from a different position: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world.

(According to N. Dolinina *)

* Natalia Grigorievna Dolinina (1928-1979) - philologist, teacher, writer.

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Natalya Grigorievna Dolinina invites the reader to think about the problem of abuse of power in love. Is there a line beyond which love and power cease to be inseparable companions, and the exorbitant demands of the one who is loved contribute to the extinction of a wonderful feeling in the soul of the one who loves?

Arguing, the author says that love has its secrets and laws by which it develops. Since love is a "difficult mental work", in order to perform it conscientiously and with pleasure, it is worth comprehending these laws. The one who is loved should begin by determining the limits of his power over the one who loves, although this power may at first seem limitless. The author proposes to turn to an episode from the work "The Little Prince", in which Saint-Exupery named the basic law of power: "Everyone must be asked what he can give." Since power is inseparable from love, this rule should be taken into account by people who love each other and want to keep this feeling.

Natalya Grigoryevna Dolinina believes that "in love, no one owes anything to anyone", love is always voluntary, therefore a wise person, being able to demand from the one who loves him, won't ask for much. The position of the author seems correct to me. I think once the demands are greater than the possibilities, fulfilling them becomes torture and violence,


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
  • 3 of 3 K2

The position of the author, as is characteristic of reasoning, is expressed quite clearly in the thesis, arguments and conclusion. The author believes that treating art, especially music, as entertainment is a huge delusion. After all, music makes people better, strikes fire from their hearts, brings consolation, awakens good feelings. She, according to Kabalevsky, is a powerful means of spiritual enrichment.

One cannot but agree with the position of the author, since there are many confirmations of its legitimacy. In particular, many word artists also believe that art, including music, should not be treated as entertainment.

For example, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" the main character treats art as entertainment. He goes to the theater not for spiritual enrichment. Eugene Onegin is a fickle admirer of charming actresses, an honorary citizen of the backstage. For him, the theater is also an opportunity to make new acquaintances, to look at the ladies, to show oneself. What is happening on the stage, the hero of Pushkin is of little interest. He arrives at the theater not at the beginning of the performance and leaves without waiting for it to end.

And Eugene Onegin is not alone in the novel. Many people go to the theater to show themselves. For example, "shock Phaedra, Cleopatra, // call Moina in order // to be heard only".

F.M. Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world!" Maybe he meant music.

7. N.G. Valley. “Love is a hard mental work…”

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". (13) After all, I read Pushkin: “Who is able to keep love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. (17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person, and very often we violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. (23) And from a different position: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world.

(According to N.G. Dolinina)

Love! This theme is one of the most popular in art. Poems, stories, novellas, novels, comedies and tragedies have been written about love. It is everywhere: in music, in the paintings of artists, in the works of sculptors. It would seem that everything has been said about love. Nevertheless, N.G. Dolinina considered it necessary to talk about her in her publicistic article.

In order to draw attention to this problem of love, the availability of its solution, the author resorts to reasoning with a deductive way of presenting thoughts. The thesis of love as hard work is clarified in the questions of the second paragraph and further developed in four arguments, suitably illustrated, and in the conclusion. In the reasoning of N.G. Dolinina proceeds not only from life experience, but also refers to the statements of A.S. Pushkin and A.A. Blok, on the content of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's story "The Little Prince". The understanding of the problem being commented is also facilitated by the use of the pronoun “we” in one form or another (sentence 1–8), which gives the argument a general character, and “you” is a kind of invitation to joint reflection.

The position of the author, as is characteristic of reasoning, is expressed quite clearly. N.G. Dolinina believes that love is a difficult mental work, and therefore not everyone can handle it. It is easier to win love, according to the author of the article, than to “keep” it, that there are laws of love that say that power must be reasonable, that in love no one owes anyone. That love begins with the conviction to endure everything for its sake, and to love means “to become the only one for each other in the whole world.”

For example, A. Blok's poem "On valor, on exploits, on glory ..." just about the fact that it is much more difficult to keep love than to win it. Beloved left the lyrical hero. Why did this happen? The author talks about it like this: “Your face in its simple frame // I removed it from the table with my own hand.”

A.S. Pushkin also believes that love and selfishness are incompatible. In the poem "I loved you: love is still, perhaps ..." a feeling that is amazing in purity and genuine humanity is expressed. Even the unrequited love of a lyrical hero is devoid of any selfishness. He truly loves the lyrical heroine, takes care of her, does not want to disturb and sadden her with his confessions, wants her future chosen one to love her as sincerely and tenderly.

Thus, everyone wants to love, they dream about love, they sing songs about it, but "the secret is revealed to others."

8. K. Paustovsky. "Inspiration is a strict working state of a person"

Inspiration is a strict working state of a person. 2) Spiritual uplift is not expressed in a theatrical pose and elation. 3) Just like the notorious pangs of creativity.

4) Tchaikovsky argued that inspiration is a state when a person works with all his might, like an ox, and does not coquettishly wave his hand.

5) Every person, at least several times in his life, has experienced a state of inspiration - spiritual uplift, freshness, a vivid perception of reality, the fullness of thought and consciousness of his creative power.

6) Yes, inspiration is a strict working state, but it has its own poetic coloring, its own, I would say, poetic subtext.

7) Inspiration enters us like a radiant summer morning that has just thrown off the mists of a quiet night, splashed with dew, with thickets of wet foliage. 8) It gently breathes its healing coolness into our faces.

9) Inspiration is like first love, when the heart beats loudly in anticipation of amazing meetings, unimaginably beautiful eyes, smiles and omissions.

10) Then our inner world is tuned finely and truly, like a kind of magical instrument, and responds to everything, even to the most hidden, most inconspicuous sounds of life.

11) A lot is written about inspiration. 12) Turgenev called inspiration "the approach of God", the enlightenment of man by thought and feeling. 13) Tolstoy said about inspiration, perhaps the simplest of all: “Inspiration consists in the fact that something that can be done suddenly opens up. 14) The brighter the inspiration, the more painstaking work should be for its execution. 15) But no matter how we define inspiration, we know that it is fruitful and should not disappear without a trace, without giving itself to people.

(According to K.G. Paustovsky)

Inspiration! Is it true that this is both a strict working state and something similar to first love? K. Paustovsky offers his own solution to this issue in the text proposed for analysis.

In order to draw attention to the problem of inspiration, the availability of its solution, and to give the text solidity, the author resorts to reasoning with a deductive way of presenting thoughts. Paustovsky reveals theses about inspiration as a strict working condition and its poetic nature through appropriate arguments. Links to the opinions of P.I. Tchaikovsky, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy make the author's position on the problem under study quite convincing. In conclusion, Paustovsky repeats the main idea in a more extended and problematic version, speaking of the obligatory fruitfulness of inspiration. Comparisons (propositions 7, 9, 10) also contribute to the understanding of the problem being commented on.

The position of the author, as is characteristic of reasoning, is expressed quite clearly in the theses, arguments and conclusion. K.G. Paustovsky believes that inspiration is a strict working state, not expressed in a theatrical pose and elation. This is a state when a person works with all his might, a state of freshness, spiritual uplift, consciousness of his creative power. But it is also something similar to first love, giving the feeling of a radiant summer morning. But the main thing: inspiration "is fruitful and should not disappear without a trace, without bestowing itself on people."

For example, A.S. Pushkin highly valued precisely the poetic significance of inspiration in the life of a creative person. Finishing the sixth chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin", the poet speaks of inspiration as salvation from indifference, callousness, bitterness:

And you, young inspiration,

Excite my imagination

Revive the slumber of the heart,

Come to my corner more often.

Do not let the poet's soul cool,

Harden, harden...

The modesty of A. Akhmatova did not allow her to talk about her own work as hard work. In one of the poems from the cycle "Secrets of the Craft", resorting to self-irony, she writes:

Think it's work too

This carefree life

eavesdrop on music

And jokingly pass off as your own.

But, without a doubt, one must have a great industriousness of talent in order to “overhear” this something in the noise of life and arrange it in the form of a poetic text.

Thus, inspiration is also a reward for the diligence of a creative person.

9. Yu. Bondarev. "Is it possible without a sense of tragic loss ... "

1) Is it possible to imagine the modern world, devoid of a printed sign, without a sense of tragic loss?

2) In my opinion, this loss would be more irreplaceable than the disappearance of electric light in our life, because the most important mechanism in the transfer of both scientific knowledge and feelings accumulated by all epochs would be lost, and the human mind would plunge into the abyss of darkness and moral stagnation . 3) The world would become depressingly impoverished, the threads from one person to another would break, and, presumably, a time of ignorance, suspicion and alienation would come.

4) Like a spoken language, a book today is not only a means of communication between people, not only a conductor of information, but most importantly, it is a tool for penetrating into the surrounding reality, a person’s view of himself as a reasonable particle of nature.

5) At the same time, the book is both a statement of milestones in history, and at the same time a faithful memory of mankind. 6) What would we know about the way of life, customs, mentality and characters of people of long and not so long gone epochs, if this past had not been preserved in a printed sign that could magically restore the biography of mankind in all its complexities, searches, delusions, discoveries and attempts to find and affirm the meaning of being? 7) The future is born not only from the immediate present, it is also born from the past. 8) After all, our modern consciousness and our attitude to the present is the result of the entire experience of millions of people who lived before us, an extremely compressed and transformed sum of their feelings.

9) If it were not possible for our mind and emotions to go along the distant and near roads of history, we would look back, as if into fog and emptiness, having lost beginnings, and therefore ends, for there is nothing and cannot be without great reference points.

10) The book is an impeccable guardian of the spiritual values ​​of all ages and all peoples. 11) This is an unquenchable source of light, sent from the childhood of mankind to us. 12) This is a signal and a warning, pain and suffering, laughter and joy, life-affirmation and hope. 13) This is a symbol of the superiority of spiritual power over material power, which is the highest achievement of consciousness.

14) The book is knowledge of the development of thought, philosophical currents, national-historical conditions of society, which at different stages gave rise to faith in goodness, reason, enlightenment, freedom and justice.

15) Much, immeasurably much can be explained, discovered and subdued by science, thinking in terms of concepts, creating things, systems and formulas, but in its essence it is still not able to explore one thing - the feelings of people, to create images of people in time, which it does in the power of the destiny destined for it, literature.

16) They are close, science and art. 17) They cognize even close spheres - the possibilities of a person in this world, and at the same time, the instrument of cognition is different. 18) Of course, Homer's Odyssey, Leo Tolstoy's Russian odyssey "War and Peace" or our modern odysseys "Quiet Flows the Don" by Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexei Tolstoy's "Walking Through the Torments" cannot be put into a formula, just as it can be done in science after the discovery of any law of the universe.

19) Art is a historical encyclopedia of human feelings, conflicting passions, desires, ups and downs of the spirit, selflessness and courage, defeats and victories.

20) A person who opens a book peers into a second life, as into the deep sphere of a mirror, looking for his own hero, answers to his own thoughts, involuntarily trying on, say, someone else's fate and someone else's courage to personal character traits, regretting, doubting, annoyed, laughing, weeping, sympathizing and complicity - and here the impact of the book begins. 21) All this is “infection with feelings”, in the words of Leo Tolstoy.

22) In the fate of almost everyone, the printed word played a unique role, and the one who was not in the captivity of a serious book is worthy of the greatest regret. 23) Thus, he protected himself and shortened the days of his life, rejecting the second reality, the second experience.

(According to Yu. Bondarev)

Printed badge! Book! What place do they occupy in the life of mankind in general and in the modern world in particular? Y. Bondarev offers his own solution to this issue in the proposed text.

In order to draw attention to the problem of the role of a printed sign, a book, in the life of mankind, the availability of its solution, the writer resorts to reasoning with an inductive way of presenting thoughts. The author further reveals the content of the problematic issue through arguments, for the most part having appropriate explanations, as well as comparing fiction with scientific literature. To enhance the expressiveness of speech, to express his attitude to the depicted, the author resorts to the metaphor “captive to the book” and a rhetorical question (6), to explain one phenomenon with the help of another - to comparison (9, 20), fixing attention on individual words to enhance their role - to anaphora (11 - 13, 16 - 17) and repetitions (8, 10, 13, 15, 20), creating the impression of growth or weakening - to gradation (14.19, 20). All this is important for understanding the commented problem.

The position of the author, as is characteristic of reasoning, is expressed quite clearly in the arguments and conclusion. Y. Bondarev convinces that the loss of the printed word by mankind would be irreparable. The book, according to the writer, is both a means of communication between people, and a conductor of information, and an instrument of penetration into the surrounding reality, and the faithful memory of mankind, and "the keeper of the spiritual values ​​of all ages and all peoples", and knowledge of the development of thought, philosophical currents, national historical conditions of society. "In the fate of almost everyone, Y. Bondarev concludes, the printed word has played a unique role."

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