Complex intelligence management and communications (cruz) "Sagittarius. Czechoslovak passive electronic intelligence stations Survival fashion

TOPIC No. 51: “Reconnaissance and signaling means of reconnaissance. Complex intelligence management and communications ". Lesson No. 1 “Technical characteristics, device of the RSS 1 to 18 complex (Realiya), products 83 T 215 BP (KRUS).

Educational questions: 1. Purpose, composition, performance characteristics of the RCC complex 1 to 18 (Realiya). 2. Purpose, composition, performance characteristics of the product 83 T 215 VR (KRUS).

Product 1 K 18 -1 is designed to remotely detect the movement of troops and equipment behind enemy lines and at the lines of probable contact with it and transmit information about detected objects via radio to information receiving and display devices (UPOD) in a close to real time scale. In addition, the product can be used to protect critical facilities in the rear of our troops.

The product remains operational under the following conditions: ambient temperature from -30 to +50 degrees Celsius; the presence of interference created by the natural background (noise of mountain rivers, wind, noise of separately falling stones); when exposed to unintentional interference created by communication radio stations operating in the frequency range of the radio link of the product; after immersion of the DCS and RT in water to a depth of 1 meter; after transportation in packaged form by all modes of transport in covered vehicles; when exposed to precipitation, dust and solar radiation; when used at altitudes up to 5000 meters above sea level.

Set 1 K 18 "Realiya" 1. Device for receiving and displaying information (UPOI) -1 T 813 - 1 pc. 2. Three types of reconnaissance and signaling devices (DCS): - seismo-acoustic detector-classifier 1 B 36 4 pcs. - seismic detector 1 B 37 - 18 pcs. - detector - magnetic cable counter 1 B 40 - 4 pcs. 3. Repeaters of information radio signals (RT) 1 L 59 9 pcs. 4. Control stand SK-E 38 - 1 pc. 5. Single set of spare parts and accessories - 1 set.

Features 1. Communication range: - using one repeater. . . up to 15 km; - using two repeaters. . . . up to 40 km; - without using a repeater. . . up to 1 km. 2. Operating frequency range of the product. . . . VHF 3. Number of used fixed frequencies. . . 8 4. Type of transmitted messages - digital (duration of messages - 5 s.); transmission speed - 1300 baud. 5. The number of simultaneously installed DCS, which ensures the reception of information on the UPOG. . . up to 30. 6. Memory capacity. . . . 21 messages. 7. Probability of detection and identification of an object. . 0.7 -0.8. 8. Nutrition. . . . from elements A 343 (device 1 E 38) or RC 85 (device 1 E 38 -1). 9. Working capacity. . . . from - 30 to + 50 degrees. 10. The self-destruction device (PIM) is triggered in the following cases: - when trying to transfer the device to another location; - when trying to remove the PIM from the instrument case; - when the device is tilted at an angle of 15 -20 degrees; - after 20 or 60 days of continuous operation of the devices. 11. Product weight. . . . 1200 kg.

Strengths 1. High degree of detection and recognition of objects. 2. Ability to control large areas using repeaters. 3. High efficiency, speed of information passing. 4. Relatively high secrecy of action. 5. The possibility of interfacing with weapons. Weaknesses 1. Limited number of sensors and their types. 2. A limited number of sensors delivered behind enemy lines by intelligence agencies. 3. Single use of sensors using PIM. 4. Low efficiency of precise installation of sensors using helicopters. 5. Possibility of false triggering of the sensor. 6. Absence in the system of sensors and RT capable of being delivered to the installation site by firing a shot from a howitzer gun. 7. The possibility of putting the system out of action by advanced electronic warfare in the VHF band.

UPOI is designed to receive information from the DCS and display it on a light panel. The UPOI has a sound and light signaling of the receipt of a parcel (information) from the DCS, as well as a clock to determine the time of receipt of information. The design of 1 T 813 makes it possible to operate it in a car, armored personnel carrier, helicopter both in the parking lot and in motion (flight) without connecting to an external radio station antenna.

DEVICE 1 B 36 is designed to detect, determine the type and number of moving objects, as well as to detect shell explosions (min). 9 E 144 device 1 E 38 R. 5. 1 cable K 1 A

DEVICE 1 B 37 is designed to detect moving objects, as well as to detect shell explosions (min).

DEVICE 1 B 40 is designed to detect and count the number of moving objects, as well as to detect shell explosions (min).

The repeater 1 L 59 is designed for searchless, tuningless retransmission of digital messages transmitted by the DCS (devices 1 B 36, 1 B 371, 1 B 40), in the absence of direct radio visibility between the DCS and UPOY or at a large distance from them. R 5. 2 R 5. 1

Device 1 E 38 is designed to power devices 1 B 36, 1 B 37 -1, 1 B 40, 1 T 813, 1 L 59 products 1 K 18 -1.

In 2007, the reconnaissance control and communications complex (KRUS "Sagittarius") was adopted, which is designed to solve the main set of information support tasks (combat control, communications and information transfer, individual and group navigation, detection, measurement of coordinates and identification of targets, target designation , development of data for the use of small arms and melee weapons). Main technical characteristics Communication range: within the unit up to 1500 m with a higher one up to 10 km (VHF), up to the VU 5000 km (satellite repeater) Weight of the set is 2.4 kg. Transfer rate Up to 11 Mbit/s data via intercom channel Continuous operation time 12-14 hours Coordinates determination error Not more than 20 m Used GLONAS, GPS satellite navigation systems


To ensure parity with a potential adversary in the field of radar reconnaissance of ground targets, the open joint-stock company Strela Research and Production Association, Tula (part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern), according to the tactical and technical assignments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, over 60 different stations and complexes have been developed and put into service.

Recently, the enterprise has developed and mastered in mass production a number of artillery reconnaissance radars that meet the latest requirements: the 1L260 long-range artillery reconnaissance radar complex, the 1L271 multifunctional portable radar for reconnaissance of mortar firing positions and mobile ground targets, and the product 1L277 portable reconnaissance radar for ground targets and portable ground reconnaissance radar SBR-5M.


An artillery radar complex for reconnaissance of missile positions and artillery 1L260. The 1L260 radar complex includes:

- a three-coordinate monopulse radar station with a phased antenna array (product 1L261);

- maintenance vehicle (product 1I38);

– power plant ED60-T230P-1RAM4.

The combat missions solved by the complex, operating modes and tactical and technical characteristics of the complex are determined by the 1L261 product (Fig. 1).

The launch of the complex into production not only solved the problem of our country's lagging behind in the range of reconnaissance of firing artillery and missiles, but also ensured superiority in this area. In conditions of passive and active interference, the complex, along with reconnaissance of enemy firing positions, simultaneously monitors the firing of its own weapons and monitors space in order to detect anti-radar missiles.

A comparative analysis of the characteristics shows that the 1L260 complex is superior to the foreign ROP "Cobra" and AN / TPQ-53 radars both in terms of reconnaissance range and in a number of basic technical characteristics.

The complex provides:

- detection and tracking of flying artillery shells, MLRS rockets, tactical missiles;

- determination with high accuracy of the coordinates of the points of departure and fall of shells (mines, missiles);

- recognition of the class, including the caliber of the firing firing position of the enemy;

– simultaneous operation in reconnaissance and control modes;

– operation under the influence of natural passive interference;

– direction finding of sources of active interference and automatic compensation of interference from several directions;

- detection of anti-radar missiles;

- continuous automatic diagnostics of the components of the product in the course of combat work.

In the "Reconnaissance" mode (Fig. 2), the complex provides opening of the enemy's firing positions, in the "Maintenance" mode (Fig. 3), the coordinates of the points of impact of shells of its firing means are determined.

Special software made it possible to implement a fully automatic mode of operation of the complex, without the participation of crew members.

The use of software-controlled units of radar equipment provided flexible changes in operating modes and the possibility of further modernization of the product, while the number of simultaneously tracked targets can vary from 12 to 36.

Fig 4. Radar 1L271.

The hardware capabilities of the radar make it possible not only to provide reconnaissance of firing positions of various types of firing systems, but also to implement a space surveillance mode in the interests of air defense.

Along with the radar for reconnaissance of long-range artillery firing positions, there is a need for light portable radars that provide reconnaissance of firing positions of firing mortars, reconnaissance of ground moving targets and control of the firing of their own artillery on exploding shells (mines) for the battalion level. This is confirmed by the experience of conducting local wars and counter-terrorist operations.

At the end of 2012, the world's first portable multifunctional reconnaissance radar for firing positions of firing mortars and ground moving targets 1L271 was adopted by the Russian army (Fig. 4).

The radar determines the location of the firing mortar firing point or the point of impact of the mine by radar observation of the mine in the visible section of the flight path, measuring the coordinates and parameters of its movement at individual points of the trajectory, followed by extrapolation to the point of departure or fall (Fig. 5). The radar antenna is electronically scanned in azimuth. The movement of the beam in elevation is carried out by changing the polarization of microwave radiation.

The station is made in the form of a set of equipment placed in the inner compartment of a special partially armored vehicle, which serves for the prompt delivery of a crew of three people and station equipment to a given area of ​​work. Redeployment over short distances in a given area of ​​work to select a more convenient combat position is carried out by carrying the components of the station removed from the vehicle using special carrying packages.


The first in Russia serially mastered portable radar for reconnaissance of ground targets of short range with a phased antenna array (PAR) - station 1L277 (Fig. 6). It is designed to detect moving single and group ground, surface, stationary ground and surface targets, as well as to correct artillery and mortar fire at gaps. The station also detects low-flying unmanned aerial vehicles.

Fig 6. Radar 1L277.

Unlike its prototype (PSNR-8 station), 1L277 allows, along with moving targets and artillery shell explosions, to detect stationary small targets, which is the first time this has been done in a radar of this class. At the same time, a reduction in radar visibility and an increase in noise immunity were provided. The use of a solid-state component base made it possible to reduce the weight by 2 times and increase the mean time between failures by 3.7 times compared to PSNR-8.

Fig 7. Radar SBR-5M.

The design of the station allows its installation on various running bases, and the principle of monoblock execution of radar equipment makes it possible to create stationary surveillance systems, their interaction in a network while protecting borders, coastal zones, military and civilian facilities.

Compared with stations of the same class PSNR-8 and PSNR-8M, which are in service, and foreign counterparts, the 1L277 radar has several important advantages. In particular, automatic tracking of up to 20 targets is provided without stopping reconnaissance in a given sector; detection mode and determination of the coordinates of fixed targets; automatic recognition of the type of moving targets "man - technology".

To ensure the secrecy and noise immunity of the operation of the station, a frequency agility mode (BFC) has been implemented, which makes it difficult for the enemy to conduct electronic intelligence and makes it impossible to set up targeted active interference.

A qualitative leap in the development of portable radars for reconnaissance of ground moving targets was made with the creation in 2010 of the portable short-range reconnaissance radar SBR-5M (Fig. 7), which combines almost all the capabilities of modern radars, despite the extremely small overall and weight characteristics.

The radar is a coherent, multi-channel radar station with a continuous emission of a low power broadband chirp signal.

It has the ability to interface with five types of easel automatic small arms (PKMSN, Pecheneg, Kord, AGS-17, AGS-30), (Fig. 8), which makes it indispensable when conducting combat operations in conditions of lack of optical visibility .

The principle of operation and combat use of the station consists in scanning one of the given sectors with automatic detection of moving targets, determining their polar coordinates for aiming automatic small arms and displaying the target radar situation against the background of an electronic terrain map (ECM).

Figure 8. Radar SBR-5M on a grenade launcher.

The station provides high secrecy of work from enemy electronic countermeasures, since its radiated power is less than that of a cell phone. All radio-electronic devices, primary processing units and VTS are placed in the transceiver, which, together with the drive, is mounted on a tripod. The control panel with a rechargeable battery is located at a distance from the transceiver.

Unique design and technological solutions made it possible to create a station with the minimum weight of a wearable set for all analogs, not exceeding 12 kg.

As an autonomous reconnaissance vehicle, the SBR-5M station is included in:

- complex intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius" (83T215-8VR);

- automated ATGM battery control complex ("Commander-E");

- an airborne automated command reconnaissance combat vehicle (BMD-3K-AR).

The station's transceiver is included in the combat anti-sabotage vehicle (BPDM "Typhoon-M").

Serial production of 1L260, 1L271, 1L277 and SBR-5M products made it possible to start equipping the artillery and military intelligence units of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with high-performance ground reconnaissance radars, which in terms of technical level correspond to the best foreign models, and in some characteristics even surpass them. This made it possible to raise the effectiveness of radar reconnaissance to a new qualitative level - to more effectively solve traditional tasks, expand the list of tasks to be solved and significantly increase operational capabilities to improve the stealth, noise immunity and survivability of stations on the battlefield.


Recently, in the Leningrad Region, at the Luga training ground, the Airborne Forces units from the 98th Guards Airborne Division (Ivanovo) conducted exercises using the latest video surveillance systems (SVN), which allow the crews of the 2S9 Nona and 2S25 Sprut self-propelled artillery guns to significantly to reduce the time of determining the coordinates of the enemy, carrying out calculations, aiming at the target and opening fire.
The Sagittarius reconnaissance and communications complex (KRUS) was also tested here, which provides target detection at a distance of up to 5 km. The complex is produced at the domestic enterprise "Radioavionika". Based on the experience of use and the comments of the military, the designers promised to refine the system so that it would be more convenient in operation and combat use.
More recently, at the end of February 2012, they began to master the Sagittarius intelligence and communications complex (KRUS) in the 5th motorized rifle brigade near Moscow.
(VTS "Bastion")

The peacekeeping formation of the Central Military District, stationed in the Samara region, received more than 250 Sagittarius reconnaissance, command and communications systems (KRUS) as part of the State Defense Order.
This system provides combat control, identification of detected objects, calculation of their coordinates, target designation, data preparation for the effective use of weapons.
The composition of KRUS includes: a personal computer of the commander, a satellite radio station, a VHF radio station, a rangefinder and goniometer, a portable short-range reconnaissance radar station "Fara-VR", unified data transmission equipment, an individual and group navigation system capable of operating in GLONASS and GPS .
"Sagittarius" is equipped with a "friend or foe" identification system, can be interfaced with all domestic reconnaissance equipment, radars, aiming devices, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the Chelyabinsk training ground Chebarkul, tests of a new reconnaissance-strike system were completed, in which for the first time the joint use of bomber aircraft and reconnaissance, control and communications systems (KRUS) "Strelets" was achieved. This is stated in the message of the press service of the Central Military District, received by the editors of ""
“Thanks to the experiment, the reconnaissance and fire weapons attached to the commander of the battalion-tactical group are combined into a single system, thanks to which he can fully independently conduct a battle in a given direction. The new approach allows us to reconsider the traditional ways of conducting combined arms combat.
According to the information provided by the military, the reconnaissance units, using the Sagittarius KRUS, gave out the coordinates of the detected targets to the crews of two Su-24M bombers loitering in the airspace of the training ground. After that, the planes launched a bomb attack. Targets, including moving ones, were hit by 250-kilogram high-explosive fragmentation bombs. It was especially noted that the time from the moment the objects were discovered to their destruction did not exceed two minutes.

The new complex of intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius"

Scouts of the Western Military District (ZVO) began to master the Sagittarius intelligence, control and communications complex for issuing target designation to fighter and front-line bombers, as well as army aviation helicopters.

The military will study the tactical and technical characteristics of the complexes and in practice work out the tasks of targeting combat aircraft and helicopters at command posts, material and technical bases, ammunition depots and fuel and lubricants of a mock enemy.

Upon completion of the training, a control lesson will be held, during which aircraft controllers with the help of the Sagittarius KRUS will have to bind maps to the area around the training ground, determine the coordinates of targets, their range, the main landmarks and means of attack for the crews.Classes are held at the training center for the retraining of aviation personnel in Lipetsk.

New tanks "Armata" will be tested in the troops >>

Complex intelligence management and communications (KRUS) "Sagittarius" and today it looks fantastic, although in fact the Sagittarius, which was included in the Ratnik combat equipment program, has been in service with the Russian army since 2007. At the moment, the second generation of Sagittarius is relevant, which has been produced since 2011 and is constantly being improved.

The complex is continuously improved by the specialists of "Radioavioniki" (St.St. Petersburg), and if the first knapsack samples of KRUS, bristling with antennas, were a complete headache for the military, then the soldier practically does not notice the load from placing a modern complex on the Ratnik transport vest.

The equipment of the first generation was called "Permyachka". The second generation of equipment was named "Warrior" by the name of the ROC. Next, there should be equipment of the third generation - the corresponding research work "Warrior-3" is being conducted, where the number "three" means the generation number, and not the version number of the "Warrior", and there is simply no "Warrior-2".

It should be noted that the transition from "Warrior" to "Warrior-3" will be gradual, with partial replacement of elements, some new elements will appear in the near future.

For example, in the near future, Ratnik may include biomedical state sensors - TsNIITOCHMASH, which is actively developing medical technologies - as well as goggles with information projected onto their glass.

The inclusion of anti-mine shoes in the "Warrior" is being considered, which will save from anti-personnel mines. In addition, the possibility of placing mine detection sensors in these shoes is being considered, as well as the possibility of placing minefield suppression systems in shoes or somewhere in the equipment.

In 2017, 50,000 sets of Ratnik equipment will be purchased for the Ground Forces (SV), Airborne Forces and Marine Corps. By 2020, almost all military personnel of the RF Armed Forces can receive a set of combat equipment for the soldier "Warrior".

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